Let Review For 2022 Exam

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include important laws related to education in the Philippines, scientific terms and structures in biology, as well as notable people in Philippine history.

Some of the important laws mentioned include the RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act), RA 7836 (Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act), and RA 9293 (Teachers Professionalization Act).

Some of the important scientific terms mentioned include cilia, villi, epiglottis, flagella, carbon dioxide, fungi, leeches, microfilaments, metalloids and probiotics.

LUMABAS last March 27, 2022 LET 34.

37. REDUCCION- cabeceras
1. SAPROPHYTES- feed on dead organism 38. SKYPE
2. SYNTAX- pag-aaral o pag-uugnay-ugnay ng 40. PANG-URI
mga salita  41. MAGELLAN- discovered in 1521 by a
3. GREENHOUSE GASES portuguese explorer
5. MENDEL- genetics/heredity 43. THEMSELVES
7. MUTATION 45. IN VITRO- test tube
8. JOSE RIZAL- laong laan/dimasalang 46. BY LINE- name of the writer of the article
10. PAGYAYABANG- di-mahalagang salik sa 48. METATESIS
pagtatalumpati 49. PANDIWA
11. CARBON DIOXIDE- evening 50. COMMA-SHAPED- vibrio cholera
12. HOMER- Iliad and Odyssey
14. HINDUISM 100% may lumalabas sa LET
17. LIGHT- travels fastest in air PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for
18. PANCREAS- insulin Professional Teachers
19. NARCISO CLAVERIA- spanish surnames PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing
20. EPISTOLARY Teachers
21. BIENVENIDO SANTOS- Scent of Apples RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works
23. MARK TWAIN- Samuel Clemens RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for
24. UNION OBRERA DEMOCRATICA Public School Teacher”
25. SAHARA RA 7722 – CHED
26. QUEEN ELIZABETH I RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”
27. A LA JUVENTUD FILIPINA - faith in RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers
Filipino youth as hope of the fatherland Professionalization Act of 1994
29. 7x2x2x2- prime factors of 56 DepEd Law
30. GILOPEZ KABAYAO- played violin in RA 9293 – Teachers Professionaliza
public places/masses tion Act
31. LATHALAIN RA 10533 – K-12 Law
33. ORTOGRAPIYA “persons in authority”
- PILIPINO NatlLng 6 units Prof Ed 6 u
PROKLAMA BLG 12 - Linggo ng Wika 80- satisfactory
(Balagtas,Mr29-Ap4) 90 ang sagot kung e
PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng Aesop's fables
Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19) Agitate
PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 – Buwan ng Agitated
Wika (Ramos) Agitated-nervousnes
■PHIL. CONSTITUTION ACT 14 – agitated-nervousness
ESTACS Agitetad (D ko lm if
RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service allophone
eligibility Ano mga keywords naa
RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary Apolinario Mabini
Educ. Act of 1988” Archipelago
RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government asexual - Grafting
Assistance to Bicameral
Students and Teachers in Private bicameralism
Education blood compact
RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD buhay na wika
RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law Candidness-franknes
(Amendment: RA 9231) coal
RA 7743 – establishment of public Code of Ethics
libraries college electoral votes
RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment common divisor
Act of 1995” competition avocado-sampaguita
RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access CPD
to Education Act” CPU
RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law cytokinesis and auxins
RA 8187 – Paternity Act Cytokinins and auxin
RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying Dayalek
SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO diabetes milletus
(National Language) diabetis mellitus
diminishing sea harvest
Diosdado Macapagal
Gen Ed LET bullets na lumabas last Editorial
September 26, 2021 baka itanong ulit. I hope elipsis
makatulong and Good luck po sa mag e-exam Elizabethan Period(shakespear become famous)
sa January 30 Emilio Aguinaldo
"Those who have less" Esters
10,000÷40,000=25% esters-perfume
2 chamber euthropication 3 items
2 chambers Everyone-indefinite pronoun
exponent On the Use
extended family- Grandmother one night and one thousand
federal Opinion Page
Ferdinand Marcos Oxygen
genetic make up Pancreas
George Eliot pang uri
habeas corpus panglapi
Her, us PD 1006
hierarchy of needs Percentage
Hinduism Perfume
hypertriphication Photosynthesis
hypertropication plant
Hypotonic = swell plant cell will swell in hypotonic solution
ilocos region president political rights
individual differences possesive pronoun
integer Queen Elizabeth 1
jose laurel RA7836
Jose Laurel- Japane Reduccion
Kindergarten = Germ Romeo and Juliet
kung fu tzu sagot
kuwit Sahara
Lao Tzu Shrink
Legaspi Sikatuna
Legazpi- Sicatuna Silas Mariner
literal comprehension Spot News
Little women by Mar Surface tension
Liver talumpati
Loquacious Taoism
Love and Hate-Oxymoron Tayo tayo-pakikisam
Macbeth Technology HAS IMPR
Magellan the LCM of 5, 6, and
Magellan 2 items the product of 18 ..
Man's Humanity to Mankind Verbose
Mary Evans Virgin Queen
Mast Head William Shakepear 2 items
Metaphor Writ amparo
Mexico writ of amparo
mutation LET bullets na madalas lumabas sa LET
My, yours 1. Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories
Nick Joaquin reflect the Filipino concept of American culture?
Noli Me Tangere Bienvenido Santos
oldest continent 2. This Filipino writer in English used Hispanic-
oldest religion Filipino culture and traditions in his works Nick
Joaquin laws. Proclamation 1081
3. A story is made out of exchange of letters. 22. This person served as the brains behind the
Epistolary "arena theater" Severino Montano
4. One famous Japanese poem, it is consists of 3 23. She wrote the 1st Filipino modern English
lines totalling 17 syllables with nature as topic language short story. Dead star. Paz Marquez
Haiku Benitez
5. It is a dramatic presentation that originated 24. Famous ballerina who brought ballet to
from the traditional armed encounter between children of various economic levels. Liza
the Christians and Muslim Filipinos. Moro - Macuja
moro 25. Angono, Rizal boasts a famous composer
6. Speech progress which was concerned with who became a National Artist. Who is this
amplifying and enriching the voice using human person. Luis San Pedro
amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe, and chest. 26. Known as Quijano de Manila in the
Resonation Philippine literature. Nick Joaquin
7. He was called "Morning star of English 27. known as " huseng sisiw" Jose dela Cruz
Literature. Geoffrey Chaucer 28. The following were among the 5 ships
8. "To be or not to be" is the beginning of the involved in Ferdinand Magellan's voyage,
soliloquy of________. Hamlet except: Cartagena
9. The Rubaiyat has a theme of: Grasping 29. What was the name of forced labor imposed
pleasure while you can during the Spanish regime. Polo
10. He was the foremost French short story 30. Through the Galleon Trade, the Philippines
writer. Guy de Maupassant half extended contacts with___________.
11. The pen name of Samuel Clemens is. Mark Mexico
Twain 31. What economic policy in 16th century
12. She was the reason of Trojan War. " the face Europe influenced Spain's expansion is policy to
that launched a thousand ship" Helen of Troy discover new lands. Mercantilism
13. Where did the ancient civilization of China 32. 1565, Legaspi concluded a blood compact
exist. Yellow River with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred to.
14. Indian sacred hymns are enshrined in this Sikatuna
compendium. Rig veda 33. Which religious missionaries first arrived in
15. The longest epic of India. Mahabharata the Philippines. Augustinians
16. A Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the 34. The Spanish mestizo priest was the
Odyssey. Homer pioneering leader of the native secular clergy in
17. Egyptian literature is identified the Secularization Movement of 186. Pedro
as_________. Mediterranean Pelaez
18. The Philippines lies in the ___________, an 35. Governor- General Narciso Claveria was
area where volcanoes are active. Ring of fire responsible for the____________. Spanish
19. Migrant crossed the seas from the southern surnames
Philippines there were already aboriginal settlers 36. Which Spanish Policy provided the
in the islands. Negritos resettlement of Filipino communities to form
20. Who first introduced the Islamic religion to town centers of cabeceras. Reduccion
the Philippines? Mukdum 37. The last Spanish Governor- General of the
21. The late president Ferdinand Marcos placed Philippines. Diedo delos Rios
the Philippines under Martial law through what 38. He became the leader of the Magdalo
faction. Baldomero Aguinaldo Philippines. Constitution
39. Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted 55. Which department has the authority to make
with the Night from which the stanza is taken: laws and to alter them when needed. Legislative
isolation - loneliness 56. Which refers to the act of the President to
40. The wounded soldiers were visited by the stay the execution of a convict. Reprieve
president who honoured them with ____ for their 57. Who has the power to declare the existence
_____. Medals – valor of a state of war. Congress
41. Marcelo H. del Pilar condemmed the hidden 58. How is the crime of rape classified? Heinous
control and domination by Spanish religious 59. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote
priests over the colonial government using this and to be voted upon such a government official.
term. Frailoracia What is this constitutional right called. Suffrage
42. He was the founder and editor of the 60. The tax required to be paid annually by all
newspaper " La Independencia. Antonio Luna adult citizens of the Philippines is the_______.
43. He was the orator of the Reform Movement Community tax
and the first editor of La Solidaridad. Graciano 61. The art and science that deals with the
Lopez Jaena morality of human acts. Ethics
44. Which law set a full- trade policy abolishing 62. Ethical conduct governs social research.
the qouta limitations on Philippine exports to the Which among the following are not related to
United States. Underwood-Simmons Act ethics / morality in research? Erroneous data
45. He was the American president who 63. Whose view gives prominence to faith in
proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy understanding the existence of God? St.
during the American colonial years of the Augustine
Philippines. William Mckinley 64. Reason must be in understanding the
46. He was among the last Filipino generals who existence of God. Who advocated this
fought the Americans and established the so - philosophy? St. Thomas Aquinas
called " Tagalog Republic". Macario Sakay 65. This field deals with the study of how human
47. In the Philippine history, who was known as beings behave. Psychology
the " The great Dissenter". Claro M. Recto 66. The father of modern Psychology Sigmund
48. He is the father of the Local Government Freud
Code. Aquilino Pimentel 67. If principles and theories of human behavior
49. He is considered the father of Iloko were to applied to teaching and learning, the
literature. Pedro Bucaneg field will be called_________. Educational
50. Where did the folk song " Ati Cu Pong Psychology
Singsing" originate. Pampangos 68. Which of the following is considered as the
51. One instance of taking away the life of lowest form of learning? Perceiving
another person without due process 69. Of the following, which is an example of
is_________. Salvaging natural altered state of awareness? Sleep
52. How many days are needed after which an 70. Which statement on human intelligence is
enrolled bill becomes a law. 30 days correct? It is consists of multiple intelligence
53. Which policy of the state provides 71. What do we call the sum of money collected
preferential attention to the welfare of the less for our use of a road, bridge, and highways? Toll
fortunate members of Philippine society. Social 72. Which term refers to duties payable on
justice goods, whether imported or exported? Tariff
54. Which is the fundamental law of the 73. When on controls the supply/ production of
goods, this implies Monopoly sariling panlasag bumabasa. kilala rin ito bilang
74. The island of Luzon is estimated to be reader- response theory. Impresyonista
100,000 square kilometers. In exponential form, 94. Ibigay ang angkop nq damdaming ito ang
it can be expressed as_________. 20^5 dinadaanan upang maipaabot ng tagapagsalita
75. How many prime numbers are there between ang kanyang mensahe. Tsanel
1 to 100. 25 95. Kung ikaw ay nagnanais lamang ng
76. What are the prime factors of 120? magpalipas ng oras, anong klaseng pagbasa ang
2x2x2x3x5 nqbabagay sa iyo? Kaswal
77. The largest common multiple of two or more 96. Science provides knowledge through
numbers is called______. GCF disciplined observation. Which of the following
78. The greatest common factor of 22, 15,7 is not characteristic of scientific assertion?
