Clean Energy Australia Report 2022
Clean Energy Australia Report 2022
Clean Energy Australia Report 2022
4 Introduction
6 2021 snapshot
12 Jobs and investment in renewable energy by state
16 Industry outlook: small-scale renewable energy
18 Industry outlook: large-scale renewable energy
20 Federal politics
22 State policies
24 Australian Capital Territory
26 New South Wales
28 Northern Territory
30 Queensland
32 South Australia
34 Tasmania
36 Victoria
38 Western Australia
40 Employment
44 Renewables for business
48 International update
50 Electricity prices
52 Transmission
54 Energy reliability
56 Technology profiles
58 Battery storage
64 Bioenergy
66 Hydro and pumped hydro
70 Hydrogen
72 Solar: Small-scale systems up to 100 kW
80 Solar: Medium-scale systems between 100 kW and 5 MW
82 Solar: Large-scale systems larger than 5 MW
86 Wind
The recent success of the Australian stability and capacity. The hydrogen
renewable energy industry makes it easy sector’s development also accelerated
to forget just how far we’ve come. Back in 2021 on the back of several large
Kane in 2015 when the Abbott Government investments by governments and the
Thornton threatened to abolish the Renewable private sector.
Chief Executive, Energy Target, there were serious doubts
Australia’s troubled climate politics made
Clean Energy about the industry’s survival, let alone its
some progress in 2021 when the country
Council ability to provide a significant proportion
committed to a target of net-zero
of the country’s electricity.
emissions by 2050. While this may signal
Australia’s clean energy Yet just six years later, 32.5 per cent that the end of Australia’s decades-
of Australia’s electricity came from long climate wars is in sight, the Federal
industry was irrepressible
clean energy sources and the industry Government’s failure to back the target
in 2021, with some of the is growing faster than ever before. The with any meaningful policies shows that
country’s largest wind acceleration of the renewable energy its leadership remains amiss.
and solar projects coming transition in 2021 shows that a future
Thankfully, the states and territories
online and rooftop solar where Australia’s electricity costs less, is
continue to fill this void, with South
more reliable and has zero emissions is
continuing its record- Australia reaching levels of renewable
no longer a possibility, it is a certainty.
breaking run. When energy penetration never previously
coupled with the rapid The almost 3 GW of new large-scale seen and New South Wales continuing
capacity that was added in 2021 its ambitious foray into renewables via
development of battery included some of Australia’s largest several renewable energy zones.
storage and hydrogen, renewable energy projects, with the
More than any other year so far, 2021
Australia’s clean energy country’s three largest solar farms and
signalled the inevitability of Australia’s
future has never looked two of its three largest wind farms all
clean energy future as the country
brighter. beginning to send power to the grid
made big steps towards becoming a
during the year. The rooftop solar sector
global clean energy export superpower.
also continued its remarkable run in
However, there is still much to be done
2021, adding 3.3 GW of new capacity
and numerous challenges to overcome
to chalk up five record-breaking years
to ensure that the transition is as quick
in a row.
and seamless as possible. The rapid
The battery sector made considerable pace of the clean energy transition make
strides in 2021, including the completion this one of the most exciting industries
of Australia’s largest battery and several to work in, and I can’t wait to see how
other announcements of new projects much more we can achieve, both in
that will provide the system with added 2022 and in the years ahead.
The Australian renewable energy The gas sector also saw a notable fall, The large-scale sector also had a
industry accounted for 32.5 per cent with its proportion of total generation bumper year in 2021, adding
of Australia’s total electricity falling to 7.7 per cent in 2021, down 2955 MW of new capacity across
generation in 2021, which represented from 9.9 per cent in 2020. 27 projects, which was almost 1 GW
an increase of almost 5 percentage more than that added in 2020. The
The growth of renewable energy in
points compared to 2020. In the past main reason for this significant
Australia in 2021 was again led by
five years, the proportion of increase in new capacity was the
small-scale solar. The sector added
Australia’s electricity that comes from completion of some of Australia’s
3.3 GW of new capacity during the
renewables has almost doubled, largest wind and solar projects in
year, representing the fifth year in a
increasing from 16.9 per cent in 2017 2021, which included the country’s
row that it has set a record for new
to 32.5 per cent this year. three largest solar farms and two
installed capacity. Small-scale solar
The growth in renewable energy accounted for 24.9 per cent of of its three largest wind farms. The
generation was most keenly felt in the Australia’s total renewable energy wind industry had a particularly
coal sector, which saw its share of generation in 2021, cementing its strong year, adding 1746 MW of
total generation fall from 62.0 per place as Australia’s second-largest new capacity to register its third
cent in 2020 to 59.1 per cent in 2021. clean energy technology behind wind. record-breaking year in a row.
Australia's electricity
A further 68 large-scale projects were
under construction or financially
committed at the end of 2021,
2021 and investment falling from
$4.5 billion to $3.7 billion over the
same period. This was a result of
generation from renewable representing more than 9 GW of new continued political and policy
sources in 2021 capacity, over 35,000 jobs and over uncertainty combined with the
$18 billion of investment. Of these challenges of connecting renewable
68 upcoming projects, 42 are solar energy projects to the grid.
farms, 19 are wind farms, three are
The battery storage sector made
3.3 GW
bioenergy projects, two are
headlines in 2021 with the
hydropower projects and two are
commissioning of Australia’s largest
hybrid wind and solar projects.
small-scale solar capacity battery, the 300 MW/450 MWh
added in 2021 However, the pipeline of new large- Victorian Big Battery. The battery is
scale renewable energy projects unique in that it operates as a virtual
slowed in 2021, with the amount of transmission line that enables an
new capacity committed falling from additional 250 MW of electricity to
3 GW
large-scale wind and solar
3001 MW in 2020 to 2116 MW in flow through the Victoria–New South
large-scale projects under
construction or financially
committed at the end of 2021
Wales Interconnector. A further Australian politics saw a landmark electricity that came from renewable
30 utility-scale batteries were under achievement in 2021 when the Federal energy reached unparalleled levels. The
construction at the end of 2021, Government committed Australia to a most impressive measure of this
representing a combined capacity target of net-zero emissions by 2050 occurred in late November when the
and storage duration of ahead of the COP26 summit. However, state was powered entirely by wind and
921 MW/1169 MWh. the government’s refusal to back the solar for 93 hours, making it the first
target with any meaningful policy gigawatt-scale grid in the world to
The development of the hydrogen
support and its continued assistance achieve such a feat.
sector continued to accelerate in 2021,
for the fossil fuel industry raised many
with the industry having a pipeline of New South Wales formally declared
questions about the sincerity of its
more than 100 projects worth Australia’s first renewable energy zone
commitment. In the final months of
$163 billion by the end of the year. (REZ) in 2021. The Central-West Orana
2021, speculation was rife as to when
The industry received significant REZ will host at least 3 GW of solar,
the government would call the federal
government backing in 2021, led by the wind and storage, generating
election. While predictions of a
Federal Government’s $464 million $5.2 billion of new investment and
late-2021 poll didn’t eventuate, the
Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs creating 3900 construction jobs.
pre-election campaign was in full
Program and the NSW Government This is the first of five REZs planned for
swing by the end of the year.
providing up to $3 billion in support to New South Wales, which will vastly
the industry. The private sector also The lack of a federal energy policy increase the state’s clean energy
upped its investment in 2021, with iron didn’t stop the states and territories in resources while reducing transmission
ore magnate Andrew Forrest leading 2021, which continued to drive costs.
the way via several announcements Australia’s clean energy transition.
that will significantly boost the South Australia broke several records in
emerging sector. 2021 as the amount of the state’s
670W+ Bifacial Module
and Intelligent Tracker
The industry’s only truly integrated power plant
solution from Trina Solar that improves reliability,
enhances project returns and lowers risk.
Wide range of 210 mm ultra-high power modules designed for all applications.
1 Green Energy Markets. Electricity generation equivalent in households is calculated using a weighted national average consumption level
of 4.596 MWh (from Australian Energy Market Commission, Residential electricity price trends 2018, 21 December 2018,
2 Green Energy Markets. Total generation includes NEM and WEM data and small-scale solar. The ACT is part of the NSW region and there is
no data available for the small NT grid.
Investment 9331
174 82 Megawatts
Megawatts Jobs 2117
1342m $3552m
4668 35,132
Megawatts Jobs
$851m 1833
Investment Megawatts
1315 $3545m
0 Investment
Megawatts 5181
$0m Jobs
*From 2017 to 31 December 2021
Solar NSW Darlington Point Solar Farm Edify/Fern Trading Development 275
Image: Agnew Hybrid Renewable Microgrid Solar and Wind Farm, Western Australia
The growth of the small-scale solar sector continued unabated in 2021,
adding 3.3 GW of new capacity to record its fifth-straight record-breaking year.
The small-scale solar sector added the country continued to embrace the Victoria and New South Wales saw the
3316 MW of new capacity in 2021, benefits of rooftop solar. New South most household battery installations
comfortably surpassing the previous Wales once again installed the most in 2021 with 9000, followed by
record of 2963 MW set in 2020. This new rooftop solar capacity in 2021, Queensland with 6500 and South
made 2021 the fifth year in a row that adding 996 MW throughout the year, Australia with 6000. Unsurprisingly,
the sector has broken the record for new followed by Queensland with 854 MW, most of these states have
capacity, with the industry growing at Victoria with 681 MW and Western government-backed household
an average of 39 per cent each year. battery programs, demonstrating the
Australia with 367 MW.
The sector also broke the record for sector’s continued need for additional
the number of systems installed for The small-scale battery segment support to drive uptake.
the second-straight year in 2021, with continued to build steadily in 2021, The average size of a rooftop solar
the 389,577 new solar installations with approximately 34,731 household system increased to 8.51 kW in 2021,
overtaking the 370,156 systems installed batteries with a combined capacity representing a more than threefold
in 2020. of 347 MWh installed during the year. increase in the past 10 years. This
Every state and territory besides the This was a strong increase on the highlights the significant cost reductions
Northern Territory set new records for 23,796 batteries that were installed of solar panels and inverters over the
capacity in 2021 as households across in 2020. past decade as economies of scale
and technological improvements have
brought solar prices to levels that would
have scarcely been believable just a few
Approved Solar Retailer program at the
end of 2021, an increase of 25 per cent
on the previous year. The Clean Energy
rooftop solar systems
years ago. Council increased its compliance activity installed in 2021,
Despite the industry’s strong of the program in 2021, opening 430 a new record
performance in 2021, there were some cases against Approved Solar Retailers
signs that growth is beginning to slow. of which 112 resulted in compliance
The industry’s growth rate was lower in action. These actions are vital in
2021 compared to previous years and
was less than that forecast by some
analysts. This could be down to a range
maintaining the program’s integrity
and ensuring that Australian consumers
are purchasing from a retailer that is
average yearly growth of
of factors, including lower electricity committed to a high level of service and small-scale solar capacity
prices, the impact of the COVID-19 industry best practice. over the past five years
pandemic and policies to limit or even The number of Clean Energy Council
charge rooftop solar for exporting to accredited installers passed 8500 for
the grid. It remains to be seen whether
the first time in 2021, increasing by 13
this is just a one-off blip or the first signs per cent to 8682. The program’s growth
that the industry is cooling slightly after has closely matched that of the rooftop
several years of remarkable growth. household batteries
solar industry, with the number of
There were 1464 participating accredited installers increasing in each installed in 2021
companies in the Clean Energy Council’s of the past six years.
550W maximum
power output 21.23% module efficiency
7.5 GW
Global Capacity
large-scale projects
completed in 2021
2955 MW
new large-scale capacity
added in 2021
large-scale batteries under
construction at the end of 2021
The people being part of Ingeteam conceive electrical energy
conversion systems, from the generation to the consumption.
Australia’s commitment to The lightning rod of climate and energy The Prime Minister’s ability to
a target of net-zero policy was again one of the key issues eventually reach an agreement with his
in federal politics in 2021, despite the party to commit Australia to a target
emissions by 2050 was a ongoing impact of the COVID-19 of net-zero emissions by 2050 was a
landmark achievement in pandemic. Much of the policy debate landmark achievement in the history
the troubled history of centred on positioning for Australia to of Australian climate politics. However,
Australian climate politics. take to the COP26 summit, with the Federal Government’s plan to
However, the Federal unequivocal public support for the reach the target – which included no
nation to play a more meaningful role new policies, no changes to interim
Government’s refusal to in the global climate change response. targets and a heavy reliance on
back the target with any The vehemence of this support put unnamed technologies and
meaningful policy support Prime Minister Scott Morrison on the international offsets – raised many
and continued assistance back foot as he scrambled to come up questions about the sincerity of its
for the fossil fuel industry with a credible target to take to COP26. commitment.
