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21-DAY Yoga Challenge: Introduction Manual

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A letter for you...

Dearest Satvic Family,

With warmth and gratitude in our hearts, we

welcome you to this wonderful journey of the
21-day yoga challenge. We are thrilled to know
that you are willing to show up on your mats
every single morning for the next 21 days. It's a
commitment that you have made to yourself
and we will do our best to support you.

Our classes will be a combination of knowledge,

asanas, pranayama and relaxation. We will
also share with you knowledge on food,
detoxification and what it means to live a Satvic
life. After each session, we hope you experience
an abundance of energy and a feeling of
lightness in your body and mind!

The best part about these 21-days is that we

are in this together as a community. You are not
alone. Not only do you have our support, but
also the support of hundreds of others who are
joining the challenge with you.

We feel blessed to be sharing these 3 weeks

with you.

Harshvardhan and Subah Saraf

Your Mentor


Radhika Gupta is a certified

Satvic health educator and
Ashtanga Yoga trainer. She
began her journey into Yoga
after she was diagnosed with
cancer at the age of 28, starting
first with the philosophy and
then the asana practice. She
saw immense benefits in her own healing through her practise
of asanas and pranayama, which inspired her to do her
teacher’s training course from Mysore Mandala Yogashala. The
course changed her life and ever since she has strived to bring
awareness about the practise to as many people as possible.

Till date, Radhika has conducted over 50 health transformation

workshops and 30 yoga workshops. She has also been actively
making videos to touch the lives of as many people as possible,
to bring this ancient yet simple science to all of humanity.

Knowledge - Ashtanga Yoga Knowledge - Shauch

Practise - Ease into it flow Practise- Suryanamaskar
elaxation - Yoga Nidra Pranayama - Ujjayi Breathing


Knowledge - Ahimsa Knowledge - Santosh

Practise - Yoga for Legs Practise - Balance
Pranayama - Nadi Shodhan Pranayama - Satvic Pranayama


Knowledge - Satya Knowledge - Tapas

Practise - Yoga for Arms & Shoulders Practise - Power Yoga
Pranayama - Yogic Breathing Relaxation - Yoga Nidra

DAY 4 | THU DAY 11 | THU

Knowledge - Asteya Knowledge - Svadhyaya

Practise - Yoga for the Back Practise - Detox Yoga
Special - Juice / Fruit fast Special - Fruit / Vegetable fast

DAY 5 | FRI DAY 12 | FRI

Knowldge - Brahmacharya Knowledge - Ishwar Pranidhan

Practise - Yoga for Hips & Pelvis Practise - Suryanamaskar Flow
Relaxation - Guided Meditation Pranayama - Dhyan

DAY 6 | SAT DAY 13 | SAT

Knowledge - Aparigrah Knowledge - Types of Yoga

Practise - Yoga for Abdominals Practise - Yoga for Stress Relief
Relaxation - Pranayama Relaxation - Affirmations

DAY 7 | SUN DAY 14 | SUN

Practise - Candle Meditation Knowledge - Asanas

Practise - Full Body Flow Practise - Yoga for Flexibility
Special - Quiz Special - Quiz
DAY 15 | MON

Knowledge - Pranayama
Practise - Inversions
Pranayama - 3 Types of Pranayama

DAY 16 | TUE

Knowledge - Pratyahara
Practise - Yoga for Strength
Relaxation - 5 sense Meditation

DAY 17 | WED

Knowledge - Dharana
Practise - Yoga for Concentration
Relaxation - Mantra Chanting

DAY 18 | THU

Knowledge - Bandhas
Practise - Yoga for Immunity
Special - Fruit / Juice Fast

DAY 19 | FRI

Knowledge - Dhyan
Practise - Deep Stretch
Relaxation - Guided Meditation

DAY 20 | SAT

Practise - Yin Yoga

Pranayama - Shakti Chalana
Special - Kirtan

DAY 21 | SUN

Knowledge - Samadhi
Practise - Full Body Flow
Special - Quiz
How to make the best of the
21-Day Yoga Challenge?

For maximum benefit and learning, please join using a big screen.
Your experience will become 3 times more powerful when you join
from a laptop/computer!

Join using laptop/computer

The foundation of yoga is self discipline and the first step is being
on time. Always join 10 minutes before the starting time and create
a mindful space for yourself. Enjoy the kirtan, interact with the
community and prepare yourself for the session.
Be on time

You have made a commitment to yourself and to the community to

be a part of this wonderful challenge. It's very important to us that
you attend all the sessions live. Your presence and energy is
Don’t miss any sessions valuable for the success of this challenge.

We suggest that you wear loose, comfortable, cotton clothes while

practising. Please do not wear tight, synthetic clothes made of
polyester or latex. While practising, we want our skin also to breathe
freely. There should be no tight elastic against our abdomen, chest or
neck. Also, practise in sunlight to gain maximum benefit.

Wear loose cotton clothes

To ensure constant handholding, please join the Facebook group.

This is where you can post your questions, interact with the
community and share your asana pictures to seek corrections and
guidance. We will post the winners of the quiz, replay links and any
other communication on this group.

Click here to join the Facebook Group

Join the Facebook group
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the session? When will the replay links be

The sessions will be hosted on Zoom. posted on the FB group?
You simply have to download the
The replay links will be posted on
software on your laptop/computer.
the Facebook group by 10:30 am
Once you are registered, you simply
everyday. These links will be
have to click on the link below at 7:00
active for 24 hours only.
am each morning to watch the
session live. You do not need to
switch on your camera or mic during I have knee pain and back
the class. pain. Can I practise yoga?
Click here to join the Zoom Session Yes, we encourage you to join
the sessions to get rid of your
pain. For every posture,
Can I practise yoga during modifications will be taught so
pregnancy? you can practise as per your
Yoga is very beneficial for pregnant capability. You will see a huge
women. However, the asanas need improvement in your flexibility
to be planned based on the specific and pain level with each passing
trimester. Since we are hosting this day. We recommend that you
workshop online, we are not double up your mat and have 2
equipped to provide one-on-one cushions available while you
guidance for pregnant women. practise with us.
Therefore, It would be best to avoid.
I suffer from chronic diseases
Can I practise if I'm on my like diabetes, thyroid, high
periods? blood pressure etc. Can I
Yes, there is absolutely no problem. practise yoga?
In every class, modifications will be Yes, absolutely! This challenge
taught so you can adapt each asana along with the Satvic lifestyle
to your comfort. will help you reverse your chronic
Mantras and Prayers

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ
Hare Rama Hare Rama Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Rama Rama Hare Hare Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt

We meditate on that most

adored Supreme Lord, the
creator, whose divine light
‘Sarvamangala mangalye
illumines all realms (physical,
Shive! Sarvartha Sadhike
mental and spiritual). May this
Sharanye Tryambake Devi!
divine light illumine our intellect.
Narayani! Namostu Te!

We bow to you O Devi

Narayani. You are auspicious asato mā sadgamaya
for everyone, you bring tamasomā jyotir gamaya
happiness . You are the one mrityormāamritam gamaya
who completes every work for Oṁ śhānti śhānti śhāntiḥ
everyone. You are protector
of everyone. You are the one From ignorance, lead me to
with 3 eyes and a beautiful truth; From darkness, lead me
face. We salute you, to light; From death, lead me
O Narayani. to immortality Om peace,
peace, peace

You will require the following items :

Yoga mat
2 cushions
A strap/belt
A chair for support


Fresh fruits
Fresh seasonal vegetables for juice/fast


Candle and match box

We can't wait to practise with you!

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