Unit 5 Let's Make A Difference
Unit 5 Let's Make A Difference
Unit 5 Let's Make A Difference
A. Warming Up
1. Work with a partner. What can people do to save the earth's environment? Label
the pictures with phrases from the box. Then add some ideas of your own.
□ □
□ bring a cloth bag to the carpool to work shorter shower □ turn
supermarket □ recycle the newspaper off extra lights
2. Share your ideas from Exercise A with the class. How many different ideas does
the class have for saving the environment?
To save gasoline, people can carpool to work.
To reduce global warming, people can delete their accumulated emails.
To keep nature clean, don't use too much plastic.
To maintain a cool nature, do not burn garbage carelessly.
To reduce excessive use of electricity, turn off some of the furniture that uses
electricity when not in use.
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B. Helping the Environment
1. Listen. Eric is talking to people about the environment. Where are they? Number
the pictures from 1 to 5.( There is one extra picture)
2. Listen again. What does Eric recommend to help the environment? Circle the
correct answer.
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C. Recycling
1. Listen. All of these materials can be recycled in the U.S. Check the ones the
speaker mentions. (There are two extra items.)
1. Cans
2. Office and writing
3. Newspapers
4. Glass bottles
5. Plastic bottles
2. Listen again. How much of these materials do people in the U.S. use or throw
away each year? Number the sentences from 1 to 5.
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D. Global Warming
Global warming is the biggest problem in the world today. Everyone know about it but not
everyone is trying to stop it. Many world leaders are more interested in blaming other
countries for the crisis. Countries like China, India and Russia
say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not act take
more action. It seems a little childish that leaders are acting in this way. The future of our
world is at risk and governments can only argue with each other. Many presidents and
prime ministers tell us
that technology is the answer. They say future scientists will find solutions to save the
planet. This is a big gamble. I hope they are right. I
don’t believe them, so I’ll continue switching off lights and recycling.
E. Climate Change
Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our planet. Many politicians and scientists
say it is the biggest danger we face. I read almost every day that climate change is changing
the Earth forever. Many species of animal, fish, insect, frog, etc. are dying. The ice caps in the
Arctic and Antarctica are melting. Our weather is changing so places are getting warmer, or
colder, or are having more and stronger hurricanes. We all need to do our bit so that climate
change does not destroy us. It’s important to cut down on things that produce greenhouse
gasses. These warm the planet and change the climate. Doing simple things like turning off
lights and recycling paper all help.
F. Environmental Issues
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Johnny thinks cycling is safe in London. true false
2. What are they thinking? Listen again, and see if you can match the thoughtswith
the characters who are thinking them.
Harry Magda Carlos
Olivia Johnny Harry
1. Carlos
2. Magda
3. Olivia
4. Harry
5. Johnny
6. Harry
7. Magda
8. Johnny
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G. Over to You
Work in groups. How can you make a difference? Think of a project your class can do to
help the environment. Complete the chart.
Project How it’ll help the How we’ll do it
recycling fair People won’t waste so much Students will bring old
paper it’ll save trees newspapers to school to
clean land The environment will look Bring a cloth bag from home
clean when shopping
so beautiful Will reduce the bare forest Grow your own plants
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