Smart Solutions

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icafons- vtsz, 1006 AM Nataraa Rant Singh Puja Tectia Univer, Bubs (anja) Ma DEADLINE EXTENDED, Car APE é MRSPTU ( aw Architecture Deptt in DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Applications - Smart Solutions Challenge & Inclusive Cities Awards 2022 [22nd June, 2022] ‘message : a ‘Aarti Thakur Sahar Makar car thlar@one ono Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 6:04 PM Dear Colleagues and Friends, Facudt eet eteed 13/6/22 eee eee crea , Cities Awards 2022 has been extended. The new application deadline is Wednesday, 22"4 June, 2022; 11:59 PM (IST). All applications can be submited atthe folowing platform link: htps:/goforchange.or/ a The Smart Solutions Challenge isan initiative ofthe National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIA) and the United Nations in India to adres citylevel accessibility and inchsion challenges faced by persons with disabilities, women and girls, and the elderly. The initiative is open to all and seeks to leverage crowe-sourced innovative solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 11 and the New Urban Agenda guided bythe “Leave No One Behind’ (LNOB) principle in line with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Dsebilities (UNCRPD). [NIUA and UN in India are ooking for innovative ideas, solutions, technologies, products, and busines solutions that can help break- down and resolve complex city-lvel inclusion and accessibility challenges faced by persons with disabilities, women and girs, and the celery The Challenge is designed to identify innovative solutions which can be easily adapted or replicated by cites, potential eas ‘and prototypes that canbe incubated; and acknowledge and recognize innovative solutions already implemented within cites in India that are addresing accessibility and inclusion needs of he targeted population. ‘The challenge is open only to Indian Nationals/Organizations registered in India and encourages the entire quadruple helix of Innovation - students, researchers, academic institutions, innovators, entrepreneurs, private entities, civil society organizations and government bodies to participate and compete. ‘More details about the Challenge criteria and categories are in the flyer below. Request you to please share the call within your organizations and networks. Il ck alicia eat a et vem Baia 8 eusacdait nia ‘Smart Solutions Challenge and Inclusive Cities Awards Crowdsourcing smert innovations, ideas, technological selutions, products, ond busines solutions for developing inclusive, accesible sfe ond resent Indion ets for persons with disabilities, women and gil and the elder Ceri pea UN eer) WHO CAN APPLY? Pee ees Ener eet ‘Maharaja Rant Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda (Punjab) Mall - DEADLINE €? SXTENDED: Call for Applications = ‘We are looking for your support in sharing and encouraging your stakeholders and partners to participate in the challenge. In case you have any additional queries or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at ‘lnnovatedInclusion #IncusionthroughIntegration ‘We look forward to receiving your solutions. Warm regards, Aa Prd] ‘gam Maharaja Ranjt Singh Punjab Technical Univeray, Bathinda (Punjab) Mal - DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Applications - UNITED NATIONS, INDIA ‘Aarti Thakur Disabity Rights ocr LUN Resident Coordinator's Ofc ‘5 Lodhi Estate Now De 110008 nia aatithakut@oneun ord eot.9911216410 ooo" © sustarnasus vevecoPnent cons : \@ Concept Note_Smart Solutions Challenge & Inclusive Cities Awards.docx 506K i g hiUA = A) ne enema, Crowd-sourcing smart innovations, ideas, technological solutions, products, and business solutions for developing inclusive, accessible, safe and resilient Indian cities for persons with disabilities, women and girls, and the elderly. Awards & Recognition . Total available Prize money of INR §,00,000 for top winners in each Category + Possible opportunity for top winners in each category to showcase solutions at international platforms such as the World Urban Forum ‘Smart Solutions Challenge Saal + Mentorship and Technical Support by Experts « Feature in the Ist Compendium for best crowd- sourced inclusive solutions and practices + Certificate of Recognition PRS yee tse els elNt Pye Uae ep) KEY AREAS FOR INTERVENTIO! 1 nauTHasanarion WHO CAN APPLY? + opsasren isc nzoveTION *pinconsoaro para cotLkoTON/ SNE + Incubation support to scale solutions + Match-making with Cities for pilot testing DATA MANAGEMENT i Ae ee a Ne iC) — Cea) CATEGORIES... + EARLY.STAGE INNOVATIONS CATEGORY 2:Team(s) and Entities + MARKET. READY SOLUTIONS ee eek Ua ATS) + IMPLEMENTED SOLUTIONS project lead should be designated for all Rotel eri reeled MTA So ee eC Rn ei Ld TYPES OF SOLUTIONS. Peer eee + PAN-CITY SOLUTIONS + Assistive CATEGORY 3: Cities TECHNOLOGIES Wee c g. uSES NODE, G Cre Cun et) Cee MMe etn nara La ku) Cay oE Smart Solutions Challenge & Inclusive Cities Awards Smart Solutions Challenge & Inclusive Cities Awards Call for technological solutions to make Indian cities more accessible and inclusive for all Background The growth of India’s cities is fuelling the world’s largest urban transformation. India’s urban population is projected to increase from about a third to 40% by 2030 - that would mean 600 million living in India’s urban centres. Roughly 8 million persons with disabilities, or a third of all persons with disabilities in India are estimated to be living in cities, a number that is expected to increase. These facts juxtaposed together often means that persons living with disabilities, women & girls, elderly and other vulnerable populations are constantly competing for access to essential resources with the rest of the population. A tall order with increasing odds that eventually increases their vulnerabilities and curtails their access to transport services, sanitation, health, education, and other public services. ‘The pandemic has demonstrated the necessity to reimagine the nature and use of public spaces and infrastructure especially with the accelerating trends. These include digitalization and use of advanced ICT-enabled infrastructure and services, data-driven decisions and operations for enhanced citizen services, and the quality of life of its residents, There is an urgent need to raise awareness and foster learning and knowledge sharing among urban planners, practitioners, and policymakers. around universal design and the immediate need for accessible and inclusive urban development through citizen-centrc and participatory approaches, ‘The Smart Solutions Challenge and Inclusive Cities Awards is an initiative of the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) and the United Nations (UN) in India to address city-level accessibility and inclusion challenges faced by persons with disabilities, women and girls, and the elderly. The initiative seeks to crowd-source innovative solutions to align with the New Urban Agenda and