SI176 of 2019 Civil Aviation Personnel Licensing
SI176 of 2019 Civil Aviation Personnel Licensing
SI176 of 2019 Civil Aviation Personnel Licensing
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
1. Title.
2. Interpretation.
22. Conversion of foreign Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence.
23. Recognition of military aircraft maintenance personnel qualificati ons.
55. Additional aircraft category, class and type ratings.
56. Privileges and limitations.
57. Renewal requirements.
58. Multi-crew pilot licence: Eligibility requirements.
76. Aeronautical experience and skill requirements for instrument rating applicant.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
87. Flight Examiner Authorisation: examiner requirements.
89. Air Traffic Controllers Licence: Required licences and ratings or qualifications.
90. General eligibility requirements.
91. Knowledge requirements for issue of an Air traffic control licence.
92. Knowledge requirements for air traffic controller ratings.
93. Aeronautical experience and skill requirements for air traffic controller ratings.
94. Privileges and limitations .
95. Privileges of ATC ratings.
96. Invalidation of ATC ratings upon ceasing to operate by holder.
97. Maximum working hours.
98. Responsibilities over fatigue.
99. Prohibition of unlicensed air traffic controllers.
100. Renewal , refresher training and proficiency requirements .
101. Ground Instructor Licence.
102. Privileges.
103. Requirements for ground instructor authorisation.
104. Renewal requirements.
105. Flight Operations Officer or Flight dispatcher Licence.
106. Knowledge requirements.
107. Experience or training requirements.
108. Skill requirements.
109. Privileges.
110. Renewal requirements.
111. Flight operations instructor Ratings and Examiner Approval.
112. Aircraft engineers Licence issuance.
113. Minimum eligibility requirements.
114. Ratings .
115. Aircraft Maintenance Engineers personnel ratings eligibility.
116. Experience requirements for licence with or without type rating.
117. Privileges.
118. Renewal Requirements.
119. Aviation Repair Specialist Authorisation: Eligibility requirements.
120. Privileges and limitations.
121. Di splay of authorisation.
122 . Surrender of authorisation'.
123. Flight Radio Telephony Operator Licence: General eligibility requirements .
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124. Skill and Knowledge requirements.
125. Privileges .
126. Renewal requirements.
127. Cabin Crewmember Licence: Required Licence, ratings and qualifications.
128. Eligibility requirements.
129. Knowledge requirements.
130. Skill requirements.
131. Privileges.
132. Renewal requirements for cabin crew licence.
133. Cabin Crew Instructor Rating and Designated Examiner Authorisation.
134. Privileges.
135. Renewal requirements for Cabin crew Instructor licence and Cabin crew Examiner Authorisation .
- - - ·-·-·--- . · ··-··
161. Physical and Mental requirements.
162. Hearing test requirements.
163. Issue of medical certificate for persons under oral drugs.
164. Visual requirements: general.
165. Vision testing requirements.
166. Acceptability of correcting lenses .
167. Distance vision requirements .
168. Near vision requirements.
169. Colour perception requirements .
170. Ear and related structures.
171. Cardiovascular: general.
172. Blood pressure and circulation.
173. Electro-cardiography examination.
174. Neurological requirements.
175. Respiratory capability.
176. Radiology (X-ray) evaluation.
177. Vestibular apparatus.
178. Bones, muscles and tendons.
179. Endocrine system.
180. Diabetic applicant.
181. Gastrointestinal and digestive tract.
182. Kidneys and urinary tract.
183. Lymphatic glands or disease of the blood.
184. Gynaecological conditions.
185 . Pregnancy.
186. Speech defects.
187. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
SIXTEENTH ScHEDULE: Aeronautical Experience and Skills for Commercial Pilot Licence.
SEVENTEENTH SCHEDULE: Aeronautical Knowledge requirements for Air Transport Pilot Licence.
EIGHTEENTH SCHEDULE: Aeronautical experience and skills for air Transport Pilot Licence.
NINETEENTH SCHEDULE: Requirements for the issue of the Multi-Crew Pilot Licence-aeroplane.
TwENTY-SEVENTH ScHEDULE: Ratings and Knowledge Requirements for air Traffic Controllers.
TwENTY-EIGHTH ScHEDULE: Experience And Skill Requirements For Air Traffic Controller Ratings.
THIRTIETH ScHEDULE: Knowledge and Practical Requirements for Radio Telephone Licence.
THIRTY -SECOND ScHEDULE: Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Licensing.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
l. These Regulations may be cited as the Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019.
2. In these regul ations, unless the context requires otherwise-
"accredited medical conclusion" means the conclusion reached by one or more medical experts acceptable
to theAuthori ty for the purposes of the case concerned, in consultation with other experts as necessary;
"aeronautical experience" means pilot time obtained in an aircraft, approved synthetic flight trainer for
meeting the training and flight time requirements of these regulations;
"aeroplane" means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from
aerodyn amic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight;
"aircraft" has the meaning to it given in the Act;
"aircraft avionics" means a term designating any electronic device-including its electrical part-for use
in an aircraft, including radio, automatic flight control and instrument systems;
"aircraft category" means classification of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics such as
aeroplane, rotorcraft, glider and lighter-than-air and powered-lift aircraft;
"aircraft certi ficated for single-pilot operation" means a type of ai rcraft which the State of Registry has
determined, during the certification process , that it can be operated safely with a minimum crew
of one pilot;
"aircraft requi red to be operated with a co-pilot" means a type of aircraft that is required to be operated
with a co-pilot, as specified in the flight manual or by the air operator certificate; electronic , etc.
aircraft systems, and the performance and flight characteristics of aircraft of a particular class;
"aircraft required to be with a co-pilot" means a type of aircraft that is required to be operated with a
co-pilot as specified in the flight manual or air operator certificate;
"aircraft -type of' means all aircraft of the same basic design including all modifications thereto except
those modifications which result in a change in handling or flight characteristics;
"airmanship" means the consistent use of good judgment and well developed knowledge, ski lls and
attitudes to accomplish flight objectives;
"airship" mean s a power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft;
"air traffic control service" means a service provided for the purpose of-
(a) preventing collisions:
(i) between aircraft; and
(ii) on the manoeuvring area, between aircraft and obstructions; and
(b) expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of traffic;
"AirTraffic Control unit" means a generic term meaning variously, area control centre, approach control
unit or aerodrome control tower;
"approved maintenance organisation (AMO)" means an organisation approved by theAuthority to pe1form
maintenance activities including the inspection, overhaul, mai ntenance , repair or modification and
release to service of aircraft or components thereof and operating under the supervision of the
S .I. 176 of 2019
"approved training" means training conducted under special curricula and supervision approved by the
"approved training organisation" means an organisation approved by and operating under the supervision
of the Authority in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 to pe1form approved training;
"ATS surveillance service" means a term used to indicate a service provided directly by means of an
ATS surveillance system;
"ATS surveillance system" is a generic term meaning variously,ADS-8, PSR, SSR or any comparable
ground-based system that enables the identification of aircraft;
"authorised instructor" means a person who-
(a) holds a valid ground instructor licence issued under these regulations for conducting ground
(b) holds a current flight instructor rating issued under these regulations for conducting ground
training or flight training; or
(c) is authorised by the Authority to provide ground training, flight training, or other training
under these Regulations and the Ci vii AviationApprovedTraining Organisations Regulations;
"Authority" means the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe appointed in terms of the civil Aviation
Act[ Chapter.l3: 16];
"aviation repair specialist (ARS)" means a person qualified to perform or supervise the maintenance,
preventive maintenance, or a! teration of aircraft, airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances,
components, and parts appropriate to the designated speciality area for which the aviation repair
specialist is authorised but only in connection vvith employment by an AMO;
"balloon" means a non-power-driven lighter-than-air aircraft;
"cabin crewmember" means a crew member who performs in the interest of safety of passengers, duties
assigned by the operator or the Pilot In Command of the aircraft, but who shall not act as a flight
"Cabin crew member operating position" means a duty station assigned to the cabin crewmember for
execution of safety and emergency duties.
"Category II (CAT II) operations" means, a precision instrument approach and landing with a decision
height lower than 60m (200Ft), but not lower than 30m (100Ft), and a Runway Visual Range
not less than 350m;
"Category IliA (CAT IliA) operations" means, a precision instrument approach and landing with:
(a) a decision height lower than 30m (100Ft) or no decision height; and
(b) a Runway Visual Range not less than 200m;
"Category IIIB (CAT IIIB) operations" means, a precision instrument approach and landing with:
(a) a decision height lower than 15m (50Ft) or no decision height ; and
(b) a RVR less than 200m but not less than 50m;
"Category IIIC (CAT IIIC) operations" means a precision instrument approach and landing with no
decision height and no Runway Visual Range limitations;
"certify as airworthy (to)" means to certify that an aircraft or parts thereof comply with current
airworthiness requirements after maintenance has been performed on the aircraft or parts thereof;
"check pilot" means a pilot approved by the Authority who has the appropriate training, experience,
and demonstrated ability to evaluate and certify to the knowledge and skills of pilots;
"command and control (C2) link" the data link between the remotely piloted aircraft and the remote
pilot station for the purposes of managing the flight commercial air transport operation" means an
aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire;
"competency" means a combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform a task to
the prescribed standard;
"competency element" means an action that constitutes a task that has a triggering event and a
terminating event that clearly defines its limits, and an observable outcome;
"competency unit" means a discrete function consisting of a number of competency elements;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
"Contracting State" means a State that is a signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
(Chicago Convention);
"co-pilot" means a licensed pilot serving in a piloting capacity other than as Pilot In Command, on
an aircraft for which more than one pilot is required, but excluding a pilot who is on board the
aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction ;
"course" means a programme of instruction to obtain a licence, rating, qualification, authorisation, or
recurrency required under these regulations ;
"Crew Resource Management (CRM)" means a program desi gned to improve the safety of flight
operations by optimising the safe, efficient, and effective use of human resources, hardware, and
information through improved crew communication and co-ordination;
"critical engine" means the engine whose failure would most adversely affect the performance or
handling qualities of an aircraft;
"cross country" means a flight between a point of departure and a point of arrival following a pre-
planned route using standard navigation procedures ;
"cruise relief co-pilot" means a pilot who relieves the co-pilot of his/her duties at the controls during
the cruise phase of a flight in multi-pilot operations above FL200.
"designated medical examiner" means a person qualified and li censed in the practice of med icine ,
designated by the Authority to conduct medical examinations of fitness of applicants and issue
reports for the issue or renewal of the licences or certificates or ratings specified in the these
"dual instruction time" means fli ght time during which a person is receiving flight instruction fro m a
properly authorised pilot on board the aircraft;
"error" means an action or inaction by an operational person that leads to deviations from organisational
or the operational person 's intentions or expectations;
"error management" ·means the process of detecting and responding to errors with a countermeasures
that reduce or eliminate the consequences of errors, and mitigates the probability of further errors
or undesired aircraft states;
"evaluator" means a person employed by a certified Approved Training Organisation who performs
tests for licensing , added ratings, authorisations, and proficiency checks that are authorised by the
certificate holder's training specification, and who is authorised by the Authority to administer
such checks and tests ;
"examiner" means any person authorised by the Authority to conduct a pilot proficiency test, a practical
test for a licence or rating, or a knowledge test under these regulations;
"faci lity" means a physical plant, including land, buildings, and equipment, which provides the means
for the performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, or modifications of any article;
"flight crewmember" means a licensed crewmember charged with duties essential to the operation of
an aircraft during fli ght duty period;
" Flight plan" mean s specified information provided to air traffic services units, relative to an intended
flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft;
"Flight simulation training device" means any one of the following three types of apparatus in which
flight conditions are si mulated on the ground-
(a) a flight simulator, which provides an accurate representation of the cockpit of a particular
aircraft type or an accurate representati on of the remotely piloted aircraft system(RPAS) to
the extent that the mechanical, electrical, electronic , etc. aircraft systems control functions,
the normal environment of flightcrewmembers, and the performance and flight characteristics
of that type of aircraft are realistically si mulated;
(b) a flight procedures trainer, which provides a realistic flight deck environment or realistic
RPAS ground station environment, and which simulates instrument responses,simple control
function s of mechanical, electrical, electronic , etc. aircraft systems , and the performance
and fli ght characteristi cs of aircraft of a particular cl ass;
(c) a basic instrument flight trainer, which is equipped with appropriate instruments, and wh ich
si mulates the cockpit environment of an aircraft in flight or the RPAS envi ro nment in
instrum ent flight conditions;
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"flight time-aeroplanes" means the total time from the moment an aeroplane first moves for the purpose
of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the end of the flight;
"flight time-helicopters" means the total time from the moment a helicopter's rotor blades start turning
until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at the end of the flight, and the rotor blades
are stopped;
"flight time-balloons" means the total time from the moment the basket leaves the ground for the purpose
of taking off until the moment it finally comes to a rest at the end of the flight;
"flight time remotely piloted aircraft systems" means the total time from the moment a command and
control (C2) link is established between the remote pilot station (RPS) and the remotely piloted
aircraft (RPA) for the purpose of taking off or from the moment the remote pilot receives control
following a handover until the moment the remote pilot completes a handover or the C2 link
between the RPS and the RPA is terminated at the end of the flight;
"glider" means a non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from
aerodynamic reactions on surfaces, which remain fixed under given conditions of flight;
" glider flight time" means the total time occupied in flight, whether being towed or not, from the moment
the glider first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it comes to rest at the end of
the flight;
"handover" means the act of passing piloting control from one remote pilot station to another;
"helicopter" means a heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight chiefly by the reactions of the air on
one or more power-driven rotors on substantially vertical axis;
"human performance" means human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety
and efficiency of aeronautical operations;
"Instrument flight time" means the time during which a pilot is piloting an aircraft or a remote pilot
is piloting a remotely piloted aircraft solely by reference to instruments and without external
referen'ce points;
"Instrument ground time" means the time during which a pilot is practising, on the ground, simulated
instrument flight in a flight simulation training device approved by the Licensing Authority;
"instrument time" means instrument flight time or instrument ground time;
"instrument training" means training which is received from an authorised instructor under actual or
simulated instrument meteorological conditions;
"knowledge test" means a test on the aeronautical knowledge areas required for a licence or rating that
can be administered in written form or by a computer;
"licence" means personnel licence and includes-
(a) Pilot licences, including-
(i) Student Pilot Licence (SPL);
(ii) Private Pilot Licence (PPL);
(iii) Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL);
(iv) Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL);
(v) Multi-crew Pilot Licence(MPL).
(b) Ground Instructor Authorisation;(GIA)
(c) Air Traffic Controller Licence(ATCL);
(d) Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence(AMEL);
(e) Flight Operations Officer/Dispatcher Licence (FOO);
(g) Flight Radio Telephony Operator Licence or (FRTOL)
(h) Cabin Crewmember Licence(CCL);
"Licensing Authority" means the Authority designated by a Contracting State as responsible for the
licensing of personnel with the following-
(a) assessment of an applicant's qualifications to hold a licence or rating;
(b) issue and endorsement of licences and ratings;
(c) designation and authorisation of approved persons;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
S.I. 176 of 2019
"psychoactive substance" means alcohol, opioids, cannabi noids, sedatives and hypnotics, cocaine, other
psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents, whereas coffee and tobacco are excluded;
"quality system" means documented organisational procedures and policies, internal audits of those
policies and procedures: management review and recommendation for quality improvement;
"rated air traffic controller" means an air traffic controller holding a licence and valid ratings;
appropriate to the privileges to be exercised;
"rating" means an authorisation entered on or associated with a licence and forming part thereof, stating
special conditions, privileges or limitations pertaining to such licence;
"remote co-pilot" means a licensed remote pilot serving in any piloting capacity other than as remote
pilot-in-command but excluding a remote pilot who is in the remote pilot station for the sole
purpose of receiving flight instruction;
"remote flight crew member" means a licensed flight crew member charged with duties essential to the
operation of a remotely piloted aircraft system during a flight duty period;
"remote pilot" means a person charged by the operator with duties essential to the operation of a remotely
piloted aircraft and who manipulates the flight controls, as appropriate, during flight time;
"remote pilot-in-command" means the remote pilot designated by the operator as being in command
and charged with the safe conduct of a flight;
"remote pilot station" (RPS). means the component of the remotely piloted aircraft system containing
the equipment used to pilot the remotely piloted aircraft;
"remotely piloted aircraft system" (RPAS). means remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot
station(s), the required command and control links and any other components as specified in the
type design;
"rendering (a licence) valid" means the action taken by the Authority, as an alternative to issuing its
own licence, in accepting a licence issued by any other Contracting State as the equivalent of its
own licence;
"re-issue" in relation to a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate means the administrative action
taken after a licence, rating., authorisation or certificate has lapsed that re-issues the privileges of
the licence, rating, authorisation or certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the
fulfilment of specified requirements;
"renewal" in relation to a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate means the administrative action
taken within the period of validity of a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate that allows the
holder to continue to exercise the privileges of such a document for a further specified period
consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements;
"rest period" means a period free of all restraint, duty or responsibility as specified by the Authority;
"rotorcraft" means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the
air on one or more rotors;
"safety-sensitive personnel" means a person who might endanger aviation safety if they perform their
duties and functions improperly including, but not limited to, crewmembers, aircraft maintenance
personnel and air traffic controllers;
"sign a maintenance release (to)" to certify that maintenance work has been completed satisfactorily
in accordance with the applicable Standards of airworthiness, by issuing the maintenance release
referred to in Annex 6;
"significant" in relation to medical provisions in Part IX" means to a degree or of a nature that is likely
to jeopardize flight safety;
"solo flight" means a flight on which a student pilot of the aircraft is the sole occupant of the aircraft;
"solo flight time remotely piloted aircraft systems" means flight time during which a student remote
pilot is controlling the remotely piloted aircraft system, acting solo;
"specific operating provisions" means a document describing the ratings (class or limited) in detail and
shall contain reference material and process specifications used in performing repair work, along
with any limitations applied to an AMO;
"State of registry" means the State on whose register the aircraft is entered;
"State Safety Programme (SSP)" means an integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(8) Where the applicant does not meet the specific requirements for issue of a particular licence, he
shall obtain a student pilot licence to enable him fulfil the eligibility requirements for pilot licence issued under
these regulations.
(9)Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel shall meet requirements foreducationand training in meteorology
and operational hydrology as stated in World Meteorology Organisation Document 258 Volume 1.
( 10) The authority shall not permit the holder of a licence to exercise privileges other than those granted
by that licence.
( 11) The Authority shall verify applicant identity using national identity documents and visually on
initial application.
4. ( 1) Application for renewal must be made to the Authority at least 14 days before the expiry date shown
on the licence, on the appropriate form showing as appropriate proof of: -
(a) continued competency;
(b) recent experience;
(c) medical fitness; and
(d) payment of the appropriate fee.
(2) Where the submission time requirements of subsection ( 1) are not met, an applicant shall pay a late
renewal fee in addition to the normal renewal fee as specified in the First Schedule.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
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6. (1) The Authority, having issued a pilot licence, shall not permit the holder of such licence to act either
as pilot-in-command or as co-pilot of an aeroplane, an airship, a helicopter or a powered-lift unless the holder
has received authorisation as follows-
(a) the appropriate class rating specified in section5(2)(b); or
(b) a type rating when required in accordance with the provisions of section5(2)(e);
(2) When a type rating is issued limiting the privileges to act as co-pilot, or limiting the privileges to
act as pilot only during the cruise phase of the flight, such limitation shall be endorsed on the rating.
(3) For the purpose of training, testing, or specific special purpose non-revenue, non-passenger carrying
flights, special authorisation may be provided in writing to the licence holder by the Authority in place of issuing
the class or type rating required by section(5).
(4) Subject to subsection (3), authorisation shall be limited in validity to the time needed to complete
the specific flight.
Authorisations issued
7. (l) The Authority may issue the following authorisations under these regulations-
(a) Category II operations;
(b) Category III operations;
(c) flight examiner;
(d) type rating instructor;
(e) cabin crewmember instructor;
(f) cabin crew examiner;
(g) medical examiner;
(h) aviation repair specialist (ARS);
(i) air traffic control instructor;
U) air traffic control examiner;
(k) medical assessor; or
(I) any other authorisations determined by the Authority.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(2) The Authority may issue the following classes for aviation repair specialist authorisation-
(a) propellers;
(b) computer;
(c) instrument;
(d) accessory;
(e) component;
(f) welding;
(g) non-destructive testing; and
(h) any other authorisation as determined by the Authority.
8. (1) A holder of an aeroplane, airship, helicopter, glider, free balloon RPA and powered-lift pilot, pilot
,air traffic controllers, flight operations officer or flight dispatcher licence shall demonstrate the ability to speak
and understand the English language used for radio telephony communications to the level specified in the
language proficiency requirements in the Third Schedule.
(2) The licensed personnel specified in subsection (1) who demonstrate proficiency below the Expert
Level (Level 6) shall be formally evaluated at intervals in accordance with an individual's demonstrated
proficiency level as follows-
(a) those demonstrating language proficiency at the Operational Level (Level 4) shall be evaluated
once every three years; and
(b) those demonstrating language proficiency at the Extended Level (LevelS) shall be evaluated once
every six years ..
11. ( l)A holder of a licence shall not exercise the pri vileges granted by that licence, or by related ratings,
unless the holder maintains competency and meets the requirements for recency experience established by the
(2) The Authority shall take all necessary steps to ensure that other Contracting States are able to confirm
the validity of the licence.
(3) The maintenance of competency of flight crewmembers engaged in commercial air transport
operations shall be satisfactori Iy established by demonstration of ski II during proficiency flight checks com pi eted
in accordance with these regulations.
(4) Maintenance of competency and recency of experience shall be satisfactorily recorded in the
operator's records and in the flight crewmember's personal logbook.
(5) A flight crew member may, in lieu of maintaining competency in an aircraft, demonstrate continuing
competency in synthetic flight training devices approved by the Authority.
(6) Every medical certificate for different licences and every report of medical fitness shall be valid
from the day the medical examination is performed for periods specified in the Fifth Schedule.
(7) A report of medical fitness issued in accordance with these regulations shall be submitted to the
Authority or approved assessor by the designated medical examiner.
(8) A licence issued by the Authority shall not be valid unless the holder of the licence has signed his
or her name on the licence in ink with the holder's ordinary signature or any other format of signature approved
by the Authority.
(9) Renewal of medical certificates may be performed by the medical examiner approved by theAuthority.
( 10) For the initial issuance of the medical certificate, the period of validity shall begin on the date the
medical certificate was issued.
(11) A certificate of test shall accompany every licence showing a record of skills tests conducted and
their validity as required.
(12) An entry, endorsement or variation shall not be made in or on a licence, or in respect of a rating
therein, except in a manner and by a person authorised for that purpose by the Authority.
12. (l)A holder of licence provided for in these regulations shall not exercise the privileges of his or her
licence and related ratings at any time when the holder is aware of any decrease in his or her medical fitness
which might render the holder unable to safely and properly exercise these privileges.
(2) A licence holder shall inform the Licensing Authority of-
(a) confirmed pregnancy; or
(b) any decrease in medical fitness which-
(i) is more than 20 days in duration or
(ii) requires continued treatment with prescribed medication; or
(iii) requires hospitalisation.
(3) The Authority shall suspend the medical certificate of a licence holder during any period in which
the Authority becomes aware that the licence holder's medical fitness has, from any cause, decreased to an
extent that would have prevented the issue or renewal of the licence holder's Medical Certificate.
(4) The suspension referred to in subsection (3) shall continue until the end of the period of the decrease
in medical fitness, or until the expiration of the medical certificate, whichever comes first.
13. (I )The Authority shall not defer a prescribed re-examination of a licence holder.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
15. (l) A person shall not act as a pilot of an aircraft engaged in international commercial air transport
operations if-
(a) he or she has attained 60 years; or
(b) in the case of operations with more than one pilot, who has attained 65 years.
(2) Not withstanding requirements of subsection ( 1) a person shall not act as a pilot-in-command or co-
pilot of a multi-crew aircraft engaged in international commercial air transport operations when he has attained
(3) A holder of a pilot licence who has attained the age of 65 years shall not act as a pilot of an aircraft
engaged in commercial air transport operations in Zimbabwe.
(4) A Zimbabwean citizen who is a holder of a Commercial Pilot Licence or Air Transport Pilot Licence
with instructor rating may continue exercising the privileges of instructor rating after the age of 65 years on
condition that person holds a valid class one medical certificate.
(9) The Authority shall place upon a certificate of validation the foreign licence number and country
of issue.
( 10) The Authority shall verify the authenticity of the foreign licence and any ratings listed on those
certificates before issuing a validation certificate or any ratings on such validation certificate.
(11) Where the applicant has previously attempted to obtain the same licence or rating the applicant
shall be required to sit for and pass whatever examinations or tests were outstanding or had not been passed.
Validation certificate with Private Pilot Licence /Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Licence, Commercial
Pilot Licence/Instrument Rating, Multi-Crew Pilot Licence, Airline Transport Pilot Licence, or Flight
18. ( 1) A person who holds a current Private Pilot License /Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Licence,
Commercial Pilot Licence/Instrument Rating, Multi-Crew Pilot Licence, Airline Transport Pilot Licence, or
Flight DispatchLicence issued by another Contracting State may apply for and may be issued a validation
certificate with the appropriate ratings if the applicant-
(a) is not under an order of revocation or suspension by the country that issued the licence;
(b) holds a licence that does not contain an endorsement stating that the applicant has not met all of
the standards of International Civil Aviation Organisation for that licence;
(c) does not currently hold a licence issued by the Authority;
(d) holds a current and appropriate Medical Certificate issued by the contracting State that issued the
(e) demonstrates the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language in accordance
with the language proficiency requirements contained in the Third Schedule; and
(f) passes air law, flight planning, meteorology and operational procedures examinations.
(2) Not withstanding section 16(6) the Authority may issue a validation certificate for licences referred
to in subsection (1) which may be valid for a maximum period of three months, provided the foreign licenses,
ratings and the medical certificate remain valid.
19. ( 1)The Authority may recognise Zimbabwe Defence Forces qualification for issuance of private or
commercial pilot licence.
(2) Except for a rated Zimbabwe Defence Forces or former Zimbabwe Defence Forces pilot who has
been removed from flying status for lack of proficiency, or because of disciplinary action involving aircraft
operations, a rated Zimbabwe Defence Forces or former Zimbabwe Defence Forces pilot who meets the
requirements of this section may apply, on the basis of the pilot's military training, for-
(a) Private Pilot licence (PPL) or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL);
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(b) an aircraft rating in the category and class of aircraft for which that military pilot is qualified;
(c) an instrument rating with the appropriate aircraft rating for which that military pilot is qualified;
(d) a type rating, if appropriate.
