Online Gramin Dak Sevak Engagement: Registra On
Online Gramin Dak Sevak Engagement: Registra On
Online Gramin Dak Sevak Engagement: Registra On
Please go through the detailed instructions at Home page before filling up the Registration form.
Please note that Registration is mandatory for applying online.
One candidate should use only one registration. After completion of registration,
Please note down the registration number and keep it safe
for further references.
One Mobile number with only one registration number
Forgot Registration Number/Fee ID Click here
Registration Details:
1. Applicant Name: SELLAMMAL S
2. Father's Name: SELVARAJ
3. 10 Digit Mobile Number: 9361039974
4. Aadhar Number: 330841016475
6. Date of Birth: 31/12/1999
7. Gender: Female
8. Community: OBC
9. Are you a Person With Disability: No
1. Applicant Name (As per 10th9a. PWD
Class Category:*
Certificate) SELLAMMAL S
Note: Any deviation may lead to the cancellation of candidature.
9b. PWD SubCategory: NA
2. Father's Name/ Mother's Name (As per 10th Class
Certificate) * 10. Circle in which 10th class passed: Tamilnadu
3. Mobile Number (Enter 10 Digit Year of Number)
passing 10th
* class: 9361039974 2015
7. Community * OBC Ok
I have not done any duplicate registration with another email/mobile number and I understood that my candidature will be disqualified if
found as duplicate registration.
I have clicked the Preview button and satisfied myself with the above entries made by me.