Not One Inch America - M. E. Sarotte
Not One Inch America - M. E. Sarotte
Not One Inch America - M. E. Sarotte
Dealing with the Devil: East Germany, Détente, and Ostpolitik, 1969–1973
The Henry L. Stimson Lectures at the Whitney and Betty
MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale
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and for
ἔννους τὰ καινὰ τοῖς πάλαι τεκμαίρεται
a man of sense judges the new events by the past
List of Abbreviations
7. A Terrible Responsibility
8. Cost per Inch
9. Only the Beginning
10. Carving Out the Future
Note on Names and Places
CEE Central and Eastern Europe (also, Central and Eastern European)
DC District of Columbia
EC European Community
EU European Union
FDP Free Democratic Party (German party, also known as the Liberals)
FRG Federal Republic of Germany, also known as West Germany before October 3,
G7 Group of 7
G8 Group of 8
KGB Committee for State Security, Russian initials for (Soviet Union)
NIS Newly Independent States (US designation for post-Soviet states other than the
THAAD Theater High Altitude Area Defense (also Terminal High Altitude Area
UN United Nations
US United States
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also known as the Soviet Union
Foreclosing Options
It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.
NOT ONE INCH. THE FIGHT over Europe’s future beyond the Cold War entered
its decisive phase with these words, spoken in February 1990 by the
American secretary of state, James Baker, to the leader of the Soviet Union,
Mikhail Gorbachev. The Berlin Wall’s collapse on November 9, 1989 had
by then gravely weakened Moscow’s grip on Central Europe. But thanks to
the Soviet victory over the Nazis in World War II, decades later Moscow
still had hundreds of thousands of troops in East Germany and the legal
right to keep them there. To convince Gorbachev to relinquish this military
and legal might, Baker uttered the words as a hypothetical bargain: what if
you let your part of Germany go, and we agree that NATO will “not shift
one inch eastward from its present position?”1
A controversy erupted over this exchange almost immediately, at first
behind closed doors and then publicly; but more important was the decade
to follow, when these three words took on far-reaching new meanings.
Gorbachev did let his part of Germany go, but along the way Washington
rethought its options, not least after the Soviet Union’s collapse in
December 1991. The United States realized it could not only win big, but
win bigger. Not one inch of territory need be off-limits to NATO.
Washington could lead the alliance in opening a path for large numbers of
eager new members to join. In the 1990s it did just that, resulting by March
12, 1999 in enlargement across Central and Eastern Europe and to the
Polish-Russian border. But on December 31 of that year, Vladimir Putin
rose to the top in Moscow. As NATO kept expanding, he ultimately decided
to use violence in an effort to ensure that not one inch more of territory
would join. The game of moving by inches resulted in a stalemate.
Between the fall of the Wall and the rise of Putin, animosity between
Moscow and Washington over NATO’s future became central to the making
of a post–Cold War political order that looked much like its Cold War
predecessor—and to the unmaking of hopes for cooperation from
Vancouver to Vladivostok. To show how and why, this book examines the
conflict between Russia and America against the backdrop of the sprawling,
unpredictable landscape of the 1990s. That decade witnessed the
astonishing overnight collapse of an empire, yielding a host of new
Eurasian states; produced visionary leaders, some rising from prisons to
presidencies, earning Nobel Prizes and global admiration; and redefined the
realm of the possible for democratization, disarmament, market economies,
and the tenets of liberal international order—but it also opened the door to
new expressions of authoritarianism, de-democratization, and ethnic
Telling the unruly history of the nineties as a narrative is hard but
necessary. Without a story to follow, the odds of getting from the beginning
to the end of the list of actors, concepts, and locales approaches zero. This
book uses the fight over NATO expansion as its through line. It tells the
story not of the alliance itself but of the strategic choices that American and
Russian leaders made during their decade-long conflict over the start of its
enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe, and of the cumulative weight of
those choices on today’s world. The book begins with a focus on the 1989
contest over the future of divided Germany—which, for Washington,
swiftly turned into a struggle to preserve the Atlantic Alliance. Then,
widening its field of view, the book examines how American success
produced opportunities for the courageous leaders of new European
democracies, but also challenges for the West’s relationship with former
Soviet republics—most notably for Western efforts to cure, as one
American defense secretary memorably put it, their nuclear hangover.
Widening still more, the book shows how the way expansion was
implemented brought a loss of options for twenty-first-century transatlantic
Throughout, the book asks how and why US presidents George H. W.
Bush and Bill Clinton—together with their European contemporaries Tony
Blair, Jacques Chirac, Václav Havel, Helmut Kohl, John Major, François
Mitterrand, Gerhard Schröder, Margaret Thatcher, and Lech Wałęsa, plus
Baltic leaders and NATO secretaries general Manfred Wörner and Javier
Solana—launched the enlargement that eventually took the alliance to thirty
nations. This accomplishment represented a major success for American
strategists. It saved many (though not all) of the new post–Cold War
democracies from life in a security gray zone between East and West. With
Washington’s help, over 100 million Central and Eastern Europeans
enjoyed well-deserved success in their efforts to become NATO allies. And,
as it enlarged, the alliance helped to quell bloody conflicts in the Balkans.
Today, NATO stretches from North America, Iceland, and Greenland to
the United Kingdom, Europe, and the Baltics, covering nearly a billion
people. Its members all possess the so-called Article 5 guarantee, a promise
rooted in the alliance’s founding treaty: “an armed attack against one or
more of them . . . shall be considered an attack against them all.” Since
gaining that guarantee, the new members of the alliance have indeed
remained free from large-scale armed attacks, even as fighting began across
some former Soviet borders. American military might and its deterrent
power remain the cornerstone of the alliance’s strength.4
Yet success came at a price. It is no small thing to guarantee the security
of a billion people. In the 1990s, two American presidents were so focused
on achieving the eastward extension of Article 5 that they did not
sufficiently consider the consequences of how they achieved that goal. As
President Bush said in response to the idea that Washington might
compromise with Moscow over NATO’s future, “to hell with that.”
President Clinton was certain that Russia could be “bought off.” Along the
way, a promising alternative mode of enlargement, in the form of a
partnership that would have avoided drawing a new line across Europe, fell
to hard-line opposition.5 This tougher attitude achieved results, but it
obscured options that might have sustained cooperation, decreased chances
of US-Russian conflict reocurring, and served Washington’s interests better
in the longer term.
Put differently, the expansion of NATO was a justifiable response to the
challenges of the 1990s and to the entreaties of new Central and Eastern
European democracies. The problem was how it happened. The fall of the
Wall in 1989 had briefly created the potential for a newly cooperative post–
Cold War order. But a decade later, the border between NATO and non-
NATO Europe remained a clearly demarcated front line, Ukraine and other
post-Soviet states languished in a gray zone, nuclear competition was
renewing, and early hopes for cooperation had waned—and the manner of
enlargement had contributed to that outcome.
Perhaps it was not surprising that the outcome would be contentious, given
that, throughout the 1990s, American leaders had to struggle with the
tension between two priorities. Either they could enable the region of
Central and Eastern Europe writ large—including post-Soviet states such as
the Baltics and Ukraine—to choose its own destiny at long last, regardless
of the impact on Moscow; or they could promote cooperation with Russia’s
fragile new democracy, particularly in the interest of nuclear disarmament.6
The question for Washington was figuring out which of these goals should
take precedence. The correct answer was both.
As the Nobel Prize–winning scientist Max Delbrück writes, the negation
of any simple, correct statement is a false statement. But “it is the hallmark
of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth”: light is a particle;
light is a wave. Translated into geopolitical terms, this insight illuminates
the tension between the two compelling truths, or strategic imperatives,
facing the United States after the end of the Cold War: Washington’s
highest priority should be the peoples formerly dominated by Moscow;
Washington’s highest priority should be Moscow.7
When the choice is between two such profoundly significant
imperatives, the smart move is to avoid rushing a decision—and the best
way to do that is to avoid calling the question too soon. It is the job of those
engaged in top-level statecraft to figure out the smart move and the best
timing. In Washington in the early 1990s, some did.
Strategists inside the Bush administration’s State Department and, more
significantly, inside the Clinton administration’s Pentagon produced
policies that gave both strategic imperatives their due and allowed
Washington leeway on the timing of irrevocable decisions. They
implemented a strategy of incremental security partnership, open to
European and post-Soviet states alike, ultimately embodied in the
Partnership for Peace (PfP). Through this Partnership, potential NATO
members could gain experience in working with the West and acquire the
full weight of the Article 5 guarantee over time. Such a widely applicable,
incremental approach did not require Washington either to draw a new line
through post–Cold War Europe or to leave Ukraine and most other post-
Soviet republics to their own devices. It might also have helped to entrench
a new democratic order in Central and Eastern Europe, since subsequent
events demonstrated that the prospect of incrementally gaining membership
in desirable institutions—not membership itself—most effectively solidifies
But having figured out the smart move, Washington called the question
too soon anyway—and the American decision to do so ultimately combined
with Russia’s own tragic choices in fateful ways. Once President Boris
Yeltsin made decisions in late 1993 and 1994 to shed the blood of his
opponents in Moscow and Chechnya, and Russian voters decided to give
antireform extremists a victory in the December 1993 parliamentary
elections, the survival of a vision of partnership that included both Moscow
and the peoples it once dominated became much more challenging.
Rampant inflation in Russia as part of the transition to a market economy
only intensified the sense of disintegrating hopes. Bloodshed in the Balkans
added urgency to all questions of European security and created new
frictions between Washington and Moscow over how to handle the
violence. Domestic developments in the United States—most notably the
stunning victory of the Republican Party in the 1994 midterm congressional
elections—similarly influenced foreign policy, tilting Clinton toward a
different, more confrontational strategy of alliance enlargement.
Savvy members of the US National Security Council and State
Department seized upon these events, and on Central and Eastern
Europeans’ urgent appeals for full Article 5 guarantees, to best the Pentagon
in constructing the post–Cold War geopolitical order. Military planners had
played a surprisingly small role in policy formulation in the years
immediately after the fall of the Wall—the Pentagon under Bush
complained that, while consulted, it had no real “input”—and were
eventually relegated to the backseat again under Clinton.9 American
advocates of more assertive expansion, emphasizing that Central and
Eastern Europe had suffered too many historical wrongs and waited too
long to join the West, switched the mode of NATO enlargement. Instead of
incremental accession by a large number of states, they had the alliance
extend the full weight of the Article 5 guarantee to a small number of states.
While their motives had merit, their mode of expansion accelerated the
timing and drew a new line between the former Soviet Bloc states that had
managed to secure Article 5 and those that had not. One consequence was
that American options for managing post–Cold War contingency—namely,
through the creation of a variety of relationships with such states, most
notably with Georgia and Ukraine—became dramatically more limited just
as Putin was rising within the ranks in Russia.
Some commentators recognized, at the time, the cost of calling the
question too soon. George Kennan, the former US ambassador to Moscow
who in the 1940s had conceived of the American strategy of containment,
argued that post–Cold War NATO expansion tipped the balance too far
away from protecting newfound cooperation with Moscow.10 Even Baker
later recognized in his memoirs that “every achievement contains within its
success the seeds of a future problem.”11 Those seeds took root in the
relationship between what remain the globe’s two nuclear superpowers, the
United States and Russia.
Despite the passing of the Cold War, these two nations still possess more
than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear warheads and the ability to kill nearly
every living creature on earth. That threat makes understanding the decay in
their relationship in the 1990s an essential story of our time, because it
eroded the best chance for establishing lasting cooperation between them.
Cold wars are not short-lived affairs, so thaws are precious.12 Neither
country made the best possible use of the thaw in the nineties. After
unexpectedly being delivered from the threat of a nuclear confrontation
with each other, they let deliverance slip.
The effects of American and Russian decisions during that crucial
decade have been far-reaching. The window of opportunity for
comprehensive strategic nuclear disarmament—the most significant
opening since the dawn of the atomic age—closed relatively quickly. By the
end of the 1990s, as this book will show, intelligence agencies reported on
the beginnings of renewed nuclear competition. Other forms of competition
emerged soon thereafter, not least in the shredding of hard-won arms
control accords. Today’s permissive environment of a world almost wholly
lacking such accords means both sides are reassessing the roles of not just
nuclear but also conventional capabilities. In Europe in recent years, both
the post–Cold War American drawdown of forces and the Russian shift of
troops eastward have reversed.13 Increasing tensions have also raised
questions about not just physical but also economic security. As the
historian Adam Tooze has shown, renewed Russian aggression reveals that
the post–Cold War “disavowal of the obvious connection between trade and
security policy” was a grievous error, one fully exposed by “the resurgence
of Putin’s Russia.” Despite having a GDP not that much larger than Spain’s,
once the cooperative spirit died, Russia began leveraging “its military assets
to upend the geopolitical balance in Western Asia and the Middle East,” and
its cyber capabilities to wound governments and businesses around the
Given the profound consequences, it is crucial to understand the root
cause: why relations between Moscow and Washington deteriorated so
badly after a period of so much promise. This deterioration was all the more
startling because of how close Russia and the United States briefly were in
the 1990s. One measure of this rapport was Yeltsin’s reaction to Baker’s
request in 1991 for the most closely held secret of state: details of how
Moscow would launch nuclear attacks. The Russian leader provided them
willingly, partly to curry favor with Baker and to win American help in his
power struggle with Gorbachev, but partly out of trust. Moscow and
Washington began a brief but extraordinary collaboration in countering
nuclear proliferation. Another measure came in 1997, when Yeltsin had his
own request for Clinton: “What if we were to give up having to have our
finger next to the button all the time?” The American president responded,
“well, if we do the right thing in the next four years, maybe we won’t have
to think as much about this problem.”
By the end of the 1990s, however, trust had largely vanished. Putin
divulged little in his grudging conversations with Clinton and the American
president’s top Russia advisor, Strobe Talbott. Instead of sharing nuclear
secrets, he gave the Americans his account of the grim consequences of
reduced Russian power: in former Soviet regions, terrorists now played
soccer with the decapitated heads of their hostages. The idea that Putin
would reveal launch protocols to Clinton was laughable.
What happened? To break that enormous question down into more
manageable components: Why did the United States decide to enlarge
NATO after the Cold War, how did the American decision interact with
contemporary Russian choices, and did that interaction yield the fateful
decline in relations between the two countries? Were there feasible
alternatives to the decisions that they made? What was the cost of
expansion as it occurred, and how did it help to shape the era between the
Cold War and COVID? Finally, recognizing from the Italian philosopher
Benedetto Croce that all history is ultimately contemporary history, written
with an eye on today’s concerns: If we widen the time horizon, how can
knowledge of this history guide efforts to create a better future?15
These questions receive detailed answers over the course of the narrative
and in the conclusion, but it is worth previewing the argument here. NATO
enlargement did not, by itself, cause the deterioration of US-Russian
relations. Major events happen for multiple reasons; history is rarely, if
ever, monocausal. American and Russian choices interacted with each
other, cumulatively over time, and with each country’s domestic politics, to
produce the decay. Misunderstanding played a role as well; as the former
US ambassadors Alexander Vershbow and Daniel Fried have written, “both
the Bush and Clinton administrations were mistaken in some basic
assumptions about post-Soviet Russia.” Both failed to understand the extent
to which the liberation of Central and Eastern Europe, when viewed from
Moscow, looked more like imperial collapse.16
But it is hard to avoid the reality that alliance expansion added to the
burdens on Russia’s fragile young democracy when it was most in need of
friends. As Talbott told Chirac in 1997, “the Russian side is all screwed up.”
The American added, “I don’t say that disrespectfully” but in recognition of
the way that Russians “have gone through one of the greatest traumas in
history, with more sudden change in their internal order, external relations,
and ideology” than any other country “which has not lost a major war.” The
result was that, as the historian Margaret MacMillan has written, after the
collapse of both the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union “the world stood at a
crossroads . . . with competing visions of how the future should unfold,” not
just in economic but also in security terms. The alliance’s expansion
became a major factor in the subsequent competition among various visions
of the future.17 The stories of NATO expansion and of Moscow’s modern
time of troubles became intertwined while the best chance for lasting
cooperation between the nuclear superpowers dwindled, unmaking the
precious post–Cold War moment of optimism.
While this history may be complicated, the narrative setup of this book is
simple. It investigates NATO’s decade of change in three parts. Each one
blends the most relevant historical events into an analytical narrative.
Part I, covering the years 1989–92, opens with a wall falling and new
democracies rising, to the joy of most of the world but to the horror of Putin
and Soviet leaders who believe their victory in World War II earned them
the lasting right to dominate Central and Eastern Europe. Kohl, the West
German chancellor at the time, consistently uses one metaphor to advise his
fellow Western leaders how to respond: get their harvest in before the
coming storm. He means that the West must rush in 1990 to secure the
gains of its Cold War success before hard-liners in Moscow mount a
resistance to Gorbachev. Acting accordingly, Bush and Kohl pull off both
unification and the enlargement of NATO beyond its Cold War border to
eastern Germany in a mere 329 days. Soon thereafter, a battle for power in
Moscow indeed breaks out, just as Kohl predicted; but the storm is stronger
than even he expected. The attempted coup and its consequences sweep
away not just Gorbachev but the entire Soviet state by the end of 1991,
creating opportunities for the Atlantic Alliance to expand farther eastward
—but introducing dramatic new risks as the old Soviet nuclear arsenal falls
into multiple untested hands. And even as Washington is attempting to
master these challenges, US voters send the Bush administration packing in
1992, putting a young Arkansas governor in the geopolitical hot seat.
Part II, 1993–94, explores the clearing in US-Russian relations after this
storm and the potential that it reveals. Despite the upheaval in Moscow,
reactionaries do not regain control as Kohl had feared. Instead, remarkably,
there’s a precious second chance at cooperation. Power falls to another
leader willing to implement reforms and cooperate with the West—Yeltsin,
who in 1993 swiftly establishes a rapport with Clinton. “Boris and Bill,” as
they become known, develop the closest relationship ever to exist between
a Russian and an American leader, with Clinton eventually visiting Moscow
more times than any US president before or since. Trying to protect that
rapport, but also trying to respond to both Central and Eastern European
appeals for NATO membership and Balkan bloodshed, Clinton seizes on the
incremental partnership plan for all of Europe, authored largely by his
Polish-born chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), General John
Shalikashvili. But the events of late 1993 and 1994—Yeltsin’s tragic use of
force against opponents in Moscow and Chechnya, the resurgence of the
Republican Party, and skilled maneuvering by insiders in Washington—
combine to convince Clinton to abandon the partnership solution.
Part III, 1995–99, chronicles Clinton taking a more aggressive stance on
NATO expansion as the “Boris and Bill” relationship disintegrates into
alcohol-fueled tirades by Yeltsin and stonewalling by the US president over
military action in Kosovo. Meanwhile, Central and Eastern Europeans are
justifiably thrilled as the countdown to their NATO membership
commences. Western Europeans decide privately that Russia will never join
the EU. And a frost settles over US-Russian relations as Clinton suddenly
faces the question of whether he will survive in office, thanks to the
revelation of his sexual relationship with White House intern Monica
Lewinsky—which bursts into the headlines just as Putin is climbing the
ladder of power in Russia. With both Moscow and Washington having
failed to create lasting cooperation in the thaw after the Cold War, the
Russian forces of reaction that Kohl had feared back in 1990 win out after
The conclusion steps back from the narrative and examines how, as
described in each of these three parts, the sitting US president makes
irreversible decisions about NATO’s future—and how those decisions
interact with Russian choices. In essence, the American leader turns the
policymaking equivalent of a ratchet—a tool that allows motion in one
direction only—and Russia responds. Each turn forecloses other
possibilities, making it impossible to reverse course and choose a different
direction. The consequences become cumulative as the sequence of
decisions unfolds. First, as part of the larger goal of German unification,
Bush forecloses all options for post–Cold War transatlantic security other
than an Atlantic Alliance capable of extending Article 5 beyond the Cold
War line. Next, Clinton forecloses his own administration’s option of
incremental partnership as a means of achieving that expansion. Finally,
Clinton forecloses options to limit either the location or number of new
allies, or the pace at which they are added, or the membership benefits they
can enjoy. These presidential ratchet turns matter greatly to the Atlantic
Alliance. Although NATO contains many countries, each with its own
opinions, American military dominance means it is ultimately American
views that matter when NATO’s Article 5 guarantee is at issue. This was as
true in the 1990s as it is today. And these ratchet turns have a lasting impact
—not least in the way they constrain subsequent US policymakers, who no
longer have a full array of options either for structuring transatlantic
security or for dealing with post-Soviet states when their tour of duty
Finally, the book looks at the legacy of these events for today. Central
and Eastern Europeans become NATO allies, only to discover that alliance
membership does not automatically lock in their hard-won democratic
gains. Washington wins its struggle with Moscow over NATO in the 1990s,
but the way the United States goes about enlargement means it loses options
with regard to Russia in the longer term. The big play in Europe would have
been to create a dynamic that established lasting cooperation, rather than
confrontation, between Russia and the West. After World War II, America
worked with former adversaries to turn them into long-term allies, so there
was a precedent for such an achievement. The challenge after the joyous,
peaceful ending to the Cold War was to repeat that performance.35 Instead,
leaders in Washington and Moscow snatch stalemate from the jaws of
American choices combine with the tragic failures of both Gorbachev
and Yeltsin to undercut the potential for post–Cold War cooperation and to
push the US-Russian relationship into a period of uneven decline. Although
there are notable episodes reprising the spirit of cooperation—such as the
expressions of sympathy from Moscow to the United States after the
September 11, 2001 attacks, or the signing of a nuclear accord in 2010—the
overall trend is downward. It reaches a frightening new low with the 2014
invasion of Ukraine and hits bottom (so far) in the years 2016–21, when
Putin conducts massive cyber infiltration of US businesses, institutions, and
If this history ends with Putin, it also begins with him. In 1989, he is a bit
player in divided Germany, watching in horror as the Wall opens and the
West moves east. In 1999, he becomes Yeltsin’s handpicked heir. In the
decade between, he largely disappears—fitting behavior for a member of
the secret police—from the international stage as he struggles to find his
footing back home. But his grievance at Russia’s loss of empire and
international standing endures throughout, and is widely shared among
other displaced servants of the Soviet state. If it is surprising that he
eventually reemerges from among them as the country’s leader, it is not
surprising that someone with his views becomes a serious contender for
power once Russian reforms yield economic chaos. And when it becomes
clear that it is indeed Putin who has ended up on top, his personal
preferences swiftly assume an outsized role. He chooses to vent his
grievances by using a repurposed history of the 1990s, citing NATO’s
decision in those years to deploy “military infrastructure at our borders” as
justification for renewed bloodshed and competition with the West.37
Given the significance of these events for today’s world, it is time to take
a serious look, using all available historical evidence, at what unfolded
during the 1990s. At the start of that decade, a better future seemed not only
possible but likely. To understand how we got to where we are today, we
must judge the new times by the past.
The alliance’s longevity belied how big the fight had been over whether to
create it in the first place. NATO had come into being with the signing of the
Washington Treaty on April 4, 1949, in a grand neoclassical ballroom on
Constitution Avenue near the White House. President Harry Truman made
brief remarks, calling on the new alliance to become “ ‘a shield against
aggression and fear of aggression.’ ” Afterward, some of the attendees
shared bourbons in the bar of the nearby Willard Hotel, but in London, a
British diplomat was not celebrating. Hugh Dalton noted in his diary with
bitter satisfaction that “ ‘it is a final entanglement of US (& Canada) in
Europe.’ ” The alliance was “ ‘the best we can do—&, of its kind, very good
—in this miserable situation.’ ”5
The misery arose from the destroyed hopes of harmony after World War
II. Although the conflict had ended, Europe lay in ruins, hunger and disease
were everywhere, and tensions with Moscow over the division of postwar
authority created fresh threats. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had led
the United States to a victory he did not live to see, had died hoping to create
lasting peace both in Europe and with the Soviet Union. He sought to
construct a durable postwar order by offering Moscow a prominent place in
it.6 Knowledge of Roosevelt’s strategy for accomplishing this goal had,
however, largely disappeared on April 12, 1945, when he died without
having taken Vice President Truman into his confidence. Stunned by the
swiftness with which he had become the leader of a country in the throes of
reshaping world order, Truman urgently grilled Roosevelt’s advisors, trying
to figure out what his predecessor had intended. With some advisors
promoting cooperative action with Moscow and others urging less
cooperation, Truman increasingly found himself drawn to the latter group.
Its members seized on his inexperience to promote a harder line than
Roosevelt likely would have pursued.7 Increasingly aggressive Soviet moves
to crush independence in Central and Eastern Europe reinforced
Washington’s growing sense that even though one conflict had barely ended,
another had begun: the Cold War. As Moscow began drawing what Winston
Churchill famously termed an iron curtain across Europe, the ostensibly
temporary dividing line within occupied Germany became increasingly
permanent. A new state also emerged on that front, namely, the Federal
Republic of Germany (FRG) or West Germany.8
Rising tension with Moscow also helped persuade a reluctant Congress,
in 1948, to approve a generous plan of economic aid to Europe, originally
proposed by Secretary of State George Marshall in June 1947. British
foreign minister Ernest Bevin felt, however, that economic assistance was
not enough; there needed to be military muscle as well. Bevin had already
called for a new Western union consisting of Britain, France, and the
Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) as a first
step. It came into being with the Brussels Treaty of March 17, 1948, in the
wake of the de facto Soviet takeover of the Czechoslovak government.9 His
larger hope, however, was for a transatlantic organization.
The US Congress responded to the Brussels Treaty in a cautiously
favorable way with the Vandenberg Resolution, named for its sponsor,
Michigan senator Arthur Vandenberg. He was, in the words of the soon-to-
be secretary of state, Dean Acheson, a “hurricane” of a man, capable of
producing impressively “ ‘heavy word-fall.’ ” Vandenberg also enjoyed a “
‘rare capacity for instant indignation, often before he understood an issue, or
even that there was an issue.’ ” This talent proved useful for bulldozing
opposition, as Vandenberg and like-minded politicians struggled to bring the
skeptical majority around to the idea of US membership in an expanded
version of the Brussels alliance. They convinced the Senate to pass his
resolution on June 11, 1948, opening the door to American “association”
with “regional and other collective arrangements,” though without specific
details—and with an understanding that nothing would happen until after
that year’s election.10
Soviet miscalculations soon helped advance Bevin and Vandenberg’s
cause. Moscow began blockading Berlin two weeks after the resolution’s
passage, leading to the Berlin Airlift of 1948–49. The Soviet blockade was a
major strategic blunder: it profoundly shifted the trajectory of the early Cold
War by diminishing US opposition to remilitarizing the American
commitment to Europe.11
As the alliance took shape, however, supporters still had to fight off
doubters at home and abroad. George Kennan, the US diplomat who had
proposed the strategy of containing rather than actively combating Moscow,
was aghast; he preferred the economic approach embodied in the Marshall
Plan. To be sure, Kennan sympathized with the pleas of devastated European
states seeking cover. Washington could hardly tell war-torn countries to stop
“ ‘looking down into the chasm of their own military helplessness’ ” as
tensions with the Soviet Union rose.12 But he opposed a permanent alliance
because he felt the long-term cost was too high. Such an alliance, he felt,
would undermine the ultimate goals of his patient-but-firm containment
policy: to induce, by economic and political means, a change in Moscow’s
thinking that would eventually enable a negotiated settlement of differences
while avoiding the twin dangers of domestic authoritarianism and global
war. A standing alliance against Moscow would hinder, not help, the
achievement of those goals—especially since NATO would have no obvious
stopping point in Europe if it started taking on members beyond those
directly on the Atlantic seaboard. In Kennan’s view, such an alliance—while
understandably desirable in the short run—would ultimately increase
tensions and reduce US options for peaceful resolution of any conflict with
the Soviet Union. French diplomats had their own concerns; they made clear
that they wanted the alliance’s membership strictly limited. But the United
States insisted on reaching out widely, to add both “stepping stones” across
the Atlantic—the Azores, Greenland, and Iceland—and Scandinavian
countries. While interested in membership, such countries knew they had to
avoid provoking their Soviet neighbors and had been considering some kind
of Scandinavian defense union among themselves.
A compromise resulted: Denmark, Iceland, and Norway became NATO
allies—after negotiations over such a defense union collapsed—but
restricted or refused nuclear warheads, bases, and certain military activities
on their territory.13 In April 1949, the fight over NATO’s creation ended in
success for its supporters. The Senate voted 82 to 13 to ratify the
Washington Treaty.
On paper, the accord’s guarantees were impressively strong—with Article
5, the strongest of all, requiring each member to consider an attack on any
other state’s territory as an attack on its own.14 A North Atlantic Council
(NAC), composed of member states’ leaders or their representatives,
presided over by a secretary general, came into being as the top
policymaking body. But the alliance remained a paper tiger for roughly the
first fourteen months of its existence. Neither NATO’s civilian nor its
military components evolved much at first. Armies in Western Europe had
demobilized significantly since the war’s end, in contrast with 175 Soviet
divisions in the East, which despite the cessation of hostilities had remained
in varying states of readiness.15
It took three startling developments to make NATO begin serious military
preparations: the unexpectedly early detonation of a Soviet nuclear device in
August 1949, the success of the Communists in China in October 1949, and,
most important, the North Korean invasion of South Korea in June 1950.16
The first two developments signaled rising Communist power, and the third
set a dangerous precedent. If Communists were detonating nuclear weapons,
seizing China, and invading South Korea, the logic went, they would
certainly try to take West Germany.
The resulting panic had far-reaching consequences. In Europe, it helped
advocates of multilateral organizations such as a European economic
community. In Washington, it meant victory for supporters of a hard-line
policy document that called for extensive militarization and nuclearization of
containment. And in the new transatlantic alliance, the panic helped put the
O in NATO.17
Truman announced on September 9, 1950 that he was sending substantial
ground forces back to Europe. Those forces would serve under an integrated
NATO command structure, but with a US general—the first Supreme Allied
Commander Europe, or SACEUR, Dwight D. Eisenhower—at the top. The
most prominent remaining opponent of entangling alliances, Ohio senator
Robert Taft, tried to fight these developments but failed. A Senate resolution
in April 1951 cleared the legal path.18
At this point NATO started taking on structure. It established a military
headquarters, known as Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, or
SHAPE. A permanent civilian secretariat emerged to support the first
secretary general, Lord Ismay of Great Britain. The alliance’s structures
became even more defined at a meeting in Lisbon in February 1952; among
other topics, this conference set the “Lisbon Goals” on burden sharing,
setting off decades of debate.19
The alliance also began expanding, reaching out to Greece and Turkey,
which became members in 1952.20 The big question, however, was what to
do about West Germany. With NATO getting serious about preparing for a
Soviet invasion, the value of both strengthening and including the western
half of that divided country became glaringly apparent. But the sensitivities
of the FRG’s neighboring states, all seared by memories of the Nazis, made
it anything but straightforward to hand guns back to Germans.
Here, too, Korea had a decisive impact. The war there made Germany’s
occupiers and neighbors worry less about past enemies than about future
ones. They reluctantly agreed to take West Germany as an ally, but how to
do it proved complicated. In October 1950, French prime minister René
Pleven proposed to the National Assembly a European Defense Community,
calling for the creation of a European army under supranational authority
and funded by a common budget. Although the plan had support from both
American and European leaders and would have enabled German units to
become part of such an army, the National Assembly ultimately rejected the
Recalibrating, in 1954 NATO members decided on a different strategy.
The allies allowed West Germany (along with Italy) to accede to the original
five-member Brussels pact and to what was now called the Western
European Union (WEU). They also invited the FRG to join NATO, but the
occupying powers in West Germany insisted on a “Convention on the
Presence of Foreign Forces.” The main thrust of this October 23, 1954
convention was that the Western powers preserved their right to keep troops
stationed in their former occupation zones for an unlimited time. West
Germany also had to renounce the production of any “ABC”—atomic,
biological, or chemical—weapons on its territory.22
Moreover, the divided city of Berlin had to remain in a separate category.
There, despite all of the confrontation since 1945, America, Britain, and
France still shared occupation authority with the Soviet Union. That shared
authority had persisted even after 1949, when Moscow had turned the Soviet
occupation zone—which encompassed divided Berlin—into the German
Democratic Republic (GDR, or East Germany). Despite the new official
name, however, the GDR was thoroughly undemocratic and firmly under
Soviet control.
These deals brought West Germany into NATO in 1955.23 In response,
Moscow compelled the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that year to
join an opposing military alliance known as the Warsaw Pact. The division
of Europe came to seem permanent.
As year after year of Cold War confrontation passed, divided Europeans,
particularly divided Germans, increasingly became enemies to themselves.
Fortifications on the borders and plans for combat grew in complexity and
lethality. The US Strategic Air Command produced a nuclear target list in
the 1950s with ninety-one designated ground zeros, meaning sites slated for
obliteration by atomic weapons, in the eastern half of Berlin. It is unclear
whether the Strategic Air Command carried out a corollary study of the
consequences for West Berlin of nearly a hundred atomic fireballs bursting
just down the street.24 Perhaps there was a quiet sense that the command
would never hit those targets, or perhaps the consequences seemed
regrettable but necessary. The lines of division running through Berlin,
Germany, and Europe were now the front lines in the Cold War, and the
command had to strategize accordingly.
Meanwhile, Eastern European regimes did all they could to prevent their
populace from fleeing west, fortifying borders with weapons facing not only
outward but also inward. The East German regime produced the most iconic
symbol of a government repressing its own people. In 1961, it encased the
western part of Berlin in a hundred-mile-long concrete wall to stop the huge
numbers of its citizens trying to get there, and then onward to the West, in
search of political freedom and a better life. The division of Germany and
Berlin seemed to have become permanent—until 1989, when it suddenly
became temporary again.
Once Soviet power started crumbling, certain aspects of the way NATO
had developed during the earlier decades took on new significance. By then,
West Germany hosted so many Western troops and weapons—especially
Americans and nuclear ones—that any West German attempt to shed either
would seriously undermine not only US military standing in Europe but the
entire alliance. For that reason, Washington had already become worried,
earlier in the 1980s, about the massive antinuclear protests in West
Germany.25 But the idea that Germany might suddenly unify, announce
neutrality, and demand withdrawal of all foreign troops and forces was a
problem orders of magnitude more challenging.
Divided Germany during the Cold War.
How did Soviet power in Europe unravel in the course of 1989, raising the
specter of German unification and possibly neutrality? One of the first
critical steps happened not in Germany but in Hungary, where reformist
leaders showed open willingness to cooperate with the West in the teeth of
opposition from their more hard-line Warsaw Pact allies. Budapest would
not, however, have dared to jump ship without several major precursors—
most notably the rise to power of a reform-minded Soviet leader, Mikhail
Gorbachev, in 1985.
Gorbachev, born in 1931, had painful childhood memories not just of
World War II but of his family’s suffering in the purges of the Stalinist era.
One grandfather was tortured and the other was executed. The new Soviet
leader hoped for a better future, partly inspired by the détente of the 1970s
and partly by the success of Socialist and Communist parties in places like
Italy. As he wrote in his memoirs, “people deserve a better life—that was
always on my mind.” His optimism and call for new thinking inspired
reformers all across the Warsaw Pact, particularly the long-suppressed
Solidarity movement in Poland, which achieved a power-sharing regime in
The courage of Polish dissident leaders such as Lech Wałęsa, who had
won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, inspired other activists. He had received
that award for leading the independent trade union called Solidarity through
dark years of repression, despite frequently being under house arrest or
detention; eventually, he would rise to the presidency in Poland. In the
1980s, his example inspired other activists, including in Hungary. One of
them was Viktor Orbán, who first came to world attention on June 16, 1989
with a passionate speech in Budapest’s Heroes Square. The occasion was
memorable: in an undeniably powerful display, hundreds of thousands
converged to witness the ceremonial reburial of former prime minister Imre
Nagy, who decades earlier had been hanged and thrown into a mass grave
for supporting the Hungarian revolt against the Soviet invasion of 1956.
Orbán, the spokesman for a group called the Federation of Young
Democrats, capitalized on the emotional reburial to call for the Soviets to
remove their still-present forces entirely. Although he was only in his
twenties, the speech catapulted him to fame, putting him on a trajectory
toward the office of prime minster.27
The Hungarian who held that office at the time, Miklós Németh, had also
seized the moment, but behind closed doors. On March 3, 1989, he had
informed Gorbachev, “we made a decision—to remove completely the
electronic and technological protection from the Western and Southern
borders of Hungary.” In other words, he was punching a hole in the Iron
Németh’s East German counterpart, Erich Honecker, was profoundly
worried by Hungary’s action. Unless something changed, Honecker was
certain Hungary would “drift father into the camp of the bourgeoisie.” But
Hungary was hardly alone in its desire to burst out of Cold War strictures, as
became apparent at the Warsaw Pact’s July 7–8, 1989 summit in Bucharest.
As one of Gorbachev’s subordinates noted, the summit “had all the
characteristics of a burial service.” By then, East German citizens had
swarmed into Hungary, hoping Németh’s open-border policy applied to them
too. Technically it did not, because Hungary had signed an accord obliging it
to prevent East German citizens from exiting the Soviet Bloc.29 If Budapest
opened its borders in defiance of this agreement, it effectively would be
abandoning the pact and changing sides in the Cold War.
With every passing day in late summer 1989, both the number of East
Germans on the Hungarian border and the pressure on Németh to break the
agreement increased. He was smart enough to know that if he was going to
play his big card, he should get Western help for his country in exchange—
but also smart enough to know it would not come from Washington. The
new US president, George H. W. Bush, preferred caution to risky
geopolitical card playing.
Bush viewed that summer’s developments with mixed emotions. On the
one hand, discord within the enemy alliance was obviously welcome; on the
other, he preferred a more restrained response than his predecessor, Ronald
Reagan, had shown to Gorbachev’s dramatic changes. Although Bush, a
successful Texas businessman, had a competitive streak, he had originally
been raised in New England, the Andover- and Yale-schooled son of a
former senator from Connecticut. He chose to draw on this background as
the scion of a center-right political family once becoming a statesman,
inclining toward a more cautious approach to foreign policy than Reagan
had adopted.
Even though he followed a president from the same party, one of Bush’s
first acts in office had been to institute a review and rethinking of previous
national security strategy.30 He had also asked James Baker—his old friend,
former tennis doubles partner at the Houston Country Club, and
subsequently Reagan’s chief of staff and Treasury secretary—to be his
secretary of state. Brent Scowcroft, a retired US Air Force general and
former advisor to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, was Bush’s pick for
national security advisor.31 The two men balanced each other
temperamentally, with Baker inclined to push for action and Scowcroft
inclined to consider all consequences carefully. But both advisors agreed on
the need to keep the group of those in the know small and tight. Truly
significant decisions in the Bush era happened—in the words of Scowcroft’s
deputy, Robert Gates—among “Bush, Baker, Scowcroft and their respective
inner circles working in harness together.”32 Bush was particularly solicitous
toward Scowcroft, whose wife’s extended illness left the national security
advisor with a day job in the White House and a night job as caregiver.33
Unsurprisingly, Baker, Scowcroft, and their teams agreed with Bush that,
as the president put it, Poland and Hungary should not “expect a blank
check” from the West but instead “must help themselves.”34 Baker also told
his Soviet counterpart, Eduard Shevardnadze, on September 21, 1989 that
“we do not desire to stir up things up or ferment [sic] unrest.” Instead,
Washington would “try to assist Poland and Hungary in moving their
economies towards more of a free market system.” The Bush administration
sought a slower pace of change, one that would not trigger reversals. The
Soviet foreign minister appreciated the assurance, aware the United States
could choose to exploit the situation more aggressively, and replied with
what he termed a “reasonable proposal”: “Let’s disband both NATO and the
Warsaw Pact. Let’s release your allies and ours. While NATO exists, the
Warsaw Pact also exists.” Baker did not encourage him to continue in this
vein and nothing came of the remark, but it was a warning that serious
questions were surfacing about NATO’s future.35
This cautious American attitude, welcome in Moscow, was unwelcome in
Budapest, as the Hungarian ambassador to West Germany complained.
Prime Minister Németh decided to try his luck directly with the chancellor of
West Germany, Helmut Kohl. Like Bush, Kohl was the leader of his
country’s center-right party, namely the Christian Democratic Union (CDU);
but unlike Bush, he was the leader of half of a divided nation on the front
line of the Cold War, which gave him different priorities. Another difference
was that the chancellor had by 1989 spent seven years in the top office. Even
though critics both outside and inside his own party were gaining ground,
this experience gave him the assertiveness to take risks after the dramatic
developments of that year unexpectedly created the potential for change. By
August 18, 1989, the situation had become so fluid that the West German
Foreign Office was even gaming out the consequences of Hungary’s quitting
the Warsaw Pact. Its departure would “exceed Moscow’s pain threshold” and
produce a dramatic reaction that could have unpredictable consequences—
even in the seemingly permissive age of Gorbachev. Not only Hungary but
all of Europe “found itself in a precarious position.”36
Németh signaled to Kohl that he was willing to jump anyway, if someone
in the West would hold out a net. Sensing an opportunity, the chancellor
arranged a secret conversation between himself, Németh, and his foreign
minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, for August 25, 1989. Kohl invited the
Hungarian not to Bonn, the capital of West Germany, but to Gymnich Castle,
a government-owned historic property far away from prying eyes. There,
Németh complained to the two Germans about the lukewarm support from
Washington. As far as he could tell, Bush’s highest priority was to avoid
“hasty developments,” not to support revolutionary change.37
The Hungarian, in contrast, wanted haste—and a deal. What he could
offer was his country’s border, and the enormous number of East Germans
imprisoned behind it. What he needed was money and support. He described
his country’s economic crisis and its extensive debt, which one historian
later estimated was the highest per capita in Eastern Europe. Németh was
also willing to give East Germans what they clearly wanted, which was the
freedom to go west. They enjoyed automatic citizenship under West German
law, so all they needed was someone to let them out, and Németh was
willing to become that person. Kohl later recalled that, upon learning this, he
felt tears welling up in his eyes.38 Reuniting divided Germans had long
seemed an impossible dream, but now it was becoming possible. Taking this
all in, the chancellor indicated his willingness to help, among other ways by
contacting German bankers.
It was the safety net Németh needed. On August 31, he had his foreign
minister inform the rulers of East Germany that unless they allowed travel
and emigration freedom—which they were not willing to do—Hungary
would break its written obligations and open its border to everyone wanting
to depart.39 He delayed implementation of the opening until September 11
and then threw the gates open at midnight—without Moscow’s approval.40
That delay was apparently a favor to Kohl. The chancellor was, in the words
of British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, “a politician to his fingertips”
and had realized that news of the opening would burst as a welcome
bombshell during the mid-September CDU party conference, where he was
facing a leadership challenge.41 By contrast, the Soviet leader was apparently
not consulted. As far as French diplomats could tell, Gorbachev had not
given the opening “a green light.” 42
The televised images of joyous, tearful East Germans flooding across the
Austro-Hungarian border made the rift in the Warsaw Pact obvious for all to
see. The West German Foreign Office estimated that in the two months
following the opening, nearly 50,000 refugees fled west via Hungary.43
Kohl’s advisors noted privately that they had “not reckoned with such a large
stream of refugees.” 44
The West German Foreign Office later called the
dramatic surge a major “catalytic factor” for all that followed, with “political
and psychological consequences.” 45
Kohl wrote warmly to Németh, thanking him for “this big-hearted act of
humanity” that “we will never forget. You have, in an overwhelming way,
kept your word.” The chancellor smoothed the way for Hungary to access a
credit line of 500 million DM. He also welcomed Németh to his home, a rare
honor, to discuss how to respond to breakdowns in the Soviet transport of
energy to Hungary.46
By November 16, 1989, Hungary was so emboldened that it formally
requested entry into the European Community (EC), and leaders of Poland
and Yugoslavia indicated that they would soon follow suit as well.
Delivering the official membership request personally to resounding
applause at a meeting in Strasbourg, the Hungarian foreign minister asked
that his country’s Warsaw Pact membership not be held against it.47 The
reason Hungary did not simply announce it was leaving the pact outright,
according to a confidential West German assessment, was that such a rupture
might endanger Gorbachev. With matters going so well, Budapest did not
want to risk reactionaries toppling the Soviet leader.48
Hungary’s behavior prompted Soviet analysts to begin speculating what
would happen if Warsaw Pact states with Soviet troops on their territory
demanded those troops leave—or, even worse, if the Baltics demanded to
leave the Soviet Union. The West German ambassador in Moscow reported
home that “the search for a substitute for the Warsaw Pact” was already on.
One idea was to merge the pact and NATO into a larger, pan-European
system. Perhaps as part of that thinking, on December 19, 1989,
Shevardnadze paid the first-ever visit by a Soviet foreign minister to the
NATO secretary general in Brussels. To his happy surprise, alliance staffers
gathered at the building’s entrance and, as Shevardnadze walked in,
showered him with applause.49
Hungary thus burst out of the Warsaw Pact even before the Berlin Wall
opened. The hole Németh created in the Iron Curtain was a hole below the
pact’s waterline. Hard-line regimes scrambled to seal off the breach, usually
by blocking their citizens’ ability to travel to Hungary. But closing off
Hungary as a place to which disgruntled Eastern Europeans could flee only
led to intensified protests within their own borders, most notably in East
Germany. By November, waves of demonstrations were bringing the East
German government to its knees, though it clung to the Berlin Wall to the
last. Scowcroft had his subordinates carry out “GDR contingency planning”
for outcomes to the chaos. As his subordinate Robert Blackwill wrote on
November 7, “the future of the GDR means the future of divided Germany,
which in turn means the future of divided Europe. Nothing save the US-
Soviet strategic relationship is more central to our national security.” 50
Facing this existential threat, the dictators in East Germany understood
that an intact Wall was their most valuable property. It not only kept East
Germany from bleeding out but also offered a financial lifeline. They hoped
to secure desperately needed financial support from the West in exchange for
doling out “generous” opportunities for “tourist and visitor traffic” across the
Wall.51 In other words, they would sell periodic, limited openings for regular
infusions of cash. The GDR’s ruling regime planned to retain firm control of
such openings, which would remain tightly limited for “national security”
reasons—the same spurious reasons the country’s leaders had long used to
prevent most East Germans from ever leaving. But in an epic, irreversible
display of incompetence, the regime botched its attempt to hint at greater
travel opportunities to come. The unlucky Politburo member charged with
announcing the proposed new policy on November 9, 1989 made it sound as
if the regime had instead declared the Wall open.
In the heady atmosphere of that tumultuous year, this mistake was the
catalytic spark for an explosion that brought down the Wall. Thousands, then
tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands massed on the border that
night and flooded over it, with or without crossing points. For those crowds,
it became a night of jubilation as, one by one, border guards without
instructions decided to give way to the massive surge.52
Once he learned what had happened, Gorbachev sent alarmist messages
to Washington, London, Paris, and Bonn, saying he feared “a chaotic
situation with unpredictable consequences.” This panicky message made
Scowcroft realize that the Wall’s opening had shattered Gorbachev’s
confidence. In the national security advisor’s view, the Soviet leader had
“looked benignly, or at least indifferently,” at “what was happening inside
Eastern Europe until the Wall fell. Then he got scared.”53 Gorbachev also
backed off the tentative feeler Shevardnadze had extended to Baker about
dissolving both military blocs; now he felt it would be unwise “to raise the
question of liquidating the Warsaw Pact and NATO.”54
Meanwhile, in London, Soviet diplomats did not even pause to proofread
the English translation of Gorbachev’s garbled plea before hand-delivering it
to Thatcher: “I have just conveyed to chansellor Kohl an oral message, the
content of which I consider necessary to disclose to You.” Gorbachev had
“appealed to chansellor G. Kohl to take necessary and most urgent measures
in order to prevent deterioration of the situation, with its destabilization.”
The upshot seemed to be that Gorbachev was demanding consultation
among the four powers “without delay” to put pressure on Kohl not to do
anything dramatic.55 Commenting from Moscow, the British ambassador to
the USSR, Sir Rodric Braithwaite, took this anxious plea as a sign that
Gorbachev’s “problem now is to control the forces he has unleashed,”
adding, “I do not think the Russians know how” to regain such control.56
Like Scowcroft, Braithwaite worried that the Soviet leader’s “panicked”
message “signaled his effective impotence.”57
Thatcher, meanwhile, had her own worries, namely what she was seeing
on television from Bonn. She was, in the words of her staff, “frankly
horrified by the sight of the Bundestag [the West German parliament] rising
to sing Deutschland über alles when the news of the developments on the
Berlin Wall came in.”58 She was apparently unaware of, or uninterested in,
the fact that the lyrics to the German national anthem had changed since
World War II. The Bundestag members had not, contrary to her belief,
revived lyrics last used in the Nazi era. In Thatcher’s mind, with Hungary
abandoning the pact, the Wall coming down, and West Germans singing
Deutschland über alles—on television, no less—the unthinkable had
No NATO and No Nukes
To defend their interests, all of the big players realized they needed to
discern not just the best opening moves following the fall of the Wall, but
where to make those moves and with whom. Their choice of forum, and of
participants in it, would decisively affect the outcome. Baker, known as a
remorseless competitor and hunter, understood this point better than anyone.
As his wife remarked to a journalist, her husband did not “ ‘waste a lot of
time on guilt. . . . In fact, he doesn’t waste any time on it.’ ” As Baker later
said of himself, “I used to like to kill.” In his memoirs, he included a detailed
list of animals he particularly enjoyed killing: “kudu, impala, lechwe, sable
antelope, and sitatunga.” 60
The secretary knew intuitively that in the coming big game for Germany,
getting the first step right was crucial. “Any complex negotiation was
actually a series of discrete problems,” he later wrote, and how one solved
the “first problem had ramifications far beyond that single issue.” His first
challenge was blocking the rise “of the host of ill-advised fora” and securing
the right one for Washington. His ideal negotiating situation was one-on-one,
but with so many players, that would be hard to pull off.
Bush and Baker sought a forum that could quickly constrain debate on the
more explosive consequences of the fall of the Wall. The longer uncertainty
lasted, the more the seemingly permanent fundamentals of European order
would come into question. Europe was about to test whether its borders were
truly as fixed as a host of Cold War accords attested. West Germany’s
neighbors were about to learn whether Germans were as happy to subsume
their national identity into a European collective as they had long professed
to be, or whether they wished to return to their old nationalist path, thereby
endangering the EC. And the future of not just the Warsaw Pact but of
NATO was in question. Having lost its main enemy, the alliance would have
a harder time justifying its existence; would NATO need “re-founding” to
As they set about determining a forum and a strategy, Bush decided he
would not publicly exacerbate Gorbachev’s anxieties by “posturing on the
Berlin Wall.” Instead, he would make his move behind closed doors.61 But
behind which doors, exactly—perhaps those to a large hall containing the
peace conference for World War II? Decades after the war’s end, no such
treaty had been negotiated; it had long ago fallen victim to the hostility
between the Soviets and their former allies. Scowcroft thought Moscow
would almost certainly “propose a Peace Treaty” conference “in order to
slow things down,” which could become a major obstacle to progress. By
1945, Nazi Germany had been at war with no fewer than 110 countries.62
While it was unlikely that all of them would gather in the wake of the events
of 1989, the process of negotiating which states to exclude, and which might
receive a hearing for demands for reparations, would be long and
contentious, thus winning Gorbachev time.
Foreign Minister Genscher openly opposed a peace conference for an
additional reason. Even if West Germans could somehow avoid being cast as
latter-day Nazis, they would not sit at a children’s table while the big powers
decided Germany’s fate.63 Internal communications back at the foreign
ministry were even blunter. Fearing Germans might come under pressure to
participate in a peace-treaty conference, legal experts generated a long list of
reasons why such a treaty was unnecessary.64 As one of Genscher’s
subordinates noted in dismissing the idea, “even the USA will have to get
used to the fact that Yalta is now in the past!” 65
The superpowers could no
longer dictate Europe’s future as they had done at that summit.
Bush sought advice, as he often did, from his NATO ally and friend,
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada. Bush was due to meet
Gorbachev in Malta in early December, and since Mulroney had recently
visited Gorbachev in the USSR, Bush asked for a full report.66 The Canadian
recounted that he and his traveling party had “found nothing in the stores . . .
not even any fur hats in Leningrad.” There were “no carpets in carpet stores
and no shoes. Even Gorbachev said that times are tough and pressures are
building.” Mulroney also said he had raised the topic of “neutrality for
Poland and Hungary and their withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact.” The
prime minister sensed that the idea “was clearly ‘not on.’ ” 67
Gorbachev said that “there should be no changes in the alliances.” Robert
Hutchings, one of Bush’s National Security Council (NSC) advisors,
recalled that Mulroney’s account led him and his colleagues to reduce their
expectations for what the US-Russian summit might achieve.68 If Gorbachev
was not yet willing to answer questions about NATO’s and Germany’s future
in the way the United States wanted, it was best not to ask hard questions in
the first place.
Meanwhile, Kohl was facing questions that were suddenly shot across a
secret back channel he and Gorbachev had set up. Kohl’s equivalent of a
national security advisor, Horst Teltschik, personally managed the channel’s
West German end.69 At the Moscow end was Valentin Falin, the powerful
head of the International Department within the Central Committee of the
Communist Party.70 His department controlled immense amounts of funding
for the party’s foreign operations; after the Soviet Union collapsed,
according to a journalistic account, a receipt surfaced for a $22 million
transfer to Falin on December 5, 1989, ostensibly for party work—most
likely just one of many transfers.71
On November 21, Falin’s deputy, Nikolai Portugalov, appeared in
Teltschik’s office bearing a two-part handwritten document—with the
cryptic explanation that the first part was official and the second part was
not.72 The former, which Portugalov led Teltschik to believe came straight
from Gorbachev, contained general statements to the effect that Moscow
worried events were moving in an “undesirable and dangerous direction.”73
The unofficial text was more surprising: “asking purely hypothetically,” it
inquired whether Bonn was “intending to introduce the question of
unification or reunification as a matter of practical politics.” If so, then it
was necessary to consider “the future alliance memberships of the German
states” and consult the “clause on exit” provided in the “Paris treaties and
the Rome treaty.”74
These treaty references made Teltschik’s hair stand on end. The Rome
Treaty was the founding document of the EC. The Paris Agreements were
the legal means by which West Germany had joined NATO. The “clause of
exit” was an allusion to the fact that any NATO member wishing to depart
the alliance could do so after twenty years of membership.75 Having joined
in 1955, the FRG had long since qualified for exit. All told, the cryptic
document was a Soviet ultimatum masquerading as a hypothetical: if you
want German unity, you must leave both the EC and NATO.
The unofficial text demanded a price even if West Germany wanted
something less than full unification. A looser “German confederation” would
be acceptable to Moscow only if Germans agreed to “no foreign nuclear
presence at all on German soil,” either East or West. That was a “Conditio
sine qua non”—a condition without which the Soviet Union would oppose
even a confederation.
Someone high up in the Moscow hierarchy knew enough to apply
pressure where it hurt. Polling showed that 84 percent of West Germans
wanted to denuclearize their country entirely—not least because all of the
nuclear weapons in the country were controlled by foreigners—so a majority
would be not only willing but happy to trade those weapons for unity.76 Both
Teltschik and Kohl knew, the chancellor later recalled, that if Moscow
offered “quick reunification in exchange for an exit from NATO and
neutrality,” it would find “widespread support among the members of the
public in both East and West Germany.”77 This was such an obvious card to
play that, even without access to the ultimatum, London guessed that
something like it must be in the offing. As the Foreign Office advised
Thatcher, “if the Russians made clear that the de-nuclearisation of Germany
is really the bottom line of their demands in respect of German unification,
then the bulk of German public opinion is likely to be sympathetic.”78
The unofficial note concluded that it would be “wise to consider the
matter confidentially together.”79 The import was clear: deal with us, not
with them. The note was an attempt to cleave West Germany from its allies
and make bilateral relations between Bonn and Moscow into the forum for
deciding the future of Germany. The ghosts of the signers of the Rapallo
Treaty, a 1922 accord between Russia and Germany that had shocked the
Western powers, stood in the room.
Stunned, Teltschik rapidly tried to calculate whether the unofficial
document was truly a top-level communication—since it had come through a
bona fide back channel—or a ploy executed without Gorbachev’s knowledge
by someone lower down, possibly Falin himself.80 Falin reportedly made a
secret visit to the Soviet embassy in East Berlin three days later, to make the
same demand: that a united Germany exit NATO.81 Teltschik concluded that,
regardless of authorship, he had to take the threat seriously. As a result,
although the authorship of the unofficial note remained unclear, its impact
did not.82 Teltschik immediately informed Kohl, on whom the news also had
a profound effect: like Thatcher, he felt “the unbelievable was starting to
The next time Kohl saw Baker, he confidentially informed the secretary
about Moscow’s desire for Germany to “pull back out of NATO” if it wanted
to unify. The demand had the chancellor deeply worried that he might “wake
up one day and discover that Gorbachev had tabled such a proposal” to the
world at large. Baker replied that “Gorbachev had in fact raised similar
considerations with the USA,” suggesting that the ultimatum did have top-
level approval. After learning of these developments, Blackwill later
recalled, he woke up every morning dreading that might be the day
Gorbachev went public with the deal of no NATO and no nukes in exchange
for unification.84
The chancellor decided to spring his own plan first. He could not prevent
the Soviets from making their demands public, but he hoped to create as
many facts on the ground as possible before they did so. He was already
scheduled to address the West German parliament on November 28, 1989,
and he decided to use the event to call for a German confederation.85
Because achieving that confederation would, he thought, take many years, it
was essential to start as soon as possible.
Bush was one of the few people who received a short-notice warning of
this surprise. The rest of the world learned of the chancellor’s “ten-point
plan” on television, which caused enormous resentment among allies,
enemies, and neighbors alike. Gorbachev and Shevardnadze were livid and
likened the chancellor to Adolf Hitler.86 Kohl was unrepentant, confiding
afterward to Baker that “if he had not produced his ten-point plan,” he would
have been caught flat-footed by a Soviet ultimatum. Now at least he was off
and running.
But his rush to the microphone had a price. The experience of hearing
about the ten-point plan on the news, rather than directly from Bonn
beforehand, wounded French President François Mitterrand, who
commiserated with Gorbachev afterward about how Kohl had blindsided
them both.87 To repair the damage, the chancellor became more
accommodating toward Mitterrand in the following weeks. Those weeks
were a critical time in the history of the EC: they included hugely significant
decision-making on a common European currency and other next steps for
integration, to be approved by an EC summit on December 8–9, 1989 in
The upheaval in Eastern Europe had also put on the agenda questions
about the EC’s role beyond the Iron Curtain—a daunting prospect. The EC
did not want, as one later analyst put it, “to be the vehicle for political
consolidation because [it] was serious business.” EC membership “involved
money!” Poland might even want agricultural or other support. “For a long
time it was more politically difficult to let Poland sell tomatoes in France
than [for NATO] to give Warsaw a pledge to fight and die to save it.”89
But however much the EC might wish to slow the process down, it could
not stop questions about the future from bubbling up. By December 1989,
Austrians were already worried about what the aspirations of Eastern
European states might mean for Austria’s own potential membership in the
EC. The Austrian foreign minister, Alois Mock, warned his British
counterpart, Douglas Hurd, against putting Austria “into one category with
the East European states” because Austrians should not be “handled any
better or worse than other candidates for membership.” Hurd reassured
Mock “that Austria could not be mentioned in the same breath as Hungary
and Poland.”90 During a visit in early 1990, the US deputy secretary of state,
Lawrence Eagleburger, found Austrians “so fixated on the prospect of EC
membership that they were unwilling to consider a larger role in what one
described as the ‘swamp’ of Eastern Europe.”91
Washington was also less than thrilled about the consequences of Kohl’s
ten-point plan, despite having at least received advance warning. Baker
pointedly announced that the continued membership of a united Germany in
NATO was one of the four conditions—diplomatically described as
“principles”—that the United States expected to be observed.92 There was
much resentment inside Bonn as well; as the US embassy in Bonn put it,
Kohl did not even “clear his speech with Genscher or with the leaders of the
other major parties.”93
That Kohl had kept his own foreign minister in the dark at this decisive
moment was a sign of the complicated relationship between the two titans of
German politics. The chancellor was stuck with Genscher because Kohl’s
parliamentary majority rested on an alliance between the CDU, its smaller
Bavarian sister party, and Genscher’s Liberals (formally known as the Free
Democratic Party, or FDP). Genscher was thus not only foreign minister but
also kingmaker. He, however, was not stuck with Kohl. He and his fellow
liberals could switch coalitions at will and join the center-left party instead,
as they had done previously.94 Because the chancellor could not dismiss his
foreign minister but did not quite trust him either, Kohl preferred to manage
the most crucial aspects of foreign policy through his trusted aide Teltschik.
Genscher as a result resented Teltschik, which created other problems—but
Kohl felt the cost was worth it.95
As Kohl and Teltschik were hustling in Bonn to fend off the potential
Soviet ultimatum, Bush was readying himself for a summit with Gorbachev
in Malta. In theory, Washington could seize the opportunity to turn the
summit into the key decision-making forum on what was happening. Any
effort by Washington and Moscow to decide the fate of Europe and its
military alliances over the heads of the Europeans, however, would
immediately awaken memories of the way the Yalta summit had done much
the same at the end of World War II. Bush’s advisors also stuck to their
recommendation that, given Gorbachev’s evident bitterness and weakness,
now was not the time to forge major new initiatives with him. The Malta
meeting, they decided, should have more limited goals.96 National Security
Council staffers spelled out a realistic, lower-key aim: “to get something
from the Soviets for the defense budget cuts we probably will be making in
any event.”97
The Malta summit itself, held on December 2–3, 1989, was a curious mix
of spectacle and anticlimax. Visually, it had all kinds of dramatic elements:
the sight of majestic US and Soviet warships anchored near each other in a
foreign harbor, with the delegations motoring back and forth on smaller
boats for meetings; throngs of journalists; and an epic storm as the backdrop.
It also produced the first face-to-face conversation between an American and
a Soviet leader since the Wall had come down, obviously an event of no
small importance.
The events behind closed doors were less noteworthy. As Scowcroft
summarized the Malta summit afterward, “it was simply a chance for the
two leaders to sit down and talk in a relaxed atmosphere, take the measure of
each other. . . . That’s about all it was.”98 The president made it abundantly
clear to Gorbachev that he did not see Malta as the decision-making forum,
saying, “I do not propose that we negotiate here.” Instead, they should
simply “move through various topics of interest.”99 Gorbachev tried to make
the discussion more substantive. Echoing an offer he had once made to
Reagan, he proposed the elimination of all tactical nuclear weapons, along
with the elimination, according to Baker’s notes, of “all nuclear on ships.”
Bush listened to these offers but stuck to his cautious approach.100
The opportunity for a breakthrough dwindled even further when the
disastrous weather and high seas made it impossible to transfer safely
between the two leaders’ warships. Gorbachev became irate when Bush
insisted on returning for a break on his ship, the USS Belknap. The Soviet
leader predicted that the storm would intensify and eliminate any chance of
Bush’s return, and he was right. Another consequence was that a gourmet
meal, brought along for a scheduled dinner on the Belknap with the Soviet
delegation, ended up feeding just the US delegation and sailors instead.101
After leaving Malta, Bush went on to Brussels to have dinner with the
West German chancellor, Kohl, before a NATO summit the next day. It was
also their first face-to-face meeting since the fall of the Wall. In contrast to
the meeting at Malta, here the two leaders spoke freely and at length about
the challenges facing Germany. The flood of humanity through the holes in
the Berlin Wall, Kohl believed, had two long-term causes. The first was
NATO’s resolve. Because of the alliance’s unified front in the contest with
the Warsaw Pact, “Gorbachev realized that he was losing the arms race and
that his economic situation was getting worse and worse.” The second was
European integration: “it was unbearable for Eastern Europe to remain
standing outside the door.”102
Years later, Scowcroft remembered that dinner, rather than the larger
NATO summit that followed, as the key moment in the development of US
strategy after the fall of the Wall.103 The German chancellor “outlined his
hopes for Germany [sic] unification,” the national security advisor recalled,
and the president responded, “ ‘go ahead. I’m with you completely.’ ”
Scowcroft recalled his jaw dropping as Bush “gave him a carte blanche. To
me that was the decisive step on German unification.” In their joint memoir
Bush and Scowcroft pointed to that dinner as the moment the president gave
Kohl “a green light.”104 It was a smart move. Bush correctly sensed that
German unification was coming, so he should be on the right side of that
issue, and poised to catch any sign the chancellor might become willing to
weaken or abandon NATO to accommodate Moscow.
Kohl thought creating the confederation he envisaged would require
many years. By contrast, Henry Kissinger had suggested in a TV interview
on November 29, 1989 that Germany might unify within just two, but the
chancellor criticized Kissinger’s timeline as far too rushed and risky. He
believed a “calm period of development” was necessary, and he did not feel
“under pressure” to rush matters. By signaling a close partnership, Bush
positioned himself to protect US interests over the years or decades it would
take Germany to unify.105
Having temporarily headed off a Soviet ultimatum, Kohl was weary of the
tumult and yearning for a holiday break. But 1989 held one more crucial
development in store. The chancellor finally took time to go to East
Germany, which he had not yet done since the opening of the Wall—and was
overwhelmed by what he found.
Kohl agreed to give a public speech in Dresden on the night of December
19, just two weeks after the protesters there had backed away from Putin. It
is possible, indeed probable, that the young KGB officer stopped throwing
files in the furnace long enough to listen to a broadcast of Kohl’s remarks, or
even attend in person. Later in life, Putin admitted to another time during the
East German revolution when he simply “stood in the crowd and watched it
happen,” so perhaps he did the same with Kohl’s speech; it was given
outdoors, not far from his outpost.
If Putin did attend, he witnessed a transformative event in Kohl’s life. The
chancellor could scarcely believe the extent of desire for unification. The
chanting Dresden crowd was a sea of West German flags, many improvised
by cutting the hammer-and-sickle out of the center of the East German
version of the same colors. Filled with emotion, Kohl told his overjoyed
Dresden audience that his goal was “the unity of our nation.”106 The crowd,
as the British ambassador to East Germany cabled home, hailed him as
“their saviour.”107 Out of all the many unexpected, dramatic events that he
experienced on the road to German unification, Kohl later recalled that
evening as “my crucial moment.”108
Two men—one seeking to unify 80 million Germans, the other a minor
servant of the failing Soviet state and its secret police—had both
experienced transformative nights in Dresden in December 1989. Their
subsequent actions would have far-reaching consequences, although the
younger man would have to wait another decade to begin his starring role on
the world stage. Kohl, in contrast, had realized that he did not have to wait
after all. Unification need not take years, or require power sharing in some
clumsy interim confederation; he could reap a political harvest right away.
The East German regime was collapsing and the crowds were cheering. The
moment for unity was now. Having just told the US president he was not in a
hurry, suddenly he was.
Lost in Translation
One of Scowcroft’s most trusted advisors at the NSC, Robert Blackwill,
spoke nearly every morning in 1990 with Zoellick. Baker had chosen
Zoellick to be his “gatekeeper” and “ ‘second brain,’ ” since Baker thought
his subordinate’s only weakness was that he was “too smart.” Blackwill and
Zoellick’s morning conversations always began with words to the effect of,
how can we achieve Bush’s goal? What can we do today to advance a
unified Germany in NATO, with as few restrictions on the alliance’s future
as possible?4
It was clear to both men, and to their bosses, that they needed as a
practical matter to keep the number of people with a say as small as
possible. As Baker explained to the British foreign secretary, Douglas Hurd,
they planned to make strategy among “a very small circle of people.”5 The
challenge would be reconciling that exclusivity with the need to involve
players possessing undeniable rights to be heard—namely, the British, the
French, and the East Germans—all while accomplishing what the president
wanted: ensuring that “NATO must stay.” 6
As a first step, it was crucial to ascertain what Gorbachev would want in
exchange for letting all regions of a unified Germany either remain or
become part of NATO. The problem was that Gorbachev himself apparently
did not yet know what he wanted, and both Bonn and Washington noticed
this indecisiveness.7 He tried for a while simply to promote the idea of more
four-power events as the means of deciding on the future of Germany.
Neither the Germans nor the Americans agreed to that approach, however,
even though London was sympathetic.8
Gorbachev also had to deal with a rising rebellion among his own allies,
particularly in Eastern Europe. Already on January 12, 1990, West German
foreign ministry experts found it necessary to analyze how the Soviet leader
would handle the current major “changes (collapse?) of the Warsaw Pact.”
They concluded Moscow wanted “to move quickly beyond the ‘break-up
phase’ of the old Warsaw Pact regime” but lacked a “fully-formed concept”
as to how.9
Meanwhile, the US National Intelligence Council (NIC), independently
exploring the same issue, concluded that the pact was already de facto
impotent, as Moscow could no longer rely on its allies to carry out its
wishes or even to tolerate the presence of Soviet forces.10 The NIC’s private
suspicions soon received public confirmation. Gorbachev, as part of earlier
reforms, had classified the Soviet invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia
in 1956 and 1968 as errors. Because the Soviet troop presence begun with
those invasions had persisted, that new classification effectively called the
basis on which the troops were still there into question. Budapest and
Prague pressed Soviet forces to leave as a result, and on January 23, 1990,
Prime Minister Miklós Németh of Hungary announced Moscow’s pullback
of all troops in his country. The Czechoslovaks succeeded as well. Soon,
planning for the removal of all Soviet forces in both countries was
underway. The Warsaw Pact was breaking up in deed, if not yet in word.11
Even worse, the Soviet ambassador in West Germany, Yuli Kvitzinsky,
suspected that the timing of the pact’s final collapse might not be under
Moscow’s control but Bonn’s. Kvitzinsky reportedly advised Moscow that,
given the obvious warmth in relations between Kohl and his eastern
neighbors, the chancellor could, without any special “exertion,” enlist “the
help of Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia” in order “to bring about the
collapse of the Warsaw Pact in the shortest possible time” whenever he
wished it.12
Matters were going so badly for Moscow that Gorbachev’s advisors
began complaining they were wasting precious time as the Soviet-led order
disintegrated abroad—and at home. Economic woes created widespread
misery in the USSR in the winter of 1990; at the end of 1989, Western
banks had stopped providing short-term loans to the Soviet Union, which
was increasingly unable to afford imported goods. The Soviet foreign
minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, raised the question of a loan with Baker
and sent a humiliating request for food to Kohl.13 In reply, the chancellor
approved a subsidized sale of foodstuffs worth 220 million DM.14 Despite
such support, however, discontent and strike threats became so severe that
Gorbachev announced he was canceling all foreign commitments to focus
on domestic problems.15
With so much going wrong, Gorbachev huddled with his closest advisors
at the end of January to formulate a strategy. Like Bush, he preferred to
keep true decision-making circles small. He consulted only a handful of
trusted aides, bypassing the usual military, institutional, and party
hierarchies. Valentin Falin, the party’s Germany expert who would
increasingly find himself among the excluded as the year went on, later
sarcastically referred to issues addressed by the inner circle as
“Gorbachev’s holy zone.”16
Gorbachev’s security advisor, Anatoly Chernyaev, made messy,
scrawling notes just after the January brainstorming session. According to
his notes, the head of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov, pointed to the writing
on the wall, saying “it is necessary to train our people gradually to accept
the reunification of Germany.” Gorbachev insisted in reply that they had not
yet run out of leverage. The USSR still had its legal rights as one of the four
occupying powers, as well as troops and weapons in Germany, so it could
not be ignored. “The most important thing,” Gorbachev pronounced, “is
that no one should count on the united Germany joining NATO,” and the
good news was that “the presence of our troops will not allow that.”17
The question, he went on, was how to move forward, given that his
efforts at reinstating four-power decision-making had failed. Chernyaev
suggested considering six-power talks that would include the two
Germanies. For his part, Gorbachev felt it was time to invite Kohl to
Moscow. Despite all that had happened since November 1989, he had not
yet spoken face-to-face with the German leader. Now, dealing with him had
become unavoidable because “there are no real powers in the GDR”
anymore. Although the Soviet leader would continue to deal publicly with
the latest East German leader, Hans Modrow—even inviting him to
Moscow to provide an appearance of balance for the Kohl visit—
Gorbachev made clear that “we can influence the process only through the
Nikolai Ryzhkov, a Politburo member and chair of the council of
ministers, seconded the Soviet leader, saying that “it is impossible to
preserve the GDR,” so “everything now is a matter of tactics.” With the
Wall gone, the East German economy was crumbling, and “all the state
institutions are falling apart too.” He agreed that focusing solely on the
FRG made sense.18 They had some time to play with, Gorbachev argued,
because “economically it will take a few years for Germany to eat the GDR
up,” so he and his advisors at least had “these years to make our moves.”
The challenge was to figure out those moves.19 The conversation failed to
yield much in the way of strategy. Instead, the best the Soviet leader could
come up with was delay. As of now, he concluded, “the most important
thing now is to prolong this process.”20
This desultory holy-zone session had an unexpected impact.
Gorbachev’s grudging recognition of unification, twinned with hope of
separating a united Germany from NATO and delaying the process as long
as possible, turned in translation into much more. When Modrow dutifully
showed up in Moscow on January 30, Gorbachev made remarks to
journalists covering the visit that were consistent with the sense of the holy
zone: the “unity of the Germans” was “no longer in doubt.”21 The next day,
one of the West German foreign ministry’s Soviet experts, Klaus Neubert,
sent an exultant note to his boss. He happily advised Foreign Minister
Hans-Dietrich Genscher that Gorbachev had issued “a clear and
unconditional commitment to German unity.” Neubert added that the Soviet
“vote” for unity was “surprising precisely because of its clarity”—even
though no vote had occurred, let alone one with a clear result.22 It was one
of many times that a divergence of perceptions on the results of key
meetings had significant policy consequences.
Neubert’s exaggerated account had an immediate impact on Genscher.
The foreign minister had already, in December 1989, started telling NATO
colleagues that he saw the idea of a “peaceful order from the Atlantic to the
Urals” as a “winning concept.”23 He had also hinted to party colleagues in
January 1990 that he regarded limits on NATO’s future role in united
Germany, or even integration of the alliance into some kind of European
collective security system, as reasonable concessions to Moscow.24
Genscher was partly motivated by his personal history. Born in 1927 in
Halle, which had ended up behind the Iron Curtain, he had promised never
to “forget where I come from and what responsibility I have” to make “a
new beginning” possible for all who lived in East Germany.25
On the day Neubert advised him about Gorbachev’s “vote” for unity, the
foreign minister apparently decided it was time to go public with how he
would make good on that promise. In a January 31, 1990 speech in Tutzing
—the site of previous historic speeches by West German leaders in the
1960s on the need for outreach to the Soviet Bloc—he advised Germany’s
allies to adopt an accommodating attitude to Moscow in the interest of
making unification happen. He wanted NATO to “state unequivocally that
whatever happens in the Warsaw Pact, there will be no expansion of NATO
territory eastward, that is to say, closer to the borders of the Soviet
Upon hearing about this speech, Zoellick was relieved Genscher had not
gone even further and openly questioned German membership in NATO
altogether. The foreign minister’s words nonetheless prompted irate
reactions from the top in Washington. Bush and Scowcroft found the
foreign minister’s “obvious detour around a Four Power role in
reunification” to be particularly “troubling.”27 Scowcroft’s subordinates,
Blackwill and Robert Hutchings, had warned their boss in advance that
such public remarks might be coming, having heard about Genscher’s
similar private comments earlier in the month. Their takeaway was that
Germans were suddenly in a “rush to fill the vacuum of ideas for the future
of Germany and of Europe.” Blackwill and Hutchings advised that
immediate US action was needed because “our ability to manage the
process is slipping quickly.” To add insult to injury, Németh had recently
gone even further and appealed for all of a unified Germany, not just its
eastern part, to become fully demilitarized. The motive behind this appeal,
Bush and his advisors guessed, was Németh’s desire to deny “any
legitimacy” to a continuing Soviet role in Eastern Europe; if the Americans
left, then Moscow would have no justification for staying.28
Németh was presumably worried about what Soviet forces were doing
on his territory. Although Moscow had by then promised to withdraw its
troops from both Hungary and Czechoslovakia, the actual pullback was
hesitant and violent; one US diplomat described it as “nasty.” Soviet forces
smashed barracks, ripped out telephone lines, set off unannounced
explosions, and left an “environmental ‘mess’ including leaking oil
barrels.”29 They also started selling their weaponry, “including tanks,” on
the black market.30 The Hungarian leader appeared to be grasping at
extreme measures to get them out, but neither Bush nor his advisors were
sympathetic to the concept of a Germany that was not just denuclearized
but demilitarized entirely.
Genscher, sensing his ideas might be getting lost in translation, made
time for a lightning trip to the United States on February 2, 1990 to explain
them in person. In his memoirs, he called the journey the shortest but most
important visit he ever paid to Washington.31 Once there, he not only
repeated his inclination to bar NATO from eastern Germany in exchange for
unification, but also brought up the question of Central and Eastern Europe.
He told Baker there was a “need to assure the Soviets that NATO would not
extend its territorial coverage to the area of the GDR nor anywhere else in
Eastern Europe for that matter,” and repeated the point at their joint press
conference afterward.32
The two men also addressed the need to deal with the British, French,
East German, and Soviet concerns.33 Genscher said that he would support
an idea that Baker’s advisors had already started discussing with the West
Germans, similar to that debated by Gorbachev’s holy zone: negotiations
involving all six states, but only if they were called “two-plus-four” talks—
in other words, with the two Germanies headlining to show their
significance.34 Neither Genscher nor Kohl wanted four occupying powers
obviously talking down to them.
Baker’s advisors believed that such talks would have the advantage of
giving all six states their required seats at the table while simultaneously
preventing any of them, particularly the West Germans, from cutting
separate deals.35 It was an unavoidable fact that the West needed some
mechanism both to close out Soviet rights from 1945 and to address the
lasting legal rights of the British and French as well—not to mention
keeping on top of the daily diplomatic activity rendered essential by fast-
paced events—so the two-plus-four forum seemed like a way to tick all
relevant boxes. Genscher added that the thirty-five-member Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) could be strengthened and
intensified to give other states besides the six a venue for expressing their
views. When the foreign minister had an opportunity to summarize these
ideas to the president personally, Bush reportedly “blessed” them.36
Despite this sense of agreement, after Genscher’s departure Baker
covered all his bases just in case. He instructed Vernon Walters, the US
ambassador in Bonn, to convey personally to Horst Teltschik, Kohl’s
security advisor and close confidant, the content of the discussions during
the lightning visit. Baker wanted to make certain someone told the
chancellor what had been said—and the secretary was not certain Genscher
himself would do that.37 As instructed, Walters briefed Teltschik on
February 4, 1990.38 Taken together, the lightning visit and the subsequent
chain of communications represented the crossing of a conceptual
watershed. They meant that, by February 4 at the latest, the small circle of
top players in Washington and Bonn knew Genscher was sketching the
contours of NATO’s future relationship not just with the eastern part of his
own country but also with Central and Eastern Europe.
Teltschik was grateful for the heads-up. Genscher, ever resentful of the
way the chancellery essentially tried to run its own separate foreign policy,
did not routinely inform Kohl of what he said abroad. Teltschik would at
times contact the foreign ministry directly and request transcripts of the
foreign minister’s conversations abroad, only to be rebuffed. This omission
was apparent not just to Baker but also to the NSC, which reacted by
ensuring that significant communications with Bonn went in duplicate to
both the chancellery and the foreign ministry—even though, as Hutchings
later recalled, “it was tedious always to have to reach agreement with Kohl
and Genscher separately.”
This two-track approach generated tension between the Department of
State and the NSC at times, because the latter hoped to outmaneuver
Genscher by going through Teltschik. By contrast, the State Department
viewed circumventing a duly appointed foreign minister, particularly one
with domestic political might, as unwise. But for Washington there was a
compensatory upside to the problem. As Hutchings later recalled, “we
occasionally knew more about where Kohl or Genscher stood on an issue
than either of them knew of the other.”39 As a shorthand for this odd
situation and its complexities, the term Genscherism became more popular.
Previously in use in Washington as a shorthand for an overly complacent
policy toward Moscow (in the view of Americans), it seemed newly
That accommodating stance was on display yet again when Genscher,
now back in Bonn, spoke to his visiting British counterpart. Genscher
unambiguously told Hurd that when he “talked about not wanting to extend
NATO, that applied to other states besides the GDR.” The foreign minister
felt that “the Russians must have some assurance that, for example, if the
Polish Government left the Warsaw Pact one day, they would not join
NATO the next.” 41
As a result, it was utterly essential for the Atlantic
Alliance to make clear that “NATO does not intend to expand its territory to
the East.” Genscher even wanted some kind of public statement to that
effect and felt it “must refer not just to East Germany but rather be of a
general nature. For example, the Soviet Union needs the security of
knowing that Hungary, if it has a change of government, will not become
part of the Western Alliance.” 42
Hurd expressed agreement and said the topic should be discussed as
soon as possible within the alliance itself. One of Britain’s biggest
grievances was that the Germans were forging ahead with too little notice
given to anyone about anything, so London would welcome a chance to
consult.43 Genscher indicated that such discussions should begin “now” and
should take into account “developments in Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary and East Germany.” He summarized the problem that he was
facing: “we do not want to extend NATO territory, but we do not want to
leave NATO.” The solution, he thought, was that “both alliances must
become part of the common European security structure.” 44
As Kohl and his traveling party made their way from the airport to
downtown Moscow, the staff of the West German embassy, including von
Arnim, assembled to watch Gorbachev welcome them at the Grand Kremlin
Palace. It was a sumptuous former imperial residence, originally built on
the orders of Czar Nicholas I. Standing in the crowd, von Arnim watched
Gorbachev descend and greet the visiting Germans against the backdrop of
a magnificent staircase decorated with a large picture of Lenin. Despite the
grandeur of his welcome, however, von Arnim sensed that Gorbachev was
uncertain: “He clearly had a cold, and did not beam self-confidence and
charisma” in the way that he usually did. Kohl and Gorbachev then
disappeared for a confidential session with only Chernyaev, Teltschik, and
their translators. Meanwhile, Genscher and Shevardnadze headed off to
their own small session, leaving von Arnim and the rest of their
subordinates to mill around, awaiting a larger session with all delegation
members later.80
Once alone with the people who mattered, Kohl behaved in a manner
consistent with what he had told his fellow party members before departing
Bonn: “whatever happens, we want the unity of our nation.” He had
promised his colleagues to do everything in his power to bring that about,
and now he followed through, even though doing so involved setting aside
the letter sent directly by the president of the United States.81 With
Gorbachev, the chancellor instead used the phrasing about NATO’s future
most conducive to getting the Soviet leader to agree, namely, words similar
to those of Baker: “naturally, NATO could not expand its territory to the
current territory of the GDR.”82 Kohl did not raise Wörner’s idea—now
endorsed by Bush—that NATO would expand its territory eastward by
creating a special status for East German territory within the alliance.
Technically, it was not within either Kohl’s or Gorbachev’s authority to
map out the future of the Atlantic Alliance. The chancellor nonetheless
spoke in a manner suggesting that his country’s influence would prevail, the
need to deal with allies notwithstanding. Even as Kohl uttered these words
to Gorbachev, his foreign minister was telling Shevardnadze the same thing.
As Genscher put it to the Soviet foreign minister in their parallel session:
“For us, it is clear: NATO will not extend itself to the East.”83
To Gorbachev, Kohl added that he wanted to unify the two Germanies as
soon as possible, by taking steps to create economic and monetary union
even before an East German election—the first free one—scheduled for
March 18, 1990. Gorbachev initially resisted, saying that just a few months
earlier, Kohl had been talking in terms of years. To explain his change of
heart, Kohl described his transformative experience in Dresden. Given the
clear desires of the East Germans, he now had to move more swiftly.84
The Soviet leader remained unreceptive, asking instead if Germany
could become a nonaligned state.85 Trying to figure out how to sway
Gorbachev, Kohl suddenly had a brilliant negotiating insight. Earlier,
Gorbachev had said in passing that “the Germans in the Federal Republic
and in the DDR must themselves decide” how to proceed in the future.
Kohl realized that this statement could become the opening he needed.
Recalling that comment, the chancellor asked Gorbachev if the following
paraphrase of the Soviet leader’s words was accurate: were they “in
agreement that the decision about the unification of Germany is a question
that the Germans themselves must now decide”? Gorbachev hedged,
uncertain where this line of questioning was going, but he conceded that
“everything the chancellor said was very close” to his own statements.86
It was close enough for Kohl. He had realized that those words
—“Germans themselves must now decide”—could be portrayed as a green
light shining on unification, and without conditions.87 Sensing it was time to
offer something in return, he made clear that Gorbachev could count on him
for financial help. The German economy, Kohl pointed out, was in a very
healthy state: “the last eight years were the best since the war.” It was
therefore “natural” that West Germany and the Soviet Union “could do
much together.”88
The session ended soon thereafter, without any attempt by Gorbachev to
clarify this exchange or any sign that he realized its significance. Those
lapses did not change the outcome: Gorbachev had conceded that the
question of unity should be decided by the Germans alone, but he had not
secured any major concessions in exchange, either orally or in writing, on
NATO or any other topic.89 Perhaps the Soviet leader doubted whether Kohl
had the authority to pronounce on NATO’s future on his own and assumed
it would be decided in more significant talks to come. Gorbachev also
apparently did not anticipate that Kohl would immediately operationalize
the Soviet leader’s remarks. The chancellor had already received an
American green light; now, he rushed to portray his talks in Moscow as the
Soviet greenlighting of German unification.
Kohl and Gorbachev rejoined their other delegation members, including
von Arnim, for a larger joint session. As soon as it began, Kohl repeated
what he had just agreed with Gorbachev, expressing gratitude for “the
conviction of the general secretary” that the question of whether Germans
wanted to “to live in the unity of one state was a question for Germans, a
question that they must decide themselves.”90 It was the start of a prolonged
effort to point out what sufficiently resembled a green light to as many
people as possible before it changed color.