is________. 1 Hearsay
79. What percent if 75 is 15? 20% 97. Which of the following when perceived
80. Total amount after adding 8%interest for 3 causes action on a reaction? Stimulus
months of 6,000? 6, 120 98. Which among the following represents the
81. The probability of getting a 2 after rolling a smallest unit of life? cell
fair die is__________. 1/6 99. Which of the following statements about
82. A ball is rolled, what is the probability of living things is false? All living things have a
getting a number divisible by 2. 1/2 nervous system
83. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a 100. Which of the following best describes a
row of 5 seats. 120 group of cells that work together to perform a
84. A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk for every 7 function? tissue
cups of flour. A chef will use 28 cups of flour, 101. Which among the following are duplicated
how many cups of milk must be have? 8 during the process of mitosis? Chromosomes
85. How many seconds are there in a 24- hour 102. Plants create their own food by absorbing
day? 86, 400 and processing sunlight. The ability to produce
86. The sum of three consecutive integers is 123. one's own food source is a metabolic process
What are the integers? 40,41 42 known as: Autotrophs
87. Which of the following is a product of 13 103. Fungi absorb the nutrients from dead
and an integer? 1326 organisms, in an ecosystem what roles do they
88. Uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili. play? Saprophytes
pag bubukod at pagtatangi Pamukod 104. Which among the following cell organelles
89. Bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng panlaping does not participate in cellular division?
ika at tambilang Gitling Ribosomes
90. Ano ang tawag sa tatlong magkakasunod na 105. Which of the following is not an example
tuldok na ginagamit upang ipabatid na may of naturally occurring sugar? Mitose
bahaging hindi sinipi mula sa talata? Ellipsis 106. Sugar compounds such as
91. Uri ng pagbabagong morpoponeniko na monosaccharides, disaccharides, and
gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyon ng polysaccharides are also classified.
ponema sa salita. Metatesis Carbohydrates
92. Uri ng pagsusulat na ang pokus ay ang 107. Damage to DNA that is not repaired and
imahinasyon ng manunulat upang pukawin ang then replicated can result in genetic disorders.
damdamin. Malikhain This demonstrates__________. Mutation
93. Dulog pampanitikan nq nagbibigay diing 108. Air, when mixed with sulfur oxide coming
from motor vehicles and industrial plants fall to bears no rancor in her heart because she is not
earth giving effects to living things. This _____. Bitter
polluted air is known as. Greenhouse effect 124. If I _____ known you before, we could
109. Air, flood, and water are essential elements have become partners for a project. had
in human existence. Carried by wind air 125. These are the thin structures of cytokinesis
called__________. Falls to earth poisoning fish amoeboid movement changes in the cell shape.
and destroying vegetation. Acid rain Microfilaments
110. You won the jackpot prize in lottery. The 126. All important factors must be considered to
prize money cannot be paid in currency by only arrive at a sound ________. Decision
in gold. Applying your knowledge in chemistry. 127. The cause of power outage was a
Select the largest amount of gold from choices ______connection. loose
below. 40.00 kilograms of gold 128. Virtual face-to-face communication is made
111. The Kyoto protocol, which requires possible by this software. skype
countries to reduce greenhouse emission, is a 129. "My head is bloody, but unbowed"
practice that advocates____________. hyperbole
Environmental protection 130. The Shakespearean classic saw the
112. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 predicament of two lovers from warring
and an atomic numbers of 14. How many families. Romeo and Juliet
protons are in this atom? 14 131. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are
113. Rock fragments thrown into the air during a equal, the figure is a _______. Parallelogram
volcanic eruption is called: Lava 132. The proposed equipment ______within the
114. Which among the following properties is a budget of the school. is
measure of how easily a mineral can be 133. The Philippine Legislature has two houses:
scratched? Luster senate and House of Representatives. What term
115. He established the tobacco monopoly best describes this setup? Bicameralism
during the Spanish era. Jose Basco 134. How do you call the tax imposed on all
116. Technology ______ dramatically in the employed and practicing professionals? Income
twenty-first century. Has improved tax
117. A bread - and butter sandwich ________ 135. Which of the following is considered the
my favorite morning snack. is lowest form of learning? Perceiving/ Teaching
118. This is a segmented worm that can be used 136. In July 1901, Isabelo delos Reyes founded
to facilitate anticoagulation. Leeches the first labor union in the country. What was its
119. The ______ of the story is that friendship is name?
sacred. Moral Association of the Philippine Labor Union
120. What are the prime factors of 273? 3x7x13 Obrera Derocratica
121. This is the surface of the earth between the 137. During the June 12, 1898 Declaration of
Tropic Cancer and Arctic Circle. Zone Independence, a band played the Marcha
122. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics Nacional Filipino What band was this? Malabon
such as justice, and fairness. Political realist Band
have a more realist viewpoint of politics, aptly 138. This is modern technology's response to
stated by "Might is right". Who among the message previously sent over couriers or post
following is more of a political realist rather than offices E-mail
political idealist? Julius Caesar 139. Among the not-easily-observable skills are
123. Even when her friends betray her, Becky cognitive abilities. This is because they are
_______. threat to human sources of food? Geo-thermal
Mental 151. Ano ang tinataglay ng mga sumusunod na
140. What is the LCM of 5,2, and 7? 70 salita: tanaw, aliw, kamay, reyna? Diptonggo
141. My concept of inner peace came from my 152. What do you call the molecule that contains
mother's daily activities which I now recall with the genetic information of the organism?
fondness and awe. She was a full-time Nucleic Acid
housewife wholly dependent on my father's 153. Which power of the state enables it to
monthly salary. How she made both ends meet, impose charge of burden upon persons, property
guided us in our studies and did small acts of or property rights for the use and support of the
charity on the side was beyond me." Based on government expenditures for social services and
the recount, the mother's financial resource were a way of revenue collection? Taxation
______ Limited 154. The fundamental right invoked by filing the
142. "I am a retired public school teacher. As a "writ of amparo" is _____ Right to life, liberty
teacher, I was branded as a terror in school. The and security
pupils dreaded the day they would enter my 155. What does a professional code of conduct
class. Little did they know that behind my prescribe? Moral and ethical standards
unpopular façade was a heart full of compassion. 156. The invited resource speaker has a lot on
But how did I learn this moniker? I did not his mind. He is such a LOQUACIOUS speaker.
tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanted them The capitalized word means. Verbose
to know that cleanliness of body was good of 157. "Two heads are better than one" means that
their health. I inspected their teeth, nails, it's better for two people to think of a solution
footwear, handkerchiefs, clothes, ears, noses and that just one person. This is a classic example of
hair." Based on the recount, the teacher values this figure of speech. Synecdoche
__________ Cleanliness 158. The planets of the solar system have
143. The student's request to reset the test mythological references. They are based on what
______ reasonable. is genre of mythology. Roman Mythology
144. Ito ang humahadlang sa maayos na 159. A new show____ on ABS-CBN two days
pakikinig. Ingay ago. Has launced
145. Kung bibilangin ang pantig sa bawat 160. In the courtroom, the judge said that the
taludtod ng tula, ito ang makukuha. Sukat findings have no bearing because there
146. What do you think will mostly happen are_____. Inadmissible
when a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic 161. The newly elected president demonstrated
solution? It well swell great APLOMB in dealing with the nasty and
147. A toothpick can float on the surface of the foul questions thrown by reporters. The
water because of surface tension capitalized word means: composure
148. Which of the following organisms is 162. "The goddess Aphrodite is the phantom of
considered heterotrophic? grasshopper delight''. The sentence is an example of
149. "The prodigal son, who is the black sheep Metaphor
of the family, has returned home." What figure 163. "Crispin! Basilio! My children!" Is an
of speech was used in the given statement? example of_______. Apostrophe
Metaphor 164. This element of the short story is the
150. Below are different sources of energy. combination of all events, which are caused to
Which do you think is the most move because of the conflict. Plot
DISADVANTAGEOUS because of its possible 165. A sonnet is a poet that has fourteen lines
and a total of ____ syllables. 140 Annoying
166. Of the four, this is the shortest literary 181. He turned up a new leaf after long years of
work. anecdote imprisonment. Made a turning point
167. When small children call all animals 182. Many a child ___ left to the care of
"dogs", what process is illustrated, based on relatives while the parents work. is
Piaget's cognitive development theory? 183. A lot of water _____ needed to irrigate the
Assimilation parched land. is
168. When a teacher teaches the idea that it is 184. "If you want the moon, I will get it for you"
wrong to think that Filipino lifestyle, products is an example of_________. Hyperbole
and ideas are inferior to those of other 185. People who are too _______ are liable to be
nationalities, he fights against ______. deceived by unscrupulous individuals.
Xenocentrism credulous
169. The sum of traditionally derived and orally 186. Susan _________ in bed too long and
transmitted literature, material, culture and missed her classes . lay
custom within predominantly and 187. Which province was known as "Provincia
technologically advance societies is referred to de Comintan" during the Spanish period?
as: Folklore Batangas
170. What is the first skill a student must have 188. Which Spanish Governor-General ordered
before he/she can read? Phonemic awareness the deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan,
171. The man looks _______at the food on the Zamboanga de Norte? Camilo Polovieja
table. strangely 189. Which is known as the earliest form of
172. If he _______ eating excessively, he would writing in the Philippines? Alibata
be that fat were 190. Which of the following designed the Rizal
173. Which among the sound below is Monument? Richard Kisling
voiceless? /p/ 191. Who was the last Filipino General to
174. The official stand of the newspaper on a surrender to Americans during the Filipino-
particular issue is found in the: editorial page American War? Miguel Malvar
175. Imperative almost nearly means_______ 192. Art is product of man's need to express
Having to do with vital requirement himself to a high degree of sensitivity toward his
176. The line "Under the bludgeoning of chance, environment. Who is the painter of fisher folks
My head is bloody but un-bowed" depicts the and farmers of his hometown? Carlos V.
person's: determination Francisco
177. Which is the BEST way to write the 193. What contained the concrete promise of the
underline portion of this sentence? Americans to Filipinos Independence "as soon as
"The studies revealing that, for various stable government can be established?"
reasons, girls spent less time working with Preamble of Jones law
computers than boys" studies revealed 194. Three-dimensional image reproduced from
178. It's now 2 hours past his schedule, the a pattern of interference is called ____________
facilitator may not come anymore, but we'll still Hologram
be ready in case he ______ does 195. Memories or brutality during the Japanese
179. It may seem frivolous to you ,but it's regime was associated with a group called _____
important to me. What does frivolous means? Kempetai
worthless 196. Which among the following is considered
180. The new student was VEXATIOUS as an intrinsic property of matter? Flammability
197. Which among the following virus caused ♥ Senior High School Forms (SHSF-1 to SHSF-
disease is characterized by abdominal pain, 7, SF8-SHS)
increase of red blood cell, decreased in platelet
count and subsequent haemorrhage when left ♥ School Form 10: Senior High School Student
untreated? Dengue Permanent Record (SF10-SHS)

