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As a classroom teacher, before I start my lesson I always give my students several

reminders about safety and health protocols and the policy on no bullying. I want them to feel
that they are safe in their learning environment.
During discussion, I encouraged them to participate actively. I treated my students fair. I
gave each of them the chance to be heard in class and be able to express their thoughts and
In executing my lesson, these things were also observed.
1. Learning goals were provided before the session, classroom norms were emphasized,
and positive reinforcement was observed through vocal and nonverbal praises, as well as the
use of hand gestures for ease of instruction, to enable the students to become self-directed
2. I utilized HOTS questions that aid facilitating sharing of meaningful life experiences of my
3. Visual materials were localized and made available either printed, pictures, and/or with
the use of technology to cater varied learners’ needs and capabilities.
4. To develop mastery, learning activities were built to assist my students' individual
differences and to address one's weaknesses and strengths. Similarly, the classroom was
structured for ease of access and mobility during group activities so that they could apply what
they had learned and known to gain mastery.
5. Students were given assessment materials such as activity sheets and teacher-made
tests to measure their learning, which will serve as a basis for teachers to reflect on and analyze
one‘s teaching.

These practices are in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
Under Article II, Section 4, states that every teacher shall possess and actualize a full
commitment and devotion to duty. Also in Article VIII Section 2 states that a teacher shall
recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and foremost concern, and shall
deal justifiably and impartially with each of them.

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