When the session ended, von Arnim found himself briefly next to Kohl
and Genscher in a departing crowd. He overheard them talking about how
the next German national election would take place after unification. As he
later wrote in his diary, he “could hardly believe it.” He realized that
something significant must have happened and was “astonished by the cold-
bloodedness with which they immediately turned to the domestic political
consequences of their talks.” There were more surprises. Von Arnim was
further amazed that Kohl had gotten permission to depart the Kremlin by
having his chauffeur use a Kremlin gate normally reserved for top Soviet
officials. He realized the genius of Kohl’s move when the chancellor had
the car stop so he could climb out in full view of Western journalists and
photographers, apparently tipped off in advance as to where to await Kohl’s
appearance: “There could not be a better picture than the one of the smiling
giant in the blowing snow on Red Square, in front of a giant, open Kremlin
Kohl showed further political genius by calling for a swift press
conference. One had been scheduled for the next day, but suddenly that was
not soon enough. He needed to televise the green light right away. As Kohl
and Genscher settled themselves for the start of the event, an open
microphone caught the two rivals speaking quietly to each other with
unaccustomed joviality. In a sign of respect, Genscher asked if he could
shake Kohl’s hand. With a broad smile, Kohl obliged, adding, “now we
really should get drunk.” Television viewers then saw Kohl proclaim that it
was “a good day for Germany” because Gorbachev had acknowledged the
“sole right of the German people” to decide whether they wanted to live
together in one state.92 In his memoirs, written years later, Genscher
recounted how he could still see “disbelief in the faces of the journalists,”
who seemed not to comprehend what had happened.93
Some viewers did comprehend the announcement, however, and they
included Bush and Scowcroft. They followed the press conference closely,
presumably wondering, when they heard the words “sole right,” whether
Kohl had forgotten the ongoing legal status of the four powers in
Germany.94 And if the Americans were concerned, back in Moscow Falin
was aghast. “On February 10,” he wrote in his memoirs, “the unification of
Germany was announced as, de facto, an already completed task,” and,
even worse, “without any conditions, without clearing up the connection to
the foreign aspects.” He guessed to his horror that Gorbachev had not
realized Kohl would move so quickly, and thereby missed the window of
opportunity to spell out conditions for unification, such as a German exit
from NATO. Falin concluded that “this carelessness will take its revenge on
Shevardnadze was similarly shocked that Gorbachev had made such a
far-reaching concession without telling him. Among the many reasons the
shock was problematic was the Soviet foreign minister’s imminent
departure for a high-profile conference in Ottawa on a proposed “Open
Skies” accord. Under the terms of this agreement, NATO and the Warsaw
Pact states would allow planes to fly over each other’s territories for
inspectional purposes. Since all of the leading foreign ministers involved in
German unification would be in attendance at the Canadian event, the
concession seemed like something Shevardnadze would have to explain to
his colleagues while there. Upset, the foreign minister speculated to an aide
that Kohl might be instrumentalizing some hastily made remark of
Gorbachev’s.96 Whatever had transpired, February 10 put Shevardnadze,
according to his British colleague whom he saw soon after, into “a
melancholy and fatalistic mood,” which was presumably made worse when
Genscher also began referring to events in Moscow as the “green light” for
The Germans, in contrast, could not have been happier as February 10
drew to a close and the drinking began. Genscher headed off with the staff
of West Germany’s Moscow embassy in search of whiskey. The exultant
foreign minister even had kind words for von Arnim, his rebellious
subordinate. Peering over his whiskey glass, he reportedly told von Arnim,
“you were right”; it had not been necessary to make major security
concessions in order to get a green light for unification. In fact, Genscher
could still scarcely believe that “Gorbachev had agreed to unity practically
without any conditions.” He spoke as if German unity were a done deal, and
now it was time to consider the practical consequences.98
Kohl and his advisors, meanwhile, were drinking beer.99 The chancellor
felt he had work to do afterward. A door to the future had opened, and he
needed to figure out the best way to get through it while it was still open. In
his memoirs, he recalled being so excited that, even though it was the
middle of the night in February in Moscow, he went for a long walk through
Red Square to think and try to calm down enough to sleep.100
He was not the only one having a sleepless night. Despite the good mood
over whiskeys, the West German embassy staff worried that the Soviet side
might wake up the next morning and try to deny what had happened. Von
Arnim rushed to check how the Soviet news agency TASS covered the
summit early the next day. He felt a huge wave of relief, even “euphoria,”
when he read a TASS report that stated, “the question of the unity of the
German nation should be decided upon by only the Germans
themselves.”101 The West German foreign ministry would later quote that
press release to their skeptical Soviet negotiating partners when they tried to
rein Bonn in.102
Von Arnim would have been less euphoric, however, if he could have
heard the conversation the next day between Gorbachev and Modrow, the
soon-to-be ex-leader of East Germany. Even as Kohl and Genscher were
crowing about the green light, Gorbachev was repeating that “a unified
Germany staying in NATO” was “unacceptable for us.” The Soviet leader
was disappointed at what Kohl had done the day before, complaining to
Modrow that “overall I had the impression that Kohl behaved arrogantly.”103
And in contrast to the initial TASS announcement, the subsequent coverage
of Kohl’s visit in other Soviet media—still largely dictated by party leaders,
and so a rough barometer of their feelings—downplayed Kohl’s visit as
“notably unspectacular.” The West German embassy wondered whether
such statements were meant to undermine Kohl, meant purely for domestic
consumption, or both. They guessed that the Soviet leadership, “for
domestic political reasons, would prefer that the populace not become
aware too quickly of the impact made by the breakthrough during Kohl’s
But the effort to switch the green light to red was coming too late. Kohl
had gotten the word out, and now everyone was recalibrating. In London,
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had already begun speculating about
what might come next. On February 10, she predicted a deal whereby
Germany would unify and remain in NATO, but that NATO would
“forswear the deployment of non-German forces in the former GDR.”
Following unification, the capital of Germany would move to a united
Berlin, meaning that the seat of a major NATO ally would be “in an area
where NATO would not be militarily present,” thus giving a hostage to
fortune.105 But there was little London could do about it. As Hurd later
recalled, “Genscher and Kohl were the key. They made the weather,
really. . . . And they weren’t absolutely in each other’s confidence. But they
made the weather and we, we acclimatized.”106 Gorbachev had just endured
such weather making. As Scowcroft’s subordinates Condoleezza Rice and
Philip Zelikow later put it, “the mask had slipped. Gorbachev had allowed
both the Americans and the Germans to leave Moscow believing that he
was not willing—or perhaps not able—to offer decisive opposition to their
plans. In fact that was true.”107
Fresh from this triumph in Moscow, Kohl soon had to face the
consequences. He had not called Bush right after his conversation with
Gorbachev, but he would have to talk to him soon. And having seen the
mask slip, Scowcroft and his subordinates were growing convinced they
could push Gorbachev harder than previously thought. The national security
advisor was now not even sure the much-mooted two-plus-four forum was
necessary—indeed, he thought it might cause harm.
Scowcroft had a hard time communicating this to Baker in early
February, however, because the secretary was continually on the road. Even
by the high standard of a secretary of state, Baker’s travel schedule was
impressive. On the same journey that included three days of top-level
negotiating in Moscow, he also paid groundbreaking visits to three Warsaw
Pact countries (Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania), then went directly
to Ottawa, Canada, for the Open Skies assembly of all twenty-three NATO
and Warsaw Pact foreign ministers—without a pit stop in Washington.
Although the aviation accord was supposed to be the main topic, as Baker
put it in his memoirs, “it became apparent that German unification was the
main game in town—and everyone wanted in on the action.”108
He and his counterparts engaged in frenetic activity on the margin of the
conference, conducting a lightning round of diplomacy. In one day, Baker
and Shevardnadze held five separate talks; for his part, Shevardnadze also
had three with Genscher and cornered Hurd, French foreign minister
Roland Dumas, and Polish foreign minister Krzysztof Skubiszewski as
well.109 Baker wanted to turn the two-plus-four idea into reality as quickly
as possible, since he now saw establishing the forum as an essential goal.
Gorbachev had not definitively agreed to it in Moscow, but he had not
vetoed it either, and Baker thought the good fortune of having all six key
players in one place at the same time was too good to pass up.
His efforts inspired considerable irritation, however, among the excluded
diplomats in Ottawa. At one point Genscher poured fuel on a fire when he
snapped at the inquisitive Italian foreign minister, Gianni De Michelis, in
front of their assembled colleagues, “You are not part of the game.”110 The
diplomats most furious at being excluded from planning Germany’s
reunification in Ottawa, however, were the Poles. Given their experience
with the last incarnation of a unified Germany, their distress was
understandable; but the West German ambassador in Warsaw dismissed it
as “hysteria.”111
Baker, a disciplined and relentless negotiator, remained undeterred. He
worked hard to corral the relevant countries—and only those countries—
into agreeing to two-plus-four talks while all in one place. The secretary
wore down Shevardnadze, who confided to an aide in Ottawa that he was
“in a stupid situation.” His Western colleagues were “talking about the
unification of Germany as if it was a fact,” and there seemed little he could
do about it.112 Despondent, Shevardnadze gave in to peer pressure and
agreed not only to the two-plus-four but also to a US desideratum on arms
control. In his State of the Union address on January 31, 1990, President
Bush had called for both Washington and Moscow to reduce the enormous
number of their troops in the center of Europe to an equal level of 195,000
each. Now, Shevardnadze indicated that Gorbachev was willing to do so.
Baker could hardly believe it; the announcement meant that “for the first
time since World War II, Moscow was going to have fewer troops in Europe
than the United States.”
Realizing that Shevardnadze’s assent to both the two-plus-four and the
troop cuts might fade, Baker and his aides decided “we should move to lock
it in” immediately, while still in Ottawa. The secretary knew that “any delay
would allow opposition to form in Moscow, London, Paris, and other
capitals”—not to mention among those countries excluded in Ottawa, such
as Italy and Poland.113 Baker’s efforts almost broke down, however, not
because of opposition growing in Moscow but because of the mistrust
between Kohl and Genscher. Not once but twice, Bush told Baker to wait
while he checked directly whether the chancellor approved of what was
going on.
Baker suspected something else was in play as well. Scowcroft
reportedly tried to intervene to slow down progress in Ottawa, saying the
secretary was “ ‘moving too fast’ ” to finalize the two-plus-four. Baker
refused to change course, however, telling Scowcroft “it’s too late for that
. . . everybody has agreed to this.”114 Having fended off the national security
advisor, however, Baker was suddenly hearing from the president himself to
hold up, and he sensed that Scowcroft was ultimately behind it.
The president applying the brakes in this abrupt manner threatened to
derail the breakneck negotiations, but Bush persisted, twice calling Kohl,
who made clear that what mattered most was making the forum a fait
accompli as soon as possible, before Moscow’s green light changed color.115
Finally, Bush told Baker to go ahead. The secretary then sprung the two-
plus-four on the world through a hurried press conference with all six
foreign ministers.116
The Canadian hosts were stunned to see this major announcement in
their capital but without their participation.117 Prime Minister Brian
Mulroney complained extensively to his friend Bush about how his
conference had been hijacked. He was particularly upset about how
“Genscher arrived in Ottawa with the most cavalier attitude.” The West
German foreign minister had rolled into town saying, “ ‘the big boys will
settle this,’ ” and making clear the big boys did not include Canada.
Mulroney was furious at the arrogance: “Jesus Christ, with all those
Canadian boys buried in Europe,” just who did Genscher think he was?118
Mulroney was not the only one who was livid. At the end of a long day
in Ottawa, Baker requested yet another call with the White House. This
time he ensured that only he and Bush were on the line, and let his old
friend George know what he thought about the attempt to apply the brakes:
“We had a good day here. In fact, this was a historic achievement. But,
frankly, you almost made it impossible. If you put me in this position again,
you’ll have to get yourself a new Secretary of State.”119
Scowcroft’s deputy, Gates, later remarked that “Baker was a real piece of
work.” In Gates’s view, what the secretary did not know about “dealing
with—and manipulating” the press and negotiating partners “was hardly
worth knowing.” Gates was “always glad he was on our side.” There was
serious friction between Baker and Gates at times, with the deputy
complaining that Baker “demanded more loyalty of the President than he
gave in return” and “had a rarely displayed but formidable temper.” These
attributes had been on display in Ottawa and had brought together the two-
plus-four. Now Scowcroft and his aides resolved to undo as much of it as
they could.120
They forwarded the president a lengthy set of complaints about the two-
plus-four, compiled by Blackwill and Rice. The unnecessary forum would
give the Soviets a “dramatic platform” to grandstand against unification. It
would allow “the British and the French . . . to slow down or alter the shape
of German unity.” The upcoming East German elections of March 18, 1990
might bring to power a pacifist, left-wing government, which could then use
its perch in the two-plus-four forum to denounce both the Warsaw Pact and
NATO and call for a united Germany to be neutral. And the White House
would have a hard time defending its interests in the face of these
challenges because it was “largely unprepared” for the forum, not having
realized that it was about to start work.121
Last but not least, Rice pointed out that Dick Cheney, the secretary of
defense, and Colin Powell, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were
both “distressed by the negotiation of the Six Power agreement without
DoD [Department of Defense] input—rightly pointing out that these
discussions on Germany’s external security arrangements will cut to the
heart of NATO and ultimately US defense strategy.”122 Cheney and Powell
had fallen prey to Bush, Baker, and Scowcroft’s desire to keep decision-
making to a very small circle, and had not been consulted. One
consequence of events unfolding without Pentagon input was that the
impact of military planners and staffs on early decisions about post–Cold
War NATO enlargement was surprisingly scant. As Cheney later described
his department’s limited role in policymaking on German unification,
“Defense was supportive but not deeply engaged.”123
Once Baker and his advisors finally got back to Washington after the
long trip and lightning round, they found themselves confronted by all of
these grievances. The secretary apparently decided that at least some were
justified—or the president told him to decide that—because he changed his
behavior. Most important, he ceased using the phrase “not shift one inch
eastward.” Instead, he followed the president’s preference for making clear
the alliance would expand eastward beyond its Cold War border, with a
special status for East Germany as a face-saving concession in exchange. It
took Moscow a while to notice.
Baker and his aides stood their ground on the two-plus-four, however, as
his preparatory notes for a summons to the White House on February 16
showed. His opponents were misjudging the two-plus-four, Baker argued,
and had failed to realize it offered only “discussions, not decisions.” Put
differently, the venue addressed other stakeholders’ unavoidable concerns
without giving them a veto. Since neither the “2, 4, 16, or 35 would work,”
meaning that neither the two Germanies, nor the four powers, nor NATO,
nor the CSCE could manage unification any better, the two-plus-four was
the least bad alternative. It was “probably the bare minimum process the
Soviets will need to express their interests and justify the result at home.”124
Zoellick backed up his boss by countering the complaint that the two-plus-
four would enable Moscow to obstruct German unification. As he pointed
out, “the presence of 380,000 Soviet troops in the GDR was means enough
for obstruction,” against which one more debating club paled in
significance.125 And there was yet one more benefit: “it prevents separate
German-Soviet deals that could be prejudicial to our interests.” In an effort
to prevent such deals, Zoellick believed “Kohl should hear from the
President that we do not expect to hear again about upcoming German–
Soviet meetings from Moscow,” but rather from the Germans themselves.126
Baker believed the two-plus-four would ultimately contribute to
Washington’s overall goals, noting in a list of its advantages, “You haven’t
seen a leveraged buy-out until you see this one! (Not just the economic buy-
out of the GDR—but of USSR as well.)”127
The NSC grudgingly accepted these arguments, not least because many
of its members saw that doing so could prevent a secret bargain between
Kohl and Gorbachev. As Rice put it, Washington needed to encase Kohl in
a “cocoon of Alliance contacts” so “Bonn would have to engage in outright
duplicity—saying one thing to the Allies and another to the Soviets—in
order to strike the deal with Moscow.”128 Above all else, the White House
should avoid “the day of reckoning” when “Gorbachev looks squarely at
Kohl and says, ‘Here is the deal—a weaker form of German association in
NATO or the USSR will do everything possible to prevent unification.”
Camp David
In the end, both the NSC and the Department of State could claim victory.
The NSC got what it wanted with regard to discussions about NATO’s
future—use of the phrase “special military status” as the alliance moved
eastward—and State got the two-plus-four. Now they had a common goal:
ensuring that the two-plus-four did not turn into a true decision-making
forum. In the service of that goal, agreed-upon goals were circulated in
writing between the NSC and State, with essential ones underlined. “In
general, Two-Plus-Four can exchange views on many topics, but it can
decide very few,” and certain topics must never come up at all. The “issues
that we do not discuss in a Two-Plus-Four setting” included the terms under
which US forces were stationed in Germany, “NATO’s nuclear posture, and
the status of SNF negotiations,” meaning the short-range nuclear forces.
Those topics must only arise in more appropriate settings, including and
“especially US-FRG” bilaterals.129 In dealing with Bonn, “our key objective
will be to have Kohl reaffirm Bonn’s commitment to having a united
Germany retain its membership in NATO,” because “maintaining a credible
nuclear deterrent in Europe will require Germany’s continued membership
and agreement to some form of US nuclear basing.”130
Still, suspicions lingered between State and the NSC. Blackwill advised
Scowcroft that Baker, Ross, and Zoellick might be tempted to play heroes.
By that he apparently meant they might start soloing again as they had done
in Ottawa. As Blackwill put it, “I think Secretary Baker and his close
colleagues find the prospect of negotiating the future security structure of
Europe in the Two Plus Four Ministerial context irresistible.” The NSC
needed to keep a sharp eye on them to prevent that from happening.131
Baker was not the only one fending off suspicions. Just as he had
returned home from an exhausting week of tense, top-level negotiations in
both Moscow and Ottawa only to find conflict at home, so too did Genscher
—first with cabinet colleagues, then with European colleagues. At a cabinet
meeting in Bonn on February 14, 1990, the foreign minister found himself
in a pitched battle with the West German defense minister, Gerhard
Stoltenberg, who disliked the idea of making concessions about NATO’s
future just as much as the NSC did. Genscher, perhaps aware that Moscow
was trying to switch the green light to yellow or red, still worried that the
Soviets might balk in the end if Bonn made no concessions at all. That did
not stop the defense minister from airing his objections to a major
newspaper, which promptly published them on February 17, 1990. The
article forced Genscher to go public as well in response.132 An ugly public
spat developed to the point where Kohl felt it necessary to enforce a cease-
fire on February 19.
Kohl announced, in keeping with what he had told Gorbachev, that
NATO would move “no units or structures” onto what he hoped would soon
be former East German territory. To emphasize the point, the chancellor
insisted that both Genscher and Stoltenberg state publicly that they agreed
with this view, which they did.133 Genscher then doubled down at a
conference with fellow European leaders on February 21. He repeated yet
again that there would be “no expansion of NATO beyond its previous
region.” And yet again he clarified afterward that both the GDR and Central
and Eastern Europe were included in that prohibition. This issue, he said,
“was not just of significance with regard to the territory of the GDR. The
comments yesterday by the Hungarian foreign minister, [Gyula] Horn,
showed that.”134 Horn, to Genscher’s intense dismay, had speculated
publicly about Hungarian integration into NATO. Even worse, he had raised
the idea directly with the US deputy secretary of state, Lawrence
Eagleburger, who was on an extended visit to Eastern Europe. Eagleburger
had immediately told Baker that his Eastern European hosts were
speculating on “the collapse of the Warsaw Pact” and that Horn hoped “a
new NATO could provide a political umbrella for Central Europe.”135
Since Genscher’s battles, unlike Baker’s, played out largely in public,
Washington was able to see them unfold in real time—and did not like what
it saw. Bush decided he needed to inform Kohl personally that such views
were no longer acceptable. Since Kohl was a foreign head of government,
however, Bush could not simply issue an order to him. Instead, he wisely
settled on a strategy of flattery and persuasion. He decided to invite Kohl
for a cozy winter weekend visit to Camp David on February 24–25, an
honor never previously bestowed on a German chancellor.136 Even by
Bush’s standards, it would be an impressively small circle. The leaders
invited the only aides they truly trusted—Baker, Blackwill, Scowcroft, and
Teltschik, plus trustworthy notetakers—because it was clear that this
session would be for all the marbles.
It was probably best that Genscher was not invited, as he would not have
liked what was on the political menu. As Scowcroft advised the president in
a bold-letter briefing, Kohl’s spine needed stiffening against the kind of
concessions Genscher was proposing. While it was clear that Kohl’s “heart
is in the right place,” it was also clear that “he wants to be the Chancellor
who united Germany. All else will become for him secondary and
negotiable.” If he “opts for a weaker form of NATO association, perhaps
withdrawing from the integrated military command as the French did under
[President Charles] De Gaulle, NATO will be finished as a viable security
institution.” As a result, “the time has come for an honest and unadorned
talk with Kohl” about the “bottom-line on security issues.”
Bush needed to accomplish several goals at Camp David with Kohl.
First, he and Kohl had to agree on how to choreograph the two-plus-four
talks “to minimize Soviet ability to weaken Germany’s membership in
NATO.” Next, because “Germany is NATO’s fulcrum,” Washington needed
a pledge from Kohl “that he will not allow Germany’s indispensable role in
NATO to be weakened in any way.” This pledge was utterly essential, given
that Genscher and some “Chancellery advisors are also actively considering
. . . the dissolution of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact and replacing the
Alliances with ill-defined, and toothless, all-European security guarantees.”
Even measures short of dissolution could be devastating; if NATO had to
pull back its nuclear deterrent from German soil, members of Congress
would rightly ask why the president was taking nuclear cover away from
the hundreds of thousands of US service personnel who were their
constituents. To prevent that, Bush had to get “the fundamental commitment
of the FRG to full membership in NATO, including its military structures,”
and “the continued presence of American nuclear weapons on German
As Kohl was inbound on the morning of Saturday, February 24, 1990,
Bush used the time to give his fellow leaders, including Thatcher, a chance
to share their input. He called her at 8:01 a.m. and, at the start of a lengthy
chat, explained that Kohl would arrive without Genscher, since the issues
that the president wanted to raise were “delicate to discuss.”138 Bush
complained that the Czechoslovak president, Václav Havel, was trying to
get “all Soviet and US troops out of Europe.” Havel was, like the Polish
dissident Lech Wałęsa, a figure of enormous moral stature. The Czech
leader had been imprisoned for his beliefs before becoming president in the
wake of the 1989 revolution in his country. He had spoken to a joint session
of the US Congress two days previously and received seventeen standing
ovations. Bush was concerned that Havel’s popularity might inspire others
to share his stance. Thatcher agreed that Havel was “quite wrong” and was
drawing a false equivalency, and she agreed with Bush that US troops had a
different, defensive status.139
They next discussed Poland, with Bush confessing his surprise that
Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the Polish prime minister, “wants the Soviets to stay.”
Thatcher confirmed that Mazowiecki was indeed “quite prepared for the
Soviets to stay,” precisely because the Poles “are worried about the Oder-
Neisse line,” specifically its inviolability if Germany reunified. Unhappy to
hear this, Bush responded that he was “not comfortable with Soviet troops
staying there.” The US president now felt free to express a preference about
the continued presence of Soviet troops not just in divided Germany but
also in Poland. He told Thatcher that Mazowiecki’s view would not remain
“popular for long with the Polish people, in spite of worries about the
border.” Soviet troops should leave even as US forces stayed, he felt; he
was also “for keeping our nuclear weapons in Europe.”
The president segued to the two-plus-four, saying he wanted to limit its
role, to avoid giving “Moscow a forum . . . that it will use to exploit
German domestic politics to pressure Kohl to somehow accept a loose
arrangement between Germany and NATO that would spell the end of the
Alliance.”140 Thatcher pushed back, arguing that the two-plus-four should
“deal with the big issues.”141 Her reply was not surprising, given that the
forum was the one place where Britain had at least a seat at the table if not a
veto, but Bush was unconvinced.142
That same day, the president sent Baker to Dulles Airport to greet Kohl’s
party and escort them by helicopter to Camp David—which Baker did in
cowboy boots and a red flannel shirt, in keeping with Camp David’s casual
dress code. Bush and Scowcroft headed separately to Maryland.143 At some
point the president managed to squeeze in a conversation with NATO
secretary general Wörner, another strong opponent of Genscher’s
accommodating attitude toward Moscow.144
Wörner argued there was “only one critical question,” namely, “will
Germany be neutral,” or will it belong to NATO? “The answer to this
question,” he believed, “will decide future decades of European history.”145
He believed that, if a united Germany were not in NATO, it would become
a neutral, dangerous giant sitting in the middle of Europe: “It will not have
nuclear weapons for a time, but a neutral Germany may want nuclear
weapons.” He added, “I am frightened by such a vision”—even though he
was speaking of his own country. To avoid a united Germany doing what
Nazi Germany had failed to do—become a nuclear power on its own—“we
must avoid the classical German temptation: to float freely and bargain with
both East and West.”146
In reply, the president asked about what states east of Germany were
thinking. The secretary general replied that “the countries of Eastern Europe
are wondering about where they fit in; whether they will be untied either to
the rest of Europe or to the West.” He added that to “demilitarize part of
Germany is a silly idea.” Bush, processing the implications, agreed that “we
have a selling job to do with Gorbachev.” Wörner was not worried:
“Gorbachev has no strong cards. He cannot prevent German unification on
Western terms.”147
Before long, Baker and the German party arrived. Bush used one of the
camp’s golf carts to drive the Kohls to their guest house personally. He tried
to lend the chancellor a parka as protection from the cold, but because
Kohl’s waistline substantially exceeded Bush’s, there was no hope of
zipping it up. Teltschik was impressed by the extent of the retreat, which
was a fifty-eight-acre compound that included tennis courts, a heated
swimming pool, a bowling alley, and numerous visitors’ residences.
Although an icy wind shook the trees of the camp so forcefully that the
noise could be heard indoors, Teltschik nonetheless remembered a warm
and friendly atmosphere developing as the group assembled in front of a
roaring fire on a midwinter Saturday afternoon.148
All of the visitors received a photo of themselves with the president
standing in front of the fireplace. Bush personally instructed Teltschik that
he should take off his tie. Barbara Bush took even more dramatic action:
using a big pair of scissors, she cut Blackwill’s tie in half. That particular tie
had been a running joke between Mrs. Bush and Blackwill. He knew that
she hated it, so would purposely wear it whenever she was in attendance to
provoke her. Knowing that, Mrs. Bush came prepared with scissors—and
the gift of a much nicer tie for Blackwill to wear instead.
The discussion soon turned serious. The chancellor anticipated that “the
states of Eastern Europe will probably become members of the EC during
the 1990s.” Germany would then be geographically in the center of Europe,
instead of on its eastern fringe, and “economically, we will be number one.”
Given its future position and weight, “others must see that Germans are the
most European Europeans.” East Germany was collapsing; “it looked like a
giant, but it was hollow.” His own ten-point plan for confederation has
already been “swept away.” Dramatic action was needed, including rapid
monetary union, even though the famous economist “Marty Feldstein says
we are crazy.” But “textbooks don’t help; they don’t have answers for
problems like this.” Kohl also asked about Bush’s plans to update the short-
range nuclear missiles so detested by Germans, and Bush reassured him that
the plans were “dead as a doornail.”149
The president then asked whether Poland was showing an interest in
Soviet forces staying because Kohl would not publicly guarantee the
permanence of the current East German–Polish border after unification. In
other words, were Poles so afraid of a united Germany trying to reclaim
territory given to Poland at the end of World War II that they wanted
Moscow’s troops to stay as a means of preventing that? The chancellor
responded that they should not be; the border was indeed permanent; the
problem was the political impact of saying so clearly. It was a sensitive
issue among older German voters who had fled, or been forced to leave,
such territory during and after World War II.150 Many were CDU voters for
whom the opening of the Wall had represented the chance to regain former
family property in the East, and Kohl did not wish to alienate them in an
election year. The foreign ministry in Bonn had already received hundreds
of angry letters from Germans asking why the government was not trying to
recover what they saw as their rightful territory. One letter-writer suggested
that the East German–Polish border be renamed the “Hans-Dietrich-
Genscher-Line” so that “future generations will always be reminded who
got rid of our homeland like a sack of potatoes.”151
Bush decided to move on, noting in passing his dismay about Genscher’s
insult to the Italians in Ottawa. Kohl agreed that the crack had been “totally
unnecessary” and that, thanks to Genscher, he would have to do a “master
resuscitation” of relations with Italy and others in Europe. But he drew the
line at mollifying Thatcher: “I can’t do anything about her. I can’t
understand her. The [British] Empire declined fighting Germany—she
thinks the UK paid this enormous price, and here comes Germany again.”
Bush replied that it was important to keep Thatcher in the loop nonetheless,
and that “I called Margaret today just to listen to her, which I did for an
hour.” It was to no avail; Kohl would not agree to take Thatcher into his
The chancellor could not escape the need to talk about NATO, however.
Bush broached the subject by sharing with Kohl the NSC’s thinking on
minimizing the scope of the two-plus-four. “I would hate to see the Two
Plus Four get involved in the issue of Germany’s full membership in
NATO,” the president said, not least because “full German membership is
linked to our ability to sustain troops in Europe. You must understand that.”
Kohl said he not only understood but was happy about it: “I want America
in Europe, and not only its military presence. I want to eradicate the concept
of Fortress Europe. Hundreds of steps are required, but we must make
Fortress Europe an impossibility.” Pleased by the reply, the president seized
the moment and moved to the bottom line: “the Soviets are not in a position
to dictate Germany’s relationship with NATO. What worries me is talk that
Germany must not stay in NATO. To hell with that.”152
A hard line, he went on, was necessary because “we prevailed and they
didn’t. We can’t let the Soviets clutch victory from the jaws of defeat.” The
chancellor responded that Soviet demands for Germany to leave NATO
might be only “poker” tactics to improve the Soviets’ position in talks. The
game might “end up as a matter of cash. They need money.” The question
was one of price. Bush noted pointedly, “you’ve got deep pockets.”153 Bush
continued to press his case with the Germans over a dinner of roast beef,
followed by a movie afterward.
The hospitality did not stop Kohl from reportedly floating some
unwelcome trial balloons, however: the idea of uniting Germany in NATO
along French lines, perhaps with a prohibition on troops or military
structures ever moving on to eastern German territory—precisely what
Scowcroft had feared. As the national security advisor knew all too well,
although France was a founding member of the alliance, in the 1960s de
Gaulle had pulled it out of NATO’s integrated military command after
repeated conflicts with Washington. The practical result was that, while still
a member in name, France had essentially stopped participating in NATO’s
day-to-day military activities.154 Although there remained an expectation
that French troops would join the rest of the alliance in case of war, Paris
neither took part in major planning processes nor made forces available on
a routine basis—and insisted that decision-making about nuclear weapons
had to stay in national hands.155 Even worse, Paris had long since made
American troops leave French territory. This was not a model Bush would
accept for Germany.
Kohl had to agree to remain fully in NATO, and the president wanted a
clear commitment to that effect.156 Kohl did not immediately respond,
asking instead if he could think about it overnight. Blackwill recalled the
entire US side being surprised and worried by this delay, but Bush agreed to
let Kohl sleep on it and answer on Sunday morning. Before long, most of
the jet-lagged Germans disappeared to their beds. Only a lone German
notetaker stayed up to watch Charlton Heston and Christian Bale in
Treasure Island all the way to the end.157
Early the next day, the two delegations were scheduled to attend a
church service together. Blackwill, who by this point had formed a close
relationship with Teltschik, approached the West German just before the
service to ask whether Kohl was now in agreement with Bush. Yes, he was,
Teltschik replied. Relieved, Blackwill rushed to inform Bush just before the
service began. The president thanked him, saying Blackwill had made the
church service much less anxious.158
Teltschik had a request of his own to pass along: “We should not use the
word ‘jurisdiction’ when referring to NATO and former GDR territory.”
This wording gave the Soviets (not to mention Genscher) leverage by
suggesting that Article 5 might not apply to eastern German territory after
unification. Baker responded, “Right. I agree completely. I used the term
‘jurisdiction’ before I realized that it would impact” Article 5. He also
wrote to Genscher on February 28 to confirm that “the term NATO
‘jurisdiction’ was creating some confusion, and we agreed therefore that it
should probably be avoided in the future in describing our common position
on Germany’s NATO relationship.”159
The Camp David summit ended with a late-morning press conference. In
front of journalists, Bush emphasized “the importance of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and full German membership in it,” explicitly
dismissing the idea that “Germany might follow the French pattern,
belonging to the organization but not integrating its troops into the NATO
command structure.” He added for good measure that “American troops
could remain in Germany even if all Soviet troops left.”160 Privately, the
president and his team knew the weekend had been a huge success. As
Blackwill put it, Bush “was able at Camp David to advance Kohl’s position
significantly and explicitly to support full NATO membership for a united
Germany.” There were no two ways about it: “that is bad news for
It was. Gorbachev had lost the big game. Kohl had tipped the balance in
favor of Bush’s objectives. He did so because he had come to realize he
could achieve what he wanted—the unity of his country—without having to
make major concessions over NATO’s stationing of foreign troops, nuclear
weapons, or even its future options for extending Article 5 eastward.
Instead, Bush and Kohl would work closely together to keep alliance troops
and weapons in the West and to expand NATO across all of Germany as
soon as possible. Using Kohl’s “deep pockets,” they would take advantage
of the Soviets’ economic weakness and make financial and economic
incentives, not security concessions, the core of their strategy.
But justifying and implementing this strategy in the coming months
would be profoundly challenging. Bush and Kohl needed to persuade
Gorbachev to give up his legal right to keep troops in divided Germany.
While doing so, they needed to avoid undermining Gorbachev so much that
it might hasten the storm that Kohl feared: a coup that would topple the
Soviet leader before he blessed reunification. As Baker put it, “ensuring a
unified Germany in NATO” would “require every ounce of our skills in the
months to come.”162 He was more right than he knew.
I N HIS MEMOIRS, ROBERT GATES WROTE of the strategy after Camp David
that “we were trying on two levels to bribe the Soviets out of Germany.”
First, “knowing of their desperate economic circumstances, West Germany
was offering them a pile of money to agree to unification in NATO”—and
given that “the Soviets approached us for loans” as well, Washington gained
even more leverage by “leaving open the possibility” of providing them.
Second, the United States advanced “a number of proposals” on the
alliance’s future, all designed to render “unification in NATO acceptable” to
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. The idea was to give him something “he
could use at home” with domestic critics.1 Gates thought it best to present
both bribes in as face-saving a manner as possible—he felt “ ‘inducements’
and ‘incentives’ were nice diplomatic words” to use instead—but the
strategy was clear, and the remainder of 1990 turned into a mad rush to
implement it.
As the West German chancellor, Helmut Kohl, explained to British
foreign minister Douglas Hurd on May 15, 1990, “foreign policy was like
mowing grass for hay. You had to gather what you had cut in case of a
thunderstorm.” The chancellor fully expected “that in 12 months’ time we
would wake up and read that there had been a major turn for the worse in
the Kremlin.”2 It was crucial to gather the harvest before that storm. The
harvest’s key components had been agreed on at Camp David: a unified
Germany fully in NATO, meaning the extension of Article 5 to its eastern
region—that is, across the Cold War front line. Because of President George
H. W. Bush’s success in getting Kohl to link unification with expansion in
this way, the fight for German unity and the fight for NATO’s future beyond
the old inner-German dividing line became one and the same.
This contest played out over several locations in 1990, with crucial
encounters in Washington in May and June; in the Soviet village of Arkhyz
in July; and in Moscow in September. As these encounters unfolded, the
European political context shifted. Central and Eastern European leaders
began to realize that, despite the upheaval of 1989–90, the structure of
post–Cold War European security would largely remain unchanged, with
the continent divided between NATO and non-NATO states. They
scrambled to obtain berths on their preferred side of the divide, expressing
interest in joining the alliance not only to its Brussels headquarters but also
to the US National Security Council. These expressions of interest made it
even more desirable to keep the alliance’s eastern options open. When West
Germany unexpectedly showed last-minute willingness to limit the range of
NATO forces after all, it yielded a bitter struggle at the eleventh hour.3
Germany’s Western allies signaled that crossing the line was so important,
they were willing to risk derailing unification just hours before it was due to
be finalized.
The Soviet leader would soon have a chance to address all of these issues
with Bush personally at the US-Soviet summit starting in Washington on
May 31, 1990. The US president also invited Gorbachev to go onward, after
the main session in the capital, to Camp David by helicopter. That invitation
meant, as Bush and Scowcroft noted, that the American and Soviet leaders
would be sitting in one helicopter, “accompanied by the military aides
carrying the nuclear codes that allowed each of us to destroy the other’s
country.” That was seen as acceptable given the larger goals.49
In preparation for this summit, Bush and Kohl worked closely with each
other and with the secretary general of NATO, Manfred Wörner. The West
Germans were in the process of providing the first of Gates’s two bribes—a
pile of money—so it was now up to Washington, in consultation with
Wörner, to provide the second: proposed reforms to NATO that Gorbachev
could “use at home” to win over hard-liners.
Bush felt a NATO summit should take place in summer 1990 in order to
publicize a more appealing face to the alliance.50 A summit was planned for
July 5–6, 1990, right in the middle of the Congress of the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union, scheduled for July 2–14. To start publicizing NATO’s
new face even before then, however, Wörner gave a speech on May 17
about how the alliance would adapt to “changed circumstances.” He noted
that “the newly-democratizing nations of Central and Eastern Europe
recognize that without NATO they would not have regained their
independence and freedom—and indeed could not retain them.” Turning to
divided Germany, he unwisely gave a hostage to fortune in his efforts to
help Gorbachev make the sale to Soviet hard-liners at the party congress.
Instead of repeating the intentionally vague wording about a “special
status” for eastern Germany, Wörner used an incautious turn of phrase—
which Moscow would use to castigate the West for decades afterward. He
said that “the very fact” that the alliance was willing “not to deploy NATO
troops beyond the territory of the Federal Republic gives the Soviet Union
firm security guarantees.”51
Kohl visited Washington to help with strategizing for Gorbachev’s
arrival.52 By now, the chancellor had become a welcome and frequent
visitor to the States; at one point he appeared twice in three weeks.
Nevertheless, he and Bush still had differences, mostly over how much
economic assistance the United States would provide to the Soviet Union.
Although the White House was, as Gates had advised, “leaving open the
possibility,” it remained fundamentally unwilling to make large loans to
Moscow. Given this reluctance, one Baker subordinate worried that “Kohl
is likely to come with over-optimistic expectations as to how much progress
we are likely to make with Gorbachev on German and European issues
during the upcoming Summit.”53
Bush and Kohl did agree, however, that the trickiest problem would be
the removal of Soviet troops from East Germany without parallel requests
for the removal of NATO troops from West Germany. The two men needed
to find a way for Gorbachev to save face as that happened because, as Kohl
told the president on May 17, 1990, “he has big problems. His East
European allies say they want to be in NATO.”54 The German chancellor
actively welcomed the idea that Central and Eastern European countries
might become part of the alliance. As he told his fellow party leaders on
June 11, “the best thing that could happen to us would be for Poland to
demand NATO membership.” If the Poles made such a demand, “we should
praise it loudly” because it would both take Germany off the front line and
ease Polish anxieties. The alternative—Germans opposing NATO’s
expansion—would “destroy” the alliance, “with catastrophic
consequences,” up to and including “the possession of nuclear weapons by
Gorbachev was indeed complaining about his Warsaw Pact allies
wanting to join NATO, including in a meeting with Baker on May 18, 1990.
The secretary of state, as he told Bush, found the Soviet leader upset by
“indications that we are seeking to wean the East Europeans away.”
Gorbachev had added, “ ‘if they want to move away on their own, okay,’ ”
but Washington “shouldn’t be promoting this.” Baker denied making any
effort to “wean the East Europeans away,” but Gorbachev remained
skeptical.56 The Soviet leader contacted the Czech president, Alexander
Dubček, saying on May 21 that “a great game is underway. Naturally you
are being pulled in, just like the Hungarians and the Poles.” He then asked
“if the whole of united Germany is going into NATO, then maybe we
should go into this alliance as well?”57
The Soviet leader raised the issue yet again with the French president on
May 25, saying, “I told Baker: we are aware of your favorable attitude
toward the intention expressed by a number of representatives of East
European countries to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact and subsequently
join NATO.” If that happened, Gorbachev said, he would demand entry for
the Soviet Union as well, and then what would Washington do? Mitterrand
listened accommodatingly to Gorbachev’s complaints, but indicated that
there was strong momentum toward all of unified Germany becoming a full
member in NATO—meaning the alliance would not simply stay behind its
old Cold War border—and that he did not want to “become isolated from
my Western partners” by opposing that momentum. The French president’s
comments signaled to Gorbachev that there was little he could do to block a
unified Germany in NATO.58 The Soviet leader nonetheless continued
complaining at a meeting of Warsaw Pact leaders, where he lamented
Western talk of “bringing the countries of Eastern Europe, or at least part of
them, into NATO.” The “ulterior motive and goal” of such talk was clear:
“to extend the function of NATO in Europe and beyond.”59
The unhappy Gorbachev also kept questioning Germany’s need to be in
NATO, or the need for NATO at all. While with Baker on May 18, 1990, he
had accused Washington of not taking his ideas about a pan-European
security solution seriously, insisting to Baker that a precious opportunity
was slipping away. If Germany simply joined one of the old Cold War blocs
instead, soon the moment would be lost and it would become impossible to
create a new pan-European alliance; instead, as Gorbachev lamented, “it
will be too late to build a credible security structure in Europe.” Privately,
Baker let Bush know afterward that he had interpreted that remark to mean
the Soviets “would have lost our leverage and Germany would be a big,
dangerous power.” 60
The secretary said aloud to Gorbachev what he thought about
Gorbachev’s idea of a pan-European security institution: “an excellent
dream, but only a dream.” Almost exactly one year earlier, in a speech in
Mainz on May 31, 1989, Bush had called for “a Europe whole and free,”
but Baker dismissed the prospect that the whole of Europe might enter into
a security alliance as a fantasy. NATO was a reality, and a Germany solidly
implanted in it would be in the Soviet Union’s interest.61 Gorbachev asked
whether the Soviet Union should join the transatlantic alliance. “I will
propose to the President, and will say publicly, that we want to enter
NATO,” Gorbachev informed Baker. This, he emphasized, was “not some
absurdity” but rather a serious consideration. When Baker avoided
responding directly, Gorbachev repeated that “our membership in NATO is
not such a wild fantasy.” The United States and the Soviet Union had once
been allies, why not again? In reply, Baker shifted the conversation back to
the two-plus-four.62
Since Gorbachev was personally raising the subject of German, Central
and Eastern European, and Soviet membership in NATO, it would clearly
be a contentious issue at the summit. Western leaders decided to use a
riposte that Mitterrand had already raised with Gorbachev: the so-called
Helsinki principle, the right granted to all signatories of the Helsinki Final
Act of 1975 to choose their own military alliances.63 During the Cold War it
had been a hollow promise, as Central and Eastern Europeans knew they
were not free to choose anything but the Warsaw Pact. But on paper, at
least, the Soviet Union had committed to this principle.
Now, in the changed circumstances of 1990, Bush and Kohl realized that
the principle could be useful. Because West Germany was a signatory to the
act, a united Germany as its legal successor would have the right to choose
its alliance, and it would of course choose NATO. Therefore, it would be
unproblematic for the troops of its NATO allies to remain—unlike the
Soviet forces, which would enjoy no such justification.64
To sweeten this bitter pill, the Bush administration decided to inform
Gorbachev at the summit that a united Germany would renounce “ABC”
(atomic, biological, and chemical) weapons as West Germany had already
done. Bonn would also concede that Soviet troops could remain for a
transition period. But Washington would offer no massive financial aid.
Because that aid was Gorbachev’s immediate main interest, Bush told Kohl
not to expect much from the summit. Rather, the US goal was limited: for
Gorbachev to “come out feeling he has had a good summit, even though
there are no major breakthroughs.” 65
The internal briefing papers for the
summit concluded that, as a result, expectations should be kept low.66
As Bush expected, the Washington summit did not finalize German
unification, but there was a significant development: Bush and his advisors
succeeded in getting Gorbachev to confirm that the future of European
security would indeed follow the Helsinki principle.67 Few concessions
were as important for the future of NATO expansion. Falin, still enough in
favor with Gorbachev to be brought to the summit, recalled with no small
degree of anguish how he and others were blindsided by Gorbachev’s
agreement on this point. The Soviet leader’s concession, according to Falin,
came after a minor “rhetorical flourish” by Bush.68 Gorbachev had been
trying to convince the US president of the desirability of a joint
membership for united Germany in both NATO and the Warsaw Pact,
suggesting that the alliances would act as “two anchors” to secure the
country more firmly. The US side disagreed, with Baker objecting that such
an arrangement would smack of schizophrenia. Bush interjected that, thanks
to the Helsinki principle, the choice was ultimately up to the Germans
themselves: “if Germany does not want to stay in NATO, it has a right to
choose a different path.” 69
The Soviet leader grabbed at that comment, Falin later recounted, like a
drowning man clutching at a straw. Gorbachev apparently believed that
Germany might actually choose something other than NATO.70 Mistakenly
seeing that line as a benefit for his side, the Soviet leader suggested publicly
announcing that Germany “would decide on its own which alliance she
would be a member of,” seemingly unaware how much that remark helped
the US side. Sensing a win, Bush agreed, suggesting a slightly different
formulation: while the United States wanted Germany in NATO, if
Germany were to make “a different choice, we would not contest it, we will
respect it.”71 Gorbachev unwisely agreed.
Soviet delegation members, aware of the concession their leader was
making even if he was not, could no longer contain themselves. Bush and
Scowcroft later recalled that both Falin and Marshal Sergey Akhromeyev, a
Soviet war hero and Gorbachev’s security advisor, became visibly angry.
The two Soviet advisors suddenly “snapped back and forth in loud stage
whispers in an agitated debate as Gorbachev spoke. It was an unbelievable
scene, the likes of which none of us had ever seen before—virtually open
rebellion against a Soviet leader.” Falin even succeeded in claiming the
floor for himself. He tried to undo the damage by making a long statement
about the desirability of a pan-European security system. Scowcroft later
recalled wondering if he were watching an insurrection in real time.72 But
Falin’s comments came too late. Plowing ahead despite the obvious
dissension in his ranks, “Gorbachev lamely continued the discussion,” Bush
and Scowcroft remembered, “trying to back away but never completely
repudiating his earlier statements.”73
A press conference that evening publicized the formulation as agreed,
driving Falin to despair. He began to ask himself “what was the sense” of
advising Gorbachev on this matter anymore.74 Akhromeyev’s despair was
even deeper. He increasingly began to oppose Gorbachev, offering his
support to the leaders of the coup attempt that would take place a little over
a year later. When it failed, he took his own life.
By contrast, the US side could not believe its good fortune at the
summit. When Bush shared the news with Kohl, they concluded that the
Soviet side, riven by disagreements, did not know what it wanted.
Gorbachev and his advisors were reduced to improvising.75
Gorbachev faced yet more opposition when he returned home after the
summit. Boris Yeltsin, a regional Communist leader from Sverdlovsk whom
the Soviet leader had brought to Moscow, was rising in prominence.
Although Gorbachev and Yeltsin had both been born in 1931 and shared the
searing experience of growing up in a country at war, the two men could not
have been more different. Gorbachev had earned a law degree at the oldest
and most prestigious university in Russia, Moscow State, had entered the
party as a young man, and was married to a Marxist philosopher. Yeltsin,
born near the frigid Urals, had studied at a provincial polytechnic, married
another engineer, and entered the party late.76 He had made a name for
himself when then–Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev ordered the demolition
of the house where the last czar and his family had been executed, and
Yeltsin brought it down less than twenty-four hours later, earning a series of
promotions.77 Once he was in Moscow, however, he clashed increasingly
with Gorbachev, and they became enemies.78
Instead of continuing to fight Gorbachev for influence within the
Communist Party, Yeltsin abruptly announced in July 1990 that he was
leaving the party to seek success in the new world of semi-free electoral
politics. Gorbachev’s reforms had made such politics possible, but since the
Soviet leader had unwisely avoided putting himself in front of the electorate
even when he might have won, Yeltsin would be the ultimate beneficiary.79
Scowcroft reportedly thought Yeltsin’s sudden conversion to democracy
was a smokescreen and that he “ ‘was a pure opportunist’ ” who became “
‘a democrat because that was the way to get out’ ” from under the Soviet
leader’s thumb. In the end, he “ ‘was fundamentally after power.’ ” Unlike
Gorbachev, however, Yeltsin was “ ‘a populist and knew what appealed and
loved that part and did it very well.’ ”80
Yeltsin had made himself popular in Moscow by personally criticizing
store managers for empty shelves and bus drivers who turned up late at
stops.81 In May 1990, he became the elected leader of the Russian republic,
to the dismay of the Soviet leader. As Gates told Bush that July, “we may
have underestimated Yeltsin.” The deputy national security advisor noted
the significance of Yeltsin’s electoral victory, which undercut “Gorbachev’s
precarious domestic position.” Despite a “serious drinking problem”—
perhaps self-medication after a plane accident and spinal surgery that left
him in ongoing pain—in Gates’s view Yeltsin was “going to be a major
player,” not least because he “has boldly saddled a number of horses that
look unbeatable.” For example, Yeltsin’s “emphasis on the ‘sovereignty’ of
the Russian Republic” and his “plan to renegotiate its relations with other
constituent republics of the Soviet Union cuts through the Gordian knot of
the nationalities problem which Gorbachev has been unable to cope with.”82
Gorbachev’s reforms, by contrast, were becoming an “incoherent
mishmash,” and the Soviet leader appeared to have not “the faintest idea of
a way out” of the morass in which his country found itself. Gates concluded
that “Gorbachev has earned his place in history but now history seems to be
moving beyond him.” He advised Bush that “it would be a pity for you, Mr.
President, as you boldly and confidently lead the West into the future, to be
seen in the Soviet Union as wagering everything on a man whose vision at
the end of the day does not reach far enough.”83
On top of the threat from Yeltsin, Gorbachev also had to deal with the
Soviet economic situation, which kept going from bad to worse. Kohl began
to wonder whether the entire country was collapsing.84 While an enemy’s
collapse would in theory be good news, the chancellor did not want it to
happen before he secured from Moscow the two key concessions necessary
for unity: the withdrawal of Soviet troops and the surrender of the country’s
four-power legal rights.85
As a result, Kohl’s team worked even more urgently to find what Gates
had diplomatically termed “inducements,” such as an agreement by the
West Germans to cover many of the costs of keeping Soviet troops in East
Germany. Those forces had arrived as victorious occupiers, but at the end of
the Cold War they were demoralized, housed in deteriorating barracks, and
underfed. East Germans living near Soviet bases complained that the troops
seemed desperate, hungry, and perhaps dangerous. A particularly
worrisome development was that, like their comrades in Hungary, they
were apparently selling army property and weapons for personal gain.
If the troops’ woes were not bad enough already, German economic and
monetary unification was due to occur on July 1, 1990, well in advance of
political unification. The event threatened to immiserate Soviet forces by
introducing a hard currency those soldiers could scarcely afford at market
exchange rates. On top of everything else, there were rumors that Soviet
troops withdrawing from Czechoslovakia and Hungary might head to East
Germany rather than the Soviet Union because they faced such shortages
back home.86 In light of all these issues, Moscow sought Bonn’s help in
paying its forces, and Bonn agreed to provide it. On June 25, 1990, West
Germany committed to pay 1.25 billion DM in “stationing costs” for Soviet
troops in the second half of 1990. The irony of this was heavy. West
Germany would pay to continue to be occupied by the USSR after the
collapse of the Berlin Wall. Soviet soldiers and their dependents would also
be allowed to exchange their so-called field bank savings into deutsche
marks at a very favorable rate. As the historian Vladislav Zubok noted,
“Moscow still held the keys to German sovereignty,” and Bonn held “the
keys to the savings of the Soviet military in East Germany.” It was “only
logical and pragmatic to exchange these keys.”87
West German bankers and government leaders thus committed a
substantial amount of funding to Moscow. The other inducement—a NATO
relaunch—was still being assembled. Although the alliance consisted of
sixteen states, it was only the close confidants of US and West German
leaders—Baker, Scowcroft, Horst Teltschik, and their subordinates—who
wrote the crucial NATO communiqué of July 1990. They did so through a
secretive exchange of drafts in late June, thrashing out the most sensitive
issues among themselves.88 As Baker put it, “we resisted sending” the draft
through the “NATO bureaucracy.”89 Among other reasons, they wanted to
retain control over such subjects as how NATO should deal with nuclear
issues. According to handwritten notes from a discussion with the president,
Baker felt it “critical we not get into debate” on tactical air-to-surface
missiles “or other air-launched nucl[ear] weapons—must duck that issue
stay general, avoid debate.”90
Another major question was whether the alliance should try to deal with
the Warsaw Pact as a whole or with its individual members. Scowcroft felt
that since the pact was crumbling, talking to individual members made
more sense. The idea of liaison offices to Central and Eastern European
countries resulted. The national security advisor also thought it was too
soon for Germany to make concessions on its overall troop numbers. That
should be saved for the talks about a potential Conventional Forces in
Europe (CFE) Treaty.91 What mattered more than any details, according to
Baker, was to “get Ger. unified in NATO soon.”92
Once the final draft was complete, Bush specified that only Wörner and
the British, French, and Italian leaders should edit it, not the NATO
bureaucracy.93 Although Wörner initially had some “worry” about this
procedure, he was so enthusiastic about the final draft of the communiqué
that, as he told Bush, he almost offered the messenger who came bearing it
“champagne” instead of coffee.94 He particularly liked the idea of liaison
missions opening a door to Central and Eastern Europe. That cause was
helped by a joint declaration of the West German Bundestag and its East
German equivalent in late June, confirming the existing GDR-Polish border
as permanent even after unity. This declaration helped to diminish the
Poles’ anxiety and made them less willing to let Soviet troops stay.95
In London, at the NATO summit itself, the United States and West
Germany succeeded in getting their press release through the alliance
bureaucracy with hardly any changes (although not without resistance; at
one point Baker had to spend six straight hours defending the US
position).96 To ensure that Gorbachev knew about this communiqué and
could use it against his opponents at home, Bush highlighted for him on
July 6, 1990 “a few of the steps that we have taken to transform NATO” and
“to extend the hand of friendship to countries who were our adversaries
during the Cold War.”97
The Soviet leader was glad to hear it, because he was coming under
bitter attack from opponents who wanted to oust him at the Communist
Party Congress. Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze was pleased that
the press release had been approved during the congress, saying later that it
had helped his cause greatly. Always a glass-half-full optimist, Gorbachev
emerged from the congress feeling confident, despite the vicious attacks he
had endured and his loss of favor even among former supporters.98
He also proposed ways to make a unified Germany fully in NATO
acceptable to the USSR. He began emphasizing the obvious fact that there
were many models of alliance membership: French, with nonintegration
into the military command; Danish-Norwegian, with prohibitions on the
stationing of foreign troops and nuclear weapons; British, with nuclear
weapons under domestic control; and West German, with extensive
integration of forces. Gorbachev argued that NATO membership for all of
Germany should be negotiated à la carte, using these models as options.99
To push back against such talk, Kohl sought an invitation to go to the
Soviet Union so that he could make the final sale in person, and Gorbachev
invited him for July 15 and 16, 1990. Significantly, the Soviet leader invited
the chancellor not just to Moscow but also to join him and his wife, Raisa,
at their favorite summer vacation spot, the village of Arkhyz near
Gorbachev’s hometown of Stavropol.100 Kohl, thinking Gorbachev would
hardly do such a thing if he expected a contentious summit, took it as a
good sign. Even better, just before leaving for Moscow, he received word
that Gorbachev had already exhausted loans from German banks that
Teltschik had helped to organize in May 1990 and needed more; that would
be to Kohl’s advantage too.101
Falin hoped to prevent a repeat of the disaster he had witnessed in
Washington from taking place in Arkhyz. According to his own later
account, he sent Gorbachev written advice on July 9, 1990 on how to avoid
one. He also demanded a phone call with Gorbachev to emphasize his
points personally. The Soviet leader, presumably annoyed at the demand
and still smarting from the way Falin had embarrassed him in front of Bush,
kept Falin waiting for a call until the midnight just before the Germans’
arrival. Trying to undo the Helsinki principle, Falin insisted Gorbachev tell
Kohl that Germany could not enter NATO—or, “minimum minimorum,”
could not have nuclear weapons of any kind anywhere on its territory. Once
again, he pointed out that a majority of Germans supported the idea of
denuclearizing their country.102 But it was too late to change Gorbachev’s
mind. Saying, “I fear that the train may have already left the station,” the
Soviet leader got off the phone quickly.103 Gorbachev also made clear Falin
had fallen out of favor by excluding him from the party traveling to Arkhyz.
On July 15, the chancellor and Teltschik touched down in Moscow,
where they spent two hours alone with Gorbachev and Chernyaev. In his
diary, Chernyaev noted afterward that Kohl was “determined and energetic”
in playing an “honest but hard game.” Gorbachev and Kohl, according to
Chernyaev’s overall summary of their talks, discussed how the “bait” of
financial inducements was no longer the only, or even the primary, reason
Gorbachev was at this point accepting a united Germany’s participation in
NATO. Rather, the two agreed it was “senseless” to try to “swim against the
stream of events.”104 In other words, the Germans had succeeded in creating
an overwhelming sense of inevitability.
Kohl asked to begin planning both for Soviet troop withdrawal and for
NATO to expand throughout united Germany. He also expressed his
willingness to talk about future limits on the size of German armed forces
and went through details of past and future economic cooperation between
West Germany and the USSR. Gorbachev responded that there were
“howls” from Soviet military that he was “selling the Soviet victory in
World War II for deutsche marks.” Despite their complaints, he was willing
to say that the Soviet forces would stay only three to four more years and to
concede that “the united Germany will be a member of NATO” provided
“the territory of the GDR does not come under NATO jurisdiction as long
as Soviet troops are there.”105
As had happened during his February 1990 visit, the German chancellor
was once again thrilled to see enough of a green light to proceed. When the
larger delegations, including the staff of the West German embassy in
Moscow, joined them afterward, Kohl told the assembled group that “at the
end of the year, according to everything that we know now, and plan to do,
Germany will reunify.”106 Privately, Teltschik also told the West German
diplomat Joachim Von Arnim, still at the Moscow embassy, that their
strategy “is working.”107 When Gorbachev later changed his mind and asked
if Soviet troops could stay for up to ten years, Kohl would not allow it.108
Gorbachev had now plunged not just Falin but also Chernyaev into
despair. In his misery, Chernyaev found an excuse to avoid getting on the
flight to Arkhyz afterward, even though he was on the guest list and the
Germans asked about his absence. He confessed to his diary that he felt
“completely destroyed” and considered resigning.109
Without either Chernyaev or Falin, the Soviet and West German
delegations then flew to a brief intermediate visit to Stavropol. Nazi
Germany had occupied the city and, as a gesture of reconciliation, Kohl
agreed to the stop in order to lay a wreath at a war memorial. The senior
members of both delegations then went on to Arkhyz, with more talks the
next day, July 16, 1990, to sort out details.
Once there, Gorbachev made clear that he expected copious funding to
cover the Soviet troops’ withdrawal, resettlement, and retraining. Kohl
would not go into details, saying that such matters were better left for
expert subordinates to work out over the summer. The two leaders, he said,
should focus on East German territory after the Soviet troops’ withdrawal
and, by extension, what NATO could do there. Gorbachev declared flatly
that “NATO’s military structures” could not extend eastward, without
saying specifically what that included. The West Germans resisted, pointing
out that according to the Helsinki principle, a united Germany had the right
to select its own alliance. Whatever structures such an alliance required on
German territory would be wholly up to the German government.110
Eventually Gorbachev yielded and offered a compromise: he would
allow unity if NATO agreed that no nuclear weapons, and only German
troops, could be stationed in eastern Germany after the Soviet withdrawal.
Both restrictions were limits that Washington had hoped to avoid but were
not the deal breakers that complete German denuclearization would have
been—and anyway, no Americans were present. Kohl and Genscher found
the concessions reasonable. They also agreed to a future ceiling of 370,000
troops for the Bundeswehr.111
Kohl held a press conference as soon as possible, and television stations
rushed to broadcast the story.112 Later, the chancellor filled Bush in,
confirming that the strategy they had mapped out back in February was now
coming to fruition. “I used your formula from Camp David,” Kohl
recounted, saying that as a sovereign country, Germany “can decide for
itself its alliances. And I explained that the Germans would vote
unequivocally for NATO.” Kohl saw Gorbachev as having “burned all his
bridges behind him.” Kohl believed Gorbachev could not “go back” and
thus needed his Western partners to help him go forward. Some of Bush’s
advisors were less than thrilled about Kohl’s concessions, which evoked
memories of an earlier German-Russian deal—one journalist spoke of the
“Stavrapallo” summit—but for the Americans too, there was no going
In the wake of these events, the Soviet media, still largely controlled by
the party, seemed uncertain about how or even whether to publicize the
leader’s concessions to the domestic audience. Soviet newspapers appearing
on July 17, 1990 carried no reports on the Gorbachev–Kohl talks of the
preceding two days.114 Perhaps the most bitter Soviet reaction came,
unsurprisingly, from Falin, who described his reaction to the news from
Arkhyz as “rage.” He complained that not only he but all institutions of the
Soviet Union had been kept in the dark during this critical hand of the poker
game. He felt that Gorbachev should “ ‘sell’ ” unification only for a much
“higher price,” but it was too late.115 By then Falin had already concluded
that his best course of action would be to “lay himself down crosswise on
train tracks.”116
September Struggle
Yeltsin got his chance to rid himself of the Soviet leader two months later.
The Bush administration had been right to warn Gorbachev that a
reactionary coup was coming, but wrong about the timing. It did not happen
in June but on August 19–21, 1991, while Gorbachev was on vacation in
Crimea. Ambassador Strauss reported afterward that the catalyst for the
coup had been a desire to stop the scheduled August 20 signing of “a new
union treaty” that would lead to “a greatly reduced role for the central
Soviet government and to greatly enlarged powers for the republics.” 61 The
reason publicly given by the coup plotters, however, was that the Soviet
leader was ill. Bush wondered aloud whether that was a euphemism for
being tortured, and “maybe that means that Gorbachev’s fingernails
wouldn’t come out.” 62
Putschists succeeded in putting Gorbachev under house arrest in his
vacation residence. Back in Moscow, Yeltsin and his entourage made their
way to the Russian parliament building, where in a show of resistance they
climbed onto a tank sent to menace the parliament and waved a Russian
flag. Televised around the world, it made for a powerful image.63 As
Yeltsin’s biographer Timothy Colton later noted, the sight reminded
Russians of “a totemic image from another revolution, tattooed in their
heads by the history primers they had read as children,” namely, of Lenin
inspiring the proletariat “from an armored car in April 1917.” 64
discussing events with Mulroney, admitted how amazed he was to see
Yeltsin “on top of a tank saying this coup must be reversed,” adding, “you
have to give him credit for enormous guts.” 65
The president, who had previously run the CIA, was upset at the lack of
intelligence on these dramatic August events. As he complained to
Mulroney, “our embassy didn’t know a damn thing. We were surprised like
everyone else.” Scarcely three weeks earlier, thinking the coup danger of
June was over, the president had visited the USSR and allowed Soviet vice
president Gennady Yanayev to serve as “my host when I was in Moscow.”
Now, as one of the leaders of the coup, Yanayev was claiming the title of
acting president.66
While the putsch was unfolding, Bush was unable to get any information
from Gorbachev, who was held incommunicado. But he did manage to
speak repeatedly to Yeltsin, who explained that he was trying to negotiate
with Kryuchkov, the rest of the KGB, and the military to bring an end to the
violence.67 Kryuchkov, who Gates had suspected in 1990 of turning against
Gorbachev, appeared to be the main organizer of the coup. In the words of
the former US ambassador to Moscow, Jack Matlock, “no credible attempt
to overthrow Gorbachev could have been mounted without the support of
the KGB chief.” 68
According to Kozyrev, Yeltsin at one point stopped
protesters from taking over KGB headquarters, perhaps as part of his
negotiations with Kryuchkov.69
The KGB’s special forces, the spetsnaz, had reportedly received a
spoken command to attack the parliament—but according to a journalist,
since nobody was prepared to give a written order, those forces balked and
did not attack right away.70 Yeltsin warned Bush on the morning of August
21, 1991 (US eastern time), that spetsnaz forces were “not following my
orders and capable of attack,” and that the situation remained fluid. There
had been deaths in the fighting in Moscow, and Yeltsin told Bush that “30
Spetznaz [sic] aircraft are being sent out” in order “to take over a number of
sites and locations,” apparently in the Baltics.71 There were also no fewer
than three different aircraft racing to Gorbachev in the Crimea. Yeltsin
hoped the one piloted by his allies would arrive first.72
One person who had by then already successfully completed a flight was
the young Russian foreign minister, Kozyrev. Fearful that the coup might
succeed, Yeltsin had dispatched him to Paris, to declare a Russian
government-in-exile if necessary. Welcoming him, his French hosts did
their best to shield him from other Soviet diplomats in France loyal to the
coup plotters, but they could not prevent a menacing KGB call to his room
at the Hôtel de Crillon, threatening his family back in Moscow. And despite
his hosts’ solicitousness, Kozyrev noted that French diplomats remained
“consistently evasive.” He allowed himself “no illusions: the West, however
sympathetic to the democrats in Russia, would be careful not to anger the
rulers in the Kremlin. . . . The fate of Russia would be decided in Moscow,
not in Washington or Paris.”73 He nonetheless allowed himself a sense of
hope, feeling that, in the popular resistance to the coup, he saw the signs of
the potential triumph of the Russian people.74
Back in Moscow, Yeltsin was gradually gaining the upper hand. He
conveyed to Bush that he had successfully ordered some forces and tanks to
retreat to “the periphery of Moscow,” in order to decrease the chance that
they would be used.75 Scowcroft recalled gradually realizing, to his relief,
that the putsch leaders were “inept,” but “had the coup been more carefully
planned” or started sooner, “the results could have been quite different,
quite different.”76 Late on August 21 eastern time, Yeltsin shared yet more
good news with Washington: the aircraft bearing his allies had succeeded in
rescuing Gorbachev and was now bringing the Soviet leader “back to
Moscow unharmed and in good health.” Even better, the coup attempt was
collapsing; Kryuchkov, the defense minister, and other plotters “have been
taken into custody.” Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev, his long downward slide
since the Washington summit of 1990 now complete, would soon thereafter
commit suicide.77 He left behind a note, addressed to no one, saying, “ ‘I
cannot live when my fatherland is perishing and everything that I believe to
be the meaning of life is being destroyed.’ ”78
The putsch ended, and soon Gorbachev was back in Moscow—but it was
far from clear whether he was back in charge.79 On August 23, Yeltsin
dramatically upstaged the Soviet president during a televised speech,
making Gorbachev look weak.80 Yeltsin also suspended the Russian
Communist Party, capitalizing on his newly charismatic image as the leader
of resistance to the coup.81 He in effect launched a countercoup of his
Shock waves from the failed putsch rippled across the region. They
fatally undermined Mitterrand’s attempt to create some kind of a pan-
European confederation; Moscow now seemed less like a desirable partner
and more like an unstable danger.83 The coup also accelerated secessionist
movements throughout the Soviet Union. Prior to August 1991, only
Lithuania and Georgia had announced their independence; afterward, nine
more republics followed suit, including Ukraine.84 In a show of nuclear
independence, the leader of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, simply
decreed that he was closing a Soviet nuclear test facility on Kazakh
territory, the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, on August 29, 1991, forty-
two years to the day after the first Soviet nuclear test had been conducted
Speaking to Bush about the coup, Prime Minister Mulroney worried that
they were both coming under fire for having done so little to help
Gorbachev financially at the G7 meeting in London on July 15–17, 1991.
Critics were saying, “if you people had been more generous in London,
maybe this wouldn’t have happened.”86 Russia expert and journalist Strobe
Talbott had already argued as much in Time magazine, writing that “ ‘the
USSR has conceded so much and the US reciprocated so little for a simple
reason: The Gorbachev revolution is history’s greatest fire sale. In such
transactions, the prices are always very low.’ ”87 Regardless, Bush and his
advisors continued to oppose large amounts of aid to Moscow; this view
increasingly diverged from that of Bonn, Paris, and London. When the
British prime minister, John Major, suggested that the G7 consider an aid
package to help Gorbachev get back on his feet, the NSC still advised
against it, saying, “we will not be stampeded into far-reaching decisions.”88
Instead, Bush’s most urgent question during the coup, as he told
Mulroney, was “who is controlling the nuclear weapons?”89 It was a
question of existential interest. The Soviet Union possessed 27,000 nuclear
weapons by the end of 1991, according to testimony of Harvard expert
Ashton Carter at the time—plus the production facilities and fissile material
to make many more.90
Bush was not alone in his concern. As Kohl put it to party colleagues,
the future of the Soviet nuclear arsenal, specifically of arms control talks,
was of “elemental interest.” He worried about civilian nuclear plants as
well. Living much closer to Moscow than Bush, the chancellor wanted to
ensure Europe did not live through “a second Chernobyl,” the April 1986
disaster that had exposed millions of Soviet and European residents to
plumes of radioactive material.91 The West also needed to watch out for
something else, if the behavior of Soviet forces in Central and Eastern
Europe was an accurate guide: the theft and black-market sale of
components of the Soviet nuclear arsenal amid the chaos. A 1991 study at
Harvard noted the worrisome prevalence of a new saying: “ ‘everything is
for sale.’ ”92 A New York Times article reported that Soviet middlemen were
seeking “to sell weapons-grade materials to the highest bidders.”93
Bush and his aides were coming to realize how threatened not just
Gorbachev but all Soviet central authority was. Embassy staff cabled, “we
urgently need high-level guidance” because, coup or no coup, the Soviet
Union “remains the only country in the world capable of destroying the US
in 30 minutes.” It was essential to ascertain the status of “command/control
and security of nuclear weapons.”94 The American secretary of state rushed
to Moscow in September 1991. Ambassador Strauss, who was not just
President Bush’s friend but also Baker’s goose-hunting buddy, accompanied
the secretary as they drove around town during his visit, trying to figure out
who had the power to kill nearly every American. At one point, Baker
reportedly looked out the car window and remarked, “ ‘shithole of a town
you got here, Bob.’ ” Strauss responded, “ ‘fuck you, Jim.’ ”95
The two men faced an embattled Gorbachev, and Baker told him that
“control of all types of nuclear weapons” must be maintained. The Soviet
leader reassured him, unconvincingly, “that in this respect everything will
be as it was before. The Center and the President remain the supreme
commander-in-chief.”96 Baker decided nonetheless to take part in a dinner
with the heads of a number of Soviet republics, since he suspected that he
would need them.97 The secretary had begun to echo Wörner’s assessment
of Gorbachev as a man going under; as Baker later recalled in his memoirs,
it “was hard not to feel sorry for” him.98 On top of the coup and the nuclear
issue, it was becoming apparent that, once winter arrived, the Soviet Union
would face even worse food supply problems than in the past. Without
Western assistance, there would be real hardship.99 The food problem raised
yet another issue; the Bush administration insisted that there be a
connection between Western assistance—even emergency food and
medicine—and the fulfillment of previous Soviet debt obligations. Moscow
had to maintain creditworthiness, be transparent about its gold reserve
holdings, and take responsibility for debts incurred by the Soviet Union if it
wanted help.100
Returning to Washington, the secretary went to the White House for a
breakfast with Bush, Cheney, and Scowcroft to share the news from his trip.
His underlined notes from the breakfast show that although he had met with
various republic leaders, he considered it unwise to court them too soon. In
his words, “if we push too rapidly to launch a campaign where we have the
team going out to the republics, we’re likely to undercut our objective of
preserving some cohesion . . . on nuclear weapons.” In his opinion, the
ultimate goal should be “centralized control of nukes.” The United States
should do what it could to “preserve center.”101
Some tentative follow-up with the republics resulted, but mostly at a
lower level than talks with the secretary of state. Baker tasked his
undersecretary, Reginald Bartholomew, with arranging meetings in the
republics possessing parts of the Soviet strategic weapons, namely, Russia,
Ukraine, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan. Bartholomew emphasized to all of
them that Washington would oppose “efforts by republics to exploit or take
exclusive control of nuclear powers on their territory.”102 As Kozyrev later
recalled, it was clear that Bush and Baker were, because of their concerns
about the atomic arsenal, reluctant about Yeltsin’s desire to end Soviet
central authority.103
Bush and Baker were not alone; concern about the Soviet coup and its
effect on nuclear safety was bipartisan. Senator Samuel Nunn, a Georgia
Democrat, visited Moscow to ask whether Gorbachev had maintained
continuous control over the Soviet nuclear arsenal during the coup. When
the senator could not get a straight answer, he became deeply alarmed.104
Gorbachev did not want to admit that he had temporarily lost control of his
nuclear briefcase, one of three necessary to order a launch. For a time, the
ministry of defense had apparently become the sole master of the Soviet
nuclear forces, because it already possessed two duplicate briefcases and
had reportedly taken Gorbachev’s for a while.105 As a result of this troubling
development, Nunn initiated a sustained effort with the help of
Representative Les Aspin, the Democratic chair of the House Armed
Services Committee, to increase the security of Soviet weapons. On
November 27, 1991, largely as a result of Nunn’s efforts, the Senate passed
the Soviet Nuclear Threat Reduction Act by a vote of 86 to 8.106
This vote only reinforced Bush’s focus, in September 1991, on the status
of Soviet nuclear weapons.107 A particular worry were tactical nuclear arms,
both Soviet and American, intentionally designed to have small yields and
shorter ranges. As Scowcroft later noted, they “were increasingly troubling
politically and—to me—increasingly meaningless militarily.” In addition,
such weapons would be devastating in the hands of terrorists, so the White
House wanted to account for as many of the Soviet ones as possible. There
were an estimated 22,000 such weapons in the disintegrating USSR, some
tiny enough to fit in a duffel bag. An idea arose to inspire Gorbachev to
remove such weapons from deployment by announcing that the United
States would do so. The national security advisor had some difficulty
convincing Cheney of the desirability of removing them—the Secretary of
Defense’s initial reaction was “ ‘absolutely not’ ”—but Scowcroft
succeeded in the end.108
The larger strategic weapons systems, spread over four of the Soviet
republics, obviously remained a worry as well, although the national
security advisor was ambivalent as to whether action was needed on that
matter. Scowcroft thought four diminished arsenals, divided among weak
post-Soviet republics ill-prepared to manage them, might be less
threatening to the United States than the original combined Soviet force
under centralized control. Scowcroft admitted, though, that “loss of
physical control of the country’s weapons of mass destruction” was
dangerous. And yet again he found himself in conflict with Cheney, who
argued for a more “ ‘aggressive’ ” approach to the Soviet meltdown, such as
immediately establishing US diplomatic consulates in all republics. Bush
and Scowcroft later criticized Cheney’s recommendations as a “thinly
disguised effort to encourage the breakup of the USSR.”109
Undeterred, Cheney pushed in particular for bolstering relations with
Ukraine.110 If it succeeded in its efforts to peel away from the Soviet Union,
Ukraine would instantly have the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the
world.111 Cheney thought it desirable to get in on the “ ‘ground floor’ ” with
Kiev.112 Bush had visited there on August 1, 1991 as part of his recent pre-
coup trip to the Soviet Union, during which he had signed the Strategic
Arms Reduction Treaty (START).113 At that time, his primary interest was
in shoring up Gorbachev and maintaining central authority, and he
disappointed the Ukrainian democratic opposition with lukewarm public
remarks on their dream of full independence in an address that was swiftly
nicknamed the “Chicken Kiev” speech.114
Now, in the immediate wake of the coup, he was willing to listen to
Cheney—and to Ukrainian leader Leonid Kravchuk, visiting Washington on
September 25, 1991. By then the Ukrainian parliament, or Rada, had both
passed a declaration of independence and scheduled a public referendum on
that declaration, to be held on December 1 as part of that day’s presidential
election.115 Kravchuk was blunt in his remarks to Bush, making clear his
view that central Soviet authority was “disintegrating” and that the USSR
had no future.116
The president decided that the time had come for dramatic measures on
limiting nuclear weapons. He realized that he needed to accomplish as
much arms control as possible while there was still a central Soviet
authority to deal with. The best way to do that, he decided, was to call for
unilateral cuts—not just for tactical but for other weapons as well—and to
hope that Moscow would copy his moves. Cheney remained skeptical of
this approach, but Scowcroft prevailed again.117 The national security
advisor and his aides felt this dramatic gambit was the fastest way to get
Gorbachev to follow suit while he still could. When informed by phone of
these developments, Secretary General Wörner also declared that he would
support such an initiative—as long as it was clear that there would continue
to be “air-based nuclear systems in Europe.” Scowcroft responded,
The president decided to make a televised announcement, letting
Americans know he was acting unilaterally to avoid, in Baker’s words,
getting “bogged down in another protracted, set-piece negotiation,” since
events were simply moving too quickly for that. Baker briefed NATO allies
in advance, telling them the United States would “withdraw and destroy all
of its nuclear artillery shells and nuclear warheads for short-range ballistic
missiles.” Bush also planned to “remove all nuclear weapons from surface
ships and attack submarines, and withdraw nuclear weapons for land-based
naval aircraft.” Strategic bombers were to come off of their “alert posture,”
which meant “bombs loaded and ready to take off on a few minutes’
notice.” Bush would also take off alert status “all ICBMs [intercontinental
ballistic missiles]” scheduled for reduction under START. But, Baker
reassured his allies, “we do not intend to de-nuclearize Europe.” Bush and
his advisors saw “an indispensable role for air-delivered theater nuclear
weapons into the indefinite future, and remain committed to keeping
NATO’s nuclear deterrent modern.” In return, Bush hoped to inspire “the
Soviets to take comparable steps.”119
The US president called Gorbachev on the morning of September 27,
1991, the day he planned to make this televised announcement.120 Bush
emphasized that, while these moves were one-sided, the White House
hoped the Soviet Union would take parallel steps. A surprised Gorbachev
said he could only respond in principle, but that his “answer is a positive
one.” He asked if Bush would cut back on testing as well, but Bush
responded that “we’re reluctant on testing” and not yet ready to talk about
it.121 Despite that issue, Gorbachev declared Bush’s initiative historic, and
comparable to what he and the previous US president, Ronald Reagan, had
considered at Reykjavik. Once the White House staff tracked down Yeltsin,
the Russian president also approved, telling Bush that his initiative was “a
beautiful concept.”122 The dramatic move worked. On October 5,
Gorbachev announced that he would follow suit.123 The Soviet Union would
destroy all nuclear artillery ammunition and warheads for tactical missiles,
remove all naval nonstrategic weapons from surface ships and submarines,
and implement a host of other arms reductions.124
By autumn 1991, the NSC had concluded that the chances of “a long-term
role for Gorbachev” were “nil.”125 Scowcroft started referring to “the
collapse of the Soviet Union” in October 1991 as if it were an accomplished
fact. Looking back on that time from the year 2000, he explained, “what
became clear to me was that Yeltsin was maneuvering so that the Ukraine
would be the proximate cause of the breakup of the Soviet Union.” But the
real reason was the Russian leader’s cunning in using that country’s desire
for independence as an excuse for what he wanted to do anyway. Put
differently, “the Soviet Union was disintegrating,” Scowcroft believed,
“almost completely because it was the way Yeltsin could get rid of
Gorbachev”—by making the latter man into the leader “of a political entity
that no longer existed.” The national security advisor realized that “the
forces of disintegration were pretty strong,” but speculated that “if there had
not been that enmity” between Yeltsin and Gorbachev, “I think there still
could have been some kind of a Soviet Union today.”
That enmity was very real, however, and so in October 1991 Scowcroft
began assessing what Soviet disintegration meant for NATO’s future, not
least because Central and Eastern European leaders were now openly trying
to flee into the alliance’s arms.126 Havel renewed his request to Bush for
“some form of associate membership” in NATO.127 That request, Scowcroft
thought, confirmed that “the failed coup brought NATO’s role vis-à-vis the
East front and center.” He reminded Bush that “both within the Alliance and
within your Administration we have been debating the merits of expanding
NATO membership.” Now the pros and cons were becoming clearer. Pro
was that NATO needed to grow or else risk becoming “increasingly
irrelevant to a changing Europe”; con was that expansion risked “diluting
NATO’s structures and patterns of cooperation on common defense.”
Another factor was the thinking in Paris: “The French are reluctant to see
the EC expand eastward and have opposed a NATO expansion eastward as
well.” After considering the matter carefully, Scowcroft felt con was more
convincing. He advised informing Secretary General Wörner, visiting in
October, that “we did not feel the time ripe to extend NATO’s security
guarantees eastward.”128
Wörner, by contrast, felt there was a need “to upgrade NATO’s relations
with the nations of Central and Eastern Europe” in some way.129 Aides to
Baker and the German foreign minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, jointly
proposed an upgrade short of expansion, namely, some kind of NATO-
affiliated organization that Central and Eastern European states could
join.130 The idea was to give those states a new, NATO-adjacent opportunity
while avoiding the tricky question of membership in the alliance itself;
Mitterrand had hoped his proposed confederation could do the same for the
EC. The NSC agreed with this idea, adding that the new Baker-Genscher
organization “should leave open the possibility of membership in NATO”
so as not to appear to be “a permanent second class waiting room.” In the
meantime, US policy would calibrate expanded ties to the actual degree of
“democratization” in each country.131
Discussing the Baker-Genscher upgrade with Wörner on October 11,
1991, Bush asked if its set of potential members should “include the
Baltics.” The United States had never recognized de jure Soviet takeover of
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. But those three states had de facto come
under Moscow’s domination, so admitting them would be a dramatic slap in
the face of the still-extant Soviet Union.132 Wörner replied, “yes, if the
Baltics apply they should be welcomed.” In fact he was already in contact
with them; the president of Lithuania, Vytautas Landsbergis, “wanted to
come see me at NATO, but because I am here today the Vice President of
Lithuania” was in Brussels with subordinates instead.133 It was a sign of just
how dramatically the Soviet collapse was expanding NATO’s opportunities.
With Bush’s support, Wörner returned to Brussels to turn the Baker-
Genscher initiative into an organization. The July 1990 NATO summit had
rhetorically offered a “hand of friendship” to former enemies. Now, a new
North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) was to turn that rhetoric into a
reality by becoming a forum for dialogue and cooperation. To achieve this
goal, the secretary general worked closely with the US Mission to NATO;
all agreed the new organization should focus on the former Warsaw Pact
states “plus the Baltics.”
The policy made good sense. It began to open doors to Central and
Eastern Europe, but not in a way that obviously antagonized Moscow. How
exactly joining the NACC would affect the prospect of any given state
joining the alliance itself was left open, and that ambiguity was an asset. As
the US Mission to NATO noted, it “was not practicable or desirable to
define precisely an exact division of labor among NATO, the EC, and
CSCE at this point.” Furthering the ambiguity, Wörner got the allies to
agree on a so-called nondifferentiated approach for processing NACC
applications—meaning that applications from Soviet republics would
receive the same treatment as those from former Warsaw Pact countries.134
While obviously not welcome news in Central and Eastern Europe, such an
approach helped avoid drawing a new line across Europe between more
eligible and less eligible regions. Finally, a plan emerged to announce the
new council at a NATO summit in November 1991, with the NACC
convening its first full session in December.
There was a rub, however. Would Ukraine be welcome in the NACC as
well? What if it asked for a NATO liaison office in Kiev? A shift of
Ukraine’s loyalties away from Moscow and toward the West during such a
tumultuous period as 1991, even in such seemingly minor ways as
expressing interest in the NACC, would have far-reaching impacts.
With roughly 52 million inhabitants at the time, Ukraine was, in
population terms, both the second-largest Soviet republic and the size of a
major European state; the British and French populations were 57 and 58
million, respectively.135 Ukraine’s history as an East Slavic and
predominantly Orthodox state had long been deeply intertwined with
Russia’s. There were millions of ethnic Russians living among, and married
to, Ukrainians.136 If Ukraine decided in its referendum of December 1, 1991
to become fully independent, it would at once commence a painful
economic and political divorce from its fellow Slavs and also become a
greater nuclear power than either Britain or France. Ukraine’s choices
would clearly have such far-reaching effects. From Moscow, Ambassador
Strauss advised Washington that “the most revolutionary event of 1991 for
Russia may not be the collapse of Communism, but the loss of something
Russians of all political stripes think of as part of their own body politic,
and near to the heart at that: Ukraine.”137
In short, the question of what to do about potential Ukrainian interest in
NATO was fraught with significance; it was, in a way, a question about
where Europe ended in the East. There was also an enormous practical
problem: Gorbachev was furiously trying to stop Bush from dealing directly
with Kiev. As a descendant of both Russians and Ukrainians, he was doing
his utmost to prevent his ancestral lands from parting ways.138 The Soviet
leader claimed, as part of that effort, that Ukraine in its current borders
would be an unstable construct if it broke away. He told Bush that it had
come into existence only because local Bolsheviks had at one point
gerrymandered it that way to ensure their own power. They had “added
Kharkov and Donbass,” and Khrushchev later “passed the Crimea from
Russia to the Ukraine as a fraternal gesture.”139 Now, however, Kiev’s talk
about independence was causing resistance in just those heavily pro-
Russian regions, which Gorbachev intimated would rebel against any
attempt at independence. Because of all of these concerns, an internal Bush
administration “Draft Options Paper” on policy toward the region
recommended exploring “the possibility of Ukraine joining the NATO
liaison program at a later time.”140
But the issue would not rest. The future of Ukraine caused controversy
when Bush received Gorbachev’s advisor, Alexander Yakovlev, on
November 19, 1991. Focused as ever on nuclear weapons, Bush asked
about plans for the estimated 25 percent of the Soviet nuclear arsenal that
was outside of Russia, particularly the weapons in Ukraine.141 Yakovlev
replied, “of course, we won’t give up our weapons. They’re guarded by
central authorities.” When Baker pointed out that guards might not remain
loyal to Moscow, noting “some troops have moved over to the republics,”
Yakovlev dismissed the concern: “I know some of the colonels may talk
very demonstratively,” but “this doesn’t mean they actually will act as they
talk.” Baker pressed the point again, wondering if there would be open
conflict between Russia and Ukraine once they separated. Yakovlev,
skeptical, responded that there were 12 million Russians in Ukraine, with
“many in mixed marriages,” so “what sort of war could that be?” Baker
answered simply: “a normal war.”142
The future of the Soviet Union was clearly becoming ever more
unpredictable. The coup plotters of August who had hoped to restore
Moscow’s central authority had instead hastened its disintegration. As
Ambassador Strauss wrote that month, “the Russians have never faced a
reversal quite like the one they do now: the loss, without a contest of arms,
of territories and populations which have been under Russian suzerainty
since the early years of the Romanov dynasty.”143 In particular, if Ukraine
fell away, the survival of the entire remaining union would be in doubt.
The driving factor remained Yeltsin. He continued to build upon his
triumphant role in stopping the August coup. On November 26, 1991,
Yeltsin had his foreign minister, Kozyrev, hand-deliver a letter to Bush
containing the Russian president’s vision for the future. In it, Yeltsin
announced that “Russia is breaking with the Communist past.” He planned
to implement “price de-control even before the end of the year, a stringent
monetary-financial and credit policy, a tax reform, and strengthening of the
ruble.”144 He welcomed the idea of the NACC and made clear that Russians
“intend to get involved in the work of this body” as part of his “support of
the NATO efforts to build a new system of security from Vancouver to
Vladivostok,” thereby echoing a turn of phrase already used by Baker and
Genscher.145 The Russian president also confided to Bush that he was
considering a reshaped “political union” with “the Ukraine and other
sovereign republics,” presumably cutting the detested Gorbachev out of the
picture entirely.146
To Bush, Yeltsin portrayed his interest in any form of union, whether a
continuation of the Soviet Union or a wholly new entity, as entirely
conditional upon Ukraine’s willingness to participate. As the Russian leader
explained to the US president in a follow-up call on November 30, 1991, if
Ukraine were absent, “that would dramatically change the balance in the
Union between slavic and islamic [sic] nations,” which would be
unacceptable. He would not, for ethnic reasons, tolerate “a situation where
Russia and Byelorussia have two votes as slavic states against five for the
Islamic nations” in some future union.147 Yeltsin had also realized that if he
were left alone without Ukraine in a political union with much smaller
republics, Russia might get stuck with their debts. Since Russians could not
afford to subsidize the other republics, their president decided he needed
some kind of political ark to keep his people above water as the rest of the
union went down in the storm. “Yeltsin and his aides faced the choice of
either continuing the imperial burden on their own or quitting the empire,”
in the words of historian Serhii Plokhy, and they leaned toward the latter:
“the Russian ark was leaving the Soviet dock.” The scheduled Ukrainian
vote on independence, taking place just two days later on December 1, was
assuming a new significance: Yeltsin had decided to seize upon it as the
moment to decide the future of the entire Soviet Union. The bottom line
was that, as Yeltsin told Bush, if Ukrainians voted for independence by a
margin of greater than 70 percent, he would immediately recognize Ukraine
as a separate state.
