LMA AUG 2013 Lowres-Esub noPW
LMA AUG 2013 Lowres-Esub noPW
LMA AUG 2013 Lowres-Esub noPW
Editor’s Note: Companies covered in this review are those whose content is achieved, then one point is awarded.) Certain
primary business is secondary aluminum production. However, limitations continue to prevent the aluminum industry
this review is also comprised of companies with remelt facilities, from going to 100% recycled content including the avail-
companies that process scrap from semifabricating processes (such ability and quality of recycled content sources, as well as
as extrusion scrap, etc.), and companies that remelt aluminum the ability to maintain consistent inishes on products
products (such as UBCs, automotive parts, etc.). with varying degrees of recycled materials versus those
materials produced with higher concentrations of pri-
This overview covers the period of June 2012 to June mary materials.
2013. In light of increasing energy and raw material pric- The demand for recycled aluminum for the automo-
es for primary aluminum production, scrap is displac- tive market is also increasing, as auto manufacturers aim
ing primary metal as feed for casthouses and foundries to not only decrease the weight in their vehicles, but also
because it can cost 10-20% less. This has resulted in ris- to improve their carbon footprint across the entire value
ing scrap prices and tight supply, which has caused some chain.
smaller secondary smelters and recycling companies to
close. Companies are looking more and more to increase Africa
the worldwide amount of available scrap aluminum. Nigeria
Novelis, Alcoa, and other organizations are investing
in programs to increase the recycling rate of UBCs and In January 2013, the Federal Airports Authority of
other scrap. Several companies are also starting to cre- Nigeria (FAAN) set up a special task force focused on
ate closed-loop programs with their customers in order the disposal of abandoned aircraft in airports across the
to ensure all scrap aluminum created during the manu- country. The aircraft, including models ranging from
facturing process is sent back to the aluminum producer Fokker 28 and Embraer 100 to Boeing 727 and 737, will
for recycling. be taken away, dismantled, and used as scrap aluminum
Some companies have been making major capital in- for recycling and conversion into corrugated aluminum
vestments to expand their recycling capacities. Novelis, rooing sheet, sliding doors, windows, and other small-
in particular, is in the process of doubling its worldwide scale industrial use.
capacity through expansions at its facilities in Germany,
Italy, South Korea, and Brazil. Both Alcoa and Aleris Re- South Africa
cycling have invested in recycling expansions, as well, in
the U.S. and Germany. In November 2012, Hulamin Limited entered into an
Architects and the construction industry in general agreement with Bevcan, a division of Nampak Limited,
continue to move towards a higher recycled content to supply aluminum sheet for the manufacture of alumi-
product. Recycled content in aluminum-based products num bodied beverage cans. Deliveries to Bevcan are ex-
is a valuable asset as it relates to LEED Certiication in pected to increase to 14,000 tons by 2015, in addition to
buildings. The industry still operates under the LEED the can end and tab stock Hulamin already supplies. In
2009 edition, where recycled content materials can con- conjunction with this announcement, the company also
tribute up to two points to a building’s total LEED points. reported that it is considering an appropriate investment
(To achieve the two points the project must have at least in recycling infrastructure to reprocess UBCs back into
20% recycled content, based on cost of the total value can body sheet in a closed-loop recycling system. Bev-
of the materials in the project. If at least 10% recycled erage cans in South Africa, other than for a small per-
South Korea
Figure 1. The interior view of Service Center Metals in Prince George, VA.
his year, Service Center Metals (SCM) of Prince the company boasts the second largest market share in
George, VA, will be celebrating a decade of the industry and employs 122 people. In full operation
manufacturing and supporting service centers sometime in 2014, the 24/7 compact remelt plant will
throughout the U.S. by supplying them soft alloy eventually employ 16 people at ive per shift.
extruded products tailored to their needs (Figure 1). An
anniversary celebration in August also marks the build- Milestones, Operations, and Highlights
ing of a new compact remelt plant adjacent to SCM’s ex-
trusion plant. From an extrusion industry perspective, it is obvious
The sharp focus by SCM on supplying distributors of that the consolidation in the aluminum industry shook
metal products was there at the start, when this green- it up and in a way helped create SCM. When SCM irst
ield extrusion plant broke ground in September 2002. started production many workers displaced as a result of
Remarkably, this was the irst greenield extrusion plant Alcoa’s acquisition of Reynolds in 2000 provided an easily
in the U.S. of the size for ten years (and there have been tapped workforce. Later the closure of some of Alumax’s
only two more since). Production began in August 2003 extrusion plants also added to SCM’s experienced work-
on SCM’s irst press named “Elvis.” In 2006, they installed force. All of the company’s founders are former Reynolds
a second press called the “ Boss,” which began production Metals company executives. The company was formed
in April. After ten years of production, July 8, 2002 by Kelley, Dollins, and R.
SCM has shipped over 650 million lbs Randolph “ Randy” Weis, vice presi-
of extrusions to its service center cus- dent of sales and marketing. Extrusion
tomers. production began in August 2003 on
The “ rock and roll” theme that runs Elvis, a 2,800 tonne Presezzi/OMAV
through SCM was inspired by R. Scott press of compact design with a shift-
Kelley, its president and ceo, who is ing stem to reduce dead cycle time to
a big fan of the genre. In describing under 20 seconds. A combination of
the decade long growth of SCM, Kel- chest-type OMAV electric die heaters,
ly says, “ Back in 2003, a lot of people single-cell Castool electric heaters, and
thought we were crazy to start a green- Novatec infrared die ovens make pos-
ield extrusion business. Well it’s been sible the routine 30 die changes per
ten great years, we’re still crazy after day. This press line is equipped with a
all these years, and we’re expanding 100 tonne stretcher to accommodate
again.” Kelley and Lloyd S. “ Chip” the wide range of extrusion weights
Dollins, vice president of operations, produced in 6063 and 6061 billet (0.5-
have been working together (Figure 17 lbs/ft). In February 2005, SCM i-
2) for some time on the compact re- nanced, broke ground, and purchased
melt plant expansion, a project that their second press equipped with a 350
oficially began this January. tonne stretcher. True to form, the new
This project will fulill much of press, the Boss, started production
SCM’s 6063 and 6061 billet needs in Figure 2. Scott Kelley (left) and Chip Dol- in April 2006. It utilizes 14 inch 6063
lins (right) looking over SCM’s plans for the
the near future. It also caps a spectacu- compact remelt plant to supply ingot logs and 6061 billet to produce extrusions
lar decade of growth for SCM. Today, for their extrusion operation. for the service center market, weigh-
Emmebi srl - Via della tecnologia 12 - 33050 Pavia di Udine (UD) Italy - tel. ++39.0432.675936 fax 685101
www.emmebi.net - emmebi@emmebi.net
Emmebi North America - Mr. Carsten Dede - Division Manager - St. Augustine, FL 32080
USA Phone +1 (904) 806 8871 - carsten.dede@emmebi.us
ing 1.5-60 lbs/ft. The OMAV stretchers on the two SCM hour based on performance. Reducing die change time
presses are the largest in North America for the respec- is an important part of increasing extrusion produc-
tive press sizes. tivity, and SCM has instituted a NASCAR inspired pit
Presently, the two presses housed within the 156,000 stop challenge, whereby workers compete and are rated
sq ft of the SCM plant have a capacity of over 105 million on minimum die change time. The overall indication
lbs/yr and produce some 1,200 products for the service of productivity at SCM is equipment uptime. Both El-
center market, all from 6063 or 6061 aluminum alloys vis and Boss average 85-90% uptime, with Elvis having
(Figure 3). The Elvis and Boss presses are equipped with achieved a record milestone month in February 2012,
programmable logic controls that manage and adjust 120 hitting 95.6%, and Boss having a record month in May
press variables in order to achieve a run-to-recipe extru- 2012, hitting 92.7%.
sion process for each shape (Figure 4). Employee safety at SCM, as part of their mission state-
ment, has been benchmarked since production began
in 2003. Dollins stressed how important this is to the
company and was proud to relay the total case incident
rate (TCIR) history since inception and how SCM has
maintained a low TCIR and improved on it over the
years (Figure 6).
Thanks to the experience of our designers and the use of highly sophisticated
WE PRODUCE programs, we provide reliable extrusion presses in order to optimise operating
PERFECT MACHINES performances. We can offer various levels of control: For the Press only,
TO REALIZE as well as the entire extrusion line. We can also perform complete mechanical,
PERFECT SHAPES hydraulic, electrical revamping operations.
Get in touch with us , we will be very proud to become your partner!
6061 products compete with 6262 alumi- 11 Semi-Automatic Log Banding Station
num alloy extrusions, the latter contain- 9 7
requested by more and more customers. 4 Molten Metal Degassers & Filtration (2)
he 8th edi- ysis and Optimiza-
tion of the tion) had instructors
Aluminium from the University
Two Thou- of Bologna, headed
sand Congress, held by professors Luca
during May 14-18, Tomesani and Lo-
2013, in Milan, Italy, renzo Donati, both
and organized by noted extrusion ex-
Interall Srl, was a perts. An anodizing
resounding success workshop (Techno-
with 120 scientiic logical Review and
and technical papers Updating) was led
presented by inter- Figure 1. Delegates from around the world at the recent Aluminium Two Thousand by anodizing special-
national experts de- Congress in Milan, Italy. ists from industry
scribing the latest (Italtecno, MUNK,
developments in aluminum markets, extrusion, anodiz- OMSG, PCS Sales, and Burlingham International) as well
ing, die casting, rolling, coating, and advanced applica- as by consultants Jude Mary Runge, Anne Deacon Juhl,
tions. At inal count, 392 participants from 50 countries and Massimo Masiero. Additionally the Aluminum Anod-
attended the conference, and most attended the various izers Council (AAC) conducted a successful Anodizing
technical sessions (Figure 1). Essentials workshop with 21 registrants. A coating work-
The conference started on the morning of May 14th and shop (Technological Review and Updating in Aluminum
dealt with various issues of “ Markets and Strategies,” direct- Pretreatment before Coating) was led by Fabio Vincenzi,
ly relating to global extrusion markets, aluminum produc- Marcello Rossi, and Federico Vincenzi, all of Italtecno.
tion in the Gulf, LME warehousing, and the new mission This article will review some of the extrusion articles
of ESTAL (European Association for Surface Treatment and presentations at the congress to give our readers an
on Aluminum). Topping off the morning was a special update on some of the latest technology and trends in
focus session on “ Aluminum for Africa, Africa for Alumi- aluminum extrusion.
num,” where presentations were made by political repre-
sentatives of six African countries emphasizing business Review of Aluminum Extrusion Technology Presentations
opportunities in the aluminum industry. These opportu-
nities are emerging at a rapid rate, according to Saul K. A mainstay of all Aluminium Two Thousand conferenc-
Molobi, consul general of South Africa. He has noted, for es, aluminum extrusion technology was a major feature
example, that foreign trade agreements already in place at this world congress, with many of the 120 conference
among African countries, which are part of the Southern papers devoted directly or indirectly to this ield. The
African Development Community (SADC), represent a extrusion sessions reviewed here (Extrusion Dies; Extru-
market of some 200 million customers; further integration sion Plant and Management; Extrusion Process; and Extrusion
is expected in the future among SADC and two other ma- Products, Architectural Applications, and Special Uses/Tests)
jor regional blocks, creating a potential future market of are indicative of the breadth of extrusion knowledge and
some 700 million customers. developments presented at this latest congress.
Afternoon technical sessions on the opening day and Extrusion Dies: The QForm-Extrusion software program
those on the following two days consisted of four parallel developed by QuantorForm Ltd., Moscow, Russia, used in
tracks that included: Extrusion Dies; Extrusion Process; many die making and extrusion companies, has been shown
Extrusion Plant and Management; Extrusion Products, to accurately predict and control non-uniform metal low as
Architectural Applications, and Special Uses/Tests; Anod- the extrusion leaves the die.1 The numerical model used in
izing and Hard Anodizing; Measuring, Testing, Quality this program includes coupled simulation of material low
Techniques, and Corrosion Protection; Metallurgy, Alloy and die deformation that can affect the bearing area during
Billets, and Related Equipment; Casting and Die Casting; extrusion, thus affecting metal low. The model was success-
Roll Technology; and Advanced Forming Processes. All pre- fully tested in practice to assess metal low and formation of
sentations were made in English, and there was something the front tip of a studied proile (Figure 2).
to learn no matter one’s special interest in this multifaceted
aluminum industry. The last day of the conference sessions
included a “ Russian Technical Day” in the Russian language
tailored for Russian delegates with a dozen presentations on
innovations in extrusion, anodizing, and powder coating.
On May 17th, the day after the three-day congress, con-
gress delegates had the chance to tour one of four Italian
companies: extruders Bodega SPA or Proilati SPA, the
anodizer and coating specialist Ponzio SRL, or extrusion
press builder Presezzi Extrusion SPA.
Also, on May 17th several congress delegates chose to
register for what has become a mainstay of Aluminium
Two Thousand Congress, workshops on extrusion, anod- Figure 2. Front tip of an extruded aluminum proile in coupled simula-
izing, and coating. The extrusion workshop (Process Anal- tion (left) and in practice (right).
at ALKO Engineering, Netherlands, called VisualFade, predicts stresses and
deformations in both lat and porthole extrusion dies for given extrusion die
forces.2 Good results were obtained between simulation and experimental
results on two separate dies. Simulation times were fast (2-3 min) although
preparation time for the 3D CAD models was 10-15 min.
Die wear in coated aluminum extrusion dies was investigated by means of
a tribo-tension test developed in a collaboration between ETH Zürich (Insti-
tute of Virtual Manufacturing), Switzerland, and WEFA Inotec, Germany.3
This test (Figure 3) enables the study of tribology in hot extrusion by ac-
counting for temperature, velocity, and pressure. This test has been used to
compare different WEFA CVD (chemical vapor deposition) coatings and alu-
minum alloys to study the effect of these extrusion parameters on friction
moment and shear stress.
In a parallel paper, Joachim Maier of WEFA Inotec presented more data
obtained in the mentioned tribo-tension test showing the advantages of WE-
FA’s CVD coatings over nitride coatings on extrusion dies.4 Market trends
for coated aluminum extrusion dies are high-volume applications like multi-
micro-port proiles, precision round tube proiles, and others, as well as dies
for hard aluminum alloys. The tribo-torsion test makes it possible to investi-
gate the friction and wear mechanisms between different coating layers and
aluminum alloys (Figure 4).
