Labour Costs in Concrete Works
Labour Costs in Concrete Works
Labour Costs in Concrete Works
Excavation to reduce levels 2.4 65 450 2.166667 7800
N.e 0.25m 0 0
0 0
Excavation in base pits deoth 4 51 450 2.833333 10200
N.e 2.0m 0 0
0 0
Excavation in trenches deoth 3.3 58 450 2.658333 9570
N.e 2.0m and width n.e 1.0m 0 0
0 0
Filling to make up levels, average 1 66 450 0.916667 3300
thickness not exceeding 0.25 m 0 0
0 0
Disposal of excavated material 1 87 450 1.208333 4350
wheeling not exceeding 50 m
Approved antitermite treatment 0.2 158 100 0.438889 351.1111
reatment as “Termidor on hardcore
and foundation walls