MARIN - Parametric Rolling
MARIN - Parametric Rolling
MARIN - Parametric Rolling
Reint Dallinga,
MARIN The Netherlands
The commonly used time domain, “non-linear” practical issues will be mentioned and an
potential flow calculations (see for example outlook to future developments will be given.
France et al. (2001)) are in the midst of this
spectrum of tools. They do account for 6-DOF STABILITY VARIATIONS AS THE CAUSE
ship behaviour and the weak non-linear effects
related to rapid changes in hull geometry To illustrate the physics of parametric rolling,
around the waterline. However, they neglect a simple 1-DOF model with a time dependant
the non-linear diffraction and the non-wave
spring term is analysed.
making aspects of the roll damping. The latter
omission requires correction on basis of
empiricism. Furthermore, the added resistance
is not covered correctly because of the neglect (1)
of the non-linear diffraction, the sustained
speed and speed variations are not covered
adequately. Where represents the total of structural and
Because of the fact that the efforts of going hydrodynamic inertia, the damping and the
through time domain simulations do not restoring term. To understand why and how
necessarily bring the expected accuracy, there stability variations lead to large roll angles
is an interest in simpler transparent methods. we will assume a harmonic roll oscillation with
The approach adopted in the present paper is a the associated roll velocity.
combination of a new method to obtain the
variations in stability ( GM) and an existing
formulation Dunwoody (1989a) to translate (2)
these variations in a decrease in effective roll (3)
The first step in this method uses linear
frequency domain potential flow calculations to
We will also assume a harmonic stability
calculate the motion response and relative
variation of the transverse metacentric
wave elevation along the waterline (accounting
height GM with a different frequency and
for reflected and radiated wave components).
phase angle given by Equation (4)
These results are used to calculate the
hydrostatic stability variations, accounting for
the hull form variations above and below the
calm water line. (4)
In a second step this (non-linear) transfer
function of the stability variations is used in a
formulation developed by Dunwoody (1989a)
The roll moment exerted on the ship equals the
to estimate the apparent reduction in roll
product of the stability moment and the heel
damping in irregular seas.
In a last step this result, which depends on
significant wave height and mean wave period,
is compared with the roll damping of the hull
(estimated by means of an empirical method or (5)
existing model test data) to estimate the wave
conditions in which the effective roll damping
is negative. It is shown that the results of these The mean of the product of the roll moment
computations show a fair agreement the results and the roll velocity, the work, over a longer
from tests with a scale model. A number of period of time ( ) is given by:
Proceedings of the 11th International Ship Stability Workshop
0 5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25
time [s]
Roll Angle T ime [s]
Roll Velocit y
Moment due t o Stabilisation variat ions
Fig. 4: Energy build up during 5 roll cycle (phase shift 90 deg)
Fig. 1: The roll angle, roll velocity and righting moment during
one roll period of roll, when roll and waves are in phase Assuming small roll angles Equation (5) can be
linearised in . In this case the average amount
10 of energy added in roll given by Equation (6)
can be rewritten as:
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25
T ime [s]
Where is the ship displacement, GMa the
amplitude of the stability variation and the
natural frequency of roll.
Fig. 2: Energy added during 5 roll cycles (phase shift 180 deg) Whether or not the above increase in
energy materialises in an increased roll angle
Proceedings of the 11th International Ship Stability Workshop
Noteworthy is the fact that the expected value
for the damping reduction increases with the
spectral density of the stability variations. This
Equating Equations (7) and (8) yields a implies it increases with the wave height
criterion in terms of roll damping. Parametric squared.
roll can start to develop when:
The practical implication of the above result in
terms of the risk of encountering parametric
roll in a given time frame is an issue that
(9) requires further work.
Fig. 5 shows the character of the non-
dimensional sum of the roll damping of hull
and appendages and the expected value for the
IRREGULAR WAVES reduction due to the stability variations for a
range of combinations of significant wave
As shown foregoing, the change in metacentric height and peak period. It is clear that a large
height due to the changing water height along negative damping is to be expected in the
the ship is driving parametric roll. It is also higher sea states in combination with a peak
shown that the increase and decrease in roll period of 16.5s, which is half the roll period of
amplitude can be written as a (negative) the subject vessel.
contribution to the roll damping.
