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• Closed-Loop Recycling

• Mexican Aluminum Industry

• Service Center Metals
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Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Mfrs and Suppliers
Index Page 71
Categories/Companies Page 72
Alphabetical Listing of Companies Page 76
Light Metal World ............................................................................ Page 80
New Equipment Spotlight ............................................................... Page 84
Reg. U.S. Trademark Secondary News ............................................................................. Page 87
“The International Magazine of the Light Metal Industry” Extruder News ................................................................................. Page 88
Contracts & Expansions.................................................................. Page 90
July/August 2013 • Volume 71, No. 4 New Products/New Literature ......................................................... Page 91
International Patent Calendar ......................................................... Page 92
ARTICLES: Conference Calendar ...................................................................... Page 96
World Secondary Aluminum Industry Annual Review Classiieds ....................................................................................... Page 97
By Rudolf P. Pawlek .............................................................Page 6 Personalities & Plants ..................................................................... Page 98
Service Center Metals: In a Land of Hope and Dreams
By Joseph C. Benedyk .........................................................Page 18 COVER: This large, 6 x 7 inch aluminum extruded rectangular bar is one
of Service Center Metals (SCM) 6061 Manifold Thunder Bar products.
Aluminium Two Thousand Congress 2013 – Milan The Virginia extruder tailors its soft alloy extrusion products solely for
Highlights of Extrusion Presentations service center customers. Premium bar products are designed for supe-
By Joseph C. Benedyk .........................................................Page 24 rior machineability with elevated mechanical properties and commercial
Second International Aluminum Recycling dimensional tolerances. At their ten year anniversary mark, SCM has
Workshop, Trondheim, Norway also begun building a compact remelt plant. See story on page 18.
By Anne Kvithyld and John Green .......................................Page 30
Novelis Develops Sustainable Can Stock Copyright © 2013 by Fellom Publishing. All rights reserved.
Articles may not be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Interview with John Gardner, Novelis ........................................... Page 38
Grupo Cuprum: Mexico’s Largest Extrusion Company Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANN MARIE FELLOM
By Andrea Svendsen............................................................Page 40 Associate Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ERIC WESTLUND
IMEDAL Congress Shows Robust Aluminum Industry Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph C. Benedyk
By Andrea Svendsen............................................................Page 44 Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrea Svendsen
Aluminum Recycling in the 21st Century: Circulation Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claudia Compian
Challenges and Opportunities Contributing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rudolf Pawlek
By Marshall Jinlong Wang ....................................................Page 62
LIGHT METAL AGE (ISSN 0024-3345) is published bi-monthly by Fellom Pub-
75th Anniversary for Gillespie & Powers lishing Co., 170 South Spruce Avenue, Suite 120, South San Francisco, CA
Custom Designed Aluminum Melting ......................................Page 66 94080-4519. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 2013, Hard Copy: 1 year U.S.— $52.00; 2
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition .......................................Page 68 years— $66.00; 3 years— $80.00. Surface mail rates, 1 Year— $92.00; 2 years—
$136.00; 3 years— $180.00. Airmail rates, 1 Year — $122.00; 2 years— $206.00; 3
Extrusion Industry News & Technology years— $290.00. Digital: 1 year— $35.00. Back issues $12.00 each plus postage.
Special single copy prices for large directory issues— $15.00 plus postage. In-
Flying Cut Puller Systems ....................................................Page 52 dex— $2.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at South San Francisco, CA, and at
The Beneits of Wet Blasting for Extrusion Die Shops ........Page 54 additional mailing ofices.
New Partnership Creates Tecalex USA ...............................Page 56 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LIGHT METAL AGE, 170 South
Spruce Avenue, Suite 120, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4519.
Brightline Celebrates 60th .....................................................Page 58 Phone: (650) 588-8832 • FAX: (650) 588-0901
Turla Delivers Handling System for Automotive Line ...........Page 60 email: lma@lightmetalage.com • www.lightmetalage.com


The Novelis Yeongju recycling and casting center that opened in October 2012 is the largest aluminum beverage can recycling facility in Asia.
(Photo courtesy of Novelis Inc.)

World Secondary Aluminum Industry Annual Review

By Rudolf P. Pawlek, Contributing Editor

Editor’s Note: Companies covered in this review are those whose content is achieved, then one point is awarded.) Certain
primary business is secondary aluminum production. However, limitations continue to prevent the aluminum industry
this review is also comprised of companies with remelt facilities, from going to 100% recycled content including the avail-
companies that process scrap from semifabricating processes (such ability and quality of recycled content sources, as well as
as extrusion scrap, etc.), and companies that remelt aluminum the ability to maintain consistent inishes on products
products (such as UBCs, automotive parts, etc.). with varying degrees of recycled materials versus those
materials produced with higher concentrations of pri-
This overview covers the period of June 2012 to June mary materials.
2013. In light of increasing energy and raw material pric- The demand for recycled aluminum for the automo-
es for primary aluminum production, scrap is displac- tive market is also increasing, as auto manufacturers aim
ing primary metal as feed for casthouses and foundries to not only decrease the weight in their vehicles, but also
because it can cost 10-20% less. This has resulted in ris- to improve their carbon footprint across the entire value
ing scrap prices and tight supply, which has caused some chain.
smaller secondary smelters and recycling companies to
close. Companies are looking more and more to increase Africa
the worldwide amount of available scrap aluminum. Nigeria
Novelis, Alcoa, and other organizations are investing
in programs to increase the recycling rate of UBCs and In January 2013, the Federal Airports Authority of
other scrap. Several companies are also starting to cre- Nigeria (FAAN) set up a special task force focused on
ate closed-loop programs with their customers in order the disposal of abandoned aircraft in airports across the
to ensure all scrap aluminum created during the manu- country. The aircraft, including models ranging from
facturing process is sent back to the aluminum producer Fokker 28 and Embraer 100 to Boeing 727 and 737, will
for recycling. be taken away, dismantled, and used as scrap aluminum
Some companies have been making major capital in- for recycling and conversion into corrugated aluminum
vestments to expand their recycling capacities. Novelis, rooing sheet, sliding doors, windows, and other small-
in particular, is in the process of doubling its worldwide scale industrial use.
capacity through expansions at its facilities in Germany,
Italy, South Korea, and Brazil. Both Alcoa and Aleris Re- South Africa
cycling have invested in recycling expansions, as well, in
the U.S. and Germany. In November 2012, Hulamin Limited entered into an
Architects and the construction industry in general agreement with Bevcan, a division of Nampak Limited,
continue to move towards a higher recycled content to supply aluminum sheet for the manufacture of alumi-
product. Recycled content in aluminum-based products num bodied beverage cans. Deliveries to Bevcan are ex-
is a valuable asset as it relates to LEED Certiication in pected to increase to 14,000 tons by 2015, in addition to
buildings. The industry still operates under the LEED the can end and tab stock Hulamin already supplies. In
2009 edition, where recycled content materials can con- conjunction with this announcement, the company also
tribute up to two points to a building’s total LEED points. reported that it is considering an appropriate investment
(To achieve the two points the project must have at least in recycling infrastructure to reprocess UBCs back into
20% recycled content, based on cost of the total value can body sheet in a closed-loop recycling system. Bev-
of the materials in the project. If at least 10% recycled erage cans in South Africa, other than for a small per-







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centage of imported all-aluminum cans, have until now cycling joint venture, the undisputed leader in UBC recy-
been made from steel tin-plate with an aluminum end. cling. The two companies previously were partners in the
Currently, over 70% of the steel cans produced in South joint venture, which purchased more recycled cans than
Africa are recovered for recycling and the recycling rate any other group, anywhere in the world. As a result of
is expected to increase as a result of the higher intrinsic the new agreement, Alcoa took over full ownership and
value of the aluminum in the new all-aluminum cans. operation of Evermore Recycling in August 2012, and
made it part of Alcoa’s Global Packaging group. Alcoa’s
Americas Evermore Recycling continues to be based in Nashville,
Brazil TN. Employees of the joint venture were being given op-
portunities to join the respective companies.
At the end of October 2012, Brazil led the world again In September, Alcoa, Alcoa Foundation, and Keep
in aluminum can recycling, with 98.3% of cans recycled America Beautiful (KAB) announced a national com-
by the industry in 2011. Brazil has been ranked number mitment to increase U.S. recycling rates at the Clinton
one in aluminum can recycling since 2001, with 248,700 Global Initiative Annual Meeting. “ Action to Accelerate
tonnes of aluminum cans recycled in 2011 out of 253,100 Recycling” will generate awareness, create incentives,
tonnes consumed. Aluminum can consumption is ex- and provide recycling access and infrastructure so as to
pected to show a 7% year-on-year increase in Brazil. Recy- increase U.S. recycling of aluminum, plastic, glass, and
cling 248,700 tonnes of aluminum saves some 3,780 GWh paper. The commitment, which includes US$2m in fund-
of electricity for the country, which is equivalent to the ing from Alcoa and Alcoa Foundation, is expected to
domestic consumption of 6.5 million people in two mil- engage millions of Americans, and increase the current
lion households. In May 2013, it was reported that Brazil U.S. recycling rate by 10%. Increasing the recycling rate
recycles 21-23 billion aluminum cans. On average, each to 75% would generate close to 300 additional tonnes of
citizen uses about 80 beverage cans per year in Brazil, recycled content, resulting in the avoidance of more than
compared with 78 cans per year in Western Europe and 2,850 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. A recent report
32 cans per year in China. The U.S., at 350 cans per year, from the Blue-Green Alliance also found that a 75% re-
is the runaway leader in consumption. cycling rate for all municipal solid waste creates 1.5 mil-
In August 2012, Novelis announced it was in the pro- lion jobs. “ Action to Accelerate Recycling” includes the
cess of doubling its worldwide recycling capacity from 1.2 design and launch of seven innovative global recycling
million to 2.1 million tonnes at its facilities in Germany, programs, such as Alcoa and Alcoa Foundation initiatives
Italy, South Korea, and Brazil. Work at the company’s Bra- to increase awareness via a “ Pass the Can” Facebook app
zilian subsidiary in Pindamonhangaba was ongoing, with (with donations to aid recycling programs), university
US$35 million invested to double its recycling capacity to recycling challenges and youth led aluminum recycling
400,000 tpy. This will place the Brazilian branch ahead of drives, and programs to educate consumers about the re-
its peers elsewhere in the world once it is completed in cyclability of pet food cans. Keep America Beautiful will
2014. Novelis operates ive can-collecting centers in the focus on initiatives to solicit the industry to pledge a 10%
country, and also acquires scrap from other can collec- increase in the recycling of aluminum, paper, plastic, and
tors and cooperatives. A smaller portion of scrap is im- glass in the workplace through a variety of programs, a
ported from countries like the U.K., Saudi Arabia, Chile, multi-media campaign to reach 200 million people, and
and Peru. Novelis recycles worldwide about 40 billion a program to provide recycling access and develop best
UBCs per year. practices in 4-6 under served public venues (such as state
fairs) with funding from Alcoa.
U.S. In October, Alcoa Foundation and DoSomething.org
announced “ 50 Cans,” the biggest youth-led aluminum
In June 2012, the Aluminum Association testiied be- can recycling drive in the country, targeting high school
fore the U.S. House of Representative’s Energy and Com- students. The goal of the drive was to activate a minimum
merce Committee, Subcommittee on Environment and of 40,000 young people across the U.S. to participate in
the Economy in regards to discussions on the draft bill, the campaign, which ran from October 24 through De-
entitled “ The Increasing Manufacturing Competitiveness cember 18, 2012. “ 50 Cans” used an innovative model to
through Improved Recycling Act of 2012.” Charles John- educate and encourage teens to recycle aluminum cans
son, Association vice president for Environment, Health that otherwise would be thrown in the trash. Using the
and Safety, noted, “ In 2010, Americans recycled US$1.6 Web, social media, and text messaging, teens who ran
billion in aluminum cans. If the industry’s beverage can drives had the chance to win a US$5,000 scholarship, as
recycling of 75% was achieved, the payback to Ameri- well as additional opportunities to win scholarships by
can consumers would be US$2.1 billion.” He pointed sharing statistics about aluminum recycling via text mes-
to aluminum as an industry that provides positive eco- sages.
nomic impact, while mitigating negative environmental In October, Alcoa recognized its Top North American
impacts, due in part to the fact that increasing aluminum Scrap Suppliers for 2012. This marks the eighth consecu-
recycling increases energy eficiency. “The aluminum in- tive year that Alcoa’s Scrap purchasing group has hon-
dustry’s position in favor of recycling is not green wash- ored the best suppliers in terms of safety, quality, volume,
ing,” he said. “ It’s green business for us.” breadth of supply to multiple locations, and delivery per-
In August 2012, the Aluminum Association, the Can formance. These suppliers are: American Iron and Metal
Manufacturers Institute, and the Institute of Scrap Recy- LP (Montreal, Canada), Atlas Metal & Iron Corporation
cling Industries reported that the U.S. recycling rate for (Denver, CO), Commercial Metals Company (Dallas,
aluminum beverage containers jumped seven percentage TX), Jack Engle & Company (Los Angeles, CA), Louis
points, from 58.1% to 65.1% for 2011. This means 61 bil- Padnos Iron and Metal Company (Holland, MI), Omni-
lion cans were recycled in 2011, a milestone that marks source & Omnisource SE Corp. (Fort Wayne, SC), Ser-
solid progress toward the industry’s goal of a 75% recycle vice Aluminum Corporation (Baltimore, MD), Schupan
rate. & Sons Inc. (Kalamazoo, MI), State Metal Industries
In July 2012, Alcoa reached an agreement with Novelis (Camden, NJ), and United Scrap Metal Inc. (Cicero, IL).
whereby Alcoa assumed full control of the Evermore Re- In May, Alcoa announced that its US$21 million Alcoa


Wheel and Transportation Products casthouse expansion other industry sources suggested that Coca-Cola could
at its Barberton, OH, plant is expected to cut in half the coordinate their UBC-buying practices with tolling sup-
total speciic energy used to recycle aluminum for forged pliers in a way that would mitigate any notable spot price
wheels, reducing greenhouse gases, and increasing the increases. The irst trader also said Coca-Cola could use its
overall eficiency and sustainability of the company’s push into UBC scrap purchasing as a bargaining tool in
manufacturing process. One-hundred million pounds negotiating future can sheet supply contracts. Coca-Cola’s
(43,500 tpy) of recycled scrap aluminum is enough to Bottlers’ Sales & Services (CCBSS) unit signed a multiyear
make two million new Alcoa forged aluminum wheels. deal with Novelis covering the supply of can body, end,
The casthouse takes chips and solids from an existing Al- and tab stock earlier in 2012.
coa wheel machining plant in Barberton, as well as from In July 2012, Novelis announced its new organization
Alcoa’s Cleveland, OH, forging plant, and recycles them to procure UBCs in North America, which would make
into aluminum billets. The billets are then shipped to the company the largest UBC buyer in the region. The
other wheel-processing facilities to forge into aluminum announcement followed the company’s decision to with-
wheels. Locating the new facility on the same campus of draw from its Evermore joint venture with Alcoa. All of the
an existing wheel production facility has led to an ap- UBCs procured directly through the new organization will
proximately 90% cut in transportation-related energy be used for its recycling plants in Greensboro, GA; Berea,
use. Construction of the 50,000 sq ft facility began in July KY; and Oswego, NY. Novelis worldwide currently buys the
2011. It is now up and running at full capacity and has equivalent of 40 billion cans a year, worth an estimated
created more than 30 full-time jobs. US$1 billion. Novelis expects its global consumption of
In June 2013, Alcoa and Boeing formed a closed-loop UBCs to grow to more than 60 billion cans by 2015.
program to signiicantly increase the recycling of inter- In January 2013, Novelis announced it was looking to set
nal aluminum aerospace alloys used during the produc- up closed-loop scrap supply chains with its North Ameri-
tion of Boeing airplanes. The announcement was made can automotive aluminum customers, to meet an antici-
at the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget, France. The pro- pated rapid growth in automotive sheet demand in 2013.
gram will entail inter-modal transport of aluminum alloy The increase in auto demand will drive increased sales of
scrap, including advanced alloys, from Boeing facilities lat-rolled sheet, but will also drive the generation of more
in Auburn, WA, and Wichita, KS (as well as third-party scrap. Novelis is looking at setting up closed loops with
processors in Auburn) to Alcoa’s Lafayette, IN, facility auto customers to obtain their scrap for converting it back
for melting and recycling into new aerospace materials. to automotive sheet again. The company has a goal of in-
The program calls for recycling of 2xxx and 7xxx alumi- creasing its use of non-can scrap from 1m tons in 2011 to
num alloys used in the production of wing and fuselage 2m tons annually by 2015, and to 4m tons by 2020. This di-
components of Boeing airplanes. The forms will include versiication into using more non-can scrap will help keep
aluminum extrusions, sheet, and plate products. At the purchasing costs at a manageable level, and Novelis must
outset, approximately 8 million lbs per year (3.630 tpy) of add scrap processing capacity in all of the regions in which
aluminum is expected to be recycled. The new program it operates, including North America, to reach its goal of
also lays the groundwork for expansion of the effort to 80% recycled content by 2020.
capture scrap from Boeing sub-contractors, and to be ex- Also in January, Novelis talked about its global alumi-
panded to include other aluminum scrap forms, includ- num situation. Record high aluminum premiums are a
ing chips that remain after the machining of parts. function of the inancing deals locking up metal in ware-
houses. Novelis is moving from a dependence on primary
aluminum by increasing scrap purchase. Aluminum can
bodies typically have a low primary content, but value-
added products in other sectors have a higher primary
base. The company purchases about 3.5 million tpy of
aluminum, equivalent to about 13,500 tons a day on a
global basis, in the form of a mix of P1020 ingot, sheet
from various primary producers, and scrap. It produces
nearly 20% of the world’s lat-rolled aluminum products,
and its customers include Coca-Cola Co. and automakers
Ford, Audi, and BMW.


The secondary aluminum industry in China has high

Wing spar of a 777 under construction at the Boeing plant in Everette, capacity with a large number of producers; however,
WA. The new closed-loop program with Alcoa will increase recycling industry-related statistics are incomplete. Based on data
of internal aluminum aerospace alloys.
from the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association
Recycling Metal Branch (CMRA), output of second-
At the end of July 2012, Coca-Cola Recycling, Atlanta, ary aluminum hit 4.8 million tons in 2012, but Sunlight
GA, announced it was seeking to boost its UBC scrap pur- Metal’s analytical and statistical model shows it ended up
chasing by at least 50% in 2013, having contracted to pur- at 5.6 million tons, up 7.5% year-on-year. In 2012, China
chase several hundred million pounds of UBC in 2012. consumed 5.13 million tons of secondary aluminum, up
This led some traders to forecast further price increases 10.7%, and imported 2.593 million tons, down 3.5% and
as competition for UBCs mounts, even as others expect shrinking for three years running. At present, import
to see no change as a result, reported Metal Bulletin. UBC contributes to one-third of domestic output. Sunlight
traders said that the company was probably looking at buy- Metal believes domestic scrap is ramping up with a com-
ing tolling capacity at a major can sheet manufacturer, pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14% for the com-
whereby they would simply pay a conversion cost to have ing three years, and that by year 2015 China will see 6.1
their purchased UBCs turned into can sheet. However, million tons of sorting scrap, equivalent to 5 million tons


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of secondary aluminum, and output will hit 7.5 million In April 2013, Yechiu announced that its greenield proj-
tons, but these also depend upon the size of import. ect to expand casting alloy production with 273,600 tpy of
CMRA stated that rapid progress took place for the capacity would be completed between December 2015 and
secondary aluminum industry in 2012, indicating sub- December 2016 and that its R&D center would be com-
stantial energy eficiency and emission reduction. Energy pleted between December 2013 and December 2014. This
consumption averaged at 110 kg of standard coal per expansion was planned following the company’s listing in
ton of secondary aluminum, down 30% from 2008. Data the Shanghai Stock Exchange on April 23, 2012 and raising
from Sunlight Metal shows that more large-scale produc- 1,365 million yuan (US$222 million), but no rapid progress
ers came on-stream, with ten new producers, each boast- was achieved until 2013, owing to insuficient space for the
ing over 300,000 tons of capacity annually. project. Yechiu is the third largest producer of secondary
Over capacity is the key challenge for the secondary aluminum in China. On April 12, 2013, the company invest-
aluminum sector in China. According to CMRA, ca- ed 150 million yuan (US$24.4 million) on its wholly-owned
pacity utilization rate in 2012 was only 70%, indicating Yechiu (Malaysia) project for the expansion of alloy ingot
2,000 kt plus of over capacity. Scrap prices averaged with 218,800 tpy of capacity. By late 2012, Yechiu owned
13,108 yuan/t (US$2,135/t) in 2012, down 4%, and 320,000 tpy of capacity, of which 269,000 tons was from its
ADC12 alloy at 16,109 yuan/t (US$2,623/t), down 9%. Taicang facility in Jiangsu and 51,000 tpy from its Malaysian
Unfair domestic competition and a chaotic market is operation. Upon the expansions in both China and Malay-
driving the secondary aluminum industry into meager sia, its alloy capacity will hit 760,000 tpy by late 2016.
proits and even tighter inancial straits. Despite this, In March 2013, Delta Aluminium Industry in Zhaoq-
top producers in 2012 still expanded their capacity, ei- ing, Guangdong, a joint venture between Daiki Alumini-
ther locally or elsewhere. They hoped to cut down op- um Industry and Mega Sunny, completed a technical up-
erational cost and improve market share by expansion date of its third expansion project. Following the comple-
or building greenield facilities located near automak- tion of its third expansion project with a new greenield
ers and casthouses, aiming for direct supply of molten facility with 70,000 tpy of capacity in February 2012, the
aluminum alloy to die casting lines. Greenield and ex- company’s capacity was brought to 220,000 tpy. At pres-
pansion projects in 2012 included the following. ent, the company owns 300,000 tpy of alloy capacity.
In March 2012, Longda Aluminum Industry (Yantai),
the ifth plant of Lizhong Group, came on-stream with India
35,000 tpy of casting alloy in Yantai, Shandong. Now the
group owns 600,000 tpy of capacity, related to function At the end of July 2012, Japan’s Nikkei MC Aluminium
alloy, casting alloy, and wrought alloy. In the same month, Co. (NMA) and India’s Century Metals Recycling Private
the group began construction on Changchun Longda Ltd. signed a joint venture agreement to build a 42,000-tpy
Aluminum Industry, its sixth alloy plant scheduled to be secondary aluminum alloy plant in Haryana, India. Apart
put into operation in 2013. from aluminum alloy ingots, it will also service nearby cus-
In August 2012, following the construction and opera- tomers with over-the-road molten metal supplies. NMA’s
tion of secondary aluminum facilities in Taiwan, Shang- aim in starting business in India is to keep pace with the
hai, Fujian, and Chongqing, Sigma Group put on-stream country’s rapidly growing aluminum market due to in-
a greenield facility in Rizhao, Shandong, with 100,000 creased auto production. The new company, named CMR
tpy of capacity, mainly serving Hyundai Motor Group. Nikkei India Private Ltd. will have an annual production ca-
Sigma Group is the largest producer of secondary alumi- pacity of 42,000 tons, and will start production in October
num in China. With 800,000 tpy of capacity in operation, 2013. It will use imported aluminum scrap as raw material.
the group is also constructing a sixth facility in Chang-
chun, Jilin, dedicated to products for the FAW Group. By Saudi Arabia
2015, its total capacity will hit 1 million tpy.
In June 2012, Gulf Extrusions was awarded a contract
by an institution in Saudi Arabia to supply 800 tons of
X-ECO recycled aluminum. The product contains 80%
post-consumer recycled content. According to the com-
pany, it is the irst extrusion irm in the Gulf region to
supply alloys from recycled aluminum.

South Korea

In October 2012, Novelis announced the opening of

its aluminum recycling and casting center at its Yeongju
facility, now the largest aluminum beverage can recycling
center in Asia. The Yeongju recycling center is part of a
multi-year, US$400 million expansion of Novelis’ opera-
tions in Korea. Asia is the world’s fastest growing market
for rolled aluminum for beverage cans, cars, and consum-
Sigma’s factory in Shanghai. er electronics. This project will have a capacity of 265,000
tpy, and will increase the company’s total consumption of
In August 2012, Chongqing Soonbest Aluminum Alloy recycled aluminum to over 1.4 million tpy. Novelis expects
moved to its new location in Hechuan District, Chong- to be a major buyer of aluminum scrap throughout Asia
qing, with 66 acres of area and 300,000 tpy of capacity. The due to this investment. UBCs and other aluminum scrap
company also began construction on a greenield facility will be processed by the new facility for remelting and cast-
in Fuling, Chongqing with 100,000 tpy of capacity and an- ing into sheet ingot that will be rolled at the company’s
other project with 100,000 tpy of capacity in Qingyuan, Yeongju and Ulsan plants. When running at full capacity,
Guangdong. By late 2012, its integrated capacity totaled the new operation will add nearly 80 new positions to Nov-
500,000 tpy. elis’ 1,200 employee workforce in Korea.



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Taiwan are consumed outside the home, for example at the work-
place or events and festivals. For this purpose, EAA has de-
At the end of September 2012, Hydro entered into a veloped the “ Every Can Counts” concept, which originally
binding agreement to sell its aluminum remelt plant in started in the U.K. and has meanwhile been introduced in
Taiwan to Ting Sin Metal Co. Ltd. The transaction closed France, Austria, Romania, and Hungary, with Ireland to join
in October. Ting Sin Metal, a company already in the Tai- soon. “ Every Can Counts” points out the importance of re-
wanese aluminum remelt market, will take over the Hydro cycling each and every beverage can, regardless of where its
Aluminium Taiwan operations, while Hydro will focus on contents are actually consumed. EAA continues to encour-
supplying primary metal products to Taiwan. The remelter age the local authorities and waste management companies
has a capacity of about 75,000 tpy of extrusion ingot, and is to improve existing collection and sorting facilities by us-
mainly serving the Taiwanese market. ing the latest available sorting technologies, such as eddy
currents and high-tech recognition systems, which quickly
United Arab Emirates separate aluminum packaging items from other packaging.
In this respect, EAA is happy with the recent European Par-
In February 2013, the Emirates Environmental Group liament report on “Resource Eficiency,” which calls on the
(EEG) reported that every year the United Arab Emir- member states to encourage the use of such technologies.
ates (UAE) consumes more than 500 million aluminum Additionally, the European Parliament for the irst time rec-
beverage cans and collects approximately 5% for recy- ognized materials, such as metals, as “ permanent materials.”
cling, compared to the global average of 63%. In order Due to their characteristics, aluminum and other metals are
to increase the number of aluminum cans collected for ininitely recyclable, and thus from an environmental point
recycling, the organization has launched initiatives to of view are at an equal level with existing categories, such as
encourage various segments of the community (institu- renewable and biodegradable materials.
tions, government, and private entities) to participate
in recycling. “ As one of the GCC’s largest beverage com- France
panies, Aujan Coca Cola Beverages Company (ACCBC)
and Rani Refreshments places great importance on the In March 2013, Constellium held a major ceremony to
environmental sustainability of the business. It is, there- present to customers and partners its ground-breaking
fore, important for us that the packaging is recovered casthouse in Issoire Puy-de-Dôme, France, dedicated to
and reclaimed,” said Roland Ebelt, ceo of Rani Refresh- low density aluminum-lithium alloys. The event signals
ments, one of the companies working with the EEG. The the industrialization of its Airware® alloy technology,
organization managed to collect 6,533 kg of cans on Can which demonstrates a unique combination of strength,
Collection Day, held February 28th, and aims to reach 25 lightness, resistance to fatigue, and recyclability. Airware
tons before the end of 2013. has been selected for the Airbus A350 XWB (internal
In April 2013, Cast Aluminium Industries (CAI), a mid- wing structures, fuselage), the Bombardier C-Series (fu-
stream aluminum producer and recycler, signed a con- selage), and the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Beyond product
tract with Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (Kizad) for innovation, the company had to reinvent some manufac-
the long term allocation of 33,000 sq m of land in close turing processes to industrialize this technology, adopt-
proximity to Emirates Aluminium (EMAL). CAI special- ing a 360° approach to innovation and developing a new
izes in aluminum dross recycling and will be the irst to process to make the recycling of Airware chips possible.
represent “ horizontal integration” in Kizad’s aluminum A total amount of €52 million (US$68.6 million) was ded-
cluster. By setting up a facility in Kizad, the company will icated to this project, which included a pilot phase that
be able to serve its current client base, including EMAL, took place in its R&D center in Voreppe (Isère) three
DUBAL, Alba, and Qatalum, as well as downstream Gulf years ago.
industries. CAI expects to initially export 300 TEUs (con- The company is also engaged in working with aero-
tainers) from the Khalifa Port when the new facility com- space industry partners to maximize recycling opportu-
mences operations in the third quarter of 2014. nities and reduce environmental footprint, noting that
6,000 aircraft are scheduled for retirement by 2025.
Europe Thus, Constellium is a collaborating industrial partner in
the EU’s Process for Advanced Management of End-of-
In July 2012, the European Aluminium Association Life Aircraft (PAMELA) project, which aims to recycle a
(EAA) reported that two out of three aluminum bever- large part of these aircrafts’ aluminum structures.
age cans are recycled in Europe. The overall recycling
rate for aluminum beverage cans in the European Union
(EU-27), including European Free Trade Association
(EFTA) countries and Turkey, increased by 2.4% to 66.7%
in 2010. After the dificult economic situation in the pre-
vious years, the consumption of aluminum beverage cans
increased by a further 2 billion units to a total of 36 bil-
lion cans in 2010. This means that at least 24 billion alu-
minum beverage cans were recycled, resulting in a total
greenhouse gas saving of 2.5 million tonnes— the equiva-
lent of taking 1 million passenger cars off the roads for a
whole year. The EAA is conident that Europe should be
able to recycle three out of four cans by around 2015 with
further growth potential up to 2020. Several European
countries are already close to or above this result, due to
their highly eficient and well-established collection and
sorting infrastructures.
In order to capture the remaining cans, the aluminum Constellium held a ribbon cutting ceremony to present its new cast-
industry and beverage can makers are focusing on cans that house in Issoire, dedicated to the production of Airware products.



In July 2012, Aleris Recycling installed a new two-cham-

ber preheat shaft furnace at its Deizisau Works in Ger-
many. The installation will help the company return the
broadest possible range of aluminum scrap to the pro-
duction cycle using the smallest amount of energy pos-
sible. This is especially important for scrap grades that
contain impurities, such as aluminum lids for yogurt
containers, which are lacquered and require additional
processing. The new Hertwich Ecomelt furnace, said the
company, is well-suited to this kind of scrap. The furnace
has increased the plant’s capacity by 20%. The liquid alu-
minum produced at Deizisau is used for the production
of cylinder heads for an automotive manufacturer in the
area. Novelis began expanding its Goettingen plant to meet growing de-
In August 2012, Aleris acquired the casthouse of Vo- mand for recyclable automotive sheet. (Photo courtesy of Novelis Inc.)
erde Aluminium (Voerdal) in Germany for an undis-
closed fee, after Voerdal declared insolvency in May In May 2013, Novelis announced the expansion of
2012. The casthouse gives Aleris an additional casting its automotive sheet production capacity in Europe, by
capacity of 115,000 tpy and increases Aleris’s manufac- adapting its Goettingen plant in Germany to help meet
turing lexibility, as well as its inishing and recycling ca- growing demand for recyclable aluminum sheet for au-
pacity. Voerdal is a long-time supplier of rolling ingot and tomobile manufacture. The plant will produce 20,000
billet to Aleris. The casthouse assures that Aleris will have tpy of automotive sheet, and a planned second phase
an uninterrupted supply of product to meet increasing will double that capacity. Goettingen currently produces
customer demand. high-quality sheet for the lithographic and packaging
In September 2012, Norsk Hydro ASA announced that markets, as well as painted sheet for a variety of appli-
it would replace the less cost-eficient remelting of cold cations. It also produces aluminum bottles, cartridges,
metal with its in-house primary liquid metal sourcing for cans, and housings using the impact extrusion process.
its Neuss and Grevenbroich rolling mills. In preparation
for the ramp up of primary sourcing in Neuss, Hydro has Italy
secured power contracts with Swedish energy group Vat-
tenfall, totaling 2.2 TWh (250 MW) annually over ive In May 2013, Novelis announced the opening of the
years. This switch to primary metal will allow the compa- €12-million (US$15.5 million) expanded aluminum re-
ny to resume some of the curtailed production at Neuss, cycling and casting operation in Pieve Emanuele, includ-
increasing production to around 150,000 tpy during the ing the installation of an Ecomelt scrap melting furnace
irst half of 2013. of the PS-80 type with preheat shaft. The new furnace
In November 2012, Novelis broke ground on a US$250 increases the recycling rate at the plant from 34% to 80%
million aluminum recycling and casting center at its and is designed for processing 80 tons of metal per day.
plant in Nachterstedt, Germany. Constructed adjacent to The Pieve plant is an integrated recycling, continuous
the company’s existing aluminum rolling mill, the new casting, rolling, and inishing operation. The aluminum
center will enable the company to produce 400,000 tpy of sheet and coil produced at the facility is sold to end users
aluminum sheet ingot from recycled material and is pro- in a number of industrial and construction markets. The
jected to be the world’s largest aluminum recycling cen- Pieve plant also supplies aluminum sheet to other Nov-
ter. The center will process UBCs as well as other forms elis plants in Bresso, Italy and Germany, where it is pro-
of aluminum scrap from across continental Europe. The cessed into pre-painted, textured, and bright inish mate-
company expects the center to create 200 new jobs. In rial for use in transportation, construction, and industrial
June 2013, the company celebrated a rooing ceremony applications, such as rooing, architectural cladding, and
at the Nachterstedt plant, showing that the project is on domestic appliances. The expanded capacity in Italy also
track for commissioning in mid-2014. frees up capacity elsewhere in the Novelis Europe system
In April 2013, Novelis signed an agreement with that is needed for use in growth markets.
Spanish energy solutions provider Abengoa, through
its industrial waste recycling division Befesa, for the
management of all of the aluminum dross produced by
the company’s Nachterstedt recycling plant. Abengoa
will build an aluminum recycling plant in the town of
Bernburg, in the region of Saxony-Anhalt in the east of
the country near to the Novelis plant, which will involve
an investment of approximately €30 million (US$39
million). The new plant will produce 50,000 tpy of alu-
minum casting alloys in addition to its recovery of alu-
minum from dross produced at Novelis’s facility, which
Befesa will then return to Novelis for reuse in a closed-
loop arrangement. The plant will launch in 2014, and
take the company’s total processing capacity at its nine
European recycling plants to 1 million tpy of aluminum
waste. With this new project, Abengoa will become the
leading company in integrated aluminum waste recy-
cling in Germany and will reinforce its position as the Ecomelt scrap melting furnace installed at the newly expanded recy-
European leader in this sector. cling and casting plant at Pieve Emanuele.


Norway (Aluminium, No. 1– 2, 2011) and will account for between
30% and 80% of all raw materials in the future in various
In July 2012, Hydro recycled aluminum from a Ca- production programs.
nadian Halifax plane that was shot down in Belgium in
1944 to create the sheet panels that form the roof of the U.K.
recently inaugurated RAF Bomber Command Associa-
tion Memorial in London. The company donated its ser- In October 2012, Bridgnorth Aluminium (Star Litho),
vices, remelting the aluminum recovered from the WWII one of Europe’s leading producers of lithographic strip,
bomber at its plant in Sunndal, Norway, and then turning ordered a complete brownield casthouse expansion
it into coated metal plates at its Holmestrand rolling mill. from Mechatherm to produce slabs for its state-of-the-art
In August 2012, Hydro announced plans to stop remelt rolling mill and stretch leveling line. Bridgnorth focuses
operations at its Årdal plant. The two casthouses that pro- on maintaining a clean alloy system with a high purity
duce sheet ingot and primary foundry alloys (PFA) were aluminum alloy product range and internal recycling of
using remelting of cold metal to ill capacity, which was process scrap. Mechatherm will supply a 45 tonne top-
found to be unproitable. Instead, the sheet ingot cast- loading tilting-melting furnace with Bloom twin head
house will handle liquid metal from on-site primary pro- regenerative burners, rated for a melt rate of 12 tonnes
duction and the PFA casting operations will no longer be per hour, which will operate with an Altek Sibre Force
needed. under-hearth EMS. The melting furnace will feed a new
45 tonne holding furnace and new 45 tonne VDC slab
Poland casting machine. The complete casting process will be
fully automated, including all functions from the hold-
In November 2012, Polish cast alloy producer Alumet- ing furnace through the metal treatment systems to the
al announced it will increase its capacity to 180,000 tpy casting machine, including a mold metal level control
of secondary aluminum by 2015. Bucking the trend for system. A SCADA system will be provided to monitor all
production cutbacks among other European secondary equipment diagnostics. The project was delayed and irst
producers, the company looks to take advantage of the metal is expected in 2014.
growing demand for material in Poland and other east- In February 2013, billet producer Anglesey Aluminium
ern European countries. Alumetal increased its capacity Metal (AAM) announced the closure of its 65,000 tpy
from 90,000 tpy to 100,000 tpy in 2012, and its goal is remelt facility in Holyhead, Wales. Major losses due to
to increase its market share from 4 to 6% by 2015. It greater competition in the market, material cost increas-
will do this by building a new plant in Germany, due for es and a decline in demand for its products were the rea-
completion by the end of 2014, with a capacity of 80,000 son for the closure. Since the smelter ceased its smelting
tpy. The irst half of 2013 will be dificult, but during capacities in 2009, due to the company being unable to
the second half, Alumetal expects some improvement. secure a commercially viable power contract, AAM has
During this period the market should clear some of its been running remelt operations and producing billet for
overcapacity, and some companies may even be forced the extrusion market. In the last three years, it produced
into bankruptcy, which will leave room for the compa- nearly 250,000 tons of extrusion billets. The company,
ny’s expansion. which is 51% owned by Rio Tinto, had been working to
identify money saving and value-creation potential, along
Russia with other options to ensure the site’s future viability and
to offset the losses, but was ultimately unsuccessful. A
In June 2013, UC Rusal and Israeli company Omen small team will continue working at the site to carry out
High Pressure Die Casting, which specializes in the pro- the decommissioning process and to maintain the site
duction of automotive components from non-ferrous until a buyer can be found.
metals, announced the signing of a MOU outlining de- In March 2013, Jaguar Land Rover announced that it
tails of the creation of a joint venture to produce automo- is developing a new alloy, called RivAlloy, which will have
tive components for the promising domestic car market a higher recycled aluminum content. The chemistry of
of Russia and CIS. The joint venture, which is to be held the alloy will allow it to tolerate higher levels of impuri-
in equal share (50/50), will be based on a production ties from aluminum scrap castings that were previously
site of the Volkhov aluminum smelter (VAZ). Rusal will discarded. The new alloy compliments the company’s on-
provide the joint venture with a 10,000-15,000 sq m pro- going research into recycled aluminum through both its
duction and operation space with a ready infrastructure REALCAR (REcycled ALuminum CAR) and REALCAR 2
and will supply non-alloyed secondary aluminum in 500 projects, which aim to establish closed-loop recycling for
kg sows. The retroitting of the production site is made in aluminum and increase the use of recycled aluminum in
line with the company’s complex capacity optimization
program. Aluminum production at VAZ will be substitut-
ed with the production of value-added products.


