Request For Proposal (RFP)

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Request for Proposal (RFP)

“Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR
and Bid Process Management for Proposed water
Supply and allied works from Bhagwant Sagar
Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant”

Municipal Corporation Khandwa

May 2022
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 2

Table of Contents
Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) ................................................................................................. 3
RFP Time Schedule.................................................................................................................. 4
Annexure A: Bid Data Sheet (BDS) and Instructions to Consultants .................................... 5
Bid Data Sheet ...........................................................................................................................5
Instructions to Consultant...........................................................................................................8
Annexure B: Technical Proposal Submission Forms ............................................................ 18
Tech 1: Covering Letter ........................................................................................................... 18
Details of the Consultant .......................................................................................................... 19
Tech 2: Project Detail Sheet (PDS) .......................................................................................... 20
Tech 3: Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Experts ............................................................... 21
Tech 4: Expert Team and Summary Curriculum Vitae .............................................................. 22
Tech 5: Financial Capability of Consultant ............................................................................... 23
Annexure C: Financial Proposal Submission Forms ............................................................ 24
Fin 1: Covering Letter .............................................................................................................. 24
Fin 2: Financial Proposal Quote ............................................................................................... 25
Annexure D: Terms of reference ........................................................................................... 26
Annexure E: Standard Contract Document .......................................................................... 33
Section 1: Form of Contract .................................................................................................... 33
Section 2: General Conditions of Contract ................................................................................ 35
Section 3: Special Conditions ................................................................................................... 41
Section 4: Terms of Reference ................................................................................................. 43
Section 5: Schedule of Payment ............................................................................................... 44
Section 6: Performance Guarantee............................................................................................ 45
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 3

Municipal Corporation Khandwa

Behind town hall, Ramganj Ward, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh 450001
Email: Phone : 0733-2223523

Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT)

RFP for Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid
Process Management for proposed water Supply and allied works from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant.

NIT No: 50 Dated: 24/05/2022

Municipal Corporation Khandwa invites Online proposal for Selection of Consultant for
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for Proposed
Water Supply and allied works from Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment
RFP documents can be purchased from website Help manual to the
contractors can be seen on the portal of e-procurement system.

Sr. Bid Cost of RFP

Name of Duration of Eligibility
No. Security Document +
work Assignment criteria
(Rs.) GST (Rs.)
1 Selection of Consultant 50,000/- 5000/- As specified As specified
for Preparation of DPR in RFP in RFP
and Bid Process documents documents
Management for
proposed water Supply
and allied works from
Bhagwant Sagar dam to
Jaiswadi Water
Treatment Plant
Note :
1. The Consultant should have registration with Department of Employees Provident Fund & GST.
However, such bidders who are not registered can also submit their bids after having applied for
registration with appropriate authority
2. Amendments to NIT, if any, would be published on website only, and not in newspaper.

Municipal Corporation Khandwa
Khandwa (M.P.)
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 4

RFP Time Schedule

Publishing Date of Tender : 25-05-2022
Document Download / Sale Date : 25-05-2022
Seek Clarification Start Date : -

Seek Clarification End Date : -

Bid Submission Start Date : 25-05-2022
Bid Submission Closing Date : 31-05-2022
Bid Opening Date : 02-06-2022
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 5
Annexure A: Bid Data Sheet (BDS) and Instructions to Consultants
Bid Data Sheet
1 Name of the Client: Municipal Corporation Khandwa

2 Method of selection: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) in the ratio of 80:20 (Quality : Cost)

Financial Proposal to be submitted together with Technical Proposal: Yes

Title of RFP is: RFP for “Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process
Management for Proposed water Supply and allied works from Bhagwant Sagar Dam to
Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant t”

Client Representative :
Superintending Engineer
4 Municipal Corporation Khandwa
Behind town hall, Ramganj Ward, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh 450001
Email: , Phone : 0733-2223523

5 Proposals must remain valid for 180 days after the submission date indicated in this Bid Data Sheet.

The Consultant is required to include with its Proposal written confirmation of authorization to sign on
behalf of the Consultant: Yes

7 Joint Ventures or Consortia are permissible: No

Bidders Eligibility Criteria: Applicable

a. Consultants shall have minimum average annual turnover of Rs 20 Crs over the last 3 Financial
Years. Consultants must ensure that evidence of eligibility criteria of turnover in the form of
audited financial statements for the last three financial years together with the Auditors’ Report
must be enclosed with their Technical proposal.
b. Consultants should have experience of Successful preparation of one DPR of water supply
projects costing not less than Rs 100 Crs with cumulative cost of DPRs prepared in last ten years
costing not less than Rs 300 Crs.

The Consultant must submit Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal in separately. (Online Only)

Financial Proposal shall be provided in the Format Provided in Annexure C as a % of the Project Cost
Quote for Consulting Services for Preparation of DPR, Bid Process Management, for proposed Water
Supply and allied works from Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi WTP.

10 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) must be submitted online. The amount of the EMD is Rs.50,000 /-
(Rs. Fifty Thousand only).
Note: Bidders registered with MSME, Govt. of India as Micro & Small Enterprises for similar nature
of work will be exempted from making payment of EMD/Bid Security subject to submission of valid
registration with MSME, Govt. of India. However, all other prescribed eligibility criteria will remain
applicable on such bidders also. In case of exemption from payment of cost of EMD/Bid Security as a
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 6
matter of Govt. Policy, the scanned copy of document in support of exemption shall have to be
uploaded by the bidder during the bid submission. The onus of providing that the bidder is exempted
from payment of EMD/Bid Security will lie squarely on such bidder. In this connection, it should be
noted that mere opening of bid does not mean that the bid has to be considered by MPHIDB as a valid
bid. At a later stage, if it is discovered from the uploaded documents that such bidder is/are not entitled
for the exemption from the payment of EMD/Bid Security, their bid shall be treated as non-responsive
and rejected outright.

11 A Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee /FDR is to be submitted by the selected
Consultant upon signing of Contract: Yes

12 If yes, the amount will be 3% of the Contract Value; this may be provided as Bank Guarantee or FDR.
Bank Guarantee/FDR will be made in the name of: ‘Commissioner Municipal Corporation,
Khandwa District Khandwa (M.P.)’ and drawn on a Scheduled Commercial/Nationalized Bank
with a branch in Khandwa

13 Proposals must be submitted no later than

[as mentioned in the RFP Time Schedule]

14 Address for submission of Proposals:

Superintending Engineer
Municipal Corporation Khandwa
Behind town hall, Ramganj Ward, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh 450001
Email: , Phone : 0733-2223523
15 Expected date for public opening of Technical Proposals:

[as mentioned in the RFP Time Schedule]

16 Expected date for public opening of Financial Proposals (if Applicable) : [To be Notified]

17 Expected date for commencement of consulting services: [To be Notified]

18 Evaluation of the proposal will be based on the marks given below.

Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 7

S.N Criteria Score

1 Experience of undertaking similar assignments. 400

Preparation of Detailed Project Report for Water Supply project Projects costing more than
Rs 100 Crs for any Govt/Semi-Govt Agency.
a 400
 250 marks for one project
 400 marks for two Projects

Average annual turnover of the Consultant from professional fee in preceding three
financial years (FY 2018-19, FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21)
2 100
 Above Rs 25.0 Cr but less than or equal to Rs. 30.00 Cr. - 50 Marks
 Above Rs 30.0 Cr - 100 Marks
Experience of the Consultant in providing Consultancy Services for project costing
more than Rs 100 Crs for Govt/Semi-Govt Agencies in Madhya Pradesh
3 100
40 marks for first 2 Projects, and
 10 marks for each additional Project subject to maximum of 60 marks

