Galvanized Strand For Earthing - Specification: Indian Standard
Galvanized Strand For Earthing - Specification: Indian Standard
Galvanized Strand For Earthing - Specification: Indian Standard
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kinectrics India Private Limited -
Hyderabad( [for non-commercial use only].
(Reaffirmed 2013)
IS 12776 : 2002
(Reaffirmed 2012)
(Reaffirmed 2017)
(Reaffirmed 2011)
(Reaffirmed 2010)
Indian Standard
(Reaffirmed 2007)
ICS 29.240.20; 77.140.65
(Reaffirmed 2006)
(Reaffirmed 2005)
© BIS 2004
Price Group 3
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kinectrics India Private Limited -
Hyderabad( [for non-commercial use only].
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Mechanical Engineering Division Council
The galvanized steel earth wire covered in this standard is used for shielding of electric
transmission conductors by various electric utilities in the country.
The standard prepared based on specification No. CC-203-932 E Vol.-II ‘Technical specification for
GS earth wire’ issued by the National Thermal Power Corporation was first published in 1989.
Based on the experience gained in the industry, in this first revision the following modifications
have been made:
a) Alternative method of checking the compactness of the strand at the time of conducting
breaking force test is added.
b) Method of wrapping test is more elaborately described.
c) Sampling criteria has been modified for sampling before and after stranding.
d) Alternative method of marking at the end of one length when two lengths of strands are
supplied in one drum is added.
e) Requirement of tensile strength, torsion, elongation and zinc coating have been modified to
include before and after stranding values for the properties.
f) Breaking force and d.c. resistance values of strands have been modified by applying the
specified stranding factor.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in
Annex B.
This edition 2.1 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (June 2004). Side bar indicates modification of the
text as the result of incorporation of the amendment.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kinectrics India Private Limited -
Hyderabad( [for non-commercial use only].
IS 12776 : 2002
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
This standard covers requirements for 5.1 The construction of the galvanized steel
galvanized steel earth strand used for overhead earth strand shall be as given in Annex A.
transmission purposes with the three tensile 5.2 All steel galvanized steel earth strand shall
grades of wires, namely, 981, 1 100 and 1 310.
be smooth, uniform and free from all
2 REFERENCES imperfections, such as spills and splits, die
marks, scratches, abrasion and kinks after
The following Indian Standards contain
drawing and also after stranding.
provisions, which through reference in this text
constitute provisions of this standard. At the 5.3 The joints shall be allowed in individual
time of publication, the editions indicated were wires and the distance between the two joints
valid. All standards are subject to revision, and shall not be less than 15 m.
parties to agreements based on this standard
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of 6 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES
applying the most recent editions of the 6.1 The dimensions and manufacturing
standards indicated below: tolerances shall be permitted in the diameter of
individual wires and the lay length of the
IS No. Title
galvanized steel earth strand as given in
2363 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to wire Annex A.
ropes ( first revision )
4826 : 1979 Hot-dipped galvanized coatings on
round steel wires ( first revision ) 7.1 The standard length of the galvanized steel
earth strand shall be between 1 500 to 2 000 m.
3 TERMINOLOGY A tolerance of ± 5 percent on the standard
For the purpose of this standard, the length shall be permitted.
definitions given in IS 2363 shall apply. 7.2 Unless otherwise agreed to between the
4 MATERIAL manufacturer and the purchaser, random
length shall also be accepted provided one length
4.1 The steel wire shall be drawn from carbon is not less than half of the standard length of the
steel wire rods produced by either the acid or galvanized steel earth strand offered by the
the basic open hearth process, the electric manufacturer and the total quantity of random
furnace process or the basic oxygen process and length is not more than 10 percent of the total
shall have the following chemical composition: quantity in each shipment.
Element Percentage Composition 8 TESTS
Carbon 0.55, Max The following tests shall be conducted on the
Manganese 0.40 to 1.10 completed strand.
Phosphorous 0.05, Max 8.1 Breaking Force
Sulphur 0.05, Max
8.1.1 Breaking force of the galvanized steel
Silicon 0.15 to 0.35 earth strand when tested according to
4.2 Density procedure given in 8.1.2 shall have minimum
breaking force as given in Annex A.
The density of galvanized steel wire at a
temperature of 20°C may be taken as 7.8 g/cm3. 8.1.2 A circle perpendicular to the axis of the
strand shall be marked at two places on a sample
4.3 Coefficient of Linear Expansion of galvanized steel earth strand of minimum 5 m
The value of coefficient of linear expansion for length suitably compressed on the dead end
galvanized steel wire used may be taken as clamps at either end. The force shall be
11.5 × 10–6/°C. increased at a steady rate up to 50 percent of
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kinectrics India Private Limited -
Hyderabad( [for non-commercial use only].
