Show Using Diagram and Other Analysis The Cases of 1, 2, and The 3, Price Discrimination?
Show Using Diagram and Other Analysis The Cases of 1, 2, and The 3, Price Discrimination?
Show Using Diagram and Other Analysis The Cases of 1, 2, and The 3, Price Discrimination?
To maximize profit, the seller would set the price for each group at
a level where MC = MR. This means: it will charge a higher price
to the group a with a more inelastic PED, it will charge a lower
price to the group with a more elastic PED
Price discrimination is good for sellers and possibly bad for
others, it certainly results in increase in revenue for the seller,
whether this is seen as fair or unfair depends on what happens to
the extra revenue. The use of price discrimination means that
some or all of the customer surplus is converted into revenue for
the seller, for e.g.: the seller increases revenue at the expense of
the consumers. However, the extra revenue could be used to
improve products, or invest in more efficient production methods
which might lead to lower prices.