In irregular waves the random phases of the
wave components yield slow variations in the ND Roll
contribution of the stability variations in the Damping
total damping. Dunwoody(1989a) gives an
expression for the reduction in irregular waves.
Assuming a broad band spectrum for - the
spectral density of stability fluctuations - and Tp
taking its value at the encounter frequency that
matches twice the roll frequency he arrives at
the following expression for the expected value Hs
for the reduction of the non-dimensional
Fig. 5: Typical non-dimensional roll damping ratio as function
of significant wave height Hs and wave peak period Tp.
non-linear eddy and bilge keel damping functions. The calculated relative wave
components. At moderate and higher speeds elevation accounts for the radiated and
the linear lift damping of the hull becomes a diffracted waves.
dominant factor (Ikeda et al.(1978), Dallinga et At low to moderate speeds, this method gives a
al. (1998)). In other words: the risk on good representation of the wave elevation
parametric roll decreases with increasing along the ship, offering a fair and efficient
speed. Other means that increase the ships roll estimate of the stability variations.
damping also decrease the risk on parametric The above calculation yields the transfer
rolling. For example an anti roll tank is a very function of the relative wave elevations (phase
effective way to increase the damping at low
and amplitude) at every waterline panel. From
speed. Fin stabilizers are effective as well, but the surface elevation the vertical position of the
only at some forward speed. buoyancy point above the baseline (KB) is
calculated by integrating over the underwater
MAGNITUDE OF THE STABILITY volume (Equation (13)) over the actual hull
VARIATIONS form. The actual waterline width and hull form
are also used to calculate the vertical distance
With the foregoing establishing the risk of
from the buoyancy point to the transverse
parametric roll has reduced to estimating .
metacentre (BM).
Assuming linearity this quantity is obtained
from a multiplying the square of the transfer
function GMa/ a with the wave spectrum S .
A correction for forward speed yields the
spectral density at the right encounter
frequency. Regarding the evaluation of the The overall values are obtained by integrating
stability variations experienced by the hull over the length of the ship.
Dunwoody(1989b) uses a method that omits The above evaluation is repeated for the full
the diffracted and radiated waves. In Umeda et range of phase angles phase between 0 to 2π,
al(2008) a CFD approach was followed to each resulting in different waterlines. For the
obtain the roll moment, but they also showed amplitude GMa the half of the dynamic range
that this was heavily overestimated by their between the maximum value and the
method. This is probably due to the grid size. minimum value was taken.
Very fine grids are needed capture all relevant
details but this leads to unacceptable time
consuming calculations. (15)
In the present paper, the transfer function of
the stability variation GMa/ a is obtained by
means of hydrostatic considerations from the
relative wave elevations along the ship. The
latter calculated by means of a linear three- Sample results
dimensional frequency domain potential flow A typical result for different wave amplitudes
code PRECAL. This code calculates the wave is given in Fig. 6. Since these data are given in
induced excitation and the motion induced a non-dimensional form, the data can be used
reaction forces using zero speed Greens
Proceedings of the 11th International Ship Stability Workshop
ESTIMATED OPERATIONAL LIMITS establish what are the essential physical aspects
of the problem. The second problem concerns
Fig. 8 shows a typical result from a the statistical aspects.
computation. The lines show the calculated In the near future we will address the
results. The markers indicate experimental statistical aspects first. The first step will
data. It can be seen that the numerical method investigate the relation between Dunwoody‟s
predicts a threshold wave height of 2.5 to 3 m estimate of the maximum excitation level with
significant wave height at a wave peak period results of simple 1-DOF time domain
of around 16.5 seconds. calculations on the variations in the roll
The markers in Fig. 8 show test results for a damping. A second step will investigate the
290m container ship. Green triangles indicate related onset of parametric roll (limiting
tests that showed (within the adopted test ourselves to the growth up to moderate roll
duration) no parametric rolling; blue squares angles), including the effects of non-linear roll
mark the position where large roll angles were damping. Efforts will be made to relate the
found. frequency of critical events to the decrease in
roll damping and spectral estimates of this
Depending on the outcome of the foregoing it
may be of interest to improve aspects of full
blown numerical simulations. The adequate
modelling of the natural speed variations in
high waves as well as the effects on non-linear
diffraction in the parametric excitation come to
Fig. 8: Comparison of test results to calculated using the References
broadband approach.
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