EEPP #11 (Small)
EEPP #11 (Small)
EEPP #11 (Small)
ALL the Questions
RNAV; RNP ................. ... .................................. ........ 33
Preflight action ; flight plan ........................................ 34
Chapter 1 Preferred routes ... ............................................... ..... 34
Seat belts & shoulder harness ................................. 34
Airspace and Airport Do you need an ALTERNATE? ••••••••••••••.••• 35
Operations •••••••••••••••••••••..••••••• 1 Alternate airport weather ••••••••••••••...••.•••• 35
Fuel supply ......................................................... 36, 37
Graphic overview of airspace .... ...... ....... ... ................. 2
Void time; IFR takeoff limitations; taxiing ................. 38
Class A & B Airspace ................................................. 3
Takeoff briefing & TOLD card •••••.•••..•....•• 39
Class C & airport beacons ..........................................4
Class D ...................... ................................................. 5 Wake turbulence .. .................................................... 40
Class E ................................................. ...................... 6 Climb gradient .......................................................... 41
VFR in Class E .. .........................................................6 Pilotage ........................................................ ............ 41
Surface based Class E ............................................... 6 Dead reckoning ......... ... ............................................ 41
Cl ass G ... ... ................................. ............................... 7 RCO ; RTR; GCO ........ .... .................................. ....... 42
Class G control towers ................... ........... .. .... .......... 7 Departure Procedures (DP) ••••.•..•.........•••• 43
T rans1't'ion area .......................................... ................. 8 VFR-On-Top; VFR-Over-The-Top ......................... .. 44
TR SA . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 8 M'1n1mum
. f ue I a d v1sory
. ............................................. 44
Airport Advisory Area ................................................. 8 VFR flight following .................................................. 44
Void time .................................................................... 8 Non-radar position reporting .................................... 45
VFR in all Classes & Special VFR •.•••..••••••• 9 Additional reports; pilot's discretion ............ ............. 45
Prohibited; Restricted; MOAs; Warning areas; VOR ......................................................................... 46
Alert areas, etc ...................... 10 Class I & Class II navigation ............................. ....... 46
Class F airs pace ...................................................... 1O Federal (Victor) airways ........................................... 4 7
Aero ba tic f Ii g ht . .. ... ... . ... ... .. ... .... .. .. .... .. ... .. .. ... . .. . .. .. .... 11 Colored airways ....................................................... 4 7
Normal; Commuter; Utility & Jet routes .... ....... .................................................. .. .. 47
Acrobatic category Aircraft .... .. .. ... 11 Crossing restrictions ................................................ 4 7
AD IZ; DEWIZ; mountainous areas .......................... 12 §.tandard Ierminal Arrival (STAR) ........................... 48
Intercept procedures ................................................ 13 Timed approaches .. .... .... ................................. ........ 48
Fl ap sett'1ng .1n Cl ass G airspace . ...... ........ ................ 14 Cruise clearance .. ... ................................................. 49
Land And Hold Short Operations (LAH SO) ............. 14 Cruise climb .... ... ...................................................... 49
Radar service terminated ......................................... 49
Turns at airports without an
NACO (NOS) approach plate revision date ............. 49
operating control tower ...•••••• 15 D-ATIS ............. ........................................................ 49
Traffic pattern entry ••••••••••.....•••••••..•.. 16, 17 Approach Briefing ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••..•....••• 50
Traffic pattern altitude & glide slope 18, 19 TOLD card approach side ................................... 51
Runway markings •••••••••.••...•...••••••••.... 20, 21 Cleared for approach ....................................... ........ 52
Airport signs , markings ............................................ 22 ADF/GPS ................................................................. 52
Runway weight bearing capacity .... ......... ................ 22 Minimum Vectoring Altitude MVA ..................... ... 52
Holding position markings: ILS critical area ............ 23 RADAR .... ..................... ............................................ 53
Runway lights •••••••••••••.............••••••....• 24, 25 Procedure turn .....•.•••.•••••••••••••••............••• 54
Airport elevation & reference point .................... ...... 26 DME arc ....•••••••.......••••••••••••••••••.•..•..•.....••• 54
Low altitude alert ................................. ...... ... ........... 26 Approach categories ................................................ 55
Braking action I runway friction reports •• 26 Full scale deflection ................................................. 55
Exiting the runway after landing .............................. 26 Pilot controlled runway lights ................................... 55
Formation flight ........................................................ 27 Final Approach Fix ••••••••••••••••••••••••.....••.••• 56
GlideSlope Intercept Altitude (GSIA) ...•••• 56
False GlideSlopes .•••••••••••••••••••••.••........••• 56
Final Approach Point ................................................ 57
Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Emergencies & Legal •........ 329 Miscellaneous, Definitions,
Compliance with ATC clearances .......................... 330 Aerodynamics & Trivia •••••• 293
Deviating from a rule due to an emergency ........... 330
Piper Numbers & Names •••••••••••••••••••• 348
Confirm it! ............................................................... 330
Do not mumble ....................................................... 330 Beechcraft Numbers & Names ••••••••••• 349
EMERGENCY allowed to Hypoxia ...................................................................350
Hyperventilation .......... ...... ....... ...... ......................... 350
IMMEDIATELY deviate •••• 330
Carbon Monoxide ................................................... 350
EMERGENCY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 331 Ear block ................................................................. 350
Responsibility and authority of the PIC .................. 331 Air ambulance flights "Life Guard" ..................... 350
Engine failure •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 332, 333 Aerodynam1·cs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 351 ·353
Critical engine ........................................................ 333 Forces acting on an aircraft in flight ....................... 351
Accelerate-STOP I Accelerate-GO ........................ 333
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot xv
Angle of attack ................................ .. ..................... 351 Tango ...... ..................... .............................. ...... ...... 359
Angle of incidence ............................................... .. 351 Flight check ................... .. ................................ ... .... 359
Camber ...................................................... .. .......... 351 Manifold pressure and the
Chord or chord Ii ne .............................. ..... ............. 351 constant speed propeller ••••• 360
Relative wind ............................................. ............ 351
Supercharged I turbocharged engines .................. 361
Wing planform ....................................................... 351
Horsepower ••••••...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•.•.• 362
Aspect ratio ............................................................ 351
Lift-Drag ratio UD .............................................. 351 Wattage vs. Kilowatts vs. Horsepower .................. 362
Gravity ................................................................... 352 Power and weight .................................................. 362
Center of Gravity ................................................... 352 Brake horsepower .................................................. 363
Bernoulli ................................................................. 352 Shaft horsepower ................................................... 363
Center of lift ........................................................... 352 Time in service ....................................................... 363
Center of pressure ............................. ..... .. ............. 352 PMA .................. .. ... ........................................ ...... .. 363
Drag ........ .. .... ................................... ................... ... 352 FAA 337 Form-
Induced drag .................................... ...................... 352 Major Repair and Alteration ... 363
Effect of air density on lift and drag .......... .... .... ..... 352 TBO .••.........••••••.....•.•.•••••••••••••••••••...•....... 364
Effect of altitude, temperature & humidity ............. 352
STC •••.••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••...••.••• 364
Parasite drag .......................................... ............... 353
Form drag .............................................................. 353 TSO •••••••.••••••••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••.•• 364
Skin friction drag .................................................... 353 Preventive maintenance ........................................ 365
Interference drag ................................................... 353 Oil mineral vs. ashless dispersant •...•.. 366
Angle of attack and lift ........................................... 353 Oil viscosity ••••....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••..•• 366
Critical angle of attack ........................................... 353 Piston engine smoke .............................................. 366
Load factor ............................................................. 353 Backfiring ............................................................... 366
Flaps/Slots/Slats & Clearway .••••••••••.•..••••.••••••••••••••.••.•••••..••• 367
Boundary layer control ••••• 354, 355 Stopway ...••••••••.•......••••••••••••••••••••.•....•...• 367
Plain flap .. ..... .................................. ....................... 355 Flight visibility .............. ... .. .................................. .... 367
Split flap .... ............................................................. 355 Visibility and the Earth's horizon ...................... ...... 367
SI otted flap ................................................ ............. 355 Radar reflectors ... .................................................. 367
Fowler flap ............................................... .............. 355 lfotice of f_roposed ,Buie Making (NPRM) ............. 368
Aerodynamic twisting caused by flap ... ... .............. 355 Shadows ......... ....................................................... 368
Fixed slot ............................................................... 355 Mountains ....... ........................................................ 368
Automatic slot ........................................................ 355 Empire State building ............................................. 368
Boundary layer control ........................................... 355 Charts ..................................................................... 369
Laminar flow .......................................................... 356 Sectional charts runways longer than 8,069' ...... 369
Boundary layer ...................................................... 356 Night four definitions ............................................ 370
Reynolds number .................................................. 356 Aircraft lights .......................................................... 371
Adverse vs. Proverse Yaw •.•••••••••.••••••••• 357 Hydroplaning .......................................................... 372
Dutch roll ........................................... ...... ............... 357 Test to detect contamination of jet fuel .............. .. .. 373
Yaw damper................................ .. .. .................... ... 357 Specific Gravity ....•..•••••••••••••••••••..•........• 373
Trim tabs .. ... ............................... ..... .................. ... .. 357 Control towers .......... ..... ......................................... 373
Service ceiling •••••••••••..•..........•••••••........• 358 Aircraft [weight] classes-
All engine service ceiling ..................... .... .............. 358 (heavy, large, small) ............. 373
Single-engine service ceiling ................................. 358 Crosswinds ... ..... .. ................................................... 373
Certified ceiling ...................................................... 358 Simulators four levels •••••••••••••••.•••..••.•• 374
Maximum certified ceiling ...................................... 358 Gold seal flight instructor certificate ....................... 375
Maximum certified altitude ..................................... 358
Absolute ceiling ..................................................... 358
Single-engine absolute ceiling ............................... 358
Driftdown ................................................................ 358
Fastest and highest flying airplane ........................ 358
Contrails .............................................. .... .. ............. 358
Pilot In Command •••••....•.........•••••••.......•• 359
Pilot In Command seating position ........ 359
Active pilots in the United States •........• 359
English ..................................................... .............. 359
Wilco ...................................................................... 359
XVI EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
Chapter 11 INDEX •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 413
Reference, Rules of Thumb,
Conversions .•....••••••••••••••.••. 377
ICAO airport identifier country prefix •••• 378
Aircraft country registration number codes ............ 378
Airport identifier logic .............................................. 379
A few interesting identifiers .................................... 379
ZULU time ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 380
Pitot-static system malfunctions ............................. 381
Effects of forward I aft CG ...................................... 381
Fuel & fluid colors ................................................... 381
Draining fuel sumps ............................................... 381
Crosswinds ............................................................. 381
Cutouts (placards) .................................................. 382
°C to °F (placard) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 382
Reciprocals (placard) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 382
TAKEOFF mnemonic ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 382
Flight plan (wallet-sized) •••••••••••••••••••••••• 382
Measurements (1/64-1/32-3/64-1/16, etc.) ............ 382
Spin recovery PARE ............................................ 382
SHUTDOWN mnemonic ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 382
Quickie conversions ............................................... 383
POUNDS to GALLONS ......................................... 383
POUNDS of Jet A to LITERS ................................. 383
CELSIUS to FAHRENHEIT ................................... 383
Liquid measures (ounce, cup, pint, quart, etc.) ..... 383
Radio call ................................................................ 383
Acre ........................................................................ 383
Reciprocals 22 Rule ............................................ 383
Fuel weight ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 384
Conversions, Comparisons,
Formulas & Weights ••••••••••• 385
Formulas & Rules of Thumb •••••••••••• 386-389
Conversion Tables .......................................... 390-394
Chapter 12
Lengel's Radio Manual .••••.. 395
Key Words to Avoid ................................................ 397
Clearance Large Airports ............................ 398-400
Taxi I Takeoff I Departure ...................................... 401
E nroute ............................................................ 402-404
Approaching your Destination ......................... 405-406
Approach & Landing ........................................ 407-409
I FR Arrival at Small Uncontrolled Airport ............... 408
VFR Arrival at Large, Class B or C Airport ............. 409
Emergencies ................................................... 410-411
Miscellaneous ........................................................ 412
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot XVII
Chapter 1
• • • •
Airspace &
Alrighty boys and girls ...
let's get started. Airport Operations
The Foundation
Airspace Graphic Overview •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2
Class A & B Airspace ....................................................................................................... 3
Class C & Airport Beacons .............................................................................................. 4
Class D ............................................................................................................................. 5
Class E, VFR in Class E, Surface Based Class E ........................................................... 6
Class G, Class G Control Towers .................................................................................... 7
Transition Area ................................................................................................................. 8
TRSA ................................................................................................................................ 8
Airport Advisory Area ....................................................................................................... 8
VoidTime ......................................................................................................................... 8
VFR in all Classes & Special VFR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9
Prohibited; Restricted; MOAs; Warning Areas; Alert Areas, etc .................................... 10
Class F Airspace ............................................................................................................ 10
Aerobatic Flight .............................................................................................................. 11
Normal; Commuter; Utility & Acrobatic Category Aircraft .............................................. 11
ADIZ; DEWIZ; Mountainous Areas ................................................................................ 12
Intercept Procedures ...................................................................................................... 13
Flap Setting in Class G Airspace ................................................................................... 14
Land And Hold Short Operations (LAH SO) ................................................................... 14
Turns at Airports Without an Operating Control Tower ••••••••••••••••••••••• 15
Traffic Pattern Entry ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16, 17
Traffic Pattern Altitude & Glide Slope ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18, 19
Runway Markings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20, 21
Airport Signs, Markings .................................................................................................. 22
Runway Weight Bearing Capacity ................................................................................. 22
Holding Position Markings: I LS Critical Area ................................................................. 23
Runway Lights •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 24, 25
Airport Elevation & Reference Point .............................................................................. 26
Low Altitude Alert ........................................................................................................... 26
Braking Action I Runway Friction Reports ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26
Exiting the Runway After Landing .................................................................................. 26
Formation Flight ............................................................................................................. 27
Class B
Class C
Class G
Class D ·
Class E
FL 600
Class A
DME required at and above FL 240 [91.205(e)]
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
••• •
l• One-third of all ~•
• •
;• Americans believe in
: (but they sure do : : aliens and UFOs. .• ~~~
:. have great dancers). }
••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •• ~ (Apparently there are more than ;
: 100 million mentally challenged ;
:. individuals living amongst us!) .:
18,000' MSL (FL 180) - Altimeter 29.92 ••
•• •• • • •• ••••• ••••••• •••••• ••• • ••• • •• • •••• • ••
Class E
Class E : 1. Class E starts at 1,200 AGL (at
: times lower or higher) and extends
: up to but not including 18.000 MSL
: the base of Class A.
.__.,.. ........14,500' MSL : 2. In some areas of western U.S .
Class E 1,000' : Class G extends from the surface
10,000' MSL : up to but not including 14.500 MSL
or above : where Class E takes over
/ : (shaded on enroute charts).
: 3. In other words - in the vast
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. :• ma1or1 · ·t y of the U .S . - J:I-~~-"-=
Class E
c ......
12,500 MSL
····· .... -
• •' • starts at ..........
1 200
AGL and extends YQ
• : to but not including 18,000 MSL ...
• • • EXCEPT for a few mountainous
:• Ceiling of Class B •: :• areas in the west where Class G
: can be anywhere : : extends from the surface up to but
,n...,. ~~,~~-~·••~.~-~.::.:':~~.'"!~P.~':1!!~.r.!'!1.<?~C:.~.<~~~~~ ?)................... .:. ... from 7,000' to •• ;~ not including 14,500 MSL where
0 0 00' MSL 12,500' MSL. : : Class E takes over.