(3) A person who holds a current Zimbabwe Defence Forces pilot qualification may apply for a Private
Pilot Licence (PPL) or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) with the appropriate ratings, if that person-
(a) has a licence which is not under an order of revocation or suspension;
(b) meets the minimum flying experience under these Regulations;
(c) holds a valid Medical Certificate issued by Zimbabwean Military; and
(e) demonstrates the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language in accordance
with the language proficiency requirements contained in the Third Schedule to these Regulations.
(4) An applicant for a pilot licence under this section shall submit to the Authority any one or more of
the following-
(a) an official record of a military designation as pilot in command; or
(b) an official identification card issued to the pilot byZimbabwe Defence Forces to demonstrate
service in the military; and at least one of the following-
(i) an order of military flight status as a military pilot if applicable; or
(ii) proof showing that the applicant graduated from a pilot school and received a rating as a
military pilot;
(c) a certified military logbook showing military pilot status and a summary to demonstrate flight
time in military aircraft;
(d) an official record of satisfactory accomplishment of an instrument proficiency check within the
twelve months before the date of the application.
(5) The Authority may issue to a rated military or former military pilot an aircraft category, class, or type
rating to a flight crew if that flight crew presents documentary evidence that shows satisfactory accomplishment
(a) a military pilot and instrument proficiency check of Zimbabwe Defence Forces in the aircraft type
he or she is rated within twelve months preceding the date of application; and
(b) at least ten hours of pilot in command time in that aircraft category, class, or type, if applicable,
within the twelve months preceding the date of application.
(6)A rated military pilot or former rated military pilot may apply for an aeroplane or helicopter instrument
rating to be added to the pilot's Commercial Pilot License if the pilot has, within the twelve months preceding
the date of application-
(a) passed an instrument proficiency check by the military in the aircraft category and class for the
instrument rating sought; and
(b) received authorisation from the military to conduct instrument flight rules (IFR) flights on airways
in that aircraft category and class for the instrument rating sought.
(7) The Authority shall issue an aircraft type rating only for aircraft types that the Authority has certified
for civil operations and are registered in Zimbabvve.
(8) The applicant shall be required to have met the applicable aeronautical experience requirements for
the licence or rating sought.
(9) In addition to the requirements set out in this section the applicant shall be required to pass-
(a) in the case of a Commercial Pilot Licence-
(i) an examination for the Class 1 Medical Certificate;
(ii) knowledge examinations for air law, meteorology, flight performance and planning, human
performance and aeronautical weather codes;
(iii) the initial instrument rating flight test if the rating is to be included in the licence;
(b) in the case of Private Pilot Licence-
20. (1) A person who holds a current pilot, cabin crew, flight operation or flight dispatch licence issued
by another Contracting State may apply and be issued an equivalent licence with the appropriate ratings, if the
(a) has a licence which is not under an order of revocation or suspension by the country that issued
the licence;
(b) meets all the International Civil Aviation Organisation standards for that licence;
(c) holds a valid Medical Certificate issued by the Contracting State that issued the licence;
(d) demonstrates the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language in accordance
with the language proficiency requirements specified in the Third Schedule;
(e) satisfies the Authority that no Zimbabwean can be readily trained to take up that position and he
or she is in possession of a relevant valid permit issued by the Immigration Department.
(2) An applicant for a pilot licence under this section shall submit his licence and Medical Certificate
in the English language or accompanied by an English language translation that has been signed by an official
or representative of the foreign authority that issued the licence .
(3) The applicant shall meet the applicable aeronautical experience requirements specified in the Sixth
(4) In addition to the requirements of subsections (1), (2) and (3), the applicant is required to pass
modules listed in the Seventh Schedule.
(5) The Authority may transfer a type rating from a foreign licence for the purpose of conversion of
Commercial Pilot Licence, Aircraft Type Pilot Licence or Multi-Crew Pilot Licence:
Provided that-
(a) the aircraft type is endorsed on the foreign licence;
(b) the pilot is current on the aircraft type; and
(c) the type of aircraft is registered in Zimbabwe.
(6) An applicant for conversion who fails the knowledge test in three consecutive attempts shall be
disqualified for further testing until a period of three months has elapsed from the date on which the last test
was made.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(7) The Authority shall set the minimum passing grade for the knowledge test referred to in subsection
(8) The applicant shall be required to have passed the knowledge examinations for conversion of a
foreign licence within a period of six months preceding the date of the application for the licence.
(9) The Authority shall verify the authenticity of the foreign licence, ratings and authorisations presented
for conversion with the state of issuance.
( 1O)A foreign applicant for CPLor ATPLconversion shall hold a validation issued under these regulations
and has completed at least 200 flying hours on Zimbabwean registered aircraft.
(11) Where the applicant has previously attempted to obtain the same licence or rating, the applicant
shall be required to sit for and pass whatever examinations or tests were outstanding or had not been passed.
S.I. 176 of 2019
22. ( 1) A person who holds a currentAircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence issued by another Contracting
State may apply and be issued an equivalent licence with the appropriate ratings, if the applicant-
(a) has a licence which is not under an order of revocation or suspension by the country that issued
the licence; and
(b) holds a licence which meets all the International Civil Aviation Organisation standards for that
licence; and
(c) satisfies the Authority that he or she is in possession of a relevant valid permit issued by the
Immigration Department.
(2)An applicantforanAircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence under this section shall submit the licence
in English language or accompanied by an English language translation that has been signed by an official or
representative of the foreign authority that issued the licence.
(3) The applicant shall meet the applicable aeronautical experience requirements specified in these
(4) In addition to the requirements of subsections (1), (2) and (3) the applicant shall pass a knowledge
test in-
(a) air law; and
(b) human factors.
(5) The Authority may transfer a rating from a foreign licence for the purpose of conversion of Aircraft
Maintenance Engineer Licence if-
(a) the rating is endorsed on the foreign licence;
(b) that applicant is current on the rating a; and
(c) the rating is applicable to aircraft registered in Zimbabwe.
(6) An applicant for conversion who fails the knowledge test shall be disqualified for further testing
until after a proven practical experience of one month is gained.
(7) The Authority shall set the minimum passing grade for the knowledge test referred to in subsection
(8) The applicant shall be required to have passed the air law and composite paper for conversion of a
foreign licence within a period of six months preceding the date of the application for the licence.
(9) The Authority shall verify the authenticity of the foreign licence, ratings and authorisations presented
for conversion with the State of issue.
(10) The applicant for a licence conversion shall complete a skills test for the relevant licence and
ratings that he or she wants to be validated relevant to the privileges of the licence held.
(11)Where the applicant has previously attempted to obtain the same licence or rating, the applicant
shall be required to sit for and pass whatever examinations or tests were outstanding or had not been passed .
23. (1) Zimbabwe Defence Forces aircraft maintenance personnel may apply to the Authority for issue
of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence without type rating on the basis of his or her military qualifications .
(2) The application referred to in subsection ( 1) shall be accompanied by-
(a) a letter or certificate of confirmation from the military service;
(b) evidence of experience of at least four years in aircraft maintenance of which six months of recent
experience must have been acquired within the twelve months preceding the application; and
(c) a certificate, diploma or such other qualification showing proof of training in aircraft maintenance.
(3) If the Authority is satisfied that the applicant meets the conditions in subsection (2), the Authority
shall require the applicant to-
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(a) demonstrate the knowledge and skill requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence
stipulated in these regulations;
(b) pass a knowledge test in air law and human factors
(4) The Authority may, in addition to provisions in subsection (1), (2) and (3), transfer a rating for the
purpose of issuance of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence if the aircraft, engine or avionics type is endorsed
on the equivalent military qualification:
Provided that-
(a) the aircraft type is registered in Zimbabwe; or
(b) engine or avionics type are installed on the Zimbabwe Civil aircraft.
25. (1) To be eligible for a practical test, an applicant shall meet all applicable requirements in this section
for the licence or rating sought.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3), to be eligible for a practical test for a licence or rating issued
under these regulations, an applicant for a practical test shall-
(a) pass the required knowledge test for the type rating within six months preceding the month the
applicant completes the practical test;
(b) present the knowledge test report at the time of application for the practical test, if a knowledge
test is required;
(c) have satisfactorily accomplished the required training and obtained the aeronautical experience
required by these regulations for the licence or rating sought;
(d) meet the age requirement of these regulations for the issue of lhe licence or rating sought; and
(e) have an endorsement in the applicant's logbook or training record that has been signed by an
authorised instructor who certifies that the applicant-
S.l. 176of2019
(i) has received and logged training time within sixty days preceding the date of application in
preparation for the practical test;
(ii) is prepared for the required practical test; and
(iii) has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which the applicant was
deficient on the knowledge test.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2) an applicant for an Airline Transport Pilot Licence
may take the practical test for that licence within two years of the expiration of a knowledge test, provided the
(a) has been continuously employed as a flight crewmember by an Air Operator Certificate holder
from the time the knowledge test expired; and
(b) has satisfactorily accomplished that Air Operator Certificate holder's approved-
(i) pilot-in-command aircraft qualification training programme that is appropriate to the licence;
(ii) qualification training requirements appropriate to the licence and rating sought; or
(iii) Practical tests general requirements for flight crew.
(4) If an applicant for a practical test does not-
(a) complete all increments of a practical test for a licence or rating in one day, that applicant shall
complete all remaining increments of the test not more than sixty days after that date; and
(b) satisfactorily complete all increments of the practical test for a licence or a rating within sixty
days after beginning the test, that applicant shall retake the entire practical test, inc! uding those
increments satisfactorily completed.
(c) satisfactorily accomplishes any additional training needed and obtains the appropriate instructor
endorsements, if additional training is required.
(6) The validity of the practical test results for applicants for a pilot licence and type rating shall be six
months after passing the test.
27. ( 1) Except when permitted to accomplish the entire flight increment of the practical test in an approved
flight simulator, an applicant for a licence or rating issued under these regulations shall provide an aircraft
registered in Zimbabwe for each required test that-
(a) is of the category, class, and type applicable to the licence or rating sought; and
(b) has a certificate of airworthiness.
(2) An applicant for a practical test shall use an aircraft that has-
(a) the equipment for each area of operation required for the practical test;
(b) no specified operating limitations that prohibit the aircraft's use in any of the areas of operation
required for the practical test;
(c) except as provided in subsection (5), at least two pilot stations with adequate visibility for each
person to operate the aircraft safely; and
(d) cockpit and outside visibility adequate to evaluate the performance of the applicant when an
additional jump seat is provided for the examiner.
(3) An applicant for a practical test shall use an aircraft, other than a lighter-than-air aircraft, that has
engine power controls and flight controls that are easily reached and operable in a conventional manner by both
pilots, unless the examiner determines that the practical test can be conducted safely in the aircraft without the
controls being easily reached ..
(4) An applicant for a practical test that involves manoeuvring an aircraft solely by reference to
instruments shall provide an aircraft with-
(a) an equipment that permits the applicant to pass the areas of operation that apply to the rating
sought; and
(b) a device that prevents the applicant from having visual reference outside the aircraft, but does not
prevent the examiner from having visual reference outside the aircraft, and is otherwise acceptable
to the Authority.
(5) Not withstanding requirements of subsection (2)(c), an applicant may complete a practical test in
an aircraft having a single set of controls, if-
(a) the examiner agrees to conduct the test;
(b) the test does not involve a demonstration of instrument skills; and
(c) the proficiency of the applicant can be observed by an examiner who is in a position to observe
the applicant.
(6) The ATPL(A) skjll test may serve at the same time as a skill test for the issue of the licence and a
proficiency check for the validation of the type rating for the aeroplane used in the test and may be combined
with the skill test for the issue of a multi-pilot type rating.
28. (1) An applicant for a knowledge or practical test who fails the knowledge or practical test may reapply
for the test only after the applicant has received-
(a) the necessary remedial training from an authorised instructor; and
(b) an endorsement, from an authorised instructor who conducted the remedi al training, that the
applicant is proficient to re-take the test.
(2) An applicant for a flight instructor licence with an aeroplane category rating or, for a flight instructor
licence with a glider catego ry rating, who has failed the practical test due to deficiencies in instructional
proficiency on stall awareness, spin entry, spins, or spin recovery shall-
(a) comply with the requirements of subsection (1) before being retested; and
(b) bring to the retest an aircraft that is of the appropriate aircraft category for the rating sought and
is certified for spins; and
(c) demonstrate satisfactory instructional proficiency on stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin
recovery to an examiner during the retest.
29. ( l)Every person undergoing training shall document and record the following time in a manner
acceptable to the Authority subject to subsection (15)-
(a) training and aeronautical experience used to meet the requirements for a licence, rating,qualification,
or authorisation specified in these regulations; and
(b) the aeronautical experience required to show recent flight experience requirements of these
(2) For the purposes of meeting the requirements of these regulations, a person referred in subsection
(1) shall enter the following information for each flight or lesson logged-
(a) general-
(i) date;
(ii) total flight time;
(iii) location where the aircraft departed and arrived, or for lessons in an approved synthetic flight
trainer, the location where the lesson occurred;
(iv) type and identification of aircraft or approved synthetic flight trainer, as appropriate;
(v) thenameofasafety pilot, if required by the Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft) Regulations,
2018, published in Statutory instrument 87 of 2018; and
(vi) the name of the authorised instructor if required;
(b) in case of type of pilot experience or training-
(i) solo;
(ii) pilot-in-command;
(iii) pilot-in-command under supervision;
(iv) co-pilot;
(v) flight and ground training received from an authorised instructor; and
(vi) training received in an approved synthetic flight trainer from an authorised instructor.
(c) in the case of conditions of flight-
(i) day or night
(ii) actual instrument; and
(iii) simulated instrument conditions in flight or in an approved synthetic flight trainer.
(3) The pilot time described in this section may be used to-
(a) apply for a licence or rating issued under these regulations; or
(b) satisfy the recent flight experience requirements of the Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft)
Regulations, 2018.
(4) Except for a student pilot acting as Pilot In Command of an airship requiring more than one flight
crewmember, a pilot may log as solo flight time only that flight time when the pilot is the sole occupant of the
(5) A private or commercial pilot may log Pilot in Command time only for that flight time during which
that person is-
(a) the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated; or
(b) acting as Pilot In Command of an aircraft on which more than one pilot is required; or
(c) a sole occupant.
- - - - - -- -- -------- --- -.
(6)An airline transport pilot may log as Pilot in Command time all of the flight time while acting as
Pilot In Command of Multi crew operations.
(7) An authorised instructor may log as Pilot In Command time all flight time while acting as an
authorised instructor.
(8) A student pilot may log Pilot in Command time when that student pilot -
(a) is the sole occupant of the aircraft; and
(b) is undergoing training for a pilot licence or rating .
(9) A person may log co-pilot flight time only for the flight time during which that person-
(a) is qualified in accordance with the co-pilot requirements of theCivilAviation (Operation of Aircraft)
Regulations, 2018, published in Statutory Instrument 87 of 2018, and occupies a crewmember
station in an aircraft that requires more than one pilot by the aircraft's type certificate; or
(b) holds the appropriate category, class, and instrument rating if an instrument rating is required for the
flight, for the aircraft being flown, and more than one pilot is required under the type certification
of aircraft.
(10) A person may log instrument flight time only for the flight time when that person operates the
aircraft solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions.
( 11)An authorised instructor may log instrument flight time when conducting instrument flight instruction
in actual instrument flight conditions .
(12)For the purposes of logging instrument flight time to meet the recent instrument experience
requirements of the Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft) Regulations, 2018, published in Statutory Instrument
87 of 2018, the following information shall be recorded in a person's logbook-
(a) the location and type of each instrument approach accomplished; and
(b) the name of the 's afety pilot, if required.
(13) An approved synthetic flight trainer may be used by a person to log instrument flight time: provided
that an authorised instructor is present during the simulated flight.
(14) A person may log training time when that person receives training from an authorised instructor
in an aircraft or in an approved synthetic flight trainer.
( 15) The training time shall be logged in a logbook and shall-
(a) be endorsed in a legible manner by the authorised instructor; and
(b) include a description of the training given, the length of the training lesson, instructor's signature,
licence number and licence expiry date.
(5) The flight time referred to in subsection (4) shall, where a logbook does not provide a column for
Pilot In Command under supervision hours-
(a) log the pilot under supervision hours under the pilot in command column of a logbook; and
(b) be clearly marked and endorsed by the instructor who supervised the flight.
3l.A person shall not receive credit for use of any synthetic flight trainer for satisfying any training testing,
or checking requirement of these regulations unless the synthetic flight trainer is approved by the Authority
(a) training, testing, and checking for which it is used;
(b) each particular manoeuvre, procedure or crewmember function performed; and
(c) the representation of the specific category and class of aircraft, type of aircraft, particular variation
within the type of aircraft or set of aircraft for certain flight training devices .
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(b) received an endorsement in the pilot's logbook from an authorised instructor who certifies the
person is proficient to operate that aircraft.
(7) A person shall not act as Pilot In Command of a tail wheel aeroplane unless that person has-
(a) received and logged flight training from an authorised instructor in a tailwheel aeroplane on the
manoeuvres and procedures listed in paragraph (b).
(b) received an endorsement in the person's logbook from an authorised instructor who is satisfied
that the person is proficient in the operation of a tail wheel aeroplane, to include at least normal
and crosswind take-offs and landings, wheel landings unless the manufacturer has recommended
against such landings and go around procedures.
(8) Any applicant shall, before being issued with any pilot licence or rating, meet such requirements
in respect of age, knowledge, experience, flight instructions kill and medical fitness, as are specified for that
licence or rating.
(9) Any applicant for a pilot licence or rating shall demonstrate, in a manner determined as prescribed
in these regulations and by the Authority, such requirements for knowledge and skill.
34. (1) For a person to be eligible for issue of Student Pilot Licence, an applicant shall be-
(a) at least sixteen years of age;
(b) able to demonstrate the ability to read , speak, write, and understand English language; and
(c) in possession of a valid Class 2 Medical Certificate issued under these regulations.
(2) For a person to be eligible to receive and log flight instruction, that person must be in possession
of a valid Student Pilot Licence.
35. ( 1) A holder of a Student Pilot Licence shall not operate an aircraft in first solo flight unless that student
has met the requirements of this section.
(2) A student pilot shall be required to pass an aeronautical knowledge testsin the follmving subjects-
(a) Air law;
(b) Aircraft general;
(c) Flight performance and planning;
(d) General navigation;
(e) Human performance and limitations;
(f) Meteorology;
(g) Principles of flight;
(h) Airspace structure and procedures for the airport where the student will perform solo flight;
(i) Flight characteristics and operational limitations for the make and model of aircraft to be flown;
U) Radio telephony.
(3) The Authority shall administer the test referred to in subsection (2).
(4) The student pilot's authorised instructor shall-
(i) at the conclusion of the test, review all incorrect answers with the student before authorising
that student to apply for the authorities exams;
(ii) notify the air traffic services before the student commences solo flight.
(5) Prior to conducting a solo flight, a student pi lot shall have-
(a) received and logged flight training at an Approved Training Organisation for th e manoeuvres and
procedures that are appropriate to the make and model of aircraft to be flown; and
(b) demonstrated satisfactory proficiency and safety, as judged by an authorised instructor, on the
manoeuvres and procedures required in the make and model of aircraft or similar make and model
of aircraft to be flown;
(c) has been judged by an authorised instructor as being able to speak and understand the English
language used for radiotelephony communications.
(5) A student pilot who is preparing for solo flight shall have received training in English Language
Proficiency and log flight training for the required manoeuvres and procedures, including the following as
applicable, for each category and class rating-
(a) proper flight preparation procedures, including pre-flight planning and preparation, engine
operation, and aircraft systems;
(b) taxiing or surface operations, including run-up;
(c) take-offs and landings, including normal and crosswind;
(d) straight and level flight, and turns in both directions;
(e) climbs and climbing turns;
(f) airport traffic patterns;
(g) radio telephony, airport entry and departure procedures;
(h) collision avoidance , wind shear avoidance, and wake turbulence avoidance;
(i) descents, with and without turns, using high and low drag configurations;
(j) flight at various airspeeds from cruise to slow flight;
(k) stall entries from various flight attitudes, configurations and power combinations with recovery
initiated at the first indication of a stall, and recovery from a full stall;
(l) emergency procedures and equipment malfunctions;
(m) ground reference manoeuvres;
(n) approaches to a landing area with simulated engine malfunctions;
(o) slips to a landing; and
(p) go-arounds.
(6) A holder of student pilot licence who is receiving training for solo flight shall' receive and log flight
training for the additional manoeuvres and procedures, as applicable, as indicated for each category and class
rating specified in the Ninth Schedule.
36. ( 1) A holder of a Student Pilot Licence shall be entitled to fly as a Pilot In Command of an aircraft for
the purpose of becoming qualified for a grant or renewal of a Pilot's Licence
(2) A holder of a Student Pilot Licence (SPL) shall not act as pilot in command (PIC) of an ai rcraft-
(a) that is carrying a passenger;
(b) that is carrying property for commercial purposes;
(c) that is operated for commercial purposes;
(d) in furtherance of a business;
(e) on an international flight;
(f) when the fli ght cannot be made under visual meteorological conditions (VMC) as specified under
the Civil Aviation (Operations of Aircraft) Regulations, 2018, published in Statutory Instrument
87 of 2018; or
(g) in a manner contrary to any limitations placed in the pilot's logbook by an authorised instructor.
(3) A holder of an Student Pilot Licence shall not act as a required flight crewmember on any aircraft
for which more than one pilot is required by the aircraft type certificate or by these regulations under which
the flight is conducted, except when receiving flight training from an authorised instructor on board an aircraft,
and no person other than a required flight crewmember is carried on the aircraft.
(4) A holder of an Student Pilot Licence shall not operate an aircraft in solo flight unless that student
pilot has received within the ninety days preceding the date of the flight an endorsement made in the student's
logbook from an authorised instructor for the specific make and model of aircraft to be flown.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(5) A holder of an Student Pilot Licence shall not act as a Pilot In Command of an aircraft unless his or
her logbook has been endorsed by an authorised instructor that he is capable of communicating with air traffic
control on radiotelephony.
Solo flight cross-country requirements
37. (1) A holder of a Student Pilot Licence shall meet the requirements specific to a Student Pilot Licence
in these regulations before-
(a) conducting a solo cross-country flight, or any flight greater than twenty five nautical miles from
the airport from where the flight originated; or
(b) conducting a solo flight and landing at any location other than the airport of origin.
(2) A student pilot who seeks solo cross-country flight privileges shall-
(a) have received flight training from an authorised instructor on the manoeuvres and procedures
required by this section that are appropriate to the make and model of aircraft for which solo
cross-country privileges are sought;
(b) have demonstrated cross-country proficiency on the appropriate manoeuvres and procedures required
by this section to an authorised instructor;
(c) have satisfactorily accomplished the pre-solo flight manoeuvres and procedures required by this
section in the make and model of aircraft or similar make and model of aircraft for which solo cross-
country privileges are sought; and
(d) comply with any limitations included in the instructor's endorsement that are required by subsection (5).
(3 )A holder of an Student Pi lot Licence who seeks solo cross-country flight privileges must have received
ground and flight training from an authorised instructor on the cross-country manoeuvres and procedures listed
in this section that are appropriate to the aircraft to be flown.
(4) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) a student pilot shall obtain an endorsement from an authorised
instructor to make solo flights, subject to the following conditions-
(a) a student pilot may make solo flights to another airport that is within twenty-five nautical miles
from the airport where the student pilot normally receives training if-
(i) the authorised instructor who makes the endorsement gave the student pilot flight
training at the other airport, and that training included flight in both directions over
the route, entering and exiting the traffic pattern, and take-offs and landings at the other
(ii) the student pilot has a current solo flight endorsement in accordance with these regulations;
(iii) the instructor has determined that the student pilot is proficient to make the flight; and
(iv) the purpose of the flight is to practice take-offs and landings at that other airport;
(b) a student pilot may make repeated specific solo cross-country flights to another airport that is
within fifty nautical miles of the airport from which the flight originated, if-
(i) the authorised instructor who gave the endorsement gave the student flight training in both
directions over the route, including entering and exiting the traffic patterns, take-offs, and
landings at the airport to be used;
(ii) the student has current solo flight endorsements in accordance with these regulations; and
(iii) the student has a current solo cross-country flight endorsement in accordance with subsection
(5), except that separate endorsements are not required for each flight made under this
(5) Except as specified in subsection (4)(b) , a student pilot shall have a solo cross-country endorsement
placed in the student pilot's log book by the authorised instructor who conducted the training for each make
and model aircraft which the student will fly on each cross-country flight.
(6) A student pilot who is receiving training for cross-country flight shall receive and log flight training
in the manoeuvres and procedures specified in the Tenth Schedule.
S.I. 176 of 2019
Renewal requirements
38. A holder of an Student Pilot Licence may apply for renewal of the licence if the holder has passed a
Class 2medical examination, thirty days before the expiry of a the licence and upon payment of a renewal fee
specified in the First Schedule.
Private Pilot Licence: Eligibility requirements
39. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence, shall-
(a) be at least seventeen years of age for a licence other than the operation of glider or balloon;
(b) be at least sixteen years of age for a licence in a glider or balloon;
(c) demonstrate the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language in
accordance with the language proficiency requirements contained in the Third Schedule of
these regulations;
(d) receive an endorsement for the knowledge test at an Approved Training Organisation from an
authorised instructor who-
(i) conducted the training on the aeronautical knowledge areas listed in section 40, that apply
to the aircraft category sought; and
(ii) certified that the person is prepared for the required knowledge test;
(e) be in possession of a valid Class 2 Medical Certificate issued under these regulations;
(f) pass the required knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas provided for in section 40;
(g) receive flight training and a logbook endorsement at an Approved Training Organisation from an
authorised instructor who-
(i) conducted the training in the areas of operation provided for in section 41, that apply to the
aircraft category and class rating sought; and
(ii) certified that the person is prepared for the required practical test;
(h) meet the aeronautical experience requirements of these regulations that apply to the aircraft
category and class rating sought before applying for the practical test;
(i) pass a practical test on the areas of operation provided for in section 41 that apply to the aircraft
category and class rating sought; and
U) comply with the appropriate provisions of these Regulations that apply to the aircraft category
and class rating sought.
Aeronautical knowledge requirements :Private Pilot Licence
40. The general aeronautical knowledge requirements for the applicant of a private pilot licence shall be
as specified in the Eleventh Schedule.
Flight instruction requirements
41. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) shall meet the flight instruction requirements specified
in the Twelfth Schedule.
