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Resubmission of Research Topic Proposal BS Psychology 3-3 Group 3

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BS Psychology 3-3
Group 3

Group Members:
Ajos, Hannah Mariella B.
Dueñas, Erma Joy A.
Gonzales, Shaznei Eryiel M.
Meting, Cherry May S.
Raymundo, Franz Louie L.
Ruiz, Cristine Kyle N.

Generalized Topic: Resilience of Generation Z

Intellectualized Topic: More Than Just a Reminiscence: A Phenomenological

Study of Resilience among Generation Z with Nostalgic Experiences

Research Approach: Qualitative

Research Design: Phenomenological

Phenomena: Resilience among Generation Z with nostalgic experiences

Brief Overview about the topic:

Resilience, as defined by psychologists, is the ability to adapt positively
despite experiencing adversities or other significant source of stress (American
Psychological Organization, 2020). However, according to a study published in
the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Twenge et al., 2019), Gen-Zs depression
rates increased between 2009 and 2017. Resilience of Gen-Zs can be clearly
seen affected due to the sudden technological advancements, rise of crimes and
even crises. Moreover, the pandemic disrupts their growth to adulthood, which
makes the future looks uncertain while older generations might have more
perspective that lets them adjust to these changes (Stieg, 2020). On the other
hand, ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, most people have been
longing for their past which leads them to recalling their nostalgic experiences.
Nostalgia has been found to motivate a person to remember the past of the own
life, which helps unite our own self with the authentic version of the self (Batcho,
n.d.). Thus, studying the resilience among Gen-Z with nostalgic experiences may
shed light to a deeper understanding of what is the essence of resilience in the
lives of Gen-Z and the role of nostalgic experience on increasing the resilience of
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the essence of resilience in the lives of Generation Z?

2. What are the nostalgic experiences that Generation Z encounters?

3. How do these nostalgic experiences contribute to the resilience of Generation



Generalized Topic: Ethical Decision making and Perceived stress

Intellectualized Topic: From Light to Pillars: An Analysis on the Association

between Ethical Decision Making, Perceived Stress, and Relationship
Satisfaction among female Breadwinners

Research Approach: Quantitative

Research Design: Correlational

Variables: Ethical Decision Making, Perceived Stress, and Relationship


Brief Overview about the topic:

Over the past few decades, family economic models have experienced
important transformations. The male breadwinner model has long been the
normative family model but not anymore (Bueno, 2016). And this is due to the
additional type of household employment, the so called "female-breadwinner"
arrangement. whereby the woman is the sole or main wage-earner in the family
(Kowalewska, 2021). However, this type of households poses fundamental
challenges that may affect a relationships quality and stability, furthermore, being
a breadwinner entails many responsibilities other than being the earner of the
family that may induce stress and affect ethical decision making of an individual.
Hence the researchers developed the study's objective: to investigate and
examine the association between ethical decision making, perceived stress, and
relationship satisfaction among female breadwinners. this lays the groundwork
for addressing female breadwinners' psychological well-being concerns, potential
intervention, relationship concerns, and to meet their needs, and bring
awareness on the associations between the variables for female breadwinners.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of?

a. Gender
b. Age
c. Relationship status
2. What are the level of respondents:
a. Ethical decision making
b. Perceives stress
c. Relationship satisfaction

3. is there a significant relationship between ethical decision making and

perceived stress?

4. is there a significant relationship between ethical decision making and

relationship satisfaction?

5. is there a significant relationship between perceived stress making and

relationship satisfaction?


• Ethics Position Questionnaire (EPQ) - to measure individual differences in

moral thought

• Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) - to understand how different situations
affect our feelings and our perceived stress. and it is among the most
widely used instruments for this purpose (Wang et al., 2011)


• Relationship Assessment Scale - to measure general relationship




Generalized Topic: Attention span of students in lectures

Intellectualized Topic: Stay Focused: A Comparative Research on the Attention

Span of Students in Recorded and Live Lectures

Research Approach: Quantitative

Research Design: Comparative Study

Variables: Recorded and Live Lectures (IV); Attention Span (DV)

Brief Overview about the topic:

There are several researches on recorded and live lectures, but most of
them tend to concentrate on the students' chosen technique, its pros and
downsides, convenience, efficacy, and so on. In this study, researchers will try to
look at the difference in students' attention spans between recorded lectures and
live lectures. More so, students in the "new normal" may find this research useful
in determining which study methods are most suited to their particular study
styles and in making necessary adjustments to their study routines. Researchers
wanted to see whether students' attention spans differed between recorded and
live lectures in the new online learning arrangement. In addition, they wanted to
figure out which teaching technique was most efficient in keeping students'
interest. Also, since attention span has been quite a problem for students in the
"new normal," this research can be beneficial for them to evaluate which method
is more suitable for their study habits and help them modify their learning plan
accordingly. Student decisions enable learners to play an active part in their
education, leading to higher levels of engagement (Pandolpho, 2018). This
demonstrates how effective planning can help them become active learners.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the MARS attentiveness score of students during live lectures?

2. What is the MARS attentiveness score of students during recorded lectures?

3. Are there any significant differences between the attention span of students in
these two types of lectures?

4. Which one of the two retains attention better?

Instrument/s: The Moss Attention Rating Scale (MARS) will be utilized in order
to assess the attention span of students.


Generalized Topic: Experiences of LGBTQ+ members

Intellectualized Topic: Syncretizing LGBTQ and Religion: The Lived

experiences of LGBTQ+ members from religiously inclined family members

Research Approach: Qualitative

Research Design: Phenomenological

Phenomena: Members of the LGBTQ+ community who belong from religious
families experience discrimination at home because of their sexual orientation.
They are also manipulated by instilling guilt in them over their religious beliefs
and practices. Aside from that, they are obliged to hide their sexual orientation
because they are pressured to change their gender in line with their religion and

Brief Overview about the topic:

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth face
stigma and discrimination, which has been linked to a wide range of health
disparities. They experience stigma and discrimination not only in school but also
in their home (Parker, 2018) but only a few studies or research papers on family-
based stigma and discrimination have been published.

That is why the researchers aims to understand the situations experienced

by LGBTQ members who belongs to religious family. This hopes to help us to
know if all LGBTQ members are experiencing stigma, discrimination, or even
manipulation and pressure from their religious family members. This will also
help us see whether leaders of religious organization would review and take
necessary actions to prevent discrimination and take initiative to make these
individuals feel included both in their family and religion.

Statement of the Problem

1. What issues arise between LGBTQ+ members and their religiously inclined
family members?

2. How do the LGBTQ+ members face the challenges they meet?

3. How do LGBTQ+ members make their way through their life while living with
their religiously inclined family?

4. What suggestions do they have for those LGBTQ+ members who encounter
the same situations like them?

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