Technical Tracker Specification: Project: Customer
Technical Tracker Specification: Project: Customer
Technical Tracker Specification: Project: Customer
Revisión Autor Descripción Fecha
R01 AJC Emisión inicial de documento 15/12/17
R02 A.A Alimentación por panel 9/1/17
1. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. STI H-250 TRACKER DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................... 4
3. SERVICE CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 5
4. SITE CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 5
4.1. Tolerances slopes allowed in terrain slope .............................................................. 5
4.2. Support tolerances ...................................................................................................... 6
4.2.1. Ramming depth ................................................................................................... 6
4.2.2. Supports Verticality ............................................................................................. 6
4.2.3. Supports Rotation ................................................................................................ 6
4.2.4. Supports Deviation .............................................................................................. 6
5. TRACKER MECHANICAL COMPONENTS ............................................................................. 7
5.1. Foundations.................................................................................................................. 7
5.1.1. Direct ramming .................................................................................................... 7
5.1.2. Predrill + ramming ............................................................................................... 7
5.1.3. Micropile .............................................................................................................. 8
5.2. Aerial structure ............................................................................................................ 9
5.2.1. Drive Set................................................................................................................ 9
5.2.2. Rotation and a regulation part. ....................................................................... 11
5.2.3. Torque Tube and arm........................................................................................ 12
5.2.4. Rods .................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.5. Belts ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.3. Module and module joints ....................................................................................... 16
5.3.1. Bolted Joint (Does apply to this project) ........................................................ 16
5.3.2. Fastened Joint (Does not apply to this project) ............................................. 16
6. CONTROL & COMUNICATION SYSTEM.............................................................................. 17
6.1. General facts; key elements ................................................................................... 17
6.1.1. Tracker Control Unit (TCU) ............................................................................... 17
6.2. Innovation and technology ..................................................................................... 18
6.3. Communication Wireless: ........................................................................................ 19
6.3.1. Why ZigBee ........................................................................................................ 19
6.3.2. Site Analysis ....................................................................................................... 20
6.4. Quick commissioning; four steps ............................................................................ 21
6.5. Power supply, self-power from PV panel ............................................................... 22
6.5.1. System features ................................................................................................. 22
6.5.2. Operation mode................................................................................................ 23
6.5.3. Battery life time .................................................................................................. 23
6.6. Back tracking ............................................................................................................ 24
6.7. Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintanance ..................................................... 24
6.8. Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance (optional) ................................... 25
6.8.1. System overview ............................................................................................... 25
6.8.2. Site and TCU´s status -Alarms .......................................................................... 26
7. GALVANIZED REPAIR PROCEDURE AND ZM ..................................................................... 27
7.1. Rust Cleaning ............................................................................................................. 27
7.2. Surface Sanding ........................................................................................................ 27
7.3. Surface Cleaning ...................................................................................................... 27
7.4. Surface Painting ........................................................................................................ 28
7.5. Tears,burrs and zinc residues ................................................................................... 28
7.6. Pregalvanized parts .................................................................................................. 29
7.7. Bolts and joints ........................................................................................................... 29
7.8. Others ......................................................................................................................... 30
This document has been elaborated by STI NORLAND SL. It summarizes all the relevant
technical information of the STi-H250 horizontal tracker.
Disclaimer: This publication is intended only for a specific product, not generic, on demand, project number
1038. Pictures and illustrations, technical info, annexes, data and descriptions were right at time of emission. STI
NORLAND accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions that may appear in this publication,
although great care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible.
STI NORLAND reserves the right to make the necessary changes resulting from continuous development and
improvement without notice. In this sense, some of the parts can be modified, and therefore, thickness, steel
grades, standards, corrosion protection, control and communication features, may evolve in the life of the
product. Always consult STI NORLAND for the latest version of this publication.
Total or partial reproduction of this publication and / or its attachments, as well as its storage in a word
processing system, transmission by electronic, mechanical, photographic or otherwise, or recording,
translation, editing, compact or extended, is prohibited without prior written permission of STI NORLAND.
The STI NORLAND items, spare and / or accessories have been specially designed for this product and specific
project. The non-original items, parts and / or accessories have not been examined or approved by STI
NORLAND, so their adequacy and / or safety cannot be certified, whether they are already installed or to be
installed in the product. STI NORLAND do not accept, therefore, liability for damages caused by the use of items,
spare parts and / or non-original accessories.