Speed Limit - 250 kts below 1 • : : : 4. Around an airport ... Class E can
CI E : ::
or ~
go down to 700 AGL (faded
""I ass 1,000• : • • • • • •••• •. • • • • • • : : Magenta line), the surface
Speed Limit Below • •••• • • • • • • , • • • • •. • : (dashed Magenta line).
200 kts below 10,000' MSL •••• 7,000 MSL • • • • • • • • : s. A faded Blue line fades in the
2.500' AGL 2,000' / ·"'·a/sril visibility ••••••••••••••••••••• :• direction where Class _ E begins at
within 4 nm of : 1.200 AGL abutting an area of
500' : Class G airspace.
an airport in Class B ··~111¥i'#t4lilllll;dldtill#llllgllll;jlil;lii111111111d!io1!~_,,,,,illllllllll
Class C or D
- VFR:
1,000' ceiling Class E
(does not apply to •• •• 3 sm visibility
Class 8) ~ .... clear of clouds
• • •• •• •• • •
• • • • •• • •
• : • • ••••• A ••••• Ji.••••••••••••••• •• • •
: : •••••••••••••• : •• : :· Class E can go down to • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••
• • • • • ••••••••• 11. •••••••••••••••••
: Class E to the surface: ••
• : : Class D-tower : : 700' AGL to accommodate : :· Class B - Individually
• • • • h : Dashed Magenta line, •
. .....•..•.••..•...•.••..••.... .-····················
no radar.
: instrument approac es.
•..~... .....Ni~
: : tailored. 250 kts below
• •
• : 10,000' (200 kts below the
: weather reporting &
: radio communications
:• :• Class E - 700' AGL within : Class o with radar : : floor or in VFR corridor).
:• •·~u-.#ili~--jlr#i~~IN4#r
:• with ATC to the surface. •
: faded Magenta border.
: (instrument approaches)
: is called a TRSA.
··~••~~~~~w~ ·············"··.
: VFR operations to, from, or in the traffic :•
.. .......................... ..
Class E:
•·~MA~llllillil~'1#1N'tltiM#l/ll. •
••....•.•...... ,• ...
: Class C - Radar. Individually
Class G - Uncontrolled. • pattern of an airport having any type of : 1,200' AGL when
: tailored but usually 5 nm Core
Surface to 14,500' MSL. :• from surface to 4,000' AGL,
: *Surface-Based Controlled Airspace* : no inst approach.
Shaded on enroute charts : 1 O nm Shelf from 1.200' to 4,000' : (i.e., Class B, C, D or E) requires at least
(mostly western US). • a 1,000 ft ceiling and 3 sm visibility.
: AGL, Outer Area 20 nm radius.
2 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(Chap 1 - Airspace & Airport J
CLASS A Airspace: (11.1 , 11 .31 , 11.33, 11 .15, 11.133, 91 .135, 91 .155, AIM 3-2-1 , 3-2-2, FAA-H-8083-25)
1. All airspace from 18,000 ft MSL (FL 180) up to and including FL 600 within the 48 contiguous States,
District of Columbia, most of Alaska, and the airspace within 12 NM offshore. There is no Class A
airspace over Hawaii and the Victor airways have no upper limit in Hawaii.
2. All aircraft MUST be IFR unless otherwise authorized. No VFR (unless for purposes of lost communications).
3. No minimum flight visibility or distance from clouds is specified.
4. Altimeter setting for all aircraft operating in US controlled Class A airspace 29.92.
CLASS B Airspace: (11 .41 , 91 .111, 91 .126, 91 .121, 91 .129, 91 .130, 91 .131 , 91 .155, 91 .215, AIM 3-2-1 , 3-2-3, 8083-25)
1. Surface to 7,000' (Miami) or up to as high as 12,500' MSL (Atlanta) surrounding the busiest airports.
2. Individually tailored upside-down wedding cakes contain all instrument approaches. < < >s ,
3. Clearance into Class B required. (91 .131 , Chief Counsel interp Jan 1o, 201 O)
4. VFR operations Ceiling: 1,000 ft Visibility: 3 sm Clear of Clouds (or Special VFR).
5. IFR operations An operable VOR or TACAN receiver is required. (91 .131)
6. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, a LARGE TURBINE-POWERED airplane operating to or from a
primary airport in Class B airspace MUST operate AT or ABOVE the FLOORS of the Class B airspace
while within the lateral limits of that area even when operating on a visual approach.
7. A LARGE (more than 12,500 lbs) or TURBINE-POWERED airplane shall, unless otherwise required by
distance from cloud criteria, enter the TRAFFIC PATTERN at an altitude of at least 1,500' AGL and
maintain 1,500' AGL until further descent is required for a safe landing. [Noise abatement]
8. A large or turbine-powered airplane approaching to land on a runway served by an ILS shall fly at or
above the GLIDE SLOPE between the outer marker and the middle marker.
9. Any airplane approaching to land on a runway served by a VASI shall maintain at or above the glide
slope (aka glide path) until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe landing.
10. Mode C veil All aircraft operating within 30 nm of a Class B airport, from the surface to 10,000' MSL
must have Mode C (unless the aircraft was originally certified without an electrical system and still does not have one).
11. SPEED LIMIT 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet (200 KIAS below the floor or in VFR corridor).
a. 250 KIAS MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED even if you are told to ''MAINTAIN BEST FORWARD
b. ''Maintain best (or maximum) forward speed'' means "maximum or best forward
*LEGAL* speed." ATC does not have the authority to lift the 250 below 10,000 ft speed
restriction [91.11 ?(a)]. You cannot be cleared to violate a regulation, and you cannot accept
such a clearance.
c. If a controller assigns you 300 kts or greater inbound (10,000 ft or above), and he later
descends you to 8,000 ft, it is UNDERSTOOD that you must slow to 250 KIAS BEFORE
descending below 10,000.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ································~
: "At or above the glide slope" does •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : OpSpec C077 requires commercial
: not prohibit normal bracketing
· : "Normal bracketing maneuvers" : operators to remain within Class B, C, or
•• maneuvers above or below the : are maneuvers which remain within
•• : the limits of the higher and lower : Q airspace or within Class E airspace
glide slope for the purpose of
• glide slope signals . : when within 35 miles of the destination.
remaining on the glide slope. \
•• ··································································································~········· •
• •
: Do you have to hear the words ''Cleared into Class B'' when VFR?
: 1. The short answer is yes. You must hear the magic word ''cleared' at least somewhere in the instructions given to you
: by the approach controller. Radar identification and instructions to maintain a specific altitude and heading that will put
: you in their airspace can no longer be considered an implicit, implied, or understood clearance into Class B (although it
: happens all the time). A Letter of Interpretation addressed to my good friend Bridgette Doremire from the Office of
: Chief Counsel dated January 10, 2010 serves to rescind previous policy.
: 2. So ... if you can get a word in edgewise, alwavs ask for confirmation , just to get it on the tape .
•• 3. That being said ... if you've been radar identified by the approach control having jurisdiction (e.g., Charlotte
: Approach; NOTE: "flight following" from "center" cannot clear you into Class B); the terms "cleared as requested" or
: even "proceed as requested," or a clearance to a specific point inside the Class B will also suffice. Example: ''Citation
: 5CM , radar contact, remain VFR, cleared direct Charlotte, climb and maintain four thousand, expect 36R."
•: 4. 91.131 [Operations in Class B airspace] (a)(1) "The operator must receive an ATC clearance from the ATC facility
: having jurisdiction for that area before operating an aircraft in that area." It does NOT say - "The operator must
: specifically hear the magic words 'Cleared into Class B' in that precise order... " If the frequency is totally saturated
••• and you're truly paranoid about the magic words, then turn around and run away. Now that will get their attention!:o)
White & Green (or green alone*) Lighted Land Airport (total flashes 24 to 30 per minute)
Two White flashes and One Green Military airport (2 quick white flashes between the green flashes)
Green, Yellow, and White Lighted Heliport (total flashes 30 to 45 per minute)
White & Yellow (or yellow alone*) Lighted Water Airport
Note: Operation of the airport beacon in a Class B, C, D, or E airspace during daylight hours often indicates a
ceiling less than 1.000 feet and/or visibility less than a, statute miles (IMC conditions for controlled airspace).
*Green alone or yellow alone is used only in connection with a white-and-green or white-and-yellow beacon display, respectively.
: handle I FR traffic but are referred to as ''NFCT'' on ~' t
• sectional charts (Jion federal ~antral Iower).
p tJll1f"
• ••••••••••••••••
~ Tick marks around the airport
I i~
: OpSpec C077 requires commercial operators to remain within Class B. C, or Q •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
airspace - or within Class E airspace when within 35 miles of the destination. :• See A/FD or NOTAMs
: for Class D effective hours.
Class E Airspace:
(71 .71 , 91.127, 91 .155, 135.205, AIM 3-1-4, 3-2-1 , 3-2-5, 3-2-6, 4-1-18, 4-3-26, 4-4-12, 5-5-6, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25)
1. CONTROLLED airspace that is not Class A, B, C, or D within the 48 contiguous States and Alaska.
2. The vast majority of the time Class E begins at 1,200' AGL and includes upwards to, but not including 18,000 ft
(Flight Level 180, the base of Class A). Theoretically Class E airspace begins again above FL 600.
3. Types of Class E:
a. A SURFACE AREA designated for an AIRPORT designed to contain all instrument approaches. The primary
requirements for a Class E airport are approved weather reporting (FSS or ASOS/AWOS) and a means of
communications with ATC all the way to the ground. Area surrounded by a dashed Magenta line.
b. EXTENSIONS to a SURFACE AREA of Class 8, C, or D airspace to contain instrument approaches.
c. TRANSITION AREAS beginning at either 700 or 1.200 ft AGL, used to/from the en route environment.
d. EN ROUTE AREAS that provide controlled airspace for IFR but are NOT Federal airways.
e. Federal AIRWAYS from 1,200 AGL upward to but not including 18,000 MSL.
f. Unless designated at a lower altitude-Class E begins at 14,500 MSL up to, but not including, 18,000 MSL.
2400 AGL
• Differing floors of
VFR 1n Class E (controlled) Airspace: Class E areas.
(91 .155, 91 .157, AIM 3-1-4, 3-2-6, 5-4-23, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25, OpSpec C077) 4500 MSL
1. Less than 10,000 ft MSL - 3 sm visibility - Cloud separation: 500 below, 1,000 above, 2,000 horizontally.
2. At or above 10,000 ft MSL - 5 sm visibility - Cloud separation: 1,000 below, 1,000 above, 1 mile horizontally.
3. 91.155(c) ''Except as provided in§ 91.157 [Special VFR], no person may operate an aircraft beneath the ceiling
under VFR within the lateral boundaries of controlled airspace designated to the surface for an airport when
the ceiling is less than 1.000 ft."
4. NOTE #1: Do NOT cancel in the air while on approach to an airport with Class E to the surface unless the
weather meets the basic VFR weather and cloud separation requirements of 91.155 (see #1. above) unless you
have received a "Special VFR" clearance (91.157).
5. NOTE #2: A ''Special VFR" clearance is treated almost the same as an IFR clearance as far as separation is
concerned. It is not likely to save you or the guy behind you any time. So, if the visibility is below 3 miles
and/or the ceiling is below 1.000 ft, or there's a chance that cloud separation could be a problem, just wait till
you're on the damn ground to cancel. You never know who might be lurking in the weeds just waiting for a
chance to make your life miserable.
6. NOTE #3: To conduct a VISUAL APPROACH in Class B, C, D, or E airspace under Part 91 you need only
maintain ''clear of clouds" (AIM 5-4-23). Part 135 (turbojets) and Part 121 are restricted by OpSpec C077 and
must maintain the cloud separation required by 91.155 (see 1. above).
(magenta shading encircling the area), or 1200 ft AGL (blue shading).
Represented by dashed Magenta lines on sectionals and enroute charts. a
·--------> \
\ , "
7. Surface-based Class E was formerly known as a control zone (FYI). : see A/FD and/or NOTAMs
8. ''RECOMMENDED'' traffic pattern SPEED LIMIT is 200 kts. : for Class E (sfc) effective hours.
' ' l:l:U:6U;l:l;!!il!i!
: Possible reasons why many airports with weather reporting and a way to communication with ATC ·
to the surface do not apply for Surface-Based Class E status. Thoughts to consider:
1. The expense and hassle of dealing with the FAA's out of control bureaucracy(?).
2. Class E weather minimums are: 1,000 ft ceiling and 3 miles visibility.
3. Class G weather minimums are: Day-1 mile, clear of clouds. Niqht-3 miles, or 1 mile
when operating in an airport traffic pattern within 1/2 mile of the runway, clear of clouds.
4. So it's legal to fly VFR in the airport traffic area at or below 700 ft with only one mile visibility.
Not necessarily a safe practice, but flight schools and instructors make more money when they
can fly airplanes. There are also quite a few daredevils that enjoy the adrenaline rush of scud
running at or below 1.200 ft AGL around the hills, valleys, high-voltage power lines, and
•• broadcast towers enroute to their favorite burger joint. Hey, if it's legal it must be safe, right?
•···················································••••••4 ••·····················································~························· · ···················· ... ·······•··••··••·······••
:• A VFR takeoff or landing at an airport having any type of surface-based controlled airspace requires at least a
:• 1,000 ft ceiling and 3 miles visibility unless you have requested and received a Special VFR clearance.
•. .......
, _,,,~~...__... ........,_-.a,..--..........
._.._,,.~tMM:Hil!lll-... .,_*--.e:!!~9'!:MlllllAM~IM!H~~~-...-..---
CLASS G Airspace: (71 .9, 91 .13, 91 .126, 91 .155, 91 .177, 91 .185, 135.205, AIM 3-1-3,__________
3-2-1 . 3-2-6, ....
3-3-1 thru 3-3-3, 5-5-8, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25, OpSpec A014 & C064) All VFR weather minimums
1. UNCONTROLLED airspace not designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E. 91.155 - Next
2. When ''shaded'' on enroute charts, Class G extends from the surface to 14.500' MSL.
All airspace above 14.500' MSL is controlled (Class E, then Class A beginning at 18,000').
3. The vast majority of the continental US (not "shaded" or not an airport) is covered by Class G below 1.200 AGL.
4. Class G VFR visibility and cloud clearance requirements for aircraft other than helicopters:
a. 1.200' AGL or less: DAY - 1 sm, clear of clouds. NIGHT - 3 sm, 500' below, 1,000' above, 2,000'
horizontally; or 1 sm, clear of clouds when in an airport traffic area within 1/2 mile of the runway.
b. More than 1,200' AGL but less than 10,000' MSL: DAY - 1 sm, 500' below, 1,000' above, 2,000'
horizontally. NIGHT - 3 sm; 500' below, 1,000' above, 2,000' horizontally.
c. More than 1.200' AGL and at or above 10.000' MSL: DAY or NIGHT - 5 sm; 1,000' below, 1,000'
above, 1 sm horizontally.
5. It is perfectly legal to flv in UNCONTROLLED airspace without an IFR flight plan or clearance. In fact, no
clearance is required (or even possible) to operate IFR in Class G airspace. Therefore, when receiving an IFR
clearance on the ground at an uncontrolled (aka Class G) airport, the clearance will usually include the phrase
''upon entering controlled airspace ... " (91.173). You are, in fact, operating in Class G without a clearance until
you get above the 700 foot transition altitude EVERY TIME you take off with a void time! Your IFR clearance does
not actually begin until you enter the Class E airspace.