Surprised, Bush asked why Russia would take the dramatic step of
recognizing the independence of the second-most-populous republic in the
Soviet Union so quickly. Yeltsin replied that he wanted to make clear where
he stood right away because he needed to work with the new president of
Ukraine “in the beginning of December” on urgent next steps, meaning the
final destruction of Gorbachev’s authority. The Russian president and his
advisors also worried that the local armed forces had already started
swearing allegiance to the new capital in Kiev (now increasingly known by
its Ukrainian name, Kyiv), so if Russia tried to resist independence, there
might be fighting. He was additionally concerned about “central control of
strategic nuclear weapons” on Ukrainian soil, not least because Ukraine had
“very modern installations—large silos.” Yeltsin intended to pursue “the
removal of nuclear weapons from Ukrainian territory,” even though it
would be costly and would take “several years.” In closing, he implored
Bush to keep all of this confidential, and Bush promised that he would.
In the December 1 vote, with a turnout of 84 percent, a jaw-dropping 90
percent of Ukrainians chose independence.148 Bush called to congratulate
Kravchuk, who won the presidential race the same day. The president-elect
reported proudly that “not even a single district in Ukraine came in below
50% support for Ukrainian independence”—including the parts of the
country that Gorbachev had wrongly predicted would resist independence.
Bush asked whether Kravchuk would be willing to receive State
Department emissaries to discuss issues such as disarmament, and
Kravchuk indicated that he would.149
After hearing this news, Bush decided to follow Yeltsin’s example and
made it known that he would recognize Ukraine “ ‘expeditiously,’ ” a move
that a Wall Street Journal editorial on December 4 by the arms-control
expert William Potter criticized as unwise. Potter found the president’s
“unconditional recognition of Ukrainian independence” to be “short-
sighted” because Bush should impose a condition: Ukrainian accession to
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, or NPT, as the
price of that recognition.150 The NPT had entered into force in 1970 and, in
cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, had developed a
complex system of institutions and agreements for preventing violations
and verifying compliance.151 Potter advised Bush to “clarify the terms for
US diplomatic recognition of Ukraine” and make the country abide by those
rules before granting it the high-value gift of full US recognition. The
president went ahead with full legal recognition by the end of the month
without such a binding condition, presumably hoping that a previously
declared Ukrainian intent to forsake nuclear weapons would hold.152
If the shocking December referendum result had caused Bush to miss a
step, however, it caused Gorbachev to miss many more. The Soviet leader
had been trying to resume discussions for the new “Union Treaty” that had
been knocked sideways by the coup.153 Now Kravchuk was no longer
willing to sign, and Yeltsin had no interest in belonging to a rump union
without Ukraine.154 Gorbachev was losing the last vestiges of control, and it
was not clear what would come next. If the union was disappearing, what
would replace it?
To find an answer, Yeltsin decided he needed to get far away from
Moscow and Gorbachev. He, Kravchuk, and Belarusian leader Stanislav
Shushkevich—that is, the three Slavic leaders with nuclear weapons on
their territories—took advantage of a previously scheduled visit by Yeltsin
to Belarus to retreat to Viskuli, a hunting estate in the Belavezha forest near
the Polish border. Yeltsin had decided to map out the future only with them,
excluding other republics and the Soviet leader.155
After two days of arm-twisting, brainstorming, and drinking, Yeltsin
called a surprised Bush out of the blue on December 8, 1991, with news of
what they had decided to do. The option of sticking with the current
“system in place and the Union Treaty everyone is pushing us to sign does
not satisfy us.”156 As heads of the three republics still in existence among
those that had, on paper at least, founded the Soviet Union in 1922, they felt
entitled to dissolve that union.157 They had decided to replace it with a new
commonwealth of independent states (CIS) by having a signing ceremony
for an accord to that effect in an ornate room at the Viskuli government
estate. The amazed US president could respond with little more than “I see”
and “uh huh.”
Yeltsin promised Bush that the CIS states would “work out, develop, and
codify unitary command over the military.” They would “provide for single
control of nuclear weapons.” A stunned Bush could only thank Yeltsin for
the news and promise to get back to him after consulting his aides. The
Russian president concluded by saying that “this is really, really hot off the
press—this is the latest information. To be frank, even Gorbachev doesn’t
know.”158 Yeltsin did not mention to Bush that he had intentionally gotten
out of informing Gorbachev by making Shushkevich phone Moscow.
Upon hearing the news, a livid Gorbachev apparently demanded that
Kravchuk come to Moscow, but Kravchuk refused. Yeltsin, however, had to
go home to Moscow, but he took precautions. When he finally confronted
Gorbachev in person, he brought armed bodyguards because he reportedly
was worried that Gorbachev might arrest him. The Soviet leader did not
attempt to do so, however, presumably because he could not be sure of the
popular consequences.
Thereafter, Yeltsin moved swiftly to implement the Belavezha accords,
as the deals struck in the hunting lodge became known. The Ukrainian and
Belarusian parliaments ratified them on December 10, 1991, and the
Russian parliament followed suit on December 12.159 Yeltsin also continued
his extraordinary openness with Bush, telling him in advance of all the
moves he hoped to make. He asked Bush “not to be concerned about
nuclear arms” because there would be “a unified strategic military
command.” There was no place for Gorbachev in the new CIS, but the
Russian president promised he would treat Gorbachev “with great respect.
Everything will be gradual with no radical measures.” Washington should
get ready because very soon, possibly by the end of that month, “the
structures of the center will cease to exist.”160
Baker’s assessment of these developments was stark. As he put it to the
president on December 10, “strategically there is no other foreign issue
more deserving of your attention or time” than the future of the Soviet
nuclear arsenal in the wake of the country’s breakup. Scowcroft still
disagreed; as he later put it, “I was pretty relaxed” about the issue because
he felt it better to face a nuclear arsenal fractured into parts than a
coordinated whole, and because he did not believe Ukraine or Kazakhstan
would target the United States. In stark contrast, Baker argued that there
was no value for Washington in nuclear rivalries among former Soviet
states and that only one nuclear power must emerge: Russia.161
Taking Baker’s advice to heart, Bush signed into law the Soviet Nuclear
Threat Reduction Act, originally promoted by Senator Nunn, which was
meant to facilitate the transportation, storage, safeguarding, and elimination
of Soviet weapons.162 Speaking at Princeton University on December 12,
1991, Baker also called for an international aid conference to help the “
‘disoriented and confused’ Soviet people.”163 He also declared there would
be an airlift of food to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities.164 This was
not purely charitable. The Defense and State Departments worked with the
JCS to find ways to combine the air drops with a closer look at parts of the
Soviet Union that had long been of interest to US strategic planners.165
After his Princeton speech, Baker flew to the dying Soviet Union for
meetings between December 12 and 15 with the leaders of the four
republics possessing components of the nuclear arsenal.166 He had decided
that the issue merited his personal attention, given what was at stake. Once
he landed, the practical consequences of the Soviet disintegration were
immediately visible. As he later recalled in his memoirs, “most of Aeroflot
was grounded, and our embassy was having problems finding gasoline for
its cars—all this in a country with the largest proven oil reserves in the
Baker’s handwritten notes from the trip show that he pressed most of his
hosts on the same nuclear questions: “from whom will you take your
directions—your polit. guidance? your orders?”168 He also stressed that
soon-to-be-independent states must “begin the process of accession to the
NPT” and to accept visits by outside experts starting in January.169 His goals
were clear: to get the nuclear-armed republics to renounce independent
command authority and to commit either to disabling weapons or
transferring them to Russia for destruction.170 In Moscow, he additionally
stressed to his negotiating partners that “you have agreed to end the
biological weapons program and to agree to a deadline for dismantling of
these facilities.”171
On the most dramatic day of his trip—December 16, 1991—Baker met
with both Gorbachev and Yeltsin, but not together.172 Yeltsin was now by far
the more important. Feeling confident of victory over his hated political
rival, he was in an expansive mood and willing to reveal in detail the inner
workings of Moscow’s nuclear launch procedures, a conversation that
would have been unthinkable a few years earlier.173
Welcoming Baker, the Russian president let the American know that he
now held the fate of the Soviet Union in his hands. At one point, he said, he
had inclined toward preserving the union—but “in the end, the decisive
factor . . . was the Ukrainian referendum, since no union without Ukraine
made any sense.”174 Turning to defense matters, Yeltsin let the secretary
know that he wanted the CIS to have “united strategic military forces,
including nuclear deterrence forces,” but he rejected the notion that
Gorbachev “might be made commander-in-chief of this force.” He hoped
instead that “ ‘our’ Defense Minister Yevgeny Shaposhnikov”—who had
opposed the hard-liners’ coup in August 1991 even though he was the
Soviet defense minister—might potentially fill that role. Yeltsin also hoped
that “the military body to be formed as part of CIS” would “form a close
association with NATO.” Yeltsin even reportedly sent a letter to this effect
to NATO headquarters as well, saying that Russia hoped to join the
Baker had in the past avoided discussing in detail Gorbachev’s
suggestions that the Soviet Union should join NATO, and he likewise
responded in a general way to Yeltsin: “there may be some way in which
NATO can relate to the CIS.”176 The secretary maneuvered the conversation
to the issues he cared about: command and control of nuclear weapons. He
conveyed his strong desire that the CIS place all nuclear weapons under a
single authority and that the United States and Russia cooperate to ensure
the safety of those weapons as well as the implementation of START.
Yeltsin, in reply, tried repeating his earlier sentiment. While it “would be a
long-term process,” he expressly hoped that “ ‘the defense union of the CIS
could merge with NATO.’ ” The transcript of the meeting showed no
recorded reaction from Baker to Yeltsin’s hope of far-reaching cooperation
with the alliance.
Baker had previously indicated that he needed to address a topic so
sensitive that most of their aides would have to leave the room before he
could speak, and now the time had come for them to depart.177 Once the
bulk of their delegations cleared the room, he asked Yeltsin to explain how
the Soviet Union would launch nuclear weapons in combat. Remarkably,
Yeltsin answered the question. Baker took handwritten, underlined notes as
Yeltsin spoke, noting that command relied on the three briefcases and a
“System of Conference Telephones.” The telephone “system is only to
decide,” Yeltsin explained; the briefcases were necessary to order a launch.
These briefcases were in the possession “of 3 people—Gorby, Yeltsin,
Shaposh,” meaning the president of the USSR, the president of Russia, and
the defense minister. According to Yeltsin, “all have to agree to launch
unless one is lost, missing,” in which case the “other 2 can launch or if 2
missing, etc, 1 can launch.” The Russian president told Baker that he would
remove the “briefcase from Gorby before end of Dec.” so the “result will be
only Pres of Russia and Shaposh,” the latter presumably in the new post of
CIS defense minister, will have “a BRIEFCASE TO PRESS BUTTON.”
Yeltsin added that he wanted to establish a system under which
Shaposhnikov “won’t be able to alone” order a launch.178
Finally, Yeltsin gave Baker the welcome news that the “majority of
tactical nukes have already been removed from Ukraine” through an earlier
agreement. The strategic arsenal was a different matter. While their aides
were still present, Yeltsin had explained that “it was ‘no secret’ that the
USSR had some of its most modern MIRVed strategic systems in
Ukraine.”179 MIRVs, or multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles,
essentially enabled one missile to hit multiple targets with separate
warheads, and thus made the systems particularly dangerous. To allay
Baker’s fears in their one-on-one session, Yeltsin confided that the
Ukrainians, like other republics with Soviet nuclear weapons on their
territories, “don’t know how things work,” adding, “that’s why I tell only
you.” In the end, he felt certain that they would be satisfied with only
“having telephones,” not launch briefcases, and once the “nukes are off
their soil—even the telephones will be removed.”180
Grateful for this information, Baker nonetheless made time to visit Kyiv
as well, telling Kravchuk that there was no more important issue “to the
American people than avoiding the danger of the use” of nuclear
weapons.181 The secretary also spoke with the leaders of Belarus and
Kazakhstan before heading to Brussels to advise his NATO allies of what he
had learned. Once there, he told a British colleague that the “deteriorating
economic situation could lead to a social explosion,” so there was a need
for a “concerted and massive international effort to provide humanitarian
Baker could not rest even on the flight home from Brussels on December
21. While he was in the air, Kazakh president Nazarbayev called with a
confidential update.183 Yeltsin, determined to kill off the Soviet Union as
swiftly as possible, had organized a CIS summit that day in the Kazakh
capital of Alma-Ata.184 At that summit, the CIS added eight more Soviet
republics into the new entity, for a total of eleven so-called co-founders.185
Nazarbayev had been the host, but now he was acting as confidential
Baker and Nazarbayev had by then realized they could do business with
each other, particularly with regard to the oil industry. During a previous
stop in Alma-Ata, the secretary had apparently won Nazarbayev over by
hinting that the US oil giant Chevron might invest in developing oil fields
in Kazakhstan.186 That visit had gone so well that Secretary Baker and
Ambassador Strauss had even accepted the president’s offer to share a
sauna, complete with the traditional flapping of eucalyptus branches against
the backs of all guests. Emerging from the sauna afterward, Strauss
informed Baker’s security detail that the “ ‘Secretary of State is buck naked,
and he’s being beaten by the President of Kazakhstan!’ ”187
Now, in the chaos of December 1991, that friendly relationship was
paying dividends. Nazarbayev had become angry after Yeltsin decided the
fate of the Soviet Union with only the other Slavic nuclear republics. Even
worse, Yeltsin had requested that Nazarbayev fly to Moscow at the same
time—but only after the Kazakh landed did he learn, while still at the
airport, that Yeltsin was instead “ ‘way out in the woods’ ” in Viskuli with
his fellow Slavs. The Russian president held the summit in the Kazakh
capital in an apparent effort to mollify Nazarbayev, but it did not entirely
work. The Kazakh leader’s comments on the December 21 in-flight phone
call hinted that he remained bitter—and that he and Baker had colluded to
shape the outcome of that summit.188
“Mr. Secretary, I did all in my power to carry out what you and I had
discussed,” Nazarbayev told Baker, even though “it wasn’t easy.” The
summit had resolved that there would be, in the long term, only “one single
head in charge of strategic weapons.” Baker was glad to hear it, but less
happy to learn that, in the near term, there would remain four nuclear
republics, and should the decision, “God forbid, ever be made to have to
use these weapons,” that decision “would be made by these four states.”
This situation, however, was temporary: “Ukraine and Belarus will transfer
their nuclear weapons by 1998 to Russia.” Nazarbayev himself was still
holding out but would eventually agree to give up his weapons as well.189
Apparently unaware of the intelligence already passed along by the
Kazakh, Yeltsin also called Bush on December 23 to explain the state of
play. He repeated what Nazabayev had told Baker, namely that the four
nuclear-armed republics would be the only ones with a say in their
deployment. As Yeltsin phrased it, “the Russian President will control the
nuclear button after consultations with the three others”—although he had
reportedly issued a secret decree allowing the Russian president, that is,
himself, to launch weapons without consultation in an emergency. As for
the chain of command, Yeltsin expected that Gorbachev would surrender
control of his nuclear briefcase and resign from office in about forty-eight
hours, on December 25, meaning that Yeltsin and Shaposhnikov would
have the three briefcases to themselves. The government of Russia would
provide Gorbachev with “money, medical insurance and treatment, a
country house, guards and transportation.”190
The Soviet leader was not the only one about to lose his office. All over
Moscow, corner-suite keys were swiftly changing hands. On December 24,
Kozyrev began receiving diplomatic visitors in his new office, the hastily
vacated suite of the Soviet foreign minister. The British ambassador, Rodric
Braithwaite, paid his respects in person and reported home that Kozyrev
had “sacked all the old deputy foreign ministers, and looks well
installed.”191 Soviet controllers of various media organizations also made
way for their Russian successors.
The most dramatic departure, however, was Gorbachev’s. He made a
series of melancholy phone calls as the minutes counted down to his
resignation on December 25, 1991. His tendency to see his Western partners
as his crucial allies against domestic reactionaries had by now grown to the
point where, in his last moments as leader, he sought comfort from
foreigners whom he viewed, perhaps unwisely, as not just peers but
friends.192 Shortly before being forced to vacate his Kremlin suite, he
phoned Bush to say, less than believably, “everything is under strict
control.” He would resign that day and “transfer authority to use nuclear
weapons” to Yeltsin, so “you can have a very quiet Christmas evening.”193
Gorbachev was due on air soon for a nationally televised resignation
address, but thirty minutes before it was to begin, he phoned Genscher. The
German foreign minister had, throughout the process of his country’s
unification, consistently pushed for greater concessions to Gorbachev than
his Western peers and even Kohl would accept. Now, at the very end,
Gorbachev wanted to hear his voice. Their conversation was suffused with
an unspoken sense of lost hope.
In his final words to the leader of the Soviet Union, Genscher chose to
recall a private word he had shared in Arkhyz in 1990 with Gorbachev’s
beloved wife, Raisa. She had pulled the foreign minister aside in the midst
of the talks, which had ended with the Soviet leader allowing a united
Germany to enter NATO. Protective as ever of her husband, she wanted to
make sure that the Germans would share their wealth and expertise to help
the Soviet Union make the transition to a successful future. Genscher had
taken her hand and promised Raisa, “we have learned the lessons of history
in every aspect. I know very well what your husband is doing here.
Everything will work out fine.”194 Now, as Gorbachev departed history’s
stage, Genscher recalled that promise. Left unsaid was the obvious: for
Gorbachev and the Soviet Union, everything had not worked out fine.195
States emerging from the former Soviet Union in 1991.
Bush too would soon feel the pain of departure from office, although that
was not yet clear in December 1991. For now, it was another moment of
triumph. For decades, US policymakers had scarcely been able to imagine
that the Cold War could end any way other than in nuclear conflict. Instead,
with relatively little violence, the Soviet Union had suddenly vanished.202
Russia continued consolidating and destroying large portions of the
former Soviet arsenal. In the first half of 1992, Moscow was able to secure
and dismantle most remaining Soviet tactical nuclear weapons—in some
cases simply by taking them from the territory of what were now
independent countries. Yeltsin did, however, negotiate bilateral accords
with the leaders of Belarus and Kazakhstan about the fate of the strategic
weapons on their territory. Following agreements between Baker and the
former Soviet republics, Washington sent delegations to help with the
numerous technical issues involved.203 The secretary also convened the
hoped-for aid conference in Washington on January 23, 1992.204
But, for once, Baker lost a major internal battle in the Bush
administration: he did not believe enforcing repayment of Soviet debt at this
challenging moment should take priority. Treasury Secretary Nicholas
Brady disagreed, however, and got Bush on his side. As Scowcroft later
recalled, there was no love lost between Baker and Brady. “They didn’t
work particularly well [together] because, of course, the Secretary of State
had been the Secretary of the Treasury before,” which created “underlying
tensions” in addition to the ongoing problem that “Treasury is a unique
culture inside the government” and its secretary and staff “do not know
what coordination and cooperation is—except if they’re doing it.” On the
issue of Soviet debt, it was Brady’s subordinates, not Baker’s, who took
control of economic policy toward the new state of Russia, insisting
Moscow was responsible for all Soviet debt—estimated at $65 billion in
1991—and saddling the new democracy with an additional burden. The
Treasury secretary and his advisors remembered that, after the Bolshevik
Revolution of 1917, the new regime had renounced all responsibility for the
debt of the czars, and it did not want a repetition.
This attitude proved controversial. Even prominent Republicans such as
Richard Perle argued that “ ‘we should find a way to wipe the books clear
and give Yeltsin a fighting chance. The least we can do is cancel the IOU’s
of his undemocratic predecessors.’ ” Moscow worried that Washington
might cut off grain shipments, however, if it did not service old Soviet debt,
and so it did—and even took on some responsibility for czarist-era debt as
To mark these dramatic transitions, the UN Security Council held its
first-ever meeting at summit level on January 31, 1992, meaning with all
heads of government and of state in attendance. That year was a high-water
mark of international cooperation.206 The Russian president announced that
he would no longer target the United States with nuclear weapons (although
experts noted that it would not be hard to switch the targeting back to US
sites).207 Yeltsin received an invitation to Camp David, where he and Bush
declared on February 1, 1992, that the United States and Russia were no
longer adversaries and that the Cold War was over.208 Later that year, Yeltsin
and Bush even speculated about marking the fiftieth anniversary of the first
manned moon landing with a joint mission to Mars in 2019. As Yeltsin put
it, “we should not compete to get there first. We should cooperate.”209
As Russia expert Anders Åslund later wrote, “Western countries had one
big chance to make a difference, at the beginning of 1992. The West,
especially the United States, enjoyed enormous goodwill and influence in
Russia.”210 Russia received both bilateral assistance from the United States
and an International Monetary Fund (IMF) aid package.211 But the question
of whether some form of debt forgiveness—particularly of the $2.8 billion
of Soviet debt held by the United States—could have helped Russia during
the critical year of 1992 remained open, as none was forthcoming.212
The year 1992 saw another significant transition in Europe: the signing
on February 7 of the Maastricht Treaty, which subsequently turned the EC
into the European Union (EU) in 1993. Yet Kohl’s drive for a United States
of Europe had fallen short. As the US embassy in Paris reported, he was
forced to accept a compromise “between intergovernmental cooperation and
total political integration.”213 Kohl was nonetheless resigned to the
compromises he had made. He told Bush in March that Central and Eastern
Europeans would have to wait until after the end of the decade to join the
EU because the organization saw other states—Sweden, Finland, Austria,
possibly Norway—as higher priorities.214 The chancellor also indicated it
was unlikely that former Soviet republics would ever join, saying that they
should form their own economic zone as a “ ‘bridge from Europe to Asia.’
”215 The EU also needed to address the continuing violence in Yugoslavia.
In May 1992, sixteen people died and dozens were injured when a mortar
shell landed on a Sarajevo market. That year the UN had created a
protection force, known by the acronym UNPROFOR, and tried to establish
safe enclaves, but those remained dangerously vulnerable.216
With the EU busy with its own transformation and with Bosnia, Central
and Eastern Europe turned yet again to NATO with questions about joining,
but still found only disappointment. The alliance preferred to put its efforts
into building up the NACC instead. On March 10, 1992, that body admitted
all of the former Soviet republics except Georgia, which was admitted a
month later. They thereby joined the Baltic and Central and Eastern
European states, which had already become part of the NACC in December
1991.217 While a victory for inclusivity—the main motivation was to bring
the states covered by the conventional forces accord together in one place—
this sweeping move diluted the NACC’s importance in the eyes of the
Czechs, Hungarians, and Poles; as a member of the US Congress later put
it, the NACC now “seemed like a slow train to an unknown destination.” At
a time when the Visegrad states “and Ukraine were already cooperating
with their NATO ‘partners’ in Croatia and Bosnia in real-world activity,”
the NACC simply did not provide the recognition that they sought. Meeting
in Prague on May 6, 1992, the Visegrad leaders declared their goal was full-
fledged NATO membership.218
This contretemps prompted the Bush State Department to debate yet
again the pros and cons of extending NATO to Central and Eastern
Europe.219 The biggest problem, in the words of Assistant Secretary of State
Thomas Niles, was that “expansion of NATO would force a choice between
being open to all comers—including Russia—or drawing a new line in
Europe to replace the old Cold War line.” The hard truth was that there was
“no politically acceptable way to draw a line.” If the line excluded Russia, it
“would in effect tell Moscow that the end result of internal revolution and
forsaking its Soviet/Warsaw Pact empire is the expansion of NATO to its
border.”220 Given the fragility of Russia’s new democracy—with inflation
topping 2,000 percent in December 1992, the Yeltsin government seemed as
if it might fall—it was not the time to put more stress on Moscow. Yet
another issue was that “we see no politically sustainable way to stop it
[enlargement] once we start” other than to draw a new line across Europe.
Niles advised “holding the line on NATO membership” at sixteen for the
time being.221
These views sparked vehement opposition within the State Department.
Stephen Flanagan, a member of the policy planning staff, thought such
caution was completely wrong: “now is the time” for enlarging the alliance.
He disagreed in particular with the notion that any discussion of NATO
expansion “would immediately open the floodgates.” Flanagan was
convinced that new members could join “sequentially”—meaning both new
members from among the current neutral states and the new post-Soviet
Bloc states. His recommended sequence was as follows: “first, the
interested former neutrals, then the Trokjat [sic, presumably
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland] and Bulgarians, followed by the
Russians, Ukranians, Byelorussians, Romanians, and other early post-
communist states.” Flanagan even thought that “the initial entry” by some
Central and Eastern European states into the alliance could serve as “an
example” to Kyiv “and Moscow of what is possible once one transforms
one’s economy and social system.” An enlarged alliance could also help to
contain the fallout from the violence in Yugoslavia. And given that the
“Germans are unlikely to host 95% of our military presence in Europe for
much longer,” the truth was that “we need other real estate.” In fact, “old
Soviet caserns in Poland would be a bargain and we would be local heroes”
by acquiring them and helping the economy of the areas around them. In
short, if he were “asked to bet whether a given US Army brigade would be
more welcome in Germany or Poland in 1995,” he would “put money on
the latter.” Flanagan concluded that the Bush administration should develop
“an agreed set of criteria and a roadmap for new members.”222
Flanagan was not alone in that opinion. A leak to the New York Times in
March 1992 suggested that Cheney and his advisors remained sympathetic
to a more aggressive approach as well. In what the Times called “the
clearest rejection to date of collective internationalism,” an internal
Pentagon strategy paper asserted bluntly that the US post–Cold War mission
was not to cooperate with Russia but “to insure that no rival superpower is
allowed to emerge.”223 And a Ukrainian minister later asserted that, in 1992,
an undersecretary at the State Department reached out to Kyiv’s
ambassador in Washington to urge Ukraine to seek NATO membership.224
Meanwhile, a small group of analysts at the think tank RAND were also
trying to make the case for NATO expansion.225 One of the analysts, former
Air Force officer Richard Kugler, found inspiration in conversations with
Polish colleagues. They told him that if they did not get membership in
NATO, they would get nuclear weapons; then they would use those
weapons to defend themselves from the Russians; then the Germans would
come to their aid. As a result, Kugler “ ‘had a vision of a nuclear-armed
Poland being fortified by German troops facing off with the Russians—I
don’t think anyone wanted that!’ ”226
Bush, however, stayed on the side of those advising caution.227 He was
scheduled to give a major speech in Warsaw on July 5, 1992, where he
could have indicated support for putting Poland and other countries in
NATO. The deputy secretary of state, Lawrence Eagleburger, had already
hinted at this idea on June 4 at a NATO ministerial, suggesting that “the
very composition of the alliance may need to expand.”228 Early drafts of the
presidential speech reportedly included language about NATO enlargement,
but it disappeared by the time Bush delivered the address.229 In contrast,
concern about Russia and its ability to corral the Soviet nuclear arsenal
remained a consistent priority in spring and summer 1992. Baker persuaded
all four Soviet nuclear successor states to meet in Lisbon on May 23, with
the smaller three signing an accord stating that they would become non–
nuclear weapons states and NPT members in the shortest possible time.230
The upcoming US presidential election of that year forced Bush to turn
to domestic issues, although treatment of Russia played a role in the
campaign. As expected, Bush’s Democratic opponent, Governor Bill
Clinton of Arkansas, criticized him for having been too cautious with aid to
the Soviet Union. Twenty minutes before Clinton was to give a major
speech to this effect, Bush announced that the G7 would make $24 billion
available to Moscow.231
What mattered more than foreign policy in the election, however, was
the combination of a slow economy and the actions of Bush’s fellow Texas
businessman Ross Perot, who entered the race to capitalize on voters’ anger
at Bush for raising taxes. Not a serious contender for the presidency, the
erratic Perot nonetheless diminished Bush’s chances of beating Clinton. In
his hour of need, Bush turned once again to his old friend Baker, asking the
secretary to trade his nonproliferation efforts for political campaigning. As
Baker explained to a British colleague on July 25, 1992, he was not eager
“to stop being Secretary of State.” But the president was “continuing a daily
routine which took little account of the fact that he was so far behind in the
polls.” Bush should instead, in Baker’s view, “be addressing the big issues
and the long term,” since “Clinton was vulnerable as a bad governor of
Arkansas.” And then there was the problem that Quayle, the vice president,
was “ ‘a four percent drag on the ticket.’ ”232 There had even been
speculation on whether Bush might remove Quayle, an idea Baker
supported, and replace him with Cheney, Powell, or Baker himself. Instead,
Baker ended up merely joining the 1992 campaign, not the ticket.233
It was not enough. The combination of the American public’s concern
about the economic direction of the country, Perot’s challenge, and
Clinton’s campaigning skills gave the Arkansas governor the win on
November 3. Speaking to Prime Minister Major three days afterward, Bush
complained that Perot, “ ‘that awful, nutty little man,’ ” had hurt him “in a
number of states” by spending “something like $80 million of his own
money.” Now Bush was “starting to shift gear and think what to do with the
rest of his life.”234 His administration’s last foreign policy accomplishments
took place in January 1993, with the lame-duck president going to Moscow
to conclude the START II accord and sign a chemical weapons
Major also extended condolences to Scowcroft about his impending
departure from office. The national security advisor, normally stoic, replied
on November 8, 1992 with an unusual display of emotion. As he told
Major, “knowing what we could have accomplished together occasions a
sense of great loss,” and “the pain is severe.”236
It fell instead to the Clinton administration to deal with the legacy of the
Soviet collapse. Ambassador Strauss believed that it would be a challenge
on the same level as the one after 1945. As the child of Jews who had fled
Nazi Germany for Texas, he grew up with a strong interest in that conflict.
He had always respected the way that, at the end of World War II, the
United States had “decided to transform former adversaries into allies,
friends, and peaceful competitors.” Now he hoped that “in the aftermath of
the Cold War, we can do so again.”237
Finding ways to advance that goal would prove enormously challenging,
however, and the risks of failure were high. George Kennan, Strauss’s
predecessor as ambassador to Moscow, had his own take on the challenge
posed by a great triumph. Of all the errors a victorious country could make,
“ ‘history will rate as the most grievous’ ” the folly of exploiting defeated
Western leaders had achieved great triumphs in the tumultuous years
between 1989 and 1992. Seizing the opportunity provided by the peaceful
revolution in Central and Eastern Europe and by Gorbachev, they had
secured their harvest before Kohl’s predicted storm broke with unexpected
fury. Germany was united, and Europe was on its way to a common
currency. NATO had crossed the old Cold War line. The US president and
the German chancellor had jointly driven the process by controlling the
venues in which it had come about, and by fusing Germany’s and NATO’s
fates—although not without Bush’s having to quash some German strategic
alternatives along the way. To accomplish these momentous tasks, the
president and the chancellor played a “hard game.” They bribed the Soviets
out through a combination of financial inducements and NATO reforms,
only to pull back and belatedly try to shore up Moscow when they realized
they were losing not only Gorbachev but centralized control over the Soviet
nuclear arsenal altogether.
Neither could be saved. Gorbachev, an idealistic visionary, was undone
by the overwhelming failures of the Soviet system and his own ineptitude
as a leader and negotiator. He could not weather the political storm of 1991.
Yet the West was lucky; the storm that Kohl had foreseen, while more
severe than expected, did not return reactionaries to power in Moscow.
Instead, Yeltsin obliterated Soviet central authority while also signaling that
he would democratize Russia and open up its economy to world markets.
The challenge of dealing with the consequences now fell to Clinton. Could
the young American president fulfill the expectations of Central and
Eastern Europe to join NATO, without angering or abandoning new
democracies in post-Soviet states, some armed with nuclear weapons? It
was a tall order.
Clearing, 1993–94
The third corner of the triangle, Central and Eastern Europe, also saw
admission to NATO as the answer. Because of the democratic courage the
region’s leaders had shown in shedding Soviet control, they justifiably felt
that European and transatlantic organizations should welcome them.
Determined that their concerns not suffer from Washington’s fixation on the
former Soviet nuclear arsenal, they continued their Bush-era efforts,
coordinated since the Visegrad conference of 1991, to pry open the doors of
Western institutions that were acting less than hospitably.77
To date, those efforts with NATO had yielded only NACC memberships,
which they felt were not enough—and Talbott agreed. Although the
ambassador found the NACC visually “inspiring” because it brought
together “38 countries that used to be squared off against each other on
either side of the Iron Curtain,” he considered it useless in practical terms.
Talbott thought of NACC summits as “two days of tedium” bequeathed to
him by the Bush team, not as useful decision-making events, and he began
thinking about alternatives. Visegrad countries felt the same frustration,
amplified by the sense that EC expansion remained on a slow track as
well.78 There was a growing sense of a need to move beyond NACC. The
bottom line for Visegrad in 1993 was that, as a diplomat from Hungary put
it, he and his colleagues needed “ ‘accelerators.’ ”79
The opening of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in April
1993 provided an opening for the leaders of the three countries to press
their case. Václav Havel, now president of the Czech Republic after its split
from Slovakia on January 1 of that year, managed to secure an extended
one-on-one conversation with Clinton on April 20 as part of his visit to the
United States for the event.80 Drawing on his moral stature, Havel expressed
his sadness that “we are living in a vacuum,” saying, “that is why we want
to join NATO.” Exceeding what Prague had previously requested from
Bush—some kind of associate membership—the Czech president stressed
how much his country now merited “association, followed by full
membership.”81 On top of that, he also thought that Central and Eastern
European countries should collectively have a “non-permanent seat on the
Security Council” and proposed working with Albright to establish such a
Lech Wałęsa, the Polish-dissident-turned-president, echoed Havel’s
words in his own bilateral meeting with the US president on the same
occasion. Wałęsa warned that “we are all afraid of Russia” and that “if
Russia again adopts an aggressive foreign policy, that aggression will be
directed toward Ukraine and Poland.” He felt strongly that “Poland cannot
be left defenseless; we need to have the protection of U.S. muscle.”
Unfortunately, “Western Europe has not yet accepted us” and was,
unfathomably, “not capitalizing” on “the biggest victory in history,” namely,
the defeat of Communism.83 The president of Estonia, Lennart Meri, made
similar remarks when speaking later with a visiting Talbott. Meri
complained that “there is a security vacuum in this part of the world” and
hoped “Talbott had come to town to sign Estonia’s accession to NATO.”84
Clinton would afterward remark that such pleas affected him deeply.
They fueled his belief that “NATO remains key” to stability in Europe.85 His
advisors, however, were reluctant to give in to such pressures from new
democracies too quickly. They felt two major issues needed priority
attention: a domestic scandal and Bosnia.
The domestic scandal had its origins in Clinton’s troubled first hundred
days in office. The British Foreign Office, in its own assessment of those
days, observed that Clinton was “working himself to the point of
exhaustion” to compensate for the fact that his staff were “young,
inexperienced, and overwhelmed.”86 The US president had scored major
early successes, including a family leave law and a “motor voter” law that
made it possible to register to vote at the same time as applying for a
driver’s license. But as he himself later admitted, he should have devoted
more time, and care, to picking his staff.87 The practical arrangements for
the Holocaust Museum opening, for example, had been a fiasco; “scenes of
indescribable chaos” had, in the opinion of the British, marred the event and
the standing of the new administration in foreign visitors’ eyes.88 There was
also a scandal in the White House travel office. The issues involved were
minor, but they gained urgency when the president’s lifelong friend Vince
Foster, who had moved from Little Rock to the White House only to suffer
withering criticism for his handling of the scandal, shot himself.
Foster’s violent, unexpected death became conflated with an
investigation into presidential financial dealings with other Little Rock
acquaintances, including the joint development of a property known as
Whitewater. Although the travel office scandal was not related to
Whitewater, the shocking suicide allowed the Clintons’ opponents to merge
the two issues and sensationalize them. The growing attacks on the
president and his wife eventually prompted him, in an effort to show he had
nothing to hide, to agree to the start of a special counsel investigation.89
Newspapers owned by Clinton foe Richard Mellon Scaife nonetheless
stayed on the offensive. Among other items, they ran articles by
Christopher Ruddy, later owner of the right-wing Newsmax, claiming that
Foster’s death was murder, not suicide.90 One of Ruddy’s greatest admirers
was a White House staffer named Linda Tripp, who had become Foster’s
assistant after being retained in her job from the Bush era.91 One of the last
people to see Foster alive on July 20, 1993, the day of his suicide, Tripp
became convinced there was a cover-up of something sinister, even though
she had no independent evidence. As a result, she developed an abiding
hatred of the new president.92
On top of these domestic worries was the worsening violence in
Bosnia.93 In 1992, Clinton had criticized what he saw as Bush’s passivity in
the face of Bosnian bloodshed, but now matters were getting uglier on his
watch.94 The fighting there seemed to call not only Clinton’s but also
NATO’s credibility into question: how could they provide leadership in
European security writ large if they could not handle the conflict in former
Yugoslavia? In an effort to stem some of the bloodshed, NATO in April
1993 launched an operation called “Deny Flight,” meant to enforce a UN
no-fly zone over Bosnia-Herzegovina. The operation was a watershed
moment for NATO, which found itself going “out-of-area,” meaning flying
outside of its geographic area of defensive responsibility, for the first time
ever.95 But it left many Americans wondering whether Clinton had forgotten
to focus on the domestic economy and whether he could master the chaos in
his own White House. As James Steinberg, later the deputy national
security director, recalled, “there were costs from that very rocky first year”
even well into the second term.96
Because of these domestic and foreign worries, senior Clinton advisors
felt there were higher priorities than enlarging NATO to the Visegrad
countries. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell,
let it be known “he was personally reluctant to cross the bridge of Eastern
European membership of NATO” given that “he was not sure what NATO
would mean in such circumstances.” Powell also “worried about Ukraine,”
fearing that if they felt ignored, “the Ukrainians would use the nuclear issue
to extract [the] greatest possible concessions” from the West.97 General John
Shalikashvili, who served as SACEUR before succeeding Powell as
chairman, feared Russia was “not mature enough to understand expanded
membership.”98 Secretary of State Christopher expressed similar concerns
at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in June 1993, saying that at “an
appropriate time, we may choose to enlarge NATO membership. But that is
not now on the agenda.”99 He also saw Ukraine as the problem. If NATO
expanded, it was “hard to see how Ukraine can accept being the buffer
between NATO, Europe and Russia. This will militate against our efforts to
get rid of Ukraine’s nuclear weapons.”100
Thus, despite Visegrad’s best collective efforts, the issue of NATO
membership remained on the back burner in summer 1993. When Clinton
saw Yeltsin at the G7 Tokyo summit in July, they instead prioritized
Ukraine. The Russian president emphasized to Clinton that “it is always
difficult to deal with Ukraine” because “today they agree, tomorrow they
backtrack.” Clinton replied, “it’s the same case with us.”101 The question
was how to persuade Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons, and eventual
NATO enlargement seemed like an answer. A State Department memo
suggested using alliance expansion as “the ultimate ‘carrot’ in our efforts to
promote democracy and reform in the East,” and specifically to “ensure
Ukrainian denuclearization.”102
Robert Hunter, the US ambassador to NATO, did not think that
expansion should happen eventually; he felt that the time to move was now.
Hunter advised Washington on August 3, 1993 that “we are fast
approaching the ‘fish or cut bait’ time in the East.”103 Back in Washington,
senior State Department official Lynn Davis was of the same opinion. She
thought it would not be possible “to defer a debate on expansion” much
longer, “nor would it be in our interest to do so.”104
Wałęsa liked NATO sitting on the back burner even less. Tired of waiting
for his peers’ “accelerators” to work, he savvily decided to force matters.
Showing the political flair that had made him famous, he took a dramatic
gamble that would fail in the short run but would ultimately expedite
enlargement to his country and its neighbors.105 As reported by the US
embassy in Warsaw, “over dinner and drinks on August 24, Walesa fairly
easily persuaded Yeltsin to go along with a statement indicating that Russia
had no objection to Poland joining NATO.” Yeltsin agreed to issue a
remarkable declaration that Polish membership in NATO was “ ‘not
contrary to the interest of any state, also including Russia.’ ”106
Yeltsin regretted his words the next morning, and, under pressure from
his advisors, tried to retract them.107 The Polish president had a flash of
insight: he asked if Yeltsin believed that “Poland was a sovereign country.”
The Russian president replied “yes.”108 Wałęsa then announced that, “ ‘as a
sovereign country,’ ” Poland would join NATO. Getting Yeltsin’s public
statement of “ ‘concurrence now’ ” would prevent conflict in the future.
Yeltsin, conceding the point, grudgingly affirmed his words about Polish
membership in NATO—but not without reportedly getting something that
he wanted in exchange. The US embassy in Warsaw learned that Wałęsa
and Yeltsin had apparently reached a side deal: “an implicit understanding
that the Poles would not intervene in the Ukraine in any dispute involving
Russia except in the event of a military attack.” This “quid pro quo on
Ukraine is widely rumored and plausible, but unconfirmed.”109
Hints of this thinking had already become apparent to the NSC in
Washington, which knew that “many of the East European states have
expressed reservations about being too closely associated with Ukraine until
serious efforts at economic and political reform are evident.” The Central
and Eastern Europeans felt “that Ukraine in its present condition would be a
drag on their own development” because the country had “not made the
same qualitative break with the Soviet past as they have.” In other words,
Visegrad thought Ukraine was wasting time during this rare window of
opportunity and did not want to wait around for it.110 Clinton, advised of
this attitude, found it had larger implications: as Poland looked west,
Ukraine would feel increasingly isolated and desperate.111
Whatever the true extent of the Wałęsa-Yeltsin deal, it left Yeltsin in a
mood to accede to Polish wishes for a while thereafter. Soon after his visit
to Warsaw, he confirmed that former Soviet troops would finally leave
Poland. It was a welcome announcement. Although the withdrawals had
long been promised, locals had been wondering whether they would ever be
completed. Germans had similar doubts. As Lake reminded Clinton, the
motivation behind Germany’s copious aid to Russia, which the State
Department estimated to be “some two-thirds of the G7 total $75 billion
pledged since 1990,” was “largely related” to ensuring that the “scheduled
August 31 [1994] departure of Russian forces from eastern Germany”
happened as planned.112
In the midst of these developments, a September 1993 Foreign Affairs
article by RAND senior analysts Ronald Asmus, Richard Kugler, and
Stephen Larrabee attracted a great deal of attention. The three RAND
experts argued forcefully for extending “NATO’s collective defense and
security arrangements” farther south and east.113 The same month, Lake
gave a much-noticed speech on transatlantic relations in which he stated his
strong conviction that “the successor to a doctrine of containment must be a
strategy of enlargement.”114
These developments together produced, as Kozyrev later recalled it, a
crucial watershed in the history of NATO expansion. Visegrad gained the
initiative, and Moscow “lost the ability to address the matter calmly.” The
sequence of events poured fuel on the fire of “NATO-fear-mongering
hardliners in Russia,” creating new tensions at home for Yeltsin. Kozyrev
had been trying to promote a policy slogan of “ ‘no hasty enlargement—yes
partnership!’ ” But Wałęsa’s gamble shocked Moscow’s hard-liners and
undermined the foreign minister’s ability to convince them that NATO
expansion would be a slow, consensual process. By the autumn of 1993,
Kozyrev’s main rival, head of foreign intelligence Yevgeny Primakov, could
convincingly argue that Kozyrev was deceiving both himself and his nation
about the truth of expansion.115
Secretary General Wörner agreed that Wałęsa had successfully “changed
the landscape concerning NATO expansion,” which he saw as a positive
development. Thanks to the savvy move by the Polish president, “there is
currently an historic moment of opportunity regarding NATO’s engagement
in the East,” and “if the moment is lost, who knows when it will occur
again?” Wörner argued that the alliance “must seize the moment” and
immediately begin to “admit all the former Warsaw Pact states of Central
and Eastern Europe, from north to south” on a staggered time scale. On top
of that, “the alliance could not ignore the FSU [former Soviet Union]
states,” even though “the Russians would view the FSU states
differently.”116 Sensing an opportunity, the Hungarians also began pushing
Washington for a “forward-leaning” message on NATO enlargement,
including an explicit statement that Visegrad countries were first in line.
A Pentagon official, heading a traveling delegation, tried to hold off the
Visegrad states, complaining that “key decisions had yet to be made,” both
within the Clinton administration and the alliance, and that “NATO should
not be seen as a charitable organization” because “it was no ‘rich uncle
from America’ that would hand out goodies to local military
establishments.”117 As ever, Ukraine remained a worry. Since, in Talbott’s
words, “the pace of deliberations on NATO expansion has picked up
considerably,” Washington “must be very careful not to pull this off in a
way that makes Ukraine feel it is being left out in the cold with its furry
neighbor to the north.” If it did, “we could inadvertently—and disastrously
—give hardliners in Kiev new arguments for their case that Ukraine needs a
nuclear deterrent.”118 Talbott had learned that the Ukrainian deputy foreign
minister, Borys Tarasyuk, was pronouncing it “unacceptable for NATO to
expand without Ukraine becoming a full member.”119 These words made the
dilemma between two strategic imperatives, inherited by Clinton from
Bush, ever more apparent: enlarging NATO to Central and Eastern Europe
writ large—meaning all the way to Ukraine—thereby solving the Ukrainian
nuclear issue but alienating Russia; or stopping enlargement west of
Ukraine, but leaving a populous state with nuclear arms in limbo. The
tension between Central and Eastern European, Russia, and Ukraine was
coming to a head.
Bloodshed in Moscow
With PfP, Clinton and his advisors had produced a workable solution to the
strategic problems they had inherited on Inauguration Day. The main
challenge had been clear since that first cold, sunny afternoon in January:
how to promote US foreign policy interests, particularly in eliminating the
former Soviet nuclear arsenal, by balancing demands from Russia with
those from the major states and regions it had formerly dominated.
Clinton’s team had stumbled over a number of domestic and foreign issues,
at times tragically, but it had figured out the smart move in the end:
partnership for the many. Rather than calling the question of whether
Russia, Ukraine, or Visegrad mattered most, the United States would
instead lead the alliance’s expansion with a phased process that kept its
options open.
While this process was much less dramatic than extending Article 5, in
practice PfP worked surprisingly well. As Christopher recalled, in its early
days “the Partnership exceeded even our most hopeful expectations.” It
created “links between NATO and non-member nations” and gave
participants “an incentive to modernize their armed forces and pursue
democratic reforms.”186 The Partnership even attracted Western and Nordic
neutral countries that had shied away from NATO, such as Austria, Finland,
Sweden, and Switzerland. The concept also proved acceptable—in places
minimally, but sufficiently—to Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine, and
Russia. Most unhappy were the Visegrad countries, but they were willing to
accept PfP through gritted teeth as long as it eventually led to membership.
Opponents of PfP inside the United States, however, were not willing to
live with the compromise. Clinton administration policymakers who wanted
to extend Article 5 to Visegrad, thereby calling the question of which region
mattered most, immediately challenged the nascent partnership. Meanwhile,
the Republican Party recognized a useful way to attract Polish-Americans
and others of Eastern European descent in crucial midwestern states during
the US congressional midterm election of 1994.187 And Yeltsin would
unintentionally help the enemies of PfP with a series of major and bloody
errors. The combination of these events would cause the partnership to fall
as swiftly as it rose.
The same week that Holbrooke was barreling ahead with ways to
outmaneuver Russia, Clinton and Yeltsin continued to make progress on
reducing strategic weapons. Meeting in Washington on September 27, 1994,
they listened to Perry provide an overview of his plans. “First,” Perry
began, “we will cooperate in ratifying START I and II and bringing them
into force.” Once that was achieved, “we will accelerate the pace of
reductions, to go even faster by informal agreement, using Nunn-Lugar
funds to do so.” Third, “we will start discussing what reductions will be
possible” under a new accord, START III.98
Clinton was also pressing Yeltsin on Russian biological weapons
development, which the former Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, had
claimed to have discontinued.99 Yeltsin later admitted that “Gorbachev lied
—or his military lied to him. Things were not stopped in 1988.” After he
came to power, Yeltsin had “ordered that all activity be stopped . . . [and] all
the doors . . . locked and sealed.” But “we had trouble finding jobs for
people in the program. . . . These were people who are devoted to killing
people with germs. Dealing with these people is not easy.” Yet even though
NATO expansion would decrease Yeltsin’s willingness to move ahead with
arms control, Clinton told him at the September summit that there “will be
an expansion of NATO . . . we’re going to move forward on this.”100 Trying,
as ever, to bring everyone along, he reportedly softened the blow by
reassuring Yeltsin that there were three “nos” in place: no surprises, no
hurry, and no exclusion of any state from the expanded alliance.101
Yeltsin did not erupt in response, perhaps because he was in a stronger
position domestically than he had been during previous meetings with
Clinton. Inflation at home was down, and he had survived several
challenges to his authority. He had even withdrawn all former Soviet troops
from the Baltics a few weeks earlier, although it meant abandoning, in his
words, the “ ‘several tens of millions of Russians left marooned by the
Soviet breakup.’ ” Yeltsin pointed out that those people thought they “
‘lived at home’ ” in the Baltics, but suddenly realized “ ‘they are guests and
not always welcomed.’ ”102 Tensions between Moscow and the Baltics
remained high even after the troops departed. General Clark later
remembered that on a visit to Russia in 1994, one of the first questions he
got asked was, roughly, how long until NATO ships show up in our port of
Riga? Clark recalled replying with words to the effect of the following: it
was not Russia’s port, it was Latvia’s, and leading questions like that one
would only hasten the ships’ arrival.103
Wrapping up, Yeltsin remained optimistic that all problems could be
solved, and exclaimed that this was “ ‘the best visit he ever had’ to the
US.”104 His hosts could not share the sentiment because the erratic drunken
behavior on display in Berlin had gotten worse. On the first night of his
visit, Yeltsin had reportedly prompted a major predawn alert after Secret
Service agents found him walking on Pennsylvania Avenue dressed only in
his underwear, drunk and waving for a taxi. When the agents tried to escort
him back to his guest residence in Blair House, Yeltsin loudly insisted that
he needed a pizza. He grudgingly went back to his bedroom—only to sneak
out of it again the next night. This time, as he was still wandering the halls
of Blair House, a guard spotted him—but mistook him for an intruder.
Agents once again showed up to clarify who Yeltsin was before he was
detained—or worse. White House staff were understandably relieved when
he left the country without further incident.105
Despite his professions of happiness, Yeltsin was clearly struggling with
both the reality of the final withdrawal from Europe and his own demons.
The French tried to make the case that it was time to go easier on him as a
result. In particular, Jacques Chirac, the mayor of Paris who would become
president of France in 1995, had developed a keen interest in Russia, having
studied the language as a younger man and developed a close relationship
with Yeltsin. When he visited the White House on September 24, 1994,
shortly before Yeltsin himself, he tried to make the case for more
understanding. Chirac pointed out that Yeltsin had “taken his troops out of
the Baltic countries” and was “cooperating with us on the denuclearization
of the other republics” as well as “working pretty well with us in Bosnia.” It
was all that could reasonably be expected, and it was hardly surprising that
“he does not want us to expand NATO.”106
Reaction inside the NSC was the opposite of Chirac’s. Yeltsin’s mild
response to Clinton’s comments in September 1994 provided more fuel for
those who felt it safe to push aside PfP. Vershbow and his fellow troika
members, Burns and Fried, gave their boss Lake a road map for what
should happen next, entitled “Moving toward NATO Expansion.” Even
Holbrooke, they argued, was not moving quickly enough; his “much
heralded” involvement in the matter was “off to a slow and acrimonious
start.” The alliance should simply expand, and new members should
“acquire all the rights and responsibilities of current members (full Article 5
guarantee).” At most, there could be “flexibility on operational issues such
as stationing of foreign forces.” Although NATO should coordinate with the
EU, it should not wait for EU expansion. This “ ‘insurance policy’/
‘strategic hedge’ rationale (i.e., neo-containment of Russia) will be kept in
the background only, rarely articulated.” The troika was, in essence, making
a confidential case that a new Article 5 front line in Europe would be a
benefit, not a curse. The “possibility of membership” for “a democratic
Russia should not be ruled out explicitly,” but it could only happen “in the
long term.”107
This troika had to contend with fierce opposition inside the NSC from
their colleague Richard Schifter. A successful lawyer and refugee whose
Austrian-Polish parents had perished in the Holocaust—but not before
managing to send him to the States alone at age fifteen—Schifter was a
strong moral voice within the NSC. He sent a dissent to Lake, opposing this
push for rapid full-guarantee enlargement and regretting that the troika’s
advice emerged from “political rather than military factors.” The expansion
policy, he wrote, was mainly driven by “domestic pressures,” particularly
“from the Polish American Congress, from Henry Kissinger, from other
critics who argued that what they called ‘another Yalta’ was in the
Schifter’s opposition to swift NATO expansion, like Shalikashvili’s,
could not be dismissed as anti-Polish sentiment given his family
background. Both men, having personally experienced upheaval and
emigration as a result of twentieth-century conflicts, were clearly seeking to
do all they could to avoid conflict in the twenty-first. In their eyes that
meant avoiding a rush to create a new front in Europe. The administration
should stick with PfP’s gradual approach even if it was not what the country
of their families’ origins wanted. “Not pressed by a 1997 or 1998 deadline,”
Schifter wrote, the Partnership and NATO could undertake “a
comprehensive program to integrate the entire CEE region into a European
Zone of Peace.” He felt strongly that aggressive expansion would “do more
harm than good in Russia’s domestic politics.” Even worse, Washington did
not need to inflict that damage because what Central and Eastern Europeans
wanted more urgently was “membership in the EU.” The United States
should not incur such costs only to offer them an institutional consolation
prize. Although his opponents had dismissed PfP as “little more than a
charade,” in Schifter’s view it was not only a “reality” but also a cost-
effective way to help new democracies “achieve interoperability.” The
correct conclusion was undeniable: “our domestic critics should be
answered with sound policy arguments, which call for the deferring of a
decision on NATO membership.”109
Lake was not persuaded. The national security advisor felt that Central
and Eastern European countries had a compelling claim to NATO
membership, and the best time to give it to them was precisely when
relations with Russia were good. If Moscow became belligerent again, the
alliance would face the unappealing choice of either abandoning states
threatened by its aggression or intensifying hostilities by adding them to
On October 13, 1994, Lake did not just forward the troika’s neo-
containment proposal to the president without any recorded mention of
Schifter’s objections, he upped the ante. The national security advisor put in
front of Clinton his own more pointed version of the working paper, with
wording added in multiple places on the “possibility of NATO membership
for Ukraine and Baltic States.”110 The latter group of states had already, in
September, set up a “Baltic Battalion” (BALTBAT), with help from their
Nordic neighbors. Its express goal was increasing their suitability for NATO
membership, and the boldness of the initiative impressed Westerners and
made their membership seem more feasible. Clinton marked up this
proposal personally, drawing two thick lines next to Lake’s newly added
recommendation to “keep the membership door open for Ukraine, Baltic
States, Romania, and Bulgaria (countering Alliance inclinations to ‘tilt’ in
favor of Visegrad countries).” As the national security advisor put it,
Washington should not “consign them to a gray zone or Russian sphere of
Lake also added a statement that “standardization with NATO forces
should be longer-term objective, but need not be attained at the time of
accession.” Since the potential new members all had old Warsaw Pact
equipment, which was unlikely to be operable with NATO gear,
standardization with alliance regulations would dramatically slow
expansion; so the national security advisor was downplaying the need for it.
Instead, he advised the president to use the upcoming December 1994
NATO ministerial to “kick off a formal process within the Alliance.” The
goal was to have that ministerial issue a “declaration on NATO expansion.”
Clinton drew a large check mark on the top page of the package of
recommendations and wrote, “looks good.”112
It was the green light Lake needed, and presumably not unrelated to the
final weeks of the American 1994 election campaign. It could hardly be
otherwise, given that the president of course hoped to be reelected in 1996,
and so had to keep an eye on what voters in 1994 were saying they wanted.
Clinton had also decided to take electoral risks in areas such as gun control.
In the teeth of fierce resistance from the National Rifle Association, he had
worked with moderate Republicans to pass a ten-year assault weapons ban
that August. One Republican who voted for it, Representative Fred Upton
of Michigan, needed police protection for six months afterward because of
the threats he received as a consequence. The association fought hard in
November 1994 to defeat Democrats who had voted for the ban.113
Although not directly related to expansion, such opposition constrained the
president by threatening to decrease his base of support in Congress. It also
lessened his ability to take risks in other ways that might inspire voters to
turn against him. Given that public opinion polls showed that a majority of
Americans disapproved of the Clinton administration’s handling of foreign
policy, he had to consider the consequences of his actions in electoral
Meanwhile, staffers working for Gilman and Hyde completed the
process of recycling language from their draft legislation on NATO
expansion into the Contract with America, calling for swift membership for
Visegrad countries. This contract made its intended contribution to the fall
election. On November 8, 1994, Republicans won control of both houses of
Congress for the first time since the Eisenhower era.115 Clinton and his
advisors were devastated. Christopher considered resigning.116 Clinton later
disclosed that when he learned the results, “I felt like I had just died.”117
Lake, on the other hand, felt vindicated, and he set in motion a series of
events that would have dramatic consequences. As planned, he turned the
December 1994 NAC session into a venue for ramping up to full-guarantee
expansion. Such sessions were usually “routine affairs,” in Perry’s words,
with anything controversial sorted out well in advance by Washington and
key members. All the meeting itself had to do, with “fictional spontaneity,”
was issue a prewritten, US-approved communiqué.118 But this NAC meeting
was not routine, as fierce preliminary debating dragged on in Brussels itself.
Ultimately, the ministerial agreed to do what Lake had advised Clinton:
issue a communiqué that formally opened the door to expansion. Issued on
December 1, 1994, it read, “we expect and would welcome NATO
enlargement that would reach to democratic states to our East.”119
This success turned the ministerial into “a major turning point in our
effort to expand the Alliance,” as Christopher later recalled, and the world
noticed.120 The Baltic states and Ukraine both became deeply alarmed.
While PfP had been clearly open to all of them, full NATO membership was
less likely, given how challenging it would be to fulfill Article 5
commitments to territories on Russia’s borders. The Baltics swiftly
contacted the State Department to express their worry about “exclusion
from rapid, selective NATO expansion.”121 They “objected to suggestions
by some European states that the Baltic states were indefensible,” pointing
out that the West had committed to defending its half of divided Berlin even
though it was buried deep inside East Germany.122
And if those countries were alarmed, Russia was furious. As the
ministers debated the controversial communiqué, Kozyrev waited at the
Russian embassy in Brussels. He had come to sign further documents
alongside NATO leaders to bring Russia fully into PfP. His country had
already signed a general PfP framework document on June 22, 1994, but
there were details still to be formalized. Kozyrev was kept in the dark as the
internal debate unfolded. Bored with waiting around, he and the Russian
ambassador began playing tennis on the embassy grounds to pass the time.
Instead of a NATO leader, however, it was Yeltsin who interrupted their
game. He had heard reports on world news media of the alliance
announcing expansion and demanded to know what was going on. Kozyrev
and the ambassador were caught flat-footed.123
Back in Moscow, Kozyrev’s enemies smelled blood. The foreign
minister was locked in a struggle for influence with Yevgeny Primakov,
head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service (SVR), who apparently
realized he could use the fiasco to undermine Kozyrev.124 Primakov had
previously, on November 25, 1993, taken the unusual step of releasing an
SVR report on how NATO, despite Americans claims, still presented just as
much of “a danger to Russia . . . as it had to the Soviet Union.” Publicized
at a press conference, the report represented an attack on Kozyrev’s
cooperative stance toward the United States.125 Now these events in
Brussels a year later seemed to show that Primakov had been right to be
suspicious and Kozyrev had been wrong.
Primakov knew that the Russian president hoped to be reelected in 1996
and did not want NATO expansion mentioned in any meaningful way
before then. Reelection would be difficult enough even without it. Although
Yeltsin had gotten through a new constitution, it had done little to stop life
expectancy from declining, alcoholism and street crime from rising, and the
health system from collapsing.126 Yeltsin now felt angry and cheated.127
Despite Clinton’s promise of three “nos”—no surprises, no hurry, and no
exclusion—he now faced all of them. He decided Russia would not sign the
detailed PfP accords after all.128
That this was more than just a minor diplomatic fracas would become
apparent at the Budapest summit on December 5, 1994. The goal of that
summit was to rechristen the CSCE the Organization for Security and Co-
operation in Europe (OSCE), to signal that it would have a more prominent
future as an organization rather than as merely a conference.129 It was
another way of mollifying Russia, since Moscow had long promoted the
organization; the OSCE was one of the venues where Russia had an equal
footing with the United States.
To lend weight to the rechristening, Christopher had argued back in
October that Clinton should personally attend, given that more than fifty
heads of state and of government would be present. There was a chance that
Kuchma, who would also be in Budapest, might agree to a final resolution
on Ukrainian denuclearization if he got long-promised security assurances
in some kind of written memorandum.130 Christopher felt such an agreement
“alone, if it were to take place, would justify the trip.”131 Ukraine’s atomic
arsenal remained dangerous in multiple ways. The US embassy in Moscow
had reported on November 16, 1994, on “seizures in Russia, Germany and
elsewhere of nuclear materials” most likely pilfered from former Soviet
holdings. Such seizures were a chilling reminder of the need to secure
nuclear stockpiles, including those in Ukraine, “against theft or
diversion.”132 There were even rumors of Ukrainian involvement in
weapons trade with North Korea and Iran.133
Clinton was initially reluctant to plan a foreign trip so soon after the
disastrous November 1994 midterm elections. To convince him to go, the
secretary enlisted Talbott, who added “a blunt but pertinent word about our
domestic politics: we get this right,” he told Clinton, “and at the right time,
which means very soon—we can seize control over this issue in a way that
essentially takes it away from the Republicans in ’96.”134 Swayed by this
argument, Clinton gave in. No one on the US side appears to have realized
that they were setting him up for a confrontation.
Once Clinton agreed to the trip, a plan coalesced to complete a number
of accords on the margins of the OSCE summit: the so-called Budapest
Memorandum, under which the United States, the United Kingdom, and
Russia would finally give Ukraine long-promised security assurances of its
territorial integrity; the NPT accession documents for Ukraine as a
nonnuclear state; and the exchange of START I ratification instruments with
all post-Soviet nuclear republics, so it could finally enter into force.135 But
pulling all these accords together was a challenge.
The Ukrainians still worried that the memorandum contained weak
assurances, not guarantees. A member of the US delegation in Budapest
even allegedly went so far as to call “the assurances a worthless piece of
paper,” and the Ukrainian deputy foreign minister, Borys Tarasyuk, let the
US embassy in Kyiv know of his concern about this remark.136 Unmoved,
the signatories agreed only to “consult in the event a situation arises that
raises a question concerning these commitments.”137 Even that weak
statement was in doubt. Ukrainian diplomats told US officials that they had
“no illusions that the Russians would live up to the agreements they
signed.” Rather, the government of Ukraine was simply hoping for some
basis on which to “appeal for assistance in international fora when the
Russians violate the agreements.”138 For their part, the Russians, still aghast
at their humiliation in Brussels, worried that Clinton would upstage the
event by making clear that NATO, not the new OSCE, would be (in
Kozyrev’s words) “the centerpiece of the European security system.”139
All of these anxieties collided to produce a contentiousness not seen
since the Cold War. Clinton, in his address, emphasized to Kozyrev’s horror
that “NATO remains the bedrock of security in Europe,” thereby sidelining
OSCE. The president added for emphasis that no country outside the
alliance would be allowed “to veto expansion.”140 The Russian delegation
felt that, with those words, Clinton was intentionally adding injury to the
insult from Brussels.141 Yeltsin vented his frustrations publicly in response.
The Russian president caustically accused Clinton, in the interest of NATO
expansion, of risking a “ ‘cold peace.’ ”142
The plan to sign the Budapest Memorandum almost fell apart. Talbott
later disclosed that “it took our President’s full personal engagement with
Yeltsin to save the Ukrainian trilateral deal at the last minute.”143 Clinton’s
salvage efforts brought the memorandum and ratification process just barely
across the finish line, with the result that START I, which eliminated
strategic bombers and missile launchers carrying more than 9,000
warheads, finally entered into force. All sides indicated an interest in
making progress on ratification of START II as well, which would retire
another 5,000 warheads. If both treaties came into force, they would reduce
the arsenals of the United States and former USSR by more than 60 percent
from their Cold War peaks.144
But cooperation between the United States and Russia had broken down.
There was no progress on completing the Russian process of joining PfP.
During the summit itself, Kohl confided in Clinton that “this is a highly
depressing event,” not least because “we aren’t doing anything about
Bosnia.”145 An anguished appeal from Bosnian president Alija Izetbegović
made little difference.146 The Russian delegates refused to issue a
declaration on Bosnia because they felt it unfairly singled out Serbs as
aggressors. Grachev felt that the Serbs were holding back “ ‘Muslim
extremists and terrorists,’ ” a threat that he felt he knew well from his
deployment to Afghanistan in the 1980s.147 Meanwhile, Kohl urged Clinton
to pull back on “the NATO issue,” not least because “we can’t allow
ourselves to topple Yeltsin. There will be nothing to gain from that.” He
feared that “at the end we risk only having only rubber and debris.”148
The bitterness lingered after the event. On the flight back from Budapest
to Washington, Talbott recalled, the president “was furious at his foreign-
policy team for dragging him across the Atlantic to serve as a punching bag
for Yeltsin.”149 Clinton subsequently confided to Kohl that Yeltsin “really
hurt me” with what he said in Budapest.150 The US embassy in Moscow
described Yeltsin’s anger after the meeting as that “of a businessman who
has just learned that his partner has taken out a new insurance policy in case
their venture fails.”151
For Kozyrev, the Budapest summit effectively ended his ability to
advocate for NATO expansion in any way. Previously he had tried to
counsel Yeltsin that Russia could live with gradual enlargement. After
Budapest, however, he felt himself becoming “the sole voice in Moscow
speaking against a hasty expansion of NATO” because “all others, including
the president, had dropped the word ‘hasty’ ” and simply become opposed
to enlargement, full stop.152
Trying to assess what had gone so badly wrong, Talbott blamed Kozyrev.
The Russian foreign minister, he thought, had goaded Yeltsin into an
outburst as payback for his own humiliation in Brussels. And Talbott
suspected Kozyrev had been encouraged by West Europeans, who “were
doing quite a bit of bad-mouthing of our position, saying to the Russians,
‘Your problem is not with us—it’s with the Americans; they’re the ones
pushing expansion.’ ” Talbott surmised that Yeltsin’s angry “cold peace”
speech was prompted by Kozyrev intentionally stoking the Russian
president’s anger.153
Yeltsin was not done. Shortly after Budapest, he took a series of tragic
steps that would result, among other damage, in self-inflicted wounds. The
Russian president had already signed a decree on November 30, 1994
approving measures to counter breakaway rebels in the Chechnya region of
Russia. With Kozyrev’s support, Yeltsin now initiated what he thought
would be a “high-precision police action” against those separatists.154 But
the movement of troops into Chechnya on December 11 instead started a
protracted, bloody conflict that horrified leaders of countries near Russia.155
Rühe was particularly disgusted when he learned that the Russian army sent
recently drafted, poorly trained, “half-drunk soldiers into Grozny,” who
committed unspeakable acts of brutality.156 The gruesome start to what
became the First Chechen War revealed, in the words of the US embassy in
Moscow, “the weaknesses of the Russian state and the tragic flaws of its
first democratically-elected president.”157
The bloodshed had far-reaching consequences. Despite the military’s
mistakes in Chechnya, Yeltsin nonetheless came increasingly to rely on the
“power ministries,” meaning the military and the heirs to the KGB, all of
whom opposed cooperation with the West.158 Friends of Russian reformers
abroad—such as Gati, the Hungarian-born American diplomat who also
knew Kozyrev from their shared time in New York—despaired at the First
Chechen War. Gati later recalled that war as a watershed moment, when he
and other Westerners who had been optimistic about Russia’s future instead
became convinced that the country could never develop in the way Kozyrev
hoped it would.159 A New York Times journalist called the invasion of
Chechnya “the end of Russia’s liberal dream.”160
The conflict also reduced Russia’s ability to oppose NATO expansion
because it seemed to prove that the states insisting Russia remained a
military threat were right. Seeking allies to defend themselves against that
threat suddenly seemed reasonable rather than paranoid. In his memoirs,
Kozyrev concluded with regret that the Chechen War strained “relations
with our Western partners for years.”161
The sense that matters had taken a dark turn in the wake of Budapest and
the Chechen invasion prompted Vice President Gore to try to repair the
damage. Visiting Moscow, he sought to assure an ailing Yeltsin, in his
hospital room, that no enlargement would happen in 1995—that is, during
the lead-up to Yeltsin’s 1996 reelection campaign. Gore suggested “they
shake hands to seal the deal that NATO will not expand in 1995,” and they
did. Clinton also wrote to Yeltsin to reinforce Gore’s words: “NATO will
not expand in 1995.” There would be only internal study, which would
“proceed in parallel” with the development of relations with Russia.162
Gore had armed himself with a metaphor that he hoped would appeal to
his hosts’ pride: the idea that simultaneously moving both the US-Russian
relationship and the NATO expansion process forward resembled the
docking procedures used to align spacecraft with a space station.163 This
metaphor and Clinton’s efforts succeeded in patching up relations
somewhat. They managed to convince Yeltsin that he had “mistakenly
interpreted the NAC communiqué to mean that NATO would make a
decision in 1995 on the timetable of expansion.”164 Somewhat mollified,
Yeltsin resumed the process to join PfP, but it was clear that the NAC
communiqué and the Budapest debacle had significantly set back US-
Russian relations.
Back in Washington, Perry could not understand why the White House
had provoked a confrontation in both Brussels and Budapest when, as far as
he could tell, the president “had not yet made a final decision on NATO
expansion.” Where was the gain in exchange for all of that damage? The
secretary of defense was also angry that, as he complained to Talbott,
“literally no one in the Pentagon knew anything about” the key passage of
“the NAC communiqué” of December 1, 1994 until it was released. He felt
strongly that it was not yet time to commence the enlargement of Article 5
territory—especially when he was making so much progress in strategic
arms control, even more important in the wake of the recent North Korean
nuclear crisis, during which Clinton had nearly authorized destroying key
components of the Yongbyon reactor site by military attack.
While the deputy secretary of state thought Perry’s view was a
“defensible position intellectually,” Talbott argued it was too late to go
back, since in his view “it’s not our Administration’s policy—and hasn’t
been for just over a year now.”165 He believed that the Visegrad countries,
after all they had suffered in the twentieth century, had too strong a moral
claim to NATO membership to be denied. Talbott also thought Perry was
willfully blind to the postelection reality that, under pressure from
victorious Republicans in Congress waving their copies of the Contract
with America, the push for expansion had to become more aggressive.
Perry sought an opportunity to hear directly from the president what US
policy was, and Clinton provided one. On December 21, 1994, the secretary
joined Gore, Christopher, Talbott, Lake, and Lake’s deputy Samuel “Sandy”
Berger in the president’s personal study at the White House, with Burns
taking notes by hand, for what proved to be a critical assessment of Gore’s
trip to Moscow.166 According to Burns’s notes, the vice president told the
group that one cause of the Budapest debacle was that the “Euros spun up
Russians” about US moves, increasing Yeltsin’s anxiety.
Gore then voiced what he saw as the heart of the problem. Just for the
ears of the people in the room, he said the “truth is: we have conflicting
impulses” with regard to the Central and Eastern European states and the
Russians.167 Washington had to choose between the two, he argued. After
more debate, Clinton and Gore—in the words of Perry—“felt that right was
on the side of the Eastern European countries that wanted to enter NATO
soon, that deferring expansion until later in the decade was not feasible, and
that the Russians could be convinced that expansion was not directed
against them.”168
The group then discussed a timetable for how to proceed.169 Clinton and
his advisors settled on a four-to-five-year time frame, although, as
Christopher noted, “I can’t see any of us saying this in public.”170 The
decision was, in essence, to shift priority away from Russia and Ukraine,
especially now that the latter was truly denuclearizing, and toward Central
and Eastern Europe.171
Afterward, Perry considered resigning.172 What should remain “ ‘front
and center,’ ” he thought, was negotiation with Russia to diminish its still-
vast nuclear arsenal.173 The progress on arms control in the early 1990s had
been nothing short of astounding. A nuclear superpower had fallen apart,
but only one nuclear state had resulted. All other successor states were
joining the NPT. There had been only minor leakage of nuclear materials
away from controlled sites. No weapons had detonated for any reason.
There were even new agreements on safeguards, on transparency about
amounts and locations of warhead and fissile materials, and test bans. These
were matters of existential importance on which the United States had made
historic progress, and now Perry’s opponents in the Clinton administration
were throwing a spanner into the works by pursuing a policy Russia would
find far more threatening than PfP.
After wavering, Perry decided in favor of staying in office. If NATO
enlargement had to occur, he would at least do his best to impose realistic
conditions—known as the Perry Principles—on the enlargement process,
such as the need to keep consensus within the alliance over what was
happening.174 In his memoirs, however, Perry lamented not having taken
more dramatic action at the time. “When I look back at this critical
decision,” he wrote, he regretted that “I didn’t fight more effectively for a
delay of the NATO decision.” If he had resigned, “it is possible that the
rupture in relations with Russia would have occurred anyway. But I am not
willing to concede that.”175
Instead, he left the president’s study that December day and returned to
his office, informing his team that NATO expansion “would go forward on
a brisk schedule” and that it would be an “uphill struggle” to keep US-
Russian cooperation on track. He found this sequence of events “tragic,”
particularly for someone like himself who, as he said later, genuinely
believed “that we had the opportunity in the 1990s to build a long-lasting
cooperative relationship with Russia.”176
Word of what had happened soon became public. By Christmas Day
1994, a leaked cable from the German ambassador to NATO alerted the
world that the United States was abandoning its Russia-first strategy.177 On
January 13, 1995, Clinton gave a speech at a conference in Cleveland on
trade and investment in Central and Eastern Europe, during which he
described NATO expansion as “inevitable.”178 This represented a significant
shift in public tone.179 That same month, the State Department sent the US
Mission to NATO a text “which the US believes should emerge from the
alliance’s internal deliberations on enlargement,” declaring that there “will
be no second-tier security guarantees.” With that, PfP’s descent was
By the end of 1994, partnership for the many had lost out to membership
for the few. Roughly a year prior, Clinton had decided that the best way to
serve American interests was to promote widespread cooperation with post-
Soviet states, not least in order to decrease nuclear threats from them. That
thinking, along with the need for peacekeeping in the Balkans, had
contributed to the creation of PfP—which also represented the start of
alliance expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, a step Moscow had
fought hard to prevent. If that process was initially slower than the Visegrad
leaders had hoped, however, the decision to pursue PfP nonetheless made
clear that the alliance was irrevocably extending itself beyond Germany.
The creation of the Partnership as a means of slow enlargement initially
helped to mitigate the cost of that extension with regard to Russia. But the
Partnership was undermined by the efforts of enlargement activists and by
Moscow’s own missteps and aggression, most notably in Chechnya. These
missteps came at a time when the belated Soviet departure from Germany
created newly permissive conditions for those who wanted a tougher line.
Ukraine also was no longer as strategically significant to Washington, given
its denuclearization; that and the beginning of weapons reductions under
START I created even more permissive conditions. Finally, there had been a
widespread assumption that peace in Europe would be the natural post–
Cold War condition, but the violence in Bosnia made that idea look naive;
hedging against future violence now seemed smart rather than paranoid.
The upshot was that, for Americans, Russian and Ukrainian concerns grew
less significant. Central and Eastern Europeans wisely took advantage of
this shift. The overwhelming Republican victory in the midterm elections
gave the opponents of PfP the additional boost they needed to bring the
president over to their side.
This outcome caused anguish not just for Perry but for his subordinate
and eventual successor, Ashton Carter. Carter later recalled that of the many
disagreements he had during his career, on no other issue did he have as
much trouble understanding his opponents’ position as this one.181
Nonetheless, by the end of 1994 those opponents had won, pushing the
Partnership from center stage to the margins.182 The arguments for PfP
made by a wide array of policymakers—Albright, Les Aspin, Christopher,
Perry, Schifter, Shalikashvili, and even Clinton himself—all fell by the
wayside. Now the burden was on supporters of full-guarantee expansion to
implement their policy without damaging US-Russian relations. As
Albright put it, “the key issue was how to manage the devolution of Russia
from an imperial to a normal nation.”183 The Clinton administration would
have to deal with Russians increasingly inclined to resist such management
by Washington.
Frost, 1995–99
A Terrible Responsibility
Spectrum of Satisfaction
Kozyrev was smart enough to realize the honeymoon had not ended solely
because of Washington. Yeltsin’s decision to move aggressively into
Chechnya had left scars as well.37 Although the Clinton administration
adopted the public stance that Chechnya was part of Russia—even at one
point unwisely likening Yeltsin’s battle with secessionists to that of Abraham
Lincoln—the private commentary between Washington and its NATO allies
was very different.38
The US secretary of state felt that the Chechen invasion of 1994 “cast a
dark shadow over our relationship with Russia” and was “inconsistent with
pretensions of democracy.”39 He soon learned that the French premier, Juppé,
held the same view; the Frenchman thought the invasion was “ ‘a bungled
amateur operation, carried out with great violence,’ ” which had displaced
400,000 people and killed 20,000 needlessly. Christopher replied that
“Chechnya had increased his conviction that the current approach on NATO
enlargement was the right one.” 40
The invasion was thereby becoming a
self-inflicted Russian wound, among other reasons because it made
expansion more likely. In Christopher’s words, Chechnya served as “an
alarm bell for all of Central Europe,” which could now “visualize the tanks
entering their capitals” and make a better case for the need to be in the
Atlantic Alliance as a result.41 Major saw the same dynamic from his vantage
point: Chechnya was “stoking the fears of those countries who want to be
members of NATO.” 42
Even Kozyrev admitted to the British foreign minister, Douglas Hurd, in
February 1995 that the Chechnya decision had been a “ ‘bad mistake.’ ”
Yeltsin, according to Kozyrev, had originally “thought he could conduct a
surgical operation” but belatedly realized that the army leaders were
incapable of doing so, and now blamed them for the sloppiness and heavy
casualties. Kozyrev reassured Hurd that “there was absolutely no question”
of “anything similar happening outside of Russia, in the Baltics for
example.” Hurd was unwilling to accept such explanations and forget the
matter, however, pointing out that, while it would have been no surprise to
the West “if the ‘old Russia’ had invaded Chechnya. But we had not
expected this of the ‘new Russia.’ ” 43
In addition to the damage that the Chechen invasion did to US-Russian
relations—to say nothing of the damage to Chechnya itself—the fiasco
created a new problem: it made compliance with the conventional forces
treaty that Gorbachev had signed on November 19, 1990 much harder for
Moscow. With the treaty, the West had sought to eliminate the Soviet
Union’s advantage in conventional weapons by limiting the amount of
equipment between the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural Mountains. To prevent
flanking maneuvers by one side against the other, there were additional
limits on specific geographic areas designated as flanks. The collapse of the
Soviet Union had, however, immensely complicated full implementation of
the treaty. Russian military leaders also resented (among other aspects) the
way that the treaty restricted where they could locate their own equipment in
their own country.44 And with compliance to the treaty’s terms coming due in
late 1995, the new problem of Russian military equipment involved in the
Chechen war—which was in a flank area—now threatened, in Talbott’s
words, to cause “a train wreck over CFE.” 45
The CIA reported at this time that there was another unusual piece of
equipment being moved, even though it was neither a conventional weapon
nor in a flank: an “unexploded nuclear device emplaced at an underground
site in Kazakhstan in 1991.” Instead of leaving it buried, Moscow was
spending an estimated 1.5 billion rubles to unearth and relocate it. The CIA
noted that “the recovery of an emplaced nuclear device after several years is
unprecedented.” 46
While this recovery could in theory be a positive
development—part of the effort to ensure that any “loose nukes” left over
from the Soviet period should be found and secured—there was another
curious development on the nuclear front in early 1996 that clearly did not
bode well: the CIA reported that Moscow may have conducted a test at the
Novaya Zemlya nuclear site. Russian officials issued a denial but added
pointedly that adherence to a moratorium on nuclear testing was solely “the
prerogative of the Russian president.” 47
The bottom was also falling out of Russian economic reforms, further
exacerbating worries. A small tier of oligarchs had enriched themselves
impressively while the average Russian was struggling with unemployment,
poverty, and pensions of vanishing value. In the course of 1995, it became
clear to Talbott that Yeltsin had engaged in a series of Faustian bargains with
those oligarchs. In exchange for siphoning their wealth into the Russian
president’s “campaign war chest,” the Kremlin “paid the oligarchs back with
vast opportunities for insider trading,” including the infamous loans-for-
shares deal, which was essentially a corrupt auction of state assets.48 In
addition, organized crime became “the most explosive force to emerge from
the wreckage of Soviet communism,” in the words of one Foreign Affairs
author. Such crime was all the more menacing for “its connection to key
sections of the government bureaucracy” because “no criminal enterprise of
this complexity could have succeeded without the support and
encouragement of officials at every level.” 49
As US diplomat Bill Burns recalled in his memoirs, this connection gave
Moscow “its own unique charms in the mid-1990s” as a place to do
business. He remembered visiting the Moscow mayor’s office one day for an
appointment and seeing “Russians in suits lying spread-eagled in snow, with
men with black ski masks” holding guns over them. The masked men, he
later discovered, were “part of Yeltsin’s presidential guards,” led by Kremlin
head of security Aleksandr Korzhakov. They were “paying a courtesy call on
executives of the Most Group, run by one of Russia’s wealthiest oligarchs,
Vladimir Gusinsky, whose offices were a few floors below the mayor’s.”
Gusinsky had run afoul of Korzhakov, and this was how “gentle reminders”
not to upset people in power were delivered in Russia at the time.50
Meanwhile, a stark contrast had arisen. As Russia was descending into a
new “time of troubles”—a common reference to a historical period of
upheaval in the early seventeenth century—the United States embarked on
the longest economic expansion in its history.51 The divergence in experience
of the 1990s could not have been wider. Americans enjoyed prosperity at
home and the luxury of choice as to the nation’s engagements abroad. As
Clinton advisor James Steinberg later said of NATO expansion, “there were
no action-forcing things” other than “the sense that there were countries who
now wanted to get in, but you didn’t have to do it.” It was a heady feeling,
he recalled, to be able to ponder not just how but whether to shape the world:
to do something because you felt like it, rather than had to do it. He found
expansion compelling for precisely that reason: “you’re particularly attracted
to things that you don’t have to do but that you want to do because you think
it’s shaping.”52 The choice to flex American muscles at leisure, rather than
under pressure, felt like a luxury.
One practical manifestation of this view was declining US willingness to
provide Moscow with face-saving political options as NATO expanded.
According to Steinberg, Christopher initially made the mistake of endorsing
a “deferential and solicitous” approach toward the Russians; the result was
that they became “even more demanding,” and the secretary grew
skeptical.53 By 1995 at the latest, Christopher’s attitude had changed.
Washington “must be very careful not to be seen as running after the
Russians, offering them concessions,” because “over the long term, we can
get that relationship right without concessions.”54 Instead, the United States
would use its economic might in bilateral relations with Russia to achieve
strategic political goals.
As Steinberg later put it, “we succeeded in something that had been tried
ever since the early ’70s, which was bringing the economics into the heart of
national security decision-making.”55 Between 1993 and 1996, Clinton
would come up with $4.5 billion in bilateral assistance to Russia to facilitate
economic reform, curb inflation, and stabilize the ruble.56 On his watch, the
United States would become Russia’s largest foreign investor, and he would
inspire a host of entities, such as the Export-Import Bank, the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation, and the Trade and Development Agency, to
support commercial transactions with Moscow valued at more than $4
In short, Moscow’s economic weakness gave the US president the
leverage he needed. Clinton explained this approach to the visiting Dutch
prime minister, Willem Kok, in March 1995, saying that “as we expand
NATO,” his administration needed to find a way to provide “parallel
enhancement of relations between NATO and Russia” in order to keep US-
Russian relations on an even keel. Clinton concluded: “It will be difficult,
but at least in principle I think Russia can be bought off.”57
There was, as a result, little need to consider such Russian preferences on
the details of expansion. According to British foreign minister Hurd, what
Moscow truly wanted was something it “cannot get,” namely “partial
membership in NATO along the lines of France or Spain.”58 Much to the
annoyance of US proponents of full-guarantee enlargement, however, the
idea of offering just such a partial membership to countries in Central and
Eastern Europe had French support. As the secretary general of NATO,
Willy Claes, explained to Clinton on March 7, 1995, Paris desired that “new
members be given a choice for different formulas” of membership: “the
French model, the Spanish model,” or “full integration.”59
The British disagreed strongly. As the Ministry of Defence advised
Washington, “there should be no more Frances, Spains, or Norways with
special status.” 60 Paris lost that debate in the end because its influence was
waning. The end of President François Mitterrand’s long tenure in office was
in sight, due both to the upcoming presidential election of April 1995 and to
advanced cancer. French preferences could be presumed temporary until the
post-Mitterrand era began and disregarded until then.61
The Russian foreign minister nonetheless kept trying to come up with
practical ways to make expansion acceptable to his home country. Kozyrev
requested that if expansion had to occur, Moscow at least be given
opportunities for defense industry collaborations. The industrial
collaboration idea found sympathy in Germany in particular, which
promoted the idea of creating a giant transport aircraft, built by engineers
from both the United States and post-Soviet states, together with electronics
experts from the EU.62 Even better, the contract could provide employment
for the Antonov aircraft works in Ukraine as well, given that Antonov had
already built the biggest aircraft ever to enter service successfully, the An-
225, and so had proven expertise. The idea would potentially have brought
jobs and benefits to a wide array of countries, including the economically
struggling post-Soviet states.63
Asked about opportunities for defense industry collaboration by Kozyrev
on February 14, 1995, Hurd was cool, saying that it was only “conceivable.”
A lobbying alliance of US and EU aircraft industry executives opposed the
idea, preferring to secure for themselves contracts to produce the Boeing C-
17 and the Airbus A400M aircraft. Russians also undermined themselves.
Western defense experts, some initially excited by the novelty of working
with rather than in opposition to Moscow, invited delegations from Russia to
visit and explore opportunities for cooperation. The US Department of
Defense in particular sponsored numerous trips to the United States for
Russians. But as one civilian Pentagon official later recalled, the guests
would at times appear to be inebriated at meetings—and when hotel bills
arrived afterward, some included astronomical minibar and phone charges.
A policy of giving Russian visitors hotel rooms with empty minibars and
phones routed through a Pentagon switchboard had to be developed. Hopes
for large-scale collaboration dissipated in part because of such negative
small-scale interactions.