SCHOOL FORMS The 16th President of the Republic of the

BAKA MAY LUMABAS ULIT SA BOARD Philippines and their Contributions:
♥ School Form 1 - Register Blessings!

♥ School Form 2 - Daily Attendance AgQueLaOsRoQui:

Aguinaldo, Emilio 
♥ School Form 3 - Books Issued and Returned Quezon, Manuel L.
Laurel, Jose P.
♥ School Form 4 - Monthly Learner and Osmena, Sergio S.
Movement and Attendance Roxas, Manuel A.
Quirino, Elpidio R.
♥ School Form 5 - Report on Promotion and
Learning Progress & Achievement MagGarMaMar:
Magsaysay, Ramon
♥ School Form 6 - Summarized Report on Garcia, Carlos P.
Promotion and Learning Progress & Macapagal, Diosdado
Achievement Marcos, Ferdinand

♥ School Form 7 - School Personnel Assignment AquiRaEsArAqui:

List and Basic Profile Aquino, Corazon
Ramos, Fidel
♥ School Form - Data Description Estrada, Joseph E.
Alternative Learning System (ALS) Forms (AF1 Arroyo, Gloria M.
to AF5) Aquino, Benigno III

♥ School Form 5: Report on Promotion and Duterte, Rodrigo:

Level of Proficiency for Kinder (SF5K)
♥ School Form 8: Learner's Basic Health and Aguinaldo, Emilio 
Nutrition Report (SF8) -1st President
-Undisputed General
♥ School Form 10: Learner's Permanent
Academic Record for Elementary School (SF10) Quezon, Manuel L.
-Father of Social Justice
♥ School Form 10: Learner's Permanent
-Ama ng Wika
Academic Record for Junior High School (SF10)
Laurel, Jose P. Arroyo, Gloria M.
-The puppet President  -This republic is a strong republic
-Hello Garces Scandal
Osmena, Sergio S. (people of the Philippines, I am Sorry)
-The shortest serving president
-The speaker of Philippine assembly Aquino, Benigno III
-No wang2 Pollicy
Roxas, Manuel A. -Daang Matuwid
-Surplus President  -None Violence

Quirino, Elpidio R. Duterte, Rodrigo:

-Nagtatag ng SSS -The first Mindanawan President.
-The First President in Ilocos. -Build build Program.

Magsaysay, Ramon
-The guy of the masses ✨Part 1✨
LUMABAS last January 30, 2022 sa
-Filipino Muna
-First Pollicy 1. REIN- horse rein
Macapagal, Diosdado 3. LOUIS PASTEUR- vax for rabies
-The Incorruptible President 4. PINATUBO- 1990
-Transfer Philippine Independence July 04 to 5. MI PRIMERA INSPIRACION- 1st poem
June 12, 1898 dedicated to his mother.
-Abolish Land Tenancy Act. 6. ELIZABETH BARRET BROWNING- sonnet
-Filipino Language Certificate/Diploma for her husband
7. CONFERENCING- skype, zoom, microsoft
Marcos, Ferdinand 8. TEODORA ALONSO- Rizal's mother
-I will make this country great again 9. FIRING SQUAD- Rizal's Execution
-The Infrastructure Man 10. SAN PEDRO- from Angono
-The First President of Ilocos Norte. 11. PLASMA- hot gasses from nuclei
12. LA LIGA FILIPINA- organization created
AquiRaEsArAqui: by Rizal
Aquino, Corazon 13. DIWATA- 1st PH satellite
-The first Woman President in South East Asia 14. BIENVENIDO SANTOS- fil-am
-Edsa Peoples power 2 15. SILAS MARNER- Gorge Eliot
Ramos, Fidel
17. BANGLADESH- with dispute in south china
-Pilipinas 2000
sea (EXCEPT)
Estrada, Joseph E.
-The Father of the Mases or Ama ng Masa
20. HERBIVORE- eat plants and alge 2. Love sonnets -- Ophelia Dimalanta
21. ATENEO- primary education of Rizal
22. MI ULTIMO ADIOS- poem written by Rizal 3.Tatlong tuldoknasunodsunod -- Ellipses
before execution
23. SUN STROKE- Electrolytes 4. Phantom of Delight -- Metaphor
24. IMPERTINENT- irrelevant
25. CALAMBA- Rizal's birth place 5. Tinkle, tinkle, tinke -- Onomatopoeia

26. ANDRES BONIFACIO- armed struggle

6. Naghihiwalaysamgasalita -- Kuwit
27. SKYPE- communication
28. SALIKSIK- sinaliksik
7.Pangatnig nanagbubukod -- Pamukod
29. NARCISO CLAVERIA- spanish surnames
30. AETAS- found in Zambales, Tarlac,
8. Largest desert -- Sahara
31. HAIKU- Except with figure of speech 9. First religious missionary in the Philippines --
32. ARTHROPODA- dengue Augustinians
33. HEREDITY- Mendel
34. LAGUHAN- pagsumigawan 10 Founder of La Solidaridad/Greatest Orator --
35. WALANG PANLAPI- payak na salitang Graciano Lopez-Jaena
36. 7x2x2x2 = 56 11. Angpaksa ay
37. PANITIKAN- Kwento ibinibigaybagomagsimulaangtalumpati -
38. PABULA- hayop/ may aral Imprompto
40.BICAMERALISM - legislative 12. Term of Marcelo H. del Pilar to friars --
41. LAO TZU- taoism Frailocracia
42. CONFUCIOUS- Han dynasty
43. 12.5% -  13.Arena theater proponent -- Severino Montano
44. ARMED STRUGGLE- Andres Bonifacio
45. HARRY POTTER- J.K Rowling 14. Released by plants at night -- Carbon dioxide
46. COMMUNITY TAX- tax paid by an0o adult
15. Sala theater proponent -- NatyCrame Rogers
47. HOMER- 1st mythical geographer(vivid
16. Shape of a brick - Rectangle
48 NINOY AQUINO- Worth dying for
49 LOOSE- dress/gown
17. Protein shell of a virus -- Capsid
50. MERITOCRACY- talent

18. Hair-like structure -- Cilia

19. Author of Annabel Lee -- Edgar Allan Poe


20. Novels in letters -- Epistolary

-Lalabas na naman ito ngayong March
27,2022 and June 26, 2022
21. Birthplace of Rizal -- Calamba, Laguna

1. Black sheep --- metaphor

22. Real name of Mark Twain -- Samuel 41. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31
(Langhorne) Clemens syllables