In November 2012, Impol from Slovenska Bistrica,

placed an order with Hertwich Engineering, Austria, for
the supply and erection of an Ecomelt scrap melting fur-
nace of the PS-120 type with preheat shaft to be commis-
sioned in July 2013. The production capacity of the fur-
nace is 120 tonnes per day of predominantly proile scrap
and sheet metal. In its 2012 Annual Report, Impol noted
that the processing of secondary aluminum is becoming
increasingly important. Globally, the estimated amount The 2013 Range Rover aluminum body-in-white (courtesy of Jaguar
of secondary aluminum tops 20 million tonnes per year Land Rover).


its cars in order to lower overall vehicle carbon footprint. ity under construction adjacent to the company’s Lafay-
These projects are funded by the U.K. government’s Tech- ette, IN, plant that will provide an additional 20,000 tons
nology Strategy Board with Novelis, STADCO, Norton Alu- of aluminum-lithium. The new facility will supply round
minium, Brunel University, and Innoval as partners. and rectangular ingot for rolled, extruded, and forged
In May 2013, Novelis completed a £1.7 million (US$2.6 applications, in sizes compatible with the largest alumi-
million) upgrade program at its aluminum can recycling num aerospace components in service today. The Lafay-
plant in Warrington, improving eficiency and doubling ette expansion is scheduled to be completed and online
the capacity of its closed-loop recycling system. Mecha- by the end of 2014. These aluminum-lithium expansion
therm supplied a 42 tonne melting furnace for the up- initiatives also provided Alcoa with the opportunity to in-
grade, which also includes a new cleaning line for cans crease their aerospace recycling capabilities.
that will boost the plant’s ability to remove deleterious
materials, such as plastic, from bales of beverage cans be- Acknowledgement
fore they are melted down. The Warrington plant melts
aluminum beverage cans and other types of aluminum Dong Chunming, Sunlight Metal Consulting (Beijing)
scrap into 27 tonne slabs, which are sent to its rolling Ltd., is gratefully acknowledged for compiling the sec-
mills to make can sheet. About 8 billion beverage cans tion on China. He can be contacted at dong.chunming@
are illed in the U.K. every year, and 60% are recycled. yahoo.com. More information on the aluminum industry
The plant also produces Novelis’ new high-recycled con- in China can be found at www.lightmetal.cn.
tent evercan™ aluminum body sheet, which enables bev-
erage companies to offer standard 12 oz. aluminum cans
made from a minimum of 70% recycled content, includ- Rudolf P. Pawlek earned his de-
ing 90% recycled aluminum in the cans’ body sheet. gree in extractive metallurgy at
In June 2013, Alcoa completed the expansion of alumi- the Technical University of Ber-
lin in 1967. After more than 20
num lithium capacity at its Kitts Green facility to serve the years with the primary aluminum
growing demand for the company’s third generation of industry, he founded TS+C, Tech-
aluminum-lithium alloys, which allow airframers to build nical Information Services and
more fuel eficient and lower-cost airplanes versus com- Consulting, Sierre, Switzerland,
posite alternatives. Alcoa projects its aluminum-lithium a service for the aluminum indus-
revenues will quadruple over the next six years to nearly try. He is the author of Primary
US$200 million. The Kitts Green expansion was the sec- Aluminium Smelters and Pro-
ond phase of the three-part expansion program. This ducers of the World, published
included the upgrade and expansion of casting capacity by Beuth Verlag GmbH (www.
at the Kitts Green plant and also expanded capacity at beuth.de). For more information, contact Rudolf Pawlek at:
its Technology Center in Alcoa Center, PA, by 30%. The rudolf.pawlek@span.ch.
third phase of the expansion is a new US$90 million facil-


Service Center Metals: In a Land of Hope and Dreams
A Decade of Dedication to Soft Alloy Extrusion and Still Growing
By Joseph C. Benedyk, Editor

Figure 1. The interior view of Service Center Metals in Prince George, VA.

his year, Service Center Metals (SCM) of Prince the company boasts the second largest market share in
George, VA, will be celebrating a decade of the industry and employs 122 people. In full operation
manufacturing and supporting service centers sometime in 2014, the 24/7 compact remelt plant will
throughout the U.S. by supplying them soft alloy eventually employ 16 people at ive per shift.
extruded products tailored to their needs (Figure 1). An
anniversary celebration in August also marks the build- Milestones, Operations, and Highlights
ing of a new compact remelt plant adjacent to SCM’s ex-
trusion plant. From an extrusion industry perspective, it is obvious
The sharp focus by SCM on supplying distributors of that the consolidation in the aluminum industry shook
metal products was there at the start, when this green- it up and in a way helped create SCM. When SCM irst
ield extrusion plant broke ground in September 2002. started production many workers displaced as a result of
Remarkably, this was the irst greenield extrusion plant Alcoa’s acquisition of Reynolds in 2000 provided an easily
in the U.S. of the size for ten years (and there have been tapped workforce. Later the closure of some of Alumax’s
only two more since). Production began in August 2003 extrusion plants also added to SCM’s experienced work-
on SCM’s irst press named “Elvis.” In 2006, they installed force. All of the company’s founders are former Reynolds
a second press called the “ Boss,” which began production Metals company executives. The company was formed
in April. After ten years of production, July 8, 2002 by Kelley, Dollins, and R.
SCM has shipped over 650 million lbs Randolph “ Randy” Weis, vice presi-
of extrusions to its service center cus- dent of sales and marketing. Extrusion
tomers. production began in August 2003 on
The “ rock and roll” theme that runs Elvis, a 2,800 tonne Presezzi/OMAV
through SCM was inspired by R. Scott press of compact design with a shift-
Kelley, its president and ceo, who is ing stem to reduce dead cycle time to
a big fan of the genre. In describing under 20 seconds. A combination of
the decade long growth of SCM, Kel- chest-type OMAV electric die heaters,
ly says, “ Back in 2003, a lot of people single-cell Castool electric heaters, and
thought we were crazy to start a green- Novatec infrared die ovens make pos-
ield extrusion business. Well it’s been sible the routine 30 die changes per
ten great years, we’re still crazy after day. This press line is equipped with a
all these years, and we’re expanding 100 tonne stretcher to accommodate
again.” Kelley and Lloyd S. “ Chip” the wide range of extrusion weights
Dollins, vice president of operations, produced in 6063 and 6061 billet (0.5-
have been working together (Figure 17 lbs/ft). In February 2005, SCM i-
2) for some time on the compact re- nanced, broke ground, and purchased
melt plant expansion, a project that their second press equipped with a 350
oficially began this January. tonne stretcher. True to form, the new
This project will fulill much of press, the Boss, started production
SCM’s 6063 and 6061 billet needs in Figure 2. Scott Kelley (left) and Chip Dol- in April 2006. It utilizes 14 inch 6063
lins (right) looking over SCM’s plans for the
the near future. It also caps a spectacu- compact remelt plant to supply ingot logs and 6061 billet to produce extrusions
lar decade of growth for SCM. Today, for their extrusion operation. for the service center market, weigh-


Packing lines and
automation in the
extrusion plant
Emmebi offers its customers a variety of packing and finishing plants, planned and built to size,
that meet every industrial requirement, while guaranteeing a product which is 100% made in Italy.
The Emmebi’s production line is also linked to the overall automation in the extrusion department,
by offering innovative technical solutions aimed at improving safety, highly efficient plant
performance and product quality, right up to the final customers. This was a rewarding choice,
which allowed Emmebi to become the leader in the field of packing and automation.

Emmebi srl - Via della tecnologia 12 - 33050 Pavia di Udine (UD) Italy - tel. ++39.0432.675936 fax 685101
www.emmebi.net - emmebi@emmebi.net
Emmebi North America - Mr. Carsten Dede - Division Manager - St. Augustine, FL 32080
USA Phone +1 (904) 806 8871 - carsten.dede@emmebi.us
ing 1.5-60 lbs/ft. The OMAV stretchers on the two SCM hour based on performance. Reducing die change time
presses are the largest in North America for the respec- is an important part of increasing extrusion produc-
tive press sizes. tivity, and SCM has instituted a NASCAR inspired pit
Presently, the two presses housed within the 156,000 stop challenge, whereby workers compete and are rated
sq ft of the SCM plant have a capacity of over 105 million on minimum die change time. The overall indication
lbs/yr and produce some 1,200 products for the service of productivity at SCM is equipment uptime. Both El-
center market, all from 6063 or 6061 aluminum alloys vis and Boss average 85-90% uptime, with Elvis having
(Figure 3). The Elvis and Boss presses are equipped with achieved a record milestone month in February 2012,
programmable logic controls that manage and adjust 120 hitting 95.6%, and Boss having a record month in May
press variables in order to achieve a run-to-recipe extru- 2012, hitting 92.7%.
sion process for each shape (Figure 4). Employee safety at SCM, as part of their mission state-
ment, has been benchmarked since production began
in 2003. Dollins stressed how important this is to the
company and was proud to relay the total case incident
rate (TCIR) history since inception and how SCM has
maintained a low TCIR and improved on it over the
years (Figure 6).

Figure 3. Typical 6063 and 6061 extruded products.

Figure 6. Safety record of SCM from 2003 to 2012 of TCIR history.

In recognition of its business success, SCM has received

many plaudits. In 2006, SCM was rated #10 on Entrepre-
neur magazine’s “ Hot 100” list of faster growing small U.S.
companies; three years later it was recognized as one of
the fastest growing companies in America by Inc. maga-
zine. In 2008, the Virginia Chamber of Commerce rated
SCM as #4 (#1 in manufacturing) in its “ Fantastic 50” list
of successful Virginia companies.

Serving Service Centers 100%

As its name suggests, the mission of SCM all along has

Figure 4. (L-R) Josh Bland, Jamie Spencer, and Philip Moss in front of been to dedicate 100% of their manufacturing and per-
control panels for the Boss.
sonnel resources to service center customers. Supplying
Because the sizes distributors with standard shapes is in the genes of SCM’s
produced by SCM’s El- three founders, who when they started the company in
vis and Boss are often 2002 altogether had 48 years of extrusion business ex-
massive, as required by perience, the majority of which involved serving the dis-
their service center cus- tribution business. The market niche pursued by SCM is
tomers, a robot called growing due to the increase in outsourcing of inventory
“ Hal” (Figure 5) is used management and curtailing of supply chain costs by com-
to assist the packing of panies using aluminum extrusions. SCM estimates that
extrusions that are too service centers sell 16-18% of all soft alloy extrusions in
heavy to handle manu- the U.S. depending on the state of the economy, and it
ally. Hal packs the heavy intends to cater to the market needs of this extrusion
extrusions into bundles, market segment.
which are then aged be- As for product quality and operational eficiency, SCM
fore packing and ship- has set its benchmark goals on customer service. Alto-
ping. gether, their customer service department boasts a total
Crewed for 24/6 of 110 years of experience. At the same time, the digital
production and 24/7 age has made possible SCM’s “ Depot on Demand” prom-
maintenance, SCM’s ise of ive day lead times on order entry to ship. This is
122 employees work enabled by SCM’s rapid turnover and product turns. Ac-
on an incentive system cording to Kelley, “ People don’t want to keep stock on the
that provides a boost to Figure 5. Hal the packing robot at shelves and, when they need it, they need it immediately.
their wages, as much as work at SCM on extrusions too heavy With Depot on Demand, we promise to meet the needs
a doubling of pay per to handle manually. of our service center customers in reducing their inven-



Thanks to the experience of our designers and the use of highly sophisticated
WE PRODUCE programs, we provide reliable extrusion presses in order to optimise operating
PERFECT MACHINES performances. We can offer various levels of control: For the Press only,
TO REALIZE as well as the entire extrusion line. We can also perform complete mechanical,
PERFECT SHAPES hydraulic, electrical revamping operations.
Get in touch with us , we will be very proud to become your partner!

PRESEZZI EXTRUSION North America HeadQuarters:

PRESEZZI EXTRUSION S.p.A. Via Rovereto 3/d
Sales Manager Phone (0039) 039 635011
Chicago, IL -USA-
Fax (0039) 039 63501220
Phone/Fax +1 (847) 676 2459
20871 Vimercate (MB) - ITALY
www. p resezziextr usion.com b.donada@presezziextrusion.com
tories. The difference between larger extruders, who also
have depot programs, and us is that they have inventory
sitting on their loors that they sell from, while every inch
of metal we extrude is already sold. That’s a signiicant dif-
ference.” SCM’s website (www.servicecentermetals.com)
offers their 2012 catalog (The Orange Book) with some
1,200 products along with selected Depot on Demand
products. SCM’s information technology manager, Bob
Neale, is working on a new website that will have a cus-
tomer portal that allows logging on securely to the website
to receive information about their speciic products. This Figure 7. Lathe machining test being conducted at SCM on their
portal will host not only an online catalog of products, but Lightning Rod Tite free machining rod.
will also give customers an immediate dynamic inventory
of their orders as soon as a new die is in the system, includ- extruded plate and square, hexagonal, and rectangular
ing order status, certiication (tensile test results, chemis- bar. High mechanical strength and elongation are also
try, etc.), and all information about delivery. It also pres- key properties in the wide range of structural extrusions
ents customers with hot deals, special pricing for products offered in SCM’s catalogue.
that they have ordered in the past, latest news from SCM,
videos, and (as Neale deines) other cool stuff. Basics of Compact Remelt Plant Expansion
the customer portal are ready to launch.
The 81,000 sq ft building being built for SCM’s com-
Tailoring Extrusion Technology to Service Center Needs pact remelt plant expansion (Figure 8) will help them
close the loop on recycling scrap from their operation
By concentrating its manufacturing skills on service supplemented by scrap from outside sources. The con-
center needs, SCM has tailored its products and their cept involves a three-chamber melting furnace, state-
properties accordingly. In its commitment to quality and of-the-art horizontal log casting equipment to produce
eficiency to deliver superior product to its customers, in both 9 inch and 14 inch diameter logs (Figure 9), and
May 2005, SCM’s Quality Management System received continuous homogenization equipment— all supplied by
ISO 9001:2000 certiication. As an example of a quality Hertwich Engineering. Integrated environmental con-
product tailored to service center needs, SCM boasts bet- trols will guarantee SCM will exceed EPA requirements.
ter metallurgical properties, straightness, dimensional Although semi-continuous vertical DC casting is more
tolerances, and surface quality relative to its competitors. common in the aluminum industry, the continuous hor-
Six Sigma principles have been adopted as the basis of izontal DC casting process has been found to be more
SCM’s continuous improvement program.
Calvin Wiggins, the company’s director of quality and
technical sales service, describes the superior features in
SCM’s Lightning Rod Tite extruded rounds. He points
out that these extruded rounds are mostly supplied in cold
inished diameter tolerances, with a straightness tolerance
of 0.003 inch/ft, and with surface roughness typically at
40-50 microinch rms or ra. Wiggins explains how this is
done, “ It is a combination of special billet chemistry, new
die rotation, careful die maintenance in terms of nitrid-
ing, and abrasive low surface treatment, process control,
and inspection techniques.” Figure 8. New compact remelt plant in construction adjacent to the
With regard to the importance of good machinabil- SCM plant (July 2013).
ity in their products, Wiggins points to the  
current trends in customer machining re-
quirements: unattended manufacturing, a 7  Log Conveyors/Buffers (2)

high degree of automation, tight OD toler- 8  Ultrasonic Log Testing Station

ances, chip breaking characteristics, and, 9  Continuous Log Homogenization Oven

to a lesser degree, surface inish. SCM’s 10  Log Cooling Station

6061 products compete with 6262 alumi- 11 Semi-Automatic Log Banding Station
num alloy extrusions, the latter contain- 9  7 

ing lead and bismuth additions to aid ma- 11 10

chinability. Although conventional 6061
rod extrusions do not normally meet the 6
machinability standards of 6262 rod ex- Homogenizing &
Log Storage Bay 5 

trusions, SCM has succeeded in achieving Melting &
good machinability in their 6061 Lightning Casting Bay 3 

Rod Tite products that competes favorably

1  Scrap Bin Magazine
with 6262 products (Figure 7). A major ad-
2  Automated Scrap Charging Machine
vantage of SCM’s high machinability 6061
products is the absence of lead, which is 1  2  3  Three-Chamber Melting Furnace

requested by more and more customers. 4  Molten Metal Degassers & Filtration (2)

Good machinability is a key property in 5  Horizontal Casting Machines (2)

SCM’s line of lead-free 6061 products that 6  Log Saws (2)

includes not only Lightning Rod Tite, but

also Manifold Thunder Bar and Velocity Figure 9. Schematic representation of the low chart of SCM’s future compact remelt
Plate, as well as a wide range of sizes in plant.


suitable for small volume billet log production at remelt Ten Year Anniversary and Groundbreaking Celebration
plants such as this. It is also used widely for casting forg-
ing bars, small diameter billets, foundry ingots, and Kelley offered insight into the choice of Virginia’s
busbars (see article by H. Zeillinger and A. Beevis, Light Gateway Region for his company’s location, pointing out
Metal Age, June 1997). Hertwich Engineering has made all the logistical and inancial incentives that fostered the
signiicant process improvements assuring that the qual- decision over a decade ago. The choice has been a good
ity of horizontal continuous cast DC logs in the 9 inch one. In 2012, in a ield of 59 Virginia business contend-
and 14 inch diameters used by SCM will be equivalent to ers, SCM was one of ive recipients of the Tayloe Murphy
that usually obtained by vertical DC casting (Figure 10). Resilience Award for its entrepreneurial spirit from Uni-
The expansion project, once completed, is expected to versity of Virginia – Darden School of Business. The ive
add value to SCM’s manufacturing proile. As Dollins has winners represent some of the most resilient businesses
said, “ Why add a compact remelt plant? It will strengthen in Virginia— those which display growth, a dogged en-
our company and position us for future growth.” Some of trepreneurial spirit, and commitment to community in
the advantages that Kelley and Dollins anticipate will be areas facing high unemployment, high poverty, and low
continuous casting of logs in selected lengths for up to three entrepreneurial activity.
days, integrated sawing of logs, and of course cost savings. With SCM’s anniversary celebration, Kelley shared
The two casting lines, named “ Mick” and “ Keith” by Dollins, his thoughts on the past decade. To launch the com-
will have a combined annual capacity of 75 million pounds. pany they began raising money a week before 9/11. At
that point, the three founders were unsure about their
futures, but they stuck it out and shipped their irst
product in 2003. By 2006, after Boss started extruding
product, SCM doubled its plant size and tripled capac-
ity. And although the 2008 recession caused a rough
patch for SCM, the company came out stronger than
ever, with conidence shown by its employees, custom-
ers, and investors in its ability to grow the business. Kel-
ley has always considered “ Land of Hope and Dreams”
by Bruce Springsteen, the company’s theme song. “ It’s
an epic song with train imagery, exploring big dreams,
faith, and hard work. The song concludes by welcom-
ing everybody who wants a new start and willing to pay
the price to climb on board. I can tell you we have a
Figure 10. Stack of 9 inch and 14 inch purchased 6063 and 6061 logs
lot of amazing people on the SCM train. This is the
at SCM will be replaced by logs made at their new compact remelt engine that has and will continue to power SCM into a
plant. bright future.”


Aluminium Two Thousand Congress 2013 – Milan
Highlights of Extrusion Presentations
By Joseph C. Benedyk, Editor

he 8th edi- ysis and Optimiza-
tion of the tion) had instructors
Aluminium from the University
Two Thou- of Bologna, headed
sand Congress, held by professors Luca
during May 14-18, Tomesani and Lo-
2013, in Milan, Italy, renzo Donati, both
and organized by noted extrusion ex-
Interall Srl, was a perts. An anodizing
resounding success workshop (Techno-
with 120 scientiic logical Review and
and technical papers Updating) was led
presented by inter- Figure 1. Delegates from around the world at the recent Aluminium Two Thousand by anodizing special-
national experts de- Congress in Milan, Italy. ists from industry
scribing the latest (Italtecno, MUNK,
developments in aluminum markets, extrusion, anodiz- OMSG, PCS Sales, and Burlingham International) as well
ing, die casting, rolling, coating, and advanced applica- as by consultants Jude Mary Runge, Anne Deacon Juhl,
tions. At inal count, 392 participants from 50 countries and Massimo Masiero. Additionally the Aluminum Anod-
attended the conference, and most attended the various izers Council (AAC) conducted a successful Anodizing
technical sessions (Figure 1). Essentials workshop with 21 registrants. A coating work-
The conference started on the morning of May 14th and shop (Technological Review and Updating in Aluminum
dealt with various issues of “ Markets and Strategies,” direct- Pretreatment before Coating) was led by Fabio Vincenzi,
ly relating to global extrusion markets, aluminum produc- Marcello Rossi, and Federico Vincenzi, all of Italtecno.
tion in the Gulf, LME warehousing, and the new mission This article will review some of the extrusion articles
of ESTAL (European Association for Surface Treatment and presentations at the congress to give our readers an
on Aluminum). Topping off the morning was a special update on some of the latest technology and trends in
focus session on “ Aluminum for Africa, Africa for Alumi- aluminum extrusion.
num,” where presentations were made by political repre-
sentatives of six African countries emphasizing business Review of Aluminum Extrusion Technology Presentations
opportunities in the aluminum industry. These opportu-
nities are emerging at a rapid rate, according to Saul K. A mainstay of all Aluminium Two Thousand conferenc-
Molobi, consul general of South Africa. He has noted, for es, aluminum extrusion technology was a major feature
example, that foreign trade agreements already in place at this world congress, with many of the 120 conference
among African countries, which are part of the Southern papers devoted directly or indirectly to this ield. The
African Development Community (SADC), represent a extrusion sessions reviewed here (Extrusion Dies; Extru-
market of some 200 million customers; further integration sion Plant and Management; Extrusion Process; and Extrusion
is expected in the future among SADC and two other ma- Products, Architectural Applications, and Special Uses/Tests)
jor regional blocks, creating a potential future market of are indicative of the breadth of extrusion knowledge and
some 700 million customers. developments presented at this latest congress.
Afternoon technical sessions on the opening day and Extrusion Dies: The QForm-Extrusion software program
those on the following two days consisted of four parallel developed by QuantorForm Ltd., Moscow, Russia, used in
tracks that included: Extrusion Dies; Extrusion Process; many die making and extrusion companies, has been shown
Extrusion Plant and Management; Extrusion Products, to accurately predict and control non-uniform metal low as
Architectural Applications, and Special Uses/Tests; Anod- the extrusion leaves the die.1 The numerical model used in
izing and Hard Anodizing; Measuring, Testing, Quality this program includes coupled simulation of material low
Techniques, and Corrosion Protection; Metallurgy, Alloy and die deformation that can affect the bearing area during
Billets, and Related Equipment; Casting and Die Casting; extrusion, thus affecting metal low. The model was success-
Roll Technology; and Advanced Forming Processes. All pre- fully tested in practice to assess metal low and formation of
sentations were made in English, and there was  something the front tip of a studied proile (Figure 2).
to learn no matter one’s special interest in this multifaceted
aluminum industry. The last day of the conference sessions
included a “ Russian Technical Day” in the Russian language
tailored for Russian delegates with a dozen presentations on
innovations in extrusion, anodizing, and powder coating.
On May 17th, the day after the three-day congress, con-
gress delegates had the chance to tour one of four Italian
companies: extruders Bodega SPA or Proilati SPA, the
anodizer and coating specialist Ponzio SRL, or extrusion
press builder Presezzi Extrusion SPA.
Also, on May 17th several congress delegates chose to
register for what has become a mainstay of Aluminium
Two Thousand Congress, workshops on extrusion, anod- Figure 2. Front tip of an extruded aluminum proile in coupled simula-
izing, and coating. The extrusion workshop (Process Anal- tion (left) and in practice (right).


Using a 3D CAD model, a fast inite element method (FEM) developed

at ALKO Engineering, Netherlands, called VisualFade, predicts stresses and
deformations in both lat and porthole extrusion dies for given extrusion die
forces.2 Good results were obtained between simulation and experimental
results on two separate dies. Simulation times were fast (2-3 min) although
preparation time for the 3D CAD models was 10-15 min.
Die wear in coated aluminum extrusion dies was investigated by means of
a tribo-tension test developed in a collaboration between ETH Zürich (Insti-
tute of Virtual Manufacturing), Switzerland, and WEFA Inotec, Germany.3
This test (Figure 3) enables the study of tribology in hot extrusion by ac-
counting for temperature, velocity, and pressure. This test has been used to
compare different WEFA CVD (chemical vapor deposition) coatings and alu-
minum alloys to study the effect of these extrusion parameters on friction
moment and shear stress.
In a parallel paper, Joachim Maier of WEFA Inotec presented more data
obtained in the mentioned tribo-tension test showing the advantages of WE-
FA’s CVD coatings over nitride coatings on extrusion dies.4 Market trends
for coated aluminum extrusion dies are high-volume applications like multi-
micro-port proiles, precision round tube proiles, and others, as well as dies
for hard aluminum alloys. The tribo-torsion test makes it possible to investi-
gate the friction and wear mechanisms between different coating layers and
aluminum alloys (Figure 4).
Extrusion die life due to creep and fatigue during repeated cycles of ex-
trusion has been analyzed by means of a comprehensive model developed TECHNOLOGY
at the University of Bologna, Italy, for the prediction of deformation in ex-
trusion dies in creep-fatigue regimes after multiple cycles of extrusion, and TURNING HEADS
this model was validated experimentally in a Gleeble simulator on a speci-
men that reproduced the mandrel on a porthole die (Figure 5).5 The vali-
dated model was applied to evaluating mandrel displacement as a function

Figure 3. Schematic drawing of tribo-torsion test specimen used in tests on a torsion machine
at ETH and test data showing measured friction moment as a function of pressure (left), veloc-
ity (center), and temperature (right) in a study of the friction between 6082 aluminum alloy and
a ceramic two-layer WEFA Inotec CVD coating.

wireless technology

Figure 4. Friction coeficients measured in the tribo-torsion test for three different aluminum +1-800-918-2600
alloys and various die coatings: double layer coatings BE5 (ceramic) and BE21 (boride based),
a coating in development (CID), and conventional nitride. grancoclark.com
U.A.E. (a two-cavity extrusion die with different proiles
which resulted in accelerated delivery and cost-effective
production of thermal break proiles).9
Extrusion Plant and Management: Among the seven pre-
sentations made in this session, three speciically dealt
with extrusion process monitoring and control to man-
age key performance indicators (KPIs) by specially devel-
oped software modules tailored to the extrusion industry.
The software module developed by the Manufacturing
Establishment Group, Liechtenstein, is an electronical-
ly supported system that seeks to optimize overall press
productivity by focusing on the KPIs of lost time, scrap,
and ram speed.10 A new method for automatically setting
extrusion process parameters, developed at the Univer-
Figure 5. Displacement in creep-fatigue cycling of the University of sity of Kaiserlautern, Germany, is based on storing data
Bologna specimen made of H11 steel heat treated to 44-48 HRC. of product features and corresponding optimal process
parameters in a database and employing artiicial intel-
of number of billets extruded in an industrial porthole ligence to estimate initial ram speed and exit tempera-
die used to make tube extrusions based on an experi- ture settings.11 Finally, the goal of the jointly developed
mental pressure-time diagram for a single cycle. software by Uno Informatica/Altair Engineering, Italy, is
The effect of stress accelerated tempering, or how to go beyond the basic analysis of extrusion plant per-
hardness of quenched and tempered hot work tool steels formance that normally utilizes generic KPIs, by allowing
changes with stress at hot working or die casting tempera- managers to create more speciic KPIs that immediately
tures, was reviewed by researchers at the Thermal Pro- identify lack of performance and related causes and pos-
cessing Technology Center (TPTC) at the Illinois Insti- sible solutions.12
tute of Technology, U.S.6 Various types of thermal fatigue Hardware developments coupled with digital controls
tests and hot tensile/creep tests conducted on tapered were described that improve extrusion productivity, en-
specimens (Figure 6) have shown how stress affects hard- ergy conservation, and/or extrusion structural proper-
ness and associated properties, including hot tensile, fa- ties. These included: die temperature controls by Castool
tigue, and creep strength, as well as wear resistance of Tooling Systems, Canada,13 and an energy saving system
these steels; thus, it ranks as one of the fundamental die (ESS) by Presezzi Extrusion, Italy, consisting of a new
failure modes encountered in the extrusion and die cast- generation of drives and motors for the extrusion process
ing industries. that allows for switching off the pumps when the press is
Specialized extrusion die production techniques were idle during the extrusion cycle and selectively switching
presented in papers from Neper Informatica, Italy (auto- off unused motors during extrusion (Figure 7).14 Auto-
matic feature cognition and knowledge base machining mated warehousing, automated ground vehicles (AGVs),
applied to automatic milling of extrusion dies),7 Micro and handling au-
Technica Technologies, Germany (automatic abrasive tomation by Dima-
low machining to improve die life, surface inish, and Simma, Italy, with
throughput of extrusion dies),8 and Gulf Extrusions, special interest
devoted to the lat-
est innovations in
automated ware-
housing at Sepalu-
mic, Genlys, Dijon,
France, where Di-
maSimma’s auto-
mated warehouse
handles up to
3,200 aluminum
extrusion packets
with containers in- Figure 7. Schematic of the patented Presez-
zi Extrusion ESS that provides for 15-25%
terfaced with the reduction in energy consumption during ex-
coating line, ther- trusion operations.
mal break line, and
order commissioning were also presented.15
As part of this session, various innovative aluminum
structures designed by G.C. Giuliani, consultant to Re-
desco Progetti, Italy, were included.16 These exempliied
how aluminum extrusions can improve structural efi-
ciency in innovative connections composed of aluminum
castings and extrusions, use of added extrusions for struc-
tural members, and long pre-stressed extruded beams.
Applying these concepts to large-span trussed roof beams
can lead to savings in material and labor.
Extrusion Process: Researchers from the University of
Bologna conducted experimental and numerical anal-
Figure 6. Hardness (HRC converted from micro-hardness readings) yses, using DEFORM software, on the dynamic evolu-
as a function of applied stress in hot tensile/creep testing at 1,050°F of
tapered and heat treated H13 specimens. tion of grain shape in 6060 alloy during the extrusion
process in direct extrusion of a rod and back extrusion


of a cup shape, before and after static recrystallization of both shapes.17
This model, unlike previous ones, considered the entire evolution pro-
cess, covered the full industrial range of process parameters, and was vali-
dated successfully in analysis of abnormal grain growth in extrusion.

In a joint research program between extruder Alumat & Almax, Italy and
the University of Bologna, several numerical simulations were performed us-
ing HyperXtrude® software in order to evaluate porthole die design prac-
tices on ram force, stress on mandrel legs, and extrudate temperatures in
the extrusion of ZM21 magnesium alloy tubes.18 Several recommendations
were made to reduce ram force, including use of chamfers on leg entrance in
place of radii at corners, addition of an undercut at port exteriors, and relief
on legs and central mandrel.
In research conducted at TU Berlin, Germany, seamless 6060 alloy tubes
with locally varied cross sections with outer diameter constant were extrud-
ed using a stepped mandrel that was axially moved during indirect extru-
sion experiments (Figure 8).19 Microstructures in regions with constant wall
and transition zones were analyzed as a function of extrusion speed and
ratio, while 3D FEM simulations of these tests were conducted to analyze
material low in the process. Such tailored proiles with stronger cross sec-
tions in higher load regions are desired in order to save weight, especially
in vehicles.


Figure 8. Graded transition of indirectly extruded tailored 6060 alloy seamless tubes made at
TU Berlin: wall thickness t = 1.5 mm > t = 7.75 mm, extrusion direction ➞.

The joint article by Italian extruder Proilati, inert gas supplier Messer Italia,
extrusion systems engineering irm Uno Informatica, and software irm Altair
Engineering, Italy catalogued all of the productivity and quality improvements
achieved by application of liquid nitrogen technology in the extrusion of a
complex window proile from 6060 alloy on a 2,200 ton press.20 By using liq-
uid nitrogen injection through the die (N5Nitrogen/Incal technology) various
quality improvements were achieved compared with results from conventional
extrusion dies: better heat removal from die bearings and proile sections re-
sulting in a 20°C temperature reduction at an equivalent extrusion speed of 32
m/min, iner precipitation in the age hardened condition, and better surface
The latest technology in dummy block lubrication was described by James
E. Dyla, president of Amcol, U.S.21 Electrostatically applied boron nitride ce-
ramic powder and air atomized water based organic polymer solutions are
designed to eliminate manual lubrication and fully automate the process of
dummy block lubrication. Both technologies were compared and best prac-
tices in use explored.
Extrusion Products, Architectural Applications, and Special Uses/Tests: Aluminum
extrusions used in solar photovoltaic panel frames, racking systems, and para-
bolic trough concentrated solar power frames as manufactured by Tekna,
Italy, were described in this session.22 Details of thermal expansion guidelines
to use in manufacturing aluminum space frames for the solar industry are
important in designing for static and dynamic stresses resulting from thermal
expansion. Larger Rollers
Consultants from Redesco, Italy, described the specially designed aluminum
extrusions and joining methods used in the new air trafic control tower at the
Barcelona airport, which featured the self-supporting stair and lift core of the
tower that was used as a template for the erection of precast concrete elements
(Figure 9).23 The unique feature of the aluminum extrusions allowed for the
design and construction of the 43.38 m high core.
Standards in force in Italy for thermal break systems used in window and
door frames, as well as curtain walls, were presented by representatives from
Aital (Italian Association for the Surface Treatment of Aluminum), Italy, and
Qualital, Italy, a European manufacturer of windows and doors.24 All the
technical speciications required for aluminum thermal break proiles and
recommendations for every processing step in applying thermal breaks to +1-800-918-2600
aluminum extrusion were listed in this paper. grancoclark.com
Researchers from the Extrusion Die Design for Production of Complex Shape
Fraunhofer Institute for Proiles,” Proc. of the 8th Aluminium Two Thousand World
Mechanics of Materials, Congress, 2013.
Germany, experimentally 2. Koopman, A.J., “ An Innovative and Accurate FEM
characterized and mod- Method for the Prediction of Deformation and Stresses
eled the anisotropic de- in Aluminum Extrusion Dies,” Op. cit.
formation behavior of 3. Becker, C., P. Hora, and J. Maier, “ An Optimized
multi-hollow 6005A-T6 Tribo-testing Method for Coating Investigations for Alu-
and 6008-T6 extrusions minum Extrusion Dies,” Op.cit.
under crash relevant load- 4. Maier, J., “ Tribological Investigation on CVD Coated
ing and compression.25 Extrusion Dies,” Op. cit.
Uniaxial (Figure 10) and 5. Reggiani, B., L. Donati, and L. Tomesani, “ A Com-
biaxial tension, shear, parison between Different Approaches in the Evalua-
and bending tests were tion of Extrusion Die Life: Static Strength, Fatigue, and
performed along with Creep,” Op. cit.
compression tests on full 6. Benedyk, J.C. and P. Nash, “ Stress Accelerated Tem-
size components. The ex- pering of Hot Work Steels as a Failure Mechanism in Alu-
truded proiles exhibited minum Extrusion Tooling and Die Casting Dies,” Op. cit.
pronounced anisotropic 7. Rocco, L., “ Easymill Automatic Cam for Aluminum
deformation and damage Extrusion Dies,” Op. cit.
behavior that was simu- 8. Stackhouse, J., “Beneits of Automating Your Die Pol-
lated satisfactorily. ishing Using Advanced AFM Technology,” Op. cit.
9. Parida, S., “ Non-conventional Die for a Thermal
Conclusion Break Proile,” Op. cit.
10. Dobler, M., “ Aluminum Extrusion Press Down Time
The referenced works Figure 9. Sequential erection of the Monitoring and Extrusion Process Monitoring,” Op. cit.
presented here should give aluminum stair and lift core (top) 11. Pandit, M., “ Extruder Automation System with Self-
readers an indication of the and the reinforced concrete hyper- setting Capability,” Op. Cit.
commitment to aluminum boloid (bottom) for the Barcelona
air trafic control tower.
12. Bertoletti, M., M. Bosisio, P. Longhi, and F. Gen-
extrusion innovation and nari, “ Extrusion Intelligence: OEE Method in Extrusion
practice that the Alumin- Sector,” Op. cit.
ium Two Thousand con- 13. Robbins, P. and M. Rushton, “ An Understanding of
gresses have provided its Flow Stress is Fundamental to Increasing Productivity,”
delegates. More papers on Op. cit.
other links in the extrusion 14. Bonafacio, M., “ Energy Saving System: Reduction
process chain, including of Energy Costs in Extrusion,” Op. cit.
billet metallurgy and cast- 15. Trenti, D., “ Integrated Logistics: Automatic Ware-
ing, coatings, anodizing, houses, AGVs and Handling Automation from the Roll-
quality control, measure- ing Mill up to the Extrusion Plant,” Op. cit.
ment, etc., are part of the 16. Giuliani, G.C., “ Innovative Aluminum Structures,”
congress proceedings. The Op .cit.
oficial Aluminium Two 17. Segatori, A., B. Reggiani, L. Donati, and L. Tome-
Thousand website (www. sani, “ Prediction of Grain Shape Evolution during Extru-
aluminium2000.com) of- sion and Annealing of 6xxx Alloy,” Op. cit.
fers extensive information 18. Pinter T. and B. Reggiani, “ Quantitative Evaluation
about this congress, while of Porthole Die Design Practices by Means of FE Analy-
the numerous articles pub- ses,” Op. cit.
lished in the proceedings of 19. Negendank, M., S. Müller, and W. Reimers, “ Extru-
this congress are available sion of Tailored Aluminum Tubes,” Op. cit.
from the secretariat at Inter- 20. Celani, P., M. Bertoletti, E. Mainetti, A. Ferrentino,
all Srl (aluminium2000@ and C. Secli, “ Considerations about Heat Elimination
interall.it). from Extrusion Dies by Using Liquid Nitrogen: Extrusion
To be sure, Milan was an Speed Increase and Surface Defects Elimination, Metal-
excellent choice of venue Figure 10. Extruded 6005-T6 pro- lurgical Structure Modiication, and Extrusion Process
for this congress, and the ile and engineering stress-strain
curves from different positions in
Simulation,” Op. cit.
Interall staff provided not the longitudinal direction. 21. Dyla, J.E., “ Billet and Block Lubrication Best Prac-
only business opportuni- tices,” Op. cit.
ties to delegates, but also a 22. Barbareschi, G., “ Fabrication of Extruded Alumi-
very attractive social program that allowed participants to num Framing for the Solar Industry,” Op. cit.
discover the beauty and history of Milan. The inal sight- 23. Giuliani, M.E. and G.C. Giuliani, “ The Self Sup-
seeing tour for all participants on May 18th to the Bor- porting Aluminum Core for the Barcelona Airport Tow-
romeo Islands in nearby Lake Maggiore was an enjoyable er,” Op. cit.
conclusion to this congress. Details on the site selection 24. Barbarossa, G.P. and R. Boi, “ Thermal Break Pro-
for the 9th edition of this biannual conference to be held iles for Applications in Architecture: Reference Stan-
in 2015 will be forthcoming from Interall. dards and Recommendations for Manufacturers,” Op.
References 25. Sun, D.Z., A. Ockewitz, G. Falkinger, and F. An-
drieux, “ Characterization and Modeling of the Deforma-
1. Biba, N., S. Stebunov, and A. Lishny, “ Practical Im- tion and Damage Behavior of Thick-walled Aluminum
plementation of Numerical Modeling to Optimization of Proiles,” Op. cit.


Pictorial Highlights– Aluminium Two Thousand, Milan

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Arthur Brace (with wife, Marion) received an (L-R) Dr. Walter Dalla Barba and Patrizia
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Fives North American Combustion.

Professor Lorenzo Donato and Jude Mary Gala Dinner.


Log Washer

Final sight seeing tour at Lago Maggiore. Spectacular display to end of memorable grancoclark.com
days in Milan at Isola Bella.
Figure 1: Participants at the aluminum recycling workshop held in Trondheim.

