English: Quarter 1 - Module 16
English: Quarter 1 - Module 16
English: Quarter 1 - Module 16
Quarter 1–Module 16:
Differentiate Formal from Informal Definitions of Words
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the Learner:
Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Differentiate
Formal from Informal Definitions of Words.
The mind is the part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels and remembers. In
understanding the formal and informal definition of a word, we need to use our mind
to distinguish the meaning of a word. Hence, the mind, in this learning resource,
signifies that you as a learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the
relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success
lies in you.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know
When writers are trying to explain an unfamiliar idea, they rely on definitions.
All definitions attempt to explain or clarify a term. This lesson will help you
understand the formal and informal definition of words. It consists of activities that
will enhance your vocabularies and increase your fluency in the language which you
can use in your everyday living as a 21st century learner.
Words have scientific definitions. There are times that words are defined
according on how they were perceived by an individual. The way we understand
them differs in some aspects. We vary the language we use depending on our
audience and purpose.
What I Know
What’s In
Sam: Good afternoon! This is Mr. Sam. How may I help you?
Carlo: Hi, Mr. Sam! I was just calling to confirm the details of our meeting. What’s a
good time for you?
Sam: Well I’m very busy tomorrow. How about 10 o’clock on Friday?
Carlo: I may not be able to make it at ten. Would 10:30 be okay?
Sam: Sure, that works for me. I’ll put you on my schedule for 10:30 on Friday.
Carlo: Great. I’m looking forward to it. See you soon.
Sam: Sure… thanks for calling. Take care.
Notes to the Teacher
The teacher must consider the prerequisite skills needed in the
development of this competency including the schema or background
knowledge which may reinforce learning. This module will help the
learners bridge the gap of learning to attain mastery of the lesson in its
spiral progression.
What’s New
What is It
A formal definition is based upon a concise and logical pattern that includes
information. The primary reason to include definitions in your writing is to avoid
misunderstanding with your audience.
1. Freedom (term) is the power or right (class) to act, speak, or think as one
wants without hindrance or restraint (distinguishing characteristic).
3. Cell phone (term) is a device (class) that is portable and usually cordless
telephone for use in the cellular system (distinguishing characteristic).
In an informal definition, the writer uses known words or examples to explain an
unknown term. These definitions may be synonyms or antonyms introduced by or, in
other words, or like.
1. Freedom is when people have reached the state that they are free to think
and do whatever they please.
What’s More
Independent Activity 1
A. Give the class of each term to which they belong. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write it on your English notebook.
___2. Ventilator is a ________that lets fresh air enter and move through a room.
A. device B. gadget C. frame
___3. Apple is a round _______with red, yellow, or green skin and firm white
A. fruit B. food C. vegetable
Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Identify the statement which has the formal definition of a word. Write a
check mark (√) before each number. Do this on your English notebook.
___1. Love is a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.
___2. Soap is used in cleansing our face and body.
___3. Shampoo is a special liquid that is used for cleaning hair.
___4. “Love is blind”, one of the famous saying.
___5. Corona virus is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory
___6. Mother is someone who takes care of her children.
___7. Quarantine is when the government enforced isolation.
___8. Community is an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a
common location.
___9. Lockdown is an emergency measure or condition in which people are
temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building
during a threat of danger.
___10. China is a country of eastern Asia bordering on the Pacific; the most
populous country in the world.
Independent Activity 2
Directions: Identify formal and informal definitions of words based on how the
students define each term. Write F for FORMAL and I for INFORMAL. Do this on
your English notebook.
Teacher: Good morning Class!
Students: Good morning teacher!
Teacher: Today we will talk about some terminologies on corona virus.
Students: Wow! That’s a very interesting topic.
Teacher: By the way, let me ask each of you, how would you define corona virus?
