MENG584 Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Presented By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed. Asmael
MENG584 Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Presented By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed. Asmael
MENG584 Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Presented By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed. Asmael
Presented by:
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed.
Water Jet Machining WJM
Abrasive Water Jet Machining AWJM
Abrasive Jet Machining AJM
The machining system
Process Parameters
• The key element in water jet machining (WJM) is a water jet,
which travels at velocities as high as 900 m/s.
• When the stream strikes a workpiece surface, the erosive force
of water removes the material rapidly.
• The water, in this case, acts like a saw and cuts a narrow groove
in the workpiece material.
• WJM is a form of micro erosion. It works by forcing a large
volume of water through a small orifice in the nozzle.
The machining system
• The water jet machining involves directing a high pressure (150-
1000 MPa) high velocity (540-1400 m/s) water jet (faster than the
speed of sound) to the surface to be machined. The fluid flow rate is
typically from 0.5 to 2.5 L/min
• The bulk of kinetic energy of jet is converted into pressure energy.
• If the local pressure caused by the water jet exceeds the strength of
the surface being machined, the material from the surface gets
eroded and a cavity is thus formed.
• Water is the most common fluid used, but additives such as alcohols, oil
products and glycerol are added when they can be dissolved in water to
improve the fluid characteristics
The machining system
Water jet Machining consists of:
Hydraulic Pump
High Pressure Tubing
Jet Cutting Nozzle
Hydraulic Pump
Powered from a 30 kilowatt (kW) electric motor
Supplies oil at pressures as high as 117 bars.
Compressed oil drives a plunger pump termed an intensifier.
The hydraulic pump offers complete flexibility for water jet
cutting and cleaning applications.
It also supports single or multiple cutting stations for increased
machining productivity.
Accepts the water at low pressure(typically 4 bar) and expels
it, through an accumulator, at higher pressures of 3800 bar.
The intensifier converts the energy from the low-pressure
hydraulic fluid into ultrahigh-pressure water.
The hydraulic system provides fluid power to piston in the
intensifier center section.
A limit switch, located at each end of the piston travel, signals
the electronic controls to shift the directional control valve and
reverses the piston direction.
The intensifier assembly, with a plunger on each side of the
piston, generates pressure in both directions.
As one side of the intensifier is in the inlet stroke, the opposite
side is generating ultrahigh-pressure output.
During the plunger inlet stroke, filtered water enters the high-
pressure cylinder through the check value assembly.
After the plunger reverses direction, the water is compressed
and exits at ultrahigh pressure.
Maintains the continuous flow of the high-pressure water and
eliminates pressure fluctuations.
It relies on the compressibility of water (12 percent at 3800
bar) in order to maintain a uniform discharge pressure and
water jet velocity, when the intensifier piston changes its
High Pressure Tubing
Transports pressurized water to the cutting head.
Typical tube diameters are 6 to 14 mm.
The equipment allows for flexible movement of the cutting
The cutting action is controlled either manually or through a
remote-control valve specially designed for this purpose.
Jet Cutting Nozzle
Nozzle provides a coherent water jet stream for optimum cutting of
low-density, soft material that is considered unmachinable by
conventional methods.
Nozzles are normally made from synthetic sapphire.
About 200 h of operation are expected from a nozzle, which
becomes damaged by particles of dirt and the accumulation of
mineral deposits on the orifice due to erosive water hardness.
A longer nozzle life can be obtained through multistage filtration,
which removes undesired solids of size greater than 0.45 μm.
The compact design of the water jet cutting head promotes
integration with motion control systems ranging from two-axis (XY)
tables to sophisticated multiaxis robotic installations.
Acts as a reservoir for collecting the machining debris
entrained in the water jet.