23. Writ of Amparo -- Right to life, liberty, and 42. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme
43. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in
24. Writ of Habeas Corpus -- Demand presence form of speech for individual character. 
of the accused
44.ELEGY – death of individual
25. Penicillin discoverer -- Alexander Fleming
45. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure
26. Author of Doctrina Christiana -- Fray Juan
de Plasencia 46. EULOGY – message for the dead

27. Light travels fastest -- Air 47. FREE VERSE (verslibre) – without meter
but with rhyme
28. Protons of Silicon -- 14
48. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country
29. Funji -- Yeast scene LYRICS - thoughts and feelings

30. Law of Bicameralism -- Jones Law 49. NARRATIVE – tells story

31. Pagbabagonganyo ng bayan -- Reduccion 50. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature,

type of Lyric
32. Permutation 9P9 -- 362,880
51. PASTORAL –rural life in a peaceful &
33. Absolute mean -- 14.35/14.5 romanticized way

34. Agreement between Legazpi and 52. AIMS OF ERAS PRE-SPANISH – survival
DatuSikatuna) -- Blood Compact (Sandugo and conformity

35. Hierarchy of Needs proponent -- Maslow 53. SPANISH – Christianity/Religion

36. Oldest religion in Asia – Hinduism 54. AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of
37. Enrolled bills becomes a law - 90 days
55. COMMONWEALTH – moral character,
38. "Lapse" - 30 days efficiency

39. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines 56 .JAPANESE – progress

40. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7,

5 (3 lines and 17 syllables)
ito para sa mga guro na maunawaan at maayos
▪ TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT – ito ay ang kanilang papel na ginagampanan sa pag-
tumutukoy sa paggamit ng pen and paper sa assess ng learning.
isang objective test.
paper-and-pen objective test ay kabilang din sa CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT
method na ito ang performance tests, projects, ▪ CLARITY AND APPROPRIATENESS OF
portfolios, journals, at iba pa. LEARNING TARGET – ang learning target ay
▪ AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT – ito ay na dapat na malinaw na nakasaad, tiyak, at
tumutukoy sa paggamit ng isang assessment sentro sa kung ano ang tunay na mahalaga.
method na may kaugnayan sa totoong sitwasyon ▪ APPROPRIATENESS OF METHODS – ang
ng buhay. learning target ay sinusukat sa pamamagitan ng
naaangkop na assessment methods. (Mode
● PURPOSES OF CLASSROOM Assessment: Traditional, Performance, and
ASSESSMENT Portfolio).
▪ ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING – ▪ BALANCE – nagtatakda ng mga target sa lahat
isinasagawa before and during instruction. ng domain of learning; gumagamit ng pareho ng
∞ Placement Assessment – isinagawa bago ang traditional at alternative assessments.
pagtuturo ▪ VALIDITY – sinusukat kung ano ang ninanais
= pag-assess sa needs ng mga estudyante na sukatin; Ay tumutukoy sa pagiging kapaki-
= upang ilagay ang isang mag-aaral kung aling pakinabang ng instrument para sa isang naibigay
grupo siya nabibilang na ayon sa kanyang na layunin. 
learning style. ▪ RELIABILITY – tumutukoy sa pagkakapare-
∞ Formative Assessment – isinasagawa habang pareho ng mga marka na nakuha ng parehong
nagtuturo tao kapag nag-retest gamit ang pareho o
= patuloy na sinusubaybayan ng guro ang antas katumbas na instrumento.
ng kakayahan ng mga stuyante sa mga learning ▪ FAIRNESS – ay nagbibigay sa lahat ng mga
objectives. mag-aaral ng isang oportunidad upang ipakita
= upang malaman ang lakas at kahinaan ng mga ang kanilang mga achievements.
bata sa pag-aaral. ▪ PRACTICALITY AND EFFECIENCY – ang
∞ Diagnostic Assessment – isinasagawa during impormasyon na nakuha ay dapat na
instruction. nagkakahalaga ng mga mapagkukunan at oras na
= ginagamit ito upang matukoy kung saan bang kinakailangan upang makuha ito. 
area ng aralin sila nahihirapan. ▪ CONTINUITY – ang assessment ay
magaganap sa lahat ng mga yugto ng pagtuturo.
▪ ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING – Maaaring gawin ito bago, habang at pagkatapos
isinasagawa pagkatapos ng instruction. Ito’y ng pagtuturo. 
karaniwang tinutukoy bilang SUMMATIVE ▪ AUTHENTICITY – makabuluhang Gawain sa
ASSESSMENT. pagganap; Malinaw na pamantayan; Mga
= ginagamit upang patunayan kung anu ang alam dekalidad na produkto at pagganap; Positibong
at magagawa ng mga estudyante. pakikipag-ugnayan sa pagitan ng assessee at
assessor; Pagbibigay diin sa metacognition at
self-evaluation; Pagbabahagi ng kaalaman.
▪ COMMUNICATION – ang assessment targets based task.
at standards ay dapat na ipaalam; Ang resulta ay = Checklist – nagtatanghal at sinusunod ang mga
dapat na ipaalam sa mga mag-aaral sa katangian ng isang kanais-nais na pagganap o
pamamagitan ng direktang pakikipag-ugnayan o produkto.
regular na pagbibigay ng feedback sa kanilang = Rating scale – sinusukat ang antas ng kalidad
progress. ng gawa o pagganap.
= Positive consequences to student: nag-uudyok ▪ Holistic Rubric – inilalarawan nito ang
sa kanila na matuto. pangkalahatang kalidad ng pagganap o produkto.
= Positive consequences to teacher: ▪ Analytic Rubric – inilalarawan nito ang
nakakatulong sa pagpapabuti ng pagiging detalyadong katangian o kalidad ng isang
epektibo ng kanilang pagtuturo. pangganap o produkto.
▪ ETHICS – ang mga guro ay dapat na palayain
ang mga mag-aaral mula sa kahihiyan at
paglabag sa karapatan ng mga estudyante o iba Part 2✨
pang nakakapinsalang kahihinatnan; Ang mga Mga lumabas last January 30, 2022 LET
guro ay dapat na magabayan ng mga batas at examination bullets General Education /
patakaran na nakakaapekto sa kanilang pagtatasa Professional Education
(assessment) sa silid aralan;  I hope, it will help for those who are taking
the LET exam on March
ay isang proseso ng pagtitipon ng impormasyon 1.Dyslexia
tungkol sa pag-aaral ng mag-aaral sa 2.Mt. Pinatubo
pamamagitan ng aktwal na pagpapakita ng mga 3. Salitang ugat - saliksik
mahahalaga at kapansin-pansin na mga 4.Maslow- hierarchy 
kasanayan at paglikha ng mga produkto na 5.Narcisso Claveria- Spanish surname 
pinagbabatayan sa mga realidad na konteksto sa 6. All together
mundo. 7. had 
8. Its
● PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT – ito ay 9.arctic
purposeful, ongoing, dynamic, at collaborative 10.mother of Rizal (Alonso)
na proseso ng pagtitipon ng maraming mga 11.sun,producer,consumer,decomposer
indicators ng growth at development ng mga 12. Calamba..
estudyante. 13. Kolokyal, balbal
= Working Portfolio – mga koleksyon sa araw- 13. Lathalain
araw na Gawain ng mga estudyante. 15. Haiku
= Show-case Portfolio – koleksyon ng mga 16.rain
pinakamagandang mga gawa o projects ng mga 17 rein
mag-aaral. 18. About ParaTeachers
= Documentary Portfolio – kombinasyon ng 19. Skype - face to face 
working at show-case portfolio. 20. Firing squad-rizal
21. Calamba
● RUBRIC – ay isang measuring instrument na 22. The reign of greed- El Filibusterismk
ginagamit sa pag-rate ng isang performance- 24. Technology
25. 1987-Magsisipagtapos sa kolehiyo ay dapat 58. Prime Factor - 48
nakakuha ng 6 na yunit ng filipino ***
26. Photosynthesis- energy from sunlight into 59. Patinig- 5
chemical energy 60. Homer
28. Assessment as learning 61. Harry Potter- JK rowling
27. Learning content 62. Note Dying for - Aquino
29. 3 questions about 7836 ***
30.Hair like - cilia 63. Alpabeto- Abakada
31. homologous organ- Bat wing's, human arm, 64. Katinig
seal's slippers  65. Gitlapi
Analogous organ is baby's feet ***
32. Benefits in breastfeeding - mother and child Gen Ed
33. Loose gown 66. Paano binaril c Rizal- firing squad
34. Eggs- 8 67. Meritocracy
35. Range interval 60-100 68. Aristocracy
36. RA 7386 69. Walrus
37. RA 9293 70. Mean
38. RA 10533 71. Cilia
39. Benigno Aquino- 72. best during pandemic - Physical distancing,
40. K-3 Mother Tongue quarantine or swabtest
41. Para- teacher - 70-74 passings general 73. Internet- mode of learning during pandemic
average 74. Stories made to become a movie
42.MOOCs 75. bienvinido Santos
43.Simuno.inay at karpentero 76. Consumatum est
44.elementary of Rizal? 77. Mother of Rizal - matriarchal
45.salitang ugat - walang kahalong panglapi 78. extended patriarchal. 
46. A La Juventud Filipina - Sinulat ni Rizal 79. Reason to study optalmologist - mother
UST 80. Rizal's first schooling 
47.Impertinent- irrelevant 81. Anong taon pinatupad na kelangan magtapos
48. Prime factor of 56- 7,2,2,2 sa pag aaral
49. Alibata - earliest from of writing in the 82. Women as a teacher during world war II . 
Philippines ***
50. Mathematics student section 80, 75,60,95, 83. Transfer- pollination
100- the grades are very scattered 84. Louis Pasteur
51. Urbana and feliza - siblings secret exchanged
52. Development portfolio- applying for a PREVIOUS LET KEY WÒRDS AND
teaching position ANSWERS!️
53. Animals moral lesson- fables
54. Love of profession 1. ROMEO AND JULIET- ill-fated love affair
56. Discovered anti rabies, cholera 2. AESOP'S FABLES- teach moral lesson