This led to an unseemly public spat
raised serious doubts within the Coalition as several Further doubts about the Federal
about its commitment to prominent Nationals members, Government’s dedication to climate
achieving it. including newly reinstated leader action were raised throughout the year
Barnaby Joyce, spoke out publicly by its continued support for the fossil
against any form of increased climate fuel industry. This was most evident in
commitment. the government’s decision to invest
federal target for Australia
to reach net-zero emissions
$464 M
investment in the Clean
Hydrogen Industrial Hubs
federal Labor's 2030
emissions reduction target
$600 million in constructing a new where hydrogen users, producers and such as the Business Council of
gas-fired power plant in New South potential exporters will be concentrated Australia, this didn’t stop the Coalition
Wales. The changes that it made to the to allow for the creation of economies from immediately responding with a
regulations governing the Australian of scale. rehash of the scare campaign that it
Renewable Energy Agency, enabling it The final months of 2021 were ran at the previous election. Whether
to provide funding to carbon capture dominated by speculation about when or not this will be as successful in the
and storage and potentially gas the next federal election would be coming election, which must be held in
projects, were also seen by many as a called. While many pundits’ predictions the first half of 2022, will be a decisive
thinly veiled attempt to prop up the of a late-2021 election to capitalise on factor in Australia’s future climate
ailing sector. the improving COVID-19 situation ambitions and the speed of the clean
While the Federal Government didn’t didn’t come to fruition, the pre-election energy transition.
provide any additional support to campaign was in full swing by the end
Australia’s clean energy transition in of the year. In December, the Federal
2021, it did increase funding in the Labor party got the ball rolling when it
emerging hydrogen industry to announced that it would take an
$464 million through its Clean emissions reduction target of 43 per
Hydrogen Industrial Hubs Program. The cent by 2030 to the election.
program has identified seven While short of the target that it took to
prospective regions around Australia the 2019 federal election and that
for the development of hydrogen hubs, being called for by business groups
The states and territories continued With their renewable energy
to lead Australia’s renewable energy ambitions well and truly on track,
transition in 2021, demonstrating just many states and territories increased
what is possible with good policy and their focus on renewable hydrogen in
bipartisan support. 2021, introducing policies and
projects that are helping to lay the
The remarkable success of state and foundation for Australia’s next big
territory renewable energy policies is export opportunity.
borne out in the increasing share of
clean energy, with some states and
territories reaching levels of
renewable penetration not seen
anywhere else in the world.
• Net-zero
emissions target by 2025
• Big
Canberra Battery system to establish a 250 MW
network of distributed batteries
• $300 million over five years to tackle climate change
The ACT continued as a renewable Canberra that can be coordinated to hub for renewable energy technologies,
energy leader in 2021, maintaining its operate as if they were one big battery. innovative funding for renewable
position as one of the few jurisdictions The distributed battery system will be energy projects and the opportunities
in the world that gets 100 per cent used to increase network reliability by for battery storage.5
of its energy from renewable sources. reducing pressure on the grid, better Electricity prices were a contentious
However, despite its world-leading integrate the increasing supply of issue in the ACT in 2021, with a
status, the territory continued to look renewable energy in the network, decision by the ACT’s Independent
for new ways to improve its renewable reduce electricity price spikes and Competition and Regulatory
energy credentials as it strives to generate new revenue opportunities Commission resulting in consumer
achieve its ambitious goal of net-zero for the ACT.4 Although it is still only in power bills increasing by almost $200
emissions by 2025. the early planning stages, the battery per year.6 The increase was due to a
In February 2021, the ACT Budget and its innovative operating model 37 per cent rise in network costs and a
committed $300 million to tackle demonstrates the exciting possibilities 133 per cent increase in feed-in tariff
climate change over the next five years. enabled by energy storage. payments to large-scale wind and solar
This included $150 million towards generators, which came about because
The ACT also looked at expanding its
interest-free loans of up to $15,000 of the significant fall in wholesale prices
renewable energy expertise beyond caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.7
per household to install solar panels, its borders in 2021, with the Standing
battery storage and heat pumps, and Committee on Environment, Climate While the price increase was lower
$100 million for the Big Canberra Change and Biodiversity holding an than that initially proposed by energy
Battery system.3 inquiry into developing the ACT into a distributor Evoenergy, it still came as
The Big Canberra Battery system global exporter of renewable energy a significant blow to businesses and
is a unique energy storage solution expertise. The inquiry focused on a households in the ACT that were also
range of topics, including boosting dealing with lockdowns associated with
that involves the ACT Government
the COVID-19 pandemic.
establishing a 250 MW network of renewable energy research in the ACT,
distributed battery systems across establishing the territory as a national
3 A Crowe, The Canberra Times, The ACT plans to lead the nation on climate. But do our neighbours have other plans?, 21 February 2021,
4 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, ACT seeks proposals for massive 250MW ‘Big Canberra Battery’ network, 16 April 2021, reneweconomy.
5 I Bushnell, Riotact, New inquiry to put ACT’s renewable energy future in spotlight, 2 March 2021,
6 L Bladen, The Canberra Times, Canberra electricity prices to rise almost 12 per cent, 7 June 2021,
7 A Brown, The Canberra Times, Evoenergy blames renewables targets for proposed big price increase, 6 April 2021,
250 MW
size of the proposed Big
value of interest-free loans for
Canberra Battery households to install solar and
• 50
per cent emissions reduction target by 2030
• $3
billion in incentives for new hydrogen projects
• $380
million over four years to support renewable
energy zone development
Political turmoil in NSW, which saw Work is also continuing in the state’s The NSW Government also made
the resignation of Premier Gladys other REZs, with the NSW Government’s a considerable commitment to
Berejiklian and Deputy Premier John EOI process for the New England REZ establishing a hydrogen industry in the
Barilaro over a three-day period, didn’t receiving more than 80 proposals state in 2021, launching its hydrogen
slow New South Wales’ clean energy worth 34 GW, well above the planned strategy in October. The strategy was
momentum in 2021, with a flurry of new 8 GW capacity of the REZ. The New accompanied by up to $3 billion in
announcements confirming the state’s England REZ, which will be Australia’s incentives for new hydrogen projects,
commitment to a rapid clean energy largest once completed, is expected including waiving government charges
transition. to deliver approximately $10.7 billion on green hydrogen production,
in investment and create 2000 providing a 90 per cent exemption to
The most significant development was construction jobs and 1300 ongoing network charges for electrolysers that
the formal declaration of Australia’s first jobs in the region in the state’s north.9 connect to parts of the network with
renewable energy zone (REZ). Located The EOI process for the Hunter-Central spare capacity and investing $70 million
near Dubbo, the Central-West Orana Coast REZ also opened in late-2021.10 in hydrogen hubs in the Illawarra and
REZ will host at least 3 GW of solar, wind Hunter regions.12
To help support all this activity, the NSW
and storage, generating $5.2 billion
Government committed an additional Project EnergyConnect, the $2.3 billion
of new investment and creating 3900 $380 million over four years to REZ interconnector between NSW and
construction jobs. The next step will investment in the state budget, bringing South Australia, was approved in 2021,
be for the NSW Government to hold a its total commitment to more than half with both the NSW Government and
series of auctions to select the projects a billion dollars. The additional $380 ElectraNet giving the project the green
to be constructed in the REZ, and there million will be used to fund transmission light. The 900 km transmission line
is expected to be no shortage of bidders upgrades in the Central West-Orana REZ will be crucial in connecting new wind
after an expression of interest (EOI) and the establishment of a Consumer and solar projects to the grid as well as
process held in 2020 received 27 GW Trustee, Financial Trustee and Regulator providing NSW with access to South
worth of proposals, more than nine to ensure that competition in the REZs Australia’s increasing renewable energy
times the capacity of the REZ.8 benefits consumers.11 exports.
8 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, NSW formally declares Australia’s first Renewable Energy Zone, 11 November 2021,
9 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, NSW stuns with 34GW of wind, solar proposals for New England renewable zone, 27 August 2021,
10 G Wakatama and A Scully, ABC News, Hunter and Central Coast dubbed potential renewables superpower with creation of REZ,
3 December 2021,
11 P Hannam, The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW to invest $380 million to turbocharge renewable energy rollout, 17 June 2021,
12 NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, NSW Hydrogen Strategy: Making NSW a global hydrogen superpower,
13 October 2021,
of New South Wales'
of New South
electricity generation Wales' electricity
came from renewables consumption
in 2021* was served by
renewables in 2021*
* The NSW figure includes the ACT Image: Sebastopol Solar Farm, New South Wales
• 50
per cent renewable energy target by 2030
• 35 MW battery to support the Darwin-Katherine grid
• $2.8
million to extend the Home and Business
Battery Scheme
Despite facing some challenges in rooftop solar system with a battery or scale solar, the purchase of a second
2021, the Northern Territory continued add a battery to an existing system.14 large-scale battery by 2024 and new
to put measures in place to set itself “hydrogen compatible” gas generators,
Despite these positive developments,
up to achieve its target of 50 per cent all at an estimated cost of $30 million
a report by the NT Utilities Commission
renewables by 2030. less than a “business as usual” scenario.
in July 2021 highlighted the challenges
The Federal Government gave the still facing the NT if it is to reach its The Sun Cable project continued
NT’s clean energy plans a boost in the 50 per cent renewables target by 2030. to make progress in 2021, with the
2021-22 budget, providing $15 million The report forecast that renewable project’s backers announcing that the
towards the 35 MW battery that will be energy would account for just 23 per giant solar farm would be expanding
constructed to enable more renewable cent of consumption on the Darwin- from 14 GW to 17-20 GW and that the
energy on the Darwin-Katherine grid Katherine grid and 14 per cent in Alice associated energy storage would also
and $15 million to deploy microgrids Springs by 2030 on current trends. It be increased from 30 GWh to 36-42
to provide up to 10 remote Indigenous also highlighted a number of potentially GWh.16 In 2021, the project, which will
communities with more secure, reliable significant risks for the territory’s be located approximately halfway
and affordable electricity by reducing electricity system, including decreasing between Darwin and Alice Springs,
their reliance on diesel generators.13 minimum system demand and a was added to Infrastructure Australia’s
shortage of capacity to meet system annual Infrastructure Priority Initiative
The NT Government also used the
security requirements.15 List17 and signed a project development
state budget to commit $2.8 million to
agreement with the NT Government.
extend the Home and Business Battery In response, the NT Government
Scheme to an additional 460 homes announced a comprehensive plan to
and businesses in the territory. The address these issues while meeting
scheme provides successful applicants its 2030 target. The plan involves the
with $6000 grants to buy and install a installation of more large- and small-
13 G Shipway, NT News, Federal government commits $30 million funding for more reliable, affordable electricity in the NT, 6 May 2021,
14 T Morgan, NT News, Extra $2.8m for Home and Business Battery Scheme in 2021-22 Territory budget, 3 May 2021,
15 Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory, Northern Territory Electricity Outlook Report: 2020, 25 June 2021, _
16 P Hannam, The Sydney Morning Herald, Sun Cable scales up plans for world’s biggest solar farm with Indonesian help, 23 September 2021,
17 D Carroll, pv Magazine, World’s biggest solar farm added to Infrastructure Australia priority list, 26 February 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
35 MW
size of a new battery to support
$15 M
value of support to deploy
the Darwin-Katherine grid up to 10 microgrids in remote
Indigenous communities
• 50
per cent renewable energy target by 2030
• $1.5
billion top up of the state's renewable
energy fund
• Proposed
1 GW pumped hydro system at
Borumba Dam
Queensland took some important target if current trends continue. The Kidston pumped hydro project began
steps towards its goal of 50 per cent report also raised concerns about the in April 2021. The project received a
renewable energy by 2030 in 2021, effect that the $2 billion renewable $147 million funding package from the
making significant investments in energy fund would have on private Queensland Government to help
new renewable capacity and storage. sector investment in the state.19 In it finance a new transmission network
However, the state’s clean energy the months before the report was link to allow it to connect to the main
progress has slowed in comparison released, the Queensland Government grid upon completion, which is expected
to its peers in recent years as other announced that it was developing a 10- in 2024.
