Script and Explanation
Script and Explanation
Script and Explanation
3. What is philosophy? • The term has been derived from two Greek words, ‘Philos’ means love and
‘Sophia’ means wisdom. • Philosophy means love for knowledge or passion for learning.
4. Continued… • It is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge,
values, reason, mind and language. • Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or
5. What is Education? • Acquisition of knowledge • A tool to discipline the intellect • A preparation for
life • Direction • Growth • Transmission of culture
6. Educational Philosophy • A set of values and beliefs about education that guide the professional
behavior of educator. It asks- What is the purpose of education?
9. Aims of Philosophy of Education • The aims of the philosophy of education are synthesized in the
multifaceted development of personality. • All round development consists of all the aspects - physical,
mental, moral, social, emotional and spiritual. • Education consists in the development of all the
capacities in the individual.
10. Continued… • Philosophical thought gives logic, rational sequence and system to education. •
philosophy of education is not only the application of philosophers views to educational problems, but
also that both philosophers and educators who come together should have a common concern and
commitment about the nature of education that is required to uphold the dignity of human beings.
11. Scope of Philosophy of Education • The scope of the philosophy of education includes the critical
evaluation of aims, ideas and education, analysis of human nature, educational values, the theory of
knowledge and the relationship of education and social progress.
13. Continued… B] Harmonizing old and new traditions in the field of education. C] Providing the
educational planners, administrators and educators with the progressive vision to achieve educational
development D] Preparing the young generation to face the challenges of the modern time
16. Curriculum • It helps curriculum designer to construct curriculum according to the need, ability and
interest of the learner.
17. Methods of teaching • Educational philosophy is very much helpful to adopt suitable methods of
teaching. • We get the knowledge of different methods of teaching, i.e. ‘Learning by doing’ in
naturalism, ‘lecture method’ in idealism and ‘experimental method’ in pragmatism. • It helps us to
choose the suitable methods of teaching according to the nature of the subject and school environment
18. Discipline • Discipline reflects the philosophy of life. • Idealism advocates street discipline and self
control where as naturalism emphasis freedom and natural discipline , and pragmatism stressed social
discipline. • These disciplines are known from the study of different educational philosophies. • The
knowledge of educational philosophy is essential to follow a desirable discipline.
19. Teacher & Student • Educational philosophy determines the role and quality of teacher as well as
the student in diversified society. • With the help of educational philosophy, we get knowledge
pertaining to the role of the teacher as well as student in the school and relationship with each other.
20. Administration • The knowledge of what kind of administration we should adopt for an educational
institute is determined by educational philosophy.
22. • In the process of social development the old traditions become outdated for the people. They are
replaced by the new traditions. • This process of replacement is not always smooth. It is faced with lots
of opposition from certain orthodox sections of the society. • It must be kept in mind that every ‘old’ is
not outdated and every ‘new’ is not perfect, Therefore, there is a need of co-coordinating the two in
order to maintain the harmony between both. • This function can be performed by philosophy of
23. C: Providing the educational planners, administrators and educators with the progressive vision to
achieve educational development
24. • Philosophy of education provides the educational planners, administrators and educators with the
right vision which guides them to attain the educational goals efficiently. • It is very much useful to
educational practitioner for his work and its place in the general scheme of life. • Educational philosophy
helps teacher, administrator or students to interpret his professional experiences with that of acquired
theoretical knowledge and vice versa.
25. D: Preparing the young generation to face the challenges of the modern time
26. • Society is not static; it changes its value, tradition, custom, culture etc. from time to time. •
Philosophy of education is a guiding, steering and liberating force that helps young people to and society
at large to face the challenges of the modern time. It helps the individual to understand the relationship
between his goal and day to day routine work and develop critical attitude towards life in diverse society
The increasing demand of best classroom practices, pedagogical approaches, and instructional strategies
that define effective teaching in the 21st century challenge teacher education programs in preparing
future teachers to equip them with the desired personal and professional teaching attributes and
competencies. Teaching excellence in the 21st century classroom belongs to those teachers who have
the dispositions of being effective and passionate. Quality preservice education is considered as a key
factor in quality Philippine education. All efforts to improve the quality of education in the Philippines
are dependent on the service of teachers who are properly prepared to undertake various important
roles and functions of teachers [1]. It has been the role of teacher education institutions (TEIs) in the
Philippines to ensure the preparation of quality preservice teachers armed with the knowledge, skills
and dispositions to become effective teachers. These teachers in terms of the quality of learning are the
ones who possess workable knowledge and excellent teaching practices accompanied with well
developed educational philosophies. Teaching consists of beliefs, attitude, values and behaviors
espoused by teacher to facilitate the students‟ learning and development. These behaviors follow a
pattern or model depending on the teacher‟s educational philosophy. The educational philosophies are
the framework to guide, filter, and consider the effort of teacher towards what she/ he believes as the
purpose of education. In relation, educational philosophy is a point of view that provides a logical,
rational, and valid basis for educational effort and criteria for the selection of a sound educational
practice [2]. The personal beliefs, assumptions, and connections concerning the role of the teachers, the
role of the learner, the goal of schooling, the ideal curriculum content, and the best means of including
learning atmosphere constitute the educational philosophy of a teacher [3]. Preservice teachers‟ beliefs
on the goal and purpose of education manifest their educational philosophic orientation. Their beliefs
and conceptions about teaching will prepare them with their expertise to teach in the real world which
will help them become effective facilitators of learning in the future. Rideout [4] affirmed that the basic
determinant of individuals‟ educational dispositions is their educational philosophies. Such educational
dispositions are being formed founded on educational philosophy. Thus, a personal philosophical
orientation is an important and active element of the teacher in the classroom.