6. 91.173 states only that ''no person may operate an aircraft in 'CONTROLLED airspace' under IFR UNLESS that
person has filed an IFR flight plan, and received the appropriate ATC clearance." It says nothing about
operating in UNCONTROLLED airspace, so the regulation does not apply.
7. In UNCONTROLLED airspace, no flight plan or ATC clearance is required (or possible to get). You can still
operate under Instrument flight fiules without a flight plan or any clearance from ATC. You must be instrument
current and the aircraft must be approved for IFR flight. You must cruise at an appropriate IFR altitude (91.179),
adhere to minimum altitudes for IFR flight (91.177), and comply with the other IFR requirements of 91 subpart B
that apply to IFR such as fuel reserves and VOR checks, however the altimeter, Mode C, and static system
checks of 91.411 (a) need NOT be current. (How 'bout that for a money saver!)
8. You do NOT have to maintain cloud separation (in Class G) because the flight is being conducted under Instrument
flight fiules, which do NOT require cloud separation.
9. There are many places in the continental U.S. (and certainly in Alaska) where an entire IFR flight might be
conducted in uncontrolled airspace without an ATC clearance. Happens all the time, especially in the western
states and Alaska, with the full knowledge and cooperation of the local FAA. Many times there is no radar or radio
coverage and often no telephone or even cell phone service. There is the risk that someone else is doing exactly
the same thing , not talking to anyone while in the clouds, and doing the same approach to the same airport at
the same time. (I'm gonna bet the ones that are still alive make regular position reports.) Hey, it ain't much different than
being on an IFR flight plan, breaking out at a Class G airport, and finding someone right in front of you scud runnin'
in the pattern. Not exactly perfectly safe, but it's all perfectly legal (it's a big sky and you're in a little airplane,
right?!;o ). It is also standard practice for Salt Lake and Denver centers to manage traffic that transitions from
uncontrolled airspace, to controlled airspace, then back to uncontrolled. It's understood that IFR separation
cannot be provided in the uncontrolled areas even though, at times, the aircraft may be visible on radar.
10. Does this mean I can launch from a small Class G airport (let's say, in a flat area of the Midwest, with a 700-foot
transition area) into a 100 ft overcast in 1A mile visibility with the intent of picking up my IFR clearance once I
punch through a thin layer and still be leqan
The answer is a resounding HELL NO: (See -
a. The overlying CONTROLLED (Class E) airspace requires basic VFR cloud separation of 1000 feet
ABOVE the clouds (91.155). Impossible to do when starting from the ground with a low overcast.
b. You also could [will] be busted for "CARELESS and RECKLESS operation" [91.13(a)]. The judge could
decide (and has) that only a homicidal maniac would take off and climb through the clouds into controlled
airspace without a clearance, and without knowing who else was flying around out there.
c. Remember, there's always the chance that some self appointed "Air Cop" is lurking in the weeds just
waiting to turn in what they perceive as a lunatic breaking the law. Just get your clearance on the ground.
11. Part 135 or 121 operators are NOT allowed to operate "IFR" in Class G terminal (airport) airspace UNLESS the
..............................................• .-·· · ·· ~·· ·· ···· · · · ··~ · ···· · ····~ · · ·· · ·· · ·· · ···· · ····· ·· ···· · ···· ·· ··· ··· ····· · ·· · ···· ~· ···· · ····· ··· ·· ··· ·· ~· ····· · ······ ~·· · · · ··· · ···· · ····· ·
: Notwithstanding restricted or : With one mile visibility and clear of clouds (day), it's perfectly legal to fly VFR in the that slim
: prohibited airspace - The ~ sliver of Class G airspace at or below 700 ft in the airport traffic area and at .Q.[ below 1,200 ft AGL
:• only place you won't find ~ in "sparsely populated areas" (or open water) as long as you remain at least 500 ft from the
: Class G near the surface is ; nearest person, vessel, vehicle or structure. Bird and drone traffic may also be problematic .
:• within the boundaries of •...._...__.........~.......11111111111....--....-111M1111.-.i-..1M11~-...111M111~-.tM1M-.......-.-=.-....-......-...-~-..Mfill..-.-....lliM!I
:• any surface-based
.,- • • ••••4 ••····· · · · ··---· ·· · · ·· · ····· · · · ··· · ~···· · ··· · · .... ····
: controlled airspace : A VFR takeoff or landing at a Class G
: surrounding an airport. ~ airport where Class E starts at 700 or Temporary control towers are sometimes
.............. ........... ................ ......... ......
· _....,.......,......111111111,..._1111111111....,.1M111111111111M
1,200 ft AGL requires only 1 mile established at Class G airports to handle
: There is virtually no Class G ~ visibility and clear of clouds (day) . major public events. See Page 83.
: airspace above 1,200 ft AGL
nM.s .ii...:
Terminal Radar Service Areas TRSA: (AIM 3-5-6, 4-1-18, Ptc Glossary, FAA-H-8083-25)
1. Radar is available to assist the tower outside its Class D airspace. Mode C not required.
2. TRSA radar and the tower function independently, but as a rule of thumb treat it like a Class C airport.
3. Radio participation in the TRSA is voluntary but strongly recommended. If you're a total idiot and
would rather not receive TRSA service, just say ''negative TRSA service'' when departing.
4. If you're IFR, your experience will be identical to a Class C arrival or departure.
5. Can be thought of as Class D airspace surrounded by radar coverage.
6. Not busy enough to be a Class C, but too busy to be just a Class D. No equivalent in the ICAO world.
AIRPORT ADVISORY AREA/Information Services: (AIM 3-5-1 , 4-1-9, Ptc Glossary, Ac 90-66A)
1. Within 10 miles of an airport where a control tower is not operating but where a FSS is located.
2. FSS provides advisory service to arriving and departing aircraft.
3. Participation is not mandatory but is strongly recommended.
4. Usually surface-based Class E with an active FSS.
5. "Recommended" traffic pattern speed limit is 200 kts.
VOID TIME (Clearance Void Times): (91 .173, AIM 5-2-6, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, opspec co64)
1. Pilot may receive a clearance when operating from an airport without a control tower, which contains a
provision for the clearance to be ''VOID IF NOT AIRBORNE BY'' a specific time.
2. A pilot who does not depart prior to the void time must advise ATC as soon as possible.
3. Failure to contact ATC within 30 minutes after clearance void time will result in the aircraft being
considered overdue and search & rescue procedures will be initiated.
4. Other IFR traffic is suspended until the aircraft has contacted ATC or until 30 minutes after the void time.
6. Pilots who depart at or AFTER their void time are NOT afforded IFR separation and may be in
VIOLATION of 91.173, which requires that pilots receive an ATC clearance before operating IFR in
controlled airspace. Being five minutes late is like being a thousand feet off your assigned altitude. If
for some reason you cannot make the time, call FSS or ATC and get another release.
7. Unless the airport has WEATHER REPORTING Part 135 operators cannot depart with a void
time because most Part 135 operators are not allowed to operate IFR in Class G uncontrolled-
airspace unless the airport has WEATHER REPORTING (tower reported, FSS, ASOS or AWOS-3).
SPECIAL VFR Summary: [1 .1, 91.157, 91 .205(d), Part 91 Appendix D, AIM 3-1-4, 4-4-6, 5-4-24, 5-5-3]
1. Available only upon reguest at Class D, E, most Class C and some Class B airports. ATC clearance
must be obtained (see Part 91 Appendix D, section 3 Special VFR prohibited).
2. A "reported" visibility of at least 1 sm (except for helicopters) and the aircraft must remain clear of clouds.
3. SVFR at NIGHT also requires pilot be INSTRUMENT RATED and aircraft INSTRUMENT EQUIPPED.
4. If ground visibility is not reported, 1 sm flight visibility may be used. For the purposes of Special
VFR (only), flight visibility includes the visibility from the cockpit of an aircraft in takeoff position,
operating under Part 91, at a satellite airport that does not have weather reporting capabilities.
RESTRICTED AREAS: (73.1thru73.19, 91 .133, AIM 3-1-1 , 3-4-1 , 3-4-3, 3-5-3, FAA-H-8083-25)
p .55
1. Flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restrictions. R·6401
2. No person may operate an aircraft within a restricted area unless advance permission has W·Sl8
been granted.
3. Hazards to aircraft may include: artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles.
4. If the restricted area is not active and has been released to the controlling agency (FAA), ATC will allow an
aircraft to operate in the restricted airspace without issuing specific clearance for it to do so.
5. If the restricted area is active and has not been released, ATC will issue a clearance, which will ensure the aircraft
avoids the restricted airspace.
an abrupt change in an
aircraft's altitude, an
~ -·
abnormal attitude, or abnormal .............
acceleration, not necessary for
normal flight.
2. Steep turns, stalls, and unusual attitudes that are incidental to, and necessary for
training flights are not considered aerobatic in the sense that they are part of "normal"
training and do not involve an "abrupt" change in attitude. "Spins, loops, or rolls" would be
considered outside the definition of normal training and would be considered aerobatic. A
steep climbout after takeoff with a sharp turn at very low altitude or even a high-speed, low pass
down a runway may be considered aerobatic by certain (anal) inspectors in the sense that these
maneuvers are ''not necessary for normal flight.''
3. No person may operate an aircraft in aerobatic flight:
a. Over any congested area. For Vomit and
b. Over an open-air assembly. Urine Disposal.
c. In Class B, C, D, or E airspace designated for an airport.
d. Within 4 nm of the centerline of any Federal airway.
e. Below 1,500 ft above the surface; or
f. When flight visibility is less than 3 miles; or NJTES. NOSTRIHGS. NDWSS.
: "Provided no additional aerobatic flight
··········· ~···· ..... ~ ..........•
•: "Tex" Johnston rolled a Boeing 707 twice :
maneuvers are performed, spin training to
meet the requirements of a CFI certificate
: over Seattle in 1955 essentially proving that
: or associated with upset recovery trai ning
: virtua lly any airplane can be rolled (view it : are not considered aerobatic maneuvers,
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••
: on YouTube). I wonder if everyone was : and the requirements of 91.303 do not
: For packing & rigging
: wearing their parachutes! ;o)? :• apply." (Legal lnterp Sep 28, 2012)
: requirements see 91.307
. .......""""............"""'""""'___"""""..................flttlliili.___..... ..""""'._...............f/flltil..#q/J'#fNtAfti........Mlll~i'#'fANllllll!ltNfttllrl
- - ·.
... -
(NOT DaAWHTO SCAl.!) ! \
' ' I
. .
t t'
f I
Land And Hold Short Operations - LAH SO: (AIM 4-3-11 , AFto , FAA-H-8083-25)
1. LAH SO operations include landing and holding short of an
intersecting runway, an intersecting taxiway, or some other
designated point on a runway other than an intersecting runway or
2. The Pilot In Command has the final authority to accept or
decline a LAHSO clearance. The PIC must determine that the
aircraft can safely land and stop within the Available Landing
Distance (ALO). The pilot should also take into consideration the
possibility and RAM-ifications of a BRAKE MALFUNCTION or a
lousy "floater" of a landing when accepting this clearance.
3. 8,vailable banding Q.istance (ALO) data is published in the ''special notices'' section of the A/FD and on
approach charts. Controllers will also provide this data upon request.
4. A LAHSO clearance does not preclude a rejected landing. If a rejected landing becomes necessary, the
pilot, not the controller, is responsible for separation from other aircraft or vehicles. The pilot should also
promptly notify the controller this call is critical to alert the other pilot as well.
5. Controllers must have a full read back of all LAHSO ''hold short'' clearances.
6. A pilot should only receive a LAHSO clearance when there is a minimum CEILING of 1,000 ft, 3 sm
VISIBILITY, a DRY runway and no TAILWIND. Pilots should also consider reduced visibility when landing
into the sun.
7. Visual aids can include yellow hold-short markings, red and white signage, or in-pavement lighting.
Not all airports have installed all or any of these visual aids.
8. The FAA requires each air carrier who wants to participate in LAHSO have a training program in place for
all their pilots before any of the operator's aircraft can participate in the program.
9. As a result of haggling between the FAA, the Air Line Pilots Association and Air Transport Association over
the safety issue, very few airports continue to conduct Land And Hold Short operations.
3. ''STRAIGHT ·IN'' approaches ARE permitted and ARE legal as long as they do NOT
interfere with other aircraft operating in the appropriate left or right traffic pattern.
4. Generally speaking ''STRAIGHT ·IN'' if the aircraft is
an approach is considered to be
: May qualify as a bona fide safety reason to fly a non-standard pattern .
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: Each pilot of a helicopter must avoid
: the flow of fixed-wing aircraft.
Every Private pilot is aware of the standard ''45° at mid-point of downwind'' traffic pattern
entry, but how do you enter the pattern when approaching from the ''OTHER SIDE?''
1. The FAA recommends the standard traffic pattern for all non-towered airports, but the recommended
pattern does not have the force of a regulation. You can do any pattern you like as long as all
TURNS are made in the PROPER DIRECTION (91 .126 & 91 .127).
2. ''STRAIGHT-IN'' approaches (aligned within 30°) ARE permitted and ARE legal as long as
they do NOT interfere with other aircraft operating in the appropriate pattern.
3. When approaching from the "other side" the PREFERRED METHOD is to ''CROSSOVER 500
to 1000 ft ABOVE pattern altitude,'' go a few miles away from the airport, then do a
descending turn back towards the airport and the standard 45° entry. The idea is to avoid descending
on top of aircraft established in, or entering, the pattern. Rather time consuming but safe. You should
also be aware that SOME LARGE or TURBINE POWERED airplane drivers will be in the traffic
pattern at 1,500 feet AGL (as recommended by AC 90-66A a flawed recommendation in my
opinion because many small and large aircraft operate at similar speeds but apparently the FAA feels
it's OK for a large aircraft to descend on top of a smaller aircraft during base to final).
entries are also acceptable but controversial. The upwind leg is PARALLEL TO the runway but NOT
DIRECTLY OVER the runway. It is to the side of the runway opposite the downwind leg. Assuming
left traffic, the pilot should be able to look below the left wing and see the runway to observe traffic.
Enter the pattern on the upwind leg at pattern altitude and turn crosswind somewhere near MID-
FIELD to avoid arrivals and departures. Yield to aircraft on the downwind or about to enter downwind
from the normal 45° entry. NOTE: This may not be the best plan if there's a lot of traffic, but it is legal.
5. Another variation is the ''CROSSOVER MIDFIELD at PATTERN ALTITUDE.''
Crossover the airport mid-field at pattern altitude from the upwind side, perpendicular to the landing
runway, and enter the downwind with a left turn (assuming left traffic). Again, yield to aircraft on the
downwind or about to enter downwind from the normal 45° entry. NOTE: Again this may not be the best
plan if there's a lot of traffic, but it is perfectly legal.
6. If the sun is out, your aircraft will be automatically equipped with the latest device called the ''SHADOW
DETECTOR.'' Look for your shadow on the ground. If you see TWO shadows DO SOMETHING!
7. Of course, if you ARE approaching from the downwind side of the airport, a simple
''BASE LEG TO FINAL'' is "legal," but some would argue not quite as safe.
8. During a typical year there are about 20 midair collisions, the majority of which are near airports. This
works out to be just a little more than 1o/o of all aviation accidents. A comforting thought is that only
approximately 55o/o involve fatalities and a whopping 60o/o of the aircraft landed safely! Of course
that also means that 40o/o of the aircraft DID NOT land safely. • •••••••••••••••
• Maximum
: The A/FD includes SOME : recommended
pattern altitudes.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• : SPEED
••• ••• •
(:> ~ 200 knots
•• •• w
w •• .....
