6 Months / 6 Weeks Industrial / Institutional Training Daily Dairy
6 Months / 6 Weeks Industrial / Institutional Training Daily Dairy
6 Months / 6 Weeks Industrial / Institutional Training Daily Dairy
Since 2001
We are proud of the students who are already working with companies like Infosys, TCS and
WIPRO to name a few of the companies visiting our college regularly for placements. This great
organization of technical education has gone miles in establishing a name in the field of technical
education. One of the pioneer institute in northern India , it is located on the outskirts of the city
beautiful Chandigarh .
In the present scenario, manufacturing is approaching to become more flexible, agile and
efficient under the changing environment of global competition, increased product variety, high
renewal rate of product and shorter product life cycle in technology. New materials and their
advanced processing are evolving. Product quality and maintainability are the key issues to be
addressed on priority. The pace of development in the manufacturing world, process/IT
industries is very fast. In order to cope with manufacturing competitiveness and to take
leadership in manufacturing and R & D, the exposure to the new technologies is essential for the
young engineering professionals who have to face these challenges and carry the technologies
Industrial / Institutional Training refers to work experience that is relevant to professional
development prior to graduation. Industrial Training of 2 months is of software based and
training of 4 months they have to work with reputed electronics industry. Industrial Training is
an essential component in the development of the practical and professional skills required for an
Engineer and an aid to prospective employment. Many employers regard this period as a chance
to vet new employees for future employment. Whilst difficult, it is desirable to obtain experience
in a range of activities or practices followed in modern industry. It should also be noted that
developing an awareness of general workplace behavior and interpersonal skills are important
objectives of the Industrial Training experience.
Understand the psychology of the workers and their habits, attitudes and
approach to problem solving.
*The institution may provide training on any of the software’s from amongst
Mentor DSP,
OPNET etc.
D. Daily Diary:
The main purpose of writing daily training diary is to cultivate the habit of documenting and to
encourage the students to search for details. It develops the students’ own thought process and
reasoning abilities. The students should record in the daily training diary the day to day account
of the observations, impressions and information gathered. It should contain the sketches &
drawings related to the observations made by the students.
The daily training diary should be got signed after every two weeks from the
supervisor/incharge of the section in which the student has been working (See Annexure-A). The
diary should also be produced to the Coordinator (Training & Placement) visiting the industry
from time to time and got ratified on the day of his visit.
Daily training diary and Industrial Training Report should be submitted by the
students alongwith attendance record and evaluation sheet (industrial marks awarded by
industry) to the Department of ECE, CEC Landran immediately after the completion of
the training. The daily training dairy will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
A student should learn about equipment, machines, processes and other industrial practices in
industry. After collecting the information, he should prepare a comprehensive training report
after completion of his training period to indicate what he has observed and learnt in the the
training period. The students may contact his Co-ord. (T&P) /industrial guide(s) for assigning
him special topics and problems and prepare the training report on the assigned topics. The last
week of the training should be utilized for the purposes of writing this report, originality &
method of presentation is very important for writing training report. Daily training diary and
departmental reports will also help to a great extent in writing the industrial report since much of
the information has already been incorporated by the student into the daily training diary. The
training report should be signed by the manager/in charge of the organization and Co-ord.(T&P).
The training report will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria.
i) Originality
ii) Very adequate and purposeful write-up.
iii) Organization, drawings, sketches, format, style, language etc.
iv) Variety and relevance of learning experience.
v) Practical applications and their co-relation with basic theory and concepts taught in th
F. Evaluation:
A) Evaluation by Industry
B) Evaluation through seminar presentation/viva-voce at the Institute.
1. Evaluation by industry:
Industry will evaluate the students based on the Punctuality, Maintenance of Daily Diary and
skill test.