Second International Aluminum Recycling

Workshop, Trondheim, Norway
By Anne Kvithyld, SINTEF, and John Green, JASG Consulting

n June 9-11, 2013, some 33 representatives changes that have taken place in the industry recently.
from aluminum companies, research insti- One key change is the rapid emergence of China in the
tutions, universities, and other associations production of aluminum (annual global production is es-
from eight countries assembled in Trond- timated at ~60 million tonnes)— they now operate more
heim, Norway, for the Second International Aluminum than 50% of the world’s 231 primary smelters and also
Recycling Workshop. This meeting was a follow-up to a produce ~85% of the world’s supply of magnesium, an
similar meeting held in 2010. In addition to Norway, the important alloying element for aluminum. He went on to
countries represented were Australia, Canada, Germany, note that North America and Europe have become more
France, Turkey, Sweden, and the U.S. The majority of dominant in recycling, having 316 and 273 remelting fa-
workshop attendees are shown in Figure 1. cilities, respectively, as compared to China with 71 plants,
The workshop was organized by SINTEF, the Research according to the International Aluminium Institute. This
Council of Norway, and the Norwegian University of Sci- appears to be part of the evolution of the industry as en-
ence and Technology and was chaired by Anne Kvithyld ergy costs increase in more developed economies.
of SINTEF. In addition, Alcoa, Hydro, and SAPA spon- Green noted that aluminum use in transportation is
sored the event. expected to accelerate not only for reasons of fuel efi-
After the irst meeting three years ago, an Aluminum ciency, performance and safety, but also because of the
Recycling Roadmap was prepared1 with the object of fo- new CAFÉ regulations mandating 54.5 miles per gallon
cusing the interests of all key stakeholders, especially in- by 2025 (currently the value is 27.5 mpg). This large in-
dustrial and academic researchers, on the current status crease can only be met with signiicant additional down-
and technology needs of the recycling of aluminum. The weighting of vehicles through the use of lightweight alu-
Roadmap dealt with the topics of the collection and sort- minum. According to Dick Schultz, Ducker Worldwide,
ing of aluminum scrap, decoating and melting, treatment in 2012 the average U.S. vehicle was estimated to contain
of dross and salt cake, and the reining of melted recy- 343 lbs of aluminum, of which 81% was castings and 19%
cled aluminum. A similar suite of topics was addressed in was wrought material, so this number would clearly con-
this second meeting with a focus on discussions in small tinue to increase.
groups, following brief presentations by experts in spe- In his presentation, Ray Peterson, Aleris International,
ciic topics, and frequent update summaries to the wider explored the changes since the last meeting from the
audience. industrial perspective. He noted there was a greater de-
Kvithyld established four speciic goals for the meet- mand for scrap by all major aluminum companies, driven
ing— set priorities for the existing roadmap on alumi- by sustainability programs. For instance, he noted that
num recycling, disseminate information on aluminum Novelis has set a goal of 80% scrap content in its products
recycling and encourage development of collaborative by the year 2020. The demand for scrap has been accen-
R&D projects, encourage dissemination of best practices tuated by China paying high prices for “ good scrap” and
in all aspects of aluminum recycling, and enhance alumi- causing a tight market. As a result, producers in Europe
num recycling on a global basis. and North America have been forced to process more
heavily contaminated scrap, with a detrimental impact on
Plenary Session cost and the environment. Unfortunately, the export of
scrap not only results in the loss of the metal, but also of
In opening the Plenary Session, John Green, JASG Con- the embedded energy within it. As a result of the tight
sulting, emphasized the important facts that recycling of market, many large companies are pulling more process-
aluminum saves energy, reduces emissions, lowers capi- ing in-house, presumably to better control the scrap.
tal costs, and reduces the balance of payments— critical Peterson noted that more pre-processing is occurring
to the U.S. at present. He went on to note some of the in U.S. plants and scrap yards. This includes eddy current


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machines to remove organic contamination, more use of Discussion Sessions
XRF hand-held analyzers to assist with alloy identiica-
tion, and even use of rare earth magnets to remove para- After the Plenary Session, the agenda moved to the
magnetic materials, such as stainless steels. He also noted heart of the meeting, namely the extensive discussion ses-
that rotary furnaces are becoming larger and more auto- sions on collection and sorting of aluminum scrap, melt-
mated, and some are able to handle organic compounds ing and reining, treatment of dross and salt cake, and
through additions of air or oxygen, which also improves the use of aluminum scrap and its properties and alloy
energy eficiency. Regarding the treatment of dross and development.
salt, he noted that the U.S. is still committed to rotary These sessions were structured to enable many peo-
salt processing due to available and inexpensive landills ple to participate. For example, in each of the four
and no environmental restrictions. Lastly, he mentioned topic areas, there were two speakers, or advocates,
that the concept of an alloy designed for recycling holds who briely laid out the key issues on each topic to
little appeal for manufacturers— in each case they simply the whole conference group. After hearing the key is-
want the most appropriate alloy for the application at the sues, the meeting split up into four smaller groups (6-8
best price. people). These smaller groups worked to develop solu-
Mark Schlesinger, Missouri University of Science and tions, suggestions, or concepts to approach the issues
Technology, explored the changes from the academic laid out by the area experts or advocates. The smaller
viewpoint and had a great perspective due to the sabbati- groups also selected a spokesperson whose job was to
cal year he had spent at SINTEF, where his main accom- report back to the whole group when it reassembled.
plishment had been to complete a new edition of his ex- In this manner, many individuals had an active role in
cellent book, Aluminum Recycling. He discussed several pro- the development of key suggestions or concepts to ad-
cess options for improving aluminum production. As one dress speciic issues.
example, he cited the work of Matsuzaki, et al.,2 where the These issues were tabulated and considered by the
simple act of stirring the aluminum melt provided more whole group. Eventually, each person was given three
heat uniformity, such that less input energy was needed, points (votes) to indicate their considered view of what
and less dross was created (Figure 2). were the best and most important suggestions or con-
Figure 2.   cepts to address the speciic issues in each area. In the
tables that follow it may be seen that there was some di-
versity of opinion, but in most cases it was evident which
were the signiicant issues, and which areas warranted
additional work and research. To improve the clarity
and readability of the tables, when a proposed sugges-
tion did not receive any points (votes), it was generally
Collection and Sorting: The two expert advocates in
this area were John Bufington of MillerCoors Brewing
Company/KTH and Adam Gesing of Gesing Consul-
tants. In his talk, Bufington mentioned that recycling
is the crux for the sustainability of aluminum. He also
mentioned the need to consider the different streams
  of metal and the need to keep them separate. For ex-
Figure 2. Difference of temperature from the upper to the bottom in the ample, the alloys used in aerospace are much different
furnace with and without stirring (Matsuzaki, et al., 2011).2 than those used for containers and packaging. Bufing-
ton also pinpointed several basic issues about recycling.
He also discussed the pros and cons of methods for im- For example, some cultures are more effective in recy-
purity control in molten aluminum and noted the wide cling than others, e.g. Brazil, where there are special
range of alloying additions in some alloys. Regarding conditions to encourage recycling. He also noted that
Fe content, which is frequently cited as a problem ele- mandates work to enhance the collection process, but
ment, he noted the use of sodium borate as a means of tend to come with a political cost. He ended by propos-
controlling Fe levels. The Fe content can be reduced by ing a smart vending machine that would encourage the
~50%, but the disadvantage is that some sodium is intro- process and provide an incentive to reward the recycler.
duced into the metal, see Chen, et al.3 This observation Gesing noted that the main issue in collection is with
prompted several discussions, and eventually a consensus old scrap; new scrap generated in a production process
was reached that as long as aluminum use continues to from side and edge trim, for example, is all collected and
expand, the simplest and most economical method to promptly recycled. He reviewed the sources of the vari-
control metal impurities, such as Fe, Si, etc., is by dilu- ous types of scrap and concluded that the main issue is
tion with virgin aluminum. with the 11 million tons per year of post-consumer mate-
Stian Nygaard, SINTEF, discussed the many opportu- rial. He also compared the numerous sorting technolo-
nities for international cooperation that are presently gies now available, as well as the cleaning technologies
available in the European Union (EU) for R&D in the and made the point that cleaner scrap provides greater
aluminum area. He noted the program Sustainable Pro- yields in recycling.
cess Industry through Resource and Energy Eficiency Here, an extensive discussion centered on the recycling
(SPIRE) in the EU and suggested the SPIRE technology of automotive hulks. The issue was whether it is better
roadmap as a place to learn more about their projects.4 to shred the auto hulk completely (taking ~40 seconds)
There is a call for aluminum projects in the future, and then use capital intensive automated sorting technol-
many of which require a foreign partner with shared ogy, as is practiced in North America, or whether there
efforts and funding. He noted that there were already should be some speciic, labor-intensive dismantling of
many aluminum oriented programs by the Research aluminum-rich components, such as the powertrain.
Council of Norway and the Centres for Research-based The latter approach was generally favored by Europeans,
Innovation. because of the relatively lower salary structure and capi-


Grp # Suggestions Points Rank Grp # Suggestions Points Rank
For old scrap, determine whether it is better to upgrade An option: decoating before melting at the same plant
the scrap or route it into existing secondary alloys, which 2 can control emissions and recover energy, but at a
can be batched from mixed scrap. cost of additional investment and more complicated
1 Cleaning is an important step to reduce melt losses and logistics. Decoating results in fewer inclusions. UBC
maintain product purity when going from collection to recycling provides a reference standard for an efficient
12 1 1 decoating and melting method.
sorting. Few participants in the recycling process chain
want to consider this step. It is better to remove iron from scrap before melting,
Recycling works better in EU than in US. Need to than refining it from the molten metal. Any proposed
change attitudes in US, to set up some system to reward 3 process for Fe and Si removal from the melt (e.g. 8 4
behavior. fractional solidification), needs to compete
There are challenges with a number of different alloys, economically with dilution by prime.
but there will always be sufficient primary metal that can 1 Need a de-magging process that removes and
be used for dilution. recovers Mg; options are vapor and electrorefining
13 1
Need more knowledge concerning recycling in India and processes. Problem with de-magging of high-Mg
Asia. 2 alloys is dross generation and high metal loss.
No action required for new scrap. 1 Silicon removal, why should we? Can we? 4
For old scrap, there is a need to get the public more Can we change furnace design for Al? For instance,
involved in pre-sorting in-house waste. 4
high productivity, low melt loss furnace designs.
Consider increased dismantling of End Of Life vehicles
5 Safety is first, accidents affect all of us. Air bags are
for better recycling efficiency.
Define sorting and process lines of different products, becoming an issue, but some are surviving the recycling 2
3 process and exploding in the melting furnaces.
such as dross, collected scrap. Technologies are there,
we just need to convince industry that there is a return 9 3 Melting coated scrap and using organics as a fuel
on investment. Maybe this is a role for the Aluminum source. Need better models on how to use that. Need 9 3
Association. to better understand organic contaminants.
Involve scrap dealers in considering improved Inclusion removal is an issue for any secondary
8 4 6
technologies for scrap sorting. material.
Biggest bottleneck for old scrap is collection. We need Real time chemical analysis inside a furnace during
more knowledge of old scrap sources by market and 12 1 8 4
also of metal losses.
Off-gas treatment: any technological change for
Need to understand different country and cultural issues.
4 1 remelters must meet regulations for emissions and
Plans for one country may not work in another. 2
Plenty of primary aluminum is available, so maybe it is 4 safety, and must keep up with changing regulations.
not necessary to concentrate so much on sorting – 1 Can industry affect these regulations?
dilution is easier. There is scope for improvement in optimizing salt flux. 10 2

Table I. Issues and suggestions for the collection and sorting of alu- Table II. Issues and suggestions for the melting and reining of alumi-
minum scrap. num scrap.

tal costs and the current high unemployment situation and control NOx emissions, and provided a schematic
there. This is a good example of different approaches be- for the wet scrubbing of furnace off-gas. Again, extensive
ing preferred in different parts of the world, depending discussions occurred and the key points are tabulated in
on local economics. Table II.
After these introductions, the four groups discussed Treatment of Dross and Salt Cake: The second day of dis-
the issues further and all suggestions for the collection cussions followed a similar format with the advocates be-
and sorting of aluminum scrap were tabulated by group, ing Ralf Urbach, Ingenieurberatung für Metallurgie und
together with points accumulated and the resulting rank- Rohstoffe, and Anne Pichat, Constellium. Urbach started
ing in Table I. off by deining dross and describing its generation. He
Melting and Reining: A similar discussion process estimated that dross represents about 2% of yearly ingot
was adopted in the case of the melting and reining of production or, assuming that dross contains ~60% Al,
aluminum scrap. In this case the advocates were John around 3.2 million tons of dross. He noted that the ob-
Grandield of Grandield Technology and Christoph ject is to minimize dross formation for the minimum cost
Schmitz of ALCUTEC Engineering. Grandield, a con- and metal loss. He also mentioned that dross formation
sultant from Australia, started by pointing out all the can range from 1-6% depending on process variables,
ways a consultant can interact in a project and illustrat- such as temperature, stirring, and alloy additions, Mg-
ed this by an example of recent work in tracking the containing alloys being especially prone. In the furnace,
increase in Ni and V impurities in aluminum alloys. He the use of fused salts can have markedly beneicial effects
noted that in luxing there are many different systems in reducing the entrapment of liquid metal. A big differ-
of delivering essentially the same technology and the ence is in the regulations regarding the disposal of salt
consultant can help in assessing the relative merits of slag. In Europe, this material is considered hazardous
each. He then went on to compare the merits of the and, accordingly, is extensively treated, while in the U.S.
new Advanced Compacted Filtration process for mol- it is not considered hazardous and can be landilled. This
ten metal and showed it was superior to other iltra- arbitrary distinction drives a lot of the technology differ-
tion schemes.5 Lastly, he discussed the potential for a ences.
de-magging process and indicated the potential beneit Pichat presented a series of low diagrams for dross for-
of such a process to both aluminum and magnesium in- mation and factors which impact the process. She also
dustries if it could be invented. examined slag formation in the same manner. From the
Schmitz discussed the issues from the perspective of environmental perspective, it is important to try to mini-
melting, furnace control and design, and waste gas clean- mize salt use, as this in turn lowers fume and dust collec-
ing. He pointed out the importance of melt stirring in en- tion requirements. In terms of processing, it is critical to
ergy reduction and also the use of organic contamination reduce the cooling time for dross as this minimizes subse-
in providing additional energy to the melter. He cited the quent oxidation of the metal. After these introductions,
advantages of automated furnace controls and pointed discussions took place and the suggestions are tabulated
out how burner controls can minimize CO2 formation in Table III.


Grp # Suggestions Points Rank Grp # Suggestions Points Rank
Reduce the amount of oxidation occuring outside the furnace Recycling-friendly alloys? Manufacturers want best
2 5
and recover as much Al as possible. material for application.
Study the effectiveness and safe handling of reactive salts
Need to take common alloy scrap materials and learn to
containing nitrates and sulfates on their ability to separate the 6 4
molten Al from dross.
1 move it to a higher value material; use different process 2
Maximize dross/Al recovery with a dedicated furnace; skim such a powder production.
dross and put it directly in dedicated furnace containing a Should be working with OEMs to influence alloy
1 1
metal vortex. Dross won’t be cooled. Low metal content salt- 4 development and selection.
oxide balls would form in vortex. Would need multiple Need a standard method to calculate percent of recycled
furnaces for non-compatible alloys. 12 2
Study possibility of estimating metal content of dross in
6 4 Pressure from market for recycled materials in products is
furnace: Thermography? System to measure weight gain?
not as high as anticipated — still not mandated by 1
Landfilling of salt cake; why hazardous in EU and not in U.S.? 2 regulations.
Economics of salt-free melting vs salt/ processing/ recycling. 1 Availability of post-consumer scrap is not high, but is
How to reduce dross, make melting process as efficient and 3
2 increasing.
environmentally friendly as possible: strike balance between Focus on recycling into lower grade materials as well as
12 1 1
dross generation and general energy efficiency. Seek to
products higher in the value chain.
maintain high productivity and reduce dross.
2 Work on alloy development on how to use recycled metal
Fundamental research to establish best melting practice to 2
in extrusion and rolling lines.
minimize oxidation, as well as skimming practice, burner
2 Work to ensure that low CO2 is credited properly with
operation, surface area/size of parts/slabs/ingots, influence of 2
atmosphere. products containing recycled Al.
Study the impact of furnace design, surface area, and Study chemistry and properties in alloy development,
9 3
temperature on dross formation. tolerance testing, and mechanical corrosion resistance — 1
Re-evaluate fluxing practices/combinations for releasing the adjust compositions while maintaining properties.
Al, i.e. impact of fluorides and chlorides on skin and of various 1 For now, better to dismantle cars, especially for items like
3 inert atmospheres on oxide strength and thickening. 7 4
3 engine blocks.
Consider automated skimming. 4 Restructure mechanics of scrap system; educate scrap
Why still using salt? Create guidelines of when and where to 1
2 supplier for properties.
use salt and, if so, what kinds of salt.
Review regulations and barriers for upgrading of recycled
Study the interaction of refractories, liquid metals, and salts. 2 1
material, e.g. into aerospace applications.
Pros and cons of salt vs salt-free treatment, including
economics and process analysis (centrifuge vs paddle). With Define alloys which are more or less sensitive to
12 1 1
trends for less landfills, need salt-free processing with high recycling, both cast and wrought.
recovery. Is this possible? Specification of a recycling-friendly alloy. Need new
Develop efficient, manageable quick quenching of salt slag 4 alloys?
4 dross. Need better understanding of effect of all contaminants on
Immediate skim-metal separation, e.g. reactive salts sidewell. 1
16 1
alloy properties.
Electrolysis of dross? Done in Australia for a non-Mg alloy. Find efficient, low cost refining technologies. 8 3
Rather than using a salt-free process, put back in cell, melt
scrap in salt bath, then use electrolysis to clean oxides out of
Table IV. Issues and suggestions for the use of aluminum scrap and
salt—no dross is generated.
its properties and alloy development.
Table III. Issues and suggestions for the treatment of dross and salt
cake from aluminum recycling. ees and are listed in order of decreasing points (votes)
received (note that the votes received should only be
Use of Aluminum Scrap, Properties and Alloy Development: considered as a qualitative measure):
In this last discussion series, Snorre Fjeldbo of Hydro • There is a need for better understanding of the
and Ola Jensrud of SINTEF were the advocates. Fjeld- effect of all contaminants from major and minor ele-
bo, following up on suggestions from Das published in ments on alloy properties. (16 votes)
Light Metal Age, 2006,6 explored the concept of recycling • There is a need for a de-magging process that re-
friendly alloys. He contrasted several possible alloy com- moves and recovers magnesium— the problem with de-
positions for the major alloy series, concluding by advo- magging of high-Mg containing alloys is dross genera-
cating an AA6060 alloy for extruded proiles. He indicat- tion and high metal loss. (13 votes)
ed this alloy should have the required strength, surface • Cleaning is an important step to reduce melt loss
quality, and corrosion resistance, as well as the mechani- and maintain product purity when going from collec-
cal properties and chemistry to gain acceptance in the tion to sorting; unfortunately few participants in the
marketplace. recycling chain want to consider this step. (12 votes)
Jensrud detailed all the manufacturing steps and com- • The biggest bottleneck for old scrap is collection;
plexities involved with specifying and manufacturing an more knowledge is needed of old scrap sources by mar-
automotive component to be produced on three differ- ket and also of metal losses. (12 votes)
ent continents. As an example, Jensrud cited a AA6082 • How do we reduce dross formation while making the
chassis component, a front lower control arm in forged melting process as eficient and environmentally friendly
aluminum, which was planned to contain up to 75% old as possible? What is the correct balance between dross
aluminum scrap. Different possible processing routes generation and energy eficiency? (12 votes)
were also explored. Finally Jensrud reviewed some of the • There is a need for the pros and cons of salt versus
lessons learned from the EU Superlight Car project that salt-free treatment, including economic and process
was fabricated using a multi-materials approach and con- analysis (centrifuge vs paddle) with trends to minimize
tained some 53% Al, 36% steel, and 7% Mg. Again the landills. There is also a need for salt-free processing
suggestions, needs, and concepts generated during the with high recovery rates— is this possible? (12 votes)
discussion are shown in Table IV. • A standard method to calculate the percentage of
recycled metal is needed. (12 votes)
Summary • There is scope for improvement in the salt-lux
process. (10 votes)
The following needs, suggestions, or statements re- • Better models are needed on melting coated scrap
ceived a broad measure of support from the attend- and taking advantage of the coatings as a fuel source,


as well as a better understanding of the organic con-
taminants. (9 votes)
• Study of the impact of furnace design, surface
area, and temperature on dross formation is needed.
(9 votes)
• Deine the sorting and processing lines for differ-
ent products; technologies are available, but industry
needs conviction that ROI is suitable. (9 votes)


The authors greatly appreciate the inancial support

of the event sponsors. John Green would also like to ac-
knowledge the great hospitality of the conference orga-
nizers. All attendees must have fond memories of histori-
cal walks in beautiful Trondheim (Figure 3), of aquavit
tastings, and especially of great restaurants!


1. “ Roadmap – From Europe and North America:

Workshop on Aluminium Recycling,” SINTEF, June 13-
15, 2010, www.sintef.no/upload/Materialer_kjemi/do Figure 3. View from workshop dinner, where the Munkholmen medi-
kumenter/roadmap-aluminium-recycling-web.pdf. eval fortress can be seen in the middle of the Trondheim fjord.
2. Matsuzaki, Kunio, Toru Shimizu, Yoichi Murakoshi,
and Kenzo Takahashi, “ Evaluation of Effects of Stirring search Area, July 2012, www.spire2030.eu/uploads/Mod
in a Melting Furnace for Aluminum,” Light Metals 2011, ules/Documents/spire-roadmap_broch_july2013_pbp.
TMS, 2011, pp. 1,199- 1,203. pdf.
3. Chen, Chong, Jun Wang, Da Shu, Jing Xue, Bao-de 5. Breton, Francis, Peter Waite, and Patrice Robichaud,
sun, Yong-sheng Xue, and Qing-min Yan, “ Iron reduction “Advanced Compact Filtration (ACF): An eficient and
in aluminum by electroslag reining,” Transactions of Non- lexible iltration process,” Light Metals 2013, TMS, 2013,
ferrous Metal Society of China, Vol. 22, Issue 4, 2012, pp. pp. 967- 972.
964−969. 6. Das, Subodh K., “ Designing Aluminum Alloys for a
4. “ Sustainable Process Industry through Resource Recycle-Friendly World,” Light Metal Age, Vol, 64, No. 3,
and Energy Eficiency – SPIRE Roadmap,” European Re- 2006, pp. 26-32.

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Novelis Develops Sustainable Can Stock
Interview with John Gardner, Chief Sustainability Oficer at Novelis

ince the beginning of 2011, tent can sheet to customers. We are also putting sys-
John Gardner has served as tems in place to manage globally integrated recycling
Novelis’ irst chief sustain- infrastructure, including the kinds of supply chain
ability oficer. He has been tools necessary to be able to trace high-recycled con-
with Novelis for more than 28 years, tent as part of a standard certiication process through
spending much of his time in Eu- our system.
rope in a variety of roles, including
positions within sales and market- Tell us a bit about the certiication process for evercan. Why
ing, operations, human resources, was this important?
recycling, and corporate affairs. As Our entire supply chain was reviewed, audited, and
chief sustainability oficer, he is re- certiied by SCS Global Services, the top provider of
sponsible for leading the develop- John Gardner. environmental and sustainability certiications and cre-
ment of a globally integrated sus- ator of the Forest Stewardship Council certiication for
tainability strategy that relects the company’s commit- responsible forestry management. This process begins
ment to delivering sustainable solutions in its processes from the point of sourcing UBCs and continues through
and products. This commitment has led the company to the preparation and remelting process in our recycling
pursue the development of new high-recycled content centers. Each ingot and coil is followed through the
products, such as the evercan™ , as well as expand its re- processing in our plants, and shipping to canmakers
cycling operations around the world. and ultimately to brand holders for illing. We have the
ability to trace the full chain from end to end to ensure
Novelis recently introduced its evercan aluminum can body that consumers can be certain the aluminum cans they
sheet with high recycled content. Please tell us more about this are purchasing contain high-recycled content. We will
new can sheet. What alloy is it made from? also be regularly audited by SCS to review documen-
The Novelis evercan beverage can sheet is can body tation and traceability to ensure we continue to meet
stock that is made from 90% recycled content. It’s the these rigorous standards.
industry’s irst independently certiied, high-recycled
content aluminum designed speciically for the beverage Will all of Novelis’ operations be manufacturing the evercan
can market. When this new can body is combined with material, or only select facilities?
the can end, the resulting beverage can contains a signii- Novelis’ evercan will be globally available by the end
cantly higher percentage of recycled content than exists of the year. As of today, three of Novelis’ recycling fa-
in today’s aluminum beverage cans. It is the same alloy cilities— Berea, KY, and Greensboro, GA, in the U.S.
as standard can body stock, but certiied to contain high- and Latchford in the U.K.—have been certiied by SCS
recycled content. Global Services. By the end of 2013, the company plans
to have its recycling centers in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil;
How long has the evercan solution been in development? What Yeongju, South Korea; and Oswego, NY, also certiied to
prompted its development? produce evercan.
We began work on the program
more than a year ago; however, we What are the beneits of the evercan prod-
began the certiication process for uct? What impact will it have on the alumi-
this irst phase offering of the 90% num recycling and can industries?
recycled content can body stock early The high-recycled content in ever-
this year. This program is part of our can showcases the great sustainable
commitment to sustainable aluminum qualities of the aluminum can. It’s a
product innovation and our goal to perfect example of a circular economy
reach 80% recycled content in our where we can realize greater beneit by
products by 2020. closing the loop and recovering more
In addition, consumers in many post-consumer UBCs and making new
parts of the world are increasingly ones that contain the highest levels of
making purchase decisions based recycled content— it is environmental-
upon the sustainability characteristics ly and economically optimal. Purchas-
of the product they’re buying. A can ing beverages in an evercan will enable
with high-recycled content will allow environmentally conscious consumers
those consumers to do their part to to enjoy sustainable products and raise
help reduce the impact to our envi- the visibility of recycling as a consumer
ronment and encourage more end-of- initiative.
life recycling.
Have any companies signed contracts as
What technical challenges were faced in of yet to use the material in their cans?
developing a high-recycled content alloy for We are very encouraged by the in-
can body sheet? How were these overcome? terest we have received from custom-
We have been investing heavily ers on evercan. Now that we have an-
in our recycling infrastructure and nounced our certiication program,
technology around the world, so that we are engaged in discussions with nu-
we now have the volume and scale merous customers regarding potential
globally to offer high-recycled con- evercan agreements.


Last summer, Novelis announced that it was working to de- recycling investments strengthen our ability to process
velop a unialloy solution for aluminum cans with the ultimate recycled materials in all four regions where we operate,
aim of bringing recycled content in cans up to 100%. How is taking into account scrap availability in the region and
Novelis progressing toward this goal? Does the company have a our rolled product demand.
completion date by which they hope to accomplish this? We recently commissioned an aluminum recycling and
For the past 18 months, the Research & Technology casting center at our Yeongju, South Korea, facility. The
team has been working on alloy chemistry and the tech- new operation is the largest aluminum beverage can recy-
nology around can forming and continues to explore fur- cling center in Asia. The Yeongju recycling center is part
ther development. The 90% recycled content can body of a multi-year, $400 million expansion of Novelis’ opera-
sheet is the irst step towards our ultimate vision of a can tions in Korea. Asia is the world’s fastest growing market
made from up to 100% recycled material. This is a long- for rolled aluminum used to create beverage cans, cars,
term development project. It’s premature to speculate on and consumer electronics.
any speciic timelines. We also have a $32 million recycling investment under
way at our plant in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil. The ex-
Novelis has a goal to achieve 80% recycled content in its products pansion includes a state-of-the-art recycling line that will
by 2020. How well is the company progressing toward that goal? nearly double the plant’s capacity to recycle UBCs and
We are making meaningful progress against our goals other aluminum scrap from 200,000 tonnes per year to
and are starting to see some real beneits from our global 390,000 tonnes per year.
recycling strategy. We began this journey when we were at Work progresses on our 400 kilotonne recycling and
33% recycled content globally. In just two short years, we casting facility in Nachterstedt, Germany, that will ulti-
have increased this to 43%. Our mid-decade goal of 50% mately be the world’s largest and most high-tech scrap
is well within reach. recycling center. Slated to open in July 2014, the center
will process UBCs as well as numerous other forms of alu-
Novelis has been working to expand its recycling operations minum scrap from across continental Europe.
across the world, including the Pieve Emanuele facility in Mi- We also recently commissioned a new aluminum recy-
lan, Italy, its facility in Nachterstedt, Germany, its center in cling and continuous casting line at our Pieve Emanuele
Yeongju, South Korea, and the plant in Pindamonhangaba, facility in Milan. The $15 million expansion brings ad-
Brazil. Please tell us more about these efforts. vanced technology that will enable the company to recy-
We have a number of important recycling projects un- cle aluminum scrap into high quality aluminum sheet for
der way that support our 80% recycled content target. further processing at operations in Italy and Germany.
Over the past two years, Novelis has launched nearly $450 At Novelis, these aggressive investments in recycling
million in projects designed to increase Novelis’ recy- projects are making our closed-loop business model
cling and casting capacity to 2.1 million tonnes by 2015. more eficient, while also providing a secure, predictable
We conduct strategic reviews of our business to deter- supply of recycled input material for our plants and the
mine where and when to fund capital investments. Our global customers we serve.


Grupo Cuprum: Mexico’s Largest Extrusion Company
Leading Producer of Windows, Ladders, and Fabricated Products
By Andrea Svendsen, Managing Editor

hrough various acquisitions and moderniza- sell architectural proiles, glass, and hardware directly
tions, Grupo Cuprum has grown over its 65 to small manufacturers of custom made windows). The
years to become the largest aluminum extrusion group also has a contract with Home Depot for the sale
company in Mexico. The privately owned com- of standard sized windows.
pany incorporates vertical integration and value-added Ladders represent a signiicant part of the group’s
production to set themselves apart from other produc- overall business (21%). Located close to the extrusion
ers. Not only does the company cast its own billet, but it plant in Monterrey, the facility manufactures ladders out
also provides fabrication services and maintains its own of aluminum, iberglass, wood, and steel and ships them
fabricated windows shop and ladder manufacturing. Dur- to their distribution centers throughout Canada and the
ing a recent visit to Mexico City, Light Metal Age was in- U.S. Ladder brands in which Grupo Cuprum aluminum
vited to visit the company’s extrusion plant, which houses can be found include Louisville (100% owned by Cu-
a complete production chain, from billet production to prum), Davidson, DeWalt, and Black & Decker.
extrusion to powder coating and anodizing. The tour was In the architectural arena, the group sells aluminum
hosted by Jorge Salazar, plant manager, who presented proiles for curtain wall projects around the world, in-
information about the overall company, as well as the cluding the Austonian Tower in Austin, TX; the Chicago
Mexico City plant and its capabilities. Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL; Terminal One at the
JFK Airport in New York, NY; and the roof of the Cape
Group History and Overview Town Stadium built for the 2010 World Cup in South Af-
rica, as well as numerous buildings throughout Mexico.
Cuprum was founded in 1948 in the city of Monter- Grupo Cuprum is the leading producer of aluminum
rey with one 170 tonne press for the extrusion of cop- windows and doors in Mexico, where there are few stan-
per (“ cuprum” is Latin for “ copper” ), and ten years later dard window sizes, though standard windows are starting
switched its production over to the manufacturing of to be used in high volume construction. While building
aluminum extrusions (Figure 1). In 1989, the company a new structure, construction companies in Mexico will
was acquired by Grupo Imsa, which maintained owner- leave an opening, which will later be measured and it-
ship of the company until 2010, when the two owning ted with a custom window. Cuprum provides stock sized
families divided ownership, with one moving away from proiles, which aluminum distributors sell on the local
the aluminum extrusion business and one continuing to market.
operate what is now known as Grupo Cuprum. The company has certiications from PPG Industries
for Duranar polymer coatings and Valspar for Fluropon
coatings, as well as from the Procuraduría Federal de Pro-
tección al Ambiente – PROFEPA (Federal Attorney for
Environmental Protection) with a Clean Industry Certii-
cation, which is awarded to companies that meet the stan-
dards of air emissions, wastewater discharge, and waste
management, among other requirements.

The Mexico City Extrusion Facility

Located in Tlalnepantla just outside the city, the Mex-

ico City plant is housed on a 90,000 sq meter site. When
Cuprum purchased the Alcomex S.A. de C.V. site in 1998,
Figure 1. Industrial proiles extruded by Grupo Cuprum. it was outitted with ive presses. Three of the presses
were removed, and two small indirect presses were kept
In addition to the Monterrey facility, Grupo Cuprum for start up of the Mexico City site. Shortly thereafter, Cu-
operates two other extrusion plants, in Mexico City and prum moved two more presses to the site from another
Guadalajara. The Mexico City site was purchased in 1998 recently acquired plant, also in Tlalnepantla. Since then,
and the Guadalajara plant was acquired in 2011. A sec- the company has purchased two additional presses, bring-
ond press was brought over from a former Nacobre plant ing the total number of presses at Mexico City to six. In
in Puebla and installed at the Guadalajara facility. Across addition to its extrusion facilities, the plant has a foundry,
all three plants the company has a total of 15 presses. inishing capabilities (including powder coating and a
Grupo Cuprum produces 80,000 tons per year of alu- new anodizing line installed in March 2013), a fabrication
minum extrusions, which are used in a variety of indus- shop for local customers, and a die shop. The die shop
tries, including windows and doors, curtain wall ladders, produces around 22 dies per day and provides dies to all
automotive (such as sunroof installations for Volkswa- of Grupo Cuprum’s facilities (Figure 2).
gen, as well as other components for General Motors, The onsite foundry has three furnaces. The three tilt-
Ford, and Chrysler), manufacturing, healthcare, and ing rotary furnaces with regenerative burners (30, 26,
agriculture, as well as standard shapes (bars, rods, tees, and 24 tons) melt both in-house scrap and scrap collect-
etc.). In addition, the company has a lat products busi- ed and purchased from outside sources. A mix of primary
ness (for distribution of aluminum sheet and foil), a aluminum in the form of T-ingots is also used. The tilting
site for fabrication of windows in Monterrey, a ladders furnaces feed into a Wagstaff vertical DC caster, which
plant, an industrial business with die casting and a fab- produces 125-130 logs per day. The plant also has a ho-
rication shop, and 73 construction stores (where they mogenizing oven.


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Figure 2. Final shaping of a die being done by hand. Figure 4. Powder coating line with Class I and Class II inishes.

Figure 3. Extrusion area in building two. Figure 5. Tanks of the newly installed anodizing line.

The extrusion area is split between two buildings built and installed by the skilled workforce at Cuprum.
which house three presses each (Figure 3). These The line is able to produce a full range of color options
presses range from a 5 inch Lombard (900 tons) to an (from champagne to black), including colors produced
11 inch SMS Meer (3,400 tons). Each of the presses by optical interference anodizing, such as grey, blue, and
is supported by a combination of OMAV, Turla, and green, which are not common on the Mexican market.
Granco Clark automated handling equipment, includ- Anodizing chemicals are provided by Alsan and the line
ing runout tables, pullers, and stretchers. Quenching has a capacity of around 450 tons per month.
is done either by air or water, depending on the de- All of the proiles at the plant are manually packed
sired temper of the proile. Accurate control of the into bundles, which is more cost-effective and allows
extrusion process is maintained through PLC moni- the personnel to perform a inal quality check before
toring, which controls the pressure, extrusion speed, shipping. The organized shipping area has a scan-
temperature both inside and outside of the press, and ning and barcode system that provides 99% assurance
other variables. An average of 2,300 tons of extrusions of where a customer’s order is at any given time. The
are manufactured per month in 6000 series alloys and warehouse has a capacity to hold 3,000 tons of extru-
some in the 1000 series. sions and implements a vertical storage system to opti-
The Gema powder coating line was installed in 2005 mize space.
with a simple layout with a capacity of around 750 tons The facility also implements environmental measures,
per month (Figure 4). Proiles are loaded on a track, such as the new rainwater collection system, which was
then carried through a series of three cleanings, and installed in May 2013. This system helps the plant re-
three rinses before being soaked with a binding agent duce 15% of its consumption of city water. In environ-
to ensure the quality of the inish, followed by 15 min- mental work outside the plant, Cuprum employees took
utes of drying in an oven. The track then carries the part in a reforestation campaign with the government
proiles past two powder coating heads, the irst coats of Mexico and planted 200 new trees at Sierra de Gua-
the front, the second coats the back. The inal step is dalupe, a mountain near the Mexico City site.
processing through the curing oven, after which the The Mexico City facility employs 1,000 people, in-
proiles are stacked and packaged by hand. Every hour, cluding a dedicated maintenance team. From extrusion
a quality check is performed to ensure there are no operators to the administration personnel, the people
scratches or other defects and that the proiles con- at Cuprum have pride in their work. Salazar, who has
form to international norms, AAMA and Qualicoat. been working for Cuprum for over six years, said, “ This
The anodizing line (Figure 5), which took ten months is the irst Mexican-owned company I’ve worked for,
to build, started operation in March 2013 and produces and I’m proud to work here. I think Cuprum is able
proiles with AAMA Class I and Class II inishes. It has 32 to be competitive because of its good quality products
tanks, some of which were brought over from the former and because we give value and good service to our cus-
Nacobre plant in Puebla and upgraded; the rest were tomers— that’s the vision of Cuprum.”