Extrusion die life due to creep and fatigue during repeated cycles of ex-
trusion has been analyzed by means of a comprehensive model developed TECHNOLOGY
at the University of Bologna, Italy, for the prediction of deformation in ex-
trusion dies in creep-fatigue regimes after multiple cycles of extrusion, and TURNING HEADS
this model was validated experimentally in a Gleeble simulator on a speci-
men that reproduced the mandrel on a porthole die (Figure 5).5 The vali-
dated model was applied to evaluating mandrel displacement as a function
Figure 3. Schematic drawing of tribo-torsion test specimen used in tests on a torsion machine
at ETH and test data showing measured friction moment as a function of pressure (left), veloc-
ity (center), and temperature (right) in a study of the friction between 6082 aluminum alloy and
a ceramic two-layer WEFA Inotec CVD coating.
wireless technology
Figure 4. Friction coeficients measured in the tribo-torsion test for three different aluminum +1-800-918-2600
alloys and various die coatings: double layer coatings BE5 (ceramic) and BE21 (boride based),
a coating in development (CID), and conventional nitride. grancoclark.com
U.A.E. (a two-cavity extrusion die with different proiles
which resulted in accelerated delivery and cost-effective
production of thermal break proiles).9
Extrusion Plant and Management: Among the seven pre-
sentations made in this session, three speciically dealt
with extrusion process monitoring and control to man-
age key performance indicators (KPIs) by specially devel-
oped software modules tailored to the extrusion industry.
The software module developed by the Manufacturing
Establishment Group, Liechtenstein, is an electronical-
ly supported system that seeks to optimize overall press
productivity by focusing on the KPIs of lost time, scrap,
and ram speed.10 A new method for automatically setting
extrusion process parameters, developed at the Univer-
Figure 5. Displacement in creep-fatigue cycling of the University of sity of Kaiserlautern, Germany, is based on storing data
Bologna specimen made of H11 steel heat treated to 44-48 HRC. of product features and corresponding optimal process
parameters in a database and employing artiicial intel-
of number of billets extruded in an industrial porthole ligence to estimate initial ram speed and exit tempera-
die used to make tube extrusions based on an experi- ture settings.11 Finally, the goal of the jointly developed
mental pressure-time diagram for a single cycle. software by Uno Informatica/Altair Engineering, Italy, is
The effect of stress accelerated tempering, or how to go beyond the basic analysis of extrusion plant per-
hardness of quenched and tempered hot work tool steels formance that normally utilizes generic KPIs, by allowing
changes with stress at hot working or die casting tempera- managers to create more speciic KPIs that immediately
tures, was reviewed by researchers at the Thermal Pro- identify lack of performance and related causes and pos-
cessing Technology Center (TPTC) at the Illinois Insti- sible solutions.12
tute of Technology, U.S.6 Various types of thermal fatigue Hardware developments coupled with digital controls
tests and hot tensile/creep tests conducted on tapered were described that improve extrusion productivity, en-
specimens (Figure 6) have shown how stress affects hard- ergy conservation, and/or extrusion structural proper-
ness and associated properties, including hot tensile, fa- ties. These included: die temperature controls by Castool
tigue, and creep strength, as well as wear resistance of Tooling Systems, Canada,13 and an energy saving system
these steels; thus, it ranks as one of the fundamental die (ESS) by Presezzi Extrusion, Italy, consisting of a new
failure modes encountered in the extrusion and die cast- generation of drives and motors for the extrusion process
ing industries. that allows for switching off the pumps when the press is
Specialized extrusion die production techniques were idle during the extrusion cycle and selectively switching
presented in papers from Neper Informatica, Italy (auto- off unused motors during extrusion (Figure 7).14 Auto-
matic feature cognition and knowledge base machining mated warehousing, automated ground vehicles (AGVs),
applied to automatic milling of extrusion dies),7 Micro and handling au-
Technica Technologies, Germany (automatic abrasive tomation by Dima-
low machining to improve die life, surface inish, and Simma, Italy, with
throughput of extrusion dies),8 and Gulf Extrusions, special interest
devoted to the lat-
est innovations in
automated ware-
housing at Sepalu-
mic, Genlys, Dijon,
France, where Di-
maSimma’s auto-
mated warehouse
handles up to
3,200 aluminum
extrusion packets
with containers in- Figure 7. Schematic of the patented Presez-
zi Extrusion ESS that provides for 15-25%
terfaced with the reduction in energy consumption during ex-
coating line, ther- trusion operations.
mal break line, and
order commissioning were also presented.15
As part of this session, various innovative aluminum
structures designed by G.C. Giuliani, consultant to Re-
desco Progetti, Italy, were included.16 These exempliied
how aluminum extrusions can improve structural efi-
ciency in innovative connections composed of aluminum
castings and extrusions, use of added extrusions for struc-
tural members, and long pre-stressed extruded beams.
Applying these concepts to large-span trussed roof beams
can lead to savings in material and labor.
Extrusion Process: Researchers from the University of
Bologna conducted experimental and numerical anal-
Figure 6. Hardness (HRC converted from micro-hardness readings) yses, using DEFORM software, on the dynamic evolu-
as a function of applied stress in hot tensile/creep testing at 1,050°F of
tapered and heat treated H13 specimens. tion of grain shape in 6060 alloy during the extrusion
process in direct extrusion of a rod and back extrusion
In a joint research program between extruder Alumat & Almax, Italy and
the University of Bologna, several numerical simulations were performed us-
ing HyperXtrude® software in order to evaluate porthole die design prac-
tices on ram force, stress on mandrel legs, and extrudate temperatures in
the extrusion of ZM21 magnesium alloy tubes.18 Several recommendations
were made to reduce ram force, including use of chamfers on leg entrance in
place of radii at corners, addition of an undercut at port exteriors, and relief
on legs and central mandrel.
In research conducted at TU Berlin, Germany, seamless 6060 alloy tubes
with locally varied cross sections with outer diameter constant were extrud-
ed using a stepped mandrel that was axially moved during indirect extru-
sion experiments (Figure 8).19 Microstructures in regions with constant wall
and transition zones were analyzed as a function of extrusion speed and
ratio, while 3D FEM simulations of these tests were conducted to analyze
material low in the process. Such tailored proiles with stronger cross sec-
tions in higher load regions are desired in order to save weight, especially
in vehicles.
Figure 8. Graded transition of indirectly extruded tailored 6060 alloy seamless tubes made at
TU Berlin: wall thickness t = 1.5 mm > t = 7.75 mm, extrusion direction ➞.
The joint article by Italian extruder Proilati, inert gas supplier Messer Italia,
extrusion systems engineering irm Uno Informatica, and software irm Altair
Engineering, Italy catalogued all of the productivity and quality improvements
achieved by application of liquid nitrogen technology in the extrusion of a
complex window proile from 6060 alloy on a 2,200 ton press.20 By using liq-
uid nitrogen injection through the die (N5Nitrogen/Incal technology) various
quality improvements were achieved compared with results from conventional
extrusion dies: better heat removal from die bearings and proile sections re-
sulting in a 20°C temperature reduction at an equivalent extrusion speed of 32
m/min, iner precipitation in the age hardened condition, and better surface
The latest technology in dummy block lubrication was described by James
E. Dyla, president of Amcol, U.S.21 Electrostatically applied boron nitride ce-
ramic powder and air atomized water based organic polymer solutions are
designed to eliminate manual lubrication and fully automate the process of
dummy block lubrication. Both technologies were compared and best prac-
tices in use explored.
Extrusion Products, Architectural Applications, and Special Uses/Tests: Aluminum
extrusions used in solar photovoltaic panel frames, racking systems, and para-
bolic trough concentrated solar power frames as manufactured by Tekna,
Italy, were described in this session.22 Details of thermal expansion guidelines
to use in manufacturing aluminum space frames for the solar industry are
important in designing for static and dynamic stresses resulting from thermal
expansion. Larger Rollers
Consultants from Redesco, Italy, described the specially designed aluminum
extrusions and joining methods used in the new air trafic control tower at the
Barcelona airport, which featured the self-supporting stair and lift core of the
tower that was used as a template for the erection of precast concrete elements
(Figure 9).23 The unique feature of the aluminum extrusions allowed for the
design and construction of the 43.38 m high core.
Standards in force in Italy for thermal break systems used in window and
door frames, as well as curtain walls, were presented by representatives from
Aital (Italian Association for the Surface Treatment of Aluminum), Italy, and
Qualital, Italy, a European manufacturer of windows and doors.24 All the
technical speciications required for aluminum thermal break proiles and
recommendations for every processing step in applying thermal breaks to +1-800-918-2600
aluminum extrusion were listed in this paper. grancoclark.com
Researchers from the Extrusion Die Design for Production of Complex Shape
Fraunhofer Institute for Proiles,” Proc. of the 8th Aluminium Two Thousand World
Mechanics of Materials, Congress, 2013.
Germany, experimentally 2. Koopman, A.J., “ An Innovative and Accurate FEM
characterized and mod- Method for the Prediction of Deformation and Stresses
eled the anisotropic de- in Aluminum Extrusion Dies,” Op. cit.
formation behavior of 3. Becker, C., P. Hora, and J. Maier, “ An Optimized
multi-hollow 6005A-T6 Tribo-testing Method for Coating Investigations for Alu-
and 6008-T6 extrusions minum Extrusion Dies,” Op.cit.
under crash relevant load- 4. Maier, J., “ Tribological Investigation on CVD Coated
ing and compression.25 Extrusion Dies,” Op. cit.
Uniaxial (Figure 10) and 5. Reggiani, B., L. Donati, and L. Tomesani, “ A Com-
biaxial tension, shear, parison between Different Approaches in the Evalua-
and bending tests were tion of Extrusion Die Life: Static Strength, Fatigue, and
performed along with Creep,” Op. cit.
compression tests on full 6. Benedyk, J.C. and P. Nash, “ Stress Accelerated Tem-
size components. The ex- pering of Hot Work Steels as a Failure Mechanism in Alu-
truded proiles exhibited minum Extrusion Tooling and Die Casting Dies,” Op. cit.
pronounced anisotropic 7. Rocco, L., “ Easymill Automatic Cam for Aluminum
deformation and damage Extrusion Dies,” Op. cit.
behavior that was simu- 8. Stackhouse, J., “Beneits of Automating Your Die Pol-
lated satisfactorily. ishing Using Advanced AFM Technology,” Op. cit.
9. Parida, S., “ Non-conventional Die for a Thermal
Conclusion Break Proile,” Op. cit.
10. Dobler, M., “ Aluminum Extrusion Press Down Time
The referenced works Figure 9. Sequential erection of the Monitoring and Extrusion Process Monitoring,” Op. cit.
presented here should give aluminum stair and lift core (top) 11. Pandit, M., “ Extruder Automation System with Self-
readers an indication of the and the reinforced concrete hyper- setting Capability,” Op. Cit.
commitment to aluminum boloid (bottom) for the Barcelona
air trafic control tower.
12. Bertoletti, M., M. Bosisio, P. Longhi, and F. Gen-
extrusion innovation and nari, “ Extrusion Intelligence: OEE Method in Extrusion
practice that the Alumin- Sector,” Op. cit.
ium Two Thousand con- 13. Robbins, P. and M. Rushton, “ An Understanding of
gresses have provided its Flow Stress is Fundamental to Increasing Productivity,”
delegates. More papers on Op. cit.
other links in the extrusion 14. Bonafacio, M., “ Energy Saving System: Reduction
process chain, including of Energy Costs in Extrusion,” Op. cit.
billet metallurgy and cast- 15. Trenti, D., “ Integrated Logistics: Automatic Ware-
ing, coatings, anodizing, houses, AGVs and Handling Automation from the Roll-
quality control, measure- ing Mill up to the Extrusion Plant,” Op. cit.
ment, etc., are part of the 16. Giuliani, G.C., “ Innovative Aluminum Structures,”
congress proceedings. The Op .cit.
oficial Aluminium Two 17. Segatori, A., B. Reggiani, L. Donati, and L. Tome-
Thousand website (www. sani, “ Prediction of Grain Shape Evolution during Extru-
aluminium2000.com) of- sion and Annealing of 6xxx Alloy,” Op. cit.
fers extensive information 18. Pinter T. and B. Reggiani, “ Quantitative Evaluation
about this congress, while of Porthole Die Design Practices by Means of FE Analy-
the numerous articles pub- ses,” Op. cit.
lished in the proceedings of 19. Negendank, M., S. Müller, and W. Reimers, “ Extru-
this congress are available sion of Tailored Aluminum Tubes,” Op. cit.
from the secretariat at Inter- 20. Celani, P., M. Bertoletti, E. Mainetti, A. Ferrentino,
all Srl (aluminium2000@ and C. Secli, “ Considerations about Heat Elimination
interall.it). from Extrusion Dies by Using Liquid Nitrogen: Extrusion
To be sure, Milan was an Speed Increase and Surface Defects Elimination, Metal-
excellent choice of venue Figure 10. Extruded 6005-T6 pro- lurgical Structure Modiication, and Extrusion Process
for this congress, and the ile and engineering stress-strain
curves from different positions in
Simulation,” Op. cit.
Interall staff provided not the longitudinal direction. 21. Dyla, J.E., “ Billet and Block Lubrication Best Prac-
only business opportuni- tices,” Op. cit.
ties to delegates, but also a 22. Barbareschi, G., “ Fabrication of Extruded Alumi-
very attractive social program that allowed participants to num Framing for the Solar Industry,” Op. cit.
discover the beauty and history of Milan. The inal sight- 23. Giuliani, M.E. and G.C. Giuliani, “ The Self Sup-
seeing tour for all participants on May 18th to the Bor- porting Aluminum Core for the Barcelona Airport Tow-
romeo Islands in nearby Lake Maggiore was an enjoyable er,” Op. cit.
conclusion to this congress. Details on the site selection 24. Barbarossa, G.P. and R. Boi, “ Thermal Break Pro-
for the 9th edition of this biannual conference to be held iles for Applications in Architecture: Reference Stan-
in 2015 will be forthcoming from Interall. dards and Recommendations for Manufacturers,” Op.
