The Grignard Reaction Unraveling A Chemical Puzzle

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The Grignard Reaction − Unraveling a Chemical Puzzle

Raphael Mathias Peltzer, Jürgen Gauss, Odile Eisenstein,* and Michele Cascella*
Cite This: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: More than 100 years since its discovery, the

mechanism of the Grignard reaction remains unresolved.
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Ambiguities arise from the concomitant presence of multiple

organomagnesium species and the competing mechanisms
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involving either nucleophilic addition or the formation of radical

intermediates. To shed light on this topic, quantum-chemical
calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations are used
to study the reaction of CH3MgCl in tetrahydrofuran with
acetaldehyde and fluorenone as prototypical reagents. All organo-
magnesium species coexisting in solution due to the Schlenk
equilibrium are found to be competent reagents for the nucleophilic
pathway. The range of activation energies displayed by all of these
compounds is relatively small. The most reactive species are a
dinuclear Mg complex in which the substrate and the nucleophile initially bind to different Mg centers and the mononuclear
dimethyl magnesium. The radical reaction, which requires the homolytic cleavage of the Mg−CH3 bond, cannot occur unless a
substrate with a low-lying π*(CO) orbital coordinates the Mg center. This rationalizes why a radical mechanism is detected only in
the presence of substrates with a low reduction potential. This feature, in turn, does not necessarily favor the nucleophilic addition,
as shown for the reaction with fluorenone. The solvent needs to be considered as a reactant for both the nucleophilic and the radical
reactions, and its dynamics is essential for representing the energy profile. The similar reactivity of several species in fast equilibrium
implies that the reaction does not occur via a single process but by an ensemble of parallel reactions.

The Grignard reaction is a prominent textbook process to form
and polymetallic molecules that coexist at equilibrium (eq 2)
and whose relative abundance depends on the nature of R and
carbon−carbon bonds.1 In this reaction, the so-called Grignard X as well as the experimental conditions.4,6
reagent, an organomagnesium species RMgX where R is an 2RMgCl ⇋ MgR 2 + MgCl2 (2)
organic residue and X is a halogen (usually Cl or Br), promotes
the addition of its organic residue to an electrophilic substrate. Furthermore, while the polarity of the C −Mg (δ−)
bond (δ+)

Discovered by Victor Grignard2 already in 1900, Grignard suggests that the Grignard reagent acts as a nucleophile, it has
reagents rapidly became important compounds for organic been argued that an electron-transfer mechanism may occur in
synthesis in research laboratories and in industry.3 Even the presence of appropriate substrates.5
though the reaction today is applied to a large variety of This multifaceted aspect of the Grignard chemistry is per se
electrophiles, the prototypic substrates are carbonyl moieties fascinating; in fact, the lack of understanding of its molecular
R1R2(CO) yielding a magnesium-alcoholate (eq 1). The R1 mechanisms has slowed progress in the rational design of more
and R2 residues usually include hydrogen as well as alkyl-, efficient variants of the reaction. Indeed, while the efficiency of
vinyl-, or aryl- groups. The Grignard reaction usually takes Grignard reagents has been heuristically improved, for example
place in ethereal solvents, the final alcohol product being by the synergistic effect of additives like alkali ions, the reasons
obtained by hydrolysis. for these improvements remain unclear.7 Elucidation of the
mechanism of the basic Grignard reaction is the required step
RMgX + R1C(O)R2 → R1C(OMgX)(R)R2 (1) to better understand a wide variety of related reactions.
Despite more than 100 years of extensive studies, the
mechanism of this reaction has remained elusive, with little Received: November 2, 2019
quantitative information and missing consensus. Difficulties in Published: January 17, 2020
elucidating this mechanism are prominently related to the fact
that the ethereal solutions of Grignard reagents contain a
variety of chemical species.4,5 In fact, the nominal reactant
RMgX is just a condensed representation of numerous mono-