Aeronautical experience and skill requirements for Private Pilot Licence
42. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) shall have relevant aeronautical experience and skills
as specified in the Thirteenth Schedule. The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform as pilot-
in-command of an aircraft within the appropriate category of aircraft with a degree of competency appropriate
to the privileges granted to the holder of a pilot licence, and to-
(i) recognise and manage threats and errors;
(ii) operate the aircraft within its limitations;
(iii) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;
(iv) exercise good judgement and airmanship;
(v) apply aeronautical knowledge; and
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(vi) maintain control of the aircraft at all times in a manner such that the successful outcome of
a procedure or manoeuvre is assured.
Privileges and limitations
43. (l)The privileges of the holder of a valid Private Pilot Licence shall be to act as pilot-in-command
or co-pilot of an aircraft of the appropriate category engaged in non-revenue flights.
(2) To carry passengers the holder of a glider licence shall have completed not less than 10hours flight
ti me as a pilot of gliders.
(3) If the privileges of the licence are to be exercised at night the holder must have a valid night rating.
Renewal requirements
44. A Private Pilot Licence may be renewed if the holder of the licence has successfully completed a
proficiency check for the licence , fo urteen days before the expiry of the licence and upon payment of a renewal
application fee specified in the First Schedule.
Commercial Pilot Licence: Eligibility requirements
45. (1) An applicant for a Commercial Pilot Licence shall-
(a) be at least eighteen years of age;
(b) demonstrate the ability to read , speak, write, and understand the English language in accordance
with the language proficiency requirements contained in the Second Schedule;
(c) receive a logbook endorsement from an authorised Approved Training Organisation instructor
(i) conducted the required ground training on the aeronautical knowledge areas provided for
in section 46, that apply to the ai rcraft category and class rating sought; and
(ii) certified that the person is prepared for the required knowledge test that applies to the aircraft
category and class rating sought;
(d) pass the required knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas provided fo r in section 46;
(e) receive the required training from an Approved Trai ning Organisation and a logbook endorsement
fro m an authorised instructor who-
(i) conducted the training on the areas of operation provided for in section 47 that apply to the
aircraft category and class rating sought; and
(ii) certified that the person is prepared for the required practical test;
(f) be in possession of a Class 1 Medical Certificate issued under these regulations;
(g) meet the aeronautical experience requirements of the applicable provisions of these regulations
that apply to the aircraft category and cl ass ratin g sought before applying for the practical test;
(h) pass the required practical test on the areas of operation provided for in section 47 that apply
to the aircraft category and class rating sought and such practical test must be undertaken in a
complex aeroplane with retractable undercarriage, variable pitch propeller or turbojet engine;
(i) hold a Private Pilot Licence issued under these Regulation s or meet the requirements of section
19, pertaining to Zi mbabwe Defence Forces licences; and
U) comply with the relevant provisions of these Regulations which apply to the aircraft category and
class rating sought.
Aeronautical knowledge requirements for Commercial Pilot Licence
46. (l) A n applicant for a Comm ercial Pilot Licence shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge
appropriate to the privileges granted to the hold er of such licence and appropriate to the category of aircraft
intended to be included in the licence.
(2) The aeronautical knowledge requirements for the applicant of the commercial pi lot li cence shall be
as specified in the Fourteenth Schedule.
Flight instruction requirements
47. T he flight instruction req uirements for the Commercial pilot licence shall be as specified in the Fifteenth
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(2) Aeronautical Knowledge requirements for air transport pilot licence referred to in subsection (I)
shall be as specified in the Seventeenth Schedule.
Flight instruction requirements
53. (1) An Airline Transport Pilot Licence applicant for , aeroplanes or helicopters shall have received
the dual flight instruction required for the issue of commercial pilot licence as provided for in section 47; and
(a) in the case of air transport pilot licence aeroplane , the applicant shall have received the dual flight
instructions required for the issue of the instrument rating provided for in section 76; or
(b) the applicant shall have received the dual flight instruction required for the multi-crew pilot licence.
(2)An applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform,as pilot-in-command of an aircraft within
the appropriate category required to be operated with a co-pilot, the following procedures and manoeuvres-
(a) pre-flight procedures, including the preparation of the operational flight plan and filing of the air
traffic services flight plan;
(b) normal flight procedures and manoeuvres during all phases of flight;
(c) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres related to failures and malfunctions of
equipment, such as power plant, systems and airframe;
(d) procedures for crew incapacitation and crew coordination, including allocation of pilot tasks, crew
cooperation and use of checklists; and
(e) in the case of aeroplanes and powered-lifts, procedures and manoeuvres for
(i) instrument flight including; and
(ii) simulated engine failure;
(f) in the case of an aeroplane, the applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform the
procedures and manoeuvres described in subsection (2) as pilot-in-command of a multiengine
aeroplane requfred to be operated wi th a co-pilot in an actual or simulated multi-crew instrument
fligh t rules scenario.
Aeronautical experience requirements
54. The aeronautical experience and skills for air transport pilot licence shall be as specified in the
Eighteenth Schedule.
Additional aircraft category, class and type ratings
55. An applicant who holds a valid Airline Transport Pilot Licence and seeks additional aircraft category,
class and type rating shall-
(a) meet the applicable eligibility requirements;
(b) pass a knowledge test on the applicable aeronautical knowledge areas;
(c) meet the applicable aeronautical experience requirements; and
(d) pass the practical test on the areas of operation.
Privileges and limitations
56. (1) A holder of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence may-
(a) exercise all the privileges of a holder of a Private Pilot Licence, Commercial Pilot Licence and
Instrument Rating for aeroplane as stipul ated in sections 43,49 and 76;
(b) act as pilot-in-command or co-pil ot in commercial air transport; and
(c) exercise all the privileges of the holder of a flight radiotelephone operator licence as stipulated in
secti on 125 .
(2) A holder of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence without a flight instructor rating may be authorised
to act as a line training instructor when instructin g pil ots within an Air Operator Certificate holder's approved
training programme in-
(a) aircraft of the category, class, and type , as applicable , for which the airline transport pilot is rated;
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(3) A holder of Multi-Crew Pilot Licence shall, before exercising the privileges of a commercial pilot
licence in a single-pilot operation in aeroplanes, have-
(a) completed in aeroplanes 70 hours, either as pilot-in command, or not less than 10 hours as pilot-
in- command and the necessary additional flight time as pilot-in-command under supervision;
(b) completed 20 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command, or not Jess than 10 hours as
pilot-in-command and 10 hours as pilot-in command under supervision, including a cross-country
flight totalling not Jess than 300 Nautical Miles in the course of which full-stop landings at two
different aerodromes shall be made; and
(c) met the requirements for the commercial pilot licence with the exception of the Sixteenth Schedule
paragraph ( 1) (b) (i).
Renewal requirements
63. A holder of Multi -Crew Pilot Licence may, fourteen days before the expiry of the licence and upon
payment of a renewal application fee specified in the First Schedule, apply for renewal of the licence if the
holder of the licence has logged not less than six hours as pilot in command or co-pilot and has done six take-
offs and landings within the six months preceding the date of application for renewal.
Category rating
64. A pilot seeking a category rating shall-
(a) have received the required training from an Approved Training Organisation;
(b) possess the aeronautical experience set out in these regulations for the aircraft category and, if
applicable, class and type rating sought;
(c) pass the knowledge and practical test as appropriate to the pilot licence for the aircraft category
and, if applicable, class and type rating sought;
(d) have an endorsement in that pilot's logbook or training record, from an authorised instructor, that
the applicant has been found competent in the following-
(i) aeronautical knowledge areas; and
(ii) areas of operation
Class ratings
65. (1) A pilot seeking an additional class rating-
(a) shall have an endorsement in that pilot's logbook for training received from, an Approved Training
Organisation and by an authorised instructor, that the applicant has been found competent in the
(i) relevant aeronautical knowledge areas; and
(ii) relevant areas of operation;
(b) shall pass the practical test applicable to the pilot licence for the aircraft class rating sought;
(c) may be exempted from meeting the training time requirements set out in these regulations for the
aircraft class rating sought; and
(d) may be exempted from taking an additional knowledge test, if the applicant holds an aeroplane,
helicopter or airship category at that pilot licence level.
(2) A pilot seeking renewal of the rating shall pass a practical test applicable to the pilot licence for the
aircraft class rating sought.
Type ratings
66. ( 1) To act as a pilot in command of-
(a) an aircraft certificated for at least two pilots;
(b) any aircraft considered necessary by the Authority; or
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(c) each type of helicopter;a pilot shall be required to hold a type rating for that aircraft.
(2) A person shall not act as a commercial pilot in an aeroplane of which the maximum certificated
take-off mass is over 1,545 kg unless that person's licence includes an Instrument Rating.
(3) A pilot seeking an aircraft type rating to be added on a pilot licence, or the addition of an aircraft
type rating that is accomplished concurrently with an additional aircraft category or class rating shall-
(a) demonstrate the skill and knowledge required for the safe operation of the applicable type of
aircraft, relevant to the licensing requirements and piloting functions oftheapplicantfor aeroplanes
of maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5,700 kgs where training is conducted in a-
(i) flight simulator, not less than 30 hours of flight simulator time and 3 hours of actual flying
time in the aircraft type sought; or
(ii) Level Dsynthetic flight trainer of the aircraft type sought approved by the Authority, not less
than 36 hours;
(b) have passed the flight check-out for the aircraft type rating sought; and
(c) have passed a knowledge test on the aircraft type on which the rating is sought.
(4) The applicant for a type rating shall have gained, under appropriate supervision, experience in the
applicable type of aircraft or flight simulator or both in the following-
(a) normal flight procedures and manoeuvres during all phases of flight;
(b) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres in the event of failures and malfunctions
of equipment, such as engine, systems and airframe;
(c) where applicable, instrument procedures, including instrument approach, missed approach and
landing procedures under normal ,abnormal and emergency conditions, including simulated engine
(d) for the issue of an aeroplane category type rating, loss of control in flight and upset prevention
and recovery training; and
(e) procedures for crew incapaci tati on and crew coordination including allocation of pi lot tasks, crew
cooperation and use of checklists.
(5) For the purpose of training, testing, or specific special purpose non-revenue and non-passenger
carrying flights, special authorisation may be provided in writing to the licence holder by the Authority in place
of issuing the class or type rating in accordance with these regulations and shall be limited in validity to the
time needed to complete a specific flight.
(6) An applicant for a multi pilot certificated aircraft type rating shall have demonstrated, at airline
transport pilot level the following knowledge subjects-
(a) aircraft technical general;
(b) aircraft performance;
(c) human performance;
(d) meteorology;
(e) principles of flight;
(f) radar principles .
(7) A pilot seeking renewal of the rating shall pass a practical test applicable to the pilot licence for the
aircraft type rating sought.
Category II and JJI operations pilot authorisation requirements
67. (l) An appli cant for a Category II or Category III operations pilot authorisation must-
(a) hold a pilot licence with an instrument rating or an airline transport pilot licence;
(b) hold a category and class rating, and type rating, for the aircraft for which the authorisation is
sought; and
(c) have passed a practical test.
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(2) An applicant for a Category II or Category III operations pilot authorisation shall have at least-
(a) fifty hours of night flight time as Pilot-In-Command;
(b) seventy-five hours of instrument time under actual or simulated instrument conditions that
mayinclude not more than-
(i) a combination of twenty-five hours of simulated instrument flight time in an approved
synthetic flight trainer; or
(ii) forty hours of simulated instrument flight time if accomplished in an approved course conducted
by an appropriately rated approved training organisation certified under the Civil Aviation
(Approved Training Organisations) Regulations 2018 as published in Statutory Instrument
80 of 2018;
(c) 250 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command.
(3) Upon passing a practical test for a Category II or III operations pilot authorisation, a pilot may,
within thirty days and upon payment of a renewal application fee specified in the First Schedule, apply for
renewal of that authorisation for each type of ai rcraft for which the pilot holds the authorisation.
(4) The Authority may not renew a Category II or Category III operations pilot authorisation for a
specific type aircraft for which an authorisation is held beyond twelve months from the date the applicant passed
a practical test in that type of aircraft.
(5) Where the holder of a Category II or Category III operations pilot authorisation passes the practical
test for a renewal in the month before the authorisation expires, the Authority will consider that the holder
passed it on the date the authorisation expired.
(6) The Authority may issue a Category II or Category III pilot authorisation by way of-
(a) a certifi·cate, as a part of an applicant's instrument rating; or
(b) pilot licence.
(7) Upon original issue the authorisation shall contain the following limitations-
(a) in the case of Category II operations, five hundred metres runway visual range (RVR) and a one
hundred and fifty feet decision height (DH) ; and
(b) in the case of Category III operations, as specified in the authorisation document.
(8) The Authority may remove-
(a) a Category II operations limitation if the authorisation holder has shown that, since the beginning
of the sixth preceding month, he or she has made three Category II operations Instruments Landing
System approaches with a one hundred and fifty feet- decision height to a landing under actual or
simulated instrument flight conditions; or
(b) a Category III operations limitation if the authorisation holder has met the experience requirements
specified in the authorisation.
(9) An authorisation holder or an appli cant for an authorisation may use a synthetic flight trainer if
that synthetic flight trainer is approved by the Authority for such use, to meet the experience requirement of
subsection ( 11) (b) (ii), or for the practical test required by these regulations for a Category II or a Category III
operations pilot authorisation, as applicable.
( 10) An applicant for the-
(a) issue or renewal of a Category II operations pilot authorisation; and
(b) addition of another type of aircraft to a Category II operations pi lot authorisation ;shall have passed
a practical test.
( 11) To be eligible for the practical test for an authorisation under this section, an applicant shall-
(a) meet the requirements of these regulations; and
(b) if the applicant has not passed a practical test for this authorisation within the twelve months
preceding the date of the test-
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(i) meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation (Operations of Aircraft) Regulations 2018, as
published in Statutory instrument 87 of 2018; and
(ii) have performed at least six instrument landing system approaches within the six calendar
months preceding the date of the test, of which at least three of the approaches shall have
been conducted without the use of an approach coupler.
(12) An applicant shall accomplish the approaches specified in subsection (ll)(b)(ii)-
(a) under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions;
(b) to the minimum decision height for the instrument landing system approach in the type of aircraft
in which the practical test is to be conducted, except that the approaches need not be conducted
to the decision height authorised for Category II operations;
(c) to the decision height authorised for Category II operations only if conducted in an approved
synthetic flight trainer qualified for Category II operations; and
(d) in an aircraft of the same category, class and type, as applicable, as the aircraft in which the
practical test is to be conducted or in an approved synthetic flight trainer that-
(i) represents an aircraft of the same category, class and type, as applicable, as the aircraft in
which the authorisation is sought; and
(ii) is used in accordance with an approved course conducted by an approved training organisation
certified under the Civil Aviation (Approved Training Organisations) Regulations, 2018, as
published in Statutory Instrument 80 of 2018.
(13) The flight time acquired in meeting the requirements of subsection (ll)(b)(ii) may also be used
to meet the requirements of subsection (ll)(b)(i).
(14) A category II operations practical test shall consist of oral and flight increments.
(15) The category II oral increments test shall be as specified in the Twentieth Schedule.
(16) The requirements for category II flight increments test shall be as specified in the Twenty First
( 17) The Authority shall require that an applicant pass a practical test for-
(a) issue or renewal of a Category III operations pilot authorisation; or
(b) the addition of another type of aircraft to a Category III operations pilot authorisation.
( 18) The applicant for category III authorisation shall meet the knowledge and practical test requirements
specified in the Twenty Second Schedule.
Balloon ratings
68. Where an applicantfora balloon PrivatePilotLicenceor balloon Commercial Pilot Licence successfully
takes a practical test in-
(a) a balloon with an airborne heater, the Authority shall place upon the pilot licence a limitation
restricting the exercise of the privileges of that licence to a balloon with an airborne heater; or
(b) a gas balloon, the Authority shall place upon the pilot licence a limitation restricting the exercise
of the privilege of that licence to a gas balloon.
Night Rating
69. A holder of a pilot licence shall not act as a pilot in command by night in an aircraft unless a night
rating or an instrument rating is included in his or her licence.
Flight instruction requirements: Night Rating
70. An applicant for a night rating shall have received-
(a) five hours dual instruction under a qualified instructor in night flying;
(b) five flights as pilot in command including five takeoffs; and
(c) five landings in an aircraft.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(vii) landings from instrument approaches; in-flight manoeuvres and particular flight characteristics;
(e) demonstrate the ability to operate multi -engine aircraft within the appropriate category by reference
solely to instrument with one engine inoperative,"or simulated inoperative, if the privileges of the
instrument rating are to be exercised on such aircraft.
Aeronautical experience and skill requirements of an Instrument rating applicant
76. (1) An applicant for an Instrument Rating shall hold a pilot licence for the aircraft category being
(2) An applicant for instrument rating shall have completed not less than-
(a) 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command of aircraft in categories acceptable to
the Licensing Authority, of which not less than 10 hours shall be in an aeroplane or helicopter;
(b) 40 hours of instrument time in Helicopters or Aeroplanes of which-
(i) not more than 20 hours; or
(ii) in the case of a flight simulator not more than 30 hours may be instrument ground time under
the supervision of an authorised instructor.
(3) An applicant for an instrument rating must have received 15 hours of dual instruction in a multi
engine aeroplane, out of the 20 hours specified in section 73 (2)(f), from an authorised flight instructor, where
the privileges of the instrument rating are to be exercised on such an aeroplane ..
(4) An applicant for an instrument rating shall have demonstrated the ability to perform as pilot-in
command of an aircraft, the procedures and manoeuvres described in section 75(3) with a degree of competency
appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of an Instrument rating and to-
(a) operate the aircraft within its limitations;
(b) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;
(c) exercise good judgement and airmanship;
(d) apply aeronautical knowledge;
(e) maintain control of the aircraft at all times in a manner such that the successful outcome of the
procedures or manoeuvre is never seriously in doubt; and
(f) recognise and manage threats and errors.
(5) An applicant for an instrument rating shall have demonstrated the ability to operate a multi-engine
aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with one engine inoperative, or simulated inoperative, if the
privileges of the Instrument rating are to be exercised on such an aircraft.
Privileges and limitations
77. ( 1) A hoi der of an instrument rating may act as pilot of a specific category of aircraft flying in accordance
with instrument flight rules and under instrument meteorological conditions, by day or by night.
(2) To exercise the instrument rating privileges on a multi-engine aircraft, the holder shall have complied
with the requirements of sections 70,73 and 75.
(3) Whenever the examiner or another pilot functions as a flight crew member during an initial instrument
rating skills test, the privileges of the instrument rating shall be restricted to multi-pilot operations only.
(4) The limitation in subsection (3) may be removed by being tested in a single-pilot aircraft without
any assistance from the examiner or another pilot.
Renewal requirements
78. (l) The holder of an instrument rating shall apply for renewal of such rating thirty days before the
expiry of the licence rating , and upon-
(a) passing a flight test either in an aircraft or an approved flight simulator of an aircraft type rating
included in the pilot licence;
(b) payment of a renewal application fee specified in the First Schedule, apply for renewal.
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Renewal requirements
85. A flight instructor rating may,within 30 days and upon payment of a renewal application fee specified
in the First Schedule, be renewed if the applicant-
(a) passes a practical test for-
(i) renewal of the flight instructor rating; or
(ii) an additional flight instructor privileges; or
(b) presents to the Authority-
(i) a record of training students that shows that within twelve months preceding the date of
application for renewal of the rating, the flight instructor has endorsed at least five students
for a practical test for a licence or rating, and at least eighty percent of those students passed
that test on the first attempt; or
(ii) a record which shows that within the preceding twelve months, the flight instructor has
performed as a flight instructor or company check pilot and has logged not less than 20
instructional hours; or
(iii) a certificate showing that the applicant has successfully completed an approved flight
instructor refresher course consisting of ground or flight training, or both, within the ninety
days preceding the date of the expiry of the flight instructor rating.
Reissue of an expired flight instructor rating
86 .A holder of an expired flight instructor rating shall be required by the Authority to take and pass a flight
instructor's practical test conducted by the Authority in order to be re-issued with the flight instructor rating.
Flight Examiner Authorisation-General requirements
87. (1) A flight examiner shall hold-
(a) a licence and rating for which he wishes to be authorised to conduct skill tests or proficiency
checks; and
(b) appropriate flight instructor ratings.
(2) To qualify for a flight examiner's authorisation, a pilot shall have logged required hours of flight
time and provided flight instruction as specified in the Twenty Fifth Schedule.
(3) To qualify for a flight examiner's authorisation, a pilot shall have conducted at least two skills
tests under the observation by the Authority, in the role of an examiner for which authorization is
sought, including briefing, conduct of the skill test, and assessment of the applicant to whom the
skill test is given, debriefing and recording or documentation.
(4) Subject to compliance with the requirements specified in these Regulations , the privileges of the
examiner's authorization are to conduct skill tests and proficiency checks for a licence and ratings issuances.
(5) Specific examiner authorisation and experience requirements for designated examiners are as
stipulated in the Twenty Fifth Schedule.
Flight examiner training requirements
88. ( 1) The ground training for examiners shall include-
(a) examiner duties, functions and responsibilities;
(b) applicable regulations and procedures;
(c) appropriate methods, procedures and techniques for conducting the required tests and checks;
(d) proper evaluation of student performance including the detection of:
(i) improper and insufficient training; and
(ii) personal characteristics of an applicant that could adversely affect safety;
(e) appropriate corrective action in the case of unsatisfactory tests and checks; and
(f) approved methods, procedures and limitations for performing the required normal, abnormal and
emergency procedures in aircraft.
(2) The flight training shall include-
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(a) training and practice in conducting flight evaluation from the left and right pilot seats for pilot
examiners in the required normal, abnormal and emergency procedures to ensure competence to
conduct the flight tests and checks;
(b) the pote ntial results of improper, untimely or non-execution of safety measures during an evaluation;
(c) the safety measures to be taken from either pilot seat for pilot check examiners for emergency
situations that are likely to develop during an evaluation.
(3) The flight training for examiners in synthetic flight trainer shall include-
(a) training and practice in conducting flight checks in the required normal, abnormal and emergency
procedures to ensure competence to conduct the evaluations tests and checks required under these
Regulations; and
(b) training in the operation of synthetic flight trainer to ensure competence to conduct the eva! uations
required under these regulations.
(3) The results for a knowledge test for an air traffic controller licence conducted by the Authority shall
be valid for eighteen months from the date of passing the test.
Knowledge Requirements for Air traffic controller ratings
92. (1) .The Authority shall provide a detailed knowledge syllabus for air traffic control ratings.
(2) The ratings and knowledge requirements outline for Air traffic controller shall be as stipulated in
the Twenty Seventh Schedule.
Aeronautical experience and skill requirements for air traffic controller ratings
93. (1) The applicant shall have completed-
(a) an approved training course; and
(b) an approved skills test as specified by the Authority;
and in not less than three months of satisfactory service engaged in the actual control of air traffic under the
supervision of an instructor rated air traffic controller.
(2) The ratings referred to in subsection (1) are as stipulated in the Twenty-Eighth schedule .
(3 )The experience requirements specified for air traffic controller ratings in section 99 may be credited
as part of the experience specified in this section.
(4) Where two air traffic controller ratings are sought concurrently, the Authority shall determine the
applicable requirements on the basis of the requirements for each rating and such requirements shall not be less
than those of the more demanding rating.
Privileges and limitations
94. (1) A holder of an air traffic controller licence which includes ratings of two or more of the classes
specified in subsection (2), shall not at any one time perform the function specified in respect of more than one
of these ratings. ·
(2) The functions of any one of the following groups of ratings may be exercised at the same time -
(a) aerodrome control rating and the approach control rating;
(b) approach control rating and the approach radar control rating provided that the functions of
the approach radar control rating shall not be exercised at the same time as the functions of the
approach radar control rating if the service being provided under the approach radar control is
a surveillance radar approach terminating at a point less than two nautical miles from the point
of intersection of the glide path with the runway, the two functions shall not be exercised at the
same time;
(c) area control rating and area radar control rating; or
(d) aerodrome control tower or area control centre when it is necessary or desirable to combine under
the responsibility of one unit of the functions of the approach control service with those of the
aerodrome control service or area control service.
Privileges of air traffic controller ratings
95. (1) The privileges of the holder of an air traffic controller licence endorsed with one or more of the
undermentioned ratings shall be-
(a) in the case of aerodrome control rating, to provide or to supervise the provision of aerodrome
control service for the aerodrome for which the licence holder is rated;
(b) in the case of approach control rating, to provide or to supervise the provision of approach control
service for the aerodrome or aerodromes for which the licence holder is rated, within the airspace
or portion of the airspace, under the jurisdiction of the unit providing approach control service;
(c) in the case of approach control surveillance rating, to provide or supervise the provision of
approach control service with the use of air traffic services surveillance systems for the aerodrome
or aerodromes for which the licence holder is rated , within the airspace or portion thereof, under
the jurisdiction of the unit providing approach control service and where the holder complies
with the rating the privileges shall include the provision of surveillance radar approaches;
(d) in the case of approach precision radar control rating, to provide or supervise the provision of
precision approach radar service at the aerodrome for which the licence holder is rated;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(e) in the case of area control rating, to provide or supervise the provision of area control service
within the control area or portion of the control area, for which the licence holder is rated;
(f) in the case of area radar control rating, to provide or supervise the provision of area control service
with the use of radar, within the control area or portion of the control area , for which the licence
holder is rated .
(2) Before exercising the privileges indicated in subsection (1), the air traffic controller licence holder
shall be familiar with all pertinent and current information relevant to the area of which service is sought to be
provided and shall indicate by signing his or her name showing the time in Universal Time Co-ordinated in
the appropriate air traffic controller log book.
(3) The holder of an air traffic controller license shall not provide instruction in an operational environment
except with an endorsement of On the Job Instructor Rating.
Invalidation of air traffic controller ratings upon ceasing to operate by holder
96. (1) An air traffic controller rating becomes invalid when an air traffic controller has ceased to exercise
the privileges of the rating for a period of three months and shall remain invalid until the controller's ability to
exercise the privileges of the rating has been re-established through a new application, training and validation
(2) Upon a rating ceasing to be valid as specified in sub-section (1 ), the holder of the air traffic controller
licence shall forthwith inform the Authority to that effect and shall forward the licence to the Authority to enable
the licence to be endorsed accordingly.
Maximum working hours
97. (1) An air traffic controller may not serve or be required to serve-
(a) for more than twelve consecutive hours; or
(b) for more than twelve hours during a period of twenty-four consecutive hours, unless the air traffic
controller has had a rest period of at least eight hours at or before the end of the twelve hours of
(2) In an emergency, a licensed air traffic controller shall not perform any duties for twenty-four
consecutive hours during each seven consecutive days.