References 25. Sun, D.Z., A. Ockewitz, G. Falkinger, and F. An-
drieux, “ Characterization and Modeling of the Deforma-
1. Biba, N., S. Stebunov, and A. Lishny, “ Practical Im- tion and Damage Behavior of Thick-walled Aluminum
plementation of Numerical Modeling to Optimization of Proiles,” Op. cit.
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front of developing industry
leading technology.
Dr. Walta Dalla Barba welcomes attendees. Keynote speakers at plenary session.
Arthur Brace (with wife, Marion) received an (L-R) Dr. Walter Dalla Barba and Patrizia
award for 60 years of anodizing studies. Lancini, Italtecno, and Dino Costa, DEAR,
Fives North American Combustion.
Log Washer
Final sight seeing tour at Lago Maggiore. Spectacular display to end of memorable grancoclark.com
days in Milan at Isola Bella.
Figure 1: Participants at the aluminum recycling workshop held in Trondheim.
n June 9-11, 2013, some 33 representatives changes that have taken place in the industry recently.
from aluminum companies, research insti- One key change is the rapid emergence of China in the
tutions, universities, and other associations production of aluminum (annual global production is es-
from eight countries assembled in Trond- timated at ~60 million tonnes)— they now operate more
heim, Norway, for the Second International Aluminum than 50% of the world’s 231 primary smelters and also
Recycling Workshop. This meeting was a follow-up to a produce ~85% of the world’s supply of magnesium, an
similar meeting held in 2010. In addition to Norway, the important alloying element for aluminum. He went on to
countries represented were Australia, Canada, Germany, note that North America and Europe have become more
France, Turkey, Sweden, and the U.S. The majority of dominant in recycling, having 316 and 273 remelting fa-
workshop attendees are shown in Figure 1. cilities, respectively, as compared to China with 71 plants,
The workshop was organized by SINTEF, the Research according to the International Aluminium Institute. This
Council of Norway, and the Norwegian University of Sci- appears to be part of the evolution of the industry as en-
ence and Technology and was chaired by Anne Kvithyld ergy costs increase in more developed economies.
of SINTEF. In addition, Alcoa, Hydro, and SAPA spon- Green noted that aluminum use in transportation is
sored the event. expected to accelerate not only for reasons of fuel efi-
After the irst meeting three years ago, an Aluminum ciency, performance and safety, but also because of the
Recycling Roadmap was prepared1 with the object of fo- new CAFÉ regulations mandating 54.5 miles per gallon
cusing the interests of all key stakeholders, especially in- by 2025 (currently the value is 27.5 mpg). This large in-
dustrial and academic researchers, on the current status crease can only be met with signiicant additional down-
and technology needs of the recycling of aluminum. The weighting of vehicles through the use of lightweight alu-
Roadmap dealt with the topics of the collection and sort- minum. According to Dick Schultz, Ducker Worldwide,
ing of aluminum scrap, decoating and melting, treatment in 2012 the average U.S. vehicle was estimated to contain
of dross and salt cake, and the reining of melted recy- 343 lbs of aluminum, of which 81% was castings and 19%
cled aluminum. A similar suite of topics was addressed in was wrought material, so this number would clearly con-
this second meeting with a focus on discussions in small tinue to increase.
groups, following brief presentations by experts in spe- In his presentation, Ray Peterson, Aleris International,
ciic topics, and frequent update summaries to the wider explored the changes since the last meeting from the
audience. industrial perspective. He noted there was a greater de-
Kvithyld established four speciic goals for the meet- mand for scrap by all major aluminum companies, driven
ing— set priorities for the existing roadmap on alumi- by sustainability programs. For instance, he noted that
num recycling, disseminate information on aluminum Novelis has set a goal of 80% scrap content in its products
recycling and encourage development of collaborative by the year 2020. The demand for scrap has been accen-
R&D projects, encourage dissemination of best practices tuated by China paying high prices for “ good scrap” and
in all aspects of aluminum recycling, and enhance alumi- causing a tight market. As a result, producers in Europe
num recycling on a global basis. and North America have been forced to process more
heavily contaminated scrap, with a detrimental impact on
Plenary Session cost and the environment. Unfortunately, the export of
scrap not only results in the loss of the metal, but also of
In opening the Plenary Session, John Green, JASG Con- the embedded energy within it. As a result of the tight
sulting, emphasized the important facts that recycling of market, many large companies are pulling more process-
aluminum saves energy, reduces emissions, lowers capi- ing in-house, presumably to better control the scrap.
tal costs, and reduces the balance of payments— critical Peterson noted that more pre-processing is occurring
to the U.S. at present. He went on to note some of the in U.S. plants and scrap yards. This includes eddy current
Table I. Issues and suggestions for the collection and sorting of alu- Table II. Issues and suggestions for the melting and reining of alumi-
minum scrap. num scrap.
tal costs and the current high unemployment situation and control NOx emissions, and provided a schematic
there. This is a good example of different approaches be- for the wet scrubbing of furnace off-gas. Again, extensive
ing preferred in different parts of the world, depending discussions occurred and the key points are tabulated in
on local economics. Table II.
After these introductions, the four groups discussed Treatment of Dross and Salt Cake: The second day of dis-
the issues further and all suggestions for the collection cussions followed a similar format with the advocates be-
and sorting of aluminum scrap were tabulated by group, ing Ralf Urbach, Ingenieurberatung für Metallurgie und
together with points accumulated and the resulting rank- Rohstoffe, and Anne Pichat, Constellium. Urbach started
ing in Table I. off by deining dross and describing its generation. He
Melting and Reining: A similar discussion process estimated that dross represents about 2% of yearly ingot
was adopted in the case of the melting and reining of production or, assuming that dross contains ~60% Al,
aluminum scrap. In this case the advocates were John around 3.2 million tons of dross. He noted that the ob-
Grandield of Grandield Technology and Christoph ject is to minimize dross formation for the minimum cost
Schmitz of ALCUTEC Engineering. Grandield, a con- and metal loss. He also mentioned that dross formation
sultant from Australia, started by pointing out all the can range from 1-6% depending on process variables,
ways a consultant can interact in a project and illustrat- such as temperature, stirring, and alloy additions, Mg-
ed this by an example of recent work in tracking the containing alloys being especially prone. In the furnace,
increase in Ni and V impurities in aluminum alloys. He the use of fused salts can have markedly beneicial effects
noted that in luxing there are many different systems in reducing the entrapment of liquid metal. A big differ-
of delivering essentially the same technology and the ence is in the regulations regarding the disposal of salt
consultant can help in assessing the relative merits of slag. In Europe, this material is considered hazardous
each. He then went on to compare the merits of the and, accordingly, is extensively treated, while in the U.S.
new Advanced Compacted Filtration process for mol- it is not considered hazardous and can be landilled. This
ten metal and showed it was superior to other iltra- arbitrary distinction drives a lot of the technology differ-
tion schemes.5 Lastly, he discussed the potential for a ences.
de-magging process and indicated the potential beneit Pichat presented a series of low diagrams for dross for-
of such a process to both aluminum and magnesium in- mation and factors which impact the process. She also
dustries if it could be invented. examined slag formation in the same manner. From the
Schmitz discussed the issues from the perspective of environmental perspective, it is important to try to mini-
melting, furnace control and design, and waste gas clean- mize salt use, as this in turn lowers fume and dust collec-
ing. He pointed out the importance of melt stirring in en- tion requirements. In terms of processing, it is critical to
ergy reduction and also the use of organic contamination reduce the cooling time for dross as this minimizes subse-
in providing additional energy to the melter. He cited the quent oxidation of the metal. After these introductions,
advantages of automated furnace controls and pointed discussions took place and the suggestions are tabulated
out how burner controls can minimize CO2 formation in Table III.
ince the beginning of 2011, tent can sheet to customers. We are also putting sys-
John Gardner has served as tems in place to manage globally integrated recycling
Novelis’ irst chief sustain- infrastructure, including the kinds of supply chain
ability oficer. He has been tools necessary to be able to trace high-recycled con-
with Novelis for more than 28 years, tent as part of a standard certiication process through
spending much of his time in Eu- our system.
rope in a variety of roles, including
positions within sales and market- Tell us a bit about the certiication process for evercan. Why
ing, operations, human resources, was this important?
recycling, and corporate affairs. As Our entire supply chain was reviewed, audited, and
chief sustainability oficer, he is re- certiied by SCS Global Services, the top provider of
sponsible for leading the develop- John Gardner. environmental and sustainability certiications and cre-
ment of a globally integrated sus- ator of the Forest Stewardship Council certiication for
tainability strategy that relects the company’s commit- responsible forestry management. This process begins
ment to delivering sustainable solutions in its processes from the point of sourcing UBCs and continues through
and products. This commitment has led the company to the preparation and remelting process in our recycling
pursue the development of new high-recycled content centers. Each ingot and coil is followed through the
products, such as the evercan™ , as well as expand its re- processing in our plants, and shipping to canmakers
cycling operations around the world. and ultimately to brand holders for illing. We have the
ability to trace the full chain from end to end to ensure
Novelis recently introduced its evercan aluminum can body that consumers can be certain the aluminum cans they
sheet with high recycled content. Please tell us more about this are purchasing contain high-recycled content. We will
new can sheet. What alloy is it made from? also be regularly audited by SCS to review documen-
The Novelis evercan beverage can sheet is can body tation and traceability to ensure we continue to meet
stock that is made from 90% recycled content. It’s the these rigorous standards.
industry’s irst independently certiied, high-recycled
content aluminum designed speciically for the beverage Will all of Novelis’ operations be manufacturing the evercan
can market. When this new can body is combined with material, or only select facilities?
the can end, the resulting beverage can contains a signii- Novelis’ evercan will be globally available by the end
cantly higher percentage of recycled content than exists of the year. As of today, three of Novelis’ recycling fa-
in today’s aluminum beverage cans. It is the same alloy cilities— Berea, KY, and Greensboro, GA, in the U.S.
as standard can body stock, but certiied to contain high- and Latchford in the U.K.—have been certiied by SCS
recycled content. Global Services. By the end of 2013, the company plans
to have its recycling centers in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil;
How long has the evercan solution been in development? What Yeongju, South Korea; and Oswego, NY, also certiied to
prompted its development? produce evercan.
We began work on the program
more than a year ago; however, we What are the beneits of the evercan prod-
began the certiication process for uct? What impact will it have on the alumi-
this irst phase offering of the 90% num recycling and can industries?
recycled content can body stock early The high-recycled content in ever-
this year. This program is part of our can showcases the great sustainable
commitment to sustainable aluminum qualities of the aluminum can. It’s a
product innovation and our goal to perfect example of a circular economy
reach 80% recycled content in our where we can realize greater beneit by
products by 2020. closing the loop and recovering more
In addition, consumers in many post-consumer UBCs and making new
parts of the world are increasingly ones that contain the highest levels of
making purchase decisions based recycled content— it is environmental-
upon the sustainability characteristics ly and economically optimal. Purchas-
of the product they’re buying. A can ing beverages in an evercan will enable
with high-recycled content will allow environmentally conscious consumers
those consumers to do their part to to enjoy sustainable products and raise
help reduce the impact to our envi- the visibility of recycling as a consumer
ronment and encourage more end-of- initiative.
life recycling.
Have any companies signed contracts as
What technical challenges were faced in of yet to use the material in their cans?
developing a high-recycled content alloy for We are very encouraged by the in-
can body sheet? How were these overcome? terest we have received from custom-
We have been investing heavily ers on evercan. Now that we have an-
in our recycling infrastructure and nounced our certiication program,
technology around the world, so that we are engaged in discussions with nu-
we now have the volume and scale merous customers regarding potential
globally to offer high-recycled con- evercan agreements.
hrough various acquisitions and moderniza- sell architectural proiles, glass, and hardware directly
tions, Grupo Cuprum has grown over its 65 to small manufacturers of custom made windows). The
years to become the largest aluminum extrusion group also has a contract with Home Depot for the sale
company in Mexico. The privately owned com- of standard sized windows.
pany incorporates vertical integration and value-added Ladders represent a signiicant part of the group’s
production to set themselves apart from other produc- overall business (21%). Located close to the extrusion
ers. Not only does the company cast its own billet, but it plant in Monterrey, the facility manufactures ladders out
also provides fabrication services and maintains its own of aluminum, iberglass, wood, and steel and ships them
fabricated windows shop and ladder manufacturing. Dur- to their distribution centers throughout Canada and the
ing a recent visit to Mexico City, Light Metal Age was in- U.S. Ladder brands in which Grupo Cuprum aluminum
vited to visit the company’s extrusion plant, which houses can be found include Louisville (100% owned by Cu-
a complete production chain, from billet production to prum), Davidson, DeWalt, and Black & Decker.
extrusion to powder coating and anodizing. The tour was In the architectural arena, the group sells aluminum
hosted by Jorge Salazar, plant manager, who presented proiles for curtain wall projects around the world, in-
information about the overall company, as well as the cluding the Austonian Tower in Austin, TX; the Chicago
Mexico City plant and its capabilities. Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL; Terminal One at the
JFK Airport in New York, NY; and the roof of the Cape
Group History and Overview Town Stadium built for the 2010 World Cup in South Af-
rica, as well as numerous buildings throughout Mexico.
Cuprum was founded in 1948 in the city of Monter- Grupo Cuprum is the leading producer of aluminum
rey with one 170 tonne press for the extrusion of cop- windows and doors in Mexico, where there are few stan-
per (“ cuprum” is Latin for “ copper” ), and ten years later dard window sizes, though standard windows are starting
switched its production over to the manufacturing of to be used in high volume construction. While building
aluminum extrusions (Figure 1). In 1989, the company a new structure, construction companies in Mexico will
was acquired by Grupo Imsa, which maintained owner- leave an opening, which will later be measured and it-
ship of the company until 2010, when the two owning ted with a custom window. Cuprum provides stock sized
families divided ownership, with one moving away from proiles, which aluminum distributors sell on the local
the aluminum extrusion business and one continuing to market.
operate what is now known as Grupo Cuprum. The company has certiications from PPG Industries
for Duranar polymer coatings and Valspar for Fluropon
coatings, as well as from the Procuraduría Federal de Pro-
tección al Ambiente – PROFEPA (Federal Attorney for
Environmental Protection) with a Clean Industry Certii-
cation, which is awarded to companies that meet the stan-
dards of air emissions, wastewater discharge, and waste
management, among other requirements.
