O Que Sao Os Tensores
O Que Sao Os Tensores
O Que Sao Os Tensores
Chapter 1
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One way to learn a lot of mathematics is by reading the first chapters of many
— Paul R. Halmos
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There are many answers and explanations floating on the Internet. How-
ever, instead of solving the mysteries, many of these only add more confu-
sion to the already confused learners. The following are a few examples:
Well, each of them speaks some truth about tensors, but they also reflect
a lot of confusions. This reminds me of reading some funny answers of young
children to the question “What is love”.
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other.” (age 5)
“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then
he wears it every day.” (age 7)
“If you want to learn to love better, you should start
with a friend who you hate.” (age 6)
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In this section, we give a brief history of the concept of tensor. This an-
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swers the question how long tensors have been around. It also answers the
question “why are tensors confusing” from one perspective: it has different
origins and it is the merge of different threads in history. In the next section
we provide answers to this question from another aspect: there are many
apparently different definitions of tensor in the current literature.
There were several threads in the development of tensor theory in late
1800s and early 1900s, including Ricci, Gibbs, Voigt and Whitney. Most
modern authors give credit to Ricci for the concept of tensor, because the
early textbooks, especially the physics literature, predominantly followed
his definitions. Ricci did not use “tensor” in his definition, but rather “sys-
tem”. Physicists transplanted the name “tensor” to Ricci’s definition. Al-
though being called a “tensor”, Ricci’s definition actually defines a tensor
field. This causes the most confusion to the beginners. Gibbs, Voigt and
Whitney defined a tensor as a tensor in the algebraic sense.
W. Voigt [(1898)] introduced the term tensor, in his study of stress and
strain of crystals in his book The Fundamental Physical Properties of the
Crystals (Die fundamentalen physikalischen Eigenschaften der Krystallen).
The word “tensor” has its root “tensus” in Latin, meaning stretch or tension.
Both stress and strain tensors are symmetric tensors of the second order and
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1 The term tensor did appear in Gibbs’ book, but was used to refer to a special type
physics part and Grossmann as the single author for the mathematics part.
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in pinning down the essence of the concept. It may take centuries for the
concept to evolve and get crystallized. Mathematics is full of evolution his-
tory of such concepts: complex numbers, real numbers, limit, continuity,
vectors, . . . , and the list goes on and on (see the boxes at the end of the
(3) Different definitions coexist in the literature, also due to historical rea-
sons. Some of these definitions are equivalent, but not all of them are
It turns out that all these factors have an effect on the concept of tensor.
They cause many confusions for the beginners. In the following, we list
several definitions of tensors that can be found in textbooks. Don’t worry
if you are confused with these. It is just to show that you do have a good
reason to be confused, which is not your fault.
Definitions 1 and 2 are mostly seen in older textbooks of tensor analysis,
physics, and especially general relativity.
(ξ 0 )lm = ξλµ Λ̄lλ Λ̄mµ . (1.9)
A set of quantities ξl is said to be a mixed tensor if they transform
according to
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(ξ 0 )ls = ξλσ Λ̄lλ Λσs . (1.10)
Remark. Although this version looks more algebraic, the meaning of the lin-
ear coordinate transformation Eq. 1.5 is still not clear, if the set of quantities
is an individual tensor instead of a tensor field. Furthermore, the meanings
of “contravariant” and “covariant” are not apparent. According to K. Reich
[(1994)], J. Sylvester introduced the terms “covariant” and “contravariant”
in 1851 [Sylvester (1851)]. We shall reveal this in Sec. 2 of Chap. 6, these
coordinate changes are with respect to the basis change of the underlying
vector space, which involves a matrix Aik . Eq. 1.7 tells us that Λ̄ik is the
transpose of the inverse of Λki . The matrix Λ̄ik here is same as Aik in Sec. 2
of Chap. 6. That is why the transformation of covariant tensor involves
Λ̄ik , which means “the same as”, or “together with” the transformation of
the basis, while the contravariant tensor involves Λki , which is the inverse
of Aik with a meaning “against”. We may call the basis transformation the
“forward” transformation and its inverse the “backward” transformation. If
the basis undergoes a forward transformation, the coordinates will undergo
a “backward” transformation, as in Eq. 1.5, with an analogy: if the train
moves forward, the trees outside seem to move in the backward direction
from the perspective of someone inside the train. So the transformation for
contravariant tensors is really “contra” to the basis transformation, which
is not explicit here. It is rather “together with” the coordinate transforma-
tion of vectors Eq. 1.5. Eq. 1.5 itself is considered “contra”, or “backward”,
with respect to the basis transformation. Another word of caution for the
beginners is the popular tensor component notation in literature. Although
Λ̄ looks similar to Λ, it is actually the transpose of the inverse matrix of Λ.