jurisdictions have increased their year energy plan for the state, which will
It could be joined by a similar project
ambitions and accelerated their hopefully address some of the concerns
after the Queensland Government
renewable energy transitions. raised in the report.
opened a tender process for a 1 GW
In an effort to boost the Queensland The other big electricity event in pumped hydro system at Borumba
clean energy industry, the Queensland Queensland in 2021 was an explosion Dam in the state’s south-east. While
Government announced a $1.5 billion at the Callide coal-fired power station the proposed project is still only in the
top-up of the state’s renewable energy in May, which plunged much of the very early stages of development, if
fund, bringing the total available funds state into blackout and sent prices constructed it would be one of the
to $2 billion. The fund will be used to skyrocketing. Thankfully, the state’s largest storage systems in the country.20
help state-owned power companies wind farms and the Wivenhoe pumped
Queensland also connected its first
increase their renewable generation hydro scheme were able to step in to
large-scale battery to the grid in 2021
and storage capacity and allow the help restore power, but the event served
when the 100 MW/150 MWh Wandoan
government to invest in new hydrogen to highlight the growing unreliability of
South battery came online in May. The
projects and clean manufacturing jobs.18 Australia’s ageing coal-fired power fleet.
battery is the first of several planned
A report by the Auditor-General Storage was a major focus in for the state, with a 150 MW system
in November looked at the state’s Queensland in 2021, with both pumped planned for installation at the Tarong
clean energy progress, warning that hydro and battery storage receiving coal-fired power station.21
Queensland may fail to achieve its significant boosts. After several false
50 per cent renewable energy by 2030 starts, construction on the 250 MW
18 M Dennien, Brisbane Times, Queensland pours $1.5b into energy fund to try to lower bills, hit emissions aim, 10 June 2021, brisbanetimes.
19 Z Hope, Brisbane Times, Qld government is exaggerating progress on renewables target: Audit, 25 November 2021,
20 D Carroll, pv Magazine, Pumped hydro and solar projects progress Queensland’s energy transition, 12 August 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
21 L Nothling, ABC News, Large-scale battery to be added to Queensland’s power network as experts call for more renewables after Callide
fire, 27 May 2021,
of Queensland's
of Queensland’s
electricity generation electricity
came from renewables consumption
in 2021 was served by
renewables in 2021
• 100
per cent renewable energy target by 2030
• 330
kV interconnector between SA and NSW approved
• 250
MW battery announced at Torrens Island gas-fired
power station
The eyes of the world were on South condensers across the state.23 This with a report by the Essential Services
Australia in 2021 as the amount of the largely removed the requirement for Commission of South Australia finding
state’s electricity that came from wind wind and solar farms to curtail their that average market prices had
and solar reached unparalleled levels. output, allowing them to produce dropped by $111 in the first half of the
enough clean energy to meet all of SA’s 2020-21 financial year.25
Of all the records broken in SA in 2021,
local demand while still having capacity
the most impressive was the one set The unique situation in SA, where
to export to other states.
in late November, when the state was supply is increasingly outstripping
powered entirely by wind and solar over SA’s role as a clean energy exporter demand, has made the business case
a 93-hour period. This was a record for received a major boost in 2021 with for large-scale batteries extremely
a gigawatt-scale grid anywhere in the the approval of Project EnergyConnect, attractive. For example, throughout
world and shows how close the state a new 330 kV interconnector between September and October, the state’s
is to reaching its goal of 100 per cent SA and New South Wales. The project existing fleet of batteries were paid
renewable energy by 2030.22 will vastly improve SA’s energy security to charge due to negative wholesale
and will likely remove the need for any electricity prices.26 This resulted in the
The catalyst for SA’s record-breaking
synchronous generation in the state, announcement of several new batteries
run was a decision by the Australian
clearing the way for SA to be powered in 2021, including a 250 MW battery
Energy Market Operator to reduce the
entirely by wind and solar generation.24 at the Torrens Island gas-fired power
amount of gas generation required
to ensure grid stability from at least The other benefit of SA’s remarkable station27 and a 150 MW battery at the
240 MW to 80 MW following the clean energy transition is a significant former Holden car manufacturing plant
commissioning of four synchronous fall in household electricity prices, in Adelaide.28
22 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Solar reaches 110 per cent of South Australia demand as more records tumble, 30 November 2021,
23 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Wind and solar grab world record 135 pct share of state demand, 108 pct over two days, 27 November 2021,
24 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, South Australia grid just one step away from operating with wind and solar only, 1 December 2021,
25 C Russell, The Advertiser, SA household power prices fall $111 in first months of 2020-21, ESCOSA finds, 15 February 2021,
26 M Petkovic, pv Magazine, SA batteries paid to charge as solar sends electricity prices negative, 6 December 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
27 S Evans and A MacDonald-Smith, The Australian Financial Review, AGL commits to large battery at Adelaide power station, 24 March 2021,
28 S Vorrath, RenewEconomy, CEP to build 150MW big battery at former Holden plant in South Australia, 30 March 2021,
of South Australia's
of South Australia’s
electricity generation electricity
came from renewables consumption
in 2021 was served by
renewables in 2021
• 200
per cent renewable energy target by 2040
• Net-zero
emissions target by 2030
• $100,000
towards hydrogen cluster initiative
at Bell Bay
Tasmania’s abundance of hydro power Progress on Project Marinus, a second However, clean energy commitments
assets means that it is one of the few interconnector between Tasmania and from the incumbent Liberal government
jurisdictions in the world that gets all its the mainland and a key enabler of the included $10 million in interest-free
power from renewable energy. However, Battery of the Nation initiative, was a loans for sports clubs to install solar
the job is far from done, with the state tale of two reports in 2021. In June, a panels, $5 million for solar panels on
working towards its targets of 200 per study by TasNetworks found that the schools and $100,000 towards the
cent renewables by 2040 and net-zero project would lead to savings of up to hydrogen cluster initiative at Bell Bay.
emissions by 2030. 70 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent The Labor opposition matched the
and reduce electricity prices across the Liberals’ $5 million school pledge and
To help it get to these ambitious targets,
National Electricity Market.29 However, promised $20 million in interest-free
the Tasmanian Government announced
another report released in November loans for batteries. Unsurprisingly, the
the creation of Renewables, Climate and
found that the falling costs of battery Greens’ election commitments were far
Future Industries Tasmania (ReCFIT) in
storage would likely make the project more comprehensive, pledging to ban
2021. The new agency will advise the
redundant.30 The other major sticking the generation of non-renewable energy
government on Tasmania’s strategic
point for the project is who will fund it, in the Tasmanian electricity grid and
direction on climate change, renewable
with the Tasmanian Government calling increase the installation of rooftop solar
energy growth and the development
on those on the mainland to make a on public housing.31
of new industries such as renewable
hydrogen. significant contribution to the project’s After a messy campaign dominated by
construction. preselection infighting and candidate
Tasmania also legislated the country’s
The Tasmanian Government surprised resignations, the election resulted in
most ambitious net-zero target in
many in March when it called a snap the status quo being maintained, with
2021, committing to carbon neutrality
by 2030. While some criticised the state election for May, more than a year both the Liberal and Greens winning the
policy for not being ambitious enough ahead of schedule. Renewable energy same number of seats and Labor losing
considering that Tasmania has had and climate change largely took a just one seat to an independent.
net-zero emissions for six of the past back seat during the campaign as both
seven years, the fact that the target is major parties focused more strongly
legislated will require the government of on COVID-19, the economy, health and
the day to continue pursuing reductions. housing.
29 J Howard, The Mercury, Project Marinus: reports confirms economic viability and lower power prices, says state government, 28 June
30 L Beavis, ABC News, Marinus Link project likened to Snowy 2.0 in damning new report warning of 'dead-weight loss', 24 November 2021,
31 ABC News, Tasmanian election promise tracker: Your guide to the major parties' policies, 1 May 2021,
of Tasmania's
of Tasmania’s
electricity generation electricity
came from renewables consumption
in 2021 was served by
renewables in 2021
The first signs of Victoria reaching its The Victorian Government also during the summer months,
ambitious target of 50 per cent committed to powering all government- increasing the capacity of
renewable energy by 2030 emerged in owned enterprises, including schools the Victoria–New South Wales
2021 as renewables accounted for more and hospitals, with renewables by 2025 Interconnector by 250 MW.36
than half of the state’s energy mix for a during the year. This initiative came as This was just one of several battery
short period for the first time in part of the Victorian Government’s announcements made in the
January.32 This mark was bettered long-awaited interim emissions state in 2021, including a
throughout the year, culminating in reduction targets, which put the state 240 MW/480 MWh battery in
renewables accounting for 66 per cent on the path to reducing its emissions by the Mornington Peninsula and
of total generation and more than 70 28-33 per cent by 2025 and 45-50 per 20 utility-scale batteries scattered
per cent of local demand in August.33 cent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, across the state’s REZs.
before reaching its ultimate goal of
Victoria's clean energy ambitions Rooftop solar continued to perform
net-zero emissions by 2050.35
continued in 2021 with the launch of strongly in Victoria in 2021, with the
VRET2, the state's second renewable With the addition of so much large-scale Victorian Government’s Solar Homes
energy auction. Launched in August, renewable energy across the state in the program passing 1 GW of installed
VRET2 is calling for an additional past few years, Victoria’s focus shifted systems during the year. Despite
600 MW of large-scale wind, solar and to consolidating these gains through significant teething problems when it
hydro capacity across the state’s six utility-scale battery investments in 2021. first started in 2019, the Solar Homes
planned renewable energy zones (REZs). The most significant of these was the program has been an overwhelming
The auction will generate $1 billion in 300 MW/450 MWh Victorian Big success, increasing the proportion of
investment and create more than 2000 Battery, which began operation in homes with rooftop solar in Victoria
new jobs in the state, with the successful December. The battery, which has taken from 14 per cent to 22 per cent in just
projects expected to be announced the mantle of Australia’s largest battery, two years.37
towards the end of 2022.34 will operate as a virtual transmission line
32 N Towell, The Sydney Morning Herald, Victoria’s grid runs on 50 per cent renewable energy for first time, 28 March 2021,
33 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Brown coal output hits record low in Victoria, as renewables reach 72% of demand, 29 August 2021,
34 S Vorrath, RenewEconomy, Victoria calls for at least 600MW of new wind and solar in second VRET auction, 31 August 2021,
35 M McGowan, The Guardian, Victorian government pledges to slash state’s carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, 2 May 2021, www.
36 Victorian Government, The Victorian Big Battery, 8 December 2021,
37 B Matich, pv Magazine, Victorian Solar Homes program reaches 1 GW of energy capacity, 19 November 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
of Victoria's electricity
of Victoria’s
generation came from electricity
renewables in 2021 consumption
was served by
renewables in 2021
• Commitment
to a 2030 emissions reduction target
• $50
million to stimulate demand for hydrogen in the
transport and industrial sectors
• $118
million to develop hydrogen hubs in the Pilbara
and the state's mid-West
Western Australia continued to make comprehensive policy platforms. In a the Liberal party to just two seats,
steady progress on its clean energy surprising twist, it was the Liberal party which wasn’t even enough for it to
ambitions in 2021, with wind and solar that offered up the most ambitious maintain its position as the official
providing almost a third of all electricity proposals, including a 100 per cent opposition party in the state.
used across Perth and the South West renewable energy target by 2030, the WA continues to explore the enormous
in the 12 months to July 202138 and construction of a 4.5 GW wind and possibilities offered by hydrogen, with
rooftop solar accounting for as much as solar facility, and the closure of all the WA Government announcing two
65 per cent of electricity consumption state-owned coal-fired power stations significant investments in 2021. In
on WA’s main grid at certain times by 2025. September, the government created
throughout the year.39 a $50 million fund to stimulate local
In comparison, the incumbent Labor
In December 2021, the WA Government government offered a more modest set demand for renewable hydrogen in
announced that it was working on of policies that included a commitment transport and industrial settings and
a 2030 emissions reduction target, to install 1000 stand-alone power drive investment in the sector.41 The
bringing it in line with almost every systems and fit out schools with rooftop government then committed a further
other Australian state and territory. solar.40 This resulted in the strange $118 million to support the creation of
The target will first be applied to state situation of the Labor party criticising hydrogen hubs in the Pilbara and the
government agencies in 2022, before the Liberals for promoting unrealistic state’s mid-West in November.42 When
clean energy and climate targets. added to the large hydrogen projects
being expanded to other sectors of the
already proposed in the state, including
economy in the following year.