© 2020 American Chemical Society

2984 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Although the nucleophilic mechanism (also known as the subject of only a few studies.28 In particular, in 2002 Yamazaki
polar mechanism) is currently recognized in the literature as a and Yamabe used density functional theory (DFT) calculations
route to the alcohol product, no experimental study was able to together with implicit solvation models to suggest that
assign the relative reactivity of the various forms of the dinuclear Grignard moieties are more reactive in a nucleophilic
organomagnesium species. In parallel, experimental evidence addition than are monomeric species.29 Similar results were
consistently supported the presence of an alternative obtained with second-order Møller−Plesset perturbation
mechanism (called radical or single electron-transfer mecha- theory together with implicit solvation models.30 Yamazaki
nism) involving the formation of radical intermediates (Figure and Yamabe suggested that a mechanism going through Mg−C
1). In particular, products were detected, which could not homolytic cleavage could be preferred in the case of bulky
organic residues, for which the nucleophilic addition is
sterically hindered.29
Recently, some of us carried out an ab initio molecular
dynamics (AIMD) study of CH3MgCl in tetrahydrofuran
(THF) to get insight on the role of the solvent in the Schlenk
equilibrium.31 Among other findings, this study showed that
the magnesium centers of the mononuclear and dinuclear
species can accommodate a variable number of solvent
molecules in their first coordination spheres and that the
interchange of the methyl and chloride groups between the
two magnesium centers is associated with a change in the
solvation number.31 This study thus revealed that it was
essential to allow a synergy between the solvent contribution
and the chemical event at the Mg centers and to represent the
Figure 1. Schematic representation of possible mechanisms for the associated solvent reorganization, an effect that cannot be
Grignard reaction: (a) polar mechanism, heterolytic Mg−C bond
properly described by a static approach.
breaking, with subsequent formation of a nucleophilic carbon that
adds to the electrophilic carbonyl carbon; or (b) radical mechanism, The purpose of the present study is to use computational
homolytic Mg−C bond breaking, with subsequent recombination of approaches to determine the factors that drive the Grignard
the species with unpaired electrons. reaction toward preferred pathways (in particular nucleophilic
vs single electron transfer) in the presence of prototypical
originate from a nucleophilic addition but could be only carbonyl substrates, as well as to elucidate the mechanistic
obtained through a combination of organic radicals.8−15 details for each specific transformation. The employment of ab
Furthermore, electron spin resonance spectroscopy identified initio molecular dynamics and enhanced-sampling methods in
the presence of ketyl radicals in benzophenone/Grignard explicit solvent facilitates an unbiased exploration of the
reagent mixtures.16 Factors favoring the radical mechanism conformational space. In particular, it allows a thorough
were searched. Thus, using the distribution of products as an sampling of the solvation states of all organomagnesium
indicator for the mechanism, Ashby and co-workers inferred species and a reliable description of solvent dynamics. Finally,
that an electron-transfer mechanism depends on the reduction state-of-the-art quantum-chemical calculations provide solid
potential of the substrate, the oxidation potential of the data to understand the factors that promote a single electron-
Grignard reagent, and the polarity of the solvent. Ketones with transfer pathway.
low reduction potential favored the radical mechanism. Indeed,
a radical-type reaction was established for aromatic and
conjugated ketones (such as benzophenone and fluorenenone)
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Simulation
in the case of tertiary as well as primary Grignard reagents.14 Protocol. The thermodynamically equilibrated structures of the
Chiral Grignard reagents were also used to probe the Grignard reagent in THF in different protomeric and solvated
reaction pathway. It was in this way shown that chiral forms were determined in a previous study.31 In this work, the initial
secondary Grignard reagents react largely, but not exclusively, geometry of each reactive complex was built starting from that of the
by a radical mechanism with benzophenone, but essentially by respective Grignard reagent by replacing one THF coordinated to Mg
nucleophilic addition with benzaldehyde.17,18 The secondary with a substrate molecule. All systems were simulated in an
orthorhombic periodic box of dimensions 25.2 × 15.0 × 15.0 Å3,
H/D kinetic isotope effect indicated that the competition
containing 41 THF molecules. The quantum-chemical problem was
between the nucleophilic and the single electron-transfer solved at the DFT32,33 level using the Perdew−Burke−Ernzerhof
mechanisms depends on the reagent (i.e., magnesium or (PBE) exchange correlation (xc) functional.34 The Kohn−Sham
lithium organometallic species) and the substrate.19 Recently, orbitals were expanded over mixed Gaussian and plane-wave basis
it was shown that the Grignard reaction with aliphatic functions. The DZVP basis set for first and second row elements and
aldehydes does not involve single electron transfer.20 These a molecular optimized basis set for chlorine were employed.35 The
last results point at a clear preference for nucleophilic addition auxiliary plane-wave basis set was expanded up to a 200 Ry cutoff.
for aliphatic aldehyde and a possible competition between the The core electrons were integrated out using pseudopotentials of the
radical and nucleophilic pathways for substrates with lower Goedecker−Teter−Hutter type (GTH).36 Dispersion forces were
included using the D3 Grimme approximation.37 AIMD simulations
reduction potential, that is, aromatic or conjugated aldehydes
were run over the ground-state potential energy surface, adopting a
or ketones. threshold for the energy gradient of 10−5 au as numerical convergence
While various aspects of the chemistry of Grignard species, criterion for the electronic energy. The equations of motion were
including their formation,21−23 their structure, and their integrated employing the velocity Verlet algorithm38 with a time-step
thermodynamics in solution,24−27 were addressed by computa- of 0.25 fs. Relaxation to the target temperature was first performed
tional approaches, the Grignard reaction itself has been the using a canonical sampling/velocity rescaling (CSVR) thermostat39

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Figure 2. Organomagnesium complexes considered as reactants for the polar mechanism, classified as a function of the relative positions of the
substrate (ACA) and nucleophile (methyl group). The labels geminal, vicinal, and bridging describe the initial position of the reactive groups with
respect to the Mg center(s). The activation free energies, ΔA⧧, defined as the difference in free energy between the TS and the related reactant
species, are given in kcal mol−1.