N-S length A m 60
Distance between Lines B m 4-8.
Distance East - West C m 6 - 10 .
The STi-H250 tracker has been designed to place 63 Modules per Torque Tube disposed
Operating Range:
*If E-W slope is higher than 5% this operating range will be reduced.
E-W Direction:
Maximum slope allowed up to 10% between the two consecutives lines of the tracker.
There is not any mechanical restriction between slopes changes on consecutives
N-S Direction:
Maximum slope allowed of up to 15%. Local slope changes between 2 lines Torque Tube
(VIT) allowed of ±2%.
Please remind that the torque tube creates a straight line in N-S. Therefore, earth
movements or additional heights in the supports shall be considered to compensate
uneven terrains.
4.2. Support tolerances
4.2.1.Ramming depth
Please note that the supports (SOP001, SOP002 and SAC001) shall be buried onto the
ground according to their minimum and maximum ramming depths defined in the
4.2.2.Supports Verticality
In case of any Support (SOP001, SOP002 or SAC001) is inclined more than 2º from its totally
vertical position on N – S direction, or more than 1º on E – W direction, the affected Support
shall be extracted and replaced with new one.
4.2.3.Supports Rotation
In case any Support (SOP01) was rotated more than 3º from its theoretical position, the
affected Support shall be extracted and replaced with new one.
4.2.4.Supports Deviation
Drive Support (SAC001) support-head is considered as the origin point (0,0,0) of the
tracker. All deviations described above are referenced to this point.
In case of any Support (SOP001, SOP002) was deviated more than its theoretical position,
the affected Support shall be extracted and replaced with new one.
SOP001 Support ramming tolerance it is related to the torque tube slope as shown in the table
TT slope [%] 0 5 10 15
Tolerance [mm] ±30 ±25 ±20 ±15
Aerial structure
5.1. Foundations
The STi-H250 tracker needs 9 supports on its standard configuration, per Torque Tube. The
Drive foundation and its opposite uses IPE or HEA, while the rest the supports uses profiles
such as C profiles, square and rectangular tubes or IPE type profiles. There different type
of foundations:
5.1.1.Direct ramming
This kind of foundation consists on ramming machine onto the ground, following the next
Check the ramming tolerances several times along this process, with a gauge
meter and an inclinometer
First step is drilling the hole in the soil till the calculated depth.
Second step is filling this hole with sand, compacted in layers, assessing a
minimum compactness.
This foundation consists of drilling the soil, placing the pile inside the hole and filling with
mortar. Is used ground conditions has not enough resistant capacity.
First step is position the micropiling machine and start executing the micropile, till
reaching the nominal micropile depth.
5.2. Aerial structure
5.2.1.Drive Set
The drive set is composed by a planetary gear box assembled onto the slewing Wheel.
IP Class 65
IP Class 67
A foundation regulation part set is home to the slewing Wheel, with the following joints.
Rotation and
regulation part
5.2.2.Rotation and a regulation part.
The Torque Tubes are joined to the Foundation Supports by the Rotation and Regulation
System that allows movement to the tracker. At the same time, the Rotation and
Regulation System absorbs the possible deviations in the Support positioning.
Rotation and
regulation part
It is formed by different materials and is joined to the Supports with 2 x M20 DIN933 c10.9
bolts through a regulation part. The thickness, grades and treatments of the different parts
that form the Rotation and Regulation System are described in the following table:
per TT
Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Regulation Part 8 ≥6 S275JR-UNE-EN 10025
Circular Housing 8 - Aluminum -
Rotation Cap Flange 8 - Plastic -
Top Rotation Cap 8 - Plastic -
Lower Rotation Cap 8 - Plastic -
S 275 JR – UNE-EN- Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
U Part 2 ≥2.5
10025 ISO1461
U Bolt 2 Ø8 Steel UNE 36066 Zinc Nickel
5.2.3.Torque Tube and arm.
The Torque Tubes are formed by square tubes of different steel grades joined between
them by the Torque Tube Joint Clamps with 6 x M16 DIN980 c8.8 bolts. The Torque Tube is
the responsible for transmitting the movement to the PV modules and is formed by tubes
of hot-rolled steel S275JR and S355JR as standard UNE-EN 10025 and hot galvanized as
standard UNE-EN-ISO 1461.