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IMEDAL Congress Shows Robust Aluminum Industry
Automotive Market Fueling Growth in Mexico
By Andrea Svendsen, Managing Editor

he ifth International Aluminum Congress and Mexichem. Both afirmed that
Exhibition, held July 17-20, took on special sig- the Mexican aluminum indus-
niicance as it marked the 40th anniversary cel- try is growing, with new manu-
ebration of its host, the Instituto del Aluminio facturing investments that will
(IMEDAL). The congress was situated in Mexico City’s rank the country as the fourth
centro historico, a region richly layered with history, from or ifth largest producer of
the Aztec ruins sprouting out of the Zócalo (main plaza) automobiles in the world, in
and the ornate marble beauty of the Palacio de Bellas which aluminum will play an
Artes to modern architecture, such as the Museo Souma- essential role. “ This is a great
ya, which features a seemingly impossible curved alumi- moment for Mexico, and this
num façade (Figure 1). is a great moment for alumi-
Congress sessions featured presentations from various num,” said Arellano.
sectors of the aluminum industry, covering topics such Following the opening Figure 2. Ramón Arellano.
as industry trends and trade practices, melting furnace speeches, Edgar A. Rangel
eficiency, anodic hard coatings, extrusion management (Figure 3), commercial di-
practices, rheocasting, refractory materials, coatings for rector of industrial proiles
aluminum proiles, aluminum composites, and more. In and fabrication for Grupo
addition to the congress, the event included an exhibi- Cuprum, was sworn in as the
tion area, working table sessions, and a tour of Grupo Cu- new chairman of IMEDAL.
prum’s Mexico City extrusion plant. Social events includ- While the Mexican industry
ed a gala dinner featuring soaring operatic music, a golf has reached exceptional levels
tournament, and a nighttime bus tour of the city center. of growth and offers excellent
opportunities, he said, “ We
Day One have before us many challeng-
es and we need to be prepared
Delegates were welcomed to the congress by Ramón to meet these challenges.” He
Arellano (Figure 2), past-chairman of IMEDAL, and pointed out that the Mexican Figure 3. Edgar A. Rangel.
Ricardo Muñóz, director of the executive committee at aluminum industry should
work cooperatively with international industries, such as
the U.S., rather than ight them, provided those coun-
tries follow the rules of fair trade.
The irst presentation,
given by Heidi Biggs Brock
(Figure 4), president of
the Aluminum Association,
looked at aluminum industry
trends in the U.S. Demand
and consumption of alu-
minum is trending toward
pre-recession levels and in-
dicators show that growth
should continue, but despite
positive indicators, the in-
dustry is still digging out of a
hole, said Brock. In the U.S., Figure 4. Heidi Biggs Brock.
consumption totaled 9 mil-
lion tonnes in 2012, a 27% increase from 2009, with
one-third of this supply from secondary production.
The building and construction and automotive indus-
tries are showing growth, but the container industry
is down. The transportation market is fueling alumi-
num’s growth, she said, noting the CAFE and other
international regulations driving vehicle lightweight-
ing, as well as proposed standards from President
Obama for environmental improvements in trucking
leets. She added that sustainability is a factor that
differentiates aluminum from other industries. Since
1991, energy demand for primary aluminum is down
17% with GHG emissions down by 42%. For secondary
production, energy demand is down by 58% and emis-
sions by 65%. She closed by listing the Association’s
Figure 1. The Museo Soumaya in Mexico City has a façade covered initiatives to advance aluminum, including work by the
with 16,000 aluminum hexagons. Aluminum Transportation Group; the development of


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an Aluminum Caucus, a bi-partisan group on Capitol the molten aluminum solidiies and will penetrate the
Hill in support of the aluminum industry; an updated lining no further. He said pumps increase circulation in
economic impact study in Fall 2013; and other efforts. the melt, improving melt rate (eficiency) and providing
Rafael Delgado of Delgado, Izquierdo & Associates more uniform alloying and temperature, with the disad-
looked at issues of foreign trade, export, and import in vantages of high maintenance, fragile components, and
2013. He explained that auto manufacturers are moving being unsuitable for batch operation. Charging the fur-
production into Mexico for two reasons; it has the ad- nace is another point where eficiency can be improved,
vantage of being close to the U.S., the biggest car market taking into consideration the charge mix (ingots, butts
in the world, and it has access to quality aluminum pro- and cropped ends, small extrusion pieces, etc.) and the
duction. He then provided an overview of Mexico’s tariff speed of the charge. Top charging furnaces provide the
policies and trade regulations and how they are likely to greatest eficiency in this regard. Other issues to consider
change and affect the industry. Delgado presented infor- are combustion control (air/fuel ratio), pressure control
mation on free trade agreements, which eliminate tariffs, (damper on chimney), and waste heat recovery (for ex-
import quotas, and preferences on most goods and ser- ample, heat from the lue can be used to preheat com-
vices traded between participating countries. One of the bustion air).
most important and ambitious of these is the Trans-Pacif-
ic Partnership (TPP), a free trade mega-zone agreement
between ten countries, including the U.S., Australia, Bru-
nei, Chili, Japan, Malasia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore,
and Vietnam. With TPP, the U.S. will have 40-50% of its
trade under one agreement. As of June 2012, Canada
and Mexico are in negotiations to join TPP and these ne-
gotiations will be ongoing through 2014. It is vital that
Mexico participate in this agreement, explained Del-
gado, outlining the beneits this would provide for the
country. China meanwhile is watching the TPP carefully
and is in the process of forming its own free trade agree-
ments in order to compete. Currently, China has 30-40%
of its commerce under the China-Peru Free Trade Agree-
ment. Delgado closed by looking at the U.S.’s review of
imported aluminum and products from China and its im-
posed tariffs and noted that Mexico needs to take similar Figure 5. Diagram showing heat low in a melt furnace.
action to hinder unfair trade practices in the aluminum
industry. Anodic hard coatings were looked at by Bladamiro
Jesús Villegas, Harbor Intelligence, presented on the Moreno of Electroacabados S.A., who presented an
trends and relevant factors of the aluminum market. overview of the anodizing process and its properties,
In regards to growth rates in primary production, he including increased corrosion resistance and improved
pointed to the Middle East and India as being the ma- aesthetic qualities. He said that many industries require
jor players with signiicant expansions. China, though a hard coatings (between 400-500 HB), which have greater
large market, will only play by itself and therefore will not resistance to abrasion and longer lasting colors. Abrasion
contribute to the worldwide industry. He said that prices resistance is important for the car market, where hard
are the lowest in history, but that they can’t stay that way anodic coatings are being used for pistons, as well as avia-
and will likely begin to improve in November of this year, tion (landing gear and transmissions) and ships (masts).
though they will still remain low. The issue, he explained, Other markets include heat sinks (for aesthetic appeal),
is not with demand (which is growing), but with over sup- industrial lamps (protection against corrosive gases), and
ply, which will likely remain. In regards to demand, he architecture (for both aesthetics and use in regions with
said Mexico is probably the most attractive market in Lat- saline environments and acid rain). He said the industry
in America with growth of 10% per year projected for the is working toward more standardized proiles with less
next ive years. This is a better situation than even Brazil, water marks and a more homogeneous surface.
and primary aluminum producers in all regions will be
recognizing Mexico as an attractive market. Day Two
For secondary aluminum, Villegas said that just like
primary aluminum, the industry has had its worst year in The second day of the congress began with a presen-
history. In the secondary industry, a company’s worth is tation by Stephen Jackson, Bloom Engineering, on re-
determined by their scrap supply. Scrap availability is not generative combustion for aluminum melt furnaces and
likely to improve, because demand will be greater than the company’s LumiFlame technology. Regenerative
the available aluminum scrap. Though he expects that burners, typically functioning in pairs, are designed to
margins will improve. improve eficiency (to around 60%), reduce the heat go-
In addressing warehousing issues, Villegas said a new ing out the chimneystack, and put it back into the load.
proposal by the London Metal Exchange (LME) will go Jackson explained that regenerative burners not only
into effect in 2014, which will regulate warehouses, short- provide fuel savings, but can also increase production be-
ening lead times and reducing prime rates, though the cause the greater heat allows for more metal input. NOx
effect will be varied. Eventually, he said, aluminum will and CO2 emissions are also reduced, as about 80% of the
have higher LME prices, but a lower premium. gases that normally go up the lue are put back through
Al Kennedy, Kennedy Eurotech, presented the prin- the burner head; this also allows for a smaller lue design
ciples of fuel economy for aluminum melt furnaces. on the furnace, as well as reduced bag house and dust
Looking at the heat balance in the furnace, he showed collection requirements. He also said that regenerative
that most of the heat in a furnace goes up the lue (up burners allow less oxygen into the melt, reducing dross.
to 62.5%), resulting in ineficiency (Figure 5). Another Carlos Castañeda, Henkel Mexicana, gave a presenta-
important point of heat loss is the freeze plane, where tion on improving eficiency and minimizing the environ-


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mental impact of lubricants, or die casting release agents.
He said a lubricant needs to provide good wetting, good
release without deformation, clean castings without stain-
ing, avoid welding of the aluminum to the mold, lower
die temperature to reduce wear, resist bacterial infection
(which causes strange smells and ineficient lubrication),
and provide protection to extend the life of the die, among
other concerns. He then presented the types of lubricants  
available and gave an overview of best practices for the Figure 6. Placement of the FSW spindle showing penetration (left) and
Figure 6 
different types. To improve eficiency, operators need to exit (right).
check dilution and the spray systems for blockage; must
maintain the integrity of the lubricant, ensuring it is well net shape processes. RHC is a semi-solid manufacturing
mixed; need a spray system that covers all surfaces of the process that involves stirring molten metal as it is slowly
die with a homogeneous ilm; and must perform regular cooled until it begins to solidify, at which point it is inject-
maintenance, especially for nozzles, tubing, and pipes. He ed into a die or forged. Due to the thixotropic behavior
ended by explaining that good lubrication can increase in the semi-solid state, the injection process requires less
production and decrease costs. power and materials, reduces damage to tools, provides
A method for developing and implementing an effec- better control of solidiication, and fewer shrinkage de-
tive preventative maintenance program was presented by fects. Honda in the Accord is using this process to pro-
Carlos Linares, SMS Meer Service Inc., who pointed to a duce engine blocks, wheels, and other products. Chavez
lack of planning as the root cause of most maintenance is- and a team designed and assembled a prototype RHC
sues. He suggested that extruders take the following steps system to produce Al-7%Si alloy, though results were not
to develop a plan of action: identify potential problems discussed at this time. He noted the biggest challenge to
with Failure Mode Effect & Analysis (FMEA), specify and the RHC process is knowing when to ill the cast.
target maintenance tasks, and form a plan and execute James Parkes of Mechatherm announced that the
it. FMEA is performed by identifying a component of company formed a new collaboration with Nutec Bick-
assembly, brainstorming potential failure modes, listing ley in 2013 that would allow it to deliver furnaces and
potential effects of the failure modes, assigning severity equipment to the Mexican and U.S. markets while taking
rankings (based on severity of the consequences of fail- advantage of Nutec’s local services. Parkes said that Me-
ure), assign occurrence rankings (how frequently failure chatherm has seen a decline in orders from the primary
is likely to occur), assign detection rankings (likelihood aluminum casthouse market, but a dramatic increase in
problem will be detected before failure), calculate risk orders from secondary industry. He then presented an
priority number (RPN = Severity x Occurrence x Detec- overview of furnace selection criteria based on the kinds
tion), develop an action plan, take action, and inally re- of scrap being melted (from heavy clean scrap to con-
calculate the RPN after improvements have been made. taminated UBC scrap to furnace dross), before turning
Linares explained that a proper maintenance schedule, his attention to a case study about the installation of a
combined with proper training and an inventory of spare complete melting and casting line for China Steel Alu-
parts, directly relates to dramatically lowering costs over minium Corp. (CSA) in Taiwan (Figure 7). In September
many years. 2011, CSA ordered an 80 tonne static furnace and a 60
Alejandro Manzano, Cinvestav, spoke about the devel- tonne twin chamber furnace, as well as auxiliary equip-
opment of modular tools for friction stir welding (FSW) ment and casting machines, for the melting and process-
of aluminum alloys. He explained that FSW is a solid- ing of heavy clean scrap, primary ingot, extrusion scrap,
state process for welding two aluminum panels together, light swarf pucks, and light scrap coils and edge trim.
as well as aluminum to other materials such as titanium John Horno, Insertec Hornos y Refractarios, presented
and Kevlar. This process is especially beneicial for the an overview of refractory materials for the aluminum in-
aerospace industry, he said, noting the forthcoming de- dustry. Descriptions of refractory classiications and char-
velopment of a global jet with a fuselage made of alumi- acteristics were given, including chemical composition
num and titanium. In a previous study, Manzano and a (acid, base, or neutral), form, and density, as well as insu-
team of researchers looked at FSW spindles (tips) made lation needs, thermal conductivity, melting points, com-
with H13 steel to determine which shape (square, round, pression resistance, porosity (varies between 12-30%),
triangle, and others) provides the best performance over density, corrosion resistance, bonding, and other factors.
multiple repetitions, with a square shaped spindle show- Issues with the proper manufacture and installation of
ing the best results. Once this was determined, the team refractory products were also covered.
began to develop a modular system for the tool, allowing
the spindles to be changed quickly without replacing the
entire tool head. This would lower maintenance costs and
would allow different shaped spindles to be interchanged
depending on welding needs. Tests were performed with
the modular tooling to determine the optimal welding
velocity (Figure 6), in addition to stress and hardness
tests, and it was found that the modular tool design was
able to generate similar mechanical properties to FSW
welds obtained with one piece tools.
J. Federico Chavez of the Instituto Politécnico Nacio-
nal presented the development of Al-Si alloys by a simpli-
ied rheocasting (RHC) process. Al-Si alloys are often fab-
ricated by the high pressure die casting (HPDC) process
due to the eficiency of production and low cost. RHC
was presented as a new trend in manufacturing with great
potential and with several advantages over other near Figure 7. Scrap charging machine supplied to CSA.


Working Tables: Following the inal presentation of the
day, delegates representing various companies in the
Mexican aluminum industry gathered together for work-
ing table discussions to determine if it can prepare for
the future projected growth of the aluminum industry. It
was determined that Mexican companies need to imple-
ment new processes for improved eficiency, quality, and
environmental standards, and they need to be active par-
ticipants in developing innovative and patented technol-
ogies. Furthermore, alliances need to be made with scrap
suppliers to ensure the supply of metal for companies in
the country and scrap collection needs to be elevated.
Enhanced cooperation with U.S. industry was also deter-
mined to be a priority. Figure 8. Comparison of Florida resistance levels for Interpon coat-
ings, as well as PVDF liquid coating.
Day Three
to report every accident and near miss no matter how mi-
Salvador Tovar of Servicios Comerciales Metalúrgicos nor, so it can be investigated and action taken to prevent
SC began the third day with a presentation on how to it. “ You can’t avoid large accidents without preventing the
save money with eficient furnace operation and pro- small ones,” said Kennedy. He then gave an overview of
vided basic everyday concepts for lowering energy use. potential hazards to look out for in the extrusion plant,
He said that rather than using fans to keep the foundry including concerns with tooling (cold or room tempera-
area cool enough for operators (loss of a BTU per sq ft), ture tools, improperly supported dies, etc.), heat (alumi-
it’s better to use proper ventilation and insulation of the num can appear cool, as can equipment), ire (caused by
furnaces to reduce energy costs. Also, to optimize energy oils, hydraulic luids, etc.), improper lifting techniques,
use in the furnace, run the furnace at full capacity and material handling (crane and forklift accidents), and the
ensure that the load is at one-fourth melting capacity per extrusion equipment itself.
hour, adjust combustion ratio for optimal air/gas mix Kennedy then gave special attention to molten metal
(long lames function ineficiently), and add a circulat- safety, noting that explosions can be caused by chemical
ing pump, which can increase eficiency up to 72-73%. reactions or water within the metal. Water explosions,
He emphasized the importance of cleaning and remov- which are more common, are caused by molten metal
ing residue from the furnace to ensure optimal perfor- falling on a damp surface or by water trapped inside the
mance, as well as checking and changing the air ilters ingot prior to melting. Explosions can be prevented by
regularly. Slag should be removed from the bath often, drying all surfaces with torches or compressed air, avoid-
so that the heat can properly penetrate to the metal; if ing the use of lat surfaces, keeping a volume of 2-3 m of
the furnace creates more than a half inch of slag per half water at the bottom of the casting pit, having an air drop
hour, he recommended further investigation into why to atomize falling metal, and preheating of ingots to re-
the furnace is a slag producer. He concluded that doing move any moisture. Plants should also have escape routes
an audit of the foundry is the best place to start in order as part of their layout, and employees should wear proper
to determine where energy waste is occurring in the op- protective gear at all times.
eration. Alejandro Omar Ruiz Alva, Alchem, gave a presentation
Looking at high durability inishes for aluminum pro- about identifying and preventing defects on lacquered
iles, Eduardo Faz of Akzo Nobel asked, what’s the use aluminum for the architectural industry. He discussed
of architects spending hours choosing paint colors, if the kinds of defects— such as craters, pores and bubbles,
the color fades in just a few years? He then listed three needle points, blisters, stains, internal corrosion, yellow-
main types of coatings— Interpon Series D1000 (AAMA ing, and peeling— and their causes (such as improper
2603, Qualicoat 1), Series D2000 (AAMA 2604, Qualicoat cleaning or pretreatment or problems with the metal sur-
2), and Series D3000 (AAMA 2605, Qualicoat 3)— and face) and offered possible solutions for their prevention.
gave examples of each. Durability is discussed in terms These kinds of defects can be minimized by establishing
of years it would last in Florida, a standard/test devel- precise working conditions, properly training workers to
oped by AAMA due to Florida’s particularly aggressive identify defects and recognize causes, and establishing a
sun and its high saline, marine environment (Figure 8). system for monitoring quality of production.
Interpon D1036 is a polyester-based coating, used mainly Alejandro Garcia Hinojosa, Universidad Nacional
for residential construction (interior and some exterior), Autónoma de México (UNAM), looked at the develop-
which has a Florida resistance rating of one year. Inter- ment of components made of cast aluminum metal ma-
pon D2525 is an ultradurable, polyester-based coating, trix composites. He said composite materials, which are
often used for large projects with a resistance against al- a mix of two or more materials, can provide high me-
kalis and a Florida rating of three years. In general these chanical properties, increased strength and ductility, and
paints will have the same color and shine for 15 years, prevent fatigue, creep, thermal shock, and thermal elon-
which keeps the architect happy, he said. Interpon D3000 gation. He gave an overview of aluminum composites
Fluoromax is a luorocarbon-based coating with a Florida (speciically those infused with ceramic particles) and
rating of ten years and a guarantee of the color lasting looked at the casting processes used to make them and
for over 20 years, though Faz suggested that this level of their microstructure. In addition to manufacturing an
durability is unnecessary for most projects. entire component out of a composite material, selective
Kennedy returned to the podium to provide a review of reinforcement can be used. While the cost of composites
extrusion plant safety techniques. He said many managers is still high, it is getting more competitive, he said. Audi
focus on plant conditions, but that safety experts say acci- already uses aluminum composites for their brake discs
dents are most often caused by unsafe acts performed by and Toyota for their piston rings, and it’s likely the mate-
personnel, rather than by unsafe conditions. Therefore, rial’s use will increase in aerospace, automotive, military,
workers must be kept alert, properly trained, and taught and sporting equipment.


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Extrusion Industry News & Technology

Flying Cut Puller Systems

By Jeffrey Ferman, Granco Clark

number of lying cut puller designs exist on the
market today for aluminum extruders. Granco
Clark believes there are misconceptions, misun-
derstandings, and in some cases mistruths sur-
rounding this subject. Choice of type can vary based upon
a number of factors. Performance and design speciica-
tions are a simple way to look at puller systems (Figure 1)
but this article seeks to provide a deeper understanding
of the mechanics involved. By clarifying some deinitions,
providing a way to measure reliability, and offering guide-
lines for achieving maximum reliability, smoothness, and
responsiveness, it is hoped that the extruder can save re-
pairs and costly production losses by considering the best
system for their needs. Critical speciications include:
maximum extrusion speed, maximum lying cut speed,
leadout length requirement, downtime prevention pro-
visions, maintenance schedules, ease of repair, and per-
centage of chip collection.

Figure 2. Puller mounted lying saw.

from the die. Top suppliers design the leadout equip-

ment to ensure this handoff takes place without causing
a die mark. Among the features integrated into the best
offerings should be: (1) an adjustable roller table at the
press exit to isolate the proile from any downstream pro-
ile movement as it exits the die and (2) individual lower-
ing rollers in the leadout to allow the heads to operate
below system height thus enabling the lying cut to be
performed without any lifting of the proile.
A two-device (Figure 3), single rail lying cut puller has
Figure 1. Granco Clark’s double puller features two puller heads on the a secondary handoff downstream. This handoff occurs
same track, allowing it to see the mark/weld and cut proiles on the ly. far downstream, typically 100 ft (30m) or more from the
die. This distance isolates the die bearing surface from
motion resulting in a die mark free handoff. Individual
Handoff lowering rollers also eliminates any lifting of the proile
during this handoff event.
The irst issue is to deine the term “handoff” and how
it relates to lying cut puller systems (Figure 2). A hand-
off is the transfer of material from one device to another
device. These devices may be called a “ puller” , “ puller
head”, “hot saw”, or “lying saw”, depending on the de-
vice and the supplier. The necessary actions are match
speed of the two devices and transfer the pulling torque
(tension) from one device to another device. Surpris-
ingly, there is a belief that a three-device lying cut puller
system does not perform a handoff.
Every lying cut puller system has a handoff by deini-
tion: at the beginning of the live cycle the proile is con-
trolled by one device. After the proile is cut on-the-ly,
the remaining (short) proile is controlled by a different
device. In order for this to occur there must be a speed
matching event and a torque transfer event. For any com-
pany to claim their offering does not perform a handoff
requires a redeinition of “handoff “ to something other
than speed matching and torque transfer.
The cut-on-the-ly handoff is the critical event because
it occurs in the leadout area, typically less than 30 ft (9m) Figure 3. 3-D model of double puller.


Reliability • Minimize wiring – any wires that are lexed in a cy-
clical manner become a regular failure point, reducing
Another implication in the market is that a three-de- MTBF. Wiring failures can be dificult to troubleshoot,
vice puller design is more reliable than a two-device pull- increasing MTTR.
er design. Reliability consists of two factors: how often • Simplify component replacement – this will reduce
does a piece of equipment fail and how long will it take to MTTR.
restore that equipment to operation. These factors have
formal names and deinitions. How often an item fails is Smoothness/Responsiveness
called Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF). How long
to restore the item to operation is called Mean Time To Smoothness of operation is the observed result of a
Repair (MTTR). Any study of reliability can ultimately be low-backlash system. If a system has little backlash then
reduced to these two factors. Reliability is improved by acceleration, deceleration, and direction change will ap-
increasing MTBF and decreasing MTTR. pear smooth to the observer.
The MTBF of a system is deined as the combination All mechanical systems require a method for backlash
of the MTBF of the various components of the system, a adjustment as components wear. A gear driven system
textbook example for a generic system with three com- requires some form of tooth mesh adjustment. A chain
ponents follows: driven system requires a chain tensioning system. If these
For components c1 through cx, where MTBF(c) is the systems are manually adjusted, then there is a very real
MTBF of each component potential adjustment will be overlooked and the system
will not operate smoothly. Top suppliers provide precise,
1/(1/MTBF(c1) + 1/MTBF(c2) +… + 1/MTBF(cx)) = automatic adjustments, so there is no requirement to
System MTBF monitor or adjust the system. This is true whether the
drive is chain, belt, or gear rack and pinion.
Example 1: Responsiveness is all about mass and drag (friction).
System with (3) components Larger, heavier devices cannot respond as quickly as a
c1 = 3,000 hour MTBF lighter device. While production equipment needs to be
c2 = 2,000 hour MTBF robust to handle the imposed loads, care must be given
c3 = 4,000 hour MTBF that the structures are not “ overbuilt” , that is to say, they
1/(1/3,000 + 1/2,000 + 1/4,000) = 923 hr MTBF should never have unnecessary material included. Top
suppliers will minimize the mass of the pulling heads
For the second example an extremely reliable 4th com- by reducing unnecessary on-board components like air
ponent is added: compressors, gear boxes, drive components, conductor
Example 2: carriers, etc. It is also important that a supplier utilize
c1 = 3,000 hour MTBF modern materials to minimize mass. This can be as sim-
c2 = 2,000 hour MTBF ple as using steel tube instead of bar or plate. A tube
c3 = 4,000 hour MTBF provides excellent load carrying with light weight. It can
c4 = 48,000 hour MTBF be more expensive to fabricate heads in this manner,
1/(1/3,000 + 1/2,000 + 1/4,000+1/48,000) = 905 hr MTBF but the result is a strong and more responsive puller
head. Please remember that modern presses are being
Note that the MTBF is still reduced, even though the tasked with wide ranges of proile weights from order
new component is an order of magnitude more reliable to order and the puller heads themselves can damage
than the irst three components. Adding equipment will lighter shapes if they are unnecessarily heavy simply due
always reduce the reliability of a system. So designing in to momentum.
additional equipment (heads) decreases system reliabil- Friction is not as visible. The system friction includes
ity as the trade-off for providing “ limp-along” functional- not only the carriage rail, bearings, and the drive system
ity after failure. It should be noted that properly engi- but also parasitic losses such as power-track drag. How
neered pullers will allow for a means of extruding with a can an extruder determine the actual system losses that
puller in the event of failure, whether there be two heads are affecting responsiveness? One way is to compare drive
or three including the saw, rather than abandoning the system horsepower (KW) for the same speciication of maxi-
pullers altogether until repairs can be made. Suggesting mum pulling tension and maximum extrusion speed.
this is not possible with a two head design is completely You can’t circumvent physics. If a supplier requires a 30%
incorrect if designed properly. or 50% larger motor to achieve the same performance,
The second issue in reliability is MTTR, which mea- then they are accelerating a larger mass and/or ighting
sures the time required to return the equipment to ser- higher system friction. Be diligent to monitor the per-
vice after a failure. We can illustrate MTTR by observing formance promises as they relate to speeds and pulling
the difference in downtime required to replace a puller tensions.
drive chain and replace a continuous gear rack running
the length of a puller system. The chain can be replaced Summary
in a couple of hours while a gear rack replacement could
require 60-80 hours to replace. Serviceability is a major The bottom line when considering a new puller sys-
design consideration for MTTR. tem for an extrusion line, is to be careful not to assign
To achieve maximum reliability, here are some general unjustiied value to proposed features and beneits that
guidelines for designing: do nothing to enhance the extrusion line throughput
• Simplify the design – reducing complexity will in- and recovery performance. Be sure the choice of puller
crease MTBF. system offers a solution that meets needs while main-
• Minimize the number of motions – this will also in- taining some semblance of simplicity for sustainability.
crease MTBF due to fewer bearings, cylinders, solenoids For more information, go to www.grancoclark.com.
and so on.


Extrusion Industry News & Technology

The Beneits of Wet Blasting for Extrusion Die Shops

By Craig Johnson, CJi Systems

s part of the extrusion process, there is a vital re- The Wet Blasting Process: Originally pioneered by Nor-
quirement for ongoing cleaning and polishing man Ashworth in the 1940s, wet or vapor blasting has
of dies. This is a critical operation for continual grown to it a wide range of applications with its main
production within an extrusion plant, but one purpose to provide a highly precise surface inish. (The
that is often considered time consuming and full of te- Ashworth family founded the Vapormatt Company in
dious processes. 1978.)
However, without proper care and attention given to Wet blasting uses water and an abrasive medium to form
the preparation of dies, extruders risk high extrusion slurry in the sump tank of the installed system. As the slur-
scrap rates and low die success rates. During the 1990s, ry is pumped through the system towards the gun heads,
many extruders attempted to tackle this problem by compressed air is introduced; by allowing the slurry and
adopting a dry blasting system; these bulky and typically air to synthesize within the mixing chamber of the gun
dusty machines utilize steel shot to reduce the amount of a highly powerful blast stream is created, which in turn
manual iling involved at the die correction stage, but are accelerates through the boron carbide nozzles. Having im-
often cumbersome to use and hard to maintain. As tech- pacted upon the bearing surfaces, the slurry is then recir-
nologies and processes have improved, there is a need culated through the same system for continuous use.
for die shop managers to assess new alternatives, pro-
cesses that are showing strong signs of being extremely
viable in that they are both time saving and cost-effective. Gas In

This article looks to explain the beneits of adopting a Slurry In


Abrasive In
wet blast technology for use in extrusion die shops. Gas In

Application Advantages: With wet blast technology, ex- Gas

Liquid In

truders are able to achieve a quicker, more effective and Blast Gun

Additive In

consistent polishing action that can improve the die suc- Mixing Chamber

cess rate when compared with conventional systems. Wet Slurry Acceleration Zone
Gun Movement Velocity
Abrasive Pump

blasting is able to remove deep-seated contamination Nozzle Geometry Mixing Chamber

without impinging on or damaging the underlying sub- Blast Angle

strate. The process also removes the time consuming dry- Blast Distance
Controllable Factors
Gas - Type, Pressure, Flow Speed and Temperature
ing stage, prior to polishing, that is often required after Slurry - Solid/Liquid Ratio
Liquid - Type, Pressure, Flow Speed and Temperature
caustic cleaning. Solid - Type, Size, Hardness and Shape

The primary beneits gained from using a wet blast Gun/part kinematics - Velocity, Distance and Angle

system are that dies are polished to a much higher stan-

dard and the wet blast process can save extruders several
minutes of manual polishing per die. With an industry Similar to dry blasting, it is the abrasive content that
average of 100-150 dies cleaned per day, one extruder ex- plays an essential role in achieving the desired surface
perienced a payback on their system within six months. and this is very controllable as the form, hardness, and
Being far more intensive than dry blasting, wet blasting mesh size of abrasive particles can be changed to suit the
allows particles to low across the surface, leading to in- application. The recommended abrasive used for the die
creased contact with the surface and therefore a higher cleaning application is a pre-mixed compound of both
rate of polishing. aluminum oxide and glass beads and this mix yields two
The improved die success rate is also a major advantage key beneits. The abrasive action of the aluminum oxide
of the wet blast process, which also beneits the complete particles easily removes all traces of surface contami-
operation. The ability of the wet blast process to provide nants on the bearing surfaces and die faces, while the
uniform polishing means the die proiles can be precisely glass bead particles work to polish and peen the die face
maintained. This is a technological advantage for extrud- and bearing surfaces to remove traces of carbonization.
ers as the dry blast process has been known to abrade This intensive process ensures that the nascent surfaces
critical surfaces at different rates due to the low, or lack are left extremely clean when compared with the alterna-
of, in the particles. The intensity of some dry blasting ma- tives, making a wet blasted die very easy to nitride. Having
chines can damage a die causing the extruded proiles been wet blasted, nitrogen can easily diffuse into the die
to perform poorly; with wet blasting, this is not an issue. due to the reactivity of the bearing surfaces.
The ability to constantly achieve consistent and uniform As mentioned, the luid dynamics involved with the
polishes allows extruders to improve their die success process allow particles to be buffered by lubricating them
rate. From working with various extruders, who use wet in water and this creates a far less aggressive action than
blasting, it has been found that die success rates can be dry blasting. The water allows the abrasive media to low
increased by as much as 4%. consistently over the bearing surfaces, so the die proiles
Wet blasting can also provide a better working environ- can remain unchanged in their geometries. It is the low
ment. By adding water to the process, there is an elimi- of water that gives wet blasting a distinct advantage over
nation of all airborne particles and a reduction in the traditional means, as the slurry can easily navigate and
amount of abrasive surrounding the machines that can permeate the often tortuous paths found in intricate die
cause loors to become slippery. These higher levels of designs while achieving a uniform polish.
industrial hygiene mean there is less of a requirement for Suitable Systems: The range of wet blasting solutions
any housekeeping within the die shop. Wet blasting also available to die shops is wide and allows great lexibility
has the advantage of eliminating the drying stage that is with regard to production output. The main constraints
often required after the caustic rinse. on system capacity are the size of the loading area and


the speed at which a cycle can be completed. All systems maintain. Plants with larger outputs can use a fully auto-
are designed to be completely closed loop, which means matic system. The largest of these systems can be installed
any water loss is through evaporation only, and this en- to fulill a large part of the die polishing operation. Not
ables extensive periods of use. Systems are also itted with only do 12 gun systems effectively clean dies from both
a powerful pump to aid the process. The pump is itted to sides, but a rinse and powerful drying stage means that
maintain the continuous blasting cycle by supplying the over one cycle, dies can go straight from their caustic
blast guns with a constant low of the slurry. This is also bath to the inspection area.
connected to a iltration system, which quickly removes The automatic systems are also controllable, with PLC co-
any efluent that could contaminate or affect the abra- ordinating activities to ensure smooth running while moni-
sive low. Consequently, iltration is key for preserving the toring for any faults. Programmable variables can include
quality of the slurry. cycle speed, blasting intensity, and rinsing quality. Automatic
In larger systems, there is an option to have secondary abrasive dosing can be included to maintain concentration
pumps installed and this provides yet more power for an levels of the abrasive. All of the data from the PLC is then
even better blasting process. The continuous pumping linked to a HMI on the operator panel, so pre-programmed
cycle is an essential action, as the density of the abrasive sequences can be selected and progress monitored.
means it will sink to the bottom of the sump when the Due to the size of the dies, wet blasting machines are
machine is not in use. Through continual agitation of the built to be structurally secure both in durability and overall
sump water, the blasting cycle can offer highly consistent strength. With wet blasting, it is important to use a suit-
results on the desired surface. able material that can stand up to wet conditions, while
Newly cleaned dies are left with extremely reactive sur- offering the rigidity that is required for a stable processing
faces, enabling easier nitriding should the dies require environment. Most cabinets are made from iberglass as
it. As a response to the reactivity of the newly cleaned this material is not only water proof but also very quiet and
dies, additives, such as rust inhibitors, can be mixed into capable of holding loads of up to 3,300 lbs (1,500 kgs).
the sump tank to help preserve the nascent surface. With the movement of wet blast systems into the extru-
Larger systems can also be designed to include drying sion die industry, extruders have gained access to a tech-
systems, removing yet another process that will save ex- nology that is not only far more effective than traditional
truders more time. methods, but also has the ability to yield great savings in
Manual or automatic systems can be used, as deter- both the polishing operations and the extrusion depart-
mined by the number of dies cleaned per day. Manual ment as a whole. Wet blasting offers lexible solutions for
systems tend to comprise a small cabinet that an operator extruders of all sizes and all production requirements to
uses to control one blast nozzle. This system, particularly harness the potential of this process, and this is apparent
for smaller plants as their price makes them an afford- from the range of both automatic and manual systems
able investment, will quickly pay itself back and is easy to that are available.

The only die cleaning

and polishing system
you’ll need.
Increase your die success rate today

State of the art wet blasting Our machines save time,

in fully automated or manual streamline production Call 509-926-4800
machine configurations and enhance quality or email sales@vapormatt.com

North American agent: CJi Systems Inc.


Extrusion Industry News & Technology

The Tecalex front loading tandem cylinder extrusion press is now being offered in North America.

New Partnership Creates Tecalex USA

n early 2013, negotiations were inalized for the and reverse engineering capabilities,
newly formed partnership of Pittsburgh based Cun- along with a seasoned resume of retro-
ningham Machine Design (CMD) and Tecalex Spain it and replacement components on
to create the new entity Tecalex USA. Started as an existing presses, Cunningham knew
extrusion die manufacturer in Barcelona, Spain in 1965, that partnering with a company like
Tecalex has been building their unique front loading de- Tecalex would create a truly unique
signed press since 1984 and offering associated extrusion full service supplier of new and used
equipment for handling, heating, and tooling, since be- extrusion equipment for the U.S.
coming incorporated in 1989. Currently they have over market. Tecalex USA has many of the
77 complete extrusion press lines installed worldwide. engineering personnel that worked Jim Cunningham.
CMD and Tecalex met and were drawn to each other with Cunningham at Pollock Engi-
at the ET ’12 show in Miami, FL, in May 2012. Together neering. “ Pollock was one of the best
they saw they could offer a complementary full range of run, customer oriented companies I
equipment and services and they recognized an equal have ever been a part of,” Cunning-
commitment to a high level of excellence in extrusion ham stated. “ I’ve worked hard to keep
equipment manufacture and service. Tecalex realized that core together at CMD to provide
that to be successful in the U.S. market you need to sup- that same level of service and profes-
port it within the U.S., not remotely from Europe. The sionalism. It dovetails nicely with how
best way to achieve that goal was to partner with an ex- Tecalex Spain approaches their core
isting company that had the experi- business model.” Another member James Bunting.
ence with the domestic press market of the team that some in the North
and also had the same dedication to American market may recognize is James Bunting, the new
customer service that the Spanish sales manager for Tecalex USA, who formerly worked with
company has achieved in the global Castool. Additionally, Tecalex Spain will have engineering
market. “It took a long time to ind support live in Pittsburgh, PA, to provide the quick and
the right partner, one that possesses dedicated extrusion response times required.
the same principles that have made
us a leader in the European and Press and Handling
Asian markets,” stated Josep Barcelo, Josep Barcelo.
general manager of Tecalex Spain. Tecalex knew from its very irst press in 1984 that a
Jim Cunningham, owner of CMD, previously worked for front loading press was a superior design. While widely
Pollock Engineering and SMS Sutton and has successfully accepted today, this was a radical design back in 1984.
run CMD since 2006. With a complete array of custom The press also features a patented tandem cylinder de-



8510 Perry Highway Office Phone: 412-635-0609

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Extrusion Industry News & Technology

sign. From the beginning, Tecalex felt that current press

designs with a large main cylinder and two pull back cyl-
inders could be improved upon. By using a main tandem
cylinder, with two pistons on the same axis, they eliminat-
ed the crosshead and the side pull back cylinders. This
also enabled a reduction in the main cylinder diameter,
a decrease of the front plate dimensions, and shrinking
of the overall distance between the tie rods. All of these
things create a compact and more rigid design with less
delection of the front plate.
This new company is uniquely positioned, as it is able
to provide a full suite of cutting-edge aluminum extru-
sion press and handling equipment, while also providing
retroit, maintenance, and tooling services. Equipment
beyond the press include: log/billet loaders and furnac-
es, shears and hot saws, billet loaders, quenchers, pullers,
runout tables (Figure 5), stretchers, stacker/destackers, Figure 5. Example of a standard runout table layout.
and aging and die ovens. They also offer custom and re-
verse engineering services and replacements and retroits. LLC in Texas for a complete extrusion line that includes:
Tecalex primarily uses Allen-Bradley or Siemens drives a new 30 MN front loading extrusion press, log loading
and electrics with Rexroth pumps, but are able to meet table, hot shear, billet loader, quenching table, double
whatever speciications the customer requires. “At Tecalex puller with lying saw, one man stretcher, inishing saw,
USA, we are committed to providing multiple solutions and related auxiliary equipment. Jamie Rentfrow, ceo
for all extrusion equipment requirements. Since we offer of Ascend traveled to Spain to see the Tecalex press. He
new equipment as well as retroit and upgrade services, chose the front load short stroke press for its compact
we can accommodate our customers’ needs with cost ef- size and short dead cycle time. According to Rentfrow,
fective solutions to meet their equipment and inancial “ The double puller was smooth on the handoff helping
needs,” said Cunningham. “ Our customers are the most prevent snap marks that are often associated with other
important part of Tecalex USA. We strive to achieve rela- types of pullers. We also bought a second double puller
tionships with our customers rather than simply supplying and a new log furnace for our 7 inch press. We were also
components or services.” impressed that they will have a presence in the U.S. for
Quickly out of the gate, Tecalex USA was delighted any technical help that may be required going forward.”
to secure a deal in May with Ascend Custom Extrusions The press is expected to be delivered February 2014.

Briteline Celebrates 60th Anniversary

B riteline Extrusions, Inc. in Summerville, SC, kicks
off its 60th anniversary in September. According to
the company’s founder and president, Ken Kabine,
“ We are one of the few full service extruders left.” Brite-
line Moulding began as a fabricator of extrusions in 1953
the company also enlarged a powder coat oven in 2003,
expanded brushing operations in 2005, installed a billet
oven in 2008, and in 2010, introduced acid etch anod-
izing at the same time they started exporting to Canada.
In 2011 another building was added for a new anodizing
with 15 employees. They moved to their present location line installed in 2012. Briteline is a three-generation fam-
in 1960 and installed their irst 750 ton press in 1965. ily concern, which includes daughter, Diane Bagwell and
Today they have two 6-inch circle size extrusion presses, grandsons Bo Bagwell and Chris Kabine. The company
specializing in small extrusions, with both powder coating footprint has grown from two buildings in 1953 to 22
and brite dip anodizing, as well as fabrication capabilities. buildings today, all overseen by Kabine who with Brite-
Kabine worked for both the William L. Bonnell Com- line has capitalized on supplying markets that require
pany and Benada Aluminum before buying into a part- careful handling and ine inishing techniques.
nership in the Southeast. Kabine was known for his ex- It’s clear the company won’t be celebrating their 60th
pertise in inishing. Starting with supplying trim, it was anniversary by sitting still. With a year of running their
the shower door market, which solidiied the company’s new 20 ft anodizing line (pictured) under their belt, con-
prospects. Together with his son, Ed, he continued to struction is under way for increasing bufing capacity and
grow the company: installing a new anodizing line in modernizing and expanding the company’s billet man-
1968, adding a new anodizing building in 1982, install- agement system. A third heat treat oven is in the works
ing a powder coat system in 1986, and a new powder coat to support Briteline’s growing export market. They are
building with automated powder coat also in the process of evaluating both
line in 1992. Though the company ex- hard coat and boric sulfuric anodiz-
perienced a ire in 1993 that destroyed ing. At 86, Kabine continues to have
75% of the plant, they have continued the vision and passion for growing the
to expand their capacity and capabili- company. He said, “ Our small presses
ties. and brite dip anodizing capabilities de-
Kabine bought out his partner and ine who we are. Our employees know
gave employees 49% of the company how to handle the extrusions from the
in 1995, the same year they began ex- press to packing. They are our best as-
ports to the U.K. In 2001, Briteline set.” Kabine is at work every day, walk-
added a new CNC machining center. Briteline’s newest 20 ft anodizing line in- ing the plant loor, inish samples in his
While adding and upgrading presses stalled in 2012. pocket.


Extrusion Industry News & Technology

Turla Delivers High Tech Handling System for

Bonnell’s Dedicated Automotive Line

n February 2013, Bonnell Aluminum in Newnan,
GA, awarded Turla Srl with the contract for the sup-
ply of a complete extrusion handling system to be
integrated with a new Presezzi 33 MN press. This $17
million expansion project will provide the company with
a new state-of-the-art extrusion line, dedicated to serving
the growing demand for aluminum extrusion from auto-
motive and light truck manufacturers.
Bonnell set out very clear technical requirements for
its new handling system in terms of performance, includ-
ing solid delivery of uniformly heated billets to the extru-
sion press; powerful and lexible quenching suitable for a
broad range of aluminum alloys, including air and water
cooling quench modes; smooth and defect-free manage-
ment of proiles on the runout and the cooling table; and
precise and clean operations at the inishing saw. On the
basis of existing handling systems observed at operations Figure 2. STeP5 log heater.
in Europe, Bonnell concluded that Turla’s equipment
met all of its expectations in terms of performance and approximately 380 tonnes, equal to the emission of 150
ability to properly produce the desired range of alumi- medium size cars.
num extrusion products. In addition to the environmental beneits, a reduction of
gas consumption represents a huge reduction of produc-
Extrusion Handling System tion costs. Cost of gas varies country by country, but on aver-
age the annual savings can be measured in several tens of
This new handling sys- thousands of dollars, which can be a vital issue in the pay-
tem represents Turla’s back analysis of a machine that can normally last for more
comeback to the U.S. than 20 years. One of the features, not often found in any
extrusion market, after other log heater, is the ability to control gas consumption in
having installed previ- each heating zone of the heater. A PLC controller calculates
ous systems in the U.S. the quantity of gas used at any moment, providing opera-
and Canada between the tors with the amount of money spent for gas. This lets the
1990s and early 2000s. company calculate the portion of costs for gas in real time
This order is the natural per each pound of proiles produced and to immediately
evolution of the impor- analyze critical consumption points, rather than waiting for
tant projects carried out Figure 1. DPC model double puller. the gas bill at the end of the month and trying to under-
by Turla for customers stand where losses and ineficiencies occurred.
involved in the automotive market in Europe, such as In terms of comparing production beneits, given the
Constellium, Hydro, Sapa, and other major players in the same level of throughput of a traditional log heater, the
extrusion ield. The scope of Turla’s supply to Bonnell STeP5 throughput is 30-40% shorter. Given the same
includes a DPC model double puller (Figure 1), full cool- amount of space, it provides some 50% higher through-
ing table, stretcher, and gauge table, as well as a STeP5 log put (ton/hr), an important aspect in plants where lack of
heater and a QAH quenching system. space is a problem.
Log Heater: The STeP5 log heater provides low cost op- The high eficiency also provides excellent heating uni-
eration with minimal emissions (Figure 2). Produced by formity. The log heater has the optimal amount of insula-
Turla in 2008, this log heater represents a turning point tion and the proper form of indirect heating to achieve
in aluminum log heating technology. Most of the log/bil- target temperature in order to provide the best possible
let heaters available on the market are uniform in design homogenization of the billet. This will result in better ex-
with an average fuel eficiency of approximately 55%, trusion with any kind of die, even with harder alloys.
occasionally 60%. These log heaters normally generate One of the most appreciated features of the STeP5 is the
signiicant amounts of pollution, both in terms of com- minimized maintenance costs. The high quality rollers
bustion residuals and hot gases. and other parts have shown such optimal results during
The name, STeP5, stands for Super Thermal eficiency the log heater’s years of service that Turla is able to offer
aimed for Production, with the “+5” standing for its ive a seven year warranty. This extended warranty on rollers
energy recuperation steps. It also stands for “ Save The and other parts in the combustion chamber represents a
Planet,” since a clever use of the energy permits a drastic huge improvement in maintenance practices that results
reduction of pollution, thus a great beneit to the world. in less labor cost, less money spent on rollers, no produc-
The fuel consumption eficiency (thermal eficiency) of tion stops for replacement of rollers, and above all no
the log heater is measurable at 81%. According to Turla, more unexpected stops due to sudden roller failure. This
this is approximately 1.5 times more eficient than any log heater has also been recently purchased by Gutmann
other log heater on the market. Assuming 12,000 tpy of Group (one of the largest extrusion groups in Germany
gross production on a single extrusion line, this trans- with three production sites) to produce high accuracy pro-
lates to a yearly reduction of carbon dioxide emission of iles and to dramatically reduce pollution impact.