Figure 3. Geminal reaction for compound Bgem. Representative geometries for the reactant, transition state, and product. The Mg atom and its
ligands are represented as balls-and-sticks. Other solvating THF molecules are drawn as lines. The color codes are mauve for magnesium, red for
oxygen, gray for carbon, and white for hydrogen.

with a time constant of 10 fs until the temperature of the system formation energy in a simplified model (Table S1). The reference
oscillated around the target value. A Nosé−Hoover chain thermostat energies were obtained using the CC singles and doubles (CCSD)
with a chain length of 3 and a time constant of 1 ps then was used for approximation augmented by a perturbative treatment of triple
data production.40−42 Trajectory analysis was performed using the excitations (CCSD(T))49 with an energy convergence threshold of
tools available in the VMD 1.9.2 package.43 10−9 hartree, using a cc-pVTZ basis set.50 The CCSD(T) calculations
Polar Mechanism − Activation Energies. The activation barriers were carried out using the CFOUR package.51
for the nucleophilic addition were estimated by constraint dynamics
in the blue-moon ensemble44 using the distance between the methyl
group and the carbonyl carbon as reaction coordinate λ. The
Polar Mechanism. Alkyl carbonyl substrates have been
constraint force f(λ) was collected over independent AIMD runs at
nine fixed values of λ spaced by 0.2−0.1 Å. The average value of f at
shown to prefer a nucleophilic pathway in their reaction with
each λ point (⟨f⟩λ) converged with steady mean values of ∼0.5 kcal Grignard reagents.20 For this reason, we modeled the reaction
mol−1 Å−1 within ∼2 ps of simulations. The activation free energy of acetaldehyde (ACA hereafter) with CH3MgCl in THF. All
ΔA⧧ was computed by trapezoidal integration of ⟨f⟩λ between λ values forms of CH3MgCl identified in our previous study as stable
corresponding to the reactant and the TS. This last point was species coexisting at thermal equilibrium in THF31 were
identified as the value of λ at which ⟨f⟩λ = 0. The work reports considered as potential reactive systems after replacing one
Helmholtz free energies as AIMD are performed at constant volume coordinated THF by ACA.31
conditions. Figure 2 shows the labels used throughout this work to
Radical Formation Energy. The dissociation energy associated identify the organometallic mononuclear and binuclear species
with the homolytic cleavage of the Mg−methyl bond for different and the associated possible pathways, which are characterized
Grignard reagent/substrate complexes was estimated as the difference by the position of the reactive groups on the Mg centers. The
between the total energy of the reactant and that of the individual pathway is called geminal if the two groups are on the same
fragments. THF molecules directly bound to Mg were explicitly
considered in the model, while the rest of the solvent was treated
magnesium atom and is called vicinal if they are on two
implicitly using a continuum dielectric model.45 The electronic different magnesiums. Finally, a pathway where the methyl
problem was solved at the DFT level using the M06-2X xc group bridges the two magnesium atoms was also considered.
functional46 and the 6-31+G(d,p) basis set.47 Calculations were Reaction with Geminal and Bridging Groups. Both
performed using the Gaussian 09 package.48 The choice of the M06- mononuclear and dinuclear Mg species can be associated
2X functional was done after assessing the quality of different xc with geminal pathways. Of the two mononuclear systems, Bgem
functionals in reproducing coupled-cluster (CC) data for the radical gives the energetically lowest transition state (TS), with an
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

