Exam Duty - 2022

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« arnt es ftw ure arent mre fear ae wert, Rone zg, eel Be, ater @ Giani Zail Singh Capus College of Engineering & Technology, MRSPTU, Dabwali Road, Bathinda-151001 (AICTE Approved Oldest Technical institute Established in 1989 by Government of Punjab) Ph, No.+91-164-22809RS, +91-164-2283028 L___Website http:/gzscampus.ac.in CAMPUS DIRECTOR E-mail: dit gzsccet@mrsptuac.in Ref. No.: P/GZS/_14 Dated: 15 [6/2022 OFFICE ORDER a The following Faculty/Staff’ members are deputed for examin Re-appear) Examination June-2022 commencing from 21/06/2022. 1 “AL CONTR( JER OF E} 10] Controller: Dr. Sandeep Kansl (Dept. of Physics) hy wh 6 f Asstt. to Controller: Mr. Charanjit Singh, Sr.Tech. (Deptt. of UBS) 2. EVALUATION CENTRE r— Ae -aore - Controller of Evaluation: Dr. Savina Bansal (Deptt. of ECE) \ b Clerk: Mrs. Manjeet Kaur (Dept. of CSE) a b. Helper: ‘Mr. Anmoldeep Singh (Deptt. of Food Science & Technology) 1@ oa 3. NODAL CENTRE ‘ Nodal Officer: Mr. Sanjay Bhatnagar (Deptt. of Computational Sciences) Clerk: Mr. Jagdeep Singh, Sr.Tech. (Deptt.of CSE) Peon: Mr. Sukhdev Singh, LA (Deptt. of Civil Engg.) 4, PRINTING CELL Incharge: Dr. Suman Kathuria (Deptt. of UBS) Computer Operator: Mrs. Komal Rani, Jr. Asstt., (Academic Branch) Helper: Mr, Surinder Kumar Photo Stat Operator (Campus Director Office) 5. SUPRVISORY STAFF (MORNING SESSION) ‘Superintendent: Prof. .S. Tiwana (Deptt. of Mechanical Engg. Dy. Supdt: Clerk: Jalane jingh, Steno (Deptt. of Electr Daftri: ‘Mr. Jagjeet Singh, Tech. Grade-II, (Workshop) INVIGILATORS. Sr.No. ‘Name Department Mobile No. 1 Ex. Sukhjinder Singh Electronics & Comm. Engg. 98156-24751 2 Er. Amandeep Kaur Electronics & Comm. Engg. 94648-23680, 3 Er. Niketa Sehgal Electronies & Comm. Engg. 94177-14257 4 Dr. Kamaljt Singh Boparai | Mechanical Engg. 82880-02223 5] Dr. Fagdeep Sharma Mechanical Engg 81465-60145, 6 Er. Haramritpal Singh Mechanical Engg. 98724-09193, 7 Er. Amrit Pal Mechanical Engg. 94632-58502 8 Er. Yadwinder Pal Sharma ‘Mechanical Engg. 94651-05556 9 Dr. Devanand Uttam Textile Ens 94172-33925 13 Dr. Shaveta Rani ‘Computer Sci. & Engg. 82840-11796 4 Er. Manpreet Kaur Sidha ‘Computer Sci. & Engg. 96460-59265 15 Er. Simardeep Kaur Computer Sei. & Engg. 96464-19402 16 Er, Nirmal Singh Sidhw ‘Civil Engg. (98886-65222. 7 Er, Kundan Kumar Rao Civil Engg. 90157-62706 4mm @ . faroret is fit Bho ares re Estar Mar geen Poona teat, Fart 3s, Giani Zail Singh Capus College of Engineering & Technology, : MRSPTU, Dabwali Road, Bathinda-151001 (AICTE Approved Oldest Technical Institute Established In 1 Government. Pena: stain teres oem Webs tic : febsite hitp://ezscampus.ac.in CAMPUS DIRECTOR Ecmall: dirgrsccet@mrsptu.ac in is Er, Sunita Kowal Civil Engg. 95308-30159 19 Dr. Gagan Gupta ‘Applied Physics 75890-91005 20 Dr. Archana Pathak ‘Applied Chemistry 95074-29215 20 Dr. Kewal Kumar ‘Applied Chemistry 94173-69463, 2 Dr. Mukesh ‘Applied Mathematios 99889-17125 23 Dr. Puneet Bansal University Business School 98885-55143, 24 Ms. Manpreet Kaur Dhaliwal | University Business School 96469-00591 25 Ms. Gurjinder Kaur Food Sci, & Tech 98776-25138 26 Ms. Rajveer Kaur Food Sci. & Tech 81968-51617 27 Dr. Amit Bhatia Pharmaceutical Se. & Tech ‘92164-11442 28 Ms. Prabhasaran Kaur Pharmaceutical Se. & Tech {90412-00097 ( 29 Dr. Tanushka Pharmaceutical Se. & Tech 70181-90031 30 Dr. Munish Kumar ‘Computational Sciences 98723-19157 Ei ‘Mrs. Harmanjot Kaur Sports Deptt 95016-52727 32 Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Sports Dept. 87250-72345, WATERMEN/HELPER: 1 Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Peon (Deptt. of Chemistry) 2. Mr. Balwant Singh, Peon (Deptt. of Planning & Development) 3. Mr. Jasvir Singh, Peon (Food Science & Technology) 4 Mr. Raminder