English Test - 5th Grade My World

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Prueba de Inglés

Nombre profesor(a): Leslie Gutiérrez T.

Prema : 50% - 60% -70% Curso: Quintos Básicos A y B

Puntaje ideal/real: 42 Puntaje obtenido: Calificación:

Objetivo(s) de Aprendizaje

Comprensión de lectura OA5. Leer y comprender textos literarios (cuentos, poemas, tiras cómicas) y textos no
literarios (procedimientos, emails, diálogos, artículos informativos, noticias) adaptados y auténticos simples,
identificando:  Ideas generales e información específica asociada a personas, objetos, lugares, fechas.  Trama
(inicio, desarrollo, final), personajes y sus acciones, entorno (tiempo y lugar), tema como idea general. 
Relaciones de causa-efecto y secuencia entre ideas.  Palabras clave, expresiones de uso frecuente y vocabulario

Expresión escrita OA13. Escribir de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo de lenguaje visual, textos no literarios
(como email, postal, agenda, invitación) y textos literarios (cuentos, rimas, tiras cómicas) con el propósito de
compartir información en torno a los temas del año.

I. Identify the corresponding school subject. (10 points)


II. Look at the pictures and write sentence according to their preferences ( I – She – He). (2 points each)

III. Read and select the corresponding School Subject. (6 points)

1.- The study of your native language: ___________________

2.- The study of things that happened in the past: ___________________

3.- The class where we talk about students, classroom problems, School rules and

4.- The study of a foreign language spoken in The USA and England: ____________________

5.- The study of the life of human beings, animals, and plants: ___________________

6.- The study of the Earth and its countries, mountains, rivers, weather: ____________________
IV. Complete the School Place with the corresponding action and then write sentences with the
information. (10 points)


School Place Actions Sentences

1. Classroom/
2. Playground
3. Gym/ PE
4. Science
5. Library

V. Read and comprehend. Then answer the questions. (8 points)

Hello, I am Robert. I love my

school. It is big. It is orange and
red. There is a lab, a big
playground, a small library, a
gym and there are twenty seven
classrooms. In my school I play
with my friends Lilian and Roger.
We eat our snack and run
around the school. Also, we sit
together. I like science with
Mister Morgan. I love to do

1.- The school is: 2.- There is:

a) green and black a) a library, bathrooms and a cafeteria.
b) red and orange b) a playground, a lab, library, a gym and
c) white and brown there are many classrooms.
c) a cafeteria, a library and offices.

3.- The text is about: 4. Answer yes or no:

a) a girl and her friends 1.- Roger and Lilian are his friends ________
b) a boy and his school
c) a boy and his family 2.- They play together________
3.- They sit together________
4.- Robert likes PE________
5.- Roger loves to do experiments_________

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