Responsibilities over fatigue
98. A person holding an air traffic controller licence shall not act as an air traffic controller nor shall an
employer allow a licensed controller, if the controller or the employer knows or suspects that the controller is
suffering from or, having regard to the circumstances of the period of duty to be undertaken, is likely to suffer
from, such fatigue as may endanger the safety of any aircraft to which an air traffic control service may be
Prohibition of unlicensed air traffic controllers
99. (1) An air traffic controller shall not provide any type of air traffic service required to be provided
under the Civil Aviation (Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services) Regulations, 2018, published in Statutory
Instrument 197 of 2018 , unless he does so in accordance with the terms of-
(a) a valid air traffic controller licence so granted authorising air traffic controller to provide that type
of service at that aerodrome or other places; or
(b) a valid air traffic controller licence so granted which does not authorise the air traffic controller
to provide that type of service at the aerodrome or other place, but he is supervised by a person
who is present at the time and who is the holder of a valid air traffic controller licence so granted
which authorises him to provide at that aerodrome or other place the type of air traffic control
service which is being provided; or
(c) an engagement as a student air traffic controller who shall be supervised by a holder of a valid
air traffic controller's licence so granted to provide that type of service at any aerodrome or at a
place at which air traffic control service is provided; or
(d) as a member of the Zimbabwean Defence Forces at a military air traffic services establishment.
(2) A holder of an air traffic controller licence shall not perform any of the functions specified in section
89 in respect of a rating at any of the places referred to in subsection (1) unless his licence includes that rating
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and the rating is valid for the place at which , and the type of radar equipment, if any, with the aid of which
functions are performed.
Licence Renewal, refresher training and proficiency requirements.
100. (1) An air traffic controller licence may, upon payment of a renewal application fee specified in the
First Schedule, be renewed if the holder demonstrates, at a level appropriate to the privileges being renewed,
the skill ,judgement and performance required to provide a safe, orderly and expeditious control service through
proficiency checks, refresher training and a medical examination.
(2)AnAirTraffic Control licence holder shall undergo proficiency checks annually and refresher training
every three years.
Air traffic controller instructor ratings (theoretical and practical) and examiner approvals
101 . (1) An applicant for an air traffic controller instructor rating shall-
(a) be at least 21 years of age;
(b) have successfully completed the appropriate instructor training as approved by the Authority;
(c) hold a current and valid air traffic controller licence with a minimum of three years' experience;
(d) hold at least one valid air traffic control rating; and
(e) pass an instructor eva! uation test.
(2) For renewal of air traffic controller instructor rating may, upon payment of the application fee
specified in the First Schedule, be renewed if the holder presents proof of competency and having exercised
the privileges of the rating in the last six months preceding the date of renewal application.
(3) The Authority may designate air traffic controller instructors as examiners if-
(a) the Authority is satisfied that the applicant is competent to conduct rating assessments in any of
the ratings held by him or her;
(b) he or she has passed the air traffic service operator examiner evaluation test; and
(c) has held an air traffic controller instructors rating for at least two years.
Ground Instructor Authorisation
102. ( 1) An applicant for a ground instructor authorisation shall-
(a) be at least eighteen years of age;
(b) demonstrate the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language in accordance
with the language proficiency requirements contained in the Third Schedule to these regulations;
(c) pass a knowledge test on the fundamentals of instructing including-
(i) the learning process;
(ii) elements of effective teaching;
(iii) student evaluation and testing;
(iv) course development;
(v) lesson planning;
(vi) classroom training techniques;
(vii) techniques of applied instructions;
(viii) use of training aids;
(ix) analysis and correction of student errors; and
(x) human performance relevant to ground instruction;
(d) pass a knowledge test on the aeronautical knowledge areas required for commercial pilot licence
or airline transport pilot licence .
(2) A ground instructor authorisation shall be issued with either one of the following ratings-
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(a) basic;
(b) advanced;
(c) instrument; or
(d) a combination of (a) and (c), or (b) and (c).
(3) The knowledge test specified in subsection (l)(c) is not required if the applicant holds a flight
instructor rating issued under these regulations.
(4) The knowledge test results for a ground instructor authorisation shall be valid for eighteen months
after passing the examination.
103. (I) A holder of a ground instructor authorisation may exercise the privileges appropriate to the rating
as follows-
(a) in the case of holder of a basic ground instructor rating-
(i) ground training in the aeronautical knowledge areas required for the issue of a private pilot
licence or associated ratings;
(ii) ground training required for a private pilot flight check-out; and
(iii) a recommendation for a knowledge test required for the issuance of a Private Pilot Licence;
(b) in the case of holder of an advanced ground instructor rating-
(i) ground training in the aeronautical knowledge areas required for the issue of CPL or ATPL
pilot licence or rating;
(ii) ground training required for any flight check out; and
(iii) a recommendation for a knowledge test required for the issue of CPL or ATPL licence;
(b) in the case of a holder of an instrument ground instructor rating-
(i) ground training in the aeronautical knowledge areas required for the issue of an instrument
(ii) ground training required for an instrument proficiency check; and
(iii) a recommendation for a knowledge test required for the issue of an instrument rating.
(2) A person who holds a ground instructor authorisation shall be authorised, within the limitations of
the ratings on the ground instructor authorisation, to endorse the logbook or other training record of a person
to whom the holder has provided the training or recommendation specified in subsection (1).
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110. Subject to compliance with the requirements set forth in these Regulations, the privileges of a holder
of a flight operations officer licence shall be to serve in that capacity with responsibility for each area for which
the applicant meets the requirements specified in the Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft) Regulations, 2018,
published Statutory Instrument 87 of 2018.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
Renewal requirements
111. A flight operations officer licence may, upon payment of a renewal fee specified in the First Schedule,
be renewed if the holder has performed his duties in the six months preceding the date of application for renewal
exercising the privileges of the licence and passed a skills test or has undergone and passed a refresher training
course approved by the Authority within three months of the application.
Flight operations instructor Ratings and Examiner Approval
112. (1) An applicant for a flight operations instructor rating shall-
(a) be at least 21 years of age;
(b) have met the instructor knowledge requirements in section106 and any additional requirements
as may be specified by the Authority;
(c) hold a current and valid flight operations officer licence with a minimum of 3 years' experience.
(2) An applicant for renewal of flight operations instructor rating shall, thirty days before the expiry of
the licence and upon payment of a renewal application fee specified in the First Schedule, pass a practical test
conducted by the Authority.
(3) The Authority may designate the following as flight operations examiners-
(a) designated flight examiners;
(b) flight instructors;
(c) flight operations instructors with at least five years' experience.
(4) Designated examiner authorisations shall be valid for one year from the date of issue.
(5) Designated examiner renewal shall subject to the approval by the Authority.
(6) Detailed requirements are outlined in the Thirty-Third Schedule.
Aircraft Maintenance engineers Licence issuance
113. For purpose of aircraft maintenance, the Authority may issue-
(a) Aviation Maintenance engineers licence; or
(b) Inspection authorisations; or
(c) Aviation repairman authorisations .
Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers license or associated rating( s)
114. (1) An applicant for an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's licence or any associated rating shall-
( a) be at least 18 years of age; and
(b) submit evidence of having successfully completed the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education,
Science and Technology DevelopmentApprenticeship Training or equivalent training appropriate
to the privileges sought; and
(c) equivalent training shal l be as weighted and confirmed by the applicable arm of the Ministry of
Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development; and
(d) demonstrate the ability to read , write , speak, and understand the Engli sh language, by reading and
explaining appropriate maintenance publications and by writing defect and repair statements; and
(e) comply with the knowledge, and skill requirements as per Thirty-second Schedule, as well as
experience and competency requirements specified for the license and rating sought; and
(f) pass all approved tests for the applicableAeronautical Engineering Certificate/Basic licence within
a period of 24 months; and
(g) any person presenting or undertaking training under any aircraft trade or a holder of an ANIE
licence shall maintain a logbook and shall record therein all work carried out on aircraft, aircraft
systems and aircraft components.
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(2) Experience requirements for type specific ratings: an applicantforanAircraft Maintenance Engineer
Type license and associated ratings may qualify by either practical experience orthrough completion of approved
training in a Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe approved/ accepted Aviation Training Organisation.
(3) Skill requirements-
(a) each applicant for an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer license or rating shall pass a skills test on
the license or rating that he/she seeks;
(b) skills test may be conducted by Designated Examiners or a board as set out in the Thirty-second
Schedule. Requirements for designation of examiners are as set out in the Thirty-second Schedule.
115. The Authority may issue the following ratings-
(a) Airframe(A)/(B); or
(b) Power plant(C)/(D); or
(c) Avionics (X) (Aircraft Electrical, Radio and Instrument Systems); or
(d) Other ratings as may be determined by the Authority from time to time.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(b) in the case of Category "X" Licence Without Type Rating (excluding Category "X"-Compass
Compensation and Adjustment), twenty-four months related to avionic systems, twelve months
of which must be in the two years immediately preceding the date of application; and
(c) six months, within the twelve months referred to in (a) and (b), relevant to the specific Licence
without Type Rating for which application is being made.
(4) Where an applicant for category "X" electrical holds a valid licence which includes both Category
"A" and Category "C" Li cence Without Type Rating subdivisions, the experience in subsection (3)(b) need not
be complied with and the applicant need show only the six months experience relevant to the Licence Without
Type Rating required in subsection 3(c).
(5) An applicant for a Licence Without Type Rating in one category holding a valid licence in another
category the experience requirement of subsection (3)(a) and (3)(b) may be reduceddependenton the total practical
experience accumulated while holding that licence and training attended but in any case shall demonstrate the
experience requirements of subsection 3(c). Any of the periods specified above may be concurrent.
(6) Subject to subsection (7) extension of a licence to include a type rating-
(a) shall not require a period of general experience additional to that required for the relevant Licence
without Type Rating, which must be held before a type rating is granted; and
(b) shall require satisfactory record of experience, gained within the three years before the application,
appropriate to the type rating sought.
(7) An applicant for a type rating from a holder of a Licence Without Type Rating which was gained
following successful completion of an approved initial course shall show confirmed evidence that he has
obtained at least twelve months relevant aircraft engineering experience with an organisation engaged in the
maintenance of operational aircraft in addition to that gained during the course.
118. (1) Subject to compliance with the requirements specified in this regulation, the holder of a current
aircraft maintenance engineer licence may exercise the following privileges-
( a) certify the aircraft or parts of the aircraft as airworthy after an authorized repair, modification or
installation of an engine, accessory, instrument or item of equipment or both instrument and item
of equipment; and
(b) sign a maintenance release following inspection, maintenance operations or routine servicing.
(2) The privileges of the holder of an aircraft maintenance licence shall be exercised only as endorsed
on the holder 's licence, in respect of-
(a) aircraft as are entered on the licence in their entirety either specifically or under broad categories;
(b) airframes and engines and aircraft systems or components as are entered on the licence either
specifically or under broad categories; or
(c) aircraft avionic systems or components as are entered on the licence either specifically or under
broad categories-
(i) provided that the licence holder is familiar with all the rel evant information relating to the
maintenance and airworthiness of the particular aircraft for which the licence holder is signing
a maintenance release, or such airfra me, engine, aircraft system or component, or aircraft .,
avionic system or component which the licence holder is certifying as being airworthy; and
(ii) on condition that, within the preceding 24 months ,the licence holder has either had experience
in the inspection, servicing or maintenance of an aircraft or components in accordance with
the privileges granted by the licence a period of at least 6 months;
(d) has supervised the maintenance of aircraft relevant to the ratings held in an executive capacity;
(e) has performed a technical training function relevant to the ratings held in an approved training
organisation; or
(f) has passed a skills test approved by the Authority; or
(g) has been engaged in any combination of (a), (b), (c) or (d).
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(4) An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer may exercise the privileges of the endorsed ratings in respect to
aircraft or component specified on the rating, unless operating under the authority of an approved maintenance
organisation, in which case the rating holder shall comply with the requirements of the approved maintenance
(5) Details of the certification privileges shall be endorsed on or attached the licence, either directly or
by reference to another document issued by the Authority.
Renewal requirements
119. (1) A holder of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licence shall, upon payment of a renewal
application fee specified in the First Schedule, apply for renewal of licence at least thirty days before the expiry
date of his or her licence .
(2) The holder of an aircraft maintenance engineers licence must have performed work comparable with
that required for the grant of the licence for periods totaling at least six months during the twenty four months
preceding the date of the expiry of the licence and such experience shall be endorsed in the personal log book.
(3) Ant person who fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (2), must file an application for
renewal with the Authority accompanied by evidence of having passed a skills test within the last 60 days before
the application for renewal.
Aviation Repair Specialist Authorisation- Eligibility requirements
120. An applicant for an aviation repair specialist authorisation shall-
( a) be at least eighteen years of age;
(b) demonstrate the ability to read, speak, write, and understand the English language and interpret
technical reports and maintenance publications and carry out technical discussions in the English
(c) be specially qualified to perform maintenance on aircraft or aircraft components appropriate to
the job·for which the aviation repair specialist was employed;
(d) be employed for a specific job requiring special qualifications by an approved maintenance
organisation certificated under the Ci vi I Aviation (Approved Maintenance Organisation) Regulations
2018, published in Statutory Instrument 77 of 2018;
(e) be recommended for certification by the aviation repair specialist's employer, to the satisfaction
of the Authority, as able to satisfactorily maintain aircraft or components, appropriate to the job
for which the aviation repair specialist is employed; and
(f) either-
(i) have at least eighteen months of practical experience in the procedures, practices, inspection
methods, materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in the maintenance
duties of the specific job for which the person is to be employed and certificated; or
(ii) have completed formal training acceptable to the Authority and specifically designed to
qualify the applicant for the job on which the applicant is to be employed.
(3) The duration of the aviation repair specialist authorisation is twelve months provided the holder
is in the continual employment of the sponsoring Approved Maintenance Organisation in an aviation repair
Aviation Repair Specialist Authorisation Privileges and limitations
121. (1) An applicant for an aviation repair specialist authorisation who is employed by an approved
maintenance organisation shall be concurrent with the rating issued to the approved maintenance organisation
limited to the specific job for which the aviation repair specialist is employed to pe1form, supervise or approve
for return to service.
(2) An applicant for an aviation repair specialist authorisation in respect of airframe, engine, avionics or
other systems shall not be issued with that authorisation for purposes of circumventing the process of obtaining
an aircraft maintenance engineer's licence.
(3) An aviation repair specialist may perform or supervise the maintenance, preventive maintenance
or alteration of aircraft, airframes, engines, propellers, appliances, components and parts appropriate to the
designated speciality area for which the aviation repair specialist is orauthorisedand rated, but only in connection
with employment by a maintenance organisation approved under the Civil Aviation (Approved Maintenance
Organisation) Regulations, 2018, published in statutory instrument 77 of 2018.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(4) An aviation repair specialist shall not perform or supervise duties unless the aviation repair specialist
understands the current instructions of the employing Approved Maintenance Organisation and the instructions
for continued airworthiness, which relate to the specific operations concerned.
Display of authorisation
122. A person who holds an aviation repair specialist authorisation shall keep that authorisation within
the immediate area where the person normally exercises the privileges of the authorisation and shall present it
for inspection upon the request of the Authority or any other person authorised by the Authority.
Surrender of authorisation
123 .A holder of an aviation repair specialist authorisation shall surrender the authorisation to theAuthority
when it is suspended, revoked or at the time the holder leaves the employment of the approved maintenance
Flight Radiotelephony Operator Licence: General eligibility requirements
124. (1)A person required to use radiotelephony apparatus shall hold a radiotelephony operator licence ,
except for a holder of a pilot licence.
(2) An applicant for a radiotelephony operator licence shall-
(a) be at least seventeen years of age;
(b) demonstrate the ability to read, speak, write and understand the English language in accordance
with the language proficiency requirements contained in the Third Schedule;
(c) comply with the knowledge and skill requirements , for radio telephone operator as contained in
section 124; and
(d) demonstrate a level of knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted toaholderof a radiotelephony
operator licence.
Skill and knowledge requirements
125. (1) An applicant for a radiotelephony operator licence shall pass a practical and knowledge test
covering the areas specified in the Thirtieth Schedule.
(2) The knowledge test results for a radiotelephony operator licence shall be valid for twelve months
from passing the examination.
126. A holder of a radiotelephony operator licence shall have the privilege to communicate with ground
and airborne stations using communication radio.
Flight radio telephony instructor Ratings and Examiner Approval
127. (1) An applicant for a Flight radio telephony instructor rating shall-
(a) hold an air traffic controller instructor rating; or
(b) hold a pilot instructor rating.
(2) A practical assessment of the applicant's ability to conduct aviation flight radio telephony procedures
training shall be conducted by an authorised examiner for issue or renewal of the rating.
(3) Flight radio telephony instructor rating shall be valid for two years from the date of issue.
(4) The Authority may designate the following as flight radio telephony instructor examiners-
(a) designated air traffic controller examiners;
(b) air traffic controller instructors with at least five years' experience.
(5) Designated examiner authorisations shall be valid for 2 years from the date of issue.
(6) Designated examiner may apply for renewal if the holder has successfully conducted an observed
test in the performance of his or he r duties by the Authority.
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(b) a rating for the specific aircraft type or is operating under the supervision of a rated cabin crew
for the purpose of qualifying for the rating;
(c) required knowledge for the type of aircraft and cabin crew operating position; and
(d) a current class 3 Medical Certificate.
(2) A person undergoing training to qualify for a cabin crewmember certificate or rating shall not-
(a) form a part of the required minimum number of cabin crewmember for that aircraft; and
(b) be assigned to an cabin crew operating position that requires a cabin crewmember.
Eligibility requirements
129. An applicant for cabin crewmember certificate shall be-
(a) at least eighteen years of age;
(b) able to read, speak and understand the English language sufficiently to adequately carry out the
responsibilities of a cabin crewmember;
(c) have completed a course of training at an Approved Training Organisation; and
(d) have passed a knowledge and skills test.
Knowledge requirements
130. (l) Aeronautical knowledge requirements for cabin crews are as stipulated in the Thirty First
(2) The knowledge test results for a cabin crewmember licence shall be valid for twelve months from
the date of passing the final examination .
(3) The Authority shall provide detailed syllabus for the knowledge and practical training required for
cabin crew qualification.
Skill requirements
131. (1) An applicant for a cabin crewmember licence shall have logged training received in an approved log
book and demonstrated the ability to perform as cabin crewmember of an aircraft in areas specified in subsection (2).
(2) Subject to subsection (1) applicant for a cabin crewmember licence shall-
(a) be able to execute those safety duties and functions which the cabin crewmember is assigned to
perform in the event of an emergency or in a situation requiring emergency evacuation;
(b) be drilled and capable in the use of emergency and lifesaving equipment required to be carried
such as life jackets, life rafts , evacuation slides, emergency exits, portable fire extinguishers,
oxygen equipment and first-aid kits;
(c) when serving on aeroplanes operated above 10,000 feet, knowledgeable as regards the effect of
lack of oxygen and, in the case of pressurized aeroplanes, as regards physiological phenomena
accompanying a loss of pressurisation;
(d) have an understanding of other crewmembers' assignments and functions in the event of an emergency
or unlawful interference so far as is necessary for the fulfilment of the cabin crewmember's own duties;
(e) have knowledge of the types of dangerous goods which may or may not, be carried in a passenger
cabin and has completed the dangerous goods training programme required by Civil Aviation
(Dangerous Goods) Regulations, 2018, published in Statutory Instrument 51 of 2018;
(f) be knowledgeable about Crew Resource Management and human performance as related to
passenger cabin safety duties including flight crew-cabin crew co-ordination.
(g) be able to conduct Pre-flight and pre-boarding, boarding, taxi, climb, descent, ramp, fuelling with
passengers onboard, turbulence and taxi out procedures.
132. A holder of a cabin crewmember licence may act as a cabin crewmember in a maximum of 4 different
aircraft types specified in the licence when such aircraft are engaged in commercial transport operations.
Renewal requirements for Cabin Crew Licence
133. A holder of a cabin crewmember licence may, fourteen days before the expiry of the licence and
upon payment of a renewal application fee specified in the First Schedule, apply for renewal if the holder has
successfully completed the-
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
Medical Assessment-General
137. ( 1) The Authority may after initial examination of an applicant issue, a class of Medical Assessment
that is intended to indicate the minimum medical standards as follows-
(a) class 1 applies to applicants for or holders of-
(i) commercial Pilot Licence for aeroplanes, helicopters and powered-lift; or
(ii) airline transport Pilot Licence for aeroplanes, helicopters and powered-lift; or
(iii) multi-crew pilot licence for aeroplanes;
(b) class 2 applies to applicants for or holders of-
(i) commercial Pilot Licence for lighter-than-air aircraft
(ii) Private Pilot Licence for aeroplanes, helicopters and glider;
(iii) Student Pilot Licence for all aircraft and powered-lift;
(c) class 3, applies to applicants for or holders of air traffic controller and cabin crew licences.
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(2) The Authority shall apply, as part of its State Safety Programme, basic safety management principles
to the medical assessment process of licence holders that shall include-
(a) routine analysis of in-flight incapacitation events and medical findings during medical assessments
to identify areas of increased medical risk;
(b) continuous re-evaluation of the medical assessment process to concentrate on identified areas of
increased medical risk; and
(c) aviation related health promotion for licence holders to reduce future medical risks to fti ght safety.
(3) For applicants under 40 years of age, the Authority shall, at its discretion, allow medical examiners
to omit certain routine examination items related to the assessment of physical fitness, whilst increasing the
emphasis on health education and prevention of ill health.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
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(a) furnish the medical examiner with a personally certified statement of medical facts concerning
personal, familial and hereditary history that is as complete and accurate as the applicant's
knowledge permits; and
(b) indicate to the Examiner whether a medical assessment has previously been refused , revoked or
suspended and, if so, the reason for such refusal, revocation or suspension; and
(c) sign the application form; and
(d) indicate whether they have previously undergone such an examination, and if yes, the date, place
and result of the last examination.
(2) Any false declaration to a Medical Examiner made by an applicant for a license or rating shall be
reported to the Authority for appropriate sanction.
(3) Where an applicant for a Medical Certificate fails within a reasonable period to provide the requested
medical information or history, or fails to authorise the release so requested, the Authority may-
(a) deny the application; or
(b) suspend, modify or revoke all Medical Certificates held by the applicant.
(4) Where a Medical Certificate is suspended or modified under subsection (3), the suspension or
modification remains in effect until-
(a) the holder provides the requested information, history, or authorisation to the Authority; and
(b) the Authority determines that the holder meets the medical standards.
Aviation medical examiner submission of signed medical evaluation report
153. (1) An aviation medical examiner who is authorised to conduct a medical examination under these
regulations shall-
(a) sign the required report and Medical Certificate and submit directly to the Authority the full details
in the form and manner prescribed by the Authority;
(b) report to the Authority any individual case where in the aviation medical examiner's judgement,
an applicant has failed to meet any requirement that is likely to jeopardize flight safety; and
(c) submit to the Authority or designated medical assessor the report, whether the evaluation is
terminated prior to completion, yielded sub-standard results, or was completed satisfactorily.
(2) If the medical report is submitted to the Authority or in electronic format, adequate identification
of the applicant and examiner shall be established.
Issue of Medical Certificate
154. (1) An aviation medical examiner shall issue the applicable medical certificate to any person who
meets the medical standards prescribed in these regulations, based on medical examination and evaluation of
the applicant's history and condition.
(2) A person to be issued with a medical certificate shall undergo a medical examination based on the
following standards contained in these regulations-
( a) physical and mental conditions;
(b) visual and colour perception; and
(c) hearing.
(3) If the medical examination is carried out by two or more medical examiners, the Authority shall
· appoint one of these to be responsible for coordinating the results of the examination, evaluating the findings
with regard to medical fitness, and signing the report.
(4) The medical examiner shall be required to submit sufficient medical records to the Authority or to
enable the Authority to audit Medical Assessments.
Denial of Medical Certificate
155. (1) An applicant for a medical certificate may be denied a certificate if, upon medical examination,
the applicant does not meet the physical and mental standards specified in these regulations.
(2) The denial of the Medical Certificate is effective-
(a) from the date of the medical evaluation that determined the applicant did not meet the physical
and mental standards specified in these regulations; and
(b) until such time that the applicant is again determined by the Authority to be fit to exercise the
privileges through an accredited medical conclusion; or
(c) with respect to a transient condition, until a subsequent satisfactory report is acceptable to the
(3) An applicant who is denied a Medical Certificate by an aviation medical examiner may, within 30
days after the date of the denial, apply in writing to the Authority for reconsideration of the denial.
(4) Upon receiving an application for reconsideration, the Authority shall-
(a) appoint more than one medical examiner to conduct medical examination on the applicant; and
(b) designate one of the medical examiners to be responsible for coordinating the results of the
examination, evaluation and findings with regard to medical fitness , and signing the report.
(5) Where the applicant does not apply for reconsideration during the 30 day period after the date of
the denial, the Authority shall consider that applicant has withdrawn the application for a Medical
(6) The period of validity of a medical assessment may be reduced when clinically indicated.
Medical confidentiality
156. (1) The designated Medical Examiner, Assessor and the Authority shall keep medical reports and
(a) in confidentiality; and
(b) secure in access restricted and fireproof lockers.
(2) The designated Medical Examiner, Assessor and the Authority shall ensure that only authorised
personnel have access to restricted lockers specified in subsection (l)(b).
(3) When justified by operational considerations, a medical assessor shall determine to what extent
pertinent medical information, in addition to the information contained in the medical report submitted under
these regulations, is presented to relevant officials of the Licensing Authority.
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(a) under the age of 40 years shall be valid for 60 months; between the ages of 40 years to fifty years
shall be valid for 24 months;
(b) above fifty years of age shall be valid for twelve months from the day the medical examination
is performed.
(3) A Class 3 Medical Certificate issued to an applicant who is-
(a) under the age of 40 years shall be valid for 48 months;
(b) between the ages of 40 years to 50 years shall be 24 months; and
(c) above fifty years of age shall be valid for twelve months from the day the examination is performed.
(4) Flight crew members, cabin crew members or air traffic controllers shall not exercise the privileges
of their licence unless they hold a Medical Certificate appropriate to the licence.
Medical requirements
161. A person shall not hold or be issued a medical certificate if that person-
(a) has any organic, functional or structural disease, defect or limitation which is active, latent, acute
or chronic;
(b) has any wound, injury or sequelae from operation; or
(c) uses any prescribed or non-prescribed medication or other treatment;
(d) that, based on the case history and appropriate qualified medical judgement relating to the condition
involved, the Authority finds that the medication or treatment-
(i) makes the person unable to safely perform the duties or exercise the privileges of the licence
or rating applied for or held; or
(ii) may reasonably be expected, for the maximum duration of the medical Certificate appli ed
for or held, to make the appli cant unable to perform the duties or exercise the privileges of
the licence or rating.