The industrial organization where you have been placed for training has been very kind to
provide you this facility. If you show sufficient interest and make efforts to learn, you can be
sure of help and guidance from them. Every industry has its own organizational system
developed over the year. Discipline and punctuality form the bedrock of the organizational
system. Do not try to seek concessions from the normal practices. Expected to be followed & do
your best to adapt yourself to the system prevailing in the concerned industry.
a) You must observe the working hours of the organization where you are placed, for industrial
contact and will be entitled during this period only to such holidays as are admissible in the
concerned organization.
b) Your behaviour under all circumstances should be that of a responsible person and your
conduct should be exemplary.
c) You should respect the rank and file in the organization and wherever necessary you should
learn skills even from the workers.
d) You should report punctually to the concerned organization on the specified joining date.
e) In case you have any difficulty regarding your training, you may approach the officer in-
charge of your training program in industry/Coordinator (T & P) of this institute with whom you
are attached. But note that it is favor.
f) At places where you are asked only to observe things, you should show a high degree of
interest and keenness so that you may be invited to do the job with your own hands. If this is not
be possible, you should observe the most important and significant things and study them in
great details.
g) On joining the industry, an indemnity bond may invariably be filled in if required by the
h) You should take with yourself relevant reading material in the form of reference and
i) During industrial training, the safety is your own responsibility as certain the safety rules of
industrial concern and follow the same strictly. The institute and the industry shall not be liable
for any kind of unfortunate incident.
l) Before, leaving the organization, find out that your Evaluation/Grading and attendance report
(for 6 months and 6 weeks) has been sent by the organization in time to the Training Incharge of
ECE Deptt of this institute. You may over stay for a day or two, if necessary, to ensure that your
evaluation report and attendance report has been dispatched to your Training Incharge. “Training
Evaluation Report and attendance report” is attached at page12 and page 13 respectively. It
should be handed over to your Training Incharge, in case the same has not been dispatched by
the organization.
m) Make your own arrangements for lodging & boarding during industrial training.
n) Do not forget to write training report in a systematic manner. It should be comprehensive and
cover all the points mentioned in ‘Guidelines for Report writing”. The report should be written
with the help of your officer-in-charge/Co-ord. cum counselor (T&P) and after thorough
discussion with the staff responsible for your training in different shops in the organization. You
should be regular in writing your Daily Diary.
o) Progress training report has to submit to your Training Incharge after completing the software
training of 2 months or after 2 months of the industry oriented project training. Front page for
the Progress report of first module is attached at page no 14. It must be of 15 to 20 pages. It
must include the content page, company profile, details of the department in which you are
working and details of the task assigned to you.
p) Three copies of industrial training report or final report (hard bind for 6 months and spiral
bind for 6 weeks) should be prepared in the usual format. For 6 months training final report is the
combined report for the whole training period (Software training and industry oriented project
training). One copy should be submitted to the organization if required, second in the institute to
the concerned Head of the Department along with daily training diary, keep the third copy for
q) Separate attendance sheet and evaluation sheet (for industry oriented training & software
training) should be confidentially submitted to the department with the cross sign on the
envelope from the authority.
1. Font Size:
Main heading Size 16 (Bold)
Sub heading e.g 1.1 14 (Bold)
Subtitles e.g. 1.1.1 12 (Bold)
Text (script) 12
2. Font: Times New Roman
3. Avoid underlines and colon i.e. :
4. To indicate a figure, write below the figure and the format should be Fig.1.5.
5. To indicate a table, write above the figure and the format should be Table1.5.
6. There should be uniformity in writing headings of chapters for eg”
If this is placed at the centre of page, then it should be at the centre in all the
Also do not underline it.
Chapter 2 Department
Chapter 3 GSM
Chapter 4 _____
References and Bibliography (It should not be a chapter and should be included at
the end
8. There should be a title page of report, then table of contents and then chapters should
10. A sample of content writing in table of contents is given below. This should be strictly
followed in every chapter.
3.1 Introduction 12
11. The sequence in the synopsis should be like this:
A) Software Training