Professional Reading Quarter: Second Quarter Title: Author: Source
Professional Reading Quarter: Second Quarter Title: Author: Source
Professional Reading Quarter: Second Quarter Title: Author: Source
Quarter: Second Quarter
The blend of theory with practical exercises, including reflective activities, allows this book to have a
profound impact on the thinking and professional behavior of current and prospective educational
leaders." (Michael Dantley, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership). "If our schools are to be
successful, leaders, teachers and parents need improved cultural proficiency. This book clearly will help
all these stakeholders serve children better."
Theories with implementation help the education to have a good and well-rounded of learnings to children
and also to the teachers. The children of today are our future leader nor future educators that will help
their generations to be a good one, with the new generation we can build new and productive leaders if we
teachers and parents are the partners in training and enhancing the future leaders to be responsible in
every task given to them even in home or in the school. To be responsible parents, teachers guide future
leaders to decide what are the things or plans they may do in order for them develop responsibility and
hard work.
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Quarter: First Quarter
Challenging our cherished belief of the "self-made man," Gladwell makes the democratic assertion that
superstars don't arise out of nowhere, propelled by genius and talent: "they are invariably the beneficiaries
of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and
work hard and make sense of the world in ways others cannot." Examining the lives of outliers from
Mozart to Bill Gates, he builds a convincing case for how successful people rise on a tide of advantages,
"some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky."
Success is not just pick somewhere but this is made with hard work and determination. Success in a
chosen field is not based on the work itself but rather it is based on the person making this success
possible. Now some people would ask why do some people succeed, living remarkably productive and
impactful lives, while so many more never reach their potential? Some other trying their best arise one’s
self. In this book people may think and given an opportunity to work and learn more and make sense to
the world that others cannot do. In the field that you have chosen if you want to be successful double your
effort to make it possible, if you want to achieved it then don’t compare yourself to others but rather
develop yourself to be a good or best version of yourself for you to reap the success. As professionals as
you are your determination to be successful will drive you in eagerness and passion to get it, if ever you
are already successful examine yourself if you are still the person with full of love, determination and
compassion to work or you’re already a over confident person. Remember every success that we have will
easily be gone if you are over confident and you feel supreme to others.
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Quarter: _Third Quarter__
Economic depression in many countries has thrown a large number of people jobless. The concomitant
anxiety and stress, fears and insecurities inflict more and more people and are disorders that upset the
equilibrium and peace of mind of those concerned but also of the families and the people around them.
These anxieties are often focused on either ourselves or on certain persons in our lives who to our
estimate much to us – our parents our bosses, special friend or a classmate . As a result, countless
persons seem to feel that happiness and peace of mind seem so elusive. As a result, gripping anxiety and
fear, and finally, depression and mental breakdown occur.
Young people are also being afflicted with stress, anxiety and depression. Problems with schoolwork, with
the home and even in the workplace often lead to depression, drug abuse and sometimes, suicide. If
young people cannot handle this kind of depression it will lead to bad effect in their lives. Sometimes
young people experience this because they are lack with companionship or colleagues that will help them
overcome the anxiety problem. Friends even family will help us to make our feelings better chit chat with
friends, time to relax and more time of praying will overcome this problem. Spiritual activities also will help
us to reflect and free our mind because of the heavy loads because of the stress in work or even in the
school. In school as the second parent of our learners we can learn to listen to their personal problem
because probably you’re the only person they can lean on, as what in quotes said “By simple asking how
are you can put a smile to the person around you.” Make a student-teacher relationship in a way that you
are free to listen to their rants in life without judgment, some students are suffering and we must be aware
of it that is why we need to choose the words that we utter nor throw to them because words are more
sharp than knives.
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Quarter: Fourth Quarter
Good two-way communication between families and schools is necessary for your students' success. Not
surprisingly, research shows that the more parents and teachers share relevant information with each
other about a student, the better equipped both will be to help that student achieve academically.
Personal contact, including conferences, home visits, telephone calls, and curriculum nights or open
houses, seems to be the most effective form of communication and may be among the most familiar.
However, the establishment of effective school-home communication has grown more complex as society
has changed. The great diversity among families means that it is not possible to rely on a single method of
communication that will reach all homes with a given message. It is essential that a variety of strategies,
adapted to the needs of particular families and their schedules, be incorporated into an overall plan.
Communication is the best way to know what is happening to the people that is close to you nor around
you. In the academe where teacher and parents should have a communication in a way that the teacher
must update the parents regarding with their child’s behavior or academic status. Teachers should
initiate contact as soon as they know which students will be in their classroom for the school year.
Contact can occur by means of an introductory phone call or a letter to the home introducing yourself to
the parents and establishing expectations.
Adults should make contact soon after a problem has been identified, so a timely solution can be found.
Waiting too long can create new problems, possibly through the frustration of those involved.
Parents want frequent, ongoing feedback about how their children are performing with homework. Each
parents and teachers want to see or know that the other will actually doing its part in what they want the
other party do or done. Parents and teachers should have the information they need to help students, in
a form and language that makes sense to them . Parents and teachers must have a good
communication in a sense that both parties are monitoring the learning of the learners nor monitoring
the development of the students. Parent and teacher also should work hand in hand to cure the problem
that has been arise regarding with the learner/s.
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