Csec Re 4

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Item 5 refers to the following illustration.

1. A major reason that followers of a religion

come together is to

(A) plan religious events and festivals

(B) give honour, adoration and respect
to a deity
(C) share ideas with other members of
the same religion
(D) demonstrate the strength of the
membership of the religion

2. An organized system of beliefs, practices

and worship centred around a supreme
being is called a

(A) cult 5. The worship pattern shown above is found

(B) religion in which of the following religions?
(C) movement
(D) denomination (A) Islam
(B) Judaism
(C) Hinduism
3. Visible items used to represent religious (D) Christianity
beliefs are called

(A) myths 6. Which of the following needs would

(B) statues religion help persons to fulfil?
(C) deities
(D) symbols I. Finding meaning and purpose in
II. Succeeding in life regardless of the
4. Which of the following is NOT essential consequences
to a religion? III. Developing a good relationship
with others
(A) A set of rituals
(B) Worship of a deity (A) I and II only
(C) A system of be! iefs (B) I and 111 only
(D) Polygamous practice (C) II and III only
(D) I , II and III

7. A 'creed' may be defined as a

(A) set of procedures for religious rites

(B) prayer to the deity as part of
(C) ceremony to mark initiation into a
(D) statement of religious beliefs or


8. Which of the following expressions is NOT Item 11 refers to the following information.
used to explain the concept 'deity' in the
MAJOR religions? Dear Heather

(A) AU-seeing This is my time to fast and reflect on God's

(B) All-knowing goodness and mercy. I am having fish and
(C) All-believing vegetables instead of chicken and beef and 1
(D) All-powerful am also giving up the drinking of alcoholic
beverages and eating of sweets.

9. For which of the following do the teachings Andrea

of MOST religions provide guidance?
11. In which of the following Christian festivals
I. The type of food to eat is Andrea participating?
II. Rites related to birth and death
111. How to behave in one's daily life (A) Lent
(B) Advent
(A) i and II only (C) Epiphany
(B) 1 and III only (D) Palm Sunday
(Q II and III only
(D) 1,11 and III
12. Christians accept the Bible as a source of
authority MAINLY because it
10. Which of the following statements are NOT
true of the MAJOR world religions? (A) contains ideas about God and
economic living
I. They all teach that men are superior (B) stimulates their thinking and
to women. enhances knowledge
I I . , They all provide rules to guide (C) was written by holy men with
persons in their daily lives. various points of view
HI. They all teach that there is a place (D) was inspired by the Holy Spirit and
of punishment where evil people gives inspiration to believers
go after death.

(A) I and II only 13. The pulpit in a church is MAINLY used to

(B) I and III only
(C) I I and III only (A) bury the dead
(D) I , II and I I I (B) deliver sermons
(C) baptize new believers
(D) discipline the congregation
The festival of Ascension observes the
Which of the following beliefsdo Christians,
Hindus, Jews and Muslims share? return of Jesus to

(A) The deity is the Creator of the (A) his father

universe. (B) to Calvary
(B) Heaven is the place where God (C) to Jerusalem
lives. (D) his disciples
(C) The unrighteous will be condemned
to hell forever.
(D) Eternal life in heaven is obtained 19. According to Christianity, Jesus Christ came
through good works. to the Earth to be the

(A) Father
Which of the following statements B E S T (B) Creator
describe how Christians view the Books of (C) Saviour
the Old Testament? (D) Holy Spirit

I. They deal with the relationship of

God with the people of Israel. 20. The solemn day set aside to remind
IL They are written by Christians. Christians of how Jesus suffered and died
III. They are relevant to the Christian on the cross is known as
(A) Lent
(A) I and (I only (B) Good Friday
(B) I and III only (C) Easter Monday
(C) II and III only (D) Maundy Thursday
(D) 1,11 and 111

21. The Puranas teach strategies of 1 i fe through

Which of the following is an important the medium of sacred
Christian festival?
(A) art
(A) Divali (B) dance
(B) Pesach (C) music
(C) Advent (D) stories
(D) Shavuot

