A Review On Study of Growth and Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom
A Review On Study of Growth and Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom
A Review On Study of Growth and Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom
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3 authors:
Sumeet Patidar
Lovely Professional University
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Article Information
(1) Dr. Jehad M. H. Ighbareyeh, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine.
(1) Sugeng Triyono, University of Lampung, Indonesia.
(2) Claudia Koncsag, University OVIDIUS of Constanta, Romania.
Mushrooms are edible fungi which is suitable for wide range of age group. It produces high quantity
of quality food which has high biological value grown on many substrates. Mushroom can supply a
high protein diet and lower calorific value so it is suitable for heart patients as it also contains all
kinds of amino acids needed by human body. And we all know that there are many different species
of mushroom and among those species, oyster mushroom is most commonly cultivated. The steps
involved in cultivating oyster mushroom are substrate preparation, spawning of substrate,
incubation, fruiting and harvesting. Complete process takes 25-30 days to get a good and healthy
yield but due to the lack of knowledge related to causes and outbreak of diseases, oyster mushroom
production has decreased therefore, the main objective behind writing of this review article is to
learn more about the causal agents or factors and to reach out the appropriate control measures for
the diseases of oyster mushroom.
Nongthombam et al.
known for its rich content in vitamin C and And intensive cultivation of mushroom
vitamin B complex and its protein content may also cause dramatic loss of product due to
varies from 1.6 to 2.5 percent along with increased incident of pest and diseases [14].
mineral salt which is essential for human body [2]. So, in order to avoid or reduce the risk
that comes with mushroom cultivation it is
Apart from its nutritional value, it is also very important to understand it first. Only
known for its medicinal value in fighting for when we know thoroughly about the
diabetics and cancer [3]. Due to its high common diseases of mushroom, we can
potassium to sodium ratio it is ideal for control it timely and appropriately. And with
people suffering from heart disease and growing global interest on organic food, we can
hypertension [4]. And it has no cholesterol take proper precaution before cultivating to reduce
content since it is easily digestible [5]. It can or avoid the use of chemical fertilizer and it is
also cure anemia because of the folic acid only possible when we know the causes of
present in oyster mushroom [2]. Mushroom diseases.
species are known to have a wide range of
metabolites such as antitumor, antioxidant, COMMON CULTIVATED MUSHROOMS
antigen toxic, antiplatelet aggregating,
antihyperglycaemic, antimicrobial and antiviral Although there are over 300 genera of
activities [6]. And among the types of mushroom, mushrooms, only few of the species are
oyster mushrooms species namely Pleurotus cultivated commercially. Some of the
ostreatus has antitumor activity [7] while commonly cultivated mushrooms are given below
Pleurotus cystidiosus has strong antioxidant (Table 1)
properties [8].
Therefore, oyster mushroom cultivation has
increased throughout the world because of its Edible mushroom is considered as one of the
medicinal properties and its potential to grow at important food sources. As they are easily
wide range of temperature and different digestible, they provide a simple yet a nourishing
agro based residues. It also has wide meal for proper growth and good health. Based on
adaptability to various agro-climatic fresh weight mushroom may be inferior to dairy
conditions on different agricultural waste [9]. product and meats but they are superior to all
And the substrates where the mushrooms kinds of vegetables and fruits [15]. Based on dry
were grown can also be used as biofertilizer for weight, mushrooms are superior with respect to
enriching the soil fertility, as animal feed dried peas and beans but similar to dried yeast.
and also as a feed for biogas production [10].
As a reason mushroom cultivation is known Mushrooms supply a high protein diet and lower
to be eco-friendly as it brings no effect to calorific value so it is suitable for heart patients as
the environment compared to other crop it also contains all kinds of amino acids needed by
cultivation. human body [16]. Mushroom are known for its
high valuable mineral content such as phosphorus,
Mushroom cultivation depends on many factors potassium, calcium, iron and copper and 56%
such as temperature, humidity and sterility of the carbohydrate, 30% protein, 10% ash, 2% fat based
substrates which act individually or its interaction on dry weight. They also have high vitamin B and
between them [11]. And the infections on vitamin D content.
mushroom are facilitated by the factors under
which they are cultivated and the presence of pest Edible mushrooms also regarded as the meat of
[12]. Bacterial and fungal originated disease as the vegetable world can give a variety of delicious
well as fungal viruses namely mycoviruses are the meals with different dishes and can also use for
most common challenge faced by the mushroom adding flavors [17]. Instead of meat, some people
growers which often cause significant phenotypic tend to use mushrooms as a substitution in making
effect on mushroom [13]. stews.
Nongthombam et al.
Keeping aside the nutritive values of mushrooms, mycelium takes place to produce mushrooms.
it also has medicinal properties especially as Substrates used include sawdust, rice bran, rice
antitumor. Other properties say that mushrooms straw, wheat bran and wheat straw [21]. Substrate
can be used as an ingredient after combined with preparation is known to be the most critical stage
other herbs to cure ailments like headache, chest in the production process to make sure the
pain, stomach pain, cold, smallpox, dropsy and occurrence of diseases is less with better yield
fever [18]. (Jongman et al., 2010). So as to eliminate potential
competitors such as Trichoderma spp. of
PRODUCTION OF OYSTER MUSHROOM Pleurotus spp., substrate like grasses, sugarcane
bagasse is pasteurized beforehand [22].
