PMO24 General Guidelines - Abridged
PMO24 General Guidelines - Abridged
PMO24 General Guidelines - Abridged
Contestant Qualification
The Philippine Mathematical Olympiad (PMO) is open to all junior and senior high school students in the country. Each
of the participating schools may send at most 40 students from Grade 7 to Grade 12. Note: This is more than the 30
students allowed in the previous PMO.
Interested students should contact IF they are not enrolled in a traditional school (i.e., they are
homeschooled) or IF they are enrolled in a school that will not participate.
On February 12, 2022 (Saturday), there will be a Trial Session for contestants to familiarize themselves with the
procedures for the online contest and to check for any technical issues ahead of the contest.
All contestants, regardless of grade level, will answer the same set of questions.
The link to the SC sign-up portal is already posted in the PMO Facebook page and in The link to the SC portal
will be sent by email to each approved SC.
Mathematical Society of the Philippines
Institute of Mathematics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101 Philippines
General Guidelines for the Qualifying Stage of PMO24 – Abridged (v2) Page 2
There will be a trial session for fully registered contestants on February 12, 2022 (Saturday). This will be an opportunity
to verify that the contestant has the correct links and is able to login successfully, and identify any technical issues so
they can be addressed early on.
An email containing the contest pass for the trial session will be sent by PMO to fully registered contestants on or before
February 11, 2022 (Friday), 11:59 pm. This includes the contest portal link and the instructions on how to login. Another
contest pass for the qualifying stage will be sent on February 17, 2022 (Thursday).
A separate email will be sent by the assigned proctor to fully registered contestants on or before February 11, 2022
(Friday), 11:59 pm, which contains the online video session link (Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams) for proctoring
purposes. Another email with the same details will be sent again on February 17, 2022 (Thursday).
Check both your inbox and spam folder. If any or both emails from the PMO and proctor have not been received,
contestants should notify the SC as soon as possible.
Contestants who were able to join the Qualifying Stage and have been compliant with contest rules will receive a
certificate from the PMO.
Based on scores from the Qualifying Stage, the following contestants will be awarded with a certificate and medal:
● The Top Contestant From each of the 17 regions of the Philippines; the PMO reserves the right not to give an
award for a region if there are too few contestants as evaluated by the organizers.
● The Top Three Contestants from each of these 4 areas: Luzon (excluding NCR), Visayas, Mindanao, and NCR
● The Top Female Contestant from all over the country
● The Top Junior Contestant from all over the country, i.e., a contestant from Grade 7 to Grade 9
● The National Finalists
Based on scores from the National Stage, the top 3 contestants will be awarded with the following:
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