Lab Report Ecw341 - Determination Metacentric Height

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ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory

Universiti Teknologi MARA Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering

(EC110) Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023

Level LEVEL 0 Team Student’s ID Student’s Name Group

Laboratory Title Determination of Metacentric 1. Group Leader 2020601214 Tengku Amirul Iskandar Bin Tengku Abu PEC1105A2
Height Bakar
Date 17th October 2022 2. Member 2020616904 Nuha Binti Roszi PEC1105A2
Muhamad Hasbullah Bin Hassan 3. Member 2020606654 Nur Shuhaszira Binti Ahmad Fazin PEC1105A2
4. Member 2020607652 Sharifah Shamira Binti Mohd Jaffar PEC1105A2
Verification 5. Member 20 Umi Nur Hafiza Binti Che Ali PEC1105A2

CO2 : Demonstrate leadership skills in task related to water engineering.

PO6 : Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and solutions to well-defined engineering


RUBRICS/Marks Marks
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
A1 (Receiving) following: following: following: following: following:
 Attend to the laboratory  Attend to the laboratory  Attend to the laboratory  Attend to the laboratory  Attend to the laboratory
The student passively
not later than 20 minutes not later than 15 minutes not later than 10 minutes not later than 5 minutes early/on time
attends to laboratory and  < 25% listen attentively  25% listen attentively  50% listen attentively  75% listen attentively  100% listen attentively
their attention is focused.
1 (Lab Attendance &  < 25% sensitivity, and  25% sensitivity, and  50% sensitivity, and  75% sensitivity, and focus  100% sensitivity, and focus
Intended outcomes include focus into issues arise focus into issues arise focus into issues arise into issues arise and into issues arise and
Report Submission)
the student’s awareness, and instructions given and instructions given and instructions given instructions given instructions given
willingness to hear and to  Late Submission (More  Late Submission (More  Late Submission (2 Day  Late Submission (1 Day  Submission on time
focus attention than 1 Week) than 2 Day) Late) Late)

Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
A2 (Responding) following: following: following: following: following:
 < 100% compliance on  100% compliance on lab  100% compliance on lab  100% compliance on lab  100% compliance on lab
The student actively
lab safety rules and not safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice
participates and reacts in
practice them them them them them
some way. Emphasis is on
 Not participate in group  < 50% participate in  50% participate in group  75% participate in group  100% participate in group
active participation on the discussion, group discussion, discussion, discussion, discussion
part of the learners such as Participation &  No interest in subject,  < 50% interest in  50% interest in subject,  75% interest in subject,  100% interest in subject,
2 compliance in responding, Knowledge on the open-
 Not enjoy helping subject,  50% enjoy helping  75% enjoy helping others.  100% fully enjoy helping
willingness to respond, or ended laboratory
others.  < 50% enjoy helping others.  Able to design, prepare, others.
satisfaction in responding  Not able to explain, design others.  Able to design, prepare testing and explain the  Able to design, prepare,
and prepare the  Not able to explain the and explain the experiments and the work testing, interpret and explain
experimental work in the experiment and the work experiments and the work assigned in the report based the experiments and the work
report assigned in the report assigned in the report but on OEL components assigned in the report based on
not based on OEL components
OEL components

Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
approach: approach: approach: approach: approach:
 No acceptance of  25% acceptance of any  50% acceptance of any  75% acceptance of any  100% acceptance of any
A3 (Valuing) commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment
The worth a student  Uncommitted to carry  25% committed to carry  50% committed to carry  75% committed to carry  100% committed to carry
attaches to a particular responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
object, phenomenon, or  Uncommitted to provide  25% committed to  50% committed to  75% committed to provide  100% committed to provide
behavior. Ranges from Leadership skill, suggestion and/or idea provide suggestion provide suggestion suggestion and/or idea suggestion and/or idea
3 acceptance to Commitment &  Uncommitted to follow and/or idea and/or idea  75% committed to follow  100% committed to follow
commitment, carry Responsibility group decision  25% committed to follow  50% committed to follow group decision. group decision.
responsibility for the  Unable to control, lead, group decision. group decision  Able to control, lead and  Able to control, lead and
functioning of a group, fail to deliver the task to  Able to control, lead the  Able to control, lead and delivering the task to the delivering the task to the group
attitudes and the group and does not group but fail to deliver delivering the task to the group efficiently and efficiently and serves as a
appreciation. compromise to achieve the task and does not group members and usually does what is the leader in managing individual
the objectives of compromise towards the occasionally helps the best interest of the group ideas towards the achievement
experiments (Reports) achievement objectives group to achieve the towards the achievement of of the objectives (Reports)
of the experiments objectives of the the objectives
(Reports) experiments (Reports) (Reports)

ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory
Universiti Teknologi MARA Program: Diploma In Civil Engineering (EC110)
Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
approach approach approach approach approach
 <100% maintain good  100% maintain good  100% maintain good health  100% maintain good health  100% maintain good health
health habits, compliance health habits, compliance habits, compliance on lab habits, compliance on lab habits, compliance on lab
on lab safety rules and on lab safety rules and safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice them
practice them practice them them them  100% display self-reliance in
 Not display self-reliance  85% display self-  90% display self-  95% display self-reliance in working independently, and
in working independently, reliance in working reliance in working working independently, and cooperate in group activities,
and cooperate in group independently, and independently, and cooperate in group  100% display a professional
A4 (Organization) activities, cooperate in group cooperate in group activities, commitment to ethical practice
At this level, the student  Not display a activities, activities,  95% display a professional daily.
has held a value system professional  85% display a  90% display a commitment to ethical  100% able to objectively
for a sufficiently long commitment to ethical professional professional practice daily. interpret case study/problem
time to control his/her practice daily. commitment to ethical commitment to ethical  95% able to objectively  100% able to revise
behavior, has developed  Not able to objectively practice daily. practice daily. interpret case judgments and changes
Character &
4 a characteristic interpret case  85% able to objectively  90% able to objectively study/problem approach considering new
"lifestyle." Behavior is study/problem interpret case interpret case  95% able to revise idea or issue arise.
pervasive, consistent,  Not able to revise study/problem study/problem judgments and changes  Team showed great
predictable, and most judgments and changes  85% able to revise  90% able to revise approach considering new cohesion, interaction
importantly, approach considering new judgments and changes judgments and changes idea or issue arise. respect. Team shared the
characteristic of the idea or issue arise. approach considering new approach considering new  Team showed great tasks equally and utilizes
 Team showed poor idea or issue arise. idea or issue arise. cohesion, interaction abilities of each team
cohesion, poor  Team demonstrated some  Team showed good respect. Team member did members. Reports were
interaction and poor cohesion, interaction cohesion, interaction not share the tasks equally completed on time with
respect. Only one respect. Most work was respect. Team member did and did not utilize abilities satisfactory compilations.
person does all the done by only 1 member not share the tasks equally of each team members.
reports. Reports were team. Reports were and did not utilize abilities Reports were completed on
not completed completed on time but of each team members. time but with satisfactory
with unsatisfactory Reports were completed compilations.
compilations. on time but with
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
A4 (Organizing) approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
Brings together different  Not organize, unformatted  25% organize, formatted  50% organize, formatted  75% organize, formatted  100% fully organize,
values, resolving conflicts and unsystematic and systematic laboratory and systematic laboratory and systematic laboratory formatted and systematic
among them, and starting to laboratory report report report report laboratory report
build an internally consistent  Not providing solution to  25% providing solution to  50% providing solution to  75% providing solution to  100% providing solution to
5 value system. Organizes Discussion the water engineering the water engineering the water engineering the water engineering the water engineering
values into priorities by problems. problems. problems. problems. problems.
contrasting different  The team is unable to  The team is able to  The team is able to  The team is able to relate  The team is able to relate all
systems. The emphasis is on discuss the findings discuss some of the relate some of the all findings with the findings with the problem with
comparing, relating, and findings findings with the problem with good excellent discussion
synthesizing values. problem with fair discussion

The team is able to provide The team is able to derive fair The team is able to derive good The team is able to derive accurate
6 A5 (Characterization) Conclusion The team is unable to conclude conclusion without answering conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to conclusion based on findings to
the objective answer the objective answer the objective answer the objective




1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................4

2.0 BASIC CONCEPT...................................................................................................4

3.0 OBJECTIVE.............................................................................................................7

4.0 APPARATUS...........................................................................................................7

5.0 PROCEDURES.......................................................................................................8

6.0 RESULT AND ANALYSIS......................................................................................9

7.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULT...................................................................................10

8.0 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................11

9.0 APPENDIX.............................................................................................................11

10.0 REFERENCES......................................................................................................12


The traditional methods of conducting laboratory activities (assigned as Level 0) will not
be able to provide the avenue for students to enhance independent learning activities
and inculcate creativity and innovation. The traditional method is fully prescriptive where
the three elements namely problem, ways & means and answers are provided/fully
given to the students.


In these laboratory activities students will be exposed to the equipment that used to
measure the metacentric height of pontoon. For static equilibrium of the pontoon, the
total weight, 𝑊, (which acts through the centre of gravity, 𝐺) must be equal to the
buoyancy force which acts through the centre of buoyancy 𝐵, which is located at the
centroid of the immersed cross-section. When the pontoon heels through a small angle,
the metacentre 𝑀 is identified as the point of intersection between the lines of action of
the buoyancy force (always vertical) and 𝐵𝐺 extended. For stable equilibrium, 𝑀 must
be above 𝐺.
There are two methods to measure the metacentric height, GM.