Kozyrev also tried to negotiate compromises related to the two-plus-four
accord, meaning legally binding prohibitions on nuclear weapons and the
stationing of foreign troops, but with a similar lack of success. The State
Department and the US Mission to NATO pushed back. Potential new
member states should have neither an “obstacle to nor a priori requirement
for permanent basing of forward deployed units.” And there would, of
course, be a “nuclear guarantee extended to new members.” The State
Department’s one hesitation was that it would be important for new
members to remove “KGB/GRU affiliated leaders from new allies’
intelligence structures,” presumably before significant Western troops or
weapons showed up.65
In short, the Russian foreign minister made little headway with these
suggestions for compromise. But Russian leaders were not entirely lacking
in ways to push back. Washington had recently announced the testing of a
rapidly deployable, truck-mounted system capable of intercepting short-and
medium-range ballistic missiles just outside of the atmosphere, known as the
Theater (or Terminal) High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). The system
created controversy at the time because there was disagreement between
Moscow and Washington over whether it was subject to the terms of the
1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty.66 The Clinton administration had
initially concluded that THAAD violated the ABM Treaty and had refrained
from testing. But as Secretary Christopher informed his Russian counterparts
on April 26, 1995, “with the new Republican majority surprisingly intense
about the ABM issue,” the administration had reconsidered under pressure
and decided on reflection that some THAAD testing would, in fact, be
permissible.67 Moscow complained—and also informed the US ambassador
there that START II ratification would have to go on the back burner.68 Just
as the US secretary of defense, Bill Perry, had feared, US-Russian progress
on arms control was beginning to suffer.69
Both Washington and the alliance clearly needed to find a way to keep
Moscow and anxious allies occupied during the delay. The answer was the
usual one given by any large organization seeking to stall: commission a
study, largely prewritten in Washington. In keeping with what Perry called
the “fictional spontaneity” of NATO issuing texts drafted in advance by
Washington, the State Department circulated the plan that “should emerge
from the alliance’s internal deliberations on enlargement” later in 1995.
Given that there were a number of practicalities needing consideration, such
as how to carry out the “basing of foreign troops and of nuclear weapons on
the territory of new members, and the possibility of new members trying to
block subsequent enlargement,” a study of such issues would have the merits
of both passing the time and being useful.70 In short, in the words of
Secretary General Claes to Clinton, there was “enough work to do . . . even
with respect to candidate number one,” that is, Poland, to fill the time.71
There would be one topic, however, that would be off-limits to any study.
As the State Department advised the US Mission to NATO, “security must
be equal for all allies.” In other words, the study should not yield any
arguments in favor of associate, phased, or tiered membership: “there will be
no-second-tier [sic] security guarantees.”72 The US Mission to NATO made
clear that it understood these instructions, as well as its role more broadly
during the 1995 delay. It would “view the work this year” not so much as a
“robust NATO decision” but rather as an extended confidence-building
exercise. The goal was simply “to get allies used to the idea of having new
allies, comfortable with the fact that the alliance which emerges afterward
will not” be weakened.73 Satisfied with how this was developing, by the
spring of 1995 Secretary Christopher could inform Talbott that, during the
extended hold, contacts with NATO allies could be “done at lower level” for
the time being because “we need to keep main players in Washington
Despite such delays to actual enlargement, Kozyrev sensed correctly that
a hardening of opinions was underway in Washington. He and his foreign
ministry colleagues felt it when they tried to convince Talbott to transform
NATO into “a collective security organization rather than a vehicle for
containment.”75 Talbott declined, saying, “we’re not in the business of
having to ‘compensate’ Russia or buy it off.” Although Clinton had spoken
of doing precisely that, Talbott saw such concessions as unnecessary. The
deputy secretary believed the time for a harder line had come because, as he
confidentially told his boss, “Russia is not doing us a favor by allowing
NATO to expand.”76 Talbott’s private view mimicked that of President
George H. W. Bush, who had said in 1990 that “the Soviets are not in a
position to dictate” what the alliance could and could not do.77 The deputy
secretary felt the same way, explaining his view of the end of the Cold War
to Christopher as follows: “Fact is, we and the Soviet Union didn’t meet
each other halfway, and we and Russia aren’t going to do so either.”
Instead, Talbott felt Moscow should see the United States as a lighthouse,
showing the way toward “democratic elections, free press, pluralism, open
markets, civil society, rule of law, independent judiciary, checks and
balances, respect for minority rights, civilian control of the military.” As a
result, US strategy should be “intended to make sure that the rickety, leaky,
oversized, cannon-laden Good Ship Russia, with its stinking bilge, its erratic,
autocratic captain, and its semi-mutinous crew (including plenty with peg
legs and black eyepatches), has a clearly visible point on the horizon to steer
by.” Talbott concluded that, whatever Christopher thought of this extended
metaphor, “it’s at least better” than Kozyrev’s “cliché about the end of a
honeymoon. Whatever US-Russian relations are like, it ain’t love and
Such pointed remarks showed that Talbott’s role in the decision-making
process on enlargement had changed considerably since he had supported
the Partnership in October 1993. At that time, supporters of PfP had
understandably but wrongly assumed that he was on their side. It was
becoming clear that Talbott was, however, on the side of Lake and others
who sought full-guarantee expansion. Where the deputy secretary differed
was in his concern for sequencing; he admired how Bush had gotten
Moscow used to Germany in NATO over time. In this regard, Talbott shared
a view with the vice president. Gore felt it made “little sense for us to say
that, for all time, we rule out even the theoretical possibility of Russia
joining NATO.” Although there was little “likelihood” of Russia joining, it
was still useful to keep the possibility alive as a way of dealing with “what
Gorbachev called the ‘enemy image’ ” that many Russians still had of the
West.79 The vice president’s comments were a further sign that internal
administration thinking, which initially had contained openness to Russian
membership, was now moving farther away from that view.
As these debates were unfolding, it became apparent that there was a
major new participant in them: the Republican-controlled House and Senate,
which had little interest in what Russians thought.80 Upon swearing their
oaths of office in January 1995, members of the House did what they could
to accelerate enlargement. They swiftly proposed a “National Security
Revitalization Act” in support of expansion. Democratic members, such as
Lee Hamilton of Indiana, tried to push back. Hamilton pointed out that it
made no sense to take on costly new security commitments in Europe when
US force levels had declined by two-thirds since 1990 and defense spending
was set to shrink further. Then there was the larger question looming behind
expansion: “why is it in the US interest to provide a nuclear guarantee and a
pledge to go to war to defend Slovakia?” In short, Hamilton was “not sure
the American people are ready for these commitments.”81 The Senate failed
to take action, and the legislation died.82 The House also passed a NATO
Expansion Act in 1995, thus formalizing that body’s support for
One of the president’s political advisors, Dick Morris, conducted a poll
on NATO enlargement, which showed the public opposed to postponing it.84
Even though, in Morris’s words, Clinton’s foreign policy experts “ ‘honked
like geese on a pond’ ” when he came anywhere near them—warning they
should not be subject to domestic pressures—the president personally
remained reliant on Morris and attentive to public opinion.85 Clinton was too
good a politician to forget that 20 million Americans of Eastern European
descent lived in fourteen states that accounted for close to 40 percent of the
Electoral College.86
Steinberg later recalled the sense of resolve in the air when he, Lake, and
others planned the response to the massacre in Srebrenica. The clear feeling
was “ ‘we have to grab this’ ” and “ ‘we have to solve it.’ ” The result was,
in Steinberg’s view, an appropriately “aggressive strategy, that included
pressing and ultimately being prepared to break with the UN.”
Demonstrating that the alliance could respond to a “real-time challenge”
would prove to be a “turning point.”117
NATO’s Operation Deliberate Force began on August 30, 1995. Nearly
300 aircraft from eight NATO countries flew more than 3,500 sorties over
roughly two weeks.118 Perry called his Russian counterpart, Pavel Grachev,
regularly but did not provide the defense minister with advance word of
strikes, which deepened Moscow’s resentment.119 Washington also
compelled all sides to hold talks coordinated by Holbrooke in Dayton, Ohio,
in November. They ultimately yielded an accord, signed in Paris on
December 14, 1995. To help implement that accord, the UN gave NATO a
mandate, which cleared the way for what was at the time the largest military
operation in NATO’s history: an Implementation Force (IFOR) of
approximately 60,000 troops from both member and partner states.120 It also
showed the success of another concept that had emerged from General John
Shalikashvili’s office: combined joint task forces (CJTFs), which allowed
both NATO and non-NATO members to cooperate beyond the alliance’s
geographic area. (There was even consideration that Europeans could use the
CJTF format for other operations, ones in which NATO as a whole chose not
to cooperate, although that idea generated resistance from the alliance’s top
military commander, a US general.)121
Privately, on July 25, 1995, Clinton and Kohl had also discussed the
option of a ground campaign. Kohl was strongly against it, finding the idea
“totally wrong” and saying flatly, “Don’t put anyone on the ground.” In the
chancellor’s view, it was “out of the question to think that we could conduct
a war there and win” because “we would need several hundreds of thousands
of troops and no one wants to make that kind of commitment.” The bottom
line, as Kohl saw it, was that “there is no domestic support for it in the
Ironically, even as they increased NATO’s importance, these
developments showed the merits of PfP. As Robert Hunter of the US
Mission to NATO put it, “Partnership for Peace is moving along smartly.”
PfP had brought together the relevant militaries in precisely the kinds of
exercises and training events that enabled them to carry out the Bosnian
operations.123 Thanks to them, Central and Eastern Europeans and
Ukrainians could all work successfully with each other and with NATO
nations in Bosnia.124 And for the first time in alliance history, despite various
disagreements, NATO ground forces would deploy with Russians as side-by-
side partners, not enemies, showing that all was not lost in Western relations
with Moscow.125
With “ ‘no more Mr. Nice Guy’ ” in the foreign minister’s office, Talbott
suggested that Christopher be on guard when he and Primakov commenced
battle in early February 1996.40 Ahtisaari agreed to host both men in
Helsinki but wondered aloud why Christopher was unwilling to invite the
Russian to the United States: “ ‘is this a step back to Cold War days?’ ”
Christopher replied that it was not; he only wanted to use Helsinki as a way
for the two to meet without the pressures of a full-fledged formal visit in
either country.41
When he began speaking to Primakov, Christopher realized (as he later
told Clinton) that the Russian’s “considerable talents have a single
objective”: Yeltsin’s reelection in June.42 Primakov was hardly alone in
prioritizing that objective. Russian oligarchs had apparently held a side
meeting at the January 1996 Davos conference on making Yeltsin win,
since their fortunes were tied so closely to his.43 Western experts on Russia
reported that the president’s election campaign was “dirty” as a result of
such deals “for political support with the oligarchs,” who were
“manipulating politics and fighting among themselves over the purchase of
former state assets.” 44
In the course of talks on February 9–10, 1996 in Helsinki, however,
Christopher’s and Primakov’s focus stayed on foreign policy. Primakov was
at least willing to take “a positive line on Russian cooperation” with the
United States and NATO in Bosnia. But the foreign minister “repeatedly
returned to the theme that treatment of Russia as an ‘equal’—something he
insisted has not occurred in the past—will guide his conduct of Russian
foreign policy.” 45 For his part, the secretary of state highlighted the issue of
Ukraine. That country’s president, Leonid Kuchma, had recently
complained to Clinton that “while declaring in public their friendship and
love, the Russians are doing everything possible to suppress us and drive us
to our knees.” In addition to nonpayment of what Kuchma felt he was owed
from deals to denuclearize, Moscow was also promoting labor unrest. It had
“provoked the strikes by Ukraine’s coal miners” by sending
“representatives to virtually all Ukraine’s mines.” Then “the Russians
disconnected us from our joint electrical system, forcing us to use more
natural gas.” The result was that Ukraine “had to shut down one-half of our
enterprises.” In Kuchma’s view, this was happening because Russia wanted
Ukraine back “within the Russian control structure.” 46
To Primakov,
Christopher insisted that “Russia needs to fulfill its obligation to
compensate Ukraine for the tactical nuclear weapons transferred in 1991–
Primakov, however, was not forthcoming on Ukraine—or on NATO
expansion. Instead, he launched four lines of attack on enlargement. The
first was to claim that “the movement of NATO’s infrastructure into Central
Europe, by bringing missiles closer to Russia, would be tantamount to an
abrogation of the INF Treaty” and so was inadmissible. In other words,
since short-range missiles moved to new eastern sites “could threaten
targets” previously reachable only by INF-restricted weapons, they were
prohibited.47 The second line took advantage of US interest in a
comprehensive nuclear test ban as a bargaining chip. Like so many other
things, the White House understood that (in the words of an internal
summary) “CTBT monitoring and verification” could only succeed if there
were “positive United States–Russian relations.” 48 Clinton had already tried
to flatter Yeltsin into helping with the test ban initiative, saying “you may
be the only one who can sell the zero-yield CTB to China.” 49 A third line of
attack was to link enlargement to proliferation, saying, “ ‘if NATO is to be
enlarged, then the cheapest way for us to counter it” would be to “expand
our nuclear capability in the region.’ ”50 As a corollary to that line of attack,
Moscow also called arms control accords into question. Primakov
approvingly recounted a remark by a member of the Duma, advising that “
‘we renounce both START II and the INF Treaty if NATO expands.’ ” The
US Senate had ratified START II in January 1996, but the Russians were
letting it languish. Perry feared that the treaty had become “ ‘a casualty of
NATO expansion.’ ”51
By far Moscow’s most tenacious line of attack, however, was the fourth:
using the two-plus-four treaty of 1990 as a weapon. Russian diplomats
claimed that the “ ‘spirit’ ” of the accord and contemporary “side
assurances prohibit nations to the east of Germany from joining the
alliance.”52 Inspiration for this attack came in part, ironically, from Yeltsin’s
nemesis Mikhail Gorbachev. The last Soviet leader had given an influential
interview in the September 22–28, 1995, issue of the Moscow News,
entitled “Russia Will Not Play Second Fiddle,” lamenting that the West had
been taking advantage of Russia.53 He was also in the process of writing and
publishing memoirs, expressing this lament in multiple languages and
countries. Gorbachev’s book brought renewed attention to the February
1990 comment by the former secretary of state, James Baker, that NATO
would not shift one inch eastward.54 The signal boosting of this controversy
caused by Gorbachev’s book was a timely gift to Yeltsin and Primakov, who
now faced a West pushing to see just how many inches eastward it could
No Russian argument infuriated Western leaders more than this one.55
Current and former policymakers competed to denounce it fervently. The
US embassy in Bonn circulated comments by Baker, who had gone back to
private life as an attorney, dismissing the claim: “ ‘this treaty of course
deals only with Germany and doesn’t pretend to deal with anything else.’
”56 German defense minister Volker Rühe called it “ ‘absurd’ to suggest that
a treaty on the political unity of Germany could influence the right of the
independent nations of Central and Eastern Europe to form alliances of their
Apparently uncertain that it was so absurd, Baker’s successor
commissioned a detailed internal investigation of the Russian claim.
Christopher chose John Herbst, his acting coordinator for former Soviet
states, and Kornblum to carry out the investigation. He distributed their
final report widely, providing ammunition for US diplomats and press
spokesmen to shoot down Primakov and his team. As a result of both the
official imprimatur and the broad distribution, the Herbst and Kornblum
account came to be seen as canonical, and for years their views helped
shape American attitudes toward the controversy of what, exactly, had been
said in 1990.
In their investigation, the two men focused on the discrepancy between
spoken negotiations in 1990 and their more limited written results. First,
they admitted West German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher made
a spoken “unilateral statement” that NATO’s “offensive forces would not be
moved eastward.’ ” He had of course said this in various forms more than
once, but the general point was accurate. Genscher’s statement had no legal
force, however, because “the treaty makes no mention of NATO
deployments beyond the boundaries of Germany,” and only the written
treaty truly mattered. American diplomats should “pointedly remind the
Russians of this basic fact.”58
Second, American envoys should also remind Russians that the Helsinki
Final Act of 1975 and the Charter of Paris of 1990—both signed by
Moscow—confirmed that every sovereign-state signatory could choose its
military alliance freely.59 The only reason that right had been spelled out
separately with regard to Germany in a special two-plus-four treaty was
because of “the unique nature of the post-war settlement” over that divided
country. As a result of Germany’s unconditional surrender to the four allies
in 1945, “Moscow had a legal role in German unification,” and hence
“Germany had a compelling reason to pursue a deal with the Russians.” But
“the situation vis-à-vis the Central and Eastern Europeans is vastly
different.” Any suggestion that the United States was “prepared to
countenance such deal-making ‘about them, but without them’ ”—a
common Polish phrase for other countries deciding their future over their
heads—“would be devastating to our political position and credibility
there.” 60
Finally and most tellingly, the combination of the two-plus-four treaty
and the agreed minute added in the wee hours just before the treaty’s
signature explicitly allowed NATO forces to cross the old Cold War
dividing line after the departure of Soviet troops—meaning Moscow had
signed an accord permitting the opposite of what it now claimed. Primakov
would later concede this point in his memoirs. He regretted that Gorbachev
had neglected to get nonexpansion assurances codified in some way. The
Soviet leader’s failure to have such assurances “put into a treaty or legal
form” meant that Primakov inherited a serious problem: Herbst and
Kornblum’s 1996 claims were, in terms of the formal written record,
The two Americans had a problem as well, however, which they did not
acknowledge at the time. In their zeal to fight their corner, they were
unwilling to acknowledge the significance of NATO’s contingent
enlargement in 1990. Recognition of that precedent might have helped to
arrest the decay in the US-Russian dialogue. Instead, the two men ridiculed
Moscow’s claim as a “specious argument which we should refute
definitively.” Although the two-plus-four was a formal treaty, they argued
that it “did not set any legal or political precedents.” They considered
Moscow’s ideas so laughable in legal terms that they suspected something
else was going on: “the Russians may be groping towards a somewhat more
subtle outcome.” Primakov, in other words, was preparing the ground for a
compromise. Since NATO had accepted legally binding prohibitions on “the
stationing or deployment of foreign forces or nuclear weapons” on the
“sovereign territory of an ally” (i.e., Germany), “Russia might hope
eventually to extract a similar limitation from NATO itself with regard to an
enlarged alliance.” Primakov was most likely “positioning Russia to pursue
a deal in which new allies would have to accept limitations on their
membership equivalent to the two-plus-four restrictions on Germany.” 62
was essentially the compromise that Lech Wałęsa had signaled to Richard
Holbrooke in January 1995 that he might be willing to accept.
Talbott and Christopher were so alarmed at this prospect that they told
Clinton it represented “a poison pill of the most extreme toxicity.” In their
view, the prospect of applying the two-plus-four to more of Central and
Eastern Europe threatened not only the heart of NATO deterrence but
NATO itself, which ultimately rested on the forward-deployment of
American nuclear weapons.63 The State Department’s bottom line was clear:
“we should forcefully remind Moscow that we are not prepared to cut any
deals over the heads of the Central and Eastern Europeans.” 64
Leaders from those countries confirmed Herbst and Kornblum’s
suspicions in March 13, 1996, by reporting that Russia was indeed hinting
at two-plus-four-style restrictions on them, meaning “no nukes/no stationed
forces.” Primakov was apparently worried that without such limits, “
‘boundless’ extension of NATO to Russia’s borders” would lead to
“membership for the Baltic states or Ukraine.” 65
Herbst concluded that
Primakov was “simply trolling for an authoritative admission from any of
the Central Europeans or any of the Allies that they would settle for
something less than full-fledged enlargement.” 66
Christopher advised the
would-be new allies that given “Primakov’s sophistication relative to that of
Kozyrev in seeking to disrupt NATO enlargement,” they should “reject
Primakov’s efforts to drive wedges between potential members of the
alliance.” 67
The NSC also opposed “a ‘Norway’ status for new NATO
members,” a reference to Norway’s insistence that no troops be stationed on
its territory except during a war, no atomic weapons be deployed there, and
all exercises be held a certain distance away from the Soviet (later Russian)
Sensing victory, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland resisted the
poison pill as Washington requested.69 The only partial exception was
Slovakia, where the leaders of a prominent workers’ association, Ján Slota
and Ján Ľupták, publicly questioned the need to deploy NATO’s nuclear
arsenal on Slovakian soil, given how little difference it would make to the
strategic balance and how much it would damage relations with Russia.70 It
was part of the longer history of Europeans questioning the need for
shorter-range nuclear weapons, and the reaction showed that the issue was
still sensitive despite the passing of the Cold War. This hint that Slovakians
might take the poison pill combined with doubts about Slovakia’s uneven
progress in democratizing threatened to sink the country’s chances of early
membership. American diplomats informed Bratislava that summer that “it
was not clear to the USG whether Slovakia shared our values.”71
With campaigning in Russia entering its endgame, contention over these
issues could clearly cause trouble—which made it all the more problematic
that a regular NATO ministerial, or NAC, was due to take place in Berlin on
June 3–4, 1996, shortly before the first round of the Russian election on
June 16. A lid had to be kept on stray remarks; loose lips must not sink the
ship of enlargement just as it got underway. Solana conferred with the US
Mission to NATO about how to keep allies busy talking about something
other than expansion; they decided to spend time “ ‘educating’ the French
on how the NATO military structure actually works.”72
Clinton weighed in personally, telling Solana that when enlargement did
come up at the ministerial, all present were to act in a way that was
“methodical, plodding, even bureaucratic.” It was essential “to take away
the emotional energy from the NATO enlargement issue,” not only in
“Russia and Central and Eastern Europe” but also “among constituencies
that support enlargement in the US and Europe.” As he said to Talbott, he
wanted to give Yeltsin time to accept enlargement as “ ‘one of those things
in life you can’t avoid—you just have to get used’ ” to it. The bottom line:
“we should smile and plod ahead.” The NATO allies, he added, should also
emphasize the success of PfP, which persisted despite the blows to its
importance. Despite being marginalized, the Partnership remained, as the
president noted, a site of substantive cooperation between multiple
Clinton’s advisors also recommended playing up the success of the IFOR
mission in Bosnia. An NSC assessment on June 21, 1996 found that it
“continues to progress smoothly as it consolidates its successful
accomplishments of the first six months and prepares to support elections in
September.”74 The Partnership had proved to be a durable framework for
bringing the Atlantic Alliance together with a diverse set of partners, with
one in six IFOR troops deployed in early 1996 coming from non-NATO
countries.75 Just a few years after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russian
troops were successfully working shoulder to shoulder with NATO forces in
Bosnia, and Russian forces were functioning well within a US-led
command structure.76 IFOR showed that real cooperation at the military
level was possible under the right conditions.77
Political cooperation that summer was extensive as well. Clinton
continued to believe that Yeltsin was better than all alternatives (from the
American viewpoint) and likely to give Washington the best deal on NATO.
That belief had motivated his arm-twisting of the IMF earlier in the year. It
now reportedly motivated him to get the election consultant Richard
Dresner, who had worked with Clinton in the past, to advise Yeltsin’s
campaign.78 Dresner kept in close touch with Clinton’s current political
advisor, Dick Morris, providing a conduit of information directly to the
White House.79 Meanwhile, Talbott took weekly advice on the Russian
election from John Deutch, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency,
who was also keeping a close eye on developments.80
Yeltsin knew that Washington needed him to win and took full advantage
of it. A month before the first-round vote, he called Clinton and said
bluntly, “Bill, for my election campaign, I urgently need for Russia a loan
of $2.5 billion.” He wanted, as ever, “money to pay pensions and wages,”
but IMF conditions meant that he would not receive the promised funds in
time. Clinton, surprised, said, “I had understood you would get about $1
billion from the IMF before the election.” Yeltsin answered, “no, no, only
$300 million.” Clinton said he would do all he could to get the appropriate
wheels turning, which he did.81
The US president helped further with an array of announcements. He
trumpeted the good news that Russia had, as of June 1, 1996, at long last
taken possession of all nuclear weapons stranded in Ukraine after the
collapse of the Soviet Union. In a public statement, Clinton rejoiced that “in
1991, there were more than 4000 strategic and tactical nuclear warheads” in
Ukraine, and “today there are none.”82 He also announced a compromise on
the CFE flank controversy sparked in part by the war in Chechnya, which
fell within a flank. Despite the misgivings of Russia’s smaller neighbors,
Moscow gained the ability to station more weaponry in that flank and an
extension until 1999 of the deadline to come into compliance with that new
level.83 It seemed possible that the Chechen war might be winding down; on
May 27, 1996, Yeltsin signed an accord with a rebel leader agreeing to the
cessation of combat operations.84 Finally, on top of all of these
developments, Russia received an extension of the deadline for completing
the reductions required by START II.85
Wałęsa, visiting the United States on June 3, 1996 as a private citizen,
sought and received an invitation to see Clinton. Once inside the White
House, he sounded a warning about this all-out effort to support Yeltsin.
Wałęsa reminded the president that “Yeltsin really can be dangerous” and
that “he has already shot at his people and at parliament.” Those actions
crossed a significant threshold and signaled that Yeltsin might authorize
violence in the future as well: “he has the will and the structures to carry out
such action.” While “in a peaceful situation, of course, Yeltsin is preferable
because he is a known quantity . . . the situation is not necessarily peaceful
in Russia.”86
Wałęsa’s pleas changed little. The push to protect Yeltsin continued and
proved successful. On June 16, the Russian president finished first among
ten candidates, earning 35 percent of the vote and making it into the second
round.87 Then, exhausted, he suffered another heart attack. His campaign
team managed, however, to avoid a disaster by concealing the seriousness
of his illness. Despite virtually disappearing from public view, Yeltsin
defeated his communist opponent, Zyuganov, on July 3 by thirteen
percentage points.88
Although the reelected Russian president was barely strong enough to
attend his own second inauguration, the cries of relief from the West at
Yeltsin’s survival in office drowned out all questions, both about his fitness
for office and about the election’s more dubious aspects.89 One such aspect
was the report by Russian election authorities that despite the years of
brutality in Chechnya ordered by Yeltsin—not to mention international
observers’ estimates that fewer than 500,000 adults remained in the region
—more than a million Chechens had cast votes, and 70 percent were for the
incumbent. Later, a member of the OSCE election-observation team
claimed that he was pressured not to reveal the “widespread voter fraud” he
had witnessed. A US diplomat serving in the Moscow embassy at the time
of the election, Thomas Graham, asserted that the Clinton administration
knew the election was not truly fair, but it was a case of “ ‘the ends
justifying the means.’ ”90
Redefining “Not One Inch,” Gaining New Leases on Life
As the Russian election was still unfolding, the NSC felt confident enough
—despite Yeltsin’s physical and political weakness—to finalize its “NATO
Enlargement Game Plan: June 96 to June 97.”91 Conscious of the link
between the number of new members and the cost in terms of damage to
US-Russian relations, the NSC advised starting expansion at the earliest
possible date but inviting only the most obvious candidates. As the plan
noted, recent “Russian suggestions that partial or limited CEE membership
(e.g. no nuclear stationing, no extension of NATO military infrastructure, no
Baltic membership at all) could indicate a softening Russian stance.” In
light of decreasing French and German support for enlargement, the
implication was that the United States should seize the moment and move
ahead—even at the risk of having to leave out the Baltic states, which “lack
the votes for now” among current NATO members.
The founding treaty of the alliance stated that invitations to new
members required “unanimous agreement” among allies. The combination
of American military dominance and arm-twisting in the alliance could
most likely achieve that result for some states, but not necessarily the
Baltics, or the Romanians, who despite strong French support were simply
“not ready.” There was, however, a silver lining: by inviting only a small
group at first, the alliance made clear that other invitations would follow.
This strategy enabled the Clinton team to keep “runners-up and also-rans
engaged,” lest they worry “they are being left in a gray area.”92 In Germany,
Defense Minister Rühe supported this strategy. As he later remarked, “if we
wanted to bring in the Baltic states and others later, it was just the right
thing to bring three in first.”93
The NSC added that, in the meantime, the United States should find
ways to reinforce Baltic sovereignty and that “similar measures should be
devised for Ukraine.” Clinton put some of the NSC’s advice into action
even before the second round of the Russian elections. On June 25, 1996,
he welcomed Baltic leaders to the White House. He repeated words that
Talbott had already said to them a year earlier: “the first new members to
join the alliance shall not be the last.” The deputy secretary reinforced the
president by adding that “the first, second, and third enlargements will not
be the last.” The alliance had to be cautious, however, about revealing the
depth of its support for eventual Baltic membership. As the NSC put it,
creating “the impression that the Baltics will be given special consideration
in the next tranche could be seen as so provocative as to sour, perhaps for
good, prospects for a meaningful NATO-Russia relationship.”
To prevent that, the NSC suggested a smart maneuver: to endorse
rhetorically Primakov’s efforts to enforce as many two-plus-four treaty
terms as possible on new NATO members. The alliance could say that, “in
the present security environment, NATO has no intention of stationing
nuclear weapons or significant forward-based multinational conventional
forces on the territories of new members.” This would be less
confrontational than the Herbst and Kornblum scorched-earth approach of
ridiculing Russian claims as specious—but it would not bind Washington to
anything. NATO could offer, as previously considered, some new charter or
“framework document” between the United States and Russia.94 As UN
ambassador Madeleine Albright later summarized it, the charter was meant
to “give Moscow a voice but not a veto in European security discussions.”95
The object of all of these arguments was to get Russia to name its price
and get moving. As Talbott put it to Christopher, “I need hardly emphasize
how tricky this is—diplomatically, strategically, politically and
bureaucratically.” At this critical moment, it was essential to keep the circle
of those in the know tight and small. The deputy secretary saw Steinberg as
“the co-captain (with Kornblum) of our Euro-security/NATO expansion
team,” along with a few others.96 Talbott was clear: he did “not want to
broaden the circle any further.” If he did, “we’d get leaks, back-biting and
God knows what else.” But if the deputy secretary kept his team tiny, then
one of the biggest problems would be avoiding a new Yalta-style agreement
about the future of Europe arising without the direct participation of Central
and Eastern European negotiators. Christopher phrased this as avoiding a
US-Russian “condominium” over their heads.97
Another hard decision was what to say about Russian eligibility for
NATO. According to Talbott, “several top Brits and the German Defense
Minister,” Rühe, had told him “we should stop kidding ourselves and
simply say flat out, no way will Russia ever get into NATO.” Talbott
disagreed, preferring to keep the matter open. As he advised Christopher in
bold face, “never say never about anyone. No PfP state, including Russia,
is precluded from someday entering NATO.” In other words, “if Russia
knocks on the door, we should not throw a bolt of some kind and shout
through the peep-hole, ‘Go away! You’ll never get in!’ ” But he added in
italics, “that said, Russia, if it did knock, would have to understand that it
would not be entering any time soon—and others would be passing it on the
The potential “others” included former Soviet republics. Talbott reported
that State Department staff had already done “excellent work” on the
“possibility of the Balts’ eventually coming in” and that there was “a
similar paper in the works on Ukraine, at an earlier stage of development.”98
By October 1996, the NSC would also begin studying “how to build NATO
links with the emerging Ukraine-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan group, so
as to increase their freedom of maneuver vis-à-vis the CIS,” meaning the
commonwealth of former Soviet republics de facto led by Russia.99 Talbott
had to be prepared for Primakov’s complaints about NATO’s interest in all
of these regions. The best counterattack would be to say that all countries,
including Russia, had equal opportunities to become NATO members, so
Talbott wanted to keep that option open publicly. Primakov might call his
bluff by saying we want to join now, but Talbott could respond, “take a
number and a seat in the garden.”100
Thus equipped for battle, Talbott flew to Moscow shortly after Yeltsin’s
reelection. As expected, Primakov waved the two-plus-four treaty at him
again on July 15, 1996, saying that he had “been looking at the material in
our archives from 1990 and 1991.” It was clear, the Russian argued, that
Baker, Kohl, and the British and French leaders John Major and François
Mitterrand had “all told Gorbachev that not one country leaving the Warsaw
Pact would enter NATO—that NATO wouldn’t move one inch closer to
Russia.”101 Moscow felt in 1996 that because Western spoken promises
from 1990 had been worthless, there was little reason to trust current US
promises either.102
Primakov laid out a “real red line for us: if the infrastructure of NATO
moves toward Russia, that will be unacceptable.” Talbott tried to deflect
this complaint by saying that “there can be only one class of membership in
NATO.” Primakov countered by pointing out that there were “already
different classes of members of NATO.” On the issue of greatest importance
to Primakov, “nuclear weapons,” it was already the case, for example, that
“Germany has one set of limits” while “Norway has another.” Why should
the alliance ignore those precedents? Even Ukraine disliked the prospect of
its neighbors gaining nuclear arms when it had given up its own. Talbott
refused to answer directly, suggesting instead that they focus on “European
security as a whole.” Primakov countered that they might find some
creative compromise, such as renaming the expanded version of the
alliance, because “the very name NATO is a problem” for Russians; “it’s a
kind of four-letter-word for us.” Talbott replied, “maybe after Poland comes
in we could rename NATO the Warsaw Pact.”103
Talbott sensed that Primakov was finding “weak spots on the NATO
front” and was hoping to “exploit” divergences of opinions between the
United States and some European allies, particularly the French, to “slow
down or even stop enlargement.” Chirac was in fact becoming increasingly
vocal in his complaints about the US treatment of Russians. He advised
National Security Advisor Tony Lake on November 1, 1996, that “we have
humiliated them too much,” that “the situation in Russia is very dangerous,”
and that “one day there will be dangerous nationalist backlash.” Talbott
even suspected various European leaders of colluding with Russian foreign
ministry officials to develop an alternative plan for European security. As
part of Moscow’s “tactic of exploiting Euro-squishiness,” Moscow had
presented a proposal “loaded with showstoppers” such as “nuclear-weapons
free zones and ‘common security’ areas hither and yon.” The latter were
meant to create “a giant buffer, roughly equivalent to the old Warsaw Pact,
between Russia and the West.” This alternative plan would also “rule out
forever Baltic or Ukrainian eligibility for NATO.”104 Trying to figure out
why the French would collude with Moscow in this way, Talbott reported
that he got his answer after “cross-examination” of French diplomat
Jacques Blot. As Talbott explained to Christopher, the EU had ruled out
expansion to “Russia (and all other FSU states).” If Washington kept talking
about NATO enlargement in a way that could potentially include former
Soviet republics, “it would put the EU under pressure to change its
Presumably aware of this discord between Western allies, Primakov
made clear that he understood that more was at stake than Visegrad.
Russian red lines, he told Talbott, included “such issues as the Baltics and
Ukraine.” Talbott snapped that if Primakov was ruling out their membership
in NATO, then “we’ll be at an impasse if not in a train wreck,” because
Washington refused to rule out any country.106 Clinton backed up Talbott,
writing Yeltsin that he saw “no reason to foreclose in advance membership
for any of Europe’s new democracies.”107 Although the US president did not
say so explicitly, “not one inch” was gaining a new meaning: not one inch
was off-limits to the alliance.
Meanwhile, to Chancellor Kohl’s dismay, the pressure to get
enlargement moving kept mounting. Clinton’s Republican presidential
challenger, Senator Robert Dole, appeared to have forgotten, as Kohl put it,
that “Russia is a large and important country.” In the midst of Yeltsin’s
reelection campaign and illness, Dole’s party—with the support of some
Democrats—had promoted a NATO Enlargement Facilitation Act. This act,
once passed and signed into law by Clinton, gave $60 million to Poland,
Hungary, and the Czech Republic to improve their chances of joining
NATO. Christopher also gave a speech in Stuttgart on September 6, saying
after “the first new members pass through NATO’s open door, that door will
stay open.” Kohl understood why expansion supporters wanted to use
Russia’s, and Yeltsin’s, current “condition of weakness” to enlarge the
alliance, but he worried about the long-term reaction.108
The German saw that weakness for himself when he visited Russia on
September 7, 1996, just before Yeltsin was scheduled to have heart surgery.
Receiving Kohl at his country home in a forest roughly a hundred miles
outside Moscow, the ailing Russian president insisted on having only
Kohl’s interpreter at their conversation. The chancellor later asked Clinton,
“do you understand the importance of that?” Clinton replied simply,
“yes.”109 It meant that even in the woods a hundred miles from Moscow,
Yeltsin did not feel safe. He did not want his closest aides and translators
hearing him talk about his health and future. The chance that Yeltsin would
not survive his surgery had touched off a succession struggle among
subordinates and rivals such as Anatoly Chubais, Alexander Lebed, and
Viktor Chernomyrdin; Yeltsin, as a consequence, had to be wary of
The Russian president showed that he trusted Kohl, however, by being
“very open about his physical troubles” and his upcoming medical
procedure, which he knew “will not be a cakewalk.” He emphasized that
the West must not launch any surprises while he was in the hospital. He
even admitted he had “considered having the surgery done in Germany or
the United States” but realized “it would be too difficult to sell to the
Russian public.”111 After this visit, Kohl impressed on Clinton the need not
to push the Russians too hard, or to send out invitations for NATO
membership in 1996 after all. Clinton agreed. He subsequently wrote to
Chirac, letting the French president know that they should not “create any
impression of taking advantage of Russia during the period of Yeltsin’s
surgery and convalescence.”112 They would not wait much longer, however;
invitations would go out in 1997. At a campaign event in an area near
Detroit that had a large Polish American population, Clinton allowed
himself to celebrate his expectation that “by 1999, NATO’s fiftieth
anniversary and ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall,” Central and
Eastern European countries would “be full-fledged members of NATO.”113
A further complication arose, however, when it became apparent that
Yeltsin was too frail to undergo surgery at all in September 1996. His
physicians abruptly put off the procedure until November.114 Since Yeltsin
would require at least two full months to recover from the operation, he
would be out of action until early 1997. In the interim, there would clearly
be more infighting and worsening corruption, with little check on the
influence of wealthy oligarchs and mafia figures. Talbott decided that his
team should “run silent and deep” but keep working. Despite Yeltsin’s
illness, he was now focused on producing the much-discussed charter
between Russia and NATO.115
Unfortunately for Washington, with Yeltsin (in Talbott’s words) “out of
the picture,” Primakov was running Russian foreign policy and saying what
he really thought.116 He was sick of hearing that Russia could not veto
expansion. As he snapped to the secretary of state during a meeting on
September 23, 1996, in New York, “we realize we have no veto power,” but
Washington still kept talking to him, so clearly he had some leverage.117 The
fact that American diplomats were sitting in front of him, rather than simply
out expanding the alliance, spoke volumes. One of Primakov’s colleagues
also warned Talbott in January 1997 against pushing expansion at a time
when a “steel claw of anti-westernism” in Russia was itching to strike
Primakov also informed Talbott that he was tired of dealing with Solana.
As the Russian bluntly told Talbott, “we know you give the orders. We are
not so naive as to think that you don’t call the shots.” Primakov remained
willing to speak with Solana for appearances’ sake, but the bottom line was
that “if we (US and Russia) come to a conclusion, then we will have a
deal.” Talbott did not disagree. He replied, “I won’t say to you that we are
not proud of our leadership position in NATO,” but he thought it would be
better if Primakov dealt directly with the alliance too.119 Solana himself later
expressed dismay to Washington at Primakov’s efforts to “belittle his
role.”120 But the secretary general also knew who was ultimately in charge.
Later, during a particularly critical round of negotiations in Moscow, NSC
senior director Alexander Vershbow met Primakov first. As Solana was
arriving in a motorcade for his own session with the Russian foreign
minister, Vershbow “snuck out by a side exit and called Solana in his car to
give him a readout” of what he and Primakov had just negotiated.121
Between his September session with Christopher and his private
complaints in March 1997 to Talbott, however, Primakov had to recalibrate
what he could say publicly. On November 5, 1996, his boss got a new lease
on life on the same day that Clinton got a new lease on office. Yeltsin
survived a “seven-hour, multiple-bypass heart operation,” with doctors
saying afterward, according to the New York Times, that he would
eventually be able to resume a “full workload.”122 Assessing the
implications, US diplomat Toby Gati concluded that Lebed, a former
general who had displayed a particularly keen interest in Yeltsin’s job
during the president’s illness, had “badly miscalculated,” and that “Yeltsin
will not soon forget Lebed’s insubordination and arrogance.”123 The US
embassy in Moscow concluded that Lebed and other hopefuls were now
shifting their “horizons to the year 2000, when Yeltsin’s current term
ends.”124 As the Russian president gradually resumed his involvement in
foreign policy, he also insisted that Primakov return to the more
accommodating attitude toward the West that Yeltsin preferred.
That same day, Clinton won states accounting for a total of 370 out of
538 electoral votes and a second term.125 Soon afterward the president
reconfigured his set of advisors for his second term. Perry was succeeded in
office by Bill Cohen, a Republican senator from Maine, as a gesture to
Republicans.126 Christopher was replaced by Madeleine Albright. She
thereby became the first woman to serve as secretary of state, in no small
part thanks to a fervent campaign on her behalf. When advocates of her
rivals tried to persuade journalists “that a female secretary of state would be
unable to work effectively with conservative Arab leaders,” Albright’s
supporters swung into action and directed those reporters “to Arab
diplomats at the UN, who said the allegation was an insult.”127 Albright also
had the support of Hillary Clinton, who liked the idea of a chief diplomat to
make “ ‘every girl proud.’ ” President Clinton also reportedly doubted that
Holbrooke, the main alternative, was “ ‘sufficiently self-aware’ ” either to
manage confirmation or to cooperate with cabinet colleagues.128
Once the president decided to go with Albright, Kissinger complained
that she had taken away his status as the only secretary of foreign birth.
Albright noted that Kissinger had something going for him still. He was
“the only secretary who spoke with an accent.” If she was not popular with
her rivals, however, Albright’s strong relationships with a number of
senators, including Jesse Helms of North Carolina, propelled her to a 99–0
Senate confirmation vote.129
Albright asked Talbott to stay on as her deputy even though he had
reportedly supported Holbrooke. She was wise enough to recognize that
firing the president’s close friend was not the best way to begin her tenure.
Her partner at the NSC, however, would no longer be Lake. Talbott had
reportedly persuaded Clinton to move Lake to the CIA, since the national
security advisor had been a poor fit for the “ ‘consensus-building, team-
managing side’ ” of the NSC.130 (Lake ultimately withdrew his name from
consideration when it began to look like opposition from Republicans such
as Haley Barbour and William Kristol would derail his nomination.)131 The
president promoted Sandy Berger, Lake’s former deputy and an old friend
of Albright’s from their many years on Democratic presidential campaigns,
to the top NSC job.132 A lawyer trained at Cornell and Harvard, Berger had
long been the cool-as-a-cucumber counterbalance to Lake’s passion and
volatility. While his promotion made for a stark transition in personality at
the top, it nonetheless provided continuity in policy.
One of the first events the new team had to deal with was the NAC
ministerial of December 10, 1996, which fell roughly one year into IFOR’s
Bosnia mission. In the run-up to it, Solana praised IFOR, saying it had
prevented “the recurrence of violence and helped stabilize the country.” He
felt that “our cooperation with Russia in IFOR has been a real
breakthrough.” Solana additionally let allies know that “with the help of the
Ukrainian Government,” he was about to set up “a NATO information
office in Kyiv, the first one of its kind,” and expressed hope that the alliance
could move forward there without unduly burdening relations with
Russia.133 Once assembled, NATO foreign and defense ministers
collectively decided to create a successor to IFOR, the Stabilization Force
(SFOR), to begin eighteen months of work on December 20, 1996.134
Most important, the final NAC communiqué announced an alliance
summit in Madrid in July 1997. It was clear to all that this was where and
when the formal accession process for new members would commence.135
The end date of Central and Eastern Europe’s wait was now in sight,
provided Washington could get Russia’s acceptance.
On January 4–5, 1997, Kohl went back to Moscow to check on Yeltsin—
and promptly called Clinton on January 6 to let the American know that
reports of Yeltsin’s new lease on life were misleading. Even though he had
survived surgery, “there is virtually nothing left of his vitality.” In Kohl’s
view, he “seems to be very rigid, his face is very mask-like.” The chancellor
was right to be worried; the Russian leader would soon return to the
hospital with pneumonia. Seeing how little difference the surgery had made
to Yeltsin’s health, Kohl felt it necessary to tell Clinton they needed to get
moving on expansion. Although “this may seem blunt or brutal,” he said,
Yeltsin might not be around much longer.136 As the German confided in
party colleagues, in his view Washington and Moscow should compromise
because it was an unnecessary and “absurd process” to hold out for the right
to station “atomic weapons in Poland on the Russian-Polish border.”137 The
chancellor felt there was a way to cut to the chase with Moscow, but not if
they went through “normal, official channels.” Instead, the issue must be
managed by direct, bilateral diplomacy at the top. Kohl asked Clinton,
“who’s in charge of this—Strobe Talbott?”138 When Clinton replied that the
deputy secretary was still his top man on this issue, Kohl made time for a
long, frank talk with Talbott.
Speaking with the president’s old friend in person, Kohl recalled
Yeltsin’s visit to an EC Council meeting in December 1992. The Russian
president felt that European leaders treated him as if he were a student
taking an entrance exam. “Under the table,” Kohl recalled, Yeltsin “took my
hand and said: ‘Helmut, they don’t like me, they don’t like us.’ ” In Kohl’s
view, the EU member states did not truly like Central and Eastern European
states either; as he confided to Talbott, “many are hypocritical about things
such as support for Central Europe and expansion of the EU. If there were a
truly secret vote among my EU colleagues, I am not sure we would have a
majority for expansion.” The chancellor, who wanted to be known as the
father not just of German unification but of European unification as well,
regretted such prejudices and felt that “we can’t tell the Poles and the
Czechs that they are not welcome after what they did to survive
communism.” But “despite differences,” he added, the common currency
will come and “the common European house will be built.”139
As part of that push, Kohl continued, the moment to expand NATO had
now arrived because “I don’t think Yeltsin will last out his term.” The
Russian president’s new lease on life was a mirage. They should find a way
to move ahead rapidly; Kohl was “absolutely against postponing” anymore.
Talbott responded that “the conversation we have just had is one of the
more useful I or any other American official has had on this subject,” and it
contained “exactly the message I hoped you would give me to take back to
President Clinton.”140
Talbott was also able to advise his boss that, with Yeltsin at least
successfully past his surgery and able to have some input in foreign policy,
his subordinates showed willingness to adopt “our concept of a solution”:
some kind of charter between NATO and Russia. An additional “cluster of
understandings” on more practical matters such as “arms control and
economic cooperation” could address details.141 One sticking point,
however, was whether the main charter would be a full treaty or some other
kind of accord. The NSC strongly preferred “a politically, not legally,
binding document.”142 Another was the persistent Russian desire to enforce
something like two-plus-four conditions on new members, meaning roughly
no stationed foreign forces or nuclear weapons.143 As Moscow’s diplomats
put it, they expected NATO “to eschew development of new facilities—
bases, arsenals, or airfields—or improvement to existing facilities in new
member states. In their view, this would be a legitimate price for Russian
acceptance of enlargement.” In response, Talbott told Primakov on March
6, 1997 that Russians should simply “stop trying, in both what you’re
saying and what you’re doing, to nullify the military dimension of
membership for the countries that will be coming in as new NATO
This view followed what had become the overall strategy on the NATO-
Russia charter: no real compromises. As Talbott explained to Albright on
March 14, he was making sure that accord “commits us to very little up
front.” In fact, “as one of the lawyers who reviewed the charter noted, ‘all
we’re really promising them is monthly meetings.’ ”145 As part of that plan,
the NSC also suggested creating a so-called NATO-Russia Joint Council “as
a basic mechanism for consultation and decision-making”—but following
the caveat from the new secretary of defense, Cohen, that the chair of the
council be the NATO secretary general with no “Russian co-chair.”146
The bottom line was that it all sounded good but amounted to little,
given that Moscow had few other options.147 Upon being briefed of these
developments, Clinton reportedly replied, “ ‘so let me get this straight’ ”:
All the Russians get out of “ ‘this great deal we’re offering them’ ” is an
assurance “ ‘that we’re not going to put our military stuff into their former
allies who are now going to be our allies, unless we happen to wake up one
morning and decide to change our mind.’ ” Russians would get “a chance to
sit in the same room with NATO” but would not have “ ‘any ability to stop
us from doing something that they don’t agree with’ ” and could only “
‘register their disapproval by walking out of the room.’ ”148
It was an accurate summary. Whereas during the reunification of
Germany, Western leaders had needed Russia both to surrender its legal
rights and to remove its troops before they could move NATO onto eastern
German territory, now they needed much less from Moscow in order to
move NATO onto Central and Eastern European territory. At a White House
news conference, Albright and Berger both made clear that NATO
enlargement would happen whether Russia liked it or not.149 Speaking
privately with Primakov, Albright was just as blunt. When Primakov told
her that if the United States would not meet Russia halfway, then no deal or
charter was possible, Albright reportedly answered, “fine, we don’t need
The White House was so confident of success that already in February
1997, before NATO and Russia had even reached agreement on the charter,
staffers began working on managing the future Senate ratification process.
Jeremy Rosner, a former NSC staffer turned private political consultant,
began working with Albright, Berger, and others to shape the process of
formally adding future alliance members. His goal was to set up “a ‘good’
win” in the Senate, ideally drawing many more votes than the required two-
thirds. They needed to plan ahead, he thought, to avoid duplicating the
Senate’s refusal to approve the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. Such
a defeat would have “grim consequences for NATO and the ability of the
US to pursue its goals abroad.”151 In addition, they should resist pressure to
add allies the United States did not truly want, in order to avoid having to
say to the Senate later, as another Albright advisor put it, “we didn’t want
Romania but had to acquiesce because of the French.”152
As these events unfolded in DC, Yeltsin was showing some
improvement in his health. He decided, as National Security Advisor Berger
put it, to make March 1997 “his comeback month, showing he has
recovered from his bypass and bout with pneumonia and resumed full
charge at Russia’s helm.” Yeltsin overhauled his cabinet, installing the most
reformist government since 1992. The NSC also noted a “stark change in
attitude” on the part of Primakov, who had presumably been put in his place
now that Yeltsin was showing renewed “desire for success” in US-Russian
The Russian president had the wind at his back for once, because 1997
was shaping up to be a good year economically. The Russian stock market
would surge, enormous numbers of Russians would be able to afford
foreign holidays, and the number of cars in Moscow would triple from the
1989 level.154 Yeltsin would also sign a decree on November 4, 1997 lifting
restrictions on foreign investors in oil companies’ shareholdings.155
Yeltsin agreed to meet Clinton in Helsinki on March 20–21, 1997 to
finalize the US-Russia charter and thus the de facto price for Russian
acceptance of NATO expansion. In her contribution to the presidential
briefing book for this summit, Secretary of State Albright predicted that
when the president saw Yeltsin, “you will meet a man reborn politically and
physically, furiously engaged in taking back his presidency.”156 Clinton
hoped he could use that spirit, his persuasive wiles, and financial
inducements to seal the deal—although quietly, because as Primakov told
Talbott, “people shouldn’t be able to say that the United States used its
money to buy off Russia and bribe it into accepting NATO enlargement.”157
Once in Helsinki, assembled in the living room of the Finnish
presidential residence and enjoying a spectacular view of the Baltic Sea,
Clinton began to doubt Yeltsin’s rebirth, just as Kohl had done after seeing
him in person.158 Recounting the summit afterward to his friend Taylor
Branch, who was taping the remarks for him as an audio diary, Clinton
called himself and Yeltsin “ ‘pathetic creatures.’ ” The Russian had lost a
great deal of weight and was still weak from his surgery; he would never
truly recover. Spring and summer 1997 were the peak months of Yeltsin’s
second-term health, and once it began going downhill toward the year’s
end, it never returned. Even at his best, Yeltsin’s staff kept him on a limited
schedule, with a team of physicians close by, and never let him climb stairs
in front of cameras.159 Meanwhile, the much younger Clinton was in a
wheelchair due to a knee injury. Albright later called it the “Summit of the
Perhaps irritable because of their physical discomfort, Clinton told
Branch, he and Yeltsin “snarled” at each other more than once, “saying,
‘that’s bullshit, and you know it’ ” repeatedly.160 The Russian president tried
to block Baltic membership, stating bluntly that “enlargement should not
embrace former Soviet republics.”161 The US president rebuffed him,
pointing out that even if he were to agree to that request, Congress would
invalidate it.162 Yeltsin also complained to Clinton, “you are conducting
naval maneuvers near Crimea,” which he thought was unnecessary and
provocative. As the Russian remarked in some exasperation, “we are not
going out to seize Sevastopol.”
The two sides got down to brass tacks over lunch, where Clinton had the
deputy secretary of the Treasury, Lawrence Summers, make plain what was
on offer. Clinton had signaled in advance to Summers and his boss,
Secretary Robert Rubin, that despite their doubts it was essential to offer
Russia G7 membership in exchange for NATO expansion. As Clinton
reportedly put it, “ ‘as we push Ol’ Boris to do the right but hard thing on
NATO, I want him to feel the warm, beckoning glow of doors that are
opening to other institutions where he’s welcome. Got it, people?’ ”
Now, in Helsinki, Clinton let Summers try to seal the deal. Taking the
president’s cue, Summers explained how, if Yeltsin agreed to a NATO-
Russia charter, Washington would help Moscow “attract capital, both from
foreign investors and from Russians who have placed their money
overseas.” Clinton added that he was “prepared to instruct my government
to make available in 1997 funds to support $4 billion in investment, the
same amount as the total from 1992–1996.” He would not “use the figure”
in their joint statement afterward, he added, “but investors should know it.”
These funds would come in the form of a new aid package for former
Soviet republics as well as expanded cooperation on criminal and tax
reform and bilateral exchange programs.163 Clinton also promised to
“accelerate Russia’s merger into the WTO [World Trade Organization],
Paris Club, and OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development],” along with the G7 (and, in 1997–98, Russia did join the
Paris Club and the G7).164 After mulling these words over, later that day
Yeltsin expressed a worry that “this economic package you’ve proposed”
could be portrayed as “sort of a bribe to get Russia to accept NATO
enlargement.” Clinton responded, “there is nothing about this that is in any
way a bribe.”165
That response was not entirely accurate, but it worked. Yeltsin agreed,
both to the financial package and to what Washington wanted to put into the
NATO-Russia accord. He dropped his insistence on a guarantee against
Baltic membership.166 Clinton told Branch that he “marveled that Yeltsin
did all this into the teeth of ferocious opposition from Russian
authoritarians back home.” While “old Boris may be dying,” it was clear
that “oxygen was getting to his brain.”167
At the press conference afterward, the two leaders made clear that they
expected a successful conclusion to negotiations between the alliance and
Moscow on what was now being called not the charter but the NATO-
Russia Founding Act. Yeltsin claimed that the resulting document would be
“binding for all,” which sidestepped the fact that it would not be legally
binding, only politically, as the NSC preferred. He also stated, wrongly and
to the surprise of the American delegation, that he and Clinton had “agreed
on non-use of the military infrastructure which remained in place after the
Warsaw Pact in these countries of Central and Eastern Europe.”168 Talbott
later pointed out this error to a member of the Russian delegation, who
simply acknowledged “that there had not been such an agreement.”169 In an
effort to make the potential Founding Act look better than it was, Yeltsin
was taking liberties in his public presentation—and that to repel any
suggestion that he had been bought off, he would presumably continue to
do so.
The rest was details—contentious ones to be sure, but ultimately
manageable. Despite Talbott’s worry that Moscow might “nickel-and-dime
us down to the wire,” he and his subordinates managed to finalize the
Founding Act in time for the Madrid NATO summit on July 8–9, 1997.170
To allow Yeltsin the public image of an important event dedicated to
Russia, it was agreed that there would be a formal signing ceremony of the
Founding Act before the summit, in Paris on May 27.
With both that ceremony and the subsequent NATO summit in Madrid
now on track, the question became one of how to manage the “runners-up
strategy.”171 As ever, Ukraine was in a special category; Kuchma was, in
Clinton’s words, “obsessed with getting his own agreement with NATO”—
the president added, “not without reason”—so he would receive a NATO-
Ukraine charter, to console him for not getting more.172 The old Bush-era
NACC, which had launched the idea of an organization open to all states
from Vancouver to Vladivostok but had become moribund after NATO
expansion got underway, got upgraded to a new Euro-Atlantic Partnership
Council (EAPC) that could work with the PfP to provide activities for
Clinton planned to take part personally in the Paris signing ceremony on
May 27, to show respect for Yeltsin. Just before departing, he received an
overview of the most important terms in what was now formally the
Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between
NATO and the Russian Federation. The NSC praised the act internally for
creating “a permanent NATO-Russia forum” while preserving “in full
NATO’s capacity for independent decisions and actions.” The act stated that
“in the current and foreseeable security environment,” NATO had “no
intention, no plan, and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons” or substantial
combat forces on new members’ territory. The NSC assured Clinton that
with these words, the United States had avoided making “an absolute
commitment, in case future circumstances change.”174 The definition of
terms such as “substantial” was intentionally left vague, and Western
negotiators would successfully resist all efforts to define it.175
Meanwhile, Yeltsin made his own preparations. The US embassy
reported that he was engaged in an all-out “effort to sell the Russia/NATO
Founding Act and answer his domestic critics.”176 As part of that effort, the
NSC fully expected that Yeltsin would exaggerate what he had received and
drop all “caveats” in an attempt to make “the best possible case” for what
he had negotiated. So as not to undermine him, US diplomats should
intervene publicly only to correct “egregious” public errors. They must be
careful not “to make Yeltsin’s political task at home more difficult” in the
endgame of this process by embarrassing him with public fact-checking.177
There was one issue, however, for which no one was prepared. Just as he
was about to see Yeltsin in France, Clinton learned that the US Supreme
Court had ruled a sitting president did not have temporary immunity from
civil litigation. The decision meant the Jones case could go forward while
Clinton was in office, and Jones’s lawyers would immediately begin
looking for a pattern of inappropriate behavior with women. Talbott noticed
that “from the moment he got the news,” Clinton seemed to be
“sleepwalking” through the rest of the Paris summit.178
The decision disrupted the president’s ability to conduct the summit even
though he likely suspected it was coming. On Saturday, May 24, 1997,
shortly before departing for Paris, he had summoned Lewinsky to the White
House. She had appeared wearing a pin he had given her; it was part of her
habit of displaying, and keeping close track of, all physical objects
associated with their relationship. Clinton informed her that their intimate
relationship was over. According to Lewinsky’s later account, she left
weeping and hoping he would change his mind, which he had done after
previous breakups.179 What the president did not know was that she had also
kept a blue dress, stained from their intimacies, in an unwashed state. Nor
did he know that she had started confiding about their relationship to a new
friend at the Pentagon, Vince Foster’s former assistant Linda Tripp. The
White House had exiled Lewinsky to the same liaison office where it had
previously relocated Tripp, after the older woman’s angry rejection of
evidence that Foster’s death had been a suicide. Despising Clinton and
seeking opportunities for revenge, Tripp quickly recognized that Lewinsky
was a godsend and began actively looking for ways to use her new friend’s
confidences against the president.180
Had the president known all this in Paris, he might have had even more
trouble concentrating than he did. To make matters worse, on top of
Clinton’s sleepwalking at the summit, Yeltsin behaved unpredictably as
well. At one moment he would be beaming broadly in his starring role at
the big, celebratory public event he had craved; at the next, he would screw
up his face in showy concentration as if the weight of the world were on his
shoulders. And his spoken exaggerations exceeded even the NSC’s
expectations. Yeltsin suddenly announced, as part of his main address to the
assembled, that “ ‘everything that is aimed at countries present here—all of
those weapons—are going to have their warheads removed.’ ”181 As a
result, it was his aides, rather than US diplomats, who bore the burden of
fact-checking him. It became apparent from their remarks afterward that his
subordinates knew nothing about, and did not intend to follow up on,
Yeltsin’s statement.182
Speaking together at the end of a day filled with private and public
dramas, Clinton thanked Yeltsin for what he cautiously classified as
remarks “regarding detargeting weapons aimed at Europe.” The US
president added, “it has been a good day,” in foreign policy terms at least.
Yeltsin responded, “yes, I can say that my soul is at rest.”183 Kozyrev, now a
private citizen watching from afar, had a different take: the Founding Act
would soon be “added to the pile of goodwill declarations implemented as
halfheartedly as they were signed.”184
Yeltsin’s actions in the week after the Paris signing suggest that he was
making an additional attempt to turn May 1997 into a watershed moment in
Russia’s foreign relations. He reached a major agreement with Ukraine: an
accord allowing Russia to keep its portion of the former Soviet fleet in the
Sevastopol port for twenty years. Thanks to this breakthrough, Yeltsin went
to Ukraine for his first visit as president, a highly symbolic move that the
two countries had previously postponed six times because of various
frictions.185 In Kyiv on May 31, the Russian president signed a treaty of
friendship with his Ukrainian counterpart, pledging “mutual respect” for
“territorial integrity” and the “inviolability of borders.”186
Talbott, in his memoirs, had a different take on the month’s events. The
Paris signing had “an air of artificial triumphalism and even anticlimax,
tinged, as so often, with some embarrassment over the performance of the
star,” by which, being unaware at that point of Clinton’s actions with
Lewinsky, he meant the Russian president. The deputy secretary was the
American policymaker most responsible for making the Founding Act less
rather than more substantial, and so was partly the author of that anticlimax.
He found it remarkable that an oblivious Yeltsin had “burbled on about the
day as though it had been the consummation of all his dreams for Russia’s
position at the head table of the new transatlantic order.”187
Clinton, talking with fellow European leaders on May 28, 1997, the day
after the Paris summit, spontaneously remarked that “Yeltsin is a great
politician.” Yet the Russian president, he thought, also had a great
weakness: “the problem with Yeltsin is that all the steps in the middle get
lost.”188 In his rush to seem in charge again and relaunch reform at home
and cooperation abroad, Yeltsin had overlooked a great many middle steps.
Washington had not. Seizing on Yeltsin’s desire for a win, Clinton and his
team had steadily negotiated and then closed the deal for adding a small
group of new members to the alliance for what seemed, at first glance, to be
a very low cost per inch.
They accomplished that goal through two key moves. First, rather than
add the Baltics or other controversial states right away, Washington set up
an iterative, continuous process of enlargement that would enable such
states to join later, less dramatically, and at lower political cost. Second,
rather than forgo foreign forces, nuclear weapons, or both on new territory,
Washington managed to persuade Moscow to accept monthly meetings
instead. As a consequence, not one inch of territory was off-limits to the
alliance, and not one inch had any prohibition on forces or weapons.
Central and Eastern Europeans could finally exercise their sovereign right
to become NATO allies. It was a major success. But the hidden costs of that
success would begin to reveal themselves just as Clinton’s relationship with
Lewinsky was also becoming public.
If Clinton’s press release was meant to make three new members the default
ahead of Madrid, the French were not having it. Hubert Védrine, the new
French foreign minister, informed the US embassy in Paris that “ ‘you
cannot just tell everyone to take it or leave it.’ ” There would have to be a
genuine debate about the number of new members once they were all in
Spain.47 Védrine’s views were a new complication. He had unexpectedly
come to office after Jacques Chirac decided to call an early legislative
election. Instead of strengthening Chirac as he expected, voters elevated
Védrine’s opposing Socialist Party and its allies. The result was
“cohabitation,” a right-of-center president working with left-of-center
ministers, each of whom opposed US plans from a different point of view.
Chirac insisted on adding Romania to the initial group, while Védrine was
convinced that any expansion was an American plot to keep Europe
The French foreign minister was hardly alone in pushing back at
Clinton’s preemptive strike. As Asmus later recalled, “we paid a heavy
price politically for what was widely characterized in the European press as
American arrogance.” 49
Despite the risks on the road to Madrid, however,
Washington possessed several forms of persuasion to use on allies before,
during, and after the summit. The US secretary of defense, Bill Cohen,
communicating with his German counterpart about a NATO surveillance
program, noted that European nations should expect “significant industrial
participation.” In particular, “German industry stands to profit handsomely”
while NATO “adapts and modernizes.”50 Unsurprisingly, the defense
industry in the United States also liked enlargement because it hoped to
equip new countries as they became members.51 The Aerospace Industries
Association estimated a “$10 billion market in fighter jets” alone, to say
nothing of other kinds of aircraft.52 (The US ambassador to the Czech
Republic later complained that “two major American defense contractors”
were “each trying to persuade the Czechs that US Senate ratification of
their NATO membership depended on their buying its supersonic fighter
airplane.”) A group of private citizens formed the US Committee to Expand
NATO to help push for ratification; the head was Bruce Jackson, a vice
president at Lockheed Martin. A Raytheon spokesman said that the greater
the need for new members to bring their equipment and infrastructure in
compliance with NATO standards, the more it “ ‘would benefit US military
contractors.’ ”53 More generally, the alliance had long functioned as a de
facto American subsidy of European defense, freeing European
governments to spend state budgets on other needs.54 This subsidy was a
strong inducement that Washington could use against the risk of allied
A more troublesome risk was domestic: the growing chorus of voices,
including Kennan’s, that were becoming the biggest form of pushback
against expansion. The result was a curious dichotomy. Within the Clinton
administration, there was a strong sense that decision-making was done and
it was time to execute; among pundits, there was a strong sense that
decision-making was flawed and it was time to rethink.55 An informal poll
of members of the Council on Foreign Relations showed that experts
opposed expansion by two to one.56
One expert opposed was Ronald Steel, who called for more discussion of
the fateful question “to expand, or not to expand.” He noted that the “great
NATO debate” did not follow any clear party lines but instead cut “across
both extremes and through the middle, forming a post-ideological crazy
quilt.” In one corner, Henry Kissinger was making common cause with
“Wilsonian liberals like Anthony Lake” and so-called freedom Democrats;
in another, similarly strange bedfellows muttered about the effect on Russia.
Steel guessed NATO was enlarging out of a sense of self-preservation and
felt that a better idea would be for the United States to set itself up not as
post–Cold War Europe’s “overseer but as a global balancer.” He suggested a
number of changes in the expansion process, such as deleting Article 5 or
making Europeans assume more military responsibility.57
The critical voices also included current and former policymakers, who
organized a number of open letters. One of the most notable was sent on
June 26, 1997, bearing the signatures of fifty former senators, cabinet
secretaries, ambassadors, and others, demanding that “the NATO expansion
process be suspended.” The group of signers—known as the Eisenhower
group thanks to the organizing efforts of presidential granddaughter Susan
Eisenhower—was bipartisan and included former ambassador Paul Nitze,
former secretary of defense Robert McNamara, former ambassador Jack
Matlock, and former senator Samuel Nunn, whom Clinton had
unsuccessfully courted to be his defense secretary in the first term. The
signers’ reasoning echoed Kennan’s: enlargement was “a policy error of
historic proportions,” and the fact that Clinton was setting up enlargement
as “open-ended” created unnecessary risks. Expansion without end would
inevitably “degrade NATO’s ability to carry out its primary mission,”
require giving “US security guarantees to countries with serious border and
national minority problems,” and increase risks of confrontation, perhaps of
a nuclear kind.58 While this letter was public, a classified CIA report written
around this time reported that there was “strong evidence that nuclear-
weapons related experiments” were underway on Russia’s Novaya Zemlya
archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The agency’s Office of Russian and
European Analysis concluded that the motivation for these experiments was
what the letter writers feared: the “widespread perceptions” in Russia “of a
heightened threat from NATO.”59
Other opponents echoed the hope of keeping Central and Eastern Europe
nuclear-free. Expansion could enable new alliance members to renuclearize,
so the issue of proliferation needed much more attention in the great NATO
debate. Enlargement also endangered arms control efforts in another way.
The START II treaty, awaiting ratification in Moscow, was falling victim to
the alliance’s enlargement plans. One critic lamented that the Russian Duma
was expressly linking ratification and NATO expansion, saying START II
should be sunk in retaliation for the West’s “reneging on assurances given
to Gorbachev and [Eduard] Shevardnadze at the time Russian consent was
obtained” for German reunification in 1990.60
Because of Moscow’s continued references to German reunification,
both US and NATO officials kept in close touch with their German
colleagues on how to respond.61 On June 13, 1997, Solana advised the
German foreign minister, Klaus Kinkel, exactly what he had told Primakov
about the question of the two-plus-four treaty’s relevance to current
disputes: the secretary general had made abundantly clear that its terms did
not in any way apply.62 The Spaniard also shared useful information with
the Clinton administration. He had quietly polled NATO members on how
many new states to take in, and a majority accepted the US position of
inviting only three new members at first. Clinton spoke to Kohl about this
US preference on July 3 and received the chancellor’s general agreement on
the issue.63
Despite this emerging consensus for three, however, there was also bad
news: the British were objecting strongly to any more enlargement after this
round. They felt that the Article 5 guarantee was so strong that it was risky
to offer it too widely. As British foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind later put
it, “one should not enter into solemn treaty obligations, involving a
potential declaration of war, based simply on an assumption that one would
never be called upon to honor such obligations.” 64
Nor was London alone
in its hesitation. Asmus later recalled that “several allies” expressed such
sentiments privately to their Washington contacts.65 And Chirac presented
yet another problem because he was insisting on including Romania (and
possibly Slovenia too) as he was rethinking France’s return to NATO’s
integrated command.66 The July 8–9, 1997, gathering was clearly going to
be contentious.
Once again, Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky produced a last-minute
crisis right before a major NATO event. As Lewinsky had told her Pentagon
coworker Linda Tripp, her separation from Clinton was agonizing: “if I ever
want to have an affair with a married man again, especially if he’s
President, please shoot me.” She did not know that Tripp was listening to
her complaints not out of friendship but out of a desire to undermine
Clinton. In service of that cause, Tripp steered Lewinsky to do some
pushback of her own at the start of July, just before Madrid: she encouraged
her to send the president an ultimatum.67 In it, Lewinsky reminded Clinton
that she had “ ‘left the White House like a good girl in April of ’96’ ” and
not revealed anything during the campaign season. He had, in return, made
a promise to find her a job in his office once the campaign was over; now
she wanted him to fulfill it.68 In response, Clinton asked her to the White
House on Friday, July 4, before his departure for Spain later that day.69
According to Lewinsky’s later testimony, he accused her of threatening
him, but when she began weeping, he comforted her. She recalled later that
it was “ ‘the most affectionate with me he had ever been’ ” and she left
convinced that “ ‘he was in love with me.’ ”70
Hearing about this and other such interactions inspired Tripp to search
for ways to turn Lewinsky’s confidences into political trouble for the
president. She quickly found someone to help her: the literary agent
Lucianne Goldberg. Tripp had been in contact with Goldberg previously
about a possible book on the supposed murder of her old boss Vince Foster,
but the project had run aground for lack of evidence.71 Now, in 1997, Tripp
let Goldberg know she had a new idea for a best seller: Lewinsky’s
confessions. Goldberg was thrilled by the idea but wanted more proof so
that this project, unlike the one on Foster, would succeed. She instructed
Tripp to “go down to the Radio Shack and buy a tape recorder,” then “plug
it into your phone” and start taping Lewinsky without her knowledge.72
Although such recording was illegal in Maryland, where Tripp lived, she
did it anyway—and the resulting tapes would later form part of the
evidence against Clinton during his impeachment trial.73
Thus there were, as Air Force One crossed the Atlantic bound for Spain,
several risks to Clinton mounting offstage. Following a brief holiday on a
Spanish beach, the president gathered Albright, Berger, Solana, and Talbott
in Madrid on Monday, July 7, 1997, for last-minute strategizing the night
before the summit. The biggest problem was that the British were still not
budging. In the words of the president, they “really prefer three and no one
else.” Berger suggested that London might be able to support a general
policy of openness toward future expansion, but “without names or dates.”
In other words, Washington could have the fight with the British over a
future round sometime later, or perhaps enlargement would take on so much
momentum that it would be moot. On the subject of dates, Solana
emphasized that it was desirable to keep the alliance on track to add the first
group of countries in time for the fiftieth anniversary in 1999, which was
too good an opportunity to miss. That compelling event had become a
motivating force in its own right.74
At the summit itself, the expected skirmish over how many countries to
admit proved surprisingly short. The decisive moment came when Kohl
made public what he had already told Clinton in private: that he supported
Washington’s preference for only three new allies in the first instance.75 As
Albright put it, “the battle lines were drawn,” until Kohl “persuaded
everyone to put the heavy artillery away.”76 While late-night negotiations,
particularly between Berger and his French and German colleagues, were
still required to translate that victory into the final summit communiqué, the
United States got what it wanted.
That communiqué stated explicitly that the alliance would “continue to
welcome new members,” and no democratic country in Europe would be
excluded.77 It indicated that the first new allies would join in time for the
fiftieth-anniversary summit and the expansion process as a whole would be
revisited there as well, which was a hint that more invitations were
forthcoming. Future applicants were advised in the meantime to engage in
“active participation” with the EAPC, the updated version of the NACC.
The communiqué trod delicately, however, on the exact identities of future
members; it got no more specific than a vague reference to “the Baltic
region” as containing “aspiring members.” The idea of talking about
aspiring members in the region without naming individual states originated
with Germany and seemed like an acceptable nod to Russian concerns;
Clinton told Steinberg that he should use the German idea in the final press
release, which he did.78
Another nod to Moscow’s concerns was the press release’s praise for the
Founding Act in the very first paragraph and, farther down, for Russia’s
cooperation in Bosnia.79 Later that year, Clinton would also announce his
decision to keep US troops involved in that shared peacekeeping mission.
Albright had been skeptical from the start when IFOR was given only one
year, and then “the administration abandoned one premature deadline and
immediately established another” for what was called the Stabilization
Force (SFOR).80 Now it was made clear that SFOR would continue
indefinitely beyond its original deadline of June 1998.81
The upshot was invitations for the Czechs, Hungarians, and Poles to join
NATO, and an open door for the Baltics and other countries, but without
being too obvious about it. Ukraine, however, seemed a bridge too far for
membership, and it was thought best to leave it in a separate category for
the time being.82 Accordingly, Solana mailed formal letters of invitation to
Budapest, Prague, and Warsaw. He asked the three to work on individual
details of accession through the fall, sign so-called accession protocols by
December 1997, and help the sixteen allies achieve ratification of those
protocols in 1998, all to complete the process before April 1999. The move
eastward was in motion.83
Managing Reactions
Prom Night
As Lewinsky was drafting her affidavit in January 1998, across town at the
State Department Albright was reviewing her priorities for the year,
assembled into a list for her by Assistant Secretary Marc Grossman.
Ratification of NATO enlargement topped the list. Since liberal and
conservative opponents might make common cause to defeat it, Grossman
advised his boss to use her personal relations with senators—particularly
with Jesse Helms, Republican of North Carolina, who admired the secretary
as a refugee from both Hitler and Stalin—to ensure that did not happen. She
should fight not just for current invitees but also for future members:
priorities two and three on Grossman’s list were getting “the Balts to work
together to be ready to be candidates for NATO,” and “Southeast Europe,”
particularly Romania and Bulgaria.115
Another issue on the horizon was a fight over exactly how much
enlargement would cost, and who would pay. Publicly available estimates
for the overall cost varied dramatically, from a low of $1.3 billion to a high
of $125 billion.116 When the Clinton administration suggested that,
whatever the costs, Europeans would pay more than 90 percent of them, the
result was a “howl across the Atlantic,” as one January 1998 news article
put it. The French president countered that he would not pay one centime.117
NATO officials announced that the alliance could keep the overall total to
the lower end of that range, around $1.5 billion—but would reportedly need
to repurpose older equipment and infrastructure on the new members’
territory to do so, precisely what Moscow feared.118
Critics stuck by their belief that such an estimate was artificially low and
tailored to avoid endangering enlargement’s ratification.119 In an internal
assessment of the controversy in early 1998, NSC experts “endorsed an
estimate of $1.5 billion “over ten years,” but with the caveat that the
alliance would indeed have to rely on existing “facilities and infrastructure
within new members’ territory.” The Russians would resist, but reuse of this
infrastructure was sensible, since the NSC believed it was in “better than
expected” condition. And, such reuse would enable the United States to
keep its annual share down to $37 million.120
This lower number was much easier to sell to senators, but the plan to
use Warsaw Pact infrastructure incurred Russian anger, as expected. Yeltsin
also complained to Clinton about the United States taking advantage of a
different kind of infrastructure: “you are using some of the people of the
special services of the . . . former Warsaw Pact and are using them against
Russia.” Even worse, Yeltsin suspected Americans were actively recruiting
intelligence officers in former Soviet republics, and “this also is a blow
against Russia.” He suggested that they instead “get our special services to
see how they can help each other.” Clinton proposed they both try to reduce
the number of people involved in their intelligence services overall, which
Yeltsin said he was willing to do, but on an equitable basis.121
Amid this wrangling, Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky suddenly became
public knowledge. The revelation emerged in the wake of the scheduling of
Clinton’s sworn testimony as a defendant in the Jones case for January 17,
1998. Starr was still investigating the president because of the unrelated
Whitewater scandal, but lawyers working for him had heard Tripp’s tapes
and realized they could potentially use the president’s upcoming Jones
testimony to cast doubt on his honesty more generally. Their idea was that
the president would deny his relationship with Lewinsky while under oath,
and they could immediately undermine him by releasing evidence to the
contrary to the media. But they needed proof that Lewinsky’s recorded
claim of a love affair with Clinton was, in the words of one of Starr’s
subordinates, “not a figment of a young impressionable girl’s mind.”122
Starr’s attorneys decided to force Lewinsky to wear a wire in advance of
Clinton’s January 17, 1998, testimony, have her contact the president, and
record him—and then broadcast the proof of his dishonesty to the world
after his expected false testimony.
The challenge was how to force Lewinsky to comply. Starr first had to
get permission from the attorney general to expand his remit, which he
received on January 16, the day before the president was scheduled to give
his testimony. Then Tripp met Lewinsky for lunch that day, showing up
with surprise guests: a team of FBI agents and attorneys.123 The team
confronted Lewinsky with her false affidavit and said it would cost her
twenty-seven years in jail, but that if she came with them voluntarily they
might be able to help her. Their claim that she would spend twenty-seven
years in jail was an exaggeration. One of the Starr attorneys, Bruce Udolf,
later confessed that if they had in fact brought such a charge, it would likely
have represented “the first time in the history of that jurisdiction where
someone was indicted for such an offense,” and would almost certainly not
lead to such a sentence. They assumed, however, that Lewinsky would not
know that.124 Then they took her not to an office or conference room but to
a hotel bedroom.125 Once Tripp left, Lewinsky spent most of the next eleven
hours facing ever more male strangers, as Starr sent reinforcements after
initial efforts to intimidate her failed.
The Starr team’s internal code name for the events of January 16 was,
reportedly, “Prom Night.”126 It was an early indication of the kind of
sexually suggestive language that members of Starr’s team would later use
in their report on these events as well; one of the strongest advocates of
using such suggestive terms was, according to the New York Times, an on-
again, off-again member of the team, Brett Kavanaugh.127 The Starr report
was still in the future on that night, however, and the question of whether
the tactics would work still hung in the balance.
At times composed and at other times hysterical with fear, Lewinsky
consistently refused to cooperate. She insisted on having her mother join
her. It took her mother hours to get there from New York. After arriving, in
the hearing of Steve Binhak, another of Starr’s agents, the mother told her
daughter, “ ‘you’re going to tell these people everything they need to know,
and we’re going to be done with this.’ ” Lewinsky refused, saying, “ ‘I am
not going to be the person who brings down the president of the United
States.’ ”128 Faced with that impasse, Lewinsky’s mother decided to call her
ex-husband, from whom she had been divorced for a decade. Shocked by
what was happening to his daughter, he contacted a friend who was an
attorney. The friend agreed to help. He let the FBI agents and lawyers know
that nothing should happen until he spoke to his new client and learned
Lewinsky departed the hotel with her mother shortly thereafter. She had,
in the course of the ordeal, reportedly tried and failed to reach the president
to warn him, but she did not make any further attempts once her mother and
the lawyer became involved. Unaware of “Prom Night,” the next day the
president, as Starr had expected, denied having sexual relations with
Lewinsky in his sworn deposition to the Jones legal team.130 The Drudge
Report website—which by then had also gotten information about Tripp’s
tapes—broke the story to the American public.131 Now the clock began
ticking. Allegations of Clinton’s improper conduct were in the open, but
hard evidence that he had lied under oath was not, since Lewinsky had not
worn a wire as Starr wanted. How much more could the Clinton
administration accomplish before Starr obtained the other evidence in her
The revelation dominated the news for many months and increased the
Clinton administration’s need for wins to offset it. As Albright put it, “ ’98
was the Monica year.”132 Clinton’s cabinet members tried to focus on their
various tasks at hand, but “the uproar was impossible to block out.” The
practical consequences, such as reduced briefing time with Clinton, simply
could not be ignored. Previously, before any press conference with a foreign
leader, it had been the job of Albright and other experts to prepare the
president for the media. But after the revelation, according to Albright, “we
had to leave the room early so the president could also review the
investigation-related subjects about which he was sure to be asked.” The
scandal may have even forced the rescheduling of an event aimed at
promoting the Baltics’ interest in NATO, for fear that all of the press
questions would be about Lewinsky. Coming on top of unrelated but
distressing events abroad such as North Korea’s launch of a rocket over
Japan, a financial crisis in Asia, and a war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, the
scandal contributed to Albright’s sense of 1998 as the year everything
“seemed to go wrong.”133
The lack of proof that Clinton had lied under oath, however, allowed the
president to deny accusations and rally supporters to his defense. Some
members of the NATO enlargement ratification team sensed, after the initial
shock wore off, that they had caught a break. The Lewinsky revelation had
seemed potentially catastrophic at first. As Rosner later put it, there were no
automatic lines around issues; nothing walled foreign policy off from
domestic scandal.134 Neither he, nor Albright, thought that ratification was
in any way inevitable—and now the Lewinsky revelation handed
Republicans who had always hated Clinton fresh ammunition on the very
topic where he was most vulnerable: the question of character. Given that
Rosner was, as the administration’s “ratification ambassador,” engaged in
an all-out effort to get at least sixty-seven senators to stand up for the
president’s wishes, he feared that senators would become loath—perhaps to
the point of saying, I’ll be damned—to hand Clinton a win by ratifying
NATO expansion. But as Asmus and Rosner quickly realized, the lack of
hard evidence undermined Clinton’s opponents.135 What they could not
know was that Lewinsky had such evidence in the form of her stained blue
dress. For the rest of spring 1998, Asmus and Rosner were, without
realizing it, in a race against the lawyers negotiating a cooperation deal
between Lewinsky and Starr in hopes of obtaining that evidence.
For as long as those lawyers could not reach agreement, the president
maintained his ability to pursue his policy agenda for 1998. He even began
receiving sympathy. Congress gave him a thunderous ovation when he
appeared to deliver his State of the Union address on January 27, 1998. The
president felt secure enough to omit any mention of Lewinsky in the
speech.136 He also received support from abroad. After the address, Kohl
called to compliment him on how well the speech had been received and to
express “renewed confidence in the common sense of the American
people.” Clinton appreciated the praise, saying, “if we can hold off the
stampede and get fair treatment, we will be just fine.”137
Lewinsky’s silence, however, did not mean that everyone else was also
keeping silent. A grand jury compelled testimony from an array of
individuals, including Jordan, and much of it quickly leaked. These leaks,
and the headlines they created, had to be counterbalanced—and Senate
ratification of expansion, as an achievable big win, became even more
important. Rosner was able to report good news on that front. On February
2, 1998, Canada became the first country to ratify accession protocols. A
host of other allies were on track to do the same, creating useful precedents
for the Senate. Even better, Rosner believed that he had successfully
persuaded the two-thirds of US senators needed to ratify enlargement. He
wanted to keep persuading more, however, in the hope of achieving an even
bigger win.
The controversy over Clinton’s conduct with Lewinsky was not the only
reason Rosner felt he needed a safety margin. The NSC became aware of a
new risk: an effort by Senator Warner “to legislate a delay in when the
second round of enlargement might occur.”138 Warner had remained upset
about expansion after the SNOG session, and he worried that the fiftieth
anniversary of the alliance would inspire a “stampede” to invite more
members. He felt that rather than add them as a way of celebration, there
should be more serious consideration of potential members’ merits.139 He
sought to yank the alliance’s collective foot off of the gas pedal with
legislation, and he was not alone in this effort. In a bipartisan New York
Times op-ed on February 4, 1998, former senator Nunn and Brent
Scowcroft, Bush’s national security advisor, advised mandating a delay.
Scowcroft had of course contributed to the Bush administration’s successful
efforts to open the door to NATO’s expansion eastward in 1990, but now he
thought his successors were going too far. In his and Nunn’s opinion, “what
is called for is a definite, if not permanent, pause” in enlargement. They
quoted John Maynard Keynes’s remarks about the errors made after World
War I: “the fatal miscalculation of how to deal with a demoralized former
adversary” represented “the error we must not repeat.”140 But if the Senate
delayed or blocked later rounds, that would undermine the Talbott Principle.
Both the State Department and the NSC opposed any such mandated pause
because it would demolish “the credibility of [the] open door commitment,”
the promise made to would-be members that NATO was coming for them
To counter such opposition, a private advocacy group began bringing
senators together with representatives of the potential new member states
“in a relaxed social environment.” They kept the NSC informed about what
they were doing. The prime movers of this group included well-connected
figures such as Julie Finley, Bruce Jackson, Steve Hadley, Robert Zoellick,
and Peter Rodman.141 Within the Senate, Biden and Richard Lugar also
organized dinners in advance of key hearings and invited both Asmus and
Grossman, giving senators the chance to hear pro-expansion views in the
form of a casual, convivial conversation. Grossman recalls being very
grateful to Biden and Lugar, as their social gatherings helped to create trust
between advocates of enlargement and senators.142
The final act in the ratification drama began when Clinton formally
transmitted the accession protocols to the Senate.143 Commentary abounded
on both sides, but supporters of enlargement felt confident they had the
upper hand for a number of reasons. Czech, Polish, and Hungarian
representatives, working hand in hand with their allies in the United States,
had made passionate, persuasive cases to senators for admission. Albright
had effectively lobbied a number of senators on both sides of the aisle, not
least Helms. Asmus and Grossman made good use of their contacts from
Biden and Lugar’s private events. Broad segments of the US population,
such as business leaders and voters of Central and Eastern European
ancestry, had supported expansion; an elected body such as the Senate
could hardly ignore such support. And last but not least, Lewinsky had not
yet given up the evidence in her possession.
The Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee approved the package,
moving it forward to the full Senate. Final floor debate opened on April 27,
1998.144 Clinton and his advisors skillfully worked every possible
connection, and their efforts bore fruit. They rejoiced when the Warner
amendment was rejected, 59 to 41.145 They and their allies were also able to
block what Rosner viewed as another serious threat: one by Senator John
Ashcroft, Republican of Missouri, limiting the alliance’s out-of-area
missions.146 The Senate also rejected, 83 to 17, an amendment to require
NATO members to join the European Union first. Finally, by 80 to 19, the
Senate approved the expansion of NATO.147 The vote cut across party lines;
35 Democrats joined 45 Republicans in support of it, while 10 Democrats
and 9 Republicans opposed it.148
If the political constellation was unusual, it was nonetheless a big win.
Despite an array of foreign and domestic political risks, Clinton and his
ratification team had gotten enlargement through both the alliance and the
Senate, and in a way that made clear the first round was only the beginning.
There would be no mandated pause, no restrictions on out-of-area activities,
and no binding limitations on new member states’ territories.
This result was yet another disappointment for the unhappy Kennan. Ever
since the collapse of the USSR, he had opposed any measure that precluded
“ ‘possibilities for arriving at solutions’ ” other than conflict with Moscow,
and he viewed expansion as the worst of such measures.149 In contrast, the
countries invited to join NATO were thrilled at their success and at the new
horizons coming into view. They felt increasingly confident they would
take part in what would be only the beginning of multiple rounds of
Their representatives began working with the Clinton administration and
the alliance to clear all practical and legal hurdles to becoming full
members by the time of the fiftieth anniversary in April 1999. But they
were still not out of the woods because there was more presidential scandal
to come. At the end of July 1998, months of legal haggling between
Lewinsky and Starr finally yielded a deal. The young woman received
immunity and, in exchange, on July 29 relinquished her stained blue dress.
Two days later, a laboratory confirmed a positive test result for human
semen. The lab requested a blood sample to check for a DNA match with “
‘any known subject’ ” of investigation.150
Clinton soon found himself fighting off impeachment, suddenly unsure
of his ability to stay in power. Economic collapse in Russia and fighting in
Kosovo would create more upheaval. These disparate events were all
grinding, slowly but massively, toward a collision in 1999 that would carve
out the political landscape of the twenty-first century. In Russia, the
collision would also claim Yeltsin and thrust into power a former KGB
officer for whom it was only the beginning as well.