.... •• Q
U> •
• 3:
= :
..•••••••••••••••••••••• •. ·~ RUNWAY
••••••••••• lco------ · ~ ~ 0
)I a=:
: 1000' AGL ALL aircraft DEPARTURE : CJ
unless otherwise
•• established. AC 90-66A ..-.. ......................
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: The MOST DANGEROUS
: "recommends" 1500 AGL •
: for large & turbine aircraft. UPWIND LEG : place to be at pattern
: It's your choice to decide if altitude
• \
•• this is a safe practice .
•• ••
8~ ~ •• 8~
•• •
•• I
•• •
••. •
••. I
•• I I
•• I •. • I
•• •••••••••••••••••
•• I
... • •••••••••
•• •• I
: The 45-degree
: entry could itself •• I •• I
: be considered a • 36 ••
:• violation of • 1. The FARs do not say 36
•• ••
: 91.126. ltis ANYTHING about a 45°
: certainly in the
•• ~ traffic pattern entry. •• A
•• 2. The AIM does not require ••
: "vicinity" of the
• •• • •
: airport, but • • a 45° entry. • •
: ALWAYS in the ••••••• 3. 91.126 says: "each
•• OPPOSITE person operating an
•• DIRECTION to aircraft on or in the
: the established vicinity of an airport in a
•• traffic pattern!;o) Class G airspace ...
• must... when
8~ approaching to land at 8~
I an airport without an I
I operating control tower ... I
I make all turns to the left I
unless the airport
displays approved light •
•••• •I
• ••••••••••
I signals or visual •• I
I markings indicating that •• I
I turns should be made to • I
36 the right ... ." This would • 36
also apply for an airport in
••• Class E airspace. See
91.127(a) .
•• ••
•• •
•• •• ••
•• •• •
••••• •
I • a.
~· ••••••
••• I •
I •• I ••
I •
•• I ••
•• I
36 • 36 ••
•• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
• ••
~ :· Common sense and
•• ~ ••
• : courtesy should be the ••
•• • •• •• •
: guiding principles when •
• : approaching to land. • •
•• • • •
••••••••••••• • :
These terms are ••••••
difficult to regulate.
required by distance from cloud criteria, enter the TRAFFIC PATTERN at an altitude of at least
1,500 feet AGL and maintain 1,500' AGL until further descent is required for a safe landing.
[Noise abatement]
2. NOTE: Many Class B, C and D airports have non-standard traffic pattern altitudes listed in the
,Airport/facility Q.irectory.
3. A large or turbine-powered airplane approaching to land on a runway served by an I LS shall fly at
or above the GLIDE SLOPE between the OUTER marker and the MIDDLE marker.
4. Any airplane approaching to land on a runway served by a VASI shall maintain at or above
the GLIDE SLOPE (aka glide path) until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe landing .
: ''At or above the glide slope'' does not
: prohibit normal bracketing maneuvers above
~ or below the glide slope for the purpose of
: remaining on the glide slope.
. .., 0 ... 0
: "Normal bracketing maneuvers"
: are maneuvers which remain within
: the limits of the higher and lower
glide slope signals.
....-....................................... ~
•••••••••••••• .111. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
: You must remain at or above the glide slope between the
• OUTER marker and the MIDDLE marker.
: LARGE or TURBINE-powered
•• Once you pass the middle marker all bets are off. : aircraft must maintain at least 1,500
: Remember- Runway behind you, altitude above you , : feet AGL in the traffic pattern in
~ and air in the fuel tanks are totally worthless . • Class B, C, or D airspace.
...................................................... .
: LOW ALTITUDE ALERT: (JO 7110.65 para 2-1-6)
: (See "Low Altitude Alert System" and "Safety Alert" - P/C Glossary)
Threshold Crossing Height • 1. Controllers will issue an alert to an aircraft if they feel it is too low (information
- The theoretical height above : received from Mode C). It is the pilot's prerogative to determine what course
the runway threshold at which the • of action to take ... if any.
•• 2. At larger airports, an automated function called MSAW (.Minimum ~afe Altitude
aircraft's glideslope antenna would
: ,W,arning) also calculates your descent rate - if it exceeds what is considered
be if the aircraft maintains the • to be a safe closure rate with the terrain - a very annoying alarm sounds in the
trajectory established by the mean : tower and the TRACON. In addition, the letters LA (,bow Altitude) flash in your
ILS glideslope or MLS glidepath. • radar data tag. Normally the call from the controller would sound somethin' like
• this:
•• "Low altitude alert, Freight Dog 123, check altitude immediately." If you
: get one of these calls (e.g., while executing a screaming high-speed dive in
• order to recapture the glideslope) an acceptable response might be .. . "We're
good. Just gettin' on back to the glideslope, thanks for the call!"
RUNWAY EDGE LIGHTS: (AIM 2-1-4 & P/C Glossary [Airport lighting])
White lights, except on instrument runways yellow replaces white on the
last 2,000 feet or half the runway length, whichever is less, to form a caution
zone. Runway lights are uniformly spaced at intervals of approximately 200
feet not more than 10 feet from the edge of the full strength pavement.
Lights marking the end of the runway emit red lights toward the runway.
NOTE: All runway markings are WHITE with glass beads and/or
silica sand embedded in the paint for added visibility and traction.
150 feet long starting at 20 feet from the end of the runway.
Threshold lights are fixed green lights left and right of the centerline.
Reference: HEADS are located across
AIM 2-3-2 thru 2-3-6 the width of the runway just
AC 150/5340-1 prior to the threshold bar.
.. .-·············~···· .._
.•• • YELLOW paint means •••
• taxi only.
•' •
YELLOW Chevrons you
cannot even taxi on.
ILS Critical Area
Holding Position Sign
(RED background with WHITE lettering)
~ V'. /')..806
~. ~ ~
/').. ~
0 ~~
765± c TOZE \!I
~ -~ 707 36R oo ~
v:,;· 36l 003° 6.6 NM 1
----- from FAF
Coupled approach NA below 1120 feet.. • = • MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 1500 then climbing
ADF REQUIRED. • @ -=:= • right turn to 2500 direct TWL NDB and hold.
• •
------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
A dot portrayed with approach lighting letter ident.ifier indicates sequenced flash ing lights (F) installed with the
0 ~·
:::::::; • Last
YELLOW replaces white on the last : : • All
~: . RED
2000 feet or half the runway length.
0 0
• 0
oew • 0 0
!::: 2000' f
~o &
·- t
,; • RED
....Ci . 0
1. White until the last 3,000 ft of runway.
2. WHITE lights ALTERNATE with RED 0 0
for the next 2,000 ft of runway.
3. The last 1,000 ft of runway,
ALL centerline lights are RED.
Start 100 feet beyond the landing threshold and extend to
0 N
3,000 ft beyond the threshold. D
Cl ""' I
:• :•
•• ••
AVAILABILITY of TDZ/CL will be $hown by
NOTE in SKE1CH e .g . ,.TDZ/CL Rwy 15•
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 25
(Chap 1 Airspace & Airport)
1. Airport ELEVATION - The highest point on an airport's usable runway expressed in feet (MSL).
2. Airport geographical REFERENCE POINT - A specific spot on the airport used to determine the
overall latitude-longitude location of the airport. Reference points are typically near the middle of the
airport, but as the airport grows and expands over the years, normally the reference point does
not move, even though the actual center may no longer be in exactly the same place.
LOW ALTITUDE ALERT: (See "Low Altitude Alert System" and "Safety Alert" - P/C Glossary)
1. Controllers will issue an alert to an aircraft if they feel it is too low (information received from Mode C).
It is the pilot's prerogative to determine what course of action to take ... if any.
2. At larger airports, an automated function called MSAW (Minimum §.ate Altitude Warning) also calculates
your descent rate if it exceeds what is considered to be a safe closure rate with the terrain a very
annoying alarm sounds in the tower and the TRACON. In addition, the letters LA (,bow Altitude) flash in
your radar data tag. Normally the call from the controller would sound like this:
''low altitude alert, Freight Dog 123, check altitude immediately.'' Again it's your prerogative as to
the course of action. If you get one of these calls (e.g., while executing a screaming high-speed dive in
order to recapture the glideslope) the correct phraseology is ... ''We're good, thanks for the call."
D········ ..........
D................... ·····~~···· ••
• 1. Formation flight is defined as two or more aircraft intentionally flying together and within visual
•• range of each other which, by prior arrangement between each of the pilots involved, operates as a •
•• single aircraft with regard to navigation and Air Traffic Control procedures .
• 2. Separation between aircraft within the formation is the responsibility of the flight leader and the
•• pilots of the other aircraft in the flight .
: 3. A standard formation is one in which a proximity of no more than 1-mile laterally or longitudinally •
• and within 100-feet vertically from the flight leader is maintained by each wingman .
•• 4. Normally the flight leader handles all A TC communications and once the flight has ''joined-up,'' all
: aircraft except the flight leader will be asked to switch off their transponders.
• 5. Although not specifically addressed in FAA documents, a formation flight involving two aircraft is
•• typically referred to as a ''flight of two'' by ATC. •
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
U I~
Basic 1. B.adio permit (FCC license) - FCC Form 605 - NOT required for operations WITHIN the
PAPERWORK U.S. but IS required for operations OUTSIDE the U.S. (ICAO rules).
2. f.ilot certificate - in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft - the
RPM original only - a copy will not do - and a PHOTO IDENTIFICATION such as driver's
(Chapter 5) license, Government or State ID card, U.S. Armed Forces ID, Passport, Airport Security
Badge, or "other form of identification that the Administrator finds acceptable." (61 .3)
3. Medical certificate - in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft - the
original only - a copy will not do. (61 .3)
RATINGS 1. The pilot must be rated for the CATEGORY (Airplane, Glider, Rotorcraft, etc.), CLASS (Single
(Chapter 5) Engine, Multiengine, Land, Sea, etc.) and TYPE (DC-3, 8-737) if a type rating is required.
2. For flight under instrument flight rules the pilot must be instrument rated.
3. A Commercial certificate is required to carry cargo or passengers for hire.
4. An Airline Transport Pilot certificate is required to fly PASSENGERS [for hire] in a
TURBOJET, an airplane having 10 or more passenger seats, OR a MULTIENGINE airplane
in a COMMUTER o eration.
2. High-performance;
Required for PIC
3. High altitude;
(61.31, Chapter 5)
4. Tailwheel.
MEDICAL 1. A current medical certificate applicable to the operation to be conducted.
Considerations 2. A person shall not act as a required pilot flight crewmember while that person knows of any
medical condition that would make the person unable to meet the requirements for the
(Chapter 5)
medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation; or is taking any medication that results in
the person being unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary. [61 .53,
61 .23(b)]
No person may attempt to operate an aircraft: (91 .17)
a. Within 8 hours after consuming an alcoholic beverage.
b. While under the influence of alcohol.
c. While having .04°/o by weight or more alcohol in the blood.
~~~~~~~~~~~~d~·~W~h~ile~u~si~n~a~n~d~r~u thata~ctsthe ilot'sfaculties in an wa contrar tosa~t.
Basic 1. FLIGHT REVIEW (or equivalent) within the previous 24 calendar months. (61.56) Examples
CURRENCY of substitutions for the flight review requirements could be:
a. A 61.58 Pilot-In-Command Proficiency Check (for type rating currency); or
(Chapters 5 & 7)
b. A Part 121, 135 or Subpart K of Part 91 Pilot Proficiency Check (or Competency Check); or
c. A checkride for any certificate or rating; or
d. Several other substitutions are listed in 61.56.
2. LANDING CURRENCY - For the carriage of PASSENGERS - The PIC must have made
and LOGGED 3 takeoffs and 3 landings in the previous 90 days in the same CATEGORY
(airplane, glider, rotorcraft, etc.), CLASS (single engine, multiengine, land, sea, etc.) and
TYPE (DC-3, B-17, B-777) (if a type rating is required)- these landings must be made to a
full stop if in a tailwheel aircraft or at night (and as "sole manipulator" of the controls). (61 .57)
3. INSTRUMENT CURRENCY - For any particular IFR flight, the pilot must be able to count
backwards - 6 months - to be sure he or she has accomplished (and LOGGED) as "sole
manipulator" of the controls at least 6 approaches and holding during that time period.
NOTE #1: For commercial flights, IFR currency is covered by the f.ilot !n ~ommand ' s
6-month instrument proficiency check. (61 .57)
NOTE #2: For commercial flights, IFR Currency is covered for a Part 121 SIC but is NOT
covered for a Part 135 SIC. A Part 135 SIC must maintain his own IFR currency.
4. f.ilot-!n-~ommand Proficiency Check - Operation of Aircraft Requiring More Than One Pilot
Flight Crewmember (aircraft that requires a type rating). The f.ilot-!n-~ommand of an aircraft
type certificated for more than one pilot must have a proficiency check in that aircraft every
12 calendar months can be 24 months if the ilot is t ed in two different aircraft . 61 .58
Commercial 1. The pilot must meet the current training and checking requirements applicable to the type of
CURRENCY operation being conducted (i.e., 121, 135, Subpart K of Part 91, etc.). See Chapters 7 and 8.
2. NOTE #1: The INSTRUMENT experience CURRENCY requirements of 61.57(c)
(Chapters 7 & 8)
(i.e., 6 months; 6 approaches; holding), DO NOT APPL Yto a Pilot In Command who is
employed by a Part 121 or Part 135 air carrier while flying under Part 91, 121, or 135
for that air carrier. [61.57(e)(2), 121 .401 , 121 .441 , 135.301(a)]
3. NOTE #2 : ''GRACE MONTH'' - A PIC for a Part 121 or Part 135 air carrier, who has a current PIC
check, and while flying under Part 91 , 121 , or 135 for that air carrier, is legal (i.e. instrument current)
for 7 months (under the "grace month" provisions of 121.401 and 135.301) even if he or she has not
done a sin le instrument rocedure aside from the checkride durin that 7-month eriod.
ATC CLEARANCE and FLIGHT PLAN REQUIRED: (91 .173, AIM 5-1-6 thru 5-1-9)
No person may operate an aircraft in CONTROLLED airspace under I FR unless that person has-
( a) Filed an IFR flight plan; and
(b) Received an appropriate ATC clearance .
: It is perfectly legal to fly in UNCONTROLLED [Class G] airspace without an IFR flight plan or clearance.
•Therefore, when receiving an IFR clearance on the ground at an uncontrolled (Class G) airport, the
: clearance may include the phrase ''upon entering controlled airspace... ''
: NOTE: See Page 7 for more details about flying under I FR in UNCONTROLLED [Class G] airspace.
c b
: You may file IFR to an airport without an
··············~··············································· · •
: The worst weather condition in any of the reports or forecasts is : instrument approach as long as you also
: controlling. Any " CHANCE OF," " occasional ," " intermittent," : include an appropriate alternate airport.
: "tempo," or "possibility" of weather fa lling below these minimums 'VfN'r/ltN!#llNlrJllN~~rflttNWlatli'6¥1~rlkN'#.N~~'/lfN
(91 .169)
Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may include an alternate airport in an IFR
flight plan unless appropriate weather reports or weather forecasts, or a combination of them, indicate
that, at the ,5stimated Iime of 8,rrival at the alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility at that airport will be
at or above the following weather minimums -
For FIXED WING aircraft, the alternate minimums specified in that procedure, or if none are
specified, the following minimums:
• PRECISION approach Ceiling 600 feet & visibility .2, statute miles.