The Liberals’ bold climate platform the Asian Renewable Energy Hub in
Emissions reduction and renewable was not able to save it at the ballot the Pilbara and the Western Green
energy were major issues heading box though, with Labor recording the Energy Hub along the south coast, WA
into the WA state election in March, biggest electoral victory in Australian is setting itself up to be a major future
with both major parties offering history and in the process consigning player in the global hydrogen market.
38 J Zimmerman, The West Australian, Wind, solar supplies nearly one third of electricity used across Perth and South West over last 12
months, 22 July 2021,
39 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Rooftop solar hits record 65.2% generation in WA as installation rush continues, 28 April 2021,
40 G De Poloni, ABC News, Your policy guide to the 2021 WA election, 12 March 2021,
41 S Vorrath, RenewEconomy, Western Australia creates new fund to kickstart renewable hydrogen industry, 7 September 2021,
42 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, WA tips $118m into new green hydrogen hubs, wants Morrison to match funds, 25 November 2021,
of Western Australia's
of Western
electricity generation Australia’s electricity
came from renewables consumption
in 2021 was served by
renewables in 2021
Image: Agnew Hybrid Renewable Microgrid Solar and Wind Farm, Western Australia
Renewable energy employment was a as “a public infrastructure workforce energy technologies used by domestic
key selling point for both major political crisis”.45 Of particular concern for the and commercial customers.
parties in 2021 as they looked to boost clean energy industry is a shortage
The industry also looked to address
their environmental credentials in the of engineers, electrical line workers,
the lack of employment data in the
leadup to the 2022 federal election. electricians and skilled wind power
The Federal Government promised a technicians. The COVID-19 pandemic Australian energy sector in 2021.
significant boost to clean energy jobs has had a significant impact on the While studies such as the Clean Energy
in regional Australia in 2021 as part availability of skilled workers, with Council’s Clean Energy at Work report
of its negotiations with the Nationals both state and international border have provided valuable snapshots of
to get support for a net-zero by 2050 closures preventing the arrival of employment statistics in the industry,
target ahead of the COP26 summit.43 much-needed expertise at some there has not been a systematic survey
A significant proportion of these jobs renewable energy projects. of the Australian clean energy sector
will come from hydrogen, with the since 2002. As a result, the Clean
In an attempt to address these issues, Energy Council joined several industry
government committing $464 million
the Clean Energy Council established bodies in a joint letter to Federal
towards the construction of seven
the Skills and Training Directorate in
hydrogen hubs in regional areas as Minister for Energy and Emissions
2021. The directorate brings together
part of its Technology Investment Reduction Angus Taylor calling on
people from industry and higher
Roadmap, which it says will create governments to support
education to identify the skills
130,000 new jobs by 2030. the establishment of an Australian
required across the sector and put
Energy and Employment Report.
In December, the federal Labor party together tangible and reliable
released its climate policy, which it plans to ensure that the supply This report would survey employment
claims will result in the creation of of skilled resources is aligned in the traditional, new and renewable
604,000 new jobs. These will come with demand. energy industries to provide better
from a range of new initiatives, insights into trends across the
A significant milestone was achieved entire energy sector and address
including upgrading the electricity grid,
in September 2021 when it was knowledge gaps.
installing community batteries and
announced that renewable energy
developing new industries in regional The next five years will be particularly
units within the Electrotechnology
Australia via a Powering the Regions challenging for the industry as
Training Package will undergo their first
Fund. In addition, the Labor party existing skills shortages are likely
updates in a decade to support the
pledged to fund 10,000 new energy to be exacerbated by increasing
renewable energy workforce having
apprentices and develop a $10 million construction in renewable energy
the skills and knowledge needed
New Energy Skills Program that will zones, competition from other
for the clean energy transition. This
work to ensure that training pathways
will result in the update of training infrastructure projects and the rapid
are fit for purpose.44
package materials to enable the development of the hydrogen sector.
These policies will help to address electrotechnology workforce to
growing skills shortages, which develop the necessary skills for
Infrastructure Australia has described installing and maintaining renewable
43 D Crowe, The Sydney Morning Herald, Regional Australia to be promised clean energy jobs boom, 13 October 2021,
44 Australian Labor Party, Powering Australia, December 2021,
45 Infrastructure Australia, Infrastructure workforce and skills supply: A report from Infrastructure Australia’s Market Capacity Program,
October 2021,
across Australia, New Zealand & Asia
# In the Peter Lee Associates Large Corporate & Institutional Relationship Banking
surveys, New Zealand and Australia, ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited was Rated No.1
for Relationship Strength Index in the 2010 through to 2021 surveys and Australia
and New Zealand Banking Group Limited was Rated No.1 for Relationship Strength
Index in the 2014 through to 2021 surveys. No.1 Overall Relationship Quality in the
Greenwich Associates Asian Large Corporate Banking studies, 2017-2021.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522.
Oil and gas - Australia49
51 W
Perspective, January 2019,
orkplace Gender Equality Agency, WGEA Data Explorer, Comparing oil and gas
extraction and coal mining, Coal - Australia51
Image: Warwick Solar Farm, Queensland
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021
Since 2017, there have been at least • Telstra: 56 MW with the Crookwell The corporate PPA market appears to
110 corporate power purchase 3 Wind Farm in NSW. be shifting away from wholesale to
agreements (PPAs) negotiated, retail PPAs. Where in past years there
For the past two years, corporate
contracting over 4 GW of renewable was a bifurcated market with large
PPAs and contracts signed by publicly
energy generation. buyers signing wholesale PPAs directly
owned retailers have almost entirely
with projects and mid-sized buyers
Some of the noteworthy deals in 2021 constituted the market for large-scale signing retail PPAs with their retailer
included: renewable energy deals. as an intermediary, there was a swing
• BHP (Olympic Dam): 159 MW with The PPA market is now being driven by amongst large buyers to retail PPAs in
the Port Augusta Renewable Energy buyers with sustainability goals. In the 2021. The retail PPA market has
Park in South Australia early years, corporate PPA market continued to develop with a range
growth occurred primarily from buyers of offerings for buyers with different
• Sun Metals: 277 MW with the
seeking relief from electricity price goals and risk appetites – from
Macintryre Wind Farm in
shocks, but the primary catalyst for large-scale generation certificate
buyers entering the market now is a (LGC)-only deals that sit alongside
• Victorian Energy Collaboration: a net-zero or sustainability target. For standard retail contracts to fixed-price
council buyers group negotiated an the second year running, over 60 per PPAs through to PPAs with wholesale
80 MW deal with the Dundonell cent of buyers nominated non-price price exposure.
Wind Farm
factors as the primary driver for interest The corporate PPA market now includes
• Woolworths:
65 MW with the in PPAs in the Business Renewables a diversity of buyer and deal sizes with
Bango Wind Farm in NSW Centre Australia’s annual survey. growth at both ends of the market.
Some of the other notable trends in
2021 were: 110+ >4 GW
• The growth of LGC-only PPAs due to corporate PPAs negotiated renewable energy generation
discounts on offer for longer-term since 2017 supported by corporate PPAs
deals and pressure to achieve since 2017
net-zero targets.
• Lower investment in new projects,
>60% 277 MW
which reflects grid and wholesale
headwinds for the industry, the
establishment of new renewable
energy zones (REZs), and the buyers nominating non-price size of the PPA signed by
growth of retail PPAs with smaller factors as the primary driver Sun Metals with the Macintyre
buyers that prefer shorter-term for PPA investment Wind Farm
contracts with operating projects.
For some, the growth in PPAs with
operating projects is worrying as a
source of investment in new CORPORATE PPA VOLUMES, 2016–202152
projects, for others it is a positive
sign of a new secondary market
that will ultimately lead to 1200
investment in new projects as 1000
retailers make deals to service
this demand.
Advisers and developers are
generally positive about the impact 400
that REZs will have on corporate 200
renewable PPAs.
There have been questions as to 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
whether REZs might ‘crowd out’
corporate PPAs. However, the
market expectation appears to be CORPORATE RENEWABLE PPAs BY STATE, 202152
that they will continue to play a
significant role. 400
60 50
40 30
0 0
2019 2020 2021 Increase Decrease No change Don't know
Year Impact
18% 16%
2020 2021
8% 12%
2020 2021
37% 34%
2020 2021
12% 13%
2020 2021
21% 19%
2020 2021
53 Business Renewables Centre Australia Image: Hallett Wind Farm, South Australia
290 GW
renewable capacity added
worldwide in 2021
increase in renewable energy
capacity expected between
2020 and 2026
4800 GW
anticipated global renewable
capacity by 2026
growth in the electrified
transport sector in 2021
Annual renewable energy capacity reached its highest-ever level
in 2021 as countries increased their climate ambition ahead of
the COP26 summit in Glasgow.
Almost 290 GW of new renewable between 2020 and 2026 to reach more of Energy’s Energy Information
energy generation capacity was added than 4800 GW, which is equivalent to Administration found that battery
around the world in 2021, representing the current global capacity of fossil capacity in the US is expected to
a 3 per cent increase on the previous fuels and nuclear combined.57 This is increase by at least 1000 per cent over
record of 280 GW set in 2020.54 Of largely a result of the increased climate the next several years.59 This trend will
the new capacity added in 2021, solar ambitions that countries took to the also be seen in Australia, with analysts
accounted for more than half, followed COP26 summit in November. predicting that total battery capacity
by wind and hydropower. will increase more than fivefold to
However, while investment in the clean
12.8 GW by 2030.60
On the investment front, global energy transition has increased by
spending on renewable energy more than 185 per cent over the past Global interest in the hydrogen sector
increased by 6.5 per cent in 2021 to decade, investment levels will need to also grew in 2021, with 17 countries
US$366 billion, which was also a new triple to US$2.1 trillion per year from having adopted national hydrogen
record for the sector.55 China led the 2022 to 2025 and then double again strategies by the end of 2021 and more
way during the year, spending to US$4.2 trillion between 2026 and than 20 others actively developing
US$266 billion, followed by the US 2030 if the world is to reach its goal of theirs. By mid-2021, the global
with US$114 billion. Countries in the net-zero emissions by 2050.58 capacity of electrolysers for hydrogen
Asia-Pacific region accelerated their production stood at just over 300 MW.
While much of this growth will come
spending in 2021, accounting for four However, with a further 350 projects
from the booming electrified transport
of the top 10 biggest spenders on the currently under development, global
sector, which grew by 77 per cent in
energy transition in 2021.56 capacity is expected to increase to at
2021, the energy storage sector is also
least 54 GW by 2030.61
Renewable energy capacity is expected expected to be a major contributor.
to increase by over 60 per cent A report by the US Department
54 International Energy Agency, Renewables 2021: Analysis and forecasts to 2026, December 2021,
55 BloombergNEF, Energy Transition Investment Trends 2022, January 2022,
56 Ibid.
57 International Energy Agency, Renewables 2021: Analysis and forecasts to 2026, December 2021,
58 BloombergNEF, Energy Transition Investment Trends 2022, January 2022,
59 J Fitzgerald Weaver, pv Magazine, Energy storage appears to be fully charged for exponential growth, 24 August 2021, pv-magazine-
60 O Forsyth, pv Magazine, Australia’s energy storage installed base to grow more than five times by 2030, 31 May 2021, pv-magazine.
61 International Energy Agency, Global Hydrogen Review 2021, October 2021,
Electricity prices fell to an eight-year low in 2021 as lower wholesale prices due to new
wind and solar generation and reduced demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
began to flow through to consumers.
Retail electricity prices fell to their lowest However, these remarkable falls in primarily be due to further declines in
level since 2013 in 2021, representing wholesale electricity prices were offset wholesale electricity prices as more
annual savings of more than $275 for by the increasing unreliability of fossil renewable energy generation comes
residential customers since prices were fuel plants. In May, an explosion at online and retailers continue to adjust
at their peak. Price reductions have Queensland’s Callide coal-fired power their market offers to match the rapid
accelerated in recent years, falling by plant sent wholesale prices skyrocketing reductions in wholesale prices.