But when he got the Russian on the phone, on October 5, 1998, it was a
disaster. According to Talbott, Yeltsin at one point “ranted for twelve
minutes, pausing neither for interpretation into English nor for Clinton’s
reply.” He condemned Washington’s “aggressive talk” of “irreversible use of
force by NATO in Yugoslavia.” When Clinton refused to yield, Yeltsin hung
up on him.41 The boisterous bonhomie of past years, whether real or
strategic, was gone. The president had known in advance how Yeltsin might
react, but he valued the Russian’s feelings less highly than maintaining
NATO’s freedom of action. It was yet another harbinger of what the twenty-
first century would bring.
Foreign ministers from leading NATO countries converged on October 8,
1998 for a crisis meeting at London’s Heathrow Airport. The alliance soon
issued its “activation orders” (ACTORDs), meaning attacks could begin in
ninety-six hours.42 At the last minute, diplomatic initiatives achieved a
breakthrough and enabled the OSCE to go in, leading to the postponement of
airstrikes.43 Clinton was relieved at the outcome. Although he had been
pushing for a strong response, the postponement meant he would not have to
defend military action to Congress right away. As he put it to British prime
minister Tony Blair, “this is a terrible time for me to deal with it with this
Congress of mine.” 44
It was a terrible time because his relationship with Monica Lewinsky was
back in the headlines. After Lewinsky had turned over her dress on July 29,
1998 and a lab test commissioned by independent counsel Kenneth Starr had
found semen on it, Starr’s lawyers had begun heated negotiations over
obtaining a presidential blood sample to check for a DNA match. Clinton’s
attorneys kept pushing back, saying they would only provide a sample if
Starr would make available semen from the dress for “ ‘a later, outside
comparative test of the same type.’ ” Starr finally agreed, and they struck a
deal. The White House physician drew and delivered the requested blood,
and the lab ran a series of high-accuracy DNA tests. On the morning of
August 17, 1998, the lab confirmed that the odds Clinton was the source of
the stain were 7.87 trillion to 1.45
There seemed little point in a comparative test. The president decided to
address the American people on television that day. He confessed to the
affair and expressed his regret for misleading many people, “including even
my wife.” But he also defended himself, saying “even presidents have
private lives.” It was time, he said, to “stop the pursuit of personal
destruction” because there was “important work to do” and “real security
matters to face.” He asked Americans to “turn away from the spectacle” and
“repair the fabric of our national discourse.” 46
Starr was unmoved,
considering the president’s dishonesty to Paula Jones’s legal team under oath
to be more significant. To document that dishonesty, he decided to
disseminate Lewinsky’s evidence and testimony in a sexually explicit
account of her physical relationship with the president.47 Starr delivered his
graphic report to the Republican-led Congress on September 9, 1998, not
long before the midterm elections of that autumn.48 Congress, in turn,
released the report to an astonished public.
Among other reactions, the novelist Philip Roth memorialized this
stunning sequence of events in his novel The Human Stain. Through the
words of his characters, Roth depicted summer and fall 1998 as the time
“when the nausea returned, when the joking didn’t stop, when the
speculation and the theorizing and the hyperbole didn’t stop,” all thanks to
“the brazenness of Bill Clinton.” One of Roth’s characters dreamed “of a
mammoth banner,” draped “from one end of the White House to the other
and bearing the legend A HUMAN BEING LIVES HERE.” 49 Roth’s words
were both a condemnation of Clinton’s failings and a lament for the
coarsening of public political discourse, the latter yet another harbinger of
the twenty-first century.50
Following the revelations, the House of Representatives decided on
October 8, 1998 to commence presidential impeachment proceedings for
only the second time in US history, accusing the president of providing false
testimony and obstructing justice. Not everyone was convinced, as shown by
midterm election results on November 3. Voters stuck with the president’s
party despite his misconduct. Republicans lost four House seats and did not
gain any in the Senate. The show of public support failed, however, to deter
House Republicans from proceeding with impeachment. To prevent Jones’s
team from airing yet more details of his personal life during that process,
Clinton settled her case on November 13, agreeing to pay her $850,000.51
The House was due to open formal debate on impeachment on December
16. On that day, Clinton launched airstrikes against Iraq to enforce
compliance with UN weapons inspections. He insisted in a televised address
that the timing of the attack was unrelated to impeachment, saying that he
could not have delayed “even a matter of days.” His opponents cried foul.
Gerald Solomon, a Republican congressman from New York, remarked, “ ‘it
is obvious that he is doing this for political reasons, and I and others are
outraged.’ ”52 The House of Representatives impeached Clinton three days
later. As 1999 began, the Senate held the fate of the president in its hands for
only the second time in US history.
Suddenly, everyone had to recalibrate to a nearly unprecedented risk.
While NATO expansion was popular and well underway, it nonetheless
seemed safest to get new members firmly on board as soon as possible,
before the political landscape became unpredictably transformed.53 In this
swiftly changing political context, however, one aspect of enlargement’s
implementation gained new importance: the Czech Republic, Hungary, and
Poland were not capable of fully integrating themselves within NATO
structures and command from day one as members. They had come a long
way while going through major democratic and economic transitions—in
particular, Czech chemical warfare units, Hungarian military engineers, and
Polish special forces had reached a high standard—but there were justifiable
questions about their military readiness overall.54
This issue was not technically a problem for joining. NATO’s founding
treaty listed only general requirements for a new member, namely that it be a
European state unanimously acceptable to current allies and able to
“contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area” overall. Once invited
by existing allies, a country then officially joined by “depositing its
instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of
America,” without needing to prove military readiness in any formal way.
But as a political matter, this lack of readiness could potentially become a
political weapon in the hands of Clinton’s opponents.55
Over the course of 1998, Poland found itself required to reassure
Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen that it would be able to meet its NATO
obligations. Secretary Madeleine Albright, who worried about the Czech
Republic and Hungary as well, advised all three states on the need to “avoid
precipitating a debate over the invitees’ readiness to join the alliance.” Since
Washington had worked hard to ensure they would not have second-class
status, it was important that they not be seen as having second-class
capabilities. The three countries assured her that “work would be
accelerated” on improvements to those capabilities.56
Momentum was on the invitees’ side, however. Their future allies were
understanding of the challenges they were facing—and the alliance would
hardly mark its fiftieth anniversary by turning them down, especially with
Clinton needing a win. On January 29, 1999, NATO secretary general Javier
Solana formally invited the new members to join the alliance more than a
month in advance of the April Washington summit, specifically through a
ceremony at Missouri’s Truman Library on March 12, with Albright
presiding. The goal was partly to finalize matters as soon as possible, and
partly to have the invitees able to take part in the subsequent 1999
anniversary summit as full allies, meaning to share fully at that event in
decisions about a new “Alliance Strategic Concept”—and further new
While Washington was trying to manage enlargement during its season of
nausea, Russia continued to experience its own upheaval. On February 10,
1999, the US ambassador to Russia reported that Boris Berezovsky, a Yeltsin
ally, had warned Washington that a full-fledged “ ‘war’ ” between Yeltsin
and Primakov over the Russian presidency was underway.58 Berezovsky held
a token government post, but his real importance lay in his immense wealth
and membership in an informal group of Yeltsin advisors known as the
Family—which included some actual family, such as Yeltsin’s daughter
Tatyana and her soon-to-be third husband, Valentin Yumashev.59
They all felt under siege because Russia’s chief prosecutor, Yuri Skuratov,
was looking into presidential corruption at a dangerous time.60 Among other
issues, a Swiss company holding the contract for lavish Kremlin renovations
was allegedly giving the Family kickbacks. Swiss investigators raided the
company’s Lugano office on January 22, 1999, risking revelation of the
relevant files.61 In Kotkin’s words, the Family members urgently needed
someone who “would protect the Family’s interests, and maybe those of
Russia as well.” 62
Skuratov could not be allowed to continue investigating,
nor could Primakov be allowed to oust Yeltsin at this critical moment;
family members might then face arrest.63 When behind-the-scenes efforts to
halt the prosecutor failed, a tape allegedly of Skuratov naked and in bed with
two unclothed women—neither of whom was his wife—was broadcast
nationwide by the government television network, its authenticity confirmed
on the air by Putin.64
Primakov was harder to undermine, but the Family was determined.
Yeltsin, according to Berezovsky, “had a nasty confrontation” with his prime
minister, and the battle lines were drawn. To be sure, Berezovsky was hardly
a disinterested, reliable observer, but the bottom line of his message to
Washington, that Primakov “would be out of a job by May,” nonetheless
rang true. Berezovsky advised the embassy that Yeltsin would do his best to
pull off a “ ‘soft’ ” switch to a new prime minister. The tycoon advised
Washington to support Yeltsin in the coming struggle because Primakov
remained as “ ‘red as a tomato.’ ” 65
Showing a remarkable sense of timing, Putin apparently decided this was
a good moment to display his loyalties. He had known Berezovsky since
meeting him in Leningrad in 1991. The FSB head now decided to make a
show of appearing at a birthday party for Berezovsky’s wife. Upon arriving,
he apparently announced to the host, “ ‘I absolutely do not care what
Primakov thinks of me.’ ” 66
Berezovsky did not tell the US embassy about another burden weighing
on Yeltsin, this one involving NATO. The alliance was once again the source
of active contention between the Russian president and his Ukrainian
counterpart, Leonid Kuchma. The two Slavic presidents were haggling over
modernization of marine aviation equipment for the Russian Black Sea
Fleet, docked in the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol.67 As part of their
negotiations, Yeltsin demanded that Kyiv sign a “document” setting out
“limits of relations with NATO.” The “orientation of Ukraine first and
foremost toward Euro-Atlantic structures” was causing “growing anxiety in
Russia,” and the Russian president apparently wanted to prevent the
nightmare of the Atlantic Alliance parking US Navy warships in the Black
Sea Fleet’s home port.68 Kuchma was noncommittal in response. He also
resisted Russian pressure to decline Ukraine’s invitation to NATO’s fiftieth-
anniversary summit in April 1999.69 Fighting between Moscow and Kyiv
over relations with NATO and the West was clearly going to be yet another
landmark of the twenty-first century, with consequences far beyond the
border of either country.70
To assess what to do about Yeltsin’s crises, Schröder visited Clinton on
February 11, 1999, just before the Senate vote on whether to remove the US
president from office. Clinton, who wanted to get business done while he
could, thanked the German for coming on short notice. The two leaders
agreed that “Russia is in dire straits,” since “the health system has collapsed
and life expectancy is dropping.” One of the chancellor’s advisors, Michael
Steiner, conceded that not all of Moscow’s problems were homegrown.
Germany had made mistakes; “we rushed in” and “made money quickly,”
but then left with the profits. As a result, the West had lost credibility.
Clinton agreed, saying, “I am not sure everything I did over the last six years
was right” either. But in his view, Russia’s problems rested ultimately in the
way it had “privatized its economy without laws to protect investors.” It was
“as if they had poured flesh without a skeletal frame to hold it erect.” The
German agreed that Russia had transitioned directly from being “too much
state-controlled” to having “no state left.” The upshot for Schröder was
plain: “he who banks on Yeltsin is dumb.”
Upgrading his earlier negative view of Primakov, Schröder concluded
that the prime minister was “more than a transitional figure, he is a piece of
stability for the medium term.” Of course, once Primakov “drives the car
into a wall, he thinks that we will pay—for stability.” But Berlin and
Washington could do much worse than to deal with him as the next Russian
president. Clinton agreed, saying, “I kind of like him; he’s strong, honest,
sober, shows up to work every day. He’s pretty good.” Berger interjected that
Primakov had little chance of becoming president given Yeltsin’s fierce
opposition. In the national security advisor’s view, Primakov “is kidding
himself” and, worse, “he is kidding us.” Everyone agreed, however, that the
main Russian problem was “organized crime.” As Clinton put it, black
marketeers were trading in chemical and biological weapons, using
“Colombian cartels” as “their investment bankers.” But the president
emphasized that despite Yeltsin’s agonies, avoiding limits on NATO’s
freedom of action remained essential. The alliance must keep its “door open
to others.” Schröder, hesitant, suggested they remain vague as to “which
countries are next in line.”71
Whether Clinton would be the one transforming even the first invitees
into allies still hung in the balance that day, but not for long. The concluding
vote to the Senate impeachment trial took place on February 12, 1999. In the
end, senators voted on two counts, one of perjury and one of obstruction of
justice. Both were defeated, by votes of 55 to 45 and 50 to 50, respectively,
well short of the two-thirds majority required to convict.72 Clinton survived,
but so too did the bitterness generated by the season of nausea.
Notably, Ukraine was not among the nine indicated as aspiring members.
There was still a sense that it was a bridge too far, not least because of
tensions over Sevastopol. In addition, Western diplomats kept recounting
horror stories about what it was like working with Kyiv, in sharp contrast to
their positive experiences working with Baltic leaders, who had now
returned from bitterness to enthusiasm in their dealings with Washington. At
one point, Estonia sent half its cabinet to DC, effectively as a lobbying
group. And Latvians, Lithuanians, and Estonians seemed able to fight major
corruption in a way that Ukrainians unfortunately did not.114 The alliance
decided to give the Ukrainian leader, Kuchma, a summit-within-a-summit
instead, holding a special meeting between all nineteen NATO members and
Ukraine as a signal that NATO was not simply ceding the country to a new
Russian sphere of influence.115 The event could not conceal the fact that
Ukraine had been taken off of the conveyor belt of future members.
With that conveyor belt now operational, NATO turned its focus to its
short-term mission in Kosovo. The challenges there grew after the airstrike
that hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in May 1999. Clinton immediately
expressed sorrow in public, saying that the “injuries were completely
inadvertent” and extending “deep regret to the people and leaders of
China.”116 Moscow seized the opportunity. Chernomyrdin suddenly appeared
in China, where he sympathized with Chinese leaders about NATO’s “ ‘act
of aggression.’ ”117
Another challenge for Clinton was that Yeltsin was soon physically
incapacitated again. As Berger advised the president on May 11, 1999, it
was a reminder “of the fragility of his health and the fact that even a small
return to alcohol can knock him seriously off balance.” In addition, the
Duma was now copying the US Congress and trying unsuccessfully to
impeach Yeltsin. His aides were frantically trying to count—and, it was
rumored, buy—votes to keep the top man in office. He ultimately survived,
but his authority was waning rapidly.118
Despite this weakness, Yeltsin got Clinton to agree that American and
Russian representatives should meet in some “third country” to find a way
around “the dead-end in Kosovo and in Russian-American relations.”119
Chernomyrdin and Talbott, working with the Finnish president, Martti
Ahtisaari—whose country was about to assume the EU presidency, giving
his view added weight—agreed that NATO would be at the core of a new,
joint Kosovo Force (KFOR).120 Clinton negotiated personally with a frail
Yeltsin by phone on June 8, 1999 over the exact timing of a Serbian
withdrawal and an end to the bombing.121 Although the process was fraught
—not only because of tensions between the United States and Russia but
also because of open arguments among Russian civilian and military leaders
about how accommodating to be toward Washington—in the following days
all of these negotiations revealed a light at the end of the tunnel.122 Russian
pressure helped to make the Serbians yield. NATO suspended its eleven-
week air campaign on Thursday, June 10, as an international peacekeeping
force made ready to begin work in the region.123 The US deputy national
security advisor, James Steinberg, later praised the way the administration
conducted the intervention, saying “ethnic cleansing was not only reversed
but reversed in a way that kept NATO together, prevented the destabilization
of neighboring countries, and kept Russia engaged without sacrificing
NATO’s stated goals.”124
Promoting Putin
An incident on June 11, 1999, during one of Talbott’s many visits to
Moscow, revealed the risks the Kosovo intervention still posed to US-
Russian relations. The visit included a novelty: Talbott’s first meeting with
FSB head Putin. The deputy secretary was impressed by Putin’s “ability to
convey self-control and confidence in a low-key, soft-spoken manner.”125
While they were speaking, Talbott’s aide Victoria Nuland passed him a
note reporting a rumor that Russian forces were unilaterally seizing parts of
Kosovo, which was not foreseen in agreements between Washington and
Moscow. The deputy secretary immediately asked the Russians what was
going on. Putin replied in mild tones that he knew nothing—but in a way
that seemed calculated to strain Talbott’s credulity, which it did. Uneasy, the
deputy secretary left Moscow immediately afterward by plane, only to learn
in flight that a Russian unit from Bosnia was indeed heading for Pristina, the
capital of Kosovo. Berger called the deputy secretary on the plane, telling
him to turn his aircraft around and “ ‘raise hell.’ ”126
Hell proved difficult to raise. Talbott “cooled his heels” at the US
embassy for several hours, watching Russian armored columns making their
way toward Kosovo on television.127 The chatter among NATO allies was
that Russians were trying to secure “a Russian sector,” perhaps along the
lines of the old Berlin model. It later became apparent that the forces were
headed for the airport in Pristina.128 What remained unclear was who had
approved the deployment—an ailing Yeltsin, or perhaps military leaders
feeling they had not gotten enough in the final days of negotiations?129
Eventually, Talbott managed to organize an evening session at the foreign
ministry, but it proved fruitless. He spent most of the night at the defense
ministry, sometimes abruptly abandoned by his hosts. At one point near 3:00
a.m. he began wandering the halls in search of his absent negotiating
partners but found only a drunken general. Finally, at 5:30 a.m., he departed
the ministry in search of other interlocutors. On the afternoon of Saturday,
June 12, Talbott managed to get back to Putin.
Talbott later reported that when he reappeared in Putin’s office, the head
of the FSB acted “as though nothing alarming or surprising had occurred in
the twenty-four hours since I’d previously seen him.”130 Instead, Putin
simply continued speaking in the same mild, taciturn manner, downplaying
the events in Kosovo. He spoke in general terms about Russian hawks
causing the intervention as part of a larger “ ‘pre-election struggle’ ” but
would give no details. And if Putin was pleased that the US president’s top
advisor on Russia had been taken down a few notches in their first
encounter, he gave no recorded sign.
Clinton spoke with Yeltsin by phone on both Sunday, June 13, and
Monday, June 14. Though the process was fraught, they agreed “to instruct
our generals to meet and resolve the problem of command at the airport.”131
The generals did as ordered, but not without tense moments in which
conflict between allied and Russian forces seemed possible.132 General Clark
had already ordered use of force to prevent the seizure of the airport, but the
junior British officers charged with implementing the order, including the
later pop star James Blunt, refused to carry it out.133 British general Michael
Jackson backed his men up, reportedly saying he was unwilling to start
World War III. Clark and Jackson subsequently settled on a waiting strategy
instead.134 Clark reportedly contacted countries from which Russia needed
overflight rights to resupply their forces—including potentially Bulgaria,
Hungary, and Romania—to get those rights canceled or denied. The Russian
troops’ stay at the Pristina Airport became dry and hungry.135 Blunt reported
that “after a couple of days, the Russians there said, ‘hang on, we have no
food and no water. Can we share the airfield with you?’ ”136 Potentially a
disaster, this strategy became a successful example of how to absorb rather
than exacerbate a problem.
Moscow reportedly kept trying to bully its former Warsaw Pact allies to
release their airspace. With their eyes on new or future NATO memberships,
they refused.137 When Putin spoke to Berger by phone, the Russian used the
same conciliatory tone he had used with Talbott, telling the national security
advisor, “I do not think that the airport and everything connected to it will be
a big issue.” He added mildly, “we do have joint experience like this in
Tuzla,” a city where the Russians successfully pressured Bosnian Serbs to
open the airport and allow delivery of humanitarian aid. Since they
“managed to find an acceptable solution there,” presumably they could do
the same now.138
The United States and Russia were indeed able to do so. Just as in Bosnia,
the Russians were once again on the ground with NATO in Kosovo.139
Western relations with Moscow had survived the Pristina Airport crisis, but
only just; the wounds inflicted were serious and left Russia bitter at seeing
its weakness internationally exposed. Despite the patching up of differences,
a shift in thinking had taken place in Washington as well. Pentagon
policymakers who had been trying to see Russians as friends began to
wonder, after Pristina, whether that would be so easy. New Central and
Eastern European members of NATO said, in effect, we told you so.140
The American and Russian presidents subsequently met in person at the
G8 summit in Cologne, Germany, on June 19–20, 1999. Clinton thanked
Yeltsin for “not giving up on the relationship and making sure we passed this
very tough test.” In an odd move, Yeltsin then told Clinton that he had a gift
for the US president: documents of unclear origin, which he said related to
the Kennedy assassination. Clinton accepted the gift but tried to focus on
business. He prompted Yeltsin to get discussions on START II ratification
going again, as well as talk about START III; his efforts had little effect. At
the end, the two men hugged in a show of cooperation, but both knew the
friendship was waning.141
The problem, as Clinton pointed out to Schröder, was that “my time is
running out, and so is Yeltsin’s.” The US president had a suggestion for the
German: “Should we move up NATO enlargement and EU enlargement?”142
It was a daring suggestion, to which Schröder did not respond with any
enthusiasm; instead, he noted that there was “such a backlog” of countries
trying to join the EU that it would be hard to add more “to the list.”143
Seeking a warmer reception for the idea, Clinton called his old friend Kohl,
who advised the president to accomplish as much as he could while Yeltsin
was still around. As the former chancellor put it, “everything you can nail
down now” should be nailed down, because “you don’t know how things are
going to work out” with the next Russian president.144
Clinton agreed, saying he had told Yeltsin “we have to finish this nuclear
work, because he can’t afford to let his successor throw it all away.”145 The
president hoped he could still get Yeltsin moving on START II, START III,
and particularly the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. That treaty represented
the culmination of a decades-long campaign to bar all signatory countries
from detonating any nuclear devices whatsoever. When he had signed it on
behalf of the United States in 1996, Clinton had praised it as “ ‘the longest-
sought, hardest-fought prize in arms control history.’ ”146 It would mark the
culmination of a long run of success in arms control if it went into effect. As
one US diplomat put it, in terms of superpower competition, “during the
1990s” the world had become “arguably the most secure against nuclear war
than at any time since nuclear weapons were invented.”147 Clinton wanted to
keep that trend going because vast arsenals remained. Despite the cuts and
treaties of the past decade, Russia alone reportedly had enough plutonium in
1999 for 25,000 to 50,000 weapons.148
But Moscow was showing distressing resistance to both of those START
accords and to CTBT. START II, which would have eliminated two-thirds of
the US and Russian arsenals, would eventually be ratified but never truly go
into effect. START III would not even progress to a signing.149 CTBT was, if
a CIA report from July 2, 1999 was true, under fire from Putin himself.
According to a boldfaced, italicized report emphasizing his role, Putin’s
reasoning was as follows. He announced publicly that Moscow was moving
forward with a new “test plan, ” which the CIA took to mean for “low-yield
warheads.” In the CIA’s view, Moscow believed that such weapons were
necessary because of “perceptions of a heightened threat from NATO,”
reductions in the “capabilities of Russian conventional forces,” and “fears
that a future conflict could be waged on Russian soil.” Putin and his
colleagues therefore opposed CTBT because its strictures might make
developing such weapons more difficult.150 Following up on the same theme
in the year 2000, the CIA added that Moscow was clearly trying to develop a
class of “‘Clean’ Very-Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons,” creating “minimal
long-term contamination” on the battlefield, in order to “blur the boundary
between nuclear and conventional warfare” and thereby “head off a major
conflict.” Together with the US decision to withdraw from the ABM Treaty
in 2002, the effects of all of these developments for early twenty-first-
century arms control would be severely damaging. Looking back in 2015,
former secretary of defense Bill Perry concluded that arms control ended up
“ ‘a casualty of NATO expansion’ ” and of fighting between the Kremlin and
the Duma in the 1990s; “the downsides of early NATO membership for
Eastern European nations were even worse than I had feared.”151
Another troubling development was Moscow’s decision, again apparently
involving Putin, to reignite the conventional war in Chechnya. Skirmishes
between Chechen fighters and Russian troops had resumed in the summer of
1999, but matters took a much graver turn in September.152 That month, a
series of bombings of residential apartment buildings in Moscow and other
cities killed 243 people and injured 1,700 more.153 After Putin declared the
bombings to be the work of Chechen-affiliated terrorists, Russia launched
what came to be known as the Second Chechen War, which eventually
culminated in direct rule of the region from Moscow.154 By the end of the
year, largely thanks to that war, Putin would be the most popular politician in
the country.155 But critics later identified evidence allegedly showing that the
FSB itself—and possibly Putin—might have had a role in the apartment
tragedy.156 An American journalist in Moscow who had roomed with Talbott
at Oxford, David Satter, wrote that “to grasp the reality of Russia, it is
necessary to accept that Russian leaders really are capable of blowing up
hundreds of their own people to preserve their hold on power.”157 He
subsequently became the first US journalist since the Cold War to be
expelled from Russia.158
In the course of that year, Putin also rose in Yeltsin’s estimation; the
Russian president decided to promote the younger man again on August 9,
1999, this time to replace Stepashin as prime minister.159 Those who knew
Putin were immediately wary. Nursultan Nazarbayev, still the leader of
Kazakhstan, told Clinton during a visit to the Oval Office later that year that
Putin “has nothing going for him besides the Chechen War.” In the Kazakh’s
view, “he has no charisma, no foreign policy experience, no economic policy
of his own. He just has the war—a fight with his own people.”160 Russian
reformer Boris Nemtsov reportedly called Putin’s appointment “ ‘a very,
very big mistake.’ ”161
That Putin was now prime minister was not in itself hugely significant,
since by that point Russian prime ministers had become disposable items.162
But on September 8, just before Clinton’s departure to an Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation summit in Auckland, New Zealand, the White House
received a fateful call from Moscow. Yeltsin was sending Prime Minister
Putin to New Zealand, and he wanted Clinton to understand why.163
Yeltsin recounted how he had taken “a lot of time to think who might be
the next Russian president in the year 2000,” but “unfortunately” none of the
other candidates had worked out. After much searching, Yeltsin said, “I
came across him, that is, Putin, and I explored his bio, his interests, his
acquaintances, and so on and so forth.” Yeltsin discerned that Putin was “a
solid man who is kept well abreast of various subjects under his purview.”
The president also considered him “thorough and strong, very sociable,”
adding, “I am sure you will find him to be a highly qualified partner.” The
notion that Russian voters should pick his successor did not seem to concern
him; Yeltsin was sure that Putin “will be supported as a candidate in the year
2000. We are working on it accordingly.”164 Who “we” were was not
immediately clear, but after the call, Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana
acknowledged to Talbott the behind-the-scenes role that she and the rest of
the Family played in promoting Putin. She reportedly told him, “ ‘it really
was very hard, getting Putin into the job—one of the hardest things we ever
pulled off.’ ” The Family had persevered, however, because its members
were convinced Putin “ ‘won’t sell us out,’ ” and indeed he did not: he
ultimately granted Yeltsin immunity from prosecution.165
Listening to the Russian president lay out his country’s future on the
phone, Clinton and his aides were aware of the significance of the moment.
President George H. W. Bush had once been on the receiving end of a call
from Yeltsin announcing the end of the Gorbachev era; Clinton and his
advisors were now hearing something of similar magnitude. As Bush had
done before him, Clinton stuck to cautious replies while the Russian was on
the line, saying only that the information was “very helpful.” He added that
“we have had good contacts with Mr. Putin so far,” and “I look forward to
meeting with him in Auckland.”166
Thus forewarned, Clinton traveled to Auckland on September 12, 1999,
where he made a demonstrative show of Prime Minister Putin’s new
significance. According to a later account by Putin, when the president
realized they were seated at different tables for a meal, Clinton walked to
Putin’s table and said to him, “ ‘well, shall we go?’ ” Leaders of other states
and guests, sensing the significance of the gesture, stood and applauded as
the two men exited the hall together.167
Once they were alone with their aides, however, the atmosphere became
chillier. Throughout Clinton’s tenure, there had been “no leader who didn’t
want to be with him, spend time with him, engage with him, be associated
with him,” in Steinberg’s words, because the US president was
“unbelievably magnetic, especially for other leaders.” Putin, however, was
“indifferent” to Clinton’s charms.168 Albright noticed the same phenomenon:
“when talking to Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin had been bombastic,
enthusiastic, erratic, hot-tempered, and warm.” He spoke to Clinton “as if
everything were personal and could be solved by the two Presidents sitting
alone.” Putin, by contrast, “was clear-minded, cordial,” but “cool.”169
The American president decided, as an opening gambit, to express his
hope of preserving the ABM Treaty, despite Republican support for a missile
defense system that would threaten it. Putin expressed guarded support for
the idea, saying, “my personal view may be closer to what you said than to
the positions articulated by other people on the Russian side.”170 The prime
minister added that Moscow had been “very close to ratifying START II,”
and he hoped it would do so in the end. Clinton next expressed sympathy
over the apartment bombings. Putin seized the opportunity to declare not
only that the “recent terrorist acts in Moscow” had originated in Chechnya
but that “the perpetrators are the same as the ones who delivered the strikes
against the United States.” Lest there be any doubt what he meant, he told
Clinton that “Usama Bin-Laden has declared his intention to move to
Chechnya,” where “his groups already have a presence.” The only reason
bin Laden had not appeared already was that “he is afraid we will apprehend
him or take other actions.”
To avoid being drawn into a murky discussion on bin Laden’s
responsibility for the apartment bombings, Clinton instead offered
unsolicited campaign advice, saying, “you can try to show that there is no
credible alternative to the path that you’re on.” He added, “if the opposition
doesn’t have a credible set of proposals, that will help you.” Putin
contradicted him: “unfortunately, that’s not the case,” because Russia “does
not have an established political system. People don’t read programs.”
Instead, they look only “at the faces of the leaders, regardless of what party
they belong to, regardless of whether they have a program or not.” Such
behavior showed that “most of our population” was “not very sophisticated,”
but “that’s the reality we need to deal with.” The prime minister concluded
cryptically, saying, “we have certain plans and are acting according to
them.” Now it was Clinton’s turn to respond mildly, saying only, “I look
forward to seeing how they unfold.”171
Exit Yeltsin
The initial encounter with Putin, unsettling in itself, came at an increasingly
unsettled time in US politics. Although Clinton had survived impeachment,
he had become damaged goods, thanks to the public outrage his actions had
inspired. He had to be careful about, among other things, how he promoted
Vice President Gore’s future. As he explained to Blair on October 13, 1999,
thanks to the current “political culture,” it “will hurt if it appears I’m trying
to control the outcome of another election. I’ve got to be careful not to tell
people how to vote.”172
Given the public’s bitterness, it was fortunate for both the president and
the Atlantic Alliance that he had gotten NATO enlargement ratified when he
did. The fate of the test ban treaty, presented to the Senate after
impeachment, showed how much his persuasive powers with that body had
declined. The treaty enjoyed overwhelming international support; nearly 200
countries would go on to sign it.173 Yet the US Senate rejected it on October
13, 1999, by a vote of 51 to 48.174 The New York Times described the
rejection as “the first time the Senate had defeated a major international
security pact since the Treaty of Versailles”—the fate Rosner had feared that
NATO expansion would meet.175 Steinberg called the failure “enormously
damaging” and one of the “biggest disappointments” of the entire Clinton
era.176 Elsewhere, NATO expansion supporters breathed a sigh of relief,
pleased not to be seeking their Senate ratification in the wake of
Clinton vented his fury about the Senate’s attitude in his phone call with
Blair that day. While “half of the Republicans are against this on its merit,”
for the rest “it’s just politics. They are out to screw me because they don’t
want to help me and don’t want to help Al.” He found the Republican stance
“stupid” and contradictory. All they wanted to do was oppose everything;
“they won’t pay UN dues and they don’t want an aid budget.” He had
belatedly realized that many Republicans “are genuine isolationists” whose
attitude was “ ‘piss on our allies’ and ‘to hell with what they think; screw
anybody who screws with us.’ ” The result, he went on, was that “it’s just
sick what a world we are living in here.” As far as he could tell, what they
really wanted was “a bunch of bombs and missiles and a defense system,”
but “then they just cut everybody’s taxes. They want to put rich people
behind gates so the starving can’t get at them.” In essence, “they basically
want an upscale Brazil for America. It is awful, but I think we can beat them
back.”178 In his anger, the president had hit on two further landmarks of
twenty-first-century American politics: isolationism and inequality.
After losing that domestic battle, Clinton also had to endure a contentious
rematch with Putin on November 2, 1999, at a Middle East summit held in
Oslo, Norway.179 The American used the opportunity to challenge the prime
minister on the mounting casualties in Chechnya, saying, “this conflict may
be playing well for you at home, but not internationally.” He gave the prime
minister more unsolicited advice: “in my experience, politics and reality
eventually become aligned, and you need to keep this in mind.” Putin
thanked Clinton for having “raised our consciousness.”180
Clinton also broached the still-outstanding issue of the treaty on
conventional forces, hoping that an updated version could be signed as part
of a scheduled OSCE summit in Istanbul roughly two weeks later on
November 18.181 Russia continued to exceed the treaty’s limits on
conventional forces, not least because of the presence of its forces in
disputed regions of Georgia.182 The US president admitted that Putin had
been “straightforward about being over the CFE levels.” As a result, “it’s all
been above board, and there have been no denials, and I want you to know I
appreciate that.” Still, the excess forces were blocking the CFE update, and
“you need to decide if you want to get this Treaty done” in Istanbul. Putin
replied, “we are exceeding our equipment levels due to the Chechnya
operations, we notified that and we are not violating the CFE Treaty.” Berger
objected, saying, “how can you sign the treaty if Russia is out of
compliance?” There had to be, at a minimum, some schedule for a
drawdown. Putin demurred, saying, “it is not clear how quickly we can do
Eventually, Moscow and Washington reached a compromise. The new
treaty, like the old, placed limits on five categories of conventional weapons,
but Russia was allowed to exceed those limits “temporarily.” The definition
of “temporarily” was left vague, however, giving Moscow a lot of wiggle
room.184 Meanwhile, Western negotiators successfully blocked Russia’s
effort to add treaty provisions “banning NATO stationed forces on the
territories of new members.” Instead, the alliance maintained its ability both
to station forces and to ramp up “deployment levels above ceilings for crisis
operations,” with “no geographic constraints on aircraft and helicopters.”185
But even though each side had gotten something it wanted, bitterness
dominated. The Russian president revived himself enough to attend the CFE
signing in Istanbul on November 18, 1999, going despite his frailty to
deliver what he saw as an important message to Clinton. As Yeltsin
explained later, “ ‘Clinton permitted himself to put pressure on Russia’ ”
because he had “ ‘forgotten for a minute, for a second, for half a minute,
forgotten that Russia has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons.’ ”186 The Russian
leader wanted to remind the American and the world that Moscow still
mattered. In his memoirs, Yeltsin described how he personally edited his
Istanbul speech, inserting “the toughest and sharpest formulations” possible.
Once onstage, he could see that “the hall was scattered with shards of
distrust and misunderstanding,” which he could even feel “in my skin.” But
he felt that his harsh text “was right on target.”187 Yeltsin attacked the West
for “ ‘sermonizing’ ” about Chechnya and insisted “there will be no peace
talks with bandits and killers.”
These remarks did not sit well with Clinton. The US president discarded
his prepared remarks and denounced the use of force in Chechnya as
unworthy of Yeltsin’s legacy. While Clinton was speaking, the Russian
president angrily ripped off his translation headset.188 Remembering the last
time the two had sparred so publicly, Berger termed the event “Budapest on
the Bosporus.”189 The difference between Budapest in 1994 and Istanbul in
1999, however, was that Clinton had no time to restore relations with Yeltsin
afterward. His visit to Istanbul, he knew, was the last trip to Europe by an
American president in the twentieth century, but he did not know that it was
also his last meeting with Yeltsin as president.190
The two leaders had a brief encounter after the speeches that was a far cry
from the joviality of their first, in Vancouver more than six years earlier.191
Yeltsin was “unhinged,” as Talbott put it, and made sweeping demands: “just
give Europe to Russia. The US is not Europe. Europe should be the business
of Europeans.” Clinton tried to deflect the tirade, but Yeltsin kept pressing,
saying, “give Europe to itself. Europe never felt as close to Russia as it does
now.” Clinton responded, “I don’t think the Europeans would like this very
Abruptly, Yeltsin stood up and announced that “the meeting has gone on
too long.” In his view, they had spent too much time together: “we said 20
minutes and it has now been more than 35 minutes.” Clinton would not let
the Russian go, however, without asking who would win the upcoming
election. Yeltsin replied curtly, “Putin, of course.” Referring to himself in the
third person, as his old nemesis Mikhail Gorbachev often did, he emphasized
that there was no doubt that “he is the successor to Boris Yeltsin” and “he
will win.” The Russian president was confident that “you’ll do business
Returning home to Moscow, Yeltsin decided that the time for exit had
come. According to his memoirs, he confided to Putin on December 14,
1999 that he would make the younger man acting president on the last day of
the year, although Putin had to keep that information to himself until then.193
Hearing the news, Putin reportedly responded, “it’s a rather difficult fate.”
Yeltsin assured him that “ ‘when I came here, I also had other plans. Life
turned out that way. . . . You’ll manage.’ ”194
A week after his conversation with Yeltsin, Putin took part in an
unveiling ceremony for the restored plaque of former longtime KGB head
(and later Soviet leader) Yuri Andropov, held on the anniversary of the
founding of the Soviet secret police.195 The symbolism was obvious.
Andropov’s formative experience had been the 1956 uprising in Hungary; he
had watched in horror from the window of the Soviet embassy in Budapest
as an uprising threatened to topple the Communist government and remove
Hungary from the Warsaw Pact. Andropov never forgot watching the bodies
of executed Hungarian secret police swaying from the streetlights. The
experience marked the birth of what one US expert called “Andropov’s—
and the KGB’s—‘Hungarian complex,’ the mortal fear of small, unofficial
groups sparking movements to overthrow” their leaders.196 The Andropov
plaque had come down in August 1991 but was back, and Putin decided to
give the restoration his public blessing.197
Putin also decided to move beyond his practice of using bland
commentary with Talbott, who found himself in Moscow again with the
prime minister just three days before Christmas 1999. At the press
conference before their talks, Talbott recalled how badly his last visit with
Putin had unfolded, since he had ended up turning his plane around
midflight. Trying to make light of the memory in front of reporters, Talbott
joked that this time “his flight was commercial so he didn’t have that
option.” According to the US embassy, Putin responded “dryly,” saying only
that “he remembered the incident well.”198
As the press was leaving, Talbott shifted tone, adding pointedly that he
“remembered it well too.” Once the journalists were gone, Putin let the mild
facade fall. He complained bitterly that former Soviet states might find a
way to use the updated CFE treaty to expel Moscow’s forces, particularly
from Georgia, adding that “ ‘your friend Shevardnadze is a fool’ ” to want
the Russians gone. The region, he predicted, would become so dangerous
that “without Russian troops to accompany them,” even “Georgian forces
would not dare venture into certain regions of their own country.” In the
disputed territory of Abkhazia, “Chechen mercenaries” were already playing
“soccer with the decapitated head of one of their captives,” implying there
was worse to come without Russian protection. When Talbott tried to shift to
arms control and expressed hope for progress, Putin replied that he “ ‘would
like to share’ Talbott’s optimism,” implying he did not.199
The reason behind Putin’s increasing assertiveness became apparent to all
on December 31, 1999. That morning, Yeltsin had recorded a brief video of
his resignation, and it was broadcast nationwide at noon.200 Even though
Washington had known for months who the successor would be, the timing
was still a surprise. The US ambassador in Moscow awakened Talbott at his
home in Washington and told him to turn on a television. The two
Americans, half a world apart, stayed on the phone as they watched.201
The echoes of Gorbachev’s sad televised farewell were strong. Yeltsin’s
stiff, weak delivery intensified the melancholy of his words. Seated against
the backdrop of an indifferently decorated Christmas tree, he revealed that
he was “speaking to you for the last time as the president of Russia.” He
asked Russians for “forgiveness” and apologized to them that “many of our
shared dreams did not come true.” In the end, “what we thought would be
easy turned out to be painfully difficult.” Promising that a new generation of
leaders would do everything “bigger and better,” he disclosed that he had
already signed a decree making Putin acting president. Finally, he bid
farewell to his compatriots, expressing a last wish that they “be happy.”202
After watching the broadcast in the Kremlin together with Putin, Yeltsin
told his successor to “take care of Russia.” He departed the Kremlin at 1:00
p.m. Russian time, feeling immensely relieved to have no obligations for the
first time in decades, and told his driver to take him to his family. En route,
his limousine’s phone rang with a call from Clinton. Yeltsin declined the call
from the president of the United States, telling him to call back later, at 5:00
p.m.203 Clinton dutifully tried again roughly four hours later, and this time
Yeltsin spoke to him.204 The plan, Yeltsin explained, was to give Putin three
months before the scheduled vote of March 2000 “to work as president” so
“people will get used to him” and elect him in his own right as president.
Yeltsin added that “this will be done without breaking away from
democracy,” and kept repeating he was “sure that he will be elected in the
forthcoming elections; I am sure about that. I am also sure that he is a
Meanwhile, the new leader of Russia made Clinton wait a further twenty-
six hours. He finally found nine minutes for a call at 7:07 p.m. Moscow time
on the evening of January 1, 2000. Clinton tried to put a good face on what
was unfolding, saying, “I think you are off to a very good start.”206
Yet another major landmark of the twenty-first century had begun moving
into place: the gradual resumption of personal rule in Russia. Acting
president Vladimir Putin had decided, on a December night in Moscow in
1999, to do whatever it took to defend Russian authority, his colleagues, and
For Central and Eastern Europeans, who had suffered decades of brutality,
war, and suppression, entering NATO on the cusp of the twenty-first century
was the fulfillment of a dream of partnership with the West. Yet the
transition from the old to the new century had long shadows over it. Looking
back, Albright remarked that “a decade earlier, when the Berlin Wall had
come down, there was dancing in the streets. Now the euphoria was
gone.”207 A series of major political shifts had collided with alliance
expansion to carve out the future and emplace landmarks—some impressive,
some threatening—delineating the post–Cold War order. The Clinton
administration’s successful expansion strategy, building on precedents from
the Bush era, had ensured maximum flexibility for NATO’s future; taking
advantage of it, after 1999 the alliance would eventually add eleven more
states.208 But the hammer blows of economic disintegration, unremitting
illness, and fear of prosecution for corruption had forced Yeltsin to choose a
successor; seeking to protect himself and his family, he turned to one who
would reverse Russian democratization.209 Meanwhile, the US president’s
personal dishonesty and the resulting impeachment had coarsened American
political life; smelling blood, Clinton’s most emboldened foes would
continue to distend the zone of the politically permissible in both domestic
and foreign policy. And the painful decline in US-Russian cooperation had
started to reverse a long run of success in arms control; letting a decades-
long trend lapse, Clinton and Yeltsin failed to conclude any major new arms
control accords.210 Nuclear targeting of US and European cities instead
resumed under a man who, in December 1999, started a reign that would be
measured in decades. For US relations with Russia, these events signaled, if
not a refreezing back to Cold War conditions precluding all cooperation,
then the onset of a killing frost.
Partnership Potential: Membership in international organizations in 1994, based on a map issued by
the German Foreign Office. Note the absence of a clear political dividing line down the middle of
Europe due to the overlapping nature of these organizations and Russia’s membership in every
organization except NATO. (FYROM is the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which would
later become North Macedonia. Slanted shading bars indicate that the CSCE had, in 1992, suspended
the membership of the then–Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, that is, Montenegro and Serbia.)
We need to wait for the new times all over again, because we missed our chance in the
AFTER HE RETIRED, STROBE TALBOTT told the New York Times some of what
he had learned about the conduct of foreign policy: “ ‘If the leadership of a
country has any view but the following, it’s not going to be the leadership
of that country for very long. And that is: We do what we can in our own
interest.’ ”1
This statement demands a question in response: who defines the meaning
of the word interest? Talbott’s definition was clear: American interests
mandated extending full Article 5 guarantees at least to the Baltics, and
possibly beyond. His conviction on this point increasingly helped to
convince President Bill Clinton—the person whose definition of interest
mattered most—that not one inch of territory need be off-limits to alliance
troops or nuclear weapons. Clinton came to believe that it was in US
interests to have the “broadest, deepest alliance” possible. Acting
accordingly, he presided over the alliance’s fiftieth anniversary in 1999 in a
way that ensured NATO could enlarge not just that year, but repeatedly and
without restrictions in the coming decades.2
The alliance thereby gained a border with Russia—where Polish territory
met Russian around the Kaliningrad enclave—and opened its door to many
future members, including the Baltic states.3 When Estonia subsequently
joined, NATO’s border moved again, to less than a hundred miles from
President Vladimir Putin’s hometown of St. Petersburg.4 In 1989 the
distance was roughly 1,200 miles. This result fulfilled the justified hopes of
many states oppressed by the Soviet Union in the past and worried about
aggression from Moscow in the future. Yet American and Russian choices,
in a series of cumulative interactions, had also yielded a less desirable
result: a post–Cold War order that looked much like its Cold War
predecessor, but with a more easterly European dividing line.
With the narrative of these events complete, it is time to address the
questions asked at the outset. Why did the United States decide to enlarge
NATO after the Cold War, how did the American decision interact with
contemporary Russian choices, and did that interaction yield the fateful
decline in relations between the two countries? Were there feasible
alternatives to the decisions that they made? What was the cost of
expansion as it occurred, and how did it help to shape the era between the
Cold War and COVID? Finally, how can knowledge of this history guide
efforts to create a better future?
To answer the first question: The evidence shows that the “why” and the
“how” evolved in tandem between 1989 and 1999, in what were effectively
a series of three presidential turns of the ratchet—a tool that allows motion
in one direction only. The first turn occurred in 1990. Asked after the fall of
the Berlin Wall whether, to achieve German unification, he would
compromise with Moscow over NATO’s future, President George H. W.
Bush responded, “to hell with that.” The reason behind that attitude—his
“why”—was his firm belief in the need to ensure that an expanded Atlantic
Alliance served as the dominant security organization beyond the Cold War.
To achieve that goal, Bush opposed all options—including ones
promoted by his West German allies for contingent enlargement—short of
extending full Article 5 guarantees beyond the inner-German line of 1989.
His efforts to perpetuate NATO’s leading role were neither surprising nor
unjustified, given the way the Cold War order, anchored by the alliance, had
brought success for Washington. The president’s defense of an existing
American-led institution also had the power of precedent. International
organizations, once entrenched, persist.5 NATO remaining the dominant
European security organization conformed to that pattern. What was
surprising, however, was Bush’s ability to publicize the results of his efforts
as a “new world order,” since it was not.
His strategy also raised the tricky question of what it would cost to
remain unwavering on the need to expand Article 5 eastward while
persuading the Soviet Union to permit Germany to unify. Bush astutely
turned to German chancellor Helmut Kohl to meet that cost. Kohl had deep
pockets and was willing to pay Moscow’s price in order to unite his divided
country. Together, Bush and Kohl achieved both German unity and NATO’s
enlargement of Article 5 territory beyond the Cold War border on October
3, 1990. This combined achievement was a major precedent; even better,
Washington and Bonn got Moscow to enshrine both components in writing,
specifically in the treaty that enabled German unification—thereby
completing the first turn of the ratchet.
But the 1991 coup in the Soviet Union, followed by the USSR’s
unexpected collapse, created vast new uncertainties—not least about its
nuclear arsenal. Making matters yet more complicated was the unfortunate
timing of several major events. The emerging Russian state was most open
to cooperation with America at a time—1991 to 1992—when the United
States was fixated not just on the First Gulf War and a presidential election,
but also on a change of White House occupants. As leaders in Washington
were juggling all of those dramatic events, the window of opportunity for
establishing a more cooperative post–Cold War order with Russia was
gradually closing.6
Different actions while that window remained open could have had far-
reaching consequences. Reconsideration of Bush-era policies, such as the
lack of debt forgiveness for Russia, might have helped the nascent
democracy in Moscow. But by mid-1993, when Clinton got most of his
team in place, hyperinflation and corruption in Russia were already
weakening democracy’s prospects, and Yeltsin and the extremists in the
parliament were heading for violent conflict. Meanwhile, Central and
Eastern European states, newly freed from the Warsaw Pact, had made clear
their desire for alliance membership—and when push came to shove,
Clinton agreed with them, not least because he believed alliance expansion
would stabilize all of post–Cold War Europe. That belief was his “why” for
Once in office, Clinton nonetheless tried to maintain cooperation with
Moscow by how he implemented NATO’s enlargement: through an
incremental partnership strategy, one that made Article 5 guarantees a
possibility in the longer term for states that performed well as partners.
Launched by his Pentagon—not least by the chairman of the JCS, General
John Shalikashvili, whom the president tasked with selling the idea to
Poland, the land of the general’s birth—this strategic vision was not wildly
popular, but it worked. Embodied in the Partnership for Peace, the strategy
offered a compromise sufficiently acceptable to key players, including even
to Poland (thanks in part to Shalikashvili’s personal diplomacy). This
Partnership also provided options for post-Soviet states—again, remarkably,
with Moscow’s assent—and could have been a long-term solution not just
for the Baltic states but perhaps even for Ukraine, all while sustaining
Russia’s cooperation. Joint action with Moscow in Bosnia around this time
additionally showed that real-world military cooperation and PfP served to
enhance one another.
In short, PfP enabled simultaneous management of many post–Cold War
contingencies across the unpredictable European chessboard. Presumably
for that reason, Clinton initially valued the concept’s merits highly. As he
noted to NATO secretary general Javier Solana in 1996, PfP “has proven to
be a bigger deal than we expected—with more countries, and more
substantive cooperation. It has grown into something significant in its own
It succeeded a little too well. Opponents of PfP within the administration
pushed the president not to stop there. Skilled bureaucratic infighters
framed withholding Article 5 as giving Moscow a veto. They argued instead
for extending that article as soon as possible to deserving new democracies.
Here the interaction with Russian choices was particularly important:
Yeltsin’s tragic use of violence against his opponents in Moscow and
Chechnya, along with the alarming success of antireform nationalists,
bolstered calls for a hedge against the potential renewal of Russian
aggression. These calls, along with the relationships that Polish president
Lech Wałęsa and Czech president Václav Havel had established with
Clinton, increasingly made an impact on the American president, who also
had to keep domestic political pressures in mind. He had narrowly won
election in 1992, and if he wanted a second term he had to pay attention to
the success of the pro-expansion Republican Party in the 1994 midterm
vote. All of these considerations combined to tip the balance in Clinton’s
mind toward Article 5 guarantees for all. He foreclosed his own
administration’s option of incremental partnership and, as 1994 was ending,
executed the second ratchet turn. From then on, his administration pursued
one-size-fits-all, full-guarantee NATO enlargement. As an unfortunate
corollary, Russians concluded that PfP had been a ruse, even though it had
The significance of this second turn became apparent over time. Clinton
had, at the outset of his presidency, stated a goal of avoiding replication of
the Cold War order—that is, avoiding drawing a new line across Europe. He
wanted instead to find some other solution for ensuring future transatlantic
security. Using PfP, he could have worked toward the Vancouver-to-
Vladivostok proposal from the Bush era: trying to create a real (as opposed
to rhetorical) new world order, incorporating much of the Northern
Hemisphere and all of its time zones. But once PfP was abandoned, a new
dividing line became inevitable. The only question was how close to
Russia’s border that line would be drawn—in other words, where both sides
would reach stalemate.
Hopes for lasting US-Russian security cooperation did not disappear
immediately. Joint efforts on the ground in former Yugoslavia continued.
But discord increased, contributing to the clash at Pristina Airport in June
1999 and the confrontation between Clinton and Yeltsin in Istanbul that
November. These and earlier clashes between Washington and Moscow
created scars, decreased trust, and reduced both sides’ openness to
cooperation. The effect was cumulative even before Yeltsin promoted Putin
as his successor. The Russian foreign minister, Igor Ivanov, later recalled
that by then a sediment of distrust had already accumulated.8
Critics both inside and outside the administration advised Clinton that
the way in which Washington was expanding NATO was diluting the
alliance, humiliating Moscow, and undermining arms control. These
critiques did not slow the steady movement of policy toward maximalist
positions.9 The question inside the administration was no longer how to
expand NATO but how far—and the answer was “to the Baltics.” Strong
hints from Nordic neighbors about the desirability of some kind of
modulation could not resist expansion’s momentum.
Clinton’s decision to have the April 1999 Washington summit welcome
Baltic interest in NATO represented the third turn of the ratchet: foreclosing
other options, the alliance would reach within what Moscow considered to
be the former Soviet Union itself. The United States could insist, correctly,
that it had never recognized the Baltics’ incorporation into the USSR—but
that did not change the political import of the decision. Combined with
Putin’s installation as acting president in December of that year, this
decision meant that the year 1999 closed with the settlement of a post–Cold
War order that looked much like its predecessor: distrust between Moscow
and Washington over a Europe divided into Article 5 and non–Article 5
portions, now with the dividing line farther East.
That outcome did not fulfill the hopes of 1989—meaning, among other
things, the belief that the liberal international order had succeeded
definitively, and that residents of all states between the Atlantic and the
Pacific, not just the Western ones, could now cooperate within it.10 The root
cause should be sought more in leaders’ agency than in structural factors.
Both American and Russian leaders repeatedly made choices yielding
outcomes that not only fell short of those hopes, but were explicitly at odds
with their stated intentions. Bush talked about a Europe whole, free, and at
peace; Clinton repeatedly proclaimed his wish to avoid drawing a line. Yet
with their actions, both in the end promoted a dividing line across Europe.
Gorbachev wanted to save the Soviet Union; Yeltsin wanted to democratize
Russia; and both, in different ways, wanted to partner on equal footing with
the West. Yet in the longer term both failed as well.
Other Russians similarly saw their initial democratizing intent yield
disappointing outcomes. Andrei Kozyrev, the former Russian foreign
minister, wrote in his memoirs that the popular uprising against the August
1991 coup attempt had revealed the “democratic potential” inherent in
Russia and “thus established an important historical precedent.” For that
reason, the popular triumph over reactionaries “was the highest moral and
political point ever reached by the Russian people.” It showed that his
people did not want to go back to authoritarianism; they wanted their
transformation to succeed, and to move forward to a better future. Because
of such views, after Kozyrev’s ouster in 1996 Talbott eulogized him as a
true believer in the potential for that better future. In the American’s words,
Kozyrev was “a little bit like Gorbachev: scorned, flawed, a tad pathetic,
but in a way heroic, and a long way from having been proved ‘wrong’ in
any ultimate sense.” Talbott added that if Russia ultimately succeeded in
evolving into a lasting democracy, “Kozyrev will turn out to have been a
prophet without honor in his own time and country.”11
Residents of the former Warsaw Pact and Soviet states also experienced
outcomes at odds with initial hopes. Although such states repeatedly said
they did not want to end up in a gray zone, some did. The peoples of
Belarus, Georgia, and Ukraine all struggled to define their relations with
Russia and, at times, defend their borders. Former Warsaw Pact states
experienced their own uncertainties. While they succeeded in joining NATO
(and eventually the EU), they found that such memberships did not
automatically lock in their democratic transformations—and, like the rest of
the continent, they suffered rising tensions with Moscow.
In the twenty-first century, what increasingly became apparent was that
the pressures of simultaneously democratizing and creating a market
economy had produced fertile ground for latter-day, Soviet-trained
authoritarians such as Putin. Once securely in power, Putin began gradually
throttling back the democratic transformation while resuming old habits of
competition with the West. American and Russian choices had by then
interacted in cumulative ways—worsened by the bad timing of
contemporary events—to steer the overall course of US-Russian relations
onto a trajectory that fell well short of post–Cold War hopes.
What was the cost of expansion as it occurred, and how did it help to shape
the era between the Cold War and COVID? Put differently, was George
Kennan right? In hindsight, was expansion a bad idea?
Any serious response to the last question demands another: Bad for
whom? The Central and Eastern European countries that pushed hard to
join had a right to choose their alliances, and were rightly thrilled when
they succeeded in joining NATO as full members, protected by Article 5
from the start. But Ukraine was left in the lurch, as were some other post-
Soviet republics. And the overriding challenge in post–Cold War Europe
was to integrate Russia. Balancing all of these pressures was a daunting task
for Washington, which is why it should have tried to avoid calling the
question too soon.
Usually, however, “was NATO expansion bad?” means something else:
“was it bad for the United States?” To answer, we must weigh the costs and
benefits for America. Both Bush and Clinton knew the cost-benefit
calculus. It led the former to pause after adding eastern Germany, once he
realized the Soviet Union was collapsing; and the latter, at first, to take a
partnership approach to expansion in the hope of maintaining the post–Cold
War spirit of cooperation with Moscow. As Clinton consistently
emphasized, the crucial issue was not whether to take on new allies “but
when and how.”29 He saw the benefits of enlargement, but like Bush he
worried about the effect on Moscow and pursued a valid compromise.
But the temptation to keep going, without adequately considering the
consequences, ultimately proved irresistible. Partisans of unlimited
expansion astutely realized they could drop “and how” from the president’s
words to create a powerful slogan: the question about NATO enlargement is
“not whether but when.” Yet what worked in rhetoric did not work in
reality. It is not possible to separate the question of whether enlargement
was a good idea from how it happened. Because of the costs, how
Washington ultimately implemented expansion advanced American
interests less in the long term than it might have done.
Another way to measure whether enlargement was a good idea is to
examine its costs for other countries. Since NATO enlarged, Russia has not
invaded any of the new post–Cold War allies. While correlation is not
causation, it is hard to imagine that NATO membership was irrelevant to
that outcome. But while allies have escaped large-scale physical attacks,
they have suffered cyber infiltration and other forms of aggression from
Moscow. In meaningful but hard-to-measure ways, Russia undermined
European post–Cold War stability. It used a variety of means to promote
erosion of democratic practices and norms in Central and Eastern Europe.
Alliance membership has not prevented such backsliding.30 The Hungarian
activist who shot to prominence with his speech in 1989, Viktor Orbán, for
example, has undone much of his country’s democratization despite being
in NATO, turning his country into the first EU member-state classified as a
non-democratic autocracy. Poland and other states have similarly hollowed
out many of their relatively new democratic laws and norms.31
Moreover, NATO has given the Article 5 guarantee to places at risk of
having to invoke it. American tanks have reappeared in Europe in response,
increasing the sense of confrontation. A cynical view would be that after its
essential function was put into question by the end of the Cold War, NATO
expanded itself into necessity again. A more nuanced view is that the
alliance did not have to enlarge as it did, and did not have to expand inside
the former Soviet Union. But if it wanted to do so, it should have paid more
attention to what Moscow thought. As the historian Odd Arne Westad wrote
in 2017, it is “clear that the West should have dealt with post–Cold War
Russia better than it did,” not least because “Russia would under all
circumstances remain a crucial state in any international system because of
its sheer size.” Or, as Yeltsin put it to Talbott in 1996, “Russia will rise
The costs for today have been significant. In 2016, Putin marked the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the Soviet Union’s collapse by conducting
cyberattacks on US elections in support of presidential candidate Donald
Trump, a man who saw little value in the Atlantic Alliance. Russian
operatives in the Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, stole documents
from the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee, and the Hillary Clinton campaign and ensured their
widespread distribution through Wikileaks and by fictitious online
identities.33 Once Trump won, the way that NATO, and thereby all of
European security, remained centered on Washington as the ultimate Article
5 guarantor became problematic in unexpected ways. Claiming that the
burden of NATO was not worth its cost, Trump raised the notion of US
withdrawal. He brought back an anachronistic view of American security:
that the United States should roll up the drawbridge and erect as many walls
as possible. Among the many problems with Trump’s threat were the
consequences for Europe. The way the alliance has expanded, creating no
significant auxiliary military entities or regional associations, means that
European security remains centered on Washington. US withdrawal would
create a massive security vacuum in Europe.34
These troubling events lead to the last question: How can an understanding
of these events guide efforts to create a better future? The answer rests in
three principles, the first being the need to make a virtue of necessity.
Confrontation between the West and Russia is once again the order of the
day. While that statement must inspire sorrow—reviving aspects of the
Cold War is no cause for celebration—the necessity of dealing with
renewed competition from Moscow provides a unifying mission that can
help bridge fractures within the United States. During the divisive Trump
era, Democrats and Republicans agreed on little, but at least some segment
of the Republican Party was never comfortable with Trump’s embrace of
Putin. Even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, otherwise strongly
supportive of Trump, bristled at being called “Moscow Mitch” for failing to
challenge the president’s treatment of Russia. A shared sense of mission in
dealing with Moscow offers a path for rare domestic consensus—one that
leads back to NATO.
The Atlantic Alliance, as an expression of deep American engagement in
Europe, remains the best institution to take on this mission.35 The guardrails
in relations between the United States and Russia have largely disappeared,
not least because the younger Bush, Trump, and Putin shredded nearly all
remaining Cold War arms control accords. If NATO were to disappear as
well, the consequences would be devastating.36 Since the cost incurred by
the manner of alliance expansion cannot be recovered, the best course is to
make the best of the status quo. Given the risks posed by Russia and today’s
intense strains on the transatlantic relationship, it does not make sense to
add to them by trying to undo the past. When a house is burning, it is
inadvisable to start a home renovation—no matter how badly it was needed
before the fire started. The focus needs to be on putting out the fire and
keeping the structure stable.37
The second guiding principle is that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
Washington should address Russian challenges by aggressively and
unashamedly prioritizing transatlantic cooperation. The story presented here
has illuminated the missed opportunities for cooperation with Russia after
the Cold War. Washington should try to make sure it avoids another loss,
namely that of the transatlantic cooperation achieved only at great effort
after World War II—particularly with France and Germany as the key
centers of power in Europe. If Madeleine Albright once branded America
the indispensable nation, France and Germany are its indispensable
partners, even more so in the wake of Brexit. Common sense dictates that in
any conflict, conceptual or physical, a wise combatant should never fight
without a reason, for long, or alone. If Washington has to face new forms of
conflict with Moscow, it should seek renewed and reinforced transatlantic
cooperation. During the Cold War, the shared need to deal with a major
challenge concentrated minds and overcame differences. Ideally the same
dynamic will apply again—and could also yield benefits for dealing with
Another issue requiring transatlantic focus is Ukraine. The large country
at the gates of Europe is crucial to European stability, and the consequences
of the lost opportunity to provide it with a berth in the 1990s linger. While
simply pushing for its belated membership in NATO would only worsen
current tensions, the West cannot ignore it either. Its conflict with Russia
will not disappear, but Western efforts should focus on creating political
rather than violent means of addressing the discord, in the interest of
moving from an immediate conflict to a longer-term negotiated settlement
of differences. Such an approach could also apply to relations between the
West and Russia. A question asked by the historian Adam Tooze about
China pertains here: “how rapidly can we move to détente, meaning long-
term co-existence with a regime radically different from our own”?38
Fortunately, the West has historic experience with reaching détente.39
That leads to the third guiding principle: an understanding of history can
help us, if not to predict, then certainly to prepare for the future. The onset
of a pandemic in 2020 at a time of political turmoil may have felt
unprecedented, but of course it was not. The line of precursors reaches back
to the ancient world, and there is insight on how to deal with such
challenges in both historical and literary sources. In Oedipus Rex,
Sophocles has Queen Jocasta speak the following words in a time of plague
and strife: a sensible man should judge the new times by the past. The
tragedy of the play was, of course, that the queen was more right than she
knew. As her own and Oedipus’s fates revealed—they had married without
knowing they were mother and long-lost son, or that he had unwittingly
murdered his father—ignorance of previous events, and of the significance
of one’s own actions, can have terrible consequences.
Knowledge of the past, by contrast, is profoundly empowering. Two
modern-era leaders who understood that truth were French president
François Mitterrand and his German counterpart, Chancellor Kohl. In 1995,
German foreign office staffers published a map of Europe showing the
institutional affiliations of all European and post-Soviet states as of the
previous year. Today it is a startling document: as the reproduction in this
book shows, there was no pronounced political dividing line down the
middle. Between the overlapping areas of various international
organizations, nearly every country had a berth. Places as distant as
Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, for example, became partners to NATO
without requiring full membership—and with unexpected benefits. To
facilitate exercises there after they joined the Partnership, the US Congress
appropriated funds to upgrade their airfields so that NATO planes could use
them. American aircraft later employed those upgraded airstrips to deploy
special forces after the 9/11 attacks on the United States, showing the
unexpected military as well as political benefits of inclusive partnership.40
The German Foreign Office’s map from 1995 was a snapshot of how far
the post–Cold War cooperative spirit had spread across a continent that had
endured decades of hot and cold wars.41 As he was dying of cancer that
same year, the seventy-nine-year-old Mitterrand reflected, in one of his last
conversations with Kohl, on the remarkable peace and success of their
shared continent. Fifty years after the savage war that had divided their
countries, France and Germany had found a lasting way to banish conflict
between former enemies and become partners. Mitterrand saw one
overriding lesson in those decades: “If we cannot comprehend” that there is
“no other way” forward except cooperation, then Europeans were unworthy
“of the grace and gift of these past fifty years.” 42
The fall of the Berlin Wall heralded new times of grace and gift—at long
last, for more than Western Europe. Democracies and freedoms proliferated.
But as the Belarusian writer and Nobel laureate Svetlana Alexievich
remarked, we missed our chance in the 1990s to be fully worthy of that
gift.43 She lamented how the world was, after a period of optimism, instead
reduced to waiting for the new times all over again.
It is in our interest to do more than just wait for them: we should do
everything in our power to re-create such times, in order to renew our
pursuit of the full measure of their grace.
THIS BOOK REPRESENTS the third in a loose trilogy of books on the shaping of
the transatlantic world after the Cold War—although when I started writing,
I did not realize I was embarking on a trilogy, and each of the three volumes
can stand alone. It became apparent to me during my research, however,
that I wanted to answer at least three detailed questions: How and why did
the Berlin Wall collapse? How and why did Germany unify? How and why
did NATO expand, and what did that expansion do to the newfound
cooperation across the former Cold War divide? For the three events taken
as a whole, an overarching question applied as well: What is their legacy
for today’s world? My books The Collapse and 1989 tackled the first and
second events; now Not One Inch has taken on the third.
The passing of the post–Cold War moment of optimism only made these
questions more compelling to me than ever. The events of 1989 and their
immediate consequences revealed themselves as a rare time when a great
deal went right—peacefully and quickly to boot. History does not
frequently afford such opportunities. Understanding how that post–Cold
War moment arose and what happened to its hope and optimism grows ever
more essential with time, I believe. I hope readers will agree.
While my gratitude to the people and institutions already thanked in the
previous two volumes remains undiminished, in producing this current
book I have accumulated many new debts. Sustained institutional support
during various phases of this project came from, in alphabetical order, the
Harvard University Center for European Studies, the Institute for Advanced
Study in Princeton, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International
Studies, and the University of Southern California’s History Department
and School of International Relations. I thank all of these institutions and
universities. In particular, I am deeply grateful to the generous donors who
funded my chair at Hopkins, Henry R. and Marie-Josée Kravis.
Additional funding and support came from the Transatlantic Academy of
the German Marshall Fund. I would like to thank its former director,
Stephen Szabo, along with Ted Reinert. I learned much from my fellow
fellows Stefan Fröhlich, Harold James, Michael Kimmage, Hans Kundnani,
Yascha Mounk, Heidi Tworek, and the late and much-missed Wade Jacoby.
Archivists and declassification experts in multiple countries helped me
file many thousands of requests for documents and achieve a high rate of
success in bringing those sources to light. In the United States, I thank the
staffs of the George H. W. Bush and William J. Clinton Presidential
Libraries, the US State Department, the US Defense Department, and, at the
appellate level, the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel
(ISCAP). Individuals who went above and beyond include Kelly Hendren,
Keri Lewis, Rob Seibert, Meredith Wagner, and Van Zbinden. James
Graham Wilson generously forwarded some relevant publications, and Ken
Weisbrode sent copies of useful documents. I also give my heartfelt thanks
to Barbara Wilkinson, the widow of Ron Asmus, for allowing me to see
some declassified government documents in her late husband’s collection.
As ever, the National Security Archive remains an amazingly valuable
resource; I am deeply grateful to Tom Blanton and Svetlana Savranskaya
for years of support, documents, and conversations.
In Russia, I thank the staffs of both the Gorbachev Foundation and the
Memorial Foundation. In Belgium, in the archives at NATO Headquarters, I
benefited from the expert assistance of Ineke Deserno, Nicholas Nguyen,
and Nicholas Roche. Also in Belgium, and in the Czech Republic as well, I
thank Petr Luňák and Vít Smetana for their knowledgeable input on Czech
membership in NATO. In Germany, I am grateful—among the many, many
others acknowledged in previous books—to Tim Geiger and Michael
Mayer for helping me navigate the German foreign ministry records (and
additionally to Tim for help with the maps). In Poland, I thank Wiktor
Babiński, Łukasz Kremky, and Fundacja Instytut Lecha Wałęsy for helping
me, during the pandemic, to interview President Lech Wałęsa remotely.
And around the world, I am grateful to all participants in events who
granted interviews to me. They are listed in the bibliography, and they have
my profound thanks. Of course, none of them bears responsibility for the
views expressed in this book, which are solely my own.
A sabbatical with Caltech’s Division of the Humanities and Social
Sciences enabled a great deal of the writing. My time in California helped
to inform my thinking in many ways, not least when I encountered Max
Delbrück’s book Mind from Matter? An Essay in Evolutionary
Epistemology while there. This essay—which provides the framing
epigraph for my introduction—emerged from lectures that Delbrück gave at
Caltech and will now contribute to my own lectures on this topic as well; I
am grateful to Caltech for enabling such dialogue across decades and
disciplines. I thank Jed Buchwald and Diana Kormos-Buchwald for helping
to make my visit there happen, Tracy Dennison for many insightful
conversations about Russia, Jennifer Jahner for reading parts of an early
draft, Nicolás Wey Gómez for his enthusiasm for my work, Cindy
Weinstein for the generous use of her office, and David and Jane Tirrell for
their hospitality. Special thanks to staff members Laurel Auchampaugh,
Cecilia Lu, Fran Tise, John Wade, and Donna Wrubelewski—and the
unstoppable Caltech Library DocuServe and Circulation Staff, who never
blanched at tracking down the most obscure of references: Dan Anguka,
Ben Perez, and Bianca Rios.
Invitations to Russia and Germany at key moments in the research came
from the Berlin Wall Foundation, the Willy Brandt Foundation, the Körber
Foundation, and the US embassy in Moscow. Individuals at all of these
institutions helped me advance the research, in particular Gabriele
Woidelko, with whom I had many insightful conversations. Thanks are also
due to Hannah Bergmann, Maria Lvova, Bruce McClintock, Thomas
Paulsen, Bernd Rother, and Felicitas von Loë.
As the book moved toward publication, I was the beneficiary of wise
advice from my agent Andrew Wylie, along with Hannah Townsend and
Emma Smith of the Wylie Agency. More wise advice came from Graham
Allison, Anders Åslund, Michael Mandelbaum, Joe Nye, and Bill
Wohlforth. They were all kind enough to take time away from their own
work to provide comments on selected parts of the manuscript.
When the pandemic cut me off from my office at a critical moment, my
Hopkins colleague Chris Crosbie risked his own health to ensure that I got
the materials I needed. Chris’s professionalism and commitment are well
known to all who have encountered him, and I feel deeply fortunate to have
him on my side. Diane Bernabei, Megan Ophel, and Nathaniel Wong were
also willing to help in any way needed, pandemic notwithstanding, as was
Stephen Sears, a truly remarkable librarian. Travis Zahnow and A. Bradley
Potter enabled me, through their excellent teaching support, to keep this
work on track even while my classes were underway. I am also grateful to
so many of my fellow professors at Hopkins that it is not feasible to thank
them all individually here, so I hope they will accept my collective
During the pandemic, Sergey Radchenko organized a global Zoom
historians’ seminar that turned the necessity of online meetings into a
delight. I thank him for the seminar, insightful comments on draft chapters,
and help with securing both documents and an interview with a former
Russian foreign minister. Another participant in the “Sergey Seminar,” Una
Bergmane, provided useful suggestions on literature about the Baltics and
tips on how to find Estonian documents online. Yet another participant,
Vlad Zubok, generously made time in the midst of finishing his own
pathbreaking book on Soviet collapse to share his wisdom and views.
Throughout, the faculty and staff of the Center for European Studies at
Harvard provided unparalleled friendship and support. I am deeply grateful
to Grzegorz Ekiert, Vassilis Coutifaris, Laura Falloon, Elizabeth Johnson,
Gila Naderi, Anna Popiel, and above all Elaine Papoulias. Former students
and research assistants from Harvard and the University of Southern
California, Denis Fedin and Jacob Lokshin, proved to be wise beyond their
years; the future is in good hands.
Once Yale University Press acquired the manuscript, I became the
beneficiary of invaluable advice from my editor Bill Frucht. He greatly
improved both the text and the argument on every page, showing humor
and forbearance as he did so. Bill Nelson enhanced the book with his maps;
Matthew White provided the index; Karen Olson and Mary Pasti kept
everything on track; and Susan Ecklund, Nancy Bermack, and above all
John Donohue did a terrific job with copyediting, proofreading, and
production. My former teaching assistant Colleen Anderson graciously took
time away from her own work to read through all of the copyedits,
providing insightful commentary on nearly every page. I am also deeply
grateful to Professor Steven Wilkinson, the Henry R. Luce Director of
Yale’s MacMillan Center, for inviting me to present the 2022 Henry
Stimson Lectures on the main themes of this book.
As ever, I am indebted to friends and family, not least to our felines,
Juno and Toby, who were my constant companions at the computer. They
spent countless hours lying on my lap—and, once I made the (from their
point of view) deeply distressing decision to switch to a standing desk, on
my feet. Among my friends on the European side of the Atlantic, I
particularly thank Peter Brinkmann, the Hadshiew-Tetu family, Hans-
Hermann Hertle and Hilde Kroll, Ruth Kirchner and Andreas Hoffbauer,
Axel Klausmeier, Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, Christian Raskob, Dorothea
and Ernst-Georg Richter, Siggi Schefke, and the Von Hammerstein family.
On the US side, I thank Oluwasegun, Desiréia, and Simone Abegunrin,
Aroussiak Baltaian, Neal Blatt, Bill Cameron, Michael Gervais, Shannon,
Charlie, and Ella Hensley, Jane Leopold, Jennifer and Michael Lynn,
Eleanor Maynard, Joan and Tanya Oosterhuis, Albert Shaumyan, Theresa
Shibuya, Jennifer Siegel, Ray and Eileen Silva, Leslie, Wes, Annika, and
Aneira Tamppari, Teresa Walsh, and Deborah Winkelman. Jan Otakar
Fischer and John Logan Nichols deserve thanks for reading the whole book,
with special thanks to Jan for his eagle-eyed proofreading of the maps. I am
especially grateful to Charlotte, David, and Nick Ackert for years of
generous hospitality and friendship—and many good bottles of wine. My
extended family—Terry and Donna Crandall, Diane Licholat-Surati,
Michael Licholat, Zachary Licholat-Surati, Tony Sarotte, and Mark Flynn—
provided love and support from afar. Carmen Sarotte even read a draft from
start to finish, thus going far beyond the call of familial duty.
For their editing of parts or all of the manuscript, I am deeply indebted to
Frédéric Bozo, Kathy Conley, John Lewis Gaddis, Chris D. Miller, Norman
Naimark, Serhii Plokhy, Andreas Rödder, and Robert Zoellick. They did not
always agree with me, but they always made the text stronger. Their
collective wisdom is as staggering as their generous spirit.
I am deeply saddened that my godfather, Albert Minicucci, a true
gentleman, is no longer with us to celebrate this publication. My
godmother, Dianne Minicucci, my brother, Steve Sarotte, and I keep him
and my much-missed parents, Frank and Gail Sarotte, alive in our hearts
and cherish each other even more.
This book is dedicated to my family-by-choice on the other side of the
Atlantic: Marc, Sylvia, and Tim Jonni Scheffler, and Claus-Dieter and the
late Rita Wulf. Because of them, transatlantic relations are not just an
abstract concept but a matter of personal significance to me. From the
moment a student exchange agency brought us together nearly forty years
ago, they have been my gateway to the world. I offer this book to them in
loving memory of Rita, who, despite a childhood scarred by war and hatred,
trusted in the power of cooperation and love beyond borders to forge new
bonds and a better future.
Lastly, as ever, there are no limits to what I owe to Mark: θαυμαστὰ
ἐκπλήττονται φιλίᾳ τε καὶ οἰκειότητι καὶ ἔρωτι . . .
ALL EMPHASES ARE PRESENT in the original texts, and all translations are my
own, unless otherwise indicated. Minor errors, such as misspellings of
common words, are corrected without comment. More significant errors are
identified with [sic]. A large number of the citations below are from
diplomatic cables and other official communications originally in ALL
CAPS. For readability, I have usually converted them to upper- and lower-
case letters, also without further comment. Names are generally given
below in the language used in the original source (unless I am adding my
own commentary in English), which may lead to intentional inconsistencies
between their spellings in different places in this book (for example,
spellings of proper nouns in the endnotes and bibliography may differ from
spellings in the main text). Declassification request numbers are provided
when known and useful as a means of retrieving the relevant source; bear in
mind that a single source can be associated with multiple declassification
numbers if it was requested multiple times. A declassification number
prefaced by “my” refers to the number the relevant authority assigned to my
request to declassify that source. I include this information because I
frequently declassified documents in large batches of related files. As a
result, the indication that an individually cited source was part of one of my
batches signals there is more where that particular document came from;
that is, my case number will lead interested future researchers not only to
that individual source but also to a larger collection of related materials. For
documents that I declassified individually and that are not associated with
some larger batch of material, I have omitted my case number in the interest
of keeping the notes to a manageable length because the information
provided below can be used to find that individual source. Also in the
interest of keeping the notes below the allotted word count, I have generally
attempted to cite a source no more than once per paragraph, even if there
are multiple items in that paragraph from that source (but if there was more
than one source for paragraph, each source receives an individual listing).
In cases where that practice did not yield the necessary specificity, however,
the source is cited more than once per paragraph.
AAP-89, -90 Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1989 or 1990
(West German foreign ministry documents, published roughly annually)
ADDR Die Außenpolitik der DDR 1989/1990 (published East German documents)
ADGD Asmus declassified government documents (declassified by Ron Asmus for his
book Opening NATO’s Door)
AIW Author’s interview with, followed by last name of interview partner; date(s) and
location(s) of interview(s) are listed in the bibliography
AN Archives Nationales (France)
APBD-49–94 Aussenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Dokumente von 1949 bis 1994
(published West German foreign ministry documents)
APP-UCSB American Presidency Project, University of California, Santa Barbara (online
government documents)
BPL online George H. W. Bush Presidential Library online archive of memcons and telcons,
BRD Bundesrepublik Deutschland (German name for West Germany, later for united
BST timeline Timeline edited by Mariana Budjeryn, Simon Saradzhyan, and William Tobey:
“25 Years of Nuclear Security Cooperation by the US, Russia, and Other
Newly Independent States,” June 16, 2017,
DBPO Documents on British Policy Overseas, series III, vol. 7, German Unification,
1989–1990 (published British documents)
DCI Director of Central Intelligence (US)
DDR Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German name for East Germany)
DE (unpub) Die Einheit (published East and West German foreign ministry documents; note,
there also exists an extended collection of declassified government documents
edited out of the final publication for length reasons, but viewable at PA-AA;
sources from it are cited as “DE unpub,” short for Die Einheit unpublished
GBOHP George H. W. Bush Oral History Project, Miller Center, University of Virginia
MfAA Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, East
MfS Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Ministry for State Security, official name of
the East German Stasi)
MGDF Michail Gorbatschow und die deutsche Frage (annotated German translation of
Telcon Memorandum of telephone conversation (US; note, at times the more general
term of Memcon is used to apply to telephone conversations as well)
TOIW Transcript of interview with (for published interviews not conducted by the
TSM Teimuraz Stepanov-Mamaladze Collection, HIA
1. In a letter to Kohl on February 10, 1990, Baker repeated the words that he [Baker] had said to
Gorbachev on February 9, 1990: “Would you prefer to see a unified Germany outside of NATO,
independent and with no US forces or would you prefer a unified Germany to be tied to NATO,
with assurances that NATO’s jurisdiction would not shift one inch eastward from its present
position?”; DESE 794. See also Weiner, Folly and the Glory, 170–71.
2. For more on the last concept, see Andrew Bell-Fialkoff, “A Brief History of Ethnic Cleansing,”
Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993,
3. The defense secretary was Bill Perry; see chapter 5 for the context of his comment. On loss of
potential options for Russia, see Haslam, “Russia’s Seat,” 130. For an insightful example of
another through line for narrativizing the 1990s—the spread of neoliberalism—see Ther,
4. For the full text of the alliance’s founding treaty, see the NATO website: Estimate of a billion citizens
covered by NATO comes from “Brussels Summit Communiqué,” June 14, 2021, See also Hal Brands, “If NATO
Expansion Was a Mistake, Why Hasn’t Putin Invaded?,” Bloomberg Opinion, May 14, 2019,
why-hasn-t-putin-invaded; Nicholas Burns and Douglas Lute, “NATO at Seventy: An Alliance
in Crisis,” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, February 2019,; and Michael Kofman,
“Fixing NATO Deterrence in the East,” War on the Rocks, May 12, 2016,
5. These two quotations are discussed at length in chapters 2 and 7. French president François
Mitterrand had promoted yet another alternative: a European confederation. See Bozo,
“Failure”; Bozo, “ ‘I Feel More Comfortable.’ ”
6. As Robert Legvold has written, the key test of any European security system is Ukraine;
Legvold, Return, 99–100.
7. Delbrück won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1969. Quotation from Delbrück,
Mind from Matter?, 167. For similar thoughts from Niels Bohr, see Legvold, Return, 99;
Rozental, Niels Bohr, 328. On post–Cold War strategic choices, see Bozo, “Failure,” 393–94;
Lašas, European Union, 1.
8. This issue is discussed further in the conclusion, but for a preview on the matter, see Poast and
Chinchilla, “Good for Democracy?”; Vachudova, Europe Undivided, 134–36. On Eastern
Europe, international organizations, and democratization more generally, see Applebaum,
Twilight; Epstein, “NATO Enlargement”; Epstein, “When Legacies”; Gheciu, “Security
Institutions”; Gibler and Sewell, “External Threat”; Ikenberry, World; Jacoby, Enlargement; Von
Borzyskowski and Vabulas, “Credible Commitments?”
9. Pentagon complaint summarized in “Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Condoleezza
Rice, Preparing for the German Peace Conference,” February 14, 1990, in my 2008-0655-MR,
BPL; AIW Zoellick.
10. George Kennan, “A Fateful Error,” New York Times, February 5, 1997; Talbott, Russia Hand,
232. On this point, see the exchange between Anatoliy Chubais, Chief of the Russian
Presidential Administration, and Talbott, in which Talbott stated that the main argument against
NATO expansion was “that Russia would be upset” and Chubais responded, “no, the main
argument against enlargement was, and remains, that it will decrease security for everyone”:
Memcon, Chubais–Talbott, January 23, 1997, DS-ERR.
11. Baker, Politics, 84.
12. Nuclear warhead statistic from “Global Nuclear Arsenals Grow as States Continue to
Modernize,” Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, June 14, 2021,
modernize-new-sipri-yearbook-out-now; “short-lived” description from Legvold, Return, 121.
13. See Robert Kuttner, “Was Putin Inevitable?,” American Prospect, January 30, 2020,; Anika Binnendijk et al., “At the Vanguard,”
RAND RR-A311-1, 2020, October 2020,; Kofman, “Fixing
NATO”; Bruce McClintock, Jeffrey W. Hornung, and Katherine Costello, “Russia’s Global
Interests and Actions,” RAND PE-327-A, June 2021,; Kori
Schake et al., “Defense in Depth,” Foreign Affairs, November 23, 2020,; Ven
Bruusgaard, “Russian Nuclear Strategy”; Alexander Vershbow and Daniel Fried, “How the West
Should Deal with Russia,” Atlantic Council, November 23, 2020,
14. Adam Tooze, “Whose Century?,” London Review of Books, July 30, 2020; see also McFaul,
“Putin,” 103; Stoner, Russia, 3, who argues that “a common argument among many analysts has
been that Russia has a weak hand in international politics, but plays it well. This book argues
instead that Russia’s cards may not be as weak as we in the West have thought.”
15. For Clinton and Yeltsin quotations, see Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, March 21, 1997, 8:30–9:45
p.m., DS-ERR, during which they also discuss whether the plot of the movie Crimson Tide
could “actually happen.” On Croce, see Vernon Bogdanor, “I Believe in Yesterday,” New
Statesman, December 17, 2009. For an interesting interpretation of Yeltsin’s revelations to
Baker as part of a conscious process of carrying out a “peaceful coup” to destroy the Soviet
Union, and of trying to win over Baker and other Americans as a way “to ratify its outcome,”
see Baker and Glasser, The Man, 475; they attribute the insight to Dennis Ross.
16. Vershbow and Fried, “How the West.”
17. “Talbott–Chirac Meeting in Paris,” January 14, 1997, DS-ERR; Margaret MacMillan, “1989:
The Year of Unfulfilled Hopes,” Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2018; Carter and Perry,
Preventive Defense, 64. For more on economic issues and neoliberalism, see Ther, Europe; on
dark futures after 1989, see John Mearsheimer, “Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War,” The
Atlantic, August 1990,
18. My first scholarly article based on these sources appeared in 1993 (Sarotte, “Elite
Intransigence”); subsequent relevant publications are listed in the bibliography.
19. In particular, the hard work of the NSA, and of Thomas Blanton and Svetlana Savranskaya, has
resulted in declassification of huge numbers of valuable documents. Also important were the
decisions of Ronald Asmus, Condoleezza Rice, and Philip Zelikow to provide full citations for
classified documents in their respective memoir accounts of these events (Asmus, Opening;
Zelikow and Rice, Germany Unified), which greatly aided declassification by the NSA, myself,
and others. See also William Burr, “Trapped in the Archives,” Foreign Affairs, November 29,
20. See my 2010 article based on these sources: Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?”
21. I remain grateful to Jeffrey Engel and his unstoppable student Nick Reves for his help on this
22. My initial assessments of these sources appeared in 2010 in Sarotte, “Perpetuating U.S.
Preeminence,” and in 2011 in Sarotte, “In Victory, Magnanimity.”
23. For more on the Directive on the Public Disclosure of NATO Information, see
24. “Kremlin Chides US for Bypassing Russia When Declassifying Yeltsin-Clinton Dialogue,”
TASS, August 31, 2018, The appeals that I filed to declassify
Clinton Library documents, along with those from other collections, are a matter of public
record; see the appeals log on the ISCAP National Archives and Records Administration
website, (Note: at the time of writing, some
documents covered by these appeals had not yet been declassified, and some of the appeals
numbers are not yet posted to that public log). My most significant Clinton Library appellate
cases are as follows (this list shows, first, my original Clinton Library mandatory review request
case number, 2015-xxxx, followed by my matching ISCAP appeal number, 2016-xxx):
-0755/-140; -0756/-141; -0768/-142; -0769/-143; -0770/-144; -0771/-145; -0772/-146;
-0773/-147; -0774/-148; -0775/-149; -0776/-150; -0777/-151; -0778/-152; -0779/-153;
-0780/-154; -0781/-155; -0782/-156; -0783/-157; -0788/-158; -0789/-159; -0791/-160;
-0792/-161; -0793/-162; -0807/-163; -0808/-164; -0809/-165; -0810/-166; -0811/-167;
-0812/-168; -0813/-169; -0814/-170; -0815/-171; -0816/-172. Additional Clinton Library
requests that succeeded without an ISCAP appeal: M-2016-0215, -0216, -0217, -0218, -0219,
-0220, -0222, -0223, -0224, -0225, -0226.