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g ij are the components of the inverse matrix of the metric matrix gij .
This kind of definition of tensor is often referred to as the old-fashioned
definition. It is this component approach that caused the conundrum,
with the concept of tensor portrayed as an equivocal duality of matrix
and non-matrix, just like the mixture of the living and the dead states of
Schrödinger’s cat. The tensor is defined as a matrix, but amended by the
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this is what we are going to adopt in the main course of this book (see
Chap. 5).
tensor product space (or simply tensor space) over the underlying vector
spaces U and V , if they satisfy the following conditions:
(1) Generating property
W = hIm⊗i ;
(2) Maximal span property
dimW = dimU · dimV.
The vectors in W are called tensors over U and V . The mapping ⊗ is
called the tensor multiplication of two vectors, or tensor product map-
ping, or simply tensor product, or tensor mapping. W is often denoted
by U ⊗ V .
Definition 7. Let U and V be vector spaces over the same field F . Let
VF hU × V i be the free vector space generated by U × V . Let Z be the
subspace of VF hU × V i generated by all the elements of the form
a(u1 , v) + b(u2 , v) − (au1 + bu2 , v),
a(u, v1 ) + b(u, v2 ) − (u, av1 + bv2 ),
for all a, b ∈ F , u, u1 , u2 ∈ U and v, v1 , v2 ∈ V .
The quotient space
VF hU × V i
U ⊗V =
is called the tensor product of U and V . The elements in U ⊗ V are
called tensors over U and V .
Define a mapping ⊗ : U × V → U ⊗ V such that for all u ∈ U and
v ∈ V , (u, v) 7→ u ⊗ v = [(u, v)], where [(u, v)] is the equivalence class
of (u, v) in VF hU × V i defined by the subspace Z. This mapping is a
bilinear mapping and is called the canonical bilinear mapping.
We have listed many different definitions of the tensor, which are com-
monly seen in textbooks. All of these are not exactly equivalent (some of
them do, in some sense), but rather they reflect the historical evolution of
the tensor concept.
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mathematics the same thing? The confusion shall be cleared when they
learn the abstract definition of vector space in college, because (1) and
(2) are just models of the abstract vectors.
The history of tensors is along a similar line. In this book, we are
going to study the abstract, or axiomatic definition, and relate different
concrete models to it.
number a, and i is defined as the pair (0, 1). The addition and multipli-
cation of complex numbers are defined by
(a1 , b1 ) + (a2 , b2 ) = (a1 + a2 , b1 + b2 ),
(a1 , b1 ) · (a2 , b2 ) = (a1 a2 − b1 b2 , a1 b2 + a2 b1 ).
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This is basically the same question as “what are the real numbers
exactly”, because an irrational number can be defined as a real number
that is not a rational number. Rational numbers are easier to define.
The essence of a rational number is the ratio of two integers. A ratio-
nal number can be defined as the equivalence class of a pair of integers.
