Kitsune - 1d4chan
Kitsune - 1d4chan
Kitsune - 1d4chan
From 1d4chan
This article or section is about Monstergirls (or a monster
that is frequently depicted as a Monstergirl), something
that /tg/ widely considers to be the purest form of
awesome. Expect PROMOTIONS! and /d/elight in equal
measure, often with drawfaggotry or writefaggotry to
Kitsune is the Japanese word for "fox," although it's never really used for
that in the context of /tg/ content. If someone talks about a kitsune, they're
probably referring to the shapeshifter fox spirits of Japanese mythology.
They are a player race in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
1 Mythological Basis
2 Kitsune in Dungeons & Dragons
2.1 AD&D Stats
2.2 3e Stats What comes to mind of most people
2.3 4e Stats when they hear the word Kitsune.
3 Kitsune in Pathfinder
3.1 Pathfinder Stats
4 Monstergirls
Mythological Basis
In Japanese mythology the kitsune are fox spirits who serve a couple of
different roles. They are usually thought of as tricksters, often pulling
pranks on samurai and Buddhist monks. They are also divine messengers
associated with Inari, the Shinto god of rice. The divine servant kitsune are
portrayed as white in color, while the tricksters can be any color.
Kitsune are also said to be great lovers. Female kitsune are said in many
stories to take the form of a beautiful woman after falling in love with a
human man. These stories are generally positive and romantic in nature,
unlike most similar mythological stories, making them the proto-waifu in a
lot of ways, and showcasing just how long Japan has been embracing
Old chinese depiction. monstergirls. Not all stories end well however. Although they can be great
lovers, sometimes even equally great wives and mothers (it can happen),
they must however hide their true identities in complete secrecy. If
discovered, they'd leave forever their lovers/husbands/families.
Similar creatures appear in China and Korea as well, although each culture puts its own different spin on them.
The Chinese fox-spirit, the Huli Jing, is effectively a kitsune succubus: possessing only Yin ("female") spiritual
energies in their bodies, they seek to correct this by seducing men, as they can suck their Yang ("male") spiritual
energies out through intercourse. This is not necessarily lethal, but usually portrayed as a bad thing, whether
from direct spiritual malaise or from just being an "evil" act. The Korean fox-spirit, the Gumiho, is also a
trickster, but is generally described as much more malevolent than the Kitsune; Gumihos generally like to kill
people, and are typically described as literal man-eaters. Eating livers (or hearts, depends on the story, but most
say liver) ripped from human victims is generally stated to be the key to a Gumiho increasing her power.
In this form, kitsune have (technically) been a PC option in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 3rd edition,
and D&D 4th edition.
Fans of Planescape also got together in the 90s and reimagined the kitsune as an Oriental Adventures version of
the werefox for the netbook known as the Planescape Creature Codex, alongside three other Good-aligned
therianthropes: the werebunny, werestag, and peganthrope. Here, kitsunes are depicted as elf therianthropes who
can assume the form of an elf, a fox, or an elf/fox hybrid - as they gain levels (males as Thief or Mage, females
as Bard or Mage - no multiclassing)), they gain a new tail with each level, capping at 9th level and 9 tails.
Young (1-3 Tail) kitsunes tend to have ruddy colored hair, reddish-brown in fox form or red-gold in elven form.
Older (6-9 Tail) kitsunes usually have silver hair. They are Chaotic Neutral in alignment, and incredibly agile
and good-looking (base values of 18 for both Dexterity and Charisma). They cannot spread their own condition,
unlike most therianthropes, but a human or elven woman who has been truly savaged by a kitsune (50% or more
HP lost to kitsune bite attacks) will become a standard foxwoman within 3 days unless a priest of at least 12th
level casts both Cure Disease and Remove Curse on them.
AD&D Stats
3e Stats
-2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity - depending on your reading, this +2 bonus may only apply in hybrid
form and not in human form.
Size: Medium in Hybrid and Human form, Small in Animal form
Base Speed: 30 feet
Type: Shapechanger
Alternate Form (Su): A kitsune can assume one of three possible forms at will; an animal, a hybrid,
or a human. This functions as a Polymorph Other spell that can be used 1 + character level times
per day. Changing form is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Animal Form: In animal form, all equipment the kitsune is wearing or carrying is melded
into the kitsune's form, with magic items ceasing to function. It also gains a +10 racial bonus
to Disguise checks made to pass itself off as an animal, Low-Light Vision, and the ability to
communicate with other animals of its type. In animal form, a kitsune is Small, has a Speed
of 40ft, an AC of 15, a Bite attack that does 1d4 damage, a Strength of 11, a Dexterity of 19,
and a Constitution of 11.
Hybrid Form: A kitsune in hybrid form cannot wear Heavy Armor, but all of its equipment
functions as normal. It gains Low-Light Vision and the ability to speak with animals of its
own kind, as well as other special bonuses based on its race. In hybrid form, a kitsune has a
+4 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.
