Module 2 Environment
Module 2 Environment
Module 2 Environment
strengths weaknesses
opportunities threats
marketing environment
Environmental scanning
The process of collecting information about forces in the
marketing environment
Secondary sources
Market research
responding to
environmental environmental
scanning analysis
marketing environment
Environmental analysis
The process of assessing and interpreting information
gathered through environmental scanning
Is the information accurate?
Is the information consistent?
Is the information significant?
Is the information relevant?
responding to
environmental environmental
scanning analysis
marketing environment
Responding to Environmental Forces
Reactive approach
Passive view of environment as uncontrollable
Current strategy is cautiously adjusted to accommodate environmental changes
Proactive approach
Actively attempts to shape and influence environment
Strategies are constructed to overcome market challenges and take advantage
of opportunities
responding to
environmental environmental
scanning analysis
marketing environment
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
Bargaining power
of customers
Threat of new
types of competitors
compete in the same product class, but their products have different
features, benefits, and prices
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
willingness to spend
prices family size
economic cycle
marketing environment
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
reactive response
campaign contributions
making adjustments to business
political action committees
practices as laws are passed
lobbying elected officials
major laws affecting marketing decisions
Law Description
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) Prohibits contracts or conspiracies to restrain trade
Pure Food and Drug Act Prohibits the adulteration and mislabeling of food and drug
(1906) products
Robinson-Patman Act (1936) Prohibits price discrimination
Wheeler-Lea Act (1938) Prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices, regardless of
whether competition is injured
Fair Packaging and Labeling Prohibits the unfair or deceptive packaging or labeling of
(1966) consumer products
Digital Millennium Copyright Refines copyright laws to protect digital versions of
Act (1998) copyrighted materials, such as music and movies
Children’s Online Privacy Regulates the online collection of personally identifiable
Protection Act (2000) information from children under the age of 13
marketing environment
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
The application of knowledge and tools to solve
problems and perform tasks more efficiently
Impact of Technology
Dynamic means constant change
Reach refers to how technology quickly moves
through society.
The self-sustaining nature of technology is the catalyst
for even faster development
marketing environment
economic forces
competitive forces political forces
economic forces
competitive forces political forces