Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University: Kanpur

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B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering
Semester-wise breakup of courses

Semester - I
L T P Credits
MTH S10l Mathematics-I 3 1 0 4
PHY S101 Physics-I 3 1 3 5
TCA S101 Engineering Drawing 0 2 4 5
ISC Sl01 Programming in C & UNIX 3 0 3 5
HSS S101 Communicative English 3 1 0 4
UHV S101 Universal Human Values-1 0 0 0 0
Semester - II
MTH S102 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 4
PHY S102 Physics - II 3 1 3 5
ESC S101 Basic Electrical& Electronics 3 1 3 5
TCA S102 Workshop Concepts 1 1 3 5
CHM S101 Chemistry - I 3 0 3 5
Semester –III
MTH S201 Mathematics III 3 1 0 4
ESC S202 Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4
ESC S201 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4
CSE S201 Data Structure 3 0 3 5
Digital Electronics
CSE S202 3 0 2 4
& Logic Design

CSE SST201 Internship 1

0 0 2 1
EVS S101 Environmental Studies 2 0 0 2
UHV S201 Universal Human Values-II 2 1 0 3

Semester – IV
HSS S401 Engineering Economics 3 1 0 4
CSE S204 Object Oriented Programming (Using Java) 3 0 3 5
CSE S205 Computer Organization 3 1 0 4
CSE S206 Operating Systems 3 2 0 5
MTH S301 Discrete Mathematics 3 1 0 4

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EVS S101 Environmental Science 2 0 0 2
Semester – V
CSE S301 Data Base Management System 3 0 3 5
CSE S302 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4
CSE S303 Microprocessor 3 0 2 4
CSE S304 Theory of Computation 3 1 0 4
*Maths E1ective(MTH-S501/MTH-5502) Mooc course
SST-301 Internship_ 2 0 0 2 1

Semester – VI
CSE S305 Compiler Design 3 2 0 5
CSE S306 Computer Networks 3 2 0 5
CSE S307 Software Engineering 3 1 0 4
HSS S301 Professional Communication 1 1 1 2
*Maths Elective(MTH-S503/MTH-5504) Mooc course
Departmental Elective -----------
Semester - VII
HSS S201 Industrial Management 3 0 0 4
CSE S401 Computer Graphics 3 1 3 5
SST S401 Summer Training 2 0 3 2
PRT S401 B.Tech. Project-I 0 0 6 4
Departmental Elective ------------
Departmental Elective/Open elective ------------
Semester - VIII
PRT S402 B.Tech Project II 0 0 6 4
Departmental Elective --------------
Departmental Elective --------------
Departmental Elective/ open elective --------------
Departmental Elective/Humanities Elective --------------
List of Departmental Elective Courses
CSE S501 Digital Image Processing 3 1 0 4
CSE S502 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 0 4

CSE S503 Parallel Processing 3 1 0 4

Advance Java Programming 3 1 3 5
CSE S504
CSE S505 Distributed Processing 3 1 0 4
CSE S506 VLSI Design 3 1 0 4

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CSE S507 Adv. Computer Networks 3 1 0 4
CSE S508 Natural Language Processing 3 1 0 4
Soft Computing 3 1 0 4
CSE S509 (Neural Networks. Fuzzy Logic, and
Genetic Algorithm)
Cryptography and Network 3 1 0 4
CSE S510
Advanced Data Base Management 3 0 3 5
CSE S511
Systems(Theory +Lab)
CSE S512 Computational Geometry 3 1 0 4
CSE S513 Computer Vision 3 1 0 4
S514 Embedded Systems 3 1 0 4
CSE S515 Web Technology 2 0 3 4
Bioinformatics concepts: 3 l 0 4
CSE S516
A Computer Sc. Perspective
CSE S517 Wireless and Mobile Computing 3 1 0 4
CSE S518 Artificial Intelligence 3 1 0 4
CSE S519 Advance Computer Architecture 3 1 0 4
CSE S520 Machine Learning 3 1 0 4
CSE S521 Data Mining & Data Warehousing 3 1 0 4
CSE S522 Multi-core Architectures 3 1 0 4
CSE S523 Cloud Computing 3 1 0 4
CSE S524 Python Programming 3 1 3 4
CSE S525 Internet of Things 3 1 3 4
CSE S526 Neural network and 3 1 0 4
Deep Learning
CSE S527 Geographic Information System 3 1 0 4
List of Mathematics Electives
MTH S501 Numerical Methods (Theory+ Lab) 3 0 3 5
MTH S502 Operations Research 3 1 0 4
MTH S503 Graph Theory 3 1 0 4
MTH S504 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
List of Humanities Electives
HSS S501 Psychology 3 1 0 4
HSS S502 Sociology 3 1 0 4
HSS S503 Indian Economic 3 1 0 4
Problems and policies

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List of open electives offered by CSE
CSE S204 3 0 3 5
Object Oriented Programming
(Using Java)
CSE S524 Python Programming 2 1 3 4
CSE S510 Cryptography and Network Security 3 1 0 4
CSE S401 Computer Graphics 3 2 0 5
Current List of Open Electives offered by other departments
3 0 3 5
ECE 5403 Digital Signal Processing
ECE S406 VLSI technology and Design 3 1 0 4
ECE S511 Biomedical instruments 3 1 0 4

As per the discussion with ECE head on 7thMay, 2016, it was decided that CSE department
will offer CSE—S504(java Programming)in 6 semester, CSE—S401(Computer graphics)in
7thsemester,CSE-S510 (Cryptography and Network security) in 8th semester and.

ECE department is offering following electives-- ECE-S403 (Data Signal Processing) will be
offered in 7 semester of CSE and ECE-S406 (VLSI technology and Design) and ECE-S511
(Biomedical instruments) will be offered in 8t"semester

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering.
Detailed Syllabus of B.Tech Program Courses

Course Code: MTH-S101 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Mathematics-I
Course Details:

Unit I
Applications of Integrals : Areas between curves, Methods of finding volume : Slicing, Solids
of revolution, Cylindrical shell, Lengths of plane curves, Areas of surface of revolution,
Moments and Center of mass, Improper integrals .

Unit II
Sequences: Definition, Monotonic sequences, Bounded sequences, Convergent and Divergent
Sequences. Series: Infinite series, Oscillating and Geometric series, their Convergence,
Divergence. Tests of Convergence: nth Term test of divergence, Integral test, Comparison Test,
Limit Comparison test, Ratio test, nth root test (Cauchy root test), Alternating series, Absolute
and Conditional convergence.
Power Series: Power series and its convergence, Radius and interval of convergence, Term by
term differentiation, Term by term integration, Product of power series, Taylor and Maclaurin
series, Convergence of Taylor series, Error estimates, Taylor’s Theorem with remainder .

Unit III
Vector Calculus: Vector valued functions, Arc length and Unit Tangent vector, Curvature,
Torsion and TNB frame .
Partial Derivatives: Function of two or more variables (Limit, Continuity, Differentiability ,
Taylors Theorem ) , Partial derivatives, Chain Rule, Partial Derivatives of higher orders, ,
Maxima and Minima and Saddle Point, Lagrange Multipliers, Exact differential, Leibniz
Directional derivatives, Gradient Vectors, Divergence and Curl, Tangent planes .

Unit IV
Multiple Integrals: Double and triple integral, Change of order, Jacobian, Change of variables,
Application to area and volume, Dirichlet integral and Applications.
Line, surface integrals , Path independence, Statement and problems of Green’s, Stoke’s and
Gauss divergence theorems (without proof).
Text Books and Reference :
1. G.B.Thomas and R.L.Finney : Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9th edition, Pearson
B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005

Course Code: PHY-S101 Breakup: 3–1–3–5

Course Name: Physics-I
Course Details
Unit-I: Newton’s laws and their applications, Friction, conservative forces and potentials,
Work energy theorem, conservation of energy and linear momentum, variable mass system
(rocket), impulse, system of particles and collision, Elementary rigid body kinematics, rotation

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motion, moment of inertia, and Gyroscopic motion.

Unit-II: Rigid body motion, angular momentum, fundamental of classical mechanics,

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation.
Unit-III: Motion in non-inertial frames, fractious forces, special theory of relativity, central
forces, Gravitation motion under central forces and Kepler’s Laws.
Unit-IV: Simple harmonic motion (SHM), small oscillations and resonance; Wave particle
duality, de- Broglie matter’s waves, Phase and group velocities, Davisson-Germer experiment,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle and its applications.
Unit-V: Wave function and its significance, Schrödinger equations (time dependent and
independent), Schrödinger’s wave equation for particle in one dimensional box, diffraction of
X-rays by crystal planes, Bragg’s spectrometer, Compton’s effect.

Text Books and References:

1. Mechanics: D. S. Mathur
2. A textbook of Mechanics: J. C. Upadhyay
3. Concept of physics (I & II): H. C. Verma
4. Introduction to Mechanics: R. D. Kleppner and J. Kolenkow
5. Physics: Resnick, Halliday and Krane
6. Vector analysis: M. R. Spiegel
7. Classical Mechanics: Goldstien
8. Modern Physics: Author Beiser

Physics Lab-I

1. Graphical Analysis (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)

2. Trajectory of projectile (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
Apparatus Used (Trajectory Apparatus, Metal Balls, Channels, Vernier Callipers, Carbon &
Graph Paper)
3. Moment of Inertia of Bicycle wheel (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Bicycle Wheel, Masses, Thread, Stopwatch, Meter Scale, Vernier Callipers)
4. Spring Oscillations (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
Apparatus Used (Spring Oscillation Apparatus, Stop Watch, Masses)
5. Coupled Pendulum (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual) Apparatus Used (Coupled
Pendulum Setup, Stop Watch, Scale)
6. Bifilar Suspension System (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual) Apparatus Used (Bifilar
Suspension System Setup, Stop Watch, Masses)
7. Frequency of AC Mains by Melde’s Method (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Electrical Vibrator, String, Pulley, Small Pan, Weight Box & Physical
8. Kater’s(Reversible) Pendulum (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta) Apparatus Used
(Kater’s Pendulum, Stop Watch)
9. Inertia Table (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Inertia Table, Stop Watch, Vernier Callipers, Split Disc, Balancing Weights,
and Given Body(Disc))

Course Code: TCA-S101 Breakup: 0 –2 – 4 – 5

Course Name: Engineering Drawing
Course Details:

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Introduction- Drawing instruments and their uses, BIS conventions, lettering dimensioning and
free hand practicing.

Orthographic projections: Lines, planes and surfaces of objects, Sectional views, Auxiliary
views, Space geometry: lines and planes, True lengths and shapes, Properties of parallelism,
Perpendicularity and intersections of lines and planes, Simple intersections of solids and
development of lateral simple solids.

Isometric Projections: Introduction , isometric scale, isometric projection of simple plane

figures, isometric projection of tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), right regular prisms , pyramids,
cylinders, cones, spheres, cut spheres and combinations of solids.

Introduction to computer graphics: Some problems on above topics on computer graphics.

Text Books and References:

1. Narayana,K.L. & Kannaiah,P. “Engg.Graphics”. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Bhatt,N.D. “Elementary Engg. Drawing” Charotar Book stall. Anand.
3. Lakshminarayanan ,V and Vaish Wannar , R. S. “Engg.Graphics”.Jain Brothers , New
4. Chandra, A.M. & Chandra Satish, “Engg.Graphics”.Narosa.
5. French & Vireck, “The Fundamental Of Engg. Drawing & Graphic Tech.”. McGraw
6. Gill, P.S. “A Text Book Of Machine Drawing” Katson Publishing House , Ludhiana.

Course Code : ESC-S101 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 3 – 5

Course Name: Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Course Details:

Unit – I
Sinusoidal steady state circuit analysis, voltage, current, sinusoidal & phaser presentation
single phase AC circuit – behavior of resistance, inductance & capacitance & their
combination, impedance concept of power, power factor. Series & parallel resonance – band
width & quality factor. Three phase circuits – phase voltage & current, line & phase quantities,
phasor diagram, balanced & unbalanced loads, Measurement of R, L, and C.

Unit –II
Network Theory: Network theorems – Thevenin’s, Norton, maximum power transfer theorem,
star delta transformation, circuit theory concept – mesh & nodal analysis.

Unit – III
Magnetic circuit concepts: self inductance , magnetic coupling analysis of single tuned &
double tuned circuit involving mutual inductance , introduction to transformer.

Unit – IV
Basic Instruments, electrical measurement – measurement of voltage , current , power &
energy, voltmeters & ammeter , wattmeter , energy meter , three phase power measurement ,
electronics instrument – multimeter, CRO(analog & digital),An overview of voltage regulator.

Unit – V
Introduction to basic electronics devices – junction diode, BJT, amplifier, op-amps &

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instrumentation amplifier with mathematical operation.
Number System: Introduction to binary, octal, decimal & hexadecimal systems, representation
of negative numbers, 1’s, 2’s, 9’s, 10’s complement and their arithmetic.

Text Books and References:

1. W.H.Hayt & J.E. Kemmerly : Engg. Circuit Analysis , Mc Graw Hill.
2. N.N. Bhargava : ‘Basic Electronics’,Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Malvino, A.P. / “Electronics Principles” / Tata McGraw-Hill / 6th Ed.
4. Morris Mano, “Digital Computer Design” PHI
5 Del Toro : Principles of Electrical Engg. – PHI
6 Boylstad & Neshishkey, “Electronic devices & circuits” , PHI
7. Malvino & Leech “Digital Principle and application”, TMH
Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab
1. Familiarization with the Electronic Instruments.
2. Familiarization with electronic components and Bread board.
3. To verify the Thevenin theorem.
4. To verify the Superposition theorem.
5. Measurement of voltage and frequency with CRO.
6. To study half wave rectifier.
7. To study full wave bridge rectifier.
8. To study full wave bridge rectifier with filter.
9. To study and verify the truth table of different logic gates using digital IC.
10. To study different type of transformer and there operation.
11. To study basic wiring and design a switchboard/extension board.
12. To study the polarity test of a single phase transformer.
13. To study the open & short circuit test of a transformer and calibration losses.
14. To study the load test and efficiency of a single phase transformer.