2 per cent in 2019-20 and 6 per cent in across the NEM, which more than
While electricity price reductions of up to
2020-21 to save customers $128 on their doubled in the June quarter and saw
10 per cent will be seen across the NEM
annual electricity bills in the past two Queensland record its highest-ever June
states, electricity prices in the ACT will
years alone.62 quarterly average of $141/MWh.66 While
rise over the next three years. This is due
a one-off incident such as that which
The decline in electricity prices is largely to a decision by the ACT’s Independent
occurred at Callide could be written
due to a reduction in wholesale prices, Competition and Regulatory
off as a freak occurrence, a report by
which have fallen across the National Commission to increase power bills by
the Australian Energy Regulator found
Electricity Market (NEM) in recent years almost $200 per year69 to account for
that there were almost 1000 days
because of the rapid influx of new a 133 per cent increase in feed-in tariff
of cumulative “baseload outages” in
wind and solar generation and reduced payments to large-scale wind and solar
the second quarter of 2021 alone,
demand caused by the COVID-19 generators. Ironically, this was due to a
with almost half of these outages
pandemic. The impact of renewable significant fall in wholesale prices caused
energy on prices was evident throughout by the COVID-19 pandemic.70 However,
the country in 2021, with wholesale In good news for consumers and there is some slight relief for ACT
prices averaging negative $12/MWh businesses, the falling price trends of consumers on the horizon, with prices
during daytime hours in the 2021 March recent years are expected to continue expected to fall back to $2081 per year
quarter in South Australia63 and $0.01/ into 2022. According to the Australian in 2023/24 after rising to $2226 in the
MWh during daytime hours in Victoria Energy Market Commission, annual 2022/23 financial year.71
in August and September.64 In total, electricity bills are forecast to fall
there were 3662 instances of negative by 5.7 per cent between 2021 and
wholesale electricity prices seen across 2024, representing a saving of $77
the NEM throughout the year.65 for Australian households.68 This will
62 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Inquiry into the National Electricity Market – November 2021 report, 22 November
63 C Russell, The Advertiser, Excess solar sends SA power prices negative in summer quarter, AEMO says, 28 April 2021, adelaidenow.
64 S Vorrath, RenewEconomy, Rooftop solar sends Victorian power prices to zero every day for two months, 22 October 2021, reneweconomy.
65 Australian Energy Regulator, State of the energy market: 2021, 2 July 2021,
66 A Macdonald-Smith, The Australian Financial Review, Power prices rocket higher on Callide outage, 23 July 2021,
67 Australian Energy Regulator, Wholesale markets quarterly: Q2 2021 April – June, 13 August 2021,
68 Australian Energy Market Commission, Residential electricity price trends 2021 – final report, 25 November 2021,
69 L Bladen, The Canberra Times, Canberra electricity prices to rise almost 12 per cent, 7 June 2021,
70 A Brown, The Canberra Times, Evoenergy blames renewables targets for proposed big price increase, 6 April 2021,
71 Australian Energy Market Commission, Residential electricity price trends 2021 – final report, 25 November 2021,
72 Ibid.
73 Ibid.
poles and wires
generatating electricity
electricity company costs
enviromental costs
Yearly charge for electricity (AU$)
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
10,000 km $29 B 9x
transmission needed to net benefit of projects identified increase in utility-scale
connect consumers with by AEMO within the optimal renewable energy needed
diverse generation sources development path by 2050
Things kicked up a gear in the transmission space in 2021, both in terms of large
transmission projects reaching major milestones as well as significant developments in
the regulatory space that will shape things to come for many years.
Project EnergyConnect (PEC) reached a AEMO identified that, as part of its West and Humelink, both of which are
major milestone in May 2021, with the main forecast for the NEM out to 2050, recognised as critical to supporting
new 330 kV interconnector obtaining significant investment was needed to: NEM decarbonisation.
final regulatory approval from the
• drive
a ninefold increase in utility- Specifically, AEMO identified the
Australian Energy Regulator. PEC is
scale renewable energy capacity, following projects as actionable:
the first major new AC interconnector
most of this built in coordinated • New
England REZ Transmission Link,
to be constructed in the National
renewable energy zones (REZs) to be delivered by July 2027
Electricity Market (NEM) since the
Queensland–NSW Interconnector • treble the firming capacity that • Sydney ring reinforcing, to be
commenced operation in 2001. can respond to a dispatch signal, delivered by July 2027
The 900 km asset is expected to including utility-scale batteries and
be completed by 2025/26 and will pumped hydro storage, to manage • Humelink,
with early works in 2024
significantly enhance the ability to the rapid exit of thermal coal and an implementation target of
share renewable energy between generation – noting that there is 2026
South Australia and New South Wales. the potential for 14 GW of thermal • Marinus
Link, with Cable 1 to be
coal capacity to exit by 2030. delivered by July 2029 and Cable 2
The difficulties in getting PEC approved
highlighted the importance of AEMO’s forecast also identified the by July 2031
reassessing the regulatory frameworks need for more than 10,000 km of new • VNI
West, with early works in 2026
that support new transmission transmission to be built to connect and an implementation target of
investment. The Australian Energy geographically and technologically July 2031.
Market Commission commenced diverse low-cost generation and firming
with consumers. The transmission 2021 also saw the continued
work on its Transmission Planning
projects identified by AEMO within the integration of battery storage with
and Investment Review in August
transmission. The concept of ‘virtual
2021, which will consider reforms to optimal development path were found
transmission’ gained traction with
the existing regulatory frameworks to to deliver $29 billion in net market
the development of the Victorian Big
deliver timely and efficient delivery of benefits.
Battery, a 300 MW/450 MWh Tesla
transmission services.
Importantly, AEMO built into battery built by Neoen located outside
Also on the regulatory front, 2021 saw this optimal development path a of Geelong. The battery is contracted
the Australian Energy Market Operator degree of flexibility, recognising the to provide a 250 MW reserve during
(AEMO) publish the third of its biennial economic benefits of going early with the summer months and is capable
Integrated System Plans (ISP). The transmission build as opposed to a of discharging at full output for
draft ISP was published in December just-in-time approach. This takes the 30 minutes, which allows AEMO to
2021 and represented a step change in form of the staging of several major increase flows between NSW and
terms of the ambition of its forecasts. transmission projects, including VNI Victoria.
Image: Murra Warra Wind Farm, Victoria
The biggest issue affecting reliability outages to the stability of the entire of South Australia, which regularly
in 2021 was an incident at the electricity system has significantly experienced periods of 100 per cent
Callide coal-fired power station in diminished. This was reinforced by the renewable generation in 2021 without
Queensland on 25 May. An explosion Australian Energy Market Operator’s any impact on reliability, shows that
and subsequent fire at the plant, (AEMO) 2021 Electricity Statement such a landmark achievement is not
which is one of the newest in Australia, of Opportunities, which forecast that too far from reality.
cut off power to more than 400,000 there would be no reliability gaps in The phenomenal uptake of rooftop
Queensland homes and businesses the next five years and that any gaps solar has also begun to have an impact
and sent prices skyrocketing to the in the subsequent five years would on the reliability of the electricity
maximum of $15,000/MWh.74 Several be met by planned renewable energy system, with authorities in some parts
renewable energy assets stepped generation and storage.79 This positive of Australia introducing measures
in to stablise the electricity system outlook for reliability comes despite such as export limits and remote
during the crisis, with the Wivenhoe the retirement of several fossil fuel disconnection in 2021 to ensure the
pumped hydro facility generating plants over the period, including the stability of the network. The Australian
530 MW over a four-hour period to Liddell coal-fired power plant in 2023, Energy Market Commission also
help meet demand75 and the battery the Eraring power station in 2025 and worked on this issue in 2021, releasing
at the Hornsdale Power Reserve the Yallourn power station in 2028.80 a rule change that recommended
providing invaluable synthetic inertia
In fact, the acceleration of Australia’s giving distribution networks the ability
clean energy transition in recent years to charge rooftop solar customers to
This was just one of several major is forcing energy market bodies to plan export power to the grid. This would
outages at coal-fired power stations for the continued influx of renewable fundamentally change the value
throughout the year, with sudden energy generation rather than the exit proposition of rooftop solar, but if its
shutdowns at Victoria’s Yallourn of fossil fuel plants when considering implementation is well managed and
and Loy Yang A power stations in the reliability of the electricity system. completed in conjunction with reforms
January77 and almost 1000 days of In July, AEMO stated that it was proposed by the Energy Security Board
cumulative “baseload outages” in the already working to ensure that the to create a more reciprocal two-way
second quarter of 202178 serving as electricity system would be capable market between rooftop solar owners
further examples of the increasing of handling periods of 100 per cent and electricity providers, it could
vulnerability of Australia’s ageing renewable energy generation by have significant benefits for both
coal-fired power fleet. consumers and the ongoing reliability
2025.81 While this may still seem some
of Australia’s increasingly renewable
However, the growing penetration way off considering that Australia only
energy system.
of renewable energy means that got 32.5 per cent of its electricity from
the threat caused by such sudden renewables in 2021, the experience
Such a campaign was necessary
CASE STUDY to counter the political and media
CAMPAIGNING FOR A RENEWABLE FUTURE attacks over the past decade
that have resulted in negative
perceptions of renewable energy
around reliability and cost being
grossly exaggerated, while cost
savings, employment opportunities
and climate benefits have been
The campaign, which also featured
on billboards around the country,
was seen more than 4.5 million
times by everyday Australians in
2021, creating a groundswell of
popular support that will hopefully
empower our leaders to remove
roadblocks and get serious about
accelerating the clean energy
Renewable Energy is Here Now is an
exciting new phase for the Australian
If you watched any free-to-air TV, Called Renewable Energy is Here renewable energy industry. For
catch-up TV or online video last Now, the campaign was designed the first time, it projected the
year, there’s a fair chance you to ease the doubts that cautious industry into the lives of everyday
would have heard the phrase Australians have about clean energy Australians, promoting the
“yeah, but” a few times. This was by informing them of the remarkable remarkable gains already made and
the catchphrase in a series of gains that the industry has already the unprecedented opportunities
advertisements launched by the made and convincing them that that lie ahead. The hope is that this
Clean Energy Council in 2021 as a future powered by 100 per cent will permanently shift the narrative
part of the Australian renewable clean energy is not only possible, surrounding Australia’s energy
energy industry’s first-ever national but that the transition is already transition and further accelerate
campaign to promote the benefits underway and will benefit us all in the country towards a clean energy
of clean energy. day-to-day life as well as the planet. future.
74 A Macdonald-Smith and M Ludlow, The Australian Financial Review, Shortfall fears as fire rips through Queensland power station, 25 May
75 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Pumped hydro boost follows “battery blitz” as state responds to Callide coal explosion, 5 July 2021,
76 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, “Virtual machine”: Hornsdale battery steps in to protect grid after Callide explosion, 27 May 2021,
77 A Macdonald-Smith, The Australian Financial Review, Vic power unit outages leave market unfazed, 19 January 2021,
78 Australian Energy Regulator, Wholesale markets quarterly: Q2 2021 April – June, 13 August 2021,
79 Australian Energy Market Operator, 2021 Electricity Statement of Opportunities, 31 August 2021,
80 M Foley and N Toscano, The Sydney Morning Herald, Electricity grid powers on despite demise of coal as renewables surge, 31 August 2021,
81 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, New AEMO boss wants Australian grids ready to handle 100 pct renewables by 2025, 13 July 2021,
Several renewable energy grid after major outages throughout
technologies experienced record years the year, while the bioenergy sector
in 2021, with the small-scale solar and continued to make a meaningful
wind sectors recording their fifth- and contribution to the country’s clean
third-straight record-breaking years energy generation.
respectively. The large-scale solar
sector also had a strong year in 2021, The emergence of the battery storage
bouncing back to add more than a and hydrogen sectors also accelerated
gigawatt of new capacity. in 2021, with Australia’s largest battery
coming online during the year and
The importance of hydropower was more than 100 hydrogen projects
underlined by its role in stabilising the worth $163 billion under development.