Quench System: The QAH quenching system (Figure 3)
was speciically developed for extrusion companies ac-
tive in the automotive industry. Turla’s goal has been “ no
compromise” in providing the maximum cooling power
under various conditions using either air or water.
Most quenching systems on the market are good at do-
ing one thing, either air quenching or water quenching.
The QAH system is fully adaptable and able to use either
water or air modes, since these independent systems can
be individually selected when a given alloy is produced.
Therefore, when a 6082 alloy needs to be quenched, the
water mode is used, while the air mode can be used for
when a 6060 alloy must be produced.
The water spray mode has independent nozzle rows
placed 360° around the extrusion center line in order
to cover 100% of the extrusion surface area. These
nozzle rows can be electronically set to provide from Figure 3. QAH quenching system.
0-100% of its maximum water low delivery with con-
stant pressure. Such values settings are then stored in a group (Constellium Burg and Constellium France).
proile recipe, so that when a given proile is produced, Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (Austria) and Sapa Proiles
the water delivery values will be automatically recalled (Hungary) also ordered QAH this year.
and precisely set.
The air mode of the quenching system includes dif- Conclusion
ferent air blowing fans, each independently controlled.
Because Turla is the only Italian producer ISO9001:2008- The system to be installed in Bonnell’s Newnan facil-
certiied for aluminum extrusion handling systems, all its ity at the end of 2013 will take advantage of all the best
systems are always engineered and veriied by means of a technology developed by Turla in its decades of experi-
FEM tool before being sent into service. ence and cooperation with the most advanced European
Since the QAH quench was developed for the auto- extrusion groups. The new extrusion line, supported by
motive industry, companies such as Constellium Singen Turla handling systems, will permit Bonnell to work in
(perhaps the largest aluminum plant in Germany active the best conditions to produce the highest quality pro-
in automotive) have purchased three of these quenching iles with the shortest return on investment once the ex-
systems in 2012, as well as two other plants of the same pansion is started up in early 2014.

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Aluminum Recycling in the 21st Century:
Challenges and Opportunities
By Marshall Jinlong Wang, The Aluminum Association

luminum recycling is a process of new metal pendent on the service time of the products in various
production by using consumer and industrial market sectors, as well as society’s ability to eficiently and
“ wastes,” aluminum scrap metal, as raw mate- effectively collect these products. Most of these products
rial resources. Scrap is melted, reined, and ad- serve a very long time during their use phase— usually de-
justed into desirable alloys for subsequent use in making cades and sometimes up to a century. Because aluminum
consumer or industrial products. There is no functional is a relatively “ young” material, most product retirement
difference between products made with primary alumi- did not happen until the late 20th century.
num versus recycled aluminum. Today, more and more retired aluminum products be-
Aluminum recycling began almost concurrently with come available as a scrap source in North America. The
the irst commercial production of primary aluminum transportation and building and construction sectors are
in the U.S.1 Over the decades, along with the increased the most rapidly growing sources of old aluminum scrap.
availability of scrap, recycled aluminum makes up a great- This is due to the fact that some of the early mass-scale
er and greater percentage of the overall metal shipment applications in these sectors are gradually reaching their
to end-use markets. Aluminum recycling is becoming an designated service life and therefore become available
indispensable strategic part of the aluminum industry. As for recovery. The increased resource availability is a ma-
shown in Figure 1, the U.S. recycled 6.4 million tons of jor driving factor for the growing secondary aluminum
aluminum scrap in 2012, of which 4.4 million tons was industry in the region.
consumed in the domestic market, more than one-third
of the total domestic metal supply. In fact, in recent years, Demand & Trends
the U.S. has been producing more secondary than pri-
mary aluminum. Market demand is certainly another determining fac-
The ever increasing recycling of the metal is a result of tor for the growth of the industry. During the past two de-
many concurrent factors, such as increasing scrap avail- cades, apparent consumption of aluminum in the world
ability, increasing market demand for recycled alumi- has increased almost three times, from a little under 20
num, rising energy prices, and improved recycling tech- million tons in 1989 to an estimated 56 million tons in
nology. 2012.2 Most forecasts suggest that this trend will continue
during the next two decades.3 The signii-
cant increase in market demand has led to
not only rapid growth in primary metal pro-
duction, but also to a signiicant increase in
secondary aluminum supply. For instance,
the global supply of secondary aluminum in
1989 was estimated to be only 5 million tons,
but by 2012, the amount had grown to about
14 million tons.
Meanwhile, consumer awareness in green
products has helped accelerate the use of
recycled aluminum. Recycling aluminum
demands as little as 5% of the energy as
producing primary aluminum. At the same
time, it also helps eliminate the need for
mining and saves many other critical natu-
ral resources. In addition, it signiicantly
Figure 1. U.S. domestic scrap consumption and exports. (Data source: The Aluminum reduces the emissions and waste associated
Association.) with primary production. Recycling a ton of
aluminum saves the equivalent energy of up
to 24 barrels of oil. Due to these environmental beneits
Scrap Sources associated with recycled products, some market sectors
have set up incentive mechanisms to encourage recy-
New Scrap: The raw material of aluminum recycling cling. For instance, the Leadership in Energy and Envi-
scrap, which comes from two possible sources: the indus- ronmental Design (LEED) system developed by the U.S.
trial manufacturing processes where aluminum is fab- Green Building Council (USGBC) has set up criteria and
ricated into products, and the retirement of aluminum incentives to encourage both recycling and the use of re-
products from their service to consumers. Scrap from cycled materials in building products.
industrial manufacturing is often called new scrap. It is a Finally, rising energy prices and technological prog-
result of fabrication activities where pieces of aluminum ress have helped further drive the demand of recycled
are sheared off to make new shapes. The quantity of such aluminum. A less energy-intensive product, like recycled
scrap generation is generally ixed and proportional to aluminum, will always be more competitive in times when
the total shipments of aluminum products to consumers energy prices are high, as long as the products have the
and end-users. same function and performance. Technological progress
Old Scrap: Scrap from retired aluminum products is during the past three decades has made it possible for the
often called old scrap and the quantity is completely de- recycling of aluminum to be an increasingly closed-loop



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system, meaning alloys are recycled into the same alloys. done to get the precious material back at the end-of-life
Previously, aluminum was more frequently “ downcycled,” and keep it for future generations. This is both a dificult
a phenomenon that is caused through the contamina- challenge and a great opportunity. Only through better
tion of unwanted agents during the recycling process, so societal coordination can the aluminum recycling indus-
that the recycled metal has to be used for making high try achieve better service to the people in a more sustain-
alloying-content alloys that are more “ tolerable” to exotic able way.
elements. For instance, recycled aluminum was tradition- Another challenge is technological progress. Mate-
ally mostly used for casting products, such as automobile rial recycling has traditionally been considered a low-
parts, appliances, tools, and engineering equipment. tech practice and has therefore long been neglected by
During the past two decades, however, the use of recycled the research and innovation community. This situation
metal has been extended to almost all alloy forms, prod- needs to change in the 21st century given the natural
uct categories, and market sectors. A recent life cycle as- resource challenges we all face. The development of the
sessment (LCA) survey conducted by the Aluminum As- aluminum recycling industry has proven that technol-
sociation shows that the majority of semi-fabricated prod- ogy can always drive better, more eficient, and more
ucts contain over 50% of recycled metal. complete recycling. There are great opportunities for
technology progress in almost all stages of the alumi-
Challenges & Opportunities num recycling value chain.
For instance, the dazzling development of sensoring,
With a bright future ahead for the aluminum recycling positioning, and tracking technologies in the consumer
industry, challenges remain. One such challenge is the electronics world has opened numerous possibilities for
sourcing of raw materials— scrap. As mentioned previ- future aluminum scrap collection and sorting. Already
ously, the increase of raw material availability will come there are technologies used in the industry for such pur-
mainly from retired products and such availability is fore- poses. One such example is the near-infrared or X-ray
seen. However, the actual recovery— the collection of system that is designed to identify and remove contami-
such scrap— is another matter. Aluminum is one of the nants from aluminum scrap. Another example is a hand-
most recycled common materials. But too much of the held X-ray luorescence device that can help determine
metal is still lost in landills each year and recovering this alloy grade and chemical compositions of aluminum
material is virtually impossible. scrap.5 But the potential for even greater technological
The problem for the loss of the material exists in the enhancements exists. For instance, future aluminum
disconnect between parties in the recycling value chain. products could be made with “ IDs,” so that they will be
The recycling value chain, or the material low chain, in- able to be tracked all the way throughout their in-use
volves three distinct parties: the scrap generators, the col- lifetime until they get recycled. Such a system could dra-
lectors and processors, and the recyclers (the new mate- matically help the aluminum recycling industry precisely
rial makers). Among the three parties, only the recyclers “ mine” its raw materials and recycle them in a closed-
are considered to be part of the aluminum industry. But loop fashion— same alloys to same alloys.
the most critical party to ensure that recycling actually Another area for technological development is design
occurs are the scrap generators. The scrap generators for recycling. This includes developing more recycling
often have the “ right” and control to decide where the “ friendly” alloys and designing products so that they can
scrap goes—including to landills. The scrap collectors be more easily dissembled and recycled.
and processors, on the other hand, can affect the quality A third area for technological opportunities is in fur-
of scrap— whether it is well-sorted and clean. The recy- nace technologies. Great progress has been achieved in
clers are responsible for turning scrap into new materials the past three decades and today’s furnaces are much
and products serving exactly the same function in an ef- more eficient and cleaner than those in the past. Future
icient, effective, and environmentally friendly manner. attention should be paid to the treatment and removal
The most disconnected among the key parties is often of unwanted contaminants and chemicals in furnaces, so
the scrap generator. In the industrial and commercial the recycled metal can have precisely desired speciica-
part of society, such as transportation, building and con- tions and that the drawback of mixed source scrap can be
struction, utility and infrastructure, and manufacturing, maximally reduced.
most of the scrap generated ends up being recycled. In Looking to the later part of the 21st century, the impor-
the individual consumer part of society, however, things tance of aluminum recycling will only grow and oppor-
get much more complex due to the involvement of hun- tunities for the aluminum industry to improve practices
dreds of millions of individual stakeholders. In many af- will expand. Challenges will always accompany societal
luent societies like ours, there is not enough inancial development. But let me leave you with a Chinese saying:
incentive for individual consumers to recycle their used Opportunities co-exist with challenges. Whoever faces
products, particularly when that product is small items the challenges and seizes the opportunities wins the busi-
like packaging, portable electronics, toys, and batteries. ness.
The lack of legal and regulatory measures makes things
worse. The clearest example of this may be in aluminum References
can recycling, where the consumer recycling rate of cans
in the U.S. hovers around 60%. As a consequence, a large 1. Aluminum Recycling Casebook, The Aluminum Associa-
amount of aluminum, worth more than one billion dol- tion, 1998.
lars, is estimated to be lost in North America each year 2. Annual Statistical Review, The Aluminum Association,
and a large proportion of such loss could be prevented Multiple Years.
with appropriate regulatory or market incentives.4 3. CRU Group and Harbor Aluminum Intelligence,
Facing the material loss challenge, the aluminum in- Various Meeting Presentations, Multiple Years.
dustry has made signiicant efforts to promote recycling. 4. “ Aluminum: The Element of Sustainability – A North
Measures include advocacy campaigns, consumer educa- American Aluminum Industry Sustainability Report,”
tion and promotion, research and study on individual The Aluminum Association, 2011.
behaviors, and outreach and coordination with policy- 5. Kuhn, Mareike, “ Aluminum: No Future without Re-
makers, regulators, and NGOs. Much more needs to be cycling,” Recycling International, March 2013, No. 2.



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75th Anniversary for Gillespie & Powers
Custom Designed Aluminum Melting

ith a deep rooted background in manufactur- Charles K. Gillespie (Figure
ing and installing refractories and furnaces 4), son of the founder, came
in the aluminum industry, many of Gillespie on board as a partner with
& Powers (G&P) technical developments John R. From that time until
have laid the groundwork for improved metal recovery John R.’s death in 2006, they
industry-wide. The company’s accumulated experience guided G&P through stages
in refractory and furnace design has played a signiicant of systematic growth and pros-
role in advancing the knowledge in this ield. G&P has perity. “ It was through their
built upon its 75 years of experience to become a niche vision and leadership that the
supplier of high temperature furnaces. company integrated into the
aluminum industry, beginning
History with refractory rebuilding ser-
vices and now culminating in
Charles A. Gillespie (Figure the complete design and fur- Figure 3. John R. Gillespie.
1) irst formed Gillespie Com- nace building activities that
pany as a proprietorship in the company is engaged in,”
1931. Later in February 1938, said Jon Gillespie (Figure 5),
Charles formed a partnership John R.’s son. Following the
with Frank X. Powers to create step down of Charles K. in No-
Gillespie & Powers. In 1950, vember 2007, Jon was named
two years after the death of president of the company.
Powers, the partnership was (Jon’s son, John B. Gillespie
converted to the present corpo- graduated from Rolla in 2011
ration. From its inception the and is currently involved in
company operated on a region- project management for the
al basis involved with masonry company.)
installation services, primarily Figure
1. Charles A. Gil-
From the St. Louis point of
in heating systems and electric operation, G&P continues to Figure 4. Charles K. Gil-
generator stations. Around the time of the formation maintain its refractory masonry lespie.
of the partnership, the city of St. Louis, MO, passed a construction activities, as well
rigid smoke abatement law that thrust the company into as the aluminum industry seg-
a great deal of research into the installation of new coal- ment, including the design
burning equipment in many existing boilers. Following and installation of melting and
this, the company was heavily involved with the conver- scrap preparation equipment.
sion of much of the hand-ired equipment to stokers, In addition, the company has
and inally converted much of this equipment to iring refractory masonry construc-
oil and gas. tion ield ofices in Iowa, Ken-
From its initial home and storefront operations, the tucky, and northern Missouri,
company moved into its irst corporate ofices in August as well as their corporate head-
1961 in midtown St. Louis. It was in the early 1960s that, quarters in St. Louis, which
as a result of providing refractory repair services to a house the engineering ofices
number of aluminum clients, the company expanded and a mobilization center for
into the aluminum industry providing complete design their activities in North and Figure 5. Jon R. Gillespie.
and installation of aluminum melting furnaces (Figure South America and Asia. Ap-
2), especially in larger stationary type of equipment proximately 65 people make up the core staff and ield
up to 150 tons in capacity. Operations at the St. Louis supervisors, whose efforts are ever changing in expand-
site were expanded under the direction of John R. Gil- ing supplemental craft involvement on speciic projects
lespie (Figure 3), nephew of the founder. John R. was during the course of their ield construction activities.
named president of the company in 1966 and in 1968 “ We believe that much of our success in the aluminum
industry has been derived from our application of the
knowledge that we have learned from supplying mainte-
nance and operations assistance to people in the indus-
try on a routine basis as a part of our ongoing refractory
masonry and construction services,” said Jon. “ Improve-
ments learned from these experiences have been crafted
into our new equipment models to the satisfaction of our

Technical Advancement

Through its active involvement with customers, G&P

has developed new technologies in order to improve
melt rate and eficiency of its equipment for the process-
Figure 2. Sidewell melting furnace. ing and melting of aluminum. The company was granted


al client,” said Jon. “ We also have a keen appreciation of
the requirement for maintaining a construction schedule
and delivering the equipment on time and ready to per-
form. These qualities, coupled together with our contin-
ued accumulation of knowledge as it relates to the func-
tionality of these devices for continued improvement has
contributed to our longevity.”

Moving Forward

G&P is currently in various stages of progress on ive

melting furnace projects across the U.S., including sta-
tionary melters with regenerative iring and tilting ca-
pabilities. The company is also in the process of con-
tainerizing and shipping equipment for several major
Figure 6. Mass low decoating system. South American aluminum remelt plant expansions, in-
volving delacquering and melting equipment, and has
its irst U.S. patent in 1989 for an apparatus designed to recently completed the installation of two high capacity
generate a vortex in the melt. John R. was the primary au- delacquering machines and three melting furnaces for
thor of this and ive other U.S. patents, all of which relate a client in the Asian market. Jon also noted that the re-
to equipment and devices for the improvement of pre- fractory maintenance segment of the business remains
paring and processing scrap aluminum, for improving strong, with ongoing maintenance and repair activity of
the eficiency of the melting of aluminum, and features furnace equipment for a variety of metal melting cus-
related to the construction of furnaces. “ This continued tomers.
technical development has been the special strength of The company is in the process of developing low con-
our company for decades,” said Jon. trol for transferring and casting and is expanding recy-
The company also currently has six other U.S. patents cling capabilities in order to move beyond decoating
pending in this same area of research, including a re- and melting to include scrap receiving and preparation
mote thermocouple sensing and control system for metal equipment, encompassing a turnkey responsibility for
kilns, a regenerative melting and holding furnace with scrap recycling plants. In the refractory repair and main-
an improved media box, a regen system media bed loat tenance segment, G&P is adding to its project manage-
sled, an auto tapper low control system, reversible jamb ment team and expanding its mobilization centers to im-
blocks and an associated method for using them, and a prove the supply of services to key customers on a timely
temperature control system and method for metal kilns. basis, as well as to reinforce its commitment to “ what they
“ One very impor- do best”—the problem solving of refractory modiica-
tant technical achieve- tions and relining, which has served the company well
ment,” added Jon, “ was for the past 75 years.
the precise true-scale “ We certainly believe the future in the aluminum mar-
water models of our ketplace is going to be enhanced with the recent increase
open sidewell melting in the natural gas production. This will have a long term
furnace system, which impact on the expansion of the infrastructure in the alu-
have provided valu- minum industry, which G&P hopes to be a part of,” said
able information for Jon. “ In the refractory and maintenance sector, we con-
designing the most ef- tinue to seek opportunities to expand to provide mobili-
fective arrangement zation centers for the supply of the services to key custom-
of connecting features ers on a timely basis. We also continue to move forward to
between the wells and diversify geographically and take advantage of building
the main hearth of fur- relationships with competent suppliers offshore.”
naces.” Other develop- Having built on its initial strengths in the refractory in-
ments by the company dustry, G&P has drawn together a team of experienced
are a reverse low melt- individuals, who have worked to make the company rec-
ing concept that can ognized in the worldwide aluminum industry (Figure 8).
be applied when large
quantities of heavy Figure 7. A vortex system for rapidly
scrap are to be pre- submerging lightweight scrap in a melt-
heated and melted; a ing operation.
mass low delacquer-
ing system for the continuous removal of contamination
from UBCs and other lightweight scrap prior to melting
(Figure 6); a vortex submerging system for the rapid sub-
merging of lightweight scrap in a continuous sidewell
melting operation (Figure 7); an auto tapper that attach-
es to the side of the furnace and acts as safety device, pro-
viding continuous automatic tapping of molten metal,
and that can be combined with a low control system; and
a twin-head regenerative burner arrangement that can it
burners on an existing melter when the geometry of the
furnace is an issue.
“ Most of our new aluminum industry sales are custom
designed to it the special requirements of each individu- Figure 8. The current Gillespie & Powers team.


San Antonio, TX TMS 2013

Annual Meeting and Exhibition

he TMS 2013 Annual Meet- of the Norwegian University of Sci-
ing and Exhibition, held ence and Technology for his service
in San Antonio, TX, from to the technical community and to
March 3-7, hosted more aluminum reduction technology.
than 4,000 materials scientists and The Light Metals Award was given
engineers, of which more than 1,000 to Vladislav Gorbunov and Gennady
were students. The event featured Podgorodetsky, National University
the presentation of nearly 3,000 tech- of Science and Technology, and Gen-
nical papers and an exhibition with nadiy Klimetenok and Andrey Panov,
nearly 100 exhibitors (some of whose UC Rusal Engineering and Technolo-
pictures follow on page 69, L-R). gy Center, for their paper “ Directions
for Large Scale Utilization of Bauxite
Honors & Awards Residue.”
Four Light Metals Subject Awards
At the TMS-AIME Honors and were also given, including the Alumi-
Awards Banquet, 2012 TMS presi- num Reduction Technology Award
dent Wolfgang Schneider, Hydro Alu- to Ingo Eick of Hydro Aluminium
minium, welcomed Elizabeth Holm Deutschland and Kristian Etienne
(pictured), who was installed as the Elizabeth Holm, TMS president. Einarsrud and Stein Tore Johansen of
57th president of TMS. A professor of SINTEF Materials and Chemistry; the
materials science and engineering at his service in expanding TMS’ reach Electrode Technology for Aluminum
Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts- through cooperation with other or- Production Award to Barry Sadler of
burgh, PA, Holm was serving as the ganizations and organization of ma- Net Carbon Consulting Pty; the Re-
society’s vice president and has been terials conferences. A Brimacombe cycling Award to Tracey Brommer
a member for 20 years. In her open- Medal was awarded to Alan Luo, of PA Consulting, Britt Elin Gihleen-
ing comments, she noted that TMS General Motors Co., for his contribu- gen of Scandpower, and Randolph
was in great shape to respond to the tions to the research of lightweight Kirchain and Elsa Olivetti of Mas-
trends in its profession and the needs aluminum and magnesium alloys, sachusetts Institute of Technology;
of its members. “ My goal is to refocus from computational alloy design to and the Warren Peterson Cast Shop
on sustaining members and activities automotive applications, as well as for for Aluminum Production Award to
to ensure that the professional soci- his service to the society via work in Malcom Couper and Mark Easton of
ety that has served them so well since technical committees, the Light Met- Monash University, Nick Parson of
1871 remains their destination of als Division (LMD), and program- Rio Tinto Alcan, Lisa Sweet of CAST
choice for the next 142 years,” said ming and publication committees. Crc, and John Taylor of University of
Holm. She added that she hopes to In addition, the AIME Champion H. Queensland.
emphasize the development of pro- Mathewson Award was given to Paul
grams to support young- and mid- Krajewski, General Motors Co., and Aluminum Session
career professional members and to Eric M. Taleff, University of Texas, for
focus on issues of geographic and de- their paper, “ Effect of Microstructure While each of the seven present-
mographic diversity. on Cavitation during Hot Deforma- ers during the Aluminum Keynote
Following presentations by TMS tion of Fine-Grained Aluminum-Mag- Session focused on different issues,
leaders, the society presented honors nesium Alloy as Revealed through approaches, and technologies, the
and awards of excellence in multiple Three-Dimensional Characteriza- impact of impurities across the en-
divisions. Ray Peterson, Aleris In- tion.” tire aluminum supply chain was a
ternational, received the Alexander The LMD Distinguished Service consistent theme that underscored
Scott Distinguished Service Award for Award was given to Jomar Thonstad each presentation. Session chair, Les

Wolfgang Schneider presented Schneider awarded Alan Luo a George Luxbacher presented an John Hryn presented the LMD
the Alexander Scott Distinguished Brimacombe Medal. AIME Champion H. Mathewson Distinguished Service Award to
Service Award to Ray Peterson Award to Paul Krajewski (far right) Jomar Thonstad (right).
(right). and Eric M. Taleff.


San Antonio, TX TMS 2013
Edwards, vp, Technical Services, Rain
CII Carbon, said, “ The primary goal
is to bring people together from the
bauxite/alumina, reduction, elec-
trode, and casthouse areas… we need
to think about impurities holistically
rather than something that affects
each area separately.”
Stephen Lindsay, Alcoa, in his talk
on Raw Material Impurities and the
Challenge Ahead, noted that as the
demand on existing resources for
raw materials increases, raw material
purity will likely decline over time.
In turn, impurities and changes in
impurities will take on greater mean-
ing for process control, equipment
design and selection, metal products, Aluminum keynote speakers (L-R): John Grandield, Andrea Weber, Muhammad Rhamdhani,
and environmental, health, and safe- James Metson, Karl Bartholomew, Stephen Lindsay, Stewart Hamilton, and Les Edwards.
ty considerations. “ Impurities have
the potential to reshape certain as- quence, although the U.S. is produc- room to the casthouse. Muhammad
pects of the design and operation of ing a better quality crude, the “ quality Rhamdhani, Swinburne University
smelters, electrode plants, cast shops, of pet coke has gotten worse.” of Technology, offered an in-depth
and reineries,” Lindsay said. “Many Andrea Weber, Rio Tinto Alcan overview of current and emerging
of the potential outcomes of higher (RTA) Sebree, provided an overview technologies for impurities removal.
impurities may not require new tech- of an effective technical improvement While these techniques work well for
nology, but different applications of plan in Impact of Higher Vanadium Lev- selected elements, he concluded that
existing technologies.” els on Smelter Operations. Sebree made the boron treatment process for con-
In Impacts of Impurities Introduced into a choice to accept increased impuri- trolling vanadium is not optimized
the Aluminium Reduction Cell, James ties in one of the primary cokes used and no existing technique effective-
Metson, University of Auckland, in the coke blend supplied to the ly controls nickel in the casthouse.
looked beyond metal quality, noting, smelter, in return for a signiicant cost “ Strategies through the whole process
“ It is also necessary to consider those discount. Faced with a negative im- chain may need to be considered,” he
impurities which don’t report to the pact on anode consumption, current said. “ And some fundamental studies
metal.” While the industry is getting eficiency, power consumption, and need to be carried out.”
better at some aspects of managing other metrics, RTA developed a work In the inal presentation, John
impurities, Metson said, “ The ne- quality management system to ensure Grandield, Grandield Technology
glected part is the electrochemistry that all potline operators, regardless Pty Ltd., examined the potential im-
and the impacts on the process are of experience level, were well trained pact of impurities on the end prod-
considerable. This is driving down in basic practices. The project started uct. In An Initial Assessment of the Effects
our ability to dissolve alumina and with a focused analysis of practices in of Increased Ni and V Content in AA6063
tightening the production window. In a 42-pot test section, where the most and A356 Alloys, he shared an investi-
some parts of the world, we are well critical 20% of these procedures were gation conducted for two commonly
out of our comfort zone in terms of then identiied. These procedures used alloys, AA6060/6063 and A356,
our understanding of this chemistry, were made the subject of an intensive in which castings were produced with
decreasing our ability to dissolve alu- training session for all operators and low typical levels of NiV and with high
mina at the rate we need.” allowed for the implementation of a NiV levels approaching the maximum
In Changes in Global Reining and Its system to monitor individual perfor- P1020 speciication of 300 ppm each.
Impact on Anode Quality Petroleum Coke, mance. Microstructural changes, tensile
Karl Bartholomew, KBC Advanced Stewart Hamilton, New Zealand Al- properties, and corrosion resistance
Technologies, Inc., outlined the eco- uminium Smelters Ltd, also touched were measured, with small changes
nomic drivers that have profoundly on the human factor necessary for in corrosion performance and tensile
affected the quality and quantity of success in Impact on Smelter Operations properties detected in some instanc-
calcinable anode grade petroleum of Operating High Purity Reduction Cells. es. While the exact effects depend on
coke. Of particular signiicance has Presented as a case study, Hamilton the alloy system, Grandield noted
been the rapid emergence of shale oil noted that “ everyone must be en- that “ vanadium and nickel may have
production in the U.S. “ Since 2009, gaged in the mindset,” because of the effects even at dilute levels on some
the U.S. has gone from almost no expense and complexity of high puri- properties. We need to start to coor-
production of shale oil to over a mil- ty production. “ The good thing about dinate with customers, so that they do
lion barrels a day,” said Bartholomew. a high purity focus is that it rubs off not suddenly ind that the properties
However, in the prevailing business into other areas,” he said. “ The more of their products have changed.”
model, a very small percentage of we focus on purity, the more we un- All of the technical papers pre-
this high quality crude is sent to cok- derstand and improve other param- sented in the keynote session are
ing rooms. Comparatively, more than eters of smelter operations.” published in the Light Metals 2013
30% of certain types of poor quality Management of Impurities in Cast proceedings, which are available
crude from outside of the U.S. is used House with Particular Reference to Ni and in the TMS Knowledge Center:
to make petroleum coke. As a conse- V moved the discussion from the pot http://knowledge.tms.org.


San Antonio, TX TMS 2013

Stephen Jackson and Jim Checkeye, Bloom Pierre Farge, Fives Cinetic Group, and Dominique Privé and Dror Shaked, Brochot
Engineering Fabienne Virieux, Pierre Mahieu, and Xavier
Genin, Fives Solios

Frank Beck and Werner Nowitzki, Glama François Mousseau, Jean-Pierre Gagné, and Karl St-Laurent and Kevin Williams,
Machinenbau Marc-André Thibault, STAS Advanced Dynamics

Rainer Ehmann, Gautschi John Trimbur, John Allen, Robert Jenkins, Mohammed Yahya, DUBAL, and Abdul
and David Burrow, Thorpe Technologies Raheem Al Hashemi, EMAL

Ian Marsh, Jon Gillespie, Rob Nash, and Steve Iijima and Eishin Takahashi, Zmag David Edgerton, Nederman LLC, and Scott
Dan Corley, Gillespie + Powers America Gongaware, MikroPul

Elwin Roetman and Steven van der Bent, Berthold Hohl and Stefan Vucic, Eirich David Wilburn, Ellen Wilburn, Domenico
Hencon Di Lisa, Anke Di Lisa, Detlef Maiwald, and
Sigrid Maiwald, innovatherm


Index to Directory of Secondary Aluminum* Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers

Alloying Elements .................................................... 72 Launders, Troughs, Crucibles ................................. 74

Automation/Control Systems ................................... 72 Lubrication/Coatings ................................................ 74
Briquetting ............................................................... 72 Material Handling Equipment/Vehicles .................... 74
Casting Equipment - Billet/Slab/Ingot/Strip.............. 72 Metallographic Services .......................................... 74
Chip Handling .......................................................... 72 Metal Measurement/Testing .................................... 74
Chip Melter .............................................................. 72 Molds ....................................................................... 74
Combustion Equipment ........................................... 72 Molten Level Control................................................ 74
Compactors ............................................................. 72 Molten Metal Analysis.............................................. 74
Consulting Engineers (Primary Business) ............... 72 Molten Metal Filtration ............................................. 74
Conveyors ............................................................... 72 Molten Metal Pumps ................................................ 74
Degassing................................................................ 72 Molten Metal Transfer Trucks .................................. 74
Delacquering/Decoating Equipment ........................ 72 Pollution Control Equipment .................................... 74
Dross Cooling Equipment ........................................ 72 Quality Control ......................................................... 74
Dross Handling Equipment ...................................... 72 Refractory Supply/Maintenance .............................. 74
Electromagnetic Stirring Equipment ........................ 72 Rotary Gas/Flux Injectors ........................................ 74
Furnace Charging Machines ................................... 72 Rotary Kilns/Dryers.................................................. 74
Furnace Tending Machines ..................................... 72 Sawing Systems/Equipment .................................... 74
Furnaces – Holding ................................................. 73 Scrap Submergence Systems ................................. 75
Furnaces – Homogenizing....................................... 73 Separation Systems ................................................ 75
Furnaces – Melting .................................................. 73 Shredders ................................................................ 75
Furnaces – Preheat ................................................. 73 Sow Casting/Handling Equipment ........................... 75
Furnaces – Rotary ................................................... 73 Stirring/Vortexing Equipment ................................... 75
Grain Reining Rod Dispensers ............................... 73 Strapping/Packaging ............................................... 75
Hydraulic Drive Systems ......................................... 73 Temperature Measurement/Control Equipment ...... 75
Hydrogen Analyzers ................................................ 73 Ultrasonic Testing .................................................... 75
Inclusion Measurement ........................................... 73 Used Equipment / Equipment Agents
Industrial Gases....................................................... 73 (Primary Business) ............................................... 75
Ingot Stacking/Handling Equipment ........................ 73 Vibratory Feeders .................................................... 75
Ladle Equipment...................................................... 74 Weighing Equipment ............................................... 75
*Secondary aluminum producers are deined as secondary smelters and remelters of aluminum. Secondary smelters process
different types of scrap, while remelters process billets or pure scrap of one or more alloy.

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Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
AMG Aluminum Zmag America, Ltd. EQUIPMENT
A. Cesana Srl Apogee Technology, Inc.
Excellent Foundry Fluxes Company COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT Chinook Sciences, LLC
Pyrotek Inc. Air Liquide Industrial U.S. LP Consolidated Engineering Company
Scottish Chemical Industries Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
Surface Combustion, Inc. Bloom Engineering Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd.
Fives North American Combustion Mechatherm International Ltd.
AUTOMATION/ CONTROL Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI
SYSTEMS Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Thorpe Technologies Inc.
ABB Inc. Hauck Manufacturing Co.
Almex USA Inc. Innovatherm ALTEK-MDY, LLC
Butech Bliss Linde, Inc. Mansell & Associates
Innovatherm Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd. mfs engineering ltd.
Linde, Inc. Mechatherm International Ltd. Outotec (Canada) Ltd.
Mechatherm International Ltd. Metal 7 Inc. Pyrotek Inc.
Metal 7 Inc. mfs engineering ltd. STAS
Novelis PAE North American Combustion
Outotec (Canada) Ltd. Services, Ltd. DROSS HANDLING
PMC Systems, Inc. Remelt Technologies, Inc. EQUIPMENT
Precimeter Control AB Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Advanced Dynamics
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Surface Combustion, Inc. ALTEK-MDY, LLC
Surface Combustion, Inc. Thorpe Technologies Inc. Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd.
Wagstaff, Inc. VHE ehf Mansell & Associates
Mechatherm International Ltd.
BRIQUETTING COMPACTORS mfs engineering ltd.
Hertwich Engineering JMC Recycling Systems Ltd. STAS
mfs engineering ltd. SSI Shredding Systems, Inc.
Almex USA Inc. B.S. Metallurgy ALTEK-MDY, LLC
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Hatch Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd.
Castal Engineering Penta Engineering P.A. Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
A. Cesana Srl Quality Consultants BV Hertwich Engineering
Consolidated Ceramic Products Inc. Inductotherm Corp.
Continuus Properzi S.P.A. CONVEYORS Mechatherm International Ltd.
Gautschi Engineering GmbH ACI-Canefco Solios Thermal
Hertwich Engineering Advanced Dynamics
HPI GmbH Bosch Rexroth Corporation FURNACE CHARGING
JMC Recycling Systems Ltd. Consolidated Engineering Company MACHINES
LOI Thermprocess GmbH GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH ACI-Canefco
Mansell & Associates Infa S.A. Advanced Dynamics
Mechatherm International Ltd. Mansell & Associates Consolidated Engineering Company
mfs engineering ltd. Metal 7 Inc. Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd.
Novelis PAE GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L.
o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd. DEGASSING GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Outotec (Canada) Ltd. Almex USA Inc. GNA alutech inc.
Permatech Inc. Apogee Technology, Inc. Hencon B.V.
Properzi International, Inc. A. Cesana Srl Hertwich Engineering
Pyrotek Inc. Continuus Properzi S.P.A. HPI GmbH
Quality Consultants BV Excellent Foundry Fluxes Company Inductotherm Corp.
Remelt Technologies, Inc. Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Otto Junker GmbH
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Gautschi Engineering GmbH Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd.
Wagstaff, Inc. Mechatherm International Ltd. Mansell & Associates
Mersen USA Greenville-MI Corp. Mechatherm International Ltd.
CHIP HANDLING Molten Metal Equipment Innovations mfs engineering ltd.
ACI-Canefco Novelis PAE Outotec (Canada) Ltd.
Advanced Dynamics Permatech Inc. Pyrotek Inc.
B&O Saws, Inc. Properzi International, Inc. Remelt Technologies, Inc.
Hencon B.V. Pyrotek Inc. Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI
Mechatherm International Ltd. Refraco Inc. Surface Combustion, Inc.
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Scottish Chemical Industries Thorpe Technologies Inc.
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI
Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Advanced Dynamics
GNA alutech inc. ALTEK-MDY, LLC


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L. FURNACES – MELTING Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd.
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH ACI-Canefco Mansell & Associates
Hencon B.V. Air Liquide Industrial U.S. LP Mechatherm International Ltd.
Hertwich Engineering Almex USA Inc. Refraco Inc.
Mechatherm International Ltd. Apogee Technology, Inc. SECO/Warwick
mfs engineering ltd. Castal Engineering Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI
A. Cesana Srl Surface Combustion, Inc.
FURNACES – HOLDING Continuus Properzi S.P.A. Thermserve Limited
ACI-Canefco EFR Thorpe Technologies Inc.
Apogee Technology, Inc. Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd.
Castal Engineering Gautschi Engineering GmbH GRAIN REFINING ROD
A. Cesana Srl GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L. DISPENSERS
Continuus Properzi S.P.A. Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Acme Machine Works, Inc.
EFR GNA alutech inc. Almex USA Inc.
Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Hertwich Engineering AMG Aluminum
Gautschi Engineering GmbH Inductotherm Corp. Apogee Technology, Inc.
GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L. Otto Junker GmbH A. Cesana Srl
Gillespie & Powers, Inc. LOI Thermprocess GmbH Infa S.A.
GNA alutech inc. Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd. Mechatherm International Ltd.
Hertwich Engineering Mansell & Associates Novelis PAE
Inductotherm Corp. Mechatherm International Ltd. o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd.
Infa S.A. mfs engineering ltd.
Otto Junker GmbH North American Combustion HYDRAULIC DRIVE SYSTEMS
LOI Thermprocess GmbH Services, Ltd. Apogee Technology, Inc.
Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd. Permatech Inc. Bosch Rexroth Corporation
Mansell & Associates Properzi International, Inc. Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd.
Mechatherm International Ltd. Refraco Inc. VHE ehf
mfs engineering ltd. The Schaefer Group, Inc.
North American Combustion SECO/Warwick HYDROGEN ANALYZERS
Services, Ltd. Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI ABB Analytical Measurement
Permatech Inc. Solios Thermal Air Liquide Industrial U.S. LP
Properzi International, Inc. Thermserve Limited Almex USA Inc.
Pyrotek Inc. Thorpe Technologies Inc. A. Cesana Srl
Refraco Inc. Pyrotek Inc.
The Schaefer Group, Inc. FURNACES – PREHEAT Scottish Chemical Industries
SECO/Warwick ACI-Canefco
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Can-Eng Furnaces International INCLUSION MEASUREMENT
Solios Thermal Consolidated Engineering Company ABB Analytical Measurement
Surface Combustion, Inc. EFR Almex USA Inc.
Thermserve Limited Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Pyrotek Inc.
Thorpe Technologies Inc. GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L. Scottish Chemical Industries
Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
ACI-Canefco Otto Junker GmbH Air Liquide Industrial U.S. LP
Apogee Technology, Inc. LOI Thermprocess GmbH Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Can-Eng Furnaces International Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd. Linde, Inc.
Consolidated Engineering Company Mechatherm International Ltd.
EFR mfs engineering ltd. INGOT STACKING/ HANDLING
Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. North American Combustion EQUIPMENT
Gautschi Engineering GmbH Services, Ltd. ACI-Canefco
GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L. Permatech Inc. Acme Machine Works, Inc.
GNA alutech inc. Refraco Inc. Advanced Dynamics
Hertwich Engineering SECO/Warwick B&O Saws, Inc.
HPI GmbH Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Bradley Lifting Corp.
Otto Junker GmbH Solios Thermal Continuus Properzi S.P.A.
LOI Thermprocess GmbH Surface Combustion, Inc. Gautschi Engineering GmbH
Mechatherm International Ltd. Thermserve Limited Hertwich Engineering
mfs engineering ltd. Thorpe Technologies Inc. JMC Recycling Systems Ltd.
North American Combustion VHE ehf Mansell & Associates
Services, Ltd. Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc. Metal 7 Inc.
Refraco Inc. mfs engineering ltd.
Remelt Technologies, Inc. FURNACES – ROTARY o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd.
SECO/Warwick ALTEK-MDY, LLC Outotec (Canada) Ltd.
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Can-Eng Furnaces International Permatech Inc.
Solios Thermal Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Properzi International, Inc.
Tellkamp Systems, Inc. GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L.
Thermserve Limited Hertwich Engineering
Thorpe Technologies Inc. LOI Thermprocess GmbH


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Bosch Rexroth Corporation ABB Analytical Measurement TRUCKS
Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Almex USA Inc. GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Pyrotek Inc. Hencon B.V.
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH SELEE Corporation
Mansell & Associates TESTING Chinook Sciences, LLC
Metal 7 Inc. ABB Analytical Measurement Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
North American Combustion Almex USA Inc. Innovatherm
Services, Ltd. Wagstaff, Inc. Mansell & Associates
Outotec (Canada) Ltd. Nederman
Permatech Inc. MOLDS Surface Combustion, Inc.
Pyrotek Inc. Gautschi Engineering GmbH Tellkamp Systems, Inc.
Refraco Inc. GES, Inc.
The Schaefer Group, Inc. Mersen USA Greenville-MI Corp. QUALITY CONTROL
STAS Novelis PAE ABB Analytical Measurement
o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd. Almex USA Inc.
LAUNDERS, TROUGHS, Wagstaff, Inc. Apogee Technology, Inc.
CRUCIBLES Permatech Inc.
Apogee Technology, Inc. Almex USA Inc.
A. Cesana Srl Apogee Technology, Inc. REFRACTORY SUPPLY/
Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Consolidated Ceramic Products Inc. MAINTENANCE
GES, Inc. Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Apogee Technology, Inc.
Hencon B.V. Gautschi Engineering GmbH Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
Infa S.A. Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Infa S.A.
Mansell & Associates Infa S.A. Mechatherm International Ltd.
mfs engineering ltd. Mechatherm International Ltd. North American Combustion
Molten Metal Equipment Innovations Molten Metal Equipment Innovations Services, Ltd.
North American Combustion Novelis PAE Novelis PAE
Services, Ltd. Outotec (Canada) Ltd. Permatech Inc.
Outotec (Canada) Ltd. Precimeter Control AB Pyrotek Inc.
Permatech Inc. Sentech Precimeter Inc. Refraco Inc.
Pyrotek Inc. VHE ehf The Schaefer Group, Inc.
Refraco Inc. Wagstaff, Inc. Scottish Chemical Industries
The Schaefer Group, Inc. Surface Combustion, Inc.
Scottish Chemical Industries MOLTEN METAL ANALYSIS Wahl Refactory Solutions
SELEE Corporation ABB Analytical Measurement ZIRCAR Ceramics, Inc.
Solios Thermal Almex USA Inc. Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc.
Thorpe Technologies Inc.
Wahl Refactory Solutions ACI-Canefco INJECTORS
Almex USA Inc. Apogee Technology, Inc.
LUBRICATION/ COATINGS Apogee Technology, Inc. Excellent Foundry Fluxes Company
Apogee Technology, Inc. Gautschi Engineering GmbH GES, Inc.
A. Cesana Srl Infa S.A. Molten Metal Equipment Innovations
DryLube Mechatherm International Ltd. Scottish Chemical Industries
Metal 7 Inc. Novelis PAE STAS
Novelis PAE Permatech Inc.
Permatech Inc. Properzi International, Inc. ROTARY KILNS/ DRYERS
Pyrotek Inc. The Schaefer Group, Inc. Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
Scottish Chemical Industries Scottish Chemical Industries Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd.
SELEE Corporation Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI
MATERIAL HANDLING STAS Surface Combustion, Inc.
EQUIPMENT/ VEHICLES Urja Products Pvt. Ltd. Thorpe Technologies Inc.
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc.
Can-Eng Furnaces International MOLTEN METAL PUMPS EQUIPMENT
Consolidated Engineering Company Apogee Technology, Inc. ACI-Canefco
GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH GES, Inc. Acme Machine Works, Inc.
Hencon B.V. Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Advanced Dynamics
Permatech Inc. Mechatherm International Ltd. B&O Saws, Inc.
Pyrotek Inc. Molten Metal Equipment Innovations Bosch Rexroth Corporation
Solios Thermal Permatech Inc. DryLube
Surface Combustion, Inc. Precimeter Control AB Hertwich Engineering
Zmag America, Ltd. HPI GmbH
MetlSaw Systems Inc.