4 Approach and Methodology 200

a Innovativeness/Comments on ToR. 40

b Work Program/Personnel Schedule/Team Structure. 60

c Methodology, Work Plan and Innovativeness. 100

5 Key Personnel (CVs) 200

a Team Leader 60

b Hydraulic Expert 50

c Water Supply Expert 30

d Electrical Expert 30

e Procurement Expert 30

Total 1000

Note : *Consultants should submit copies of Certificates from client as documentary evidence for
Experience of undertaking similar assignments of each category
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 8
Instructions to Consultant
1. Introduction 1.1 The Consultant is invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a Financial
Proposal, as specified in the Bid Data Sheet. The Proposal shall be the
basis for contract negotiations and ultimately for a signed Contract with
the selected Consultant.
1.2 The Consultant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
Submission of its Proposal and contract negotiation.
1.3 The Client is not bound to accept any Proposal, and reserves the right to
annul the selection process at any time prior to award of Contract
without thereby incurring any liability to the Consultant.
Eligible Consultant 1.4 A Consultant may be a natural person, private/govt entity as Partnership,
Proprietary, or a Company incorporated under Indian Companies Act
1956, which is eligible as per the eligibility criteria’s specified in the
Bid Data Sheet.
1.5 Government-owned enterprises in India may participate as a bidder only
if they can establish that they: a) are legally and financially autonomous,
b) operate under commercial law, and c) are not dependent agencies of
1.6 A firm or individual declared ineligible by the Government of India or
GoMP or KMC or its departments and subsidiaries shall be ineligible to
provide consulting services under KMC.
1.7 Consultant shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility
satisfactory to the Client, as the Client shall reasonably request.
Disclosure 1.8 Consultants have an obligation to disclose any actual or potential
conflict of interest. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification of the
Consultant or termination of its Contract.
1.9 Consultant must disclose if they are or have been the subject of any
proceedings (such as blacklisting) or other arrangements relating to
bankruptcy, insolvency or the financial standing of the Consultant,
including but not limited to appointment of any officer such as a
receiver in relation to the Consultant’s personal or business matters or
an arrangement with creditors, or of any other similar proceedings.
1.10 Consultant’s must disclose if they have been convicted of or are the
subject of any proceedings relating to:
a) a criminal offence or other serious offence involving the activities
of a criminal organization, or where they have been found by any
regulator or professional body to have committed professional
b) corruption including the offer or receipt of an inducement of any
kind in relation to obtaining any contract, with UD& HD, KMC or
any other donor of development funding, or any contracting
c) Failure to fulfill any obligations in any jurisdiction relating to the
payment of taxes or social security contributions.
Anticorruption 1.11 A recommendation for award of Contract will be rejected if it is
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 9
determined that the recommended Consultant has directly, or through an
agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in
competing for the contract in question; in such cases Municipal
Corporation Khandwa will declare the Consultant ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time and Consultants will be
Only one Proposal 1.12 Consultants may only submit one proposal. If a Consultant submits or
participates in more than one proposal, such proposals shall be
disqualified. This also prohibits the inclusion of an individual expert, in
more than one proposal.
2. Clarification of 2.1 Consultants may request clarification of any of the RFP documents up to
RFP Documents a specified number of days before the submission date as indicated in
the Bid Data Sheet. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing,
including by standard electronic means, to the Client’s Representative
whose address is provided in the Bid Data Sheet. The Client will
respond by standard electronic means within the period specified in the
Bid Data Sheet. Should the Client deem it necessary to amend the RFP
as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure set
out under Clause 2.2.
Amendment in RFP 2.2 At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Client may amend
Documents the RFP by issuing an addendum in writing, including by standard
electronic means.
2.3 Any addendum will be sent to all Consultants who have purchased the
RFP Document and will be binding on them. Consultant shall
acknowledge receipt of all amendments in writing, including by
standard electronic means, in order to remain eligible.
2.4 To give Consultant reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their Proposals, the Client may, at its discretion,
extend the deadline for the submission of the Proposals, pursuant to
Clause 5.32 and 5.33
3. Preparation of 3.1 The Proposal and all related correspondence exchanged between the
Proposals Consultant and the Client shall be written in the English language.
Language of Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Proposal
may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an
accurate translation of the relevant passages in English (if the Language
is other than Hindi), in which case, for the purposes of interpretation of
the Proposal, the translated version shall govern.
Cost of Bidding 3.2 The Consultant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Proposal. The Client shall not be responsible or liable
for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding
3.3 Alternative experts shall not be proposed, and only one curriculum vitae
(CV) may be submitted for each position as specified in the Annexure D
– TOR and Bid Data Sheet.
4. Full-time 4.1 It is desirable that the Team Leader or expert proposed as Team Leader
employees is a regular full-time employee of the Consultant. A regular fulltime
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 10
employee is defined as a person who, on the date of submission of the
Consultant’s Proposal:
a) is currently employed under a contract or agreement of
employment with the Consultant;
b) Has been employed by the Consultant for the 6 consecutive
months immediately preceding the date of submission of the
c) is entitled to receive regular remuneration and benefits from the
Consultant; and
d) Is engaged to work for the Consultant for the number of hours per
day and days per year considered the norm in the country of
employment or in the country in which the person is assigned.
5. Instructions for 5.1 These instructions should be read in conjunction with information
submission of specific to the consulting services contained in the Covering Letter, Bid
Proposal Data Sheet and accompanying documents.
5.2 Proposals must be received before the deadline specified in the Bid Data
Sheet to tender. Proposals must be submitted to the address specified on
the Bid Data Sheet and delivered on or before the time specified in the
Bid Data Sheet.
Documents 5.3 Consultant shall submit simultaneously two sealed envelopes, One
comprising the containing Bid Security and Document Purchase fees (if applicable),
Proposal Second containing the Technical Proposal. The Bid Security and
Technical Proposals will be opened at the date and time specified in the
Bid Data Sheet.
5.4 The original Financial Proposals for all qualifying Technical Proposals
will be opened in public at a date and time specified in the Bid Data
Technical Proposal 5.5 The Technical Proposal shall contain the following:
(see Annexure B) Section 1: Covering Letter, (Form Tech 1); followed by Written
confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Proposal to commit the
Section 2: Experience/ Capacity of Firm to undertake tasks including
Legal Status of the firm, Firm’s Registrations, Service Tax and Income
Tax Registration, Certificate of Financial Capability (in Form Tech 5),
Audited Balance sheets with Auditors Reports for last three years,
Section 3: Project detail sheets (PDS) outlining previous experience of
the firm in similar projects for each type of category mentioned in Bid
Data Sheet completed during the last Ten years (in prescribed format)
(Form Tech 2); Each PDS shall be followed by its respective
documentary proof.
Section 4: Technical Response including general approach,
methodology, work plan, personnel schedule, and qualifications to ToR,
including charts and diagrams;
Section 5: CVs of personnel to work on this project (in the CV please
include name of staff, nationality of staff, profession/designation of
staff, proposed position in the team, whether employee of the firm,
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 11
number of years with the firm, key qualifications, education, experience
and languages known), (Form Tech 3);
Section 6: List of proposed expert team and summary of CV (Form
Tech 4);
Section 7: Matters not appropriate in any other section. This includes:
 Empanelment’s and Registration’s of Consultant etc.;
 Disclosure/Declaration of conflict of interest, if any.
 Copy of the RFP purchased from the Client duly signed by
Authorized Signatory as token of acceptance of all the Conditions
under the RFP.
 Any other relevant detail bidder may seem necessary.
Section 7 should not include any promotional material, brochures, etc.
An authorized representative of the Consultant shall initial all pages of
the Technical Proposal
Any Technical Proposal not prepared in format above and information
not provided as per Form Tech-1 to Tech-5 shall be liable to be rejected.
5.6 No mention of your commercial response should be made anywhere in
the Technical Proposal, unless specified in the Bid Data Sheet; non-
confirmation will result in automatic disqualification of the Consultant’s
Financial Proposal 5.7 The Financial Proposal shall be submitted online
5.8 An authorized representative of the Consultant shall initial all pages of
the Financial Proposal.
5.9 All activities and items described in your Technical Proposal must be
priced. For non-material omissions, any activities or items described in
the Technical Proposal but not priced shall be assumed included in the
prices of other activities or items.
Submission 5.10 Consultants are expected to carefully review the contract provisions
instructions attached in the RFP for preparation of their Technical and Financial
5.11 The Consultant shall submit both Technical and Financial Proposals
using the appropriate submission sheets provided in Annexure B:
Technical Proposal Submission Forms and Online : Financial
Proposal Submission Forms. These forms must be completed without
any alteration to their format, and no substitutes will be accepted. All
fields shall be completed with the information requested.
5.12 Consultants are required to submit their Technical and Financial
Proposals online only, as specified in the Bid Data Sheet. No need to
hard copy submission
Taxes 5.13 The Consultant may be subject to taxes (such as: fringe benefit tax,
value added or sales tax, service tax, duties, etc) on amounts payable by
the Client under the Contract. If the Consultant is subject to payment of
any national or local taxes such amounts of taxes shall be excluded from
the Financial Proposal as they will not be evaluated. The Consultant will
be paid Service Tax as applicable time to time over and above fees
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 12
Proposal prices 5.14 All prices should be valid for the duration specified in the Bid Data
5.15 All prices quoted should be inclusive of the price structure if specified
in the Bid Data Sheet.
5.16 Prices (Percentage Rate) quoted by the Consultant shall be fixed during
the Consultant’s performance of the Contract and not subject to
variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the Bid Data
Sheet or Standard Contract Document.
Currency of the 5.17 Proposal prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees as specified in Bid
Proposal Data Sheet
Proposal validity 5.18 Proposals shall remain valid for the period specified in the Bid Data
Sheet commencing with the deadline for submission of Technical and
Financial Proposals as prescribed by the Client.
5.19 A Proposal valid for a shorter period shall be considered non-responsive
and will be rejected by the Client.
5.20 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the proposal
validity period, the Client may request Consultant to extend the period
of validity of their Proposals. The request and the responses shall be
made in writing. A Consultant may refuse the request. A Consultant
granting the request shall not be required or permitted to modify its
5.21 During the Proposal validity period, Consultant shall maintain the
availability of experts nominated in the Proposal. The Client will make
its best effort to complete negotiations within this period.
Format and Signing 5.22 These instructions should be read in conjunction with information
of Proposals specific to the assignment contained in the Letter of Invitation, Bid Data
Sheet, Annexure D – Terms of Reference, Annexure E – Standard
Contract Documents and other accompanying documents.
5.23 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security must be submitted
online. The amount of the EMD is Rs.50,000 /- (Rs. Fifty Thousand
Note: Bidders registered with MSME, Govt. of India as Micro & Small
Enterprises for similar nature of work will be exempted from making
payment of EMD/Bid Security subject to submission of valid registration
with MSME, Govt. of India. However, all other prescribed eligibility