22. A Hindu believer would MOST likely

Christians believe that God is omnipresent.
This means that God (A) visit the holy city of Medina
(B) take part in the Adhan ceremony
(A) knows everything (C) participate in the Sukkot festival
(B) is most powerful (D) bathe in the River Ganges for puri-
(C) is everywhere at all times fication
(D) manifests himself in spirit form


23. Which of the following is a basic belief in 28. According to Hindu beliefs, the creator of the
Hinduism? universe was

(A) Cows are to be worshipped as they (A) Vishnu

are gods, (B) Brahma
(B) There is one Great Power, known (C) Saraswati
as Brahman. (D) Mahashivaratri
(C) Persons who live good lives will
die peacefully.
29. Hindus believe that life involves a series of
(D) Persons should live for the present
duties called
as there is no life after death.
(A) dharma
(B) karma
24. Which of the following divine manifesta-
(C) moksha
tions does NOT belong to the Hindu trinity samsara
or triad?

(A) Shiva 30. Hindus have attained the ultimate goal in

(B) Vishnu life when
(C) Krishna
(D) Brahma (A) it is no longer necessary to worship
in a temple
(B) they have attained a sense of being
25. Which of the following is a smriti text? at peace with others
(C) the soul is released from the cycle
(A) Yajur of life, death and rebirth
(B) Sama (D) they are assured that they will never
<C) Atharva experience physical death
Item 31 refers to the following picture.
26. The nature of the Atma(n) is

(A) eternal
(B) powerful
(C) perishable
(D) intellectual

27. Jyoli has some financial problems and

decides to perform puja. Which of the
following manifestations of God is Jyoli
MOST likely to worship at this time?

(A) Surya
31. What activity is done in the area of the
(B) Brahma
masjid (mosque) shown in the picture?
(C) Saraswati
(D) Lakshmi
(A) Prayer
(B) Fasting
(C) Dua after prayer
(D) Ablution before prayer

nr. rv* T T I T H ^ H * B Y T V>AK.


32. Which of the following activities is NOT 37. Which of the following are T R U E of Islam?
done in a masjid (mosque)?
I. The faithful take part in ritual
(A) Trade washing o f the body before
(B) Dhikr worship.
(C) Salaah II. Sunday is a day of rest, just like the
(D) Marriage Christian Sabbath.
III. Worshippers are called to prayer
by the chanting of a crier from
33. The niche or mihrab which is inside the the minaret (tower) of a mosque.
mosque (masjid) indicates
(A) I and II only
(A) a blessed place (B) I and III only
(B) a place for sitting (C) II and HI only
(C) the direction of the Kaaba (D) I , II and III
(D) the direction where the sun rises

38. Zaid has calculated his zakat. He wants to

34. The Imam tells Zahir that he can use the distribute it. To whom should he give it?
masjid (mosque) to pray every day. If Zahir
accepts this offer, how often will he need I. The poor
to go to the masjid (mosque)? II. The needy
III. Those in debt
(A) Every Friday
(B) Once every day (A) I and II only
(C) Five times a day (B) I and III only
(D) .On the day of Eid (C) II and III only
(D) 1,11 and I I I

35. Which of the following is a PRIMARY

source of law for Muslims? 39. The Muslim festival that recalls Abraham's
willingness to sacrifice his son to Allah is
(A) The Bible
(B) The Qur'an (A) Eid-ul-Fitr
(C) Stories of the past (B) Eid-ul-Adha
(D) Words of wise men (C) Muharram
(D) Ramadan

36. Which of the following are important

aspects of prayer in Islam? 40. According to Islamic belief, which of the
following categories would include ONLY
I. A Muslim must pray facing Mecca. 'halal' food?
II. The space for prayer must be clean
and dry. (A) Meat from any animal except the
III. ' The space for prayer must be inside Pig
a mosque. (B) Carbohydrates such as rice and
(A) I and I I only (C) Meat from any animal slaughtered
(B) I and III only by a Muslim
(C) I I and III only (D) Meat from a permitted animal,
(D) I , I I and III slaughtered in a certain way


41. Which of the following reflects the 44. The Shema prayer reminds Jews that
emotional state of a Jew during the festival
' Yom Kippur'? 1. they should love God with their
whole being
(A) Solemnity II. God is the one. the Almighty
(B) Cheerfulness creator
(C) Thanksgiving 111. angels guard over them
(D) Disappointment
(A) 1 and II only
(B) 1 and III only
(C) II and HI only
42. Which of the following would B E S T
(D) 1,11 and III
describe an Orthodox Jew's attitude towards
the teachings of the New Testament?
Item 45 refers to the following illustration.
(A) Rejection
(B) Tolerance
(C) Acceptance
(D) Appreciation

Item 43 refers to the following illustration.