Course Code : HSS –S101 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Communicative English
Course Details:

Unit 1:Basics of Technical Communication: Technical Communication: features; Distinction

between General and Technical communication; Language as a tool of communication; Levels
of communication: Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass communication; The flow of
Communication: Downward, Upward, Lateral or Horizontal (Peer group); Barriers to
Unit 2:Constituents of Technical Written Communication: Word formation, Prefix and Suffix;
Synonyms and Antonyms; Homophones; One Word Substitution; Technical Terms; Paragraph
Development: Techniques and Methods -Inductive, Deductive, Spatial, Linear, Chronological
etc; The Art of Condensation- various steps.
Unit 3: Forms of Technical Communication: Business Letters: Sales and Credit letters; Letter
of Enquiry; Letter of Quotation, Order, Claim and Adjustment Letters; Memos, Notices,
Circulars; Job application and Resumes. Reports: Types; Significance; Structure, Style &
Writing of Reports. Technical Proposal; Parts; Types; Writing of Proposal; Significance.
Unit 4:Presentation Strategies: Defining Purpose; Audience & Locale; Organizing Contents;
Preparing Outline; Audio-visual Aids; Nuances of Delivery; Body Language; Space; Setting
Nuances of Voice Dynamics; Time- Dimension.
Unit 5:Value- Based Text Readings: Following essays form the suggested text book with
emphasis on Mechanics of writing,

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(i) The Language of Literature and Science by A.Huxley
(ii) Man and Nature by J.Bronowski
(iii) The Mother of the Sciences by A.J.Bahm
(iv) Humanistic and Scientific Approaches to Human Activity by Moody E. Prior
(v) The Effect of Scientific Temper on Man by Bertrand Russell.

Text Books and References:

1. Improve Your Writing ed. V.N. Arora and Laxmi Chandra, Oxford Univ. Press, New
2. Technical Communication – Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta
Sharma, Oxford Univ. Press 2007, New Delhi.
3. Effective Technical Communication by Barun K. Mitra, Oxford Univ. Press, 2006,
New Delhi
4. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan,
Tata McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. How to Build Better Vocabulary by M.Rosen Blum, Bloomsbury Pub. London.
6. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, W.R.Goyal Pub. & Distributors; Delhi.
7. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji- Macmillan India
Ltd. Delhi.
8. Manual of Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey & R.P. Singh; A.I.T.B.S.
Publications India Ltd.; Krishan Nagar, Delhi.

Course Code : MTH – S102 Breakup : 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Mathematics-II
Course Details:


Linear Algebra
Matrices, Elementary row and Column operations, Echelon form, Determinants, Rank of
matrix, Vector spaces, Linear dependence and Independence, Linear transforms and matrices,
Consistency of linear system of equations and their solution, Special Matrices : Symmetric,
Hermition etc, Characteristic equation, Cayley-Hamilton theorem(statement only), Eigen
values and Eigen vectors, Diagonalization .


Differential Equations : Separable, Exact Differential Equation , Integrating Factors, Linear

differential equations with constant coefficients, Homogeneous Linear differential equations,
Bernoulli Equation, Simultaneous linear differential equations, Clairaut’s equation,
Homogeneous linear differential equations of second order with constant coefficients,
Complex root case, Differential operators, Euler-Cauchy equation , Wronskian,
Nonhomogeneous equations,
Solution by undetermined coefficients, solution by variation of parameters.
Series solution: Ordinary differential equations of 2nd order with variable coefficients
(Frobenius Method).

Unit-III: Laplace Transform

Laplace transform, Existence Theorem, Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals,

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Inverse Laplace transform, Unit step function, Dirac Delta function, Laplace transform of
periodic functions, Convolution Theorem, Applications to solve simple linear and
simultaneous differential equations.

Text Books and Reference :

1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
3. C. Ray Wylie & Louis C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2003.
4. G.F. Simmons, Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

Course Code: PHY – S102 Breakup: 3–1–3–5

Course Name: Physics-II
Course Details:

Unit-I: Vector analysis: scalars, vectors, vector differentiation, gradient, divergence and curl,
vector, integration, Gauss divergence and Stoke’s theorem, co-ordinate systems (spherical
polar & cylindrical), Electrostatics: electric fields, potentials, Gauss’s law, electric dipoles and
multipoles, polarization, bound charges, linear dielectrics and force on dielectrics, electric
displacement, boundary condition of E and D, work and energy of electrostatics, Laplace’s
equation and uniqueness theorem, image theory.
Unit-II: Motion of charge in electric and magnetic field, Magnetostatics: current density,
magnetic fields, Ampére’s law, Faraday’s law, magnetic potential, magnetic polarization,
bound current, magnetic properties of materials (para, dia and ferro), boundary condition of B
and H, basic idea of superconductor.
Unit-III: Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations for free space and matter (dielectric and
conductor), Electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector.
Unit-IV: Origin the refractive index, Interference: division of wave-front and division of
amplitude; diffraction: Fraunhoffer, Grating, Resolving power (grating, prism, telescope and
microscope); polarization: Phenomena of double refraction, Nicol prism, optical activity
Production and analysis of plane, circular and elliptical polarized light, Frenels theory of optical
activities and Polarimeters.
Unit-V: Fiber optics and photonics: Fundamental ideas about optical fiber, types of fibers, Total
Internal Reflection (TIR), critical angle, acceptance angle and application, basic principal of
Laser and Holography and fundamental ideas about photonics.

Text Books and References :

1. Optics: Ajoy Ghatak
2. A textbook of OPTICS: Subrahmanyam, Brijlal and Avadhanulu
3. Electrodynamics: David J. Griffith
4. Classical electrodynamics: J. D. Jackson
5. Modern Physics: Author Beiser
6. Photonic Crystals: J. D. Joannopoulos, R. D. Meade, and R. D. Winn

Physics Lab-II

1. Newton’s Ring (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)

Apparatus Used (Traveling Microscope, Support for Glass Plate inclined at 450 to the

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Vertical, Short Focus Convex Lens, Sodium Lamp, Plano Convex Lens, An Optically
Plane Glass Plate)
2. Prism Spectrometer (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Spectrometer, Glass Prism, Reading Lens, Mercury Lamp)
3. Plane Transmission Grating (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta) Apparatus Used
(Spectrometer, Diffraction Grating, Mercury Lamp)
4. Ballistic Galvanometer (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Ballistic Galvanometer, Morse key, Damping key, Condenser,
Rheostat, Volt Meter, Storage Battery, Connection Wires)
5. Carey Foster’s Bridge (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Carey Foster’s Bridge, Laclanche cell, Resistance Box,
Galvanometer, Plug Key, Copper Strip)
6. Fresnel’s Biprism (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Sodium Lamp, Biprism, Convex Lens, Optical Bench with Four
7. Variation of Magnetic Field (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Stewart and Gee type Tangent Galvanometer, Storage Battery,
Commutator, Ammeter, Rheostat, One way Plug Key, Connection Wires)
8. Polarimeter (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta) Apparatus Used (Sodium Lamp,
Polarimeter, Physical Balance)

Course Code: ISC – S101 Breakup: 3–0–3–5

Course Name: Programming & Computing(C & UNIX)
Course Details:

Basic concepts of Computers, Basic UNIX Concepts and Vi - Editor

Introduction to C: Basic Programming concepts, Program structure in C, Variables and
Constants, Data types, Conditional statements, control statements, Functions, Arrays,
Structures, Introduction to pointers, Introduction to File Systems.
Text Books and References:

1. Programming in C, Schaum Series, 3rd edition

2. The ‘C’ Programming, Denis Ritchi (PHI)
3. Programming in C, Venugopal (TMH)
4. Let us C, Yashant Kanetkar (BPB)
5. Programming in C, Balaguruswami (TMH)

Computer Programming Lab:

Learning OS Commands
Practice of all Internal and External DOS Commands, Writing simple batch programs,
Exposure to Windows environment, Practice of UNIX commands and Vi editor, Writing
simple shell script
C Programming:
Practicing programs to get exposure to basic data types, algebraic expressions, Conditional
statements, Input Output Formatting, Control structures, arrays, functions, structures, pointers
and basic file handling.

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Course Code: TCA – S102 Breakup: 1 – 1 – 3 – 5
Course Name: Workshop Concepts
Course Details:
Historical perspectives; Classification of Manufacturing process.

Machining: Basic principles of lathe machine & operations performed on it. Basic description
of machines & operations of shaper-planer, drilling, milling, grinding.Unconventional
machining processes , Machine tools.

Casting processes:pattern & allowances. Moulding sands & its desirable properties. Mould
making with the use of a core. Gating system. Casting defects & remedies. Cupola furnace.
Die-casting & its uses.

Metal forming: Basic metal forming operations & uses of such as-forging, rolling, wire& tube
drawing/making & extrusion, & its products/applications, press work & die & punch assembly,
cutting & forming, its application. Hot working vs Cold working. Powder metallurgy: powder
metallurgy process & its applications, plastic-products manufacturing, galvanizing &

Welding: Importance & basics concepts of welding, classification of welding processes. Gas
welding, types of flames, Electric arc welding. Resistance welding. Soldering & brazing and
its uses. Modern trends in manufacturing, Automation. Introduction to
NC/CNC/DNC,FMS,CAD/CAM,CIM and factory of future.

Text Books and References:

1. Chapman,W A J & Arnold ,E “Workshop Technology ; vol. I,II&III” Viva Low Priced
Student Edition.
2. Raghuwanshi,B S “Workshop Technology ; vol. I&II” Dhanpat Rai & Sons
3. Chaudhary, Hajra “Elements of Workshop Technology ; vol. I&II” Media Promoters
& Publishers.

Workshop Practice
1. Foundry (1 turn)
2. Welding (3 turns)
a. Gas Welding (1 turn)
b. Arc Welding (2 turns) (i). Lap Joint (1 turn)
(ii) Butt Joint (1 turn)
3. M/C Shop (4 Turns)
4. Fitting & Sheet Metal Work (1 turn+1 turn)
5. Carpentry Shop(1 turn)
6. Black-smithy shop(1 turn)

Text Books and References:

1. Chapman,W A J & Arnold ,E “Workshop Technology ; vol. I,II&III” Viva Low Priced
Student Edition.
2. Raghuwanshi,B S “Workshop Technology ; vol. I&II” Dhanpat Rai & Sons .
3. Chaudhary, Hajra “Elements of Workshop Technology ; vol. I&II” Media Promoters
& Publishers.

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Course Code: CHM – S101 Breakup: 3 – 0 – 3 – 5
Course Name: Chemistry - I
Course Details:

UNIT-I - Atoms and Molecules:

1. Need for wave mechanical picture of atomic structure
[Photoelectric effect, de Broglie concept of matter waves], Derivation of schrodinger
wave equation [as an example particle moving in unidimensional potential well]
2. Chemical Bonding- Orbital concepts in bonding, V.B. and
M.O. theory, M.O. diagrams, Intermolecular interactions.
UNIT-II - Reaction Dynamics:
Order, Molecularity, Rate law, Integrated rate equations, Methods of determining of order of
reaction, Complex reaction kinetics- chain reactions and reversible reactions in detail, Catalysis
and enzyme catalysis
UNIT-III - Electrochemistry:
Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation, Transport number, Kohlrausch’s law, Solubility
product, Redox reaction, Electrochemical and concentration cells.
UNIT-IV- Stereochemistry:
Introduction, Chirality, Enantiomers, Diastereomers, Projection formula of a tetrahedral
carbon, Geometrical isomerism, Conformers
UNIT- V- Spectroscopic Techniques:
General introduction to IR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy
UNIT-VI - Organic Reactions:
Introduction, Electron displacement effects, Organic intermediates, Types of reactions
[addition, elimination and substitution reactions]
UNIT-VII - Photochemistry:
Photoexcitation of organic molecules, Jablonski diagram, Laws of photochemistry and
quantum yield, Some examples of photochemical reactions, Chemistry of vision and other
applications of photochemistry.
UNIT-VIII - Transition Metal Chemistry:
Stucture of coordination compounds corresponding to coordination number up to 6, Tpes of
ligands, Isomerism [geometrical, optical, ionization, linkage and coordination], Theories of
bonding in coordination compounds- crystal field theory, Valence bond theory, Chelation.
UNIT-IX - Laboratory Practical Classes:

Chemistry Lab- I

Exp. 01. To estimate the strength of the given unknown solution of Mohr’s salt (Ferrous
ammonium sulphate (FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O) using KMnO4 solution as an
Exp. 02. To prepare a sample of p-nitroacetanilide.
Exp. 03. To prepare a sample of Aspirin.
Exp. 04. Preparation of Tris (Thiourea) Copper (I) sulphate.
Exp. 05. Preparation of Hexamine Nickel (II) chloride [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2.
Exp. 06. Estimation of commercial caustic soda: Determination of the amounts of
sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide present together in the given
commercial caustic soda.
Exp. 07. Estimation of calcium ions present in tap water.
Exp. 08. To determine the partition coefficient of acetic acid between n-butanol and

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Exp. 09. To study the photochemical reduction of a ferric salt (Blue printing).
Exp. 10. To determine the viscosity of a given liquid (30% sugar solution) at room
temperature using Ostwald’s viscometer.
Exp. 11. To separate Ag(I), Hg (I) and Pb (II) ions by paper chromatography and
calculate their RF values.
Exp. 12. Understanding reaction kinetics and calculating the rate and order of a reaction.
Exp.13. To study the kinetics of methyl acetate hydrolysis catalyzed by 0.5N HCl

Text Books and Reference :

Physical Chemistry- 1. P.W. Atkins
2. Puri & Sharma
Organic Chemistry- 1. Morisson & Boyd
2. Bahl and Bahl
Inorganic Chemistry- 1. J.D. Lee
2. R.P. Rastogi
Engineering Chemistry- Shashi Chawla

Course Code: MTH-S201 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Mathematics - III
Course Details:

Unit – I : Function of a Complex variable

Complex numbers- power and roots, limits, continuity and derivative of functions of complex
variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Reimann equations, Harmonic function, Harmonic
conjugate of analytic function and methods of finding it, Complex Exponential, Trigonometric,
Hyperbolic and Logarithm function.
Unit – II : Complex Integration
Line integral in complex plane(definite and indefinite), Cauchy’s Integral theorem, Cauchy’s
Integral formula, Derivatives of analytic functions, Cauchy’s Inequality, Liouville’s theorem,
Morera’s theorem, Power series representation of analytic function and radius of
convergence,Taylor’s and Laurent’s series, singularities, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real
integrals, Improper Integrals of rational functions, Fourier integrals.
Unit – III : Fourier Series
Periodic functions, Trignometric series, Fourier series of period 2π , Eulers formulae, Functions
having arbitrary period, Change of interval, Even and odd functions, Half range sine and cosine
series, Complex fourier series.
Unit – IV : Partial Differential Equations
Linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients of second order and their
classifications - parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic with illustrative examples. Methods of
finding solutions using separation of variables method. Wave and Heat equations up to two
dimension (finite length)
Unit – V : Probability and Statistics
Basics of probability, Bayes theorem, Random variables, Probability and density fuctions,
Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.