Torque Tube
The thickness, grades and treatments of the different parts that form the Torque Tube are
described in the following table:
Central Torque Tube Section 1 Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
2 ≥5 S 275 JR – UNE-EN-10025
(motor) ISO1461
Central Torque Tube Section 1 Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
1 ≥4 S 275 JR – UNE-EN-10025
(sister) ISO1461
Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Torque Tube Section 2 2 ≥3 S 275 JR – UNE-EN-10025
Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Torque Tube Section 3 2 ≥3 S 275 JR – UNE-EN-10025
Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Torque Tube Section 4 2 ≥3 S 275 JR – UNE-EN-10025
Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Torque Tube Joint Clamp 12 ≥4 S 275 JR – UNE-EN-10025
The equivalent on Brazilian manufacturing:
Central Torque Tube Section 1
2 ≥5 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
Central Torque Tube Section 1
1 ≥4 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
Torque Tube Section 2 2 ≥3 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
Torque Tube Section 3 2 ≥3 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
Torque Tube Section 4 2 ≥3 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
Torque Tube Joint Clamp 12 ≥4 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
In the middle of the Torque Tubes are placed two arms, keeping its symmetry. Those Arms
are the responsible of transmitting the movement of the Rod to the Torque Tubes. The Arms
are joined to the Torque Tube with the help of a Clamp and 4 x M16 DIN980 c8.8 bolts.
The thickness, grades and treatments of the different parts that form the Arms are
described in the following table:
The Rod is the system that transmits the movement between the Drive Arm and the Arms
of the Torque Tubes. The Rod is formed by Two square tubes of hot-rolled steel S275JR as
standard UNE-EN 10025 and hot galvanized as standard UNE-EN-ISO 1461. The rod is
joined to the arms with Stainless Steel Pins.
The thickness, grades and treatments of the different parts that form the Rod are
described in the following table:
2 between S 275 JR – UNE-EN- Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Rod ≥3
2TT 10025 ISO1461
S 275 JR – UNE-EN- Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
U Joint Profile 4 per TT ≥5
10025 ISO1461
S 275 JR – UNE-EN- Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-
Outer U Joint Profile 4 ≥5
10025 ISO1461
Pin Tube 1 per TT - Stainless Steel AISI 304 -
U Joint Profile 4 per TT ≥5 USI CIVIL 300 – TUB 260 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
S 275 JR – UNE-EN-
Outer U Joint Profile 4 ≥5 Hot Galvanized – NBR 6323
The Omega Belts are the direct support for the PV modules on the STi-H250 Tracker. The
Belts are formed by hot-rolled steel S275JR as standard UNE-EN 10025 and hot galvanized
as standard UNE-EN-ISO 1461 or hot-rolled steel S 250 GD / S 280 GD / S 350 GD as
standard UNE-EN 10346 or the equivalent Brazilian.
The Belts are joined to the Torque Tube with M8 steel U Bolt. The thickness, grades and
treatments of the different parts that form the Belts are described in the following table:
S 275 JR – UNE-EN-
U Part 42 ≥2,5 Hot Galvanized – UNE-EN-ISO1461
5.3. Module and module joints
The STi H-250 tracker has been designed to place 63 PV Modules per Torque Tube, being
able to accommodate many other numbers of PV Modules. It is important to point that
all modules must have holes in its frames to allow binding with belts. The joint between
PV modules and the STi H-250 Belts will be made with bolt or with fasteners.
6.2. Innovation and technology
1 2
Wireless Quick
Communications Commissioning &
Bactracking tools
Robust, cheap & easy Parametrization and
to install commissioning are now
easy to perform.
Offsets set-up
Wireless Sw tools
1.- modbus over zigbee 1.- 1 commissioning tool=scanner
2.- network design tools & consultancy 2.- automatic network setup
3.- encryption safe 3.- zero adjustment
4.- power auto selection 4.- motor direction self detection
5.- NCU upgraded to 200 TCUs 5.- PV panel irradiance estimation
6.- motor current monitor
7.- 3 dimmension back tracking algorithm
3 4
Self Powered Remote
systems Monitoring &
Li FePO4 chemistry long maintenance
life & safe battery for
Avoids stops &
Self powered from PV
increases availabilityic
6.3. Communication Wireless:
6.3.1.Why ZigBee
Reliable & Safe: Encryption available, mesh routing, Modbus protocol over air.