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
mfs engineering ltd. Mansell & Associates VHE ehf
August Mössner GmbH + Co. KG Mechatherm International Ltd. Williamson Corp.
Outotec (Canada) Ltd. o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd.
REISCH Maschinenbau GmbH Outotec (Canada) Ltd. ULTRASONIC TESTING
Sermas Industrie Wagstaff, Inc. ACI-Canefco
Sistem Teknik Ltd. STI Advanced Dynamics
SYSTEMS Apogee Technology, Inc. HPI GmbH
Apogee Technology, Inc. Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd.
Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd. Gillespie & Powers, Inc. USED EQUIPMENT /
Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Pyrotek Inc. EQUIPMENT AGENTS
Hertwich Engineering Zmag America, Ltd. (PRIMARY BUSINESS)
Molten Metal Equipment Innovations Phipps Company
Zmag America, Ltd. ACI-Canefco VIBRATORY FEEDERS
Advanced Dynamics Furnace Engineering Pty. Ltd.
SEPARATION SYSTEMS Hertwich Engineering Gillespie & Powers, Inc.
Zmag America, Ltd. o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd. Mansell & Associates
Outotec (Canada) Ltd. Outotec (Canada) Ltd.
Bosch Rexroth Corporation WEIGHING EQUIPMENT
Granutech – Saturn Systems TEMPERATURE Hertwich Engineering
JMC Recycling Systems Ltd. MEASUREMENT/ CONTROL o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd.
SSI Shredding Systems, Inc. EQUIPMENT Outotec (Canada) Ltd.
Accurate Sensors Technologies
SOW CASTING/ HANDLING Consolidated Ceramic Products Inc.
EQUIPMENT Hauck Manufacturing Co.
Acme Machine Works, Inc. Mechatherm International Ltd.
Advanced Dynamics Metal 7 Inc.
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Pyrotek Inc.
Bradley Lifting Corp.


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Alphabetical Listing of Companies
ABB Analytical Measurement Almex USA Inc. email: rob@bsmetallurgy.com
585 Boulevard Charest East, Ste 300 6925 Aragon Circle web: www.bsmetallurgy.com
Quebec City, QC, G1K 9H4, Canada Buena Park, CA 90620 Contact: Rob Bailey
Tel: (418) 877-2944 Tel: (714) 522-7340
email: metal@ca.abb.com email: info@almexusa.com Butech Bliss
web: www.abb.com/analytical web: www.almexusa.com 550 South Ellsworth Ave.
Contact: Jasmin Proulx Contact: Kedar Tilak Salem, OH 44460
Tel: (330) 337-0000
ABB Inc. ALTEK-MDY, LLC email: sales@butech.com
90 Consumers Drive Whiteland Business Center web: www.butechbliss.com
Whitby, ON, Canada L1N 7L5 748 Springdale Road, Suite 100 Contact: Al Waigand
Tel: (905) 666-2251 Exton, PA 19341
email: david.a.domanski@ Tel: (484) 713-0070 Can-Eng Furnaces International
ca.abb.com email: jamesherbert@altek-al.com 6800 Montrose Road
web: www.abb.com web: www.altek-al.com Niagara Falls, ON, Canada L2E 6V5
Contact: David Domanski Contact: James Herbert Tel: (905) 356-1327
email: tdonofrio@can-eng.com
Accurate Sensors Technologies Ltd. AMG Aluminum web: www.can-eng.com
Misgav Industrial Park 435 Devon Park Dr., Bldg. 300 Contact: Tim Donofrio
Misgav, 20179 Israel Wayne, PA 19087
Tel: (972) 4-9990025 Tel: (800) 523-8457 Castal Engineering
email: haim.damir@3t.co.il email: tdonnelly@amg-al.com Hippocrates 18
web: www.accuratesensors.com web: www.amg-al.com 14563 Kiisia, Greece
Contact: Haim Damir Contact: Tim Donnelly Tel: (30) 210 8073088
email: castal@otenet.gr
ACI-Canefco Apogee Technology, Inc. web: www.castal.gr
488 Basaltic Road 1600 Hulton Rd. Contact: F. Samaropoulos
Concord, ON, L4K 5A2, Canada Verona, PA 15147
Tel: (905) 417-0036 Tel: (412) 795-8782 A. Cesana Srl
email: hbergmann@aci-ca.com email: sstauffer@apogeetechinc.com Via Turati 23
web: www.aci-ca.com web: www.apogeetechinc.com 20016 Pero, Milan, Italy
Contact: Helgar Bergmann Contact: Scott Stauffer Tel: (39) 02 3534941
email: info@acesana.com
Acme Machine Works, Inc. B&O Saws, Inc. web: www.acesana.com
North 1220 Bradley Rd. 825 Reed St. Contact: Alberto Cesana
Spokane, WA 99212 Belding, MI 48809
Tel: (509) 927-9066 Tel: (616) 794-7297 Chinook Sciences LLC
email: don@acmemachineworks.com email: dkohn@bosaws.com 20 Commerce Dr., Suite 326
web: www.acmemachineworks.com web: www.bosaws.com Cranford, NJ 07016
Contact: Don McManus Contact: Doug Kohn Tel: (908) 272-5091
email: contact@chinooksciences.com
Advanced Dynamics Bloom Engineering web: www.chinooksciences.com
1700 Blvd. Marie Victorin 5460 Horning Rd. Contact: Harry Perry
Saint Bruno, QC, J3V 6B9, Canada Pittsburgh, PA 15236-2822
Tel: (450) 653-7220 Tel: (412) 653-3500 Consolidated Ceramic Products
email: kevinwilliams@ email: jcheckeye@bloomeng.com Inc. (CCPI)
advanceddynamics.com web: www.bloomeng.com 838 Cherry St.
web: www.advanceddynamics.com Contact: Jim Checkeye Blanchester, OH 45107
Contact: Kevin Williams Tel: (937) 783-2476
Bosch Rexroth Corporation email: kdixon@ccpi-inc.com
Air Liquide Industrial U.S. LP 2315 City Line Rd. web: www.ccpi-inc.com
2700 Post Oak Blvd. Bethlehem, PA 18017 Contact: Kari Dixon
Houston, TX 77056 Tel: (610) 694-8300
Tel: (713) 624-8740 email: info@boschrexroth-us.com Consolidated Engineering
email: marissa.olvera@airliquide.com web: www.boschrexroth-us.com Company
web: www.us.airliquide.com Contact: Sales 1971 McCollum Pkwy NW
Contact: Marissa Olvera Kennesaw, GA 30102
Bradley Lifting Corp. Tel: (770) 422-5100
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1030 Elm St. email: pmcrafton@cec-intl.com
7201 Hamilton Boulevard York, PA 17403 web: www.cec-intl.com
Allentown, PA 18195 Tel: (717) 848-3121 Contact: Paul Crafton
Tel: (800) 654-4567, code 534 email: sales@bradleylifting.com
email: gigmrktg@airproducts.com web: www.bradleylifting.com Continuus-Properzi S.P.A.
web: www.airproducts.com/ Contact: Dino Petrucci Via Cosimo del Fante 10
nonferrous 20122 Milano, Italy
Contact: Marie Kistler B.S. Metallurgy, Inc. Tel: (39) 02 988492-1
1601 Madison Street email: sales@properzi.it
Manitowoc, WI 54220 web: www.properzi.it
Tel: (920) 686-6000 Contact: Carmelo M. Brocato


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Alphabetical Listing of Companies
DryLube email: rnash@gillespiepowers.com HPI GmbH
8516 Hwy 6 South web: www.gillespiepowers.com Schloss Strasse 32
Houston, TX 77083 Contact: Rob Nash 5282 Braunau-Ranshofen, Austria
Tel: (281) 498-9474 Tel: (43) 7722 68420
email: bob@rtsmfg.com GLAMA Maschinenbau GmbH email: hpi@hpi.at
web: www.dry-lube.com Hornstrasse 19 web: www.hpi.at
Contact: Bob Tilley 45964 Gladbeck, Germany Contact: R. Edtmeier
Tel: (49) 2043 9738-0
EFR email: w.nowitzki@glama.de Inductotherm Corp.
213 rue de Gerland web: www.glama.de 10 Indel Ave, PO Box 157
“Les jardins d’entreprise” Bât F2 Contact: Werner Nowitzki Rancocas, NJ 08073
69007 Lyon, France Tel: (609) 267-9000
Tel: (33) 4 78 58 27 55 GNA alutech inc. email: jbelsh@inductotherm.com
email: info@fours-efr.com 9495 Trans-Canada Hwy. web: www.inductotherm.com
web: www.fours-efr.com Saint-Laurent, QC, H4S 1V3, Canada Contact: Joseph T. Belsh
Contact: Eric Edel Tel: (514) 956-1776
email: tphenix@gna.ca Infa S.A.
Excellent Foundry Fluxes Company web: www.gna.ca Ruta n° 4 s/n
12-B Pkt A-13 Kalakajee Extn Contact: Ted Phenix Puerto Madryn, Chubut
New Delhi 110019, India Argentina, U9120ACV
Tel: (91) 11 2999 3327 Granutech-Saturn Systems Tel: (54) 2965 451342 x6502
email: excellent_luxes@hotmail.com 201 East Shady Grove Rd. email: lazcona@infa.com.ar
web: www.excellentproducts.co.in Grand Prairie, TX 75050 web: www.infa.com.ar
Contact: V.P. Sharma Tel: (972) 790-7800 Contact: Luis Azcona
email: sales@granutech.com
Fives North American Combustion web: www.granutech.com Innovatherm
4455 East 71st Street Contact: Matt Morrison Am Hetgesborn 20
Cleveland, OH 44105 35510 Butzbach, Germany
Tel: (216) 271-6000 Hatch Tel: (49) 6033 9696-0
email: clive.lucas@ivesgroup.com 1600 West Carson St., Ste. 1 email: dmaiwald@innovatherm.de
web: www.ivesgroup.com/ivesna Gateway View Plaza web: www.innovatherm.com
Contact: Clive Lucas Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Contact: Detlef Maiwald
Tel: (412) 497-2022
Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd. email: hatch@hatch.ca JMC Recycling Systems Ltd.
50 Howleys Road web: www.hatch.ca 2 Harrimans Lane
Notting Hill, Vic., 3168, Australia Contact: Sales Dunkirk, Nottingham, NG7 25D, U.K.
Tel: (61) 3 9544 2922 Tel: (44) 115 940 9630
email: info@furnace.com.au Hauck Manufacturing Company email: sales@jmcrecycling.com
web: www.furnace.com.au 100 N. Harris St. web: www.jmcrecycling.com
Contact: Peter Newman Cleona, PA 17042 Contact: Phillip Pownall
Tel: (717) 272-3051
Gautschi Engineering GmbH email: hauck@hauckburner.com Otto Junker GmbH
Konstanzer Strasse 37 web: www.hauckburner.com Jägerhausstrasse 22
8274 Tägerwilen, Switzerland Contact: Rick Carpenter 52152 Simmerath, Germany
Tel: (41) 71-666 66 66 Tel: (49) 2473 601-0
email: bls@gautschi.cc HCT Ltd. email: info@otto-junker.de
web: www.gautschi.cc Bretton St., Savile Town web: www.otto-junker.de
Contact: Stefan Blum Dewsbury, West Yorkshire Contact: Sales
WF12 9DB, UK
GES, Inc. Tel: (44) 1924 506 506 Linde
5628 Clifford Circle email: info@hotworkct.com 575 Mountain Ave.
Birmingham, AL 35210 web: www.hotworkct.com Murray Hill, NJ 07748
Tel: (866) 472-1861 Contact: Denis Hunzinger Tel: (908) 771-1215
email: hk@geselectrodes.com email: tony.palermo@linde.com
web: www.geselectrodes.com Hencon B.V. web: www.linde.com
Contact: Hunter Kearney PO Box 16 Contact: Tony Palermo
7070 AA Ulft, The Netherlands
GHI Hornos Industriales, S.L. Tel: (31) 315-683941 LOI Thermprocess GmbH
Aperribay, 4 email: info@hencon.nl Am Lichtbogen 29
Galdakao 48960, Bizkaia, Spain web: www.hencon.nl 45141 Essen, Germany
Tel: (34) 9444 91600 Contact: Gerrit Hiddink Tel: (49) 201 1891-1
email: ghi@ghihornos.com email: info@loi-italimpianti.de
web: www.ghihornos.com Hertwich Engineering web: www.loi-italimpianti.de
Contact: Jose D. Berasategui Weinbergerstr. 6 Contact: Andrea Kehry
Braunau 5280, Austria
Gillespie & Powers, Inc. Tel: (43) 7722 806-0
9550 True Drive email: info@hertwich.com
St. Louis, MO 63132 web: www.hertwich.com
Tel: (314) 423-9460 Contact: Hermann Zeillinger


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Alphabetical Listing of Companies
Major Furnace Australia Pty Ltd. web: www.moessner-kg.de PMC Systems, Inc.
92 Fairbank Rd. Contact: Oliver Vogt PO Box 486
Clayton, Vic., 3193, Australia North Jackson, OH 44451
Tel: (61) 3 8558 1800 Nederman Tel: (330) 538-2268
email: major@majoreng.com.au 102 Transit Ave email: rick.kitchokoff@
web: www.majoreng.com.au Thomasville, NC 27361 pmcsystems.com
Contact: Andrew North Tel: (773) 230-9207 web: www.pmcsystems.com
email: david.edgerton@ Contact: Rick Kitchokoff
Mansell & Associates nederman.com
551 Spring Valley Rd. web: www.nederman.com Precimeter Control AB
Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Contact: David Edgerton Östra Hamnen 7
Tel: (256) 366-9325 Hono (Gothenburg) 475 42, Sweden
email: emansell@ North American Construction Tel: (46) 31 764 55 20
mansellandassociates.net Services, Ltd. email: sales@precimeter.com
web: www.mansellandassociates.net 5000 Commerce Ave web: www.precimeter.com
Contact: Ed Mansell Birmingham, AL, 35210 Contact: Jonatan Lindstrand
Tel: (205) 956-8191
Mechatherm International Ltd. email: mattowens@namfg.com Properzi International, Inc.
Hampshire House, High St. web: www.namfg.com 909 Ridgebrook Rd, Suite 102
Kingswinford, DY6 8AW, U.K. Contact: Matt Owens Sparks, MD 21152
Tel: (44) 1384 279132 Tel: (443) 212-4320
email: sales@mechatherm.co.uk Novelis PAE email: info@properzi.us
web: www.mechatherm.co.uk Centr’Alp – BP 24 web: www.properzi.com
Contact: James Parkes Voreppe 38341, France Contact: Giuseppe Marcantoni
Tel: (33) 4 76 57 87 00
Mersen USA Greenville-MI Corp. email: pae.marketing@novelis.com Pyrotek Inc.
712 Industrial Park Dr. web: www.pae.novelis.com 9503 E. Montgomery Ave.
Greenville, MI 48838 Contact: Céline Reynas Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Tel: (800) 472-3483 Tel: (509) 926-6212
email: sales.greenville@mersen.com o.d.t. Engineering Pty Ltd. email: cliwhi@pyrotek.info
web: www.graphite-eng.com 521 Hammond Rd. web: www.pyrotek.info
Contact: Sales Dandenong, Vic., 3175, Australia Contact: Clint Whitsett
Tel: (61) 3 9706 4135
Metal 7 email: odteng@odt.com.au Quality Consultants BV
285 les Pionniers web: www.odt.com.au Kooikershof 6
Sept-Iles, QC, G4R 4X9, Canada Contact: Markus Oswald 5256 KD, Heusden, Netherlands
Tel: (418) 968-5822 Tel: (31) 416 662179
email: aneron@metal7.com Outotec (Canada) Ltd. email: info@qualityconsultants.nl
web: www.metal7.com 1551 Corporate Dr. web: www.qualityconsultants.nl
Contact: Alexandre Neron Burlington, ON, L7L 6M3, Canada Contact: F. Bijlhouwer
Tel: (905) 335-0002
MetlSaw Systems Inc. email: joe.grasso@outotec.com Refraco Inc.
2950 Bay Vista Court web: www.outotec.com 1207 Antonio-Lemaire
Benicia, CA 94510 Contact: Joe Grasso Chicoutimi, QC, G7K 1J2, Canada
Tel: (707) 746-6200 Tel: (418) 545-4200
email: djamieson@metlsaw.com PENTA Engineering, P.A. email: info@refraco.com
web: www.metlsaw.com 13835 South Lakes Drive web: www.refraco.com
Contact: Doug Jamieson Charlotte, NC 28273 Contact: Luc Flamand
Tel: (704) 588-8877
mfs engineering ltd. email: dstephens@pentaengr.com REISCH Maschinenbau GmbH
P.O. Box 1437 web: www.pentaengr.com Sonnenbergerstrasse 4
CH-8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland Contact: David Stephens 6820 Frastanz, Austria
Tel: (41) 79 600 7329 Tel: (43) 5522 51710-0
email: mfs@dial.eunet.ch Permatech Inc. email: maschinen@reisch.at
Contact: Sales 911 East Elm Street web: www.reisch.at
Graham, NC 27253 Contact: Arno Reisch
Molten Metal Equipment Innovations Tel: (336) 578-7757
15510 Old State Road email: kiersten.itzgerald@ Remelt Technologies, Inc.
Middleield, OH 44062 permatech.net PO Box 915353
Tel: (440) 632-9119 web: www.permatech.net Longwood, FL 32791
email: info@mmei-inc.com Contact: Kiersten FitzGerald Tel: (407) 880-2444
web: www.mmei-inc.com email: gbowden-remelt@earthlink.net
Contact: Sarah Mikash Phipps Company Contact: Gary Bowden
PO Box 1164
August Mössner GmbH + Co. KG Roxboro, NC 27573 The Schaefer Group, Inc.
Hohenstaufenstr. 3 Tel: (336) 597-2370 1500 Humphrey Ave.
73569 Eschach, Germany email: sales@phippsmetals.com Dayton, OH 45410
Tel: (49) 7175 99806-0 web: www.phippsmetals.com Tel: (937) 253-3342
email: post@moessner-kg.de Contact: Ron Phipps


Directory of Secondary Aluminum Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Alphabetical Listing of Companies
email: david.nelson@ email: sales@ssiworld.com Wahl Refractory Solutions
theschaefergroup.com web: www.ssiworld.com 767 State Rt 19 South
web: www.theschaefergroup.com Contact: Dave Wilson Fremont, OH 43420
Contact: David Nelson Tel: (419) 334-2650
STAS email: talbertson@wahlref.com
Scottish Chemical Industries 1846 Rue Outarde web: www.wahlref.com
5th Floor, Span Centre Chicoutimi, QC, G7K 1H1, Canada Contact: Timothy Albertson
South Avenue, Santacruz-W Tel: (418) 696-0074
Mumbai, 400054, India email: duchesne.patrice@stas.com Williamson Corp.
Tel: (91) 22 2605 6666 web: www.stas.com 70 Domino Dr.
email: scottish@vsnl.com Contact: Patrice Duchesne Concord, MA 01747
web: www.scottishchemical.com Tel: (978) 369-9607
Contact: Mr. Rishab Surface Combustion, Inc. email: sales@williamsonir.com
1700 Indian Wood Circle web: www.williamsonir.com
SECO/Warwick Maumee, OH 43537 Contact: Bud Foran
180 Mercer St., PO Box 908 Tel: (419) 891-7150
Meadville, PA 16335-6908 email: info@surfacecombustion.com ZIRCAR Ceramics, Inc.
Tel: (814) 332-8437 web: www.surfacecombustion.com PO Box 519
email: ddirienzo@secowarwick.com Contact: Amy Syroka Florida, NY 10921
web: www.secowarwick.com Tel: (845) 651-6600
Contact: Dominick DiRienzo Tellkamp Systems, Inc. email: dph@zircarceramics.com
15523 Carmenita Rd. web: www.zircarceramics.com
SELEE Corporation Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Contact: David Hamling
700 Shepherd St. Tel: (562) 802-1621
Hendersonville, NC 28792 email: sales@tellkamp.com Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc.
Tel: (828) 697-2411 web: www.tellkamp.com PO Box 489
email: wjackson@selee.com Contact: Scott Bogut Florida, NY 10921
web: www.selee.com Tel: (845) 651-2200
Contact: Watt Jackson Thermserve Limited email: njm@zrci.com
Halesield 2 web: www.zrci.com
Sentech Precimeter Inc. Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QH, U.K. Contact: Nancy Miehe
2215 S. 48th St., Suite C Tel: (44) 1952 684 488
Tempe, AZ 85282 email: paul@thermserve.com Zmag America, Ltd.
Tel: (480) 829-1923 web: www.thermserve.com 10260 SW Greenburg Rd., Ste 400
email: sentech@precimeter.com Contact: Paul Armitage Portland, OR 97223
web: www.precimeter.com Tel: (503) 293-8481
Contact: Jerry Wilkins Thorpe Technologies Inc. email: info@z-mag.net
449 W. Allen Ave., Suite 119 web: www.z-mag.net
Sermas Industrie San Dimas, CA 91773 Contact: Eishin Takahashi
343 Chemin du Stade Tel: (562) 903-8230
38210 St. Quentin sur Isére, France email: sales@thorpetech.com
Tel: (33) 476 07 42 42 web: www.thorpetech.com
email: b.charles@sermas.com Contact: John Allen
web: www.sermas.com
Contact: Brigitte Charles Urja Products Private Ltd.
423 Gidc Estate
Sistem Teknik Telephone Exchange Lane
TosB-Taysad O.S.B Odhav, Ahmedabad
1 Cadde 14, Sok No. 3 Gujarat 382415, India
41420 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey Tel: (91) 79-228 73434
Tel: (90) 262 658 2226 email: aluglass@urjafabrics.com Screw it!
email: erdal@sistemteknik.com web: www.urjafabrics.com Recycling initiatives are popping
web: www.sistemteknik.com Contact: Anshul Nanavaty up all over the world. Alupro in part-
Contact: Erdal Sahin nership with the European Alumin-
VHE ehf ium Foil Association (www.alufoil.
Solios Thermal Melabraut 27
Heath Brook House, Heath Mill Road IS-220 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland
org) and British Glass, launched a
Wombourne, Wolverhampton Tel: (11) 354 5757-9700 new campaign, “ You Can Leave Your
WV5 8AP, England email: sales@vhe.is Cap On,” to encourage recyclers to
Tel: (44) 1902 324000 web: www.vhe.is screw the caps back on their empty
email: fabienne.virieux@ Contact: Barry Woodrow bottles before recycling, as the metal
ivesgroup.com can be successfully extracted. Fol-
web: www.ivesgroup.com Wagstaff, Inc. lowing research by the two organiza-
Contact: Fabienne Virieux 3910 North Flora Rd. tions into the U.K. closure market,
Spokane, WA 99216 it was discovered that approximately
SSI Shredding Systems Tel: (509) 922-1404 5,000 tonnes of aluminum from
9760 SW Freeman Dr. email: info@wagstaff.com caps and closures could be recov-
Wilsonville, OR 97070 web: www.wagstaff.com ered, and be diverted from landill.
Tel: (503) 682-3633 Contact: Kevin Person For info: www.alupro.org.uk.


Light Metal World… Magnesium Awards
Presented in China
International Aluminium Institute compares with an average of 126.7
(IAI) monthly production report by IAI thousands of metric tons in May 2013 The International Magnesium As-
Members and Oficial Correspondents and 127 thousands of metric tons in sociation (IMA) awarded innovative
was 3,935 thousands of metric tons April 2013. designers and engineers in the 2013
produced in June 2013, compared to IAI data now includes China and Awards of Excellence competition.
3,928 thousands of metric tons produced Estimated Un-Reported igures when Winners in three categories were an-
in May 2013 and 3,809 thousands of tabulating world production. Further nounced at the IMA’s 70th Annual
metric tons produced in April 2013. clariication regarding IAI statistics can World Magnesium Conference held in
June’s average daily production was be found on its website at: www.world- Xi’an, China in May.
131.2 thousands of metric tons. This aluminium.org/statistics. The Design Class encompassed
three categories for 2013: Cast Prod-
uct Commercial, Cast Product Auto-
motive, and Wrought Product. First
Place for the Cast Product Commer-
cial category was awarded to Fujiilm
Sonosite Inc., Bothell, WA, for their
“M2” UltraSound System. Using low
simulation software and experience,
the die caster provided feedback on
the design, which included thin wall
castings to minimize product weight,
determining the appropriate gating
for each casting, and developing a
cross hatched, rib-like pattern to aid
in metal low across the surface of the
large casting. For the Cast Product
Automotive category, the First Place
award was presented to Georg Fischer
GmbH & Company, KG, Altenmarkt,
Austria, for their Convertible Roof
Top Casting. The product served as
the main part of a convertible roof us-
ing the alloy AM50 HP. In the Design
Category for Wrought Product, the
First Place winner was Nippon Kinzo-
ku Company, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. They
created the world’s irst practical use
and mass production technology of
LZ91 alloy. Also taking part in help-
ing produce this design was: NEC Per-
sonal Computers, Ltd, Amli Material
(*Revised Figure) Technology Company, Ltd., Professor
Jian-Yih Wang of National Dong Hwa
Annual North American Primary Aluminum Production University, Fuji Light Metal Company,
Ltd., and Kasatani Corporation. Rolled
The Aluminum Association, in coop- vious month’s rate of 5,038,130 tonnes. thin sheet of LZ91 alloy for stamping
eration with the Aluminum Association Compared to a year ago, the annual rate was used for the housing of the NEC
of Canada, reported primary aluminum of production was 3.6 percent above the Ultrabook computer.
production in North America (U.S. June 2012 rate of 4,845,254 tonnes. Dur- First Place in the Process category
and Canada) was at an annual rate of ing the irst six months of 2013, actual was awarded to Jiangsu RM Wheel
5,019,346 tonnes during June 2013, de- production totaled 2,497,426 tonnes, up Company, Ltd., Yangzhou, Jiangsu,
clining 18,784 tpy (-0.4%) from the pre- 4.1 percent over the same period in 2012. China for their Superplastic Mono-
block Forged Molding Magnesium
Wheel Technology. By applying AZ80
alloy in wheel production they reduced
car weight and allowed for energy sav-
ings and emission reductions.
First Place for the Application cat-
egory was awarded to Pan Asia Techni-
cal Automotive Center, in cooperation
with General Motors Corp. in Warren,
MI, for their industry-irst application
of magnesium sheet in a structural and
functional application of a Magnesium
This report contains information reported to the Association by the domestic producers, which Intensive Decklid. The Decklid has
is aggregated by the Association and expanded to represent the total industry. While the As- been applied commercially on Cadillac
sociation believes that its statistical procedures and methods are reliable, it does not warrant
the accuracy or completeness of the data. All data contained herein is subject to revision. For automobiles. More information on the
further information: Tel: 703-358-2984 or email: tgill@aluminum.org. awards is available at: www.intlmag.org.


aluMiniuM: the GaMe chanGeR!
OctObeR 21-25, 2013

The Aluminium Association of Canada (AAC) and its members,

Alcoa, Aluminerie Alouette and Rio Tinto Alcan, will host the irst
Canadian International Aluminium Conference (CIAC).

The global importance of the aluminium industry around the world

will be emphasized while showing the future of aluminium through
its properties and forward looking applications.

a PROGRaM FOcused On aluMiniuM’s innOvative aPPlicatiOns -

Market trends • New and potential applications • Primary production’s environmental performance in the world • Aluminium’s contribution
to sustainability • Economic issues and opportunities for the global aluminium industry • Looking ahead to 2030 • Future growth

a PROGRaM FOcused On PRiMaRy PROductiOn & the enviROnMent -

The politics of growth • The development of environmentally-friendly smelters in Russia, China and India • GCC Smelters – setting new
environmental standards • Trends & Innovations in packaging • Best practices in recycling • Environmental developments in mining and reining •
Best practices for future growth, current technological trends • AP60 presentations

a PROGRaM FOcused On ideas, ReseaRch & innOvatiOn - B r i n g i n g i n n o v a t i ve i d e a s

Aluminium building and civil engineering structures; A review of research and structural design • The Stage of aluminum construction in the U.S. •
The Status of the aluminum industry in Canada • Program Subject Area: New product design and construction, Processes Emerging technologies,
Structural Design, Market Sectors, Surface treatment, New product design & development

a WeeK-lOnG seRies OF events all Related tO aluMiniuM!

• Monday & Tuesday: Inalco’s 12th Conference
• Monday 6 PM: VIP event at the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium
• Tuesday to Thursday: a 3-days world-class exhibition
• Tuesday to Thursday: CIAC Conference
• Tuesday PM: the Aluminium Association of Canada (AAC)’s VIP cocktail reception in the exhibit hall
• Tuesday & Thursday: the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) will present its “Excellence in Extrusion Workshop”
• Wednesday & Thursday: AluSolutions’ Conference
• Wednesday: technical courses on Aluminium: Design of Aluminium Structures, Design for Aluminium in light weight vehicles structures
& Aluminium and transformation
• Wednesday PM: Mission Design & Facteur D’s famous Facteur D Soirée
• Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Industrial visits

W W W . C I A C M O N T R E A L . C O M




Inalco 2013 Heralds Aluminum’s
Momentum in Structural Design

nalco 2013, the 12th International Aluminium Confer- possibilities for engineering and architectural profession-
ence, to be held October 21-22 at the Palais des con- als. Kissell co-holds two U.S. patents, including one for
grès de Montréal in Montréal, Québec, Canada, will an aluminum bridge deck. His structural designs have
feature three keynote speakers, Professor IR. Frans been featured in Civil Engineering and Engineering News-
Soetens, Randy Kissell, and Jean Simard, presenting their Record and at ASCE Structures Congresses. He is chair-
unique perspectives on the aluminum industry, its strengths man of the ASME B96 Committee for Welded Aluminum
and challenges to an international audience of aluminum Alloy Storage Tanks, secretary of the American Welding
industry professionals, including engineers, designers, and Society’s Subcommittee on Aluminum Structures, and
scientists. The conference offers a host of technical presen- a member of the ASTM Light Metal Alloys Committee,
tations by leading researchers, engineers, and innovators the American Society of Civil Engineers Load Standards
in the global aluminum industry from countries including Committee, and the American Petroleum Institute’s
Canada, the U.S., Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Pressure Vessel and Tank Committee.
France, Japan, Brazil, Gambia, and Iran. Session categories Kissell’s keynote on October 21, entitled “ The State
include: Alloys & Properties, Metal Forming, Metal Joining, of Aluminum Construction in the U.S.,” addresses us-
Construction, Manufacturing Research, Automotive Design age rates for aluminum in the building and construction
& Fatigue, Sustainability, and Student presentations. New market, current design codes that govern U.S. aluminum
product design and development, construction, processes, construction, and relevant seminars for aluminum struc-
emerging technologies, structural design, market sectors, tural engineers. He will discuss recent developments that
and surface treatment represent highlighted conference include new software used in aluminum structural design
topics. The program and its technical content are subject and friction stir welding, and examine key challenges fac-
to change at the discretion of the Inalco 2013 Organizing ing the U.S. aluminum structural industry.
and Scientiic Committees. Jean Simard is president and
Professor IR. Frans Soetens, general manager of the Alu-
an aluminum structural design minium Association of Canada,
expert, researcher, and industry in Montréal, and is president of
consultant, is afiliated with the the upcoming Canadian Interna-
Department of the Built Environ- tional Aluminium Conference.
ment, Unit Structural Design and (CIAC). Simard is a public affairs
Chair of Aluminium Structures at and government relations consul-
Eindhoven University of Technolo- tant in the ields of the environ-
gy in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. ment and energy, and joined Gaz
From 1975-2010, Soetens worked Metro as vice president of sustain-
for the Netherlands Organisation able development and govern- Jean Simard.
for Applied Scientiic Research Professor IR. Frans ment relations. He holds a degree
(TNO). His 35 years of experience Soetens. in civil law from the University of
includes research, consulting, and Ottawa, is a member of the Bureau du Quebec, and is on
knowledge transfer in the behavior of steel and aluminum the Board of Directors of the Aluminium Research and
structures and in aluminum structural design. He has led Development Centre of Quebec (CQRDA) and Mission
numerous national and international research projects Design, a non-proit organization in the ield of design.
for companies, universities, and research organizations On Tuesday morning, October 22, Simard will address
throughout Europe. On Monday morning October 21, the general session, presenting “ The Status of the Alumi-
Soetens will present his keynote address to the general ses- num Industry in Canada.”
sion, “ Aluminium Building and Civil Engineering Struc- These keynote presentations introduce two days of alu-
tures: A Review of Research and Structural Design.” He minum technical sessions at Inalco 2013, with the theme:
will discuss critical problems and challenges that designers “ Bringing Innovative Ideas to the World of Tomorrow,”
face when seeking optimum structural solutions. Current held in conjunction with the CIAC, October 21-25, the
Eurocode 9 design rules and their implementation in sev- lagship of the week-long aluminum industry events in
eral Dutch structural applications will be highlighted, in- Montréal, including a three-day international exhibition,
cluding an overview of research on aluminum’s structural plant visits, technical courses, and a full-day workshop.
behavior and how this research has shaped European stan-
dards development. Latest Research, Technology, and Innovations
Randy Kissell, P.E., is a senior
partner with the TGB Partner- The following technical presentations are scheduled
ship, an engineering irm special- for Inalco 2013 in Montréal, with more to be added to
izing in aluminum structures in the inal conference program.
Hillborough, NC. Kissell is sec- 5 Dimensional CFD Simulation and Optimisation of
retary of the Aluminum Associa- Ventilation for Smelter Process Applications: E. Baltuch,
tion’s Engineering Advisory Com- and S. Baltuch, Air-Therm Inc., Montréal, QC, Canada
mittee, responsible for Speciica- Casting a Very Unconventional Aluminium Alloy in Low
tion of Aluminum Structures, used Pressure Permanent Mould (LPPM): N. Giguère and F.
throughout the U.S. for alumi- Chiesa, Centre de Métallurgie du Québec, Trois-Rivières,
num structural design. He is co- QC, Canada
author of Aluminum Structures – A Randy Kissell, P.E. Effects of Lubricating Conditions on Machinability
Guide to Their Speciication and De- of AA6061-T6: J. Kouam, V. Songmene, ÉTS, Montréal,
sign, which demonstrates how aluminum opens up design QC, Canada; M. Balazinski, École Polytechnique, Mon-