Text Books and Reference :

1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005.

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Course Code: ESC - S202 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4
Course Name: Thermodynamics
Course Details:

Fundamental concepts: System, Property, Work and Heat interactions.

Zeroth law: Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperatutre & its measurement & scales.

First law: Thermodynamic processes, calculation of work in various processes, non flow work
& flow work. Joule’s experiment, First law of thermodynamics applied to open systems, study
flow system and their analysis. Applications to closed systems and flow processes. Analysis of
unsteady processes. Limitations of first law of thermodynamics, PMM1.Thermodynamics
properties of fluids.

Second law: Devices coverting heat to work, Thermal reservoir, heat engines efficiency,
Devices converting work to heat, heat pump, refrigerator, COP, Reversed heat engine, Kelvin
planck statements, Clausius statement,reversible & irreversible processes, Carnot cycle
,PMM2, Entropy , Availability , equilibrium Criterion , Maxwell Relations Thermodynamics
relations , Clapeyron equation , Gibb’s Phase rule.

Properties of steam & thermodynamic cycles: pure substance, properties of steam, Phase
Diagram, Power & Refrigeration cycles ,Psychrometry. Adiabatic flame temperature ,
Equilibrium conversion, Statistical definition of entropy Kinetic theory of Ideal Gases.

Text Books and Reference:

1. Y. A. Cengel and M. A. Boles, Thermodynamics-An Engineering Approach, McGraw

2. Y.V.C. Rao, Introduction to Thermodynamics, Universities Press
3. P.K. Nag “Engineering Thermodynamics”. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. D.B. Spalding & E.H. Cole “ Engg. Thermodynamics” . Edward Arnold.
5. G.A Hawkins,. . “ Engg. Thermodynamics” John Wiley & Sons.
6. G.H. Van Wylen, & R.E. Sonntag, “Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics”. John
Wiley & Sons.
7. J.P. Hollman , “ Thermodynamics”. McGraw Hill

Course Code: ESC - S201 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Engineering Mechanics
Course Details:

General Coplanar force systems : Basis concepts, Law of motions, principle of transmissibility
of forces, Transfer of a force to parallel position, Resultant of a force system, simplest resultant
of two dimensional concurrent & non concurrent force systems, free body diagrams,
equilibrium & its equations, applications.

Trusses & Cables : Introductions, simple truss & solutions of simple truss, method of joints &
method of sections.

Friction :Introductin , Laws of coulomb friction, equilibrium of bodies involving dry friction,
belt friction, applications.

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Centre of gravity, centroid, Moment of Inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area ,volume &
composite bodies, moment of inertia of plane area, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis
theorem, principal moment inertia, mass moment of inertia of circular ring, disc, cylinder,
sphere and cone about their axis of symmetry.

Beams: Introductions, shear force and bending moment, differential equations for equilibrium,
shear force & bending moments diagrams for statically determinate beams.
Kinematics of rigid body: Introduction, plane motion of rigid bodies, velocity & acceleration
under translation & rotational motion, Relative velocity, projectile motion.

Kinetics of rigid bodies: Introduction, force, mass & acceleration, work & energy, impulse &
momentum, D’Alembert principles & dynamic equilibrium. Virtual work.

Text Books and Reference:

1. Beer F.P. & Johnston ,F.R. “ Mechanics For Engineers”, McGraw Hill.
2. Shames, I.H. “ Engg. Mechanics” , P H I.
3. Meriam , J. L. “ Statics” , J. Wiley.
4. Meriam , J. L. “ Dynamics” , J. Wiley.

Course Code: CSE - S201 Breakup: 3 – 0 – 3 – 5

Course Name: Data Structure
Course Details:

Basic concepts and notations, Mathematical background, Revision of arrays and pointers,
Recursion and implementation of Recursion

Stacks and Queues : Sequential representation of stacks and queues

Lists: List representation techniques, Dynamics Storage allocation, Representation of stacks

and queues using linked list, operations on linked list, Introduction to Doubly linked list.

Sorting Algorithms: Insertion sort, Bubble sort, Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Shell sort,
Time and Space complexity of sorting algorithms

Tables: Searching sequential tables, Index sequential searching, Hash tables, Heaps.

Trees: Definition and basic concepts, Linked tree representations, Binary tree traversal
algorithms,(Preorder, Inorder, Postorder), Binary search tree, Insertion and Deletion in Binary
search tree, Multiway search trees, B trees, B+ tree and their applications, Digital search trees
and Trie structure.

Graphs: Introduction to Graphs, Implementation of Graphs, Depth first search, Breadth first
Introduction to External Sorting

Text Books and References:

1. Y. Langsam, M.J. Augenstein and A.M. Tenenbaum, Data Structure Using C and C++.
Second Edition, Pearson education 2nd edition 2002.
2. John R. Husband – Schaum outline Data structure with C++, McGraw Hill

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3. Lafore – Data structure & Algorithms in C++, (BPB Publication)
4. Sartaj Sahni – Data structure, Algorithms & application in C++ (McGraw Hill)

Data Structures Lab

Write Program in C / C++ for following:

1. Array implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue

2. Linked list implementation using Dynamic memory Allocation, deletions and
insertions, Linked Implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue
3. Implementation of Tree Structures, Binary Tree, Tree Traversals, Binary Search Tree,
Insertion and Deletion in BST, Simple implementation of Multiway search trees
4. Implementation of Searching and Sorting Algorithms
5. Graph Implementation, BFS, DFS.

Course Code: CSE - S202 Breakup: 3 – 0 – 2 – 4

Course Name: Digital Electronics and Logic Design
Course Details:

Basic Concepts and Boolean Algebra

Number system and conversions, Boolean algebra and simplification, Minimum and maximum
expansion, sum of products and product of sums, Minimization of Boolean functions,
Karnaugh map Quine Mc Cluskey method, Prime implications and essential prime implicants.

Logic Gates and Gate Networks

Logic gates of different families circuits characteristics and comparisons tri-state gates,
Multilevel gates networks, NAND and OR implementation use of alternate gate symbols,
mixed logic and polarity indication, multiple output networks.

Combinational Logic Circuits

Problem formation and design of combinational circuits, Adder/Subtractor, Encoder/Decoder,
MUX/DEMUX, Code converters and comparators, Design using standard IC’s, Programmable
Logic devices, ROM, PAL, PLA and PGAs, Design using PLDs.

Sequential Logic Circuits

Flip-Flops, SR, JK, D and T triggering, Master Slave Flip flops, Synchronous and
Asynchronous, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State diagram, State table, Design of
sequential circuits, counters, shift registers and sequence generation and detection.
Synchronous And An Asynchronous State Machines
State minimization, State assignment, Incomplete specified state machines, Fundamental mode
and pulse mode sequential circuits, Hazards, Essential Hazards, Design of hazard free
networks, VHDL.

Text Books and References:

1. Charles H. Roth, Jr., Fundamentals of Logic Design, JAICO PUBL. HOUSE, 6th
2. Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Prentice Hall of India, 1979
3. William I. Fletcher, An Engineering Approach to Digital Design, PHI
4. Alan B. Marcovitz, Introduction to Logic Design, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition 2009

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Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab
Verification of All logic Gates, Other Gate implementation using Universal Gates NAND /
,Implementation of Adder / Subtractor using Basic gates , Bread-board implementation of
various flip-flops, Bread-board implementation of counters & shift registers, Adder/ Subtractor
operation using IC7483 4 bit/ 8 bit, Demultiplexer / Decoder operation using IC-74138,
Modulo N counter using programmable counter 74190.

Course Code: HSS-S401 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Engineering Economics
Course Details:

Unit -I
Definition and scope of engineering economics Concept of supply and demand
Price elasticity and cross elasticity of demand Production
Engineering costs and cost estimation Concept of time value of money Cash flow analysis

Perfect competition
Monopolistic competition

National Income, GDP
Inflation, Deflation and treatment

Functions of RBI Indian Tax System

Text Books and References:

1. Henderson, M. James and Quandt, E. Richards, “Microeconomic Theory: A

Mathematical Approach”.
2. Koutsoyiannis, A., “Modern micro economics”.ardwick, Philip., Khan Bahadure.,
Langmeed, John, “An Introduction to modern economics”.
3. Samuelson, A. Paul, “Economics”.
4. Shapiro, Edward. “Macro economics”.
5. Newnan, G. Donald, Eschenbach, G.Ted, Lavelle, P. Jerome, “Engineering Economic

Course Code: CSE-S204 Breakup: 3–0–3–5

Course Name: Object Oriented Programming Using Java
Course Details:

Basic Concepts : Object, Class, Inheritance, Instant, Instant variable, Attribute, Encapsulation,
Information hiding, Multiple Inheritance, Typing, Dynamic typing, Object analysis, Object
oriented issues

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Some advance topics: Classes Packages, interface, string handling etc., Java Applets
& Application Programming in Java: Variables, Simple I/O, file I/O, Class data types, derived
classes, Functions, function overloading, Overloading operators, Abstract classes. Class
inheritance, Inter lace. Multiple Inheritance, Templates, Java Library.

Text Books and References:

1. The complete Reference — Java 2 (Latest Edition) by Patrick Naughton & Herbert
2. Java 2 P1ate Form Unleashed (BPB Publication)

Object Oriented Programming Lab

1. Programming illustrating the use of classes and objects

2. Programming illustrating the use of functions and parameter passing
3. Programs illustrating overloading of various operators
Ex:Binary operators, Unary operators, New and delete operators etc.
3.Programs illustrating the use of following functions:
4.Programs to create singly and doubly linked lists and perform insertion and deletion
5.Programs illustrating various forms of inheritance: Ex. Single, Multiple, multilevel
inheritance etc.
6.Programs on abstract class and derived classes
7.Programs illustrating the use of virtual functions.
8.Write programs illustrating the console I/O operations.
9.Write Programs illustrating how exceptions are handled (cx: division-by-zero, overf1ow and
Underflow in stacks etc.

Course Code: CSE-S205 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Computer Organization
Course Details:

Brief review of digital logic, Boolean algebra, flip flops, etc.

Data Representation: Integer representation-- number systems (binary, octal, Decimal,
Hexadecimal), 1’s and 2’s Complements, Floating point numbers - - IE standard,

Computer Arithmetic: Half adder, Full adder, ripple carry and carry look-ahead adders,
Multipliers - - Booth’s algorithm. Processor Organization, Registers, Instruction cycle, ALU
design, Instruction set of a processor, types of operands, types of operations, addressing modes,
instruction formats.
Memory: RAM, ROM, DRAM Vs SRAM, Organization of memory cells inside a memory
chip, Interfacing of memory with processor; Cache memory - mapping function emplacement
algorithm, Write policy.
Input Output Organization: Program controlled, Interrupt driven (priority interrupts Daisy
chaining), Direct memory access.
Control Unit: Micro–operations - - hardwired implementation, Micro -programming.
Computer Peripheral Organization: Keyboard, Monitor, Hard disk, CD-ROMs, Printers, etc.

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Text Books and References :

1. V.C. Hamacher, Z.G. Vranesic and S.G.Zaky, Computer Organization, Fourth Edition,
McGraw Hill, 1996. Patterson, Computer Organization & Design.
2. William Stalling – Computer Organization & Architecture PHI
3. David A Paterson and John L. hennery – Computer Organization & Design Harcourt
4. Morris Mano – Computer System & Architecture (TMH),Third edition
5. Pal Chaudhari- Computer Organization & Design (PHI)

Course Code: CSE-S206 Breakup: 3–2–0–5

Course Name: Operating System
Course Details:

Introduction and history of operating system

Process Management: Process Synchronization and mutual exclusion, Two process solution
and Dekker’s algorithm, semaphores monitors, Examples (Producer – consumer, reader-
writer, dining philosophers, etc.)

CPU Scheduling: Multiprogramming and time sharing, Scheduling approaches (shortest–job–

first, first–in– first–out, Round Robin, etc.)

Deadlock: Modeling, detection and recovery, prevention and avoidance.

Interprocess communication: Shared memory, message passing pipes.

Input/ output: Devices controllers and device drivers, disk scheduling, other devices

Memory Management: with and without swapping, virtual memory- paging and segmentation,
page replacement algorithm, Implementation.

File System: FS services, Disk source management, Directory and data structure .Security,
Protection, Access right.

Text Books and References:

1. A.Silberschatz and P.B. Galvin, Operating system concepts, Wiley, 8th edition
2. Harris Schaum’s outline operating System TMH
3. Tanenbaum – Advanced operating System
4. Milan Milankovic – Operating System
5. William stallings – Operating System
6. Crowley – Operating system design

Course Code: MTH-S301 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Discrete Mathematics
Course Details:

Logic: Introduction to formal logic, Formulae of prepositional logic, Truth tables, Tautology,

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Satisfiability, Contradiction, Normal and principle normal forms, Completeness. Theory of
inference. Predicate calculus: Quantifiers, Inference Theory of predicate logic, Validity,
Consistency and Completeness.