The battery storage sector continued to make steady
progress in 2021, with the commissioning of the Victorian Big
Battery a headline achievement. Continued strong interest
in both large-scale and household batteries means that the
sector is poised to expand exponentially in the coming years.
The commissioning of the and providing vital system strength expected to increase in the coming
300 MW/450 MWh Victorian Big services to the electricity grid, the years, with the Australian Energy
Battery in December 2021 was a Victorian Big Battery operates as Market Operator signalling its
significant milestone for battery a virtual transmission line during intention to embrace the concept
storage in Australia. Not only is the the summer months, enabling an in its draft 2022 Integrated System
battery the country’s largest – and additional 250 MW of electricity Plan.82
one of the largest in the world – the to flow through the Victoria–New Thirty large-scale batteries were
range of services that it can deliver South Wales Interconnector. This under construction at the end of
provides a snapshot of the crucial helps to ensure supply during periods 2021 with a combined capacity
role that batteries will play in our of peak demand and offers a and storage duration of
clean energy future. cheaper alternative to costly network 921 MW/1169 MWh. Of these,
In addition to storing and upgrades. The use of large-scale the two largest are the
discharging electricity when needed batteries as virtual transmission is 250 MW/250 MWh Torrens Island
82 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Batteries could offer cheaper alternatives for Sydney and New England network upgrades, 13 December 2021,
83 D Carroll, pv Magazine, EnergyAustralia progresses plans for ‘world’s biggest battery’, 17 September 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
84 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, ACT seeks proposals for massive 250MW ‘Big Canberra Battery’ network, 16 April 2021,
30 921 MW 34,731
large-scale batteries under combined capacity of large- small-scale household
construction at the end scale batteries currently under batteries installed
of 2021 construction throughout 2021
Battery in South Australia and the plant in NSW, Neoen’s proposal be coordinated and operated as if
150 MW/150 MWh Hazelwood for a 500 MW/1000 MWh battery they are a single big battery. The
Battery Energy Storage System to be located west of Sydney and distributed battery system would be
in Victoria. Interestingly, both will EnergyAustralia’s plan to build a used to increase network reliability,
be located at former fossil fuel 350MW/1400 MWh battery at better integrate the increasing supply
power stations, utilising the existing Victoria’s Yallourn coal-fired power of renewable energy and reduce
transmission links to provide power station.83 electricity price spikes.84
into the grid.
The ACT Government announced The battery sector suffered a
A number of other significant plans for a different type of battery setback of sorts in 2021 when a rule
battery announcements were made installation in 2021, proposing change by the Australian Energy
throughout 2021, including Origin’s to build a 250 MW network of Market Commission ignored a
plan to build a 700 MW/2400 MWh distributed batteries located across recommendation by the Australian
battery at its Eraring coal-fired power the territory that will be able to Energy Market Operator to exempt
batteries from network charges when 23,796 batteries that were installed in
charging. The new rule could result 2020 as households took advantage
in energy storage providers and of falling battery prices.
consumers paying twice for network
Victoria and New South Wales saw
charges and affect the viability of new
the most household battery
projects. It also places batteries at a
installations in 2021 with 9000,
commercial disadvantage to coal and
followed by Queensland with 6500
gas generators, which aren’t required
and South Australia with 6000.
to pay network charges.85
Unsurprisingly, most of these
The small-scale battery segment states have government-backed
continued to build steadily in 2021, household battery programs,
with approximately 34,731 household highlighting the sector’s continued
batteries with a combined capacity need for additional support to
of 347 MWh installed during the year. drive uptake.
This was a strong increase on the
State Systems Capacity (MWh)
NSW 9000 90
VIC 9000 90
QLD 6500 65
SA 6000 60
WA 3000 30
TAS 900 9
NT 331 3
TOTAL 34,731 347
* Note: Due to the lack of a universal national government support program covering
batteries, data on installation numbers is incomplete and highly uncertain.
85 D Carroll, pv Magazine, Charges unchanged as AEMC reveals final rule for batteries, 2
December 2021,
86 Green Energy Markets
Image: Victorian Big Battery, Victoria
VIC Hazelwood Battery Energy Storage System Engie Hazelwood 150 MW/150 MWh
NSW New England Solar Farm UPC/AC Renewables Uralla 50 MW/50 MWh
Darwin-Katherine Battery Energy
NT Territory Generation Darwin 35 MW/20 MWh
Storage System
VIC Bulgana Green Power Hub Neoen Joel South 20 MW/34 MWh
TransAlta Southern
WA BHP Leinster Nickel Mine Mount Keith 10 MW/5 MWh
Cross Energy
SA Adelaide Desalination Plant Solar Farm Stage 1 SA Water Adelaide 6 MW/12 MWh
WA Gold Fields Gruyere Mine Microgrid APA Group Cosmo Newbery 4 MW/4 MWh
NSW Narellan Shopping Centre Solar Project CEP.Energy Narellan 4 MW/10 MWh
Fotowatio Renewable
QLD Dalby Solar Farm - Stage 1 Dalby 3 MW/5 MWh
Carnegie Clean
WA Garden Island Microgrid Garden Island 2 MW/1 MWh
The rapid emergence of utility-scale gas peaker with a new 250 MW four- The advantages of using battery
battery storage in recent years has led hour grid-scale battery, finding that storage for peaking services will only
to a reimagining of how electricity grids large-scale battery storage is already grow in the coming years as their cost
can be operated. Not only can batteries a far superior choice than gas for continues to fall due to technological
be used to meet demand when electricity peaking services, based on advances and increased economies of
output from wind and solar dips, but cost, flexibility, services to the network scale and the risks to gas power plants,
they have also been used to provide and emissions. such as rising gas prices and emissions
vital frequency control and ancillary reduction initiatives, steadily grow.
On cost, a four-hour battery provides
services, synthetic inertia and virtual
cost savings of more than 30 per cent Given the considerable advantages of
transmission. And thanks to a study
on a levelised cost of energy basis and battery storage, their use for electricity
released by the Clean Energy Council
capital costs are 25 per cent cheaper peaking services is a no-brainer that
in 2021, peaking services can now be
than for a gas peaker. In addition, will reduce energy bills and improve
added to the growing list of services
batteries provide a superior peaking reliability while accelerating Australia’s
that batteries can provide.
service compared to gas, offering a transition to a clean energy future.
The study, Battery Storage: The New, faster ramp rate, higher accuracy and
Clean Peaker, compared a new 250 MW better-quality frequency response.
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Bioenergy delivers numerous benefits and can help
overcome a range of challenges in Australia, including
employment and economic development in regional
communities, enhancing energy and fuel security, waste
minimisation and emissions reduction.
The release of Australia’s Bioenergy signifies the validity and value of 40 per cent of Australia’s total energy
Roadmap by Minister for Energy the Australian bioenergy industry consumption by the 2050s.
and Emissions Reduction Angus going forward.
The roadmap has elevated the
Taylor, the first of its kind in
The roadmap includes new analysis highest ranked market opportunities
Australia and a record commitment
that confirms the adoption of key and highlighted that the industry
from the Australian Government
technologies which would see $10 and government’s focus must be on
to bioenergy, was a significant
billion added to Australia’s GDP expanding bioenergy’s market share
milestone in 2021. Developed by the
by 2030 and 26,200 full-time jobs in hard-to-abate sectors such as
Australian Renewable Energy Agency
created, mostly in regional areas, renewable industrial heat generation,
(ARENA) on behalf of the Australian
as well as confirming that bioenergy sustainable aviation fuels and
Government, the investment
has the potential to provide up to biomethane grid injection.
4.3% 1.4%
of total clean energy of total Australian
generated in Australia electricity generated
in 2021 in 2021
10% 2000 MW 1 GW
annual increase in hydro capacity of Snowy 2.0 project size of a proposed new pumped
generation in 2021 hydro project at the Borumba
Dam in Queensland
The hydro sector generated timely reminder of the unique ability 250 MW/2000 MWh project, which
16,128 GWh of clean electricity in of hydro to offer important system will pump water between two disused
2021, which was a 10.2 per cent security services and rapidly provide goldmines in the central Queensland
increase compared to 2020. This for unmet demand. town of Kidston, will get its power
resulted in hydro’s contribution to from a co-located 50 MW large-scale
The two major hydro projects
Australia’s total electricity generation solar farm, with plans to expand this
currently under construction in
increasing to 7.0 per cent in 2021, capacity with a second 270 MW solar
Australia – Snowy 2.0 and the
up from 6.4 per cent the previous farm and a 150 MW wind farm. The
Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro
year. However, the technology’s Kidston project is expected to be
Project – reached significant
contribution to Australia’s renewable completed by 2024.
milestones in 2021. Tunnelling began
generation fell from 23.3 per cent on the 2000 MW/350,000 MWh The Kidston project is just the
in 2020 to 21.6 per cent in 2021 Snowy 2.0 project in mid-2021, with fourth pumped hydro project to be
as substantial amounts of new more than 1 km of the project’s main constructed in Australia, and the
wind and solar generation entered access tunnel excavated by the end first in several decades,93 but this
the market. of 2021.90 The project also launched could soon change. In June, the
The continued importance of hydro its precast factory in October, which Queensland Government committed
was highlighted in May when an will produce the 130,000 concrete $22 million for a detailed design and
explosion at the Callide coal-fired segments that will line the tunnels cost analysis of a 1 GW pumped
power station in Queensland resulted of the project.91 Snowy 2.0 is on hydro project at the Borumba Dam
in a significant disruption to the schedule to begin providing power near Gympie,94 while the NSW
electricity system. In the immediate in 2025, with full completion of the Government announced in July
aftermath of the incident, the project expected in 2026. that it was looking to develop a
Wivenhoe pumped hydro facility 3 GW pipeline of new pumped
Work on the Kidston Pumped Storage
quickly ramped up to meet a hydro projects by providing
Hydro Project started in June after
$50 million grants to fund early
significant proportion of the unmet project developer Genex announced
studies into new projects.95
demand, generating 530 MW over a that it had secured financing for
four-hour period.89 This served as a the project.92 The innovative
21.6% 7.0%
of total clean energy of total Australian
generated in Australia electricity generated
in 2021 in 2021
89 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Pumped hydro boost follows “battery blitz” as state responds to Callide coal explosion, 5 July 2021,
90 Snowy Hydro, One kilometre Snowy 2.0 tunnelling milestone, 9 December 2021,
91 Snowy Hydro, Local precast factory launched for Snowy 2.0, 18 October 2021,
92 B Harden, North Queensland Register, Work has officially begun on the Kidston pumped hydro project near Townsville, 11 June 2021,
93 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, Kidston pumped hydro construction to start this month after Genex locks in finance, 15 April 2021,
94 D Carroll, pv Magazine, Pumped hydro and solar projects progress Queensland’s energy transition, 12 August 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
95 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, NSW offers grants to secure 3GW of pumped hydro to replace coal, 9 July 2021,
96 Green Energy Markets
In its 2020 Integrated System Plan, challenge, with AEMO estimating storage duration and the hydrogen
the Australian Energy Market Operator that it will take up to 19 GW of new sector not developed enough to
(AEMO) forecast that up to 50 GW of dispatchable resources to ensure the provide megawatt-scale energy
large-scale renewable generation will continued stability of the electricity generation, much of the burden of
be needed by 2040 to replace retiring system. supporting Australia’s renewable
coal-fired power stations. Integrating energy transition will fall on one of
However, with batteries not yet able
this massive influx of new renewable the oldest forms of clean energy –
to economically provide the necessary
generation will be a significant hydropower.
A report released by the Clean Energy of energy as well as a wide range solar energy by storing excess energy
Council in 2021, Hydropower: The of crucial system services. As the for later use.
Backbone of a Reliable Renewable proportion of renewable energy
With the proper support and market
Energy System, shows that the generation increases, hydropower will
mechanisms, a technology that has
hydropower industry is very well placed play an important role by replacing the
already provided generations of
to meet this challenge. system security services traditionally
Australians with clean, reliable energy
provided by fossil fuel generation,
For more than 100 years, hydropower will play a crucial role in our energy
responding to prolonged periods of low
has been the backbone of the future, acting as the final piece of the
wind and solar output, and helping to
Australian power system, providing puzzle in the complete decarbonisation
avoid costly curtailment of wind and
a low-cost and dependable supply of Australia’s electricity system.