25. Gaddis, Landscape, 4.
26. Maxim Kórshunov, “Mikhail Gorbachev: I Am against All Walls,” Russia Beyond, October 16,
27. Leading advocates of the view that NATO expansion either never came up, or came up only
with regard to Germany, include James Goldgeier and Mark Kramer. Goldgeier, in his fall 2020
article “NATO Enlargement,” 154, uncritically accepts how “Gorbachev himself said later that
the conversations they held in 1990 were solely about Germany rather than all of Eastern
Europe.” According to Goldgeier, he and “Kramer combed through the documentary evidence”
and “there was no promise or even a discussion about countries like Poland and Hungary.”
Quote from James Goldgeier, “Promises Made, Promises Broken?,” War on the Rocks, July 12,
told-about-nato-in-1993-and-why-it-matters/. Kramer states that “the issue never came up
during the negotiations on German unification”; Kramer, “Myth,” 41. Philip Zelikow and
Condoleezza Rice echo Goldgeier and Kramer, writing in 2019 that in February 1990 “the
notion of Poland or Hungary or any member of the still-extant alliance joining NATO was not
yet on the table”; Zelikow and Rice, To Build, 233. Similar statements—“the Russians never
raised the question of Nato enlargement”—appear in Christopher Clark and Kristina Spohr,
“Moscow’s Account of Nato Expansion is a Case of False Memory Syndrome,” The Guardian,
May 24, 2015,
expansion-memory-grievances; and Spohr, “Precluded or Precedent-Setting?,” 18, 39, 52–53,
which states that the “issue of NATO enlargement never came up as a separate topic.” The
evidence presented in this book renders these views untenable. See also NATO’s own statement
in “NATO Enlargement and Russia: Myths and Realities,”
28. Gorbachev quotation is from his transcript of a conversation with Mitterrand; the Soviet leader
was explaining to the French president what he had told Baker. “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с
Ф. Миттераном один на один, 458; see also MGDF 425.
29. Memcon, Bush–Thatcher, November 24, 1989, BPL online; “Prime Minister’s Meeting with
President Bush at Camp David on Friday 24 November” [1989], my FOI 0884-07, UK Cabinet
Office. The British version adds that Bush said he was “troubled about supporting continuation
of the Warsaw Pact. He agreed that the West should not take any initiative to break it up. But
what if the pressure to leave came from inside? The West could not assign countries to stay in
the Warsaw Pact against their will.” Thatcher quotation on “keeping” the Warsaw Pact in her
summary of the November 24 summit to her Cabinet: “Speaking Note for Cabinet on 30
November [1989],” PREM 19/2892, Thatcher Foundation (which offers a useful online
collection, compiling sources from multiple countries). Description of the pact as a “fig leaf”
from July 1990, when Thatcher and Bush once again discussed “the wisdom and/or desirability
of keeping a ghost Warsaw Pact in existence. The Prime Minister suggested that it could be a fig
leaf for Gorbachev. The President accepted that Gorbachev needed a bit of cover, at least for a
year or two, but said his spirit rebelled against doing or saying anything to encourage the Pact’s
continued existence. The Prime Minister pointed to the risk that, if the Warsaw Pact formally
dissolved itself, then people would question the need for NATO”: “Prime Minister’s Meeting
with President Bush,” July 6, 1990, PREM 19/3466, Thatcher Foundation.
30. On February 2–4, see the detailed analysis in chapter 2. On February 6, see Sarotte,
“Perpetuating U.S. Preeminence,” 116–17. On February 8, see “Memorandum for the President,
from: James A. Baker, III,” February 8, 1990, SDC 1990-SECTO-01009, SSSN USSR 91126-
003, BPL; as Baker told Bush, the Czech leaders’ “main objective is to get Soviet troops out,”
and they “worry that NATO justifies the Pact,” so were suggesting that the former leave as a
way of getting rid of the latter; Baker insisted in reply that the two alliances were not equivalent
and instead “made a strong case for NATO’s continued role” in Europe. On February 20–27, see
“Memorandum for the Secretary, Impressions from Hungary, Poland, Austria, and Yugoslavia,”
March 1, 1990, Hutchings Files, CF01502-005, BPL; see also Shifrinson, “Eastbound,” 823. On
the March 3 visit of the Czech foreign minister, see “Summary of Diplomatic Liaison
Activities,” SERPMP 2124, n.d., but from context circa July 1991, Barry Lowenkron files,
FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL. On March 12, see Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?,” 137. On March
17, see the record of that day’s meeting of Warsaw Pact foreign ministers, during which
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland opposed the Soviet foreign minister’s efforts to block
NATO moving eastward across the inner-German dividing line and on to East German territory;
“Drahtbericht des Botschafters Blech, Moskau,” March 21, 1990, DE 378n3; and “Vorlage des
Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” March 23, 1990, DESE 972, also note 5
on same page. On the March 21 visit of the Polish foreign minister, see “Vorlage des
Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” 972n7. On the summer and fall 1990
visits to NATO (June 29 by the Hungarian foreign minister, July 18 by the Hungarian prime
minister, October 23 by the Romanian prime minister, November 15 by the Bulgarian foreign
minister, with additional visits by deputies not listed here; note, the secretary general also made
visits abroad, such as May 5 to Prague, July 17–19 to Moscow, September 5–8 again to Prague,
September 13–15 to Warsaw, November 22–23 to Budapest), see “Summary of Diplomatic
Liaison Activities”; Borkovec, Naše cesta do NATO, 8; and Kecskés, View, 21–22 and 22n5
(which is a truly remarkable and useful source on this topic, from a Hungarian research center).
See also Stephan Kieninger, “Opening NATO,” OD 58–59.
31. For Bush’s discussions of potential NATO links to the Baltics, see Chapter 4. On the official
“Antrag Ungarns auf Mitgliedschaft im EUR,” see “Botschafter von Schubert, Straßburg
(Europarat), an das Auswärtige Amt,” November 16, 1989, AAP-89, 1558. Quotations about
Warsaw Pact member states not wanting to destroy the pact too soon in “Aufzeichnung . . .
Dreher,” AAP-89, 1801.
32. Baker and Glasser, The Man, 526–28, and Carpendale’s original letter in SMML; on Baker and
Carpendale’s relationship, see Baker, Politics, 11, 524, 648.
33. Michiko Kakutani, “A Political Insider with Bush Tells of the Outside,” New York Times,
October 6, 1995.
34. Churchill made this remark during a speech in the House of Commons, January 23, 1948; see
00002969. For Talbott’s personal history of decision-making on NATO expansion as presented
in negotiations with Moscow (with an eye to winning Russian acceptance for enlargment), see
Memcon, Chubais–Talbott, January 23, 1997, DS-ERR. In this memcon, Talbott ascribes
expansion wholly to the way Clinton answered a series of “yes-or-no” strategic questions (that
is, without addressing Bush’s previous answers to similar questions).
35. This challenge was recognized at the time: “The Bolshevik Goetterdaemmerung,” SDC 1991-
Moscow-32811, November 15, 1991, CF01652-12, John A. Gordon Files, FOIA 2000-1202-F,
36. McFaul, “Putin,” 134–35; see also Rid, Active Measures, 387–422; Vershbow and Fried, “How
the West.”
37. “Address by President of the Russian Federation: Vladimir Putin Addressed State Duma
Deputies, Federation Council Members, Heads of Russian Regions and Civil Society
Representatives in the Kremlin,” March 18, 2014, See also Vladimir Putin, “The Real Lessons
of the 75th Anniversary of World War II,” National Interest, June 18, 2020,
1. Two Dresden Nights
1. Putin et al., First Person, 78–79.
2. Putin et al., First Person, 69 (main opponent), 78 (documents); Belton, Putin’s People, 27, 33,
40, 50–54; Sarotte, Collapse, 10, 30. On the Dresden events as part of a larger “Sturm auf die
Dienststellungen,” see the Stasi official online history,
stasi-im-jahr-1989/dezember-1989/; see also
3. Quotation is in Putin et al., First Person, 79; Myers, New Tsar, 50–51; the witness was Siegfried
Dannath, whom Myers interviewed.
4. Putin et al., First Person, 76 (destroyed, papers, furnace), 81 (hasty), 168 (hit); see also Belton,
Putin’s People, 44–45; Myers, New Tsar, 50–52.
5. Dalton quotation in Kaplan, United States, 120; Truman quotation in Kerri Lawrence, “National
Archives Presents Rare Chance to View NATO Treaty,” National Archives News, March 26,
nato-treaty; see also Hill, No Place, 16–18; Kaplan, NATO 1948, 218–19; Kaplan, NATO
Divided, 15–17.
6. Paraphrased from Gaddis, Strategies, rev. ed., 9; Gaddis refers to this as “containment by
7. Truman “accepted this [hard-line] instruction with an alacrity that unsettled even those
providing it”; Gaddis, Strategies, rev. ed., 15–16.
8. Gaddis, We Now Know, 115; for more, see Applebaum, Iron Curtain.
9. Henrikson, “The Creation of the North Atlantic Alliance,” in Reichart and Sturm, American
Defense Policy, 300–302; Kay, NATO, 16–17; Ratti, Not-So-Special, 29–31; Sloan, Defense of
the West, 21. For more information on the Marshall Plan, see the George C. Marshall
Foundation Collection, Lexington, VA.
10. See the text of the Vandenberg Resolution,;
description of Vandenburg in Kaplan, NATO 1948, 93–94; Sloan, Defense of the West, 22.
11. Gaddis, Strategies, rev. ed., 71–72; Sloan, Defense of the West, 21–22. Planning for another air
bridge for Berlin was apparently kept current until 1990; see B130-13.525E, PA-AA.
12. Kennan quoted in Gaddis, Strategies, rev. ed., 72; on American narrowing of choices, see
Logevall, “Critique of Containment,” 474.
13. Olesen, “To Balance,” 63; Henrikson, “Creation,” 306–7. Subsequently, once becoming
members, Spain also limited its military integration into the alliance, and France withdrew from
the integrated military command in 1966. On customized membership conditions, see the
historical summaries on the NATO website, including “Denmark and NATO,”; “France and
nato/; “Norway and NATO,”; and
“Short History of NATO,”; for
context, see Grzymala-Busse, Redeeming; Hill, No Place; Jacoby, Enlargement; Kaplan, NATO
Divided, 24–26; Kay, NATO, 43; Sayle, Enduring Alliance; Shapiro and Tooze, Charter, xi;
Sloan, Defense; Solomon, NATO, 22.
14. See the text of the Washington Treaty on the NATO website, See also Kaplan, United States,
15. Grayson, Strange Bedfellows, 16–18; “SHAPE in France,” On Soviet divisions, see Shapiro and Tooze, Charter, ix;
on the NAC, see Kecskés, View, 12.
16. Kaplan, NATO before the Korean War; Kaplan, NATO Divided, 9–10; Wells, Fearing the Worst.
17. The quip comes from Kaplan, United States, 8; see also Ratti, Not-So-Special, 41–47. For more
on the Korean War, see Wells, Fearing the Worst. For more on the hard-line policy document,
NSC-68, see Gaddis, Strategies.
18. Grayson, Strange Bedfellows, 17–19; “Short History of NATO”; Sloan, Defense of the West, 26–
33. On Taft, see United States Senate, “Robert A. Taft: More than ‘Mr. Republican,’ ” On
the US role in rebuilding Europe after World War II more generally, see Suri, Liberty’s Surest
19. “Short History of NATO”; Kay, NATO, 36.
20. On Greece and Turkey joining, see NATO’s website:
21. Uelzmann, “Building Domestic Support,” 147; European Defence Agency, “Our History,”
22. For NATO’s own account of this history, see
59/1954e.htm. For a brief history of the legal issues involved in the presence of foreign troops
on German soil, see the German foreign ministry’s information page, https://www.auswaertiges-; see also Michael Creswell, “France,
German Rearmament, and the German Question,” in Bozo and Wenkel, France and the German
Question, 55–71.
23. The legal means was a revision and expansion of the Brussels Treaty of 1948 in October 1954 to
include the FRG, which became a NATO member in May 1955; see DBPO, 313n2. On the
military conflict between the two Germanies that ensued, see Nübel, Dokumente.
24. William Burr, ed., “U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time,” December
22, 2015, EBB-538, NSA, which notes that “the atomic bombing of East Berlin and its suburbs
would very likely have produced fire storms, among other effects, with disastrous implications
for West Berlin. Whether SAC conducted studies on the vulnerability of West Berlin to the
effects of nuclear attacks on East Berlin or in other East German targets is unknown.” For more
on Berlin during the Cold War, see Hamilton, Documents.
25. For more on the fights over nuclear weapons in Europe, see Colbourn, “NATO as a Political
Alliance”; Nuti et al., Euromissile Crisis.
26. Quotation from Gorbachev, Memoirs, 59; see also Baker, Politics, 79–80; Kotkin, Armageddon
Averted; Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?,” 125; Taubman, Gorbachev. For more on the
revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe from the British point of view, see Smith, Documents.
27. At the time Orbán was an admirer of Nagy, but thirty years later Orbán removed a statue of
Nagy from a prominent place in Budapest; see Rainer, Imre Nagy; “Hungarians Remember Imre
Nagy, Hero of ’56, as Orbán Tightens Grip,” The Guardian, June 16, 2019; Valerie Hopkins,
“Hungary’s Viktor Orban and the Rewriting of History,” Financial Times, July 24, 2019; Henry
Kamm, “Hungarian Who Led ’56 Revolt Is Buried as Hero,” New York Times, June 17, 1989.
28. Excerpt from Gorbachev-Németh conversation, March 3, 1989, GFA, translation in GC.
29. The accord was called the “Abkommen vom 20. Juni 1969 zwischen der Regierung der
Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und der Regierung der Ungarischen Volksrepublik über
den visafreien grenzüberschreitenden Verkehr nebst Protokoll,” in BStU, MfS, Rechtsstelle 101,
70; “drift” quote in “Aus den Darlegungen Erich Honeckers,” June 15, 1989, Politbüro-
Sitzungen im Büro Krenz, DY 30/IV 2/2.039/74, SAPMO; “burial” quote in Grachev,
Gorbachev’s Gamble, 173; see also records of the July 7–8, 1989, Bucharest Warsaw Pact
meeting, July 11, 1989, DY 30/J IV/2/2A/3229, SAPMO.
30. Engel, When the World, 26–29; Sarotte, 1989, 24–25. On Bush’s combination of
competitiveness and prudence, see Zoellick, America, 420.
31. For an overview of Scowcroft’s background, see Robert D. McFadden, “Brent Scowcroft, a
Force on Foreign Policy for 40 Years, Dies at 95,” New York Times, August 7, 2020; see also
Sparrow, Strategist. On Baker, see his memoirs, Politics.
32. Gates, From the Shadows, 460. On Baker’s team, Robert Zoellick was central, with Baker
having “every piece of paper” sent to him go through Zoellick first; Baker, Politics, 34.
33. TOIW Robert Gates, July 23–24, 2000, GBOHP.
34. Memcon, Bush–Mitterrand, July 13, 1989, 4:00–4:35pm, BPL online.
35. Memcon, Baker–Shevardnadze (on plane to Jackson Hole, Wyoming), September 21, 1989,
MR-2009-1030, BPL. On the efforts of the Bush administration to slow the pace of change in
Poland, see Domber, “Skepticism and Stability,” 54.
36. “Sowjetische Haltung zu Ungarn,” August 18, 1989, 213–322 UNG, Ref. 214, ZA139.937E,
PA-AA (Schmerzgrenze); “Mein Gespräch mit dem ungarischen AM Horn am 14.08.1989,
09.00–11.15 Uhr,” Staatssekretär Dr. Sudhoff, August 18, 1989, ZA178.925E, PA-AA
(“precarious position”). See also “Gespräch des Bundesministers Seiters mit Botschafter
Horváth, Bonn, 19. September 1989,” DESE 405; Hanns Jürgen Küsters, “Entscheidung für die
deutsche Einheit,” DESE 44. For more on Hungarian–West German relations, see Schmidt-
Schweizer, Die politisch-diplomatischen Beziehungen.
37. Two largely identical German versions are available: “Vermerk des Bundesministers Genscher
über das Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Ministerpräsident Németh und Außenminister
Horn, Schloß Gymnich, 25. August 1989,” DESE 377–80; and “Vermerk über das Gespräch am
25. August 1989 von 10.30 Uhr bis 13.00 Uhr in Schloß Gymnich,” ZA 178.925E, PA-AA.
38. Baker and Shevardnadze also discussed Hungarian and Polish indebtedness to Moscow; see
Memcon, Baker–Shevardnadze, September 21, 1989. For comment on tears welling up, and
more on Hungarian dependency on Moscow, see Kohl, Erinnerungen 1982–1990, 922; the
historian who wrote on Hungarian debt was Spohr, Post Wall, 309.
39. “Gespräch des Außenminister Fischer mit dem ungarischen Außenminister Horn in Ost-Berlin,”
August 31, 1989, DE 75–79; “Drahtbericht des Leiters der Zentralabteilung, Jansen, z. Z.
Budapest, an den Leiter des Ministerbüros, Elbe, persönlich, 7. September 1989,” DE 81–82.
40. The French ambassador to Moscow reported that “Budapest n’avait pas reçu dans cette affaire
un ‘feu vert’ de Moscou.” See “Télégramme de Jean-Marie Mérillon, ambassadeur de France à
Moscou, à Roland Dumas,” September 21, 1989, DFUA 67.
41. Telcon, Bush–Thatcher, February 24, 1990, BPL online; “Drahtbericht des Leiters der
Zentralabteilung, Jansen”; on the party conference, see Küsters, “Entscheidung,” DESE 44–45.
42. Telcon, Bush–Kohl, September 5, 1989, BPL online, in which Kohl also gave Bush a
confidential heads-up about Hungary’s intentions; on Moscow not approving in advance, see
“Télégramme de Jean-Marie Mérillon,” September 21, 1989, 67.
Statistic of nearly 50,000 (to be precise, 49,338) citizens leaving between September 11 and
November 13, 1989, in a note from November 16, 1989, in Hilfe für Deutsche aus der DDR und
Ostberlin, ab November 1989 bis 30.04.90, B85-1993, PA-AA.
44. “Gespräch des Bundesministers Seiters mit Botschafter Horváth, Bonn, 19. September 1989,”
DESE 405.
45. “Bürgerinitiativen in der DDR,” October 12, 1989, Ref. 210, Az.: 210–320.10, RL: VLR I Dr.
Lambach, ZA140.684E, PA-AA.
46. Telegram, Kohl–Németh, September 12, 1989, DESE 404 (quotes); “9. Oktober 1989,” BzL 13
(line of credit); “27. November 1989,” BzL 55–56 (to his home).
47. The “Antrag Ungarns auf Mitgliedschaft im EUR,” as well as the signals of intent to apply from
Poland and Yugoslavia, discussed in “Botschafter von Schubert, Straßburg (Europarat), an das
Auswärtige Amt,” November 16, 1989, AAP-89, 1558–61.
48. “Aufzeichnung des Vortragenden Legationsrats I. Klasse Dreher,” December 21, 1989, AAP-89,
1801, explains that all Soviet satellite states interested in reform knew “daß für die Sowjetunion
der Bestand des Warschauer Paktes eine Existenzfrage ist. Ein Auseinanderbrechen des
Warschauer Paktes würde die Stellung Gorbatschows vermutlich unhaltbar machen und damit
den Reformprozeß in ganz Mittel- und Osteuropa einschließlich der SU im höchtsen Maße
gefährden; Ausbau und Absicherung der inneren Reformen hängen mithin von der Stabilität des
östlichen Bündnisses ab.” On “Rücksicht auf SU [Sowjetunion]” as a reason for not joining
NATO, see AAP-90, 1717; on all parties in the Hungarian parliament nonetheless expressing a
desire to leave the pact, see AAP-90, 786.
49. On the historic first visit by a Soviet foreign minister to NATO headquarters in Brussels and his
warm reception, see “Botschafter von Ploetz, Brüssel (NATO), an das Auswärtige Amt,”
December 19, 1989, AAP-89, 1784, 1788; quotation from ambassador in “Botschafter Blech,
Moskau, an das Auswärtige Amt,” November 28, 1989, AAP-89, 1631; see also Kecskés, View,
50. “GDR Crisis Contingencies,” November 6, 1989, with handwritten cover note to Brent
Scowcroft from Robert Blackwill, November 7, 1989, my 2008-0655-MR, BPL.
51. “Schreiben von Alexander Schalck an Egon Krenz, 6.11.1989, mit der Anlage ‘Vermerk über
ein informelles Gespräch des Genossen Alexander Schalck mit dem Bundesminister und Chef
des Bundeskanzleramtes der BRD, Rudolf Seiters, und dem Mitglied des Vorstandes [sic] der
CDU, Wolfgang Schäuble, am 06.11.1989,’ ” in Hertle, Fall der Mauer, 484.
52. An internal West German report prepared two weeks later estimated that 4 million people had
visited the no-longer-divided city; “Auswirkungen des 9. November auf die Lage in und um
Berlin,” November 24, 1989, in ZA140.685E, PA-AA. For a fuller description, see Sarotte,
53. TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–13, 1999, GBOHP.
54. Gorbachev comment to the visiting president of the Bundestag, Rita Süssmuth, reported in
“Botschafter Blech, Moskau, an das Auswärtige Amt,” November 18, 1989, AAP-89, 1571–72.
55. “Handed over by the Soviet Ambassador at 2200 on 10 November,” in file “Internal Situation in
East Germany,” Series “Germany,” Part 1, PREM 19-2696_191.jpg, PRO-NA. See also “Letter
from Mr. Powell (No. 10) to Mr. Wall,” November 10, 1989, DBPO 103–4.
56. Sir R. Braithwaite (Moscow) to Mr. Hurd, November 11, 1989, DBPO 108.
57. The UK ambassador to East Berlin summarized Braithwaite’s comments in “Mr. Broomfield
(East Berlin) to Mr. Hurd,” December 6, 1989, DBPO 152.
58. “Minute from Sir P. Wright to Mr Wall, Secret and Personal,” November 10, 1989, DBPO 105.
59. See “Vorlage an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” n.d., but from context after November 10, 1989, DESE
548–49. See also letter from Mr. Powell to Mr. Wall, November 14, 1989, DBPO 120–22.
60. Baker’s wife’s remarks, and Baker’s comment about himself, in Marjorie Williams, “He Doesn’t
Waste a Lot of Time on Guilt,” Washington Post, January 29, 1989. For the list of animals, see
Baker, Politics, 217. On Bush and Baker’s relationship, see Sarotte, “Not One Inch Eastward?,”
61. Baker quotations from Baker, Politics, 134, 213; Bush quotation is from telcon, Bush–Kohl,
November 17, 1989, 7:55–8:15am, BPL online; the German record of this conversation is also
available in DESE 538–40.
62. Kohl provided the number of 110 in “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush,
Camp David, 24. Februar 1990,” DESE 863.
63. Memcon, Genscher–Scowcroft, November 21, 1989, Hutchings Files, FRG Memcons and
Telcons, CF01413-019, BPL; see also “Telegram aus Washington, Nr. 4743 vom 22.11.1989,
1337 OZ, An: Bonn AA,” in ZA178.931E, PA-AA; “Gespräch des BM Genschers mit dem
amerikanischen Außenminister Baker in Washington,” November 21, 1989, AAP-89, 1590–94.
64. “Vorlage des Leiters des Planungsstabs, Citron, für Bundesminister Genscher,” February 23,
1990, DE 301–303; the subtitle of the document is “Kein Bedarf für einen Friedensvertrag.”
65. Memcon, Bush–Genscher, November 21, 1989, 10:10–10:45am, BPL online, in which Bush
notes that “we have been criticized here for not jumping on top of the Wall and cheering”;
“Gespräch des BM mit Scowcroft am 21.11.1989,” ZA178.931E, PA-AA; and the copy of the
latter document in DE unpub which contains the additional note on Yalta.
66. Telcon, Bush–Mulroney, November 17, 1989, 9:49–10:05am, BPL online.
67. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, “Working Dinner with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney,”
November 29, 1989, BPL online.
68. As Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice noted in their joint memoir, “Mulroney’s warning
seemed to suggest that the Soviets would take a tough line at Malta”; Zelikow and Rice,
Germany Unified, 125.
69. The existence of the back channel is referred to at the start of “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors
Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” December 6, 1989, DESE 616.
70. They were presumably chosen to manage the Soviet side of the channel because Falin was a
Germany expert and Portugalov and Teltschik knew each other. On Falin and Portugalov, see
“SU und ‘deutsche Frage,’ ” DESE 616–18, especially 616n1; see also Belton, Putin’s People,
50–52; Teltschik, 329 Tage, 42–43; Sarotte, 1989, 70–72; Vladislav Zubok, “Gorbachev,
German Reunification, and Soviet Demise,” in Bozo, Rödder, and Sarotte, German
Reunification, 91. Information about Falin is also available on the website of the Chancellor
Willy Brandt Foundation,
71. Belton, Putin’s People, 53.
72. Teltschik, 329 Tage, 43–44.
73. “SU und ‘deutsche Frage,’ ” DESE 616–17. In his memoirs, Teltschik ascribes a slightly
different authorship to the official part than he did in his written records from the time. Later, in
Teltschik, 329 Tage, 43, he says that the official part came from Chernyaev and Falin, and that
he, Teltschik, assumed that meant it had Gorbachev’s approval as well. In contrast, in a note to
Kohl on December 6, 1989 (DESE 616), Teltschik states that he received the document with the
clear message that it came from Gorbachev.
74. “SU und ‘deutsche Frage,’ ” DESE 617–18.
75. “SU und ‘deutsche Frage,’ ” DESE 618nn2–3.
76. “Conditio sine qua non” described in “SU und ‘deutsche Frage,’ ” DESE 618. Falin later
described how he had raised the issue of nuclear weapons in Germany with Gorbachev in 1990:
see Falin, Konflikte, 198–99 (information about disapproval rate of 84 percent also there), and
Falin, Politische Erinnerungen, 494–95; and also with the East German foreign minister, Rainer
Eppelmann, in “8.5.1990 Gespräch zwischen DDR-Minister für Abrüstung und Verteidigung,
Rainer Eppelmann, und Falin in Moskau. Bericht,” May 14, 1990, ADDR 618 (where Falin also
cites Genscher proposing “Deutschland solle so zur NATO gehören wie Frankreich”). See also
Küsters, “Einführung,” DESE 189. For context on nuclear weapons in Europe and Germany
during the Cold War, see William Burr, “The U.S. Nuclear Presence in Western Europe, 1954–
1962, Part I,” July 21, 2020, EBB-714, NSA; Turner, Germany, 174.
77. Kohl, Diekmann, and Reuth, Ich wollte Deutschlands Einheit, 254.
78. Letter from Stephen Wall (FCO) to Charles Powell (No. 10), March 2, 1990, first attachment,
“German Unification: Security Implications,” March 1, 1990, paragraph 35, released by my FOI
request, ref. IC 258 724.
79. The message added, as an afterthought, perhaps together with the GDR as well; see “SU und
‘deutsche Frage,’ ” DESE 618.
80. On this question see Von Plato, Vereinigung, 113–15; see also Sarotte, 1989, 71.
81. The West German intelligence service reportedly obtained a transcript of a conversation that
Falin conducted in the Soviet embassy in East Berlin on November 24, 1989; see Dirk Banse
and Michael Behrendt, “BND-Akte: So drängte Moskau die DDR-Führung zur deutschen
Einheit,” WELTplus, February 18, 2020,
82. While the authorship remains unclear, the more sensational part of the note may have been the
work of multiple men. Since Falin coordinated the channel, and the text of the “unofficial” part
duplicated advice he gave Gorbachev under his own name, it seems possible that Falin was at
least one of the authors; at the time Portugalov identified the document as coming from Falin’s
department with the participation of Alexander Yakovlev, a Gorbachev ally and Politburo
member. See “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” December 6,
1989, DESE 616. The Soviet ambassador in Bonn, Yuli Kvitzinsky, may also have had a hand in
writing it; see Zubok, “Gorbachev, German Reunification, and Soviet Demise,” 91. While not
owning up to authorship of this note, in his 1993 memoirs Kvitzinsky lamented that Moscow
had not pushed Bonn harder to force Germans to choose between unity or NATO after the Wall
came down: Kwinzinskij, Vor dem Sturm, 22. See also Bozo and Wenkel, France and the
German Question, 223; Stent, Russia, 59; and Teltschik, 329 Tage, 44.
83. Teltschik, 329 Tage, 45; Sarotte, 1989, 72. Kohl may have doubted whether the note truly had
top-level backing but realized that the implied ultimatum could justify dramatic action on his
84. AIW Blackwill; “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohls mit Außenminister Baker, Berlin (West),”
December 12, 1989, DESE 639, in which Kohl reported on these developments retroactively to
Baker, saying, “Wenn er den 10-Punkte-Plan nicht gemacht hätte, wären er selber und der
amerikanische Außenminister eines Morgens aufgewacht und hätten festgestellt, daß
Gorbatschow einen entsprechenden Vorschlag auf den Tisch gelegt hätte. Ein solcher Vorschlag
hätte dann allerdings die Bedingung enthalten, daß die Bundesrepublik sich aus der NATO
zurückziehen müsse. Man müsse sehen, daß derartiges doch in der Luft liege.” Baker answered,
“ähnliche Überlegungen habe Gorbatschow in der Tat schon im Gespräch mit den USA
85. As Teltschik later told the British ambassador in Bonn, Kohl “felt a need to set out clear German
views, to influence the thinking that was evidently taking place in Moscow”; see Sir C. Mallaby
(Bonn) to Mr. Hurd, November 28, 1989, DBPO 140; see also Sarotte, 1989, 70–72. For the
speech itself, see “Zehn-Punkte-Programm zur Überwindung der Teilung Deutschlands und
Europas: Rede von Bundeskanzler Kohl vor dem Deutschen Bundestag am 28. November 1989
(Auszüge),” APBD-49-94, 632–38.
86. “Schreiben des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush,” November 28, 1989, DESE 567–73.
The US ambassador in Bonn, Vernon Walters, later cabled the State Department that Kohl had
“made clear to the Soviets and East Germans in advance what he intended to say,” which is
somewhat different than sending them a text of the speech; SDC 1994-Bonn-37206, November
28, 1989, F-2015-10823, DS-ERR (I thank Bernd Rother for a copy of this cable); on the Hitler
comment and its context, see Sarotte, 1989, 72–76.
87. “ Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с Ф. Миттераном,” December 6, 1989, Г, 286–91. Later, Kohl
sent Gorbachev a detailed letter on his motives for announcing his November 28 plan;
“Bundeskanzler Kohl an den Generalsekretär des ZK der KPdSU, Gorbatschow,” December 14,
1989, AAP-89, 1733–41; see also Bozo, “ ‘I Feel More Comfortable.’ ”
88. On the critical period from late November to December 1989 under the French presidency of the
EC, see Frédéric Bozo, “In Search of the Holy Grail,” in Gehler and Loth, Reshaping Europe,
89. Betts, “Three Faces,” 33.
90. “Gespräch Mock-Hurd,” December 20, 1989, ÖDF, 439–40. Austria had applied for EC
membership on July 17, 1989: AAP-90, 67n3.
91. Memorandum for the Secretary of State, from Lawrence Eagleburger, “Impressions from
Hungary, Poland, Austria and Yugoslavia,” March 1, 1990, Robert L. Hutchings Files, Eastern
European Coordination, CF01502-005, BPL. See also the similar comments in Memorandum
for Brent Scowcroft, from Adrian Basora, “Impressions from Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna, and
Belgrade,” in the same file.
92. See the discussion of the four principles in Rödder, Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 149–51;
Von Arnim, Zeitnot, 286.
93. “Kohl’s Ten-Point Program—Silence on the Role of the Four Powers,” SDC 1989-Bonn-37736,
December 1, 1989, CWIHPPC, which added “nor did he share it with the leaders of the other
major parties.” See also “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl,
Bonn, 30. November, 1989, Betr.: Reaktionen aus den wichtigsten Hauptstädten auf Ihren 10-
Punkte-Plan,” DESE 574–77.
94. For more on Genscher’s role in West German politics, see Kirchner, “Genscher and What Lies
behind ‘Genscherism,’ ” 159–77.
95. The chancellery also routinely managed most aspects of East German–West German relations,
which it did not consider foreign relations. The US embassy in Bonn attempted to explain the
division of labor between the chancellery and the foreign ministry in a memo, “Inner-German
Decisionmaking,” SDC 1989-Bonn-25528, August 11, 1989, received by NSC August 12, 1989,
Robert Hutchings Files, FRG Cables, CF 01413-012, BPL; see also “Schreiben des
Bundeskanzlers Kohl an Bundesminister Genscher,” February 19, 1990, AAP-90, 190; and
Telcon, Bush–Kohl, November 29, 1989, BPL online.
96. Baker explained to Genscher on December 3, 1989, that these ideas had been the US basis
(Grundsatz) for the conduct of Malta; see “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an
Bundeskanzler Kohl,” December 7, 1989, DESE 622.
97. Memo for Brent Scowcroft, from Arnold Kanter and Robert Blackwill, “Possible Initiatives in
the Context of Malta,” November 24, 1989, sent to the author by BPL.
98. Scowcroft quotation in TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–13, 1999, GBOHP. Bush’s
biographer Jeffrey Engel agreed, saying, “little that can be measured changed in Soviet-
American relations as a result of the Malta talks.” See Engel, When the World, 304.
99. Transcripts of the Malta summit are now available in various forms. Among others, BPL put US
memcons online by date, and Gorbachev published Soviet versions in Овв. Baker retained
records in SMML, and this quotation comes from “Used by G.B. at initial session, 10AM to
11AM on board Soviet Cruise Ship MAXIM GORKI,” December 2, 1989, folder 9, box 176,
12c/12, SMML; see also Sarotte, 1989, 78.
100. “10:10am 12/3—2nd Extended Session (as yesterday—on board the Maxim Gorki),” copy sent
to author by SMML.
101. Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 159–61.
102. There was a hitch, though: the appeal of the EC had succeeded a little too well. Now East
Germans wanted in, but “17 million more [Germans] was too many.” Kohl comments in
“Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush, Laeken bei Brüssel, 3. Dezember
1989,” DESE 603; see also the US version in Bush–Kohl, December 3, 1989, BPL online. On a
related topic, namely Bush pushing the G7 agenda at an earlier meeting to consider Eastern
Europe, and the related creation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, see
Zoellick, America, 437.
103. For more on the NATO summit itself, see “Botschafter von Ploetz, Brüssel (NATO), an das
Auswärtige Amt,” December 4, 1989, AAP-89, 1672–76. For more on US–German cooperation,
see Spohr, Post Wall, 5.
104. Scowcroft quotations from TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–13, 1999, GBOHP; joint
memoir quotation from Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 199; Scowcroft’s recollection
about his jaw dropping, AIW Scowcroft.
105. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush, Laeken bei Brüssel, 3. Dezember
1989,” DESE 604; see also note 9 on same page.
106. “Dresdner Kohl-Besuch, Rede bei Kundgebung vor der Frauenkirche,” December 19, 1989,
copy available under the month of December in http://www.chronik-der- “Stood in the crowd” in Putin et al., First Person, 76.
107. The chancellor’s remarks “about the interests of others were treated with respectful silence,
whereas his references to German unity . . . provoked ecstatic applause.” Cable from East Berlin
to FCO, Telno 488, December 20, 1989, ref. PREM-19-2696_006.jpg, PREM 19/2696 Part 1,
108. Quotation from Kohl, Erinnerungen 1982–1990, 1020; on the way Kohl suddenly “warf das
Konzept einer Vertragsgemeinschaft über Bord und strebte die Wiedervereinigung in Form einer
bundesstaatlichen Lösung so schnell wie möglich an,” see Hanns Jürgen Küsters, “Helmut Kohl,
der Mauerfall, und die Wiedervereinigung 1989/90,” in Küsters, Zerfall, 231.
84. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Generalsekretär Gorbatschow, Moskau, 10. Februar
1990,” DESE 799–800; see also DE 226n8.
85. “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с Г. Колем один на один,” 10 February 1990, Г 351. The phrase
originated in a briefing paper from Falin, who added the condition that if Germany created a
state, it would have to be “bloc-free.” In his memoirs, Falin wrote that he had chosen that word
carefully because he thought it sounded more acceptable than “neutral”; Falin, Konflikte, 159.
86. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Generalsekretär Gorbatschow, Moskau, 10. Februar
1990,” DESE 801–5.
87. Teltschik called the part of his book covering these events “Grünes Licht in Moskau”; Teltschik,
329 Tage, 137–46.
88. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Generalsekretär Gorbatschow, Moskau, 10. Februar
1990,” DESE 807.
89. One later Russian leader would particularly regret the lack of written conclusions from February
10; Примаков, Встречи, 211.
90. “Delegationsgespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Generalsekretär Gorbatschow,” February
10, 1990, DESE 809.
91. Von Arnim, Zeitnot, 288.
92. Excerpts from television coverage of February 10 are online at; “Erklärung des Bundeskanzlers Kohl vor
der Presse am 10. Februar 1990 in Moskau,” DESE 812–13.
93. Genscher, Erinnerungen, 724; Teltschik, 329 Tage, 142.
94. As they recalled in their joint memoir, “Since Kohl did not call President Bush immediately
following his meetings, . . . it was a relief to hear Kohl’s press conference comments”; Bush and
Scowcroft, World Transformed, 241.
95. Falin, Konflikte, 162.
96. TSM Collection, HIA. These records exist in two forms: abbreviated notes, presumably taken
during events, and a diary. The information above is drawn from the diary entry for February
12–13, 1990, 331–32, also published in translation in EBB-613, NSA; the NSA version gives it
the date of February 12, 1990. See also Zubok, “With His Back,” 631.
97. For example, in conversation with Thatcher; see “Gespräch des Bundesministers Genscher mit
der britischen Premierministerin Thatcher in London,” February 14, 1990, DE 268. See also Mr.
Fall (Ottawa) to FCO, February 13, 1990, DBPO 288; and “Gespräch der Außenminister
Genscher, Baker, Dumas und Hurd in Ottawa,” February 11, 1990, DE 254–56.
98. Genscher statements in von Arnim, Zeitnot, 288–90.
99. Teltschik, 329 Tage, 143.
100. GDE, vol. 4, 247.
101. Telegramm aus Moskau, Nr. 602 vom 11.02.1990, 1028 OZ, An: Bonn AA, and “Meeting
between Mikhail Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl” (document in English in German archive), both
in Reisen, Konsultationen BK, ZA151.638E, PA-AA; von Arnim, Zeitnot, 289.
102. See, for example, Dieter Kastrup’s use of the TASS press announcement with skeptical Soviet
negotiators in “Gespräch des Leiters der Politischen Abteilung, Kastrup, mit dem sowjetischen
stellvertretenden Außenminister Adamischin in Genf,” March 2, 1990, DE 324–25, also note 32
on the same pages.
103. These quotations, from the Gorbachev–Modrow telcon of February 12, 1990, appear in both Г
362 and MGDF 339.
104. The original phrase in German was “betont unspektakulaer.” Telegramm aus Moskau, Verfasser:
Haller, No. 629 vom 13.02.1990, 1415 OZ, in Reisen, Konsultationen BK, ZA151.638E, PA-
105. Letter from Mr. Powell (No. 10) to Mr. Wall, February 10, 1990, DBPO 282.
106. Quotation from recorded AIW Hurd, SMML. See also Hurd, Memoirs, 384, where he adds that
“I never blamed him [Kohl] for driving ahead with unification as fast as he could. That was
legitimate leadership; in his position Margaret Thatcher would have done the same. . . . The
window was narrow, he scrambled through it, breaking a little glass on the way, but less than
might have been expected.”
107. Zelikow and Rice, Germany Unified, 190.
108. Baker, Politics, 208; for Baker’s travel schedule, see
109. Hutchings, American Diplomacy, 114.
110. “NATO-Ministerratstagung in Ottawa,” February 13, 1990, DE 263; see also “Drahtbericht des
Botschafters von Ploetz, Brüssel (NATO),” February 17, 1990, DE 271–76, on “zunehmende
Zeichen der Verstimmung bei kleineren Bündnispartnern.”
111. “Drahtbericht des Botschafters Knackstedt, Warschau,” February 19, 1990, DE 276.
112. TSM Collection, Diary, February 13, 1990, HIA.
113. Baker, Politics, 209, 213.
114. Scowcroft and Baker quotations in Baker, Politics, 213.
115. The Bush–Kohl telcons of February 13, 1990, with calls starting at 1:49 and 3:01pm eastern US
time, are available both in English, in the hard-copy document collection “End of the Cold
War,” NSA, and in German, DESE 826–28; see esp. 828. See also Sarotte, 1989, 121–23, and
the relevant dates of the TSM Collection, HIA.
116. Baker, Politics, 215.
117. The Canadian government later complained directly to the West German foreign ministry; see
“Drahtbericht des Botschafters Behrends, Ottawa,” February 23, 1990, DE 304.
118. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, April 10, 1990, BPL online.
119. “To: Secretary Baker,” March 20, 1995, and attachments, in folder 2, box 184, SMML; Baker,
Politics, 11, 524, 648; see also Baker and Glasser, The Man, 526–28.
120. Quotations in Gates, From the Shadows, 456; see also Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed,
243–35. On tension between Baker and Gates, see AIW Zoellick; on the relationship between
Gates and Scowcroft, and how Gates “glued himself to my side,” see TOIW Brent Scowcroft,
August 10–11, 2000, GBOHP.
121. Robert Blackwill, “Six Power Conference,” February 13, 1990, my 2008-0655-MR, BPL.
122. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Condoleezza Rice, “Preparing for the German Peace
Conference,” February 14, 1990, my 2008-0655-MR, BPL.
123. TOIW Richard B. Cheney, March 16–17, 2000, GBOHP.
124. “Proposed Agenda for Meeting with the President, Friday, February 16, 1990, 1:30pm,” folder
7, box 115, 8/8e, SMML.
125. The quotation is Szabo’s summary of what Zoellick said, in Szabo, Diplomacy, 59.
126. “Proposed Agenda for Meeting with the President, Friday, February 16, 1990, 1:30pm”; “Our
Objectives for Chancellor Kohl’s Visit,” n.d., but appears to be an attachment to “Note for Bob
Blackwill,” from the Counselor [Robert Zoellick], Dept. of State, February 22, 1990, my 2008-
0656-MR, BPL.
127. “Two Plus Four: Advantages, Possible Concerns and Rebuttal Points,” February 21, 1990, EBB-
613, NSA; Shifrinson, “Deal or No Deal?,” 35.
128. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Condoleezza Rice, “German-Soviet Diplomacy,”
February 23, 1990, my 2008-0759-MR, BPL. Scowcroft noted by hand: “Good start but needs
second half: effect in more detail of Germany’s relationship with Fr/UK, rest of Allies, US, of
such a deal.”
129. “Our Objectives for Chancellor Kohl’s Visit,” n.d., but from context mid-February 1990, in
2008-0654-MR, BPL. This document adds the complaint that “we do not feel we’ve gotten
complete briefings from the FRG’s discussions with the Soviets. For example, we should not
have to hear from the Soviets that the Chancellor would be traveling to Moscow.”
130. “Note for Bob Blackwill,” from the Counselor [Robert Zoellick], Dept. of State, February 22,
1990, and attachments, my 2008-0656-MR, BPL.
131. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Robert Blackwill, “State Department Papers on Two
Plus Four Talks,” February 23, 1990, MR-2008-0656-MR; see also my 2008-0654-MR, BPL.
132. “Konstituierende Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des KADE, Bonn,
14. Feb. 1990,” DESE 830–31; see also “Runderlass des Referatsleiters 200, von Jagow,”
February 21, 1990, DE 283–84n14, which refers to Stoltenberg’s views appearing in a
newspaper article called “Stoltenberg will ein Deutschland in der NATO,” February 17, 1990,
FAZ, and Genscher responding in a radio interview the same day; see also the report of the
Cabinet committee meeting of February 14, 1990, in AAP-90, 157–63; see also Hanns Jürgen
Küsters, “Helmut Kohl,” in Küsters, Zerfall, 234; and Stent, Russia, 117–19.
133. See their joint statement, “Sicherheitspolitische Fragen eines künftigen geeinten Deutschlands—
Erklärung des Bundesministers des Auswärtigen und des Bundesministers der Verteidigung,”
February 19, 1990, reprinted in Die Bundesregierung Bulletin, no. 28/90, February 21, 1990.
See also the analysis of Genscher’s victory over Stoltenberg in Telegram, “Sir A. Acland
(Washington) to FCO,” February 24, 1990, DBPO 307n6.
134. “No expansion” quote in “Runderlass des Referatsleiters 200, von Jagow,” February 21, 1990,
DE 283; quotation about Horn’s comments in “Gespräch des Bundesministers Genscher mit
dem italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Andreotti und Außenminister de Michelis in Rom,”
February 21, 1990, DE 289. On the reaction to Horn’s remarks inside NATO—questioning
whether it was serious—see Kecskés, View from Brussels, 15.
135. Memorandum for the Secretary, from Lawrence Eagleburger, “Impressions from Hungary,
Poland, Austria and Yugoslavia,” March 1, 1990, Robert L. Hutchings Files, Eastern European
Collection, CF01502-005, BPL; the memo describes his trip of February 20–27, 1990, as
mentioned in the introduction.
136. Initially, the White House wanted Genscher to come to Camp David as well, despite the discord
with Kohl. Baker was tired of dealing with Bonn in duplicate and wanted to speak to the two of
them together, but Kohl apparently would not allow Genscher to accompany him to Camp
David. See Baker’s views on this matter, handwritten on his copy of the “Proposed Agenda for
Meeting with the President, Friday, February 16, 1990, 1:30 p.m.”; see also Sarotte, 1989, 126;
and Hutchings, American Diplomacy, 121–22. For Kohl’s account, see Kohl, Erinnerungen
1982–1990, 1080.
137. “Meetings with Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Date: February 24–25, 1990, Location: Camp David”
(preparatory papers), n.d., but from context just before February 24, 1990, in my 2008-0618-
MR, BPL. For more on the role of Congress in foreign policy, see Lindsay, Congress.
138. Both the British and the US versions of this memcon have been released, the former published
—Letter from Mr. Powell (No. 10) to Mr. Wall, February 24, 1990, DBPO 312—and the latter
online: Telcon, Bush–Thatcher, February 24, 1990, BPL online.
139. Telcon, Bush–Thatcher, February 24, 1990, BPL online. For more on Havel’s February 22,
1990, speech to Congress, see the website of the Václav Havel Library Foundation,
140. Telcon, Bush–Thatcher, February 24, 1990, BPL online.
141. Letter from Mr. Powell (No. 10) to Mr. Wall, February 24, 1990, DBPO 312.
142. The two leaders concluded by noting how much trouble Gorbachev was facing. Telcon, Bush–
Thatcher, February 24, 1990, BPL online; Letter from Mr. Powell (No. 10) to Mr. Wall,
February 24, 1990, DBPO 314.
143. Teltschik, 329 Tage, 158.
144. The timing of the conversation is unclear; (1) Memcon, Bush–Wörner, February 24, 1990, 1:15–
3:15pm, BPL online, gives a date and time that, if correct, would probably have conflicted with
Kohl’s visit to Camp David; and (2) Blackwill remembered that Wörner spoke with Bush in late
January or early February, not February 24 (AIW Blackwill). The date of the memcon, though
probably inaccurate, is used below, however, because it is in the printed record.
145. Memcon, Bush–Wörner, February 24, 1990, BPL online.
146. Memcon, Bush–Wörner, February 24, 1990, BPL online.
147. Memcon, Bush–Wörner, February 24, 1990, BPL online.
148. Teltschik, 329 Tage, 158–59; AIW Blackwill.
149. Memcon, Bush–Kohl, February 24, 1990, 2:37–4:50pm, my 2008-0613-MR, BPL; the German
version is available in DESE 860–73.
150. See DESE 863. On the history of Germans who fled Polish territory, see Ahonen, After the
151. This April 9, 1990, letter is in B 43 (Ref. 214), Bd. 156374, DE unpub. An overview in mid-
March noted that the foreign ministry had answered 307 letters received between March 5 and
13 alone, criticizing Genscher for considering keeping the East German–Polish border after
unification. The author of this report was surprised by the “Virulenz antipolnischer Gefühle” and
the assumption that the opening of the Wall was “eine günstige Gelegenheit zur ‘Arrondierung’
Deutschlands nach Osten”; “Vorlage des Referatsleiters 214 i.V., Schrömbgens, für
Bundesminister Genscher . . . Auswertung von Privatbriefen zur Westgrenze Polens,” March 14,
1990, DE 364–65.
152. Memcon, Bush–Kohl, February 24, 1990, 2:37–4:50pm, my 2008-0613-MR, BPL. The team of
people writing Baker’s autobiography debated whether to publish this line, with “MDT”—
presumably Margaret Tutweiler—thinking that “GB [George Bush] will have a prob[lem]” with
it and suggesting a phone call; a handwritten note cleared the quotation, however: “4/26/[95]
POTUS [President of the United States] has no problem w/this.” Indeed, Bush not only
published it himself, but also added an exclamation point not present in the original memcon;
see Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 253. See note from Baker to Carpendale, folder 6,
box 184, Chapter 14 General Files, SMML.
153. DESE 869; see also Spohr, Post Wall, 231.
154. “The working relationship with Paris, as a consequence,” Zoellick later recalled, “was not as
established as with Bonn and London.” See Zoellick’s comments, reproduced in Dufourcq,
Retour, 110–11. On the trial balloons, see the extended archival collection of documents in
Bundesarchiv Koblenz associated with, but not published in, DESE (which I was granted
permission to view, but not to cite specificially by name). Some of Kohl’s preparatory papers,
for example, included a West German willingness to prevent the forward movement of NATO’s
military structures and forces across the 1989 inner-German line as part of the overall process of
155. Bozo, “The Sanctuary (Part 1),” 120.
156. Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 252.
157. AIW Blackwill; Teltschik, 329 Tage, 161.
158. On the president dismissing a “French-like German role in NATO,” see Bush and Scowcroft,
World Transformed, 255–56; AIW Blackwill; see also Teltschik, 329 Tage, 162.
159. First Baker quotation from Memcon, Bush–Kohl, February 25, 1990, 9:22–10:30am EST, BPL;
second from Letter from Baker to Genscher, February 28, 1990, quoted in AAP-90, 254n10; I
thank Tim Geiger for the latter reference. Genscher had been repeating Baker’s line about
NATO’s jurisdiction not extending to the GDR: see Memcon, Genscher–Mulroney, February 13,
1990, AAP-90, 169. Since neither Genscher nor the West German ambassador to the United
States had been invited to Camp David, he and his staff had to figure out afterward what Baker’s
letter and the summit press conference signified; see AAP-90, 207–10, 235, 254.
160. While Bush attempted to emphasize the spirit of cooperation at the press conference, it was
Kohl’s ongoing reluctance to make a clear public statement about the Polish border that caught
the attention of the journalists: R. W. Apple Jr., “Upheaval in the East,” New York Times,
February 26, 1990. Bush and Scowcroft later wrote in their joint memoir that they were
disappointed that Kohl ducked the Polish question in the press conference; see their World
Transformed, 255–56.
161. In fact, it was such bad news that Blackwill advised against even raising it in a scheduled call
with Gorbachev. They did not know who else would be listening on the phone line and, given
the animosity Kryuchkov and others now felt toward him, that could be seen “as a calculated or
insensitive attempt to embarrass Gorbachev.” Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Robert
D. Blackwill, Subject: Call to Gorbachev, February 26, 1990, my 2008-0654-MR, BPL.
162. Baker, Politics, 231.
3. Crossing the Line
1. Gates, From the Shadows, 492–93. For the Soviet approach to the United States about loans, see
Memcon, Baker–Pavlov, March 14, 1990, folder 15, box 108, 8/8c, SMML.
2. Gates, From the Shadows, 492; Cable, Fm Rome, telno 347, 160715Z MAY 90, “Following
from Private Secretary, Secretary of State’s Call on Chancellor Kohl: 15 May,” May 16, 1990,
3–4, released to author via UK FOI, CAB Ref. IC 258 724. See also “Gespräch des
Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Außenminister Hurd, Bonn, 15. Mai 1990,” DESE 1119–20.
3. Preparing for a meeting with Thatcher in spring 1990, Baker noted by hand that “Kohl prob.
agrees” that “North Atlantic Treaty applies fully (FRG hasn’t decided).” Baker then added,
apparently to clarify the phrase “applies fully”: “Arts. 5 + 6—guarantee defense of GDR
territory.” See “JAB Notes from 4/13/90 mtgs. w/POTUS & UK PM Thatcher, Pembroke,
Bermuda,” briefing paper, and “Thatcher Meeting—Key Points,” April 11, 1990, folder 16, box
108, 8/8c, SMML.
4. “Two-Plus-Four Preparatory Paper,” no author, n.d., but from context late February or early
March 1990, my 2008-0763-MR, BPL; the no-compromise list is on page 2.
5. Memcon, Bush–Andreotti, March 6, 1990, BPL online.
6. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, Robert Gates, from Philip Zelikow, March 12, 1990,
Subject: “The Two Plus Four Agenda,” and attached matrix, my 2008-0832-MR, BPL.
7. The British, French, and West Germans wanted to cover more topics; Robert Zoellick resisted
his allies on this point “but got no support” from the FRG’s representative, presumably on
Genscher’s instructions. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Philip Zelikow, “Readout on
March 13 Meeting between US, UK, French and FRG Representatives for March 14 Two Plus
Four Discussion,” March 13, 1990, my 2008-0755-MR, BPL.
8. “JAB Notes from 4/13/90 mtgs. w/POTUS & UK PM Thatcher, Pembroke, Bermuda,” briefing
paper, “Thatcher Meeting—Key Points,” April 11, 1990, Baker Papers, folder 16, box 108, 8/8c,
9. Letter from Charles Powell (No. 10) to Stephen Wall (FCO), March 5, 1990, “German
Unification: NATO and Security Aspects,” released by my FOI to CAB, COFOI-05-846
(IR254728), IC258724. See also the Letter from Mr Hurd to Mrs Thatcher, March 13, 1990,
DBPO 338–39. For Kohl’s subsequent meeting with Margaret Thatcher, see “20. Deutsch-
britische Konsultationen,” London, March 30, 1990, DESE 996–1001.
10. Fax from British embassy, Washington, DC, to P. J. Weston, FCO, February 26, 1990, PREM
19/3000, PRO-NA; quotations are the British embassy’s summary of Blackwill’s remarks. In the
same file, see also (1) an untitled cover note from Stephen Wall of the FCO, sending
information about this fax to Charles Powell on March 5, 1990; and (2) note from Powell,
further passing this news on to Thatcher (in “Secret and Personal, Prime Minister, Relations
with President Bush: German Unification,” March 5, 1990), in which he comments, “it is
alarming that the White House should be so muddled.” He advised the prime minister that
“when you speak to the President on the telephone, you should explain your points in very
simple language and repeat them.” (The underlining is by hand, and almost certainly
Thatcher’s.) Powell added that Kohl had clearly bad-mouthed the United Kingdom and that “we
have a major problem in our relations” with Germans.
11. Original: “Kohl est capable de tout”: “Télégramme de Luc de La Barre de Nanteuil,
ambassadeur de France à Londres, à Roland Dumas,” London, March 13, 1990, DFUA 258.
12. This is the summary of Quai views in Bozo, Mitterrand, 177, see also 213.
13. “Fm White House,” April 17, 1990 (original in English), Antenne Spéciale, Télétype Bleu, 5
AG 4 / EG 170, O 171642Z APR 90, Entretiens officiels, AN; note, there is underlining in the
original but as it is not entirely clear where it originated, it is not reproduced above. On the
relationship between Bush and Mitterrand, see TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–13, 1999,
14. Hurd was concerned about what Genscher was doing and pressed him on it. According to Hurd,
Genscher replied that, “in the last analysis,” Article 5 (and Article 6) would apply to former East
German territory, but he [Genscher] wanted to move carefully “when the Russians were still
present”; Hurd added, especially if “by any mischance Gorbachev were overthrown by the
generals.” See Mr Hurd to Sir C. Mallaby (Bonn), March 12, 1990, DBPO 332.
15. “Fm White House,” April 17, 1990. For context, see Mary Elise Sarotte, “The Contest over
NATO’s Future,” in Shapiro and Tooze, Charter, 212–28.
16. “Интервью М.С. Горбачева газете «Правда» 7 марта 1990 года,” Г 381; see also MGDF 354.
17. “Memorandum for the Secretary, Impressions from Hungary, Poland, Austria, and Yugoslavia,”
March 1, 1990, Hutchings Files, CF01502-005, BPL. See also Shifrinson, “Eastbound,” 823.
18. Memorandum from Harvey Sicherman to S/P–Dennis Ross, and C–Robert Zoellick, March 12,
1990, folder 14, box 176, 12/12b, SMML; Sarotte, 1989, 139.
19. For more on Mitterrand, Havel, and the failure of the so-called Prague endgame, see Bozo,
“Failure,” 408–11.
20. Memcon, Bush–Kohl, March 15, 1990, BPL online; see also “Telefongespräch des
Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Bush, 15. März 1990,” DESE 952–55.
21. Memorandum from Harvey Sicherman to S/P–Dennis Ross, and C–Robert Zoellick, March 12,
22. Sicherman had cautioned that “we shall fail utterly if we cannot give Poland and the other
nations a choice of more than a Russian domination or a German domination”; Memorandum
from Harvey Sicherman to S/P–Dennis Ross, and C–Robert Zoellick, March 12, 1990; AIW
23. To the Secretary, from S/P–Dennis Ross, Subject, “Warsaw Scene Setter,” n.d., but from context
circa April/May 1990, my 2008-0718-MR, BPL. By April 10, 1990, senior diplomat Bill Burns,
like Sicherman, was advising his superiors that they should be thinking about “East European
security concerns” lest these states might engage in measures unappealing to Washington, such
as a “pan-European collective security regime.” See Information Memorandum, to the Deputy
Secretary, from S/P Bill Burns, Acting, “Deepening US–East European Relations,” April 10,
1990, BDGD.
24. See the account of their participation in “Außerordentliche Tagung des (Außen-)
Ministerkomitees des Europarats am 23./24.03. in Lissabon,” March 26, 1990, DE unpub, PA-
25. Mitterrand quotations and discussion of confederation in Memcon, Bush–Mitterrand, April 19,
1990, BPL online; Scowcroft quotations in TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–13, 1999,
GBOHP; AIW Sikorski. On the phenomenon of Western European reluctance to embrace
eastern Europeans, see Mälksoo, Politics.
26. Quoted in “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” March 23, 1990,
DESE 972n7, which describes the visit of the Polish diplomat to NATO headquarters. That
month, at a meeting of Warsaw Pact foreign ministers, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland
criticized Shevardnadze for standing in the way of NATO expanding eastward on to East
German territory; “Drahtbericht des Botschafters Blech, Moskau, Sowjetische Haltung zur
DDR-Volkskammerwahl am 18. März,” March 21, 1990, DE 378n3.
27. On these visits, see the discussion in the introduction to this book; see also “Summary of
Diplomatic Liaison Activities,” SERPMP 2124, n.d., but from context circa July 1991, Barry
Lowenkron files, FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL; and Kecskés, View, 21–22.
28. “Gespräch des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik mit dem Berater der Abteilung für internationale
Beziehungen des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU, Portugalow,” March 28, 1990, DESE 982.
29. The West German embassy in Moscow reported that one of Falin’s confidants had passed along
this information: “Aus: Moskau, Nr. 1666 vom 26.04.1990, 1334 OZ, An: Bonn AA,” B130-
13.524E, PA-AA.
30. “Telefongespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Bush,” DESE 952.
31. “Gespräch des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik mit Botschafter Karski und dem stellvertretenden
Abteilungsleiter Sulek,” March 19, 1990, DESE 956n1; see also Rödder, Deutschland einig
Vaterland, 223–25.
32. Kwizinskij, Vor dem Sturm, 39.
33. “Drahtbericht des Botschafters Blech, Moskau, Sowjetische Haltung zur DDR-
Volkskammerwahl am 18. März,” March 21, 1990, DE 377.
34. “19. März 1990,” BzL 107 (good day), 118 (mistake, poker).
35. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Botschafter Kwizinskij,” March 22, 1990, DESE 966–
36. “Rede vor der Westeuropäischen Union (WEU) in Luxemburg,” March 23, 1990, in Genscher,
Unterwegs, 265–66; Spohr, Post Wall, 227–28.
37. “Schreiben des Bundeskanzlers Kohl an Bundesminister Genscher,” March 23, 1990, DE 380–
81. Shortly after this cease-and-desist letter from Kohl, Baker underlined advice to “note
importance of extending Articles 5 & 6 Security Guarantees to GDR,” and added by hand,
“Don’t want a freak in the system”: “Point Genscher May Raise,” April 4, 1990, folder 16, box
108, 8/8c, SMML.
38. For an overview of some of the practical steps needed to achieve unification, see “Information
Memorandum,” to C-Mr. Zoellick, from EUR-R.G.H. Seitz, “Four-Power Rights and Three-
Power Responsibilities in Berlin,” April 6, 1990, in my 2008-0658-MR, BPL.
39. Minute from Sir C. Mallaby (Bonn) to Mr Budd, Bonn, April 2, 1990, DBPO, 366; Zubok,
“With His Back,” 645.
40. Quotation in Minute from Mr Cooper (Policy Planning Staff) to Mr Weston, April 6, 1990,
DBPO 372; on arms talks, see Lever, “Cold War,” 509–10.
41. Falin expressed the idea of a referendum in “Записка В.М. Фалина М.С. Горбачеву,” April 18,
1990, Г 404–5; see also his later discussion of the same topic in Falin, Konflikte, 173. On the
way that Gorbachev had few other alternatives, see Zubok, “With His Back,” 635. On previous
attempts to drive a wedge between Americans and Europeans and “break NATO,” see Miles,
Engaging, 49. On the discourse about, and popularity of, Gorbachev in the West, see Wentker,
Die Deutschen.
42. This aspect apparently occurred to Falin later in the year. In his memoirs, Falin recalled
discussing the unpopularity of nuclear weapons in Germany with Gorbachev in July 1990,
reprinting what appears to be the transcript of a conversation with the Soviet leader in which
Falin stressed that “84 Prozent der Deutschen” supported “die Entnuklearisierung
Deutschlands”; reprinted in both Falin, Konflikte, 198, and Falin, Politische Erinnerungen, 494.
See also Hanns Jürgen Küsters, “Einführung,” DESE 189; and Szabo, Diplomacy, 56, which
states the following about the period immediately after the opening of the Wall: “Unification
euphoria was still high in both Germanies, and public support for NATO was fragile and could
have collapsed if it were seen as standing in the way of unification and the withdrawal of
foreign troops. Many, both in West Germany and the West in general, were worried that a
referendum on NATO might be called with negative results.”
43. On plans to defend Western Europe during the Cold War and the concept of “ten divisions in ten
days,” see Tom Donnelly, “Rethinking NATO,” NATO Review, June 1, 2008,
44. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush in erweitertem Kreise Bonn, 30. Mai
1989,” DESE 272.
45. The exact numbers of Soviet troops in Germany and their dependents was a matter of some
controversy in 1989–90; see “Zum Vertrag zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der
UdSSR über die Bedingungen des befristeten Aufenthalts und die Modalitäten des planmäßigen
Abzugs der sowjetischen Truppen aus dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
Informationserlaß des Auswärtigen Amts vom 18.10.1990 (Auszug),” DA-90–91, 231–32,
which estimated that there were 380,000 troops, making with family members a total of 600,000
Soviet citizens. Charles T. Powers, “Soviet Troops Begin Czech Pullout,” Los Angeles Times,
February 27, 1990, estimated a total of 590,000 Soviet troops in Eastern Europe, including
370,000 in East Germany. The West German foreign ministry estimated 388,000 in the GDR,
80,000 in Czechoslovakia, 55,000 in Hungary, and 40,000 in Poland: “Aufzeichnung . . .
Dreher,” January 23, 1990, AAP-90, 60. For more on the East German army, or Nationale
Volksarmee, see Ehlert, Armee; Rüdiger Wenzke, “Die Nationale Volksarmee der DDR,”;
on their arsenals, see Turner, Germany, 174.
46. “Записка В.М. Фалина М.С. Горбачеву,” April 18, 1990, Г 400–403; see also MGDF, 370–71,
373. See also Falin, Konflikte, 179, where he explains that, with this April 18, 1990, document,
he was trying to warn Gorbachev that NATO expansion to East German territory would be
“lediglich eine Zwischenstation bei der Ausdehnung des Nordatlantikblocks nach Osten.”
47. Chernyaev talks about how Falin was being left out of drafting key documents and becoming
enraged as a result in his diary entry for May 5, 1990. Note: Chernyaev has published different
parts of his diary at different times: a Russian version, Совместный исход; a German version,
Mein Deutsches Tagebuch (1972–1991) [hereafter MDB]; and English excerpts, translated by
NSA and posted online at As these
publications are not identical, the precise source of the quotations in each case is given in the
notes below. In this case, the German version includes additional text not present in either the
Russian or English translations (and identified as notes that he gave to Gorbachev at the time),
so the citation is from the German-language MDB 257. Falin, Konflikte, 187, similarly states
that, by about June 1990, he was no longer receiving key documents.
48. “Из докладной записки А.С. Черняева М.С. Горбачеву,” May 4, 1990, Г 424; see also MGDF
394. According to Braithwaite, Across the Moscow River, 144, Chernyaev had remarked to a
British diplomat in February 1990 that “as long as the Russians kept their nuclear weapons they
could look after themselves. What was more, Chernyaev had added with his characteristic grin,
no one would bother to talk to the Russians in their current political and economic difficulties if
they gave up their nuclear weapons as well.”
49. Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 286.
50. “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl, Bonn, 3. Mai 1990,” DESE
1076. According to the West German Foreign Office, US assistant secretary of state Ray Seitz
remarked that talks with lower-level Soviet delegations over the details of unification were
getting “zäh und schwierig, ganz anders als im Februar,” so the hope was that signals from
above, such as from the summit, might help clear matters up; “Vermerk des RL 204, VLR I von
Moltke, Betr.: Unterrichtung (Assistant Secretary Seitz bei D2 Kastrup am 21.05.) über . . .
Außenministertreffen Baker–Schewardnadse vom 16.-19.05. in Moskau,” May 22, 1990, DE
unpub. In contrast, Kohl believed such a summit should not take place until after Gorbachev
survived the upcoming contentious Party Congress; “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit
Außenminister Baker, Bonn, 4. Mai 1990,” DESE 1079.
51. “Address by Secretary General Manfred Wörner to the Bremer Tabaks Collegium,” NATO
Online Library, May 17, 1990, The
incorrect hyphen after “newly” is in the original text.
52. Hutchings recalled a real sense of camaraderie between the Americans and the West Germans.
As he noted after one meeting: “Atmosphere. Couldn’t have been better. Kohl particularly, but
all the Germans, were effusive in their gratitude for US support. What a contrast to a year ago,
when our mutual trust and confidence were slipping badly”; Hutchings, American Diplomacy,
53. Memorandum for the President, from Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Acting Secretary of State,
“Your Meeting with Chancellor Kohl, May 17, 1990,” n.d., but from context on or just before
May 17, 1990, my 2008-0797-MR, BPL.
54. Memcon, Bush–Kohl, May 17, 1990, BPL online; Sarotte, “ ‘His East European Allies Say
They Want to Be in NATO,” in Bozo, Rödder, and Sarotte, German Reunification, 69–87.
55. “11. Juni 1990,” BzL 144 (Poland in NATO, praise, destroy), 145 (catastrophic, possession).
56. SDC 1990-SECTO-07015, May 19, 1990.
57. “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с А. Дубчеком,” May 21, 1990, Г 447; MGDF 414. On Kohl’s
unwillingness to hold talks about the border with Poland, see “Vermerk des Staatssekretärs
Sudhoff für Bundesminister Genscher,” May 25, 1990, DE 517.
58. “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с Ф. Миттераном один на один,” May 25, 1990, Г 458–59, 464;
MGDF 425, 430; see also EBB-613, NSA; Bozo, “ ‘I Feel More Comfortable’ ”; and a separate
discussion between Genscher and Meckel about Hungary trying to end its military integration in
the Warsaw Pact: “Gespräch zwischen Bundesminister Genscher und Außenminister Meckel in
Ost-Berlin,” June 1, 1990, DE 524.
59. See pages 24–25 of “Rede des Präsidenten der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken, M.
S. Gorbatschow, Moskau,” June 7, 1990, MfAA, DE unpub; see also Nakath and Stephan,
Countdown, 336–41.
60. SDC 1990-SECTO-07015, May 19, 1990.
61. Bush speech: “A Europe Whole and Free: Remarks to the Citizens in Mainz, President George
Bush, May 31, 1989,” Baker comments: “Из
беседы М.С. Горбачева с Дж. Бейкером,” May 18, 1990, Г 438; “Gorby Kremlin 5/18/90,”
handwritten notes, folder 1, box 109, 8/8c, SMML.
62. “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с Дж. Бейкером,” May 18, 1990, Г 442–44; “Gorby Kremlin
63. Bozo, “ ‘I Feel More Comfortable,’ ” 150; for more on the Conference on Security and
Cooperation in Europe, see Morgan, Final Act. Zoellick later recalled realizing how useful the
Helsinki principle was around this time (with the bonus that some conservatives had a fondness
for the Helsinki process), so he dug up as much information as he could on it for use in
negotiations; AIW Zoellick.
64. “Delegationsgespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush, Washington, 17. Mai
1990,” DESE 1130; see also “Schreiben des Bundeskanzlers Kohl an Staatspräsident
Mitterrand, Bonn, 23. Mai 1990,” DESE 1143–45.
65. Memcon, “Telephone Call from Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany,” May 30, 1990,
BPL online; “Telefongespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Bush, 30. Mai 1990,”
DESE 1161.
66. Sarotte, 1989, 166–67.
67. “Из второй беседы М.С. Горбачева с Дж. Бушем,” May 31, 1990, Г 466–76; Baker’s notes
from the summit, in folder 1, box 109, 8/8c, SMML; Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest
Levels, 219–21; Gates, From the Shadows, 493; Zelikow and Rice, Germany Unified, 278.
68. Falin, Konflikte, 183.
69. “Из второй беседы М.С. Горбачева с Дж. Бушем,” May 31, 1990, Г 473–74. Bush, in a call to
Kohl on June 1, 1990, called the “two anchors” concept “a screwy idea”; Telcon, Bush–Kohl,
June 1, 1990, 2000-0429-F, BPL. The two also discussed the significance of Gorbachev’s
acceptance of the Helsinki principle; Telcon, Bush–Kohl, June 3, 1990, BPL online; see also
“Fernschreiben des Präsidenten Bush an Bundeskanzler Kohl,” June 4, 1990, DESE 1178.
70. Falin, Konflikte, 183.
71. “Из второй беседы М.С. Горбачева с Дж. Бушем,” May 31, 1990, Г 474–75; “The
Washington/Camp David Summit,” EBB-320 and EBB-707, NSA.
72. In an interview with the Miller Center, he added that “in all of the heads of state meetings I’ve
been in, this was the most remarkable I have ever seen”: TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–
13, 1999, GBOHP.
73. Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 283.
74. Falin, Konflikte, 183.
75. Küsters, “Einführung,” DESE 177.
76. Paraphrased from Colton, Yeltsin, 110; see also Aron, Yeltsin, 4–9, 132–34.
77. Talbott, Russia Hand, 20.
78. Aron, Yeltsin, 202–21; Colton, Yeltsin, 110, 132–50.
79. Colton, Yeltsin, 178–86. As Colton puts it, “the Gorbachev group’s take on Yeltsin’s Russianism
was that it was a smoke screen” concealing his desire for power (184). Chernyaev confided to
his diary that Yeltsin was on the right track when he turned his back on the party, however, and
thought that Gorbachev should have done the same thing; see Chernyaev’s diary entry for July
12, 1990, Совместный исход, 864.
80. Scowcroft quoted in Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 22.
81. Marilyn Berger, “Boris N. Yeltsin, Reformer Who Broke Up the USSR, Dies at 76,” New York
Times, April 24, 2007. The German foreign ministry produced a study on Yeltsin in May 1990,
evocatively describing him as follows: “In Jelzin scheinen sich großer persönlicher Mut und
Dickschädeligkeit . . . zu verbinden. Er ist das, was die Russen eine ‘breite Natur’ nennen, in der
Insichruhen mit Unberechenbarkeit, Kraftakte mit Schwächen zusammen die Ausstrahlung des
Typs ausmachen, Macho, Underdog, und Schlitzohr in einem”: AAP-90, 686.
82. Memorandum for the President, from Robert M. Gates, “Boris Yeltsin,” June 6, 1990, and
attachment, my 2008-0759-MR, BPL. The details of the plane accident and spinal surgery are
murky and vary from source to source, but it appears to have happened in the late 1980s;
Yeltsin, Midnight Diaries, xii; McCauley, Bandits, 117–18.
83. Gates thought that Gorbachev’s time in power might be growing short, given that he
“increasingly stands alone in lacking electoral legitimacy.” Memorandum for the President,
from Robert M. Gates, “Gorbachev—Moses, not Joshua,” July 13, 1990, SSSN, 91126-0004,
BPL; excerpts also reproduced in Gates, From the Shadows, 495–96. Zoellick later recalled that
Baker also sensed that Gorbachev’s star was waning but figured there was no rush to recognize
Yeltsin because once Yeltsin made it to the top, he’d need the United States more than the
reverse; AIW Zoellick.
84. Küsters, “Einführung,” DESE 178.
85. And Kohl faced a new challenge: the foreign minister of East Germany, Markus Meckel, had
begun calling for “a demilitarized zone consisting of the territory of the GDR, Czechoslovakia,
Poland and Hungary.” When US diplomats pressed Meckel about the consequences of his idea
for NATO, Meckel was “vague about whether NATO security guarantees should apply to such a
zone”; SDC 1990-STATE-190169, June 12, 1990, “Secretary’s Meeting with GDR Foreign
Minister, June 5, 1990,” in 2008-0670-MR, BPL. Hungary was also talking openly about
leaving the Warsaw Pact, a suggestion that reached Bush’s ears, so the question of what would
follow such a departure was becoming more urgent, and Meckel’s suggestion was an
unwelcome answer to it. Bush and Kohl discussed the Hungarian desire to leave the pact in
Memcon, Bush–Kohl, June 8, 1990, BPL online; and Bush spoke directly with the Hungarian
prime minister in Memcon, Antall–Bush, October 18, 1990, BPL online.
86. “Fernschreiben des Staatssekretärs Bertele an den Chef des Bundeskanzleramtes, Berlin (Ost),
25. Mai 1990,” DESE 1146–47.
87. Zubok, “With His Back,” 641; see also Sarotte, 1989, 170.
88. Scowcroft and his subordinates wrote an initial draft press release, which he then edited in
dialogue with Teltschik and his advisors. DESE contains a number of documents related to this
topic, among them “Vorlage des Oberstleutnants i.G. Ludwigs und des vortragenden
Legationsrats Westdickenberg an Ministerialdirektor Teltschik, Bonn, 25. Juni 1990,” DESE
1256–61; “Schreiben des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Sicherheitsberater Scowcroft, Bonn,
28. Juni 1990,” DESE 1276; “Entwurf NATO Gipfelerklärung,” DESE 1276–80.
89. Sarotte, 1989, 173–76; “Notes from Jim Cicconi [notetaker] re: 7/3/90 pre-NATO Summit
briefing at Kennebunkport,” and “Briefing of Pres on NATO summit at Walker’s Pt,” folder 3,
box 109, 8/8c, SMML. Original: “JAB: we resisted sending decl. thru NATO bureaucracy =
Woerner, others worry re this.” See also Zelikow and Rice, To Build, 284–85.
90. “Notes from Jim Cicconi,” July 3, 1990. Cheney also called for a “rethink” of what NATO’s
future “out-of-area” operations might be.
91. “Schreiben des Sicherheitsberaters Scowcroft an Ministerialdirektor Teltschik, 30. Juni 1990,”
DESE 1285; see also “Gesprächsunterlagen des Bundeskanzlers Kohl für das Gipfeltreffen der
Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedstaaten der NATO, London, 5./6. Juli 1990,” DESE
92. “Notes from Jim Cicconi,” July 3, 1990.
93. “Fernschreiben des Präsidenten Bush an Bundeskanzler Kohl, 21. Juni 1990,” DESE 1235;
“Entwurf Gipfelerklärung,” DESE 1237–41; see also Baker, Politics, 258; Sparrow, Strategist,
94. “Champagne” quotation in “Fm Manfred Wörner 003 To White House for President, Brussels,”
June 25, 1990, my 2008-0657-MR, BPL; Wörner’s worry in “Notes from Jim Cicconi,” July 3,
1990. See also Thatcher’s reaction in “Note from Bob Blackwill to Brent Scowcroft and Bob
Gates,” June 25, 1990, in my 2008-0657-MR, BPL.
95. “Drahtbericht des Botschafters Knackstedt, Warschau . . . Entschließung des Deutschen
Bundestages vom 21. Juni 1990,” June 22, 1990, DE 585n1; Zoellick also recalled multiple US
efforts to reassure Poland; AIW Zoellick.
96. Baker notes from NATO summit, London, July 5–6, 1990, folder 3, box 109, 8/8c, SMML.
Invitations to visit and to establish permanent diplomatic missions were, as the NSC wanted,
extended not to the Warsaw Pact as a whole but to individual states. A copy of the final
communiqué is available in various languages and locations, for example on the NATO website,
“Declaration on a Transformed North Atlantic Alliance,” July 5–6, 1990,
97. “Your July 6 Message to Ambassador Matlock,” July 7, 1990, confirmation and repetition of
Bush message as delivered by the embassy to Chernyaev for Gorbachev, in SSSN USSR 91128-
002, BPL. See also Kieninger, “Opening NATO,” OD 58.
98. Sarotte, 1989, 176; “Vorlage Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl, Bonn, 4.
Juli 1990, Betr.: Innere Lage in der Sowjetunion nach Beginn des 28. KPdSU-Parteitages,”
DESE 1297–99; see also Stent, Russia, 123–34.
99. “Rede von Michail Gorbatschow, Präsident der UdSSR, auf dem Gipfeltreffen der Warschauer
Vertragsstaaten am 7. Juni 1990,” in Nakath and Stephan, Countdown, 341; as he put it, “ich
möchte daran erinnern, daß es gerade innerhalb des NATO-Blocks mindestens fünf/sechs
verschiedene Arten der Mitgliedschaft gibt.” Gorbachev also discussed these differing models of
NATO membership with Thatcher; see “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с М. Тэтчер,” June 8,
1990, Г 482. See also Jacoby, Enlargement.
100. On the practicalities of arranging this visit, see Klein, Es begann.
101. Kohl, Erinnerungen 1990–1994, 164; Teltschik, 329 Tage, 318–19. The chancellor further
prepared the ground by granting a generous exchange rate for Soviet forces in the wake of
German-German monetary unification, and a promise to fulfill various East German supply
treaties with the USSR; Küsters, “Kohl-Gorbachev,” 198.
102. Falin, Konflikte, 198; Falin, Politische Erinnerungen, 494. On the timing of the call, see
Küsters, “Einführung,” DESE 189.
103. Gorbachev quoted in Falin, Konflikte, 199; also in Falin, Politische Erinnerungen, 494.
104. The description above of the July 15 talk comes from three firsthand accounts of this meeting:
(1) the German transcript, “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Gorbatschow,
Moskau, 15. Juli 1990,” DESE 1340–48; (2) the Russian transcript, “Из беседы Горбачева с Г.
Колем один на один,” July 15, 1990, Г 495–503; and (3) Chernyaev’s Russian-language
published diary entry for that date, in Совместный исход, 864–65; see also MDB, 269–70.
Locations of specific quotations are given in the notes below.
105. Howls and selling victory quotation in “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident
Gorbatschow, 15. Juli 1990,” DESE 1344; member of NATO and territory quotations, DESE
106. “Delegationsgespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Gorbatschow, Moskau, 15. Juli
1990,” DESE 1354.
107. Von Arnim, Zeitnot, 386.
108. “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Gorbatschow im erweiterten Kreis,
Archys/Bezirk Stawropol, 16. Juli 1990,” DESE 1361; “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с Г.
Колем,” July 16, 1990, Г 516. If Moscow’s forces had stayed ten years after autumn 1990, they
would still have been in Germany in the fall of 2000—after Vladimir Putin had become
109. See the diary entries in Совместный исход, 864–65; MDB, 269–70.
110. The West German foreign minister also seemed concerned that Gorbachev was still clutching at
the straw of Bush’s rhetorical flourish that Germany might choose not to join the Atlantic
Alliance after unification; in the interest of clarity, Genscher stated explicitly that a united
Germany would be part of NATO; “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident
Gorbatschow im erweiterten Kreis, Archys/Bezirk Stawropol, 16. Juli 1990,” DESE 1357; “Из
беседы М.С. Горбачева с Г. Колем,” July 16, 1990, Г 510.
111. In addition to the meeting transcripts cited above, see Kohl, Erinnerungen 1990–1994, 175–83.
This figure would eventually be codified in an annex to the CFE treaty. See “Rede des
Bundesministers des Auswärtigen, Genscher, vor dem VKSE-Plenum in Wien am 30. August
1990 (Auszüge),” APBD-49–94, 687; Falkenrath, Shaping Europe’s Military Order, 74–75.
112. See, for example, the television coverage of “Im Brennpunkt,” Video, July 17, 1990, KASPA.
Gorbachev had hesitations about the written results of Arkhyz; in response to Genscher’s call
for a clear written statement that a united Germany would be in NATO, Gorbachev responded
that he “wünscht, daß die NATO nicht ausdrücklich erwähnt wird.” The reason for his
preference was not entirely clear; perhaps he wanted to ensure that domestic enemies did not
have written evidence of his concessions—or perhaps he wanted to keep open the possibility for
changes later. This preference would, however, leave his successors empty-handed when they
later looked for written accords on NATO; “Gespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident
Gorbatschow im erweiterten Kreis, Archys/Bezirk Stawropol, 16. Juli 1990,” DESE 1357; “Из
беседы М.С. Горбачева с Г. Колем,” July 16, 1990, Г 510.
113. Telcon, Bush–Kohl, July 17, 1990, my 2008-0608-MR, BPL; “Stavrapallo” in Stent, Russia,
114. As reported by the Austrian ambassador in Moscow; “Bericht: Erste Wertung des Kohl-Besuchs
in Moskau, 17.7.1990,” ÖDF 656–67. West German commentators also noted that Soviet media
only reported on the event “ ‘mit auffäligem Verzug’ ”: see “Drahtbericht des Botschafters von
Ploetz, Brüssel (NATO),” July 18, 1990, DE622n6; this document also contains a summary of
what was agreed at Arkhyz, useful because, as discussed above, there was little in writing. After
Arkhyz, there were also disputes between West and East German leaders about next steps. For
example, at the two-plus-four meeting immediately afterward, East German foreign minister
Markus Meckel called for a prohibition on all nuclear weapons and on foreign troops in all of
united Germany (not just eastern Germany); “Presseerklärung des Außenministers Meckel, z. Z.
Paris,” July 17, 1990, DE 614–15; see also “Erklärung des Außeniministers der DDR auf dem 2
+ 4-Ministertreffen am 17.7.90 in Paris” (preparatory paper), July 16, 1990, ZR 3269–94,
MfAA, PA-AA. On differences between Meckel and his Western colleagues, see Ritter, Der
Preis, 45–46.
115. “Rage” from Falin, Konflikte, 204. I thank Norman Naimark for the second and third Falin
quotations, which come from Falin Collection, box 1, 29, HIA. Another advisor also thought
that Gorbachev was behaving like an emperor; see Boldin, Ten Years.
116. Falin, Konflikte, 199; see also Stent, Russia, 135.
117. On the West Germans’ realization that the conversations in Moscow and Arkhyz had not,
contrary to their expectations, resolved all matters of importance, and that there were more than
just details to sort out, see GDE, 4:593; see also AAP-90, 1068–80.
118. See the account of West German negotiator Martin Ney in Dufourcq, Retour, 255.
119. “Vermerk des Dg 20, MDg Hofstetter, Bonn, 22.08.1990, Sprechzettel, Betr.: Gespräch BM mit
BM Waigel am 23.08.1990,” DE unpub; “To: The Secretary, From: EUR–James F. Dobbins,
Acting; Subject: August 23 One-Plus-Three Political Directors Meeting in London,” n.d., my
2008-0705-MR, BPL. On Soviet negotiators openly trying to undermine these negotiations, as at
least one Soviet diplomat confided in his West German counterparts, see “Vorlage des Leiters
der Unterabteilung 20, Hofstetter, für Bundesminister Genscher . . . Verhandlungen in Moskau
24./25.08.1990,” August 27, 1990, DE 672.
120. For discussion of some of the considerations going into scheduling, see “Telefongespräch des
Bundesministers Genscher mit dem sowjetischen Außenminister Schewardnadse,” August 7,
1990, DE 645; “Beschluß der Volkskammer,” August 23, 1990, DESE 1498; see also Zelikow
and Rice, Germany Unified, 351. Kohl was particularly eager to add East German voters for the
national election because, in contrast to the chancellor’s success in the GDR election of March
1990, West German state elections in May 1990 had not gone well for the CDU: for details of
the state elections, see AAP-90, 597n2.
121. For details of some of the demands directed at the West Germans, see “Aufzeichnung des Vier-
Augen-Gesprächs zwischen Bundesminister Genscher (BM) und dem sojwetischen
Außenminister Schewardnadse (SAM) am 17. August 1990 in Moskau,” in Hilger, Diplomatie,
122. For discussion of the tension between the Soviet foreign minister and the Soviet military already
arising in April 1990, see “Gespräch des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik mit dem
stellvertretenden Außenminister Kwizinskij, Bonn, 28. August 1990,” DESE 1505; see also
AAP-90, 1222. To Bush directly, Shevardnadze also described the pressure that he and
Gorbachev faced from “conservative elements”: Memcon, Bush–Shevardnadze, April 6, 1990,
11:50am–12:20pm EST, 2009-1024-MR, BPL (this was a smaller meeting, separate from the
larger session with delegations at 10:00 a.m. the same day; at the time of writing, the earlier
meeting was posted on BPL online, but the later one was not).
123. For a useful collection of primary documents on the US response to the invasion, see EBB-720,
NSA. See also Engel, When the World, 376–94; Bozo, History of the Iraq Crisis, 25.
From August 1990 onward, Bush’s communications with Gorbachev and Kohl would often
124. prioritize Iraq rather than Europe. See, for example, “Telefongespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl
mit Präsident Bush, 22. August 1990,” DESE 1484–86.
125. Stent, Russia, 145. For documents on the Gulf War illicitly taken from the Gorbachev
Foundation Archive, see Stroilov, Behind the Desert Storm.
126. Žantovský, Havel, 359.
127. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Robert L. Hutchings, “Military Exchanges with
Eastern Europe,” August 16, 1990, stamped “Nat Sec Advisor has seen,” Hutchings files,
CF01502-002, BPL. See also Liviu Horovitz, “The George H. W. Bush Administration’s
Policies vis-à-vis Central Europe,” OD 78.