To many people’s surprise, the concept of real numbers is much more
complex than complex numbers. Logically, the concept of real numbers
should precede that of complex numbers because a complex number is
defined as a pair of real numbers, but historically, the rigorous definition
of real numbers came much later than that of complex numbers. The
concept of irrational numbers emerged from incommensurable segments
in ancient Greek geometry and was used intensively in the early develop-
ment of calculus without a rigorous definition. The rigorous definitions
of real numbers, like Dedekind cuts and Cantor’s construction through
Cauchy sequences, finally came in the nineteenth √ century. In this sense,
the complex number −1 is much simpler than 2, because the latter
involves infinite sets.
shave any man who shaves himself. Now there is a question: does the
barber shave himself? According to his claim, he shaves himself if and
only if he does not shave himself.
Gottlob Frege was a German logician, who made significant contri-
butions in logic. Russell’s paradox was a big blow to him. He became
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Quite some terms bear the surname “Tensor”, like metric tensor, curvature
tensor, inertia tensor, stress tensor, diffusion tensor imaging, etc. These
are just fancy names for plain things, which may sound intimidating to
beginners. Yes, they are tensors and it is not wrong to call them tensors,
but tensor theory is not essential to understand these concepts. They can
go by other names without the use of “tensor”. Calling them tensors is like
calling water by the name “dihydrogen monoxide”. Everyone understands
water, but people may be confused by the chemistry jargon.
These terms were named historically because of the fact that they are
(represented by) matrices. The confusion is rooted in the question whether
a tensor is the same as a matrix. If it does, why don’t we simply call
them metric matrix, inertia matrix, etc.? The old-fashioned definition of
tensor is equivocal about whether a tensor is simply a matrix or not. A
tensor is defined as a matrix of components, but amended awkwardly by
the transformation laws.
3 Guo, H. (2021). A New Paradox and the Reconciliation of Lorentz and Galilean
Things get clear with the modern view. The metric tensor is just an
inner product, the inertia tensor can be defined as a linear transformation
or a quadratic form. The stress tensor and diffusion tensor are simply linear
transformations. We shall discuss inertial tensor in more detail in Chap. 8,
and the metric tensor for Riemannian geometry in Chap. 10.
Think of the stress forces in liquids and solids. In a liquid, let us single
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out a small piece of imaginary surface, which separates the liquid on both
sides. Each side exerts a force on the other side (Figure 1.1a). Let us use a
vector S to represent the surface, where S is a normal vector of the surface,
and the magnitude of S represents the area of the surface. Let F be the
vector representing the force that the liquid on one side exerts on the other
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side. Because liquids cannot have shear forces, the force F must be in the
normal direction of the surface, which is the same as S. F is linearly related
to S,
F = σS, (1.11)
(a) (b)
Figure 1.1 (a) Stress in liquids (b) Stress in solids
Things are different in solids, like crystals. The force F in general is not
in the same direction as S. F can be decomposed into normal stress, and
shear stress (in the tangent direction of the surface). However, F is still
linearly related to S (Figure 1.1b). This relation is a linear transformation:
F = ΣS, (1.12)
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(a) (b)
Figure 1.2 (a) Stress tensor as three vectors (b) The nine components of the stress
The matrix of the stress tensor Σ can be viewed as three column vectors
σ11 σ12 σ13
σ 1 = σ21 , σ 2 = σ22 , σ 3 = σ23 .
σ31 σ32 σ33
What are the physical meanings of these three vectors? Imagine we have
a small cube. Their faces are along the three axes with normal vectors
s1 = (1, 0, 0), s2 = (0, 1, 0), s3 = (0, 0, 1) and unit area. σ 1 is the stress
force acted on the face s1 , σ 2 is the stress force acted on the face s2 , and
so on (Figure 1.2a). Each force σ i has three components and together the
stress matrix has nine components. What is the physical meaning of the
component σij ? σij represents the ith component of σ j , which is the force
acting on the face sj (orthogonal to xj axis). On face s1 , σ11 is the normal
stress while σ21 and σ31 are the tangent stresses. On face s2 , σ22 is the
normal stress while σ12 and σ32 are the tangent stresses (Figure 1.2).