The biggest commitment to the hydrogen customers to determine the the charge. Through the newly created
hydrogen industry in 2021 came emissions associated with the hydrogen Fortescue Future Industries, Forrest
through the Federal Government’s they are buying and the source and type made several major announcements
Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs of technology used to manufacture it, during the year, including a
Program. The $464 million program has providing assurance that the hydrogen commitment to invest 10 per cent of the
designated seven regions in Australia they are purchasing comes from 100 per Fortescue Metals Group's profits into
for the construction of hydrogen hubs, cent renewable sources. renewable energy and hydrogen102, a
where hydrogen users, producers and proposal to build a $1 billion renewable
The most notable announcement at
potential exporters will be concentrated hydrogen power station in NSW103
the state level in 2021 was the release
to create economies of scale. and plans to construct a 250 MW
of the NSW Government’s Hydrogen
renewable hydrogen production facility
The Australian Renewable Energy Strategy. The strategy will provide up to
Agency made its first foray into $3 billion in support for the hydrogen in Tasmania.104
hydrogen in 2021 when it allocated industry in NSW by waiving government Other major hydrogen announcements
more than $100 million to three charges on renewable hydrogen made by the private sector in 2021
renewable hydrogen pilot projects production, providing exemptions to included a proposed 8 GW renewable
that will produce hydrogen for export network charges and investing $70 hydrogen facility in WA to be built by
and blending into existing natural gas million in hydrogen hubs.99 Other major Total Eren and Province Resources,105
pipelines.97 The Clean Energy Finance state announcements included the a 200 MW solar to hydrogen plant in
Corporation also made its first hydrogen Queensland Government increasing its Queensland by Eco Energy World that
investment in 2021, providing $12.5 renewable energy fund to $2 billion to will produce 33,000 tonnes of renewable
million to a project that will produce include hydrogen projects100 and the hydrogen106, and a proposal by a
renewable hydrogen to power the WA Government providing up to $118 consortium of leading energy businesses
world’s heaviest fuel cell trucks.98 million to support the creation of two to build a $2 billion “hydrogen valley” in
hydrogen hubs.101 NSW.107
The other major federal initiative
in 2021 was the establishment of Private sector investment in hydrogen
a Guarantee of Origin scheme for increased dramatically in 2021, with iron
hydrogen. The scheme will allow ore magnate Andrew Forrest leading
97 M Ludlow and A Macdonald-Smith, The Australia Financial Review, ARENA tips $100m into three hydrogen projects, 5 May 2021,
98 Clean Energy Finance Corporation, CEFC hydrogen investment fuels world’s heaviest fuel cell electric trucks, 8 November 2021,
99 NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, NSW Hydrogen Strategy: Making NSW a global hydrogen superpower, October
100 M Dennien, The Brisbane Times, Queensland pours $1.5b into energy fund to try to lower bills, hit emissions aim, 10 June 2021, brisbanetimes.
101 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, WA tips $118m into new green hydrogen hubs, wants Morrison to match funds, 25 November 2021,
102 J Fernyhough, RenewEconomy, Fortescue puts aside $400m for new hydrogen, wind and solar projects, 18 February 2021, reneweconomy.
$464 M
funding available under the
Federal Government's Clean
Hydrogen Industrial Hubs
$3 B
support for the hydrogen sector
under the NSW Government's
Hydrogen Strategy
8 GW
size of a proposed renewable
hydrogen facility to be built in
Western Australia
103 B Thompson, The Australian Financial Review, Forrest willing to fund $1b green power station in NSW, 16 March 2021,
104 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, Fortescue inks land deal for massive Tasmania green hydrogen project, 22 June 2021,
105 M Mazengarb, RenewEconomy, French giant Total Eren signs on to massive 8GW green hydrogen project in WA, 19 April 2021,
106 B Matich, pv Magazine, Gladstone to host $500m solar to hydrogen plant, 11 March 2021,
107 A Morton, The Guardian, Australia’s first fully renewable ‘hydrogen valley’ slated for NSW coal heartland, 17 May 2021,
3.3 GW
2021, with NSW leading the way from limits and remote disconnection in 2021
Queensland and Victoria. The average to ensure the stability of the network,
rooftop solar system size increased while a proposal by the Australian
rooftop solar capacity again in 2021 to 8.51 kW, representing Energy Market Commission has even
added in 2021, a new a more than threefold increase over the suggested charging rooftop solar
record past decade. The industry also passed customers for exporting their excess
the milestone of 3 million homes with electricity to the grid.
rooftop solar systems in 2021, meaning
There are some signs that policies such
that more than one in three Australian
3 M+
as these and the steady decline of
households are now powered by the sun.
feed-in tariffs and electricity prices in
Rooftop solar accounted for 24.9 per recent years are beginning to impact
Australian households cent of Australia’s renewable energy the sector’s growth. While the
with rooftop solar generation and 8.1 per cent of total 3.3 GW of capacity installed was another
generation in 2021. However, the phenomenal result, the 2021 growth
technology was responsible for meeting rate was lower than in previous years
a significantly higher proportion of and less than that forecast by some
demand at certain times throughout the analysts. While this was partly due to
year, with rooftop solar accounting for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
78.7 per cent of total demand in on supply chains and installations during
South Australia on 4 November and lockdowns, time will tell whether this
64.5 per cent of total demand in is just a blip or the first signs that the
Western Australia on 30 October.108 sector’s breakneck growth of recent
The sector’s impact was also seen on years is beginning to slow.
electricity prices, with rooftop solar
sending average daytime prices in
Victoria to just $0.01/MWh throughout
August and September.109
108 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Rooftop solar smashes output records in all Australian states, 12 November 2021,
109 S Vorrath, RenewEconomy, Rooftop solar sends Victorian power prices to zero every day for two months, 22 October 2021, reneweconomy.
24.9% 8.1%
of total clean energy of total Australian
generated in Australia electricity generated
in 2021 in 2021
Australia continues to lead the world However, the installation of a 78 kW, solar to be installed on many different
for per capita solar installations 216-panel installation on a 139 m types of buildings. When combined
thanks to the phenomenal growth skyscraper in the Sydney CBD shows with the rapid development of virtual
of the small-scale solar industry. that this last challenge has now been power plants and solar sharing
However, despite this overwhelming solved, paving the way for many solutions, these installation types will
success, the industry has barely more commercial buildings to take become more common, driving the
scratched the surface when it advantage of the benefits offered by next phase of the small-scale solar
comes to Australia’s total energy rooftop solar. industry’s development and further
consumption. accelerating Australia’s clean energy
Using innovative design methods to
A big part of this is the thousands of overcome challenges associated with
commercial rooftops that haven’t yet high winds and installing the system The project’s groundbreaking design
joined the rooftop solar revolution. on a metal grate floor, the installation and innovative application earned
Installing rooftop solar on a business solved many of the problems that Autonomous Energy’s Matthew
premises is often complicated by previously prevented rooftop solar Linney and Jarrod Shepherd a 2021
factors such as leasing arrangements, systems on tall buildings to create Clean Energy Council Solar Design
multiple tenancies and the roof's an aesthetically pleasing and and Installation Award in the
suitability for a rooftop solar environmentally friendly system. 30-240 kW category.
installation, which is particularly the
The installation serves as a fantastic
case on multistorey office buildings.
example of the potential for rooftop
NT 0810
3385 installations
22,219 kW capacity
QLD 4670
16,756 installations
82,842 kW capacity
NSW 2830
9122 installations
44,176 kW capacity
WA 6210
16,261 installations MACGREGOR
66,642 kW capacity 4614 installations
23,685 kW capacity
QLD 4670
16,756 installations
82,842 kW capacity
WA 6210
16,261 installations
66,642 kW capacity
VIC 3029
15,734 installations
87,160 kW capacity
QLD 4655
15,349 installations
72,111 kW capacity
QLD 4551
14,059 installations
65,240 kW capacity
VIC 3977
13,921 installations
69,708 kW capacity
WA 6065
13,584 installations
69,092 kW capacity
QLD 4350
13,041 installations
71,305 kW capacity
WA 6112
12,582 installations
61,266 kW capacity
QLD 4300
11,985 installations
67,282 kW capacity
Solar PV systems installed annually (‘000)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2010 2323 69,988 637 48,697 16,705 1889 35,676 22,293 198,208
2011 6860 80,272 401 95,303 63,553 2475 60,214 51,667 360,745
2012 1522 53,961 513 130,252 41,851 6364 66,204 42,653 343,320
2013 2411 33,998 1024 71,197 29,187 7658 33,332 21,600 200,407
2014 1225 37,210 1026 57,748 15,166 4207 40,061 23,496 180,139
2015 1066 33,478 1197 39,507 12,081 2020 31,354 20,797 141,500
2016 1001 29,498 1745 34,423 12,604 2487 26,740 24,199 132,697
2017 1946 43,253 1950 46,448 16,190 2393 31,358 31,404 174,942
2018 3206 59,329 2365 55,087 21,894 2641 47,216 33,112 224,850
2019 3799 77,628 3505 70,710 27,089 2891 61,738 36,654 284,014
2020 5567 110,718 3241 88,371 36,341 3357 74,286 48,275 370,156
2021* 6234 114,975 1977 94,244 33,919 4206 82,946 51,078 389,579
TOTAL** 38,308 762,896 20,014 854,948 341,129 44,270 603,156 420,939 3,085,658
* 2021 numbers are based on STC creation up to 31 December 2021 and then adjusted for lags in audit invalidation and then upwards
based on historical patterns that 7.77 per cent of installations only manage to create STCs in the subsequent year.
** Total includes solar systems installed before 2010.
Megawatts installed annually
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2010 4.7 153.9 1.5 92.4 33.2 3.0 59.0 42.1 389.7
2011 15.9 196.5 1.8 225.2 163.5 5.9 140.4 123.0 872.2
2012 4.6 145.0 2.3 418.4 138.0 20.3 207.6 99.5 1035.8
2013 9.8 134.4 5.0 268.9 141.4 31.5 131.6 69.6 792.2
2014 4.5 172.4 6.1 248.8 82.5 19.0 171.7 95.3 800.3
2015 5.1 177.1 8.6 192.8 66.6 9.5 150.0 96.2 705.9
2016 6.2 167.3 12.7 199.5 77.7 11.8 144.5 128.0 747.8
2017 11.0 262.9 15.3 306.1 115.2 14.5 205.2 186.2 1116.4
2018 21.9 426.2 20.1 407.2 174.4 18.9 337.4 210.0 1616.0
2019 28.3 597.4 27.4 587.6 226.2 21.0 449.2 253.7 2190.8
2020 46.5 895.2 27.7 753.2 303.7 26.8 573.9 335.8 2962.8
2021* 57.6 995.5 19.9 854.3 306.6 34.2 681.2 366.6 3316.0
TOTAL** 217.7 4347.2 149.4 4582.9 1846.5 218.4 3264.9 2023.4 16,650.4
* 2021 numbers are based on STC creation up to 31 December 2021 and then adjusted for lags in audit invalidation and then upwards
based on historical patterns that 8.61 per cent of capacity create STCs in the subsequent year to installation.
** Total includes installed capacity before 2010.
Number of installers
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2020 129 1905 117 2121 810 130 1707 793 1 7713
2021 171 2231 118 2407 846 130 1940 838 1 8682
2010 1.97 kW
2011 2.42 kW
2012 3.02 kW
2013 3.95 kW
2014 4.44 kW
2015 4.99 kW
2016 5.64 kW
2017 6.38 kW
2018 7.19 kW
2019 7.71 kW
2020 8.00 kW
2021 8.51 kW
667 MW 117 MW
total capacity of the new medium-scale solar
medium-scale solar sector capacity added in 2021
Installed capacity in the medium- Vicinity Centres. Vicinity has set a business models have begun to
scale solar sector has fallen in each target of generating 48,500 MWh emerge. One such example is
of the past two years as businesses of clean energy each year across its international window furnishings
have felt the effect of the COVID-19 portfolio of shopping centres, with supplier Hunter Douglas, which
pandemic. Yet despite the difficult the majority of this coming from introduced a solution in 2021 that
economic conditions, 2021 was the rooftop solar installations. The provides the excess electricity
fourth-straight year that the sector company added 3.6 MW of new produced by its 800 kW solar system
has seen more than 100 MW of new capacity in 2021, including a to employees. The solution uses
capacity installed, bringing the 2.3 MW system on the Karratha City Enosi’s Powertracer solar sharing
sector’s total capacity to 667 MW. shopping centre that won a 2021 technology to offer solar power to
Medium-scale solar was responsible Solar Design and Installation Award employees on weekends and after
for 1.1 per cent of Australia’s total in the Over 240 kW category. The 4.00pm when the company’s
renewable energy generation in company has now installed more factory is closed. The Australian-first
2021, which was slightly down on than 25.2 MW of rooftop solar solution offers the dual benefits of
the 1.4 per cent it contributed in across 20 shopping centres around providing employees with significant
2020. the country.114 discounts on their electricity bills
while allowing Hunter Douglas to
One of Australia’s leading As more companies embrace
get the same return for the power as
proponents of commercial rooftop commercial rooftop solar systems, a
if it was sending it to the grid.115
solar is retail property business number of unique and innovative
Installed capacity (MW)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Note: The figure for 2021 is an estimate due to lags in Clean Energy Regulator accreditation data.