128. On Mitterrand’s vision, which got as far as a conference in June 1991 before fading, see Bozo,
129. Appendix to previously cited “Military Exchanges with Eastern Europe,” August 16, 1990,
“Draft: Military-to-Military Contacts with Eastern Europe,” n.d. A related and more pressing
question was how, exactly, East Germany would depart from the Warsaw Pact, which still
existed in name. A solution was found whereby the GDR would ask the other states in the pact
to end its membership; “Außenpolitische Sonderinformation des MfAA,” September 11, 1990,
DE 696n1.
130. Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, from Robert Hutchings, August 27, 1990, “German
Unification: New Problem at End-Game,” my 2008-0816-MR, BPL.
131. According to Genscher; AIW Genscher, transcript and recording in SMML.
132. “German Unification: New Problem at End-Game,” August 27, 1990. The language that the
West Germans proposed was, according to Hutchings, as follows: Non-German forces “ ‘shall
not cross a line which shall correspond to the present intra-German border between the FRG and
GDR except for movements . . . to and from Berlin.’ ” Hutchings followed up with another
warning on September 5, 1990, that the issue was still not resolved: “we may well lose the fight
over the passage [in the treaty] that would prohibit US, British, and French forces from
‘crossing the line’ into current GDR territory after unification.” Memorandum for Brent
Scowcroft, from Robert Hutchings, “Telephone Call from Chancellor Kohl of the Federal
Republic of Germany, September 6, 1990,” September 5, 1990 (preparatory document), my
2008-0690-MR, BPL.
133. “Two Plus Four: State of Play in Preparation for Ministerial Meeting in Moscow,” September 6,
1990, PREM-19-3002_73.jpg, PRO-NA; Zelikow and Rice, Germany Unified, 357–63,
especially 358.
Message from US ambassador in SDC 1990-Bonn-27370, “FRG-GDR Unification Treaty—
134. Recommendation for High-Level Message to the FRG,” n.d., but with handwritten date and time
“8/29/90 1730” at top, in my 2008-0716-MR, BPL; Hutchings wrote by hand at the top, “Brent
—This is among the problems I identified . . . Bob Zoellick called his FRG counterpart today
and hopes for a shift in the German position. If none is forthcoming, we will recommend that
the President send a privacy channel message to Kohl to try to set things right.—Bob
Hutchings.” Scowcroft noted by hand in reply, “Keep me posted. B.” On Baker’s August 16,
1990, letter to Genscher, and fear of this debate becoming public, see GDE, 4:591–92. See also
“The right of precence [sic]: The Convention on the Presence of Foreign Forces in the Federal
Republic of Germany of 1954” on the German foreign ministry website,, which
explains how the specific “rights and duties” of foreign NATO forces in Germany under the
Convention on Presence had been set out in a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) of June 19,
1951, and a SOFA Supplementary Agreement (SA) of August 3, 1959. The foreign ministry
website provides the legal details of how the issue was eventually resolved (also given in
summary fashion in the main text): While the SOFA and SA did not extend over East German
territory (in other words, East German territory was officially “excluded from the application of
both”), the German government would decide “in each individual case whether to grant the
armed forces of the sending states the right of temporary presence” on former East Germany
territory, and that grant would be in accord with the provisions of the Cold War accords. The
foreign ministry added that while the “open-ended Convention remains effective following the
conclusion of the Two plus Four Treaty . . . [it] can now be terminated by giving two year’s
notice,” pursuant to a relevant “Exchange of Notes of 25 September 1990.” For internal West
German thinking, see AAP-90, 1023–25.
135. Washington sent “repeated demarches up to and including a letter from Jim Baker to Genscher”
to Bonn, according to “For: The President, From: Brent Scowcroft, Subject: Telephone call from
Chancellor Kohl, Federal Republic of Germany, Date: September 6, 1990,” September 5, 1990
(preparatory paper, with appendix “Points to be Made for Telephone Call from Chancellor
Kohl”), my 2008-0690-MR, BPL. The US ambassador in Bonn also informed Teltschik of
American displeasure; see “Schreiben des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Staatssekretär
Sudhoff, Bonn, 30. August 1990,” DESE 1515.
136. SDC 1990-State-297622, “Secretary’s Letter to Genscher: Bilateral Issue,” September 5, 1990,
my 2008-0716-MR, BPL; “Schreiben BM Genscher an amerik. AM Baker,” August 31, 1990,
DE unpub; GDE, 4:591–93. See also “Vorlage des Leiters der Rechtsabteilung, Oesterhelt, an
Bundesminister Genscher . . . Stationierungsverhandlungen mit den westlichen Verbündeten,”
September 18, 1990, DE 722–25, esp. 722n1, which talks about how the united Germany sought
“ein Kündigungsrecht” to the “Aufenthaltsvertrag” for Western forces. For fuller explanation of
the final result—which included the right to cancel sought by the Germans—see “The right of
precence [sic]” on the German foreign ministry website, cited above in note 134.
137. Quotations in “For: The President, From: Brent Scowcroft, Subject: Telephone Call from
Chancellor Kohl,” September 5, 1990. Considering that Washington had “asked nothing of Kohl
for many months,” Scowcroft recommended “that you seek his agreement” to undo these
concessions to Moscow. In the appendix, Scowcroft also advised Bush to decline to attend the
October 3 German unity celebration by saying the following to Kohl: “I appreciate the
invitation, but my schedule is simply impossible at that time. I don’t see how I could possibly
make it, despite the historic nature of the event. But I will be celebrating with you in spirit.”
Hutchings’s concern expressed in Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, From: Robert L.
Hutchings, “Subject: Telephone Call from Chancellor Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany,
September 6, 1990,” September 5, 1990. See also Küsters, “Einführung,” DESE 224.
138. Telcon, Bush–Kohl, September 6, 1990, BPL online.
139. Quotation in Telcon, Bush–Kohl, September 6, 1990, BPL online; see also Zelikow and Rice,
Germany Unified, 351. For broader context, see Adomeit, Imperial Overstretch.
140. “DB Nr. 3551/3552 des Gesandten Heyken, Moskau, an AA, Betr.: dt-sowjetische
Verhandlungen am 30./31.08.,” September 1, 1990, B 63 (Ref. 421); Bd. 163593, DE unpub.
141. “Schreiben des Bundesministers Waigel an Bundeskanzler Kohl, Bonn, 6. September 1990,”
DESE 1525; see also AAP-90, 1233–34.
142. “Telefongespräch des Bundeskanzlers Kohl mit Präsident Gorbatschow, 7. September 1990,”
DESE 1529. The German notetaker recorded Gorbachev as saying, “es komme ihm [Gorbachev]
vor, als sei er in eine Falle geraten.” The Russian version, “Телефонный разговор М.С.
Горбачева с Г. Колем, 7 сентября 1990 года,” Г 557–58, reports Gorbachev as saying “we,”
rather than “he,” fell into a “political trap”; see also MGDF 516.
143. “Message from the President to Chancellor Kohl of West Germany via White House Privacy
Channels,” n.d., but from content circa September 8 or 9, 1990, in my 2008-0691-MR, BPL; see
also “Vorlage des V.L. I Kaestner an Ministerialdirektor Teltschik,” September 10, 1990, DESE
1538, describing how Scowcroft called on September 8, 1990, at 4:45pm from Helsinki to ask
that a message about US worries be given to Teltschik. Scowcroft worried that what the
Germans were doing “könnte Fragen nach der vollen NATO-Mitgliedschaft des vereinten
Deutschlands aufwerfen.”
144. Memcon, Bush–Gorbachev, September 9, 1990, BPL online.
As Zelikow and Rice later recalled, the West Germans made no “serious analysis” of how this
145. funding “would help perestroika. That, for Kohl, was not the point.” Instead, his primary motive
was “political—the need to make powerful symbolic gestures”; Zelikow and Rice, Germany
Unified, 326.
146. For more detailed analysis of these phone calls, see Sarotte, 1989, 191–93. See also Adomeit,
Imperial Overstretch; Küsters, “Einfürhung,” DESE 226–27.
147. Letter from Mr Weston to Sir C. Mallaby (Bonn), Personal and Confidential, FCO, September
17, 1990, DBPO 467.
148. “FCO to Sir R. Braithwaite (Moscow) . . . for Weston and Secretary of State’s Party,” September
11, 1990, DBPO 464.
149. This status continues to this day; see Dufourcq, Retour, 254.
150. The French were not as concerned as the Americans and British, and served as mediators
between them and the West Germans; see Bozo, Mitterrand, 292–93.
151. “Military Exchanges with Eastern Europe,” August 16, 1990; Sarotte, 1989, 174–75, 192.
152. Letter from Mr Weston to Sir C. Mallaby (Bonn), September 17, 1990, DBPO 468.
153. Zoellick quoted and paraphrased in Letter from Mr Weston, September 17, 1990, DBPO, 468.
154. “Gespräch BM Genscher mit AM Schewardnadse in Moskau am 11.09.90 (19–21.00h),”
September 14, 1990, in Hilger, Diplomatie, 253–55. In the original, after the two agreed on the
wording of the agreement, Genscher said, “er werde das in der Sitzung der AM [Außenminister]
sagen.” The Soviet foreign minister asked, “ob eine solche Erklärung notwendig sei (förmlich,
zu Protokoll der Verhandlungen)?” Genscher “verneint dies, aber verweist darauf, daß er den
gleichen Text benutzen werde, wenn er in der PK [Pressekonferenz] gefragt werde.” See also
“Sir R. Braithwaite (Moscow) to FCO,” September 12, 1990, DBPO, 465.
155. Letter from Mr Weston, September 17, 1990, DBPO 468.
156. Kwizinskij, Vor dem Sturm, 61.
157. Genscher’s worry summarized in Kwizinskij, Vor dem Sturm, 62.
158. AIW Genscher, recording in SMML. Original: “Wir können um Himmels willen nichts mehr
riskieren, denn wir wissen nicht, was da in Moskau jetzt plötzlich für eine neue Diskussion
aufbrechen würde.”
159. Letter from Mr Weston, September 17, 1990, DBPO 469. On the events of that evening, see also
Frank Elbe and Martin Ney comments in Dufourcq, Retour, 166–67, 253–54; Brinkmann,
NATO-Expansion, 235–38; GDE 4:594–602; Zelikow and Rice, Germany Unified, 361–33.
160. The phrase about neither stationed nor deployed appears in Article 5, paragraph 3 of the final
two-plus-four accord; the text about the German government interpreting the meaning of the
word deployed appears in the agreed minute; the full text of the final accord is available in
multiple places and languages; see, for example, the German copy in Presse- und
Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Die Vereinigung Deutschlands, 167–73. See also
Raymond Seitz’s later report on the success of the agreed minute to the NATO allies,
“Drahtbericht des Gesandten Bächmann, Brüssel (NATO) . . . 2 + 4-Ministertreffen am 12.09.90
in Moskau,” September 14, 1990, DE 717–22.
161. Comments by Robert Zoellick in Dufourcq, Retour, 114.
162. For examples of cutting the agreed minute off of the treaty, see the website of the German
Historical Institute:; Dufourcq,
Retour, 76.
163. See the photo of the original treaty with the two full, identical sets of signatures on the German
foreign ministry website:
164. On the signing ceremony itself, including the unexpected practice (to Eastern eyes) of signers
keeping the pens used, see the eyewitness account in Brinkmann, NATO-Expansion, 237. When
I later asked James Baker about the Russian assertion that they had a commitment from the West
not to expand NATO, Baker responded with words to the effect of, if they felt they had a
commitment, why did they sign a formal treaty expanding NATO’s boundary eastward in
September 1990? AIW Baker.
165. “Из беседы М.С. Горбачева с Г-Д. Геншером,” September 12, 1990, Г 572. For more on other
speeches at the final session, see “Sept. 12 Two-Plus-Four Ministerial in Moscow: Detailed
Account,” EBB-613, NSA.
166. “Из беседы с . . . Дж. Бейкером,” September 13, 1990, in Горбачев, Собрание сочинений,
vol. 22, 94–97; see also EBB-720, NSA; Hurd quotations from Hurd, Memoirs, 389.
167. Chernyaev diary entry for October 23, 1990, Совместный исход, 883–84; see also MDB 274–
168. Letter from Mr Weston, September 17, 1990, DBPO 470. See also “JAB’s 1-on-1 mtg. w/FRG
FM Kinkel @Dept. of State (First JAB-Kinkel mtg.),” June 30, 1992, folder 5, box 111, series 8,
SMML, on replacing Elbe with Chrobog or Kastrup.
169. For earlier Russian discussion about the question of attending October 3 in person, see
“Докладная записка А.С. Черняева о предстоящем телефонном разговоре с Г. Колем и
возможной поездке в Германию 3 октября,” September 10, 1990, Г 562, where Chernyaev
suggested Gorbachev go even if Westerners did not, to get Germans on Moscow’s side.
170. The US version, Letter from Kohl to Bush, October 3, 1990, is in my 2008-0783-MR, BPL.
171. The process of unification becoming official included a number of components—and loose
ends. On former Soviet nuclear weapons in Germany, see Central Intelligence Agency, “German
Military Forces in Eastern Germany after Unification,” September 27, 1990, in my 2008-0642-
MR, BPL, which noted partly in boldface that the Soviet-German stationing agreement “does
not cover Soviet nuclear weapons in eastern Germany. The Soviets have been withdrawing
nuclear weapons from the area but probably will retain at least some nuclear weapons in
eastern Germany until the last Soviet troops leave.” Seeking to prevent such a gradual
thinning out (of conventional weapons at least), the Germans tried to specify, in “Zum Vertrag
zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der UdSSR über die Bedingungen des
befristeten Aufenthalts und die Modalitäten des planmäßigen Abzugs der sowjetischen Truppen
aus dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,” APBD-49–94, 734, that Soviet forces would
remove as complete units with their armaments, that is, “der Abzug erfolgt in ganzen Einheiten
unter Mitnahme der gesamten Ausrüstung (also keine ‘Ausdünnung’).” On other aspects of
Soviet troop withdrawal, see “Ortez des Referatsleiters 012, Bettzuege,” October 18, 1990, DE
759–62; and three documents in DE unpub: (1) “Vermerk (Sachstand) des Referats 201, Betr.:
Dt.-sowjet. Aufenthalts- und Abzugsvertrag,” September 21, 1990; (2) “DE Nr. 23 des Dg 42,
MDg Dieckmann an D2 Kastrup/LMB, Elbe, z.Z. New York (BM-Delegation), Betr.: dt.-
sowjetisches Überleitungsabkommen,” September 25, 1990; (3) “StS-Vorlage RL 201, VLR I
Dreher, Betr.: Sowjetische Haltung zu offenen Punkten Aufenthalts- und Abzugsvertrag,”
October 4, 1990. On the status of foreign forces in Germany after unification, see the
Auswärtiges Amt website, https://www.auswaertiges- On Soviet requests for early payment,
see “Vorlage des Ministerialdirektors Teltschik an Bundeskanzler Kohl, Bonn, 25. September
1990,” DESE 1550. On the breakdown of German aid, see “Ortez Nr. 74 des Rl 012, VLR I
Bettzuege Betr.: Deutsch-sowjetisches Überleitungsabkommen,” October 8, 1990, DE unpub,
PA-AA. On the surrender of four-power rights (a necessary precursor to unification becoming
official), see “Erklärung der Vier Mächte über die Aussetzung ihrer Vorbehaltsrechte über Berlin
und Deutschland als Ganzes in New York vom 1. Oktober 1990,” APBD-49–94, 715; “Gespräch
des D2 Kastrup mit sowjetischem Botschafter Terechow (= Vermerk des VLR Pauls vom 21.09)
Betr.: Erklärung der vier Mächte zur Suspendierung der Vier-Mächte-Rechte am 01.10. in New
York,” September 21, 1990, DE unpub.
172. “Schreiben des Präsidenten Gorbatschow an Bundeskanzler Kohl, 26. September 1990,” DESE
1551. The Soviet Union would, in fact, be the last power to ratify the accord, which did not
happen until March 4, 1991. On the topic of how many loose threads there were after September
12, 1990, see Teltschik, 329 Tage, 7.
On Soviet ratifications in March and April 1991, see “Zeittafel,” APBD-49–94, 119; see also
173. Stent, Russia, 142–44, which details the fight over ratification, with Falin still trying to advance
his views, and the Germans adding to the amount they were already paying Moscow.
174. On Shevardnadze’s thinking just after the September struggle, see “Выступление Э.А.
Шеварднадзе на заседании комитета по международным делам ВС СССР,” September 20,
1990, Г 575–81; on his resignation, see Stent, Russia, 143.
175. On these talks, see Action Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, From: Arnold
Kanter/Condoleezza Rice, Subject: Arms Control Talks in Moscow, September 14, 1990; on the
same problem, Letter from Gorbachev to Bush, September 17, 1990, both in SSSN, USSR,
91128-003, BPL.
176. Gorbachev comments in Baker, Politics, 529; Scowcroft quotations in TOIW Brent Scowcroft,
August 10–11, 2000, GBOHP.
177. Letter from Mr Weston, September 17, 1990, DBPO, 470; Ratti, Not-So-Special, 326–27.
178. US Department of State, Memorandum from S/P Harvey Sicherman, to S/P–Dennis Ross and
C–Robert Zoellick, “A New Europe: Articulating the Common Interest,” May 1, 1990,
declassified by Sicherman; I thank him for a copy.
11. From State/EUR–James F. Dobbins, Acting, to NSC–Mr. Gompert, “NATO Strategy and
Review Paper for October 29 Discussion,” October 25, 1990, EBB-613, NSA. See also “USDP
Wolfowitz’s Report on the Trip to Prague,” n.d., from context circa April 1991, EBB-613, NSA;
Stephen Flanagan, “NATO from Liaison to Enlargement,” OD 98–105; Sayle, Enduring, 233,
332n101; Shifrinson, “Eastbound,” 825.
12. Cheney’s July 1990 comment in “Notes from Jim Cicconi [notetaker] re: 7/3/90 pre-NATO
Summit briefing at Kennebunkport,” and “Briefing of Pres on NATO summit at Walker’s Pt,”
folder 3, box 109, 8/8c, SMML; Cheney’s remark about associate status quoted in Solomon,
NATO, 10. For more on Cheney, see Mann, Great Rift.
13. Bozo, “Failure.”
14. As US diplomat William Hill later put it, by the end of 1991 it was clear that the United States
“would remain a leading security presence in Europe” and that European security would be
“subordinated to NATO”; Hill, No Place, 65.
15. Elizabeth Shogren, “Gunman Reportedly Wanted to Kill Gorbachev,” Los Angeles Times,
November 16, 1990.
16. The Hungarian president raised Moscow’s proposed security agreements with Bush directly
(Memcon, Bush–Göncz, May 23, 1991, BPL online), and Havel reported this development to a
visiting Paul Wolfowitz (in Memcon, Havel–Wolfowitz, April 27, 1991, cited above). On the
end of pact military activities and abrogation of the military structures of the pact, see Telcon,
Bush–Havel, February 26, 1991, BPL online; “Agreement on the Cessation of the Military
Provisions of the Warsaw Pact,” February 25, 1991, in Mastny and Byrne, eds., Cardboard
Castle, 682–83.
17. Marten, “Reconsidering,” 140–41; Póti, “The Hungarian-Ukrainian-Russian Triangle,” 133.
18. Jeszenszky, “NATO Enlargement,” OD 122; Asmus, Opening, 10; Solomon, NATO, 8.
19. See the declaration, titled “Partnership with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe:
Statement Issued by the North Atlantic Council Meeting in Ministerial Session,” June 6–7,
20. Memcon, Quayle–Wörner, July 1, 1991, 2000-0233-F, BPL.
21. Memcon, Bush–Mitterrand, March 14, 1991, BPL online. Mitterrand’s guess of twenty was an
accurate prediction; between June 1991 and June 1992, twenty new states would in fact appear
in Europe as both Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union disintegrated; see also Hill, No Place, 68.
22. This sum represented “an enormous burden that slowed productive investment”; Szabo,
Germany, 6. On top of that, Mitterrand notes that there were still “nationalist movements in
Germany which make it difficult for the Germans to renounce claims in Poland”; Memcon,
Bush–Mitterrand, March 14, 1991, BPL online. The chancellor would later offer Moscow an
additional $550 million in aid to move its withdrawal date from December to August 31, 1994;
see the German federal government website,
dezember-1992-791660; on Germans becoming cautious about how much they were spending,
see Spohr, Post Wall, 480; see also Stent, Russia, 162.
23. Bozo, “Failure,” 409.
24. Memcon, Bush–Mitterrand, March 14, 1991, BPL online.
25. See the discussion of Yugoslavian issues in Telcon, Bush–Kohl, June 24, 1991, BPL online. On
the outbreak of war in former Yugoslavia, see Hill, No Place, 74–77.
26. Memcon, Bush–Mitterrand, March 14, 1991, BPL online.
27. Kohl made these comments to party colleagues in recounting discussions with Gorbachev and
Lithuanian leader Kazimira Prunskienė: “21. Januar 1991,” BzL 243. In a similar conversation a
month later, he added that “wer also von der Auflösung der Sowjetunion träumt, muß alle nur
denkbaren Konsequenzen mitträumen”; “22–23. Februar 1991,” BzL 247.
28. Chernyaev diary entry for August 26, 1990, Совместный исход, 869; MDB 271; Plokhy, Last
Empire, 37–40.
29. Bergmane, “ ‘Is This the End of Perestroika?”; Plokhy, Last Empire, 195–96.
30. Memcon, Baker–Shevardnadze, “On the Plane to Jackson Hole, Wyoming,” September 21,
1989, 6:30–8:30pm, 2009-1030-MR, BPL; see also Bergmane, “ ‘Is This the End of
Perestroika?’ ”
31. Bush complained to Gorbachev about the violence “and deaths of at least twenty people in the
Baltic states”; see Letter, Bush–Gorbachev, January 23, 1991, 2011-0857-MR (504), BPL. See
also LSS xxxiii; Plokhy, Last Empire, 38.
32. Gorbachev said this to Matlock when the ambassador delivered Bush’s complaint; see “From:
Jack Matlock, For: General Scowcroft” (on Matlock’s meeting with Gorbachev), January 24,
1991, 2011-0857-MR, BPL.
33. He signed on November 9, 1990, the one-year anniversary of the fall of the Wall; “Vertrag über
gute Nachbarschaft, Partnerschaft und Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland und der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken vom 9. November 1990,”
APBD-49–94, 738–44. For an overview of all of the treaties signed, see “Sachstandsvermerk
Ref. 213, Betr. Stand Vertragsverhandlungen D und SU,” November 12, 1990, DE unpub.
Chernyaev had to compose a letter in March 1991 asking for more aid from Germany after
Gorbachev could not bring himself to ask for more on the phone with Kohl; the letter leaked and
appeared in Der Spiegel. See Chernyaev diary entry for March 10, 1991, Совместный исход,
927; the Spiegel version was “Neue Milliarden aus Bonn?,” part of the article “ ‘Geld in die
Müllgrube werfen,’ ” Der Spiegel, 23/1991,
34. Hill, No Place, 21–23.
35. On the accords resulting from that summit, see “Gemeinsame Erklärung der 22 Staaten der
NATO und der Warschauer Vertragsorganisation in Paris vom 19. November 1990 (Auszug),”
and “Die ‘Charta von Paris für ein neues Europa,’ vom 21. November 1990, Erklärung des
Pariser KSZE-Treffens der Staats- und Regierungschefs,” APBD-49–94, 755–71.
36. Daryl Kimball and Kingston Reif, “The Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty
and the Adapted CFE Treaty at a Glance,” Arms Control association, August 2017, On CFE, see also Falkenrath, Shaping, xv–xvii.
37. This sentence is a paraphrase of Sloan, Defense of the West, 108.
38. According to Quentin Peel, “Moscow Report Tells How Thousands of Tanks Avoided CFE
Count,” Financial Times, January 10, 1991, reprinted in Mastny, Helsinki Process, 295–96; see
also Falkenrath, Shaping Europe’s Military Order, xv–xvii, 117–19; Zelikow and Rice, To Build,
479n74. Secretary of State Warren Christopher later advised President Bill Clinton that Russian
military leaders saw CFE as “a bad treaty, a remnant of the Cold War ‘imposed’ on the old
USSR in a moment of Gorbachev’s weakness and even more unfair to the new Russia”: Memo,
Christopher to Clinton, “Your Meeting with Yeltsin in Halifax,” June 12, 1995, DS-ERR. On
Gorbachev’s pushback against Bush administration efforts to end the Soviet Union’s
development of biological weapons, see Hoffman, Dead Hand, 361.
39. Letter, Bush–Gorbachev, October 20, 1990, LSS 762–63; on Gorbachev’s support for UNSCR
675 (described on the US State Department website, https://2001- and his peace initiatives, see also “22–23. Februar 1991,”
BzL 247–67, and the various documents in EBB-745, NSA.
40. This sentence is a paraphrase from Engel, Lawrence, and Preston, America in the World, 335.
41. Engel, When the World, 467.
42. LSS xxxiii.
43. For the onset of the war, see the notes about Baker’s calls to heads of government and other
leaders in folder 9, box 109, series 8, SMML.
Bozo, History of the Iraq Crisis, 26–27; Bozo, “ ‘We Don’t Need You,’ ” 183–208; LSS xxxiii–
45. TOIW Richard B. Cheney, March 16–17, 2000, Dallas, Texas, GBOHP. The transporters meant
the United States could avoid, in Cheney’s words, “tearing up the tanks before we ever got to
the launch point.” In addition to the transporters, Washington had also requested access to
former East German tanks, helicopters, and planes “for exercise purposes”: AAP-90, 1574–75.
46. Bush and Mulroney comments at the “Opening Session of the London Economic Summit,” July
15, 1991, 2:20–5:40pm, BPL online; on Bush’s worry about the biological weapons program,
see AIW Zoellick; for context, see also Hoffman, Dead Hand.
47. Memcon, Bush–Gorbachev, July 17, 1991, London, BPL online.
48. See Chernyaev’s diary entry for July 20, 1991, in Совместный исход, 963–65.
49. Chernyaev diary entry for March 20, 1991, in Совместный исход, 930.
50. Memorandum for John Helgerson, DDCI, from David Gompert/Ed A. Hewett, April 10, 1991,
“The Gorbachev Succession,” and Directorate of Intelligence, April 29, 1991, also entitled “The
Gorbachev Succession,” both in EBB-544, NSA.
51. Memcon, Quayle–Wörner, July 1, 1991, FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL. Bush heard directly about the
Soviet Union’s dire straits when Primakov, visiting Washington in May 1991, asked for “large-
scale assistance.” Despite his worries about Gorbachev’s longevity, Bush answered, “we are
broke right now, more or less”; Memcon, Bush–Primakov, May 31, 1991, BPL online. See also
Letter from Bush to Gorbachev, July 1991 (no exact day given), LSS 845–48; McFaul, From
Cold War, 23–24.
52. Memcon, Bush–Göncz, May 23, 1991, BPL online. He added that Ukraine would be a particular
problem; in Göncz’s view, “absolute sovereignty” was probably “not possible for the Ukraine.
In the end I think they will form some new confederation. It seems the only way out.”
53. See Matlock’s account from June 20, 1991, PC.
54. He had won 57 percent of the vote in a field with six candidates on June 12, 1990, and was
inaugurated as Russian president on July 10, 1991. David Remnick, “Yeltsin Sworn in as
Russian President,” New York Times, July 11, 1991; Aron, Yeltsin, 740; LSS xxxiv.
55. In February 1991; see Aron, Yeltsin, 740.
56. Kozyrev, Firebird, 8–12. On the banning of the novel, and how the CIA took advantage of it,
see Peter Finn and Petra Couvée, “During Cold War, CIA Used ‘Doctor Zhivago’ as a Tool to
Undermine Soviet Union,” Washington Post, April 5, 2014.
57. Memcon, Bush–Yeltsin, June 20, 1991, BPL online; Maureen Dowd, “Yeltsin Arrives in
Washington with Conciliatory Words about Gorbachev,” New York Times, June 19, 1991;
Colton, Yeltsin, 189–90.
58. Memcon, Bush–Yeltsin, June 20, 1991, BPL online.
59. Marilyn Berger, “Boris N. Yeltsin, Reformer Who Broke Up the USSR, Dies at 76,” New York
Times, April 24, 2007; Craig Hlavaty, “When Boris Yeltsin Went Grocery Shopping in Clear
Lake,” Houston Chronicle, September 13, 2017.
60. Memcon, Bush–Yeltsin, June 20, 1991, BPL online.
61. “The Bolshevik Goetterdaemmerung,” SDC 1991-Moscow-32811, November 15, 1991.
62. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, August 19, 1991, FOIA 2000-1202-F, BPL online.
63. For news coverage of Yeltsin on the tank, see
64. Colton, Yeltsin, 200.
65. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, August 19, 1991, BPL online.
66. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, August 19, 1991, BPL online; Ron Synovitz, “What Happened to the
August 1991 Coup Plotters?,” RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty, August 19, 2016,
67. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, August 21, 1991, 8:30–9:05am, BPL online.
68. As Matlock put it, Gorbachev’s “trust in Kryuchkov’s loyalty was as complete as it was
misplaced”; Matlock, Autopsy, 665. For interesting transcripts of interviews with Matlock and
other former US ambassadors to the Soviet Union/Russia, see EBB-769, NSA.
69. Kozyrev, Firebird, 34. Kozyrev felt it was a mistake to prevent protesters from entering its main
buildings (in contrast to East Germany, where they gained entrance to Stasi buildings).
70. Arkady Ostrovsky, “Special Report Russia: Inside the Bear,” The Economist, October 20, 2016.
71. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, August 21, 1991, 8:30–9:05 am, BPL online; Plokhy, Last Empire, 118–
72. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, August 21, 1991, 8:30–9:05 am, BPL online.
73. Kozyrev, Firebird, 26–27.
74. Kozyrev, Firebird, 36.
75. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, August 21, 1991, 8:30–9:05 am, BPL online.
76. TOIW Brent Scowcroft, November 12–13, 1999, GBOHP. See the detailed account of the coup
in Plokhy, Last Empire, 95–109.
77. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, August 21, 1991, 9:20–9:31pm, BPL online; on Akhromeyev, see
“Gorbachev’s Top Military Advisor Commits Suicide,” AP, August 25, 1991,; Plokhy, Last Empire, 148.
78. Quoted in Falin, Politische Erinnerungen, 477.
79. Bush finally spoke to him on August 21; see Telcon, Bush–Gorbachev, August 21, 1991, BPL
80. Plokhy, Last Empire, 143–45; Taubman, Gorbachev, 622.
81. Taubman, Gorbachev, 622; Colton, Yeltsin, 202–3.
82. This is the main argument of “Part III, A Countercoup,” in Plokhy, Last Empire.
83. Bozo, “Failure,” 412.
84. Colton, Yeltsin, 203.
85. BST timeline.
86. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, August 19, 1991, BPL online.
87. Talbott cited in Plokhy, Last Empire, 15.
88. The context of this remark was as follows: Prime Minister Major suggested representatives of
G7 nations meet to consider an aid package to help Gorbachev get back on his feet in a letter to
Bush; David Gompert and Ed Hewett of the NSC advised Scowcroft to head off such a meeting.
See “From Prime Minister, to President Bush,” August 22, 1991; and Memorandum for Brent
Scowcroft, from David Gompert and Ed A. Hewett, “Message from John Major on the USSR,”
August 22, 1991, both in Burns Files, FOIA 2000-1202-F, BPL.
89. Memcon, Bush–Mulroney, August 19, 1991, BPL online.
90. Ashton B. Carter, “Statement before the Defense Policy Panel, House Armed Services
Committee,” December 13, 1991, Fax from Ashton Carter to General John Gordon on
December 13, 1991, FOIA 2000-1202-F, BPL. A 2012 Harvard report raised the estimated
number of Soviet nuclear weapons in late 1991 to 35,000, many aimed at US territory. See
Graham Allison, “What Happened to Soviet Arsenals,” Discussion Paper No. 2012-04, March
2012, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University.
91. “30. August 1991,” BzL 298–300; Budjeryn, “Power,” 207.
92. Allison, “What Happened.”
93. Thomas L. Neff, “A Grand Uranium Bargain,” New York Times, October 24, 1991.
94. “The USSR Two Weeks after the Failed Coup,” SDC 1991-Moscow-25359, September 6, 1991,
FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL.
95. Baker and Strauss quoted in McGarr, Whole Damn Deal, 450. Strauss had returned to the United
States in late August 1991, but then traveled back to Moscow with Baker by plane in
September; the two men reportedly had this exchange during the car ride from the airport into
town. According to McGarr, the date of this exchange was September 10, which she describes
as the day before Baker met with Gorbachev; this date is consistent with documents showing a
meeting between Baker and Gorbachev on September 11 (see below).
96. “Из беседы с Джеймсом Бейкером, Москва,” September 11, 1991, Овв 288–90.
97. See the documents setting up this September 12, 1991, dinner in folder 7, box 110, series 8,
98. Baker, Politics, 559.
99. Robert Zoellick informed the French of this development in a letter to Anne Lauvergeon,
October 7, 1991, 5 AG 4/CDM 48, AN.
100. Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 69.
101. “JAB Notes from 10/2/91 mtg. w/Gen. Scowcroft, Sec. Cheney, The White House,” folder 8,
box 110, series 8, SMML. See also Bush’s comments to the visiting Danish prime minister, Poul
Schlueter, in Memcon, Bush–Schlueter, October 16, 1991, BPL online.
102. SDC 1991-Moscow-28682, October 7, 1991, EBB-561, NSA.
103. AIW Kozyrev.
104. Hoffman, Dead Hand, 379–80; AIW Nunn.
105. Plokhy, Last Empire, 81.
106. It authorized the appropriation of $500 million from the Department of Defense budget for fiscal
year 1992 for dismantling Soviet nuclear and chemical weapons and for humanitarian
assistance: BST timeline. See also Hoffman, Dead Hand, 384–87; Statement by Senator Nunn,
Congressional Record, Soviet Defense Conversion and Demilitarization, November 13, 1991,
107. For more on the US strategy of inhibiting the spread of nuclear weapons, see Gavin, “Strategies
of Inhibition.”
108. Scowcroft quotation, and Scowcroft paraphrase of Cheney, in TOIW Brent Scowcroft, August
10–11, 2000, GBOHP; number of tactical weapons in Allison, “What Happened”; Allison,
Nuclear Terrorism, 43–49. See also Amy F. Woolf, “Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons,” updated
March 16, 2021, Congressional Research Service 7-5700,
109. Quotations from Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 541–44. Since quotations elsewhere
in their joint memoir match the declassified fuller documents of other relevant conversations, it
is a reasonable assumption that their quotations from this event are accurate as well. Scowcroft
recalls that, among Bush’s top advisors, he was the “least worried” about the breakup of the
Soviet nuclear arsenal: “anything which would serve to dilute the size of an attack we might
have to face was, in my view, a benefit well worth the deterioration of unified control over the
weapons” (544). On US nuclear strategy after the end of the Cold War, see also Leffler,
Safeguarding, 257–65.
110. Cheney’s views quoted and summarized in Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 541; see
also Plokhy, Last Empire, 199.
111. That arsenal consisted of an estimated 2,883 tactical nuclear weapons, 44 strategic long-range
bombers, 176 ICBMs, and at least 1,240 strategic nuclear warheads, probably many more:
Sinovets and Budjeryn, “Interpreting,” 2; see also Allison, “What Happened”; Budjeryn,
“Power,” 203.
112. Quoted in Baker, Politics, 560; see also Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 540–42; and
Plokhy, Last Empire, 262.
113. Bush signed it on July 31, 1991, in Moscow; see BST timeline.
114. On the “Chicken Kiev” speech, see Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 28–29; Plokhy, Last Empire,
47–96; LSS xxxiv.
115. Memcon, Bush–Kravchuk, September 25, 1991, BPL online. Even though there was a question
mark over the Ukrainian declaration of independence pending the referendum, that declaration
was still a profound shock for Moscow. It was one thing for the Baltics but quite another for a
large Slavic republic such as Ukraine to take such a step; Plokhy, Last Empire, 168–70. See also
Budjeryn, “Power,” 210–11.
116. Memcon, Bush–Kravchuk, September 25, 1991, BPL online; Plokhy, Last Empire, 206–7.
117. Bush and Scowcroft, World Transformed, 545; on Cheney, see Leffler, Safeguarding, 261–65.
118. Telcon, Scowcroft–Wörner, September 27, 1991, 2000-0233-F, BPL. Wörner also asked
whether TASM (presumably the Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile) was canceled as well.
Scowcroft responded in the affirmative, saying, “we are dropping TASM. It is a terrible
119. He also announced “the cancellation of the short-range attack missile,” or SRAM, and
terminated “the development of mobile basing modes for ICBMs,” meaning “both the MIRVed
Peacekeeper and the single warhead small ICBM.” See “JAB notes from 9/27/91 mtgs. w/UK,
France, Germany,” on “POTUS Speech on Defense Strategy,” Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New
York, folder 7, box 110, series 8, SMML. See also Secretary of Defense, Memorandum for
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff et al., “Reducing the United States Nuclear Arsenal,”
September 28, 1991, EBB-561, NSA, which stated that “pursuant to the President’s direction to
me, I direct accomplishment of the following as soon as possible,” and then listed the specific
arms control measures in detail.
120. For a summary of the consequences of that televised announcement, see Woolf, “Nonstrategic
Nuclear Weapons.”
121. Telcon, Bush–Gorbachev, September 27, 1991, BPL online. For more on the details of Bush’s
announcement, see Daryl Kimball and Kingston Reif, “The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives
(PNIs) on Tactical Nuclear Weapons at a Glance,” Arms Control Association,
122. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, September 27, 1991, BPL online. Bush also called Kohl, Major,
Mitterrand, and Wörner the same day; all memcons, BPL online. For the televised
announcement, see On further nuclear
initiatives in Bush’s 1992 State of the Union address, see Baker, Politics, 658–59.
123. Telcon, Bush–Gorbachev, October 5, 1991, BPL online; Hoffman, Dead Hand, 383–84;
Kieninger, “Opening NATO,” OD 61; Plokhy, Last Empire, 209–11.
124. Woolf, “Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons,” 13–14. Gorbachev was unable to get the Soviet
minister of defense, Yevgeny Shaposhnikov, to agree to liquidating nuclear bombers, however,
in part because the minister was a former aviator himself. Shaposhnikov did concede, as
Chernyaev later recalled, that “our TU-160 [Soviet aircraft] are flying coffins” because “if, God
willing, they manage to get to the coast of the United States or Canada, it would be only be to
drop the bombs. Getting back—that’s another question!” Chernyaev diary entry for October 6,
1991, in Совместный исход, 994; translation as published in EBB-345, NSA.
125. “Scene Setter for Meeting with President Gorbachev,” n.d., but from context late October 1991,
LSS 936–37.
126. Brent Scowcroft, “Meeting with SYG Manfred Wörner” (preparatory paper), October 11, 1991,
CF01526, FOIA 2000-0233-F, Barry Lowenkron files, BPL. Quotations from the year 2000 in
TOIW Brent Scowcroft, August 10–11, 2000, GBOHP.
127. Memcon, Bush–Havel, October 22, 1991, BPL online.
128. Brent Scowcroft, “Meeting with SYG Manfred Wörner,” October 11, 1991. Instead, Scowcroft
suggested enhancing liaison programs between NATO and former Warsaw Pact states.
129. Memcon, Bush–Wörner, October 11, 1991, BPL online.
130. The key aides developing this idea were Frank Elbe and Robert Zoellick; AIW Zoellick. See
also Flanagan, “NATO from Liaison to Enlargement,” OD 102; and Solomon, NATO, 13, which
dates the conception of the idea to October 2, 1991.
131. “NATO Liaison: General Principles for Development,” n.d. I thank Flanagan for a copy of this
declassified document.
132. Bozo, Mitterrand, 382.
133. Memcon, Bush–Wörner, October 11, 1991, BPL online.
134. SDC 1991-USNATO-04913, October 26, 1991, Lowenkron files, 2000-233-F, BPL. For more
on the NACC, see Baker, Politics, 584; Kieninger, “Opening NATO,” OD 61–65; Solomon,
NATO, 15; and the information on the NATO website,
135. Population statistics in 1990–91: Ukraine,
population/ukraine-population/; Britain,; France,
136. For more on Ukrainian history in the context of both Russian and European history, see Plokhy,
Gates, in which Plokhy refers to Ukraine as the “gates of Europe,” but the years 1991–92 might
arguably have allowed for redefining European boundaries to include Ukraine rather than
keeping it on the perimeter. See also Reiss, Bridled Ambition, 90–92.
137. “The Bolshevik Goetterdaemmerung,” SDC 1991-Moscow-32811, November 15, 1991.
138. On Gorbachev’s background, see Plokhy, Last Empire, 258.
139. Gorbachev said they did this “only because the Bolsheviks did not have a majority in the Rada”:
“Record of the Dinner Conversation between Gorbachev, Bush, Gonzalez, and King Juan Carlos
of Spain,” October 29, 1991, EBB-576, NSA.
140. Quotation from “Draft Options Paper, US Relations with Russia and Ukraine,” n.d., but attached
to Memorandum for Brent Scowcroft, From Nicholas Burns, “Your Meeting or Phone
Discussions on November 25 with Secretaries Baker and Cheney and General Powell
Concerning US Policy Toward Russia and Ukraine,” November 22, 1991, Burns files, CF01498-
007, FOIA 2000-1202-F, BPL.
141. “Our concern is the weapons,” he told Yakovlev; see Memcon, Bush–Yakovlev, November 19,
1991, BPL online. The 25 percent statistic comes from “Nuclear Weapons in the Non-Russian
Republics and Baltic States,” Defense Intelligence Brief, October 1991 [no specific date], EBB-
691, NSA.
142. Memcon, Bush–Yakovlev, November 19, 1991. On Ukrainian-Russian hostility, see also
Kostenko, Ukraine’s Nuclear Disarmament, 24.
143. “The Bolshevik Goetterdaemmerung,” SDC 1991-Moscow-32811, November 15, 1991.
144. Unofficial Translation of Letter, Yeltsin–Bush, no typed date but handwritten at top “Handed to
Pres by Russian FM Kozyrev during 11-26-91 mtg,” SSSN 91130-001, BPL.
145. Baker and Genscher quoted in Kieninger, “Opening NATO,” OD 61–62; Frank T. Csongos,
“Baker Sees Trans-Atlantic Community with Former Soviet Bloc,” UPI, June 18, 1991,
146. “Handed to Pres by Russian FM Kozyrev during 11-26-91 mtg.”
147. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, November 30, 1991, BPL online; lower-case letters in original.
148. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, November 30, 1991, BPL online; Plokhy, Last Empire, 230 (ark), 292–93
(December 1 referendum), 387 (quitting the empire). For more on Russia’s status within the
Soviet Union, see Hosking, Rulers and Victims. For a different view which downplays the
significance of Ukrainian independence on Soviet collapse, see Zubok, Collapse.
149. Telcon, Bush–Kravchuk, December 3, 1991, BPL online; see also Plokhy, Last Empire, 304.
150. William C. Potter, “Ukraine as a Nuclear Power,” Wall Street Journal, December 4, 1991; on the
US recognition of Ukraine, see US State Department, Office of the Historian, “A Guide to the
United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since
1776: Ukraine,” For more context, see Shields and
Potter, Dismantling.
151. For more on the NPT, see Budjeryn, “Power,” 203–37; Lever, “Cold War,” 501–13.
152. Potter, “Ukraine as a Nuclear Power”; on US recognition of Ukraine, formally granted on
December 25, 1991, see “A Guide to the United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and
Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Ukraine,”
153. For some key dates in this process, see LSS xxxiii–xxxiv.
154. Plokhy, Last Empire, 304–5.
155. BST timeline; the Belarusian spelling of the leader’s first name is Stanislau.
156. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, December 8, 1991, BPL online; Kozyrev, Firebird, 45–53; Plokhy, Last
Empire, 300–310.
157. Plokhy, Last Empire, 309–10. The Transcaucasian Federation had also helped to found the
USSR in 1922, but Yeltsin and his two colleagues decided that, since that entity had ceased to
exist, they could proceed on their own. For a timeline on the formation and collapse of the
Soviet Union, see the BBC’s Putin later
criticized this sequence of events. See “Address by President of the Russian Federation,” March
18, 2014, official website,, where Putin
remarked, “we have to admit that by launching the sovereignty parade Russia itself aided in the
collapse of the Soviet Union. And as this collapse was legalized, everyone forgot about Crimea
and Sevastopol—the main base of the Black Sea Fleet. Millions of people went to bed in one
country and awoke in different ones, overnight becoming ethnic minorities in former Union
republics, while the Russian nation became one of the biggest, if not the biggest ethnic group in
the world to be divided by borders.”
158. Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, December 8, 1991, BPL online.
159. Plokhy, Last Empire, 314–27; Telcon, Bush–Gorbachev, December 13, 1991, BPL online.
160. He added: “We will not have the position of President of the Commonwealth. We will all be
equals. The all-union Soviet organs will be moved to Russia”; Telcon, Bush–Yeltsin, December
13, 1991, BPL online.
161. James Baker, “Soviet Points for Meeting with the President,” December 10, 1991, folder 8, box
115, series 8, SMML; Scowcroft quotation in TOIW Brent Scowcroft, August 10–11, 2000,
162. This program was later renamed the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR), also known as the
Nunn-Lugar program. For more on its history, dating back to a failed effort by Congressman Les
Aspin to take $1 billion from the defense budget to provide aid to the USSR, followed by an
autumn 1991 effort by Senators Nunn and Lugar to insert $500 million into a Senate-House
reconciliation of the defense budget authorization bill (without Bush administration support),
see Allison and Zelikow, Essence, 281–82; Goldgeier and Saunders, “Unconstrained,” 144–56;
Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 51; BST timeline; and the Lugar Center’s posting,
163. Baker quoted in Thomas L. Friedman, “Soviet Disarray: Baker Presents Steps to Aid Transition
by Soviets,” New York Times, December 13, 1991; see also BST timeline. For some of the
thinking behind the aid conference, also at times called the donor conference, see the document
reprinted in Zelikow and Rice, To Build, 411; on the “vision of American global engagement,”
see James Traub, “The Coming Crisis in International Affairs,” New York Times, September 27,
164. Planning (and some initial deliveries) for what became Operation Provide Hope started
immediately and, in February 1992, American C-141 and C-5A cargo planes began taking off
from Rhein-Main in Germany bearing roughly $60 million worth of supplies left over from the
Gulf War: food, medicine, and medical equipment. Thomas L. Friedman, “As Food Airlift
Starts, Baker Hints US Might Agree to Role in a Ruble Fund,” New York Times, February 11,
165. Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 77–78.
166. BST timeline; Friedman, “Soviet Disarray.”
167. Baker, Politics, 564.
168. “JAB Core Points Used during Trip to Moscow, Bishkek, Alma Ata, Minsk & Kiev, 12/15-
18/91,” and “Core Checklist for Republic Leaders,” December 15, 1991, folder 10, box 110,
series 8, SMML.
169. The United States would implement humanitarian assistance, but only if the countries would
“provide us with a list of city and oblast official and voluntary organizations in your republic
who can serve as the point of contact”; “Core Checklist for Republic Leaders,” December 15,
170. “Security Issues Checklist,” n.d., but from context December 1991, folder 10, box 110, series 8,
171. “Core Checklist for Republic Leaders,” December 15, 1991.
172. Baker’s conversation with Gorbachev highlighted to Baker the fact that a separate Ukrainian
army would be 470,000 strong, larger by about 100,000 than the German military; “Record of
Conversation between Gorbachev and Baker,” December 16, 1991, LSS 989.
173. “The Secretary’s Meeting with Russian Federation President Yeltsin; St. Catherine’s Hall,”
December 16, 1991, R. Nicholas Burns files, 2000-1202-F, BPL; “JAB notes from 12/16/91
mtg. w/Russian Pres. Yeltsin @ The Kremlin, St. Catherine’s Hall, Moscow, USSR,” folder 10,
box 110, series 8, SMML; “JAB notes from 1-on-1 mtg. w/B. Yeltsin during which command &
control of nuclear weapons was discussed 12/16/91,” folder 10, box 110, series 8, SMML;
Baker, Politics, 571–73; on this meeting, see also Baker and Glasser, The Man, 475.
174. “The Secretary’s Meeting with Russian Federation President Yeltsin, St. Catherine’s Hall,
December 16, 1991.” Kozyrev later recalled that he preferred a loose confederation, preserving
the union in some form; see Kozyrev, Firebird, 39.
175. “The Secretary’s Meeting with Russian Federation President Yeltsin, St. Catherine’s Hall,
December 16, 1991”; on Shaposhnikov, see “Last Soviet Defense Minister Dies from
Coronavirus,” Moscow Times, December 9, 2020,
coronavirus-reports-a72286. On the mid-December letter to Brussels, see Thomas Friedman,
“Yeltsin Says Russia Seeks to Join NATO,” New York Times, December 21, 1991; Trenin, Post-
Imperium, 102.
176. “The Secretary’s Meeting with Russian Federation President Yeltsin, St. Catherine’s Hall,
December 16, 1991.”
177. “The Secretary’s Meeting with Russian Federation President Yeltsin, St. Catherine’s Hall,
December 16, 1991.”
178. “JAB notes from 1-on-1 mtg. w/B. Yeltsin during which command & control of nuclear
weapons was discussed 12/16/91.”
179. “The Secretary’s Meeting with Russian Federation President Yeltsin, St. Catherine’s Hall,
December 16, 1991.”
180. “JAB notes from 1-on-1 mtg. w/B. Yeltsin during which command & control of nuclear
weapons was discussed 12/16/91.”
181. “JAB notes from 12/18/91 mtg. w/Ukraine Pres. Kravchuk . . . in Kiev, Ukraine, ONE-ON-ONE
POINTS,” folder 10, box 110, series 8, SMML. Baker added that the Ukrainian leader’s recent
announcement that he was now the commander in chief was “unsettling.” Such comments
inspired uncertainty and could, in Baker’s opinion, be destabilizing. See also SDC 1991-
Frankfurt-15679, December 10, 1991, EBB-691, NSA, on US diplomats going to Kyiv, only to
discover in a December 9, 1991, meeting that the Ukrainians “could not describe exactly how
the central authority and [nuclear] chain of command would now work in practice” with Ukraine
in physical possession of nuclear weapons but no longer part of a union with Moscow, which
still had control over launches.
182. “NAC Ministerial 19 December: Restricted Session: US Secretary of State Baker’s
Intervention,” December 19, 1991, in file named “UK/Soviet Relations, Internal Situation,”
PREM 19/3562, PRO-NA.
183. “JAB notes from 12/21/91 telephone conversation w/Kazakh Pres. Nazarbayev re:
Commonwealth mtg. in Alma-Ata (Aboard aircraft from Brussels to Andrews AFB),”
December 21, 1991, folder 10, box 110, series 8, SMML; see also Baker, Politics, 579, 584–86,
184. Plokhy, Last Empire, 356–65.
185. “Readout on Alma Ata Meeting,” December 21, 1991, in folder 10, box 110, series 8, SMML;
see also BST timeline.
186. For more on the US-Kazakh relationship, see Budjeryn, Inheriting.
187. Quoted in Baker, Politics, 539.
188. Nazarbayev explained this story of his ill-fated December 8 trip to Moscow to Baker, who
quoted the conversation in his memoirs; Baker, Politics, 579. According to Baker, the Kazakh
leader complained further about Yeltsin’s conduct that day: “ ‘Why was he in such a hurry to cut
this deal? I mean, if nothing else, it’s like an off-the-top of the head deal. It’s an off-the-cuff
deal. It’s totally unprepared.’ ” On how Nazarbayev insisted that Yeltsin hold a subsequent
meeting in Kazakhstan, see the introduction to EBB-576, NSA. See also Reiss, Bridled
Ambition, 139–41.
189. “JAB notes from 12/21/91 telephone conversation w/Kazakh Pres. Nazarbayev re:
Commonwealth mtg. in Alma-Ata (Aboard aircraft from Brussels to Andrews AFB),”
December 21, 1991, and “Readout on Alma Ata Meeting,” December 21, 1991, both in folder
10, box 110, series 8, SMML. This arrangement sounded very much like the system that Yeltsin
had confidentially described to Baker: the four nuclear republics would consult, but Russia
alone would hold the briefcases that could actually initiate a launch.
190. Memcon, Bush–Yeltsin, December 23, 1991, BPL online; on the secret decree, see Sinovets and
Budjeryn, “Interpreting,” 6.
191. Telno 2831, Fm Moscow to Deskby, “Prime Minister’s Message to Yeltsin: Call on Kozyrev,”
December 24, 1991, in file “UK/Soviet Relations, Internal Situation,” December 24, 1991,
PREM 19/3562, PRO-NA; AIW Maximychev.
192. Plokhy, Last Empire, 372–78; Zubok, “With His Back,” 627.
193. Telcon, Bush–Gorbachev, December 25, 1991, BPL online. Only later did Bush learn that
Gorbachev had allowed Western television journalists from ABC and CNN to film their
conversation; Plokhy, Last Empire, 371–74.
194. Genscher, Erinnerungen, 837.
195. Genscher emphasized in closing that Gorbachev had friends in Germany. Perhaps sensing that
he might in fact be in safer hands with Germans than at home, later that night Gorbachev asked
an aide to prevent transfer of a payment from a German publisher to Moscow. It seemed better
to leave the money in Germany; Plokhy, Last Empire, 378.
196. Plokhy, Last Empire, 374. On the friendship between Johnson and Strauss, see McGarr, Whole
Damn Deal, 454–55.
197. On the UN seat, see Letter from Yeltsin to Bush, “Delivered by Amb. Kompletkov, 12/20/91”
handwritten at top, SSSN 91130-0013, BPL; and BST timeline.
198. Telno 2843, Fm Moscow to Deskby, “Gorbachev Goes: The End of an Era,” December 25,
1991, in file “UK/Soviet Relations, Internal Situation,” PREM 19/3562, PRO-NA.
199. Plokhy, Last Empire, 375–77.
200. Colton, Yeltsin, 207.
201. Plokhy, Last Empire, 385–87. Plokhy thought this sordid scene “exposed with brutal clarity the
depth of distrust and sheer hatred” that had arisen between Yeltsin and Gorbachev. For more
context on Soviet disintegration, see Zubok, Collapse.
202. See Connelly et al., “ ‘General,’ ” 1434: “Practitioners began to find it difficult to imagine that
the Cold War could ever be resolved in any way other than nuclear war, leaving them ill-
prepared for the collapse of Soviet power.”
203. BST timeline. For Yeltsin’s thinking on arms control, see Allison, “What Happened”; and for
Bush’s thinking, see Kimball and Reif, “The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives (PNIs) on Tactical
Nuclear Weapons at a Glance.”
204. C-SPAN video of the event is available at
aid-soviet-union; Baker’s notes from this conference in folder 11, box 110, series 8, SMML. See
also Bush’s announcement of more nuclear initiatives in his State of the Union address, January
28, 1992, summarized in BST timeline, and in Baker, Politics, 658–59.
205. On the czarist era and its legacy, see Siegel, For Peace and Money, 211. Scowcroft quotations
from TOIW Brent Scowcroft, August 10–11, 2000, GBOHP. Perle quoted in Goldgeier and
McFaul, Power, 71 (see also 68–72 on the contest between Baker and Brady).
206. As shown, among other ways, by the first-ever meeting of the UN Security Council held at the
summit level, meaning with the participation of heads of state and/or government, including
President Bush; see SDC 1992-USUN N-00454, February 1, 1992.
207. On the UN summit, see “UN Security Council Summit Meeting,” January 31, 1992, SDC 1992-
USUN N-00454, February 1, 1992; “Note by President of the Security Council,” January 31,
CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/PKO%20S%2023500.pdf; see also “JAB notes from 1/29/92 phone call
w/POTUS—following JAB meeting w/Russian Pres. Yeltsin @ Kremlin, Moscow, Russia,”
folder 11, box 110, series 8, SMML.
208. Memcon, Bush–Yeltsin, Camp David, February 1, 1992, EBB-447, NSA; Office of the
Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, US Dept. of State, “US-Russian Summits, 1992–2000,”
July 2000, Covering the
various high-level meetings, the New York Times noted that the United States had 375 military
installations abroad with 500,000 servicemen and women, a giant apparatus that it could now
begin to draw down. Joel Brinkley, “Bush and Yeltsin Declare Formal End to Cold War,” New
York Times, February 2, 1992.
209. The question of a joint Mars shot, and other cooperative space ventures, was discussed in
Memcon, Bush–Yeltsin, first expanded meeting, June 16, 1992, 2:30–4:10pm, EBB-447, NSA.
210. Åslund, “Russia’s Collapse.”
211. Spohr, Post Wall, 478, notes that in October 1992 Bush signed a law giving “$1 billion of
bilateral assistance, tied to the purchase of American food,” and raising the US contribution to
an accompanying IMF package to $12 billion.
212. Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 71.
213. SDC 1991-Paris-32917, December 6, 1991, DS-ERR; see also Matthijs, “Three Faces”; Sarotte,
“Eurozone Crisis.”
214. Memcon, Bush–Kohl, March 21, 1992, BPL online.
215. SDC 1992-Bonn-10767, April 22, 1992, FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL.
216. On the May 27, 1992 attack, see John F. Burns, “Mortar Attack on Civilians Leaves 16 Dead in
Bosnia,” New York Times, May 28, 1992; on UNPROFOR, see Hill, No Place, 75.
217. On March 10, 1992, see “Fact Sheet: The North Atlantic Cooperation Council,” Bureau of
European and Canadian Affairs, US Department of State, May 7, 1997, https://1997-, which also notes that Baker and Genscher had
originally proposed the NACC on October 3, 1991, in a joint statement. See also “Aufnahme der
GUS-Staaten in den Nordatlantischen Kooperationsrat: Erklärung der Außenminister des
Nordatlantischen Kooperationsrates vom 10. März 1992 in Brüssel,” APBD-49–94, 854–85.
218. Quotations from Congressman Gerald Solomon in his book NATO, 17. On the May 6, 1992,
meeting, and related discussion of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s February 1992 testimony to the Polish
Senate on Polish membership in NATO, see Asmus, Opening, 17.
219. To complicate matters, there was now a parallel discussion about reviving the EU’s moribund
security arm, the Western European Union (WEU); Information Memorandum, EUR–Thomas
M. T. Niles to E/C–Mr. Zoellick, “Security Implications of WEU Enlargement,” n.d. on
document itself, but stamped on top “THU 19MAR92 09:00,” FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL; and
From EUR–Thomas M. T. Niles, to E/C–Mr. Zoellick, April 27, 1992, FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL.
For more on Niles, see Baker, Politics, 639; for more on the WEU, see Hill, No Place, 55.
220. “Security Implications of WEU Enlargement.”
221. Inflation statistic from Conradi, Who Lost Russia?, 27. See also “Security Implications of WEU
Enlargement”; Memorandum for the President, from Brent Scowcroft, “Overview for Your
Upcoming Meetings with Boris Yeltsin,” June 13, 1992, EBB-447, NSA.
222. In Flanagan’s opinion, “even vigorous implementation of the NACC” would be unlikely to
satisfy the security needs of Central and Eastern European states; Memorandum to S/P—Dennis
Ross, E/C–Robert Zoellick, from S/P–Stephen Flanagan, “Developing Criteria for Future NATO
Members: Now Is the Time,” May 1, 1992, FOIA 2000-0233-F, BPL.
223. Patrick E. Tyler, “US Strategy Plan Calls for Insuring No Rivals Develop,” New York Times,
March 8, 1992. The newspaper obtained excerpts from the “Defense Policy Guidance”; see also
Leffler, Safeguarding; Shifrinson, “Eastbound.”
This assertion comes from Yuri Kostenko, Ukraine’s minister of environmental protection and
nuclear safety from 1992 to 1998; he wrote that, on December 7, 1992, the undersecretary of
state for international security affairs, Frank Wisner, contacted Oleh Bilorus, the Ukrainian
ambassador in Washington, and apparently urged Ukraine to seek NATO membership;
Kostenko, Ukraine’s Nuclear Disarmament, 140.
225. They would later write an influential pro-expansion Foreign Affairs article: Asmus, Kugler, and
Larrabee, “Building a New NATO.” See also Asmus, Opening, 33–34; Grayson, Strange
Bedfellows, 35–45.
226. Kugler quoted in Keith Gessen, “The Quiet Americans behind the US-Russia Imbroglio,” New
York Times, May 8, 2018.
227. On Bush’s tendency to caution, see Spohr, Post Wall, 3, 586–90.
228. SDC 1992-State-205400, June 4, 1992; see also Shifrinson, “Eastbound,” 838.
229. On the language drafted for the presidential speech of July 5, 1992, and its non-use, see Asmus,
Opening, 17.
230. This was as an appendix to START I, since the Soviet arsenal covered in that treaty was now in
four countries, so the four signed the so-called Lisbon accord to recognize that change: Baker,
Politics, 658–65; Bernauer and Ruloff, Politics, 116–17; Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 54–58;
Pifer, Trilateral Process. Yeltsin’s big promises on arms control in other areas were failing at the
time; Yeltsin had placed two generals in charge of dismantling Russia’s biological weapons
program, but they “subverted Yeltsin’s promise of full openness” and managed to continue the
program; Hoffman, Dead Hand, 428.
231. Conradi, Who Lost Russia?, 34.
232. Baker’s words in a conversation with Chris Patten on July 25, 1992, paraphrased in Telno 1972,
Fm Hong Kong, To Immediate FCO, July 26, 1992, PREM 19/4496, PRO-NA. Baker added that
he hoped to “take some of his key people with him (Zoellick, Ross and Margaret Tutweiler)” to
help with the reelection campaign.
233. Baker, Politics, 671; Baker and Glasser, The Man, 493–94.
234. “Prime Minister’s Telephone Conversation with President Bush: Friday, 6 November,”
November 6, 1992, PREM 19/4496, PRO-NA.
235. BST timeline, which mistakenly gives the name of the US president on January 3, 1993, as
“President Clinton.”
236. Fm White House, To Cabinet Office, November 8, 1992, PREM 19/4496, PRO-NA.
237. “The Bolshevik Goetterdaemmerung,” SDC 1991-Moscow-32811, November 15, 1991.
238. Kennan wrote this in his diary at the end of January 1948; quoted in Gaddis, Kennan, 300.
5. Squaring the Triangle
1. Strategic questions paraphrased from Gaddis, Strategies, rev. ed., ix.
2. On the number of warheads, see Sinovets and Budjeryn, “Inheriting.” On the significance of
getting them out, see Letter, Talbott to Gore, October 6, 1993, DS-ERR, in which Talbott thanks
Gore for “doing an unscheduled drop-by on the Ukrainian foreign minister in Tony Lake’s office
today—and then getting the President to do the same. You really did help to advance the cause.
If we succeed in getting those nuclear weapons out of Ukraine, I’ll try to arrange for one to be
mounted on your wall as a trophy.” Note: Czechoslovakia split into two states, the Czech
Republic and Slovakia, shortly before Clinton’s inauguration, on January 1, 1993.
3. The nineteenth-century German chancellor Otto von Bismarck used to advise that the “Politik
der freien Hand” was well-suited for any country trying to master a precarious situation and
retain its position of power; Gall, Bismarck, 741. For more on the triangular concept, see
Balmaceda, On the Edge.
4. For more biographical information on the two presidents, see Branch, Clinton Tapes; Clinton,
My Life; Drew, On the Edge; Engel, When the World; and Naftali, George H. W. Bush.
5. It was a spoof of a popular US comedy sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies. Carrey later posted the
video on Facebook;
6. From Germany, Chancellor Helmut Kohl predicted that “Clinton wird rasch erkennen, daß die
Kasse leer ist und daß die Möglichkeiten begrenzt sind”; “14./15. Januar 1993,” BzL 414.
7. Kozyrev thought the incoming team wrongly saw President Boris Yeltsin and his aides not as
reformers to be admired but merely as “strangers to bargain with in pursuit of the Clinton
administration’s immediate interests”; Kozyrev, Firebird, 202.
8. The inflation estimate comes from Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen; as he put it, “it’s
bordering on hyperinflation”: Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, March 26, 1993, my 2015-0776-M, CL.
9. “14./15. Januar 1993,” BzL 413. See also David McClintick, “How Harvard Lost Russia,”
Institutional Investor, January 13, 2006,
10. “14./15. Januar 1993,” BzL 413.
11. See Rodric Braithwaite, “Yeltsin and the Style of Russian Politics,” n.d., but handwritten on
document January 12, 1993, M-2013-0449, CL. This British analysis informed later briefing
papers for Clinton (see, for example, February 18, 1993, M-2013-0449, CL).
12. Paraphrased from a later commentary making much the same argument as Braithwaite;
MccGwire, “NATO Expansion,” 34.
13. Braithwaite, “Yeltsin and the Style of Russian Politics.”
14. Confidential, Mr Lyne, from Rodric Braithwaite, 24 March, no year but from context 1993,
“Prime Minister’s Talk with Clinton,” PREM 19/4499, PRO-NA.
15. Clinton quoted in Talbott, Russia Hand, 38.
16. “14./15. Januar 1993,” BzL 415.
17. Steinberg quoted in Packer, Our Man, 291; the NSC staff member was Jenonne Walker; AIW
18. For more on Lake’s life and relationship with Holbrooke, see Packer, Our Man, 42, 151.
19. Roderic Lyne, “Meetings with the US National Security Adviser [sic], 18/19 May,” May 20,
1993, in UK/USA Relations, PREM 19/4499, PRO-NA. See also Radchenko, “ ‘Nothing but
Humiliation.’ ”
20. Clinton chose Aspin after “it became clear that Sam Nunn wouldn’t accept the appointment”;
see Clinton, My Life, 455.
21. Douglas Hurd to the Prime Minister, “Washington, 24–25 March,” March 26, 1993, in UK/USA
Relations, PREM 19/4499, PRO-NA. Hurd added that “once again there is an ease of discussion
between ourselves and members of the Administration which is really the right definition of the
special relationship (a phrase which the Americans use to please us but which following your
custom we ought ourselves to use sparingly, if at all).”
22. Letter from Aspin to Major, February 25, 1993, in UK/USA Relations, PREM 19/4499, PRO-
23. John Barry, “The Collapse of Les Aspin,” Newsweek, December 26, 1993; Grayson, Strange
Bedfellows, 80–82; Korb, “Who’s in Charge Here?,” 5. For more on the consequences of the
Black Hawk Down tragedy, see EBB-511, NSA.
24. Douglas Hurd to the Prime Minister, “Washington, 24–25 March,” March 26, 1993.
25. Clinton quoted in Packer, Our Man, 393; TOIW Samuel Berger, March 24–25, 2005, WCPHP.
26. For more on Talbott, see Keith Gessen, “The Quiet Americans behind the US-Russia
Imbroglio,” New York Times, May 8, 2018.
27. Talbott, Khrushchev Remembers; Talbott, Russia Hand.
28. Telcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, January 23, 1993, 2015-0782-M, CL; see also the documents relating
to Talbott’s appointment in early 1993 in a particularly large and useful FOIA collection, F-
2017-13804, DS-ERR, which also show that Talbott tried to add the Baltics to his area of
responsibility as well; and Clinton, My Life, 504–5, where he talks about how he “became my
own ‘Russia hand’ ” because of the significance of the issues involved; Talbott, Russia Hand, 5–
29. Donilon quoted in Steven Erlanger, “Russia Vote Is a Testing Time for a Key Friend of
Clinton’s,” New York Times, June 8, 1996; see also Goldgeier, Not Whether, 25. Talbott’s biggest
worry, as a result, was not at State but at the Treasury Department, where he feared
Undersecretary Larry Summers might try to conduct his own economic diplomacy. “The
trickiest matter,” Talbott advised NSC staff, “is going to be . . . keep[ing] Summers on board and
under control. That means stroking him when possible, bonking him (or having Tony [Lake]
bonk him) when necessary”: Memo, Strobe Talbott to Toby Gati and Nick Burns, “By Hand—
Personal and Confidential,” February 7, 1993, DS-ERR.
30. SDC 1993-USNATO-01043, March 4, 1993.
31. Scowcroft quotation in TOIW Brent Scowcroft, August 10–11, 2000, GBOHP. The result was
that even someone as steeped in the issue as Ron Asmus could understandably persist in the
belief that when the Bush team negotiated German unification, “no one in either Washington or
Moscow was thinking about further NATO expansion in the spring and fall of 1990. Indeed, the
issue had not yet been raised by Central and East Europeans.” Such statements confirm the
principle that institutional memory is short. Asmus, Opening, 6.
32. “Hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,” Subject “US Aid to the Republics of the
Former Soviet Union,” September 21, 1993; I thank Matthew Bunn for a copy of Ash Carter’s
testimony at this hearing. On number of troops and miles, see Talbott, Russia Hand, 26. See also
William J. Broad, “Russia Has ‘Doomsday’ Machine, US Expert Says,” New York Times,
October 8, 1993; Wohlforth and Zubok, “Abiding Antagonism,” 405–19. The program initiated
by Senator Sam Nunn, with the help of Senator Richard Lugar, would eventually cause about
7,600 Soviet nuclear warheads to be deactivated; see “Former Sen. Richard Lugar, a GOP
Foreign Policy Expert, Dies at 87,” Los Angeles Times, April 28, 2019.
33. Perry remark according to his former subordinate, later Ambassador Laura Holgate: AIW
34. The goal was “to work closely with you to resolve differences on Ukraine’s ratification of
START I and the NPT so that we can make progress on START II”; Telcon, Clinton–Yeltsin,
January 23, 1993, my 2015-0782-M, CL. On Ukrainian ratification of START II and the NPT,
see Sinovets and Budjeryn, “Interpreting.”
35. On March 24, 1993, Clinton issued a presidential decision directive (PDD-3) designating
ratification of START I and II as priority objectives of US foreign policy; from BST timeline.
See also the “Cooperative Threat Reduction Timeline,” Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center
for Science and International Affairs,
reduction-timeline. On the significance of START II, particularly to Perry, see Stent, Limits, 29.
36. Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 26.
37. Les Aspin diary entry, September 9, 1993, EBB-691, NSA. Perry tried whenever possible to
travel to Russia, despite the logistical challenges involved. A simple hotel stay involved
covering the walls in brown paper to block any cameras; setting up encrypted faxes, phones, and
soundproof phone booths; pitching “a tent in the middle of the floor” to hide equipment; and
donning a “sealed rubber ‘oxygen mask’ designed to muffle voices.” Carter and Perry,
Preventive Defense, 37.
38. The total of eighteen comes from Talbott, Russia Hand, 8.
39. Kohl kept Reagan’s reasoning to himself. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, March 26, 1993, 2015-0776-
M, CL.
40. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, March 26, 1993, 2015-0776-M, CL; see also Letter, Chernomyrdin–
Major, March 4, 1993, PREM 19/4420, PRO-NA (I thank Sergey Radchenko for a copy of this
41. “29. März 1993,” BzL 443; see also Kohl’s take on the Clinton administration in “3. Mai 1993,”
BzL 449–50.
42. Clinton, My Life, 527.
43. SDC 1993-State-106512, April 9, 1993.
44. Yeltsin, Midnight Diaries, 134.
45. Talbott description of Yeltsin in Colton, Yeltsin, 7.
46. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, April 3, 1993, 2015-0782-M, CL; Clinton, My Life, 506–8; Talbott,
Russia Hand, 64–65.
47. Clinton, My Life, 20 (shooting incident), 45–46 (golf club incident).
48. Clinton quoted in Talbott, Russia Hand, 65; Todd S. Purdum, “Virginia Clinton Kelley, 70,
President’s Mother, Is Dead,” New York Times, January 7, 1994.
49. Clinton said this in a discussion with British prime minister John Major: Memcon, Clinton–
Major, November 29, 1995, SDC 1996-State-018217, January 31, 1996.
50. This sentence paraphrases Wright, All Measures, 10.
51. Memcon, Clinton–Major, November 29, 1995.
52. Discussed in briefing book for Clinton’s trip to Moscow, January 12–15, 1994; “Strategic
Deposturing/Detargeting,” n.d., but from context December 1993, 2016-0134-M, CL.
53. Clinton quoted in Talbott, Russia Hand, 67.
54. Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, April 12, 1993, in my 2015-0776-M, CL.
55. Quotation from Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, July 2, 1993, my 2015-0776-M, CL; on the summit,
see “US-Russian Summits, 1992–2000,” US Department of State, https://1997-
56. According to Pifer, Trilateral Process, 5, at the collapse of the Soviet Union, “Belarus had 81
mobile, single-warhead SS-25 ICBMs deployed on its territory, which operated out of two
bases.” For more on the subject of “loose nukes,” see Allison Nuclear Terrorism.
57. Telcon, Clinton–Kravchuk, January 26, 1993, my 2016-0215-M/2016-0122-M, CL.
58. For more on Chernobyl, see Plokhy, Chernobyl; Reiss, Bridled Ambition, 129–30; Sinovets and
Budjeryn, “Interpreting.”
59. Plokhy, Chernobyl, 339. Roughly 1.5 percent of Russian territory was affected as well.
60. Moscow’s mismanagement of Chernobyl contributed to support for Ukrainian independence by
giving rebels against Russian control “a new cause to add to their previous agenda of political
freedom, human rights, and the development of the Ukrainian language and culture”; Plokhy,
Chernobyl, 299; see also Reiss, Bridled Ambition, 129–30.
61. Andrew E. Kramer, “In Russia, Days of Fake News and Real Radiation after Deadly
Explosion,” New York Times, August 12, 2019. On the risks of civilian nuclear power, see
Perrow, Normal Accidents.
62. Statistics from Pekka Sutela, “The Underachiever: Ukraine’s Economy since 1991,” Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, March 9, 2012,
47451; see also D’Anieri, Economic Interdependence.
63. This quotation is from a summary of Rada attitudes in summer 1992 in Bernauer and Ruloff,
Politics, 117.
64. The prime minister of Spain, Felipe González, personally advised Clinton about these comments
by the president of Ukraine; see the memcon of the working lunch, Clinton–González,
December 6, 1993, 2015-0548-M, CL.
65. Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, “Possible Consequences of Alternative Approaches to
Implementation of Ukraine’s Nuclear Policy,” February 2, 1993, EBB-691, NSA.
66. Reiss, Bridled Ambition, 126–27, notes that “the inescapable technological fact was that Ukraine
never had operational command and control over the nuclear weapons. . . . The liquid fuel for
the SS-19 ICBMs made these weapons systems difficult to service and dangerous to keep. The
SS-24s were also troublesome for Ukraine to maintain.”
67. The author of this statement, Yuri Kostenko, was Ukraine’s minister of environmental protection
and nuclear safety from 1992 to 1998; Kostenko, Ukraine’s Nuclear Disarmament, 28.
68. Reiss, Bridled Ambition, 126–27.
69. Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, “Possible Consequences of Alternative Approaches to
Implementation of Ukraine’s Nuclear Policy,” February 2, 1993, said that retaining the arsenal
would require “substantial capital” and “undermine efforts aimed at conducting social and
economic reforms”; see also Pifer, Eagle, 39–40. In other words, Ukrainian leaders had realized
that although nuclear weapons caused revulsion, they also conferred leverage. John
Mearsheimer made this argument in an influential Foreign Affairs article; Ukrainian
parliamentarians apparently requested dozens of reprints shortly after it appeared; see
Mearsheimer, “Case”; Sinovets and Budjeryn, “Interpreting,” 15. On parliamentarians and
denuclearization, see also report to Kravchuk, July 1, 1993, EBB-691, NSA. See also Letter
from Kravchuk to Clinton, March 3, 1993, 2016-0128-M, CL, in which Kravchuk sought US
credit assistance to purchase $200 million worth of American grain.
70. Quotation from Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, from John A. Gordon, “Trip Report
on Strobe Talbott’s Mission to the Former Soviet Union,” May 19, 1993, EBB-691, NSA. On
Shaposhnikov, see Richard Boudreaux, “Military Chief of CIS Defects to Russian Post,” Los
Angeles Times, June 12, 1993, which notes that his departure was “a sign that the dream of a
NATO-style joint defense structure among former Soviet republics is over.”
71. Yeltsin comments from excerpt of Clinton–Yeltsin conversation in cable from the White House
to Amembassy Moscow, July 16, 1993, posted under “doc. 46,” EBB-691, NSA; “paranoids” in
Talbott, Russia Hand, 79; Reiss, Bridled Ambition, 100. Such Russian moves provoked
nationalists in Ukraine to call for retention of nuclear weapons as a possible deterrent to future
such behavior. See Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Rose Gottemoeller, May 1, 1993, Tab
I, Memorandum to the President, “US Policy toward Ukraine,” 2016-0128-M, CL, where she
argues that “the main factor influencing Ukrainian views on this issue is not the attitude of the
United States, but the Ukrainian conviction that Russia will eventually try to reassert control
over Ukraine.”
72. Les Aspin, diary entry for July 27, 1993, EBB-691, NSA.
73. Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Rose Gottemoeller, “US Policy toward Ukraine: Talbott–
Gati Trip Preparations” and appendices, May 6, 1993, 2016-0128-M, CL.
74. Memorandum for the Director for Russian and Ukrainian Affairs, NSC, “US Security
Objectives vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine,” United States Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency, March 3, 1993, 2016-0048-M, CL.
75. Letter from Clinton to Kravchuk, SDC 1993-State-246255, August 12, 1993, 2016-0128-M, CL.
76. “Note for the File: Meeting with US National Security Adviser [sic], 18 May: NATO,” no year
on document but, from cover note (R M J Lyne, “File Note”) 1993, no author on document but
presumably Lyne, in UK/USA Relations, PREM 19/4499.
77. For more on shared goals, see their “Declaration on Cooperation between the Czech and Slovak
Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Hungary in Striving for European
Integration,” February 15, 1991,
78. Talbott, Russia Hand, 95; see also Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Charles Kupchan and
Barry Lowenkron, “NACC Summit,” July 16, 1993, my 2015-0755-M, CL.
79. András Simonyi, “NATO Enlargement: Like Free Solo Climbing,” OD 161.
80. On the jockeying for bilateral meetings and the process of setting up the Clinton–Havel
bilateral, see Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Beth Sanner, “Holocaust Museum
Opening,” March 3, 1993, my 2015-0773-M, CL; see also Žantovský, Havel, 435–37.
81. SDC 1993-State-137029, May 5, 1993, summarizing meeting on April 20, 1993.
82. SDC 1993-State-137029.
83. SDC 1993-State-134465, May 4, 1993, summarizing meeting on April 21, 1993.
84. “Ambassador Strobe Talbott’s Visit to Estonia,” SDC 1993-Tallinn-00886, May 17, 1993; see
also Talbott, Russia Hand, 93–94.
85. Memcon, Balladur–Clinton, June 26, 1993, on June 15, 1993 conversation, SDC 1993-State-
86. Telno 957, Fm Washington To Immediate FCO, “The Clinton Administration: A Shaky Start,”
April 28, 1993, PREM 19/4496, PRO-NA.
87. Clinton, My Life, 466–67, 513–14.
88. “The Clinton Administration: A Shaky Start.”
89. The first special counsel was Robert Fiske, later replaced by Kenneth Starr; see Susan Schmidt,
“Judges Replace Fiske as Whitewater Counsel,” Washington Post, August 6, 1994.
90. Joe Conason, “The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Is Back,” Salon, October 5, 2009, Ruddy wrote a book entitled The
Strange Death of Vincent Foster (New York: Free Press, 1997).
91. She had served Foster possibly his last meal, in the office shortly before he departed and killed
himself; Jeff Leen and Gene Weingarten, “Linda’s Trip,” Washington Post, March 15, 1998.
92. TOIW Linda Tripp, Slate, September 12, 2018,
Lake complained about the way that “Bosnia was taking all the attention in the press, and a great
93. deal of the time of the American foreign policy machine,” in Roderic Lyne, “Meetings with the
US National Security Adviser [sic], 18/19 May,” May 20, 1993, in UK/USA Relations, PREM
19/4499, PRO-NA.
94. Elaine Sciolino, “Clinton Urges Stronger US Stand on Enforcing Bosnia Flight Ban,” New York
Times, December 12, 1992.
95. It was established by UN Resolution 816; see “NATO Launches ‘Deny Flight’ Operation over
Bosnia,” UPI, April 12, 1993,
Deny-Flight-operation-over-Bosnia/6962734587200/. See also TOIW Madeleine K. Albright
and associated “Briefing Materials,” August 30, 2006, WCPHP. There was conflict with the
British and the French at this time; see Paul Lewis, “US Rejects British-French Bosnia Peace
Step,” New York Times, March 31, 1993, which recounts how the Clinton administration
“rejected a plan by Britain and France for a new Security Council resolution giving the
international community’s full support to the Bosnian peace plan of the two Balkan mediators,
former Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance and Lord Owen,” also known as the Vance-Owen
96. See TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP. Talbott made similar remarks to
Christopher in 1994, noting that “the NSC is becoming too operational,” not least because “we,
State, have underperformed in long-range planning,” leaving a “vacuum.” Worse, “there’s a
general uneasiness out there, among people who wish us well, about whether we know what
we’re doing.” This uneasiness existed inside the administration as well: “Sitting in meetings
around the Department or over at the White House, I often find that the air is heavy with self-
doubt.” See “Sunday, August 21, 1994, Chris,” DS-ERR.
97. Powell made these remarks in conversation with John Major; see “Prime Minister’s Meeting
with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: 24 May,” from context May 24, 1993, in
UK/USA Relations, PREM 19/4499, PRO-NA.
98. “Strengthening Outreach to the East,” with handwritten note on top: “Shali speaking notes,”
n.d., but from context August 3, 1993, DS-OIPS. See also Asmus, Opening, 35; on picking
Shalikashvili to succeed Powell, see Clinton, My Life, 539.
99. US Department of State, Office of the Spokesman, “Intervention by Secretary of State Warren
Christopher before the North Atlantic Council Ministerial Meeting, Nafsika Hotel, Thursday,
June 10, 1993,” DS-OIPS. See also Asmus, Opening, 29.
100. “Talking Points,” with handwritten note on top “used by S at NAC lunch,” n.d., but from
context, on or before June 10, 1993, DS-OIPS.
101. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, July 10, 1993, my 2015-0782-M, CL. See also Pifer, Trilateral
Process; Talbott, Russia Hand, 82–84.
102. Memorandum, to EUR–Stephen A. Oxman, from EUR/P Jon Gunderson, “NATO Expansion to
the East,” July 20, 1993, DS-OIPS. On US-promoted democratization generally, see Milne,
103. SDC 1993-USNATO-003194, August 3, 1993. See also TOIW Robert Hunter, Association for
Diplomatic Studies and Training: Foreign Affairs Oral Project,,%20Robert%20E.toc.pdf?
104. “From T–Dr. Davis, to the Secretary, Expanding and Transforming NATO,” August 12, 1993,
105. Kozyrev, Firebird, 214–17.
106. The comment that this took place over “dinner and drinks” comes from SDC 1993-Warsaw-
12734, September 1, 1993; Yeltsin’s statement is quoted verbatim in SDC 1993-Moscow-26972,
August 26, 1993.
107. Kozyrev had been indicating that Russia would not accept Polish membership; see SDC 1993-
Warsaw-12390, August 25, 1993; Andrei Kozyrev, “Russia and NATO Enlargement,” OD 453–
108. SDC 1993-Warsaw-12734, September 1, 1993. See also Jane Perlez, “Yeltsin ‘Understands’
Polish Bid for a Role in NATO,” New York Times, August 26, 1993.
109. SDC 1993-Warsaw-12734, September 1, 1993.
110. Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Rose Gottemoeller, May 6, 1993, quotation from
appendix entitled “US Policy toward Ukraine,” 2016-0128-M, CL.
111. Clinton told this to the writer helping him to record an audio diary of his time in the White
House: see Branch, Clinton Tapes, 168–69.
112. “Memorandum for the President,” from Anthony Lake, “Subject: Your Trip to Germany, July
10–12,” plus attachments (preparatory papers), July 2, 1994, CL.
113. Asmus, Kugler, and Larrabee, “Building a New NATO,” 28. For background on the Foreign
Affairs article and Asmus’s work at the RAND Corporation, see Asmus, Opening, 32–34; for
Asmus’s obituary, see Emma Brown, “Ronald D. Asmus, Who Pushed for NATO Expansion,
Dies at 53,” Washington Post, May 3, 2011.
114. Anthony Lake, “From Containment to Enlargement,” remarks at the School of Advanced
International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, September 21, 1993,
115. Andrei Kozyrev, “Russia and NATO Enlargement,” OD 454–56; see also Kozyrev, Firebird,
214–17. For US coverage of Primakov’s views, see Steven Erlanger, “Russian Warns NATO on
Expanding East,” New York Times, November 26, 1993. On the kind of pro-American view
espoused by Kozyrev losing ground in Moscow, see also SDC 1994-Moscow-27484, September
22, 1994, DS-ERR.
116. SDC 1993-USNATO-3568, September 3, 1993. A NATO spokesperson, Jamie Shea, began
talking in September 1993 about opening up Spanish-style coordination arrangements to new
members from Eastern Europe; Shea quoted in Solomon, NATO, 22.
117. Memorandum for Anthony Lake and Samuel R. Berger, from Daniel Fried, summarizing the
September 14–22, 1993, trip of an interagency delegation headed by Principal Deputy
Undersecretary of Defense Walt Slocombe, September 23, 1993, my 2015-0772-M, CL.
118. SDC 1993-Ankara-14464, September 10, 1993.
119. SDC 1993-State-03804, September 21, 1993.
120. The Russian president had previously “made gestures to his hosts during previous visits abroad
that were quickly walked back by his government”; SDC 1993-Moscow-26972, August 26,
1993; Talbott, Russia Hand, 95–96.
121. Kozyrev also “cautioned against excluding Russia from any NATO expansion to include states
of the former Soviet Bloc”; SDC 1993-Moscow-29067, September 13, 1993.
122. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, September 7, 1993, my 2015-0782-M, CL.
123. Warnings that the “walk-back” was on the way appear in SDC 1993-Moscow-28101, September
3, 1993. See also Strobe Talbott, “Bill, Boris and NATO,” OD 410–12.
124. SDC 1993-State-309943, October 9, 1993, EBB-621, NSA; a handwritten note on the side flags
the reference to the two-plus-four accord: “ST [presumably Strobe Talbott]—I’ve marked the
passage on 2 + 4 and NATO expansion.” Word of the letter leaked to the New York Times; see
Roger Cohen, “Yeltsin Opposes Expansion of NATO in Eastern Europe,” New York Times,
October 2, 1993; see also the discussion of Yeltsin’s use of the two-plus-four in Solomon,
NATO, 24. Contrast this Yeltsin letter and frequent renewed Russian assertions of this argument,
discussed in this chapter, with Goldgeier, “NATO Enlargement,” 155, claiming that “Yeltsin
rarely mentioned the 1990 discussions.”
125. On how Genscher still had influence over the Foreign Ministry after retirement through Kinkel,
see Volker Rühe, “Opening NATO’s Door,” OD 222.
126. SDC 1993-State-309312, October 8, 1993. The most relevant part of the treaty to Wörner’s
remarks is Article 5, Paragraph 3; see also the agreed minute: “Die Zwei-plus-Vier Regelung,”
in Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Vereinigung, 171. The State Department
summary of this conversation does not include a specific mention by Wörner of the agreed
minute, but this document is not a full transcript of his remarks, and does confirm that he
explicitly raised the issue of foreign forces (the subject of the agreed minute). For more on the
nature of German territorial defense forces, about 50,000 strong, that could be present while
former Soviet forces were still in Germany, see Memorandum from Philip Zelikow to Robert
Zoellick, “Territorial Defense Forces in a United Germany,” September 26, 1990, my 2008-
0642-MR, BPL, who notes that German territorial defense forces “are something like our
National Guard, except that they are always under federal—not state—control.”
