D7D D5
D7D D5
D7D D5
1.1 Rule 6A of Indian Aircraft Rules 1937 covers the type of aircraft to be
included in the rating of the licence and Schedule II of the Rules covers for
each respective licence type, the requirements for inclusion and extension
of ratings on these licences.
1.2 Type rating for aeroplanes with AUW exceeding 5700 kg is included in a
pilot’s licence following completion of sequential requirements laid down in
Schedule II. The pilot needs to pass written examination, which is followed
by training in normal, abnormal, emergency procedures etc. on the type of
aeroplane, and demonstration of competency in skill tests in the aeroplane
or approved simulator.
1.3 The type rating process for aeroplanes with AUW exceeding 5700 kg is
generally carried out in an approved training organization (ATO) in
accordance with CAR Section 7 Series D Part IV for Indian ATOs and
Operations Circular 1 of 2016 for overseas ATOs. Additionally, eligibility of
written examinations for issue of type ratings is covered in CAR Section 7
Series B Part I for such examinations to be conducted by CEO, DGCA.
1.4 This CAR is issued under Rule 29C and 133A to specify requirements for
approval of the Airline Type Rating Programme (ATRP) for scheduled
operators for conduct of written examinations, training and checking for issue
of type ratings for aeroplane types operated by them.
2.1 The approval of the ATRP for a scheduled operator by DGCA shall be
dependent upon the applicant demonstrating compliance with the requirements
of this CAR.
2.2 A scheduled operator may carry out type rating for pilots employed by it through
an ATRP or an ATO. The Operator’s Conversion Course (OCC) required by
CAR Section 8 Series F Part II may be integrated with the ATRP without the
need to conduct this separately as in the case when the type rating is carried
out in an ATO.
3.1 The operator shall have a minimum fleet of 5 aeroplanes for the type proposed
to be included in the ATRP. For operators with an approved ATRP on one type
of aeroplane, the requirement of a minimum fleet of 5 aeroplanes for another
type may be met by an order of the additional type without the aeroplanes being
held on strength at time of inclusion of the additional type in the ATRP.
3.2 The operator shall have completed minimum 1 year of operations with at least
1 training audit cycle completed by DGCA.
3.3 The operator shall have a minimum of 4 approved ground instructors for each
aeroplane type proposed to be included in the ATRP of which a minimum of 2
performance and 2 technical instructors each, minimum of 4 approved
instructors/designated examiners of which 2 shall be SFI/TRIs and 2 shall be
DEs for the aeroplane type proposed to be included in the ATRP.
Note: Training and checking under the ATRP shall be in accordance with the
type rating syllabus approved by FSD, DGCA
4.2 A scheduled operator may when specifically approved, carry out ground training
and examination for type rating for pilot’s employed with another scheduled
operator who does not meet any or all of the pre-requisites listed in Para 3
above. However, in such a case, the OCC will need to be done separately by
the operator and not integrated with the ATRP.
5.1 The operator shall provide suitable instructions and procedures regarding the
ATRP for the use and guidance of personnel concerned in the Operations
Manual (Part D). This shall contain at least the following information:
5.2 The operator shall ensure that the operations manual is amended as necessary
to keep the information contained therein up to date.
6.1 DGCA shall inspect and approve the ATRP of an operator prior to the
implementation of such training. The approval shall be documented as part of
the Operations Manual Part D approval.
6.2 The issuance of an ATRP approval for an operator and the continued validity of
the approval shall depend upon the operator being in compliance with the
requirements of this CAR.
8.1 The facilities and working environment shall be appropriate for the task to be
performed and be acceptable to the DGCA.
8.2 The operator shall have, or have access to, the necessary information,
equipment, training devices and material to conduct the courses for which it is
approved. FSTDs may be owned or leased.
Note.— The Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training
Devices (Doc 9625) provides guidance on the approval of flight simulation
training devices. Qualification of Flight Simulation Training Devices shall be
done in accordance with Operations Circular 15 of 2014 FTD and FFS
9. Examinations:
9.1. When DGCA has authorized an approved training organization to conduct the
examination required for the issuance of a license or rating, the examination shall be
conducted by personnel authorized by the DGCA or designated by the training
organization in accordance with criteria approved by the DGCA. The following shall
be address in the training policy manual of the ATO.
9.2 Qualification and number of personnel authorized to set the questions for the
question bank.
Note: The tasks as given in 9.2 and 9.3 above should not be assigned to the same
person or persons.
9.7 Policy to ensure the control and secrecy of the question bank.
10.1 The Post-Holder Training of the operator shall be responsible for ensuring
that it is in compliance with the requirements for an ATRP.
10.2 The operator shall employ the necessary personnel to plan, perform and
supervise the training to be conducted.
10.4 The operator shall ensure that all instructional personnel receive initial and
recurrent training appropriate to their assigned tasks and responsibilities.
11.1 The operator shall retain detailed student records to show that all requirements
of the training course have been met as approved by the DGCA.
11.2 The operator shall maintain a system for recording the qualifications and
training of instructional and examining staff, where appropriate.
11.3 The records required by Para 10.1 shall be kept for a minimum period of three
years after completion of the training. The records required by Para 10.2 shall
be retained for a minimum period of three years after the instructor or examiner
ceases to perform a function for the operator.
(B.S. Bhullar)
Director General of Civil Aviation