ΔA⧧ of 6.5 ± 0.7 kcal mol−1 (Figure 2). The pathway starting
from CH3MgCl (Agem) has a higher lying TS with ΔA⧧ = 8.7 ±
0.8 kcal mol−1. Egem is the most reactive dinuclear complex via
a geminal pathway. This species is a variant of Bgem in which
the coordinated THF is replaced by a Cl-coordinated
MgCl2(THF)2 moiety. It is thus not surprising that the TSs
associated with Bgem and Egem have similar activation energies.
However, our earlier study on the Schlenk equilibrium31
indicated that Egem is less abundant than Bgem. This suggests
that Egem may contribute only marginally to the formation of
the product. Species Cgem and Dgem are instead characterized
by a significantly higher activation energy (both around 13 kcal
mol−1, Figure 2). Finally, the bridging methyl group is unlikely
to act as a nucleophile, as indicated by the high activation
energy of ΔA⧧ = 22.6 kcal mol−1 for Dbrd. As could be
expected, a nucleophile is less reactive at a bridging than at a
terminal position.
Structural Features of the Geminal Reaction. The reaction
in Bgem is used here as a representative case to describe the Figure 4. Transition state structures of the geminal and vicinal
structural details of the geminal pathway (Figure 3). In THF, reactions (Bgem, Fvic). Left: Evidence of the structural similarity of the
Mg(CH3)2 forms Mg(CH3)2(THF)2. This complex has a two TSs. Balls-and-sticks are used to represent the reacting moiety,
distorted tetrahedral structure with an angle of 135 ± 9° while the rest of the system is drawn as transparent cylinders. THF
between the two Mg−CH3 bonds, larger than that formed by molecules not bound to Mg are not shown. The green line marks the
the two Mg−O bonds (92 ± 8°, Figure S1). Replacement of incipient C−CH3 bond and its associated distance. Top right:
one THF molecule by ACA yields compound Bgem, which also Schematic definition of the angles formed by the C3 axis of the
has a distorted tetrahedral structure with obtuse nucleophile methyl group. Bottom right: Distances and angles formed
by the atoms involved in the four-center TS. Distances are reported in
CH3−Mg−CH3 and O(ACA)−Mg−O(THF) angles (153 ± angstroms, and angles are in degrees. ϕX is the angle at the vertex X in
9° and 137 ± 9°, respectively) and an O(ACA)−Mg−CH3 the four-member ring (top right panel). The color code is as in Figure
angle of 92 ± 11° (Figure S2). This arrangement leads to a 3.
close proximity between the nucleophilic and the electrophilic
In the reactant, the methyl group is tightly bound to Mg out-of-plane angle (defined by the improper CH3−C−O−H
with an average Mg−C bond distance of 2.15 ± 0.08 Å. In dihedral angle) of 161 ± 7°, closer to the ideal value of 180°
contrast, ACA is more loosely bound, with a Mg−O distance for an sp2 atom than 120° for an sp3 one. Both ACA and the
of 2.4 ± 0.2 Å, which is longer than the Mg−THF distance of methyl groups are slightly farther away from the Mg center
2.2 ± 0.1 Å. The Mg atom lies in the plane of ACA with a than in the reactant geometry, as indicated by the Mg−CH3
C−O−Mg angle of 118 ± 9°, indicating that the magnesium and Mg−O distances of 2.23 ± 0.07 and 2.5 ± 0.3 Å,
ion interacts with the two lone pairs of the carbonyl oxygen. respectively.
At the TS, the addition of one THF molecule from the bulk In the relaxed product CH3Mg(OCH(CH3)2)(THF)2, the
solvent leads to a complex with a distorted trigonal- Mg atom is again tetracoordinated, with the CH3−Mg−O(iso-
bipyramidal structure where ACA and the approaching THF propanol) and O(THF)−Mg−O(THF) angles similar to those
reside at the apical sites with an average in the reactant geometry (134 ± 8° and 93 ± 7°, respectively,
O(ACA)−Mg−O(THF) angle of 164 ± 10° (Figure 4). Figure S3).
Reaching the TS also requires a rotation of ACA around the The coordination of the solvent assists the heterolytic
CO axis to establish the interaction of the nucleophile with cleavage of the Mg−CH3 bond by donating electron density to
the carbonyl π system (Figure 4). The formation of the bond the Mg atom. It appears that the reactivity of the Mg complex
between the two carbon atoms is also promoted by a slight increases when the coordinated ligands are better electron
bending of ACA toward the methyl group, indicated by a donors and/or more ligands coordinate to the magnesium
decrease in the C−O−Mg angle to a value of 97 ± 3°. On the center. These electron-donating ligands screen the charge on
contrary, the CH3−Mg−O(ACA) angle of (93 ± 3°) remains the Mg center, making the nucleophilic CH3 a better leaving
similar to that in Bgem. group. In particular, Mg(CH3)2 is found to be slightly more
The geminal reaction occurs via a concerted mechanism, reactive than CH3MgCl, which is consistent with the known
with the TS showing partial formation and cleavage of the greater electron-donating ability of a methyl group relative to
C−C and Mg−CH3 bonds, respectively. An informative chloride in these magnesium complexes as it also appeared in
parameter is the direction of the C3 axis of the methyl our previous study.31 Moreover, the slightly higher reactivity of
group, which is significantly displaced away from the CH3−Mg the mononuclear over dinuclear species correlates to the fact
direction, but not yet aligned to the new C−C direction (ϕ1, that terminal ligands are better electron donors than are the
ϕ2 angles in Figure 4). The four atoms involved in the bond bridging ones.
rearrangement are coplanar (Figure 4), with a CH3···C−O Reaction with Vicinal Groups. The vicinal reaction was
angle of attack of 107 ± 4°, consistent with expected values for studied for species Cvic and Fvic (Figure 2). The most solvated
a nucleophilic addition to a carbonyl group.52,53 The four- dinuclear complex Fvic, with two pentacoordinated Mg atoms,
centered TS has a reactant-like geometry, with a relatively long has an activation energy for the C−C bond formation of ΔA⧧
C···C bond distance of 2.55 Å and the ACA carbon with an ∼ 4.8 kcal mol−1. This is the lowest activation energy that has
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Figure 5. Vicinal reaction for Fvic. Representative geometries for the reactant, transition state, and product. The Mg atoms (left Mg1, right Mg2) and
first coordination sphere ligands are represented as balls-and-sticks. Other solvating THF molecules are drawn as lines. The color code is cyan for
chlorine and green for the nucleophilic methyl, while the other elements are colored as in Figure 3.