127. SDC 1993-State-309312, October 8, 1993.
128. Memorandum for Deputy Secretary Strobe Talbott, from Eric Edelman, “Phone Notes for Strobe
on NATO Expansion,” n.d., but “Sept./Oct. 93” handwritten on document, DS-OIPS; see also
Sarotte, “How to Expand NATO.”
129. For more on Rühe’s thinking, including an important speech in London on March 26, 1993, see
Rühe, Betr.: Bundeswehr; Rühe, “Opening NATO’s Door,” OD 217–33; see also Goldgeier, Not
Whether, 34; Stent, Russia, 216–17. I am also grateful to the former Polish diplomat Jerzy
Margański for an email on this speech. On the way Rühe was leaning forward more strongly
than the rest of the German government, see Memo to the Secretary from Robert L. Gallucci,
“Your October 6 Lunch Meeting with Secretary Aspin and Mr. Lake,” subsection “NATO
Expansion: Eastern and Allied Views,” October 5, 1993. I thank Svetlana Savranskaya for a
copy of this document.
130. Memo to the Secretary of State, from T–Dr. Davis, with attachment titled “A Strategy for
NATO’s Expansion and Transformation” (quotation in attachment), September 7, 1993,
131. Branch, Clinton Tapes, 167; Solomon, NATO, 31.
132. Weisser quoted in Goldgeier, Not Whether, 34. See quotations of similar remarks from Rühe in
Solomon, NATO, 31; see also Stent, Russia, 216–17, which refers to Ulrich “Weise,” probably a
misprint for Weisser’s last name.
133. Bonn’s thinking described in previously cited attachment entitled “A Strategy for NATO’s
Expansion and Transformation,” September 7, 1993.
134. Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin, 22–24.
135. Radchenko, “ ‘Nothing but Humiliation,’ ” 778.
136. Yeltsin quotations in Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, September 21, 1993, my 2015-0782-M, CL; on
Rutskoi as acting president, see Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin, 25. See also Marilyn Berger, “Boris
N. Yeltsin, Reformer Who Broke Up the U.S.S.R., Dies at 76,” New York Times, April 24, 2007.
137. Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, September 21, 1993, my 2015-0776-M, CL. The US and German leaders
agreed that they should issue coordinated statements in support of Yeltsin. For more on US
support for Yeltsin, see CFPR 45.
138. Mark Bowden, “The Legacy of Black Hawk Down,” Smithsonian Magazine, January/February
139. Excerpt from Holbrooke’s Bosnia audio diary, reprinted in Packer, Our Man, 290–95. See also
Perry, My Journey, 87.
140. Death and injury statistics from Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin, 25; on Rutskoi’s imprisonment and
release, see Radchenko, “ ‘Nothing but Humiliation,’ ” 785–86.
141. Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 26.
142. Serge Schmemann, “Yeltsin Approves New Constitution Widening His Role,” New York Times,
November 9, 1993; Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin, 25–26.
143. “1./2. Oktober 1993,” BzL 496; see also 496n9.
144. Serge Schmemann, “Russia’s Military: A Shriveled and Volatile Legacy,” New York Times,
November 28, 1993.
145. Stent, Russia, 163.
146. Central Intelligence Agency, “German Military Forces in Eastern Germany after Unification,”
September 27, 1990, my 2008-0642-MR, BPL.
147. Kohl announced publicly that he and Yeltsin spoke every fourteen days in “Erklärung des
Bundeskanzlers Helmut Kohl anläßlich einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit dem
Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation, Boris Jelzin, am 11. Mai 1994 in Bonn,” APBD-49–94,
148. “1./2. Oktober 1993,” BzL 496.
149. Radchenko, “ ‘Nothing but Humiliation,’ ” 14–15; Antall quotations from Letter, Antall–
Clinton, October 8, 1993, in my 2015-0778-M, CL.
150. “Copenhagen European Council (Copenhagen, 21–22 June 1993),”
151. “The President’s Meeting with Chancellor Vranitzky,” April 20, 1994, summary in SDC 1994-
State-114595, April 30, 1994. See also similar comments from the Bush era: Memorandum for
the Secretary of State, from Lawrence Eagleburger, “Impressions from Hungary, Poland, Austria
and Yugoslavia,” March 1, 1990, Robert L. Hutchings Files, Eastern European Coordination,
CF01502-005, BPL; and “Gespräch Mock-Hurd,” December 20, 1989, ÖDF, 439–42. See also
Hill, No Place, 120.
152. “Your October 6 Lunch Meeting with Secretary Aspin and Mr. Lake,” October 5, 1993
(preparatory paper); see also Lynn Davis’s argument for calling the question as soon as possible:
“NOTE TO: The Secretary,” from Lynn Davis, October 15, 1993, DS-OIPS; Asmus, Opening,
49–52; Christopher, In the Stream, 129–30.
153. Memo to Peter Tarnoff from Stephen Oxman, “Your Deputies’ Committee Meeting on the
NATO Summit,” September 14, 1993, DS-OIPS.
154. “OSD Option for Principals’ Meeting, Partnership for Peace with General Link to Membership,”
n.d., but “10/18/93” handwritten on document, State Department copy, DS-OIPS; see also
Talbott, Russia Hand, 97–98.
155. Goldgeier, Not Whether, 27.
156. For basic information about the Partnership, see
157. Quotation in Perry, My Journey, 117; see also 125–28.
158. “John Malchase David Shalikashvili,” JCS website,
159. SDC 1993-USNATO-04194, October 16, 1993; AIW Hunter; AIW Nye; AIW Spero; AIW
Townsend. On Shalikashvili’s role, see Solomon, NATO, 26–27. Contributors to development of
the PfP concept included, among others, Charles Freeman, Robert Hunter, Clarence Juhl, Joseph
Kruzel, Charles Kupchan, James McCarthy, and Jenonne Walker (this list is not
comprehensive): see Jenonne Walker, “Enlarging NATO,” OD 266–68; Kupchan, “Strategic
Visions”; Robert Hunter, “Toward NATO Enlargement,” OD 304–6; Sloan, Defense of the West,
160. Asmus, Opening, 35, for an early discussion of the merits of letting such troops get “ ‘NATO
dirt under their fingernails.’ ”
161. SDC 1993-USNATO-04194, October 16, 1993; “OSD Option for Principals’ Meeting”; AIW
Hunter; AIW Nye; AIW Spero; AIW Townsend.
162. This flexibility was later spelled out in more detail in the process for becoming a partner, which
was tailored for each individual country; see the current information on this process on the
NATO website at and
163. Solomon, NATO, 26–29; AIW Flanagan.
164. “OSD Option for Principals’ Meeting.”
165. Shalikashvili quoted in Goldgeier, Not Whether, 26. See also Sloan, Defense of the West, 113–
14; see also discussion of how PfP should build on the NACC, which he helped to create, in
Robert Zoellick, “Strobe Talbott on NATO: An Answer,” Washington Post, January 5, 1994.
166. On visions of such an organization, see M. E. Sarotte, “The Contest over NATO’s Future,” in
Shapiro and Tooze, Charter, 212–28.
167. SDC 1993-Moscow-31886, October 8, 1993.
168. Many of the points above come from the thinking of Aspin; see Solomon, NATO, 34–35; for
more on the advantages of PfP, see Sloan, Defense of the West, 113; Treisman, Return, 317.
169. Albright quotations from Madeleine Albright, “Memorandum for the President, the Vice
President, and the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor, Subject: PfP and
Central and Eastern Europe,” January 26, 1994, DS-OIPS. Kissinger quoted in Solomon, NATO
Enlargement, 48. See also SDC 1994-USNATO-1505, April 20, 1994, DS-ERR, which noted
that the Poles were “skeptical about President Clinton’s vision of a Europe where no dividing
lines exist.”
170. Note to the Secretary, from Strobe Talbott, October 17, 1993, in SDC 1993-State-317538,
October 19, 1993. For Talbott’s description of these events, see Talbott, Russia Hand, 99–101.
171. SDC 1993-State-317538; see also Talbott, Russia Hand, 78–80.
172. “Summary of Conclusions, Principals Committee Meeting on the NATO Summit, October 18,
1993,” October 27, 1993; I thank Savranskaya for a copy of this document. The significance of
Talbott’s intervention was later leaked to the press; see Michael R. Gordon, “U.S. Opposes
Move to Rapidly Expand NATO Membership,” New York Times, January 2, 1994. For more on
the October 18, 1993 principals’ meeting and its aftermath, see Asmus, Opening, 51–57;
Goldgeier, Not Whether, 39–44.
173. As Lake reported to the president, the principals “reached agreement on recommendations for
handling NATO’s engagement with new and aspiring democracies in Europe’s east”; Memo
from Lake to Clinton, October 19, 1993, stamped “The President has seen, 10.19.93,” my 2015-
0772-M, CL.
174. SDC 1993-State-319425, October 20, 1993.
175. Brzezinski paraphrased in Asmus, Opening, 56–57.
176. Brzezinski, “Premature Partnership,” 67–82.
177. Kozyrev, Firebird, 218–22.
178. SDC 1993-Secto-17024, October 25, 1993.
179. Talbott, Russia Hand, 100–102.
180. SDC 1993-Secto-17027, October 25, 1993. The secretary let Clinton know that Yeltsin thought
the proposal was “terrific”; “Night Note from Moscow, October 23, 1993,” SDC 1993-Secto-
17011, October 23, 1993 (also the source of the “bury Lenin” quotation). On Yeltsin’s
description of PfP as “brilliant,” see Kay, NATO, 71; on the conversation overall, see James
Goldgeier, “Promises Made, Promises Broken? What Yeltsin Was Told about NATO in 1993 and
Why It Matters,” War on the Rocks, July 12, 2016,
about-nato-in-1993-and-why-it-matters/; Solomon, NATO, 53; Talbott, Russia Hand, 101–2.
181. SDC 1993-Secto-17027; Kozyrev, Firebird, 219–21; on Christopher’s conversation with Yeltsin,
see Asmus, Opening, 53–54.
182. “To the Secretary from Strobe Talbott,” n.d., but from context December 31, 1993, 2014-0905-
M, CL.
183. SDC 1993-USNATO-05209, December 9, 1993.
184. SDC 1994-Moscow-00594, January 10, 1994.
185. SDC 1993-USNATO-05209; for Chinese views on NATO expansion, see SDC 1997-Beijin-
40078, November 13, 1997, DS-ERR.
186. Christopher, In the Stream, 130–31. Clinton told Kohl that he was “encouraged by the positive
reaction” to PfP, particularly from NATO allies and Yeltsin. See Telcon, Clinton–Kohl,
November 29, 1993, in my 2015-0776-M, CL.
187. Republicans attacked Clinton’s approach to NATO expansion, and specifically PfP, to the point
that the Russian defense minister said “he was concerned with the growing criticism of the
‘Partnership for Peace’ concept by politicians in Russia and the US Congress” to his American
counterpart. The two men were speaking during “an inaugural phone call to MOD [Minister of
Defense] Grachev on 05 January using the ‘Partnership Line.’ ” During this call, the American
expressed “hope that the ‘Partnership Line’ would be used frequently and could serve as a
symbol of increasing contacts between our defense establishments”; “Memcon of 05 January
SecDef Call to Russian MOD Grachev,” 2014-0905-M, CL. See also Goldgeier, “NATO
Enlargement,” 170.
7. A Terrible Responsibility
1. Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Coit Blacker, Daniel Fried, and Alexander Vershbow,
“Troika Meeting on European Security/NATO Enlargement,” June 16, 1995, my 2015-0772-M,
2. Memcon, Clinton–Major, November 29, 1995, SDC 1996-State-018217, January 31, 1996.
Major responded that PfP “provides the halfway house for prospective members” and “has
turned out better than many thought it would.” Lake also raised the concept of a “veto” with
Clinton during a discussion with Claes; in that conversation, Vice President Gore agreed that
“we should never use the Russian elections as a reference date”: Memcon, Clinton–Claes, SDC
1995-State-071477, March 7, 1995.
3. SDC 1995-State-002289, February 17, 1995.
4. “President’s Dinner with President Yeltsin,” SDC 1994-Moscow-01457, January 14, 1994.
5. Kozyrev quoted in “Secretary Christopher’s Meeting with Andrei Kozyrev, Apr. 26,” SDC
1995-State-106418, May 12, 1995.
6. SDC 1995-State-031006, February 7, 1995.
7. Wałęsa and Kissinger statements in SDC 1995-State-002289, February 17, 1995; suggestion that
Kissinger’s idea meant applying the two-plus-four treaty’s prohibition on foreign troop
stationing in Solomon, NATO, 48.
8. Memorandum for Anthony Lake, from Daniel Fried, “Presidential Message to Lech Walesa,”
February 3, 1995, my 2015-0813-M, CL.
9. Quotation from 1995 Congressional Research Service Report, quoted in Poast and Chinchilla,
“Good for Democracy?,” 475; see also Epstein, “NATO Enlargement”; Epstein, “When
10. See the discussion in chapter 1 of differing terms of membership for various countries.
11. For more on this topic, see Sarotte, “How to Enlarge NATO,” 7–41.
12. Holbrooke quoted by the US embassy in Warsaw, SDC 1995-Warsaw-002289, February 17,
13. Zieleniec quotation in Asmus, Opening, 148; see also 336n52; SDC 1995-USNATO-01259,
March 29, 1995.
14. SDC 1995-Buchar-02061, February 27, 1995.
15. Memcon, Clinton–Horn, June 6, 1995, my 2015-0779-M, CL.
16. Gore remarks in Memcon, Clinton–Claes, March 7, 1995, reported in SDC 1995-State-071477,
March 23, 1995.
17. SDC 1995-USNATO-00721, February 22, 1995.
18. Alessandra Smiley, “Clinton Visit to Ukraine Is Welcome,” New York Times, May 11, 1995.
19. It took nine years after the collapse of the USSR for the leaders of Ukraine to agree to close
Chernobyl; not until December 15, 2000, did the Ukrainian president announce the final
decommissioning of the nuclear plant. The delay was due, as noted in Plokhy, Chernobyl, 334–
42, to the economic crisis of the 1990s, the severity of which “not only paralleled but almost
dwarfed the Great Depression of the 1930s” and meant that Kyiv could not go without the still-
functioning parts of Chernobyl, “a power plant that produced up to 6 percent of the country’s
electrical energy.” Put differently, “Kyiv would give up its nuclear arms but would not budge on
Chernobyl.” It also took more than a quarter of a century to build a sarcophagus over it.
20. Smiley, “Clinton Visit to Ukraine Is Welcome”; see also various papers constituting the briefing
book for Clinton’s trip to Moscow and Kyiv in May 1995, 2016-0135-M, CL.
21. Clinton quotations from “Expanded Plenary Meeting with President Kuchma and Ukrainian
Delegation,” May 11, 1995, my 2016-0217-M; handwritten note on memorandum for the
President from Anthony Lake, “Subject: “Moving Toward NATO Expansion,” with cover note
of October 13, 1994, stamped “The President has seen 94 OCT 13,” 2015-0755-M.
22. On the Ukrainian-Russian interactions, see Plokhy, Gates.
23. SDC 1995-Budape-02063, March 3, 1995.
24. Memorandum for the Secretary, from Strobe Talbott, “From Moscow to Halifax, and Beyond—
US Policy toward Russia through 1996,” May 17, 1995, EBB-447, NSA; AIW Blacker.
25. Tarasyuk quoted in Asmus, Opening, 339n90; see also SDC 1995-Kiev-01752, March 6, 1995.
26. Letter, Meri to Clinton, June 9, 1995, 2014-0656-M, CL.
27. Percentage reported in “24. April 1995,” BzL 669.
28. As Lake reported to Clinton, “West European views [on NATO enlargement] are not yet
crystallized”; Memorandum for the President, from Anthony Lake, “West European Attitudes
toward NATO Enlargement,” n.d., but from context circa July 17, 1995, in my 2015-0772-M,
29. First quotation from “Secretary’s Meeting with French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé, March 22,
1995, Paris,” SDC 1995-Secto-05006, March 23, 1995; second quotation from SDC 1995-State-
025603, February 1, 1995.
30. Gaddis, “History, Grand Strategy,” 147; see also Reiter, “Why NATO Enlargement.”
31. AIW Simons.
32. SDC 1995-State-049691, February 28, 1995, DS-ERR.
33. SDC 1995-Budape-02063, March 3, 1995.
34. Kozyrev made the end-of-the-honeymoon remark in the presence of Christopher, who relayed it
to Clinton in Memorandum for the President, from Warren Christopher, “Night Note, Thursday,
Mar. 23, 1995,” DS-OIPS; see also Asmus, Opening, 110–11.
35. “May 10: Moment of Truth,” note from Talbott to Clinton, no year, but from context May 10,
1995, DS-OIPS.
36. Memorandum for the President, from Warren Christopher, “Night Note, Thursday, March 23,
1995”; Aron, Yeltsin, 667.
37. Kozyrev, Firebird, 285.
38. William E. Odom, “Chechnya, Freedom, and the Voice of Yeltsin Past,” Washington Post,
August 28, 1996.
39. This view proved durable, as Christopher made similar remarks repeatedly in different contexts:
Christopher’s “pretensions” note on untitled memo from Talbott to Christopher, January 2,
1995, M-2017-11330, DS-OIPS; “dark shadow” noted in Memcon, Clinton–Claes, March 7,
40. Juppé described the Chechen War as an affront to anyone who hoped for Russia’s democratic
reform to succeed; Juppé in SDC 1995-State-025603, February 1, 1995.
41. Christopher comment on untitled memo from Talbott to Christopher, January 2, 1995.
42. SDC 1995-State-096220, April 19, 1995.
43. Kozyrev and Hurd remarks quoted and summarized in SDC 1995-London-002522, February 16,
1995; see also Steven Erlanger, “Yeltsin Blames Army for Failures as He Defends War in
Chechnya,” New York Times, February 17, 1995.
44. For more on the treaty, see “The Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty and the
Adapted CFE Treaty at a Glance,” Arms Control Association,; Talbott, Russia Hand, 445–46n4. On the movement
of equipment inside the Soviet Union, see Quentin Peel, “Moscow Report Tells How Thousands
of Tanks Avoided CFE Count,” Financial Times, January 10, 1991, reprinted in Mastny,
Helsinki Process, 295–96; see also Falkenrath, Shaping, xv–xvii, 117–19; Zelikow and Rice, To
Build, 479n74.
45. Memorandum for the Secretary, from Strobe Talbott, “From Moscow to Halifax, and Beyond—
US Policy toward Russia through 1996,” May 17, 1995, EBB-447, NSA. On efforts to revise the
flank agreement, and in effect legalize the presence of Russian forces in Chechnya, see Hill, No
Place, 108, 420–21n26; and Jim Nichol, “Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty,”
Congressional Research Service, September 15, 1995,
46. Director of Central Intelligence, “Selected Items from the National Intelligence Daily,” March
29, 1995, EBB-200, NSA.
47. CIA Office of Slavic and Eurasian Analysis, “The Eurasia Intelligence Weekly,” March 15,
1996, EBB-200, NSA.
48. Talbott, Russia Hand, 206; see also Åslund, “Russia’s Collapse.”
49. Handelman, “Russian ‘Mafiya,’ ” 83–84.
50. Burns, Back Channel, 89.
51. For more on the concept of “time of troubles,” see Gaddy and Hill, Mr. Putin, 23.
52. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
53. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
54. “Secretary’s Meeting with UK Foreign Secretary Hurd, January 16, 1995, Washington, DC,”
SDC 1995-State-016931, January 23, 1995.
55. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
56. Daniel S. Hamilton, “Piece of the Puzzle,” OD 31.
57. Memcon, Clinton–Kok, February 28, 1995, SDC 1995-State-072302, March 24, 1995.
58. Hurd expressed this Russian preference to Christopher in “Secretary’s Meeting with UK Foreign
Secretary Hurd, January 16, 1995, Washington, DC,” as part of discussions in preparation for
Christopher’s scheduled January 17 meeting with Kozyrev.
59. Claes summarized these French efforts to Clinton in Memcon, Clinton–Claes, March 7, 1995;
on the concept of ordering from a menu of integration options, see Jacoby, Enlargement.
60. SDC 1995-London-000542, January 11, 1995.
61. In conversation with Claes and Clinton, Christopher asked whether “French elections will make
any difference”; Memcon, Clinton–Claes, March 7, 1995.
62. Kozyrev asked about “opportunities for Russian defense industry collaboration with Western
counterparts” at a meeting with Hurd in Stockholm on February 14, 1995, according to SDC
1995-London-002522, February 16, 1995; AIW Gottemoeller; AIW Ischinger.
63. Pavlo Fedykovych, “Antonov An-225: World’s Biggest Unfinished Airplane Lies Hidden in
Warehouse,” CNN, September 4, 2018,
64. SDC 1995-London-002522, February 16, 1995.
65. Quotations from SDC 1995-State-052655, March 3, 1995; on the behavior of Russian visitors,
see AIW Townsend.
66. On debate about the relevance of the ABM Treaty, see Dunbar Lockwood, “Administration
Moves,” 21; details on THAAD paraphrased from Jonathan Masters, “Ballistic Missile
Defense,” Council on Foreign Relations, August 15, 2014,
67. “Secretary Christopher’s Meeting with Andrei Kozyrev, April 26,” SDC 1994-State-106418,
May 12, 1995.
68. Yuri Mamedov, Talbott’s frequent interlocutor in Moscow, let the US embassy know this, as
recounted in SDC 1995-Moscow-01059, January 13, 1995.
69. In April 1995 he had supervised the scrapping of an SS-19 Soviet missile and visited a housing
complex that US aid was helping to build, so he knew that such cooperation was possible:
Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 5. See also “NATO Enlargement: Road Map for 1996,”
May 22, 1995, DS-OIPS.
70. Perry’s term of “fictional spontaneity” in Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 30; SDC 1995-
State-008688, January 12, 1995.
71. Claes remark in Memcon, Clinton–Claes, March 7, 1995; President Clinton agreed, saying,
“that’s the way to do it.”
72. SDC 1995-State-008688, January 12, 1995.
73. SDC 1995-USNATO-00287, January 25, 1995.
74. Handwritten note by Christopher on untitled memo from Strobe Talbott to Warren Christopher,
March 24, 1995, DS-OIPS.
75. “Mamedov-ST 1-on-1, Brussels, Jan 10, 1500–1800,” n.d., year not given, but from context
January 10, 1995, DS-OIPS. See also Asmus, Opening, 106–7.
76. “Memorandum for the Secretary,” from Strobe Talbott, Subject: “Preparing for Geneva,”
January 12, 1995.
77. See the discussion of this comment in chapter 2.
78. Untitled memo from Strobe Talbott to Warren Christopher, March 24, 1995, DS-OIPS.
79. Gore comments during “Working Lunch with Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene of Belgium,”
February 11, 1995, reproduced in SDC 1995-State-049057, February 28, 1995.
80. Republicans also suspected that Talbott was willing “to appease Russia”; Goldgeier, Not
Whether, 65.
81. This information comes from a press release by Lee Hamilton on the congressional debate from
January 1995; I am grateful to Chris Kojm for a copy. Christopher and Perry coauthored a
February 1995 op-ed opposing the way the act “unilaterally and prematurely designates certain
European states for NATO membership,” rather than ensuring “each potential member is judged
individually, according to its capacity to contribute to NATO’s goals”; Warren Christopher and
William J. Perry, “Foreign Policy, Hamstrung,” New York Times, February 13, 1995.
82. Edwards and Samples, Republican Revolution, 224.
83. Goldgeier, Not Whether, 83.
84. Asmus, Opening, 312n27; Asmus says Morris conducted this poll without consulting the
85. Morris quoted in Goldgeier, Not Whether, 166–67.
86. Steil, Marshall Plan, 389.
87. Craig R. Whitney, “The D-Day Tour,” New York Times, June 5, 1994.
88. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, February 9, 1995, 10:50–11:30am, my 2015-0776-M, CL.
89. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, February 9, 1995, 11:30am–12:30pm, SDC 1995-State-046609,
February 24, 1995. Kohl added that Yeltsin “doesn’t like it either. Nor does he like being
portrayed as a dictator.”
90. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, February 9, 1995, 11:30am–12:30pm.
91. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, February 9, 1995, 11:30am–12:30pm.
92. See the discussion of committing 20,000 troops to Bosnia in Allison and Zelikow, Essence,
273–75; see also SDC 1995-The Ha-03712, July 10, 1995, DS-ERR.
As a State Department cable issued over Talbott’s name surmised, “Moscow has from the
beginning seen the crisis in former Yugoslavia as a test of its great-power status,” and “its claim
to be a player depends in large part on its influence in Belgrade, and thus [it] has consistently
protected the Milosevic government”; SDC 1995-State-174896, July 21, 1995, DS-ERR.
94. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, February 9, 1995, 10:50–11:30am.
95. Memcon, Clinton-Kohl, February 9, 1995, 11:30am–12:30pm.
96. As Clinton explained to Mitterrand; quotation from Cable, Clinton–Mitterrand, March 19, 1995,
my 2015-0808-M, CL. For Clinton’s acceptance of Yeltsin’s invitation to Moscow, see Letter,
Clinton to Yeltsin, n.d. but from context spring 1995, F-2017-13804, DS-ERR.
97. Director of Central Intelligence, “National Intelligence Daily,” April 11, 1995, EBB-702, NSA;
Oleg Orlov and Sergey Kovalev, “A Brief Description of Events in the Village of Samaskhi,”
n.d., EBB-702, NSA.
98. See discussion of ways to “reinvigorate the Partnership for Peace” in Telcon, Clinton–Yeltsin,
April 27, 1995, my 2015-0782-M, CL.
99. See the advice Talbott gave to Clinton about possible outcomes of the summit in “May 10:
Moment of Truth,” no year, but from context May 10, 1995, DS-OIPS.
100. “May Summit Objectives: Security Architecture/NATO March 30, 1995,” cover note dated
April 25, 1995, DS-OIPS.
101. Perry request reported by Talbott to Christopher in “Note to the Secretary,” April 13, 1995,
EBB-702, NSA.
102. See book of briefing papers for trip to Moscow, n.d., but before start of summit on May 9, 1995,
2016-0135-M, CL; quotation from Memorandum for the President, From: Anthony Lake,
“Subject: Moscow Summit,” n.d., but part of pre-summit briefing.
103. “May 10: Moment of Truth.” Talbott thought Yeltsin had de facto told Clinton in Budapest, “
‘you can have either an undivided Europe or an expanded NATO, but not both.’ ” Now Clinton
was supposed to undo that result.
104. In “Note to the Secretary,” April 13, 1995, Talbott recounts Clinton’s exact words (in quotation
marks) to Christopher afterward.
105. “Summary of One-on-One Meeting between Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin,” Memcon, Clinton–
Yeltsin, May 10, 1995, M-2017-11528. Yeltsin added, “the hardest thing, Bill, is to persuade our
militaries—both yours and ours—to accept the next step: START III.” See also “12. Juni 1995,”
BzL 680.
106. Kokoshin, Soviet Strategic Thought, 199.
107. “Summary Report of One-on-One Meeting between Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin, May 10,
1995, 10:10am–1:19pm, St. Catherine’s Hall, the Kremlin,” my 2015-0782-M, CL; Radchenko,
“ ‘Nothing but Humiliation.’ ”
108. “Summary Report of One-on-One Meeting between Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin, May 10,
109. Clinton’s words repeated in “Debrief for EU Reps of the President’s Summits in Moscow and
Kiev,” SDC 1995-USEU B-05683, May 24, 1995.
110. “Summary Report of One-on-One Meeting between Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin, May 10,
111. See the timeline of events in Daalder, Getting to Dayton, xiii–xv.
112. To the Secretary of State, from DRL–John Shattuck, “Defense of the Safe Areas of Bosnia,”
July 19, 1995, DS-ERR. On the establishment of Srebrenica as a safe zone, see Bethany Allen-
Ebrahimian, “The Hague Just Reminded Us Why Safe Zones May Not Be Safe,” Foreign
Policy, June 28, 2017,
113. Refugee number reported in “4. Dezember 1995,” BzL 708.
114. SDC 1995-State-206040, August 30, 1995, DS-ERR; Asmus, Opening, 127; and Packer, Our
Man, 337–46.
115. Quotation from Talbott, Russia Hand, 171.
116. Spending statistics from Korb, “Who’s in Charge Here?,” 6; quotation from Talbott, Russia
Hand, 171.
117. Quotations from TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
118. Asmus, Opening, 127; Talbott, Russia Hand, 172; see also the history of this operation on the
NATO website,
119. Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 32.
120. Ischinger, World in Danger, 17; Sloan, Defense of the West, 137–38 (which notes that IFOR was
replaced by SFOR, and then by an EU force in December 2004); see also the UN Press Release
SC/6134, November 30, 1995,
121. Jenonne Walker, “Enlarging NATO,” OD 266–67, 275; in addition, as Hamilton, “Piece of the
Puzzle,” OD 39, notes, IFOR “validated both the CJTFs and the PfP.”
122. Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, July 25, 1995, my 2015-0776-M CL.
123. SDC 1996-USNATO-00056, January 6, 1996.
124. For the evolution of PfP, including deployment to Bosnia, see NATO website, On Ukraine and IFOR, see SDC 1996-
Kiev-00029, January 5, 1996.
125. IFOR thus proved a surprisingly successful way to promote NATO-Russian cooperation; see
Hamilton, “Piece of the Puzzle,” OD 39; see also Stent, Russia, 214.
126. Strobe Talbott, “Why NATO Should Grow,” New York Review of Books, August 10, 1995.
Talbott’s article also named the January 1994 NATO summit as the moment when the alliance
had decided to expand eastward, indicating his view that the announcement of PfP that month
was the start of the full-guarantee enlargement process.
127. Talbott, “Why NATO Should Grow.”
128. AIW McFaul.
129. A useful overview of the voluminous public discussion about NATO expansion at this time
appears in Grayson, Strange Bedfellows.
130. Richard T. Davies, “Should NATO Grow? A Dissent,” New York Review of Books, September
21, 1995.
131. SDC 1995-State-191416, containing text of letter, Clinton to Yeltsin, August 11, 1995, M-2010-
0427, CL.
132. On the extension of the NPT, see Barbara Crossette, “Treaty Aimed at Halting Spread of
Nuclear Weapons Extended,” New York Times, May 12, 1995. For more on the 1995 extension,
see William Burr, “Tracking the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty,” EBB-701, NSA.
133. Defense Dept., CTR Program Office, “CTR Accomplishments during the Clinton
Administration,” October 31, 1995, EBB-447, NSA.
134. Michael Krepon, “The Long-Term Costs of NATO Expansion,” The National Interest, January
29, 2020,; see also
Lever, “Cold War.”
135. Study on NATO Enlargement, Official Text, September 3, 1995, See also Memorandum for the
President, from Anthony Lake, “The NATO Enlargement Study,” October 2, 1995, marked “The
President has seen 10-4-95,” my 2015-0772-M, CL; Goldgeier, Not Whether, 93–96; Hill, No
Place, 133–34.
136. Churkin quoted in SDC 1995-USNATO-03817, September 29, 1995. On Churkin, see “Vitaly
Churkin, Russia’s Combative ‘Diplomatic Maestro,’ at UN, Dead at 64,” Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, February 20, 2017. Also in September 1995, Talbott advised Christopher
that Russian leaders needed “doses of respect to cure their Rodney Dangerfield syndrome,” that
is, the sense that they got no respect. He added, “I know all this makes you sigh heavily . . . I
can just hear you thinking to yourself: . . . there goes my trusty deputy, making the case not just
for tolerance but for accommodation of the big babies in Moscow. I admit it: they’re a real head
case. But their capacity for doing harm . . . is immense”: “Friday, September 15, 1995, Chris,”
137. Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 26; Talbott, Russia Hand, 177.
138. Telcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, September 27, 1995, my 2015-0782-M, CL. See also Kozyrev and
Talbott’s preparatory conversations before Hyde Park, “Talbott–Kozyrev One-on-Ones in
Moscow, First session: October 17, 1995”; and “Memorandum to the President,” from Warren
Christopher, October 20, 1995, both DS-ERR.
139. Talbott remarks and Clinton quotations in Talbott, Russia Hand, 184–85. For an even more
positive assessment of Yeltsin, see Colton, Yeltsin, 8–9.
140. Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, October 10, 1995, my 2015-0776-M, CL.
141. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, October 23, 1995, my 2015-0782-M, CL.
142. On Grachev, see “Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev,” n.d., but part of briefing papers for Hyde Park
summit, October 23, 1995, 2016-0137-M, CL; SDC 1995-State-275658, November 29, 1995;
Carter and Perry, Preventive Defense, 42; Perry, My Journey, 120–23. On Dayton generally, see
Auswärtiges Amt, Deutsche Aussenpolitik 1995.
143. Statement of State Department optimism in “Secretary Christopher’s Participation in the NAC
and NACC Ministerials, Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 5–6, 1995” (I thank Svetlana Savranskaya for
a copy of this document); Talbott quoted in Holbrooke, To End, 212.
144. On Yeltsin’s October 26, 1995, heart attack, see Memorandum for the President, from Anthony
Lake, “Get Well Message for Yeltsin,” October 26, 1995, my 2015-0815-M, CL, which noted
that Yeltsin had suffered an attack at 2:30 p.m. Moscow time that day.
145. The scandal dated to Claes’s work as economics minister in the 1980s; Rick Atkinson, “Claes
Resigns as NATO Secretary General,” Washington Post, October 21, 1995.
146. Sam Roberts, “Ruud Lubbers, Former Dutch Prime Minister, Is Dead at 78,” New York Times,
February 15, 2018.
147. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
148. Kohl explained this to party colleagues; “9./10. Januar 1998,” BzL 961.
149. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
150. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
151. Roberts, “Ruud Lubbers”; Rick Atkinson, “U.S. Blocks Lubbers from NATO Post,” Washington
Post, November 11, 1995.
152. On Solana taking office, see SDC 1995-USNATO-04793, December 5, 1995; Christopher
quotation in SDC 1995-USNATO-04805, December 6, 1995. I thank Savranskaya for both
153. SDC 1996-Secto-05005, March 17, 1996; Solana said this to Christopher in spring 1996, not
late 1995, but it describes his approach in 1995 as well.
154. On Lewinsky’s mother securing the internship, see Morton, Monica’s Story, 53–54; see 1–52 for
more details of Monica Lewinsky’s childhood biography.
155. “Excerpts from Narrative Section of Starr Report,” Los Angeles Times, September 12, 1998.
156. See Christopher’s report on this session in Memorandum for the President, from Warren
Christopher, “Night Note from Brussels,” December 7, 1995, DS-OIPS.
157. SDC 1995-USNATO-04805, December 6, 1995.
158. SDC 1996-USNATO-00056, January 6, 1996.
159. French willingness to reengage discussed in Memorandum for the President, from Warren
Christopher, “Night Note from Brussels,” December 7, 1995, DS-OIPS.
160. Hunter quotations in SDC 1995-USNATO-05040, December 22, 1995.
161. Quotation from January 27, 1995, in SDC 1995-State-002289, February 17, 1995.
162. Steinberg later described it as follows: “There is a sort of chance that we have right now to lock
in a foreign policy architecture for the 21st century.” Steinberg quoted in Peter Baker, “Road
May Be Refuge for Clinton,” Washington Post, March 17, 1997.
163. Memcon, Clinton–Kok, February 28, 1995; as Talbott had put the same concept to German
interlocutors in May 1994, “the West has a once-in-a-millennium chance to build an undivided
Europe and we should not preempt possible alternatives”: SDC 1994-State-125189, May 11,
1994, DS-ERR.
153. Memorandum for the President, From: Samuel R. Berger, Subject: “Scope Paper: Your Meeting
with President Yeltsin,” March 17, 1997; on most reformist since 1992, Aron, Yeltsin, 742.
154. Yeltsin, Midnight Diaries, 87; Aron, Yeltsin, 668–70, which also notes that there were danger
signals for the Russian economy, such as that 50 to 70 percent of trade was “transacted in cash.”
155. Previously, foreigners were restricted to 15 percent participation. Locatelli, “Russian Oil
Industry”; see also Aron, Yeltsin, 741.
156. Memorandum for the President, From: Madeleine Albright, Subject: “Meeting with President
Yeltsin of Russia,” March 19, 1997, 2016-0140-M, CL (note: this document is heavily
underlined and marked up by the president). Clinton hoped that he could get Yeltsin’s
acceptance of NATO expansion in order to begin making that expansion a reality, but the US
president would not do so at any cost. In the margin of this document he made a handwritten
note of five “no’s” he could not accept in Helsinki: “Ns [sic]—veto, delay, exclusion, 2nd class,
subord,” meaning no Russian veto, no more delay, no exclusion or second-class membership for
any country, and no subordination of the alliance to other entities.
157. Memcon, Talbott–Primakov, March 6, 1997, DS-OIPS. See also discussion of the “bribe”
concept in “Talbott/Chubais Memcon,” n.d. but from context February 1997, DS-ERR.
158. On the “spectacular view,” see Talbott, Russia Hand, 238.
159. On Yeltsin’s illness in his second term, see Colton, Yeltsin, 380–82. Colton estimates that Yeltsin
was hospitalized at least eight times between November 1996 and December 1999.
160. Clinton quoted in Branch, Clinton Tapes, 436; Albright, Madam Secretary, 257.
161. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, March 21, 1997, 9:50–11:55am, my 2015-0782-M, CL. In a 2005
interview, Berger remembered the exchange as follows: Clinton said, “ ‘Give it up on NATO
enlargement. We’re going ahead. . . . All you’re doing, Boris, is creating a defeat for yourself.
We’re going forward.’ ” Then, “Yeltsin at the last moment said, ‘But not the Baltics. You have
to commit to me that you will not open up NATO to the Baltics.’ And the President said, ‘No, I
will not make that commitment, and you should not define Russia in those terms. All you’re
doing is moving the line of the divide between East and West. You’re moving the line farther to
the east. You should define a different relationship with the West.’ It was a dramatic moment.
Yeltsin was obviously very troubled by Bosnia, by our intervention there, very troubled by
NATO enlargement, but Clinton was very firm with him on that.” TOIW Samuel R. Berger,
March 24–25, 2005, WCPHP.
162. Clinton’s rebuff to Yeltsin is summarized in Albright, Madam Secretary, 257.
Quotations about Crimea/Sevastopol in Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, March 21, 1997, 9:50–
11:55am; “push Ol’ Boris” quotation from preparatory session for Helsinki, quoted in Talbott,
Russia Hand, 237; remainder of quotations from “Working Lunch with Russian President
Yeltsin,” Finnish President’s Residence, March 21, 1997, 1:00–2:00pm, my 2015-0782-M, CL.
164. On the Paris Club, which Russia joined in 1997, see “Russia to Join Paris Club of Creditors,”
New York Times, September 17, 1997; on the G7, which Russia joined in 1998, making it the G8
(but was expelled in 2014 following its annexation of Crimea), see Alison Smale and Michael
D. Shear, “Russia Is Ousted from Group of 8 by US and Allies,” New York Times, March 24,
2014. WTO accession took until 2012; see The OECD “postponed activities
related to the accession process” for Russia in the wake of the invasion of Crimea in 2014; see
process-with-russia-and-co-operation-with-ukraine.htm. Quotation from “Working Lunch with
Russian President Yeltsin,” March 21, 1997. See also Goldgeier and McFaul, Power, 206–8.
165. “Afternoon Meeting with President Yeltsin,” Finnish President’s Residence, March 21, 1997, 4–
4:50pm, my 2015-0782-M, CL.
166. On Yeltsin’s resistance to Baltic membership, see Poast and Urpelainen, Organizing Democracy,
167. Clinton’s remarks summarized in in Branch, Clinton Tapes, 436–37. Asmus’s account of this
summit omits Summers’s role, saying instead, “Yeltsin appeared to simply give up”; Asmus,
Opening, 203.
168. “Press Conference of President Clinton and President Yeltsin,” March 21, 1997, F-2013-08489,
DS-ERR. The name was apparently meant to echo the Helsinki “Final Act.” On how Russia
wanted a legally binding treaty that would “put them on a par with the new NATO members”
and the treaty that had founded NATO, see “Berger–Levitte Lunch,” January 24, 1997, DS-
169. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, March 21, 1997, 8:15–9:30pm, my 2015-0782-M, CL, has the
following note at the end: “As the dinner breaks up, Mr. Talbott tells Mr. Ryurikov [identified as
Yeltsin’s Foreign Policy Assistant] that President Yeltsin had spoken in error at the press
conference when he said that there had been an agreement with the President that NATO would
not use Soviet-built infrastructure on the territory of new members states of NATO. Ryurikov
acknowledges that there had not been such an agreement.”
170. For some of the contentious details, see SDC 1997-State-069524, April 15, 1997; and SDC
1997-State-86892, May 9, 1997, both DS-ERR. See also “MKA Pre-Brief, ST [Strobe Talbott]
4/25/97, A Menu of Scenarios for Your May Day in Moscow: The Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly,” DS-OIPS.
171. Memorandum for Samuel Berger, from John R. Schmidt, Subject: “Inviting Partners to Madrid,”
April 15, 1997, my 2015-0772-M, CL. On the reason why the Russian ceremony would take
place in Paris (to assuage Chirac, who had unsuccessfully called for a smaller “five-power”
summit), see SDC 1997-Paris-005301, March 7, 1997, and SDC 1997-Paris-05742, March 12,
1997, both DS-ERR.
172. Memcon, Clinton–Solana, May 19, 1997, 2015-0548-M, CL.
173. For more on the new council, see “Basic Document of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council,”
May 30, 1997, in
mode=pressrelease; on the NACC becoming moribund, see Hamilton, “Piece of the Puzzle,”
OD 45; on the EAPC, see Hill, No Place, 149.
174. Memorandum for the President, from Samuel Berger, Subject: “The NATO-Russia ‘Founding
Act,’ ” May 15, 1997, Stamped “The President has seen, 5-19-97,” 2015-0772-M, CL; see also
section IV, “Political-Military Matters,” in “Founding Act,” available at
175. Michael MccGwire criticized this document, among other reasons, for removing hope for a
nuclear-free zone in former Warsaw Pact territory: MccGwire, “NATO Expansion,” 23. On
vague Western language about NATO’s options and its (negative) effects on relations with
Russia, see also Treisman, Return, 318–19.
176. SDC 1997-State-097231, May 23, 1997, EBB-447, NSA.
177. Memorandum for the President, from Samuel Berger, Subject: “The NATO-Russia ‘Founding
Act,’ ” May 15, 1997, my 2015-0772-M, CL. To Primakov directly, Albright challenged a
Russian press report quoting Primakov as saying that the final document was “legally binding,”
saying, “this is a mischaracterization. The document, as Primakov knows, is politically
binding.” She added that Yeltsin claimed that it gave Russia a veto, which was also incorrect.
The American record of their conversation notes that, in reply, “Primakov admitted that Yeltsin
had spoken of a Russian veto. That was a mistake. He had explained this to the Russian
president, but Yeltsin had misunderstood.” Memcon, Albright–Primakov, Laurent Restaurant,
Paris, May 26, 1997, SDC, 1997-State-110688, June 12, 1997.
178. It is unclear whether Clinton received advance word of that ruling, or if it inspired his behavior
with Lewinsky the weekend before, but the news had a noticeable impact on his behavior in
Paris, according to Talbott, Russia Hand, 247.
179. “Narrative Pt. VII,” reprinted in the Washington Post,
srv/politics/special/clinton/icreport/6narritvii.htm; and “Excerpts from Narrative Section of Starr
Report,” reprinted in the Los Angeles Times, September 12, 1998,
180. When Lewinsky told her about the stained blue dress, Tripp advised her not to launder it;
Roxanne Roberts, “Linda Tripp Wanted to Make History; Instead, It Nearly Destroyed Her,”
Washington Post, April 9, 2020.
181. Description of Yeltsin’s behavior, and quotation, in Talbott, Russia Hand, 246; see also “Yeltsin
Signs Founding Act, Says Missiles Will Not Target NATO,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Newsline, May 27, 1997,
182. Asmus, Opening, 210–11, recalled that “no one knew what it meant. Albright and Primakov,
who were sitting next to each other, were talking intensely, but the Russian Foreign Minister did
not seem to have a clue either.” Observers could not tell whether Yeltsin, in making this gesture,
was disoriented, dishonest, or disobeyed later. Although the US press spokesman, Michael
McCurry, did receive a number of questions, he could only refer journalists to the Russian
delegation; see “Press Briefing by Mike McCurry,” Talleyrand Hotel, Paris, France, May 27,
1997, See also
Colton, Yeltsin, 381, which chalks the statement up to illness.
183. Memcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, May 27, 1997, American Ambassador’s Residence, my 2015-0782-
M, CL.
184. Andrei Kozyrev, “Russia and NATO Enlargement,” OD 457.
185. Michael R. Gordon, “Russia and Ukraine Finally Reach Accord on Black Sea Fleet,” New York
Times, May 29, 1997. On the difficulties in getting Yeltsin to Kiev, see discussion during the
“Limousine ride of Vice President Gore with Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma,” May 14,
1997, DS-ERR.
186. “Ukraine and Russian Federation, Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership,” Kyiv,
May 31, 1997, entry into force April 1, 1999. On October 2, 2014, Ukraine registered the treaty
with the Secretariat of the United Nations; see the UN website,
08000002803e6fae.pdf; and Sorokowski, “Treaty,” 319–29; Aron, Yeltsin, 742.
187. Talbott, Russia Hand, 247.
188. Memcon, US-EU Summit, Restricted Meeting, SDC 1997-State-112007, May 28, 1997.
9. Only the Beginning
1. George Kennan, “A Fateful Error,” New York Times, February 5, 1997; Talbott, Russia Hand,
2. Gaddis, Strategies, rev. ed., 70–77; for a nuanced analysis of Kennan’s thought, see Logevall,
“Critique of Containment,” 474–79.
3. Gorbachev–Reagan, Final Meeting (US record), October 12, 1986, EBB-203, NSA.
4. Perry wrote in 2015 that “as it turned out, we never did build the SDI system. . . . When I think
of the persistent history of the forlorn idea of defense against a nuclear attack, I am [reminded
of] . . . Einstein’s grim and painfully realistic observation that ‘the unleashed power of the atom
has changed everything save our modes of thinking’ ”; Perry, My Journey, 68. See also his 2020
book: “Ten years later [after SDI was announced in 1983], after spending tens of billions of
dollars on X-ray lasers, directed-energy weapons, particle-beam weapons, space-based kinetic
interceptors, and ‘Brilliant Pebbles,’ the Pentagon was forced to conclude that none of these
concepts would work. The idea of a massive defense against hundreds of incoming warheads
was dead”; Perry and Collina, Button, 154.
5. Gaddis, Kennan, 667–68.
6. Kennan, “A Fateful Error,” New York Times, February 5, 1997. According to Talbott, Clinton
was sufficiently concerned about Kennan’s article opposing expansion to grill Talbott about its
argument. Talbott responded that “Kennan had opposed the formation of NATO in the first
place” so “it was no great surprise that he opposed its enlargement,” which seemed to satisfy the
president: Talbott, Russia Hand, 232.
7. TOIW James Steinberg, April 1, 2008, WCPHP.
8. Memcon, Clinton–Prodi, May 6, 1998, my 2015-0755-M, CL.
9. “26. Mai 1997,” BzL 867 (barriers, written off); “9. Februar 1998,” BzL 968 (reparations).
10. “30. Juni 1997,” BzL 883.
11. Talbott recounted that Kohl said these words to him in Talbott, Russia Hand, 227.
12. On the protests against Kohl, see SDC 1997-Bonn-007047, June 12, 1997, my 2015-0771-M
CL; on the difficulties of setting up currency union, see Sarotte, “Eurozone Crisis.”
13. Memcon, Clinton–Kohl, May 22, 1997, my 2015-0776-M, CL.
14. Quotation from Memcon, Albright–Primakov, June 19, 1997, DS-OIPS; on using limits as a
brake on enlargement, see Talbott, Russia Hand, 450n20. For more on CFE adaptation, see “The
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty and the Adapted CFE Treaty at a Glance,”
Arms Control Association,
15. MccGwire, “NATO Expansion,” 23, 37. A further complication with updating CFE was, in
Ukraine’s view, the way in which “the agreement as written gave the Russians a legal basis to
position troops and equipment on Ukrainian soil”: SDC 1997-State-071333, April 17, 1997, DS-
16. This is the description of their view in Asmus, Opening, 205.
17. Talbott, Russia Hand, 450n20; Talbott’s interest in the Baltics dated back to the very start of his
time in office, as he had tried (unsuccessfully) to have the three Baltic states added to his
portfolio as early as January 1993; see Memo, Strobe Talbott to Peter Tarnoff, “ISCA plus the
Baltics,” January 23, 1993, DS-ERR.
18. SDC 1995-Budape-02063, March 3, 1995.
19. Quotation from Memcon, Chirac–Clinton, June 20, 1997, my 2015-0775-M, CL, in which
Clinton and Chirac discuss the problem that Yeltsin is not coming to Madrid.
20. Quotation from Memorandum for the President, from Madeleine Albright, “Night Note,” May
30, 1997, DS-OIPS; Memorandum for the President, from Samuel Berger, “Deciding Which
Countries to Support for NATO Membership at the Madrid Summit,” June 9, 1997, my 2015-
0772-M, CL, which was a draft but was consistent with other forms of similar advice given to
the president at the time.
21. Madeleine Albright, “Harvard University Commencement Address,” June 5, 1997, Archives of
Women’s Political Communication,
university-commencement-address-june-5-1997/; quotation about Colin Powell from TOIW
Madeleine Albright, August 30, 2006, WCPHP; Albright, Madam Secretary, 252–54. An expert
on the Marshall Plan, Benn Steil, argued that Albright made the goals of NATO expansion
remarkably similar to those of the Marshall Plan: “to integrate new democracies, eliminate old
hatreds, provide confidence in economic recovery, and deter conflict”; Steil, Marshall Plan,
22. Talbott, Russia Hand, 228–29.
23. Albright, Madam Secretary, 258.
24. Letter from Solana to Albright, June 17, 1997, NATO Archive.
25. Clinton’s words summarized in Branch, Clinton Tapes, 456.
26. Talbott quotation in “Deputy Secretary Briefs Baltic Ambassadors,” June 12, 1997, DS-ERR,
where he added, “since 1994, we have known that enlargement should not exclude any
emerging democracy, including for reasons based on history of geography.” Talbott “cautioned,”
however, against “public statements anticipating NATO’s next round in 1999,” explaining such
statements could “hurt US arguments in favor of continued enlargement” in “Acting Secretary
Talbott’s Meeting with Estonian Foreign Minister Ilves,” July 31, 1997, DS-ERR. Asmus
indicated that he understood adding the Baltics to be his overall goal in “Note to ST [Strobe
Talbott] from RDA [Ron D. Asmus], Subject: The Hanseatic Strategy,” July 20, 1997, DS-
OIPS. Asmus later wrote that Talbott’s support for the Baltics conflicted with public
(mis)perceptions that, as a Russia expert, Talbott always prioritized Moscow. Asmus was struck
by “the contrast between the public caricature of Talbott’s thinking and what he advocated in
reality”; Asmus, Opening, 230. On the draft US/Baltic charter under development at this time,
see SDC 1997-Tallinn-02159, June 23, 1997. See also Goldgeier, Not Whether, 115.
27. Albright quoted in Asmus, Opening, xxxi.
28. Coauthored with Robert Nurick; see Asmus and Nurick, “NATO Enlargement,” 121.
29. Estonian president Lennart Meri complained that the act had “sacrificed” his country to “NATO-
Russian accommodation”: SDC 1997-State-110550, June 12, 1997; Asmus, Opening, 233–34.
30. Donald G. McNeil Jr., “Estonia’s President: Un-Soviet and Unconventional,” New York Times,
April 7, 2001; see also Wolff, “Stalin’s Postwar Border-Making Tactics.”
31. Meri remark of May 28, 1997, quoted in SDC 1997-State-110550, June 12, 1997. Asmus,
Opening, 234, termed this “the low point of our relations with the Baltics.”
32. SDC 1997-State-110550, June 12, 1997; for more context, see Stent, Limits.
33. Memorandum for the President, from Samuel Berger, “Subject: Costs of NATO Enlargement,”
May 30, 1997, stamped “the president has seen, 6-2-97,” my 2015-0772-M, CL. See also an
earlier estimate prepared at Jesse Helms’s request: Letter, US General Accounting Office to
Senator Jesse Helms, June 28, 1995,
34. Memcon, Clinton–Kwaśniewski, Warsaw, July 10, 1997, my 2015-0781-M, CL.
35. The Cambridge Dictionary defines “to snog” as a “UK informal” verb meaning “to kiss and
hold a person in a sexual way”: On
the SNOG sessions, see “Meeting with Senate NATO Russia Observer Group (SNOG), Date:
June 11, 1997” (preparatory paper), June 10, 1997, from Samuel Berger, stamped “the president
has seen 6/11/97,” my 2015-0772-M, CL. On British diplomats’ reaction, see AIW Rosner.
36. Talbott later briefed NATO ambassadors on the SNOG session using these words, as recorded in
SDC 1997-State-11475, June 14, 1997 (it was apparently “intense” even without all SNOG
members attending—available records suggest not all members did).
37. Memcon, Blair–Clinton, May 29, 1997, SDC 1997-State-113437, June 17, 1997, DS-OIPS.
38. The president was thereby following Berger’s recommendation as expressed in “Meeting with
Senate NATO Russia Observer Group (SNOG), Date: June 11, 1997,” June 10, 1997. Asmus
recalled that a key development on the way was when the Deputies Committee decided to
support extending invitations to only three states on May 19, 1997; see Asmus, Opening, 218.
Albright also advised Solana on Clinton’s preference for three: Memcon Albright–Solana,
Sintra, Portugal, May 29, 1997, SDC 1997-State-112472, June 14, 1997.
39. “Notes by Jeremy Rosner, Senior Advisor to the President and Secretary of State for NATO
Enlargement Ratification, from meeting at the White House of President Clinton with members
of Senate NATO Observer Group,” handwritten date of June 12, 1997, but from context June 11,
1997; I thank Jeremy Rosner for a copy of this document.
40. Quotations from “Notes by Jeremy Rosner . . . from meeting at the White House of President
Clinton with members of Senate NATO Observer Group”; Warner’s views in Asmus, Opening,
264. On the subject of diluting or ruining NATO, see Goldgeier, Not Whether, 12–13.
41. Quotations from “Notes by Jeremy Rosner . . . from meeting at the White House of President
Clinton with members of Senate NATO Observer Group”; see also the JCS’s advice that three
“would be more practicable and easier for the alliance to absorb,” in SDC 1997-State-11475,
June 14, 1997.
42. “Statement on Enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” June 12, 1997, Public
Papers of the Presidents of the United States, William Clinton, Year 1997, Book 1,
1997; comment to Blair in Memcon, Blair–Clinton, May 29, 1997.
43. Jacoby, citing Celeste Wallander, compared NATO to a soccer team that could hold tryouts but
could not cut anyone from the team once selected; Jacoby, Enlargement, xiii; Wallander,
“NATO’s Price.” See also James Goldgeier and Garret Martin, “NATO’s Never-Ending Struggle
for Relevance,” War on the Rocks, September 3, 2020,
44. He said this to Tony Blair; see Memcon, Blair–Clinton, May 29, 1997.
45. Talbott advised using this wording in SDC 1997-State-11475, June 14, 1997.
46. SDC 1997-State-114913, June 18, 1997.
47. Védrine quoted in SDC 1997-Paris-13923, June 19, 1997.
48. On Védrine, see Asmus, Opening, 224–25. This development coincided with the failure of a
request by Chirac to share NATO command posts in Europe with Europeans, most notably
Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH); for more on that topic, see “Berger–Levitte
Meeting on AFSOUTH,” January 24, 1997, DS-ERR. I thank Frédéric Bozo for an email
discussion on this topic; for more on AFSOUTH, see
49. Asmus, Opening, 221.
50. Letter, Secretary Cohen to Minister Rühe, n.d. on document but dated July 1997 by archive, my
2015-0810-M, CL. The program was the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Program.
51. Ronald Steel, “Instead of NATO,” New York Review of Books, January 15, 1998,
52. According to the association’s vice president, Joel Johnson, paraphrased in Goldgeier, Not
Whether, 135.
53. The spokesman was Barry French; quoted in Goldgeier, Not Whether, 135. The US ambassador
was Jenonne Walker; her account of the fight between defense contractors is in Jenonne Walker,
“Enlarging NATO,” OD 273–74. See also a similar account in SDC 1997-Bonn-12846, October
14, 1997, DS-ERR.
54. Steel, “Instead of NATO.”
55. On the sense inside the administration that time for debate was over, and the way that the “time
of ‘architecture’ is over; the time of action is here,” see “Beyond Architecture to Action,” SDC
1996-USNATO-00056, January 6, 1996.
56. Albright, Madam Secretary, 254.
57. Steel, “Instead of NATO.” See also Gaddis, “History, Grand Strategy,” 145–51; John Kornblum
and Michael Mandelbaum, “Was It a Good Idea? The Debate Continues,” The American
Interest, May 2008,
decade-on/; Yost, NATO Transformed, xii.
58. The writers also argued that it was not NATO but the EU that should enlarge, because that
would do less injury to negotiations with Moscow over disarmament. “Open Letter to President
Clinton,” June 26, 1997,
59. On the nuclear activity at Novaya Zemlya, see Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet,
Memorandum for [Redacted], Subject: “[Redacted] Results of Special Panel Meeting on Novaya
Zemlya Test Site,” October 28, 1997; quotation from CIA Intelligence Report, Office of Russian
and European Analysis, “Russia: Developing Nuclear Warheads at Novaya Zemlya?,” July 2,
1999, both in EBB-200, NSA. The latter document discusses Vladimir Putin as having a role in
the testing. See also “MKA–ISI One-on-One,” September 20, 1999, DS-ERR, in which Albright
and Ivanov discuss how “Putin is getting more immersed in arms control.”
60. “Remarks by Stan Resor,” Arms Control Association, June 26, 1997,
61. There was a crucial difference, they felt, between then and now: the two-plus-four accord was
ratified by signatories (including the US Senate on October 10, 1990, by a vote of 98 to 0; see and was a legally binding treaty;
the 1997 Paris accord was not.
62. Letter, Solana to Kinkel, June 13, 1997, NATO Archive. The secretary general had told Yevgeny
Primakov that “the Founding Act should in no way be understood to limit the possibility of
establishing multinational forces headquarters and multinational integrated units, including on
the territory of new members.”
63. The president sought to confirm this preference with Kohl days before the summit, and the
German replied, “I think we can pursue it that way, but we simply need to give a message
opening up a perspective for Romania and Slovenia”: Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, July 3, 1997, my
2015-0776-M, CL. They also agreed they should not make too much of Baltic membership at
present; instead, they needed “to find a way to keep them happy.” On Solana’s poll of member-
state views, see SDC 1997-USNATO-02139, June 20, 1997; and Asmus, Opening, 224–25,
which notes the results of Solana’s informal poll as follows: seven countries preferred three new
members; six preferred five; two preferred more than five. See also SDC 1997-State-120928,
June 26, 1997.
64. Malcolm Rifkind, “NATO Enlargement 20 Years On,” OD 511.
65. Asmus, Opening, 214.
66. Asmus, Opening, 214. The French appeared to be interested in adding Slovenia as well; I thank
Bozo for this point.
67. Quotation, and account of Tripp pushing Lewinsky to exert more pressure on Clinton, in
Melinda Henneberger, “The Testing of the President,” New York Times, October 3, 1998.
Excerpts from Lewinsky’s July 3, 1997, letter are in “Narrative Part VIII,” Washington Post,
68. Quotation from “Narrative Part VIII.”
69. Clinton request to see Lewinsky on July 4, and White House visitors log showing 8:51 a.m.
arrival that day by Lewinsky, in “Narrative Part VIII.”
70. Quotations in “Narrative Part VIII.”
71. David Streitfeld and Howard Kurtz, “Literary Agent Was behind Secret Tapes,” Washington
Post, January 24, 1998; TOIW Lucianne Goldberg and TOIW Linda Tripp, both in Slate,
September 18, 2018,
72. Quotations from TOIW Lucianne Goldberg in Slate, September 18, 2018,
73. Roxanne Roberts, “Linda Tripp Wanted to Make History,” Washington Post, April 9, 2020.
74. Memcon, Clinton–Solana, July 7, 1995, 2015-0548-M, CL.
75. Asmus, Opening, 243.
76. Albright, Madam Secretary, 261.
77. “Madrid Declaration,” July 8, 1997, At the
December 1997 ministerial, Solana emphasized the importance of repeating that the door stayed
open; see his letter to this effect to the Canadian Foreign Minister, Lloyd Axworthy, on the
upcoming December 16, 1997, NAC Restricted Session, December 10, 1997 (copy of letter sent
to all ministers), NATO Archive.
78. “Madrid Declaration,” July 8, 1997; AIW Ischinger.
79. “Madrid Declaration,” July 8, 1997.
80. Albright, Madam Secretary,” 267.
81. On the indefinite extension, see Burg and Shoup, Ethnic Conflict, 378.
82. Ukraine got a separate charter with NATO in Madrid. For discussions of this document in
advance, see Memcon, Clinton–Kuchma, May 16, 1997; and on the meeting following the
signing, see Memcon, Clinton–Kuchma, July 9, 1997, Madrid, both 2016-0127-M, CL. For the
text, see “Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
and Ukraine,” July 9, 1997,
83. Letter from Solana to invitee states, July 17, 1997, NATO Archive; “Protocol to the North
Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Czech Republic,” December 16, 1997, See also Stent, Russia, 228.
84. Albright, Madam Secretary, 261–63, quotation at 263.
85. Quotation from Alison Mitchell, “Clinton Cheers Exultant Poles, and Vice Versa,” New York
Times, July 11, 1997; see also Albright, Madam Secretary, 261–63.
86. Memcon, Clinton–Wałęsa, Warsaw, July 10, 1997, my 2015-0781-M, CL.
87. Memcon, Albright–Primakov, July 13, 1997, SDC 1997-State-135609, July 19, 1997.
88. Memcon, Albright–Brazauskas, July 13, 1997, SDC 1997-State-135599, July 19, 1997, in M-
89. Memcon, Albright–Landsbergis, July 13, 1997, SDC 1997-State-135605, July 19, 1997.
90. Memcon, Albright with Baltic foreign ministers, SDC 1997-State-135597, July 19, 1997.
91. “Note to ST [Strobe Talbott] from RDA [Ron D. Asmus], Subject: The Hanseatic Strategy,”
July 20, 1997, DS-OIPS.
92. AIW Sestanovich.
93. “Note to ST from RDA.”
94. “Note to ST from RDA.”
95. Memorandum for the President, from Samuel Berger, December 17, 1997, stamped “the
president has seen, 12/30/97,” my 2015-0755-M, CL.
96. “MKA [Madeline K. Albright] Meeting: Road Ahead on NATO+ Ratification,” August 28,
1997, DS-OIPS; no author identified on the document itself, but the US State Department
identified Rosner as the author in the course of declassification.
97. “Note to ST from RDA.”
98. SDC 1997-Moscow-24590, September 29, 1997, DS-ERR; on Russian attitudes to the PJC, see
Legvold, Russian Foreign Policy, 5.
99. Berger made this remark in a meeting with the British prime minister; Memcon, Blair–Clinton,
May 29, 1997. Upon being told the problem in Russia was the elites, not average citizens, Blair
responded, “what a surprise—they are just being normal and caring more about the economy.”
100. Solana Letter to Axworthy, December 10, 1997 (note: this was Axworthy’s copy of a letter sent
to numerous recipients).
101. SDC 1997-State-235583, December 17, 1997.
102. Excerpts from Geremek’s speech in December 1997, in “19.6 Poland Joins NATO, December
1997,” in Westad and Hanhimäki, Cold War, 646–47.
103. Asmus, Opening, 281; AIW Rosner.
104. “Narrative Part VIII.”
105. Bowles assigned the task to his deputy, John Podesta; “Narrative Part VIII.”
106. “Narrative Pt. VIII”; “Narrative Pt. IX,” Washington Post,
107. “Narrative Pt. IX”; “Narrative Pt. X,” Washington Post,
srv/politics/special/clinton/icreport/6narritx.htm; “Narrative Pt. XII,” Washington Post,
108. TOIW Anne Coulter in Slate, September 18, 2018,
109. “Narrative Pt. XII.”
“Affidavit of Jane Doe #, Monica Lewinsky Affidavit,”
“Narrative Pt. XII”; “Narrative Pt. XIII,” Washington Post,
111. “Narrative Pt. XII”; “Narrative Pt. XIII.”
112. “Affidavit of Jane Doe #, Monica Lewinsky Affidavit.”
113. “Narrative Pt. XIII.”
114. TOIW Linda Tripp in Slate, September 18, 2018.
115. Memorandum to the Secretary of State, from EUR–Marc Grossman, Subject: “Thinking about
1998,” January 6, 1998, DS-OIPS; Albright, Madam Secretary, 263–65.
116. Steel, “Instead of NATO”; see also Kathryn R. Schultz and Tomás Valásek, “Hidden Costs of
NATO Expansion,” Institute for Policy Studies, May 1, 1997, https://ips- Before joining the State Department, Asmus and
RAND colleagues estimated that the overall cost of enlargement would be $42 billion over
roughly a decade, with an annual US share of $420 million to $1.4 billion; see Asmus, Kugler,
and Larrabee, “What Will NATO Enlargement Cost?,” 7, 23–26. Steil later called this estimate
“way too low,” not least because, in 2016, RAND called for NATO to spend $2.7 billion per
year to defend the Baltics; see Steil, Marshall Plan, 395; and David A. Shlapak and Michael W.
Johnson, “Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Flank,” RAND, RR-1253-A, 2016,
117. Steel, “Instead of NATO”; on difficulties with the French generally, see Asmus, Opening, 224.
118. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), “NATO’s Senior Resource Board (SRB)
estimated in 1997 that integrating Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic into NATO would
increase the common budgets by about $1.5 billion over 10 years.” See “Appendix: Cost
Insights from the 1999 Round of NATO Enlargement,” one of the attachments to “Cost
Implications of Implementing the March 26, 2003, NATO Accession Protocols,” April 28, 2003,
report prepared for Senators Richard Lugar and Joseph Biden by the CBO,
119. Goldgeier, Not Whether, 132.
120. Quotations from Memorandum for Samuel R. Berger, From: Susan Braden and Nancy
McEldowney, Subject: “Committee to Expand NATO Dinner IHO Polish, Czech and Hungarian
Foreign Ministers, February 10, 1998, 7:00pm, Metropolitan Club,” preparatory briefing,
February 9, 1998, my 2015-0772-M, CL. In other words, the alliance would have to make
greater use than planned of Warsaw Pact leftovers—precisely what Primakov and Yeltsin sought
to prevent.
121. Telcon, Clinton–Yeltsin, April 6, 1998, my 2015-0782-M, CL.
122. Quotation from TOIW Bruce Udolf in Slate, August 14, 2018,
123. “Chronology,” CNN,
124. TOIW Bruce Udolf in Slate, August 14, 2018.
125. “Chronology,” CNN; TOIW Bruce Udolf in Slate, August 14, 2018.
126. Ed Pilkington, “Interview Ken Starr,” Guardian, September 15, 2018.
127. Adam Liptak, “Brett Kavanaugh Urged Graphic Questions in Clinton Inquiry,” New York Times,
August 20, 2018. Brett Kavanaugh worked for Starr in 1997 but was transitioning away by
November; after January 16, however, he decided to return to working for Starr in 1998.
128. Quotations from TOIW Steve Binhak in Slate, August 14, 2018,
politics/2018/08/transcript-of-slow-burn-episode-1-of-season-2.html; on mother’s arrival, see
“Chronology,” CNN.
129. “Chronology,” CNN.
130. “Excerpts from a Deposition Given by Clinton in January,” deposition date January 17, 1998,
New York Times,
131. Annys Shin, “Twenty Years Ago the Drudge Report Broke the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal,”
Washington Post, January 11, 2018.
132. TOIW Madeleine Albright, August 30, 2006, WCPHP.
133. Albright, Madam Secretary, 352.
134. On the constellation of interactions among a wide array of events in relations between states, see
Manela, “International Society.”
135. As Albright put it, after ratification “people suggested that the outcome was inevitable. It
certainly didn’t seem so at the time”: Albright, Madam Secretary, 263; Asmus, Opening, 280–
81; AIW Rosner. An advisor to then-Senator Joseph Biden, Michael Haltzel, similarly notes in a
memoir account that the vote was anything but “inevitable” and “the decision could have gone
either way: Michael Haltzel, “U.S. Congressional Engagement with Central and Eastern Europe
since 1991,” in Dębski and Hamilton, Europe, 127.
136. John M. Broder, “State of the Union,” New York Times, January 28, 1998.
137. Telcon, Clinton–Kohl, February 4, 1998, my 2015-0776-M, CL. Note: there are two versions of
this document in the file, one with these quotations and the handwritten note “DO NOT SEND
TO STATE,” and an abridged version (presumably for State).
138. Quotation from Memorandum for Samuel R. Berger, From: Susan Braden and Nancy
McEldowney, Subject: “Committee to Expand NATO,” February 10, 1998; Canadian approval
date on Polish foreign ministry, “Poland’s Road to NATO,”
139. Warner quotation from Eric Schmitt, “Senate Approves Expansion of NATO,” New York Times,
May 1, 1998.
140. Samuel Nunn and Brent Scowcroft, “NATO: A Debate Recast,” New York Times, February 4,
141. Quotations from Memorandum for Samuel R. Berger, From: Susan Braden and Nancy
McEldowney, Subject: “Committee to Expand NATO,” February 10, 1998. On February 19,
1998, Albright called the United States the indispensable nation in response to a question about
Iraq, but aspiring NATO members presumably agreed with the sentiment. TOIW Secretary of
State Madeleine K. Albright, The Today Show, February 19, 1998, State Department Archive,
142. AIW Grossman.
143. “Remarks at a Ceremony Transmitting to the United States Senate the Protocol of Access to
NATO for Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, Washington DC, February 11, 1998,”
CFPR 98–100. Asmus, Opening, 280, says that the president, to mark the event, appeared in
front of a full-size photo replica of the Berlin Wall.
144. Congressional Record—Senate, Monday, April 27, 1998,
2.pdf; Asmus, Opening, 282–88, esp. 285.
145. Schmitt, “Senate Approves Expansion of NATO.”
146. Albright, Madam Secretary, 265; Goldgeier, Not Whether, 149; AIW Rosner.
147. Schmitt, “Senate Approves.” Only ninety-nine senators took part in the final vote as Jon Kyl,
Republican from Arizona, departed before the last vote to catch a flight; see Jeremy Rosner,
“Winning Congressional and Public Support for NATO Enlargement,” OD 394.
148. Voting “nay” were Ashcroft (R-MO), Bryan (D-NV), Bumpers (D-AR), Conrad (D-ND), Craig
(R-ID), Dorgan (D-ND), Harkin (D-IA), Hutchinson (R-AR), Inhofe (R-OK), Jeffords (R-VT),
Kempthorne (R-ID), Leahy (D-VT), Moynihan (D-NY), Reid (D-NV), Smith (R-NH), Specter
(R-PA), Warner (R-VA), Wellstone (D-MN), and Wyden (D-OR); Kyl (R-AZ) did not vote. See
congress=105&session=2&vote=00117#position; see also Schmitt, “Senate Approves.”
149. Kennan quoted in Logevall, “Critique of Containment,” 496. The quotation is from 1995 but is
consistent with the sentiments he expressed in 1997–98 as well.
150. “Evidence: The DNA Test,” Washington Post, September 22, 1998.
1. Keith Gessen, “The Quiet Americans behind the U.S.-Russia Imbroglio,” New York Times, May
8, 2018,
2. Quotation from “Notes by Jeremy Rosner, Senior Advisor to the President and Secretary of
State for NATO Enlargement Ratification, from meeting at the White House of President
Clinton with members of Senate NATO Observer Group,” handwritten date of June 12, 1997,
but from context June 11, 1997; I thank Jeremy Rosner for a copy of this document. On
Talbott’s view that no democracy should be excluded from NATO, regardless of geography, see
“Deputy Secretary Briefs Baltic Ambassadors,” June 12, 1997, DS-ERR. On how the United
States as a consequence of that view “extended the boundaries of its political and military
defense perimeter very far,” see Posen, Restraint, xii; see also Stent, Russia, 228.
3. On Kaliningrad, see Frühling and Lasconjarias, “NATO,” 104–5; Robbie Gramer, “This
Interactive Map Shows the High Stakes Missile Stand-Off between Russia and NATO in
Europe,” Foreign Policy, January 12, 2017,
4. George Friedman, “Georgia and the Balance of Power,” New York Review of Books, September
25, 2008.
5. The persistence and role of international organizations, and their interactions with major states,
are the subject of extensive scrutiny by political scientists. To cite just one example from the
vast literature, see Keohane, Nye, and Hoffmann, After the Cold War, 19, 382–83. The editors
write, “it is hardly surprising that in a period of rapid and unanticipated change governments
were more likely to attempt to use what was available than to try to redesign international
institutions to meet their own standards of perfection” (382).
6. For more on the end of the Cold War as a missed opportunity, see Ther, Europe, 288–90.
7. Memcon, Clinton–Solana, February 20, 1996, 2015-0548-M, CL; see also Treisman, The
Return, 317.
8. AIW Ivanov. On Russia seeing PfP as a ruse, see SDC 1996-State-29911, February 14, 1996,
DS-ERR, where German diplomats informed Washington that the Russians “did not want a
repeat of 1994 when an offer of membership in Partnership for Peace was made in May only to
be followed by the Alliance’s decision to enlarge in December.”
9. On the subject of “victory disease” and kicking Russia too much while it was down, see Betts,
“Three Faces,” 34. On maximalist positions, see Sestanovich, Maximalist.
10. On the optimism of 1989, see Fukuyama, The End. For more on the history of the liberal
international order, see Ikenberry, World.
11. Kozyrev quotation from Firebird, 36; Talbott quotation from Saturday, March 16, 1996, Chris,”
DS-OIPS. Talbott added: “This I believe very strongly: just because he was canned does not
mean that what he stood for and what he was trying to accomplish has been defeated in Russia.”
12. For the Churchill quotation, see
13. McFaul, “Putin,” 97. I thank Graham Allison for discussion of the wraparound concept.
14. Quotations were part of the exchange between Biden and former ambassador Jack Matlock at a
hearing on October 30, 1997, one of the days of the “Hearings before the Committee on Foreign
Relations, United States Senate, 105th Congress, First Session,” October 7, 9, 22, 28, 30, and
November 5, 1997,
105shrg46832.htm; see also Goldgeier, Not Whether, 169.
15. For more on the social science research, see Poast and Chinchilla, “Good for Democracy?,” 487:
“The huge reward of NATO’s security guarantee after membership” creates “a strong incentive
for prospective members to reform in order to join the alliance.” On de-democratization in
former Warsaw Pact countries, see the Freedom House website, which by 2021 had downgraded
Hungary to a “transitional or hybrid regime,” with Poland only a “semi-consolidated
democracy”; On Polish willingness to
work within PfP, see SDC 1994-State-83196, March 30, 1994, DS-ERR, in which the Polish
defense minister “emphasized Warsaw’s determination to give substance to the PfP idea. Even
without full NATO membership . . . Poland would hasten its efforts to meet Euro-Atlantic
standards, because it wanted to be ready to be a ‘lego block’ for NATO’s use as soon as
16. “Conclusions of the Presidency,” European Council in Copenhagen, June 21–22, 1993,; see also
the EU’s timeline of expansion,
to-27-members_en. For Ahtisaari’s discussion of the way NATO expansion would allow the EU
to postpone its own enlargement, see SDC 1995-Helsin-4809, August 2, 1995, DS-ERR. For
discussion of the lack of coordination between the EU and NATO, see SDC 1997-State-24131,
February 8, 1997, DS-ERR.
17. Carter quoted in Brzezinski, Power and Principle, 234.
18. On the way that Yeltsin was serious about cooperation with the West in the early 1990s, creating
new possibilities in contrast to centuries of antagonism, see Aron, Yeltsin, 702.
19. Henrikson, “Creation,” 307.
20. On earlier thinking about a Nordic Defense Pact, see Henrikson, “Creation,” 307.
21. David A. Shlapak and Michael Johnson, “Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Flank:
Wargaming the Defense of the Baltics,” RAND, RR-1253-A, 2016,; Michael Kofman, “Fixing NATO
Deterrence in the East or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love NATO’s Crushing Defeat
by Russia,” War on the Rocks, May 12, 2016,
russia/. See also Jonathan Masters, Backgrounder, “The North Atlantic Treaty Organization,”
Council on Foreign Relations, last updated December 3, 2019,
22. On the 2006 summit, see “President Bush Discusses NATO Alliance during Visit to Latvia,”
November 28, 2006, https://georgewbush- On the 2008 Bucharest
summit, see the NATO press release of April 3, 2008, “NATO Decisions on Open-Door Policy,”, which states that “at the Bucharest
Summit, NATO Allies welcomed Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for
membership and agreed that these countries will become members of NATO”; and Matt
Spetalnick, “Bush Vows to Press for Ukraine, Georgia in NATO,” Reuters, April 1, 2008,
in-nato-idUSL0141706220080401. For more on the NATO Liaison Office in Georgia, see See also Frye, Weak Strongman, 162,
which notes the following about the 2008 summit: “After much internal debate, NATO pledged
that Ukraine and Georgia ‘will become members,’ but did not offer a Membership Action Plan
with any details or start date. The open-ended commitment was the worst of all worlds. It
encouraged Moscow’s suspicions that NATO wanted to surround Russia, disappointed
governments in Ukraine and Georgia that wanted NATO to move more quickly, and caused
resentment among alliance members” who were “divided on the issue”; and Marten, “NATO
Enlargement,” 409.
23. Trenin, Post-Imperium, 107–8; Alexander Vershbow and Daniel Fried, “How the West Should
Deal with Russia,” Atlantic Council, November 23, 2020,
depth-research-reports/report/russia-in-the-world/. President Barack Obama later changed
course and did not put the above-described systems into Poland and the Czech Republic, instead
installing the first land-based defensive missile launcher in Romania (for operation by NATO).
See Peter Baker, “White House Scraps Bush’s Approach to Missile Shield,” New York Times,
September 17, 2009; Ryan Browne, “US Launches Long-Awaited European Missile Defense
Shield,” CNN, May 12, 2016,
romania-poland. At the time of writing, a delay-plagued ground-based missile defense system
was being built in Poland as well; see Anthony Capaccio, “The Pentagon’s New Poland-Based
Missile Defense System Is Now Four Years Behind Schedule,” Bloomberg, February 12, 2020.
24. Particularly relevant is Article 8, intended “to place caveats on the foreign policies of its
members in terms of when they can call on the alliance for help”; see Nikolas K. Gvosdev,
“There’s More to NATO Than Article Five,” The National Interest, August 2, 2016,; see also Asmus, Little
War, 5, who argues that Putin’s 2008 intervention in Georgia “was aimed not only at Georgia but
at Washington, NATO, and the West more generally.”
25. As Ther has insightfully written, the minimal requirement for the post–Cold War order “was
peace, based on secure borders”; Ther, Europe, 326.
26. McFaul, “Putin,” 103.
27. “NATO–Russia Council,” March 23, 2020,
28. Stephen Sestanovich, “US Power, Less than Super,” New York Times, March 23, 1993. As
Ivanov noted in 2021, the crisis in US-Russian relations was not good for anyone; AIW Ivanov.
29. “President’s News Conference with Visegrad Leaders in Prague,” January 12, 1994, APP-
visegrad-leaders-prague. On the importance of considering the “how” of a strategy, see Brands,
What Good, 199, which argues that, in analyzing strategic choices, “it is important to emphasize
the ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’ . . . conception and implementation are both vital aspects of
grand strategy, and neither one is worth much without the other.”
30. Poast and Chinchilla, “Good for Democracy?,” 471–90; see also Reiter, “Why,” 41–67; Steil,
Marshall Plan, 395–96.
31. On Hungary becoming the first autocracy in the EU, see R. Daniel Keleman, “Hungary Just
Became a Coronoavirus Autocracy,” Washington Post, April 2, 2020; and Keleman, “European
Union’s Authoritarian Equilibrium.” For more on de-democratization in Central and Eastern
Europe, see Applebaum, Twilight; Tsveta Petrova and Senem Aydın-Düzgit, “Democracy
Support without Democracy,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 5, 2021,
32. Westad, Cold War, 623; Yeltsin comment to Talbott on April 11, 1996, quoted in SDC 1996-
Moscow-10123, April 12, 1996, DS-ERR (Yeltsin added, “we actually have better relations with
some other countries than with the US now. This isn’t the way it ought to be”); see also Kathryn
Stoner, “US Was Wrong,” New York Times, December 22, 2016; and for context, Stoner, Russia
33. This sentence paraphrased from McFaul, “Putin,” 134–35; see also Hal Brands and Peter
Feaver, “Trump’s Transatlantic Crisis,” Commentary, September 2018.
34. On NATO not being worth its cost, see Peter Baker, “Trump Says NATO Allies Don’t Pay,”
New York Times, May 26, 2017. Also, according Julian E. Barnes and Helene Cooper, “Trump
Discussed Pulling U.S. from NATO,” New York Times, January 14, 2019, “in the days around a
tumultuous NATO summit meeting” in July 2018, Trump “suggested a move tantamount to
destroying NATO: the withdrawal of the United States.” On the problem of Europeans being
unable to provide for their own security if the United States withdrew, see the aptly titled Meijer
and Brooks, “Illusions of Autonomy: Why Europe Cannot Provide for Its Security If the United
States Pulls Back.”
35. For more on this view, see Brooks and Wohlforth, Why, x.
36. On the shredding of arms control agreements, see David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, “A
Cold War Arms Treaty Is Unraveling,” New York Times, December 9, 2018; see also Perry, My
Journey, xv.
37. On the stabilizing effects of NATO, see Richard Haass, “Assessing the Value of the NATO
Alliance,” testimony to the Committee on Foreign Relations, US Senate, 115th Cong., 2nd
Sess., September 5, 2018.
38. Adam Tooze, “Whose Century?,” London Review of Books, July 30, 2020.
39. For my own work on the détente era, see Sarotte, Dealing.
40. AIW Spero.
41. Map 5, APBD-49–94, 1150–51. On the significance of strategies of connection and affiliation,
see Slaughter, Chessboard.
42. Mitterrand died of prostate cancer on January 8, 1996. As Kohl paraphrased Mitterrand’s 1995
comments in “3./4. Februar 1995,” BzL 649, “Wenn wir jetzt im Rückblick auf die 50
Nachkriegsjahre—er [Mitterrand] sieht das fast ausschließlich aus seiner persönlichen Situation
—nicht begreifen, daß es überhaupt keinen anderen Weg gibt als den europäischen Weg und daß
für diesen Weg die deutsch-französische Kooperation entscheidend ist, dann werden wir diese
50 Jahre, die Gnade und Geschenk sind, zu Unrecht empfangen haben. Das ist auch meine feste
43. Interview with Svetlana Alexievich, BBC Newshour, December 31, 2015,
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Paris Agreements, 36
Paris Club, 269–70
Partnership for Peace (PfP), 4, 174–202, 204, 206, 208–10, 232, 234, 336–
37, 341
Ahtisaari and, 245
Bosnia and, 234
Clinton and, 176, 178, 181–82, 185–87, 192, 202, 204, 229, 232, 341–42
Gore and, 215–17
Russia and, 187–88, 197–205, 344–45
Talbott and, 226
Wörner and, 168–69, 179, 190
Pawlak, Waldemar, 214
Perle, Richard, 139
Perlez, Jane, 315
Permanent Joint Council (PJC), 291–92
Perot, Ross, 143, 150
Perry, Bill, 172, 201, 206–7, 209–10
arms control and, 225, 326
Aspin and, 153
Grachev and, 237
Holbrooke and, 194–95
Kohl and, 248
nuclear weapons and, 155, 196, 208
Partnership for Peace and, 174, 182
Ukraine and, 189, 248
Perry Principles, 208
Peskov, Dmitry, 9
PfP. See Partnership for Peace (PfP)
Pickering, Thomas, 167–68, 308
PJC. See Permanent Joint Council (PJC)
Pleven, René, 24
Poland, 12, 51, 69–70, 72, 79–87, 98, 104, 109, 111, 141–42, 216
Bush and, 29
Christopher and, 183, 214
Clinton in, 289–90
and costs of NATO expansion, 282
European Community and, 31, 38
German reunification and, 63–64, 93
Gorbachev and, 27
Kohl and, 46
NATO and, 80–81, 164, 167–68, 177, 214–15, 242, 311–12
as neutral, 35
Partnership for Peace and, 183–85, 191, 337
Republican Party and, 249
Solidarity movement in, 27
in Visegrad, 149
Yeltsin and, 164–65, 168. See also Visegrad
Portugalov, Nikolai, 35–36, 81
Powell, Charles, 110
Powell, Colin, 65, 163, 279
Primakov, Yevgeny, 253–54, 268, 279
Albright and, 267, 278, 290, 292
Christopher and, 252
Clinton and, 242
International Monetary Fund and, 316
Iraq and, 113
Kosovo and, 316–17
Kozyrev and, 166, 202
as prime minister, 308
Schröder and, 314
Talbott and, 249–50, 259–63
Ukraine and, 250–51
Yeltsin and, 312–13
Putin, Vladimir, 1–2, 6–7, 9, 14–16
Berlin Wall and, 19–20
Chechnya and, 326–27
Clinton and, 328–31
German reunification and, 41
Kosovo and, 323–24
rise of, 301
Skuratov and, 312
Talbott and, 323–24
Trump and, 351
2016 election and, 350
Ukraine and, 348
Yeltsin and, 15–16, 304, 327–28, 332–33
Talbott, Strobe, 7–8, 157–58, 161–62, 166, 177–78, 191, 203–7, 218, 242
Albright and, 154
article written by, 234–36
Baltics and, 283, 290
Bosnia and, 232
Christopher and, 153–54
Kohl and, 265–66
Lake and, 264
Partnership for Peace and, 226
Primakov and, 249–50, 259–63
Putin and, 323–24
role of, 226–27
Rühe and, 259
Russian economy and, 306
Senate NATO Observer Group and, 282
Solana and, 280
Talbott Principle, 276, 278, 299, 320
Tarasyuk, Borys, 203, 218
Tarnoff, Peter, 219
Teltschik, Horst, 35–37, 39, 50–54, 57, 71, 73–74, 95
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense. See Theater High Altitude Area
THAAD. See Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
Thatcher, Margaret, 11, 31–33, 36, 62, 70–72, 78, 98, 101, 105, 170
Theater (also Terminal) High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), 224–25
Thurmond, Strom, 283
Tooze, Adam, 6, 352
Trilateral Accord, 188
Tripp, Linda, 162–63, 272, 287, 293–96
Truman, Harry, 21, 23–24, 186
Trump, Donald, 350–51
2016 presidential election, 350
Zelikow, Philip, 62
“zero yield” limit, 235–36, 251
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 173
Zieleniec, Josef, 215
Zoellick, Robert, 44, 54, 66–67, 102–4, 299
Zubok, Vladislav, 92