• NONPRECISION approach Ceiling 800 feet & visibility g statute miles.
For HELICOPTERS: Ceiling 200 feet above the minimum for the approach to be flown, and visibility at
least 1 statute mile but never less than the minimum visibility for the approach to be flown, and
alternate airport, the ceiling and visibility minima are those allowing descent from the MEA,
approach, and landing under basic VFR .
: Also check£ ''Alternate Minimums not standard'' (front of NOS approach book) or ... ''NA'' .tfot 8,uthorized
: and/or the ''FOR FILING AS AN ALTERNATE'' box (back of airport diagram chart Jeppesen) .
·············· ~························· ~-----~·---··················· ~························ ·----·· ... ·····················•·•••··••··•·•······•·· ••
: Remember an Alternate is required on your flight plan for planning purposes only in the case of radio failure .
: Once you 're enroute, all bets are off. If it becomes impossible to land at your original destination ... with a new clearance
: you can land anywhere you like using any and all approach procedures that would normally be available to you.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 35
(chap 2 Flight Rules & Approach)
IFR FUEL SUPPLY (Domestic): (91.151 , 91 .167, 135.223, 121 .639 thru 121 .647)
1. Fly to the destination shoot an approach~o on to the (most distant) alternate and
fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruise.
2. Helicopters Fly to the destination shoot an approach go on to the
alternate and fly after that for 30 minutes at normal cruise.
I've noticed the majority
of airplanes that crash
due to fuel starvation do
so within two miles of
thei r destination.
I wonder what their first
two words are when
the engines quit.
. ..
I thought you said YOU were
gonna get the gas!!
.• ····························~··········~············································-~
: With ample runway available ... it's a virtual certainty an airplane will fly a little over gross.
: However ... without enough gas onboard ... it will most definitely not reach its destination.
Z -+ Someday that forecast for a tailwind will turn into a headwind .
: -+ Someday ATC will assign a ridiculously low altitude 150 miles from your destination.
: -+ Someday that forecast for great weather at your destination will turn sour when you get
: there forcing a diversion to your alternate with even worse weather .
•: -+ Someday during a late night approach in miserable weather, the plane in front of you will
• crash and they'll close the airport leaving you with few options.
% -+ Someday the gear will fail to lock down on approach ... wouldn 't you love to have
•: abundant time to troubleshoot properly?
: -+ All of the above have been experienced by me personally during my tenure as a freight dog.
: If you find yourself thinking about gas at any time during a flight ... you didn't buy
•• enough! AND .. . if you 're even slightly worried about gas, you'll find yourself making
foolish ... possibly even stupid decisions. Don't put yourself in that position!
• • • • ••••••••••••••
: You can never have too
: much fuel, too much altitude,
• •
: or too many engines.
: (i.e., unless you're on fire)
VOID TIME (Clearance Void Times): (91 .173, AIM 5-2-6, opspec co64)
1. Pilots may receive a clearance when operating from an airport without a control
tower, which contains a provision for the clearance to be ''VOID IF NOT
AIRBORNE BY ... " a specific time. 23 24 13
11 12 ' I I, ,,
. ,_
2. A pilot who does not depart prior to the void time must advise ATC As .§.oon As -
Failure to contact ATC within 30 minutes after clearance void time will result in
the aircraft being considered overdue and search & rescue procedures will be
4. CLEARANCE is automatically CANCELLED if TAKEOFF is NOT made PRIOR
5. Pilots who depart at or AFTER their void time are NOT afforded IFR separation and may [will] be in
VIOLATION of 91.173, which requires that pilots receive an ATC clearance before operating IFR in
controlled airspace. Being five minutes late is like being a thousand feet off your assigned altitude. If
for some reason you cannot make the time, call FSS or ATC and get another release.
6. Other IFR traffic is suspended until the aircraft has contacted ATC or until 30 minutes after the void time.
7. Unless the airport has WEATHER REPORTING Part 135 operators cannot depart with a void
time because most Part 135 operators are not allowed to operate IFR in Class G uncontrolled-
airspace unless the airport has WEATHER REPORTING (tower reported, FSS, ASOS or AWOS-3).
TAXIING: (AIM 4-3-18 thru 4-3-20, 5-2-4, FAA-H- 8083-25, JO 7110.65U- Para 3-9-4)
1. A clearance must be obtained prior to crossing any runway. ATC will issue an explicit clearance for
all runway crossings. ATC will not use the word "cleared " in conjunction with taxi clearance.
Controllers cannot issue multiple runway crossing clearances fil the same time, unless the
distance between two runway centerlines is less than 1,000 ft.
NOTE: Of course it's still good common sense to look both ways before crossing any runway, and also not a
bad idea to mention to the controller that you are ''now crossing Runway XX'' just to make sure everyone is
sti II on the same page.
2. ATC is required to obtain from the pilot a READBACK of ALL runway HOLD SHORT INSTRUCTIONS.
3. Pilots should always read back the runway assignment and runway hold short instructions when taxi
instructions are received from the controller. Controllers are required to request a readback of runway
hold-short assignment when it is not received from the pilot.
4. ,bine Y.P And Wait (LUAW) an air traffic control (ATC) procedure designed to position an aircraft
onto the runway for an imminent departure. The ATC instruction "LINE UP AND WAIT" is used to
instruct a pilot to taxi onto the departure runway and line up and wait. (AIM 5-2-4)
, ~~~~~~--
······················· ~
•• Dancing Attitude Indicator?
•• An attitude indicator may take as
• long as 5 minutes to stabilize
(normally 2-3 minutes). It also
should not bank more than
5° during taxi turns.
1. Two minutes (or the appropriate 4 or 5 miles) - when departing behind a heavy jet (or 8757) from the same
threshold (may NOT be "waived" by the pilot of the departing aircraft). Add 1 minute departing behind A380/A388.
2. Three minutes - when departing from an intersection on the same runway behind a heavy jet (or 8757) (may
NOT be "waived" by the pilot of the departing aircraft). Add 1 minute behind A380/A388.
Vortex Flow
Sink Rate
Several Hundred feet per minute ~urbulence
3. ENROUTE separation is applied to aircraft operating directly behind a heavy jet (or 8-757) mthe same altitude or
less than 1,000 feet below:
a. Heavy jet behind heavy jet - 4 miles. Heavy behind A388 (super) - 5 miles.
b. Large or heavy behind 8-757 - 4 miles. Large behind A388 (super)- 5 miles.
c. Small behind 8-757 - 5 miles. Small behind A388 (super) - 5 miles.
d. Small or large aircraft behind heavy jet - 5 miles (6 miles in the terminal area).
• Aircraft Classes (P/C Glossary, JO 7110.65T, N JO 7110.582, SAFO 12007)
: SUPER -Airbus A380-800 (A388)(MTOW may be as much as 1,433,000 lbs)(N JO 7110.582)
: HEAVY -Aircraft capable of takeoff weights of 300.000 lbs or more whether or not they are operating at this weight
: during a particular phase of flight. NOTE: A 8-757 usually weighs less than 255.000 pounds, but is (essentially)
: considered heavy for wake turbulence separation purposes.
: LARGE - Aircraft of more than 41,000 lbs, max certificated takeoff weight, up to but not including 300,000 pounds.
~ SMALL - Aircraft of 41.000 lbs or less max certificated takeoff weight.
"; ·······-·······--····················
Climb Gradient in °/o
•• Rise Over Run = o/o
• 440 ft per NM - 7 2010 Cl" b G d" t
~ 6076 (ft in a NM) - • ' im ra ien
" Ah ... yeah ... looks like Speed Bird 340 has
CLOSEO somehow missed JFK and inadvertently landed
YOUR at Podunk Municipal, so I guess we need to
CANCEL our flight plan ... and ah ... could you
FLIGHT chaps send over a couple of ladders?"
[AIM 5-2-6, 5-2-8, 5-5-14, 91.175(f), 91 .605, 121 .189, 135.181 , 135.367, 135.379 thru 135.383, OpSpec C077, AC 120-91 , FAA-H-8083-16]
1. ATC-coded procedures established to simplify clearance delivery procedures.
2. Provide a transitional procedure from the terminal to the enroute structure. The PRIMARY reason is
to provide obstacle clearance when a ''Diverse Vector Area'' (OVA) departure is not possible due to
obstacles penetrating the 40: 1 departure obstacle clearance plane. A SECONDARY reason, at busier
airports, is to increase efficiency and reduce communications and departure delays.
3. .§.tandard Instrument Qeparture (SID) Provide "obstacle" clearance and reduce P/C workload.
4. Qbstacle Qeparture frocedures (ODP) "Obstruction" clearance via the ''least onerous route.''
5. You are not required to accept a DP. If you do not possess a textual description or graphic depiction
of the DP you cannot accept one. Let ATC know about it in the remarks section of your flight plan.
6. Part 91 contains no specific rules that require a person to use the DP or the DP climb gradient when in
VMC (or in IMC if ATC lets you). If you accept the DP, the DP climb gradient must be met, but this only
applies to all-engine operations (for Part 91 ).
7. DPs ensure obstacle protection if you're at least 35 ft AGL crossing the end of the runway. Obstacle
clearance responsibility rests with the pilot when choosing to climb in VMC in lieu of flying a DP.
8. Transport category Part 135 operations must comply with 135.379 and 135.381 obstacle clearance
requirements. You must meet the climb gradient even if you lose an engine! (135.181 , 135.381)
9. OpSpec C077d.&e. Part 121 operations and Part 135 turbojet operations require compliance with
Qeparture frocedures established by the FAA. VMC climbs are allowed (OpSpec C077e.), but obstacle
clearance data would need to be provided and performance must meet 135 and/or 121 requirements
(which would require a detailed obstacle clearance analysis by your company). Just fly the damn DP!
10. An airport without a Vin the notes section will have standard commercial takeoff minimums [91.175(f)]
T with no restrictions. Once you have reached at least 400 feet AGL on runway heading, you are free to
turn directly towards your first enroute fix.
11. When an approach chart labels a runway V ''NA,'' that runway cannot be used by commercial
T operators for instrument departures.
12. If an airport has more than one DP, the takeoff minimums for a runway apply to all Departure
Procedures, except when a specific DP has its own charted takeoff minimums.
.............. ·-- ............... ·-- ............... ·-- ............... ·-- ............... ·-- ........
If no climb gradient is specified, a standard minimum of 200 feet per NM applies (30: 1 ):
: CLIMB GRADIENT: Groundspeed x feet per NM (climb gradient from DP) then divide by 60. :
•• :- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 140 kts x 200 ft/NM ·
= 466 ft/min :
: ·Standard
•• • •• •• • • •• •Climb
•• • • ••Gradient=
• •• • • •• • •• •200 • •• • •feet
• • • •per
• • ••NM:
• •• • 60 :•
·· ~················ ~················ ~················ ~················ ~················ ~···
(400 fVmin@ 120 kts) (466 fVmin@ 140 kts) (533 fVmin@ 160 kts) (666 fVmin@ 200 kts)
14. An airport that has been assigned an instrument approach has been evaluated for a DP. If there are no
obstacles to obstruct a 200 feet per NM climb, no departure procedure is required or established. An
airport with no major obstructions meets what's called ''DIVERSE DEPARTURE'' criteria; meaning that
after reaching 400 feet AGL on runway heading, it's safe to climb in any direction at the leisurely pace
of 200 feet per NM. No DP will be published unless otherwise needed for air traffic purposes.
15. Procedures requiring a climb gradient in excess of 200 feet per NM shall also specify a ceiling and
visibility to be used as an alternative for aircraft incapable of achieving the gradient. The ceiling
value shall be the 100-foot increment above the controlling obstacle or above the altitude required
over a specified point from which a 40: 1 gradient will clear the obstacle. Ceilings of 200 feet or less
shall not be specified. The visibility shall be at least one mile.
16. If the DP has a specified climb gradient, compliance with the climb gradient is mandatory.
17. If the DP requires a turn of more than 15°, and no turning fix or altitude is specified, the turn should
begin at 400 feet AGL.
18. A mandatory ''EARLY TURN'' (begin turn at less than 400 feet AGL) is required for certain runways
because of close-in obstacles. In such cases, the takeoff minimums must be at least 300-1, and the
early turn to a heading or to intercept a course is specified ''turn left (right) as soon as practicable."
NOTE: ''Practical'' or ''feasible'' may exist in some existing departure text instead of ''practicable."
''PILOT'S DISCRETION'' The controller has offered you the option of starting the
descent (or climb) whenever you wish and at any rate of descent (or climb) you want. You have
the freedom to temporarily level off at any intermediate altitude, but once you have vacated
an altitude, you cannot go back up (or down). If you decide to stay at the previously
assigned altitude for a while before starting the descent, you should initiate an additional
call to report leaving the previously assigned altitude. Example: ''Falcon 123 is
descending now to 230." The controller will appreciate this as a courtesy call. It is possible
for a controller to forget that he has given you a lower altitude at pilot's discretion , and may
have inadvertently allowed traffic to cross through your altitude "block" in the time between your
acceptance of the clearance and the beginning of your descent [AIM 4-4-1 0, 5-3-3 & P/C Glossary].
To paraphrase AIM 5-3-3(a)(1 ): The pilot should report without a specific request ''when
vacating any previously assigned altitude for a newly assigned altitude.''
RATE of CLIMB or DESCENT If they do NOT say the words ''PILOT'S DISCRETION," you are
expected to climb or descend ''at an optimum rate consistent with the operating characteristics of the
aircraft to 1,000 feet above or below the assigned altitude, and then A TTEMPTto descend or climb at a
rate of between 500 and 1,500 FPM until the assigned altitude is reached." [AIM 4-4-10 & P/C Glossary]
CLASS II NAVIGATION: (OpSpecs A002, 8032 , 8034, 8035, 8054; AC 90-45A, AC 90-96, AC 91-70, AC 120-280)
1. Class 11 navigation is any en route flight operation or portion of an en route operation (irrespective of
the means of navigation) which takes place outside (beyond) the designated Qperational §.ervice
Y,olume (or ICAO equivalents) of ICAO standard airway navigation facilities (VOR, VOR/DME, NOB).
However, Class II navigation does not include en route flight operations over routes designated with an
"MEA GAP" (gap in nav signal coverage).
2. For example, an aircraft equipped with only VOR conducts Class II navigation when the flight
operates in an area (off an airway) outside the operational service volumes of federal VORs/DMEs.
3. Class 11 navigation involves operations conducted in areas where the signals from ICAO standard
navaids have not been shown to meet signal strength, course quality, and/or frequency protection
standards. Therefore, ATC cannot predicate aircraft separation on the use of these facilities alone and
must apply larger separation criteria. When operating outside the operational service volume of ICAO
standard navaids, signals from these stations cannot be relied upon as the sole means of conducting
long-range operations to the degree of accuracy required. Therefore, when operating outside the
designated operational service volumes of ICAO standard navaids, operators must use Long-Range
Navigation Systems (LRNS) (GPS, Loran C, Omega, INS) OR ''special navigational techniques''
(Dead Reckoning, pilotage, flight navigator, celestial) or both. These systems and/or techniques are
necessary to navigate to the degree of accuracy required for the control of air traffic and to avoid
4. The definition of Class II navigation is not dependent upon the equipment installed in the aircraft.
All airspace outside the operational service volume of ICAO standard navaids is a three-dimensional
volume of airspace within which any type of enroute navigation is categorized as Class II navigation.