criteria will remain applicable on such bidders also. In case of
exemption from payment of cost of EMD/Bid Security as a matter of
Govt. Policy, the scanned copy of document in support of exemption
shall have to be uploaded by the bidder during the bid submission. The
onus of providing that the bidder is exempted from payment of EMD/Bid
Security will lie squarely on such bidder. In this connection, it should be
noted that mere opening of bid does not mean that the bid has to be
considered by MPHIDB as a valid bid. At a later stage, if it is
discovered from the uploaded documents that such bidder is/are not
entitled for the exemption from the payment of EMD/Bid Security, their
bid shall be treated as non-responsive and rejected outright.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 13
5.24 deleted
5.25 deleted
5.26 deleted
5.27 The Technical Proposals shall be typed or written in indelible ink and
shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the
Consultant. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation
and shall be attached to the Technical Proposal. All pages of the
Proposal, except for not amended printed literature, shall be signed or
initialed by the person signing the Proposal.
5.28 Any inter lineation, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if signed
or initialed by the person signing the Proposal.
5.29 All bids must contain original copies of the Technical and the Financial
Proposal as described in the Bid Data Sheet
Sealing and marking deleted
of Proposals
Deadline for 5.30 Proposals must be submitted to the address specified on the Bid Data
submission of Sheet and delivered on or before the time specified in the Bid Data
Proposals Sheet.
5.31 The Client may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission
of Technical and Financial Proposals by amending the RFP in
accordance with Clause 2.2, in which case all rights and obligations of
the Client and Consultant subject to the previous deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
5.32 From the time the Proposals are opened to the time the Contract is
awarded, the Consultant should not contact the Client on any matter
related to its Technical and/or Financial Proposal. Any effort by
Consultant to influence the Client in the examination, evaluation and
ranking of Proposals, and recommendation for award of Contract, may
result in the rejection of the Proposal.
Late Proposals 5.33 The Client will not consider any Proposal that arrives after the deadline
prescribed by the Client for submission of Proposals in the Bid Data
Sheet. Any Proposal received after the respective deadline for
submission shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the
Withdrawal 5.34 A Consultant may withdraw its Proposal after it has been submitted by
Proposals sending a written Withdrawal Notice, duly signed by an authorized
representative, and including a copy of the authorization document. The
Withdrawal Notice must be:
a) submitted in accordance with Clause 5.30 and the respective
envelopes shall be clearly marked ‘WITHDRAWAL’; and
b) Received by the Client prior to the deadline prescribed by the
Client for submission of Proposals.
5.35 Proposals that are withdrawn in accordance with Clause 5.36 shall be
returned unopened to the Consultant.
5.36 No Proposal shall be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 14
submission of Proposals and the expiration of the period of Proposal
validity specified in the Bid Data Sheet or any extension thereof, except
in the case of a request by the Client to extend the Proposal validity.
6. Opening 6.1 The Client will open Technical Proposals in the presence of Consultant’
Proposals representatives who choose to attend, at the address, date and time
specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
Opening of 6.2 First, envelopes marked ‘WITHDRAWAL’ will be opened, read out,
Technical Proposals and recorded, and the envelope containing the corresponding Technical
and Financial Proposals will not be opened, and will be returned
unopened to the Consultant. No Proposal shall be withdrawn unless the
corresponding Withdrawal Notice contains a valid authorization to
request withdrawal and is read out and recorded at the opening of
Technical Proposals
6.3 All remaining envelopes holding the Bid Security shall be opened one at
a time, and the following read out and recorded:
I. The name of the Consultant; and
II. Any other details as the Client may consider appropriate.
Proposal whose Bid Security is not found in order and Proposal received
late in accordance with Clause 5.35 shall be summarily rejected at this
stage and will not be considered for opening of technical proposal.
6.4 Only Technical Proposals of those consultants whose Bid Security is
found in order shall be opened and recorded at Proposal opening shall
be considered for evaluation. No Proposal shall be rejected at the
opening of Technical Proposals.
6.5 The Client shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical Proposals
that shall include the name of Consultant and indicate whether there is a
withdrawal. The Consultant’ representatives who are present will be
requested to sign the record. The omission of a Consultant’s signature
on the record shall not invalidate the contents or effect of the record. A
copy of the record will be distributed to all Consultants in writing or
through standard electronic means.
6.6 Technical Proposals which are rewarded the minimum qualifying marks
according to the evaluation criteria provided in Clause 7.7 and 7.8
below shall qualify for opening of Financial Proposals.
Opening of 6.7 The Financial Proposals of all non-qualifying Consultant will not be
Financial Proposals unopened
6.8 Under QCBS, all Consultants with qualifying Technical Proposals shall
be informed in writing, or through standard electronic means, of the date
and place for public opening of their Financial Proposals. Consultant’
attendance at the opening of Financial Proposals is optional.
6.9 At the public opening of Financial Proposals, the Financial Proposals of
all qualifying Technical Proposals shall be opened one at a time by the
Client and the following read out and recorded:
i. the name of the Consultant;
ii. Fees Quoted; and
iii. Any other details the Client may consider appropriate.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
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6.10 Only Financial Proposals read out and recorded at the opening of
Financial Proposals shall be considered for evaluation. No Proposal
shall be rejected at the Financial Proposal opening.
6.11 The Client will prepare a record of the opening of Financial Proposals.
The Consultant’ representatives who are present will be requested to
sign the record. The omission of a Consultant’s signature on the record
shall not invalidate the contents or effect of the record. A copy of the
record shall be distributed to all Consultants in writing or through
standard electronic means.
6.12 All Financial Proposals shall be scrutinized for any non-conformity, and
modifications, if any, shall be made in accordance with Clause 7.5.
7. Evaluation of 7.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and
Proposals post qualification of Proposals, and recommendation of Contract award,
shall not be disclosed to Consultant or any other persons not officially
concerned with such processes until information on Contract award is
communicated to all Consultant.
Undue influence 7.2 Any attempt by a Consultant to influence the Client in the examination,
evaluation, comparison, and post-qualification of the Proposals or
Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its Proposal.
Clarification of 7.3 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post-
Proposals qualification of Proposals, the Client may, at its discretion, ask any
Consultant for a clarification of its Proposal. Any clarification submitted
by a Consultant that is not in response to a request by the Client shall
not be considered. The Client’s request for clarification, and the
response, shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the
Proposal shall be sought, offered, or permitted, after the opening of
Financial Proposals, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic
errors discovered by the Client in the evaluation of the Proposals, in
accordance with Clause 7.5, if required.
Non-conformities, 7.4 The Client may waive any non-conformity or omission in a technically
Errors and omissions qualifying Proposal that does not constitute a material deviation.
7.5 The Client will correct arithmetical errors during evaluation of Financial
Proposals on the following basis:
a. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total
price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and
quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be
corrected, unless in the opinion of the Purchaser there is an
obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in
which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit
price shall be
b. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected; and
c. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount
in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is
related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 16
figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
7.6 If the winning Consultant does not accept the correction of errors, its
Proposal shall be disqualified
Evaluation of 7.7 The evaluation committee shall evaluate the Technical Proposals on the
Technical Proposals basis of pre-set criteria as outlined in the Bid Data Sheet.
Qualification of 7.8 After the technical evaluation is completed, under QCBS the Client shall
Technical Proposals notify, in writing, Consultant whose Technical Proposals receive a mark
of 50% or higher, indicating the date, time, and location for opening of
Financial Proposals.
Evaluation of 7.9 Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method is used:
Financial Proposals a. To allow comparison on a common basis, each Financial Proposal
will be carefully scrutinized and an Estimated Total Fees (ETF)
will be determined.
The Financial Proposal with the lowest ETF will receive the
maximum score of 1000 marks. The score for each other Financial
Proposal will be inversely proportional to its ETF and will be
computed as follows:
Sf = 1000 x Fm / F where:
Sf is the financial score of the Financial Proposal being evaluated,
Fm is the ETF of the lowest priced Financial Proposal,
F is the ETF of the Financial Proposal under consideration.
b. Following completion of the evaluation of Technical and Financial
Proposals, the final ranking of the Proposals will be determined.
This will be done by applying a weight of 0.80 (80%) and 0.20
(20%) respectively to the technical and financial score of each
evaluated qualifying Technical and Financial Proposal and then
computing the relevant combined total score for each Consultant.
7.10 The highest ranked Consultant based on the cumulative technical and
financial evaluation ranking will be invited for negotiations.
Conditional Bids 7.11 Financial Proposals are expected to be within the budget, if specified in
the Bid Data Sheet.
Conditional Bids and Bids not in format as per Form- Fin -2 shall be
liable to be rejected
Client’s right to 7.12 The Client reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, and to
accept any Proposal, annul the bidding process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to
and to reject any or Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the
all Proposals
8. Award of 8.1 Prior to the expiration of the Proposal validity period, the Client shall
Contract notify the successful Consultant(s), in writing, that its Proposal has been
accepted. At the same time, the Client shall notify all other Consultant
of the results of the bidding.
Notification 8.2 Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, the notification of
award shall constitute a binding Contract.
Negotiations 8.3 The successful Consultant will be informed in writing of the date, place
and time for negotiations/clarifications, if any. Representatives
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 17
conducting negotiations on behalf of the Consultant must have written
authority to negotiate and conclude a Contract.
8.4 The successful Consultant will confirm in writing its participation in
negotiations and ability to adhere to its Technical and Financial
Proposals within five (5) days of receiving the notice in accordance with
Clause 8.3.
8.5 Negotiation will include both technical and financial negotiation,
depending on the needs of the Client.
Availability of 8.6 The Consultant shall confirm the availability of all personnel as
personnel indicated in its Proposal.
8.7 The Client will not consider substitutions during contract negotiations
unless both parties agree that undue delay in the selection process makes
such substitution unavoidable, or for reasons such as death or medical
incapacity. Any proposed substitute shall have equivalent or better
qualifications and experience than the original candidate and must be
submitted to the Client within the period of time specified in the Letter
of Invitation to negotiate.
8.8 Failure to meet either of these requirements may result in
Signing Contract 8.9 Promptly after notification, the Client shall send to the successful
Consultant the Contract and the Special Conditions of Contract (draft
attached in this RFP)
8.10 Pursuant to negotiations, the successful Consultant shall sign, date, and
return the Contract, along with necessary supporting documents, to the
8.11 All formalities of negotiation and signing of contract will be completed
within twenty-five (25) days of notification of award.
Start date 8.12 The Consultant is expected to commence the Services on the date and at
the location specified in the Bid Data Sheet.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 18