57. What was the poem of Rizal to his mother -

3. BLOOD COMPACT- legaspi and sikatuna
My First Inspiration translate it into Spanish
4. HYPOTONIC SOLUTION- the plant cell will 22. BICAMERALISM- senate and house of
swell representatives

5. LOQUACIOUS- verbose 23. PANCREAS- secretes insulin

6. BICAMERAL- Philippine legislature/two 24. NICK JOAQUIN- filipino-spanish period

25. APOLINARIO MABINI- the brain of
7. CYTOKININS AND AUXINS- responsible himagsikan
for plant growth
26. LIVER- iron-deficiency
8. ESTERS- perfumes contain organic
compounds 27. RA 7836- Teacher's Professionalization Act

9. PHOTOSYNTHESIS- process used by plants 28. Her,us

10. SAHARA- largest desert 29. TALUMPATI

11. VIRGIN QUEEN- term popularly used to 30. QUEEN ELIZABETH I- virgin queen
31. SURFACE TENSION- can float on the
Queen Elizabeth I surface of water

12. MONTANO- arena theater 32. CPU- brain of computer

13. HINDUISM- oldest religion in Asia 33. OXYGEN- waste product of photosynthesis

14. COAL- energy source not sustainable 34. TECHNOLOGY- has improved

15. METAPHOR- phantom of delight 35. DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL- changed the

date of our celebration of Independence day
16. POLITICAL RIGHTS- participation in
governance, right to vote 36. ARCHIPELAGO- thousands of islands

17. COMPETITION- mango tree beside 37. REDUCCION- settlements created by

sampaguita plant Spanish rulers

18. My,Yours 38. FERDINAND MARCOS- I will make this

nation great again!
19. ELLIPSIS- sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok
39. CANDIDNESS- frankness
20. MEXICO- galleon trade
21. NOLI ME TANGERE- rizals novel/educate
the youth 41. PANG-URI- masaya
42. On the use not an education graduate.  
B. No, she has not passed the LET.  
43. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS- right to C. Yes, she is a graduate of ALS.
demand the presence of the accused D. Yes, she has excelled and gained international
44. LCM of 5,6 and 7- 210 Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, a
special permit may also be issued by the Board
45. DNA- organisms genetic make-up to a person who has excelled and gained
international recognition and is a widely
46. GRANDMOTHER- extended family
acknowledged expert in his or her respective
field of specialization.”
47. One Thousand and One Nights

3. Cirilo is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in

48. LAO TZU- taoism
Information Technology. He wants to proceed
with the teaching profession by earning units in
49. MARY ANN EVANS- Geroge Eliot/Silas
professional education. Now, how many units in
professional education does the law require for a

50. DAYALEK- barayti ng non-education graduate to earn before he can

wika/Cebuano,Ilokano take the 

A. 8 units. C. 32 units
B. 12 units D. 18 units
Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, an
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION WITH individual with a bachelor’s degree in education
RATIONALE or its equivalent with a major and minor, or a
bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences with at
1. Pia took the LET last March 2015. least eighteen (18) units in professional
Unfortunately, she failed in the examination. Is education is qualified to take the LET.
she qualified for the position of para-teachers?
A. No.   4. This Act is also known as the “Philippine
B. Yes, if her LET rating is below 75. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”  
C. Yes, if her LET rating is 71-74.   A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533  
D. Yes, if her LET rating is 70-74. B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293  
Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, Answer: B. Republic Act 7836 is an act that
those who have failed the licensure examination strengthens the regulation and supervision of the
for professional teachers, with a rating of not practice of teaching in the Philippines and
lower than five percentage points from the prescribes a licensure examination for teachers.
passing general average rating, shall be eligible It is also known as the “Philippine Teachers
as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a Professionalization Act of 1994.” 
two-year special permit, renewable for a non-
extendible period of two (2) years. 5. This Republic Act is known as the "Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers".
2. Can Lea Salonga be given a special permit to A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533  
teach Music in high school? B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293
A. No, she cannot. In the very first place, she is Answer: A. Republic Act 4670 is known as the
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. It Answer: D. According to Article VIII, Section 6
applies to all public school teachers except those of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers,
in the professorial staff of state colleges and a teacher shall base the evaluation of the
universities. learner’s work only in merit and quality of
academic performance.
6. Which among the following refers to the
Republic Act that enhances the Philippine Basic 9. What does the TEDP require pre-service
Education System by strengthening its teachers before they can be employed as a
curriculum and increasing the number of years professional teacher?
for basic education? A. NCBTS C. IPPD  
A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533   B. RPMS D. LET
B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293 Answer: D. The Teacher Education
Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as Development Program (TEDP) requires all pre-
“Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. The service teachers to earn their license as
enhanced basic education program encompasses professional teachers before they can be
at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, employed as a professional teacher. With that,
six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) pre-service teachers should, therefore, take and
years of secondary education, in that sequence.  pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers
7. According to Republic Act 10533, secondary
education includes _____. 10. According to the “Code of Ethics for
A. Four (4) years of senior high school and two Professional Teachers”, the term teacher
(2) years of junior high school education. includes the following EXCEPT for:
B. Four (4) years of junior high school and two A. Full-time Preschool Teacher  
(2) years of senior high school education. B. Part-time Elementary Teacher  
C. Three (3) years of junior high school and C. Full-time High School Teacher  
three (3) years of senior high school education. D. Full-time College Teacher
D. Five (5) years of junior high school and one Answer: D. The “Code of Ethics for Professional
(1) year of senior high school education. Teachers” covers all public and private school
Answer: B. Republic Act 10533 is also known as teachers in all educational institutions at the
“Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. In this preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary
curriculum, secondary education includes four levels whether academic, vocational, special,
(4) years of junior high school and two (2) years technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher”
of senior high school education. shall include industrial arts or vocational
teachers and all other persons performing
8. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the supervisory and /or administrative functions in
learner’s work only in ____. all school at the aforesaid levels, whether on a
A. attendance, character, merit, and quality of full-time or part-time basis.
academic performance
B. attendance, beauty, merit, and quality of 11. The acronym NCBTS means _____.
academic performance A. National Competency-Based Teaching
C. attendance, merit, and quality of academic Standards
performance B. National Competency-Based Teacher
D. merit and quality of academic performance Standards
C. National Competence-Based Teaching Answer: B. President Fidel V. Ramos was the
Standards president who approved Republic Act 7836 on
D. National Competence-Based Teacher December 16, 1994. Republic Act 7836 is an act
Standards that strengthens the regulation and supervision
Answer: B. NCBTS means National of the practice of teaching in the Philippines. It
Competency-Based Teacher Standards. It is an is also known as the “Philippine Teachers
integrated theoretical framework that defines the Professionalization Act of 1994.” 
different dimensions of effective teaching.
12. What is at the heart of the Teacher Education 15. This law makes some amendments of certain
Development Program (TEDP)? sections of Republic Act 7836 such as the
A. NCBTS C. IPPD   Qualification Requirements of Teacher
B. RPMS D. LET Applicants, Registration and Exception.
Answer: A. The National Competency-Based A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533  
Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is at the heart of B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293
the Teacher Education Development Program Answer: D. Republic Act 9293 amends specific
(TEDP). It is the key element of the TEDP. It sections of Republic Act 7836 such as Section
defines effective teaching as being able to help 15, Section 26, and Section 31.
all types of students learn the different learning
goals in the curriculum. 16. The Licensure Examination for Teachers
(LET) comes to existence because of what
13. The National Competency-Based Teacher Republic Act?
Standards (NCBTS) is composed of how many A. Republic Act 1006 C. Republic Act 7836  
domains? B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293
A. 5 C. 7   Answer: C. Republic Act 7836 is the Republic
B. 6 D. 8 Act that prescribes the Licensure Examination
Answer: C. The National Competency-Based for Teachers and strengthens the regulation and
Teacher Standards (NCBTS) has seven domains. supervision of the practice of teaching in the
These are the following:  Philippines. It is also known as the “Philippine
a. Social Regard for Learning  Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.” 
b. Learning Environment
c. Diversity of Learners 17. The following are some of the features of the
d. Curriculum “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”
e. Planning, Assessing, and Reporting EXCEPT for _____.
f. Community Linkages A. Junior High School C. Bilingual Education  
g. Personal Growth and Professional B. Senior High School D. MTB-MLE
Development  Answer: C. Bilingual Education is NOT a
feature of the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of
14. Who among the following Philippine 2013”. Instead of Bilingual Education, this
presidents approved a Republic Act that curriculum adheres to the principles and
professionalizes teaching and that strengthens framework of Mother Tongue-Based
the regulation and supervision of the practice of Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) which
teaching in the Philippines? starts from where the learners are and from what
A. Marcos C. Estrada   they already knew proceeding from the known to
B. Ramos D. Arroyo the unknown.
18. Mr. Jhoejhoe Binoy, a private high school teachers in all educational institutions at the
teacher is being hired by a certain senatorial preschool, primary, elementary, secondary and
candidate to serve as one of the UNA Party poll tertiary levels whether academic, vocational,
watchers for the 2016 elections. Is this allowed? special, technical, or non-formal, whether on a
A. Yes, it is one of his rights as a Filipino citizen full-time or part-time basis.
to support a political party that he wants. B. All licensed public and private school
B. No, unless his principal allows him to do so.   teachers in all educational institutions at the
C. Yes, he is a private school teacher, not a preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary
public school teacher. levels whether academic, vocational, special,
D. No, it is not allowed regardless if he is a technical, or non-formal, whether on a full-time
public or private school teacher. or part-time basis.
Answer: D. According to Article II, Section 5 of C. All licensed public and private school
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, a teachers in all educational institutions at the
teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any preschool, primary, elementary, secondary and
political, religious, or other partisan interest, and tertiary levels whether academic, vocational,
shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, special, technical, or non-formal, on a full-time
collect, or receive any money or service or other basis.
valuable material from any person or entity for D. All licensed public and private school
such purposes. This applies to all public and teachers in all educational institutions at the
private school teachers, from preschool up to preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary
high school, on a full-time or part-time basis. levels whether academic, vocational, special,
technical, or non-formal, on a full-time basis.
19. Teacher Toni is in a relationship with his Answer: B. According to Article I, Section 2 of
own student. Is this allowed? the “Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers”,
A. Yes, they should be proud of their this Code covers all licensed public and private
relationship by announcing in the class how school teachers in all educational institutions at
strong their relationship is. the preschool, primary, elementary, and
B. No at all times. secondary levels whether academic, vocational,
C. Yes, provided that Teacher Toni should special, technical, or non-formal. The term
exercise utmost professionalism to avoid “teacher” shall include industrial arts or
scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the vocational teachers and all other persons
learner. performing supervisory and /or administrative
D. No, unless the principal allows. functions in all school at the aforesaid levels,
Answer: C. According to Article VIII, Section 7 whether on a full time or part-time basis.
of the “Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers”, in a situation where mutual attraction 21. The following are the domains of NCBTS
and subsequent love develop between teacher EXCEPT for _____.
and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost A. Tenure of Office C. Curriculum  
professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip B. Learning Environment D. Community
and preferential treatment of the learner. Linkages
Answer: A. Tenure of Office is not a domain of
20. The “Code of Ethics for Professional NCBTS. The complete domains of NCBTS are
Teachers” covers _____. the following:
A. All licensed public and private school a. Social Regard for Learning 
b. Learning Environment manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in
c. Diversity of Learners teaching as a noble calling.
d. Curriculum
e. Planning, Assessing, and Reporting 24. Teacher Randy, a Grade-8 Teacher is
f. Community Linkages socially detached from his learners’ parents so as
g. Personal Growth and Professional not to be perceived as biased and unfair by other
Development  parents especially in selecting the deserving
honor students of the class. Is Teacher Randy’s
22. According to Republic Act 4670, the term behavior correct?
“teacher” includes _____. A. No, a teacher should maintain cordial
I. Full time teachers relations with parents.
II. Vocational teachers B. Yes, it is his personal choice and right as a
III. Guidance counselors teacher.
IV. Librarians C. Yes, Teacher Randy’s behavior of being
A. I, II and III C. I and II   socially detached is a good example in order to
B. I, II, III and IV D. III and IV avoid inequalities and being partial to his
Answer: B. As used in Republic Act 4670, the learners.
term "teacher" shall mean all persons engaged in D. Yes, provided that such behavior receives
classroom teaching, in any level of instruction, approval from the school head.  
on full-time basis, including guidance Answer: A. According to Article IX, Section 1
counselors, school librarians, industrial arts or of the “Code of Ethics for Professional
vocational instructors, and all other persons Teachers”, every teacher shall establish and
performing supervisory and/or administrative maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall
functions in all schools, colleges and universities conduct himself to merit their confidence and
operated by the Government or its political respect.
subdivisions; but shall not include school nurses,
school physicians, school dentists, and other 25. Republic Act 4670 is commonly known as
school employees. the _____.  
A. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
23. During conferences and meetings, Teacher B. Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act
Miguel often introduced himself by saying “I am of 1994 
only a teacher.” This line implies that ____. C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
A. The teaching profession is insignificant. D. Commission on Higher Education Act  
B. Teachers receive the lowest salaries. Answer: A. Republic Act 4670 is known as the
C. The speaker is a reluctant teacher. "Magna Carta for Public School Teachers". It
D. The speaker is not proud to be a teacher. applies to all public school teachers except those
Answer: D. The line that says “I am only a in the professorial staff of state colleges and
teacher”, especially because of the word “only”, universities.
implies that Teacher Miguel is not proud of his
profession as a teacher. According to Article IV, 26. Is the Continuing Professional Education for
Section 1 of the “Code of Ethics for Professional every teacher compulsory?
Teachers”, every teacher shall actively insure A. Yes, it is compulsory as stated in the Code of
that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall Ethics for Professional Teachers.
B. Yes, it is compulsory as stated in the Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers. 29. What Republic Act that punishes any person
C. Yes, it is compulsory as stated in Republic who practices the teaching profession in the
Act 9293. Philippines without having first a license as a
D. No, it is optional. A professional has the professional teacher?
choice of whether to proceed CPE or not.   A. Republic Act 1006 C. Republic Act 7836  
Answer: A. According to Article IV, Section 3 B. Republic Act 7796 D. Republic Act 7722
of the “Code of Ethics for Professional Answer: C. According to Article IV, Section 27
Teachers”, every teacher shall participate in the of the Republic Act 7836, except as otherwise
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) allowed under this Act, no person shall practice
program of the Professional Regulation or offer to practice the teaching profession in the
Commission, and shall pursue such other studies Philippines or be appointed as teacher to any
as will improve his efficiency, enhance the position calling for a teaching position without
prestige of the profession, and strengthen his having previously obtained a valid certificate of
competence, virtues, and productivity in order to registration and a valid professional license from
be nationally and internationallycompetitive. the Commission.