45. The Jewish person in the picture above is

blowing a horn called a

(A) taliit
(B) shofar
43. The plate of food in the illustration above
(C) teffilin
is known as a
(D) menorah
(A) Hagadah
(B) Seder meal 46. With which of the following beliefs are
(C) Kosher meal Jews MOST likely to DISAGREE?
(D) Shabbat dinner
(A) God is the creator of everything.
(B) Salvation is for everyone through
(C) Man w i l l face judgement and
(D) Mankind can seek forgiveness for
wrong actions.

nn T> T U T M P Y ~ PA;

Itern 47 refers to the following statement.

Mrs Steinberg's baby boy will be circumcised when he is eight days old. She has asked her husband
to engage the services of a person to perform the circumcision.

47. Which of the following persons will her husband engage to perform the ceremony?

(A) A shoet
(B) A rabbi
(C) A mohel
(D) A mitvah

Items 48-49 refer to the following 51. Which of the following arc common to both
illustration. Christianity and Vodun?

I. The belief in a Supreme Being

II. The belief in life after death
III. The belief in obtaining new
membership through missionary
IV. The belief that a dead body can be
revived after being buried

(A) I and II only

(B) 1, II and HI only
(C) II and 111 only
(D) I , III and IV only

48. In which religion is the practice illustrated 52. A P R I M A R Y reason for starting the
above observed? Rastafari religion was that

(A) Islam (A) persons found a new king in Haile

(B) Judaism Selassie
(C) Rastafari (B) discovering Africa was on the
(D) Hinduism minds of many
(C) slavery was abolished and people
wanted to return to Africa
49. What name is given to the object the boy is (D) Blacks were frustrated with their
holding? social and economic conditions
(A) Ark
(B) Pulpit 53. Rastafari believe that Babylon is a system
(C) Scroll of oppression.
(D) Bimah
Which of the following institutions do
Rastafari believe embodies this oppressive
50. Which of the following groups of items are system?
found in a synagogue?
(A) Police
(A) Cross, Bimah, Torah, Ark (B) Church
(B) Tallith, Torah, Ark, Cross (C) Schools
(C) Ark, Torah, Bimah, Mezuzah (D) Health care
(D) Bimah, Ark, Aum, Star of David

Which of the following is a belief of Zion 58. Which of the following texts would be
Revivalism? regarded as sacred by Rastafari, Orisha and
Zion Revivalism?
(A) Colours are insignificant.
(B) There is only a spiritual world. (A) The Obu
(C) The body can be possessed by (B) The Holy Piby
spirits. (C) The Holy Bible
(D) A healthy lifestyle must be main- (D) The Books of Magic

59. The factors which account for the close

55. Which of the following are of MAJOR similarities among Santeria, Vodun and
significance in Zion Revivalism? Orisha observances are the

I. Herbs I. traditional African practices

II. Water II. Native Baptist influences
III. Blood III. Roman Catholic influences

(A) I and 11 only (A) I and II only

(B) I and III only (B) 1 and HI only
(C) II and i l l only (C) II and III only
(D) 1,11 and III (D) 1,11 and HI

The two primary powers of Santeria include 60. The Ceremony of Transmission is a festival
in which of the following religions?
(A) ashe and ebbo
(B) good and evil (A) Vodun
(C) blood and spirit (B) Santeria
(D) sacrifice and offering (C) Zion Revivalism
(D) Spiritual Baptist

The term 'Chapelle' is the place of worship

associated with which of the following

(A) Vodun
(B) Orisha
(C) Rastafari
(D) Zion Revivalism


I F Y O U F I N I S H B E F O R E T I M E I S C A L L E D , C H E C K Y O U R W O R K ON T H I S T E S T .

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