Annexure B: Technical Proposal Submission Forms

Tech 1: Covering Letter
[Location, Date]

To: [Name and address of Client]

Subject: - Technical Proposal for Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process
Management for proposed water Supply system from Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi
Water Treatment Plant

Dear Sir / Madam

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consulting Services for [Selection of Consultant for
Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed water Supply and allied
works from Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant in accordance with
your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date] and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our
Proposal, which includes the
Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal sealed under a separate envelope.
We hereby declare that we have read the Instructions to Consultant included in the RFP, and
abide by the same, and specifically to conditions mentioned [In case of any declaration,
reference to concerned document attached must be made].
We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and
accept that any misleading information contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
We confirm that all personnel named in the tender will be available to undertake the services.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the Consulting Services related to the
assignment not later than the date indicated in the Bid Data Sheet.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Contact No:
E mail id:
Note: Attach authorization letter to sign the proposal along with Tech - 1
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 19
Details of the Consultant

SN Particulars Details
1 Name of the Consultant

2 Registration No.
Please attach documentary evidence
3 Date of Incorporation/ Registration
4 Registered Address with contact, fax,
email and web address
5 GST Registration Number
Please attach documentary evidence
6 Income Tax Registration Number (PAN)
Please attach documentary evidence
7 Details of other branches (If Any)
8 Name and Contact of Authorized
(authorization letter to be attached)
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 20
Tech 2: Project Detail Sheet (PDS)
Category: [insert similar assignment category as specified under Eligibility and evaluation
criteria mentioned in Bid Data Sheet]

Assignment Name: Value of the contract (in current INR):

Country: Duration of assignment (months):

Name of City/ Cities:

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Address of client:

Start date (month/year):

Completion date (month/year):

Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff in the assignment:

