Group 1 - Mathematics SBA 2021
Group 1 - Mathematics SBA 2021
Group 1 - Mathematics SBA 2021
SUBJECT: Mathematics
Davia Jones
Abigail Wisdom
The Effects Online Learning Has on Students Entering Secondary Institutions
PROJECT TITLE.........................................................................................................................4
PRESENTATION OF DATA.......................................................................................................8
ANALYSIS OF DATA................................................................................................................11
DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS....................................................................................................13
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS....................................................................................................20
SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE................................................................................................21
SAMPLE INTERVIEW..........................................................................................................23
The Effects Online Learning Has on Students Entering Secondary Institutions
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the world in all aspects and
sectors, has led many educational institutions to decide on transitioning from face-to-face to
online classes and assessments. This change in structure has resulted in students having to
tolerate and dissect the positive and negative effects of online learning. IGI Global defines online
student will conduct and complete work from a remote area while still being able to access the
This School Based Assessment serves to compile data from questions which aim to find
1. What are the negative and/or positive effects of online learning on students in grade seven?
2. How does the transition to online learning affect the academic performance of students in
grade seven?
3. What role does the school play to ensure that students adequately experience online learning
This method comes with its downsides as the lack of resources, inability to focus (the
inability to adequately and substantially gain information) and the emotional state of the student
plays an integral role in their ability to learn. A research study by the Journal of Information
more conducive to the learning process, affording better opportunity to sharing knowledge and
asking for help, “easier” and more interactive, and more compatible with their needs. Through
this School Based Assessment the researcher aims to find out if online learning is an adequate
a. Questionnaire. This is a printed or written set of questions that are set to obtain data on a
Advantages – Allows for individuals to anonymously send data in an easy, simple and non-
biased format. In addition to questionnaires being an easier method of analysis for the researcher,
this method will allow the research to include specific questions with direct relationship to the
The questionnaire will be distributed amongst 30 students in grade seven using Google Forms on
obtain a vaster amount of data than if they were to use text materials. In addition, interviews can
capture non-verbal cues or body language giving the interviewer a better idea on the emotions
The interview will be carried out through the Zoom meet platform, and will last approximately
20 minutes. The interviewee is the vice principal of a predominant high school in Kingston,
In order to substantially grasp how online learning affects students in grade seven, a
questionnaire was done. Raw data from four of the questions have been represented as follows:
Figure 1: Pie Chart Showing Learning Profile of Students During Online Learning
= ×100
= 27%
Figure 2: Bar Chart Showing Students Who were Able to Substantially Grasp Information Given
2 7
Figure 3: Line Graph Showing How the School Has Assisted with Resources
Resources Provided
Table 1: Factors that hindered students from adequately participating in online-learning
Factors that Possibly Number of Students Percentage
Lack or unstable 20 67
No instrument 4 13
Unstable Environment 1 7
Lack of interest 4 13
= ×100
= 67%
Various visual representations were used to depict data on the effects of online learning
on students in grade seven. The data depicted that with the help of the school and the intellectual
level of the students, the majority were able to adequately experience learning even in the
diversion norm of communication modality. Trends in the data portrayed that majority of the
Figure 1 portrayed that the respondents described their learning profile during learning as
highly competent and intellectually advanced (27%), intellectually capable with potential to
blossom (20%) or, moderately competent and intellectually advanced (33%). In comparison to
the results previously highlighted, this theory is contrasted as the data in Figure 1 also
highlighted that almost one-quarter of the respondents (20%) indicated that during online
learning they were either, moderately to exceptionally capable, but not operating at their full
The data collected also reflected a large gap between the students who said yes to being
able to substantially grasp the information being taught, compared to those who said they were
not able to substantially grasp the information being. A significant comparison can be pulled
from Figure 2 as 77% of respondents said yes and 23% said no. The data here advances the trend
of students performing within or above the standard range during online learning.