Figure 6. Red: Activation energies of all Grignard species derived from CH3MgCl in THF solution when reacting with acetaldehyde. Blue: Relative
free energies of the species involved in the Schlenk equilibrium (data from ref 31). The green box highlights the intrinsically most reactive species
identified in this work.

been calculated for all mononuclear and dinuclear species Mg2−CH3 direction, and a favorable CH3···CO angle52,53 of
considered in this study. According to our previous study, Fvic 114 ± 10° (Figure 4). Also, in this case, the ACA carbon
is also one of the most abundant species in the Schlenk essentially retains an sp2 hybridization at the transition, similar
equilibrium, with a free energy of only 1.3 kcal mol−1 higher to that found earlier for Bgem.
than that of the most stable dichloro-bridged compound Relaxation from the transition state yields a product where
(Cvic).31 Fvic is therefore a key contributor to the formation of the alcoholate bridges the two magnesium atoms (Figure 5).
product by way of the nucleophilic addition. The most reactive The chlorine atom that is anti to the nucleophilic CH3 in the
species has ACA and the nucleophilic methyl group initially reactant leaves its bridging position to occupy a terminal site at
coordinated to two distinct magnesium atoms (Mg1 and Mg2, Mg2. Reorganization of the bridging ligands yields the final
respectively) and thus rather far from each other. Considerable product where Mg 1 is tetracoordinated and Mg 2 is
structural reorganization is occurring on the way to the pentacoordinated (Figure 5).
transition state. At the TS, characterized by a C···C distance of The significantly higher activation energy (ΔA⧧ ∼ 13.0 kcal
2.6 Å, ACA enters in the coordination sphere of Mg2 while still mol−1) required for the most stable dinuclear species Cvic
interacting with Mg1, as shown by the similar Mg1−O and (Figure 2) to undergo the nucleophilic reaction highlights the
Mg2−O distances of 2.12 ± 0.07 and 2.27 ± 0.19 Å, role of the coordinated solvent. Both Fvic and Cvic have two
respectively (Figure 4). Consequently, Mg 1 retains a bridged chloride ligands and a terminal methyl group on each
pentacoordinated structure at the TS. In parallel, Mg2 acquires magnesium atom. Thus, the difference between them resides in
an octahedral coordination (Figure 5), with an O- the number of THF solvent molecules coordinated to each
(ACA)−Mg2−CH3 angle between the two reacting cis-ligands magnesium, the more reactive species being more solvated.
of ∼90°. The least solvated Cvic is in fact a rigid species in which ACA
The four-center TS shares strong similarities with that found cannot approach the nucleophilic methyl group coordinated to
for the geminal reaction, with an elongated Mg2−CH3 bond the other magnesium. Interestingly, the calculations indicate
(∼2.3 Å), a methyl lone-pair axis twisted ∼30° away from the that an additional THF binds Cvic on the ACA-bonded
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Figure 7. Mg−CH3 BDE and spin-density localization (in fractions of e) for MgCl(Sub)(THF)nCH3 (Sub = substrate). The green wire-frame
shows the isosurface of the spin density map at a value of 0.0065 au.