Note: In support of the information, copies of completion certificate issued by clients must be
enclosed and properly referenced with page no. Project not fulfilling the criteria in particular
category will not be evaluated. Documentary evidence shall follow particular PDS. Information
not provided in PDS above will not be considered for evaluation.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant 21
Tech 3: Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Experts
1 Proposed Position

2 Name of Personnel

3 Name of the firm

4 Date of Birth

5 Nationality

6 Educational Qualifications (Indicate

college/university and other specialized education
of staff member, giving names of institutions,
degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment)

7 Employment Record (Starting with present

position, list in reverse order every employment

8 Membership of Professional Associations:

9 Countries of Work Experience

10 Languages (For each language indicate

proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking,
reading, and writing)

11 Tasks assigned [List all tasks to be performed

under this assignment]

12 List of projects on which the Personnel has

worked (Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates
Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned in 11)
Name of assignment or project:
Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:

I, the undersigned, certify that this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications and my experience.
Place: __________
[Signature of staff member or authorized signatory of the Consultant]
Full name of authorized signatory:
Date: __________
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Tech 4: Expert Team and Summary Curriculum Vitae
Sr Position Name of the Qualification No. of years No. of
No Proposed Expert of relevant similar
Project Project
experience experience
1 Team Leader

2 Hydraulic Expert

3 Water Supply Expert

4 Electrical Expert

5 Procurement Expert
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Tech 5: Financial Capability of Consultant
Name of Consultant Annual Turnover (from consultancy business)

2018 - 19 2019-20 2020-21 Total Average

Certificate from the Chartered Accountant

This is to certify that _____________________________ has received the payments shown above against
the respective years on account of professional fees.

Name of the Audit Firm:

Seal of the audit firm

Name :

Note: Attach Audited Balance sheets with Auditors Reports for last three years as Documentary
evidence in Support
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant

Annexure C: Financial Proposal Submission Forms

Fin 1: Covering Letter

[Location, Date]

To: [Name and address of Client]

Subject: - Financial Proposal for Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid
Process Management for proposed water Supply and allied works from
Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant

Dear Sir
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consulting Services for Selection of Consultant for
Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed water Supply and allied works
from Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant, in accordance with your Request
for Proposal dated [insert date]. We are hereby submitting our Financial Proposal,
We confirm that we accept the Conditions of Contract provided in the Request for Proposal.
Our financial proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from
contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal (180 Days from
Proposal Due Date PDD) i.e., [insert date].
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Contact No:
E mail id:
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Fin 2: Financial Proposal Quote

Project Title: Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process
Management for proposed water Supply and allied works from Bhagwant Sagar dam to
Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Consulting Fees

Financial Quote*
S.N Particulars
in % Figures in percentage Words

Consultant for Preparation of

DPR and Bid Process
Management for proposed
1 water Supply and allied __________ %
works from Bhagwant Sagar
dam to Jaiswadi Water
Treatment Plant **

Total __________ % _____________________ Percent

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Contact No:
E mail id:

*Please indicate as % of Project Cost in Figures and Words – excluding goods and service tax
** This Percentage figure shall be considered for Financial Evaluation. This Percentage figure shall be
all-inclusive figure – inclusive of all taxes except Goods and Service Tax, which will be paid additionally
over and above the quoted fees at the applicable prevailing rates
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant

Annexure D: Terms of reference

Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed
water Supply and allied works from Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment

1. Background
Khandwa is a city and a nagar nigam in the Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is
the administrative headquarters of Khandwa district, formerly known as East Nimar
District. The population of Khandwa municipal corporation as per census 2011 is
2,00,738. Rapid industrialization and intense commercial developments in Khandwa in
the past decades have resulted in steep rise in rapid population growth in city putting
stress on water demand.

Currently the water requirement of city is fulfilled by Narmada Water Scheme. The
continuous depletion of Indira Bhagwant Sagar dam backwater & bursting of
transmission water pipe line leading to stress on utility service delivery on corporation.
As option to this system corporation uses the Sukta Filtration plant at Jaswadi as
secondary source of water for city. The corporation has got water released from
Bhagwant Bhagwant Sagar dam so that there is no problem in the city.

This water is coming through the canal flowing into the Sukta river. In reaching the
Jaswadi WTP, about 70 percent of the water will go into the pits of the dried up river and
will evaporate. In covering a distance of 42 km, only 30 percent of the water reaches the
filter plant. Because the water from the canal comes to the river in a thin stream. The
water cannot move forward until the pits are filled in the course of the river. Apart from
this, due to the arrival of water in the dry river in summer, evaporation also happens

Now, Municipal Corporation Khandwa intends to select and appoint a technical

consultant through this RFP for the services of Preparation of DPR and Bid Process
Management for proposed water Supply system from Bhagwant Sagar dam to Jaiswadi
Water Treatment Plant

2. Objective
The objective of the consultancy assignment is to provide consultancy services for
proper Design and planning of layouts, preparation of Detailed Project Reports and Bid
Process Management for selection of contractors for the implementation of these

3. Duration of the Assignment

The appointment of the Consultant shall commence from the date of the execution of the
Agreement. The duration of assignment is expected to be 06 Months from the date of
signing of the Consultancy Agreement [The Agreement] which may be extended by
KMC as per the time requirements of implementations of these schemes.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
4. Brief Scope of Work
The roles, responsibilities and broad scope of work of the Consultant are as described
hereunder. The scope of work may be extended on mutually agreed fees, terms and
In consideration of the payments to be made to the Consultant by KMC as hereinafter
provided, the Consultant shall carryout and complete, to the satisfaction of KMC,
planning, engineering, DPR preparation, bid process management, supervision and
quality control services for The Project] including
1. Collecting all necessary data from KMC, Layout Plans already prepared for the
Schemes, Topographic Survey available with KMC for Scheme Areas, and other data
such as cadastral (Khasra) map on the scheme area, trunk infrastructure maps for
scheme area surroundings;
2. Preparing Detail Project Reports [The DPRs] including details, specifications and
estimates, for all infrastructure development Components/Works proposed in the
Schemes as per Applicable Codes and Indian standards,
3. Preparing Tender Documents for all infrastructure development Works proposed in
the Project and assisting KMC in the Bid Process management for Selection of
5. Detailed Scope of Work
Detailed scope of work of the consultants have been divided in 4 stages
5.1. Feasibility Study:
1. Assess the current scenario of the particular infrastructural work and collect all
the data of the existing condition of the work.
2. To carry out the detailed survey of the project area along with the alignment
3. A total station survey of the entire project area will be done by the consultant.
However, similar
4. To prepare the contour map based on available base map of the project area / city.
& establish the Temporary Bench Marks.
5. Hydraulic Feasibility study for the Project Area, study of Sukta river and its
6. To collect all the data regarding population and forecasting of population for the
design period of 30 years.
7. To collect rainfall data of the project area.
8. The feasibility study will cover the various techno-commercial alignment options
for from Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Filtration Plant.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
9. The conclusion of the report shall provide the best option of alignment for the
proposed scheme. The Consultant shall submit feasibility report to Khandwa
Municipal Corporation for approval of final alignment.
10. The detailed study & DPR for the finalized alignment shall be done in details as
per given scope
1. Feasibility Report for techno-commercial option for the best suitable alignment.

