Csec CXC Pob Past Papers June 2003 Ppaper 02 PDF

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2i hours
( 03 JUNE 2003 (a.m.0

Copyright © 2002 Caribbean Examinations Council.

All rights reserved.
(c) State TWO advantages which the Public Limited Company has over the Partnership type of
business. ( 4 marks)

2. The attack on the World Trade Centre (WTC) in September 200 1has caused a drastic decline in tourist
arrivals in the Caribbean. This decline could be due to fear of further terrorist attacks.

(b) State TWO ways in which declining tourist alTivals can affect the economy of your country.
( 6 marks)

(c) List THREE ways in which the tourist industry in your country OR the tourist industry in the
Caribbean as a whole may benefit from economies of scale. ( 3 marks)

3. Foreign investors are encouraged to invest in CARl COM countries. Most governments, in an attempt
to encourage foreign investors, give incentives advantageous to both parties.

(a) List FOUR reasons why foreign investors may be encouraged to invest in your country.
( 4 marks)

(b) Select any THREE reasons given in (a) above and explain why you think EACH is important.
( 6 marks)

(c) State FIVE reasons why Caribbean governments try to attract foreign investment.
(10 marks)
4. The Manager of the Great Sty le Garment Factory was very worried when a trade union representative
visted the factory and spoke to the workers about becoming unionised. The responsibilities of
management to the worker and the benefits of union membership were discussed. The union
representative also indicated that setting up a 'grievance procedure' could benefit both the company
and the workers.

(a) State ONE reason why the manager may have been worried about his workers joining a trade
union. ( 2 marks)

(b) Outline FOUR benefits which membership in a trade union can bring to employees.
( 8 marks)

(c) List FOUR responsibilities of the management of Great Sty Ie Garment Factory to its workers.
( 4 marks)

(e) Outline TWO benefits which the firm can obtain from using a grievance procedure.
( 4 marks)
Property Services, No. 56 Newpark Saletown

Public Auction Sale

One 1999 Toyota Mini Bus

Terms of Sale:

• Strictly cash on the fall of the hammer.

• Vehicle on view on the morning of the sale.
• Vehicle will be sold as is where is.

John Brown

Tom Phillip who lived twenty miles away, drove to the address on the date specified with the intention
of purchasing the minibus.

On arrival he was told by the auctioneer that the mini bus was no longer available and was removed
from the items to be auctioned.

Tom Phillip became furious, threatened to sue for breach of contract and demanded a refund of his
travelling expenses.

By attending the public auction sale did Tom Phillip accept a firm offer?
(1 mark)

(2 marks)

( 2 marks)

(4 marks)

Should John Brown refund Tom Phillip's travelling expenses? (1 mark)

Give ONE reason for your answer to (f)(i) above. (2 marks)

Advise Tom Phillip whether he will succeed in court against John Brown.
(1 mark)
Identify FIVE marketing activities for which the marketing manager of a business is
responsible. ( 5 marks)

(ii) Describe TWO of the activities which you have identified in (b)(i) above.
(4 marks)

(ii) List THREE ways in which the Consumers' Protection Act gives protection to
consumers. ( 3 marks)

State ho \I Y TWO of the measures you identified in (c)(ii) above protect the
consumer. ( 4 marks)

(b) Identify FOUR types of outlets from which consumers can purchase products.
( 4 marks)

(c) State THREE reasons why wholesalers are important in the marketing of products.
( 6marks)

(d) State FOUR reasons why hire purchase is a very popular terms of sale method.
( 8 marks)
8. Manor Isle is a small mountainous island in the Caribbean. The government claims that the country
is doing well, pointing to the number of new motor vehicles imported into the country as one evidence
of this. The opposition political party and some business leaders refute the government's claim,
pointing to the national income data as evidence.

(b) Outline THREE factors that may affect the standard of living of the people of ManorIsle.
( 6 marks)

(ii) State how the methods listed in (c)(i) above are used to measUre national income.
( 4 marks)

State TWO reasons why national income may be a poor measure of the standard of living of
the people of Manor Isle. ( 4 marks)

9. Jane Steel has a small shop in the rural town of Mavis Hill. She buys and sells a wide range of items.
Some of these iterns are imported by Jane Steel. In recent times there has been increased levels of crime
in the community, with several businesses in the area being the target of robberies and arson.

(c) Identify THREE types of insurance risks which businesses in Mavis Hill could insure against
and state how businesses in the community can benefit by insuring against those risks.
( 6 marks)

Identify THREE trade documents that Jane Steel may use when importing goods.
( 3 marks)

(ii) State the purpose of EACH of the THREE trade documents you identified in (d) (i)

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