magnesium prior to reaching the transition state. This event other ligands (Figure 5). At the bridging position, the
occurs when the carbon−carbon distance is ∼4 Å, still more electrophilicity of ACA is significantly increased. In the same
than 1 Å longer than at the TS. The formation of a time, the coordination of Mg2 augments from five to six, which
pentacoordinated species on the ACA-coordinated Mg in turn helps in the departure of the nucleophilic methyl group.
facilitates the migration of ACA toward the methyl bearing Thus, through different coordination to the Mg centers, the
Mg, enabling the reaction. The solvent thus appears to be a key solvent has contributed to make the substrate ACA more
factor in the reaction by increasing the flexibility of the Mg electrophilic and the methyl group more nucleophilic. The
complex, thus lowering the energy needed for getting the entropic factor also favors the vicinal reaction in this dinuclear
electrophile and nucleophile close to each other (Figure 5). complex relative to the most favorable geminal reaction.
A previous work proposed that the Grignard reaction would Indeed, in the latter, the coordination of an additional THF is
occur starting from a dinuclear structure characterized by a necessary at the transition state, while in the former, there is no
single bridging chloride and two methyl groups each bound to need for a THF from the bulk of the solvent to enter the
a different Mg atom.30 Nonetheless, the calculations showed coordination sphere of any of the two magnesium centers. The
that this complex was not stable in solution and it rapidly dinuclear complex needs only to modify the position of the
evolved into a dichloro-bridged structure. This is consistent various ligands and coordinated solvent to reach the transition
with what has been already observed in our previous work: the state. Thus, cleaving the terminal Mg2−CH3 bond is
monochloride bridged structures were not associated with free- accompanied by the displacement of a bridging chloride to a
energy minima, but they corresponded to the transition states terminal position to ensure appropriate anionic coordination at
during the transmetalation step in the Schlenk equilibrium.31 Mg2. Two coordinating THF solvent molecules are sufficient
Because of their instability, and the already high reactivity of to stabilize the pentacordinated Mg2 linked also to a terminal
more stable compounds, it is unlikely that such moieties play a Cl and to the bridging alcoholate and chloride ligands.
significant role in the Grignard reaction. In practice, the Grignard reaction can be viewed as a variant
Role of the Schlenk Equilibrium in the Nucleophilic of the Schlenk equilibrium where the nonreactive solvent is
Grignard Reaction. Figure 6 compiles the activation energies replaced by an unsaturated substrate that becomes a strong
of the reaction pathways considered in this work, together with electrophile when entering the coordination sphere of Mg. The
the relative stability of the various organomagnesium species energetically easy exchange between terminal and bridging
involved in the Schlenk equilibrium as previously derived.31 ligands under the assistance of the solvent is at the heart of this
The Schlenk equilibrium is driven by the dynamics of the chemistry.
coordinating solvent in the Grignard reagent dimers,31 and its While the vicinal pathway through the dinuclear Mg
mechanism shares structural similarities with the vicinal complex (Fvic) looks intrinsically the most reactive, the
pathway. Specifically, in the Schlenk equilibrium, the increased geminal pathway should nevertheless be considered as a
coordination of the solvent assists the displacement of the competitive alternative. In particular, mononuclear species
ionic ligands from the terminal to the bridging positions by have activation energies only slightly higher than that of the
increasing the flexibility of the organomagnesium complex. In most reactive dinuclear complex. Thus, the preferred pathway
the Grignard reaction, the most reactive structure Fvic has two for the Grignard reaction would be determined by the relative
pentacoordinated Mg centers, Mg1 with one THF and ACA, abundance of the mononuclear and dinuclear compounds.
and Mg2 with two THF molecules. This high coordination of Likely, several forms may be active simultaneously in the
the two Mg centers facilitates the shift of ACA from a terminal complex mixture formed by the Grignard reagent in solution. It
to a bridging position while minimizing the motion of the should be kept in mind that the Grignard reagent forms
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

Figure 8. Energetics of the Grignard reaction mechanisms for fluorenone. Top panel: Activation free energy of the nucleophilic addition with
Mg(CH3)2. Bottom panel: Bond dissociation energy. All energy values are in kcal mol−1. On the right is the distribution of the spin density in
Mg(CH3)(fluorenone)THF2: 33% of the unpaired electron localizes on the carbonyl carbon, 16% on the carbonyl oxygen, and 45% on the
remaining π system.