Sets, Operations on sets, Ordered pairs, Recursive definitions, Relations and Functions,
Equivalence relations, Composition of relations, Closures, Partially ordered sets, Hasse
Lattices ( Definition and some properties ).

Algebraic Structures : Definition, Semi groups, Groups, Subgroups, Abelian groups, Cyclic

Graph Theory: Incidence, Degrees, Walks, Paths, Circuits, Charactarization theorems,
Connectedness, Euler graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, Travelling salesman problem, Shortest
distance algorithm (Djkstra’s), Trees, Binary trees, Spanning trees, Spanning tree algorithms
Kruksal’s and Prim’s .
Introduction to Combinatorics: Counting techniques, pigeon–hole principle, Mathematical
induction, Strong induction , Permutations and Combination.

Generating functions, Recurrence relations and their solutions.

Text Books and Reference :

1. C.L.Liu : Discrete Mathematics
2. B.Kolman, R.C.Busby, and S.C.Ross, Discrete mathematical structures, 5/e, Prentice
Hall, 2004
3. J.L.Mott, A.Kandel and T.P.Baker : Discrete mathematical structures For computer
scientists & Mathematicians , Prentice–Hall India
4. J.P.Trembley, R. Manohar, Discrete mathematical structures with applications to
computer science, McGraw –Hill, Inc. New York, NY,1975

Course Code: CSE-S301 Breakup: 3–0–3–5

Course Name: Database Management Systems
Course Details:

Introduction: The Relational Algebra

Database-System Applications The Tuple Relational Calculus
Purpose of Database Systems The Domain Relational Calculus
File processing disadvantages Functional Dependencies
View of Data Extraneous Attribute
Data Abstraction Left irreducible FD
Data Models Prime/non-prime attributes

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Database Languages Logically Implied FD
Relational Databases Closure of a FD
DBMS Architecture Rules for logical inference of FD
Introduction to the Relational Model Algorithm to determine closure of a
Structure of Relational Databases FD set
Database Schema Canonical Cover of a FD
Attributes and Keys Algorithm to determine Canonical
Schema Diagrams Cover of a FD set
Introduction to SQL Algorithm to determine closure of an
SQL Data Definition attribute set under FD set
Basic Structure of SQL Queries Relational Database Design
Basic Operations Features of Good Relational Designs
Set Operations Atomic Domains and First Normal
Null Values Form
Aggregate Functions Decomposition Using Functional
Nested Subqueries Dependencies
Modification of the Database Lossless Join Decomposition
Database Design and the E-R Model Dependency preserving
Overview of the Design Process Decomposition
The Entity-Relationship Model Normalization
Constraints Introduction to Concurrency Control
Removing Redundant Attributes in Introduction to Transaction Management
Entity Sets
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
Reduction to Relational Schemas
Entity-Relationship Design Issues
Reference Books
1. Database System Concepts, Korth, TMH 2. Database management System Ramakrishnan,
Gehrke, TMH. 3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, El,asri, Navathe, Pearson

1. Creating tables for various relations (in SQL)
2. Implementing the queries in SQL for
a) Insertion
b) Retrival (Implement all the operation like Union, Intersect, Minus, in, exist,
aggregate functions (Min.,Max…) etc…
c) Updation d) Deletion

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3. Creating Views
4. Writing Assertions
5. Writing Triggers
6. Implementing Operations on relations (tables) using PI/SQL
7. Creating FORMS
8. Generating REPORTS.

Course Code: CSE-S302 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Course Details:

Notion of algorithm, Big Oh, Small–oh, Theta and Omega notations, Space and Time
complexities of an algorithm
Sorting and Order Statistics: Revision of complexity analysis of different sorting algorithms
and introduction to recurrence relations

Introduction: A first problem: Stable matching

Graph Algorithms: Breadth First search, Depth First search, single source shortest paths,
minimum spanning trees, all pair shortest paths, Traveling sales person problem
Fundamental design paradigms:
Divide and Conquer: Mergesort, Binary search, Quick sort, Matrix multiplication,etc
Greedy methods: Shortest path algorithms, fractional knapsack problem, task scheduling
problem etc.

Dynamic Programming: 0/1 knapsack problem, Longest common subsequence,

Matrix chain multiplication, etc.

Network Flow: The maximum flow problem and Ford Fulkerson algorithm, maximum flows
and minimum cuts in a network

Theory of NP completeness: Polynomial time, NP complete problems, concept of reducibility.

Measure of approximation: ratio bound and relative error, Polynomial time approximation
Text Books and References:
1. E. Horowitz and S. Sahni, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia, 2011
2. Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design (pearson)
3. Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest. Introduction to
Algorithms,2nd edition(PHI).
4. Sara Baase & Gelder – Computer Algorithms (Pearson),Third Edition
5. Alfred V.Aho, John E. Hoperoft, J.D Ullman – Design & Analysis of Computer
Algorithms, Addision Wesley

Course Code: CSE-S303 Breakup: 3–0–2–4

Course Name: Microprocessor.
Course Details:

Introduction to microprocessor, Microprocessor Computer and assembly language,


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Architecture (8085) & Memory interfacing, Interfacing I/O Device, 8085 assemble language
programming, Programming technique with 8085 Instruction set.

Counters & Delays, Stack & Subroutines, Code conversion, BCD Arithmetic & 16 bit data
Interrupts, D/A & A/D converters, Programmable Interface Device (8155, 8355, 8279, 8255,
8254, 8259) DNA Controller, Serial I/O & Data Communication, Microprocessor application
& future aspects of Microprocessor Technology.Introduction to 8086

Text Books and References:

1. Douglas V. Hall , Microprocessor & Interfacing Programming & Hardware,2nd

2. B.Ram – Fundamentals & Microprocessors & Microcomputer (Dhanpat Rai
3. Ramesh S. Gaonkar – Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Application with
8085 (Prentice Hall),Fifth Edition
4. Steven Holzner – ‘C’ with Assembly Language
5. Uffenback – Microcomputers & Microprocessors (8080,
8085 & Z-80) Interfacing & Troubleshooting,3rd Edition, Prentice Hall

Microprocessor Lab

1. 8 bit Addition,16-bit addition

2. 8 bit Subtraction, 16 bit Subtraction
3. BCD Addition and Subtraction
4. Sorting the n numbers in ascending & descending order.
5. Sum of squares of n numbers, sum of cubes of n numbers
6. Arithmetic average of n numbers.
7. Programs using subroutines
8. 8 bit counter with 5ms Delay.
9. Interfacing of switch and display
10. Other related programs

Course Code: CSE – S304 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Theory of Computation
Course Details:

Model of Computation
Classification, Properties and equivalence’s
Regular languages models:
finite state machine (deterministic and non – deterministic). Regular grammars, regular
expression, Equivalence of deterministic and non – deterministic machines, Properties: closure,
decidability, minimization of automata, iteration theorems.

Context – free languages models:

Context – free grammars, simplification if CFGs, Chomsky normal form , Greibach normal
form. Pushdown Automata, and their equivalence with context free languages, Properties
closure, iteration theorems, parsing.

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Recursive and recursively innumerable sets models:
Turing machines, computable languages and function, Modification of Turing machines,
Restricted Turning machines equivalents to the basic model, grammars recursive function , and
their equivalence Church’s thesis, Properties: closure, decidability, undecidability/ non –
computability, notion of reductions.

Text Books and References:

1. J.E. Hopcroft and J.D.Ullman & Motwani Introduction to Automata Theory, Language
and Computation,3rd edition Addision wesley, 2007.
2. Peterlinz – An Introduction to formal Language & automata (Narosa Publication
House), 4th edition
3. K.L.P Mishra & N. Chandrasekaran – Theory of computer Science automata language
& computation (PHI), 3rd edition
4. Daniel I.A Cohen – Intorduction to Computer Theory (Wiley),2nd edition
5. John Martin – Theory of Computation (TMH),4th edition
6. Michael Sipser, Introduction to Theory of Computation, 2nd Edition, Thomson course

Course Code: CSE-S305 Breakup: 3–2–0–5

Course Name: Compiler Design
Course Details:

Compiler Structure: Analysis – Synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler,

Tool based approach to compiler construction.

Lexical Analysis: Interface with input, parser and symbol table, Token, lexeme and patterns.
Difficulties in lexical analysis. Error reporting. Implementation, Regular definition, Transition
Diagrams, Lex.

Syntax Analysis: CFGs, Ambiguity, associativity, precedence, top down parsing, recursive
descent parsing, transformation on the grammars predictive parsing , bottom up parsing,
operator precedence grammars, LR parsers (SLR.LALR, LR), YACC.

Syntax Directed definition: Inherited and synthesized attributes, dependency graph, Evaluation
order, bottom up and top down evaluation of attributes, L- and s-attributes definition.

Type checking: type system, type expression, structural and name equivalence of types, type
conversion, overloaded function and operators, polymorphic function.
Run time system: Storage organization, activation tree activation record parameter
passing, symbol table, dynamic storage allocation.

Intermediate code generation: Intermediate representation translation of declaration,

assignments, control flow Boolean expressions and procedure calls. Implementation issues.

Code generation and Instruction selection: Basic block and flow graph register allocation, code
generation, dag representation of program, code generation from DAGs, peephole

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Text Book and References:
1. A.V. Aho, R. Sethi and J.D. Ullman, Compilers: Principle Techniques and Tools,
Addition- Wesley 2007, 2nd edition.
2. Steven Muchnick – Advance Compiler Design Implementation (Elsevier India), 2008
3. Tremblay & Sorenson – Compiler Construction (T.M.H)
4. Holub – Compiler Design in C (PHI)

Course Code: CSE-S306 Breakup: 3–2–0–5

Course Name: Computer Networks
Course Details:

Introduction: history and development of computer networks, Local area networks,

Metropolitan area
networks, wide area networks, networks topology ISO/OSI seven layer architecture,
connectionless versus connection oriented.

Data Communication: Data encoding and transmission ,data link control, Multiplexing, packet
switching, LAN Architecture, LAN Systems(Ethernet, Token Ring), Network devices
switches, Gateways , Routers

Physical Layer: transmission media, analog transmission, digital transmission.

Data link layer: framing error detection and correction, stop-and wait protocol, sliding window
protocols, HSLC protocol.

MAC Layer: Aloha protocols, CSMA/CD: Ethernet, token ring, token bus Logical link control,
Bridges and switches, FDDI, fast Ethernet, FDM, TDM.

Network layer: Virtual circuit, datagrams, Routing Algorithms shortest path, distance vector,
link state routing, flooding, hierarchical routing, congestion control algorithms.
Internetworking tunneling, Encapsulation , Fragmentation. Multicasting, Inter network
protocols (IP) – header structure, addresses, option, etc. Routing protocols, (Example :
RIP,HELLO,OSPF,BGP)classless Inter- domain routi9ng other protocols, ICMP,ARP,

Asynchronous Transfer mode (ATM); cell format, connection setup, switching, quality –of –
services, ATM adaptation layers.

Text Book and References:

1. A.S. tannenbaum, Computer network,4th Edition, PHI 2003.

2. William Stallings– Data Communication and Networks,8th edition.
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan – Data Communication and Networks. (TMH),4th edition
4. Unix network programming volume 1 3rd edition, Richard Stevens,Bill Fener,Andrew
5. Computer networks: a systems approach Larry L petterson, Bruce S.Davie 5th edition

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Course Code: CSE-S307 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4
Course Name: Software Engineering.
Course Details:

1. Software and Software Engineering

2. Software Process a Generic View
3. Software Process Models
4. Requirements Engineering
5. Project management Concepts
6. Software Process, Project and Product Metrics
7. Metrics for Design Model
8. Estimation for Software Projects
9. Analysis Concepts and Modeling
10. Software Testing
Reference Books
1. Software Engineering, Roger S Pressman, TMH
2. Integrated approach to software engineering, Pankaj Jalote, Springer
3. Software Engineering: A Precise Approach, Pankaj Jalote, Wiley
4. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, PHI
5. Sommerville – S/W Engineering (Pearson),8th edition

Course Code: HSS-S301 Breakup: 1–1–1–2

Course Name: Professional Communication
Course Details:

Unit 1- Presentation Techniques

• Meaning and importance of presentation technique
• Use of presentation techniques in everyday life
• Presentation skills required for business organization
• Types of business presentations-meetings, seminars, Conferences
Unit 2-Oral presentations
• Effective oral presentation techniques
• Tips for good oral delivery; debates, elocution, impromptu speeches
• Levels and models of organizational Communication
• Interviews-types of interviews
• Group discussions
Unit 3- Written communication
• Style and tone of writing business messages and Documents.
• Writing for websites, internet e-mails and short messages
• Applications, letters, memos
• Proposals and report writing
Unit 4 - Nonverbal presentations
• Nonverbal communication techniques
• Business manners, ethics and personality development
• Audio/visual presentations, power point presentations
• Art of delivery
Unit 5- Literary concepts
• Stories, essays, comprehension
• Reading techniques-skimming and scanning methods

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• Listening skills

Recommended Books:

1. “Business Communication Today”, Bove’e, Thill and Schatzman: Pearson

2. “Business Communication-a framework of success”, H.Dan O’Hair, James S.O’Rourke
and Mary John O’ Hair: South Western College Publishing 2001.
3. “Basic Business Communication”, Raymond V.Lesikar, Marie E.Flatley: Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2002.

Course Code: HSS-S201 Breakup: 3–0–0–4

Course Name: Industrial Management
Course Details:

Introduction to Industrial management, Brief history of industries in India, Brief definition of

management, organization and administration. Characteristics of management,
Principle of management, Function of management like, planning, organization,
direction, co-ordination etc.

Level of management, skills of management, inter relation between skills and levels of
management, scientific management, Introduction to Schools of Management thoughts,
introduction to organization, study of basic type of organization for ex. Line and staff
organization, project organization, metrics organization, Informal organization,
Introduction to industrial Psychology, Motivation theory and study of Maxlow, Need,
Hierarchy Theory, Planned Location, Planned Layout. Study of different forms of
layout like line layout, process layout, product layout, combinational layout, sixth
position layout etc.