1.1% 0.3%
of total clean energy of total Australian
generated in Australia electricity generated
in 2021 in 2021
The outback city of Karratha, located of up to 280 km/h. Strengthened by service provider, Horizon Power, the
in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, a custom-designed and fabricated installation not only gained approval,
is one of the few places in Australia mounting solution, the system has but its successful integration into
that experiences extreme heat, additional fixing points for the solar Karratha’s energy mix has shown that
tropical cyclones and monsoonal rain panels and added protection around such systems are more viable than
at various times throughout the year. edges and gaps to reduce extreme previously assumed.
pressure differentials. This important project earned Ashley
As a result, installing a 2.3 MW
rooftop solar installation on the In addition to accounting for extreme Funnel (working for AGF Electrical),
Karratha Shopping Centre required weather, large renewable energy Dylan Palmer (working for ACE
all the expertise and ingenuity that installations in remote locations such Electrical) and Nelson Steer (working
the Australian rooftop solar industry as Karratha have previously found it for Solgen Energy Group) a 2021
has become known for. The system, difficult to get connection approval Clean Energy Council Solar Design
encompassing more than 6000 solar due to their impact on the local and Installation Award in the Over
240 kW category.
panels, is built to ensure that it can grid. However, by working closely
withstand cyclonic winds with gusts with the local distributed network
114 D Carroll, pv Magazine, Vicinity Centres continues rollout of rooftop PV across retail portfolio, 20 May 2021, pv-magazine-australia.
115 S Vorrath, One Step Off the Grid, Sydney factory to share excess rooftop solar power with employees, 1 April 2021,
116 Clean Energy Regulator, Green Energy Markets
1209 MW
new large-scale solar capacity
increse in large-scale solar
275 MW
size of the Darlington Point
added in 2021 capacity in 2021 Solar Farm, Australia's largest
The large-scale solar sector saw The Darlington Point project is is scheduled to be fully operational
19 projects commissioned during located in western NSW and in 2023. Upon completion, these
2021 with a cumulative capacity of features almost 1 million solar two projects will share the mantle
1209 MW. The number of new panels and two synchronous of Australia’s largest solar farm.
projects was slightly down on the condensers. The condensers will
Progress on the world’s largest
22 projects completed in 2020, but provide crucial system strength
solar farm – the Sun Cable project
capacity increased by 38 per cent services in the West Murray zone,
in the Northern Territory –
due to Australia’s three largest solar which will help to solve some of the
continued steadily throughout
farms all being commissioned grid strength issues that have
2021. In September, Sun Cable
during the year. The new projects plagued renewable energy projects
announced that it had expanded
were located right throughout the in the region in recent years.
the proposed size of the
country, with Victoria, NSW and SA Australia’s second- and third-largest
megaproject from 14 GW to
all adding four new projects, while solar farms were also commissioned
17-20 GW and the co-located
Queensland and the NT both added in 2021. The Kiamal Solar Farm in
battery storage system from
three. Large-scale solar’s Victoria and the Wellington Solar
30 GWh to 36-42 GWh. This
contribution to Australia’s Farm in NSW added 200 MW and
increased the value of the project
renewable energy generation 174 MW of new capacity
to $30 billion, which is expected to
increased from 10.9 per cent in respectively.
create more than 1500 construction
2020 to 12.3 per cent in 2021,
A further 42 large-scale solar farms jobs and 350 ongoing roles.117 The
while it accounted for 4.0 per cent
were under construction or had project also signed a project
of Australia’s total electricity
reached financial close at the end development agreement with the
of 2021, representing over Northern Territory Government in
The 275 MW Darlington Point 3.6 GW of new capacity. These new 2021, was included on
Solar Farm became Australia’s projects include the 400 MW Infrastructure Australia’s
largest solar project in 2021, Western Downs Green Power Hub Infrastructure Priority Initiative List,
comfortably surpassing the in Queensland, which is expected and was granted a subsea survey
150 MW Coleambally and to be completed in the first half permit and recommended
Daydream solar farms that of 2022, and the 400 MW New transmission route by the
previously shared the record. England Solar Farm in NSW, which Indonesian Government.
117 P Hannam, The Sydney Morning Herald, Sun Cable scales up plans for world’s biggest solar farm with Indonesian help, 23 September 2021,
12.3% 4.0%
of total clean energy of total Australian
generated in Australia electricity generated
in 2021 in 2021
One of the key arguments from significant benefits for farmers, using solar panels on greenhouses
those that oppose the large-scale including providing access to free growing flowers and vegetables
solar industry is that solar farms agistment, solar panels protecting to generate cheap renewable
are often built on prime sheep from the elements and energy while protecting them
agricultural land and thus secure fencing providing safety from weather, climate and insects.
prevent it from being used to from predators. Solar farm owners
graze animals or grow crops. Cooperation between the
also benefit from the arrangement
large-scale solar and agriculture
However, a report released by the by reducing mowing costs and
sectors will continue to grow in the
Clean Energy Council in 2021, The strengthening relationships with
coming years as farmers
Australian Guide to Agrisolar for local communities.
and project proponents work
Large-scale Solar, puts paid to In addition to sheep grazing, together to find new and
this argument by demonstrating solar farm operators and farmers innovative ways to integrate
how agricultural activities can be worldwide have joined forces the two industries. Not only will
integrated into solar farm projects to come up with several other this rebuff the industry’s critics,
(known as ‘agrisolar’), providing innovative ways that solar can but it will also help solve the
improved outcomes for both be combined with agriculture. woolly problem of maintaining
farmers and project owners. This includes using elevated solar food and fibre production in a
In Australia, the dominant form arrays that allow fruit trees to be changing climate.
of agrisolar is allowing sheep to grown underneath or machinery
graze in and around solar farms. to be operated, locating beehives
This has been proven to have in and around solar farms and
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
YEAR 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
ANNUAL INSTALLED 10 0 20 155 79 61 935 1760 908 1249
NSW Darlington Point Solar Farm Edify and Fern Trading Development 275
The wind sector continued to lead Australia’s clean
energy transition in 2021, adding 1.7 GW of new capacity
throughout the year. This made 2021 the sector’s third
record-breaking year in a row and brought Australia’s total
installed wind capacity to more than 9.1 GW.
1746 MW
new wind capacity added in
wind farms commissioned
453 MW
capacity of the Cooper's Gap
2021, a new record in 2021 Wind Farm in Queensland
Eight new wind farms were For the second-straight year, the 19 wind farms under construction
commissioned around Australia wind sector was responsible for or financially committed at the end
in 2021, representing 1746 MW of 35.9 per cent of Australia’s total of 2021 representing more than 3.2
new capacity. Despite the number renewable energy generation. GW of new capacity. This project
of projects commissioned being However, wind’s percentage of total pipeline includes the Stockyard Hill
slightly less than the 10 that began electricity generation increased from Wind Farm in Victoria, which at 532
operation in 2020, the installed 9.9 per cent in 2020 to 11.7 per cent MW will be Australia’s largest when
in 2021, highlighting the continued completed.
capacity was far higher than the
previous year’s record of growth of all renewable energy The offshore wind sector was given
1100 MW. This was primarily due technologies at the expense of coal- a significant boost in 2021 when
and gas-fired electricity. legislation creating a regulatory
to the commissioning of two of
Australia’s three largest wind farms Australia’s largest wind farm was framework for offshore electricity
in 2021, the 453 MW Coopers fully commissioned in 2021, the infrastructure projects finally passed
Gap Wind Farm in Queensland – 453 MW Coopers Gap Wind Farm. Parliament.120 The new legislation
Australia’s largest – and the 336 MW Located in the Western Downs and will open the door to at least
Dundonnell Wind Farm in Victoria. South Burnett region of Queensland, 12 offshore wind farms currently
construction of the wind farm in the early planning stages, with
Half of the new wind farms were
was completed in April 2020, but the 2.2 GW Star of the South off
installed in Victoria, followed by NSW
several faults detected during the Victoria’s Gippsland coast the most
with two projects and Queensland
advanced. Construction on Star of
and WA with one each. Victoria commissioning process meant that
the South could begin as early as
extended its lead as Australia’s the project didn’t come fully online
2025, with the project expected to
leading wind jurisdiction in 2021, until 2021.119 Another significant
be completed towards the end of
accounting for almost a third of total wind project to reach completion in
the decade.
wind generation across Australia. It 2021 was the 336 MW Dundonnell
Wind Farm in Victoria, which became
was followed by SA and NSW, which
Australia’s third-largest wind farm.
accounted for 21.4 per cent and
20.1 per cent of wind generation The prospects for the wind sector
respectively. continue to look bright, with a further
119 G Parkinson, RenewEconomy, Australia’s biggest wind farm at Coopers Gap to undergo major repairs, 4 November 2020, reneweconomy.
120 Clean Energy Council, Long-awaited offshore wind legislation should be followed with swift industry consultation, 26 November 2021,
35.9% 11.7%
of total clean energy of total Australian
generated in Australia electricty generated
in 2021 in 2021
122 G reen Energy Markets Image: Starfish Hill Wind Farm, South Australia
Installed capacity (MW)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
YEAR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
INSTALLED 159 401 769 225 728 220 41 590 631 837 1100 1746
Installed capacity (MW)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
YEAR 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
INSTALLED 1841 2241 3010 3235 3963 4183 4223 4813 5444 6281 7380 9126
Image: IdentiFlight system at Cattle Hill Wind Farm, Tasmania
The wind industry has had an Cattle Hill Wind Farm in Tasmania, The implementation of IdentiFlight
overwhelmingly positive impact an Australian-first system designed to at the Cattle Hill Wind Farm has
on the Australian environment, autonomously identify and prevent significantly reduced the risk to eagles,
drastically reducing carbon emissions collisions with endangered Tasmanian and the system’s highly advanced AI
and atmospheric pollution. However, Wedge-tailed Eagles. means that it can be easily adapted
even the cleanest energy sources to other bird species. This will allow
The system uses 16 high precision
have their downsides, with a for IdentiFlight to be deployed at
optical sensors to detect incoming
significant issue for wind farms the
flying objects. This information is then other wind farms around Australia,
possibility of birds being hit by wind
fed into a computer algorithm that significantly reducing the prevalence
turbine blades. While the danger of
utilises machine learning and artificial of bird strikes and reinforcing the
wind farms to birds is far less than
intelligence (AI) to identify whether Australian wind industry’s positive
other factors, such as domestic
the object is an eagle and if its speed impact on the environment.
cats and the built environment, the
and trajectory could potentially result
industry goes to great lengths to The deployment of IdentiFlight by
in a collision. If a collision is possible,
ensure as few bird strikes as possible. Goldwind Australia at the Cattle Hill
the system automatically shuts
These efforts took a significant leap down one or more wind turbines Wind Farm was recognised with the
forward in 2021 with the installation until the eagle has safely passed Innovation Award at the 2021 Clean
of IdentiFlight at Goldwind Australia’s through the area. Energy Council Awards.
Image: Agnew Hybrid Renewable Microgrid Solar and Wind Farm, Western Australia
The Clean Energy Council would like to thank the Business Renewables Centre Austalia and Bioenergy Australia for their
contributions to this year’s report and the following members and industry stakeholders for providing photographs:
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