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In fact, the tensor here is just a linear transformation, and the stress
tensor Σ is just one example of linear transformations used in physics.
Eq. 1.13 is the component form of any linear transformation, not just limited
to the stress situation. The linear transformation maps any vector S to a
new vector F = ΣS, as in Eq. 1.12. The meaning of its component σij is
the ith component of F when S is a unit vector along the jth direction.
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J = −d∇φ,
J = −D∇φ.
This linear transformation D is often called the diffusion tensor and it has
nine components when a coordinate system is chosen. In coordinate form,
it can be written as
X ∂φ
Ji = − Dij .
The brain consists of gray matter and white matter. The gray matter
consists of the neuron bodies while the white matter consists of the myeli-
nated axon fibers, which serve as the interconnections between the neurons.
The diffusion of water in the brain is highly anisotropic due to these axon
fibers. With the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the diffusion
tensor components at space locations can be measured, which is used to
reconstruct the fiber tracts in the brain. This is known as diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI). Figure 1.3 shows the diffusion tensor field (represented by
ellipsoids, see Sec. 5 of Chap. 8). Figure 1.4 shows the reconstructed fiber
tracts of the brain using DTI.
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Figure 1.4 Diffusion Tensor Imaging: fiber tracks in the brain white matter
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Many objects that we are familiar with are actually tensors, but they do not
often go by a tensor name. We shall show that linear mappings and linear
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ϕa,b : V → V ;
x 7→ ϕa,b (x) = a hb, xi , for all x ∈ V.
Basically, the vector x is projected onto b and the inner product hb, xi is
calculated. The final output is a vector along the direction of a but scaled
by the factor hb, xi.
The vector b here can be viewed as a linear function in the dual space
V ∗ . The effect of b acting on a vector x ∈ V is b(x) = hb, xi. The linear
transformation ϕa,b is actually the tensor product in V ⊗ V ∗ and we denote
ϕa,b = a ⊗ b.
A beginner might be tempted to guess that all the linear transformations
can be put in the form of a ⊗ b, for some a ∈ V and b ∈ V ∗ , but this is
not true. However, any linear transformation can be written as the sum
of these tensor products, a1 ⊗ b1 + . . . + ak ⊗ bk . Therefore, a linear
transformation is a mixed tensor of type (1, 1), and of course, it obeys the
transformation law in Eq. 1.4. This is also why the inertia tensor, stress
tensor and diffusion tensor are tensors, but using plain words, they are just
linear transformations.
A linear transformation is also a special case of a more general
model—vector-valued tensor, which is a multilinear mapping Φ : V1 × . . . ×
Vq → X. When q = 1 and V1 = X = V , we have a linear transformation
Φ : V → V . We discuss vector-valued tensors in Sec. 8 of Chap. 5.
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A reader may have already learned that the vector space is an Abelian
(commutative) group with respect to the vector addition, but finds that the
commutative law u + v = v + u is missing from the above list of axioms.
These axioms were first proposed by Peano. He included this commutative
law and almost all the textbooks afterwards just followed him. However,
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this axiom is not independent of the rest, and hence there is no need to
list it explicitly (see a proof in Appendix 1). Peano was a master with the
axiomatic systems. It is remarkable that he devised this axiomatic system
for vector space (which he called linear system) as early as 1888. Amazingly
all of the axioms, except the commutative law of addition, turned out to
be independent.
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Example 4. (All polynomials) All polynomials of one variable with real coef-
ficients form a real vector space with respect to addition and multiplication
by a number. Each polynomial is a vector. This vector space is infinite
The relationship between the underlying vector space and the tensor
space is the tensor product, which is a bilinear mapping ⊗ : V ×V → V ⊗V .