___S1: Corona virus is similar to Covid-19.
___S2: Corona virus is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory
___S3: Corona virus is when you get sick.
___S4: Corona virus made the whole world panicked.
___S5: Corona virus caused millions of death around the world.
Teacher: Very good! Your ideas are all correct. Now let me ask you another term.
Can you please define quarantine?
___S6: Quarantine is when the government enforced a rule.
___S7: Quarantine is similar to isolation.
___S8: Quarantine is a state of enforced isolation
Teacher: Excellent! How about the word lockdown? Do you know how to define it?
Students: Yes, we do teacher. What is it?
___S9: Lockdown is when the authority enforced a rule not to enter or leave on a
specific place.
___S10: Lockdown is an emergency measure or condition in which people are
temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building during a
threat of danger.
Teacher: Brilliant! I am very happy that you know those terms. That will only prove
that you still study at home during the community quarantine brought by the
pandemic. That’s it for now. Let’s continue praying and soon everything will be okay.
Independent Assessment 2
Directions: Identify formal and informal definitions of words. Draw a for formal
definition and for informal definition. Do this on your English notebook.
The whole world has come to a standstill, and the reason is the pandemic COVID-19.
All of a sudden, it seems we are a part of a horror movie. The villainous coronavirus is killing
thousands of people, and we are feeling helpless. It has turned our lives upside down. Even
in our dreams, we could not have imagined ourselves conned to our homes, with no outings
and unable to meet our friends and relatives.
Reasonably, the situation has given us a chance to look at things differently. In the
beginning, this lockdown was considered as holidays by some children, like me. Once
extended, it has made us realize the value of attending schools. We appreciate the hard
work of our teachers who are trying their best to teach us through online classes and
providing us with study material. Teachers are not leaving any stone unturned so that we do
not waste our precious time sitting idle. Although initially taking online classes was a
challenge for them, they have quickly adapted so that our academic path does not get
affected. This has taught us never to run away from challenges when life throws them upon
us and, to try to adapt according to the situation.
The lockdown has also made us appreciate our parents, who usually work day and
night to fulfill our reasonable (and unreasonable) demands and never complain. Spending
more time with them gave us an opportunity to understand them and to learn what quality
time. Life is about not only studies, TV, and games. It is about sharing and standing with
each other during any phase of life.
The current situation has made us value the organizations who keep working day
and night to make our life easy and smooth. We should be thankful to our government and
police officers who are trying to make people follow the rules of social distancing. We should
also be grateful to health workers who are putting their lives in danger to save thousands of
lives. Lockdown is giving us many lessons about life. We have learnt to handle difficulties
with a positive mind, and I hope these lessons remain with us throughout life. There is an
end to every nightmare, and this one shall end soon.
___4. The pandemic Covid-19 is killing thousands of people. What is the meaning of the
underlined world in formal definition?
A. a villain that kills people.
B. an opponent of the whole world.
C. an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an
exceptionally high proportion of the population.
___5. Even in our dreams, we could not have imagined ourselves conned to our homes.
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. navigate B. outside C. way
___6. What is the realization of the students when the lockdown is extended?
A. the value of home.
B. the value of their friends
C. the value of attending schools
___9. Based on the essay, who put their lives in danger to save thousands of lives?
A. government B. health workers C. police
Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Give the formal and informal definitions of the following words below.
You may use your dictionary for reference of the formal definition.Write your answers
on your English notebook.
What I Can Do
Direction: Write an essay with the use of five formal and five informal definitions of
words with at least 3-paragraph. Each paragraph should consist of five sentences.
Do this in your English notebook.
Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Recheck your output before
submitting it.
Traits 4 3 2 1
Focus & Details There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one topic. The topic and
well-focused topic. well-focused topic. Main ideas are main ideas are
Main Main ideas are clear somewhat clear. not clear.
ideas are clear and but are not well
are well supported by supported by detailed
detailed and accurate information.
Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no
inviting, states the states the main topic states the main clear
main topic, and and provides an topic. A introduction,
provides an overview overview of the paper. conclusion is structure, or
of the paper. A conclusion is included. conclusion.