clusters whose nature and relative abundance depend on the BDE, as shown by its decrease from acetaldehyde (37.9 kcal
solvent and the halide ligand in a nontrivial manner.6,54 mol−1) to carbonyl difluoride (24.8 kcal mol−1) (Figure 7,
Our findings stress the importance of an unbiased values for two bound THFs). The strong influence of the
exploration of the conformational space and, in particular, of substrate on the BDE can be rationalized by considering the
the explicit treatment of the solvent. In fact, the solvent is a localization of the unpaired electron on the organomagnesium
direct player in all reactive pathways identified in the present radical product. As shown in Figure 7, the electron spin density
work, in particular by structurally and dynamically affecting the mostly resides on the substrate carbonyl group and not on the
coordination sphere of Mg. This is particularly relevant for the Mg atom regardless of the nature of the substrate and the
determination of the free energy barrier in the geminal reaction number of bound THFs. Consequently, the BDE correlates to
where the C−C bond formation, associated with a cleavage of the energy of the singly occupied π*(CO) Kohn−Sham orbital
the Mg−CH3 bond, occurs with the assistance of an incoming in the radical product, as indicated by the corresponding
solvent entering the coordination sphere of Mg. This ensures orbital energies of −0.18057, −0.18846, and −0.25703 au for
that the magnesium is coordinated to at least four ligands as it acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, and carbonyl difluoride, respec-
was found to be required.31 The direct role of the solvent in tively.
modulating the reaction is the main reason for the The role of a low-lying empty π* orbital at the substrate in
discrepancies found with the preceding studies by Yamazaki the stabilization of the radical species rationalizes the high BDE
and Yamabe29 and by Mori and Kato.30 In particular, our study values in the absence of any coordinated carbonyl substrate. In
contrasts with their hypothesis that mononuclear species may fact, in the case of MgCl(THF)•2 radical, the unpaired electron
be significantly less able to promote the Grignard reaction. In remains located on Mg, with about 0.8 e of the spin density.
fact, such divergences arise because of, in these previous The previous analysis also explains why the degree of solvation
investigations, a fixed number of ligands at the magnesium has a stronger influence for the BDE in the substrate-bound
centers, in particular disregarding the dynamic role of the species than in the substrate-free Grignard reagent. In the
solvent and its capability of entering in the coordination sphere presence of the substrate, the delocalization of the unpaired
during the reaction. electron produces an effective increase of the electrostatic
Radical Mechanism. Quantum-chemical calculations charge on the Mg atom, which can be stabilized by additional
indicate that the homolytic cleavage of the Mg−CH3 bond electron-donating ligands. Thus, increased solvation decreases
in the solvated Grignard reagent CH3MgCl(THF)n requires a the Mg−CH3 BDE. The effect of the solvent depends only
high energy of 66.6 kcal mol−1 for n = 2, which is not lowered slightly on the nature of the coordinated substrate because the
by increasing solvation (66.4 kcal mol−1 for n = 3). The stabilization is from 13 to 10 kcal mol−1 for acetaldehyde to
calculated values compare well with those determined carbonyl difluoride, respectively. For a similar reason,
experimentally for CH3MgBr in diethyl ether55 (∼61 kcal Mg(CH3)2 promotes the homolytic dissociation of the methyl
mol−1), suggesting a marginal influence of the halide and radical more than does CH3MgCl, with a decrease in the BDE
solvent on the Mg−CH3 bond dissociation energy (BDE). by roughly 10%.
The high value of the Mg−CH3 BDE indicates that alkyl Nucleophilic Attack versus Homolytic Cleavage: The
radicals cannot be formed in pure solutions of the Grignard Case of Fluorenone. The quantum-chemical calculations of
reagent.56 Indeed, the experiment reports the presence of the Mg−CH3 BDE presented here show that the formation of
organic radicals only when electrophilic substrates of low radical species by cleavage of the Mg−CH3 bond is unlikely in
reduction potential are present.14 This suggests that the the absence of a coordinated substrate with a low-lying empty
substrate may promote the homolytic cleavage. orbital. This observation accounts for previous conclusions by
The M−CH3 BDEs were thus calculated for complexes with Otte and Woerpel20 that the Grignard reaction does not
coordinated substrates. Figure 7 reports the Mg−CH3 BDE for proceed via a radical mechanism with alkyl aldehydes and
substrates of decreasing reduction potential (acetaldehyde > ketones. The same finding is also consistent with the
formaldehyde > carbonyl difluoride) with one or two experimental evidence that a radical mechanism is often
coordinated THF molecules. Indeed, the nature of the preferred for aromatic ketones and, in particular, for
coordinated substrate influences significantly the Mg−CH3 benzophenone and fluorenone.8−15
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