(2) An applicant who has an established medical history or clinical diagnosis of-
(a) an organic mental disorder; or
(b) a mental or behavioural disorder due to use of psychoactive substances including dependence
syndrome induced by alcohol or other psychoactive substances;
(c) schizophrenia or schizotypal or delusional disorder;
(d) a mood (affective) disorder;
(e) a neurotic, stress-related or somatoform disorder;
(f) a behavioural syndrome associated with psychological disturbances or physical factors;
(g) a disorder of adult personality or behaviour, particularly if manifested by repeated overt acts;
(h) mental retardation;
(i) a disorder of psychological development;
U) a behavioural or emotional disorder with onset in childhood or adolescence; or
(k) a mental disorder not otherwise specified such as might render the applicant unable to safely
exercise the privileges of the licence applied for or held shall be accessed as medically unfit.
(3) An applicant with depression, being treated with antidepressant medication, shall be assessed as
unfit unless the medical assessor, having access to the details of the case concerned, considers the applicant's
condition as unlikely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence and rating privileges.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(7) In the speech material for discrimination testing in terms of sub-sections (3) and (5), both aviation-
relevant phrases and phonetically balanced words shall be used.
(8) A person shall not hold or be issued a Class 2 medical certificate if that person is unable to hear an
average conversational voice in a quiet room, using both ears, at a distance of two metres from the examiner
and with the back turned to the examiner.
(9) An applicant for a Class 3 medical certificate with a hearing loss greater than those specified
in subsection (4) may be declared fit provided that the applicant has normal hearing performance against a
background noise that reproduces or simulates that experienced in a typical air traffic control or cabin crew
working environment.
(1 0) A practical hearing test conducted in an air traffic control environment in terms of subsection (9)
shall be representative of the one for which the applicant's license and ratings are valid and may be used for
class 3 medical certificates.
(11) Medical Examiners shall use such methods of examination as will guarantee reliable testing of
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(a) N5 chart at a distance of 30 to 50 em as selected by the applicant, with "N5" referring to "Times
Roman" font.
(2) Where the near-vision requirements are met only by the use of near-correction and the applicant
also needs distant-correction, both corrections must be added to a pair of spectacles to be used to meet the
(3) When required to obtai n or renew correcting lenses, an applicant for a medical certi ficate shall
advise the aviation medical examiner of reading distances for the duties the applicant is to perform.
(4) When required to obtain or renew correcting lenses, an applicant for a medical certificate shall
advise the aviation medical examiner of reading distances for the visual flight deck tasks relevant to the types
of aircraft in which the applicant is likely to function.
Cardiovascular: general
172. (1) A person shall not hold nor be issued a Medical Certificate if that person has any abnormality
of the heart, congenital or acquired, which is likely to interfere with the safe exercise of hi s or her licence or
rating pri vi leges .
(2) An applicant who has undergone coronary by-pass grafting or angioplasty with or without
stenting or other cardi ac intervention or who has a hi story of myocardial infarction or s uffers from any
othe r potentially incapac itating cardiac condition shall not hold nor be issued a medical certi ficate unl ess
the a pplicant's cardiac condition has bee n investi gated and evaluated in accordance w ith best medi cal
practice a nd is ass essed not likel y to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence or rating
(3) The applican t for a medical certificate with an abnormal cardiac rhythm shall be assessed as unfit
unless the cardiac arrhythmia has been investigated and evaluated with best medical practice and is assessed
not likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence or rating privileges.
Electrocardiography examination
174. ( l) Electrocardiography shall form part of the heart examination for the first issue of a medical
certificate of any class.
(2) Electrocardiography shall be included in re-examinations of class 1 applicants between the ages of
30 and 50 at least once every two years.
(3) Electrocardiography shall be included in re-examinations of applicants over the age of 50 at least
once every two years for classes 2 and 3 and annually for class l .
Neurological requirements
175. (1) A person shall not hold nor be issued a medical certificate if that person has a medical history or
clinical diagnosis of-
(a) a progressive or non-progressive disease of the nervous system, the effects of which, are likely
to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence or rating privileges;
(b) epilepsy; or
(c) any disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory medical explanation of cause.
(2)A person shall not hold nor be issued a medical certificate if that person has suffered any head injury,
the effects of which, are likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence and rating privileges.
Respiratory capability
176. ( 1) A person shall not hold nor be issued a medical certificate if that person has an established medical
history or clinical diagnosis of-
(a) disability of the lungs or any active disease of the structures of the lungs, mediastinum or pleurae
likely to result in incapacitating symptoms during normal or emergency operations ;
(b) active pulmonary tuberculosis; and
(c) asthma causing significant symptoms or likely to cause incapacitating symptoms during normal
or emergency operations.
(2) Unless there is an accredited medical conclusion indicating that the use of drugs for control of
asthma is not likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's license or rating privileges , the use of
such drug shall be a disqualifying condition.
(3) An applicant with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease shall be assessed as unfit unless the
applicant's condition has been investigated and evaluated in accordance with best medical practice and is
assessed not likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence or rating privileges.
(4) An applicant with quiescent or healed lesions which are known to be tuberculous, or are presumably
tuberculous in origin, may be assessed as fit.
(5) An applicant who is not completely free from those hernias that might give rise to incapacitating
symptoms shall be assessed as unfit.
(6) Applicants with significant impairment of the function of the gastrointestinal tract or its adnexa
shall be assessed as unfit.
(7) Applicants with sequelae of disease of or surgical intervention on any part of the digestive tract or
its adnexa, likely to cause incapacitation in flight, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression,
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
likely to cause incapacitation in flight, an applicant who has undergone a major surgical operation on the biliary
passages or the digestive tract or its adnexa with a total or partial excision or a diversion of any of these organs
that may cause incapacity in flight shall not hold, nor be issued a medical certificate.
Gynaecological conditions
185. An applicant for a medical certificate who has a gynaecological disorder that is likely to interfere
with the safe exercise of the applicant's licence or rating privileges shall be assessed as unfit.
186. ( 1) An applicant for a medical certificate who is pregnant shall be assessed as unfit unless obstetrical
evaluation and continued medical supervision indicate a low-risk uncomplicated pregnancy.
(2) For an applicant with a low-risk uncomplicated pregnancy evaluated and supervised in accordance
with subsection (1), the fit certificate shall-
(a) in the case of Class 1 and 2 medical certificate be limited to the period from the end of the 12th
week to the end of the 26th week of gestation; and
(b) in the case of Class 3 medical certificate be limited to the period from 12th week until the end of
the 34th week of gestation .
(3) Following confinement or termination of pregnancy the applicant shall not be permitted to exercise
the privileges of her licence until she has undergone re-evaluation in accordance with best medical practice and
it has been determined that she is able to safely exercise the privileges of her licence and ratings.
(4) The Air Traffic Service Provider (as defined in Civil Aviation (Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Services) Regulations, 2018, published inS. I. 197 of 2018) shall take precautions for the timely relief of an
air traffic controller in the gestational period in the event of early onset of labour or other complications.
Speech impairments
187. An applicant for a medical certificate with stuttering or other speech impairments sufficiently severe
to cause defect of speech communication shall be assessed as unfit.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
Possession of licence
189. ( 1) A holder of a licence, certificate or authorisation issued by the Authority shall have in his or her
physical possession or at the work site when exercising the privileges of that licence, certificate or authorisation.
(2) A crewmember of a foreign registered aircraft shall hold a valid licence, certificate or authorisation,
including an appropriate and current medical certificate, issued by the State of Registry and has it in his or
her physical possession or at the work station when exercising the privileges of that licence , certificate or
Inspection of licences, certificates and authorisations
190. (l)A person who holds a licence, certificate, or authorisation required by these Regulations shall
present it for inspection upon a request from the Authority or any person authorised by the Authority.
(2) Any person who refuses to present his or her licence for inspection upon a request from the Authority
or any person authorised by the Authority in terms of subsection (1) shall have his or her licence suspended or
Change of name
191. (l)Notwithstanding the requirements of the Civil Aviation (General procedures and enforcement)
Regulations 2018, a holder of a licence, certificate or authorisation issued under these Regulations may, upon
payment of application fee specified in the First Schedule, may apply for the amendment of a licence or certificate
to reflect the new name assumed by the applicant.
(2) The holder of a licence shall include with any such request-
(a) the current licence or certificate; and
(b) a court order, Deed of Change of Name or other legal document verifying the name change;
(3) The Authority may change the licence, certificate or authorisation and issue a replacement thereof.
(4) The Authority shall return to the holder the original documents specified in subsection 2 and retain
copies thereof and return the replaced licence, certificate or authorisation with the appropriate endorsement.
Change of Address
192. (1) Notwithstanding the requirements of the Civil Aviation (General Procedures and Enforcement)
Regulations, 2018, a holder of a licence, certificate, or authorisation issued under these regulations shall notify
the Authority of the change in the physical address and mailing address, whether postal or email and shall do
so in the case of-
(a) physical address, at most fourteen days after the change of address;
(b) mailing address upon the change;
(c) if the permanent mailing address is a post office box number, then the applicant must provide a
current residential address.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with requirements of subsection (1) shall be guilty and liable to a
civil penalty not exceeding level 5.
Replacement of documents
193. (l)A person may, upon payment of a fee specified in the First Schedule, apply to the Authority in the
prescribed form for replacement of documents issued under these regul ations if the documents are lost, defaced
or destroyed.
(2) If the dupli cate document has been issued in substitution for a document which has beenlost,defaced
or believed to have been destroyed, the original document is still in existence, shall thereupon become void.
(3) if a document which has become void, in terms of subsection (2) comes into the possession or
custody of any person who knows that a duplicate has been issued in substitution therefor, he or she shall without
delay, deliver or transm it such documents to the Authority.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(3) All records required to be maintained by or under these regulations shall be recorded in a permanent
and indelible material.
(4) A person shall not issue any licence, certificate, approval, permission, exemption, authorisation or
other document issued or required by or under these regulations unless he or she is authorised to do so under
these regulations.
(5) No person, acting under the delegated pow·ers of the Authority, may issue any document of the
kind referred to in subsection (4) unless he or she has satisfied himself that all statements in the document are
correct, and that the applicant is qualified to hold that document.
(6) A person who is the holder of an aircraft maintenance licence, issued or validated under these
regulations or who is authorised to certify for the purposes thereof, shall not-
(a) certify anything not prescribed in the licence privileges; and
(b) certify anything which the holder has not ascertained to be correct; and
(c) certify fraudulently.
(7) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable
to a fine not exceeding level 14 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years or to both such fine
and such imprisonment.
Use of psychoactive substances
196. ( l)A holder of a licence, rating or a certificate issued under these Regulations shall not exercise the
privileges of the licence, rating or certificate while under the influence of any psychoactive substance, by reason
of which human performance is impaired, which might render them unable to safely and properly exercise these
(2) A person whose function is critical to the safety of aviation (safety-sensitive personnel) shall not
undertake that function while _under the influence of any psychoactive substance, by reason of which human
performance is impaired.
(3) A holders of a licence provided for in these regulations shall not engage in any problematic use of
(4) The Authority shall ensure that all licence holders who engage in any kind of problematic use of
substances are identified and removed from their safety critical functions. Return to their functions may be
considered after successful treatment or, if no treatment is necessary, after cessation of the problematic use
of substances and upon determination that the person's continued performance of the function is unlikely to
jeopardise safety.
Reports of violation
197. (1) Any person who knows of a of the Civil Aviation Act or any regulations or orders issued there
under, shall report it to the Authority.
(2) The Authority will determine the nature and type of any additional investigation or enforcement
action that needs to be taken.
(3) Any person who fails to report a violation specified in subsection ( 1) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine not exceedi ng level5 or to imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a or both such imprisonment
or fine.
Offences and penalties
198. (1) Save as provided in these regulations, any person who contravenes the provisions of these
regulations shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 7 or to imprisonment for a
period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
199.Any person who is aggrieved by a decision, proposal or action oftheAuthority under these regulations
may appeal against the decision , proposal or action, as the case may be, in terms of section 78 of the Act.
200. Part II of the Civil Aviation (Air Navigation) Regulations, 2004, published in Statutory Instrument
151 of2004, is repealed.
S.I. 176 of 2019
B. For the issue of licences, certificates, ratings, designation and authorisations of the following:
(i) Student pilot licence 30,00
(ii) Private pilot licence 100,00
(iii) Commercial Pilot licence 180,00
(iv) Airline Transport Pilot licence 500,00
(v) Multi-crew Pilot Licence 450,00
(vi) Instrument Rating 40,00
Vii Special Authorisations eg Catii/III 20,00
(viii) Ground or Knowledge Instructor Authorisation
(a) Basic 100,00
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Reg ulati ons , 2019
C. For renewal of licences, certificates, rati ngs , designation and authori sations:
(i ) Student pilot li cence 30 ,00
(i i) Private pilot licence 100,00
(iii Commercial Pilot licence 180 ,00
(i v) A irline T ransport Pil ot licence 500,00
(v) M ulti -crew Pil ot Licence 450,00
(vi) R ight Exami ner D esignati on 150,00
(vi i) Instrument Rating 40 ,00
(viii ) Special A uthorisati ons e.g Cat II/III 20 ,00
(ix) Ground or Knowledge Instructor Autho ri sation
(a) Basic 100,00
(b) Advanced or any knowledge instructor 120 ,00
(x) (a) Simulator Instructor D esi gnation 150,00
(b) Sim ulator examiner designati on 155,00
(xi) (a) Fli ght Instructor or T R I 150 ,00
(b) Fli g ht Examiner orTRE 150 ,00
(xii) (a) A ir Traffic Controller Li cence 150,00
(b) Rating 40 ,00
(xiii) Cabin C rew Licence 40 ,00
(x iv) Cabin Crew Instructo r Rati ng 60,00
(xv) Cabin C rew Examiner Authorisati o n 80 ,00
(xv i) Cabin C rew Rating 20 ,00
xv ii ) Flight Operations Officer Lice nce/Dispatcher Li cence 90 ,00
S.I. 176of2019
D. For late application for renewal of licences , certificates, ratings, designation and authori sations. These are to be paid on
top of the normal application fee:
(i) Student pilot licence 10,00
(ii) Private pilot licence 15,00
(iii Commercial Pilot licence 20,00
(iv) Airline Transport Pilot licence 25,00
(v) Multi -crew Pilot Licence 25,00
(vi) Instrument Rating 20,00
(vii) Special Authorisations e.g Cat Il/III 20 ,00
(viii) Ground or Knowledge Instructor Authorisati on
(a) Basic 20,00
(b) Advanced or any Knowledge instructor 25,00
(ix) Simulator Instructor Designation 30,00
Simulator examiner designation 35,00
(x) Flight Instructor designation including TRI 30,00
Flight Examiner Designation including TRE 35,00
(xi) Air Traffic Controller licence 20,00
(xii) Cabin Crew Licence 10,00
(xiii) Cabin Crew Instructor Rating 15,00
(xiv) Cabin Crew Examiner Authorisation 20,00
xvi) Flight Operations Officer/Di spatcher 10,00
(xvii) Flight Operations Officer Instructor/Dispatcher Instructor 15,00
(xviii) Flight Operations Officer Examiner/Dispatcher examiner 20,00
(xix) Maintenance Engineer Licence 20,00
(xx) Maintenance Engineer Instructor 25 ,00
(xxi) Maintenance Engineer Examiner 30 ,00
(xxii) Medical examiner Designation 20 ,00
(xxiii) Medical assessor Designation 25 ,00
Citizens Non-
(i) Private pilot licence 50 ,00 200,00
(ii) Commercial Pilot licence 90,00 400 ,00
(iii) Airline Transport Pilot licence 100,00 600 ,00
(iv) Multi-crew Pilot Licence 100,00 400,00
(vi) Simulator Instructor 150,00 600,00
(vii) Simulator Exami ner
(a) Flight Instructor including TRI 150,00 600,00
(b) Flight examiner including TRE 150,00 600 ,00
(viii) Cabin Crew Licence 40,00 200,00
(ix) Cabin Crew Instructor Rating 60 ,00 200,00
(x) Cabin Crew Examiner Authorisation 100,00 250,00
(xi) Flight Operati ons Officer/Dispatcher 90,00 400,00
(xii) Flight Operati ons Officer Instructor/Dispatcher Instructor 100,00 400 ,00
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(i) For amendment of or add iti on to a licence ................... ..................... ........... 35,00
(ii) For the change of name address or any other personal particular on a licence 50,00
(iii) For the issuing of a letter of confirmation of an experience/quali fications to a holder. 80,00
(i) For an urgent exemption application to be considered within 5 working days of request 500,00
(ii) Reactivation of archived file 50,00
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
2. Material: First quality security papers, shall be used and the items mentioned in paragraph l.l(b) shown clearly thereon.
3. Licences iss ued by the Authority shall be in English language.
4. Arrangement of items: Item headin gs on the licence shall be uniforml y numbered in roman numeral s as indicated in paragraph
1 (b), so that on any licence the number wi ll , under any arrangement, refer to the same item heading.
(I) To meet the language proficiency requirements contained in section 8, an applicant for a licence or a licence hol der
shall demonstrate, in a manner acceptable to the Authority, compliance with the holistic descriptors at paragraph (2) and with the
Operational Level (Level4) of the Language Profi ciency Rating Scale in paragraph (3).
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
( 18) A Multi crew Pilot Licence (MPL) shall be valid for five years fro m the date the licence is issued or renewed by the
Authority subj ect to the requirements of these regul ations.
(19) A pilot, cabi n crew, aircraft maintenance engineer or dispatch licence examiner designation certificate shall be valid
for l year from date of issue or renewal subject to the requirements of these regul ati ons .
(20) The validity period of the following ratings issued on a pilot licence, shall be as foll ows -
(i) Single-pilot Aeroplane Class Rating is 2 Years from date of skills test.
(iv) Multi -engine Aeroplane Class Rating is I Year from date of skill s test.
(v) Type Rating Aeroplane( above 5700kgs) & Helicopter is I Year from date of skills test.
The medical-techni cal fac ilities of an Aeromedical Centre should consist of the equipment of a general medi cal practice and,
in addition, of:
(a) Cardiology
Facilities to perform:
(1) 12-lead resting ECG;
(2) stress ECG;
(3) 24-hour blood pressure monitoring ; and
(4) 24-hour heart rhythm monitoring.
(b) Ophthalmol ogy
Facilities for the examination of:
(1) near, intermediate and distant vision;
(2) external eye, anat9my, medi a and fundoscopy;
(3) ocular motility;
(4) binocular vision;
(5) colour vision (anomaloscopy or equivalent);
(6) visual fields;
(7) refracti on; and
(8) heterophoria.
(c) Hearing: pure-tone audiometer
(d) Otorhinolaryngology
Facilities fo r the clinical examination of mouth and throat and:
(1) otoscopy;
(2) rhinoscopy;
(3) tympanometry or equivalent; and
(4) clinical assessment of vestibular system .
(e) Examination of pulmonary fun cti on: (l ) spirometry
(f) The following facilities should be available at the AeMC or arranged with a service provider:
( 1) clinical laboratory facilities; and
(2) ultrasound of the abdomen.
The aero-medical center shall be headed by a designated aviation medical examiner.
S.l. 176 of 2019
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
S.I. 176 of 2019
l. An applicant for an IR shall have received instruction on the same class or type of aircraft to be used in the test which shall
be appropriately equipped for the training and testing purposes.
2. An applicant shall pass all the relevant sections of the skill test. If any item in a section is failed, that section is failed.
Failure in more than one section will require the applicant to take the entire test again. An applicant failing only one section shall
only repeat the failed section. Failure in any section of the retest, including those sections that have been passed on a previous
attempt, will require the applicant to take the entire test again. All relevant sections of the skill test shall be completed within 6
months. Failure to achieve a pass in all relevant sections of the test in two attempts will require further training.
3. Further training may be required following a failed skill test. There is no limit to the number of skill tests that may be
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
4. The test is intended to simulate a practical flight. The route to be flown shall be chosen by the examiner. An essential ele-
ment is the ability of the applicant to plan and conduct the flight from routine briefing material. The applicant shall undertake the
flight planning and shall ensure that all equipment and documentation for the execution of the flight are on board. The duration
of the flight shall be at least 1 hour.
5. Should the applicant choose to terminate a skill test for reasons considered inadequate by the examiner, the applicant
shall retake the entire skill test. If the test is terminated for reasons considered adequate by the examiner, only those sections not
completed shall be tested in a further flight.
6. At the discretion of the examiner, any manoeuvre or procedure of the test may be repeated once by the applicant. The
examiner may stop the test at any stage if it is considered that the applicant's demonstration of flying skill requires a complete
7. An applicant shall fly the aircraft from a position where the PIC functions can be performed and to carry out the test as
if there is no other crew member. The examiner shall take no part in the operation of the aircraft, except when intervention is
necessary in the interests of safety or to avoid unacceptable delay to other traffic. Responsibility for the flight shall be allocated
in accordance with these regulations.
8. Decision heights/altitude, minimum descent heights/altitudes and missed approach point shall be determined by the ap-
plicant and agreed by the examiner.
9. An applicant for an IR shall indicate to the examiner the checks and duties carried out, including the identification of radio
facilities. Checks shall be completed in accordance with the authorized checklist for the aircraft on which the test is being taken.
During pre-flight preparation for the test the applicant is required to determine power settings and speeds. Performance data for
take-off, approach and landing shall be calculated by the applicant in compliance with the operations manual or flight manual for
the aircraft used
all engine operating ±5knots
with simulated engine failure ±10 knots/- knots
s.r. 176 of 2019
I. An applicant for a skill test for the CPL shall have received instruction on the same cl ass or type of aircraft to be used in
the test.
2. An applicant shall pass all the relevant sections of the skill test. If any item in a section is failed, that section is failed.
Failure in more than one section will required the applicant to take the entire test again. An applicant failing only in one section
shall only repeat the failed section. Failure in any section of the retest, including those sections that have been passed on a previ-
ous attempt, will require the applicant to take the entire test again. All relevant sections of the skill test shall be completed within
6 months. Failure to achieve a pass in all relevant sections of the test in two attempts will require further training.
3. Further training may be required following any failed skill test. There no limit to the number of skill tests that may be
4. Should the applicant choose to terminate a skill test for reasons considered inadequate by the Right Examiner (FE), the
applicant shall retake the entire skill test. If the test is terminated for reasons considered adequate by the FE, only those sections
not completed shall be tested in a further flight.
5. At the discretion of the FE, any manoeuvre or procedure of the test may be repeated once by the applicant. The FE may
stop the test any stage if it is considered that the applicant's demonstration of flying skills requires a complete re-test.
6. An applicant shall be required to fly the aircraft from a position where the PIC functions can be performed and to carry
out the test as if no other crew member is present. Responsibility for the flight shall be allocated in accordance with national
regulations .
7. An applicant shall indicate to the FE the checks duties carried out, including the identification of radio facilities. Checks
shall be completed in accordance with the checklist for the aircraft on which the test is being taken. During pre-flight preparation
for the test, the required to determine power settings and speeds. Performance data for take-off, approach and land-
ing shall be calculated by the applicant in compliance with the operations manual or flight manual for the aircraft used.
8. The FE shall take no part in the operation of the aircraft except where intervention is necessary in the interests of safety
or to avoid unacceptable delay to other traffic .
I. The aeroplane used for the skill test shall meet the requirements for training aeroplanes, and shall be certificated for the
carriage of at least four persons, have a variable pitch propeller and retractable landing gear.
2. The route to be flown shall be chosen by the FE and the destination shall be a controlled aerodrome. The applicant shall
be responsible for the flight planning and shall ensure that all equipment and documentation for the execution of the flight are on
board. The duration of the flight shall be at least 90 minutes.
3. The applicant shall demonstrate the ability to:
(a) operate the aeroplane within its limitations;
(b) complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;
(c) exercise good judgement and airmanship;
(d) apply aeronautical knowledge; and
(e) maintain control of the aeroplane at all times in such a manner that the successful outcomeof procedure or manoeuvre
is never seriously in doubt.
Right test tolerances
4. The following limits shall apply, corrected to make allowance for turbulent conditions and handling qualities and perfor-
mance of the aeroplane used.
Normal flight ±100 feet
With simulated engine failure ±150feet
Tracking on radio aids ±Y
Civi l Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
I . The helicopter used for the skill test shall meet requirements for training helicopters.
2. The area and route to be flown shall be chosen by the FE and all low level and hover work shall be at an approved aero-
drome/site. Routes used for this test may end at the aerodrome of departure or at another aerodrome of which one destination
shall be a controlled aerodrome. The skill test may be conducted in 2 flights. The total duration of the flight(s) shall be at least
90 minutes.
4. The following limits shall apply, corrected to make allowance for turbulent conditions and the handling qualities and
performance of the helicopter used.
Normal flight ±100 feet
simulated major emergency ±150 feet
Tracking radio aids ±10°
Normal flight ±100
simulated major emergency ±15°
take-off and approach multi-engine ±5 knots
all other fl ight regimes ±10 knots
Ground drift
T.O hov er I.G.E. ±3 feet
Landing no sideways or backwards movement
A holder of student pilot licence who is receiving training for solo flight shall receive and log flight training for the additional
manoeuvres and procedures , as applicable, as indicated for each category and class rating as specified below-
(a) in a multiengine aeroplane -
(i) proper flight preparation procedures, including pre-flight planning and preparation, power plant operation, and
aircraft systems;
(ii) taxiing or surface operations, including run-ups;
(iii) takeoffs and landings , including normal and crosswind;
(iv) straight and level flight , and turns in both directions;
(v) climbs and climbing turns;
S.I. 176 of 2019
(b) in a helicopter-
(i) approaches to the landing area;
(ii) hovering and hovering turns;
(iii) simulated emergency procedures, including auto-rotational descents with a power recovery and power recovery
to a hover;
(iv) rapid decelerations; and
(v) simulated one engine inoperative approaches and landings for multiengine helicopter.
(c) in a gyroplane-
(i) approaches to the landing area;
(ii) high rates of descent with power on and with simulated power off, and recovery from those flight configurations;
(iii) simulated emergency procedures, including simulated power off landings and simulated power failure during
(d) in a glider-
(i) the applicable manoeuvres and procedures shown in paragraph (a);
(ii) launches, including normal and crosswind;
(iii) inspection of towline riggi ng and review of signals and release procedures;
(iv) aero tow, ground tow, or self-launch procedures;
(v) procedures for di sassembly and assembly of the glider;
(vi) slips to a landing;
(vii) procedures and techniques for thermalling; and
(viii) emergency operations, including towline break procedures.