From this point of view, the tensor space V ⊗2 = V ⊗ V is a vector space by
itself. A tensor is also a vector. This view is different from the traditional
view that tensors are generalizations of vectors because their transformation
laws are different (Figure 1.6).
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behave like a vector (Figure 1.8). The reason we adopt double indices ij is
the relationship between V and V ⊗2 , which is the tensor product ⊗.
is the p-th tensor power (tensor product of the same vector space with
itself p times). It is natural to call p the degree, drawing similarity with
the naming of the degree of polynomials. This naming agrees with the
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics [Japanese Mathematical Society
(1993)], which is an excellent reference source and provides the standard
terminology of modern mathematics.
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between 1 and n. A tensor of degree 2 may have any rank between 1 and
n. Any decomposable tensor of degree 2 has a rank of 1 (see more in Sec. 5
of Chap. 5).
e1 = b2 × b3 ,
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e2 = b3 × b1 , (1.14)
e3 = b1 × b2 .
e01 = b0 2 × b0 3 = (−b2 ) × (−b3 ) = e1 ,
e02 = b0 3 × b0 1 = (−b3 ) × (−b1 ) = e2 ,
e03 = b0 1 × b0 2 = (−b1 ) × (−b1 ) = e3 .
Therefore, w has the same coordinates under induced basis {e01 , e02 , e03 } as
under basis {e1 , e2 , e3 }. This is also explained with Figure 1.7 in a similar
way, except now the mapping is the cross product ×, instead of the tensor
product ⊗. This means, as a 3-tuple and a member of W , w is certainly
an ordinary vector. If the space W is unrelated to V , when the basis of
W goes through a reflection, the coordinates of w with respect to the new
basis of W certainly flip the sign. When we say w is a pseudo-vector and
the signs of w do not change, we are talking with respect to the induced
basis e01 = b0 2 × b0 3 , e02 = b0 3 × b0 1 and e03 = b0 1 × b0 2 , which are induced
by the cross product.
After all, the pseudo-vectors can be viewed as living in a vector space
W . The pseudo-vectors are just ordinary vectors and transform as ordinary
vectors with respect to a basis change in W itself. However, there is a
connection between the vector space W with another underlying vector
space V . In general, let us denote it by : V × V → W . The coordinates
of a pseudo-vector in W changes like a pseudo-vector with respect to basis
change in V composed with the mapping .
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The cross product only applies in 3-dimensional vector spaces. For the
general n-dimensional vector space V , the pseudo-vectors can be viewed as
living in the space of Λn−1 (V ), which is the exterior space over V to the
(n − 1)-th power. It has the same dimension as V . The pseudo-vector in
Λn−1 (V ) can be viewed as the Hodge dual of a vector in V . A pseudo-
scalars can be viewed as living in the space of Λn (V ), which is the dual of
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Λ0 (V ) = R and has dimension 1.
For a pseudo-tensor of degree two, it transforms as
(ξ 0 )st = sign(Λ) ξ στ Λσs Λτ t ,
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where sign(Λ) is the sign of det Λ. This extra sign can also be viewed as
the result of some bilinear mapping connecting the space of pseudo-tensors
W to the underlying vector space V ,
: V × V → W.
The more general concept is the tensor density of weight k, with a trans-
formation law
(ξ 0 )st = (det Λ)k ξ στ Λσs Λτ t ,
differential operators on vector (or scalar) fields are defined: the gradient
of a scalar field ∇ϕ, the divergence of a vector field ∇ · f and the curl (or
rot, for rotation) of a vector field ∇ × f . Important theorems involving
these operators include Gauss’ theorem
(∇ · f )dV = f · dS,
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V ∂V
Stoke’s theorem
(∇ × f ) · dS = f · dr,
S ∂S
and properties like
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∇ × (∇ϕ) = 0,
∇ · (∇ × f ) = 0.