tréal, QC, Canada; and P. Hendrick, Université libres de ducting Polymer Polypyrrole on Aluminium Substrates:
Bruxelles, Belgium A. Siddaramanna and D.K. Sarkar, University of Quebec
Modeling the Formation of Transverse Weld in Billet- at Chicoutimi (UQAC), QC, Canada
to-Billet Extrusion using Finite Element Method: Y. Mah- Development of Aluminium High Stiffness Panels: M.
moodkhani, M. Wells, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Takahashi, Sumitomo Light Metal Industries, Ltd., Na-
ON, Canada, and N. Parson, Arvida R&D Centre, Rio goya, Japan, and N. Ohtaki, Sumikei-Engineering Co.,
Tinto Alcan, Jonquière, QC, Canada Ltd., Japan
Process Optimisation of a Friction Stir Lap Welded Modelling Surface Grain Structure Evolution in
5456 Aluminium Alloy: M. Jahazi, ÉTS, Montréal, QC, AA6082 Hot Direct Extrusion: W.Z. Misiolek and N.H. Al-
Canada, and E. Salari, and A. Khdabandeh, IAU-Uni- harthi, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA; A. Güzel and
versity, Department of Materials Engineering, IAU-S&R A. Jäger, TU Dortmund, Germany; Luigi De Pari Jr.; and
Branch, Tehran, Iran A. Erman Tekkaya, Atilim University, Turkey
The Development of AA3065 – an Extrudable Alloy Vibration Characterisation of a Modular Aluminium
with Improved Mechanical Properties for Heavy-Duty Pedestrian Bridge: S. Walbridge, S. Narasimhan, and A.
Heat Transfer Applications: N. Parson, A. Maltais, and Sychterz, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
R. Guay, Arvida R&D Centre, Rio Tinto Alcan, Jonquière, Aluminium Use in Vehicular Bridge Applications: A
QC, Canada State-of-the-Art Review: S. Walbridge, University of Wa-
A Streamlined Approach to the Flexural Strength of terloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, and A. De la Chevrotière,
Aluminium Members: R. Kissell, TGB Partnership, Hill- MAADI Group Inc., Montréal, QC, Canada
borough, NC Increased Robustness in Three-Dimensional Friction
Design for Fastener Tension and Pull-Out from Tapped Stir Welding using Force and Temperature Feedback: J.
Aluminium: J.C. LaBelle, Computerized Structural De- De Backer and G. Bolmsjö, University West, Trollhattan,
sign, S.C., Milwaukee, WI, and T.A. Dolby, Kawneer Com- Sweden
pany, Inc., Norcross, GA Selection of Spectrographic Certiied Reference Mate-
Structural Behaviour of Aluminium Bolt-Channel Joint: rial for the Analysis of Aluminium Alloys: J.F. Archam-
Calibration of Numerical Models on Testing Results: V. bault, P. Bégin, and R. Hark, Arvida R&D Centre, Rio
Macillo, L. Fiorino, and F.M. Mazzolani, University of Tinto Alcan, Jonquière, QC, Canada
Naples “ Federico II” , Naples, Italy A New Heating System for Refractory used in the
Effect of High-Speed Machining on Surface Integrity Aluminium Industry: S. Tremblay, M. Bouchard, and J.
of 7075-T651 Aluminium Alloy: W. Jomaa, V. Songmene, Bouchard, Pyrotek Inc., Chicoutimi, QC, Canada
and P. Bocher, ÉTS, Montréal, QC, Canada The Use of Promag NI as Reining Agent in Molten
Screwed Joint for Aluminium Extrusions: Experimen- Aluminium Treatment: S. Tremblay and J. Bouchard, Py-
tal and Numerical Investigation: L. Fiorino, V. Macillo, rotek Inc., Chicoutimi, QC, Canada
and F.M. Mazzolani, University of Naples “ Federico II” , Effect of Grain Shapes of the Microstructure on the
Naples, Italy Mechanical Properties of the Binary Aluminium Alloy: S.
Effect of Feeder Pocket Geometry on the Streaking Hamid and D. Larouche, Laval University, QC, Canada
Tendency of 6xxx Extrusions: J.F. Béland, NRC, Sau- Strategic Management of Innovation to Improve Com-
genay, QC, Canada; C.W. Jowett, Rio Tinto Alcan, ON, petitive Advantages of Middle East Primary Aluminium
Canada; and N.Parson and A. Maltais, Rio Tinto Alcan, Industries: H. Fanisalek, Marzban Petro Energy (MPE),
QC, Canada Tehran, Iran
A Step for Aluminium Global Market Growth: A. Can- Fracture Study of a Welded Aluminium Cylinder Con-
ice, Canice Maritime Alutec, Banjul, Gambia taining Longitudinal Crack and Subjected to Combined
Particle Emission and Dispersion during Dry Machin- Residual Stress and Internal Pressure: M.R.M. Aliha and
ing of Aluminium Alloys: A. Djebara and A. Bahloul, H. Gharehbaghi, University of Science and Technology,
IRSST, Montréal, QC, Canada, and V. Songmene, ÉTS, Narmak, Tehran, Iran, and R. Ghafoori Ahangar, Ecole
Montréal, QC, Canada Polytechnique, Montréal, QC, Canada
Welding Training with an Interactive 3D Technology: C. Designing Eficient and Cost-Effective Structures Uti-
Choquet, 123 Certiication Inc., Montréal, QC, Canada lizing Aluminum Extrusions: C. Werner, Werner Extru-
Turning Post-Consumer Scrap into Wrought Alloy: sion Solutions, LLC, Libertyville, IL
F. Bijlhouwer, Quality Consultants VOF, Heusden, the Optimisation of Friction Stir Welding Tool Advance
Netherlands Speed – Monte-Carlo Simulation of Non-Linear Fi-
The Use and Misuse of Aluminium in Packaging: F. Bi- nite Difference Heat Transfer Algorithm for Friction
jlhouwer, Quality Consultants VOF, Heusden, the Neth- Stir Welding: K.A. Fraser, L. Kiss, and L. St-Georges,
erlands University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC,
New Generation Surface Pretreatment Methods for Canada
Adhesive Bonding of AA6061-T6 Alloys: N. Saleema, Design Considerations for Aluminium Products: F.
and D. Gallant, NRC, Saguenay, QC, Canada, and D.K. Racine, R. Bihamta, Y. Archambault, P. Buzatu, and A.
Sarkar, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, QC, Canada Chapdelaine, Alcoa Innovation, Montréal, QC, Canada
Retrogression Heat Treatment of Aluminium Extru- RTA CastProTM Advanced Compact Filtration (ACF):
sions and Rolled Products to Facilitate Forming and Join- Industrial Operation Feedback and Commercial Avail-
ing in Structures: J.C. Benedyk, Illinois Institute of Tech- ability: F. Breton, Rio Tinto Alcan, Arvida R&D Center,
nology, Chicago, IL Jonquière, QC, Canada, and J. Crépeau, Rio Tinto Alcan
High-Temperature Forming Processes for the Manu- Corporate, Montréal, QC, Canada
facturing of Complex Components using Aluminium Structural Design for Manufacturing with Aluminium:
Alloy Sheets: G. D’Amours, J.F. Béland, and E. Samuel, A. de la Chevrotière, MAADI Group Inc., Montréal, QC,
NRC, Saguenay, QC, Canada Canada
Deburring and Edge Finishing of Aluminium Alloys: A
Review: S.A. Niknam and V. Songmene, ÉTS, Montréal, Additional information on the Inalco 2013 Confer-
QC, Canada ence, scheduled events, and registration may be found
Structural Studies of Electrochemically Deposited Con- on the conference website: www.inalco2013.com.


New Equipment Spotlight…
Hot Dross Processing Aluminum Recovery System
Kobayashi Aluminum is a second-
ary aluminum producer in Osaka,
Japan. Their monthly production
of aluminum alloy ingots is 550 tons
with full capacity at 600 tons from
one 25 ton reverberatory furnace.
For a secondary alloy maker, dross
processing is an indispensable pro-
cedure since the amount of metal
recovered is no small matter. Ko-
bayashi Aluminum melts 25 tons of
scrap in one charge, which produces
about 600 kg of dross. From that 600
kg of dross, 300 kg of aluminum is
recovered. In the month of January,
one month’s aluminum recovery was
6,600 kg; one year was 79,200 kg, or
about 80 tons. The alloy ADC12’s
selling price is approximately
300,000 JPY (US$3,052.50) per ton.
Therefore, one year’s recovered alu-
minum translates into 24 million JPY
(US$244,196). It is no exaggeration Figure 1. Full system (Model Type 350) showing front and side of ARS. The open area of the
that depending on how eficiently machine visible behind the yellow banisters is where dross processing begins.
dross processing is carried out, a
company’s proit line can dramatical- The entire system is at ground lev- pot were designed to prevent any
ly luctuate. Kobayashi needed to re- el, which promises to facilitate safe issuring. Agitation eficiency is im-
place their existing dross processors operation, inspection, and cleaning proved by using the patented double
and tried Sanshin Sanwa Group’s (Figure 2). Additionally, the system’s vane.
(SSG’s) hot dross processing Alumin- compact design keeps forklift us- The inner and outer vanes im-
ium Recovery System (ARS) (Figure age to a minimum. “ Compared to prove agitation eficiency by rotating
1). Results were so outstanding that the previous methods, this ARS has at variable speeds. A triangular vane
the company ordered a second ARS. served to be a complete processing cross section allows easy separation
For Kobayashi’s 600 kg of dross, system for us,” said Kobayashi. through hot dross. Improved vane
two SSG processing pots with a ca- agitation eficiency makes manual
pacity of 400 kg are wheeled to the speed-changing functions unneces-
front of the melting furnace with 300 sary. The vanes are integrated into
kg of dross raked into each pot. The the machine, which eliminates mal-
mobile pots are moved by forklift be- functions that could be caused by
tween the melting furnace and hot the vanes’ vertical movement. The
dross processing equipment. Dross transfer torque is ampliied by using
processing time is about 5 minutes, a roller chain to rotate the vanes in-
and with two pots, a total of 10 min- stead of a gear drive. The design uses
utes is aimed for. From 300 kg, 150 only one geared motor to drive the
kg of aluminum metal is recovered. vanes (other systems often employ a
From here, the processed residual reducer). ARM achieves a dust-proof
dross contains a small percentage of design by applying positive air pres-
aluminum and is sold to a specialized Figure 2. Interior of Kobayashi Aluminum with sure inside the machine housing.
residual dross processing company. melting furnace on the left and ARS on the Transfer Unit: This unit transports
Whether or not the dross in the the residual hot dross, which was sep-
pot is agitated properly signiicantly arated and collected during alumi-
alters recovery eficiency. A major Description of ARS num reclamation/dross processing,
feature of the SSG system is the tri- to the Super Cooler. This unit is ex-
angular-shaped double vane struc- Hot Dross Processing Aluminium Re- clusive to SSG and indispensable for
ture used for stirring. These vanes covery Machine (ARM): This machine residual dross reclamation. Thanks
are design patent registered with the processes the hot dross that is gen- to its unique inverting mechanism,
Japanese Utility Model Registration. erated from the melting furnaces the transfer unit can operate at loor
One pot’s processing time is 5 ±2 reclaiming over 90% of the molten level without needing to create a pit.
minutes. At the most, a total of 10 aluminum from the hot dross. Once All residual dross left in the pot after
minutes could be spent on process- a pot has been illed with the hot aluminum reclamation is completely
ing, depending on how much alu- dross from the melting furnace, the discharged by tilting the pot to the
minum is left in the residual dross. pot only needs to be set once within necessary degree angle.
According to Kobayashi’s president, ARM, and from that point, all pro- Cooled Dross Supplier: This machine
Hiroyuki Kobayashi, “ Other compa- cessing and reclamation is automat- controls the temperature of the hot
nies cannot keep up with this stirring ed. The integral molded castings that dross while it is being processed in
eficiency.” are manufactured on the processing the pot by injecting the cooled dross


from the ARS’ cooler. The cooled designed for enhanced durability, is can realize a substantial ROI within
dross supplier is also exclusive to the used for the round shape of the bot- a few months. Its unique design of-
system. An installed vibration-damp- tom of the housing. fers excellent operability and high
ing device prevents malfunctions. Screw Conveyor: This conveyor durability. According to over 300
Cold dross that has overlowed dur- transfers ine- and medium-size users domestic and abroad, the sys-
ing ultra-cooling in the super cooler dross particles after being sorted by tem has yet to malfunction since its
is collected and put into lexible con- the cooler. A single-bearing design installation, which attests its repu-
tainer bags. has been employed to transfer and tation for long-lasting, trouble-free
Super Cooler (patent pending): This handle the dross without transfer operation.
component cools and sorts the re- complications that can often occur
sidual hot dross after the aluminum from trapped ash, overloads and/or
portion is removed (Figure 3). The wear and tear. The V-shaped hous-
Super Cooler is equipped with a ing also aids in assuring smooth op-
trommel for ine ash particles that erations. Overloads are prevented
cools all residual dross particles to an through the vane distance adjust-
ultra low temperature. This was de- ment control measure.
veloped in 2003 and brings the tem- Classiication System: The residual
perature of residual dross/ash from dross, which is left over after alumi-
600°C to 40°C/1.5 m³ in 15 minutes. num recovery, is separated by par-
The cooled ine grain residual dross ticle size. Upon its discharge from
(30 mesh but can be adjusted to it the conveyor, this turn-style sifter
operations’ requirements at time automatically classiies the cooled
of installation) travels through this particles by grain size into 2-3 types
cooler and is inally sent to lexible and sorts them respectively into lex-
container bags for collection. Middle ible container bags.
and coarse grain residual dross par- Advanced Electrical Control System:
ticles are also sent to their respec- ARS implements the Mitsubishi Figure 4. Hot dross is being processed, re-
tive lexible container bags. This Electric sequencer MELSEC Q-Se- sulting in aluminum metal reclamation.
processing low has proven to be of ries PLC control system. Over ten of
huge merit for recycling operations. ARS’ various mechanisms’ perfor- The streamlined processing of re-
The Super Cooler’s original design mance, interlock coniguration, and sidual dross with ARS prevents any
enables extreme cooling eficiency. management are being controlled. harmful impact from dross dust dif-
Cooling eficiency is 85-95%, using For safety, a designed-for-security in- fusion on the surrounding environ-
only a small quantity of circulation terlock mechanism has been adopt- ment and nearby residents’ health.
water: approximately 180 L/min. ed. Additionally, the MMI that is be- The residual dross can be further re-
The compactness of the unit offers ing employed is Mitsubishi Electric’s used as landill material, pavement
space saving with ultra-high capac- GOT 1000 Series, operated using a material, or cooled dross (already
ity processing. The system utilizes touch panel screen. integrated to adjust dross tempera-
an easy-to-maintain open type water Optional Dust Collector: When dust ture during ARS hot dross process-
spray system (spray tube is made of and ash are produced from dross ing). Some users go one step further
SUS304). A steam release duct in- processing facilities, environmental and adjust the amount of aluminum
cludes a natural exhaust system. pollution from dust diffusion can content within the residual dross
be reduced depending on how the to then sell to steel manufacturers,
dust is sent to a dust collector. This who use this adjusted residual dross
dust collecting system abates much as deoxidizers or insulation agents.
of the harmful pollution that can be The latter particularly is a common
caused from hot dross processing practice within Japan. Such smooth
systems. The system is able to con- reuse of by-products after the metal
nect to existing dust collectors as recovery stage is what sets ARS apart
well. from other dross processing meth-
ods in contributing to environmen-
Beneits tal preservation and sustainable use
of resources.
ARS processes and recovers metal ARS comes in a range of equip-
at high-speed, extracting aluminum ment, such as the entire system (ARS)
Figure 3. Super Cooler cools all sizes of re- with only a few minutes needed for for large operations down to the ARM
sidual dross particles rapidly. each processing cycle. The system LG150, which is especially suitable for
promptly recovers large volumes of aluminum die casting manufactur-
Cooled Dross Supply Conveyor: This aluminum, which can then be di- ers; the ARM LG150 has an excellent
conveyor transfers the classiied dross rectly used for production (Figure reputation due to its compact size yet
that was cooled and sorted by the 4). It can reclaim more than 90% of high eficiency and exceptional oper-
cooler. This scraper type conveyor was the available aluminum metal from ability. ARS has been installed in over
irst employed in Japan 25 years ago. dross, which is a drastic improve- 300 companies within Japan and is
It offers high sealing performance ment in aluminum recovery ratio the leading equipment of its type in
and is optimal for handling residual compared to conventional meth- that country with an over 85% indus-
ash consisting of large and small par- ods, i.e. press, pit, rotary kiln, grind- try market share.
ticles of various shapes. The conveyor ing/screen, etc. This remarkable
chains, although exposed to the hard- reclamation ratio delivers a quick Editor’s Note: More information on ARS
est loads, offer extreme durability. return on investment. According can be found at: www.sanwacorporation.
Wear-resistant steel plating, which was to SSG, results now verify that users co.jp/english.html.


Equipment Spotlight…
Chinese Plants Obtain Signiicant Savings
by Recycling Scrap Aluminum

he key drivers in eficiently for this is 1% metal loss to every 1%
remelting scrap aluminum contamination; however, the true
are having a very energy ef- melt loss due to contamination has
icient process and ensuring a ratio of 1.5-to-1 or greater. Higher
the yield from the scrap is as high contamination levels are due to oils,
as possible. In recent years, the Chi- paints, and plastics, all of which are
nese aluminum industry has invested part of the hydrocarbon family.
heavily in the production of elec- Pyrolysis is the conversion of these
trolytic aluminum, achieving new contaminants into simpler forms of
standards in the energy per tonne hydrocarbon— oils, methane, bu-
produced. The Chinese industry’s tane, etc.— and can only occur in an
integrated approach to producing atmosphere where there is little or
both electrolytic aluminum and the no oxygen. In the scrap chamber of Figure 2. A vortex for chip and small scrap
inished product on the same site a twin-chamber furnace, heat from recycling.
has led to a push to improve the en- the furnace and fuel from contami-
ergy eficiency and yield recoveries nation exist. If oxygen is present, the coveries due to the trapped oxides
of scrap aluminum produced both contamination will burn. By remov- and contamination. Introduction of
in-house and in general recycling. ing the oxygen from the scrap cham- scrap into the Pyrotek LOTUSS in
Recent Chinese governmental ber, the contamination will pyrolyze, loose form allows the mechanical
policy is also sparking the improve- or decompose. The gasses and vapor- forces in the vortex to strip the ox-
ment in the aluminum recycling ized oils from this pyrolyzation in a ide layer from the low-density scrap.
industry there, with government- twin-chamber melting furnace are As the scrap is submerged, there is
issued minimum targets for energy then fed into the main chamber of no further growth of the oxide layer,
eficiency and metal yield.1 In ad- the furnace where they are used as maximizing aluminum recovery.
dition, environmental targets must an additional combustible fuel, re- Results from plants in China uti-
be met before authorization for any ducing the amount of fuel required lizing these technologies show sig-
new plant and equipment can be re- to heat the chamber. niicant improvements in energy ef-
ceived.2 Circulation of the furnace is also iciency and metal yield, with natural
Several plants in China are lead- key to its energy eficient operation, gas consumption at one site reduced
ing the way in the eficient recycling the electromagnetic pump system from 1,104 kW hours to 576 kW
of either in-house scrap or general (EMP™ ) produces a directed “ jet” of hours per tonne and a melt-yield im-
scrap with the use of twin-chamber hot metal underneath the surface provement from 92.5% to as high as
furnace technology integrated with of the melt, so that once the con- 98.6%. Four Chinese plants are cur-
Pyrotek’s electromagnetic pumping tamination has been pyrolyzed, the rently utilizing this technology, and
and LOTUSS™ vortex systems (Fig- remaining aluminum scrap can be an additional four plants are expect-
ure 1). Key to achieving high energy pushed into the liquid bath. Due to ed to install it within the next couple
eficiency, high scrap yield and good the directional low from the EMP, of years. Plants using the technology
environmental performance are a this increases the mass low around typically see a return on their capi-
number of technologies and process- the scrap, whilst taking the hotter tal investment within one year due
es that have been combined within metal from the main furnace cham- to the reduced energy consumption
the twin-chamber furnace system, in- ber. Thus, the convectional heating and improved metal yield. Environ-
cluding pyrolysis of organic contami- rate of the scrap is greatly increased, mental measurements on the plants
nation and the high-eficiency cir- leading to an increase in the heat- have also shown that the emission
culation and submergence of small absorption rate of the scrap from standards met would satisfy Europe-
scrap. around 1°C (~2°F) per second to up an standards, as well as Chinese re-
All scrap is contaminated in some to 3°C (~5°F) per second and reduc- quirements.
way, and any contaminated alumi- ing the amount of time taken to melt
num introduced into a melting fur- the scrap and, ultimately, the energy References
nace will lead to melt loss due to required.
impurities. The industry standard Using an EMP charge well con- 1. National Development and Re-
taining a Pyrotek LO- form Commission (NDRC), People’s
TUSS vortex enables Republic of China, http://en.ndrc.
the submergence of gov.cn/.
smaller scrap, such as 2. “ Commercial Information Cir-
machine and scalper cular No. 115/2013 – The Mainland
chips, edge trim, and of China: ‘Entry Requirements for
sawings (Figure 2). In Aluminium Industry (2012)’ (Con-
China, smaller scrap sultation Draft),” Trade and Indus-
traditionally has been try Department, Government of
either briquetted or Hong Kong, January 29, 2013, www.
baled before introduc- tid.gov.hk/mobile/english/aboutus
Figure 1. Twin chamber furnace with integrated electromagnetic tion into the furnace, /tradecircular/cic/asia/2013/
pumping and LOTUSS vortex system. which leads to low re- ci1152013.html.


Secondary News… Alumetal doubled the capacity of its
Nowa Sol secondary aluminum facility
Novelis Inc. is initiating a closed-loop in Poland to 66,000 tpy with the launch
recycling system at its Oswego, NY, of a second production line. The com-
facility to cater to its automotive cus- pany now operates three sites in Poland
tomers, such as Jaguar Land Rover. with a total capacity of 170,000 tpy. The
Aluminum sheet stamping operations new facility will be ramping up produc-
can typically produce 50% scrap, which tion through the end of the year.
used to be shipped to scrap dealers. In
the new closed-loop system, the scrap Secondary aluminum producer, Fracsa Al- Novelis Sheet Ingot GmbH ordered
will be placed in the same container loys, made the irst long distance delivery of three 130 tonne sidewell melting fur-
liquid aluminum in Mexico. Delivered in 7.5
that delivered the coil and shipped back ton crucibles (2.4 m high with a diameter of naces from Mechatherm for its new
to Novelis’ facilities. 2.2 m), the liquid metal was shipped 200 km SIG expansion project in Germany. The
from the company’s plant in Parque Industrial furnaces will be designed to process de-
Plibrico Company, LLC appointed Querétaro to Ryobi, an auto parts manufac-
turer in the Castro Industrial Park, Irapuato
coated UBC scrap with installation to
Clayburn Refractories, Ltd., head- Guanajuato River. commence in October 2013.
quartered in Abbotsford, BC, Canada,
to its network of refractory contractors. Abengoa closed the €620 million sale Fracsa Alloys, a secondary aluminum pro-
of its subsidiary Befesa to Triton. Be- ducer of ingot and liquid metal in Mexico,
Alloy Resources Corp. opened an fesa is an international company that is investing $200 million to add six new
aluminum and zinc recycling plant manages 2.2 million tonnes of industrial manufacturing facilities, located in Mexico
in Muskegon, MI, which processes waste, of which 1.2 million tonnes is re- State, Querétaro, Coahuila, Aguascalien-
dross, building materials, auto wheels, cycled. The company recently signed a tes, Guanajuato, and Puebla. According to
aluminum cans, extrusions, cookware, contract to manage the dross from the the company, Mexico consumes an aver-
and other scrap. The new plant in- Novelis plant in Nachterstedt, Germany. age of 54,000-60,000 tons of aluminum per
cludes a 90,000 lb per year capacity month to manufacture automotive parts.
reverberatory furnace with state-of- The Japanese Aluminum Can Recy- Fracsa hopes to have an installed capacity
the-art charging, degassing, and pour- cling Association reported that, in the to cover up to 80% of that market. They
ing systems. iscal year ending in March 2013, total also expect this demand to grow further as
aluminum cans consumed in Japan was Honda, Toyota, Mazda, and other auto
Summit Showa Aluminum Ltd. be- 19,121 million with 19,018 million cans companies complete new manufacturing
came a wholly owned subsidiary of sec- recycled. As a result, the recycling rate installations. Fracsa’s new plants in Mex-
ondary aluminum alloy producer Asahi increased 2.2 points from a year earlier ico State and Querétaro are already opera-
Seiren Co. and changed its name to SS to 94.7%, maintaining a high rate of tional with the remaining facilities to come
Aluminum Ltd. over 90% for four years in a row. on line over the course of ive years.

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info@italtecno.com - www.italtecno.com - www.diecleaningplant.com


Extruder News… The Canadian International Trade
Tribunal began an expiry review of alu-
Constellium completed the sale of its minum extrusions from China to deter-
French extrusion plants in Ham and mine whether dumping or subsidization
Saint-Florentin, dedicated to the pro- would likely continue without duties.
duction of proiles for the building and
construction industry, to OpenGate Matalco Inc., a member of the Gi-
Capital. This announcement follows ampaolo Group, plans to build a new
clearance from antitrust authorities and greenield remelt extrusion billet facility
completion of regulatory processes. Grupo Cuprum is supplying ten different alu- producing an excess of 300 million lbs
minum proiles for the front and back suspen-
sion of the VUHL 05, a Mexican sports car of aluminum annually. The expansion
Jilin Midas Aluminium Industries, a designed by brothers Iker and Guillermo Ech- will integrate Triple M Metal LP’s
subsidiary of Midas Holdings Limited, everría. The 05 also features a bonded alu- new nonferrous plant to both procure
won a RMB44.3 million contract from minum monocoque chassis made of a com- and handle all of Matalco’s aluminum
bination of 6061-T6 extrusions and aluminum
CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles honeycomb. Aluminum can also be found in scrap requirements.
Co., Ltd., China. The contract includes the safety systems (three-stage programmed
the supply of aluminum proiles for 44 energy absorption crash box and double-lay- Vapormatt invested in a precision 3D
train sets (or 264 train cars) for Chang- er high wall sides), the block and head of the measuring system from Alicona, which
four cylinder turbocharged engine, and the
chun Metro Lines 1 and 2, with deliv- calipers of the braking system. Delivery of the will help the company with its ISO9001
ery expected to take place from 2013 to irst units to the U.S. and Canada will begin in quality control procedures and enable
2015. spring 2014. it to demonstrate the capability and re-
peatability of its wet blasting systems.
Mitsubishi Aluminum Co. is investing Dana Holding Corporation was recog-
Y1.74 billion to add one 3,000 ton extru- nized as a winner of the 2013 Automo- Crystal Finishing Inc. selected
sion press each to two of its plants, Ther- tive News PACE Award for its Spicer® Tellkamp Systems, Inc. to design,
malex, Inc. in Alabama and Muang- Diamond Series driveshaft, a one piece manufacture, and install a high perfor-
Max (Thailand) Co. in Bangkok, Thai- aluminum driveshaft made of aluminum mance vertical liquid painting system
land, boosting capacity to 13,000 tons extruded tube supplied by Sapa Extru- for aluminum extrusions with a maxi-
and 7,200 tons, respectively. This will sions North America. mum length of 30 ft. The system will be
provide a combined production increase operational by Spring 2014.
of 37%. The new presses will produce Tubelite Inc. completed the initial setup
heat exchanger microchannel aluminum of its new 27,500 sq ft facility in Dallas, Personalities & Plants…
tubes for the auto market, which is ex- TX, which will provide CNC machining
pected to grow in each country. Com- for door and frame fabrication, as well
mercial production is expected to begin as carry stock inventory and provide de-
in the latter half of 2014. livery service.

Hydro Building Systems signed a three Vimetco Extrusion, Romania, or-

year, €5 million contract with CEVA dered a STeP5 log heater and a hot log
Logistics for handling and distribution saw from Turla. Production start up is
activities for its extrusions at three of planned for the beginning of 2014.
CEVA’s warehouses in Italy. Dr. Joachim Schön- Steve Schabel
The Aluminum Extruders Council ap- beck
Futura Industries announced a series plauded the U.S. Department of Jus-
of initiatives to leverage its expanding tice for the recent arrest and indictment SMS Group announced that Dr.
infrastructure and further meet market of ive individuals and three companies Joachim Schönbeck will manage SMS
demand for aluminum extrusions. The for conspiring to smuggle Chinese alu- Meer and will continue to be a member
initiatives include the acquisition of a minum extrusions into the U.S. in order of the managing board of the group.
220,000 sq ft manufacturing facility in to defraud the U.S. of approximately
the same location as their current two $26.7 million in antidumping and coun- Alexandria Industries promoted Steve
plants in Clearield, UT; the purchase of tervailing duties. Schabel to chief sales and marketing
a new 9 inch, 3,500 ton, front loading oficer and appointed Chris Flemming
Presezzi press with energy conservation general manager of its Alexandria Ex-
control system; and an extensive invest- trusion South operation.
ment in primary operating equipment to
support the additional output of the new Tubelite Inc. hired John Priebe as an
press. architectural representative serving
South Central U.S.
Altest Ltd. added a Nitrex compact
system at its Bulgarian plant for the ni- Abtex Corporation hired Jason Saner
triding of extrusion dies. The NXK-412 as market development manager.
system has a capacity of 880 lbs.
Technoform Bautec North America,
Purso ordered an automatic two-axis Inc. appointed Bill Blazek to its market-
basket logistics system, as well as new Exco Extrusion Dies Corp. ordered a 10 ing team in charge of aluminum archi-
proile destacker and full basket proile bar vacuum hardening furnace and a pair tectural systems.
cleaning station, for its extrusion plant of nitrogen tempering furnaces from SECO/
in Finland. The equipment will be sup- Warwick Corp. The furnace cell is designed Purso appointed Markku Rajala pro-
for the hardening and tempering of aluminum
plied by Turla with start up planned for extrusion dies for Exco’s new plant in Brazil. duction manager of its machining de-
January 2014. The equipment will be installed in early 2014. partment.







Main sponsor Diamond Sponsor

Contracts and Expansions… Ormet Corporation, including all of its
assets and a certain amount of its afili-
Trimet Aluminium SE, Germany, ates, was sold to Smelter Acquisition,
submitted a binding offer to acquire LLC, a portfolio company managed by
two production plants in Saint-Jean-de- Wayzata Investment Partners LLC,
Maurienne and Castelsarrasin, France with the approval of the U.S. Bank-
from Rio Tinto Alcan. The two plants ruptcy Court for the District of Dela-
produce aluminum wire rod used to ware.
make electric cabling for the energy in-
dustry and connecting elements for the ThyssenKrupp Aerospace launched
automotive industry. Aerospace Park Mghira in Tunisia
Ma’aden-Alcoa ordered a new heat treat- (its irst plant on the African continent),
Alcoa completed the expansion at its ment line for aluminum coils for its integrated a new facility that provides cutting of
Kitts Green facility in the U.K. to serve joint venture complex in Saudi Arabia. The
line consists of a single coil lifting hearth fur-
block drafts from aircraft grade alumi-
growing aerospace demand for the com- nace from Tenova LOI Thermprocess. The num plates and distributes metal plate
pany’s third generation of aluminum- installation is scheduled for late 2013. and sheet, as well as aluminum proiles
lithium alloys. This is the second phase to the regional aerospace industry.
of aluminum-lithium expansions, with Kobe Aluminum Automotive Prod-
a third phase under construction near ucts (China) Co., Ltd., a joint venture The Aluminum Association commend-
its Lafayette, IN, plant, scheduled for between Kobe Steel, Ltd., Mitsui & ed the formation of a bipartisan Congres-
completion in 2014. Co., Ltd., and Toyota Tsusho Corpo- sional Aluminum Caucus, which will ed-
ration, completed the second phase of ucate U.S. policy makers and community
Mubadala Development Company, its forging plant, which produces au- leaders on economic and environmental
AbuDhabi, and the Investment Cor- tomotive suspensions. The addition of issues relevant to the aluminum industry
poration of Dubai announced the cre- a melting furnace and casting line en- and their constituencies.
ation of Emirates Global Aluminium, ables the company to double production
a jointly held, equal ownership com- capacity to 250,000 pieces per month. Alupress AG acquired the Laurens Coun-
pany that will integrate the businesses According to the company, automobile ty, SC, operations of Koerber and an-
of Dubai Aluminium (DUBAL) and manufacturing in China, the world’s nounced plans to open a US$19.9 million
Emirates Aluminium (EMAL). The largest auto market, is forecast to in- aluminum casting plant on the site, aimed
two smelting operations have a com- crease to 28 million cars in 2022, from at servicing automotive clients in the re-
bined installed capacity of 1.8 million 19 million in 2012. gion. The Brixen, Italy-based aluminum
tpy (with 1 million tpy for DUBAL die caster’s U.S. facility, named Alupress
and 800,000 tpy for EMAL). EMAL Novelis commissioned its expanded LLC, will begin operations in 2014.
recently completed the major civil and aluminum rolling operations in Pinda-
mechanical work on its Phase II expan- monhangaba, Brazil, increasing produc- Siemens Industry, Inc. completed the
sion with 120 steel structures provided tion capacity by more than 50% to over acquisition of Service Guide, Inc., an
by Emirates Steel now in place. The 600,000 tonnes of sheet per year. The Ohio-based company that has provided
Phase II potline will increase capacity US$340 million investment included the repair and refurbishing services for alu-
by 520,000 tonnes when it is completed installation of a third cold rolling mill, minum and steel mills since 1964.
in 2014. a new ingot casting center, and a new
pusher furnace for the hot rolling mill. Alcoa and OJSC Rusnano signed an
Century Aluminum completed the The company is also currently expand- MOU to produce technologically ad-
transaction with Rio Tinto Alcan to ing its recycling operations at the site to vanced oil and gas aluminum drill pipe.
acquire all of the assets of the 205,000 increase the use of post-consumer scrap With the help of the Alcoa Technical
tpy Sebree aluminum smelter in Hen- and provide accelerated development of Center, the companies plan to pursue
derson County, KY. The company also new alloys with greater recycled con- the potential application of the nano-
inalized deinitive power agreements tent. The recycling expansion is set to technology-based coating for drill pipe
with Kenergy Corp. and Big Rivers come on-stream in 2014. to enhance its wear resistance in harsh
Electric Corp., which could provide corrosive drilling environments.
power for the company’s Sebree and Astronics Corp. purchased PECO,
Hawesville smelters. The agreements Inc., a company in Portland, OR, that AMAG Austria Metall AG concluded
are subject to approvals from various manufactures highly engineered com- a multi-year contract with EADS for the
third parties, including the Kentucky mercial interior components and sys- supply of aluminum plate and sheet to
Public Service Commission and other tems for the aerospace industry. The manufacture structural and skin compo-
regulatory agencies. transaction was overseen by Houlihan nents for all current Airbus aircraft types.
Lokey’s Aerospace-Defense-Govern-
Constellium N.V. implemented a €23 ment Group, which acted as a inancial Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba)
million expansion project at its rolling advisor. completed the upgrade of potline 5 to
and recycling facility in Neuf-Brisach, AP37 cell technology with an increase
France. This included two projects: the Hydro signed an agreement with Rio in line current to 370 kA. This will in-
modernization of a casting complex for Tinto Alcan to acquire 50% ownership crease production by around 1,000 tpy.
rolling slab production, increasing ca- in Vigeland Metal Reinery AS and
pacity and providing safety and qual- 100% ownership in the AS Vigelands Rexam started production at its new
ity improvements, and the complete re- Brug hydropower station, located in beverage can plant in Benevides, Great-
placement of a pusher furnace dedicated Vennesla, Norway. The reinery has er Belém, Brazil, which has an installed
to the homogenization and preheating of an annual production capacity of 8,500 capacity of 800 million cans per year,
slabs before rolling, which lowers ener- tonnes of high purity (over 99.99%) alu- bringing the company’s beverage can
gy consumption, increases throughput, minum for use in semiconductors and capacity in South America to more than
and optimizes quality. electronic applications. 14 billion cans per year.


New Products… New Literature…
Quick Change Powder Coating Downstream in Saudi Arabia
Nordson introduces a new engineered Ma’aden (The Saudi Arabian Min-
powder coating system, called Color- ing Company) issued a guide outlin-
Max 2, which provides contamination ing several investment opportunities
free color changes in under 10 minutes. within the downstream aluminum
The fully integrated system has fea- industries in Saudi Arabia. Down-
tures, like a breakaway cyclone, which stream aluminum is witnessing re-
provides easy accessibility inside the markable growth in the Gulf region,
booth for cleaning, a key aspect in fast including aluminum foil, alloy manu-
and contamination free color changes. facturing for specialized applications,
The booth is constructed of an Appo- and aluminum for industrial purpos-
gee® composite material and a non- es. The distribution of this guide is part of the company’s sustainabil-
conductive canopy that minimizes powder attraction and retention, ity strategy, which aims to serve and develop the community, support
which means less powder to clean during a color change. For more the industrial sector, and provide investment opportunities that assist
information: Bob Allsop, Nordson Corporation. Tel: (440) 985-4459. the effort of creating jobs for Saudi youth in the private sector. For
email: bob.allsop@nordson.com. www.nordson.com/powder. more information: Aqeel Al-Onazi, Ma’aden. Tel: (+966) 1 874-8045.
email: alonaziam@maaden.com.sa. www.maaden.com.sa.
Milling Anodes
End Deburring Systems
Under certain conditions, carbon anodes
can experience spike (or mushroom) Abtex published a four page, full color brochure on its line of end
formation on the bottom surface, which deburring systems, which contains speciications for its manually op-
results in pot instability and reduced cur- erated proile end preparation system, single head semi-automatic
rent eficiency. VHE offers an anode mill- system, double head low through systems for long and short parts,
ing machine, which mills away spike and and double end tube deburring system, as well as wet dust collectors
irregularities on the anode, while it’s still for each of the systems. These machines can be considered stan-
hot or after cooling, for improved geom- dard systems, but many times, the company can customize them for
etry and extended usable life. The milling speciic customer needs. This brochure is a companion piece to the
system can be installed in a ixed location company’s new catalogue/capabilities brochure. For more informa-
or on a trailer mounted machine, both of tion: Abtex Corporation. Tel: (315) 536-7403. email: sales@abtex.
which can operate in semi-automatic and com. www.abtex.com.
manual modes. For more information: Barry Woodrow, VHE. Tel:
(+354) 575 9705. email: barry@vhe.is. www.vhe.is. EcoLuminum
Sludge Reduction in Anodizing Lines Tubelite launched a new website on
EcoLuminum™ , the recycled alumi-
The DRYPLUS process, patented by Italt- num option (with content from post-
ecno, increases the “dry part” in the sludge consumer and pre-consumer material)
produced as a waste in aluminum anodizing for its extruded products, including
lines. DRYPLUS has a speciic locculation curtainwall, thermal entrances, sun-
agent, which allows for the precipitation of shades, light shelves, and framing
aluminum hydroxide with high density crystal and entrances. The website provides
formation (i.e., a quantitiy of dry parts). The speciications for each of the products
crystal formation is essentially doubled (40- available with these recycled alloys
50%) compared to what is achievable with and offers information on the avail-
conventional processes, providing a signii- ability of environmentally friendly an-
cant reduction in sludge formation and reduc- odized matte inishes. Using recycled
ing costs for the disposal of the sludge. This content contributes toward LEED MR4.1 and 4.2 points. EcoLumi-
agent can be added to any existing waste num should be requested at the time of quotation. For more informa-
water treatment plant. For more information: Italtecno. Tel: (39) 059 tion: Tubelite, Inc. Tel: (800) 866-2227. email: dependable@tubelite.
280362. email: info@italtecno.com. www.italtecno.com. com. www.ecoluminum.com.

Welding Warrior Heat Transfer Calculator

ESAB introduces Warrior, a new multi- Heat Flow is a new online steady state heat transfer calculator that
process power source and feeder de- allows users to simulate an unlimited number of heat transfer sce-
signed for harsh welding environments narios using Morgan Advanced Material’s insulation and refractory
in shipbuilding, rail car construction, products, as well as other user-deined materials. The Heat Flow ap-
mobile machinery construction, energy plication comes preloaded with nearly 400 products in ten catego-
generation contruction, pipe welding, ries, and registered users have the ability to add other materials into
general fabrication, and repair and main- a unique personalized database to run calculations. The calculations
tenance. Designed for GMAW (MIG), use ASTM C680 formulas (with the latest 2010 revision), the inter-
FCAW (lux-cored), SMAW (stick), and national standard for estimating heat loss and surface temperatures.
GTAW (TIG) welding, as well as ACAG For more information: Scott Bentley, Morgan Advanced Materials.
(arc gouging), this new machine deliv- Tel: (44) 1299 827000. email: scott.bentley@morganplc.com. http://
ers up to 500 amps at 60% duty cycle. morganheatlow.com.
The air tunnel design creates a “dirty” air
side and a separate “clean” air side to Master Alloys and Grain Reining
ensure long-term reliability of critical electronics. For more informa-
tion: ESAB Welding & Cutting Equipment. Tel: (843) 669-4411. www. AMG Aluminum published a new lyer intro-
esabna.com/warrior. ducing their master alloy and grain reining
capabilities. The lyer lists the company’s
Measurement of Weight Changes in Al available product forms and chemical speci-
ications for its grain reiners (titanium, boron,
Thermogravimetry (TGA) systems measure weight changes in a ma- and carbon-based), hardeners (chromium,
terial (subjected to temperature variation in a controlled atmosphere) copper, magnesium, nickel, etc.), tablets and
and are one of the most powerful systems in a materials laboratory, compacts (chromium, copper, iron, manga-
capable of measuring corrosion, pyrolysis, adsorption/desorption, nese, etc.), strontium modiiers for hypoeutec-
loss of solvent, and more. The SETSYS Evolution from SETARAM tic and eutectic aluminum-silicon alloys, spe-
has the widest temperature range for TGA measurements (ambient- cialty alloys (beryllium, boron, lithium, etc.),
2,400°C), covered by a single oven. It features sophisticated gas mechanical alloys, and chemicals and luxes
control systems with options for corrosive gases and even high hu- (potassium aluminum luoride, potassium
midity gases, as well as an option for operation under H2 and other luoborate, etc.). AMG has business units located in North America,
lammable gases. For more information: SETARAM Inc. Tel: (908) the U.K., Brazil, Mexico, and China. For more information: AMG Alumi-
262-7060. email: sales@setaram.com. www.setaram.com. num. Tel: (610) 406-1680. email: info@amg-al.com. www.amg-al.com.