(e) in an airship-
(i) rigging, ballasting, and controlling pressure in the ballonets , and superheating; and
(ii) landings with positive and with ne gative static trim;
(f) in a balloon -
(i ) layout and assembly procedures;
(ii) ascents and descents;
(iii) landing and recovery procedures;
(iv) operation of hot air or gas source, ballast, valves , vents, and rip panels , as appropriate;
(v) use of deflation valves or rip panels for simulating an emergency;
(vi) the effects of wind on climb and approach angles; and
(vii) obstruction detection and avoidance techniques .
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
A student pilot who is receiving training for cross-country flight shall receive and log flight training in the manoeuvres and
procedures below:
(a) in an aeroplane or helicopter-
(i) use of aeronautical charts for visual flight rules navigation using pilotage and dead reckoning with the aid of a
magnetic compass;
(ii) use of aircraft performance charts pertaining to cross-country flight;
(iii) procurement and analysis of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts, including recognition of critical weather
situations and estimating visibility while in flight;
(iv) recognition, avoidance, and operational restrictions of hazardous terrain features in the geographical area where
the student pilot will conduct cross-country flight;
(v) use of radios for VFR navigation and two-way communications;
(vi) climbs at best angle and best rate; and
(vii) control and manoeuvring solely by reference to flight instruments, including straight and level flight, turns,
descents, climbs, use of radio aids, and air traffic control clearances;
(b) in a glider-
(i) the manouvres and procedure specified in (a) , as applicable;
(ii) landings accomplished without the use of the altimeter from at least two thousand feet above the surface; and
(iii) recognition of weather and upper air conditions favourable for cross-country soaring, ascending flight, descending
flight, and altitude control;
(c) in an airship-
(i) the manoeuvres·and procedures specified in (a) as applicable;
(ii) control of air pressure with regard to ascending and descending flight and altitude control;
(iii) control of the airship solely by reference to flight instruments; and
(iv) recognition of weather and upper air conditions conducive for the direction of cross-country flight.
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(d) human performance- human performance including threats and error management;
(e) meteorology- application of elementary aeronautical meteorology, use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorologi-
cal information, altimetry; hazardous weather conditions;
(f) practical aspects of air navigation and dead-reckoning techniques; use of aeronautical charts;
(g) operational procedures-
(i) use of aeronautical documentation such as AlP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;
(ii) appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather,
wake turbulence and other operating hazards;
(iii) application of threat and error management principles to operational performance;
(iv) altimeter setting procedures;
(v) in case of the helicopter, and if applicable, powered-lift, settling with power, ground resonance; retreating blade
stall; dynamic roll-over and other operational hazards; safety procedures, associated with flight in VMC;
principles of flight- principles of flight; (i)radiotelephony: communication procedures and phraseology as applied to
VFR operations and action to be taken in case of communication failure.
(2) The aeronautical knowledge areas applicable to any relevant rotorcraft category and class rating shall include all areas
covered above as well as settling with power, ground resonance, roll over and other operating hazards.
(3) The aeronautical knowledge areas applicable to any relevant lighter than air category and class rating shall be as
(a) air law rules and regulations relevant to the holder of a lighter than air category; rules of the air; appropriate air
traffic services practices and procedures;
(b) aircraft general knowledge-
(i) principles of operation of lighter than aircraft category systems and instruments;
(ii) operating limitations of lighter than aircraft category relevant operational information from the flight manual
or other appropriate document;
(iii) physical properties and practical application of gases used in lighter than aircraft category;
(c) flight performance and planning-
(i) effects of loading on flight characteristics; mass and balance calculations;
(ii) use and practical application oflaunching, landing and other performance data, inc! uding the effect of temperature;
(iii) pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to operations under VFR, appropriate air traffic services
procedures; altimeter setting procedures and operations in areas of high-density traffic;
(d) human performance relevant to the private pilot including principles of threat and error management;
(e) meteorology: application of elementary aeronautical meteorology, use of, and procedures for obtaining meteorological
information and altimetry; hazardous weather conditions;
(f) navigation: practical aspects of air navigation and dead-reckoning techniques and use of aeronautical charts;
(g) operational procedures
(i) use of aeronautical documentation such as AlP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;
(ii) appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather,
wake turbulence and other operating hazards;
(iii) application of threat and error management to operational performance;
(iv) altimeter setting procedures;
(v) safety procedures, associated with flight in VMC.(h)principles of flight relating to lighter than aircraft category.
(4) The Authority will publish detailed syllabi for subjects mentioned above.
I. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) shall receive and log ground and at least 20 hours dual flight training from
an authorised instructor on the following areas of operation:
(a) for all categories and class ratings, as applicable:
(i) pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, aircraft inspection and servicing;
Civil Av iation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(ii) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures;
(iii) control of the aircraft by external visual reference;
(iv) flight at criticall y slow ai rspeeds, recognition of, and recov ery from, incipient and full stalls;
(v) flight at critically high airspeeds, recognition of, and recovery from, spiral dives;
(vi) normal and cross-wind take-offs and landings ;
(vii) maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance) take-offs and short-field landings;
(viii) flight by reference solely to instruments, including the completion of a level 180° turn;
(ix) cross-country flying using visual referen ce, dead reckoning and, whereavailable, radio navigation aids;
(x) emergency operations, including simulated aircraft eq uipment malfunctions; and
(xi) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services procedures;
(xii) recognize and manage threats and errors; and
(xiii) communication procedures and phraseology.
(b) for aeroplane category rating, with a multi engine class rating the areas covered in paragraph (a) and in addition the
following requirements:
(i) emergency operations; including the applicant's knowledge and performance of the following tasks:
A. emergency descent;
B. engine failure duri ng take-off before Vmc
C. engine failure after lift-off (simulated)
D. approach and landing with an inoperative engine (simulated); and
(ii) multi-engine operations; including the applicant's knowl edge and performance of the following tasks:
A. manoeuvring with one engine inoperative;
B. Vmc demons.trati on; and
C. engi ne failure duri ng flight (by reference to instruments).
(c) for rotorcraft category rating with a helicopter class rating the areas covered in paragraph (a) and in addition the
(i) control of the helicopter by external vi sual reference;
(ii) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power; recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the
normal range of engine rpm ;
(iii) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hovering; take-offs and landings - normal, out of wind and sloping ground;
(iv) take-offs and landings with minimum necessary power; maxi mum performance take-off and landing techniques;
restricted site operations; quick stops;
(v) cross-country flying using visual reference,dead reckoning and , where available, radi o navigati on aids , including
a fli ght of at least one hour;
(vii) emergency operations, including simulated helicopter equipment malfunctions; autorotati ve approach and landing;
(d) for rotorcraft category rating with a gyroplane class rating the areas covered in paragraph (a) and in additi on flight
at slow airspeeds;
(e) fo r rotocraft category, the applicant should have received dual instrument flight instruction from an a uthori zed flight
instructor and the instructor should ensure that the applicant has operational experi ence in flight by reference solely
to instruments, including the completion of a level 180° turn , in a suitably instrumented heli copter;
(f) for glider category rating the fo llowing areas:
(i) pre-flight operations, including glider assembly and inspection;
(ii) techniques and procedures for the launching method used , including appropri ate airspeed limitations ,emergency
procedures and signal s used;
(iii) traffi c pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures;
(iv) control of the glider by external visual reference;
(v) fligh t throughout the fli ght envelope ;
(vi) recognition of, and recovery from , incipi ent and full stall s and spiral dives;
(v ii) normal and cross-wind launches, approaches and landings;
S.I. 176 of 2019
(viii) cross-country flying using visual reference and dead reckoning; and
(ix) emergency procedures;
(g) for lighter-than-air category and class rating the following areas:
(i) pre-flight operations, including balloon assembly, rigging, inflation, mooring and inspection;
(ii) techniques and procedures for the launching and ascent, including appropriate limitations, emergency procedures
and signals used;
(iii) collision avoidance precautions;
(iv) control of a free balloon by external visual reference;
(v) recognition of, and recovery from , rapid descents;
(vi) cross-country flying using visual reference and dead reckoning;
(vii) approaches and landings, including ground handling; and
(viii) emergency procedures;
(h) for powered-lifts category rating, operational experience in the following areas:
(i) recognize and manage threats and errors;
(ii) pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, powered-lift inspection and servicing;
(iii) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures;
(iv) control of the powered-lift by external visual reference;
(v) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hover and rolling take-offs and climb-out; hover and rolling approach
and landings-normal, out of wind and sloping ground;
(vi) take-offs and landings with minimum necessary power;
(vii) maximum performance take-off and landing techniques;
(viii) restricted site operations; quick stops;
(ix) flight by reference solely to instruments, including the
(x) completion of a level 180° turn;
(xi) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power; recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the
normal range of engine rpm;
(xii) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and, where available, radio navigation aids,
including a flight of at least one hour;
(xiii) emergency operations, including simulated powered-lift equipment malfunctions; power of reconversion to
autorotation and autorotative approach, where applicable;
(xiv) transmission and interconnect driveshaft failure, where applicable;
(xv) operations to from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services
procedures; and
(xvi) communication procedures and phraseology.
2. Subject to ( l)(c), the applicant shall be required to receive not less than 20 hours of dual instruction time in helicopters
from an authorized flight instructor.
3. The instructor shall ensure that the applicant has operational experience in at least the following areas to the level of
performance required for the private pilot-
(a) recognize and manage threats and errors;
(b) pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, helicopter inspection and servicing;
(c) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures;
(d) control of the helicopter by external visual reference;
(e) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power; recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the normal
range of engine rpm;
(f) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hovering; take-offs and landings- normal, out of wind and sloping ground;
(g) take-offs and landings with minimum necessary power; maximum performance take-off and landing techniques;
restricted site operations; quick stops;
(h) cross-country flying using visual reference , dead reckoning and, where available, radio navigation aids, including a
flight of at least one hour;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(i) emergency operations, including simulated helicopter equipment malfunctions; autorotative approach;
(J) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services procedures; and
(k) communication procedures and phraseology.
l. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) with an aeroplane category rating shall have completed:
(a) for a single engine class rating for each category rating sought-
(i) Not less than 40 hours of flight time as pilot of aeroplanes, or 35 hours if completed during a course of approved
training as pilot of aeroplane a total of S hours may have been completed in a flight simulator; and
(ii) not less than 10 hours of solo flight time under the supervision of an authorized flight instructor, including 5
hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least one cross-country flight totalling not less than 270 km (150
NM) in the course of which full-stop landings at two different aerodromes shall be made;
(b) for a multi engine class rating for each category sought, in addition to the requirements of
paragraph (a)-
(i) not less than 10 hours under the supervision of an authorised flight instructor in the category sought; and
(ii) pass a practical skill test on multi-engine aircraft as specified in these regulations.
2. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) with a helicopter category rating shall have completed, for a single engine
helicopter type rating:
(a) not less than 40 hours of flight time or 35 hours if completed during a course of approved training as pilot of helicopter,
a total of 5 hours may have been completed in a synthetic flight trainer; and
(b) not less than 10 hours of solo flight time under the supervision of an authorized flight instructor, including 5 hours
of solo cross-country flight time with at least one cross-country flight totalling not less than 180 km (I 00 NM) in the
course of which landings at two different points shall be made.
5. An applicant for a PPL with a balloon class rating shall have completed 16 hours which consists of not less than 8 training
flights in the areas of operation that includes-
(a) where the training is being performed in a gas balloon:
(i) two flights of two hours each that consists of one training flight within sixty days prior to application for the
rating on the areas of operation for a gas balloon;
(ii) five hours of solo flight in a gas balloon under an authorised instructor; and
(iii) one flight involving a controlled ascent to three thousand feet above the launch site.
(b) where the training is being performed in a balloon with an airborne heater:
(i) two flights of one hour each within sixty days prior to application for the rating on areas of operation appropriate
to a ball oon with an airborne heater;
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(ii) five hours solo flight in a balloon with an airborne heater under an authorised instructor; and
(iii) one flight involving a controlled ascent to three thousand feet above the launch site.
6.An applicant for a PPL with an airship class rating shall have completed twenty five hours of flight training in airships on
the areas of operation which consists of at least:
(a) If the privileges of the licence are to be exercised at night, three hours of night flight training in an airship that includes:
(i) a cross-country flight of over twenty-five nautical miles total distance; and
(ii) five take offs and five landings to a full stop, with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern, at an
(b) five hours of solo flight in an airship with an authorised instructor.
7. An applicant for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) with a powered-lift category rating shall have completed;
(a) not less than 40 hours of flight time as a pilot of powered-lift; and
(b) not less than 10 hours of solo flight time under the supervision of an authorized flight instructor, including 5 hours
of solo cross-country flight time with at least one cross-country flight totalling not less than 270 km (!50 NM) in the
course of which full stop landing at two different aerodromes shall be made.
8. Except for balloons and gliders, an applicant for PPL who has flight time as a pilot in other categories may be credited
with 10 hours of the total flight time.
l. The detailed CPL syllabi for the aeronautical knowledge areas applicable to any relevant aircraft category and class rating
subjects shall be published by the Licensing Authority and the outline is as follows-
(a) air law-
(i) rules and regulations relevant to the holder of a CPL;
(ii) rules of the air;
(iii) appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures
(b) aircraft general knowledge:
(i) principles of operation and functioning of power plants, systems and instruments;
(ii) operating limitations of relevant aircraft category and power plants, relevant operational information from the
flight manual or other appropriate document;
(iii) use and serviceability checks of equipment and systems of appropriate aircraft category;
(iv) maintenance procedures for airframes, systems and power plants of appropriate aircraft category;
(v) for helicopter and powered-lift, transmission(power-trains) where applicable;
(vi) for airship, physical properties and practical application of gases;
(c) flight performance, planning and loading-
(i) effects of loading and mass distribution on aircraft handling, flight characteristics and performance, mass and
balance calculations;
(ii) use and practical application of take-off, landing and other performance data;
(iii) pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to commercial operations under VFR;
(iv) preparation and filing of air traffic services flight plans and appropriate air traffic services procedures.
(v) in the case of airship, helicopter and powered-lift effects of external loading;
(d) human performance- human performance relevant to the CPL including principles of threat and error management;
(e) meteorology-
(i) interpretation and application of aeronautical meteorological reports, charts and forecasts; use of, and procedures
for obtaining, meteorological information, pre-flight and in-flight and altimetry;
(ii) aeronautical meteorology; climatology of relevant areas in respect of the elements having an effect upon aviation;
the moment of pressure systems, the structure of fronts, and the origin and characteristics of significant weather
phenomena which affect take-off, en-route and landing conditions and hazardous weather avoidance;
(iii) causes, recognition and effects of icing; frontal zone penetration procedures; hazardous weather avoidance;
(f) air navigation including-
(i) the use of aeronautical charts;
(ii) instruments and navigation aids;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(iii) understanding of the principles and characteristics of appropriate navigation systems and operation of airborne
(g) operational procedures;
(i) use of aeronautical documentation such as AlP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;
(ii) appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures;
(iii) operational procedures for carriage of freight; potential hazards associated with dangerous goods;
(iv) requirements and practices for safety briefing to passengers, inc! uding precautions to be observed when embarking
and disembarking from aircraft; and
(v) night and high altitude;
(vi) application of threats and error management principles to operational performance.
(vii) altimeter setting procedures;
(viii) in the case of the helicopters, and if applicable, powered-lift settling with power; ground resonance; retreating
blade stall;; roll-over and other operation hazards; safety procedures, associated with flight in VMC;
(h) principles of flight: principles of flight relating to aircraft;
(i) radiotelephony: communication procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations, action to be taken in case
of communication failure.
2. The aeronautical knowledge areas applicable to any relevant helicopter category and class rating shall include all areas
covered above in addition to the following areas-
(a) power plants; transmissions (power trains);
(b) external loads on helicopter handling;
(c) settling with power, ground resonance, roll-over and other operating hazards; and
(d) operational procedures for carriage of freight including external loads;
3 .The aeronautical knowledge areas applicable to any relevant lighter than air category and class rating shall be as follows-
(a) air Jaw-
(i) rules and regulati~:ms relevant to the holder of a free balloon pilot licence; rules of the air;
(ii) appropriate air traffic services practices and procedures;
(b) aircraft general knowledge-
(i) principles of operation of free balloon systems and instruments;
(ii) operating limitations of free balloons; relevant operational information from the flight manual or other appropriate
(iii) physical properties and practical application of gases used in free balloons;
(c) flight performance and planning-
(i) effects of loading on flight characteristics; mass calculations;
(ii) use and practical application oflaunching,landing and other performance data, including the effect of temperature;
(iii) pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate to operations under VFR; appropriate air traffic services
procedures and altimeter setting procedures; operations in areas of high-density traffic;
(d) human performance;
(e) human performance relevant to the free balloon pilot;
(f) meteorology; application of elementary aeronautical meteorology; use of, and procedures for obtaining , meteorologi-
cal information; altimetry;
(g) navigation; practical aspects of air navigation and dead-reckoning techniques; use of aeronautical charts;
(h) operational procedures-
(i) use of aeronautical documentation such as AlP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations;
(ii) appropriate precautionary and emergency procedures, including action to be taken to avoid hazardous weather,
wake turbulence and other operating hazards;
(iii) application of threats and error management principles to operational performance;
(i) principles of flight;
U) principles of flight relating to free balloons;
(k) in case of airship-
(i) use , limitation and serviceability of avionics and instruments necessary for the control and navigation;
(ii) use accuracy and reliability of navigation systems used in departure;
(iii) principles and characteristics of self-contained and external referenced navigation systems, operation of airborne
S.I. 176 of 2019
I. An applicant for a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), shall receive and record ground and flight training from an authorised
instructor on the following areas of operation that apply to the aircraft category and class rating sought-
(a) for all categories and class ratings, as applicable:
(i) pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, aircraft inspection and servicing ;
(ii) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures;
(iii) control of the aircraft by external visual reference;
(iv) flight at critically slow airspeeds; spin avoidance; recognition of, and recovery from, incipient and full stalls;
(v) flight at critically high airspeeds; recognition of, and recovery from, spiral dives;
(vi) normal and cross-wind take-offs and landings;
(vii) maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance) take-offs; short-field landings;
(viii) basic flight manoeuvres and recovery from unusual attitudes by reference solely to basic flight instruments;
(ix) cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and radio navigation aids; diversion procedures;
(x) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres including simulated aircraft equipment malfunctions;
(xi) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services procedures,
radiotelephony procedures and phraseology;
(xii) in actual flight, upset prevention and recovery training approved by the Authority;
(xiii) an applicant for a CPL(A) shall receive and log not less than 25 hours dual instruction at an Approved Training
Organisation from an authorised instructor;
(xiv) recognise and manage threats and errors;
(b) in addition to the areas of operation specified in paragraph (a), the applicable areas of operation for a multiengine
class rating as follows:
(i) emergency operations; including the applicant's knowledge and performance of the following tasks:
A. emergency descent;
B. engine failure during take-off before Vmc (simulated);
C. engine failure after lift-off (simulated);
D. approach and landing with one inoperative engine (simulated);
E. systems and equipment malfunctions; and
F. emergency equipment and survival gear;
(ii) high altitude operations; including the applicant's knowledge and performance of the following tasks:
A. supplemental oxygen; and
B. pressurisation .
(iii) multi-engine operations: including the applicant's knowledge and performance of the following tasks:
A. manoeuvring with one engine inoperative;
B. Vmc demonstration;
C. engine failure during flight (by reference to instruments); and
D. instrument approach with one engine inoperative (by reference to instruments);
(c) for a rotorcraft category rating with a helicopter type rating:
(i) recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power; recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the
normal range of engine rpm;
(ii) ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hovering; take-offs and landings-normal, out of wind and sloping ground;
steep approaches;
(iii) take-offs and landings with minimum necessary power; maximum performance take-off and landing techniques;
restricted site operations; quick stops;
(iv) hovering out of ground effect; operations with external load, if applicable; flight at high altitude;
(v) basic flight manoeuvres and recovery from unusual attitudes by reference solely to basic flight instruments;
(vi) abnormal and emergency procedures, including simulated helicopter equipment;
(vii) malfunctions, autorotative approach and landing;
(viii) an applicant for a CPL(H) shall receive and log not less than 30 hours dual instruction at anATO from an authorised
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(d) for a rotorcraft category rating with a gyroplane class rating: flight at slow airspeeds;
(e) for a lighter-than-air category rating with a balloon or ai rship class rating:
(i) fundamentals of instructing;
(ii) pre-flight operations, assembly, rigging, inflation, mooring and inspection;
(iii) techniques and procedures for the launching and ascent , including appropriate limitations, emergency procedures
and signals used;
(iv) collision avoidance precautions;
(v) control by external visual reference;
(vi) recognition of, and recovery from , rapid descents;
(vii) cross-country flying using visual reference and dead reckoning;
(viii) approaches and landings, including ground handling; and
(ix) emergency procedures;
(x) recognise and manage threats and errors;
(xi) recognition of leaks;
(xii) flight under IFR; and
(xiii) communication procedures and phraseology.
I. An applicant for a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) for aeroplanes shall obtain the following hours of aeronautical
experience -
(a) not Jess than 200 hours of flight time, or 150 hours if completed during an integrated course of approved training
provided for in an Approved Training Organisation under the Civil Aviation (Approved Training Organisation)
Regulations, 2018, as a pilot of aeroplanes, of which 10 hours may have been completed in a synthetic flight trainer;
(b) in aeropla nes, not less than:
(i) lOO hours as PIC or, in the case of a course of approved training, 70 hours as PIC;
(ii) 20 hours of cross-country flight time as PIC including a cross-country flight totalling not less than 540 km (300
NM) in the course of which full-stop landings at two different aerodromes shall be made;
(iii) 20 hours of instrument instruction time , of which not more than 10 hours may have been acquired in a FSTD;
(iv) five hours of night flying as PIC, including not Jess than 10 take-offs and 10 landing by night, and a cross-country
flight of at least three legs , each of a minimum length of 50 NM; and
(v) least five hours instruction in an aeroplane with adjustable flaps, retractable undercarriage and variable pitch
propeller or turbojet engine;
(c) a holder of a pilot licence in another category may be credited towards the 200 hours of flight time as follows-
(i) 10 hours as PIC in a category other than helicopters; or
(ii) 30 hours as PIC holding a PPL on helicopters; or
(i ii ) 100 hours as PIC holding a CPL on helicopters.
2. An applicant for a CPL helicopter licence shall have completed -
(a) not Jess than 150 hours of flight time , or 100 hours if completed during an integrated course of approved training
provided for in an ATO under the Civil Aviation (Approved Training Organisation) Regulations, 2018, as a pilot of
helicopters, of which 10 hours may have been completed in a synthetic flight trainer;
(b) not less than ;
(i) 35 hours as PIC;
(ii) 10 hours of cross-country flight time as PIC including a cross-country flight in the course of which full-stop
landings at t1vo different points shall be made;
(iii) I 0 hours of instrument instruction time of which not more than five hours may be instrument ground time; and
(iv) if the privileges of the licence are to be exercised at night, five hours of night flight time including five take-offs
and five landing patterns as PIC;
(c) the appli cant of a pilot licence in the helicopter category may be credited towards the 150 hours of flight time as
S .I. 176 of 2019
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(i) appl ica tion of threat and error management to operational performance;
(ii) interpretation and use of aeronautical documentati on such asAIP, NOTAM, aeronautical codes and abbreviations,
and instrument procedure charts fo r departure , en-route, descent and approach;
(iii) precautionary and emergency procedures ; safety practices ;
(iv) operati onal procedures for carriage of freight and dangerous goods;
(v) requiremen ts and practices for safety briefing to passengers, including precautions to be observed when embarking
and di sem barking from aircraft;
(vi) in the case of helicopters, and if applicab le , powered-lifts, settl ing with power; ground resonance; retreating blade
stall ; dynamic rollover and other operatin g hazards; safety proced ures, associated with flight in YMC.
S.l. 176 of 2019
(h) principles of flight-principles of flight relating to aircraft; subsonic aerodynamics; compressibility effects, manoeuvre
boundary limits, wing design characteristics, effects of supplementary lift and drag devices; relationships between
lift, drag and thrust at various airspeeds and in different flight configurations;
(i) radiotelephony-radiotelephony procedures and phraseology; action to be taken in case of communication failure.
2. The aeronautical knowledge areas applicable to helicopter category rating shall include all areas covered above and in
addition the following areas-
(a) helicopter general knowledge-
(i) general characteristics and limitations of electrical, hydraulic, and other helicopter systems; flight control systems,
including autopilot and stability augmentation;
(ii) principles of operation, handling procedures and operating limitations of helicopter Power plants; transmission
(power-trains); effects of atmospheric conditions on engine performance; relevant operational information from
the flight manual;
(iii) operating procedures and limitations of appropriate helicopters, effects of atmospheric conditions on helicopter
performance and relevant operational information from the flight manual;
(e) radiotelephony procedures and phraseology as applied to VFR operations and action to be taken in case of commu-
nication failure .
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(c) 75 hours of instrument time, of which not more than30 hours may be instrument ground time; and
(d) 25 hours of night flight as pilot-in-command or as co-pilot.
4. Where the applicant for ATPL aeroplanes or helicopter has flight time as a pilot of either category, the applicant shall be
credited with 50% of the flight time as PIC towards the flight time of the category sought.
5. The applicant shall have demonstrated in a flight test the ability to perform, as pilot-in command of an aircraft within the
appropriate category required to be operated with a co- pilot, the following procedures and manoeuvres-
(a) pre-flight procedures, including the preparation of the operational flight plan and filing of the air traffic services flight
(b) normal flight procedures and manoeuvres during all phases of flight;
(c) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres related to failures and malfunctions of equipment, such as
engine, systems and airframe;
(d) procedures for crew incapacitation and crew coordinati on, including allocation of pilot tasks, crew cooperation and
use of checklists;
(e) in the case of aeroplanes and powered lifts, procedures and manoeuvres for instrument flight described in regulation
75(3) , including simulated engine failure;
(f) in the case of an aeroplane, the applicant shall have demonstrated in a flight test, the ability to perform the procedures
and manoeuvres described in (5)(a) to (e) as pilot in command of a multi-engined aeroplane.
6. An applicant shall have demonstrated in a flight test the ability to perform the procedures and manoeuvres described in
these regulations with a degree of competency appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of an airline transport pilot
licence, and to-
(a) recognise and manage threats and errors;
(b) smoothly and accurately, manu ally control the aircraft within its limitations at all times, such that the successful
outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is assured ;
(c) operate the aircraft in the mode of automation appropriate to the phase of flight and to maintain awareness of the
active mode of automation;
(d) perform, in an accurate manner, normal, abnormal and emergency procedures in all phases of flight;
(e) exercise good judgement and airmanship, to include structured decision making and the maintenance of situational
awareness; and
(f) communicate effectively with other flight crew members and demonstrate the ability to effectively pe1form procedures
for crew incapaci tati on, crew coordination, including allocation of pi Iot tasks, crew cooperation, adherence to standard
operating procedures (SOPs) and use of checklists .