Mushrooms are grown mostly on waste materials Pasteurization can be done by using steam or by
like sawdust, composting materials, straw and using hot water treatment (±70°C) to the substrate
garbages [19]. It is reported that mushroom for few hours. Soaking the substrates in water
cultivation was first started in France around the treated with benomyl (0.06g/L) tends to suppress
age of 1630, so to monitor different growth the risk of Trichoderma spp. [23]. Including
parameters of mushrooms a series of experiments commercial production and small-scale production
and studies have been conducted since then [20]. of oyster mushroom, treatments mentioned above
can be applied and affordable.
Spawning of Substrate
The most suitable temperature for the growth of
Oyster mushroom ranges from 20° to 30° C and Spawn, which is used as a seed in propagation for
humidity ranges from 55-70% upto the period of mushroom production is defined as a substrate in
6-8 months in a year. The cultivation practices which mycelium is impregnated and developed
during summer months can be done by providing (Woo-Sik Jo et al. 2009). Spawn can be prepared
extra humidity required for its growth and from different carriers of grains such as wheat,
development. sorghum, barley and rice [24]. It is reported that as
compare to grains of wheat and barley, grains of
Mushroom production requires multiple steps and sorghum are better mycelium carrier. The yield
is grown in favorable conditions which are found and biological efficiency can be increased by
in natural caves or in a well-controlled growth adoption of the spawn while the spawn running
chamber (Menaka et al. 2020). time get reduced [21].
Different steps for production of oyster The quality of carrier and moisture (60-70%)
mushrooms are discussed below: greatly affect the quality of spawn as it determines
the growth and colonization of the mycelium on
Substrate Preparation the substrate. The spawned substrate requires a
certain temperature ranging from 25-30°C and a
Mostly used substrates are organic materials like dark room which satisfy the mycelia for proper
lingo-cellulosic farm waste on which growth of growth and colonize the substrate.
Nongthombam et al.
The grain spawn which are freshly prepared i.e., 8-12 hours of sunlight is required at the time of
20-30 days old are best for spawning. The mixing fruiting.
of spawn should be done @ 2/3% of the weight of
the substrate. Harvesting and Yield
Nongthombam et al.
Nongthombam et al.
Table 2. Common bacterial diseases of oyster Soft rot, caused by the genus Pantoea spp.
mushroom also associated with plants, maybe as
epiphyte or as well as pathogens [32]. Pantoea
Common name Scientific name spp. is a gram -ve bacterium well known for
Bacterial yellowing Pseudomonas reactans producing symptoms like water-soaked lesions on
P. agarici
Brown blotch Pseudomonas tolaasii pileus and stipes in oyster mushroom [33].
Soft rot Pantoea spp. The general symptoms of this disease can be
Stipe necrosis Ewingella americana seen as a water drop in dark brown color during
early stage, and continue with development in
Bacterial Yellowing large size of water-soaked lesions which leads to
offensive odour when heavily infested during
After several observations it is found that the
growth [34].
bacterial yellowing is the one that can cause the
most severe damage [25]. The infected mushroom
Control: Compounds that contain chlorine are
is often found to be elongated with yellow
mostly used for control of this disease. Spraying
discoloration and the spots on the entire stem
of chlorine water @175ppm is found to be
coalesce [26].
effective for reduction of the disease without
Control: Keeping the relative humidity low, apply affecting the yield of mushroom [35].
chlorine solution with water at low concentration.
Stipe Necrosis
Since the bacteria have the ability to reproduce in
such a way that it neutralizes the oxidizing Stipe necrosis, which is caused by Ewingella
agent, chlorine has lesser effect for the control americana was characterized as an opportunistic
[27]. pathogen [36]. It is reported that E. americana
cause damage on internal parts, found from the
Bacterial Brown Blotch samples collected from farms [37].
Bacterial brown blotch, caused by a bacterium The symptoms can be seen on the central part of
named Pseudomonas tolaasii are mostly found in the body (mushroom) as brown colour [38]. The
button mushroom [28]. It is also regarded as one appearance of the affected mushrooms turn wet at
of the severe bacterial diseases found in oyster the time of harvesting; in severe infestation, the
mushroom. The outbreak of this disease often brown tissue may become dry and collapsed
covers a sum of large area and hard to control leaving the center hollow [39].
Control: Keep maintaining the bed surface of the
Symptoms of this disease are characterized by mushroom with good evaporation as the disease is
rotting due to a toxic volatile tovsin, toxin, which found to be associated with water-logging
are produced only when there is direct contact conditions.
Nongthombam et al.
Pathogens causing green mold disease are For reducing risk, use of carbendazim
Trichoderma spp. (T. atroviride, T. hazianum, T. and benomyl is recommended.
virens, T. asperellum, T. citrinoviride and T. In order to decrease or reduce the risk,
pleuroticola). combination of active ingredient like
thiophanate-methyl might be helpful
Green mold infection by Trichoderma spp. in [47].
edible basidiomycetes is well known since long
time [41]. The typical symptom of green mold Brown Spot
disease can be seen as ‘green fungal sporulation’ Brown spot caused by Gliocladium roseum, was
and in severe conditions there will be no found to be obtained from affected P. eryngii.
production of mushrooms from the affected Tissue curling, shrinking and cracking of the
substrates [42]. fruiting bodies are the main symptoms of this
disease and it requires temperature around 20-
It is reported that Trichoderma spp. are 32°C for the mycelial growth [49].
found only at the time of substrate preparation
[43], but later on it disappear naturally with Control:
pasteurization. However, it can be found
again at spawn run stage when the temperature The incidence of brown spot can be
reached upto 30°C, while there will be no growth prevented by using chlorinated water
at 15°C. @5ppm
Nongthombam et al.
When observed, the chlorinated water pulp for bio-bleaching. Food Chemistry.
should be used @20ppm. 2002;79(2):173-176.
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