Department of Computer Science & Engg: Principles of Artificial Intelligence

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Consolidated Proposal for UG Curriculum

The Department through a series of meetings and lengthy discussions has come up
with the following basic framework for undergraduate programme in CSE as under:

Department Linked EA/ES & BS Courses

1. Probability and Stochastic Process (Maths)‐ 4cr

2. Signals & Systems (EE) – 4cr

3. Material Science (from Physics) – 3cr

4. One of the following courses – 3-4cr

• MAL 256 Modern Algebra

• MAL 255 Linear Algebra: Theory, Methods and Applications
• MAL 210 Optimization Methods and Applications

Total 14-15* cr

*If a student does 15 credits the extra 1 credit will count towards DE

PROPOSED Departmental Core LTP Cr

1 CSL 201: Data Structures & Algorithms 3-0-4 5

2 CSL 202: Discrete Structures 3-1-0 4
3 CSL 215: Digital Logic & Design* 3-0-4 5
4 CSL 216: Computer Architecture 3-0-2 4
5 CSL 226: Programming Languages 3-0-4 5
6 CSP 290: Design Practices 0-0-6 3
7 CSL 331: Operating Systems 3-0-4 5
8 CSL 333: Principles of Artificial Intelligence 3-0-2 4
9 CSL 334: Computer Networks 3-0-2 4
10 CSL 351: Algorithms 3-1-0 4
11 CSL 352: Theory of Computation 3-0-0 3
12 CSL 362: Database & IR 3-0-2 4
13 CSL 380: Intro to Parallel & Distributed Programming 2-0-2 3
14 CSL 490: B.Tech Project / CSL 492 BTP Part 1 0-0-12 6
Total 12 courses + 1 Design Lab + 1 Project 59

Requirements for B.Tech CSE Degree:
• Department Core + 11 Credits of DE
– 3 Courses of 3-4 credits each
• Overall Credit Requirements:
– Institute core 55 + Dept Core 59 + 14-15(PL-EAS) = 128 core
– DE 11 + 10 (OC) = 21
– Total 149cr + 15 credits of Non Graded Core

II. Proposed Departmental Specialization

• Specializations offered

– Advanced Concepts

– Architecture & Embedded Systems

– Graphics & Vision

– Software Systems

– Data Analytics & AI

– Applications & IT

• Dept DRC may set a minimum criterion for students wishing to do

specialization. All students wishing to do specialization must apply at the end
of third year or upon completing 100 earned credits for specialization

• Requirements Department Core + 31 credits

– Course on Logic (CSL303 4cr)

– Project Part 2 (8cr) in the area of specialization

– 5-6 Courses From Department Electives for remaining credits


1 CSL303: Logic for Computer Science 3-0-2 4 cr

2 CSP494: B.Tech Project Part 2 0-0-16 8 cr

Credits for B.Tech with specialization:

128 + 31 (DE) + 10 (OC) = 169Cr

– Total 169 cr + 15 credits of Non Graded Core

Proposed Semester Schedule:

Credits completed in 1st year: 34 Credits of Institute Core

B.Tech CSE Indicative Semester-wise Course Schedule

Sem Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture other L-T-

Course I Course II Course III Course IV CourseV P/Cr
III Discrete Digital Logic & Data Material Probability
Structures Design Structures Science and 21
3-1-0 3-0-4 3-0-4 [Physics] 3 Stochastic
[DC] [DC] [DC] [PLES2] Processes
IV Prog. Computer Signals and Biology HU Design 22/24
Languages Architecture Systems (3-0-2)/ Env 4 Practices in
3-0-4 3-0-2 3-0-2 (2-0-0) CS 0-0-6
[DC] [DC] [PLES3] [DC]
V Principles of AI Operating Theory of Biology HU 18/20
3-0-2 Systems Computing (3-0-2)/ Env 4
[DC] 3-0-4 3-0-0 (2-0-0)
[DC] [DC]
VI Data Base Computer Analysis & Math HU 19
Mgmt Systems Networks Design of 3-1-0 4
3-0-2 3-0-2 Algorithms [PLES 4]
[DC] [DC] 3-1-0
VII Intro to OC/HU 20
Parallel & Dist. 3
Programming Project 1
2-0-2 DE OC (Gen)
[DC] 4 4 0-0-12
3 3 3 3
Total: 149