7. The flight test referred in (5) shall be a cross country flight conducted under IFR in an aircraft that is-
(a) a multi engine aircraft required to be operated with multi-crew shall have a Maximum Certificated Takeoff Mass of
5700 kg or more; or
(b) a Full Flight Simulator Training Device Level D that is approved for the conduct of flight test for the issue of an airline
transport licence.
8. When the holder of an airline transport pilot licence in the aeroplane category has previously held only a multi-crew pilot
licence, the privileges of the licence shall be limited to multi-crew operations unless the holder has met the requirements, as
appropriate, established for-
(a) private pilot licence: to exercise all the privileges of the holder of a private pilot licence in the aeroplane category
provided the requirements of section 41 and 42 have been met;
(b) before exercising the privileges of the instrument rating in a single-pilot operation in aeroplanes, the licence holder
shall have demonstrated an ability to act as pilot-in command in a single-pilot operation exercised by reference solely
to instruments and shall have met the skill requirement specified in section 73 appropriate to the aeroplane category;
(c) before exercising the privileges of a commercial pilot licence in a single-pilot operation in aeroplanes, the licence
holder shall have:
(i) completed in aeroplanes 70 hours , either as pilot-in-command, or made up of not less than I 0 hours as pilot-in-
command and the necessary additional flight time as pilot-in-command under supervision;
(ii) completed 20 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command, or made up of not less than 10 hours as
pilot-in-command and I0 hours as pilot-in command under supervision, including a cross-country flight totalling
not less than 540 km (300 NM) in the course of which full-stop landings at two different aerodromes shall be
made; and
(iii) met the applica ble requirements for the commercial pilot licence.
9. Any limitation of privil eges specified in (5) shall be endorsed on the licence.
10. The Authority shall determine whether experience as a pilot under instruction in a fli ght simulation training device is
acceptabl e as part of the total fli ght time of l 500 hours.
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l. Training:
(a) in order to meet the requirements of the multi-crew pilot licence in the aeroplane category, the applicant shall have
completed an approved training course . The training shall be competency-based and conducted in a multi-crew
operational environment;
(b) during the training, the applicant shall have acquired the knowledge , skills and attitudes required as the underpinning
attributes for performing as a co-pilot of a turbine-powered air transport aeroplane certificated for operation with a
minimum crew of at least two pilots.
2. Assessment level
The applicant for the multi-crew pilot licence in the aeroplane category shall have satisfactorily demonstrated performance
in all the nine competency units specified in 3, at the advanced level of competency as defined in the Level of Competency.
3. Competency units
The nine competency units that an applicant has to demonstrate are as follows-
(a) apply threat and error management (TEM) principles;
(b) perform aeroplane ground operations;
(c) perform take-off;
(d) perform climb;
(e) perform cruise;
(f) perform descent;
(g) perform approach;
(h) perform landing; and
(i) perform after-landing and aeroplane post-flight operations.
4. Simulated flight
The flight simulatio'n training devices used to gain the experience specified in section 61 shall have been approved by the
(1) Flight simulation training devices shall be categorised as follows-
(a) Type I.E-training and part tasking devices approved by the Authority that have the following characteristics:
(i) involve accessories beyond those normally associated with desktop computers, such as functional replicas of a
throttle quadrant, a sidestick controller, or an FMS keypad; and
(ii) involve psychomotor activity with appropriate application of force and timing of responses.
(b) Type II. A flight simulation training device that represents a generic turbine-powered aeroplane.
(c) Type III. A flight simulation training device that represents a multi-engined turbine-powered aeroplane certificated
for a crew of two pilots with enhanced daylight visual system and equipped with an autopilot.
(d) Type IV. Fully equivalent to a Level D flight simulator or to a Level C flight simulator with an enhanced daylight
visual system.
2. Level l (Basic)
The level of competency at which assessment confirms that control of the aeroplane or situation is maintained at all times and
in such a manner that if the successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is in doubt, corrective action is taken. Performance
in the generic cockpit environment does not yet consistently meet the Standards of knowledge, operational skills and level of
achievement required in the core competencies. Continual training input is required to meet an acceptable initial operating stand-
ard . Specific performance improvement/ personal development plans will be agreed and the details recorded. Applicants will be
continuously assessed as to their suitability to progress to further training and assessment in successive phases.
3. Level 2 (Intermediate)
The level of competency at which assessment confirms that control of the aeroplane or situation is maintained at all times and
in such a manner that the successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is assured. The training received at Level 2 shall be
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
conducted under the instrument flight rules , but need not be specific to any one type of aeroplane. On completion of Level 2, the
applicant shall demonstrate levels of knowledge and operational skills that are adequate in the environment and achieves the basic
standard in the core capability. Training support may be required with a specific development plan to maintain or improve aircraft
handling , behavioural performance in leadership or team management. Improvement and devel opment to attai n the Standard is
the key performance objective. Any core competency assessed as less than satisfactory should include supporting evidence and
a rem edial plan.
4. Level 3 (Advanced)
The level of competency required to operate and interact as a co-pilot in a turbine-powered aeroplane certificated for
operation with a minimum crew of at least two pil ots, under visual and instrum ent conditions. Assessment confirms that control
of the aeroplane or situation is maintained at all tim es in such a manner that the successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre
is assured. The applicant shall consistently demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the safe operation of an
applicable aeropl ane type as specified in the performance criteria.
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Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(i) application of aeronautical meteorology; interpretation and use of weather reports, charts and forecasts; codes
and abbreviations; use of, and procedures for obtaining, meteorological information; altimetry;
(ii) causes , recognition and effects of engine and air frame icing; frontal zone penetration procedures; hazardous
weather avoidance;
(iii) in the case of helicopters and powered lifts, effects of rotor icing;
(f) navigation for the aircraft category being sought-
(i) practical air navigation using radio navigation aids;
(ii) use, accuracy and reliability of navigation systems used in departure , en-route, approach and landing phases of
flight; identification of radio navigation aids;
(g) operational procedures for the aircraft category being sought
(i) interpretation and use of aeronautical documentation such asAIP, NOTAM ,aeronautical codes and abbreviations,
and instrument procedure charts for departure, en-route, descent and approach;
(ii) precautionary and emergency procedures; safety practices associated with flight under IFR; obstacle clearance
(iii) application of Threat and Error Management to operational performance.
(h) communication procedures and phraseology as applied to aircraft operations under all phases of flight; action to be
taken in case of communication failure.
1.1 An applicant for a Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor rating must-
(a) hold a valid CPL (Aeroplane) or ATPL (Aeroplane);
(b) have successfully completed at least 20 hours of flight instructor patter training conducted by a Grade I or a Grade
II Aeroplane Flight Instructor, of which at least 15 hours must be in an aeroplane and 5 hours may be in a FSTD
approved for the purpose;
(c) have passed the applicable theoretical knowledge examination;
(d) have successfully completed the appropriate training course approved by the Authority and conducted by an
approved training organisation;
(e) have successfully undergone the instructor ground evaluation test; and
(f) undergo the skills test referred to in paragraphs 4.1--4.4 conducted by a DFE within 36 months of completing
the instructor theoretical knowledge examinations and within 30 days of successfully completing the instructor
ground evaluation referred to in (e).
1.2 The holder of a flight instructor rating in another category of aircraft may be exempted from attending the theoretical
training referred to in paragraph l.l(c).
1.3 The number of hours referred to in paragraph 1.1 (b) may be reduced to 10 hours of flight training in aeroplanes if the
applicant is the holder of a flight instructor rating in another category of aircraft.
2.1 An application for a Grade III Aeroplane Right Instructor Rating must be made on the appropriate form and in the
manner set out by the Authority and submitted to the Authority within 30 days of having completed the skills test.
2.2 If the applicant complies with the requirements the Authority may issue a Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating.
3. Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
3 .! An applicant for a Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating must have passed the appropriate written examination
as provided for by section 80, conducted by the Authority.
3.2 An applicant, who is the holder of a flight instructor rating in another category of aircraft, shall be exempted from that
portion of the theoretical knowledge examinations dealing with matters of a common nature already passed.
4.1 An applicant fo r a Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating must have demonstrated to an appropriately rated
DFE the ability to perform as a Grade III Aeroplane Right Instructor the procedures and manoeuvres set out by the
Authority with a degree of competency appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a Grade III Aeroplane
Flight Instructor Rating.
4.2 The applicant must undergo the skills test within 36 months of passing the appropriate theoretical knowledge examination
and within the 30 days immediately preceding the date of application.
4.4 Before an applicant submits himself or herself for the initial skills test, he or she must provide the examiner with
written proof that-
(a) he or she has satisfactorily completed the required training conducted by an approved ATO ; and
(b) the Grade I or Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor who has provided the supervision and training considers the
performance of the applicant adequate for the skills test for a Grade III Aeroplane Right Instructor.
4.5 The applicant shall submit the forms to the Authority, within 30 days of having compl eted the skills test.
5. Privileges and Limitations of the holder of valid Grade III Flight Instructor Rating
5. I For aeroplane-
(a) a Grade III Flight Instructor (Aeroplane) may give ground or flight instruction only under the supervision of the
holder of a valid Grade I or Grade II Flight Instructor Rating;
(b) a Grade III Flight Instructor (Aeroplane) may,subject to(a) and (c), give instruction as limited by the endorsements
in his or her logbook or licence, towards-
(i) the issue of a SPL;
(ii) the issue or revalidation of a PPL;
(iii) familiarisation and differences training;
(iv) the issue of a night rating;
(v) the issue of an instrument rating ;
(vi) the issue of a multi-engine piston cl ass rating;
(vii) the issue of a single-engine turbo-propeller class rating;
(viii) the issue of an aerobatics rating; and
(ix) the issue of a type rating.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(c) The requirements for the endorsements referred to in (b) are as follows:
(i) In all cases the instructor must have-
A. the flight instructor endorsement (PI) for the specific aeroplane class, including make and model within a
class,and aeroplane type (where a type rating is required) in his or her logbook and licence (as required);
B . written authorisation in the case of instruction on a FSTD;
(ii) In the case of instruction in an aeroplane, the instructor must have demonstrated proficiency in flying the
aeroplane from each pilot seat.
(i ii) For each endorsement, all relevant recency requirements must be met before the privileges of that endorsement
may be exercised.
(iv) For the night rating instructor endorsement, the instructor must-
A. be the holder of a night rating and show evidence of having completed the approved training at an
approved ATO.
B. have demonstrated to a DFE I or II (A) in the case of an initial Grade III skills test, or theCA of an
approved ATO in the case of an existing Grade Ill instructor, the ability to-
(aa) give a suitable night flying briefing;
(bb) give instruction in an aeroplane or approved FSTD on instrument flying to the level required for
a night rating; and
(cc) give flight instructi on at night in an aeroplane which must consist of at least three take-offs and
three landings ;
C. have his or her logbook endorsed by the DFE orCA with the words "Authorised to give instruction
for night ratings".
(v) For the instrument flight instructor endorsement, the instructor must-
A. have given not less than 100 hours of instruction in an aeroplane or FSTD;
B. be the holder of a valid instrument rating appropriate to the aeroplane in which the instrument training
is provided;
C . show evidence of having completed a an approved course at an approved ATO;
D. have demonstrated to a DFE I or II (A) the ability to give suitable briefings and instruction in instrument
flying to the level required for an instrument rating; and
E. have his or her logbook endorsed by the DFE with the words "Authorised to give instruction for
instrument ratings".
(vi) For the multi-engine class rating instructor endorsement, the instructor must-
A . have given at least 100 hours of instruction in an aeroplane or FSTD;
B. have accumulated at least 20 hours of flight time as PIC of a multi-engine aeroplane;
C. show evidence of having completed an approved course at an approved ATO;
D. have accumulated at least 5 hours as pilot-in command in the specific make and model of the multi-
engine aeroplane used for training;
E. undergo a skills test for the endorsement with a DFE I or II (A); and
F. have his or her logbook endorsed by the DFE with the words: "Authorised to give instruction for multi-
engine class ratings".
(vii) For the Single-Engine Turbo-Propeller Class Rating Instructor endorsement, the instructor must-
A. have accumulated at least 100 hours of instruction in an aeroplane or FSTD;
B. have accumulated at least 50 hours of flight time as PIC of a single-engine turbo-propeller aeroplane;
C. show evidence of having completed an approved course at an approved ATO;
D. have passed theTurbo-propeller!Turbojetendorsementexamination ,havecompleted the high performance
aircraft theory requirements or be the holder of an ATPL(A);
E. undergo a skills test for the endorsement with a DFE I or II (A); and
F. have his or her logbook endorsed by the DFE with the words: "Authorised to give instruction for single-
engine turbo-propeller class ratings.
(viii) For the type rating instructor endorsement, the operator offering the type rating training must apply in
writing to the Authority motivating the reason for requiring the Grade III instructor and how he or she will
be supervised. The instructor must-
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6. Period of validity and re-issue of Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
6.1 A Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating shall be valid for a period of 12 months calculated from-
(a) the date of issue or re-issue; or
(b) the beginning of the month following the date of-
(i) expiry of the rating if such rating is revalidated within 90 days immediately prior to expiry; or
(ii) revalidation of such rating if revalidated prior to the period referred to in paragraph 6.i.
6.2 If a period of 12 months or less has lapsed from the date of expiry of the rating , the licence holder may apply to the
Director General for the reissuing of the rating, if he or she-
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(a) has passed a revalidation check with a DFE within the 30 days prior to the application for the revalidation of the
rating; and
(b) either-
(i) has given not less than 20 hours of flight instruction in aeroplanes; or
(ii) provides proof of having attended a flight instructor refresher seminar conducted by an approved aviation
training organisation .
6.3 If a period of more than 12 months has lapsed after the date of expiry of the rating, the licence holder may apply to
the Authority for the reissuing of the rating, if he or she-
( a) provides proof of having attended, within the 12 months preceding the application, a flight instructor refresher
seminar conducted by an approved ATO;
(b) has undergone sufficient ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the
revalidation check of a Grade III Right Instructor Rating (Aeroplane); and
(c) has passed a revalidation check with a DFE within the 30 days prior to the application for the revalidation of the
(ii) provide proof of having attended a flight instructor refresher conducted by an approved ATO.
7.2 The DFE must endorse the successful revalidation check as an Aeroplane Flight Instructor Grade III in the candidate's
pilot logbook, complete"the appropriate revalidation skills test form and submit the form to the Authority within 30
days of having completed the skills test, together with the applicable fee as set out in the First Schedule.
7.3 If the result of the skills test contemplated in paragraph 7.1 reveals that the holder of the rating has failed to maintain
the minimum standard required to exercise the relevant privileges, the DFE must-
(a) inform the applicant that he or she does not meet the requirements for the revalidation of the rating and that he
or she must, with immediate effect, not exercise the privileges of the rating until such time he or she meets the
requirements for the revalidation or re-issue of the rating in toto; and
(b) report such result to the Director General in writing.
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10. Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
10.1 No additional theoretical examinations are required for the issue of a Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating.
11.3 Before an applicant submits himself or herself for an initial skills test, he or she must provide the examiner with written
(a) he or she has satisfactorily completed the required training at an approved ATO; and
(b) the Grade I or Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor who has provided the supervision considers the performance
of the applicant as an aeroplane flight instructor adequate for his or her upgrade to a Grade II Aeroplane Flight
11.4 The applicant shall submit the forms to the Authority, within 30 days of having completed the skills test.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
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(b) the holder of a valid Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating who has demonstrated, to an appropriately rated
DFE, or to a person authorised for the purpose in writing by the Authority, the ability to-
(i) carry out training, may endorse the pilot logbook of the applicant with the following ratings ;
(ii) turbine-engine helicopter rating;
(iii) multi-engine helicopter rating;
(iv) agricultural rating;
(v) instrument rating;
(vi) helicopter sling load rating;
(vii) helicopter winching rating; and
(viii) helicopter test pilot ratings.
13- Period of validity and re-issue of Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
13 .l A Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of initial issue
and thereafter for a period of 36 months calculated from-
(a) the date of issue or re-issue; or
(b) the beginning of the month following the date of-
(i) expiry of the rating if such rating is revalidated within 90 days immediately prior to expiry; or
(ii) revalidation of such rating if revalidated prior to the period referred to in (i).
13.2 If a period of 60 months or less has lapsed from the date of expiry of the rating, the licence holder may apply to the
Director General for the reissuing of the rating, if he or she-
(a) has passed a revalidation check with a DFE within the 30 days prior to the application for the revalidation of the
rating; and
(b) within the 12 months preceding the application-
(i) has given not less than 20 hours of flight instruction in aeroplanes; or
(ii) provides proof of having attended a flight instructor refresher seminar conducted by an approved training
13.3 If a period of 60 months or more has lapsed after the date of expiry of the rating, the holder of the expired rating may
apply to the Authority for the reissuing of the rating, provided that he or she-
(a) provides proof of having attended, within the 12 months preceding the application, a flight instructor refresher
seminar conducted by an ATO or the Authority;
(b) has undergone sufficient ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the
revalidation check of a Grade II Flight Instructor Rating (Aeroplane); and
(c) has passed a revalidation check for a Grade II flight instructor rating with a DFE within the 30 days prior to the
application for the revalidation of the rating.
14.2 The applicant shall submit the revalidation check form within 30 days of having completed the check, together with
the applicable fee as set out in the first Schedule.
14.3 If the result of the skills test contemplated in paragraph 14.1 reveals that the holder of the rating has failed to maintain
the minimum standard required to exercise the relevant privileges, the DFE must-
(a) inform the applicant that he or she does not meet the requirements for the revalidation of the rating and that he
or she must, with immediate effect, not exercise the privileges of the rating until such time he or she meets the
requirements for the revalidation or re-issue of the rating in toto; and
(b) report such result to the Director General in writing.
- - - - - - - - - -·· ··· ·-· -·· ---
16.2 The application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee as prescribed in the First Schedule.
17. Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
17.1 No additional theoretical examinations are required for the issue of a Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating.
18.2 The initial skills test and revalidation check test must be undertaken:
(a) in a multi-engine aeroplane with retractable undercarriage and variable pitch propeller; or
(b) in an aeroplane with turbojet engines; or;
(c) in an approved aeroplane level D FSTD.
(d) for a helicopter, in helicopter with fully functional dual controls, or in an approved level D FSTD
18.3 Before an applicant submits himself or herself for an initial skills test, he or she must provide the examiner with written
proof that-
(a) he or she has satisfactorily completed the required training at an approved ATO; and
(b) the Grade I Flight Instructor who supervised the applicant considers him or her to be competent to attempt the
initial skills test for the rating .
18.4 the applicant shall submit the forms to the Director General, within 30 days of having completed the skills test
accompanied by a fee set out in the First Schedule.
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The holder of a valid Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating may, in addition to the privileges of a Grade II or
Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor, conduct-
(a) training on any helicopter type provided he or she holds the appropriate type rating with an instructor endorsement;
(b) conduct skills tests for the issue of type ratings in respect of multi-pilot helicopters, provided he or she holds the
appropriate type rating with an instructor endorsement.
20. Period of validity and reissue of Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
20 .1 A Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of initial issue
and thereafter for a period of 36 months calculated from-
(a) the date of issue or reissue; or
(b) the beginning of the month following the date of-
(i) expiry of the rating if such rating is revalidated within 90 days immediately prior to expiry; or
(ii) revalidation of such rating if revalidated prior to the period referred to in (i).
20.2 If a period of 60 months or less has lapsed from the date of expiry of the rating, the licence holder may apply to the
Director General for the reissuing of the rating, if he or she-
(a) has passed a revalidation check with a DFE within the 30 days prior to the application for the revalidation of the
rating; and
(b) within the 12 months preceding the application-
(i) has given not less than 20 hours of flight instruction in aeroplanes; or
(ii) provides proof of having attended a flight instructor refresher seminar conducted by an approved training
20.3 If a period of 60 months or more has lapsed after the date of expiry of the rating, the holder of the expired rating may
apply to the Authority for the re-issue of the rating, provided that he or she-
(a) provides proof of having attended, within the 12 months preceding the application, a flight instructor refresher
conducted by an approved ATO;
(b) has undergone sufficient ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the
revalidation check of a Grade I Flight Instructor Rating (Aeroplane); and
(c) has passed a revalidation check for a Grade I flight instructor rating with a DFE within the 30 days prior to the
application for the revalidation of the rating.
21.2 The applicant shall submit the revalidation check form within 30 days of having completed the check, together with
the applicable fee as set out in the First Schedule. '
21.3 If the result of the skills test contemplated in paragraph 21.1 reveals that the holder of the rating has failed to maintain
the minimum standard required to exercise the relevant privileges, the DFE must-
(a) inform the applicant that he or she does not meet the requirements for the revalidation of the rating and that he
or she must, with immediate effect, not exercise the privileges of the rating until such time he or she meets the
requirements for the revalidation or re-issue of the rating in toto ;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
ATO, in terms of and listed in the ATO 's manual of procedures, may continue to do so under the supervision of the
Chief Instructor of the ATO.
22.2 An ATO wi shing to appoint a new Grade I or Grade II Flight Instructor to provide instruction on a FSTD, shall
provide details of a training course which includes the operation of the FSTD and the number of training sessions
(dependent on the sophistication of the FSTD) to be given by the new applicant under the supervision of an existing
FSTD instructor; thereafter apply to add the Fli ght Instructor to the ATO 's MOP.
22 .3 In the case of a Grade III Fli ght Instructor, the Chief Instructor of the ATO must apply to the Authority for approval
for the Grade III instructor to carry out instruction on a FSTD at that particular ATO and under the supervision of the
Chief Instructor, stating how the supervision will be carried out.
22.4 In addition to the requirement specified in sub-regulation (3), a Grade III instructor at general aviation flight schools
must be given guidance on providing the instruction required for the 5 hours of FSTD training permitted towards the
22.5 In the case of personnel utilised for training on a FSTD who no longer hold a valid licence and Flight Instructor rating ,
the same procedures and requirements apply as for a Grade III Fli ght Instructor as in 22.3.
23.2 The holder of a valid instructor rating may be exempted from those parts of the examination already passed for the
issue of his or her instructor rating .
23.3 In the case of an instructor ratin g that has lapsed for a period of more than five years, the applicant will be required
to undergo the examinations referred to in 23 .1.
24.3 The applicant must undergo the skills test within the six months of passing the theoretical knowledge examination
and within the 30 days immediately preceding the date of application.
(c) complete the appropriate prescribed form and submit the fo rm to the Authority.
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27.2 An FSTD Instructor Authorisation may be issued for any of the following courses in aeroplanes or helicopters -
(a) training towards type ratings and class ratings for which there is an approved FSTD;
(b) instrument flight training;
(c) recurrent training;
(d) refresher training;
(e) multi-crew cooperation (MCC) training;
(f) multi-crew pilot licence; and
(g) any other training as may be directed by the Authority.
27.3 The holder of an FSTD Instructor Authorisation has a responsibility of properly maintaining a logbook detailing all
training undergone and conducted, and also showing all flights as an observer.
27.4 The holder of an FSTD Instructor Authorisation, whilst conducting training in an FSTD, must produce the Authorisation
when requested by an authorised officer, inspector, or any authorised person.
28.1 To revalidate an FSTD Instructor Authorisation, the holder of the Authorisation must-
(a) within the 12 months immediately preceding the date of expiry of such Authorisation-
(i) have conducted a type rating, refresher, recurrent, instrument rating or multi-crew co-operation (MCC)
training course; and
(ii) have completed an exercise of at least one hour duration in the role of Pilot Rying (PF) in the FSTD
comprising at least two approaches and, where applicable, two take-offs and landings; and
(iii) in the case of a type rating training authorisation, have completed at least four route sectors as a flight crew
member or observer on the flight deck of the applicable type of aircraft;
(b) within the 90 days immediately preceding the date of expiry of such Authorisation , have successfully undergone
a skills test.
28.2 If the result of the skills test contemplated in 28( !)(b) reveals that the holder of the Authorisation has failed to maintain
the minimum standard required for exercising the rel evant privileges, the examiner must-
(a) report such result to the Authority; and
(b) not sign the appropriate page of the Authority.
28.3 The holder of the FSTD Instructor Authority must be suspended with immediate effect if the holder fails the revalidation
skills test, until such time that the holder passes the revalidation test.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(b) Medical. An applicant for a designated pilot examiner shall have a Class 1 medical certificate.
(2) Hold at least the flight instructor ratings for which examining authority is sought or be serving
in a comparable position as an air operator check airman or check pilot or comparable position
in an Approved Training Organisation;
(3) Have a reputation for integrity and dependability in the industry and the community;
(4) Have a good record as a pilot and flight instructor in regard to accidents , incidents,and violations;
(5) Have pilot and instructor licence/ratings that have never been revoked for falsification or forgery.
Knowledge: The applicant for a designated pilot examiner shall pass a pre-designation knowledge test in
the areas appropriate to the category of aircraft for which designation is sought.
Skill test. The applicant for a designated pilot examiner shall pass a skill test conducted by an inspector
of the Authority who holds a current and valid licence with appropriate category, and if applicable class
and type ratings, in the areas of operation sought.
Maintaining currency. After designation , a designated pilot examiner shall maintain currency by:
(I) Attending initial and recurrent training provided by the Authority; and
(i) Pilot licence , and if applicable, class/type ratings appropriate to the designation;
(ii) Flight instructor licence and ratings applicable to the designation; and
Privileges. Subject to compliance with the requirements specified in these regulations , the privileges of
the examiner's designation are to conduct skill tests and proficiency checks for a licence and rating(s) as
listed on the designated pilot examiner's certificate of designation and identification card.
Validity. Subject to compliance with the requirements specified in these regulations, the validity period of
an examiner's designation is three years.
(I) Renewal will be at the discretion of the Authority.
(2) An applicant for renewal shall pass the appropriate skill test on the areas of operation sought
Additional designations. When theA uthority deems it necessary for a designated pilot examiner to receive
additional designations, the designated pilot examiner shall-
(2) Not need take an additional knowledge test provided the designation is within the same aircraft
(2) A valid flight instructor licence with an aeroplane category and appropriate class rating(s).
(i) 1,000 hours in aeroplanes, of which 300 hours were accrued within the past year;
(ii) 300 hours in the class of airplane for which the designation is sought; and
(4) 500 hours as a flight instructor in aeroplane which includes at least 100 hours of flight instruction
given in the class of aeroplane appropriate to the designation sought.