Objective of planned layout, introduction to material management, scope of material

management, study of inventory control method, introduction to different types of
inventory control techniques, introduction to work study, motion study etc, introduction
to conflict management.

Text Book and References:

1. Khanna O.P. : Industrial Engineering

2. T.R. Banga : Industrial Engineering and Management
3. Mahajan : Industrial and Process Management

Course Code: CSE-S401 Breakup: 3–1–3–5

Course Name: Computer Graphics
Course Details:

Introduction: Areas of Graphics, What is Computer Graphics, Video Display Devices,

Fundamental problem in geometry.
Line drawing algorithm, Circle and Ellipse generating algorithms, Polynomial and Spline
curves, Filling (Boundary fill, Flood fill etc.), Attributes of lines, Curves, Filling, Characters,

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Geometric Manipulation:
Transformation (Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection etc), Matrix representation,
Homogeneous coordinate systems
Two dimensional viewing: Viewing coordinate reference frame, line clipping, polygon
clipping Elementary 3D Graphics: Plane projection, Perspective, Orthographic projection,
Surface vendering, Hidden lines Removal, Vanishing points, Specification of 3D view.
3D Transformations : Rotation, Scaling, Shearing, Translation, Reflection.

Visibility: Image and Object precision, z-buffer algorithm, Area-based algorithm.

Text Book and References:

1. Hill – Computer Graphics using openGL (Pearson)
2. Foley, Feiner & Hughes – Computer Graphics Principles & Practices in C (Addision
3. Hearn & Baker – Computer Graphics (PHI) Revised edition
4. Rozers – Principles of Computer Graphics (TMH)
5. Yashwant Kanetkar – Computer Graphics Programming in C (BPB)

Computer Graphics Lab

1. Implementation of line generation using slope’s method, DDA and Bresenham’s

2. Implementation of circle generation using Mid-point method and Bresenham’s
3. Implementation of ellipse generation using Mid-point method.
4. Implementation of polygon filling using Flood-fill, Boundary –fill and scan line
5. Implementation of 2-D transformation: Translation, Scaling, rotation, Mirror
Reflection and sharing (write a menu driven program).
6. Implementation of line clipping using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and Bisection
7. Implementation of Polygon clipping using Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithms.
8. Implementation of 3-D geometric transformations: Translation, Scaling and rotation.
9. Implementation of curve generation using Interpolation methods.
10. Implementation of Curve generation using B-spline and Bezier curves.
11. Implementation of any one of back face removal algorithm (such that depth-buffer
algorithm, Painter’s algorithm, Warnock’s algorithm, Scan line algorithm)
Departmental Elective Courses

Course Code: CSE-S501 Breakup: 3– 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Digital Image Processing
Course Details:

The image model and image acquisition image shape, sampling, intensify images, color
images, range images, image capture, scanners.
Statistical and spatial operations Grey Level transformations, histogram equilization,
multi image operations. Spatially dependent transformations, templates and

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convolution window operations, Directional smoothing, other smoothing techniques.
Segmentation and Edge detection region operations, Basic edge detection, second order
detection, crack edge detection edge following, gradient operators, compass & laplace
Morphological and other area operations, basic morphological operations, opening and
closing operations, area operations morphological transforms.
Image compression: Types and requirements, statistical compression, spatial
compression, contour coding, quantizing compression.

Text Books and References:

1. Andrion Low-Introductory computer Vision and Image Processing MCGraw Hill

International Edition. 2.Rafel C Gonzalez, Richards E.Wood – Digital Image
Processing, 3rd Edition.

Course Code: CSE-S502 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Digital Signal Processing.
Course Details:

Discrete Time Signals and Systems:

Analysis of discrete time linear shift invariant systems - Convolution sum- Discrete-time
systems described by difference equations- Implementation of discrete time systems - Z-
transform and system analysis.
Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT): DFT and properties - computation of DFT and IDFT
using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), radix-2 DIT and DIF algorithms

Structures for FIR systems: direct, cascade, frequency sampling and lattice structures -
Structures for IIR systems: direct, cascade, parallel and lattice structures- Representation of
numbers - Quantization of filter coefficients - Round-off effects in digital filters.

Digital Filters: Design of linear phase FIR filters using window methods, frequency sampling
method - Design of IIR filters from analog filters, Frequency transformation.

Application: Multirate Digital Signal Processing, Sampling rate conversion – Sub-band

coding of speech signals - Musical sound processing.

Text Books and References:

1. John G.Proakis and Dimitris G.Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles

Algorithms and Applications, 4th edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. 2007.
2. Sanjit K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing – A Computer based Approach”, Tata
McGraw Hill 4th Edition, 2010.
3. Alan Oppenheim V., Ronald Schafer W., “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, Pearson
Education India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
4. Anil K. Jain – Fundamental of Digital image Processing (Pearson)

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Course Code: CSE-S503 Breakup: 3–1–0–4
Course Name: Parallel Processing
Course Details:

Introduction to Parallel Processing:

Supercomputers and grand challenge problems, Modern Parallel Computers, Data
Dependence Graph, Data Parallelism, Functional Parallelism, Pipelining and Data Clustering.

Interconnection Networks:
Switch Network Topologies, Direct and Indirect Network Topology, Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh,
Tree, Binary Tree Network, Hyper Tree Network, Hybrid, Hypercube, Perfect Shuffle
Network, Torus and Butterfly Network.

Performance Analysis:
Introduction, Execution Time, Speedup, Linear and Superlinear Speedup, Efficacy and
Efficiency, Amdahl’s Law and Amdahl Effect, Gustafson-Barsis’s Law, Minsky's Conjecture,
The Karp-Flatt Metric, The Isoefficiency Metric, Isoefficiency Relation, Cost and Scalability.

Parallel Computational Models:

Flynn’s Taxonomy, PRAM, EREW, CREW, ERCW, CRCW, Simulating CRCW, CREW and
EREW, PRAM algorithms.

Introduction to Parallel Algorithms:

Parallel Programming Models, PVM, MPI Paradigms, Parallel Programming Language,
Brent’s Theorem, Simple parallel programs in MPI environments, Parallel algorithms on
network, Addition of Matrices, Multiplication of Matrices.

Text Books and References:

1. Hwang and Briggs, advance Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing,
McGraw Hill.
2. Crichlow, Introduction to Distributed and Parallel Computing, PHI.
3. M.J.Quinn, Designing Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Computers, McGraw-Hill.
4. V.Rajaraman, Elements of Parallel Computing, Prentice-Hall of India.
5. Joseph JA JA, Introduction to Parallel Algorithms, Addison Wesley.
6. S.G.Akl, The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, PHI.
7. Shashi Kumar M et al. Introduction to Parallel Processing, PHI New Delhi.

Course Code: CSE-S504 Breakup: 3–1–3–5

Course Name: Advance Java Programming
Course Details:

Introduction to Java- Architecture of Java, Data types, arrays, Classes Packages, interface,
string handling etc.
Introduction to HTML Java Applets & application Exception Handling in Java I/O in Java
Multithreaded Programming in Java Networking in Java
Bust Handling in Java
AWT controls, Layout Manager and Menus Introduction to Java Beans, Servlets
Introduction to Java Database Connectivity JDBC) And Remite Method Invocation (RMI)

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Text Books and References:

1. The complete Reference – Java 2 (Latest Edition) by Patrick Naughton & Herbert
Schildt, TMT
2. Java 2 Plate Form Unleashed (BPB Publication)
3. Java Collection – John Zukowski (Apress)2001
4. Java Swing – Loy & Cole (Oreilly)
5. Mastering Java Beans – Laurence Vanhelsuwe (BPB)
6. Advanced Programming for Java 2 – Austin & Pawlan (Pearson)

Course Code: CSE-S505 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0– 4

Course Name: Distributed Processing
Course Details:

Introductory Concept of Process, Concurrent Process, Synchronization Problems like Dining
Philosopher, Producer Consumer, Readers writers problem, Process Deadlocks, Deadlock Vs
Starvation, Models of Deadlocks, Model of Resources, Graph Theoretic Model of State,
Necessary & sufficient condition for deadlock, Introduction of Distributed Processing , Issues
in Distributed systems, Global knowledge, naming, scalability, Compatibility, Process
Synchronization, Security issues.

Theoretical Foundation for Distributed Systems: Limitation of Distributed System, absence

of global clock, shared memory, Logical Clocks, Lamports & Vectors logical Clocks, casual
ordering of messages, global state, termination detection

Distributed Mutual Exclusion: Classification of distributed mutual exclusion, requirement of

mutual exclusion algorithm, Token Based and non token based algorithm, performance metric
for distributed mutual exclusion Algorithms

Distributed Deadlock Detection: System model, resource vs communication deadlocks, dead

lock prevention, avoidance, detection & Resolution, Centralised deadlock detection,
distributed dead lock detection, path pushing algorithm, Edge chasing algorithm

Agreement Protocols: Introduction, System Model, Classification of Agreement Problem,

Byzantine Agreement Problem Consensus Problem, Interactive Consistency Problem,
Solution to Byzantine Agreement Problem Application of Agreement Protocol, Atomic
Commit in Distributed Database System

Distributed Resource Management: Distributed File System, Mechanism for building

distributed file system, Mounting caching Hints Bulk Data Transfer, Encryption , Design
Issues , Naming & Naming Resolution, Caches on Disk or Main Memory, Writing Policy,
Distributed Shared Memory, Architecture & Motivation, Algorithms for Implementing
Distributed Shared Memory, Client Server, Migration, Read Application full Replication
Algorithms, Memory Coherence protocols.
Advanced issues in Distributed System: Distributed Scheduling , issues in load distribution,
Component of load distributing algorithm, stability Performance comparison, task migration,
Introduction to Fault Tolerance, Data Security Encryption , Distributed resource management,
Multiprocessing Operating System, Database

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Operating system
Distributed Algorithms: Introduction to Communication protocols, Balanced Sliding Window
Protocol, Routing Algorithm Destination based routing, APSP Problem, Deadlock Free Packet
Switching, Introduction to Wave Traversal Algorithms, Election Algorithms.

Text Books & References:

1. Mukesh Singhal &Niranjan Shivaratri “Advanced Concepts in Operating System”

2. Tel , Gerald, “Introduction to Distributed Algorithm” Oxford University Press
3. Colourisis” Distributed System” Addision Wesley
4. Andrew S Tanenbaum – Distributed System (Pearson)

Course Code: CSE-S506 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: VLSI Design
Course Details:

Basic MOS Transistor

Enhancement mode & Depletion mode – Fabrication (NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, BiCMOS)
Technology – NMOS transistor current equation – Second order effects – MOS Transistor

NMOS & CMOS Inverter and Gates

NMOS & CMOS inverter – Determination of pull up / pull down ratios – Stick diagram –
lamda based rules– Super buffers, BiCMOS & steering logic.

Sub System Design and Layout

Structured design of combinational circuits – Dynamic CMOS & clocking – Tally circuits –
(NAND- NAND, NOR-NOR and AOI logic) – EXOR structure – Multiplexer structures –
Barrel shifter.

Design Of Combinational Elements and Regular Array Logic

NMOS PLA – Programmable Logic Devices - Finite State Machine PLA – Introduction to

VHDL Programming
RTL Design – Combinational logic – Types – Operators – Packages – Sequential circuit –
Sub-programs – Test benches. (Examples: address, counters, flipflops, FSM, Multiplexers /

Text Books & References:

1. D.A.Pucknell, K.Eshraghian, ‘Basic VLSI Design’, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2011.
2. Eugene D.Fabricius, ‘Introduction to VLSI Design’, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.
3. N.H.Weste, ‘Principles of CMOS VLSI Design’, Pearson Eduction, India, 2002.
4. Charles H.Roth, ‘Fundamentals of Logic Design’, Jaico Publishing House, 1992.
5. Zainalatsedin Navabi, ‘VHDL Analysis and Modelling of Digital Systems’, 2nd
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998.
6. Douglas Perry, ‘VHDL Programming by example’, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,

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Course Code: CSE-S507 Breakup: 3–1–0–4
Course Name: Advanced Computer Networks
Course Details:
Revision of Computer Networks, Seven Layer Architecture, TCP/IP Suite of protocols etc.
Transport Layer: Flow and error control, multiplexing, establishing and releasing a
connection, Transmission control protocol – header, services, connection management,
convention control, sliding window and timers. User datagram protocol, Domain name

Unix network programming, socket abstraction client – server architecture.

Session presentation, application layers, Example protocols: Email (SMTP) Telnet, FTP, etc.

Internet security: firewalls. Network managements: SNMP.

IPV6: IPV6 Versus IPV4, Structure of IPV6 Protocol : general header structure , extension
headers , IPV6 addressing : Types , notation, prefix notation , unicast, anycast , multicast
addresses etc.

Security in IPV6: Basic Security Requirement and techniques, open security issues in current
internet, IPSec frame work Quality of service in IPV6

ICMPV6: error messages, neighbor discovery, Auto configuration, path MTU discovery.

Wireless networks: Overview of 802.11 networks, 802.11 MAC, wired Equivalent privacy,
Wireless communication technology: FHSS, DSSS, CDMA etc.