Singh, Peon (Deptt.of Mathematics) 6. SUPRVISORY STAFF (EVENING SESSION) Superintendent: Dr. Rahul Deshmukh (Deptt.of Pharmaceutical Se. & Tech.) Dy. Supdt: Dr. Manoj Sharma (Deptt. of ECE) Clerk: Mr. Bittu Singh (Deptt. of Civil Engg.) Daftri: Mr. Harjinder Singh, Tech. Grade -II (Dept. of Workshop) INVIGILATORS Sr.No. ‘Name ‘Department Mobile No. | 1__| Dr Ballishan’ Civil Engg. 98761-19196 2 | Dr. Gurprit Singh Bath Civil Engg. 94171-71710 3__| Er. Shamita Garg Civil Engg. 99144-10699 | 4 | Er. Ramanpreet Singh Civil Engg. ‘94646-57406 ‘5__| Dr. Ved Parkash Electrical Engg, 94161-30902 6 | Dr. Shaweta Rani Electronics & Comm, Engg. 8968999118, 7 | Er. Anumeet Kaur Electronics & Comm. Engg. 75088-12888. | Dr Abhilasha Jain Computer Sci. & Engg. (94179-41071 9__[ Dr. Dinesh Kumar Computer Sci. & Engg. 94170-60111 10 [Er Parul Garg ‘Computer Sci. & Engg. 73070-36333, 11 | Dr. Swati Jindal ‘Computer Sci. & Engg. 99882-49912 12 | Er. Navdeep Kaur Khiva ‘Computer Sci. & Engg. ‘98146-37427 13 | Er. Vivek Mechanical Engg. 94171-93018 14 | Dr. Anil Jindal Mechanical Engg. 96022-14677 15 | Dr. Satpal Singh Mechanical Engg. 98721-51560 16 | Br. Mandeep Kaur Sidhu Mechanical Engg. 95015-98555 17 | Et. Gagandeep Singh Sodhi Mechanical Engg. 99882-33382 18 laveen i ce 946: a ar es fit ar ares we fer ha sacri, Roxen. zg, tae Be, ata Giani Zail Singh Capus College of Engineering & Technology, MRSPTU, Dabwali Road, Bathinda-151001 (AICTE Approved Oldest Technical institute Established in 1989 by Government of Punjab) Noa 164220988, +91-164.2209028 ema : dit gzsceet@mrsptu.ac in ‘Applied Physics 97816-01051 "70874-30687 (98727-28259 25 | Dr. Sudhanshu Pratap Singh ‘Applied Chemistry 99971-82264 26 | Dr. Kirandeep Kaur ‘Applied Chemistry 94645-55717 27 | Dr. Veerpal Kaur Maan University Business School 98145-03254 28 | Ms. Samandeep Kaur University Business School 99881-18320 29 | Ms. Anantdeep Kaur University Business School 98784-88933 30 | Dr. Shagun Sharma Food Sei. & Tech. 98883-44214 31__[ Mr. Maneesh Guleria Pharmaceutical Sc. & Tech 98056-62088 WATERMEN/HELPER: 1 MrGurmail Singh, Peon (Deptt. of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology) 2 MrBabbu Singh, Peon (Deptt. of University Business School) 3. Mr.Harpreet Singh, Peon (Deptt. of College Development Council) 4 Mr-Vikas Kumar, Peon (Deptt. of Research & Developmen!) IMPORTANT NOTES: Centre Superintendents shall assign the invigilation duties on equitable basis. All Computer, Printer and Stationery related requirements of the Examination Centre shall be got fulfilled by the (Ofo Dean Academics, MRSPTU, Bathinda. Tncharge Security will provide two security persons in each session and Incharge Horticulture will provide two persons as sweeper to ensure proper cleanliness of rooms during the examination, Coordinator Estate will ensure proper lightfan arrangements in the examination halls, provide temporary toilets near the examination center and ensure Covid-19 related precautionary measures as per SOPs of the Govt. ‘No one can proceed on any kind of leave (official or personal) without getting permission from Local Controller of Exam and without giving his/her substitute, Tso Campus Director GZSCCET, MRSPTU Bathinda Copy to: > 1. Vice Chancellor for kind information 2, Associate Dean Academics, MRSPTU, Bathinda to provide the requisite assistance to Exam Centre 3. Controller of Examination, MRSPTU, Bathinda 4. Registrar, MRSPTU Bathinda 5. Professor Incharge (Finance), MRSPTU, Bathinda 6. HOD: Mechanical, Civil, Electronics & Comm. Electrical, Computer Sci., Textile, Architecture, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, UBS, Computational Sciences, Food Se. & Tech,, Workshop 7. Incharge: Estate, Security, Horticulture & Sweeping

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