46 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(chap 2 Flight Rules & Approach)
FEDERAL (VICTOR) AIRWAYS: (71 .73, 71 .75, AIM 2-2-2, 3-2-6, 5-3-4, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25)
1. Extend upward from 1,200 feet AGL up to, but not including, 18,000 feet MSL.
2. East/West airways have an even number (e.g. V74).
3. North/South airways have an odd number (V73).
4. Each Federal (Victor) airway is 8 miles wide and includes the airspace within parallel boundary lines
4 miles each side of the centerline. At all times you are expected to fly on the centerline.
COLORED (Federal) AIRWAYS (L/MF aka ADF): (71.73, 11 .15, AIM 5-3-4)
1. Predicated solely on UMF navigation aids [.bow/Medium frequency (ADF) (kiloHertz)] and are depicted
in brown on aeronautical charts and are identified by color name and number (e.g., Amber One).
2. Green and Red airways are plotted east & west.
3. Amber and Blue airways are plotted north & south.
4. Except for G13 in North Carolina, the colored airway system exists only in the state of Alaska.
5. Colored airways are the same width as VOR (victor) airways, 4 NM each side of the centerline .
•• T-routes (below FL 180) and Q-routes (FL 180 and above)
G 13 •• are defined solely by GPS (RNAV) waypoints. (AIM 5-3-4)
JET ROUTES: (71 .13, 71 .15, AIM 5-1-8, 5-3-4 , 5-3-6, 9-1-4, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25)
1. Extend from FL 180 to FL 450, inclusive, and are designated to indicate frequently used routings.
2. Jet routes in the U.S. are predicated solely on VOR or VORTAC navigation facilities, except in Alaska
where some are based on L/MF [bow/Medium frequency (ADF) (kiloHertz)] navigation aids.
3. All jet routes are identified by the letter''~" and followed by the airway number; e.g., ''J105."
4. Specific charts have been designed for flight at FL 180 and above. Enroute high altitude charts
delineate the jet route system, which consists of routes established from FL 180 up to and including FL
450. The VOR airways established below FL 180 found on low altitude charts must not be used at
FL 180 and above.
5. High altitude jet routes are an independent matrix of airways, and pilots must have the appropriate
enroute high altitude charts before transitioning to the flight levels.
6. Jet routes have no specified width. However, it is generally accepted that alignment should be planned
using the same protected airspace specified for VOR airways; i.e., 4 miles each side of the centerline.
7. With respect to position reporting, reporting points are designated for jet route systems. Flights using jet
routes will report over these points unless otherwise advised by ATC.
[AIM 4-4-10(9), 5-2-8, 5-4-1 , 5-4-16, FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-25,]
1. The guiding principle is that the last ATC clearance has
Ground Speed (kts) I Miles per Minute precedence over the previous ATC clearance.
120 2 2. When the route or altitude is amended, the controller will
180 3 restate the applicable ALTITUDE RESTRICTION.
240 4 3. If altitude to maintain is changed or restated, whether prior
300 5 to departure or while airborne, and previously issued altitude
360 6
restrictions are omitted, those altitude restrictions, are
420 7
480 8 canceled, including DP and STAR altitude restrictions.
540 9
·- .................................................................................... . .
: 1. Miles to descend to meet crossing restriction (3° descent) + Altitude to lose (in thousands) x ~ + 10°/o. •
: 2. 3° rate of descent + 1/2 the ground speed and add a zero.
: 3. Rate of descent+ Altitude to lose+ time to fix= rate of descent (FPM) .
•• 4. To simplify for most jets + Determine minutes from the fix, plan on descending at 2.000 FPM .
• Example: It will take 5 minutes to lose 10,000 ft at 2,000 FPM. See Chapter 4.
TIMED APPROACHES from a HOLDING FIX: (AIM 5-3-8, 5-4-10, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16)
conducted when the following LMM
conditions are met:
a. A control tower is in operation
at the airport where the
approaches are conducted. 1000 ft
b. Direct communications are
maintained between the pilot Report leaving
previous altitude for
and the center or approach new assigned altitude .
controller until the pilot is 1000 ft
instructed to contact the tower.
c. If more than one missed i
approach procedure is
available, none require a
course reversal.
d. If only one missed approach 1000 ft
procedure is available, the I've GOTto
remember to put
following conditions are met: the gear down
(i) Course reversal is not next time!
''RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED'': (P/C Glossary, AIM 5-3-2, 5-5-3, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16)
1. Means you are no longer receiving radar service from Air Traffic Control.
2. The majority of the time this expression is used by the controller after you've cancelled your IFR or your
flight following is being terminated.
3. This is often used as a legalistic phrase to fill a gap between the current controller's radar and another
controller's radar.
4. You are usually in radar contact with the new controller even though the previous controller made the
statement "radar service is terminated."
5. When the new controller says "radar contact," you are again officially receiving radar service.
N123GO - I have to go on my
break now - so ''radar
service is terminated,''
squawk 1200, cleared from
center frequency.
D·ATIS: (FAA-H-8083-16)
1. When the letter Q precedes ATIS on a Jeppesen chart, the ATIS is transmitted digitally as well as by
2. For cockpits so equipped, the digital ATIS signal can be received and displayed in text form.
s. ''Any QUESTIONS?''
Typical answer ... "Yup, where we gonna eat?" •
(!ake-Qff & banding Q.ata)
(Typical for Approach)
10° FLAP 25° FLAP p T.O.
VAc 0
w M.C.
MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE (MVA): (AIM 5-4-5, 5-4-16, 5-5-11, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-16)
The lowest MSL altitude at which an I FR aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller except for radar
approaches (PAR). Only the controller knows what the MVA is for your area. This altitude meets IFR
obstacle clearance criteria (1,000 feet obstacle clearance over flat terrain 2,000 feet obstacle clearance
over mountainous terrain can be lowered to 1500 feet in some eastern mountainous areas).
SECONDARY (transponder beacons)
[91 .175U), 97.3, 121 .651 , 135.225, AIM 5-3-8, 5-4-6, 5-4-9, 5-5-4, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-16]
1. Controllers do NOT particularly care how you do the course reversal The only exceptions are when
the IAP shows a teardrop pattern or a holding pattern in lieu of a procedure 0
turn In these cases you MUST do it as published using the one-minute time
limitation or DME distance as specified (unless you are specifically being radar 345°
vectored to intercept the inbound course at the prescribed altitude). Procedure Turn
2. Normally must be completed within 10 NM of the fix it is started from. In lieu of
3. A procedure turn barbed arrow indicates the direction or side of the outbound Procedure Turn
course on which the procedure turn is made. Headings are provided for course 2700- - 1111111
reversal using the 45° procedure turn. However, the point at which the turn may (IAS)
be commenced, and the type and rate of turn is left to the discretion of the ....__ 0 0
pilot. Some of the options are the 45° procedure turn, the racetrack pattern, the - - - - - - - - - - -
teardrop procedure turn, or the 80°/260° course reversal. (FAA-H-8083-15)
4. When a descent is involved while tracking outbound or inbound, you are reminded to ''maintain the
last assigned altitude until 'ESTABLISHED' (i.e., on the centerline more or less) on a segment of a
published ''ROUTE." (AIM 5-5-4)
a. ON COURSE Used to indicate an aircraft is ESTABLISHED on the ROUTE CENTERLINE.
b. ON-COURSE INDICATION An indication on an instrument, which provides a visual means of
determining that the aircraft is located on the CENTERLINE of a given navigational track.
(P/C Glossary)
5. Speed limit 200 knots. (AIM 5-4-9a.3.)
: When there is a ''HOLDING PATTERN in lieu of a PROCEDURE TURN'' for a course reversal , the maneuver
: is completed when the aircraft is established on the inbound course after executing the appropriate entry.
• If cleared for the approach prior to returning to the holding fix, AND the aircraft is at the prescribed
altitude, additional circuits of the holding pattern are not necessary or expected by ATC. (AIM 5-4-9a.4.)
PROCEDURE TURN INBOUND: [91 .175U), 97.3, AIM 5-4-9, FAA-H-8083-16, P/C Glossary]
Course reversal has been completed and the aircraft is established inbound (on the CENTERLINE more
or less) of the intermediate or final approach course. NOTE: Begin any required descent only when
established on the inbound course centerline.
PROCEDURE TURN NOT REQUIRED: [91 .175U), 97.3, AIM 5-4-9, P/C Glossary]
1. When being ''radar vectored'' for approach ''This will be 'VECTORS' for the approach."
2. If ATC clears you for a ''straight-in'' approach.
3. If ''No PT'' is noted on the chart for your arrival route.
4. If you are doing a ''timed approach'' from a holding fix (page 48).
5. In the case of a radar vector to a final approach course or fix, a timed approach from a holding fix, or
an approach for which the procedure specifies ''No PT," no pilot may make a procedure turn unless
cleared to do so by ATC. [91 .175U)l
------------------------ • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
.:· .·-····················· ········ •. •• You must ALWAYS be able to answer these two questions:
Never let an
:• airplane take you : 1. WHERE am I going?
: someplace your • 2. WHAT EXACTLY am I going to do when I get there?
~ brain didn't get to : a. EXACTLY what heading am I going to turn to?
:.. five minutes earlier. • b. EXACTLY what altitude am I going to maintain?
• c. EXACTLY what power setting or speed am I going to need or
• what item of drag (gear/flaps) am I going to need.
DME Arc Procedures: (AIM 1-1-7, 1-1-19, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25, Ac 90-94, TERPS)
If a feeder route to an Initial A_pproach fix is part of the Instrument Approach Procedure, it is considered the
MANDATORY starting point for the approach. In other words you cannot just pick up the DME Arc
anywhere you like and then fly the rest of the approach. You must start the DME Arc at a PUBLISHED
Initial A_pproach fix.
Aircraft APPROACH CATEGORIES: [97.3, AIM 5-4-7, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, P/C Glossary]
1. Speeds are based on VREF, if specified, or if VREF is not specified, 1.3 times Vso at max landing weight.
2. If maneuvering at a higher airspeed, you SHOULD use the category for the airspeed you are using.
The higher turning radii of the higher speed may take you beyond the obstruction clearance area provided
during a circling approach or even during a straight-in approach if a missed approach becomes
necessar the missed a roach obstacle clearance area is redicated on the aircraft's s eed.
A B c D E
0-90 91-120 121-140 141-165 Abv 165
Key the microphone on the appropriate frequency: Lights should stay on for
• 3 Clicks (within 5 seconds) Lowest intensity 15 minutes
• 5 Clicks (within 5 seconds) Medium intensity
• 7 Clicks (within 5 seconds) Highest intensity
Suggested use is to always initially key the mike 7 times; this assures that all controlled
lights are turned on to the maximum available intensity. If desired, adjustment can then be
made, where the capability is provided, to a lower intensity or the REIL (.B.unway £nd
!dentifier bights) or SFL (.§.equenced flashing ,bights aka the rabbit) turned off by keying 5
and/or 3 times.
123.05 (CTAF) I
''ESTABLISHED'' ''on Course'' or ''on the Approach''
• ESTABLISHED To be stable or fixed on a route, route segment, altitude, heading, etc. (P/C Glossary)
• Another generally accepted definition is published by the International ~ivil Aviation Qrganization
(ICAO)(Document 8168): ''ESTABLISHED is considered as being within half full scale deflection for
the ILS and VOR, or within +/-5 degrees of the required bearing for the NOB."
• In other words more or less on the centerline.
Final Approach Segment (FAS): (121 .651 , 135.225, AIM 1-1-19, 1-1-20, 4-1-9, 5-4-5, 5-4-9, P/C Glossary)
1. ILS The Final Approach Segment begins at the Qlide.§Jope Intercept feint. When ATC directs a
lower than published GSIA, the FAS begins at the actual point of glideslope intercept.
2. NONPRECISION Approach FAS begins at the ''Maltese cross." When no depicted FAF (e.g., on-
airport VOR or NOB), the FAS begins inbound on final descent.
3. TEARDROP procedure with no depicted FAF FAS begins 10 miles from the on-airport navaid.
ILS CRITICAL AREA: (139.311 , AIM 1-1-9k., 2-3-5, 2-3-8, 2-3-9, FIG 2-3-16, FAA-H-8083-25, 8083-16)
1. When weather conditions are below 800 ft ceiling and/or visibility below 2 miles
visibility - Taxiing aircraft (or vehicles) are not authorized past the Localizer I Glide
Slope I ILS Critical Area signs when an aircraft is between the I LS final approach fix
and the airport (due to possible signal distortion).
2. Holding position markings for ILS critical areas consist of two yellow solid lines spaced
two feet apart connected by pairs of solid lines spaced ten feet apart extending across
the width of the taxiway. A sign with an inscription in white on a red background is
installed adjacent to these hold position markings. (AIM 2-3-5b., FIG 2-3-16)
3. The pilot should stop so no part of the aircraft extends beyond the holding position marking.
4. A pilot should not cross the marking without ATC clearance.
5. Regardless of the weather, if you intend to fly a coupled approach, tell the tower about it so they can
keep traffic out of the ILS Critical Area. Don't take the chance of spilling coffee on the boss!
PRE CI SI 0 N APPROACH: (1.1, AIM 4-5-4, 5-4-5, 5-4-11, P/C Glossary, 135.225, OpSpec C052)
1. A standard instrument approach procedure in which NO glide slope is provided; e.g., VOR, TACAN,
NOB, LOC, ASR, LOA, or SOF approaches.
2. Descent minimums are normally expressed as Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) The lowest
altitude to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering
when no glide slope is provided.
3. Minimums for approach are predicated on VISIBILITY NOT CEILING. Although the ceiling must be
"considered" for Part 135 (135.225)(FAA opinion) but not for Part 121.
Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV):
[FAA Order 8900.1, OpSpec C052; AIM 1-1-9, 1-1-20, 5-4-5a.7.(b),
FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16]
1. An approach procedure that provides vertical guidance (glide slope) but is not as accurate as a true
precision approach. In air carrier OpSpecs, these approaches are listed under ''approaches other
than ILS and MLS'' aka ''NON PRECISION.'' (OpSpec C052)
2. Primary examples are the LOA w/glide slope (or SOF w/glide slope).
3. Although an LOA w/glide slope certainly fits the definition of a precision approach, it is considered
nonprecision, at least for air carriers. FAA policy is that even though a glide slope is available, the
accuracy is not the same as an ILS or GLS.
4. A,pproach with Y,ertical !a,uidance (APV) An instrument approach based on a navigation system that
is not required to meet the precision approach standards of ICAO Annex 10 but provides course and
glidepath deviation information. For example, Baro-VNAV, LOA with glidepath, LNAVNNAV and LPV
are APV approaches. [AIM 5-4-5a.7.(b)]
•• When receiving ''VECTORS for the LOCALIZER,'' pilots should NOT turn inbound unless
: specifically cleared to ''JOIN the localizer'' and/or ''CLEARED for the approach.''
: Unless specifically told to ''EXPECT VECTORS ACROSS FINAL for [spacing, etc.],'' the pilot
: should QUERY the CONTROLLER prior to blowing through the LOCALIZER.
Chances are he just forgot about you!;o(
required by distance from cloud criteria, enter the TRAFFIC PATTERN at an altitude of at least
1,500 feet AGL and maintain 1,500 AGL until further descent is required for a safe landing.
[Noise abatement]
2. NOTE: Many Class B, C and D airports have non-standard traffic pattern altitudes listed in the
,Airport/facility Q.irectory.