27. Republic Act 10533 is widely known as the 30. Mr. Anton Garcia and Mr. Jheremy Lopez
_____.   are vocational teachers. Are they required to
A. Kindergarten Law earn first a professional license before they can
B. Technical Education and Skills Development teach?
Authority Act   A. No, unless if they apply in the public school.
C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 B. Yes.
D. Commission on Higher Education Act   C. No, unless if they have less than 5 years of
Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as teaching experience.
“Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. This D. No, vocational teachers are not part of the
Republic Act enhances the Philippine Basic scope of Republic Act 7836.
Education System by strengthening its Answer: B. According to Article I, Section 4 of
curriculum and increasing the number of years the Republic Act 7836, the term teacher refers to
for basic education. all persons engaged in teaching at the elementary
and secondary levels, whether on full-time or
28. Republic Act 7722 was approved during the part-time basis, in the private or public schools,
year 1994. This Act is commonly known as including industrial arts or vocational teachers
the___. and all other persons performing supervisory
A. Kindergarten Law and/or administrative functions in all schools in
B. Technical Education and Skills Development the aforesaid levels and qualified to practice
Authority Act   teaching under this Act. Therefore, vocational
C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 teachers, as stated above, are part of the scope of
D. Commission on Higher Education Act   Republic Act 7836 and shall, therefore, earn a
Answer: D. Also known as the Higher Education license as a professional teacher before they can
Act of 1994, the Republic Act 7722 created the practice the teaching profession.
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
whose main task is to regulate and develop 31. Can Nonito Donaire be given a special
tertiary education in the Philippines. permit to teach boxing in a school?
A. No, he cannot. In the very first place, he is
not an education graduate.   passing general average rating, shall be eligible
B. No, he has not passed the LET.   as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a
C. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS. two-year special permit, renewable for a non-
D. Yes, he has excelled and gained international extendible period of two (2) years.
Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, a 34. What Republic Act strengthens the
special permit may also be issued by the Board regulation and supervision of the practice of
to a person who has excelled and gained teaching in the Philippines and prescribes a
international recognition and is a widely licensure examination for teachers?
acknowledged expert in his or her respective A. Republic Act 6470 C. Republic Act 10533  
field of specialization.” B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293  
Answer: B. Republic Act 7836 is an act that
32. Tina took the LET last September 2015. strengthens the regulation and supervision of the
However, she failed in the examination. Is she practice of teaching in the Philippines and
qualified for the position of para-teachers? prescribes a licensure examination for teachers.
A. No. It is also known as the “Philippine Teachers
B. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 15 Professionalization Act of 1994.” 
percentage points from the passing general
average rating. 35. Which among the following refers to the
C. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 10 “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”?
percentage points from the passing general A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533  
average rating. B. Republic Act 7836 D. Republic Act 9293
D. Yes, if her rating is not lower than 5 Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as
percentage points from the passing general “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. This
average rating.   Republic Act enhances the Philippine Basic
Answer: D. According to Republic Act 9293, Education System by strengthening its
those who have failed the licensure examination curriculum and increasing the number of years
for professional teachers, with a rating of not for basic education. 
lower than five percentage points from the
passing general average rating, shall be eligible 36. Republic Act 7796 was approved during the
as para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a year 1994. This Act is widely known as the___.
two-year special permit, renewable for a non- A. Kindergarten Law
extendible period of two (2) years. B. Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority Act  
33. Josephine took the LET last year. C. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
Unfortunately, she failed in the examination and D. Commission on Higher Education Act  
got an overall rating of 69. Now, is she qualified Answer: B. Also known as the Technical
for the position of para-teachers? Education and Skills Development Authority
A. No. C. Maybe. Act (TESDA) of 1994, Republic Act 7796 has
B. Yes. D. Yes, provided that she is a first-taker. the objective of providing relevant and quality
Answer: A. According to Republic Act 9293, technical education that is accessible to all and
those who have failed the licensure examination to create the agency that will manage technical
for professional teachers, with a rating of not education and skills development in the
lower than five percentage points from the Philippines.
37. Which decree that provided for the A. Vocation C. Profession  
establishment of primary school for boys and B. Mission D. Calling
girls in each town of the country? Answer: C. Teaching as a profession means an
A. Educational Decree of 1863  individual has to undergo formal training and
C. Presidential Decree 1006   education and meet all the necessary
B. Educational Decree of 1853   qualifications of a professional teacher as
D. Presidential Decree 1009 required by the law before he/she can practice
Answer: A. Educational Decree of 1863 the teaching profession. The “Code of Ethics for
provided for the establishment of primary school Professional Teachers” mandates every teacher
for boys and girls in each town of the to go through continuing professional education.
Philippines.  With that, the correct answer is LETTER C,
Teaching as a Profession.
38. This decree is known as the Decree
Professionalizing Teaching. 42. Teacher Jess targets to reach a Mean
A. Educational Decree of 1863   Percentage Score (MPS) of 90% in the coming
C. Presidential Decree 1006   National Achievement Test.
B. Educational Decree of 1853   A. Vocation C. Profession  
D. Presidential Decree 1009 B. Mission D. Occupation
Answer: C. President Ferdinand Marcos was the Answer: B. Teaching as a mission means an
president who approved the Presidential Decree individual sees teaching as a specific task to be
1006. As stated, this Decree shall be known as accomplished. That task is a specific goal,
the Decree Professionalizing Teaching.  measurable, attainable, realistic and time-
39. Kindergarten Law is also known as _____.
A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533   43. Only licensed teachers are hired in the public
B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293 school.
Answer: B. Republic Act 10157 is an act A. Vocation C. Profession  
institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education B. Mission D. Calling
into the Basic Education System of the Answer: C. Teaching as a profession means an
Philippines and appropriating funds therefore. individual has to undergo formal training and
education and meet all the necessary
40. “When I grow up, I cannot imagine doing qualifications of a professional teacher as
anything else but to be an elementary teacher,” required by the law before he/she can practice
says Ana, a 6-year old child. the teaching profession. Earning a license as a
A. Vocation C. Profession B. Mission D. professional teacher is a concrete example of
Occupation teaching as a profession.
Answer: A. Teaching as a vocation means an
individual has the noble calling, deep love and 44. Submitting school forms and daily lesson
inner motivation to be a teacher. Dreaming to plans are examples of teaching as _____.
become a teacher even at an early age A. Vocation C. Profession  
demonstrates vocation, a passion for teaching. B. Mission D. Calling
Answer: C. Teaching as a profession means an
41. Teachers should go through continuing individual has to undergo formal training and
professional education. education and meet all the necessary
qualifications of a professional teacher as 5. city where the novel the El Filibusterismo was
required by the law before he can practice the published
teaching profession. Not only that, teaching as a ans: GHENT (1891)
profession also means an individual meets the
expectations of his job and that he fulfills his 6. the spanish priest who denounced Dr. Rizal's
roles, duties, and responsibilities as an novels as enemies of the catholic region?
employee. Such responsibilities include ans: FR. JOSE RODRIGUEZ
submitting school forms and daily lesson plans. 
7. a supporter of the propaganda movement and
45. “K-to-12 Act” is otherwise known as _____. rizal's best friend
A. Republic Act 4670 C. Republic Act 10533   ans: DR. FERDINAND BLUMENTRITT
B. Republic Act 10157 D. Republic Act 9293
Answer: C. Republic Act 10533 is also known as 8. the first poem written by rizal
“Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013” or the ans: SA AKING MGA KABATA
“K-to-12 Act”. The enhanced basic education
program encompasses at least one (1) year of 9. the best poem ever written by Dr. Jose Rizal

