Rich Blitz Boat Rental and Tours
Rich Blitz Boat Rental and Tours
Rich Blitz Boat Rental and Tours
Bohol is one of the most visited place by the tourist in our country. It is a place where
you can find a very nice beaches and even attractive tourist spots to discover.
and adventure. Many of our tourist visit Bohol , just to explore and discover the beauty
opportunity for a boat owner to pursue in such kind of business venture. There is an
increase of need on Boat rental due to increase of tourist that may be in coming . There
are many tourist that may come to Bohol because of the good tourism standing of our
Based on the research, Asian Tourists are on the top such as Chinese, Korean and
Japanese. Other International guest came from other country like US and Europe. They
mostly visit Panglao Island like Balicasag and Virgin island and Pamilacan Island in
Baclayon , Bohol. These Island have a good beach and astonishing view that can be
Because of the increase of tourists visitor in our place, RICH BLITZ BOAT RENTAL
AND TOURS come up with an idea to put up a business that suit to respond the needs
of the tourists. This venture offer a rental of boat for those who wants to explore and
discover the beauty of nature as well as the wild dolphin on the sea and seeking a
comfortable zone that ease for relaxation. This venture offer a services to the guest for
island hopping, dolphin watching and other activities for an affordable price.
A. Target Market
1. Local tourists- these includes the guest from neighbouring place who wants to
relax and have fun together with their families and friends or even loves ones.
2. International Tourists- these tourists coming from the different side of the worlds
who are adventurous and loved the nature. They seek relaxation and
comfortable accommodation .
3. Balikbayans- These are local tourist but people who worked abroad and going
home for a moment just for a vacation sometimes just to relax and have fun.
The economic profile of the target market includes those individuals who loved
the nature of the sea like island hopping just to relax and enjoy together with their
families and friends. Target market have the same goal which is relaxation and
comfortable accommodation. The target market are from middle class to high
class of the society since they can afford to have relaxation for sometimes.
The guest of RICH BLITZ BOAT RENTAL AND TOURS are those who loved sea
adventures like island hopping, dolphin watching and even snorkelling. These are the
people who seek relaxation from work, comfortable accommodation and bonding with
Panglao International Airport has been operating and fully functional. This means that
the tourism business in Bohol is getting strong. It creates more impact to the investors
and even the people here in Bohol. With the increase of tourist in our place particularly
Pamilacan Island in Baclayon, Bohol, these creates an idea to come up with this
them. This is a big opportunity for us new entrepreneur to explore and discover new
phases of business that involve guest relation and customer service satisfaction is
RICH BLITZ BOAT RENTAL AND TOURS will operate at Baclayon and Panglao
Route and vice versa, Pamilacan island route to Panglao , Virgin island, and
Balicasag island and vice versa. It offers an affordable rent to its guest yet
relaxing and enjoyable ride for an island hopping adventures. It also includes
RICH BLITZ BOAT RENTAL AND TOURS will cater those tourists who wants to
visit Pamilacan Island and also Panglao Island like Virgin island and Balicasag
Island. Our venture will assure the quality of customer services through a
accommodating staff and well trained boat operator of our pumpboat. The staff
can communicate well to the guest especially to our international guest who
wants to have a English Speaking staff for them to communicate well. The boat
can carry a passenger of 6-8 passenger per trip. The boat has also the safety
vest for the guest and the operator with the mask for the island hopping
adventure. It is always present on the boat every time there is a trip for the guest
Each trip will cost P2,500 basic rate plus add- on on the other services offered.
island hopping. The following table shows the rate for the services offered:
number of guest.
1. Product Improvement
RICH BLITZ BOAT RENTAL AND TOURS will be upgraded to the new
the sea like the gas tank and complete gear. The company will look also of the
for their love ones. The pumpboat will also be changed to a higher engine
company always think of new ways and strategies on how to be the best. Our
services will be upgraded and have a research on new ideas on how to compete
its guest. With excellent guest service that we can offer to our beloved guest.
RICH BLITZ BOAT RENTAL AND TOURS. intends to maintain an extensive marketing
campaign that will ensure maximum visibility for the business in its targeted market.The
bookings for the island hopping and able to promote our business to the public.
1. Establish relationships with event planners that host beach events within the
targeted market.
2. Implement a local campaign with the Company’s targeted market via the use
4. Calling Cards.
Enter competition
Business Requirements
It was assume that every service has a trip at least once in a week based on
number of guest.
total P28,000.00
(56x4x 3x5)
total P 13,860.00
yearly income.