Mobility networks: Mobile IP, security related issues

Text Books and References:

All books used in the computer network

1. 802.11 wireless networks : The definitive guide, Mathew S. Gast, O’relly,2nd edition
2. Wireless communication & networks: William Stallings
3. IPV6 Essentials , Silvia Hagen O’relly
4. IPV6 Clearly Explained , Peter Morgan , Kauffman
5. Mobile IP design , Principle & Practices , Charles Perkin, Bobby Woolf, Sherman R.
Alpert Addison Wesley

Course Code: CSE – S508 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Natural Language Processing
Course Details:

Introduction to Natural Language Understanding

Linguistic Background: Outline of English Syntax

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Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: A Representation Based on FOPC

Grammars and Parsing: Grammars and Sentence Structure, What Makes a Good Grammar, A
Top-Down parser, Bottom-Up Chart Parser, Transition Network Grammars, Top-Down Chart
Parsing, Finite State Models and Morphological Processing, Grammars and Logic

Features and Augmented Grammars: Feature Systems and Augmented Grammars,

Augmented Transition Networks

Grammars for Natural Language: Auxiliary Verbs and Verb Phrases, Movement Phenomena
in Language, Toward Efficient Parsing, Human Preferences in Parsing

Encoding Uncertainty: Shift-Reduce Parsers, A Deterministic Parser, Techniques for Efficient

Encoding of Ambiguity

Ambiguity Resolution: Statistical Methods, Basic Probability Theory, Estimating

Probabilities, Part of Speech Tagging, Obtaining Lexical Probabilities, Probabilistic Context
Free Grammars

Semantics and Logical form: Semantics and Logical form, Word senses and ambiguity,
Encoding ambiguity in the logical form, Verbs and states in logical Form, Thematic roles

Text Books & References:

1. James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, 2nd edition

2. Jurafsky & Martin – Speech & Language Processors (Pearson)

Course Code: CSE – S509 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Soft Computing(Neural Networks, fuzzy logic and Genetic
Course Details:

Neural network
Basic Concepts of Neural Network, Models of artificial Neural network, Characteristics of
Neural Networks Network Architectures, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

Leaning Processes
Introduction, Error-Correction Learning, Memory-Based Learning, Hebbian Learning,
Competitive Learning,Boltzmann Learning, Credit Assignment Problem, Learning with a
Teacher, Learning Tasks, Statistical Nature of the Learning Process, Statistical Learning
Theory, Probably Approximately Correct Model of Learning

Single Layer Perceptrons

Adaptive Filitering Problem, Unconstrained Optimization Techniques, Linear Least-Squares
Filters, Learning Curves, Learning Rate Annealing Techniques, Perceptron, Perceptron
Convergence Theorem

Multi Layer Perceptrons

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Some Preliminiaries, Back-Propagation Algorithm, Summary of the Back-Propagation
Algorithm, XOR Problem, Heuristics for Making the Back-Propagation Algorithm Perform
Better, Output Representation and Decision Rule, Computer Experiment, Feature Detection,
Back-Propagation and Differentiation

Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Set Theory: Fuzzy verses crisp , crisp sets , Fuzzy sets, Crisp relations, Fuzzy relations
Fuzzy systems: Crisp logic, predicate logic , fuzzy logic , fuzzy rule based system , De
fuzzification systems , applications

Genetic Algorithms
Fundamental of genetic algorithm ,Genetic algorithms , basic concept of genetic algorithm ,
creation of rings, working principal , encoding, fitness function, reproduction
Genetic Modeling:
Inheritance operators, cross over , inversion and deletion , mutation operation, bitwise
operators, bitwise operators used in genetic algorithm , generational cycle, convergence of
genetic algorithm.

Text Books and references :

1. Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic and genetic algorithm by S. Rajshekharan, G. A.
Vijaylaxmi Pai, Publication PHI
2. Introduction to neural network By ANDERSON, JAMES A. Publication PHI
3. Introduction to genetic algorithm by Melanie Mitchell
4. Genetic algorithm by Goldberg ,2nd edition

Course Code: CSE-S510 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Cryptography and Network Security
Course Details:

Unit I:
Introduction to security attacks and mechanisms, Introduction to cryptology.
Conventional Encryption: Convention encryption model, Classical encryption techniques –
substitution ciphers & transposition ciphers, cryptanalysis,
stereography, stream & block ciphers.
Modern Block Ciphers: Block ciphers principles, Shannon’s theory of confusion and
diffusion, fiestal structure, Data Encryption Standards (DES), Strength of DES, Differential
& Linear Cryptanalysis of DES, Block Cipher modes of Operation, Triple DES, IDEA
encryption and decryption. Strength of IDEA, Confidentiality using conventional encryption,
traffic confidentiality, key distribution, random number generation.

Unit II:
Introduction to graph, ring and field, prime and relative prime numbers, modular arithmetic,
Fermat’s & Euler’s Theorem, primarily testing, Euclid’s Algorithm, Chinese remainder
theorem, Discrete algorithms.
Principles of Public-Key cryptosystems, RSA algorithm, Security of RSA, Key management,
Diffle- Hellman key exchange algorithm, Introductory idea of Elliptic curve cryptography,
Elganal encryption.

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Unit III:
Message authentication and hash functions: Authentication requirements, Authentication
functions, message authentication codes, hash function, birthday attacks, security of hash
function. & MACS, MD5 message digest algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA).
Digital signatures: Digital signatures, Authentication protocol, digital signature standard
(DSS), proof of digital signature algorithm.

Unit IV:
Authentication Application: Kerberos & X.509, directory authentication service, electronic
mail security- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), S7 MIME.

Unit V:
IP Security: Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating security payloads,
combining security associations, Key management.
Web security: Secure Socket Layer & Transport security, Secure electronic Transaction
(SET). System security: Intruders, Viruses and related threads, Firewall design principles,
trusted systems.

Text Books and References:

1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Priciples and Practice”,

Prentice Hall, New Jersey,5th edition 2010
2. Johannes A. Buchmann, Introduction to Cryptography”, Springer- Verlag,2nd edition
3. Bruce Schneier, “Practical Cryptography”.

Course Code: CSE-S511 Breakup: 3 – 0 – 3 – 5

Course Name: Adv. Database Management System
Course Details:
Data storage and querying Concurrency Control
Overview of Physical Storage Media Lock-Based Protocols
RAID Deadlock Handling
File Organization Multiple Granularity
Organization of Records in Files Timestamp-Based Protocols
Data-Dictionary Storage Validation-Based Protocols
Indexing and Hashing Multi-Version Schemes
Basic Concepts Snapshot Isolation
Ordered Indices Recovery System
B+-Tree Index Files Failure Classification
Static Hashing Recovery Algorithm
Dynamic Hashing Case studies of various DBMS
Bitmap Indices Introduction to Distributed Databases
Query Processing and Query

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Measures of Query Cost
Selection Operation
Join and other Operation
Evaluation of Expressions
Transformation of Relational
Estimating Statistics of Expression
Choice of Evaluation Plans
Transaction Concept
Storage Structure
Transaction Atomicity and Durability
Transaction Isolation
Test for Serializability
Reference Books
1. Database System Concepts, Korth, TMH 2. Database management System Ramakrishnan,
Gehrke, TMH. 3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, El,asri, Navathe, Pearson

Course Code: CSE-S512 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Computational Geometry
Course Details:

Convex hulls:
construction in 2d and 3d, lower bounds; Triangulations: polygon triangulations,
representations, point-set triangulations, planar graphs; Voronoi diagrams: construction and
applications, variants; Delayney triangulations: divideand- conquer, flip and incremental
algorithms, duality of Voronoi diagrams, min-max angle properties;

Geometric searching:
pointlocation, fractional cascading, linear programming with prune and search, finger trees,
concatenable queues, segment trees, interval trees;

algorithms for weak and strong visibility, visibility with reflections, art-gallery problems;
Arrangements of lines: arrangements of hyperplanes, zone theorems, many-faces complexity
and algorithms;

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Combinatorial geometry:
Ham-sandwich cuts, Helly's theorems, k-sets, polytopes and hierarchies, polytopes and linear
progarmming in d-dimensions, complexity of the union of convex sets, simply connected sets
and visible regions; Sweep techniques: plane sweep for segment intersections, Fortune's
sweep for Voronoi diagrams, topological sweep for line arrangements;

Randomization in computational geometry: algorithms, techniques for counting; Robust

geometric computing; Applications of computational geometry.

Textbooks and Refrences

1. M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, Mark Overmars & Otfried Schwarzkopf, "Computational
Geometry: Algorithms and Applications," Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2000.
ISBN: 3-540-65620-0.
2. Computational Geometry (An Introduction), by Franco P Preparata and Michael
Shamos, Springer- Verlag, 1985.
3. Computational Geometry In C (Second Edition), by Joseph O'Rourke, Cambridge
University Press, 1998.

Course Code: CSE-S513 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Computer Vision
Course Details:

Image Formation Models

Monocular imaging system, Orthographic & Perspective Projection , Camera model and
Camera calibration. Binocular imaging systems.

Image Processing and Feature Extraction

Image representations (continuous and discrete), Edge detection.

Motion Estimation
Regularization theory, Optical computation, Stereo Vision, Motion estimation, Structure from

Shape Representation and Segmentation

Deformable curves and surfaces, Snakes and active contours, Level set representations Fourier
and wavelet descriptors, Medial representations, Multiresolution analysis.

Object recognition
Hough transforms and other simple object recognition methods, Shape correspondence and
shape matching, Principal component analysis, Shape priors for recognition.

Text Books and Refrences:

1. Computer Vision - A modern approach, by D. Forsyth and J. Ponce, Prentice Hall,2003
2. Robot Vision, by B. K. P. Horn, McGraw-Hill.
3. Introductory Techniques for 3D Computer Vision, by E. Trucco and A. Verri,
Publisher: Prentice Hall.

Course Code: CSE-S514 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Embedded Systems

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Course Details:

Introduction to embedded systems – hardware and software components – types – examples
– characteristics
– challenges in Embedded computing system design – embedded system design processes.
Architecture of Embedded System
Hardware components – SOC – Processors – CPU – Types of memory – Memory management
– I/O devices and interfacing – Software components – Interpreter – Compiler – Assembler –
Cross Assembler – RTOS – Languages for embedded applications – Hardware and software
architecture. Examples: Cellphone, Smartcard, Digital Thermometer.
OS for Embedded Systems
Introduction to real time theory – Operating System Services – Real time Operating System
Concepts – Basic design using a RTOS – Underground tank monitoring system.

Performance Issues of an Embedded System

CPU performance – CPU Power Consumption – Analysis and Optimization of CPU Power
Consumption program execution time – Analysis and optimization of energy and power –
Analysis of program size – Hardware accelerators.
Design Examples
Personal Digital Assistants – Set Top Boxes – Ink Jet Printers – Telephone PBX. Introduction
to Micro C/OS-II operating system and its uses.

Text Books and References:

1. Wayne Wolf, (2001). “Computer as Components – Principles of Embedded Computing

System Design”, Harcourt India Pvt Ltd.,
2. David E Simon, (2004) “An Embedded Software Primer”, Pearson Education,
3. Raj Kamal, (2003) “Embedded Systems – Architecture, Programming and Design”,
Tata McGraw Hill,.
4. Sriram V Iyer, Pankaj Gupta, (2004) “Embedded Realtime Systems Programming”,
Tata McGraw Hill,
5. K.V.K.K. Prasad, (2004) “Embedded/Realtime Systems: Concepts, Design and
Programming”, Dreamtech Press,.

Course Code: CSE-S515 Breakup: 2 – 0 –3 – 4

Course Name: Web Technology
Course Details:

Introduction and Web Development Strategies

History of Web, Protocols governing Web, Creating Websites for individual and Corporate
World, Cyber Laws, Web Applications, Writing Web Projects, Identification of Objects,
Target ,Users, Web Team, Planning and Process Development.

HTML, XML and Scripting

List, Tables, Images, Forms, Frames, CSS Document type definition, XML schemes, Object
Models, Presenting XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Introduction to Java
Script, Object in Java Script, Dynamic HTML with Java Script.

Java Beans and Web Servers

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Introduction to Java Beans, Advantage, Properties, BDK, Introduction to EJB, Java Beans
API. Introduction to Servelets, Lifecycle, JSDK, Servlet API, Servlet Packages: HTTP
package, Working with Http request and response, Security Issues.

Introduction to JSP, JSP processing, JSP Application Design, Tomcat Server, Implicit JSP
objects, Conditional Processing, Declaring variables and methods, Error Handling and
Debugging, Sharing data between JSP pages- Sharing Session and Application Data.

Database Connectivity Database Programming using JDBC, Studying Javax.sql.*package,

accessing a database from a JSP page, Application-specific Database Action, Developing Java
Beans in a JSP page, Introduction to Struts framework.

Text Books and References:

1. Jessica Burdman, “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley.
2. Chris Bates, “Web Programing Building Internet Applications”, 2nd Edition, WILEY,
3. Joel Sklar , “Principal of web Design” Vikash and Thomas Learning,4th edition
4. Horstmann, “CoreJava”, Addison Wesley.
5. Herbert Schieldt, “The Complete Reference:Java”, TMH.
6. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Reilly

Course Code: CSE-S516 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Bioinformatics Concepts: A computer Science Perspective
Course Details:

Unit 1: Cell Structure and function of cell, Introduction of DNA, RNA, Protein, Carbohydrate
and Lipids,
Structure of Protein (primary, secondary Tertiary and quaternary), Gene and non coding RNA.
Protein folding and function, Nucleic acid-Protein interaction. Enzymes: details of enzyme
nomenclature and classification; units of enzyme activity; coenzymes and metal cofactors;
temperature and pH effects; Michaelis-Menten kinetics; Inhibitors and activators; active site
and catalytic mechanisms; covalent and non-covalent regulations; isoenzymes; osmolytes and
intracellular modulation of enzymes.

Unit 2: Biological Databases both protein and Nucleotide, Sequence similarity search program
and Algorithm , Pairwise and Multiple sequence Alignment program, Shannon Entropy,
BLAST Algorithm , FASTA Algorithm, Protein Substitution Matrix ( BLOSUM and PAM),
Nucleotide Substitution Matrix, Profile, Heuristic based approach
Unit 3: Computational representations of molecular biological data storage techniques:
databases (flat, relational and object oriented), and controlled vocabularies, general data
retrieval techniques: indices, Boolean search, fuzzy search and neighboring, application to
biological data warehouses.
Unit 4: Hidden Markov Model and their application for profile analysis, Genetic Algorithm
and its use in Structure Prediction of biomolecules , Nussinov algorithm for RNA secondary
structure prediction, SOM, Cluster Analysis :Nearest neighbour search ,Search using stem
numbers ,Search using text signatures, Phylogenetic Analysis Tools: Maximum Likelihood,
Parsimony methods, Distance methods, Model Comparison.

