ArcGIS 1 Introduction To GIS

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Training for Continuous Professional Development

Course Content

ArcGIS 1: Introduction to GIS

Duration: 2 Days (16 Hours)

Day 1

1. The ArcGIS platform

- Lesson introduction
- The ArcGIS platform
- Using GIS
- Getting to know the ArcGIS platform
- Components used in this course
- Lesson review

2. The basics of GIS

- Lesson introduction
- What is GIS?
- The geographic approach
- What can you do with GIS?
- Think of ways to apply GIS
- Exercise 2: Create and share a map with ArcGIS Online
- Training Services account credentials
- Sign in to ArcGIS Online
- Choose a basemap
- Add a data file to your map
- Save and share your map
- View a classmate's version of the map
- (Optional) Locate a user group related to your work or area of interest
- Lesson review
Training for Continuous Professional Development

3. Understanding GIS data

- Lesson introduction

- Turning geographic information into GIS data

- GIS data models

- Explore GIS data models in ArcMap

- Which data model fits better?

- Working with tables

- Documenting your data

- Exercise 3A: Explore GIS data using ArcMap

- Open ArcMap and create a folder connection

- View data in a GIS

- Identify various file types

- View an item description

- Correct an error in an item's metadata

- Preview a dataset's geography and table

- Add data to the map

- ArcGIS Online content

- GIS services and web maps

- Web mapping applications and mobile apps

- Tools and data from ArcGIS Online

- Exercise 3B: Explore GIS content using ArcGIS Online

- Browse ArcGIS Online for web content

- Browse ArcGIS Online for desktop content

- View an item's details

- Examine options for opening ArcGIS Online items

- Lesson review
Training for Continuous Professional Development


4. The importance of coordinate systems

- Lesson introduction
- What is location?
- How spatial data stores location
- Geographic coordinate systems
- Working with data in different geographic coordinate systems
- Projected coordinate systems
- Spatial properties and distortion
- Understanding distortion
- Exercise 4: Work with coordinate systems
- Identify the coordinate system for a dataset
- Identify the coordinate system for another dataset
- Identify a dataset with a different coordinate system
- Identify a dataset with an unknown coordinate system
- Assign a coordinate system to a dataset without a spatial reference
- Change the coordinate system for a dataset
- Three key concepts
- Lesson review

Day 2

5. Acquiring and selecting GIS data

- Lesson introduction
- Methods for obtaining GIS data
- Accessing GIS data
- Considerations for creating GIS data
- Creating data
- Considerations for choosing GIS data
- Evaluating GIS data
- Exercise 5: Gather and evaluate GIS data
- Consider the data you need
Training for Continuous Professional Development

- Examine the data you have
- Add data from another organization
- Add data from ArcGIS Online
- Transfer files from one geodatabase to another
- Import shapefiles into the geodatabase
- Lesson review

6. Interacting with a map Lesson introduction

- Symbology and visualization Finding, identifying, and selecting features

- Asking questions and getting answers
- Getting information from a GIS map
- Exercise 6A: Explore a map using ArcMap
- Navigate the map
- Modify symbology
- Identify features Find features
- Export selected features from a file to a geodatabase
- Select features
- Examine an attribute table View data change over time
- Exercise 6B: Explore a map using ArcGIS Online
- Navigate the map
- Modify symbology
- Identify features Locate addresses and features
- Select features and view an attribute table
- Lesson review

7. Performing spatial analysis

- Lesson introduction
- The geographic approach revisited
- Questions you can answer with GIS
- What is spatial analysis?
- Geoprocessing in analyses
Training for Continuous Professional Development

- Common analysis tasks Perform spatial analysis with common analysis tools
- Exercise 7: Analyze hurricane storm surge data
- Open ArcMap and examine the map document
- Extract features in your area of interest
- Identify vulnerable facilities in Lee County
- Overlay the Cat3 layer with Lee County
- Identify hospitals close to the storm surge inundation polygon
- Lesson review

8. Sharing results

- Lesson introduction
- The importance of sharing results
- Sharing content through ArcMap
- Sharing content through ArcGIS Online
- Exercise 8: Share hurricane analysis results
- Export the map as a PDF
- Create a map package and upload it to ArcGIS Online
- Create a web map
- Customize map symbology and save the map
- Create a web mapping application
- (Optional) Access the web mapping application on a mobile device
- Lesson review

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