At ETS, we are building the largest, most advanced It all adds up to more capability to deliver what
die production capability in the industry so we can you need in easy pushing, longer-lasting dies
save our customers time and money. wherever extrusions are made. Multi-core,
We can design and produce more than 5000 high quality multi-cavity, domed dies, shut-off, you name it.
dies each month in 145,000 sq ft of manufacturing space Nobody does it like we do.
in North and South America, including a new plant in
Faster service, better answers.
Wylie, TX, plus our new location in Medellin, Colombia.
Adding to that in 2013, we will have an all-new
35,000 sq ft plant coming online in Sorocaba, Brazil.
Figure 3. Extrusion area in building two. Figure 5. Tanks of the newly installed anodizing line.
The extrusion area is split between two buildings built and installed by the skilled workforce at Cuprum.
which house three presses each (Figure 3). These The line is able to produce a full range of color options
presses range from a 5 inch Lombard (900 tons) to an (from champagne to black), including colors produced
11 inch SMS Meer (3,400 tons). Each of the presses by optical interference anodizing, such as grey, blue, and
is supported by a combination of OMAV, Turla, and green, which are not common on the Mexican market.
Granco Clark automated handling equipment, includ- Anodizing chemicals are provided by Alsan and the line
ing runout tables, pullers, and stretchers. Quenching has a capacity of around 450 tons per month.
is done either by air or water, depending on the de- All of the proiles at the plant are manually packed
sired temper of the proile. Accurate control of the into bundles, which is more cost-effective and allows
extrusion process is maintained through PLC moni- the personnel to perform a inal quality check before
toring, which controls the pressure, extrusion speed, shipping. The organized shipping area has a scan-
temperature both inside and outside of the press, and ning and barcode system that provides 99% assurance
other variables. An average of 2,300 tons of extrusions of where a customer’s order is at any given time. The
are manufactured per month in 6000 series alloys and warehouse has a capacity to hold 3,000 tons of extru-
some in the 1000 series. sions and implements a vertical storage system to opti-
The Gema powder coating line was installed in 2005 mize space.
with a simple layout with a capacity of around 750 tons The facility also implements environmental measures,
per month (Figure 4). Proiles are loaded on a track, such as the new rainwater collection system, which was
then carried through a series of three cleanings, and installed in May 2013. This system helps the plant re-
three rinses before being soaked with a binding agent duce 15% of its consumption of city water. In environ-
to ensure the quality of the inish, followed by 15 min- mental work outside the plant, Cuprum employees took
utes of drying in an oven. The track then carries the part in a reforestation campaign with the government
proiles past two powder coating heads, the irst coats of Mexico and planted 200 new trees at Sierra de Gua-
the front, the second coats the back. The inal step is dalupe, a mountain near the Mexico City site.
processing through the curing oven, after which the The Mexico City facility employs 1,000 people, in-
proiles are stacked and packaged by hand. Every hour, cluding a dedicated maintenance team. From extrusion
a quality check is performed to ensure there are no operators to the administration personnel, the people
scratches or other defects and that the proiles con- at Cuprum have pride in their work. Salazar, who has
form to international norms, AAMA and Qualicoat. been working for Cuprum for over six years, said, “ This
The anodizing line (Figure 5), which took ten months is the irst Mexican-owned company I’ve worked for,
to build, started operation in March 2013 and produces and I’m proud to work here. I think Cuprum is able
proiles with AAMA Class I and Class II inishes. It has 32 to be competitive because of its good quality products
tanks, some of which were brought over from the former and because we give value and good service to our cus-
Nacobre plant in Puebla and upgraded; the rest were tomers— that’s the vision of Cuprum.”
he ifth International Aluminum Congress and Mexichem. Both afirmed that
Exhibition, held July 17-20, took on special sig- the Mexican aluminum indus-
niicance as it marked the 40th anniversary cel- try is growing, with new manu-
ebration of its host, the Instituto del Aluminio facturing investments that will
(IMEDAL). The congress was situated in Mexico City’s rank the country as the fourth
centro historico, a region richly layered with history, from or ifth largest producer of
the Aztec ruins sprouting out of the Zócalo (main plaza) automobiles in the world, in
and the ornate marble beauty of the Palacio de Bellas which aluminum will play an
Artes to modern architecture, such as the Museo Souma- essential role. “ This is a great
ya, which features a seemingly impossible curved alumi- moment for Mexico, and this
num façade (Figure 1). is a great moment for alumi-
Congress sessions featured presentations from various num,” said Arellano.
sectors of the aluminum industry, covering topics such Following the opening Figure 2. Ramón Arellano.
as industry trends and trade practices, melting furnace speeches, Edgar A. Rangel
eficiency, anodic hard coatings, extrusion management (Figure 3), commercial di-
practices, rheocasting, refractory materials, coatings for rector of industrial proiles
aluminum proiles, aluminum composites, and more. In and fabrication for Grupo
addition to the congress, the event included an exhibi- Cuprum, was sworn in as the
tion area, working table sessions, and a tour of Grupo Cu- new chairman of IMEDAL.
prum’s Mexico City extrusion plant. Social events includ- While the Mexican industry
ed a gala dinner featuring soaring operatic music, a golf has reached exceptional levels
tournament, and a nighttime bus tour of the city center. of growth and offers excellent
opportunities, he said, “ We
Day One have before us many challeng-
es and we need to be prepared
Delegates were welcomed to the congress by Ramón to meet these challenges.” He
Arellano (Figure 2), past-chairman of IMEDAL, and pointed out that the Mexican Figure 3. Edgar A. Rangel.
Ricardo Muñóz, director of the executive committee at aluminum industry should
work cooperatively with international industries, such as
the U.S., rather than ight them, provided those coun-
tries follow the rules of fair trade.
The irst presentation,
given by Heidi Biggs Brock
(Figure 4), president of
the Aluminum Association,
looked at aluminum industry
trends in the U.S. Demand
and consumption of alu-
minum is trending toward
pre-recession levels and in-
dicators show that growth
should continue, but despite
positive indicators, the in-
dustry is still digging out of a
hole, said Brock. In the U.S., Figure 4. Heidi Biggs Brock.
consumption totaled 9 mil-
lion tonnes in 2012, a 27% increase from 2009, with
one-third of this supply from secondary production.
The building and construction and automotive indus-
tries are showing growth, but the container industry
is down. The transportation market is fueling alumi-
num’s growth, she said, noting the CAFE and other
international regulations driving vehicle lightweight-
ing, as well as proposed standards from President
Obama for environmental improvements in trucking
leets. She added that sustainability is a factor that
differentiates aluminum from other industries. Since
1991, energy demand for primary aluminum is down
17% with GHG emissions down by 42%. For secondary
production, energy demand is down by 58% and emis-
sions by 65%. She closed by listing the Association’s
Figure 1. The Museo Soumaya in Mexico City has a façade covered initiatives to advance aluminum, including work by the
with 16,000 aluminum hexagons. Aluminum Transportation Group; the development of
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an Aluminum Caucus, a bi-partisan group on Capitol the molten aluminum solidiies and will penetrate the
Hill in support of the aluminum industry; an updated lining no further. He said pumps increase circulation in
economic impact study in Fall 2013; and other efforts. the melt, improving melt rate (eficiency) and providing
Rafael Delgado of Delgado, Izquierdo & Associates more uniform alloying and temperature, with the disad-
looked at issues of foreign trade, export, and import in vantages of high maintenance, fragile components, and
2013. He explained that auto manufacturers are moving being unsuitable for batch operation. Charging the fur-
production into Mexico for two reasons; it has the ad- nace is another point where eficiency can be improved,
vantage of being close to the U.S., the biggest car market taking into consideration the charge mix (ingots, butts
in the world, and it has access to quality aluminum pro- and cropped ends, small extrusion pieces, etc.) and the
duction. He then provided an overview of Mexico’s tariff speed of the charge. Top charging furnaces provide the
policies and trade regulations and how they are likely to greatest eficiency in this regard. Other issues to consider
change and affect the industry. Delgado presented infor- are combustion control (air/fuel ratio), pressure control
mation on free trade agreements, which eliminate tariffs, (damper on chimney), and waste heat recovery (for ex-
import quotas, and preferences on most goods and ser- ample, heat from the lue can be used to preheat com-
vices traded between participating countries. One of the bustion air).
most important and ambitious of these is the Trans-Pacif-
ic Partnership (TPP), a free trade mega-zone agreement
between ten countries, including the U.S., Australia, Bru-
nei, Chili, Japan, Malasia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore,
and Vietnam. With TPP, the U.S. will have 40-50% of its
trade under one agreement. As of June 2012, Canada
and Mexico are in negotiations to join TPP and these ne-
gotiations will be ongoing through 2014. It is vital that
Mexico participate in this agreement, explained Del-
gado, outlining the beneits this would provide for the
country. China meanwhile is watching the TPP carefully
and is in the process of forming its own free trade agree-
ments in order to compete. Currently, China has 30-40%
of its commerce under the China-Peru Free Trade Agree-
ment. Delgado closed by looking at the U.S.’s review of
imported aluminum and products from China and its im-
posed tariffs and noted that Mexico needs to take similar Figure 5. Diagram showing heat low in a melt furnace.
action to hinder unfair trade practices in the aluminum
industry. Anodic hard coatings were looked at by Bladamiro
Jesús Villegas, Harbor Intelligence, presented on the Moreno of Electroacabados S.A., who presented an
trends and relevant factors of the aluminum market. overview of the anodizing process and its properties,
In regards to growth rates in primary production, he including increased corrosion resistance and improved
pointed to the Middle East and India as being the ma- aesthetic qualities. He said that many industries require
jor players with signiicant expansions. China, though a hard coatings (between 400-500 HB), which have greater
large market, will only play by itself and therefore will not resistance to abrasion and longer lasting colors. Abrasion
contribute to the worldwide industry. He said that prices resistance is important for the car market, where hard
are the lowest in history, but that they can’t stay that way anodic coatings are being used for pistons, as well as avia-
and will likely begin to improve in November of this year, tion (landing gear and transmissions) and ships (masts).
though they will still remain low. The issue, he explained, Other markets include heat sinks (for aesthetic appeal),
is not with demand (which is growing), but with over sup- industrial lamps (protection against corrosive gases), and
ply, which will likely remain. In regards to demand, he architecture (for both aesthetics and use in regions with
said Mexico is probably the most attractive market in Lat- saline environments and acid rain). He said the industry
in America with growth of 10% per year projected for the is working toward more standardized proiles with less
next ive years. This is a better situation than even Brazil, water marks and a more homogeneous surface.
and primary aluminum producers in all regions will be
recognizing Mexico as an attractive market. Day Two
For secondary aluminum, Villegas said that just like
primary aluminum, the industry has had its worst year in The second day of the congress began with a presen-
history. In the secondary industry, a company’s worth is tation by Stephen Jackson, Bloom Engineering, on re-
determined by their scrap supply. Scrap availability is not generative combustion for aluminum melt furnaces and
likely to improve, because demand will be greater than the company’s LumiFlame technology. Regenerative
the available aluminum scrap. Though he expects that burners, typically functioning in pairs, are designed to
margins will improve. improve eficiency (to around 60%), reduce the heat go-
In addressing warehousing issues, Villegas said a new ing out the chimneystack, and put it back into the load.
proposal by the London Metal Exchange (LME) will go Jackson explained that regenerative burners not only
into effect in 2014, which will regulate warehouses, short- provide fuel savings, but can also increase production be-
ening lead times and reducing prime rates, though the cause the greater heat allows for more metal input. NOx
effect will be varied. Eventually, he said, aluminum will and CO2 emissions are also reduced, as about 80% of the
have higher LME prices, but a lower premium. gases that normally go up the lue are put back through
Al Kennedy, Kennedy Eurotech, presented the prin- the burner head; this also allows for a smaller lue design
ciples of fuel economy for aluminum melt furnaces. on the furnace, as well as reduced bag house and dust
Looking at the heat balance in the furnace, he showed collection requirements. He also said that regenerative
that most of the heat in a furnace goes up the lue (up burners allow less oxygen into the melt, reducing dross.
to 62.5%), resulting in ineficiency (Figure 5). Another Carlos Castañeda, Henkel Mexicana, gave a presenta-
important point of heat loss is the freeze plane, where tion on improving eficiency and minimizing the environ-
mental impact of lubricants, or die casting release agents.