3. A large or turbine-powered airplane approaching to land on a runway served by an I LS shall fly at
or above the GLIDE SLOPE between the OUTER marker and the MIDDLE marker.
4. Any airplane approaching to land on a runway served by a VASI shall maintain at or above
the GLIDE SLOPE (aka glide path) until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe landing .
•••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• • ••••
: ''At or above the glide slope'' does not
: prohibit normal bracketing maneuvers above
: or below the glide slope for the purpose of
: remaining on the glide slope.
0 ... 0
•: "Normal bracketing maneuvers"
: are maneuvers which remain within
: the limits of the higher and lower
glide slope signals.
.: You must remain at or above the glide slope between the
-···································· ~ •
• OUTER marker and the MIDDLE marker. : LARGE or TURBINE-powered
•• Once you pass the middle marker all bets are off. : aircraft must maintain at least 1,500
: Remember- Runway behind you, altitude above you , : feet AGL in the traffic pattern in
and air in the fuel tanks are totally worthless. • Class B, C, or D airspace.
Threshold Crossing Height : (AIM 4-1-16, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-16, Order JO 711.65T)
- The theoretical height above • 1. Controllers will issue an alert to an aircraft if they feel it is too low
the runway threshold at which the : (information received from Mode C). It is the pilot's prerogative to
• determine what course of action to take ... if any.
aircraft's glideslope antenna would •• 2. At larger airports, an automated function called MSAW (Minimum .S,afe
be if the aircraft maintains the • Altitude ,Warning) also calculates your descent rate - if it exceeds what is
trajectory established by the mean •• considered to be a safe closure rate with the terrain - a very annoying alarm
ILS glideslope or MLS glidepath. : sounds in the tower and the TRACON . Jn addition, the letters LA (.bow
• Altitude) flash in your radar data tag. Normally the call from the controller
• would sound like this:
•• "Low altitude alert, Freight Dog 123, check altitude immediately." If you
: get one of these calls (e.g., while executing a screaming high-speed dive in
order to recapture the glideslope) a suitable response might be ...
"Just gettin' back down to the glideslope, thanks for the call!"
Procedure Turn
FAF (non-precision approaches)
2400 _... _ _ Glid~L~lope ~ssed Approach Point
Glide Slope - -- CS /Y .·~ Missed Approach Track
Tl1reshold Crossing Height TCH 55 2400 ••
•• •
ASR Approach (Airport ~urveillance Radar): (AIM 4-5-3, 5-4-3, 5-4-5, Ptc Glossary, FAA-H-8083-16)
1. 8,irport .§.urveillance B.adar approach.
2. ATC gives you heading and descent instructions to the airport basically a vectored approach.
PAR Approach (f,recision Approach Radar): (AIM 4-5-4, 5-4-3, Ptc Glossary, FAA-H-8083-16)
1. Almost exclusively found at military fields also known as Qround .Qontrol 8,pproach (GCA).
2. Controller tells you or corrects you with respect to your vertical & lateral approach path.
DME Arc Procedures: (AIM 1-1-1, 1-1-19, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25, Ac 90-94, TERPS)
If a feeder route to an Initial 8,pproach fix is part of the Instrument Approach Procedure, it is considered the
MANDATORY starting point for the approach. In other words you cannot just pick up the DME Arc
anywhere you like and then fly the rest of the approach. You must start the DME Arc at a PUBLISHED
Initial 8,pproach fix.
CO NT ACT Approach: (AIM 5-4-25, 5-5-3, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-H-8083-16, OpSpec C076)
1. Must be requested by pilot -ATC cannot initiate this approach.
2. Reported ground visibility must be at least 1 SM (and 1-mile flight visibility from the cockpit).
3. The airport must have a published instrument approach and you must remain clear of clouds.
* Service ranges of individual facilities may be less
than 50 NM. Restrictions to service volumes are
• ..._1'1• a '
: Hold Entry - So you're on your way direct to your assigned holding fix. Put a dot on the chart that represents where you are in
• relation to that fix (you do know your heading don't you?). Now imagine the holding pattern is an airfoil with the fix representing the
: front wheel (at the bottom of the airfoil, duh!). Place your 70°/110° line so that it seems to blow back over the TOP of the wing
: where ... according to Bernoulli anyway ... the wind evidently blows faster. You should now be able to easily visualize which quadrant ...
• Qirect, f arallel, or I eardrop ... you're in and plan the proper heading to turn to after you cross the fix. With a little practice you should
• be able to instantly name the entry and then quickly figure out the initial heading for that entry. Remember you must always know
WHERE you're goin' and EXACTLY WHATyou ' re gonna do when ya get there (i.e., heading, altitude, etc.).
110° 70° 70° 110°
----->- ,
,...... .... -- ~
<··-:': • '••• '
..... .....
.. ~
0 ,~.
, IE. ....c Imaginary
:\ ·~'
' Airfoil
·• '--~ '"
, , 30° "'-... --
... •: •••
•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
.....,. ........................
p ) . •••••••••••••••••••••••••
( p
• • • •• • • • • • •• •• • • • •
T Imaginary wheel D D
64 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(chap 2 Flight Rules & Approach)
Maximum Holding Pattern Speeds
(AIM 5-3-8, TBL 5-3-1 , FAA Order 7130.3A)
HOLDING at a FIX where the PATTERN is NOT CHARTED: (AIM 5-3-8, FAA-H-8083-16)
Will include the following information:
1. Direction of holding FROM the fix in terms of the eight cardinal compass points (i.e. , N, NE, E, SE, etc.)
2. Radial, course, bearing, airway or route on which the aircraft is to hold.
3. Leg length in miles if DME or RNAV is to be used or otherwise in minutes.
4. Direction of turn if LEFTturns are to be made (standard pattern is RIGHT turns).
5. Time to ,5xpect further _Qlearance. ~-~<---- ....
'' Hold WEST of 'Elvis' on the 270° radial, LEFT turns, 1O mile legs,
,5xpect further _Qlearance at 1520Z, time now 1420Z. ''
< West
CIRCLING Approach: (91 .129, 91 .175, 121 .621 , 135.223, 135.297, AIM 5-4-20 thru 5-4-22 , 5-5-4, P/C Glossary)
1. An approach is considered a circling approach if it requires a turn of more than 30° from the final approach course.
Another clue is a LETTER instead of a number (e.g. VOR-A).
2. A circling approach is also designated if the final approach descent is unusually STEEP because of high terrain
or obstacles near the airport requiring a descent rate greater than 400 ft per NM. In this case, you can still land
straight-in if you can do it comfortably using normal maneuvers.
3. Normally, circling MDA only offers 300 feet of obstacle clearance. This can be an important consideration when
flying above the airport in extremely LOW temperatures - the actual (true) altitude of the aircraft can be
significantly lower than indicated. This can be especially important when approaching to land at an airport
surrounded by HIGH TERRAIN. At -22°F (-30°C) flying at 2000 feet (AGL) indicated above the airport - Your
true altitude is approximately 380 feet lower than indicated ... or ... 1620 feet true. Obstruction clearance could get
EXTREMELY TIGHT! During extremely low temperatures - ADD SOME ALTITUDE during any part of an
approach where you might question your obstacle clearance. Of course, when you reach the RUNWAY, a
perfectly set altimeter should be exactly correct no matter what the temperature.
4. Circling approach protected areas are defined by ARCS drawn from the END of each RUNWAY. The arc radii
distance differs by the aircraft approach category (and if developed after late 2012 - Altitude).
STANDARD (Previous aka Old)
Circling Approach Radius
(Developed prior to late 2012)(AIM 5-4-20)
(Over time all ''Standard'' circling radii will be
replaced b ''Ex anded'' circlin radii.
Approach Category I Radius (NM)
A 1.3 r
B 1.5
c 1. 7 r
D 2.3
Circling ~ proach Area
E 4.5
Flyover Waypoint
Premature turns can reduce obstruction clearance I
........ J
•• ••
and/or prevent the GPS from sequenci ng between •
, t
information concerning RNAV (GPS) •
approaches including LNAV, MAP t''
LNAVNNAV, and LPV approach ''
, ,
, , ,
.'' , ,, ,
,, '
' .. --- -
,, ,
•••··•·················•···· · ··········~ ····· · ···· · ······ · ·········· ... ······•
f Computer Navigation Fix (CNF). A point used to
: define a navigation track for an airborne computer Final Segment
: system such as GPS or FMS. It is a point defined by
~ a lat/long coordinate and is required to support area
: navigation (RNAV) system operations. CNFs are not
: recognized by ATC and currently may or may not be
: charted on FAA aeronautical navigation products.
They have five-letter unpronounceable identifiers
depicted in parentheses with a small x. Plans are to MAP
standardize CNF names with a CF prefix and three
:• consonants (e.g., CFLGT). They will eventually
•• appear on enroute and approach charts . Runway
:• (AIM 1-1-18, FAA-H-8083-16)
MISSED Approach PRIOR to MAP: (91 .175, AIM 5-4-5, 5-4-21 , P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16)
1. EVERY missed approach begins EXACTL Ythe same way CLIMB like a Mutha F#©k£®!
2. Must continue along the final approach to the MAP but may climb immediately to the altitude specified.
3. Turn towards the airport if necessary then comply with the missed approach procedure.
4. It is prudent (but not mandatory) to execute a missed approach with full COi or glide slope needle
! EXITING the RUNWAY after LANDING: (AIM 4-3-20)
• 1. Pilots are expected to exit the runway without delay at the first available taxiway or taxiway as instructed by ATC.
: 2. Do NOT exit onto another runway, or stop, or reverse course on the runway unless authorized by ATC.
• 3. You are not technically " CLEAR of the RUNWAY" until ALL PARTS of the aircraft are on the OTHER SIDE of the
•• 4 . After clearing the runway, come to a complete stop on the other side of the hold-short line. Do NOT continue
• taxiing unless taxi clearance has been issued by ATC .
: 5. Do NOT change to ground freguency until you are instructed to do so by ATC.
~ 6. Immediately change to ground control frequency when advised by the tower and obtain a taxi clearance.
~: ••••• • •••
00000 ••• •••••
00000 • •• ...w
... .. 00000 w
00000 II.
WHITE a _.,.. 00:&00
00000 0
'' t
00000 00000
.. '' ... 00000000 OOQOO 00000000
00000 ~~
a ff\
.,, ...
00000 ~
~: ~~
00000 00000
u ,,,..
~f , . ...
00000 00000 ~ a
;tff ''
00000 00000
••••••••••••••••••••••• •
LENGTH ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••
2400/3000 FEET 00000
ALSF - ~pproach ~ight l_ystem with Sequenced flashing Lights
••••••••••• •••
:• A DOT''•'' portrayed with approach lighting
: letter identifier indicates sequenced flashing
• lights (F) installed with the approach light
•: system, example: A
•• 00000
•• ~
LENGTH 00000
•• Indicates filot ~ontrolled .bighting (PCL) 2400/3000 FEET ., ...,..,
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 73
(chap 2 - Flight Rules & Approach)
Approach Light Systems (ALS)
-..-- -- ---- - ---•... -- -
A --- -- Green
--- ---
- -- •
' - ~ - •I
...... ........ 0 ••
0 ••
• Flashing
• •
SSALR : Approach ,bight §ystems (ALS) are a configuration of signal lights starting at the landing threshold
: and extending into the approach area a distance of 2400 - 3000 feet for PRECISION instrument
-- : runways and 1400 - 1500 feet for NONPRECISION instrument runways. Some systems include
:;: : sequenced flashing lights which appear to the pilot as a ball of light traveling towards the
• ••• runway at high speed (twice a second) - aka- ''the rabbit'' (aka "wabbit") .
123.05 (CTAF)
A dot portrayed with approach lighting letter ident.ifier indicates sequenced flash ing lights (F) installed with the
Far Bar
Near Bar
D =White
Far Bar
Middle Bar
Near Bar
Below Both On Lower On Upper Above Both
Glide Paths Glide Path Glide Path Glide Paths
0000 000 00 0
: Other variations of VASI systems are found in AIM 2·1 ·2
: 1. The FAA considers commercial pilots (etc.) competent to provide weather information for Part 135
•• VFR operations (on/v). However, in order to use this concession , "the operator's GOM must
•• specify the circumstances under which PICs may use the provision of§ 135.213(a)." "If observers
• other than PICs are used , operators must specify the training and qualifications of these observers."
(8900.1) OpSpec C077 may impose further restrictions (Page 265) .
• 2. To conduct IFR operations, pilots must use weather observations (from official sources) taken at
•• the airport where those operations are conducted .
•• 3. Reminder A visual approach is an IFR operation .
• From FAA Order 8900.1
•• " ... An AWOS cannot be used as an
: authorized weather source for Part 121 and
• Part 135 IFR operations jf the visibility is
: reported missing ... "
: OpSpec C077 (Part 121 operations or Part 135
• turbojet operations) requires ''REPORTED''
ceiling & visibility. (Page 265)
3. Of course once again, the alternate method is to look at the end of the runway drive the airplane over
to it and then land! Works every time for most pilots ... boys and girls!;o).
Charted VISUAL Flight Procedure Approach (CVFP): (AIM 5-4-24, P/C Glossary, opspec co??)
An approach conducted while operating on an IFR flight plan which authorizes the pilot of an aircraft to
proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport via visual landmarks and other information depicted
on a charted visual flight procedure. The approach must be authorized and under the control of the
appropriate air traffic control facility. Weather minimums required are depicted on the chart.
A nonrotating electronic antenna
Current PRM locations: : provides a one second radar update : before accepting a clearance for an ILS/PRM
ATL, CLE, DTW, MSP, : speed on two high definition displays. : approach. Pilots shall notify ATC no less than
: The displays also show a 10 second •: 100 NM from the destination if they cannot
PHL, SFO, and STL.
L : prediction of the aircraft's position if : meet equipment or training requirements.
~ its current course is continued. •
.. . "' _.... " ... . ':" , . . ·. ~. •. . "'- ~ ~" ~
•• (see * below)
Identified by
the letter ''V"
VFR Conditions:
1. SQUAWK 7600
2. Continue flight under VFR at a VFR altitude (even in Class A airspace) and
LAND As Soon As Practicable at the nearest airport ''suitable'' for your aircraft.
3. Do NOT continue on to your destination if there is a ''suitable'' airport for you to
land at, UNLESS you're just ''minutes'' from your original destination. Flying another 30 minutes after
losing the radios, passing several "suitable" airports in VFR conditions along the way, would probably
not be considered "just minutes from your original destination." Use "good judgment."
INSTRUMENT Conditions:
A portable GPS with spare batteries,
: preferably one with a fu ll database, is the ··············~ ······························
: • Controllers can transmit on some
: cheapest life insurance you can buy. Of course •
• : VOR, NOB, and Localizer frequencies
1. SQUAWK 7600 : a portable transceiver is also a nice touch. : • Try broadcasting in the blind on 121.5
• Last assigned; or
• If being radar vectored direct to the fix, route, or airway specified in the vector clearance;
• In the absence of an assigned route route that ATC has advised may be expected in a
further clearance; or
• In the absence of an assigned route or a route that ATC has advised may be expected in a
further clearance by the route filed in the flight plan. ........ ............... ............