5.2. Detailed Project Report

The DPRs to be prepared by the Consultant under the scope of works of this agreement
will incorporate following activities:

1. To finalize the basic design parameters with the KMC officials and irrigation
department officials.
2. To prepare design, as per CPHEEO manual, PWD manuals & standards, as per
Norms and standards and civil engineering conventions as applicable to the work.
3. To prepare design details of all the sub-components i.e. design of infrastructure
intake well at Bhagwan sagar dam, electro- mech, break pressure tank, valves,
pumps, hydraulic design, discharging the water into filtration plant, etc. within
the project area.
4. To work out detailed BOQ & the cost estimates based on the latest schedule of
rates and prepare the Rate Analysis for the items for which C.S.R rates are not
5. Preparation of drawing for L-section of transmission line, intake well, break
pressure tank & related component etc.
6. Prepare & suggest financial module for implementing the project in accordance
with local government/state government/other funding etc.
7. To take the sanction for the DPR from the competent authority
2. Detailed Project Report for design & drawing of water transmission system

5.3. Bid Process Management

1. The Consultant shall develop the Tender Documents for selection of
Contractor/Developer for each project package/component being implemented
(Request for Proposal [RfP], Contract Agreement etc), with Tender Drawings,
Technical Specifications, Bill of Quantities and other details in the format
approved by KMC.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
2. The Consultant will assist KMC in with the Bid process management, including
in conducting pre-bid meetings, formulation of responses to bidder queries, bid
evaluation and recommendations as per criteria in the RfP document, contract
negotiations, selection of contractor/developer, execution of
contract/development agreement etc
3. Tender Documents for the project components, comprising required details
mentioned herein 5.3 above as applicable

6. Deliverables, Milestones, Timelines and Payments

6.1. Deliverables and Milestones
Based on the above mentioned scope of work, the key deliverables and milestones for the
Project, expected from the Consultant shall be:-
1. Submission of Feasibility Report
2. Submission of Detailed Project Reports
3. Submission of Tender Documents
4. Signing of Contract Agreement with Contractor/Developer
The Consultant shall submit the deliverables as mentioned above in two copies (one
original + one copy) as per the timelines mentioned herein.
6.2. Time lines and Payments
The total duration of each Project shall be 06 Months. KMC may provide multiple
extensions to the Consultant based on time required for administrative/statutory
procedures in finalizing the proposals, reports and documents.
The Consultants Fees shall be paid as per following Deliverables/Milestones
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Deliverables/Milestones, Timelines and Payments to the Consultant
Sr. No Deliverables/ Milestones Timelines Payments

1 Submission of Feasibility Report for the T* + 1 Months 10%


2 Submission of Detailed Project Reports for T + 45 Days 20%

the Scheme

3 Submission of Tender Documents for 15 Days from Approval of 10%

Scheme DPR

4 Signing of Contract Agreement with As required for Tendering 10%

Contractor/Developer Process

5 After completion of 60% of project As required for physical 25%


6 After completion of 100% of project As completion certificate 25%


i. *T is the day of Signing of Consultancy Agreement
ii. All these timelines are excluding the time required for notification if any or compliance of
any statutory requirements and /or the approval process.
iii. Scope of Work or the Timeline given for performance of services may be increased, reduced
or altered by the KMC. Any revised scope of work or for any additional/repetitive services
for which rates of fees are not available shall be paid on mutually agreed terms and
iv. Consultant visit shall be done as per requirement of KMC.
v. Necessary permissiondocument from concerning department as irrigation , railway dept etc
will be arranged by consulting firm.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
7. Team composition & qualification requirements for the Key Personnel
The Consultant while drawing its knowledge and professional resources from the core
strength of the organization shall however provide the services of the Consultant through
a Technical team located at Khandwa.
The Consultant shall deploy a multi-disciplinary Project Team for this assignment,
consisting of the following key personnel:

Key Personnel Qualifications and Skills Experience required

1 Team Leader M.Tech/ME (Civil) 10 Relevant experience in preparation

years of relevant DPR for various Water Supply,
Or Sewerage and Drainage
B.Tech/BE (Civil) 15 years Engineering/ Public Health
of relevant experience Engineering
2 Hydraulic B.Tech/BE (Civil) 12 years Relevant experience in designing of
Expert of relevant experience hydraulic model for water supply /
sewerage. Should have worked with
various hydraulic simulation
software like. Water Gem

3 Water Supply B.Tech/BE (Civil) 10 years Relevant experience in large scale

Expert of relevant experience bulk water supply scheme for urban
areas & have experience of
preparation of cost estimate for such

4 Electrical B.Tech/BE (Electrical) 10 Relevant experience in large scale

Expert years of relevant bulk water supply scheme for urban
experience areas & have experience of
preparation of cost estimate for such

5 Procurement B.Tech/BE (Civil) 8 years Relevant experience in Preparation

Expert of relevant experience of Contracts documents, Contract
negotiation of area development and
infrastructure development projects
along with successful procurement
of at least 5 such projects.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
i. The Key Personnel's Team should be deployed intermittently as per the requirements of the
ii. CVs shall be submitted with Technical Proposal. Only One CV is to be submitted against
each position.
iii. Apart from the Key Personnel mentioned above, the consultant should intermittently deploy
required support staff as may be required for successful delivery of consultancy services. The
CVs for support staff are not required to be submitted along with this RFP.

8. Reporting Structure
The consultant shall report to ______________, Khandwa Municipal Corporation for
Technical issues.
9. Facilitation by Khandwa Municipal Corporation (KMC)
KMC shall provide following facilitation to the Consultant
1. Appoint a Project Nodal Officer for day-to-day co-ordination during the entire period
of assignment
2. Provide verified copies of updated Cadastral (Khasra) map, Lay out plans already
prepared for the scheme, available topographic survey for the scheme area and other
data mentioned in the 5.1 1) above.
3. Extend all co-operation and facilitation to demarcate scheme boundary on available
topographic survey through land revenue officials.
4. Provide all available Data such as reports, maps and other documents related to the
Schemes in Soft and hard Copies. KMC shall assist and facilitate consultant to
procure the Data such as reports, maps and other documents mentioned in the 5.1 1)
above related to Schemes in Soft and hard Copies from various govt line departments
and agencies
5. Extend all co-operation and facilitation to meetings with various govt departments
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant

Annexure E: Standard Contract Document

Section 1: Form of Contract
CONTRACT FOR: [Insert Title of Consulting Services]
CONTRACT NUMBER: [Please insert project number]
THIS CONTRACT is made BETWEEN: [insert Client] (hereinafter referred to as ‘the
AND: [name of Consultant] (hereinafter referred to as
‘the Consultant’) [Please insert the name of the
Consultant’s representative and communication
address of the Consultant]
A. Khandwa Municipal Corporation on behalf of the Commissioner(‘the Client’) requires the
Consultant to provide the services as defined in Section 4 (‘the Services’); and
B. The Consultant has agreed to provide the Services on the terms and conditions set out in this


1. Documents
This Contract comprises the following documents:
Section 1: Form of Contract
Section 2: General Conditions
Section 3: Special Conditions
Section 4: Terms of Reference
Section 5: Schedule of Payment
Section 6: Performance Guarantee
Annexes: Detailed at Special Conditions of Contract, Clause 2.
This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties in respect of the
Consultant’s obligations and supersedes all previous communications between the Parties,
other than as expressly provided for in Section 3 and/or Section 4.
2. Contract Signature
If the Original Form of Contract is not returned to the Contract Officer (as identified in
Section 3) duly completed, signed and dated on behalf of the Consultant within 30 days of
the date of signature on behalf of the Client, Client, or participating ULBs will be entitled, at
its (their) sole discretion, to declare this Contract void.
No payment will be made to the Consultant under this Contract until a copy of the Form of
Contract, signed on behalf of the Consultant, is returned to the Contract Officer.
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
3. Commencement and Duration of the Services
The Consultant shall start the Services on [insert start date] (‘the Start Date’) and shall
complete them by [insert end date or period] (‘the End Date/the Contract Period’) unless this
Contract is terminated earlier in accordance with its terms and conditions.
4. Consultancy Fees
Payments under this Contract shall be [insert % of Project Cost in numbers and words] for
the consultancy services, which is inclusive of all applicable government taxes – national and
state, as applicable, but exclusive of prevailing Goods Service Tax as applicable, which will
be paid extra (‘the Consultancy Fees’). The Consultants shall be paid additionally as per
actual bills for travel, stay and contingencies for carrying out visits to locations other than
Khandwa for attending meetings, presentations related to the Project.
5. Time of the Essence
Time shall be of the essence as regards the fulfillment by the Consultant of its obligations
under this Contract.