Favored Class: Wu jen
Level Adjustment: +1
The official 3.5 update in Dragon Magazine #318 changes them to Humanoid (Shapechanger) with no level
4e Stats
Kitsune in Pathfinder
Kitsune are a race of fox-like humanoids known for their trickster nature and love of beautiful things. They are
also shapeshifters in the setting and hail from Tian Xia, from which all things weeaboo hail. Their racial stats
and attributes are detailed in the Dragon Empires Gazetteer source book and later in the Advanced Race Guide.
Statistically they are the most popular non-core race (Counting Tiefling and Aasimar as core). If this a result of
being the only "asian" race that's actually from east Asian mythology and doesn't have a crippling constitution
penalty without useful abilities, the only practical way to have innate shapeshifting in Pathfinder, being one of
the non-Core races that can be used in organized play without jumping through hoops, or furries (or a
combination of any/all of these) is unknown. Whatever the reason, they were popular enough to actually be
supported beyond their initial appearance, a privilege few non-core races got.
Pathfinder Stats
+2 Dexterity
+2 Charisma
-2 Strength
Medium Size
Base Land Speed 30 Feet
Low Light Vision
Agile (+2 on acrobatics tests)
Kitsune Magic (+1 to the DC of any saving throw versus enchantment spells)
Change Shape (can change between humanoid and natural form)
Racial Disguise Bonus (+10 to disguise tests in humanoid form)
Natural Weapons (1d4 bite attack while in their natural form)
They also have access to the Realistic Likeness feat which allow them to use Change Shape on any individual
they've encountered instead of their specific human form (it's unclear if this is intended to be limited to any
human or any humanoid), making Kitsune the race to pick if you've ever wanted to be an effective spy in D&D,
and the source of all kinds of clever tricks for almost any class with only a little work. The second unique feat
they have access to is Magical Tail, which lets them grow an additional tail and nets them a spell-like ability
they can use 2/day. The feat can be taken a maximum of 8 times, netting the following spells in order: disguise
self, charm person, misdirection, invisibility, suggestion, displacement, confusion, dominate person. There is a
Sorcerer alternate class feature called Nine-Tailed Heir that lets you give up your Bloodline Spells class feature
to get the Magic Tail at level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 19. If this were to give you this feat more than 8 times you get one
additional use out of one of your Magic Tail SLAs that you don't already have extra use out of. It might appear
to give up the Bloodline class feature entirely when you read the archetype on PFSRD, but that is simply due to
the hyperlink only encompassing one word.
The Races of Pathfinder[Expand]
Whilst there are stories of kitsunes doing evil things even in Japan - Tamamo no Mae in particular is the most
famous of all the Japanese kitsune, and is known as one of the Three Terrible Yōkai of Japan for crimes that
concluded with causing the Genpei War - for the most part, the most popular kitsune stories are those of the
kitsune bride. There's a reason calling a woman "foxy" is a huge sexual compliment in Japan. As such, kitsunes
are enormously popular in the monstergirl fandom, and alongside catgirls are considered basic entry-level
Monstergirl kitsunes usually take a form similar to the catgirl; a pretty woman with fox's ears and one or more
fox's tails. The more tails a kitsune sports, the more powerful a spirit she is (and the more fluff there is to
touch), with nine tails being the maximum. They tend to be intelligent but playful, with a pronounced love of
trickery and mischief. Many are also very fond of booze, although that's actually more appropriate behavior for
other hengeyokai. If the setting includes magic, they will usually be very skilled at magic. That said, as wild as
they can be whilst still free to do as they please, they are usually also depicted as very loving and devoted
Monstergirl kitsunes are often shapeshifters, and because Japan lacks quite the same antipathy towards furries,
kitsune who can shapeshift from/into the form of an anthropomorphic vixen are roughly as common as ones
who only shift between "human girl" and "human girl with ears & tail".
The Monster Girl Encyclopedia famously explores multiple aspects of the kitsune legend in its monstergirls.
The basic "kitsune" of the MGE world is called a Youko, and is characterized by being basically a party-girl;
these kitsunes care only about sex and pleasure, and they are some of the sluttiest monsters in Zipangu. In fact,
their lore notes that they originally came from the Mist Continent, which means the Youko owes its inspiration
to the more succubus-like Huli Jing of China, and/or to Korea's cannibalistic Gumiho.
Another kitsune variant is the Inari, who is still a horny fox-girl, but far more in control of herself; she prefers to
seduce and tease men into wanting her, rather than aggressively throwing herself at them the way her youko
cousin does.
Both types of kitsune "leak" magical energies, which can spontaneously form another mamono called the
Kitsune-bi - which the actual name the Japanese use for "fox-fire", a will'o'wisp-like phenomena they believe to
be created by kitsunes. The kitsune-bi mamono is a living embodiment of their horniness, made manifest as a
ghostly loli foxgirl with tails of ethereal bluish-purple flame.
Kitsune-bi can create a fourth mamono by possessing human women to better enact their desires; these victims
manifest ghostly vulpine ears and tails comprised of the same ethereal blue-purple fire as the kitsune-bi
controlling them, and become vastly more lustful. Ironically, kitsune-tsuki is the actual name used in Japanese
folk-lore for people believed to be possessed by kitsunes. The kitsune-tsuki mamono is mostly stuck as she is,
although in some rare cases they meld with their possessor and transform into a full-fledged youko or inari.