Information is included.
relevant and
presented in a logical
order. The conclusion
is strong.
Accuracy of the The writer uses 5 The writer uses 3 The writer uses The writer
number of formal an informal formal and informal one formal and does not use
definition. definition of words. definition of words. informal definition formal and
of words. informal
definition of
Word Choice The author uses vivid The author uses vivid The author uses The writer
words and phrases. words and phrases. words that uses a limited
The choice and The choice and communicate vocabulary.
placement of words placement of words is clearly, but the Jargon or
seems accurate, inaccurate at times writing lacks clichés may be
natural, and not and/or seems variety present and
forced. overdone detract from
the meaning.
Sentence All sentences are well Most sentences are Most sentences Sentences
Structure, constructed and have well constructed and are well sound
Grammar, varied structure and have varied structure constructed, but awkward, are
Mechanics, & length. The author and length. The they have a distractingly
Spelling makes no errors in author makes a few similar structure repetitive, or
grammar, errors in grammar, and/or length. are difficult to
mechanics, and/or mechanics, and/or The author makes understand.
spelling. spelling, but they do several errors in The author
not interfere with grammar, makes
understanding. mechanics, numerous
and/or spelling errors in
that interfere with grammar,
understanding. mechanics,
spelling that
interfere with
Additional Activities
Directions: Collect ten words with picture and provide the formal and informal
definitions of each. Use short bond paper for each word. Write the meaning of
the word below the picture. Punch a hole at the upper left hand corner
then use a ribbon to bind them. Refer to the rubrics below for your guidance.
The output will be assessed using the following rubrics: 5 (exceeds standard) 4
(meets standard) 3 (nearly meets standard) 2 (approaches standard) 1 (does not
meet standard)
Accuracy of the definition 54321
Presence of the required elements 54321
Presentation 54321
Timeliness 54321
SCORE ___________
What I Can Do What's More (Activity 3)
1. Formal 1. C
2. Informal 2. B
3. Informal 3. A
4. Formal 4. C
5. Informal 5. A
6. Formal 6. C
7. Informal 7. C
8. Formal 8. A
9. Informal 9. B
10. Formal 10. C
What I Know What's More (Activity 1) What’s More (Activity 2)
1. Formal 1. C 1. I
2. Informal 2. A 2. F
3. A 3. I
3. Formal
4. C 4. I
4. Informal 5. B 5. I
5. Formal 6. C 6. I
6. Informal 7. E 7. I
7. Formal 8. B 8. F
8. Formal 9. F 9. I
9. Informal 10. A 10. F
10. Informal (Assessment 1) (Assessment 2)
1. √ 1. circle
What's In 2. 2. circle
3. √ 3. circle
1. Informal 4. 4. square
5. √ 5. circle
2. Formal 6. square
7. 7. square
8. √ 8. circle
9. √ 9. square
10. √ 10. circle
Answer Key
1. “DepEd Batangas City Learning Materials,” Accessed May 27, 2020
https://depedbatangascity.org/resources/deped-batangas-city- learning-
2. “Essay Rubric”, Accessed June 1, 2020
3. “Essay Winner Abhinav Goel –Unesco,” Accessed July 6, 2020
4. “Example of formal definition,” Accessed June 1, 2020,
5. “Formal and Informal Definition Slide share,” Accessed may 29, 2020,
6. “Formal and informal speaking-quiz answers-BBC,” Accessed June 2, 2020
7. “Formal and Informal Words In English : English Words to Expand Your
Vocabulary | Expressions,” Accessed June 1, 2020
8. “Material_escolalafalguera_oral_angles_1213,” Accessed July 2, 2020
9. “Merriam Webster Dictionary” Accessed June 1, 2020,
10. Scribd “Formal and Informal Definition of Words Lesson Plan, Accessed May
29, 2020 https://www.scribd.com/document/414475838/Formal-and-Informal-