When the traversing weight is moved to one side, the centre of gravity, 𝐺, shifts to a
new position, 𝐺′, and the centre of buoyancy, 𝐵, also shifts to a new position, 𝐵′ as
shown in Figure 1.

Since the shift in the centre of gravity was caused by moving the weight, 𝑃 through a
distance 𝑥, then:

Px = W(GG′) (5.1)

Figure 1: Movement of adjustable weight from the centerline

𝐺𝐺′ = 𝐺𝑀 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 (5.2)
GM = (Px/W) cot 𝜃 (5.3)
𝑃 = weight of movable mass
𝑥 = distance between the movable mass and the mast of the pontoon


The metacentric height, 𝐺𝑀, is defined as

𝐺𝑀 = 𝐵𝑀 – 𝐵𝐺 (5.4)
The metacentric radius, 𝐵𝑀, can be defined as
BM = I / V (5.5)
𝐼= the second moment of area of the plane of floating about an axis through the centroid
perpendicular to the plane of rotation, as the pontoon heels.
𝑉= the immersed volume

The immersed volume, 𝑉 can be determined by calculation. Since the buoyant force
(upthrust) is equal to the total weight, 𝑊, of the pontoon and its load then,
𝜌𝑔𝑉 = 𝑊 (5.6)

The depth of immersion, 𝑑𝑖 can then be found from

𝑉 = 𝐿𝑏𝑑𝑖 (5.7)

The point 𝐵 is the centroid of immersed area. It is at distance 𝑑𝑖⁄2 from the base. The
centre of gravity 𝐺 is at a distance 𝑦 above the base (Figure 2). By substitution from
above, the following result is obtained.

GM = (b²/12𝑑𝑖) (y – 𝑑𝑖/2) (5.8)

Figure 2: Section through a floating pontoon


The objective of this laboratory test is to identify the position of the metacentre (M) of a
floating body, by referring the distance from the centre of gravity (G).


• Metacentric height apparatus

• Hydraulic bench

• Weigh balance

• Ruler

• Knife edge or fine string


i. The assembled pontoons, weight traveled (horizontal) and dimensions of the

pontoons were weighed and recorded.

ii. Our group had to choose a different center of gravity and we chose 16 mm from the
base. To change the center of gravity, the traverse weight on mast needs to slide to
the desired location. Below are the suggested locations of the traversed weight to
determine the centre of gravity.
iii. The center of gravity of the pontoon, y needs to be found by balancing the mass of
the pontoon on a knife edge.
iv. The pontoon was placed in the water.
v. The traverse weight (horizontal) has been adjusted to its middle position. The plumb
bob should now read “0” tilt angle. If not, adjust the line accordingly.
vi. The traverse weight should move slightly to the right side (1cm) and the angle of tilt
was recorded. The marked line should be observed by the plumb bob. The height
of the mast was measured in order to calculate the angle of tilt.

vii. Step 5 until maximum tilt or until the pontoon is unstable was repeated.
viii. Step 5 and 6 were repeated by moving the traverse weight to the left side.


Breadth, B = …………0.20…………. m
Length, L = …………0.35………. m
Height of mast, h = ………0.385……. m
Assembled weight, W = ………1.88………….. kg
Traversed weight (horizontal), P = ……0.0218……. kg
Depth of immersed, di = ………0.028…………… m
Location of traverse weight (vertical), = ……0.16……..m
Centre of gravity from base, y = ……0.105…………m

Location of Distance, x Height of Plumb bob Angle of tilt Experimental

traverse (cm) mast (cm) position (cm) (o) GM (m)
Right 1 2 87.03 1.20 x 10-3
Right 3 7 79.70 1.47 x 10-2
Right 5 9 76.84 2.44 x 10-2
Left 1 2 87.03 1.20 x 10-3
Left 3 7 79.70 1.47 x 10-2
Left 5 9 76.84 2.44 x 10-2
Average 0.013

Theoretical GM = (0.202 ÷ 12 (0.028)) (0.105 – (0.028 ÷2) )
= 0.011 m

V = Lbdi
= 0.35 x 0.20 x 0.028
= 1.96 x 10-3 m


Based on the result, we can determine the value of metacentric height of the
pontoon is 0.013m averagely. The value of metacentric height are affected by angle of
pontoon tilted. In this experiment, we tilted the pontoon by move the movable load from
the mast into a distance in any direction and in this case, we move the mass 1cm, 3cm
and 5cm to the right and left direction. As we can see in the table, the plumb bob
positions are same either it move to the right of left, which is 2cm, 7cm and 9cm. Using
the data that we got, we can calculate the theoretical metacentric height and the value
that we got is 0.011m. There are a few reasons that can cause the different between
the experimental metacentric height and the theoretical metacentric height such as the
change of the depth of immersed and the absence of water in the poonton act as
additional mass.





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