Figure 3 indicates that the aim to relieve the strains of online learning, educational
institutions provided resources to students. During the period of online learning, 30% of students
said that the school provided students with data to access the various platforms, 17% said the
school provided students with network devices to access the various platform, 17% also said that
a variety of pick-up spots were created to access the data, and 37% of students stated that the
school implemented alternative methods for students to access online resources. The diversity of
the assistance provided can also be linked to the trend of the majority of the students increased
academic performance as through the school providing necessary resources, leverage was added
Although the figures collected show that the majority are performing above or within the
required standard, certain factors can still hinder the online learning process. In the list of
possible factors that hindered students online learning, 67% stated that it was as a result of the
lack of unstable Wi-Fi or no data, 13% stated that it was because of the inaccessibility of an
electronic instrument, 7% stated that it was because of an unsuitable environment and 13% stated
that it was because they lacked interest in participation. Although the general results gathered
depicted that the majority of the students’ academic performance was not disrupted by online
The data collected while carrying out the research portrayed opposing sides of one’s
perspective of online learning. It was revealed that external factors resulted in the increase or
decrease of one’s academic performance. Although this change in communication modality can
be difficult for students who do not have the necessary financial status to support the purchase of
the necessary resources, school can aid in this gap through the provision of various resources.
Online learning is an essential part of schools’ education strategy, as it gives students the
opportunity to work according to how they feel comfortable and also that it allows for them to
manage their time according to the work given, The Future of State Universities (2008). Through
conducting extensive research, it was revealed that the majority of students who are currently in
grade seven performed within or above standard while participating in online learning. A
student’s performance can be enhanced and their grades can develop while taking part in online
learning. From this data, it can be gathered that the students who considered themselves
intellectually capable were able to substantially grasp the information being taught, whereas,
those who experienced certain learning challenges were not able to do so. This theory is brought
forth as the data obtained portrayed the fact that students experienced online learning in a
positive light. A research study by the Journal of Information Technology Education (2007)
shined light on students regarding face-to-face communication as more conducive to the learning
process, affording better opportunity to sharing knowledge and asking for help, “easier” and
more interactive, and more compatible with their needs. This theory solidified the data obtained
in the questionnaire as the majority of respondents (who were students) were intellectually
capable, performing within the required academic, and substantially gaining the taught
In contrast to the positive effects of online learning being revealed in the questionnaire,
an interview with the vice principal of a predominant high school brought forth that that this
change in communication modality had its downsides on students. Opposing to most of the data
collected in the questionnaire, the interviewee stated that at the beginning “majority of students
were not comfortable with online learning and so they are not adjusting well”, but in order to
alleviate this discomfort “the school implemented many structures to aid them”. The interviewee
stated that “this discomfort was as a result of the financial state of many of the students at the
school, resulting in them not being able to purchase the necessary resources to adequately part-
take in online learning”. This factor can be supported as a research study has shown that many
students from low-income families lack the basic technology they needed to study online,
including access to a laptop and a reliable broadband connection, along with a quiet place in
A research study by the Journal of Information Technology Education (2007) shined light
affording better opportunity to sharing knowledge and asking for help, “easier” and more
interactive, and more compatible with their needs. The needs required by the students are the
factors that may hinder a student from adequately participating in online learning. Along with
many factors, the interviewee revealed that “the students are present but are still finding their
way, they continue to grow frustrated over simple tasks resulting in them being selective in the
classes they attend”. It was highlighted that the lack of resources caused for a dent in the online
learning process, but the school then implemented various measures, that is, providing students
with data and electronic instruments, alleviated the stresses surrounding online learning. Various
platforms and resources aim to help parents, teachers, schools and school administrators facilitate
student learning and provide social care and interaction during periods of school closure
(UNESCO, 2020).