S.I. 176 of 2019
Experience requirements for commercial and instrument rating pilot examiner (C/RE)
Experience: eiRE-Aeroplane Category. The examiner applicant shall have at least:
(l) A commercial pilot licence with an areophane category rating, appropriate class rating(s) and
an Instrument -Aeroplane rating.
(2) A valid flight instructor certificate with an aeroplane category rating, the appropriate class
rating(s) and an Instrument-Aeroplane rating.
(3) 2,000 hours as PIC, which includes at least:
(i) 1,000 hours in aeroplanes, of which 300 hours were accrued within the past year;
(ii) 500 hours in the class of aeroplane for which the designation is sought;
(iii) 100 hours at night in aeroplanes;
(iv) 100 hours of instrument flight time in actual or simulated conditions; and
(v) For authority to conduct skill tests in large or turbine-powered aeroplanes-
A . 300 hours in large or turbine-powered aeroplanes, of which 50 hours are in the type
of aeroplane for which designation is sought, and
B. 25 hours for each additional type of large aeroplane for which designation is sought;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(i) 100 hours of flight instruction given in the class of aeroplane applicable to the designati on
sought; and
(ii) 250 hours of instrument flight instruction , of which 200 hours were given in aeroplanes.
B. 25 hours for each additional type of large helicopter for which designation is sought.
(4) 250 hours as a fli ght instructor in helicopters , which include at least-
(i) 100 hours of flight instruction given in the helicopters; and
(ii) 50 hours of instrument flight instruction in helicopters.
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(2) A valid flight instructor licence with a balloon category and applicable class rating(s).
(3) 200 hours as PIC which includes at least:
(i) 100 hours in balloons; and
(ii) 20 hours in balloons in the class for which the designation is sought within the past year,
including 10 flights in balloons of at least 30 minutes duration each.
(4) Held a commercial pilot licence with balloon category rating and applicable class rating for at
least 1 year prior to designation.
(5) 50 hours as a flight instructor in balloons in the class for which the designation is sought, of
which 10 hours were accrued within the past year.
(4) 200 hours as a flight instructor, including 100 hours of flight instruction given in gliders.
2 .1.1.4 Experience requirements for airline transport pilot (atpl) examiners (ATPE)
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
(c) control surveillance, approach precision radar and area control surveillance ratings: an applicant shall meet the
requirements specified in paragraph (b) in so far as they affect the area of responsibility, and shall have demonstrated
a level of knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted, in at least the following additional subjects:
(i) principles, use and limitations of radar, other applicableATS surveillance systems and associated equipment; and
(ii) procedures for the provision of ATS surveillance services ,as appropriate, including procedures to ensure appropriate
terrain clearance;
(d) meteorological observers rating for controllers making meteorological observations as specified by World Meteorological
(e) the Authority will publish detailed syllabi for air traffic control training.
Aeronautical experience and skill requirements for air traffic controller ratings are as follows-
(a) aerodrome control rating: an aerodrome control service, for a period of not less than 140 hours at the unit for which
the rating is sought;
(b) approach control rating: an approach control service, for a period of not less than 210 hours at the unit for which the
rating is sought;
(c) approach radar control rating: an approach radar control service, for a period of not less than 180 hours at the unit for
which the rating is sought;
(d) approach precision radar control rating: not less than 200 precision approaches of which not more than 100 shall have
been carried out on a radar simulator approved for that purpose by the Authority, not less than 50 of those precision
approaches shall have been carried out at the unit and on the equipment for which the rating is sought;
(e) area control rating: an area control service , for a period of not less than 210 hours at the unit for which the rating is
sought; and
(f) area radar control rating: an area radar control service, for a period of not less than 180 hours or three months, which-
ever is greater, at the unit for which the rating is sought:
Provided that:
(i) the experience specified in this section shall have been completed within the 6 month period immediately preceding
application ;
(ii) where the applicant already holds an air traffic controller rating in another category, or the same rating for another
unit, the Authority shall determine whether the experience requirement can be reduced, and if so, to what extent;
(iii) if the privileges of the approach radar control rating include surveillance radar approach duties, the experience
. shall include not less than 25 plan position indicator (PPI) approaches on the surveillance equipment of the type
in use at the unit for which the rating is sought and under the supervision of an appropriately rated approach radar
(g) The applicant shall have demonstrated, at a level appropriate to the privileges being granted, the skill , judgement
and performance required to provide a safe, orderly and expeditious control service, including the recognition and
management of threats and errors
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(iv) the classification of fires and the appropriate type of extinguishing agents and procedures for particular fire
situations, the techniques of application of extinguishing agents, the consequences of misapplication, and of use
in a confined space; and
(v) the general procedures of ground based emergency services at aerodromes.
(b) water survival training to include the actual donning and use of personal flotation equipment in water by each cabin
crew member; before first operating on an aeroplane fitted with life-rafts or other similar equipment, training must be
given on the use of this equipment, as well as actual practice in water;
(c) survival training appropriate to the areas of operation such as polar, desert, jungle or sea;
(d) medical aspects and first aid to include-
(i) instruction on first aid and the use of first-aid kits;
(ii) first aid associated with survival training and appropriate hygiene; and
(iii) the physiological effects of flying and with particular emphasis on hypoxia;
(e) passenger handling to include the following-
(i) advice on the recognition and management of passengers who are, or become, intoxicated with alcohol or are
under the influence of drugs or are aggressive;
(ii) methods used to motivate passengers and the crowd control necessary to expedite an aeroplane evacuation;
(iii) regulations covering the safe stowage of cabin baggage including cabin service items and the risk of the baggage
becoming a hazard to occupants of the cabin or otherwise obstructing or damaging safety equipment or aeroplane
(iv) the importance of correct seat allocation with reference to aeroplane mass and balance with particular emphasis
given on the seating of disabled passengers and the necessity of seating able-bodied passengers adjacent to
unsupervised exits;
(v) duties to be undertaken in the event of encountering turbulence including securing the cabin;
(vi) precautions to be taken when live animals are carried in the cabin;
(vii) dangerous goods training as prescribed in Civil Aviation (Dangerous Goods) Regulations and Civil Aviation (Air
Operator Certification and Administration) Regulations; and
(viii) security procedures, including the provisions of Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft) Regulations and Civil
Aviation (Air Operator Certification and Administration) Regulations;
(f) communication-emphasis shall be placed on the importance of effective communication between cabin crew and flight
crew including technique , common language and terminology;
(i) the importance of cabin crew performing their duties in accordance with the Operations Manual;
(ii) continuing competence and fitness to operate as a cabin crew member with special regard to flight and duty time
limitations and rest requirements;
(iii) an awareness of the aviation regulations relating to cabin crew member and the role of the Authority;
(iv) general knowledge of relevant aviation terminology, theory of flight, passenger distribution, meteorology and
areas of operation;
(v) pre-flight briefing of the cabin crew member and the provision of necessary safety information with regard to
their specific duties;
(vi) the importance of ensuring that relevant documents and manuals are kept up-to date with amendments provided
by the operator;
(vii) the importance of identifying when cabin crew members have the authority and responsibility to initiate an
evacuation and other emergency procedures;
(viii) the importance of safety duties and responsibilities and the need to respond promptly and effectively to emergency
situations; and
. (g) discipline and responsibilities;
(h) Crew Resource Management (CRM) to include appropriate provisions of the Civil Aviation (Operation of Aircraft)
Regulations in relation to cabin crew member;
(i) Aviation general including applicable regulations, theory of flight, physiology offlight,human factors and meteorology;
(j) Aircraft technical general including physical description, communication systems, water systems, heating and ventila-
tion systems.
I . The subjects relevant to the knowledge and skill requirements for all Licence Categories specified in these regulations
are presented in this Schedule in a Modular format.
2. The examinations for each Category of Licence, and its subdivisions where appropriate, shall be based on a number of
the Modules as indicated in the Module/Category relationship set out in the Table overleaf.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
3. From the Table it will be noted that the modular arrangements recognise that major areas of the subjects
are common to more than one Licence Category or its Sub-Divisions. Thus, when an existing Licence is to
be extended to include another Category or Sub-Division, those Modules that have been satisfied by previous
examinations may be excluded .
4. Each module is numbered and contains a series of syllabus subject headings. Each subject is then further
expanded in more detail against 'level numbers' corresponding to Licence without Type Rating (LWTR) and
Type Rating (TR). This expansion of detail provides an indication of the degree/level of knowledge, experience,
competence and skill in aeronautical engineering required by the Regulations.
5. There are three level numbers and they are defined as follows:
(a) Level 1: General appreciation of principles and familiarisation of the subject;
(b) Level 2: Comprehension of principles and salient features with a practical ability to assess
operational condition;
(c) Level 3: Detailed knowledge of all aspects of the subject.
6. In applying the above levels to the subjects which, in particular relate to aircraft, engines, systems and
items of equipment, the following aspects shall be considered:
(a) theoretical principles;
(b) constructional arrangements , functional and design features;
(c) maintenance practices;
(d) normal, deteriorated and failed conditions.
Module 1 Regulations
Syllabus Subject WTR TR Details
Maintenance Engineer's Licences & 2 - Civil Aviation Regulations requirements
Responsibili ties: by statutory law and by the need to fly aircraft
in a satisfactory condition, i.e. common/civil/constitutional law
Penalties- under statutory law and resulting from civil law suits
Categories- applicability
Areas and extent of limitations and privileges within categories
Overlap of category applicability
Relevant Airworthiness Notices and other Authority guidance
Aircraft Registrations I 2 International and national registration requirements
Registration process
Certificate of Airworthiness I 2 Issue of Certificate of Airworthiness requirements
Categories of certificate of airworthiness and purpose of flight
Prototypes, modified prototypes , series aircraft
Renewal of certificate of airworthiness requirements and process
Maintenance and Maintenance Records I 2 Civil Aviation Regulations requirements and other applicable
and Certification guidance material issued by the Authority
Maintenance certification: certificate of release to service
Duplicate inspections
Contributory certifications and reliance on other documentation
and persons
Certificati on- acceptance investigation and judgment procedures
S.l. 176 of 2019
Syllabus Subject WTR TR Details
Maintenance records-,requirement to be kept, preservation and
Offences in relation to documents and records
Inspection requirements and Standards' persons authorised
Build Standards
Maintenance responsibilities
Aircraft, engine and VP Propeller Log 1 2 Civil Aviation Regulations requirements and other applicable
Books guidance material issued by the Authority
Authority approval: Light aircraft, large aircraft
Worksheet; technical log
Data to be entered in technical log books
Condition reports-e.g. heavy landing checks, defect
investigations, NOT and other inspections, mandatory and non-
Maintenance checks and inspections
Cross- reference to other files/records
Preservation of documents; Civil Aviation Regul ations
Technical log l 2 Civil Aviation Regulations requirements
Technical Log-Air Operators Certificate Requireme nts
Aircraft Documentation and I 2 Type certification and supplemental type certification
Documents to be carried
Flight manual- provision of manuals and aircraft performance
Mass Schedule and aircraft loading
External, and internal markings and signs, e.g. nationality
and registration no smoking and fasten seat belt, placards and
requirements, doors and exits
Certificate of Airworthiness
Certificate of registration
Air Operators Certificate
Instrument and Equipments
Radio Station license and approval
Change of ownership
Aerial work, including parachutin g, glider towing etc-
Exits and break-in markings
Approvals - l Design organizations
l 2 Approved maintenance Organization
Maintenance Schedules/ programmes
AOC and AMO interface
100 hours and annual inspections
Aircraft parts stores requirements and management
Defect Reporting l 2 Civil Aviation Regulations requirements
Re portable occurrences (defects, incidents, accidents)
Authority Requirements 1 2 Manual of Airworthiness Requirem ents
Airworthiness Notices
Foreign airworthiness directives
Manufactures requirements I 2 Service bulletins, manuals service letters etc
Forei gn Authorities requiremen ts l 2 FAA , CAA (UK), JAR
ICAO Annexes requirements 1 2 Annexes I , 6 and 8
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- 2 Auto braking
(4) Pneumatic (ATA 36) l 2 Bleed air pneumatic systems
Systems supplied
Bleed air valves
Mass, flow, pressu re and temperature control and indication
Leak detection
Alternate suppl y-APU and ground cart
(5) Ice and Rain Protection l 2 Mainplane/tail hot air an ti-i ce systems
Control and indication
Leak/overheat-detection/protecti on
l 2 Ice detection
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Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
Principl es, Terminology Definitions 1 2 Gas flow path - temperature, velocity and pressure
and Laws
Turbine Power extraction
Effects of atmospheric variations in temperature, density, pressure
altitude on engine and on engine/aircraft combination
Single shaft, two and three shaft engines
Centrifugal and axi al flow compressors
Fan engines
By-pass engines
Water/water methanol injection
Power turbines
Surge/compressor stalling
Propeller turbines
Gas producers
APU applications
Thrust reversal
Power assessment
Constructional Arrangement 1 2 Casings, shafts, bearings , accessories drive
Air intakes and compressors
Combustion section
Turbines and exhaust
Modular constructi on
1 3 Engine inspection capability and condition assessment provision
l 3 Principles of 'conditi on monitored' and 'on conditi on'
maintenance programmes
- 2 Supersonic flight air intake geometry control systems
Propeller and Shaft 1 2 Gas producers
Power Prov isi on
Reduction gearing
S.l. 176 of 2019
Power and auxiliary dri ve
Rotational speed and power control, safety systems
1 1 Principles of torque/power/rotational speed in power transmission
by rotating shafts
( l) Thrust Reversing 1 2 Ge neral arrangements
Safety features
Operating systems- hydraulic/pneumatic mechanical
Turbine and fan applications
(2) APUs 1 2 General arrangements
Intake and exhausts systems -door operation
Load control
Electrical output control and management
Speed control
Fuel control
Safety features
Ground/flight/altitude-limiting factors
Fire protection and indication
Bay cooling
Ground running
(3) Fuel Control 1 2 Principles - parameters
Mechanical/electronic control
Power speed- control and limiting
Temperature and power factors
Burners-primary and secondary provision
- 2 Burners -shaft inj ection, torch ignition
I 2 Governor speed sensing
(4) Fuel Systems 1 2 Tanks- cells and integral systems
Refueling/defueling, cross feed, jettison, venting, transfer
Scavenging- jet pumps
Boost pumps , backing pumps
LP/HP valves and control
Tank selection
Internal/external pipes, hoses , connectors
Fuel types
Static electricity- effects and control
Leak assessment and control
Fuel quantity indication- 'Level Sticks'
Water contamination- effects and control
SG/Density/vol ume/weight
Filtering and heating
Fuel systems in pressurized cabin areas
(5) Water Injection I 2 Water/water methanol applications
Sensing, control and safety provision
Power effects
Effects on fuel control
Pipes and pipe lines
(6) Lubrication I 2 Tanks , storage, venting, contents indication
Pressure/scavenge pumps
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
Filters, screens and magnetic plugs/chip detectors
Pressure/flow control
Heat exchangers oi l/fuel, oil/air
Sealing-labyrinth seals, carbon seals, etc.
Overboard drains-drains systems
Lubrication of mains bearings, accessories and gear trains
Supply to propeller systems
Contamination by hydraulic fluid/fuel
Types of oil
Internal /external pipes, hoses and passages- effects of heat
Use of oil for ice protection- intake and fuel control
(7) Cooling, Sealing and Bleed Air 1 2 Internal cooling , external cooling , sealing air
Overboard dump - temperature monitoring
Off-takes for other services - air conditioning, anti-icing ,
equipment drive, pressurizin g of hydraulic reservoirs, water
systems, etc .
Centrifugal filters
(8) Surge Protection and Airflow I 2 Bleed valves- operating systems
Variable inlet guide vanes- scheduling, operating systems
Surge sensing
'S urge margins '
- 2 Supersonic flight air intake geometry control
(9) Ice Protection I 2 Hot air systems- struts and intakes
Electrical systems- engine and intakes
Use of oil and air bleeds
Pressure sensor heating
Control and indication
(1 0) Fire Protection I 2 Fire detection
Overheat warning
Fire extinguishing
Bay and zone isolation
Fire walls , bulkheads, cladding
Fire wires, detector units
Single/dual detection
First and second shot capabi lity
Warnings and indi cations - li ghts, aural warnings, fuse types ,
squib test
'Bottle gone ' indi cators
Operating systems
Over press ure
Cartridges - life control
Electric and electronic systems
(11) Ignition I 2 High energy igniti on systems
- 2 Torch ignition
Glow plug systems
1 2 Igniter plugs and leads
Operation inside and outside the startin g cycle
( 12) Starting I 2 Starting cycle
Initiation- HP valves, termination, bleed valves , starter valves ,
power lever, self-sustaining speeds
Starter motors-electrical, pneumatic , starter/generators- HP
air, impingement air
Clutch provision, over speed sensing
Manual operation starter cooling/resting
Ground power electrical/pneumatic provisions
(13) Controls l 2 Power/throttle/thrust reverse
HP/LP valve controls-manual and electric
Condition control systems
Propeller control
Auto control of throttle
Control runs
- l Electronic control systems
( 14) Pods , Pylons, Cowlings and l 2 General arrangements
Services and controls-input/exit
Zone demarcation
Pylon and pod structural features
Torque, vibration, expansion provisions
Bay venting
Cooling air intakes
(15) Electrical I 2 a.c. generators-CSDs/IDGs
Starter motor high current circuits
CSDs-principles of operation , disconnect/ reconnect,
lubrication/hydraulic operation, filters , coolers
( 16) Instruments 1 2 Rotational speed indication; a.c. generator and pulse probe
Temperature and pressure systems
Pressure ratio systems
Turbine temperature systems
Instrument system amplifier
Fuel flow indication
Torque indication
Fuel contents/oil contents- electrical and electronic
Vibration indication
Ground Handling 1 2 Storage and inhibiting
Spare engine carriage
Ground running-noise control-power checking
Functional checks of engine associated services
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Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
l - TCAS:
Control and monitor circuits
Interface with other aircraft systems
An applicant for the instructor rating shall have completed the appropriate examination for AME licence
1.4 Experience
An applicant for the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Instructor Rating shall comply with the requirements for the
appropriate experience as stipulated in schedule
I .5 Validity
The AME Instructor rating shall be valid for 24 months subject to a valid AME licence is
I.6 Privileges of Instructor Rating
Give academic or practical instruction on any of the valid ratings held by him or her
(a) The holder shall within the 24 months preceding the date of expiry of the rating, have for not less than six
months exercised the privil eges of an aircraft maintenance instructor.
(b) An application for the renewal of the rating shall, within 90 days immediately preceding the date of ex piry of
such rating, be made to the Authority and pay the appropriate fee prescribed in the First Schedule.
S.I. 176 of 2019
out instruction and examination to determine the status of Aircraft, engines, avionics, instruments, electrical
and components parts of a similar type and complexity for which DE is sought;
(f) submit an applicationaccompanied by a letter from the applicant's employer,attesting to the applicant's integrity
and qualifications to perform instruction and examination on products of similar type and complexity to those
for which designation is sought; and
(g) submit supporting documents , to substantiate that he or she meets all the relevant qualifications
2.2 Knowledge
2.3 Experience
(a) At least five years of satisfactory experience in the field of work covered by the designation.
(b) At least five years experience as an Instructor at an AMO or an aircraft manufacturer's training school that
has been involved with either-
(ii) The management of programs, leading to the issuing of course certificates, in either case for aircraft,
engines , propeller, avionics, instruments, electrical and component parts of similar type and complexity
to those for which DE designation is sought.
3. Validity
Designation shall be for 12 months
4. Renewal
5. Examination Board
Age: An applicant for a Flight Operations Officer Examiner shall be at least 23 years of age.
General eligibility.
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
( 1) Show evidence of a high level of aeronautical knowledge in the subj ect areas for the Right Operati ons
Officer (FOO) certification.
(2) Have held a FOO licence for at least five years pri or to the designation.
(3) Have been actively exercising the privileges of the FOO licence in commercial ai r transport in the
previous three years.
(4) Have a good record as a FOO and a person engaged in the industry and community with a reputation
for hones and dependability.
(5) Have satisfactorily compl eted the FOO examiner orientation programme with the Authority.
(6) T he applicant must have avail able a test site that is fully capable of doing all items required for the proper
dispatch of a commercial flight in accordance with the regulatory requirem ents. This may be the Right
Operations Office of an active commercial airline. Knowledge
(5) Meteorology.
(6) Navigation.
(8) Recent changes in technology to include tl y by wire aircraft systems, GPS navigation, required navigation
performance (RNP) requirements, TCAS,ADS-B, as well and Enhanced Wind Shear Systems. Skill
The Authority shall observe the applicant conducting a complete actual FOO certification using the approved
STS in a satisfactory manner.
The applicant shall complete all required paper work for the certification as required by the A uthority.
2.1.2 .4 Currency
The FOO examiner shall conduct at least 6 ski ll tes ts durin g any 12 calendar month period in order for the
designation to remain current.
The FOO examiner shall be observed by the Authority in the conduct of a skill test at least once each 12
calendar months. Privileges
The FOO examiner may conduct Skill test for the Fli ght Operation Officer licence in accordance with approved
STS stand ard.
The FOO exami ner may conduct or monitor any portion of a com puterised knowledge test. Validity
The des ignation for a FOO shall be valid for a year.
2.1.2 .7 Details Renewal
S.I. 176 of 2019
The following requirements apply to the revalidation of lapsed licences and ratings.
(b) To revalidate a Commercial Pilot Licence that has lapsed for more than 18 months but less than 24 months the holder
(i) pass a knowledge test in Air Law in addition to meeting the requirements of (a) above.
(c) To revalidate a Commercial Pilot Licence that has lapsed for periods exceeding 24 months the holder shall:
(i) pass a knowledge test in-
Air law;
Flight planning;
In addition to meeting the requirements of (a) above.
(d) Where an applicant shows proof of continued currency and competency on types, catergories and classes held on the
Zimbabwe licence basing on a foreign license a skill test and class l medical and an appropriate fee shall be acceptable
however the Authority must consulted and satisfied with the proof shown and approval for flight test obtained. Where
the proof of continued currency is not satisfactory the Authority will specify the requirements to be met.
(ii) pass a refresher course at an ATO for each rating being revalidated;
(iii) complete a facility rating training programme with an ATS provider related to the ATO;
(iv) pass an intial skills test for the rating;
Civil Aviation (Personnel Licensing) Regulations, 2019
6.1 Where a licence has not been renewed by the date of expiry; the validity of the licence standards are lapsed.
6.2 To ensure the validity of the lapsed licence; the licence holder shall meet the requirements subject to the lapsed periods
as follows:-
(a) Not more than six months and all renewal requirements were met prior to the date of expiry;
(b) there are no additional requirements;
(c) More than six (6) months but not more than two (2) years-
(i) pass written examination in Air Law;
(ii) meet the renewal requirements;
(d) More than two (2) years but not more ten ( 10) years-
(i) Undertake a refresher training in an ATO in preparation for the Practical and knowledge tests;
(ii) Pass Air L·nv;
(iii) Meet renewal requjrements;
(e) More than ten ( 10) years, an applicant shall meet all requirements for the initial issue of a Right Dispatcher Licence.
(a) If the IR(A) has lapsed for less than 36 months, the holder will be required to undergo refresher training and retake
the IR skill test;
(b) If the IR(A) has lapsed for more than 36 months , the holder will undergo refresher training and be required to retake
the IR theoretical knowledge examination and skill test.
The terms detailed below apply to an applicant who holds and wishes to revalidate a lapsed Zimbabwean Private Pilot Licence.
The terms and testing requirements to revalidate the licence are based on the period of time elapsed since the licence holder last
flew as Pilot in Command of an aircraft. The terms are split into 3 sections:
Section A: details the requirements to revalidate a Licence where the holder has not f1own as Pilot in-Command of an aircraft for
a period exceeding 10 years.
Section B: details the requirements to revalidate a Licence where the holder has not flown as Pilot in-Command of an aircraft for
a period exceeding 5 years but less than 10 years.
Section C: details the requirements to revalidate a Licence where the PPL has lapsed for a period not exceeding 5 years.
Section A
When applying to revalidate a Zimbabwean PPL that has lapsed for a period exceeding 10 years, an appli cant must:
1. Pass all knowledge (written) examinations: Note: Air Law must be passed before going Solo. Fight Planning, Navigation
and Met must be passed before the first solo cross country fli ght and the exams are valid for six months.
2. Produce logbook evidence of having completed:
(i) 2 hours dual flying training with an instructor under an ATO to include landings and take-offs and general handling;
(ii) 8 hours as Pilot in Command which must include 4 hours general handling and 4 hours cross country including the
mand atory triangu lar flight.
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3. Pass a skills test with an approved Examiner specifically assigned to conduct the test. Note: a skill test must be authorised
by the Personnel Licensing office.
Section B
When applying to revalidate a Zimbabwean PPL that has lapsed for a period exceeding 5 years but less than 10 years,
an applicant must:
1. Pass a written examination in-
(i) Aviation Law, Flight Rules and Procedures;
(ii) Navigation;
(iii) Right Planning and Performance;
(iv) Meteorology;
(v) Oral Radio Telephony;
(vi) In addition the applicant will be required to pass the Human Performance examination if he has not sat for this
examination before.
2. Produce log book evidence of having completed-
(i) 2 hours dual flying training with an instructor under an ATO to include landings and take-offs and general handling
and cross country;
(ii) 3 hours Pilot in Command to include l hour general handling flying and 2 hours cross country flying. 3. Pass a skill
test with an approved examiner specifically assigned to conduct the test. Note: a skill test must be authorised by the
licensing office.
Section C
When applying to revalidate a Zimbabwe PPL that has lapsed for a period not exceeding five years an applicant must:
1. Pass a written examination in Human Performance examination if he has not sat for this examination before.
2. (i) Produce logbook evidence of at least one hour general flying with an Instructor under anATO for the purpose of assessment.
The rest of the dual flying time to be as recommended by the instructor.
(ii) Produce a certificate from an instructor of an ATO certifying the applicant's suitability to take a PPL skills test.
3. Pass a skill test with an approved examiner specifically assigned to conduct the skill test.
4. In all situations, the applicant will be required to-
(i) pass an appropriate medical;
(ii) pay the appropriate fee;
(iii) meet any further requirements that may be imposed by the Authority. It is therefore advisable to consult the Licensing
office before embarking on the above processes .
Aircraft Ratings
The applicant will initially be granted an aircraft rating on the type of aircraft used during the revalidation process.
Other Ratings
Night ratings and any other ratings will be assessed on a case-by-case basis using experience and instructor evaluation as the
basis of assessment.
Supplement to the Zimbabwean Government Gazette Extraordinary dated the 16th August, 20 I 9.
Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.