Developing and owning an educational philosophy is influential in directing and guiding teachers in
executing their teaching practices and most importantly on the way how they look at their learners
whom they deliver their effort. Bilbao [5] affirmed that as teacher, one should have a philosophy of
education because it is a strong belief that is translated into action that will guide them what to teach,
how to teach, and why to teach.
Implications of Filipino Preservice Teachers’ Educational Philosophies to 21st Century Teacher Education
Results yielded in the study may provide several implications to the teacher education preparation
program. This study generated the finding that the preservice teachers of Cagayan State University at
Lasam when taken as a whole group, both BEED and BSED students espoused themselves as
progressivist, existentialist and reconstructionist. It can be explained that they have clear belief that
schools are existing for societal change and development. They can see themselves as future teachers
who can teach the diverse learners in the 21st century learning environment with the promotion of
student-centered approach through the use of problem-based, experiential, interactive, integrated,
multidisciplinary, contextualized, experiential and collaborative principles of teaching. In teaching their
learners, they can consider the learning styles, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence and
creativity of their students. They can also consider employing different instructional materials with the
integration of ICT, games, manipulative and other instructional support to teach their students. It is very
evidential that the preservice teachers generally perceived themselves as facilitator of learning in the
21st century classroom. Meanwhile, the preservice teachers‟ assessment on essentialism and
perennialism described as moderate, suggests that they have fair adherence to these educational
philosophies is indicative that they did not totally discard the concept of teacher-centered approach but
they can still manifest the importance of employing these educational philosophy in the 21st century
classroom. The partial but not the total adherence to these beliefs is indicative that the teacher in the
classroom has the formal and expert authority teaching styles to project expertise in the field and
knowledgeable on what to expect from their students. The construction of a teaching philosophy within
a teacher training program does affect the teachinglearning process [17]. Because it is generally believed
that understanding one‟s philosophical approach would foster evaluation of teaching decisions [18].
Making the preservice teachers eclectic in their educational philosophies may help them shift from being
the guide on the side to sage on stage or vice versa as the situation requires them to subscribe. Allowing
the preservice teachers to showcase different philosophies of education can make them deal practically
to the latest development of their field. Finally, the significant differences on the educational
philosophies of the preservice teachers when grouped to their personal profile variables yielded
important implications concerning their individuality and exposure of preservice teachers on how the
College of teacher Education may provide necessary initiatives to enhance their different educational
The preservice teachers of Cagayan State University at Lasam espoused a very high adherence to
progressivism educational philosophy and high orientation to existentialism and reconstructionism. They
also showed a moderate acceptance to perennialism and existentialism philosophies. Course, residence
and scholastic standing in high school spelled differences on the essentialism and perennialism
educational philosophies of the preservice teachers. The high assessment on the progressivism,
existentialism and reconstructionism philosophies showed that as future teachers they can see
themselves as the one who can teach the diverse learners having a belief which is student-centered
teaching approach while the partial but not the total adherence to perennialism and existentialism
philosophies indicative that as future teacher, they can consider formal and expert authority teaching
styles to project their expertise in the field.
What is Philosophy?
The term has been derived from the two Greek words, ‘Philos’ means love and ‘Sophia’ means
wisdom. Quite literally, the term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom."
It is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values,
reason, mind and language. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or
resolved. In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to
understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their
relationships to the world and to each other. Philosophy is sometimes considered as a group of
theories or system of thoughts by which it sought to understand the world, its meaning and its
Education refers to the process of learning and acquiring information. Education is the
acquisition of knowledge. Education can be divided into two main types: formal learning through
an institution such as a school and self-taught learning or what is often termed life experience.
Generally, education is important for learning basic life skills, as well as learning advanced skills
that can make a person more attractive in the job market.
Also, according to Rangan, 2018 education is any act or experience that has a formative effect
on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. Education
is the deliberate,
systematic, and sustained effort to transmit, provoke or acquire knowledge,
values, attitudes, skills or sensibilities as well as any learning that results from
the effort (Cremin, Public Education, p. 27)
Philosophy of education provides the educational planners, administrators and educators
with the right vision which guides them to attain the educational goals efficiently.
Philosophy of education performs various functions. Like Determining the aims
of education, Harmonizing old and new traditions in the field of education,
Providing the educational planners, administrators and educators with the
progressive vision to achieve educational development, Preparing the young
generation to face the challenges of the modern time.