promulgate the principle of ‘Leave No One Behind’ (LNOB) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 11, particularly Target 11.7 - ‘By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive, and accessible, green, and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons, and Persons with disabilities’ i i @=~ 2 The ‘Smart Solutions Challenge’ is designed to identify smart innovative solutions which can be easily adapted or replicated, and potential idens or prototypes which can be incubated by the cities. The “Inclusive Cities Awards’ is designed to identify innovative solutions, initiatives, programmes already implemented within cities in India that are addressing accessibility and inclusion needs of the target population. The Awards seeks to encourage such innovation within Indian cities by acknowledging and recognizing their efforts for creating inclusive and accessible urban spaces for all Objectives Through the launch of the Smart Solutions Challenge and Inclusive Cities Awards, NIUA and UN in India aim involve the citizens in the nation-building process by crowd-sourcing innovative ideas, technologies, products, and business solutions that can potentially ‘© break-down and resolve the complex city-level inclusion and accessibility challenges faced by ‘women and girls, the elderly, and persons with disabilities; and bbe easily adopted and implemented by cities for mainstreaming gender and disability inclusion into urban planning for creating inclusive, accessible, safe, and resilient urban spaces. ‘Timeline: The challenge will run for a 42-day period starting the launch on 28 April, 2022 to 10 June, 2022. The Presentation Ceremony will be held on 23 June 2022 Key Thematic Areas: The challenge seeks solutions in the following five key thematic areas Policy and Governance Mobility and Transportation Health & Sanitation Disaster Risk Reduction Diseggregate Data Collection / Management Categories: The challenge will seck entries for technological solutions, for pan-city development, innovative assistive technologies, and business models for scaling such innovative solutions, in the following three categories: « Early-stage Innovations: Solutions under this category should be either at the ideation stage (ra proof of concept or a prototype that have the potential to be developed into promising solutions that address the challenges faced by women and girls, elderly, and persons with disabilities in cities. Gender-sensitive submissions are particularly welcome. ‘+ Market-ready Solutions: Solutions under this category should be either atthe pilot stage or tested and market-ready or ready for implementation and should address the needs and challenges faced by the diversity of persons with disabilities in cities in a gender sensitive manner. + Good Practices: Solutions under this category should already have been implemented and/or are already considered good practices for addressing the existing gendered needs and challenges faced by the diversity of persons with disabilities and elderly in cities. ‘Types of Solution @=— Blain product or system that increases, a iene ‘The solution submitted can be hardware, or a software programme, or a Inaintains, or improves the quality of life ofthe elderly and/or Persons with disabilities or makes structural changes to te i by the city to help serve infrastructure and services being provided {the population better, In addition to this, solutions that do not have a hard e i Riware oF a software programme but have a business model innovation can also be submited Terefore, the solutions can be of the following three types Pan-City Solutions: Solutions that involve the use of technology, information, and data to mmprove the quality of infrastructure and services in cities to support decision-making and overnance processes and! provide better access to women and! girls, elderly, and persons with disabilities, Assistive Technologies: Technological solutions (devices and services) that can be assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative to support healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives for ‘persons with disabilities or the elderly population, enhancing their ability to participate in ‘education, the labour market, and civic life. ‘Business Model: Solutions that may not have an existing product or technology but addresses the sustainability needs by providing a transformative / innovative business model from ‘concept design, detail design to implementation and includes value proposition, revenue ‘model to partner networks, among others. Outcome: The Smart Solutions Challenge and Inclusive Cities Awards will erowd-souree and provide cities with technological solutions that will help: 1 2 Tdemtify and address some ofthe most-pressing accessibility and inclusion needs within Indian cities; Provide adaptable solutions that can be incubated by or pilot-tested and implemented in Indian cities; ‘Achieve and scale up citizen participation in urban planning and design for inclusive and accessible cities; Promote peer-leaming among cities by encouraging and highlighting cities working around accessibility and inclusion needs of ther citizens; Create a repository of innovative solutions and good practices within India for adapting oF replicating between and within cities and between and within countries, Locals the tenes of LNOB by leveraging technology to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and bridge the digital divide for access to socio-economic opportunities forall. ‘Who cam Apply? ‘The Challenge is open to all - any individual, student, start-up, entrepreneur or organization with an innovative solution or idea around ICT (Information & Communications Technology) and technology that addresses city-level challenges faced by persons wit disabilities, women and children, and the elderly can apply tothe challenge. The following are the criteria for the applicants classified into the following three categories: oz a citizen of India with possession of a government I Individuals: Individual applicants should be 18 years and above and proved proof of nationality, such as a valid Aadhar, passport, voter's ID, ete 2 Team(s) and Entities: ~ _Asingle project team or multiple project teams can apply but a project lead should be designated for all official correspondence Any entity - social, private, consortium, ec, should be legally registered as an independent entity in India 8. Ges: All Smart and non-Smart Cities and stakeholders (Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV), {ntegrated Command and Control Centres (ICCCs), Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Programme/project management teams, and Private-Public-Partnerships) that have implemented innovative gender and disabilty-inclusive solutions within the cities can apply “Persons with disabilities, women, iransgenders, and people from other marginalized and diverse backgrounds are highly encouraged to apply.) Challenge Platform:

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