Accident Synopsys

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Major Project 2021-22


Now a day, technology rapidly growth, but also people do not survive his/her life after road
accident because there is no emergency facilities available in our country. So we design a
technology which facilitates the emergency facilities. This project inform about an accident
that is occurred to vehicle to rescue team and the family members of the travelling persons.
This uses MEMS sensor which can detect the abrupt vibration when an accident is occurred
and also used ultrasonic sensor for distance calculation. More advantages of this system the
information send to the rescue team by using IOT technology and locate the position by GPS
receiver modems in the form of latitude and longitude.

One of the most important research efforts in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the
development of systems that automatically monitor the flow of traffic at intersections. Such
systems would be useful both in reducing the workload of human operators and in warning
drivers of dangerous situations. Not only would the systems automatically monitor current
situations at intersections but, if the systems could reliably assess those situations and predict
whether they might lead to accidents, they might be able to warn drivers and thus reduce the
number of accidents.

Aim of the project


Literature Survey
This paper proposes to utilize the capability of a GPS receiver to monitor the speed of
a vehicle and detect an accident basing on the monitored speed and send the location and time
of the accident from GPS data processed by a micro-Controller by using the GSM network to
the Alert Service Centre. At high speeds the distance between starting to brake and a
complete stand still is longer. The braking distance is proportional to the square of speed.
Therefore, the possibility to avoid a collision becomes smaller. There is a tabular column for

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Major Project 2021-22

predicting the maximum speed after considering the deceleration factors. As such, if the
speed is less than these maximum speeds, than it would be assumed that some other
deceleration force worked on the vehicle to reduce the speed and an accident has occurred.
Speedometer can also be used to find the speed drops in vehicles, but an analogue to digital
converter is required to acquire speed from it. So, a GPS is used to track the speed of vehicle
every instance. The vehicle speed is calculated at every instance by GPS. If there is decrease
in new speed values then it raises an ALARM for accident detection. Then 5 secs will be
given to abort the emergency Else the emergency is sent to Alert Service Centre and plot the
location of accident by the GSM number received. There after rescuing the individual.


This paper proposes to utilize the capability of a Piezoelectric sensor to detect an
accident basing on the voltage produced by collision and send the location and time of the
accident from GPS data processed by a micro-Controller by using the GSM network to the
Alert Service Centre. The Piezoelectric sensor produces a DC voltage proportional to impacts
on collision on vehicle. When the voltage increases above threshold value the sensors get
triggered. The Latitude and Longitude are detected using GPS and it is sent as message to
rescue team through GSM module. The message is received by another GSM module.
Google Map Module: It displays Google map shows you exact location of accident and its
details. It gets detail SMS from accident location. Hence there is small variation in co-
ordinates .An OFF switch is also provided at times of need to avoid false message.

Existing System
The ground control. So, this can be implemented only in the inland vessels. But using iridium
satellite communication instead of GSM will enable the device to be used in any sea-going
ships. At last, a model of an integrated inland waterway control system (IIWCS) based on
this device is discussed. Traffic, increase of traffic accidents and high ratio of empty vehicles.
It increases the cost of transportation and wastes time of vehicle movement. In highly
populated Countries like India, during accidents, people lose their lives due to unavailability
of proper medical facilities at the right time. This project senses any accident in the vehicle
and intimates preprogrammed numbers like family members of the rider, ambulance, police

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Major Project 2021-22

station and nearest hospital etc. The GSM technology is used to send the position of the
vehicle as a SMS to those numbers. And also the position of the vehicle can be obtained.
Most of the companies want to keep track of their vehicles, with this equipment we can keep
track of the vehicle by periodically sending SMS and the position of the vehicle is sent by the
GSM modem as a SMS to the user.

Proposed System
This paper has described the design and implementation of a vehicle tracking module to give
information about the accident and tracing of the accident location in real time. As in helmet
the transmitter section detects the accident and sends necessary information to the receiver
section. Then the received signals will be decoded in the RF decoder. Then the decoded
signals will be transmitted to microcontroller. Microcontroller controls the incoming

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Major Project 2021-22

System architecture

Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements:
 System : Pentium i3 Processor
 Hard Disk : 500 GB.
 Monitor : 15’’ LED
 Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
 Ram : 2 GB

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Major Project 2021-22

Software Requirements:
 Operating system : Windows 10.
 Coding Language : Java.
 Tool : Netbeans 8.2
 Database : MYSQL

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