IS 12776 : 2002
minimum breaking force. The circle drawn shall total material offered at a time, shall be taken.
not be distorted due to relative movement of the
component wires. The applied force then be
increased until the breaking force is reached and 10.1 If any of the test pieces first selected fail to
the value is recorded. pass the tests given in 8, two further samples
8.1.3 Alternatively a galvanized steel earth from the same batch excluding the length from
strand sample when cut perpendicular to its axis which the original sample was taken shall be
by an abrasive cutter shall not have wires selected at random for testing.
projected out nor shrunk inside from the cut end 10.2 All the samples shall satisfy the
by more than 3 mm. requirement of the tests. In case of any failure,
8.2 Elongation the batch represented by the samples shall be
deemed not to comply with the standard.
The elongation of individual wires when
measured on a gauge length of 200 mm after 11 PACKING
breakage shall meet the requirements as given 11.1 The material shall be suitably packed
in Annex A. before dispatch in strong non-returnable
8.3 d.c. Resistance Test wooden drums.
8.3.1 The galvanized steel earth strand shall be 11.2 Two standard lengths of galvanized steel
tested according to 8.3.2. The values of d.c. earth strand may be wound in a drum.
resistance shall be as given in Annex A. 11.2.1 In that case each standard length of
8.3.2 On a galvanized steel earth strand of galvanized steel earth strand shall be
minimum 5 m length, two contact clamps shall individually welded to the other to prevent
be fixed. The resistance shall be measured by a parting of the two lengths at a tension less than
Kelvin bridge or by any suitable instrument by 15 kN. The two ends where the first length
placing the clamps initially from one end and finishes and the second length starts shall be
subsequently one metre apart. The test shall be clearly marked with adhesive tape. The length
repeated at each metre length and the value between the two marks shall be treated as
recorded. The value obtained shall be corrected scrapped and shall not be taken into account
to 200°C. The average of five such results shall be for measurement purposes.
reported as the resistance of the strand sample. 11.2.2 Alternatively the galvanized steel earth
8.4 Wrapping Test strand may be supplied in a continuous length
in a drum with markings by adhesive tape
This test shall be conducted by wrapping the wire between two standard lengths.
around a mandrel of diameter equal to four times
the wire diameter to form a close helix of eight 12 MARKING
turns. Six turns then be unwrapped and finally 12.1 Each drum shall have the following
closely wrapped again in the same direction as information:
before. The wire shall not break during the test
(applicable for wires before stranding). a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark,
b) Drum number,
8.5 Galvanizing Test
c) Size of galvanized steel earth strand,
The zinc coating on the individual wires shall d) Length of galvanized steel earth strand,
meet the requirements as given in Annex A. e) Gross weight of drum with galvanized
8.6 Torsion Test steel earth strand, and
Torsion value of the individual wires shall meet f) Arrow marking for unwinding.
the requirements as given in Annex A g) Grade of galvanized steel earth strand
given in 1 as applicable.
12.2 BIS Certification Marking
9.1 Before Stranding
The product may also be marked with the
Manufacturer shall prepare his own sampling Standard Mark.
plan for conducting various tests covered by
this specification and shall present the test 12.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is
records for the verification of the purchaser if governed by the provisions of the Bureau of
agreed in the contract. Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and
Regulations made thereunder. The details of
9.2 After Stranding conditions under which a licence for the use of
One sample from every 10 drums or part the Standard Mark may be granted to the
thereof for conducting all tests except d.c. manufacturers or the producers may be
resistance, for which only one sample out of obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kinectrics India Private Limited -
Hyderabad( [for non-commercial use only].
( Clauses 5.1, 6.1, 8.1.1, 8.2, 8.3.1, 8.5 and 8.6 )
3. Minimum tensile strength Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of
of wire, N/mm2 Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire
(Before stranding) 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310
(After stranding) 931 1 050 1 260 931 1 050 1 260 931 1 050 1 260 931 1 050 1 260 931 1 050 1 260 931 1 050 1 260
4. Torsion of wire on 100 × D
(before stranding) Min: 20 Min: 20 Min: 20 Min: 20 Min: 20 Min: 20
ANNEX A ( Concluded )
IS 12776 : 2002
8. Lay and lay length of galvanized Min: 117 Min: 123 Min: 127 Min: 130 Min: 143 Min: 156
steel earth strand (mm) Max: 252 Max: 265 Max: 273 Max: 280 Max: 307 Max: 336
9. Minimum breaking force of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of Tensile Grade of
galvanized earth strand, kN Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire
981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310 981 1 100 1 310
43.7 49.0 58.3 48.2 54.0 64.3 51.3 57.5 68.5 53.8 60.4 60.4 65.0 72.9 86.8 77.7 87.1 104.0
10. Approximate mass per km of 386 426 454 476 575 687
galvanized steel earth strand (kg)
11. Equivalent modulus of elasticity 19 × 103 19 × 103 19 × 103 19 × 103 19 × 103 19 × 103
galvanized steel earth strand
IS 12776 : 2002
( Foreword )
Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee, ME10
Organization Representative(s)
Joint Director (MED), BIS
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Kinectrics India Private Limited -
Hyderabad( [for non-commercial use only].
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.