B.Tech CSE with Specialization: Indicative Course Schedule:

The student choosing a CSE specialization would

! Do the course on Logic (VIIth Sem)
! 3 More Department Electives [9 Cr] spread over 5th - 8th sem
! Do Project Part 1 (specialized) & Project Part 2 [8 cr]

Course  Number  &  Title L-­‐T-­‐P Credits Status
CSL341:  Machine  Learning 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSP315:  Embedded  System  Design  Laboratory 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSR310:  Professional  Practices  (CS) 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSS310:  Independent  Study  (CS) 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL436:  Compilers 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL718:  Architecture  of  High  Performance  Computers 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL719:  Synthesis  of  Digital  Systems 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL722:  Compiler  Optimization 3-­‐0-­‐3 4.5 New
CSL724:  Advanced  Computer  Networks 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL726:  Numerical  Algorithms 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL730:  Parallel  Programming 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL740:  Software  Engineering 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL750:  Foundations  of  Automatic  Verification 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL751:  Algorithmic  Graph  Theory 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL752:  Geometric  Computing 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL753:  Complexity  Theory 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL754:  Approximation  Algorithms 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL756:  Mathematical  Programming 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL758:  Advanced  Algorithms 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL760:  Advanced  Data  Management 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL768  WIRELESS  NETWORKS 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL770:  Advanced  AI 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL771:  Machine  Learning 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL772:  Natural  Language  Processing 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL776:  Learning  Probabilistic  Graphical  Models 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL780:  Computer  Vision 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL781:  Computer  Graphics 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL783:  Digital  Image  Analysis 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL788:  Embedded  Computing 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Revised
CSL812:  System  Level  Design  and  Modelling 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL818  Principles  of  Multiprocessor  Systems 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
CSL819:  Advanced  Distributed  Systems 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 New
CSL821:  Reconfigurable  Computing 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL830:  Distributed  Computing 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL831:  Semantics  of  Programming  Languages 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL832:  Proofs  and  Types 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL859:  Advanced  Computer  Graphics 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL860:  Special  Topics  in  Parallel  Computation 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL861:  Special  Topics  in  Hardware  Systems 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL862:  Special  Topics  in  Software  Systems 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL863:  Special  Topics  in  Theoretical  Computer  Science 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL864:  Special  Topics  in  Artificial  Intelligence 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL865:  Special  Topics  in  Computer  Applications 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL866:  Special  Topics  in  Algorithms 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL867:  Special  Topics  in  High  Speed  Networks 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL868:  Special  Topics  in  Database  Systems 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL869:  Special  Topics  in  Concurrency 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
CSL870:  Special  Topics  in  Machine  Learning 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 New
CSL872:  Special  Topics  in  Cryptography 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 New
CSV878:  Special  Module  in  Machine  Learning 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 New
CSV879:  Special  Module  in  Financial  Algorithms 2-­‐0-­‐0 2 New
CSV880:  Special  Module  in  Parallel  Computation 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV881:  Special  Module  in  Hardware  Systems 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV882:  Special  Module  in  Software  Systems 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV883:  Special  Module  in  Theoretical  Computer  Science 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV884:  Special  Module  in  Artificial  Intelligence 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV885:  Special  Module  in  Computer  Applications 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV886:  Special  Module  in  Algorithms 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV887:  Special  Module  in  High  Speed  Networks 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV888:  Special  Module  in  Database  Systems 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV889:  Special  Module  in  Concurrency 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
CSV890:Special  Module  on  Visual  Computing 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 New

School  of  IT  courses

SIL765  Networks  &  System  Security 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
SIL769  Internet  Traffic  -­‐  Measurement,  Modeling  &  Analysis 3-­‐0-­‐2 4 Existing
SIL801  Special  Topics  in  Multimedia  System 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
SIL802  Special  Topics  in  Web  Based  Computing 3-­‐0-­‐0 3 Existing
SIV813  Applications  of  Computer  in  Medicines 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
SIV861  Information  and  Comm  Technologies  for  Development 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
SIV864  Special  Module  on  Media  Processing  &  Communication 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing
SIV895  Special  Module  on  Intelligent  Information  Processing 1-­‐0-­‐0 1 Existing

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