457661lecture 6
457661lecture 6
457661lecture 6
Shuhan Jiang
d∇ (ω ⊗ s) = dω ⊗ s + (−1)p ω ∧ ∇(s).
d∇ |Ω0 (E) = ∇.
d∇ = dxµ ∧ ∇µ .
2. on the dual bundle E ∨ , which we again denote by ∇ with a slight abuse of notation,
and is defined by:
Covariant derivatives ∇i on vector bundles Ei over the same base manifold, i = 1, 2, induces
a covariant derivative ∇ on the tensor product bundle E1 ⊗ E2 by
Exercise 2.12. Check that
Show that a connection ∇ on E also induces connections on T (E), Λ(E), and Sym(E).
Proposition 2.6. There exists a 2-form F with values in End(E) such that F = d∇ ◦ d∇ .
F is called the curvature of ∇. F satisfies the so-called second Bianchi identity
d∇ F = 0.
Locally, we have
F (s) = (d + A)2 (s) = d2 (s) + d(A(s)) + A(d(s)) + (A ∧ A)(s) = (dA + A ∧ A)(s).
F = dA + A ∧ A. (2.7)
Component-wise, we have
∂ ∂ ∂Aν ∂Aµ
Fµν = F ( µ
, ν) = µ
− + [Aµ , Aν ]. (2.8)
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂xν
Remark 2.2. The formulas (2.7) and (2.8) probably need some explanation. In general, let
A = p!1 Aµ1 ...µp dxµ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxµp and B = q!1 Bν1 ...νq dxν1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxνq be two matrix-valued p-form
and q-form, where the matrix valued coefficients Aµ1 ,...,µp are skew symmetric with respect to
the indices. The wedge product between A and B is defined as
A ∧ B := Aµ1 ...µp Bν1 ...νq dxµ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxµp ∧ dxν1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxνq
= Aµ1 ...µp Bν1 ...νq dxµ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxµp ∧ dxν1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxνq
µ1 <···<µp ν1 <···<νq
= (−1)|σ| Aσ(ρ1 )...σ(ρp ) Bσ(ρp+1 )...σ(ρp+q ) dxρ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxρp+q
ρ1 <···<ρp+q (p,q)-shuffles σ
1 X
= (−1)|σ| Aσ(ρ1 )...σ(ρp ) Bσ(ρp+1 )...σ(ρp+q ) dxρ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxρp+q .
(p + q)!
(p,q)-shuffles σ
where Aµ1 ,...,µp Bν1 ,...,νq is the matrix product of Aµ1 ,...,µp and Bν1 ,...,νq . Component-wise, we
have X
(A ∧ B)ρ1 ...ρp+q = (−1)|σ| Aσ(ρ1 )...σ(ρp ) Bσ(ρp+1 )...σ(ρp+q ) .
(p,q)-shuffles σ
Replacing the matrix product with the Lie product in the above definition, we obtain the wedge
product of Lie algebra valued forms, which is usually denoted as
By definition,
[A, B] = A ∧ B − (−1)pq B ∧ A.
For matrix valued 1-forms, we have
[A, A] = 2A ∧ A.
Example 2.11. The curvature F of the covariant derivative on O(−1) defined by (2.6) is
dck ∧ dck X n
ck cl dcl ∧ dck
F = dA + A ∧ A = ∂A = − .
1 + |c|2 k,l=1
(1 + |c|2 )2
In particular, for n = 1, we have only one coordinate function which we denote by c.
1 2i
F = dc ∧ dc = rdr ∧ dϕ.
(1 + |c| )
2 2 (1 + r2 )2
Since dimR CP1 = 2, we can integrate the 2-form 2πi F
over CP1 . The result is:
Z Z Z 2π Z ∞ ∞
F 1 ∞ 1 1 1
= dr dϕ r = d(r 2
) = − = 1.
CP1 2πi π 0 0 (1 + r2 )2 0 (1 + r2 )2 1 + r2 0
4 Bochner Laplacians
Let (E, ⟨·, ·⟩) be a metric vector bundle over a compact Riemannian manifold (M, g). Let ∇
be a metric connection on E. Let ∇∗ denote the formal adjoint of ∇, i.e., ∇∗ is a R-linear
map ∇∗ : Γ(T ∗ M ⊗ E) → Γ(E) such that
⟨s, ∇(t)⟩ volg = ⟨∇∗ (s), t⟩ volg
Let’s consider the vector bundle ΛT ∗ M and the Levi-Civita connection ∇ on ΛT ∗ M . Let
∇∗ be the formal adjoint of ∇ with respect to the bundle metric on ΛT ∗ M induced by the
Riemannian metric g on M .
Proposition 2.7. Let ω be a differential k-form on M . We have
(∆B − ∆H )(ω) = Ric(ω), (2.9)
where ∆H = dd∗ + d∗ d is the Hodge Laplacian of M . Ric ∈ End(Λk T ∗ M ) is the so-called
Weitzenböck operator, which is defined by
n X
Ric(ω)(X1 , · · · , Xk ) = (R(ei , Xj )ω)(X1 , · · · , ei , · · · , Xk ), (2.10)
i=1 j=1
where R is the Riemannian curvature tensor and {ei }ni=1 is a local orthonormal frame.1
More generally, let’s consider the tensor product bundle ΛT ∗ M ⊗ E, where E is a metric
vector bundle bundle, equipped with the connection
∇ = ∇LC ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ ∇E ,
n X
X k
FE (ω)(X1 , · · · , Xk ) = FE (ei , Xj )(ω(X1 , · · · , ei , · · · , Xk )),
i=1 j=1