He said a lubricant needs to provide good wetting, good
release without deformation, clean castings without stain-
ing, avoid welding of the aluminum to the mold, lower
die temperature to reduce wear, resist bacterial infection
(which causes strange smells and ineficient lubrication),
and provide protection to extend the life of the die, among
other concerns. He then presented the types of lubricants
available and gave an overview of best practices for the Figure 6. Placement of the FSW spindle showing penetration (left) and
Figure 6
different types. To improve eficiency, operators need to exit (right).
check dilution and the spray systems for blockage; must
maintain the integrity of the lubricant, ensuring it is well net shape processes. RHC is a semi-solid manufacturing
mixed; need a spray system that covers all surfaces of the process that involves stirring molten metal as it is slowly
die with a homogeneous ilm; and must perform regular cooled until it begins to solidify, at which point it is inject-
maintenance, especially for nozzles, tubing, and pipes. He ed into a die or forged. Due to the thixotropic behavior
ended by explaining that good lubrication can increase in the semi-solid state, the injection process requires less
production and decrease costs. power and materials, reduces damage to tools, provides
A method for developing and implementing an effec- better control of solidiication, and fewer shrinkage de-
tive preventative maintenance program was presented by fects. Honda in the Accord is using this process to pro-
Carlos Linares, SMS Meer Service Inc., who pointed to a duce engine blocks, wheels, and other products. Chavez
lack of planning as the root cause of most maintenance is- and a team designed and assembled a prototype RHC
sues. He suggested that extruders take the following steps system to produce Al-7%Si alloy, though results were not
to develop a plan of action: identify potential problems discussed at this time. He noted the biggest challenge to
with Failure Mode Effect & Analysis (FMEA), specify and the RHC process is knowing when to ill the cast.
target maintenance tasks, and form a plan and execute James Parkes of Mechatherm announced that the
it. FMEA is performed by identifying a component of company formed a new collaboration with Nutec Bick-
assembly, brainstorming potential failure modes, listing ley in 2013 that would allow it to deliver furnaces and
potential effects of the failure modes, assigning severity equipment to the Mexican and U.S. markets while taking
rankings (based on severity of the consequences of fail- advantage of Nutec’s local services. Parkes said that Me-
ure), assign occurrence rankings (how frequently failure chatherm has seen a decline in orders from the primary
is likely to occur), assign detection rankings (likelihood aluminum casthouse market, but a dramatic increase in
problem will be detected before failure), calculate risk orders from secondary industry. He then presented an
priority number (RPN = Severity x Occurrence x Detec- overview of furnace selection criteria based on the kinds
tion), develop an action plan, take action, and inally re- of scrap being melted (from heavy clean scrap to con-
calculate the RPN after improvements have been made. taminated UBC scrap to furnace dross), before turning
Linares explained that a proper maintenance schedule, his attention to a case study about the installation of a
combined with proper training and an inventory of spare complete melting and casting line for China Steel Alu-
parts, directly relates to dramatically lowering costs over minium Corp. (CSA) in Taiwan (Figure 7). In September
many years. 2011, CSA ordered an 80 tonne static furnace and a 60
Alejandro Manzano, Cinvestav, spoke about the devel- tonne twin chamber furnace, as well as auxiliary equip-
opment of modular tools for friction stir welding (FSW) ment and casting machines, for the melting and process-
of aluminum alloys. He explained that FSW is a solid- ing of heavy clean scrap, primary ingot, extrusion scrap,
state process for welding two aluminum panels together, light swarf pucks, and light scrap coils and edge trim.
as well as aluminum to other materials such as titanium John Horno, Insertec Hornos y Refractarios, presented
and Kevlar. This process is especially beneicial for the an overview of refractory materials for the aluminum in-
aerospace industry, he said, noting the forthcoming de- dustry. Descriptions of refractory classiications and char-
velopment of a global jet with a fuselage made of alumi- acteristics were given, including chemical composition
num and titanium. In a previous study, Manzano and a (acid, base, or neutral), form, and density, as well as insu-
team of researchers looked at FSW spindles (tips) made lation needs, thermal conductivity, melting points, com-
with H13 steel to determine which shape (square, round, pression resistance, porosity (varies between 12-30%),
triangle, and others) provides the best performance over density, corrosion resistance, bonding, and other factors.
multiple repetitions, with a square shaped spindle show- Issues with the proper manufacture and installation of
ing the best results. Once this was determined, the team refractory products were also covered.
began to develop a modular system for the tool, allowing
the spindles to be changed quickly without replacing the
entire tool head. This would lower maintenance costs and
would allow different shaped spindles to be interchanged
depending on welding needs. Tests were performed with
the modular tooling to determine the optimal welding
velocity (Figure 6), in addition to stress and hardness
tests, and it was found that the modular tool design was
able to generate similar mechanical properties to FSW
welds obtained with one piece tools.
J. Federico Chavez of the Instituto Politécnico Nacio-
nal presented the development of Al-Si alloys by a simpli-
ied rheocasting (RHC) process. Al-Si alloys are often fab-
ricated by the high pressure die casting (HPDC) process
due to the eficiency of production and low cost. RHC
was presented as a new trend in manufacturing with great
potential and with several advantages over other near Figure 7. Scrap charging machine supplied to CSA.
Selected Transactions
CAPITAL MARKETS Bill Peluchiwski • Senior Managing Director, Co-Head of the Industrials Group
FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING 312.456.4714 • WPeluchiwski@HL.com
FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES Mike Jenny • Senior Vice President, Nonferrous Metals
312.456.4705 • MJenny@HL.com
Extrusion Industry News & Technology
number of lying cut puller designs exist on the
market today for aluminum extruders. Granco
Clark believes there are misconceptions, misun-
derstandings, and in some cases mistruths sur-
rounding this subject. Choice of type can vary based upon
a number of factors. Performance and design speciica-
tions are a simple way to look at puller systems (Figure 1)
but this article seeks to provide a deeper understanding
of the mechanics involved. By clarifying some deinitions,
providing a way to measure reliability, and offering guide-
lines for achieving maximum reliability, smoothness, and
responsiveness, it is hoped that the extruder can save re-
pairs and costly production losses by considering the best
system for their needs. Critical speciications include:
maximum extrusion speed, maximum lying cut speed,
leadout length requirement, downtime prevention pro-
visions, maintenance schedules, ease of repair, and per-
centage of chip collection.
s part of the extrusion process, there is a vital re- The Wet Blasting Process: Originally pioneered by Nor-
quirement for ongoing cleaning and polishing man Ashworth in the 1940s, wet or vapor blasting has
of dies. This is a critical operation for continual grown to it a wide range of applications with its main
production within an extrusion plant, but one purpose to provide a highly precise surface inish. (The
that is often considered time consuming and full of te- Ashworth family founded the Vapormatt Company in
dious processes. 1978.)
However, without proper care and attention given to Wet blasting uses water and an abrasive medium to form
the preparation of dies, extruders risk high extrusion slurry in the sump tank of the installed system. As the slur-
scrap rates and low die success rates. During the 1990s, ry is pumped through the system towards the gun heads,
many extruders attempted to tackle this problem by compressed air is introduced; by allowing the slurry and
adopting a dry blasting system; these bulky and typically air to synthesize within the mixing chamber of the gun
dusty machines utilize steel shot to reduce the amount of a highly powerful blast stream is created, which in turn
manual iling involved at the die correction stage, but are accelerates through the boron carbide nozzles. Having im-
often cumbersome to use and hard to maintain. As tech- pacted upon the bearing surfaces, the slurry is then recir-
nologies and processes have improved, there is a need culated through the same system for continuous use.
for die shop managers to assess new alternatives, pro-
cesses that are showing strong signs of being extremely
viable in that they are both time saving and cost-effective. Gas In
Abrasive In
wet blast technology for use in extrusion die shops. Gas In
truders are able to achieve a quicker, more effective and Blast Gun
Additive In
consistent polishing action that can improve the die suc- Mixing Chamber
cess rate when compared with conventional systems. Wet Slurry Acceleration Zone
Gun Movement Velocity
Abrasive Pump
strate. The process also removes the time consuming dry- Blast Distance
Controllable Factors
Gas - Type, Pressure, Flow Speed and Temperature
ing stage, prior to polishing, that is often required after Slurry - Solid/Liquid Ratio
Liquid - Type, Pressure, Flow Speed and Temperature
caustic cleaning. Solid - Type, Size, Hardness and Shape
The primary beneits gained from using a wet blast Gun/part kinematics - Velocity, Distance and Angle
The Tecalex front loading tandem cylinder extrusion press is now being offered in North America.
n early 2013, negotiations were inalized for the and reverse engineering capabilities,
newly formed partnership of Pittsburgh based Cun- along with a seasoned resume of retro-
ningham Machine Design (CMD) and Tecalex Spain it and replacement components on
to create the new entity Tecalex USA. Started as an existing presses, Cunningham knew
extrusion die manufacturer in Barcelona, Spain in 1965, that partnering with a company like
Tecalex has been building their unique front loading de- Tecalex would create a truly unique
signed press since 1984 and offering associated extrusion full service supplier of new and used
equipment for handling, heating, and tooling, since be- extrusion equipment for the U.S.
coming incorporated in 1989. Currently they have over market. Tecalex USA has many of the
77 complete extrusion press lines installed worldwide. engineering personnel that worked Jim Cunningham.
CMD and Tecalex met and were drawn to each other with Cunningham at Pollock Engi-
at the ET ’12 show in Miami, FL, in May 2012. Together neering. “ Pollock was one of the best
they saw they could offer a complementary full range of run, customer oriented companies I
equipment and services and they recognized an equal have ever been a part of,” Cunning-
commitment to a high level of excellence in extrusion ham stated. “ I’ve worked hard to keep
equipment manufacture and service. Tecalex realized that core together at CMD to provide
that to be successful in the U.S. market you need to sup- that same level of service and profes-
port it within the U.S., not remotely from Europe. The sionalism. It dovetails nicely with how
best way to achieve that goal was to partner with an ex- Tecalex Spain approaches their core
isting company that had the experi- business model.” Another member James Bunting.
ence with the domestic press market of the team that some in the North
and also had the same dedication to American market may recognize is James Bunting, the new
customer service that the Spanish sales manager for Tecalex USA, who formerly worked with
company has achieved in the global Castool. Additionally, Tecalex Spain will have engineering
market. “It took a long time to ind support live in Pittsburgh, PA, to provide the quick and
the right partner, one that possesses dedicated extrusion response times required.
the same principles that have made
us a leader in the European and Press and Handling
Asian markets,” stated Josep Barcelo, Josep Barcelo.
general manager of Tecalex Spain. Tecalex knew from its very irst press in 1984 that a
Jim Cunningham, owner of CMD, previously worked for front loading press was a superior design. While widely
Pollock Engineering and SMS Sutton and has successfully accepted today, this was a radical design back in 1984.
run CMD since 2006. With a complete array of custom The press also features a patented tandem cylinder de-
n February 2013, Bonnell Aluminum in Newnan,
GA, awarded Turla Srl with the contract for the sup-
ply of a complete extrusion handling system to be
integrated with a new Presezzi 33 MN press. This $17
million expansion project will provide the company with
a new state-of-the-art extrusion line, dedicated to serving
the growing demand for aluminum extrusion from auto-
motive and light truck manufacturers.
Bonnell set out very clear technical requirements for
its new handling system in terms of performance, includ-
ing solid delivery of uniformly heated billets to the extru-
sion press; powerful and lexible quenching suitable for a
broad range of aluminum alloys, including air and water
cooling quench modes; smooth and defect-free manage-
ment of proiles on the runout and the cooling table; and
precise and clean operations at the inishing saw. On the
basis of existing handling systems observed at operations Figure 2. STeP5 log heater.
in Europe, Bonnell concluded that Turla’s equipment
met all of its expectations in terms of performance and approximately 380 tonnes, equal to the emission of 150
ability to properly produce the desired range of alumi- medium size cars.
num extrusion products. In addition to the environmental beneits, a reduction of
gas consumption represents a huge reduction of produc-
Extrusion Handling System tion costs. Cost of gas varies country by country, but on aver-
age the annual savings can be measured in several tens of
This new handling sys- thousands of dollars, which can be a vital issue in the pay-
tem represents Turla’s back analysis of a machine that can normally last for more
comeback to the U.S. than 20 years. One of the features, not often found in any
extrusion market, after other log heater, is the ability to control gas consumption in
having installed previ- each heating zone of the heater. A PLC controller calculates
ous systems in the U.S. the quantity of gas used at any moment, providing opera-
and Canada between the tors with the amount of money spent for gas. This lets the
1990s and early 2000s. company calculate the portion of costs for gas in real time
This order is the natural per each pound of proiles produced and to immediately
evolution of the impor- analyze critical consumption points, rather than waiting for
tant projects carried out Figure 1. DPC model double puller. the gas bill at the end of the month and trying to under-
by Turla for customers stand where losses and ineficiencies occurred.
involved in the automotive market in Europe, such as In terms of comparing production beneits, given the
Constellium, Hydro, Sapa, and other major players in the same level of throughput of a traditional log heater, the
extrusion ield. The scope of Turla’s supply to Bonnell STeP5 throughput is 30-40% shorter. Given the same
includes a DPC model double puller (Figure 1), full cool- amount of space, it provides some 50% higher through-
ing table, stretcher, and gauge table, as well as a STeP5 log put (ton/hr), an important aspect in plants where lack of
heater and a QAH quenching system. space is a problem.
Log Heater: The STeP5 log heater provides low cost op- The high eficiency also provides excellent heating uni-
eration with minimal emissions (Figure 2). Produced by formity. The log heater has the optimal amount of insula-
Turla in 2008, this log heater represents a turning point tion and the proper form of indirect heating to achieve
in aluminum log heating technology. Most of the log/bil- target temperature in order to provide the best possible
let heaters available on the market are uniform in design homogenization of the billet. This will result in better ex-
with an average fuel eficiency of approximately 55%, trusion with any kind of die, even with harder alloys.
occasionally 60%. These log heaters normally generate One of the most appreciated features of the STeP5 is the
signiicant amounts of pollution, both in terms of com- minimized maintenance costs. The high quality rollers
bustion residuals and hot gases. and other parts have shown such optimal results during
The name, STeP5, stands for Super Thermal eficiency the log heater’s years of service that Turla is able to offer
aimed for Production, with the “+5” standing for its ive a seven year warranty. This extended warranty on rollers
energy recuperation steps. It also stands for “ Save The and other parts in the combustion chamber represents a
Planet,” since a clever use of the energy permits a drastic huge improvement in maintenance practices that results
reduction of pollution, thus a great beneit to the world. in less labor cost, less money spent on rollers, no produc-
The fuel consumption eficiency (thermal eficiency) of tion stops for replacement of rollers, and above all no
the log heater is measurable at 81%. According to Turla, more unexpected stops due to sudden roller failure. This
this is approximately 1.5 times more eficient than any log heater has also been recently purchased by Gutmann
other log heater on the market. Assuming 12,000 tpy of Group (one of the largest extrusion groups in Germany
gross production on a single extrusion line, this trans- with three production sites) to produce high accuracy pro-
lates to a yearly reduction of carbon dioxide emission of iles and to dramatically reduce pollution impact.
luminum recycling is a process of new metal pendent on the service time of the products in various
production by using consumer and industrial market sectors, as well as society’s ability to eficiently and
“ wastes,” aluminum scrap metal, as raw mate- effectively collect these products. Most of these products
rial resources. Scrap is melted, reined, and ad- serve a very long time during their use phase— usually de-
justed into desirable alloys for subsequent use in making cades and sometimes up to a century. Because aluminum
consumer or industrial products. There is no functional is a relatively “ young” material, most product retirement
difference between products made with primary alumi- did not happen until the late 20th century.
num versus recycled aluminum. Today, more and more retired aluminum products be-
Aluminum recycling began almost concurrently with come available as a scrap source in North America. The
the irst commercial production of primary aluminum transportation and building and construction sectors are
in the U.S.1 Over the decades, along with the increased the most rapidly growing sources of old aluminum scrap.
availability of scrap, recycled aluminum makes up a great- This is due to the fact that some of the early mass-scale
er and greater percentage of the overall metal shipment applications in these sectors are gradually reaching their
to end-use markets. Aluminum recycling is becoming an designated service life and therefore become available
indispensable strategic part of the aluminum industry. As for recovery. The increased resource availability is a ma-
shown in Figure 1, the U.S. recycled 6.4 million tons of jor driving factor for the growing secondary aluminum
aluminum scrap in 2012, of which 4.4 million tons was industry in the region.
consumed in the domestic market, more than one-third
of the total domestic metal supply. In fact, in recent years, Demand & Trends
the U.S. has been producing more secondary than pri-
mary aluminum. Market demand is certainly another determining fac-
The ever increasing recycling of the metal is a result of tor for the growth of the industry. During the past two de-
many concurrent factors, such as increasing scrap avail- cades, apparent consumption of aluminum in the world
ability, increasing market demand for recycled alumi- has increased almost three times, from a little under 20
num, rising energy prices, and improved recycling tech- million tons in 1989 to an estimated 56 million tons in
nology. 2012.2 Most forecasts suggest that this trend will continue
during the next two decades.3 The signii-
cant increase in market demand has led to
not only rapid growth in primary metal pro-
duction, but also to a signiicant increase in
secondary aluminum supply. For instance,
the global supply of secondary aluminum in
1989 was estimated to be only 5 million tons,
but by 2012, the amount had grown to about
14 million tons.