Text Books and References:

Page 41 of 54
Fundamentals of Biochemistry, D., Voet, Voet, J.G. & Pratt, C. W. (John Wiley & Sons, 2
edition, 2006)
1. Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach, Pavel Pevzner (MIT
Press, 2000)
2. An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Neil C. Jones ( The MIT Press 2004)
3. Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids,
Richard Durbin, Sean R. Eddy , Anders Krogh, Graeme Mitchison (Cambridge
University Press 1998)
4. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, David W. Mount (Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory Press 2001
5. Statistical methods in bioinformatics: an introduction, Ewens, W. J. & Grant, G. R.,
(New York. Springer, 2001)

Course Code: CSE – S517 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Wireless & Mobile Computing
Course Details:

History of wireless communication, Cellular Telephone system, Mobile & Wireless devices,
GSM, CDMA standards, Mobile services.

Wireless Transmission:
Frequencies for radio Transmission, Signals, Antennas, Signal propagation, Multiplexing,

Modern Wireless Communication System:

2G Cellular networks, 3G wireless networks, WLL, WLANs, Bluetooth & Personal Area

The Cellular Concept:

Frequency Reuse, channel assignment strategies, Handoff strategies, Interference & system
capacity, improving coverage & capacity.

Mobile Radio Propagation: (Large Scale Path Loss):

Introduction to radio wave propagation, free space propagation model, Relating power to
electric field, Three basic propagation mechanisms, Reflection, Ground reflection.

Small Scale Fading & Multipath: Small scale multipath propagation, Impulse response model
of a multipath channel, small scale multipath measurements, parameters of mobile multipath

Wireless Networking:
Introduction, Difference b/w fixed & wireless telephone networks, Development of Wireless
Networking, Traffic Routing in wireless networks, CCS, ISDN.

Speech coding:
Introduction, characteristics of speech signals, Quantization Techniques, ADPCM, Frequency
Domain Coding of Speech, Vocoders.

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Text Books and References:
1. Wireless Communication –Theodore . S. Rappaport(PHI 2002),2nd edition
2. Mobile Communication - Jochen Schiller, Adison Wisley, 2nd Edition 2003

Course Code: CSE – S518 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Artificial Intelligence
Course Details:

Introduction to AI, Foundations of AI, History of AI, Concept of AI techniques, the
underlying assumptions, the state of art

Intelligent agents:
Agents and Behavior, The concept of rationality, Agent Architecture

Problem solving:
Problems, problem space and search – Formulating problems, Designing the problems as state
space search, Issues in the design of search programs

Uninformed Search Techniques: Breadth first, Depth first, Depth limited, Iterative deepening,
bidirectional, etc
Heuristic/Informed Search Techniques:
Generate and test, Best first search, A* search, Memory bounded heuristic search, Hill
climbing search, Simulated annealing search, local beam search, genetic algorithms

Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Means End Analysis Adversial Search: Optimal decitions in
games, Minmax algorithm, Alpha Beta Pruning

Knowledge Representation – knowledge representation issues, the predicate calculus

representing knowledge using rules, symbolic reasoning, uncertainty, Probabilistic reasoning.

Languages and programming technique for AI:

An Introduction to PROLOG or LISP

Text Books and References:

1. S.J. Russell and P. Norvig , Artificial intelligence : A Modern Approach , PHI

2. Elaine Rich and Kaven Knight – Artificial Intellegence 2nd Ed. TMH
3. Nils J. Nilsson – Artificial Intelligence ( Harcourt India Pub.Ltd.)
4. Charnick Mc Dermott – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Pearson)
5. Turban Aronson – Decision Support System & Intelligent System (Pearson)

Course Code: CSE – S519 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Advance Computer Architecture
Course Details:

Review of pipelining, example of some pipelining in modern processors, Pipeline hazards,

data hazards,
control hazards, techniques to handle hazards. Performance improvement with pipelines and

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effect of hazards on the performance.

Vector processor – use and effectiveness, memory to memory vector architectures vector
register architecture. Vector length and stride issues. Compiler effectiveness in vectorization.
Example of modern vector processors. Single instruction multiple data stream (SIMD)
architecture, array processors, comparison with vector processors, example of array
processors such as MMX technology.

Advance pipeline techniques, instruction level parallelism, basic instruction scheduling to

avoid conflicts, dynamics scheduling, effect of loop unrolling. Branch prediction and their
effectiveness in reducing control stalls, multiple issue of instruction compiler support for
exploiting instruction level parallelism, issues of cache design.

Memory hierarchy. Cache Introduction, technique to reduce cache misses, techniques to

reduce cache penalties, techniques to reduce cache hit times. Effect of main memory
bandwidth, effect of bus width memory access time virtual memory etc.

RISC architectures, addressing modes, instruction formats, effect of simplification, on the

performance example processors such as MIPS, PA-RISC, SPARC, PowerPC etc.

MIMD Multiprocessors. Centralized shared memory architectures, distributed shared memory

architecture, synchronization and memory consistency models, message passing architectures,
compiler issues. Dataflow architectures.

Interconnection networks: World wide parallel processing projects, Architecture of

multiprocessor and multicomputer machines like hypercube, MMS, mesh CM*, CMP Iliac
IV, Monsoon machine, dataflow architecture CM machine, teraflop computers.

Text Book and References:

1. Kai. Hwang, Advance computer architecture, MacGraw Hill, 1993.
2. Carter Schaum’s Outline Computer Architecture – TMH
3. Andrew S Tanenbaum – Structural Computer Organization (PHI)
4. David E Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh – Parallel Computer Architecture (Morgan
5. Advance computer architecture by Amit Mishra

Course Code: CSE – S520 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Machine Learning
Course Details:

Introduction: Introduction to machine learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning

Reinforcement learning.

Revision: Basics of Probability Theory, Basics of Linear Algebra and Statistical Decision

Supervised learning:
Linear regression: Linear Regression, Linear discriminant analysis, Polynomial Regression.
Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression. Parameter Estimation: Least Square, Least Mean
Square, Gradient Descent.

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Classification: Two class classification, Multi-class classification, Concept of Loss functions
for classification

Classification algorithms:
Logistic Regression: Introduction. to Logistic Regression, Types of Logistic Regression,
Regression Models, Binary Logistic Regression Model, Multinomial Logistic Regression
Model, Naive Bayes: Bayes Theorem, The Naive Bayes’ Classifier.
Decision trees, Regression trees, Stopping criteria &pruning.
kernels. SVM hinge loss formulation.
Artificial Neural Networks: Concept of Perceptron & Parameter Estimation, Early artificial
neural network models , Feed forward networks, Recurrent Networks. Concept of Back
propogation, Initialization, training & validation, Maximum Likelihood estimate.
Unsupervised learning:
Clustering: Partitional clustering, Hierarchical clustering, K- Means, II- NN, Dimensionality
reduction, BIRCH algorithm.
Association Mining: Frequent Itemset Mining, Apriori algorithm, FP-growth algorithm.

Evaluation Measures & Hypothesis Testing: Evaluation measures, Bootstrapping & cross
validation, 2 class evaluation measures, The ROC curve.

Introduction to Advance Topics: Recommendation systems, Deep learning etc.

Text Book and References:

Tom M. Mitchell : “Machine Learning”, 2013.
Hal Daume III: “A Course in Machine Learning, 2012.
Christopher M. Bishop, “” Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, 2010.
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Francis Bach : “Deep Learning”, 2017.

Course Code: CSE-S521 Breakup: 3–0–0–4

Course Name: Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Course Details:

Unit I:
Data Warehousing: Need for data warehousing , Basic elements of data warehousing,
Data Mart, Data Warehouse Architecture, extract and load Process, Clean and
Transform data, Star ,Snowflake and Galaxy Schemas for Multidimensional databases,
Fact and dimension data, Partitioning Strategy-Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning.

Unit II:
Data Warehouse and OLAP technology, Multidimensional data models and different
OLAP Operations, OLAP Server: ROLAP, MOLAP, Data Warehouse implementation
,Efficient Computation of Data Cubes, Processing of OLAP queries, Indexing data.

Unit III:
Data Mining: Data Preprocessing ,Data Integration and Transformation, Data
Reduction, Discretizaion and Concept Hierarchy Generation , Basics of data mining,
Data mining techniques, KDP (Knowledge Discovery Process), Application and
Challenges of Data Mining, Introduction of Web Structure Mining, Web Usage Mining,

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Spatial Mining, Text Mining, Security Issue, Privacy Issue, Ethical Issue.

Unit IV:
Mining Association Rules in Large Databases: Association Rule Mining, Single-
Dimensional Boolean Association Rules, Multi-Level Association Rule, Apriori
Algorithm, Fp-Growth Algorithm, Time series mining association rules, latest trends in
association rules mining.

Unit V:
Classification and Clustering Distance Measures, Types of Clustering, K-Means
Algorithm,Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Association Rule Based,
Other Classification Methods, Prediction, Classifier Accuracy, Categorization of
methods, Partitioning methods, Outlier Analysis.

Text Books and References:

1. J. Han, M. Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Harcourt India / Morgan
2. P.Ponnian, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Wiley.
3. M.H.Dunham, “Data Mining Introductory & Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.
4. Ralph Kimball, “The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Tool Kit”, John Wiley.
5. M.Berry , G.Linoff, “Master in Data Mining”, John Wiley.
6. W.H.Inmon, “Building the Data Ware houses”, Wiely Dreamtech.
7. E.G. Mallach , “The Decision Support & Data Warehouse Systems”, TMH
8. Sam Anahory, Dennis Murry, “Data Warehousing in the real world”, Pearson
Education 2003.
9. David Hand, Heikki Manila, Padhraic Symth, “Principles of Data Mining”, PHI 2004..
10. Alex Bezon, Stephen J.Smith, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”, MeGraw-
Hill Edition

Course Code: CSE-S522 Breakup: 3 – 1– 0 – 4

Course Name: Multi-core architectures
Course Details:

Introduction to multi-core architectures, issues involved into writing code for multi-core
architectures, how to develop programs for these architectures, program optimizations
OpenMP and other message passing libraries, threads, mutex etc.

Introduction to parallel computers:

Instruction level parallelism (ILP) vs. thread level parallelism (TLP); Performance issues:
Brief introduction to cache hierarchy and communication latency; Shared memory
multiprocessors: General architectures and the problem of cache coherence.

Synchronization primitives:
Atomic primitives; locks: TTS, ticket, array; barriers: central and tree; performance
implications in shared memory programs.

Chip multiprocessors:
Why CMP (Moore's law, wire delay); shared L2 vs. tiled CMP; core complexity;
power/performance; Snoopy coherence: invalidate vs. update, MSI, MESI, MOESI, MOSI;

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performance trade-offs; pipelined snoopy bus design; Memory consistency models: SC, PC,
TSO, PSO, WO/WC, RC; Chip multiprocessor case studies: Intel Montecito and dual-core
Pentium4, IBM Power4, Sun Niagara.

Introduction to optimization:
Overview of parallelization; Shared memory programming, introduction to OpenMP;
Dataflow analysis, pointer analysis, alias analysis; Data dependence analysis, solving data
dependence equations (integer linear programming problem); Loop optimizations; Memory
hierarchy issues in code optimization; Operating System issues for multiprocessing Need for
pre-emptive OS.

Scheduling Techniques:
Usual OS scheduling techniques, Threads, Distributed scheduler, Multiprocessor scheduling,
Gang scheduling; Communication between processes, Message boxes, Shared memory;
Sharing issues and Synchronization, Sharing memory and other structures, Sharing I/O
devices, Distributed Semaphores, monitors,spin-locks,

Text Books and References:

1. J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach.
Morgan Kofmann publishers, 3rd Edition.
2. D. E. Culler, J. P. Singh, with A. Gupta. Parallel Computer Architecture: A
Hardware/Software .
3. Approach. Morgan Kofmann publishers, 2nd Edition.
4. Steven S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, Morgan
5. Kai hwang advance computer architecture Mac Graw Hill 1993

Course Code: CSE – S523 Breakup : 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Cloud Computing
Course Details:

Overview of cloud computing: What is a cloud, Definition of cloud, Definition of cloud,

characteristics of cloud, Why use clouds, How clouds are changing, How clouds are changing,
Driving factors towards cloud, Comparing grid with cloud and other computing systems,
workload patterns for the cloud, “Big Data”, IT as a service.
Cloud Computing Concepts: Concepts of cloud computing, Cloud computing leverage the
Internet, Positioning cloud to a grid infrastructure, Elasticity and scalability, Virtulazation,
Characteristics of virtualization, Benefits of virtualization, Virtualization in cloud computing,
Hypervisors, Multitenancy, Types of tenancy, Application programming interfaces (API),
Billing and metering of services, Economies of scale, Management, tooling, and automation
in cloud computing. Management, Desktops in the Cloud, Security.
Cloud service delivery: Cloud service, Cloud service model architectures, Infrastructure as a
service (IaaS) architecture, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) details, Platform as a service
(PaaS) architecture, Platform as a service (PaaS) details, Platform as a service (PaaS),
Examples of SaaS applications, Trade-off in cost to install versus, Common cloud
management platform reference architecture Architecture overview diagram, Common cloud
management platform, cloud deployment scenarios Cloud deployment models, Public clouds,
Hybrid clouds, Community, Virtual private clouds, Vertical and special purpose. Migration
paths for cloud, Selection criteria for cloud deployment.

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Security in cloud computing: Cloud security reference model, How security gets integrated,
cloud security, Understanding security risks, Principal security dangers to cloud computing,
Virtualization and multitenancy, Internal security breaches, Data corruption or loss, User
account and service hijacking Steps to reduce cloud security breaches, Steps to reduce cloud
security breaches, Reducing cloud security, identity management; Detection and forensics,
Identity management Detection and Identity management, Benefits of identity, Encryption
techiniques, Encryption & Encrypting data, Symmetric key encryption, Asymmetric key
encryption, Digital signature, What is SSL? IBM Smart Cloud, Amazon Web Services,
Google Cloud platform, Windows Azure platform, Acomparison of Cloud Computing
Platforms, Common building Books.