INTL SECONDARY ALUMI- as aluminum alloy ingots and the like which are used —LMA—
on the market commonly are replaced by using the
NUM, REMELT, RECYCLING molten aluminum method herein, and the molten CN102328202 (A) — METHOD FOR RECYCLING
aluminum directly forms aluminum alloy products AND REUSING ALUMINUM ALLOY ENGINE
PATENTS by a casting process. In the method, the integral WASTE CYLINDER BODY AND COLD-TYPE
production process of aluminum scrap remelting CYLINDER SLEEVE REMOVAL EQUIP-
ingots is directly eliminated, so fuel consumption and M E N T FOR WASTE CYLINDER BODY
—LMA— environmental pollution in the process of remelting —Honda Automobile Co. Ltd. (China) — The
the aluminum scraps are avoided correspondingly, invention discloses a method for recycling and
CN202667568 (U) — REMELTING ALUMINIUM and the smelting loss and physical performance loss reusing an aluminum alloy engine waste cylinder
INGOT CASTING PRODUCTION CONTROL of the aluminum scraps are avoided. body and cold-type cylinder sleeve removal equip-
SYSTEM — Beijing Haotian Zhongsheng Tech- ment for the waste cylinder body. In the method,
nology Co., Ltd. (China) — The utility model —LMA— a cylinder sleeve inside a piston cylinder of the
discloses a remelting aluminum ingot casting pro- aluminum alloy waste cylinder body is ejected out
duction control system, and relates to the ield of JP2009108346 (A) — METHOD AND APPARATUS
automatic control. The remelting aluminum ingot FOR REFINING ALUMINUM SCRAP — Asahi
casting production control system comprises a pour- Seiren Co. Ltd. (Japan) — PROBLEM TO BE
ing machine, a casting machine, a receiving device, SOLVED: To provide a method and an apparatus
a cooling conveyer, a stacker, a inished product for reining aluminum scrap by means of which the
conveyor, a cooling device and a programmable following process can be performed more eficiently
logic controller (PLC) control module, wherein the and inexpensively than heretofore: a process of melt-
pouring machine, the casting machine, the receiving ing aluminum scrap, performing vacuum reining
device, the cooling conveyer, the stacker, and the to remove unnecessary components contained in
inished product conveyor are connected with each the resulting molten material, and then casting the
other, and the cooling device is connected with the reined molten material into an ingot of prescribed
casting machine. The PLC control module controls size to carry out recycling into aluminum metal
high-temperature aluminum liquid to be injected again. SOLUTION: Steps of melting and reining
into a casting machine aluminum liquid distributor aluminum scrap are separated, and the reining step
through the pouring machine, the high-temperature
aluminum liquid inside the casting machine is cooled
to form a remelted aluminum ingot through the
cooling device, and the remelted aluminum ingot is
demolded to be arranged inside the receiving device
and conveyed to the cooling conveyor through the
receiving device. The remelting aluminum ingot is
done secondary cooling to a preset temperature in
the cooling conveyor and conveyed in order to the of the aluminum alloy waste cylinder body by using
stacker, and the remelted aluminum ingot is controlled the cold-type cylinder sleeve removal equipment;
to be stacked into an aluminum pile according to and after the aluminum alloy waste cylinder body
a pre-set rule and packed by the inished product subjected to cylinder sleeve removal is melted and
conveyor to inish inished product transportation. the temperature of the treated aluminum alloy waste
The production capacity of a remelting aluminum cylinder body is maintained, a new aluminum alloy
ingot production line is improved, production ef- engine waste cylinder body is cast. The equipment
iciency is improved, the number of operators and has the advantages of low investment, small occupied
labor intensity are lowered, human resources can be area, low recycling cost, convenience for operation,
deployed reasonably, and the remelting aluminum high security, simple logistics, and the like; and as
ingot casting production control system is low in the cylinder sleeve is removed at normal tempera-
cost, economical, and practical. ture, zero pollution and zero emission are realized.
is coupled with a casting step. Only the melting
—LMA— of the aluminum scrap is performed in a melting —LMA—
furnace, and the resulting molten metal is tapped
CN102304619 (A) — METHOD FOR PRODUCING into a ladle. The ladle is covered with a refractory CN201954976 (U) — ALUMINUM ALLOY REFIN-
ALUMINUM SCRAPS — Jihua Liu (China) — The molten metal is held for a prescribed time while DEVICE — Zhejiang Seiichi Heavy Industries
invention discloses a method for directly producing reducing the pressure of atmosphere in the ladle to Co., Ltd. (China) — The utility model discloses an
molten aluminum by using aluminum scrap. In the a prescribed pressure to remove volatilizable com- aluminum alloy reining furnace waste gas recycling
method, the molten aluminum which can be cast is ponents from the molten metal. Then the pressure device, which comprises an aluminum alloy reining
produced by pretreatment means of four-stage sort- is recovered to the atmospheric pressure again, and furnace (1), a rotary aluminum scrap drying machine
ing, two-stage crushing, paint and oil removal, and the molten metal is continuously poured into a mold. (2) and a heat exchanger (3), wherein the exhaust
the like in combination with automation modes of pipeline (11) of the aluminum alloy reining furnace
computer batching, automatic weighing, polishing, —LMA—
and proportioning of a molten aluminum machine
— Mitsubishi Materials Corp., Mitsubishi
Aluminum, Oote Kinzoki KK (Japan) — PROB-
LEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an economical
used aluminum can recycling facility in which the
aluminum alloy is eficiently recovered and recycled
from recovered cans mainly including the used alu-
minum cans, and a price of the recycled aluminum
alloy is reduced, and to provide a recycling method
environmentally excellent. SOLUTION: A machine
for smashing recovered and crushed used aluminum (1) is connected with the air inlet nozzle (21) of the
cans, equipment separating non-aluminum materi- rotary aluminum scrap drying machine (2), and the
als a furnace, delacquered aluminum cans passing exhaust pipe of the rotary aluminum scrap drying
through the separating equipment, a furnace melting machine (2) is connected with the air inlet pipe of
the aluminum cans discharged from the delacquer- the heat exchanger (3). Aluminum scraps are dried
and the like. A secondary smelting process of the ing furnace, and a casting machine obtaining a by using the waste gas of the aluminum alloy rein-
conventional aluminum alloy ingot is replaced by slab or recycled ingot from the molten aluminum ing furnace, and the waste heat is reclaimed through
a one-time direct smelting process of the molten obtained in the melting furnace are successively the heat exchanger, so that the utilization rate of
aluminum; cast aluminum alloy raw materials such arranged in one site. energy is improved.


INTL SECONDARY ALUMI- — Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel Hub Co., Ltd.
(China) — The utility model discloses an alumi-
material storage box, a vibrating screen, permanent
magnets, a charging container, a weighing device,
NUM, REMELT, RECYCLING num scrap recycling and smelting furnace which a motor and a speed reducer, and is characterized
can effectively solve the problems of high burning in that the material storage box is arranged at the
PATENTS, cont. loss and low recycling rate for waste aluminum. upper end of the sorting device. The front end of
The aluminum scrap recycling and smelting fur- the material storage box is provided with a mate-
nace comprises a smelting furnace body, a stirring rial outlet; the vibrating screen is arranged at the
—LMA— pond, and a smelting pond, wherein the smelting front end of the material outlet; the lower end of
furnace body is connected with the stirring pond the vibrating screen is provided with two driving
CN102011145 (A) — METHOD FOR RECYCLING through an entry channel, the stirring pond is con-
ELECTROLYTES AND PRODUCING ALUMI- nected with the smelting pond through an eddy
NUM-SILICON ALLOY AS BYPRODUCT BY channel, and the smelting pond and the smelting
USING ALUMINUM ELECTROLYSIS WASTE furnace body are connected through a backwater
MIXING MATERIAL — Yichuan Longhai
Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. (China) — The
invention discloses a method for recycling electro-
lytes and producing an aluminum-silicon alloy as a
byproduct by using an aluminum electrolysis waste
mixing material, relating to the technical ield of
recycling of the aluminum electrolysis waste mix-
ing material, wherein the aluminum electrolysis
waste mixing material mainly refers to the mixture
of multiple refractory materials without the waste
cathode carbon blocks and the side silicon carbide.
The application of the method provided by the shafts which are connected with the motor by the
invention comprises the following steps: crushing speed reducer; the middle part of the vibrating
the aluminum electrolysis cell waste mixing mate- screen is provided with a screen; a recycling box
rial into the particles the particle size of which is channel; the middle part of the smelting pond is is arranged at the lower end of the screen; the tail
0 to 6 mm; and then adding the particles into the provided with a hopper-shaped eddy part, and the end of the vibrating screen is provided with a row
running aluminum electrolysis cell periodically, eddy channel is connected with the upper part of of permanent magnets; the front end of the vibrating
wherein the addition of the particles is performed the smelting pond. The aluminum scrap recycling screen is connected with the charging container; and
twice per day, the time interval is 6 to 12 hours, and smelting furnace has the advantages that, as the bottom end of the charging container is provided
the addition amount is 10 to 50 kg, the particles the eddy part is hopper-shaped, molten aluminum with the weighing device. As the sorting device is
are added from the aluminum discharging end of eddy can be formed and aluminum scraps are not adopted, impurities in the raw material are reduced,
the aluminum electrolysis cell or from the opening directly contacted with lames and are smelted under the oxidization of the raw material in the smelting
when the anode is replaced, and the addition is the action of the molten aluminum eddy, therefore, process is reduced, and the quality of aluminium
realized mainly by manually and also can be real- the burning loss of aluminum alloy is reduced to alloy is greatly improved.
ized mechanically. In the invention, the innocent be lower than 5 percent.
treatment is adopted, the pollution problem of the —LMA—
aluminum electrolysis waste refractory materials is —LMA—
solved effectively, and the recycling of the solid CN101921933 (A) — HIGH-PURITY STABILIZED
wastes with certain economic beneit is realized. CN201906720 (U) — DEVICE FOR SORTING ALUMINUM ALLOY INGOT AND PRODUC-
—LMA— TERIAL — Qqinhuangdao Development Zone Recycling China Ltd. (China) — The invention
Mei Aluminum Co., Ltd. (China) — The utility discloses high-purity stabilized aluminum alloy ingot
CN201876117 (U) — ALUMINUM SCRAP RE- model relates to a device for sorting a massive which comprises the following components in weight
CYC L I N G A N D S M E LT I N G F U R N A C E aluminium alloy raw material, which consists of a percent: 3.1-3.8% of Cu, 7.9-9.3% of Si, 0-0.1% of

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INTL SECONDARY ALUMI- —LMA— to the ingot melting furnace and the scrap melting
furnace by channels, and an induction heating fur-
NUM, REMELT, RECYCLING KR20080076038 (A) — ALUMINUM SCRAP SORT- nace; and alloying equipment including a holding
ING METHOD AND AN APPARATUS FOR furnace, and an overlow channel for connecting
PATENTS, cont. EFFECTIVELY SEPARATING BOTH FER- an upper portion of the principal melting furnace
ROUS AND NONFERROUS COMPONENTS and an upper portion of the holding furnace. The
FROM ALUMINUM SCRAPS — Dongyang apparatus further comprises a ceramic ilter installed
Mg, 0-2.3% of Zn, 0-0.9% of Fe, 0-0.5% of Mn, Gangchul., Ltd. (Korea) — An aluminum scrap in the overlow channel of the alloying equipment.
0-0.5% of Ni, 0-0.35% of Sn, 0-0.1% of Ti, 0-0.25% sorting method and an apparatus are provided to
of other trace elements and the balance of Al. The recycle aluminum scrap and to improve the recovery —LMA—
invention further discloses a production method of rate of aluminum from aluminum scrap by effectively
the high-purity stabilized aluminum alloy ingot. The sorting out ferrous and nonferrous components from CN102553823 (A) — SORTING DEVICE FOR
high-purity stabilized aluminum alloy ingot of the various kinds of aluminum scrap. The aluminum scrap SOLID MATERIALS WITH DIFFERENT
invention has low gas and slag content, high clean- sorting apparatus consists of a magnetic separator is SPECIFIC WEIGHTS — Guangzhou Jieshiduo
ness of molten aluminum, uniform components of the composed of a irst crusher for crushing aluminum Aluminum Alloy Co. Ltd. (China) — The inven-
product and thin crystal structure; and the production scrap, a irst conveyor for moving the scrap broken tion discloses a sorting deice for solid materials
method has low production cost and high eficiency, in the irst crusher, the magnetic separator for sepa- with different speciic weights. The sorting device
and effectively solves the pollution problem of the rating magnetic components included in the scrap comprises a trough, a bunker, a loating sand power
secondary aluminum industry. carried by the irst conveyor, a second conveyor device, and at least one guide plate, wherein a
for moving the scrap that ferrous components are runner is arranged for sand to low in the trough;
—LMA— separated, a second crusher for secondly crushing the the bunker is arranged upstream of the runner; the
scrap carried by the second conveyor, and a vortex loating sand power device is arranged upstream
KR20100011252 (A) — A L U M I N U M S C R A P separator classifying the secondly crushed scrap of the runner and is used for enabling sand in the
CRUSH SELECTION APPARATUS — Jae Kyung into scrap and nonferrous components by a vortex. upstream of the runner to become lowing sand; and
Industry Co., Ltd. (Korea) — An aluminum scrap at least one guide plate is obliquely arranged in the
crushing and sorting device is provided to reduce —LMA— runner along the direction of the runner forming an
melting time of aluminum scrap which is scrapped obtuse included angle with the low direction of
to small size with a plurality of crushers in a melt- KR20080040969 (A) — METHOD FOR MANU- the runner. A plurality of through holes for sand to
ing furnace and to minimize energy consumed for FACTURING AN ALUMINUM ALLOY BY pass is arranged in the guide plate, and the lower
melting the aluminum scraps. The aluminum scrap USING ALUMINUM SCRAP, COMPRISING A bottom edge of the irst guide plate is higher than
crushing and sorting device comprises the follow- LOW GRADE SCRAP SORTING PROCESS, the bottom of the runner. The sorting device can
ing: a supply hopper (200) installed on the top of a A MELTING PROCESS, AND AN ALLOYING be used for sorting solid materials with different
PROCESS, AND APPARATUS THEREOF — speciic weights, resulting in less environmental
Dongyang Gangchul., Ltd. (Korea) — A method and pollution and operating requirements, while being
an apparatus for manufacturing an aluminum alloy by high in eficiency and being particularly suitable
using aluminum scrap are provided to manufacture for sorting of aluminum scrap.
an aluminum alloy eficiently by using low grade
scrap together with process scrap, aluminum chips, —LMA—
supply conveyor (100), a crusher (300) consecutively and the like. The apparatus for manufacturing an
installed on the bottom of the supply conveyor, a aluminum alloy by using aluminum scrap comprises: CN202129145 (U) — MAGNETIC FORCE SORT-
irst sorting conveyor (400) composed of a rotat- low grade scrap sorting equipment including a irst ING DEVICE FOR ALUMINUM BLOCKS —
ing magnetic roll (401), a magnetic selector (500) crusher, a magnetic separator, a second crusher, and Guangdong Longda Aluminum Co., Ltd. (China)
installed on the top of the irst sorting conveyor, a an eddy current separator; melting equipment includ- — The utility model relates to the technical ield of
irst transfer conveyor (600) transferring aluminum, ing a principal melting furnace of a twin chamber aluminum scrap recovery devices, and particularly
a second sorting conveyor (700), and a second structure divided into an ingot melting furnace and relates to a magnetic force sorting device for aluminum
transfer conveyor (800) transferring the aluminum a scrap melting furnace by a partition wall, a chip blocks, which is used during the aluminum scrap
to a destination location. melting furnace of which both sides are connected recovery process. The magnetic force sorting device

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REMELT, cont. skirt portion;(U)
ING member
an electrically
— Suzhou
on said
comprising: a sacriicial
(U) — anode
a bottom surface,
having a topTYPE
the sacriicial
SCRAP anode
surface RE-
PATENTS, cont. wherein said(China)
Co., Ltd. work is—supported on saidscrap
An aluminum hanger in
washing a recess
AND with a loor, the
WASHING recess extending
DEVICE — Suzhoufrom Kadiya
axis, which chambers are delimited by the side walls such a way
device as to close
belongs saidtechnical
to the annular circumferential
ield of washing the Alumimum
top surface Co.,
Ltd.the sacriicial
(China) anode
— The in model
utility a
and inner plates extending between the side walls, machinery and comprises a frame, a washing roller direction of the bottom surface; a magnet having
relates to a vibrating type recycled aluminum scrap
for the aluminum
wherein the collar blocks,
parts areprovided by the utility
two channel-shaped driving mechanism and a washing roller. The washing an lotation
upper surface and a lower surface, the magnet
and washing device, belonging to the technical
with upper a machine frame, wherein
edges pointing away from a hopper
the roller driving mechanism is arranged on the frame, ield of a cleaning device. The vibrating type recycled
middle for axis
of thematerials
attachment is arranged
means and at the upper
lanking and the washing roller which is provided with a aluminum scrap lotation and washing device comprises
walls part of the machine
delimiting a channelframe, a magnetic force belt
base. feed inlet and a discharge outlet matches with the a pair of oscillating arm mechanisms, a vibrating
used for capturing ÐNOCÐ iron blocks is arranged below the washing roller driving mechanism. The aluminum plate, a water supply mechanism, and a vibrating
discharge opening of the hopper. The magnetic force scrap washing device is characterized in that a water plate actuation mechanism, wherein the oscillating
is providedD4" Ï"withEQPXGTUKQP"
a driven roller EQCVKPIU"
and a driving guiding device is further arranged on the frame in arm mechanisms are arranged in parallel; the vibrating
roller driven by CNMCNKPG" GCTVJ" force
a motor, the magnetic OGVCN" belt a matched manner and communicated with the feed plate is connected to the oscillating arm mechanisms
HNWQTKFG" EQORNGZGU" Ð" RRI" Kpfwuvtkgu" inlet via a pipeline, and blow-off holes which sur
Qjkq."Kpe0."Engxgncpf."Qjkq"*WU+"Ð"A process for
coating a metal substrate comprising: a) contacting
a metal surface with a phosphate-based composi-
tion, wherein said phosphate-based composition
comprises iron phosphate and stannous ion in an
amount ranging from about 10 to about 500 parts inserted within the recess so that the lower surface
per million followed by; b) contacting said metal abuts the loor of the recess; and a plug sealing
surface with an aqueous composition comprising a the magnet within the recess, the plug abutting the
roup IIA dissolved metal ion; a dissolved complex grooves of said piston crown portion while retaining upper surface of the magnet; wherein the sacriicial
metal luoride ion comprising a metal atom selected small gap relation with said piston crown portion, anode is attached to the metallic substrate by an
from roup IIIA, roup I A, roup I , roup wherein the piston crown and the shield member electrically-conductive adhesive.
A, and roup metals, and water, wherein the do not contact one another, and said shield member
being provided with openings to expose the sliding ÐNOCÐ
composition is substantially free of roup IIA metal
luoride precipitate followed by; c) contacting said surfaces of said skirt portion; immersing said work WU"9.624.499"D4"Ï"OGVJQF"QH"HQTOKPI"OGVCN"
metal surface with a rinse composition comprising in said plating bath; and depositing a plating metal HQCOU" D[" EQNF"
in an inclined state withURTC["
one sideVGEJPKSWG"
higher than the other
an aqueous solution of a rare earth metal prior to on said sliding surface on said skirt portion, said Ð" side;
GzzqpOqdkn" Tgugctej"
the water supply cpf" Gpikpggtkpi"
mechanism is connected with
application of
sequentially a paint
wraps the to said metal
driving rollersurface.
and the driven hanger supporting said work and said shield member Eqorcp{."Cppcpfcng."P0L0"*WU+"Ð"A
a water source pipeline and corresponds method of high
to the
roller; both the driving roller and the driven roller at a position between said two anode plates in said side of the vibrating plate; and the vibrating plate
forming a metallic foam layer on a substrate comprising
are ixed on the machine ÐNOCÐframe through bearing plating bath and in a tilted posture parallel with said the actuation
following mechanism is arranged
steps: providing a substrate at for
end of the
9.624.453" a D4"
irst Ï"receiving
OGVJQF" grooveCPF"used for receiv-
roundplates whileofconducting
the wall the washing current
rollerbetween said
are disturbed of avibrating
metallic foam; cold
plate in spraying away
a matching mixture
and ofis metal
aluminum blocks is furtherYQTM"
RNCVKPI" formed UWT/below work serving
on the wall ofasthe
a cathode
washingand said
roller. Theanode
guiding particles
with theand vibrating
a foamingplate.
agent By
said substrate to
the technical
the discharge
HCEGU" opening Rncvge"
Ð" Pkrrqp" of the hopper, and Vqejkik"
Eq0." Nvf0." a second wherein
device said work andon
is disposed said
theshield member
frame, waterareis sup-
guided form a substrate
scheme, coatedaluminum
recycled with an unexpanded
scrap to be metallic
sorted can
*Lcrcp+" Ð" groove used for
A method for receiving the irona blocks
partially plating work ported by the hanger in a tilted posture before
into the feed inlet by the water guiding device, being layer;
be foam heat treating
scattered said substrate
on the vibrating coated
plate, with in
isforformed below
a piston, saidthe magnetic
work havingforce belt.portions
sliding The mixed on immersed in theholes
the blow-off platingarebath, duringonthe
arranged thedepositing
wall of the an unexpanded
the recycled metallic layer atscrap
aluminum a temperature above
can be eliminated
materials falling
a skirt portion into athe
under hopper
lidded pistondrop
crownthrough the
portion ofwashing
the plating metal and after being removed
roller, accordingly dirty aluminum scraps from the decomposition temperature of said foaming
using a proportional relation during vibration of agent
discharge opening of the hopper.
with annular circumferential grooves therearound,The aluminum the
move bath.
under rotation of the washing roller after for the
a time suficientplate
vibrating to form
anda water
heated supply
the water
and havingdrop aintobosstheportion
irst receiving
to receive groove
a pistondirectly,
pin, being fed into the washing
ÐNOCÐ roller via the feed inlet, with an expanded
supply mechanism, metal
andfoam layer; and
the recycled coolingscrap
said the iron blocks
method comprising are stuck
the stepsontoof:theproviding
surface aof dirt attached to the surfaces of the aluminum scraps saidwith
heated substrate
different coatedcan
weights withbeansorted.
expanded metal the
the magnetic
plating force with
bath illed belt and eventually and
an electrolyte fall into
havingthe WU"9.624.455"D3"Ï"
identifying effect for follow-up foam layerhas
device to the
about ambient that
advantages temperature
the sorting to eficiency
two anode
second platesgroove.
receiving set in position within force
The magnetic said plating
manual sorting is enhanced, sorting speed and sort- a cooled substrate coated with an expanded
is high, the sorting quality is also high, manpower metal
bath; directly
device supportingblocks
for the aluminum said work
has theonadvantages
a hanger CICKPUV"EQTTQUKQP"Ð"Ingp"G0"Oqticp."
ing quality are improved, and quality of smelted foam layer,
input can wherein
be saved,said
and cooled
the labor substrate
of sorting
ofadapted to immerse
high operating said work
eficiency andin saidsorting
good platingquality.
bath, Oggmgt."Qmnc0"96:66"*WU+"Ð"A
aluminum is improved. passive cathodic withworkers
an expanded
can bemetal foam layer comprises an
said piston crown portion positioned above said protection system for a metallic substrate, the system integral part of downhole casings, pipelines, transfer

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2013 Conference Calendar 2013
September 9-12: Lw2013 – 5th Inter- September 24-26: AeroTech Congress info: Matt Meenan, Aluminum As-
national Aluminum Proile Technol- & Exhibition— Montreal, Canada. For sociation. Tel: (703) 358-2960. Fax:
ogy Seminar & Exhibition— Guang- info: Peggy Bartlett, SAE International. (703) 358-2961. email: mmeenan@
zhou, China. For info: Zitao Wang, Tel: (724) 772-4055. Fax: (724) 776-4026. aluminum.org. www.aluminum.org.
Aluminum Processing Technology email: peggyb@sae.org. www.sae.org.
Center. Fax: (86) 20-8724 2261. email: October 8-9: International Confer-
wangzitao@vip.163.com. www.lw- September 25-27: ESTAL Congress ence on Extrusion and Benchmark
aluminum.com. 2013— Krakow, Poland. For info: Mar- (ICEB)—Dortmund, Germany. For
tine Kalmar, ESTAL Secretariat. Tel: info: Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya, IUL. Tel:
September 9-13: EUROMAT 2013 – (41) 43 305 09 71. email: m.kalmar@ (49) 231-755-6923. email: iceb2013@
European Congress and Exhibition actreu.ch. www.estalcongress2013.org. iul.tu-dortmund.de. www.ice-b.net.
on Advanced Materials and Process-
es— Sevilla, Spain. For info: Euromat October 1-2: 21st Magnesium Auto- October 16-18: TiExpo 2013 – 8th
Technical Secretariat. Tel: (34) 954 22 motive and User Seminar— Aalen, China (Beijing) Intl. Titanium Indus-
40 95. email: euromat2013@barcelo Germany. For info: Gabriele Haag, try Expo— Beijing, China. For info: Or-
congresos.com. www.euromat2013. EFM e.V. Tel: (49) 7361-9274-17. ganizing Committee. Tel: (86) 10-6863
fems.eu. Fax: (49) 7361-9274-32. email: post@ 7413. email: hwexpo.lucy@hotmail.
efm-aalen.de. www.efm-aalen.de. com. www.ti-expo.com/en/index.asp.
September 10-11: SAE 2013 Inter-
national Vehicle Lightweighting October 1-3: 22nd Annual Interna- October 17-19: ALEXASIA 2013—
Forum— Shanghai, China. For info: tional Anodizing Conference—Se- Mumbai, India. For info: Anand
Melissa Jena, SAE International. Tel: attle, WA. For info: Aluminum Anod- Joshi, Aluminium Extruders’ Coun-
(724) 772-4008. email: mjena@sae.org. izers Council. Tel: (847) 526-2010. cil (ALEX). Tel: (91) 985-097-6341.
www.sae.org/events/lwf. Fax; (847) 526-3993. email: mail@ email: alex@arkeycell.com. www.
anodizing.org. www.aacconf.org. alexasia2013.com.
September 12-13: 16th Seminar –
“The Newest Trends in Heat Treat- October 1-3: METALCON Interna- October 20-24: TMS – Industrial Alu-
ment”— Lagow, Poland. For info: Pa- tional— Atlanta, GA. For info: Metal minum Electrolysis—Doha, Qatar. For
trycja Dzierzanowska, SECO/Warwick Construction Association. Tel: (847) info: The Minerals, Metals & Materi-
Europ S.A. Tel: (48) 68 3819 914. 375-4718. Fax: (847) 375-6488. email: als Society (TMS). Tel: (724) 776-9000.
email: p.dzierzanowska@secowarwick. mca@metalconstruction.org. www. email: mtgserv@tms.org. www.tms.org.
com.pl. www.secowarwick.com. metalconstruction.org.
October 21-22: 12th International
September 12-14: ALUMINIUM In- October 1-3: 2nd International Confer- Aluminium Conference (INALCO
dia— Mumbai, India. For info: Jessica ence and Exhibition “Aluminium-21/ 2013)—Montréal, Quebec, Canada. For
Kristian, Reed Exhibitions. Tel: (49) Transport”—St. Petersburg, Russia. info: INALCO 2013. Tel: (847) 526-
211 90191-232. Fax: (49) 211 90191- For info: Ellen Belova, Alusil-MVT. Tel: 2010. Fax: (847) 526-3993. email: info@
193. email: jessica.kristian@reedexpo. (7) 495 785-2005. email: conference@ inalco2013.com. www.inalco2013.com.
de. www.aluminium-india.com. alusil.ru. www.alusil.ru.
October 21-25: Canadian Inter-
September 17-18: 16th Annual Alu- October 1-3: Aluminum Welding national Aluminium Conference
minum Welding Conference— Technology Program—Traverse City, (CIAC)— Montréal, QC, Canada. For
Chicago, IL. For info: Zoey Oliva, MI. For info: AlcoTec Wire Corpora- info: Suzanne Bienvenu, CIAC. Tel:
American Welding Society. Tel: tion. Tel: (800) 228-0750. Fax: (231) (514) 288-4842 #224. email: bienve
(305) 443-9353 x264. www.aws.org/ 941-9154. www.alcotec.com/us/en/ nu@ciacmontreal.com. www.ciacmon
conferences/2013aluminum.html. education/training-alcotec.cfm. treal.com.

September 17-19: AEC Management October 1-3: 2013 Americas Altair Errata: In the June 2013 issue of
Conference—Rosemont, IL. For info: Technology Conference—Garden Light Metal Age, within the article
Aluminum Extruders Council. Tel: Grove, CA. For info: Altair Hyper “Fundamentals and Operation of
(847) 416-7219. email: mail@aec.org. Works. email: americasatc@altair.com. Stretchers in Aluminum Extrusion,”
www.aec.org. www.altair.com/atc the Turla stretcher pictured on page
18 was erroneously described as a 40
September 17-19: 28th International October 3-6: ALUEXPO 2013—Istanbul, ton stretcher. The stretcher pictured
Aluminium Conf.— Geneva, Switzer- Turkey. Suphan Ilker, Hannover-Messe was a 400 ton type. A Turla 40 ton
land. For info: Usha Tharmalingam, Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S. Tel: (90) 312 439- inger type stretcher is shown below.
Metal Bulletin Events. Tel: (44) 20 6792. email: silker@ankiros.com. www.
7779 8989. Fax: (44) 20 7779 8294. aluexpo.com.
email: registrations@metalbulletin.
com. www.metalbulletin.com. October 6-9: Titanium 2013—Las Ve-
gas, NV. For info: Jennifer Simpson,
September 22-25: Liquid Metal Pro- International Titanium Association. Tel:
cessing & Casting Conference 2013— (303) 404-9111. email: ita@titanium.
Austin, TX. For info: The Minerals, org. www.titanium.org.
Metals, & Materials Society. Tel: (724)
776-9000. Fax: (724) 776-3770. email: October 7-9: Aluminum Association
mtgserv@tms.org. www.tms.org. Fall Meeting— Farmington, PA. For


Roberto Oliveros Vasquez Classiieds...
Roberto Oliveros minum industry in
Vasquez died on May discussions and co-
3, 2013 at the age of operation with local
76. He was known government authori-
for his passion for ties and to similar
promoting the alu- associations in other
minum industry in countries, such as
Mexico through his the Aluminum Asso-
efforts as executive ciation. He also or-
director of the Insti- ganized the annual
tute of Aluminum IMEDAL Congress
(IMEDAL). and other events for Wanted ~
Following his grad- the institute. Obsolete extrusion
uation from the In- Roberto is remem- tooling for remelt
stituto Politechnico bered as a positive,
Nacional in 1966 with a degree in friendly, and strong man, who em- BC Salvage! Don’t give
Public Accounting, Roberto worked powered and motivated others to
as a manager of credit & payment at make their lives better. He would your scrap away
Aluminio S.A., an aluminum foundry take someone who started out as a get the best price
that was one of the founding mem- messenger and help them to work
bers of IMEDAL. When he left his their way up into becoming an im- Call 813-641-1615
position at Aluminio S.A., he worked portant person within a company. email:
in a number of other industries be- “ In Mexico, we have a saying,
fore returning to the aluminum in- ‘When you love your work, you wear bcsalvage@hotmail.com
dustry. the tee shirt,’” said Mónica Oliveros
In 1994, Roberto began work at Cortés, Roberto’s daughter and ad- USA ~ MEXICO ~
IMEDAL as an administrative man- ministrative manager at IMEDAL. CANADA ~ EUROPE~
ager. One year later, he was ap- “ My father always wore the tee shirt SOUTH AMERICA
pointed executive director and also for IMEDAL and the aluminum in-
served as president for one year dustry. And now, he has passed the BC SALVAGE
from 2004-2005. He retired from shirt on to me.” 6022 US Hwy 41N, #148
the institute in July 2012. During Roberto is survived by his wife, Apollo Beach, Florida 33572
his 18 years of service at IMEDAL, Isabel, daughter, Mónica, and two
he represented the Mexican alu- grandsons, Roberto and Walter.
Fax: (813) 641-2420

Nick Adams Retires from Aluminum Association The Gold Coast

Welcomes Extruders
Nick Adams retired networked, something Australia’s beautiful Gold Coast in
as vp of Business In- he considers one of Queensland will be the site for the 5th
formation & Member his greatest accom- Australasian Paciic Aluminium Ex-
Services of the Alumi- plishments. The As- trusion Conference during May 25-28,
num Association in sociation dramatically 2014. As the last conference was held
May. Nick spent over improved the timeli- in Melbourne in October 2009, the lo-
30 years with the Asso- ness and accuracy of cal industry fully supports this opportu-
ciation and witnessed data through automa- nity for sharing technical and practical
great changes in both tion. Developing an expertise and innovations. The event
the Association and MOU with Mexico on features two days of presentations, as
the industry. Many will statistics was also a sig- well as an integrated trade exhibition
recall that Nick was niicant achievement. in conjunction with the Aluminium
primarily responsible He sees the U.S., Cast House Conference. Optional ex-
for compiling statistics Mexico, and Canada tras are the extrusion workshop and a
for the Association, though he has as a single market and believes the plant tour. The workshop will again be
also worn a few other hats over the Aluminum Association should see it- hosted by Chris Jowett from Rio Tinto
years. self as a North American association Alcan and will utilize invited speakers
Within the Association, techno- through strong alliances with IMED- to cover various aspects of extrusion
logical improvements changed the AL and the Aluminium Association practice. Queensland is the home to no
landscape for member engagement, of Canada. less than ten extrusion presses, and ex-
as well as how the association has op- Always responsive and personable, trusion plant tours will follow the con-
erated. “ You can do more with less,” Nick was devoted to statistical accu- ference, visiting the INEX and Capral
Nick said. “ Email and the internet racy. He doesn’t plan to stop working plants. The INEX Loganlea operation
opened up a breadth of avenues for after he retires, but says he is going was commissioned in 2011 with mod-
us. We could receive and push out to enjoy himself and is looking for- ern handling equipment and induction
statistical information much faster, ward to devoting more time to his log heating. Capral Bremer Park has
as well as other work the association volunteer work with the Boy Scouts four presses and is a high volume op-
does.” of America. He wants to thank every- eration with powder coating and anod-
Nick was a proponent for comput- one for their help and support over izing facilities. For more information,
erizing the Association and getting it the years. visit: www.aluminiumcasthouse.org.


Constellium N.V. appointed Paul
Blalock as the company’s new head of
Investor Relations U.S.
Roy Harvey Hermann-Josef Burkhard Dhamen Gina McCarthy
Hulamin Limited appointed Simon Hanny
Jennings as an independent non-exec- Alcoa named Roy Harvey chief operat- SMS Group announced that Burkhard
utive director of the company. ing oficer for Global Primary Products Dhamen will manage SMS Siemag
(GPP), Leigh Ann Fisher as chief inan- and Eckhard Schulte will be cfo of the
UC Rusal appointed Aleksandra Buriko cial oficer of GPP, and Libby Archell group. In addition, Heinrich Weiss will
and Ekaterina Nikitina as non-executive was appointed vice president of Corpo- assume chairmanship of the supervisory
directors of its board of directors. rate Affairs. board after 45 years of development and
leadership of the company. Dr. Man-
Chuck Johnson, formerly vice presi- Hermann-Josef Hanny, commercial fred Bischoff will retain his position as
dent of Environment, Health, and Safe- director of Foundry Alloys and Division a member of the supervisory board.
ty is now vice president of Policy at the Head Casting Alloys at Aleris Recy-
Aluminum Association. In addition, cling GmbH, was named the new chair- Gina McCarthy, known for working
Joe Quinn was appointed vice president man of the aluminum recycling division closely with the recycling industry, was
of Public Affairs. in the Gesamtverband der Aluminium- conirmed by a 59-40 vote to serve as
industrie (GDA). the next head of the U.S. Environmen-
Michael Brandt, senior staff manager, tal Protection Agency.
quality systems at Alcoa Inc., received Allegheny Technologies Inc. named
the ASTM International Award for Patrick J. DeCourcy interim chief i- Hindalco Industries, part of Aditya Bir-
Merit for exceptional and sustained nancial oficer. la Group, named Satish Pai as the next
leadership and technical contributions chief executive oficer of its aluminum
within Committee B07 on Light Metals The North American Die Casting As- business in India.
and Alloys. sociation hired Jeff Brennan as its new
technology manager. Chemical Coaters Association Inter-
Scotwood Industries, Page Transpor- national (CCAI) presented Jim Docken
tation, and Alloy Technology Innova- Wagner Companies hired Phillip of DuBois Chemicals with its highest
tions joined the Aluminum Association Krueger as a modeling engineer, Pete honor, the James F. Wright Lifetime
as associate members. Losiniecki as manager of Information Achievement Award. CCAI also named
Systems, and Norm Hollander to the Sam Woehler, George Koch Sons LLC,
Andreia Reis, head of Business Rela- newly created position of New York ac- as its president and Kevin Coursin, KMI
tionship and Development in Hydro’s count executive. Systems, as its vice president.
Bauxite & Alumina business, was ap-
pointed a member of the board of direc-
tors of the Brazilian Mining Institute
Advertiser Index
Abtex ............................................. 94 Hertwich Engineering ................... 99
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) ap- Albarrie ......................................... 23 Houlihan Lokey ............................ 51
pointed Ali Al-Baqali as its new chief Almex.............................................. 5 Italtecno......................................... 87
inancial oficer and Amin Sultan as its Amcol............................................ 95 Lake Park Tool & Machine......... 100
new power station director. BC Salvage.................................... 97 METEF ......................................... 89
Belco ............................................. 43 Novelis PAE.................................. 31
Bharat Aluminium Company (BAL-
CO), a Vedanta Group company, ap- Briteline......................................... 61 Presezzi Extrusion N.A ................. 21
pointed Ramesh Nair as its chief execu- Bruno Presezzi Spa ....................... 39 Pyrotek .......................................... 33
tive oficer, succeeding Gunjan Gupta. Butech Bliss .................................. 45 Reliant Aluminum......................... 59
Castool ............................................ 4 Sanshin Sanwa Group ................... 94
Handtmann A-Punkt Automation CIAC ............................................. 81 SECO/Warwick............................. 49
GmbH appointed Andreas Leiner as Consolidated Engineering Company .... 11 Sentech Precimeter........................ 71
a co-managing director alongside An- Continuus-Properzi S.p.A. ............ 65 SMS Siemag.................................. 63
dreas Podiebrad and Werner Carli as DUBAL ......................................... 35 Tecalex USA ................................. 57
head of its new Service Support Team. emmebi.......................................... 19 Tellkamp ......................................... 3
ETS ............................................... 41 Thermika ....................................... 47
The Industrial Heating Equipment As- ExtrusionSupplies ................... 37, 93 Thorpe Technologies ...................... 7
sociation elected Tim Lee of Maxon, a Foy, Inc. ........................................ 95 Vapormatt ..................................... 55
division of Honeywell, as its president, Gautschi ........................................ 75 Wagstaff .......................................... 2
Bob Green of Bloom Engineering as its
vice president, and BJ Bernard of Sur- Gillespie & Powers, Inc. ............... 13 WEFA Cedar, Inc.......................... 17
face Combustion as treasurer. Granco Clark .................... 25, 27, 29 Zmag America ................................ 9


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5280 Braunau, Austria Fax: +43 7722 806-122 Internet: www.hertwich.com
Save money…get better quality.
Three good reasons why you should call us for a
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Contact Dave Cornelius at dave@lakepark.com • Web site: www.lakepark.com

Lake Park Tool & Machine, Inc.

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