In conclusion, conducting this research brought forth the diverse perceptions one has on
online learning. These perspectives stem from one’s ability to obtain knowledge, along with
external factors such as finances and access to the necessary resources which in total aid in one’s
participation in online learning. From the data, it can be deduced that although a majority of the
students performed well during online learning, some still experienced challenges while not
being at a physical school setting. Various studies were examined to support the data collected
After conducting a research to examine the effect of online learning, it can be concluded that:
a. The majority of students in grade seven are performing above or within the required
academic standard while partaking in online learning as the school has provided them
with the necessary resources, such as, online platforms to accommodate the change in
communication modality.
b. Although the majority are performing well, external factors such as an unsuitable
unsatisfactory results. In order to mitigate this problem, the educational institution can
have the students who are not performing up to standard have face-to-face classes. This
will be helpful as this group only consists of a small percentage of students, so they will
1. Has your involvement in classes changed since being in high school and learning online?
o It is the same
o Involvement increased
o Involvement decreased
2. How would you describe your learning profile while taking part in online learning?
o Learning challenged
3. What factors possibly hinder(ed) you from adequately taking part in online or distance
a. Lack/unstable data/wifi
b. No instrument
c. Unsuitable environment
d. Lack of interest
4. How has the school assisted with resources to take part in online learning?
5. How well were you able to record the information given at class?
o Fairly, but in most cases I could not understand because of external distractions
o Yes
o No
o Decreased
o Increased
9. What has the overall online learning experience been like for you as student who is just
b. How are the students taking the transfer from a primary level of education to high
c. What is the attitude of the students while taking part in online learning?
1. Has your involvement in classes changed since being in high school and learning online?
o It is the same
o Involvement increased
o Involvement decreased
2. How would you describe your learning profile while taking part in online learning?
o Moderately to exceptionally capable, but not operating at his or her full potential
o Learning challenged
3. What factors possibly hinder/hindered you from adequately taking part in online/distance
a. Lack/unstable data/wifi
b. No instrument
c. Unsuitable environment
d. Lack of interest
4. How has the school assisted with resources to take part in online learning?
o Yes
o No
o Yes
o No
o Decreased
o Increased
“Due to the fact not being physically at school it has been a little different to be checking
emails and Google classroom after a class to see what was uploaded before and after but
it really was the only alternative. I feel like the interaction between peers is lacking”.
9. What has the overall online learning experience been like for you as student who is just
“It has definitely been new getting used to Gmail and the Google classroom has been a
bit difficult for someone like me who used to struggle to send an email I know it's so easy
now. I would very much prefer to be at school but it has been very good interaction
In the beginning, majority of students were not comfortable with online learning and
so they are not adjusting well. This discomfort was a result of the financial state of
many of the students at the school resulting in them not being able to purchase the
b. How are the students taking the transfer from a primary level of education to high
They are comfortable as the school puts structures in place to aid them.
c. What is the attitude of the students while taking part in online learning?
The students are present but are still finding their way, they continue to grow
frustrated over simple tasks resulting in them being selective in the classes they
attend. Although some students are enthusiastic towards learning, others are having a
Batty, R. (2020). 'I can't get motivated': the students struggling with online learning. The
Miliszewska, I. (2007). Is it fully ‘on’or partly ‘off’? The case of fully-online provision of
The Future of State Universities. (2008). Strategic Planning for Higher Education. The Journal
Of Higher Education.
#:__1_________ Names of Group Members Allocated Mark Actual Mark
Date: _____________ Dannyelle-Jordan Bailey Davia Jones Tota Tota
Abigail Wisdom K C R l K C R l
Project Title 1
Title is clear and concise and relates to a real-world problem 1
Introduction 4
Objectives are clearly stated 1
Comprehensive description of the project 2
Limited description of the project )
Detailed contents page with numbers 1
Presentation of Data 5 4
Data is accurate and well organized 2 1
Data is presented but not well organized )
Tables/graphs included, correctly labelled and used
appropriately 2 2
Tables/graphs included )
Accurate use of mathematical concepts 1 1
Analysis of Data 2 2
Detailed and coherent analysis done 2 2
Limited analysis of findings )
Discussion of findings 2 2
Statement of findings is clear 1 1
Statement of findings follows from data collected 1 1
Conclusion 2 2
Conclusion is based on the findings and related to the
purpose of the project 2 2
Conclusion related to the purpose of the project )
Overall Presentation 2 2
Information was communicated logically using correct
grammar 2 2
Information was poorly organised or difficult to understand (1
at times )