Suggested Reading/Books
1. Raj Kumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrezei M Goscinski, Cloud Computing
Principles and paradigms 2011
2. Michael Miller, Cloud Computing 2008
3. Judith Hurwith, Robin Bllor, Marcia Kaufman, Fern Halper, Cloud Computing for
dummies, 2009
4. Anthony T Velte, Toby J Velte and Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud Computing A Practical
Approach, McGraw Hill, 2010.
5. Barrie Sosinksky, Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley, 2011.6. Borko Furht, Armando
Escalante (Editors), Handbook of Cloud Computing, Springer, 2010.

Course Code: CSE-S524 Breakup: 3–1–3–4

Course Name: Python Programming
Course Details:

Introduction to Python Programming.

Installing Python: Python IDE, basic syntax, interactive shell, editing , saving, and running a
script, the concept of data types.

Basics: Variables, Python Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison. Assignment, Bitwise, etc.

Control flow statements: If, If Else, Break & Continue, For Loop and While Loop.

Implementation of OOPs Paradise: Class, object, inheritance, operator overloading,

exceptional handling.

Python Data types: List, tuples, dictionary, set.

Implementation of basic data structure: Stack, queue, link list, binary search tree.
Introduction to some libraries: NumPy, matplotlib, pandas, Jupiter notebook , Scikit learn etc.
Reference books:
1. John M. Sewart, “Python for Scientist”, Cambridge Universities Press.
2. Reema Thareja, “Python Programming” Oxford Higher Education.
3. Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, Robert Dondero, “Introduction to Programming in
Python“ Pearson
4. Mark Litz, “ Learning Python”,O’ Reilly
5. Mark Pilgrim, “Dive into Python”, Apress
6. James L. Young, “Python made Simple and Practical”, Kindle Edition (paperback)
7. Y. Daniel Liang “Introduction to Programming using Python” Pearson

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Course Code: CSE-S526 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 3- 4
Course Name: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Course Details:

Introduction: History of Neural network, an overview of Linear models, Hebbian learning

Processing units: Perceptrons (classification), Limitations of Linear nets and Perceptrons,
Activation functions, Error functions.
Neural Network : Neural network architecture, Multi-layer neural network, Practical advice,
Optimization, Bias-variance dilemma, Overfitting, Inductive bias,
Training Neural Network: Risk minimization, loss function, back propagation, regularization,
model selection, and Optimization.
Conditional Random Fields: Linear chain, partition function, Markov network, belief
propagation, Training CRFs, Hidden Markov Model, Entropy.
Deep Learning: Deep Feed Forward network, regularizations, training deep models, dropouts,
Convolutional Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, Deep Belief Network.
Probabilistic Neural Network: Hopfield Net, Boltzman machine, RBMs, Sigmoid net,
Deep Learning research: Object recognition, sparse coding, computer vision, natural language
Deep Learning Tools: Caffe, Tlieano, Torch. Text/ Reference dooks:
1. Goodfel1ow, I., Bengio,Y., and Courville, A., Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016..
2. Bishop, C. ,M., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
3. Yegnanarayana, B., Artificial Neural Networks PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
4. Satish Kumar, Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill
5. Ravindran, K. M. Ragsdell , and G. V. Reklaitis , ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION:
Methods and Applications , John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2016

Course Code: CSE - S527 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4

Course Name: Geographic Information System
Course Details:


Introduction to GIS – Basic spatial concepts – Goordinate Systems – GIS and Information
Systems – Definitions - History of GIS – Components of a GIS – Hardware, Software,
Data, People, Methods – Proprietary and open sources software – Types of data –
Spatial. Attribute datatypes of attributes – scales/ levels of measurements.


Database Structures – Relational, Object Oriented – Entities – ER diagram – data models

conceptual, logical and physical models – spatial data models – Raster Data Structures –
Roster Data Compression – Vector Data Structures – Raster vs Vector Models – TIN and
GRID data models.


Scanner – Raster Data Input – Raster Data File Formats – Georeferencing – Vector Data Input

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Digitiser Datum Projection and reprojection – Coordinate Transformation – Topology –
Adjacency, connectivity and containment – Topological Consistency – Non topological file
formats – Attribute Data linking – Linking External Databases – GPS Data Integration.


1. Kang-Tsung Chang, “Introduction to Geographic Information Systems”, 2nd Edition,

MeGraw Hill Publishing, 2011.
2. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, Srinivasa Raju. “An Introduction
Geographical Information Systems, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education. 2007.
Lo Albert C.P. Yeung K.W. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information
Systems, Prentice Hall of India Publishers, 2006.

Mathematics Electives

Course Code: MTH-S501 Breakup: 3 – 0 – 3– 5

Course Name: Numerical Methods
Course Details:

Unit I: Errors, Finding zeroes of transcendental and polynomial equation using Bisection
method, Regula- falsi method and Newton- Raphson method, Rate of convergence of above

Unit II: Interpolation: Finite differences, difference tables, Newton’s forward and backward
interpolation , Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided difference formula for unequal intervals.

Unit III: Solution of system of linear equations: Gauss- Elimination method, Gauss Jordan
method, Gauss- Seidal method, Crout method.

Unit IV: Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration , Trapezoidal , Simpson’s one third
and three- eight rules.

Unit V: Solution of ordinary differential (first order, second order and simultaneous) equations
by Euler’s, Picard’s and fourth-order Runge- Kutta mehthods.

Lab Work: Programming in C/ C++. One three hour lab per week . At east two programs from
each chapter should be done .

Text Books and Reference :

1. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publication
House, 2002.
2. Devi Prasad, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Narosa Publication house, New
Delhi 2006.
3. T. Veerajan & T. Ramchandrandran, Theory & Problems in Numerical Methods, TMH,
New Delhi,2004

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Course Code: MTH-S502 Breakup: 3 – 1 – 0 – 4
Course Name: Operations Research
Course Details:

Introduction: Uses, scope and applications of operations research.
Linear Programming: Mathematical formulation of Linear programming problems.
Solution of LPP by Graphical method, Simplex method, Duality in Linear
Programming Problem, Dual Simplex method, Sensitivity analysis.
Transportation Problems:Various methods for finding initial basic feasible solution and
optimal solution .
Assignment Problems: Hungarian method for solving assignment problems.
Sequencing problem: Basic assumptions, n- jobs on two machine, n- jobs on three
machines, two jobs on three machines.
Game Theory: Two persons zero sum game, pure and mixed strategy games, saddle
point, solutions of a game with or without saddle point ,dominance rule, different
methods of solving (Algebraic, Graphical, Linear programming ).
Inventory Control Models: Deterministic EOQ inventory models.
Network Models: Minimal spanning tree algorithm, Shortest route problem, Maximal
flow model.
Project Management: Phases of project management, guidelines for network
construction, CPM and PERT.

Text Books and Reference :

1. Wayne L. Winston,”Operations Research” Thomson Learning,2003.

2. Hamdy H. Taha, “Operations Research-An Introduction” Pearson Education,2003.
3. R. Panneer Seevam, “Operations Research” PHI Learning, 2008.
4. V.K.Khanna, “Total Quality Management” New Age International, 2008.
5. Kanti swroop , Manmohan and Gupta-operations research , sultan chand & sons new
6. V.K.Kapoor- operations Research ( S.Chand,4th Edition)

Course Code: MTH-S503 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Graph Theory
Course Details:

Unit –I
Graphs, Sub graphs, Some basic properties, Different types of graphs ( Regular,
Bipartite, Induced, Quotient etc ) walks, paths & circuits, connected graphs,
disconnected graphs and its components, Euler graphs and its properties, Fluery’s
algorithms and Chinese postman problem Operation on graphs, Hamiltonian graphs and
its properties, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, the traveling sales man problem. Shortest
distance algorithms ( Dijkstra’s ) .
Unit –II
Cuts sets and cut vertices, some properties, all cut sets in a graph, fundamental circuits

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and cut sets , connectivity and separability , Rank, Nullity of a graph.
Digraphs : Definition, Types of Digraphs, Digraphs and Binary relations, Directed path
and connectedness, Euler Digraphs.
Unit- III
Trees and its characterization, Distance, Height, Diameters, Radius of a tree, Weighted
Tree, Rooted and Binary trees, Spanning trees , Weighted spanning tree , Minimum
weight spanning tree algorithms prim’s and Kruskal’s. Chords, Branches, Fundamental
Unit –IV
Matrix representation of graphs : Incidence, Adjacency, Circuit, Cut-set and Path
matrices and their properties. Matrix representation of Digraphs ( Adjacency matrix ).
Unit –V
Planarity: Planer graphs, Regions, Euler formula, Kuratowski two graphs,
Characterization of planarity, detection of planarity, Thickness and Crossings number
of a graph.
Colouring of graphs: Vertex colouring , Edge colouring, Five colour Theorem,
Chromatic number, chromatic polynomials, Methods of finding the chromatic
polynomial, Chromatic partitioning, Independence number and Covering number.
Matchings , Maximal matching, Augmenting path, Hall’s marriage problem

Unit -VI
Enumeration : counting labelled and unlabelled graphs and trees. Cycle index, Figure
counting series, Configuration counting series, Polya’s Theorem( without Proof).
Application to simple and multiple graphs with at most two edges between vertices.
Transportation networks : Network flows, Max flow-Min cut Theorem.

Text Books and Reference :

1. Deo, N, Graph theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science, PHI
2. V. Balakrishnan, Schaum's Outline of Graph Theory, TMH
3. Robin J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education
4. Harary, F, Graph Theory, Narosa
5. Geir Agnarsson, Graph Theory: Modeling, Applications and Algorithms, Pearson
6. Bondy and Murthy: Graph theory and application. Addison Wesley

Course Code: MTH-S504 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Probability & Statistics
Course Details:

Introduction of random variables, types of random variables, Probability density
function, Joint Distribution Functions, Necessary and Sufficient conditions for
independence of random variables, central Limit Theorem.
Correlation & Regression; Bivariate population, Method of least squares for curve
fitting, Meaning of correlation & regression, Coefficient of Correlation, rank
correlation, lines of regression properties of regression coefficients.
Estimation Theory; Methods of Estimation, Unbiased, Consistent, Maximum
likelihood estimators, Minimum Variance, Unbiased Estimators.

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Testing of Hypotheses; Simple and Composite Hypotheses, Two types of error, Power
of a test, Neyman pearson Lemma for most powerful Tests, Application of the Lemma,
Various tests of significance for the mean and variance based on t,F & Z distribution,
Contingency tables and x2 – tests. Confidence Interval Estimation.

Humanities Electives

Course Code: HSS-S501 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Psychology
Course Details:

Unit 1: Introduction to Psychology: Definition, Perspectives and Approaches,

Difference with other Disciplines.
Unit 2: Basic Concepts: Person, Consciousness, Behaviour and Experience, Perception,
Learning, Memory, Motivation and Emotion, Intelligence.
Unit 3: Methods of Psychology: Observation, Experiment, Interview, Case-Study.
Unit 4: The Bases of human Behaviour: Biological and Cultural Roots, Nervous
System, Genetic bases of Behaviour, Culture and Human Behaviour.
Unit 5: Developmental Psychology: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood and
Old Age.
Unit 6: Social Psychology: Methods Adopted, Aggression and Violence, Attitude.
Unit 7: Psychology of Adjustment: Psychological Disorders, Anxiety, Stress and Burn-
out, Depression and Suicide, Psychotherapies.
Unit 8: Environmental Psychology: Environmental Changes, Natural and Man-made
Disasters, Ecological Concerns, Cultural factors in Ecological Psychology.
Unit 9: Engineering Psychology: Situation Awareness, Mental Workload and Related
Phenomena, Computers and Automation, Human-Computer

Text Books and Reference :

1. Stephen Michael Kosslyn and Robin S. Rosenburg---Fundamentals of Psychology in
2. P.O.Gray--Foundations for the Study of Psychology
3. R.A. Baron, N.R. Branscombe and D. Byrne--Social Psychology
4. C.D. Wickens and J.G. Hollands—Engineering Psychology and Human Performance.

Course Code: HSS-S502 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Sociology
Course Details:

Unit 1: What is Sociology: Definition, Subject Matter, Difference with other

Unit 2: Basic Concepts: Society, Community, Associations, Institutions, Customs,
Folkways and mores, Individual and Society.
Unit 3: Major Theorists: Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber.
Unit 4: Stratification-Different Perspectives: Functionalists, Marxist, Weberian. Indian
context: Caste, Class, tribe, Sansritisation, Westernisation, Modernisation.
Unit 5: Religion: Origin, Evolution. Various Perspectives: Functionalist, Marxist,
Weberian. Indian Perspective: Secularism, Communalism.

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Unit 6: Family: Definition, Function, Types. Perspective: Functionalist, Marxist,
Changing Patterns of Family.
Unit 7: Methodology: Positivism and Sociology, Phenomenology and Sociology,
Research methods and Techniques.

Text Books and Reference :

1. Alex Inkeles—What is Sociology?
2. Maciver and Page—Society: An Introductory Analysis.
3. David Mandelbaum—Society in India
4. Yogendra Singh—Modernization of Indian Tradition.

Course Code: HSS-S503 Breakup: 3–1–0–4

Course Name: Indian Economic Problems and Policies
Course Details:

Unit 1: Economic Development in an Emerging Economy, Meaning, basic

characteristics, major issues.
Unit 2: Niti Aayog and it’s significance
Unit 3: Human Resources and Economic Development
Unit 4: Foreign Trade: Importance of Foreign Trade, Balance of Payments (CAD),
Trade Policies of India since independence
Unit 5: Foreign Exchange Rate: Types, Importance, FDI and Foreign Exchange Rate
Unit 6: WTO: Objectives, Structure and Functions of WTO, India and WTO.
Unit 7: Economic Reforms in India: Rationale for Reforms

Suggested Text and Reference Materials:

1. Indian Economy, by R. Dutt and K. P. M. Sundhararn.
2. India 's Economic Development since 1947, by Uma Kapila.
3. India: The Emerging Giant, by Arvind Panagariya and Jagdisli Bliagwati, OUP.
4. World Bank Annual Reports.
5. World Trade Organisation (WTO) documents.
6. Economic Survey, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

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