Power of Siberia: A Natural Gas Pipeline Brings Russia and China Closer
Power of Siberia: A Natural Gas Pipeline Brings Russia and China Closer
Power of Siberia: A Natural Gas Pipeline Brings Russia and China Closer
Russia and China had been talking for years about a natural Although in Russia’s east, the Power of Siberia should be
gas pipeline prior to signing an agreement, but could not viewed alongside other major Russian gas pipeline projects,
reach an agreement primarily on price. The pressure of including Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream. The Power of
western sanctions on Russia, according to some analysts, Siberia is mainly about customer diversification for Russia,
contributed to Moscow seeking to open a new market for its but similar to the other projects it is also about control of its
natural gas and show the west they had other markets for natural gas, not relying on transit countries, and locking in
natural gas exports. According to Bloomberg, Russian long-term partners. The opening up of Russia’s eastern
officials are reporting the price for the gas at a base of about regions to gas exports may help it mitigate the risks to its
$360 per thousand cubic meters, similar to the price paid by western exports. Russia has gas fields in the east, closer to
China than Europe, which it can now better exploit. The
Power of Siberia: A Natural Gas Pipeline Brings Russia and China Closer
pipelines and fields used to supply China’s gas are separate owned energy companies, signed a joint venture on
from the western Siberian fields that supply Europe. investing in natural gas projects.
China LNG imports from Russia more than doubled in Michael Ratner, Specialist in Energy Policy
2019. Heather L. Greenley, Analyst in Energy Policy
Power of Siberia: A Natural Gas Pipeline Brings Russia and China Closer
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