Meanwhile, consumer awareness in green
products has helped accelerate the use of
recycled aluminum. Recycling aluminum
demands as little as 5% of the energy as
producing primary aluminum. At the same
time, it also helps eliminate the need for
mining and saves many other critical natu-
ral resources. In addition, it signiicantly
Figure 1. U.S. domestic scrap consumption and exports. (Data source: The Aluminum reduces the emissions and waste associated
Association.) with primary production. Recycling a ton of
aluminum saves the equivalent energy of up
to 24 barrels of oil. Due to these environmental beneits
Scrap Sources associated with recycled products, some market sectors
have set up incentive mechanisms to encourage recy-
New Scrap: The raw material of aluminum recycling cling. For instance, the Leadership in Energy and Envi-
scrap, which comes from two possible sources: the indus- ronmental Design (LEED) system developed by the U.S.
trial manufacturing processes where aluminum is fab- Green Building Council (USGBC) has set up criteria and
ricated into products, and the retirement of aluminum incentives to encourage both recycling and the use of re-
products from their service to consumers. Scrap from cycled materials in building products.
industrial manufacturing is often called new scrap. It is a Finally, rising energy prices and technological prog-
result of fabrication activities where pieces of aluminum ress have helped further drive the demand of recycled
are sheared off to make new shapes. The quantity of such aluminum. A less energy-intensive product, like recycled
scrap generation is generally ixed and proportional to aluminum, will always be more competitive in times when
the total shipments of aluminum products to consumers energy prices are high, as long as the products have the
and end-users. same function and performance. Technological progress
Old Scrap: Scrap from retired aluminum products is during the past three decades has made it possible for the
often called old scrap and the quantity is completely de- recycling of aluminum to be an increasingly closed-loop
Being able to trust in the expertise and performance of Whether in new plant construction or revamp projects, our
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customers around the world this means being able to count tion cycle, including the integration of the latest electrical
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system, meaning alloys are recycled into the same alloys. done to get the precious material back at the end-of-life
Previously, aluminum was more frequently “ downcycled,” and keep it for future generations. This is both a dificult
a phenomenon that is caused through the contamina- challenge and a great opportunity. Only through better
tion of unwanted agents during the recycling process, so societal coordination can the aluminum recycling indus-
that the recycled metal has to be used for making high try achieve better service to the people in a more sustain-
alloying-content alloys that are more “ tolerable” to exotic able way.
elements. For instance, recycled aluminum was tradition- Another challenge is technological progress. Mate-
ally mostly used for casting products, such as automobile rial recycling has traditionally been considered a low-
parts, appliances, tools, and engineering equipment. tech practice and has therefore long been neglected by
During the past two decades, however, the use of recycled the research and innovation community. This situation
metal has been extended to almost all alloy forms, prod- needs to change in the 21st century given the natural
uct categories, and market sectors. A recent life cycle as- resource challenges we all face. The development of the
sessment (LCA) survey conducted by the Aluminum As- aluminum recycling industry has proven that technol-
sociation shows that the majority of semi-fabricated prod- ogy can always drive better, more eficient, and more
ucts contain over 50% of recycled metal. complete recycling. There are great opportunities for
technology progress in almost all stages of the alumi-
Challenges & Opportunities num recycling value chain.
For instance, the dazzling development of sensoring,
With a bright future ahead for the aluminum recycling positioning, and tracking technologies in the consumer
industry, challenges remain. One such challenge is the electronics world has opened numerous possibilities for
sourcing of raw materials— scrap. As mentioned previ- future aluminum scrap collection and sorting. Already
ously, the increase of raw material availability will come there are technologies used in the industry for such pur-
mainly from retired products and such availability is fore- poses. One such example is the near-infrared or X-ray
seen. However, the actual recovery— the collection of system that is designed to identify and remove contami-
such scrap— is another matter. Aluminum is one of the nants from aluminum scrap. Another example is a hand-
most recycled common materials. But too much of the held X-ray luorescence device that can help determine
metal is still lost in landills each year and recovering this alloy grade and chemical compositions of aluminum
material is virtually impossible. scrap.5 But the potential for even greater technological
The problem for the loss of the material exists in the enhancements exists. For instance, future aluminum
disconnect between parties in the recycling value chain. products could be made with “ IDs,” so that they will be
The recycling value chain, or the material low chain, in- able to be tracked all the way throughout their in-use
volves three distinct parties: the scrap generators, the col- lifetime until they get recycled. Such a system could dra-
lectors and processors, and the recyclers (the new mate- matically help the aluminum recycling industry precisely
rial makers). Among the three parties, only the recyclers “ mine” its raw materials and recycle them in a closed-
are considered to be part of the aluminum industry. But loop fashion— same alloys to same alloys.
the most critical party to ensure that recycling actually Another area for technological development is design
occurs are the scrap generators. The scrap generators for recycling. This includes developing more recycling
often have the “ right” and control to decide where the “ friendly” alloys and designing products so that they can
scrap goes—including to landills. The scrap collectors be more easily dissembled and recycled.
and processors, on the other hand, can affect the quality A third area for technological opportunities is in fur-
of scrap— whether it is well-sorted and clean. The recy- nace technologies. Great progress has been achieved in
clers are responsible for turning scrap into new materials the past three decades and today’s furnaces are much
and products serving exactly the same function in an ef- more eficient and cleaner than those in the past. Future
icient, effective, and environmentally friendly manner. attention should be paid to the treatment and removal
The most disconnected among the key parties is often of unwanted contaminants and chemicals in furnaces, so
the scrap generator. In the industrial and commercial the recycled metal can have precisely desired speciica-
part of society, such as transportation, building and con- tions and that the drawback of mixed source scrap can be
struction, utility and infrastructure, and manufacturing, maximally reduced.
most of the scrap generated ends up being recycled. In Looking to the later part of the 21st century, the impor-
the individual consumer part of society, however, things tance of aluminum recycling will only grow and oppor-
get much more complex due to the involvement of hun- tunities for the aluminum industry to improve practices
dreds of millions of individual stakeholders. In many af- will expand. Challenges will always accompany societal
luent societies like ours, there is not enough inancial development. But let me leave you with a Chinese saying:
incentive for individual consumers to recycle their used Opportunities co-exist with challenges. Whoever faces
products, particularly when that product is small items the challenges and seizes the opportunities wins the busi-
like packaging, portable electronics, toys, and batteries. ness.
The lack of legal and regulatory measures makes things
worse. The clearest example of this may be in aluminum References
can recycling, where the consumer recycling rate of cans
in the U.S. hovers around 60%. As a consequence, a large 1. Aluminum Recycling Casebook, The Aluminum Associa-
amount of aluminum, worth more than one billion dol- tion, 1998.
lars, is estimated to be lost in North America each year 2. Annual Statistical Review, The Aluminum Association,
and a large proportion of such loss could be prevented Multiple Years.
with appropriate regulatory or market incentives.4 3. CRU Group and Harbor Aluminum Intelligence,
Facing the material loss challenge, the aluminum in- Various Meeting Presentations, Multiple Years.
dustry has made signiicant efforts to promote recycling. 4. “ Aluminum: The Element of Sustainability – A North
Measures include advocacy campaigns, consumer educa- American Aluminum Industry Sustainability Report,”
tion and promotion, research and study on individual The Aluminum Association, 2011.
behaviors, and outreach and coordination with policy- 5. Kuhn, Mareike, “ Aluminum: No Future without Re-
makers, regulators, and NGOs. Much more needs to be cycling,” Recycling International, March 2013, No. 2.
www.properzi.com · hq@properzi.it
ith a deep rooted background in manufactur- Charles K. Gillespie (Figure
ing and installing refractories and furnaces 4), son of the founder, came
in the aluminum industry, many of Gillespie on board as a partner with
& Powers (G&P) technical developments John R. From that time until
have laid the groundwork for improved metal recovery John R.’s death in 2006, they
industry-wide. The company’s accumulated experience guided G&P through stages
in refractory and furnace design has played a signiicant of systematic growth and pros-
role in advancing the knowledge in this ield. G&P has perity. “ It was through their
built upon its 75 years of experience to become a niche vision and leadership that the
supplier of high temperature furnaces. company integrated into the
aluminum industry, beginning
History with refractory rebuilding ser-
vices and now culminating in
Charles A. Gillespie (Figure the complete design and fur- Figure 3. John R. Gillespie.
1) irst formed Gillespie Com- nace building activities that
pany as a proprietorship in the company is engaged in,”
1931. Later in February 1938, said Jon Gillespie (Figure 5),
Charles formed a partnership John R.’s son. Following the
with Frank X. Powers to create step down of Charles K. in No-
Gillespie & Powers. In 1950, vember 2007, Jon was named
two years after the death of president of the company.
Powers, the partnership was (Jon’s son, John B. Gillespie
converted to the present corpo- graduated from Rolla in 2011
ration. From its inception the and is currently involved in
company operated on a region- project management for the
al basis involved with masonry company.)
installation services, primarily Figure
1. Charles A. Gil-
From the St. Louis point of
in heating systems and electric operation, G&P continues to Figure 4. Charles K. Gil-
generator stations. Around the time of the formation maintain its refractory masonry lespie.
of the partnership, the city of St. Louis, MO, passed a construction activities, as well
rigid smoke abatement law that thrust the company into as the aluminum industry seg-
a great deal of research into the installation of new coal- ment, including the design
burning equipment in many existing boilers. Following and installation of melting and
this, the company was heavily involved with the conver- scrap preparation equipment.
sion of much of the hand-ired equipment to stokers, In addition, the company has
and inally converted much of this equipment to iring refractory masonry construc-
oil and gas. tion ield ofices in Iowa, Ken-
From its initial home and storefront operations, the tucky, and northern Missouri,
company moved into its irst corporate ofices in August as well as their corporate head-
1961 in midtown St. Louis. It was in the early 1960s that, quarters in St. Louis, which
as a result of providing refractory repair services to a house the engineering ofices
number of aluminum clients, the company expanded and a mobilization center for
into the aluminum industry providing complete design their activities in North and Figure 5. Jon R. Gillespie.
and installation of aluminum melting furnaces (Figure South America and Asia. Ap-
2), especially in larger stationary type of equipment proximately 65 people make up the core staff and ield
up to 150 tons in capacity. Operations at the St. Louis supervisors, whose efforts are ever changing in expand-
site were expanded under the direction of John R. Gil- ing supplemental craft involvement on speciic projects
lespie (Figure 3), nephew of the founder. John R. was during the course of their ield construction activities.
named president of the company in 1966 and in 1968 “ We believe that much of our success in the aluminum
industry has been derived from our application of the
knowledge that we have learned from supplying mainte-
nance and operations assistance to people in the indus-
try on a routine basis as a part of our ongoing refractory
masonry and construction services,” said Jon. “ Improve-
ments learned from these experiences have been crafted
into our new equipment models to the satisfaction of our
Technical Advancement
Moving Forward
he TMS 2013 Annual Meet- of the Norwegian University of Sci-
ing and Exhibition, held ence and Technology for his service
in San Antonio, TX, from to the technical community and to
March 3-7, hosted more aluminum reduction technology.
than 4,000 materials scientists and The Light Metals Award was given
engineers, of which more than 1,000 to Vladislav Gorbunov and Gennady
were students. The event featured Podgorodetsky, National University
the presentation of nearly 3,000 tech- of Science and Technology, and Gen-
nical papers and an exhibition with nadiy Klimetenok and Andrey Panov,
nearly 100 exhibitors (some of whose UC Rusal Engineering and Technolo-
pictures follow on page 69, L-R). gy Center, for their paper “ Directions
for Large Scale Utilization of Bauxite
Honors & Awards Residue.”