6.3.2. Site Analysis
6.4. Quick commissioning; four steps
3 Commiss. setup
4 Parametrization
6.5. Power supply, self-power from PV panel
6.5.1.System features
Backtracking from 0
Backtracking to 0
6.5.2.Operation mode
1.- Battery lasts more than 1.000 hours in sleep mode. 40 “dark” days. (100% DoC).
2.- It is recommended working band between 60% and 40%. >40.000 cycles ensured.
More than 10 years at >90% capacity
65% 65%
6.6. Back tracking
Please note that difference slopes N-S among torque tubes may cause shadowing.
6.8. Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance (optional)
6.8.1.System overview
Modbus Master
Tracker SCADA
Ethernet Ethernet- GPRS
Ethernet Switch-gateway
TCU sub-network
Site Inverter SCADA
6.8.2.Site and TCU´s status -Alarms
Any time sites availability Radiation reference
report from anywhere
The procedure related is intended only for reparation on-site, on items damaged due
to handling, transport and/or assembly works, as well as maintenance works.
The procedure related is based on Standard ISO 1461, except for allowed repair area,
which will be determined by client criteria.
Scrape rusty surface with a wire brush. Apply a firm pressure combined with a forward
and backward movement.
Wire brush can leave permanent marks and scrapes on the surface that must be covered
with painting later (see step 4).
Use eye protection such as safety goggles to prevent injuries from rust particles
Sand the surface to remove all minor rust areas. Apply a firm pressure combined with a
forward and backward movement. If the area is flat and extensive, we recommend the
use of a belt sander for a quicker rust removal.
Clean the area of oxide powder and rust particles left, as well as rest of dirt, mud and/or
debris. Use a soft brush, and a cloth with water and neutral soap if needed.
Let the surface to get completely dry before next step 8.4.
7.4. Surface Painting
Paint generously the surface, including the marked and scraped areas, with rich zinc
painting or cold galvanized spray (complying with Standard 3549 or equivalent, minimum
98% content of zinc).
Tears, burrs and zinc residues are not usually removed, except in case of usage
requirements, adjustment with another items, or safety hazards.
In case removal is needed, use a file or a radial grinder with a flexible disc. Wipe the
surface with the sander for a fine finish.
Do not bump tears, burrs and zinc residues with a tool such as a hammer for removal.
May peel off the surrounding coating.
7.6. Pregalvanized parts
Some items of the STi H-250 tracker as PUA001 or COM 001 are manufactured using pre-
galvanized steel (Z / ZM). Due to the manufacturing process, a lack of cover could
appear on edges.
This absence could result in expected corrosion products that will be protected naturally
afterwards during curing process. This phenomenon does not imply a defect of the
covering nor a reduction in the expected life service.
The manipulation of bolts, nuts and washers in assembly, overall in torqueing and contact
with tools and site dirty environment, can usually peel off the anticorrosion covering. In
this case, this detaching shall be repaired by the assembly or maintenance company by
using rich zinc painting or cold galvanized spray as described in previous paragraphs as
soon as noticed.
7.8. Others
Most of the steel items of the Tracker STi H-250 are HDG (Hot Deep Galvanized) steel
manufactured. The HDG is an artisanal manual process, with random control according
to ISO1461 indications that cannot cover the 100% of the production.
Therefore, it is possible that some areas, specially the end of the tubes, profiles and wide
edges, may have minor naked zones. It MUST be repaired with rich zinc painting or cold
galvanized spray as described in previous paragraphs as soon as noticed.
As stated in the ISO1461 standard, the primary purpose of the galvanized coating is to
protect the underlying steel against corrosion. Considerations related to aesthetics or
decorative features should be secondary.
The occurrence of darker or lighter areas or some surface unevenness shall not be a
cause for rejection. The development of wet storage staining, primarily basic zinc oxide
(formed during storage in humid conditions after hot dip galvanizing), shall not be a
cause for rejection.
Lumps and zinc ash, that generally do not affect usage requirements or adjustment with
other items, shall not be a cause for rejection. Aesthetic effects (e.g. weld seepage)
resulting from the use of intermittent welds around overlapping surfaces in the fabrication
should not be a cause for rejection, but this minor defects are recommended to be
covered with zinc rich spray paint.
Additionally, all holes should be checked to be clean and without solid interferences
such as burrs or galvanized residues that could interfere with correct assembly of the
items. In such situation, proceed to pierce/file and correct, plus corresponding
galvanization repair with rich zinc paint or spray as described in previous paragraphs.