kindergarten education, six (6) years of ans: MI ULTIMO ADIOS (ang huling paalam)

elementary education, and six (6) years of

10. the most cultured of the reformist
secondary education

11. know as "Dimasalang" and " Laon Laan"

General Education 100% may lumalabas ans: Dr. Jose Rizal

about Rizal 's LIFE every board examination 

12. the book written by Rizal in defence of

⏩JOSE RIZAL (Rizal Works)⏪ alleged laziness of the Filipinos

1. the gifted physician-novelist of the (the indolence of filipinos)
ans: JOSE RIZAL 13. Pen name used by Rizal in his writings in La
2. the number of languages which rizal could ans: LAON LAAN/ LAONG LAAN
ans: MORE OR LESS 22 14. spanish governor who SIGNED the death
sentence of Dr. Rizal
3. first written novel of rizal ans: GEN. CAMILIO G. DE POLAVIEJA
ans: NOLI ME TANGERE (Touch me Not)
15. a translation of Rizal's farewell poem written
4. place where the novel Noli Me Tangere was by Andres Bonifacio in tagalog
published ans: PAHIMAKAS
ans: BERLIN (1887)
16. date of founding of the fortnightly newpaper
"La Solidaridad"
ans: FEB 15, 1889
17. date of last issue of La Solidaridad 28. ) Left an impression to Rizal about the
ans: NOV. 15, 1895 sacrifice on one's life
18. the first spanish friar to attack " Noli" and "
Fili" 29. Rizal started his formal schooling in

19. Place where Dr. Rizal conceived the idea of 30. Our national hero was born on ____
establishing Liga Filipina, a civic association ans: JUNE 19, 1861
composed of filipinos 
ans: HONGKONG 31. The complete name of our national hero.
20. helped Rd. Rizal in preparing the ALONSO REALONDA
constitution of La liga Filipina 
ans: JOSE MARIA BASA 32. The law which provides that "courses on the
life, works and writings of Jose Rizal,
21. date when rizal was exiled to Dapitan particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
ans: JULY 14, 1892 Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula
of all schools, colleges and universities, public
22. Dr. Rizal dedicated his famous poem " A LA or private."
JUVENTUD FILIPINA" (to the filipino youth) ans: RA 1425 / RIZAL LAW
THE UST 33. Jose Rizal was fondly called ____by his
family and friends.
23. to whom dr. Rizal send his letter with this ans: PEPE
REBELLION. I AM GOING TO DIE WITH A 34. What does filibustero mean?

24. The priest who baptized Rizal 35. In what school did Jose Rizal finish his
ans. FR. RUFINO COLLANETS medical course?
25. Philippine president who made December 30
as Day of National Mourning in Rizal honor 36. Jose Rizal's true love who personified Maria
ans: EMILIO AGUINALDO Clara in his novel Noli Me Tangere.
26. The Rizal family had this many siblings
ans: 11 37. Jose Rizal died at the age of ____
ans: 35
27. In 1868, Don Kiko brought Rizal to this
pilgrimage 38. The mother of Jose Rizal was imprisoned for
ans: PENAFRANCIA how many years due to allegedly poisoning her
39. The godfather of Jose Rizal. 52. The heaven-sent financer of Noli Me
ans: REV. PEDRO CASANAS Tangere.
40. The ninth child of Francisco and Teodora
who was an epileptic and died a spinster. 53. The novel, El Filibusterismo came off the
ans: JOSEFA press with the financial assistance of
41. Jose Rizal's first teacher.
ans: TEODORA ALONZO REALONDA 54. The girlfriend of Isagani who dumped him
for another man, believing that she has no future
42. The title "El Filibusterismo" means if she marries him. 

43. The main character of Noli Me Tangere is 55. The famous Rizal monument in Luneta was
ans: CRISOSTOMO IBARRA not the work of a Filipino but a Swiss sculptor.
What was the sculptor's name?
44. The main character of El Filibusterismo is ans: RICHARD KISSLING
45. The novel, Noli Me Tangere is about CTTO
46. The novel, El Filibusterismo is about 12. Sobre La Indolencia de los Filipinos
ans: POLITICS & REVOLUTION 14.Gov.Gen Camilo Garcia de Polavieja
19. it was not Rizal who conceived the idea of
47. The novel, Noli Me Tangere is dedicated to Establishing La Liga Filipina but rather his
ans: MARIA CLARA namesake Jose Maria Basa
21. July 17, 1892-July 31, 1896 4 years and 13
48. Noli Me Tangere was inspired by
days advance naman ng 3 araw yata 'tong page
22. To the Filipino Youth mismo hindi yung
liberal chuchu it was 1st presented sa Manila
49. Simoun is a wealthy jeweller who came back
year 1879 noong nag-aaral pa siya sa UST
to the Philippines after how many years?
24.Fr.Rufino Collantes typo lang siguro
ans: 13
38.Bakit may 6 months pa po? Diba 2 years
50. Crisostomo Ibarra was a student abroad who
39.I think due to limited access to symbols kaya
had his homecoming after how many years?
ganito pero Casañas po yan.
ans: 7
47.Mother Land dedicated ang Noli