Four Light Metals Subject Awards
At the TMS-AIME Honors and were also given, including the Alumi-
Awards Banquet, 2012 TMS presi- num Reduction Technology Award
dent Wolfgang Schneider, Hydro Alu- to Ingo Eick of Hydro Aluminium
minium, welcomed Elizabeth Holm Deutschland and Kristian Etienne
(pictured), who was installed as the Elizabeth Holm, TMS president. Einarsrud and Stein Tore Johansen of
57th president of TMS. A professor of SINTEF Materials and Chemistry; the
materials science and engineering at his service in expanding TMS’ reach Electrode Technology for Aluminum
Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts- through cooperation with other or- Production Award to Barry Sadler of
burgh, PA, Holm was serving as the ganizations and organization of ma- Net Carbon Consulting Pty; the Re-
society’s vice president and has been terials conferences. A Brimacombe cycling Award to Tracey Brommer
a member for 20 years. In her open- Medal was awarded to Alan Luo, of PA Consulting, Britt Elin Gihleen-
ing comments, she noted that TMS General Motors Co., for his contribu- gen of Scandpower, and Randolph
was in great shape to respond to the tions to the research of lightweight Kirchain and Elsa Olivetti of Mas-
trends in its profession and the needs aluminum and magnesium alloys, sachusetts Institute of Technology;
of its members. “ My goal is to refocus from computational alloy design to and the Warren Peterson Cast Shop
on sustaining members and activities automotive applications, as well as for for Aluminum Production Award to
to ensure that the professional soci- his service to the society via work in Malcom Couper and Mark Easton of
ety that has served them so well since technical committees, the Light Met- Monash University, Nick Parson of
1871 remains their destination of als Division (LMD), and program- Rio Tinto Alcan, Lisa Sweet of CAST
choice for the next 142 years,” said ming and publication committees. Crc, and John Taylor of University of
Holm. She added that she hopes to In addition, the AIME Champion H. Queensland.
emphasize the development of pro- Mathewson Award was given to Paul
grams to support young- and mid- Krajewski, General Motors Co., and Aluminum Session
career professional members and to Eric M. Taleff, University of Texas, for
focus on issues of geographic and de- their paper, “ Effect of Microstructure While each of the seven present-
mographic diversity. on Cavitation during Hot Deforma- ers during the Aluminum Keynote
Following presentations by TMS tion of Fine-Grained Aluminum-Mag- Session focused on different issues,
leaders, the society presented honors nesium Alloy as Revealed through approaches, and technologies, the
and awards of excellence in multiple Three-Dimensional Characteriza- impact of impurities across the en-
divisions. Ray Peterson, Aleris In- tion.” tire aluminum supply chain was a
ternational, received the Alexander The LMD Distinguished Service consistent theme that underscored
Scott Distinguished Service Award for Award was given to Jomar Thonstad each presentation. Session chair, Les
Wolfgang Schneider presented Schneider awarded Alan Luo a George Luxbacher presented an John Hryn presented the LMD
the Alexander Scott Distinguished Brimacombe Medal. AIME Champion H. Mathewson Distinguished Service Award to
Service Award to Ray Peterson Award to Paul Krajewski (far right) Jomar Thonstad (right).
(right). and Eric M. Taleff.
Stephen Jackson and Jim Checkeye, Bloom Pierre Farge, Fives Cinetic Group, and Dominique Privé and Dror Shaked, Brochot
Engineering Fabienne Virieux, Pierre Mahieu, and Xavier
Genin, Fives Solios
Frank Beck and Werner Nowitzki, Glama François Mousseau, Jean-Pierre Gagné, and Karl St-Laurent and Kevin Williams,
Machinenbau Marc-André Thibault, STAS Advanced Dynamics
Rainer Ehmann, Gautschi John Trimbur, John Allen, Robert Jenkins, Mohammed Yahya, DUBAL, and Abdul
and David Burrow, Thorpe Technologies Raheem Al Hashemi, EMAL
Ian Marsh, Jon Gillespie, Rob Nash, and Steve Iijima and Eishin Takahashi, Zmag David Edgerton, Nederman LLC, and Scott
Dan Corley, Gillespie + Powers America Gongaware, MikroPul
Elwin Roetman and Steven van der Bent, Berthold Hohl and Stefan Vucic, Eirich David Wilburn, Ellen Wilburn, Domenico
Hencon Di Lisa, Anke Di Lisa, Detlef Maiwald, and
Sigrid Maiwald, innovatherm
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Aluminium building and civil engineering structures; A review of research and structural design • The Stage of aluminum construction in the U.S. •
The Status of the aluminum industry in Canada • Program Subject Area: New product design and construction, Processes Emerging technologies,
Structural Design, Market Sectors, Surface treatment, New product design & development
W W W . C I A C M O N T R E A L . C O M
nalco 2013, the 12th International Aluminium Confer- possibilities for engineering and architectural profession-
ence, to be held October 21-22 at the Palais des con- als. Kissell co-holds two U.S. patents, including one for
grès de Montréal in Montréal, Québec, Canada, will an aluminum bridge deck. His structural designs have
feature three keynote speakers, Professor IR. Frans been featured in Civil Engineering and Engineering News-
Soetens, Randy Kissell, and Jean Simard, presenting their Record and at ASCE Structures Congresses. He is chair-
unique perspectives on the aluminum industry, its strengths man of the ASME B96 Committee for Welded Aluminum
and challenges to an international audience of aluminum Alloy Storage Tanks, secretary of the American Welding
industry professionals, including engineers, designers, and Society’s Subcommittee on Aluminum Structures, and
scientists. The conference offers a host of technical presen- a member of the ASTM Light Metal Alloys Committee,
tations by leading researchers, engineers, and innovators the American Society of Civil Engineers Load Standards
in the global aluminum industry from countries including Committee, and the American Petroleum Institute’s
Canada, the U.S., Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Pressure Vessel and Tank Committee.
France, Japan, Brazil, Gambia, and Iran. Session categories Kissell’s keynote on October 21, entitled “ The State
include: Alloys & Properties, Metal Forming, Metal Joining, of Aluminum Construction in the U.S.,” addresses us-
Construction, Manufacturing Research, Automotive Design age rates for aluminum in the building and construction
& Fatigue, Sustainability, and Student presentations. New market, current design codes that govern U.S. aluminum
product design and development, construction, processes, construction, and relevant seminars for aluminum struc-
emerging technologies, structural design, market sectors, tural engineers. He will discuss recent developments that
and surface treatment represent highlighted conference include new software used in aluminum structural design
topics. The program and its technical content are subject and friction stir welding, and examine key challenges fac-
to change at the discretion of the Inalco 2013 Organizing ing the U.S. aluminum structural industry.
and Scientiic Committees. Jean Simard is president and
Professor IR. Frans Soetens, general manager of the Alu-
an aluminum structural design minium Association of Canada,
expert, researcher, and industry in Montréal, and is president of
consultant, is afiliated with the the upcoming Canadian Interna-
Department of the Built Environ- tional Aluminium Conference.
ment, Unit Structural Design and (CIAC). Simard is a public affairs
Chair of Aluminium Structures at and government relations consul-
Eindhoven University of Technolo- tant in the ields of the environ-
gy in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. ment and energy, and joined Gaz
From 1975-2010, Soetens worked Metro as vice president of sustain-
for the Netherlands Organisation able development and govern- Jean Simard.
for Applied Scientiic Research Professor IR. Frans ment relations. He holds a degree
(TNO). His 35 years of experience Soetens. in civil law from the University of
includes research, consulting, and Ottawa, is a member of the Bureau du Quebec, and is on
knowledge transfer in the behavior of steel and aluminum the Board of Directors of the Aluminium Research and
structures and in aluminum structural design. He has led Development Centre of Quebec (CQRDA) and Mission
numerous national and international research projects Design, a non-proit organization in the ield of design.
for companies, universities, and research organizations On Tuesday morning, October 22, Simard will address
throughout Europe. On Monday morning October 21, the general session, presenting “ The Status of the Alumi-
Soetens will present his keynote address to the general ses- num Industry in Canada.”
sion, “ Aluminium Building and Civil Engineering Struc- These keynote presentations introduce two days of alu-
tures: A Review of Research and Structural Design.” He minum technical sessions at Inalco 2013, with the theme:
will discuss critical problems and challenges that designers “ Bringing Innovative Ideas to the World of Tomorrow,”
face when seeking optimum structural solutions. Current held in conjunction with the CIAC, October 21-25, the
Eurocode 9 design rules and their implementation in sev- lagship of the week-long aluminum industry events in
eral Dutch structural applications will be highlighted, in- Montréal, including a three-day international exhibition,
cluding an overview of research on aluminum’s structural plant visits, technical courses, and a full-day workshop.
behavior and how this research has shaped European stan-
dards development. Latest Research, Technology, and Innovations
Randy Kissell, P.E., is a senior
partner with the TGB Partner- The following technical presentations are scheduled
ship, an engineering irm special- for Inalco 2013 in Montréal, with more to be added to
izing in aluminum structures in the inal conference program.
Hillborough, NC. Kissell is sec- 5 Dimensional CFD Simulation and Optimisation of
retary of the Aluminum Associa- Ventilation for Smelter Process Applications: E. Baltuch,
tion’s Engineering Advisory Com- and S. Baltuch, Air-Therm Inc., Montréal, QC, Canada
mittee, responsible for Speciica- Casting a Very Unconventional Aluminium Alloy in Low
tion of Aluminum Structures, used Pressure Permanent Mould (LPPM): N. Giguère and F.
throughout the U.S. for alumi- Chiesa, Centre de Métallurgie du Québec, Trois-Rivières,
num structural design. He is co- QC, Canada
author of Aluminum Structures – A Randy Kissell, P.E. Effects of Lubricating Conditions on Machinability
Guide to Their Speciication and De- of AA6061-T6: J. Kouam, V. Songmene, ÉTS, Montréal,
sign, which demonstrates how aluminum opens up design QC, Canada; M. Balazinski, École Polytechnique, Mon-
he key drivers in eficiently for this is 1% metal loss to every 1%
remelting scrap aluminum contamination; however, the true
are having a very energy ef- melt loss due to contamination has
icient process and ensuring a ratio of 1.5-to-1 or greater. Higher
the yield from the scrap is as high contamination levels are due to oils,
as possible. In recent years, the Chi- paints, and plastics, all of which are
nese aluminum industry has invested part of the hydrocarbon family.
heavily in the production of elec- Pyrolysis is the conversion of these
trolytic aluminum, achieving new contaminants into simpler forms of
standards in the energy per tonne hydrocarbon— oils, methane, bu-
produced. The Chinese industry’s tane, etc.— and can only occur in an
integrated approach to producing atmosphere where there is little or
both electrolytic aluminum and the no oxygen. In the scrap chamber of Figure 2. A vortex for chip and small scrap
inished product on the same site a twin-chamber furnace, heat from recycling.
has led to a push to improve the en- the furnace and fuel from contami-
ergy eficiency and yield recoveries nation exist. If oxygen is present, the coveries due to the trapped oxides
of scrap aluminum produced both contamination will burn. By remov- and contamination. Introduction of
in-house and in general recycling. ing the oxygen from the scrap cham- scrap into the Pyrotek LOTUSS in
Recent Chinese governmental ber, the contamination will pyrolyze, loose form allows the mechanical
policy is also sparking the improve- or decompose. The gasses and vapor- forces in the vortex to strip the ox-
ment in the aluminum recycling ized oils from this pyrolyzation in a ide layer from the low-density scrap.
industry there, with government- twin-chamber melting furnace are As the scrap is submerged, there is
issued minimum targets for energy then fed into the main chamber of no further growth of the oxide layer,
eficiency and metal yield.1 In ad- the furnace where they are used as maximizing aluminum recovery.
dition, environmental targets must an additional combustible fuel, re- Results from plants in China uti-
be met before authorization for any ducing the amount of fuel required lizing these technologies show sig-
new plant and equipment can be re- to heat the chamber. niicant improvements in energy ef-
ceived.2 Circulation of the furnace is also iciency and metal yield, with natural
Several plants in China are lead- key to its energy eficient operation, gas consumption at one site reduced
ing the way in the eficient recycling the electromagnetic pump system from 1,104 kW hours to 576 kW
of either in-house scrap or general (EMP™ ) produces a directed “ jet” of hours per tonne and a melt-yield im-
scrap with the use of twin-chamber hot metal underneath the surface provement from 92.5% to as high as
furnace technology integrated with of the melt, so that once the con- 98.6%. Four Chinese plants are cur-
Pyrotek’s electromagnetic pumping tamination has been pyrolyzed, the rently utilizing this technology, and
and LOTUSS™ vortex systems (Fig- remaining aluminum scrap can be an additional four plants are expect-
ure 1). Key to achieving high energy pushed into the liquid bath. Due to ed to install it within the next couple
eficiency, high scrap yield and good the directional low from the EMP, of years. Plants using the technology
environmental performance are a this increases the mass low around typically see a return on their capi-
number of technologies and process- the scrap, whilst taking the hotter tal investment within one year due
es that have been combined within metal from the main furnace cham- to the reduced energy consumption
the twin-chamber furnace system, in- ber. Thus, the convectional heating and improved metal yield. Environ-
cluding pyrolysis of organic contami- rate of the scrap is greatly increased, mental measurements on the plants
nation and the high-eficiency cir- leading to an increase in the heat- have also shown that the emission
culation and submergence of small absorption rate of the scrap from standards met would satisfy Europe-
scrap. around 1°C (~2°F) per second to up an standards, as well as Chinese re-
All scrap is contaminated in some to 3°C (~5°F) per second and reduc- quirements.
way, and any contaminated alumi- ing the amount of time taken to melt
num introduced into a melting fur- the scrap and, ultimately, the energy References
nace will lead to melt loss due to required.
impurities. The industry standard Using an EMP charge well con- 1. National Development and Re-
taining a Pyrotek LO- form Commission (NDRC), People’s
TUSS vortex enables Republic of China, http://en.ndrc.
the submergence of gov.cn/.
smaller scrap, such as 2. “ Commercial Information Cir-
machine and scalper cular No. 115/2013 – The Mainland
chips, edge trim, and of China: ‘Entry Requirements for
sawings (Figure 2). In Aluminium Industry (2012)’ (Con-
China, smaller scrap sultation Draft),” Trade and Indus-
traditionally has been try Department, Government of
either briquetted or Hong Kong, January 29, 2013, www.
baled before introduc- tid.gov.hk/mobile/english/aboutus
Figure 1. Twin chamber furnace with integrated electromagnetic tion into the furnace, /tradecircular/cic/asia/2013/
pumping and LOTUSS vortex system. which leads to low re- ci1152013.html.