To evaluate the competition between the radical and fluorenone originates in good part from a larger structural
nucleophilic addition pathways in aromatic substrates, we reorganization going from reactant to TS.
considered the case of the fluorenone. The calculations were The present calculations help in understanding why the
carried out with monomeric Mg(CH3)2. This form of the radical mechanism was observed with substrates characterized
Grignard reagent was selected because it is only slightly less by a low reduction potential. Interestingly, such substrates are
reactive than the most reactive dinuclear complex, while it often bulky due to the presence of aryl groups and other
allows faster ab initio MD simulations. conjugated substituents. These large groups may thus require
The Mg−CH3 BDE in CH3MgCl(fluorenone)(THF)2 is larger structural rearrangement on the way to the TS for the
16.5 kcal mol−1, a value more than 20 kcal mol−1 smaller than nucleophilic addition, which can further disfavor such a
that for ACA. Such a drastic lowering of the BDE is associated mechanism against the radical one, as shown in the
with a significant delocalization of the unpaired electron over representative case of fluorenone.
the extended π system of fluorenone (Figure 8). In particular,
the spin density surrounding the carbonyl carbon integrates to
only 0.5 e, as compared to values larger than 0.8 e for the other
The activation of both the nucleophilic and the radical
substrates (Figure 7), with the rest of the spin density being mechanisms depends in a complex way on the nature of the
distributed on the conjugated aromatic ring (Figure 8). substrate, on its binding to the Mg center, and on solvent
Considering an entropic contribution to the free energy dynamics. The combination of these subtle effects is the cause
(−TΔS) for a bond dissociation on the order of 10 kcal mol−1, of the difficulties in determining and predicting the preferred
the formation of a methyl radical would reach an overall free pathways for the Grignard reaction.
energy cost of only ∼6 kcal mol−1, which is in the same range The nucleophilic reaction occurs between the substrate and
of the most favorable free energy barriers for the nucleophilic the nucleophile, which are both in the coordination sphere of
addition mechanism with ACA. Mg centers. Several organomagnesium species that coexist at
Interestingly, ab initio MD simulations reveal that thermal equilibrium in solution can promote the nucleophilic
fluorenone is significantly less reactive than ACA via the reaction with similar activation energies. This implies that
nucleophilic pathway. For Mg(CH3)2(fluorenone)(THF), we several pathways involving different forms of the Grignard
estimated an activation energy of 14.5 ± 1.2 kcal mol−1 (Figure reagent may occur in parallel. The number of Mg atoms in the
8), a value around 8 kcal mol−1 higher than that for ACA. Mg species does not appear to influence significantly its
The TS for the nucleophilic addition to fluorenone has reactivity because the two most reactive species with very
structural features similar to those for ACA, as indicated by a similar activation energies are a dinuclear and a mononuclear
C···C bond distance of 2.5 Å, a C out-of-plane angle of 164 ± compound. Likewise, similar activation energies are found
4°, and an approach angle of 106 ± 4°. However, the when the substrate and the nucleophile are initially
geometries of the reactant states are significantly different in coordinated on the same or on nearby Mg atoms.
the two species. For ACA, the Mg−CH3 and CO bonds in The solvent plays an essential role in the reaction. More
the reactant state are essentially eclipsed, as shown by a solvated Mg species are more reactive. This seems to be due to
CH3−Mg−O−C dihedral angle of 14 ± 15° (Figure 9). the higher flexibility of the entire Mg species, which favors the
structural reorganization from the reactant to the transition
state. In less solvated species, additional coordination of
solvent molecules coming from the bulk is still needed to
promote the reaction, but the associated entropic cost makes
these species less reactive. Thus, in all pathways, the solvent
should be considered as one of the reactants. Similar effects
probably apply in numerous organometallic reactions notably
involving alkali, alkali-earth metals, and related lanthanide
complexes, which are all known to be highly sensitive to
solvent effects.
Like for the nucleophilic addition, the radical mechanism is
strongly dependent on the coordination of the Mg center. The
pure Grignard reagent is unlikely to release an organic radical
even if heavily solvated. However, when one of the coordinated
Figure 9. Structural reorganization from (left) reactant to (right) ligands is a substrate with a low-lying empty π orbital and when
transition state in the nucleophilic pathway for (top) ACA and the solvation is high, the Mg−carbon bond breaks much more
(bottom) fluorenone. The CH3−Mg−O−C dihedral angle (corre- easily. Interestingly, the substituents able to lower the
sponding to the blue arrow) is 14 ± 15° for ACA and 114 ± 30° for reduction potential of the substrate are often rather bulky,
fluorenone. which in turn disfavors the nucleophilic pathway. The
combination of electronic effects stabilizing the radical species
Therefore, a rotation of the ACA around the CO axis by and steric hindrance hampering the nucleophilic addition
∼90° is the main structural change required to reach the TS explains why a radical pathway has been observed with
(Figure 9). For fluorenone, the bulky aryl group precludes an substrates like fluorenone or benzophenone but not with
eclipsed conformation for the Mg−CH3 and CO bonds, as benzaldehyde.
indicated by an average CH3−Mg−O−C dihedral of 114 ± The coexistence of multiple species in rapid exchange due to
30° (Figure 9). Consequently, in this case, an additional the Schlenk equilibrium and the evidence that the activation
rotation around the Mg−O bond is required to reach the TS. energy range of all possible reactions is relatively modest
This suggests that the higher barrier calculated in the case of indicate that the Grignard reaction should not be described by
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2984−2994
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article

an individual process. Instead, it should rather be thought of as ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

an ensemble of transformations that can occur simultaneously This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway
in solution. It is likely that improvements of the Grignard
(RCN) through the CoE Hylleraas Center for Quantum
reaction, for example, by alkali7,57 or copper salt additives,58,59
Molecular Sciences (Grant number 262695) and by the
occur by interference with one or more of the possible
Norwegian Supercomputing Program (NOTUR) (Grant
pathways. In fact, the determination of all possible reaction
number NN4654K). M.C. and J.G. acknowledge funding by
pathways for the Grignard reaction and the key factors
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the
regulating them establishes the foundation for rational
project B5 of the TRR 146 (project number 233630050).
improvements of this process.
We thank Mats Tilset for being at the right place at the right
In this respect, it is noticeable that most reactive dinuclear
time to ask the right question. We also thank Filippo Lipparini
species found in this study share strong similarities with the
for useful discussions.

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general class of catalytic RNA or metalloendonuclease
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