51. Pilosopo Tasyo is a character in Noli Me

Tangere personified by whom in reality? Lahat ba ng tanong dito lumabas sa LET
ans: PACIANO September 2019.
1. First President from Mindanao?
❤ President Duterte
2. What is the molecule that allows plants to
capture energy from sunlight? works
❤ Chlorophyll ❤ Nick Joaquin
3. Uri ng sanaysay na di pangkaraniwan ang 17. What is considered to be the earliest form of
paksa na tinatalakay nang ayon sa sariling istilo writing in the Philippines?
ng manunulat ay? ❤ Alibata
❤ Malaya 18. "To be or not to be"
4. Through the Galleon trade (1565-1815), the ❤ Hamlet
Philippines had extended contacts with 19. Tinkle... Tinkle... Tinkle...
❤ Mexico ❤ Onomatopoeia
5. Which of the following environmental 20. Naghihiwalay sa mga salita
conditions has been blamed for the usual ❤ Kuwit
occurence of fish kills? 21. First Religious missionary in the phil.
❤ Acid rain ❤ Augustinians
6. The student's request to reset the test ___ 22. Black sheep in the Family
reasonable. ❤ Metaphor
❤ Is 23. Love on Sonnet
7. Uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na ❤ Ophelia Dimalanta
gumagamit ng pagpapalit ng posisyong ponema 24. Sala Theater
sa salita. ❤ Naty Crame Rogers
❤metatesis 25. Writ of Amparo
8. Mga salitang ginagamit bilang impormal ❤ Right to life, liberty and security
❤Kolokyal 26. Writ of Habeas Corpus
9. Graciano Lopez Jeana editor of ❤ Demand presence of the accused
❤ La Solidaridad 27. Hinduism is the oldest religion in
10. The stage actress who brought fame to her ❤ Asia
country through her international awards for 28. Hierarchy of needs
her stage performenace was: ❤ Maslow
❤Lea Salonga 29. Death of individual
11. Which of the following is an artistic tradition ❤ Elegy
that seeks to revive past glory in various forms? 30. Ika-
❤Classical ❤Tambilang
12. One instance of taking away the life of 31. She is like a sunshine
another person without due process is? ❤ Simile
❤ Salvaging 32. "My head is bloody, but unbowed" is an
13. Keyboards,Mouse,etc. example of which figure of speech?
❤Hardware ❤Hyperbole
14. A receipt calls for two eggs for every 7 cups 33. 1990
of flour. If a head chef uses 28 cups of flour, how ❤Mt. Pinatubo
many eggs will he need? 34. Perfect Cone
❤8 eggs ❤ Mt. Mayon
15. The fraction halfway between 3/7 & 4/7 35. Lathala
❤1/2 ❤Pananaliksik
16. Filipino writer in english used hispanic- 37. Katangian ng isang debate maliban sa.
filipino cultures and traditions in his fiction ❤ Pagyayabang
38. Paghihiwalay ng mga salita. 53. Amoeboid movement and changes in cell
❤ Kuwit shape
39. LCM 2, 3 & 4 ❤ Microfilaments
❤ 12 54. Bamboo asexual reproduction
40. When the North Pole is tilted towards the ❤ Runner
sun, it is summer and when the sun shines all 55. Father of the local government code
the time both day and night, what is this ❤ Aquilino Pimentel
called?? 56. Origin of species
❤ Midnight Sun ❤ Darwin
41. Example of fungus 57. Mollusk
❤ Yeast ❤ Red Tide
42. Protein shell of a virus 58. The explosion was caused by ____
❤ Capsid connection.
43. Which of the following is an organism that ❤ loose
feeds on necrotic and decaying matter? 59. Several factors must be assessed to arive at
❤Yeast a sound
44. A species of fish live in a lake. When a dam ❤ Decision
was constructed in the areas a group of fish was 60. Penchant
separated and populated a new pond. Then ❤ Fondness
they developed differing characteristic and 61. Cognitive skills are not easily observable
become a distinct species. Which of the because they are
following concepts explains this speciation? ❤ mental
❤Geographical Isolation 62. Famous sculptor of landmark structures
45. Bat ❤ Castrillo
❤A creature that can emit sound waves even it 63. I can't find ___ calculators; may i use ___,
is far from distance. Prince?
46. It shows complex food relationship of ❤ My, Yours
organism in a given area and the cycle flow of 64. Kumakain sa producer
food through organism. ❤ consumer
❤ Food web 65. Application of the principle theories of
47. Surface tension human behavior in teaching and learning
❤ Surface of water ❤ Educational Psychology
48. Social networking service available through 66. Mary ann evans pen name
computer ❤ George Eliot
❤ Facebook 67. Carbon Dioxide enters plant through holes in
49. Brain of Computer the leaves
❤ CPU ❤Stomata
50. Tax required to be paid annually by all adult 68. Energy source in the philippines which is still
Citizens of the Philippines is the not fully developed
❤ Community Tax ❤ Sunlight?
51. Writ of habeas data 69. Philippines
❤Right to information privacy ❤ring of fire
52. Naglalarawan ng kilos o galaw 70. Study of human behavior
❤Pang-abay ❤Psychology
71. The courage of the child who saved his 93. Walang diptonggo
brother from a raging fire is worth _. ❤ Tunog
❤Emulating 94. 1988 wika
72. Mother financial problem ❤ Modernisayon
❤ Limited 95. Queen of Elizabeth
73. Man made ❤ Queen of virgin
❤ Rice Terraces 96. Median
74. Eastern Religion ❤ 82-85
❤ Mysticism 97. Jone law
75. Composure ❤ Bicameralism
❤ calmness 98. CCTV
76. Real estate tax ❤ 7500
❤Land and structure 99. Philippines
77. Han dynasty ❤ Many Islands
❤China 100. Dose (2)
78. Make Mountain of a mole ❤ 1/2
❤ Bale wala
79. Exception 52. Pandiwa
❤ Kapag 78. Maliit na problema pinapalaki nasa letter c
80. patulang pagtatalo ng mga makata yun
❤ Balagtasan 79.kundi man
81. The first man-made satellite launched by the 85. Answer is gulf not lake
Philippines. 98. 40,000
❤ Diwata I 99. Archipelago
83. Benigno Aquino said " "I have returned on Bukod dyan lahat tama yun sagot nya.
my free will to join the ranks of those struggling May 50 item pa wala pa yung ma-i-mindoro,
to restore our rights and freedoms through osmenia sr.-speaker house phil. assembly,
❤ NON-VIOLENCE." kingdom of spain gen. Phil-veto power,turgor
84. Emilio Aguinaldo pressure, vote- franchised, full trade-
❤Armed Struggle underwood simmons, spanish surname-narciso
85. Gulf claveria, gov. Wants piece private land- right of
❤Lake eminent domain, ten year transition-tydings
86. Simple Interest 8% (20,000) mcduffie act, charge burden-taxation, ratifying
❤ 12,960 proposed constitution- suffrage, smallest
87. Segmented electoral unit-election precinct, impeachment-
❤Worm loss of public trust, katagalugan-macario sakay,
89. Rancor display love and emotion-culture shock,land
❤ Bitternes property-real state tax, adult citizen-community
90. Solution tax.
91. Aray! LUMABAS last January 30, 2022
❤ Padamdam LET Second Batch sa GENERAL EDUCATION
92. Mythical Geographer 1. CILIA- hair like structure
❤ Homer 2. DYSLEXIA- reading disorder
3. HOMER- first mythical geographer 39. 70-74 - para-teachers
4. SKYPE- face to face communication 40. FIRING SQUAD- execution of Rizal
5. ARTHROPODA- dengue 41. HAIKU- japanese poem three lines with 17
6. 7x2x2x2- 56 syllables
7. BENIGNO AQUINO- worth dying for 42. Had
8. PLASMA- hot gas of nuclei 43. Augustinians- first missionaries
9. URBANA at FELIZA- siblings secret exchanged 44. CONSUMMATUM EST- last words of Rizal
letter 45. 3x2x2x2x2 - 48
10. PATINIG- 5 46. Arbitraryo
11. WALRUS- arctic environment 47. SALIKSIK- salitang ugat
12. BIENVENIDO SANTOS- filipino migrant 48. SURFACE TENSION- toothpick
writer/ fil-am 49. COMMUNITY TAX- paid annually by all adult
13. J. K ROWLING- Harry Potter citizens
14. CALAMBA- Rizals birth place 50. HERBIVORES- eat plants only
15. MERITOCRACY- people of talent
16. NARCISO CLAVERIA- spanish surnames Important Notes:
17. RA 10533- Enhanced Basic Education SCIENCE
18. RA 7836- Philippine Teachers •Hair-like structure – Cilia
Professionalization Act •Finger-like structure – Villi
19. RA 9293- Teacher Applicants,Registration •Flap-like structure – Epiglottis
etc. •Whip-like structure – Flagella
20. PHOTOSYNTHESIS- process used by plants •Penicilin Discoverer – Alexander Fleming
21. ALIBATA- earliest form of writing •Released by plants at night – Carbon Dioxide
22. ANALOGOUS ORGANS- bat's wings •GULF – sea partly enclosed by land
23. SALITANG UGAT- walang kahalong panlapi •ZONE – surface between tropic of cancer
24. All together and arctic circle
25. Diwata-1 - first microsatellite •Combine chitins and glycans in their cell
26. Lathalain walls is a feature of FUNGI.
27. AESOP'S FABLES- teach moral lesson •LEECHES – facilitate anticoagulation
28. CARBOHYDRATES- monosaccharides, •HURRICANE – atlantic region / atlantic ocean
polysaccharides •TYPHOON – pacific area storm
29. GEORGE ELIOT- Silas Marner/Mary Ann •MICROFILAMENT – structures in cell
Evans •METALLOIDS – display properties of both
30. ABRAHAM MASLOW- hierarchy of needs metals and non-metals
31. A LA JUVENTUD FILIPINA- sinulat ni Rizal UST •BRIGHT GREEN – in a flame test indicates the
32. MI PRIMERA INSPIRACION- poem of Rizal for presence of boron
his mother •Psychogenetic describes the EVOLUTIONARY
33. MI ULTIMO ADIOS- poem written by Rizal SEQUENCE of organism.
before execution •MICROBIAL CULTURE – allows
34. FOOD WEB- flow of food microorganism to multiply in medium.
35. LOUIS PASTEUR- vaccine for rabies •Leaves with green color look green in the
36. LAO TZU- Taoism sunlight because THEY REFLECT GREEN LIGHT
37. IMPERTINENT- irrelevant •GRAPHICS – illustration / maps
38. TEODORA ALONSO- ina ni Rizal •BACTERIA – is an example of unicellular
eample of a non pathogenic microorganism
•Hermaphrodite – earth worm
•Capable of regeneration – starfish
•Dysentery – entamoeba hystolica
•Connection – food web
•Series – food chain

Social studies*
•Pag babagong anyo ng bayan – Reduccion
•Sapilitang paggawa - Polo y servicio
•Law of Bicameralism – Jones Law
•Team of Marcel H. Del Pilar - Frailocracia
•Arena Theater – Severino Montano
•Agreement between Legazpi and Datu
Sikatuna – Blood Compact
•Oldeast religion in Asia – Hinduism
•Ikinamatay ni Donya Pia – tinding hirap sa
panganganak o binat / lagnat
•BODABIL (not sure bout spelling but lumabas
last 2018 LET)– a play NOT from Spanish Era.
•The Phil National Anthem which was
composed by Julian Felipe was similar to
SPANISH National Anthem
•ACTA DE TEJEROS – rejected Aguinaldo as

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