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REMELT, cont. skirt portion;(U)
ING member
an electrically
— Suzhou
on said
comprising: a sacriicial
(U) — anode
a bottom surface,
having a topTYPE
the sacriicial
SCRAP anode
surface RE-
PATENTS, cont. wherein said(China)
Co., Ltd. work is—supported on saidscrap
An aluminum hanger in
washing a recess
AND with a loor, the
WASHING recess extending
DEVICE — Suzhoufrom Kadiya
axis, which chambers are delimited by the side walls such a way
device as to close
belongs saidtechnical
to the annular circumferential
ield of washing the Alumimum
top surface Co.,
Ltd.the sacriicial
(China) anode
— The in model
utility a
and inner plates extending between the side walls, machinery and comprises a frame, a washing roller direction of the bottom surface; a magnet having
relates to a vibrating type recycled aluminum scrap
for the aluminum
wherein the collar blocks,
parts areprovided by the utility
two channel-shaped driving mechanism and a washing roller. The washing an lotation
upper surface and a lower surface, the magnet
and washing device, belonging to the technical
with upper a machine frame, wherein
edges pointing away from a hopper
the roller driving mechanism is arranged on the frame, ield of a cleaning device. The vibrating type recycled
middle for axis
of thematerials
attachment is arranged
means and at the upper
lanking and the washing roller which is provided with a aluminum scrap lotation and washing device comprises
walls part of the machine
delimiting a channelframe, a magnetic force belt
base. feed inlet and a discharge outlet matches with the a pair of oscillating arm mechanisms, a vibrating
used for capturing ÐNOCÐ iron blocks is arranged below the washing roller driving mechanism. The aluminum plate, a water supply mechanism, and a vibrating
discharge opening of the hopper. The magnetic force scrap washing device is characterized in that a water plate actuation mechanism, wherein the oscillating
is providedD4" Ï"withEQPXGTUKQP"
a driven roller EQCVKPIU"
and a driving guiding device is further arranged on the frame in arm mechanisms are arranged in parallel; the vibrating
roller driven by CNMCNKPG" GCTVJ" force
a motor, the magnetic OGVCN" belt a matched manner and communicated with the feed plate is connected to the oscillating arm mechanisms
HNWQTKFG" EQORNGZGU" Ð" RRI" Kpfwuvtkgu" inlet via a pipeline, and blow-off holes which sur
Qjkq."Kpe0."Engxgncpf."Qjkq"*WU+"Ð"A process for
coating a metal substrate comprising: a) contacting
a metal surface with a phosphate-based composi-
tion, wherein said phosphate-based composition
comprises iron phosphate and stannous ion in an
amount ranging from about 10 to about 500 parts inserted within the recess so that the lower surface
per million followed by; b) contacting said metal abuts the loor of the recess; and a plug sealing
surface with an aqueous composition comprising a the magnet within the recess, the plug abutting the
roup IIA dissolved metal ion; a dissolved complex grooves of said piston crown portion while retaining upper surface of the magnet; wherein the sacriicial
metal luoride ion comprising a metal atom selected small gap relation with said piston crown portion, anode is attached to the metallic substrate by an
from roup IIIA, roup I A, roup I , roup wherein the piston crown and the shield member electrically-conductive adhesive.
A, and roup metals, and water, wherein the do not contact one another, and said shield member
being provided with openings to expose the sliding ÐNOCÐ
composition is substantially free of roup IIA metal
luoride precipitate followed by; c) contacting said surfaces of said skirt portion; immersing said work WU"9.624.499"D4"Ï"OGVJQF"QH"HQTOKPI"OGVCN"
metal surface with a rinse composition comprising in said plating bath; and depositing a plating metal HQCOU" D[" EQNF"
in an inclined state withURTC["
one sideVGEJPKSWG"
higher than the other
an aqueous solution of a rare earth metal prior to on said sliding surface on said skirt portion, said Ð" side;
GzzqpOqdkn" Tgugctej"
the water supply cpf" Gpikpggtkpi"
mechanism is connected with
application of
sequentially a paint
wraps the to said metal
driving rollersurface.
and the driven hanger supporting said work and said shield member Eqorcp{."Cppcpfcng."P0L0"*WU+"Ð"A
a water source pipeline and corresponds method of high
to the
roller; both the driving roller and the driven roller at a position between said two anode plates in said side of the vibrating plate; and the vibrating plate
forming a metallic foam layer on a substrate comprising
are ixed on the machine ÐNOCÐframe through bearing plating bath and in a tilted posture parallel with said the actuation
following mechanism is arranged
steps: providing a substrate at for
end of the
9.624.453" a D4"
irst Ï"receiving
OGVJQF" grooveCPF"used for receiv-
roundplates whileofconducting
the wall the washing current
rollerbetween said
are disturbed of avibrating
metallic foam; cold
plate in spraying away
a matching mixture
and ofis metal
aluminum blocks is furtherYQTM"
RNCVKPI" formed UWT/below work serving
on the wall ofasthe
a cathode
washingand said
roller. Theanode
guiding particles
with theand vibrating
a foamingplate.
agent By
said substrate to
the technical
the discharge
HCEGU" opening Rncvge"
Ð" Pkrrqp" of the hopper, and Vqejkik"
Eq0." Nvf0." a second wherein
device said work andon
is disposed said
theshield member
frame, waterareis sup-
guided form a substrate
scheme, coatedaluminum
recycled with an unexpanded
scrap to be metallic
sorted can
*Lcrcp+" Ð" groove used for
A method for receiving the irona blocks
partially plating work ported by the hanger in a tilted posture before
into the feed inlet by the water guiding device, being layer;
be foam heat treating
scattered said substrate
on the vibrating coated
plate, with in
isforformed below
a piston, saidthe magnetic
work havingforce belt.portions
sliding The mixed on immersed in theholes
the blow-off platingarebath, duringonthe
arranged thedepositing
wall of the an unexpanded
the recycled metallic layer atscrap
aluminum a temperature above
can be eliminated
materials falling
a skirt portion into athe
under hopper
lidded pistondrop
crownthrough the
portion ofwashing
the plating metal and after being removed
roller, accordingly dirty aluminum scraps from the decomposition temperature of said foaming
using a proportional relation during vibration of agent
discharge opening of the hopper.
with annular circumferential grooves therearound,The aluminum the
move bath.
under rotation of the washing roller after for the
a time suficientplate
vibrating to form
anda water
heated supply
the water
and havingdrop aintobosstheportion
irst receiving
to receive groove
a pistondirectly,
pin, being fed into the washing
ÐNOCÐ roller via the feed inlet, with an expanded
supply mechanism, metal
andfoam layer; and
the recycled coolingscrap
said the iron blocks
method comprising are stuck
the stepsontoof:theproviding
surface aof dirt attached to the surfaces of the aluminum scraps saidwith
heated substrate
different coatedcan
weights withbeansorted.
expanded metal the
the magnetic
plating force with
bath illed belt and eventually and
an electrolyte fall into
havingthe WU"9.624.455"D3"Ï"
identifying effect for follow-up foam layerhas
device to the
about ambient that
advantages temperature
the sorting to eficiency
two anode
second platesgroove.
receiving set in position within force
The magnetic said plating
manual sorting is enhanced, sorting speed and sort- a cooled substrate coated with an expanded
is high, the sorting quality is also high, manpower metal
bath; directly
device supportingblocks
for the aluminum said work
has theonadvantages
a hanger CICKPUV"EQTTQUKQP"Ð"Ingp"G0"Oqticp."
ing quality are improved, and quality of smelted foam layer,
input can wherein
be saved,said
and cooled
the labor substrate
of sorting
ofadapted to immerse
high operating said work
eficiency andin saidsorting
good platingquality.
bath, Oggmgt."Qmnc0"96:66"*WU+"Ð"A
aluminum is improved. passive cathodic withworkers
an expanded
can bemetal foam layer comprises an
said piston crown portion positioned above said protection system for a metallic substrate, the system integral part of downhole casings, pipelines, transfer
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2013 Conference Calendar 2013
September 9-12: Lw2013 – 5th Inter- September 24-26: AeroTech Congress info: Matt Meenan, Aluminum As-
national Aluminum Proile Technol- & Exhibition— Montreal, Canada. For sociation. Tel: (703) 358-2960. Fax:
ogy Seminar & Exhibition— Guang- info: Peggy Bartlett, SAE International. (703) 358-2961. email: mmeenan@
zhou, China. For info: Zitao Wang, Tel: (724) 772-4055. Fax: (724) 776-4026. aluminum.org. www.aluminum.org.
Aluminum Processing Technology email: peggyb@sae.org. www.sae.org.
Center. Fax: (86) 20-8724 2261. email: October 8-9: International Confer-
wangzitao@vip.163.com. www.lw- September 25-27: ESTAL Congress ence on Extrusion and Benchmark
aluminum.com. 2013— Krakow, Poland. For info: Mar- (ICEB)—Dortmund, Germany. For
tine Kalmar, ESTAL Secretariat. Tel: info: Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya, IUL. Tel:
September 9-13: EUROMAT 2013 – (41) 43 305 09 71. email: m.kalmar@ (49) 231-755-6923. email: iceb2013@
European Congress and Exhibition actreu.ch. www.estalcongress2013.org. iul.tu-dortmund.de. www.ice-b.net.
on Advanced Materials and Process-
es— Sevilla, Spain. For info: Euromat October 1-2: 21st Magnesium Auto- October 16-18: TiExpo 2013 – 8th
Technical Secretariat. Tel: (34) 954 22 motive and User Seminar— Aalen, China (Beijing) Intl. Titanium Indus-
40 95. email: euromat2013@barcelo Germany. For info: Gabriele Haag, try Expo— Beijing, China. For info: Or-
congresos.com. www.euromat2013. EFM e.V. Tel: (49) 7361-9274-17. ganizing Committee. Tel: (86) 10-6863
fems.eu. Fax: (49) 7361-9274-32. email: post@ 7413. email: hwexpo.lucy@hotmail.
efm-aalen.de. www.efm-aalen.de. com. www.ti-expo.com/en/index.asp.
September 10-11: SAE 2013 Inter-
national Vehicle Lightweighting October 1-3: 22nd Annual Interna- October 17-19: ALEXASIA 2013—
Forum— Shanghai, China. For info: tional Anodizing Conference—Se- Mumbai, India. For info: Anand
Melissa Jena, SAE International. Tel: attle, WA. For info: Aluminum Anod- Joshi, Aluminium Extruders’ Coun-
(724) 772-4008. email: mjena@sae.org. izers Council. Tel: (847) 526-2010. cil (ALEX). Tel: (91) 985-097-6341.
www.sae.org/events/lwf. Fax; (847) 526-3993. email: mail@ email: alex@arkeycell.com. www.
anodizing.org. www.aacconf.org. alexasia2013.com.
September 12-13: 16th Seminar –
“The Newest Trends in Heat Treat- October 1-3: METALCON Interna- October 20-24: TMS – Industrial Alu-
ment”— Lagow, Poland. For info: Pa- tional— Atlanta, GA. For info: Metal minum Electrolysis—Doha, Qatar. For
trycja Dzierzanowska, SECO/Warwick Construction Association. Tel: (847) info: The Minerals, Metals & Materi-
Europ S.A. Tel: (48) 68 3819 914. 375-4718. Fax: (847) 375-6488. email: als Society (TMS). Tel: (724) 776-9000.
email: p.dzierzanowska@secowarwick. mca@metalconstruction.org. www. email: mtgserv@tms.org. www.tms.org.
com.pl. www.secowarwick.com. metalconstruction.org.
October 21-22: 12th International
September 12-14: ALUMINIUM In- October 1-3: 2nd International Confer- Aluminium Conference (INALCO
dia— Mumbai, India. For info: Jessica ence and Exhibition “Aluminium-21/ 2013)—Montréal, Quebec, Canada. For
Kristian, Reed Exhibitions. Tel: (49) Transport”—St. Petersburg, Russia. info: INALCO 2013. Tel: (847) 526-
211 90191-232. Fax: (49) 211 90191- For info: Ellen Belova, Alusil-MVT. Tel: 2010. Fax: (847) 526-3993. email: info@
193. email: jessica.kristian@reedexpo. (7) 495 785-2005. email: conference@ inalco2013.com. www.inalco2013.com.
de. www.aluminium-india.com. alusil.ru. www.alusil.ru.
October 21-25: Canadian Inter-
September 17-18: 16th Annual Alu- October 1-3: Aluminum Welding national Aluminium Conference
minum Welding Conference— Technology Program—Traverse City, (CIAC)— Montréal, QC, Canada. For
Chicago, IL. For info: Zoey Oliva, MI. For info: AlcoTec Wire Corpora- info: Suzanne Bienvenu, CIAC. Tel:
American Welding Society. Tel: tion. Tel: (800) 228-0750. Fax: (231) (514) 288-4842 #224. email: bienve
(305) 443-9353 x264. www.aws.org/ 941-9154. www.alcotec.com/us/en/ nu@ciacmontreal.com. www.ciacmon
conferences/2013aluminum.html. education/training-alcotec.cfm. treal.com.
September 17-19: AEC Management October 1-3: 2013 Americas Altair Errata: In the June 2013 issue of
Conference—Rosemont, IL. For info: Technology Conference—Garden Light Metal Age, within the article
Aluminum Extruders Council. Tel: Grove, CA. For info: Altair Hyper “Fundamentals and Operation of
(847) 416-7219. email: mail@aec.org. Works. email: americasatc@altair.com. Stretchers in Aluminum Extrusion,”
www.aec.org. www.altair.com/atc the Turla stretcher pictured on page
18 was erroneously described as a 40
September 17-19: 28th International October 3-6: ALUEXPO 2013—Istanbul, ton stretcher. The stretcher pictured
Aluminium Conf.— Geneva, Switzer- Turkey. Suphan Ilker, Hannover-Messe was a 400 ton type. A Turla 40 ton
land. For info: Usha Tharmalingam, Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S. Tel: (90) 312 439- inger type stretcher is shown below.
Metal Bulletin Events. Tel: (44) 20 6792. email: silker@ankiros.com. www.
7779 8989. Fax: (44) 20 7779 8294. aluexpo.com.
email: registrations@metalbulletin.
com. www.metalbulletin.com. October 6-9: Titanium 2013—Las Ve-
gas, NV. For info: Jennifer Simpson,
September 22-25: Liquid Metal Pro- International Titanium Association. Tel:
cessing & Casting Conference 2013— (303) 404-9111. email: ita@titanium.
Austin, TX. For info: The Minerals, org. www.titanium.org.
Metals, & Materials Society. Tel: (724)
776-9000. Fax: (724) 776-3770. email: October 7-9: Aluminum Association
mtgserv@tms.org. www.tms.org. Fall Meeting— Farmington, PA. For
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