For and on behalf of Client

Name: Date:

For and on behalf of Consultant

Name: Date:

Witness 1

Witness 2
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Section 2: General Conditions of Contract
Definitions and Interpretation
1. Definitions
 ‘the Consultant’ means the person(s), partnership(s) or company(ies) with whom this
Contract is placed.
 ‘the Consultant’s Representative’ means the person named in Section 3 who is
responsible for all contractual aspects of the Contract on behalf of the Consultant.
 ‘the Consultant’s Personnel’ means any person instructed pursuant to this Contract to
undertake any of the Consultant’s obligations under this Contract, including the
Consultant’s employees, agents and sub-consultants.
 ‘Sub-consultant’ means any natural person, private or government entity, or a
combination of the above, to whom any part of the Services is subcontracted by the
 ‘the Client’s Representative’ means any person appointed by the Client to act on the
Client’s behalf with regard to procurement and/or management of this Contract.
 ‘the Consultancy Fees’ refers to the amount specified in Section 1 and is the amount
payable to the consultant by the Client under this Contract.
 ‘the Services’ means the services set out in the Terms of Reference (Section 4).
 ‘the Project Nodal Officer’ means the person named in Section 3 who is responsible for
issuing instructions and dealing with all correspondence in connection with the technical
aspects of the Contract.
 ‘the Contract Officer’ means the person named in Section 3 who is responsible for all
contractual aspects of the Contract, and to whom invoices should be sent.
 ‘Contract Documents’ means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including
any amendments thereto.
 ‘Contract Price’ means the price payable to the Consultant as specified in the Contract
Agreement, subject to such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions there from,
as may be made pursuant to the Contract.
 ‘Contract’ means the Contract Agreement entered into between the Client and the
Consultant, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all
attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein.
 ‘GCC’ means General Conditions of the Contract.
 ‘SCC’ means the Special Conditions of Contract.
 ‘Change in Control’ means that the person(s) (including corporate bodies) directly or
indirectly in control of the Consultant at the time this Contract is entered into cease to be
in control.
 ‘Control’ means the power of a person to ensure that the affairs of the Consultant are
conducted in accordance with the wishes of that person.
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Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
2. Interpretation
2.1 In the event of any inconsistency between the Form of Contract (Section 1), these
General Conditions (Section 2) and the Special Conditions (Section 3), the Special
Conditions shall prevail.
2.2 Except as expressly provided in Clause 3 the Consultant is not the agent of the Client
and has no authority to represent and shall not purport to represent or enter into any
commitments on behalf of the Client in any respect.
2.3 Nothing in this Contract is intended to make nor shall it make the Client the employer of
the Consultant or any of the Consultant’s Personnel.
2.4 All communications by the Consultant relating to notifications or applications for
consents or instructions must be addressed to the Client Contract Officer whose name
and address are given in Section 3.
Obligations of the Consultant
3. Obligations
3.1 The Consultant shall perform all its obligations under this Contract (including the
provision of the Services) with all necessary skill, diligence, efficiency and economy to
satisfy generally accepted professional standards expected from experts.
4. Personnel
4.1 All members of the Consultant's Personnel shall be appropriately qualified, experienced
and in a suitable physical condition so as to ensure that the Consultant complies with all
the Consultant's obligations under this Contract.
4.2 No changes or substitutions may be made to members of the Consultant's Personnel
identified as key personnel in Section 4 of this Contract without prior written consent of
the Client.
4.3 Replacement of personnel will only be considered under exceptional circumstances (eg:
Death, Prolonged illness and on leaving the company) and will be subject to prior
approval by Client.
4.4 If the Client considers any member of the Consultant's Personnel unsuitable, the
Consultant shall substitute such member as quickly as reasonably possible without direct
or indirect charge to the Client with a replacement acceptable to the Client.
4.5 The Consultant is responsible for all acts and omissions of the Consultant’s Personnel
and for the health, safety and security of such persons and their property.
5. Sub-Consultants
5.1 The Consultant shall not sub-contract any of its obligations under this Contract without
the prior written consent of the Client.
6. Disclosure of Information
6.1 The Consultant and the Consultant's Personnel shall not, without the prior written
consent of the Client, disclose to any third party any confidential information obtained
during or arising from this Contract (other than in the proper performance of this
Contract or as may be required by authority of competent jurisdiction). In addition, no
publicity is to be given to this Contract without the prior written consent of the Client.
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Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
7. Intellectual Property Rights
7.1 All the reports prepared under the assignment are subject to intellectual property rights.+
8. Confidentiality
8.1 Neither of the Parties shall, without the consent of the other, divulge or suffer or permit
its officers, employees, or agents to divulge to any person (other than to any of its or
their respective officers or employees who require the same to enable them to properly
carry out their duties) any information concerning the operations, contracts, commercial
or financial arrangements or affairs of the other Party. Both Parties agree that
confidentiality obligations do not apply to:
a) Information that is already known to third parties without breach of this Contract;
b) Information that is required to be disclosed by an order of a court of competent
jurisdiction or an appropriately empowered public authority, or as a result of an
obligation arising under the Right to Information Act or other public disclosure law.
9. Access
9.1 The Client will have access to the data collected by the Consultant if required
10. Corruption, Commission and Discounts
10.1 The Consultant warrants and represents to the Client that neither the Consultant nor any
of the Consultant's Personnel:
a) has given, offered or agreed to give or accepted, any gift or consideration of any kind
as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or
forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of any contract or for
showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person or entity in relation
to any contract; or
b) has entered into any contract in connection with which commission has been paid or
agreed to be paid by or to the Consultant or Consultant's Personnel or on their behalf
or to their knowledge unless, before such contract was made, particulars of any such
commission and of the terms of any agreement for the payment of such commission
were disclosed in writing to the Client, whose written consent was subsequently
given to such payment.
10.2 Neither the Consultant nor any of the Consultant's Personnel shall accept for or on their
own benefit any trade commission, discount or similar payment or benefit in connection
with this Contract.
11. Indemnity
11.1 Except where arising from the negligence of the Client or Client’s employees, the
Consultant shall indemnify the Client in respect of any costs or damages howsoever
arising out of or related to breach of warranty or representation, contract or statutory
duty, or tortuous acts or omissions by the Consultant or the Consultant's Personnel or any
claims made against the Client by third parties in respect thereof.
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Price and Payment
12. Applicable Provisions and Consultancy Fees
12.1 Unless different provisions are substituted in Section 3,Clauses 1 to 9 inclusive shall
apply in relation to price and payment.
12.2 The Consultancy Fees are payable as per the Schedule of Payment, Section 5.
13. Consultancy Fees
13.1 The Constancy fees payable are deemed to cover the cost of salary, overseas
inducements, leave allowances, bonuses, profit, taxes, insurances, superannuation, non-
working days and all other costs except those otherwise specifically provided for in this
14. Invoicing Instructions
14.1 Invoices should be submitted against agreed milestones or as specified at Section 5,
Schedule of Payments in duplicate and in accordance with the remainder of Clause 15.
14.2 The Client shall unless otherwise expressly provided in Section 3 make payments due by
direct credit through the India Bank Clearing Systems. All invoices must contain details
of the India bank account to which payments are to be made.
14.3 Invoices should include a form of letterhead, the Contract reference number and bear an
original signature. They should be numbered sequentially and dated, and marked ‘For the
attention of the Contract Officer’ named in Section 3. The final invoice presented in
connection with this Contract should be endorsed ‘Final Invoice’.
15. Payments
15.1 Subject to the Client being satisfied that the Consultant is or has been carrying out their
duties, obligations and responsibilities under this Contract, sums duly approved shall be
paid within 15 days of receipt of a valid invoice.
15.2 If for any reason the Client is dissatisfied with performance of this Contract or there has
been a unreasonable delay without client’s approval an appropriate sum may be withheld
from any payment otherwise due. In such event the Client shall identify the particular
Services with which it is dissatisfied together with the reasons for such dissatisfaction,
and payment of the amount outstanding will be made upon remedy of any unsatisfactory
work or resolution of outstanding queries.
16. Taxes and Duties
16.1 The Consultant shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stamp duties, license fees, and
other such levies imposed within/outside India. Consultants will be paid Service Tax
over and above the Fees at the prevailing service Tax rates applicable.
16.2 If any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges are available to the
Consultant in India, the Client shall use its best efforts to enable the Consultant to benefit
from any such tax savings to the maximum allowable extent.
Force Majeure and Termination
17. Force Majeure
17.1 Where the performance by the Consultant of its obligations under this Contract is
delayed, hindered or prevented by an event or events beyond the reasonable control of
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
the Consultant and against which an experienced consultant could not reasonably have
been expected to take precautions, the Consultant shall promptly notify the Client in
writing, specifying the nature of the force majeure event and stating the anticipated delay
in the performance of this Contract.
17.2 From the date of receipt of notice given in accordance with Clause 17.1, the Client may,
at its sole discretion, either suspend this Contract for up to a period of 6 months (‘the
Suspension Period’) or terminate this Contract forthwith.
17.3 If by the end of the Suspension Period the Parties have not agreed a further period of
suspension or re-instatement of the Contract, this Contract shall terminate automatically.
18. Suspension or Termination with Default of the Consultant
18.1 The Client may notify the Consultant of the suspension or termination of this Contract
where the Services or any part of them are not provided to the satisfaction of the Client,
giving the reasons for such dissatisfaction and, in the case of suspension, the action
required by the Consultant to remedy that dissatisfaction and the time within which it
must be completed.
18.2 Where this Contract is suspended under Clause 18.1 and the Consultant subsequently
fails to remedy the dissatisfaction, the Client may terminate this Contract forthwith.
18.3 The Client may, without prejudice to its other rights, including but not limited to the
right to claim for costs and losses incurred terminate this Contract forthwith where:
a) the Consultant or any member of the Consultant's Personnel, either directly or
through their servants or agents, breaches any of their obligations under this
Contract; or
b) the Consultant or any member of the Consultant's Personnel has committed an
offence under the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1988 or the National Security Act
1980 or in breach of Clause 10 of this Contract; or
c) the Consultant is an individual or a partnership and at any time:
(i) becomes bankrupt; or
(ii) is the subject of a receiving order or administration order; or
d) the Consultant is a company and:
(i) an order is made or a resolution is passed for the winding up of the Consultant;
(ii) a receiver or administrator is appointed in respect of the whole or any part of the
undertaking of the Consultant.
e) the Consultant is a partnership or a company and there is a Change in Control.
However, the Contract will continue if the Client states that it has ‘no objection’ to
the continuation of the Contract after the Change in Control.
18.4 Where this Contract is terminated in accordance with this Clause, the Consultant shall
without prejudice to the Client’s other remedies, take any steps necessary to terminate
the provision of the Services in a timely and orderly manner but shall not be entitled to
any further payment in relation to this Contract.
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Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
General Provisions
19. Variations
19.1 No variation/amendment in the terms or scope of this Contract shall be effective without
the prior written consent of both Parties and recorded in writing in the form of a letter
entitled ‘Contract Amendment No.’. Without such consent neither Party shall have any
liability in respect of work performed outside the Services set out in Section 4. In case of
amendments in terms of reference the fees for the additional tasks if any shall be decided
in mutual agreement
20. Assignment
20.1 The Consultant shall not, without the prior written consent of the Client, assign or
transfer or cause to be assigned or transferred, whether actually or as the result of
takeover, merger or other change of identity or character of the Consultant, any of its
rights or obligations under this Contract or any part, share or interest therein.
21. Law and Jurisdiction
21.1 This Contract shall be governed by the laws of Republic of India.
22. Amicable Settlement
22.1 This Contract shall constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties, and may not be
altered or amended except by the written agreement of the Parties. No duties,
obligations, liabilities or warranties other than those expressly provided in this Contract
and its attachments shall be applied. Both Parties to this Agreement will make every
attempt to resolve in an amicable way all differences concerning the interpretation of this
Contract and the execution of the work. Any dispute or disagreement which cannot be
resolved by both Parties and any controversy claim or dispute otherwise arising in
connection with this Contract or breach thereof shall be referred to the Arbitration
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Section 3: Special Conditions
[Select the appropriate wording using the samples below or other acceptable wording, and
delete the text in italics]
1. Officials
1.1 The Contract Officer is: [please insert details as below]
Communication Address:

1.2 The Project Officer is: [please insert details as below]
Communication Address:


1.3 The Consultant’s Representative is: [please insert details as below]

Communication Address:


2. Additional documents to be included in this Contract

The following documents are included in and form part of the Contract: Annex X. Minutes of
the meeting between the Client and the Consultant dated xx 215 [If there are any
modifications to the General Conditions of Contract, the clauses that replace GCC clauses
should be inserted here. Additional clauses can also be inserted here, but care should be
taken to ensure that this does not cause interpretation difficulties.]
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
3. Payment Structure
The payment schedule is contained at Section 5 on Schedule of Payments [Any changes
should be advised to the Consultant during negotiations.]
4. Marking And Documentation
i) The marking and documentation shall be: [insert in detail the markings on the
packing and all documentation required; sample below]
Title of Consulting Services
Details of Project Officer as in 1.2 of SCC
Standard International Norms for Marking
5. Arbitration/Dispute Resolution
The place of arbitration/Dispute Resolution shall be Khandwa.
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Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Section 4: Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference as per Annexure D of RFP
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Section 5: Schedule of Payment
Payment schedule as per Annexure D of RFP
Selection of Consultant for Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management for proposed Water Supply System from
Bhagwant Sagar Dam to Jaiswadi Water Treatment Plant
Section 6: Performance Guarantee
[The bank, as requested by the successful Bidder, shall fill in this form in accordance with the
instructions indicated]

Date: [insert date (as day, month, and year) of Bid Submission]
Contract No. and title: [insert no. and title of bidding process]

Bank’s Branch or Office: [insert complete name of Guarantor]

Beneficiary: [______________________]

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: [insert Performance Guarantee number] we have been

informed that [insert complete name of Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has
entered into Contract No. [Insert number] dated [insert day and month], [insert year] with you,
for the supply of [description of Equipment and Related Services] (hereinafter called "the
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a Performance
Guarantee is required.
At the request of the Contractor, we hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum(s) not
exceeding [insert amount(s1) in figures and words] upon receipt by us of your first demand in
writing declaring the Contractor to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, or
your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified
This Guarantee shall expire no later than the [insert number] day of [insert month] [insert year]2,
and any demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
We agree to a one-time extension of this Guarantee for a period not to exceed [six months] [one
year], in response to the Purchaser’s written request for such extension, such request to be
presented to us before the expiry of the Guarantee.”
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.
458, except that subparagraph (ii) of Sub-article 20(a) is hereby excluded. [signatures of
authorized representatives of the bank and the Contractor]

1 The Bank shall insert the amount(s) specified in the SCC and denominated in Indian Rupees.
2 Dates established in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract (“GCC”).

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