3. ALTITUDE - HIGHEST OF: •·········· --········· --······ --················· • :• Another Brilliant Idea
.. Last assigned; or : 91 .185(c) supersedes any crossing : Whip out your smartphone
. ·
.. M 1n1mum En route Al t1tu
· d e; or •. restrictions. Which means ... Do not •• and give 'em a call. At lower
- - - : descend via a STAR unless you've actually altitudes this might actually
.. The altitude told to expect. ~ been cleared to descend via that STAR. work. If you don't have the
number just ask Siri;o)
WHEN Can You DESCEND for APPROACH? (91 .185, AIM 6-4-1thru6-4-3)
1. !! you've been cleared to your destination (i.e., your destination is your clearance limit). Upon arrival at your
destination, proceed to an IAF of your choice. You may begin descent upon reaching the IAF but NOT before
you are ''as close as possible" to the ETA you filed or as amended with ATC Estimated Time Enroute (ETE).
2. IF EARLY - Enter the DEPICTED HOLDING PATTERN at an IAF. If NONE is DEPICTED, holding shall be in a
holding pattern on the PROCEDURE TURN SIDE of the FINAL APPROACH COURSE. You may then begin your
descent and approach ''as close as possible'' to your ETA.
3. OR ... As long as you're in a RADAR environment, no one's gonna be looking at a stopwatch to see if you dare to
start down 10 minutes early. ATC won't have a clue what that time is anyway (and you probably won't either).
So ... When you reach an IAF at your destination ... Just go ahead and start your descent, shoot the approach,
and land. That's what they're expecting you to do anyway. You've got more than enough to worry about already.
Losing communications in hard IFR can most definitely be considered an emergency situation. Use "good
judgment" as encouraged in AIM 6-4-1. The nav radios could go next! WTF ya gonna do then?! (see 91.3)
The controllers are clearing all traffic away from you anyway. Just get the damn thing on the ground as soon as
possible so everyone else can get back to work (and vou can get some hard earned lunch!). Ask most any
controller and that's exactly what they'll tell you. They want the chaos to end ASAP.
4. IMPORTANT NOTE (aka dirty little secret): When filing your flight plan, it's ALWAYS good practice to
UNDER-estimate your time enroute somewhat Uust be pleasantly optimistic!;o) in order to eliminate any thoughts
of this ridiculous detail. You'll have far more important things to worry about if you lose communications IMHO.
Hey Vinnie,
ya reckon we otta
give him a GREEN
LIGHT this time?
Naw, I'm still busy on the 'land line.'
Give him another red light.
... ...
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - . ~
two years old.
Finally I get my own
:: SAFETY BEL TS: (91.107, 121 .311 , 135.128)
~ Each person (2 years of age or older) must occupy an approved My mama sure was a
~ seat or berth with a safety belt properly secured about him or her cheap bastard when I
~ during movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing (unless it is a
was younger.
:• person pushing off a seaplane or float equipped rotorcraft from a
: dock). See 91.107 for the specifics of child restraint systems .
•• A person may use the FLOOR of the aircraft as a seat, provided
the person is on board for the purpose of engaging in
• ~
CLOCK: (91.205, 91 .21 3, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, FAA Legal Interpretation dated April 23, 1981)
1. A clock displaying hours, minutes, and seconds with a sweep-second pointer or digital representation is
required for instrument flight rules flight.
2. The specified clock must be installed either under the aircraft STOP
type certificate, or an STC, or via a field approval.
3. !f the installed clock [the one listed on the equipment list] breaks
or is removed, just Velcroing a different clock to the instrument
panel or using your wristwatch does not meet the
requirements of 91.205. Only the clock listed on the equipment
list will do. Installed equipment cannot be substituted for by
portable equipment.
4. Also, to maintain the validity of the airworthiness certificate without
a change to the type certificate, if a clock is installed, it must be
operating for ALL operations unless the aircraft is operated
under a MEL and the MEL provides a way to operate with the clock
inoperative. (91 .213)
5. One more time it can't be just ANY clock it has to be the one installed under the aircraft type
certificate, an STC, or a field approval.
• •••••••••••••••••••••
No person may: : RED Left wing
(a) During the period from sunset to sunrise (or, in Alaska , during the period a : GREEN Right wing
prominent unlighted object cannot be seen from a distance of 3 SM or the ; WHITE Tail
sun is more than 6° below the horizon)- •
(1) Operate an aircraft unless it has lighted position lights;
(2) Park or move an aircraft in, or in dangerous proximity to, a night flight operations area of an
airport unless the aircraft-
(i) Is clearly illuminated:
(ii) Has lighted position lights; or RED GREEN
(iii) Is in an area that is marked by obstruction lights;
(3) Anchor an aircraft unless the aircraft-
(i) Has lighted anchor lights; or WHITE
(ii) Is in an area where anchor lights are not required on vessels; or
(b) Operate an aircraft that is equipped with an anticollision light system, unless it has lighted anticollision
lights. However, the anticollision lights need not be lighted when the Pilot-In-Command determines
that, because of operating conditions, it would be in the interest of safety to turn the lights off.
- _,__.--. ~--
. ~-
~- -- _...,.,,~...._
' ..... -
..........·--'''-· ., ----
) _...
Right-of-way over
Right-of-way over an
all other air traffic Right-of-way over any airship, airplane, or rotorcraft
other category of aircraft
180° TURN ·~--- 3-5 NM
180° TURN
_ .......- ___
-~-....... ... · _,_, ____ _ __ .
_..... _ .,.. ... --- -
-___ , ------~--
+- -- --- ----- --
-~---- - - - - - -M · - - - - - - - - -
-+ 14 3,000 feet
feet - - - . .
M,.__~--· 4,500 ..
M - - - - - -- - - 6,000 feet ~I
: ~ame .Runway ~eparation (SRS) Categories are based upon the following definitions:
: => Category I - small aircraft weighing 12,500 lbs. or less, with a single propeller driven engine, and all helicopters.
: => Category II - small aircraft weighing 12,500 lbs. or less, with propeller driven twin-engines .
: => Category Ill - all other aircraft including high performance singles, large multi-engine aircraft and all turbine powered aircraft .
• , • '· •· - ·- -·• - • r. "!" - •·., - -· - • -•, - ~ '- ..... -~-- --~ - 'r. .... ···- ·-·- -.-
b. Between sunrise and sunset, if the controller can determine distances by reference to suitable
landmarks and the other aircraft has landed, it need not be clear of the runway if the following
minimum distance from the landing threshold exists:
4,500 feet ~1
.... ....
-··. .......--·....,.....
.. .,,,J.::::::::::::::_.~- ...... ........ . ...... ·-
·-···· ········
~ · 3,000 feet----.j
1'4 4,500 feet .i
i-. 6,000 feet ~1
Navigation Radios
''Options 491 ... WHERE YA GOIN'?''
Compass Stuff ......................•....•.•..•.•..•....•....•.....................•....•....•.•..•. 90
V OR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 91
VOR Check .................................................................................................................... 91
VOT ................................................................................................................................ 91
Class I & Class II Navigation ••...••....•....•..•.•..•.•..•.••.•.••.••.•.•..•.•..••....•.... 92
DME ............................................................................................................................... 93
Portable Electronic Devices ........................................................................................... 93
GPS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 94, 95
Wide 8,rea 8,ugmentation .§.ystem (WAAS) ................................................................... 96
,bocal 8,rea 8,u gme ntatio n .§.ystem (LAAS) .................................................................... 96
Qro un d §.ased 8,u gme ntation .§.ystem (GBAS) ............................................................. 96
ANTENNAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 97-99
Transponder Codes ..................................................................................................... 100
Frequencies ................................................................................................................. 100
NOB ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 101
UNICOM ....................................................................................................................... 102
EFAS I Flight Watch I FSS Frequencies ................................................................. 102
ADS-B Automated Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast .......................................... 103
High Frequency (HF) Radio ...•..........................•....•....•....•....•............. 104
Telecommunication Terms Datalinks ...................................................................... 105
Founders of Garmin:
Gary Burrell and Min Kao
b. 30° AFTER the compass gets to South (lead) _24 -20 -15 -10 -5 0+5+10+15+20+24
c. ON the heading for East or West (relatively accurate) ·::-~---<.':....·...._;[:r--i'~:--.;:Li-~! ~
- #I
°'· ·,, -.. I
·\ , t \
-24E.... ,,
.: .. ' I '. ', '
, I
tI •I '
, I
2. Deviation error Electrical and magnetic disturbances ,, .. "
in the aircraft. ,. .. '.. .·
• J
3. Variation error Angular difference between true and _ E .. :'
••.......•••••.............•..•...•.•...............• ...••
magnetic north, reference isogonic lines of variation.
~~' :
: To convert from TRUE to MAGNETIC north, note the variation shown by the •
10E -SE
: nearest isogonic line. If the variation is west, add; if east, subtract.
: East is Least (subtract)
•• West is Best (add)
• 91.205 requires a "magnetic
direction indicator" (i.e., wet
compass) installed and
operational in EVERY aircraft.
When on a heading of SOUTH as the airplane starts to bank, the compass moves in the proper
direction IMMEDIATELY. This makes SOUTH the most suitable heading for maintaining a
wings-level attitude when descending through a layer of clouds
during a failure of all gyroscopic instruments (DG & 8,ttitude Indicator). 0
•• ••
: PARTS 23.1547, 25.1547, 27.1547 & 29.1547 & AC 43.13-1 B -
: ("compass card") must be installed on or near the compass showing
: its CALIBRATION in level flight with the engines operating for
: virtually ANY aircraft (normal , utility, acrobatic, commuter & transport
: category airplanes and rotorcraft} to be airworthy regardless of the
: type of operation (VFR or IFR). The placard must state whether the For N 30 60 E 120 150
• calibration was made with the radio receivers on or off. If the
•• compass has a deviation of more than 10° caused by the operation of Steer 358 029 060 090 120 149
•• electrical equipment, the placard must state which electrical loads For S 21 O 240 W 300 330
•• would cause that deviation of more than 10° when turned on .
• Steer 180 208 238 267 299 326
VOT CHECK: (91 .171 , AIM 1-1-4, 2-3-6, FIG 2-3-20, FAA-H-8083-15)
• VOR !est facility. Locations and frequencies of VOTs are published in the A/FD and Jeppesen airport
charts. With the COi centered , the OBS should read 180° TO & 360° FROM within ±4°. VOT checks
are permitted in flight limited to areas/altitudes authorized in the A/FD or supplement.
CLASS I NAVIGATION: (OpSpecs A002, 8032, 8034; AIM 1-1-8, AC 90-45A, AC 90-96, AC 91-70, AC 120-280)
1. Class I navigation is any en route flight operation or portion of an operation that is conducted entirely
within the designated Qperational .§.ervice Y,olumes (or ICAO equivalents) of ICAO standard airway
navigation facilities (VOA, VOR/DME, NOB). Class I navigation also includes en route flight
operations over routes designated with an ''MEA GAP'' (gap in nav signal coverage). En route flight
operations conducted within these areas are defined as "Class I navigation" operations irrespective of
the navigation means used. Class I navigation includes operations within these areas using pilotage
or any other means of navigation which does not rely on the use of VOA, VOR/DME, or NOB.
2. In plain English Class I navigation must be conducted entirely within the Qperational .§.ervice Y,olume
of "standard" VOR or NOB navaids. You must be within the OSV of at least one VOA or NOB at
all times, even though you need not be using that particular navaid for navigation at that time. And you
do not need to be proceeding directly to any of these navaids.
3. Qperational .§.ervice Y,olume is that volume of airspace surrounding a NAVAID, which is available for
operational use and within which a signal of usable strength exists. Qperational .§.ervice Y,olume
includes .§.tandard .§.ervice Y,olume, E,xpanded .§.ervice Y,olume, or any published instrument flight
procedure (victor or jet airway, DP, STARS and IAPs).
4. If you're outside the Qperational .§.ervice Y,olume of a VOA or NOB, and you're off an airway, you are
conducting Class II operations, and must possess OpSpecs for Class II operations regardless of
what navigational eguipment is on board and regardless of how good a signal you happen to be
receiving from the VOR or NOB.
CLASS II NAVIGATION: (OpSpecs A002, 8032 , 8034, 8035, 8054; AC 90-45A, AC 90-96, AC 91-70, AC 120-280)
1. Class II navigation is any en route flight operation or portion of an en route operation (irrespective of
the means of navigation) which takes place outside (beyond) the designated Qperational .§.ervice
Y,olume (or ICAO equivalents) of ICAO standard airway navigation facilities (VOA, VOR/DME, NOB).
However, Class II navigation does not include en route flight operations over routes designated with an
"M EA GAP" (gap in nav signal coverage).
2. For example, an aircraft eguipped with only VOA conducts Class II navigation when the flight
operates in an area (off an airway) outside the operational service volumes of federal VORs/DMEs.
3. Class 11 navigation involves operations conducted in areas where the signals from ICAO standard
navaids have not been shown to meet signal strength, course quality, and/or frequency protection
standards. Therefore, ATC cannot predicate aircraft separation on the use of these facilities alone and
must apply larger separation criteria. When operating outside the operational service volume of ICAO
standard navaids, signals from these stations cannot be relied upon as the sole means of conducting
long-range operations to the degree of accuracy required. Therefore, when operating outside the
designated operational service volumes of ICAO standard navaids, operators must use Long-Range
Navigation Systems (LRNS) (GPS, Loran C, Omega, INS) OR ''special navigational technigues''
(Dead Reckoning, pilotage, flight navigator, celestial) or both. These systems and/or techniques are
necessary to navigate to the degree of accuracy required for the control of air traffic and to avoid
4. The definition of Class II navigation is not dependent upon the eguipment installed in the aircraft.
All airspace outside the operational service volume of ICAO standard navaids is a three-dimensional
volume of airspace within which any type of enroute navigation is categorized as Class II navigation.
GPS IFR Direct with a VFR GPS: [91 .205(d)(2), AIM 1-1-18, 5-1-8, 5-1-16, FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-251
1.There is nothing in the regulations that prohibits use of a VFR GPS for navigation on an IFR flight
plan You just can NOT use it as your ONLY or PRIMARY source of navigation.
2. You WILL need to have the appropriate radios to conduct an instrument approach at the destination.
An ADF approach will require ADF equipment; a VOR approach will require VOR equipment, etc.
3. ENROUTE As long as you're in a RADAR environment, you can legally file direct to the
destination. It is legal to use dead reckoning for portions of any IFR flight. There are still many airliners
out there without area navigation that ask for and receive direct headings on a daily basis, staring at
VOR flags for long periods of time. Think of the GPS as a form of super-accurate dead reckoning.
It's a good idea to have the maps out and cross-radial off the passing VORs just to keep things
honest. This is especially helpful if the GPS decides to go to lunch and doesn't invite you.
4. APPROACH You canNOT use the VFR GPS (or an IFR certified GPS that does not have a current
database) as the PRIMARY source of navigation for an instrument approach. But it certainly makes
a great backup for situational awareness.
5. FILING the FLIGHT PLAN Unless the GPS is IFR certified do NOT file as /G. /G tells them you
have an IFR certified GPS with Enroute and Terminal (approach) capabilities (AIM 5-1-8). Always file
the correct Equipment Suffix for your aircraft, usually /U or /A. If you want, in the remarks section, you
can mention the fact that you have a GPS on board. File direct to your destination, but be ready with
the latitude and longitude, FSS personnel will appreciate you having that information handy.
6. If you are navigating with VORs, you have to be within the standard service volumes (AIM 1-1-8). The
exception is, if you are in RADAR CONTACT (which you would have to be so as to fly off-airway routing
anyway), standard service volumes don't apply.
UNIFORM?'' Simply state ''WE HAVE GPS ON BOARD." You didn't lie. You didn't say you were
slant Golf. You just said you had GPS. The controller doesn't care if you spent the extra $8,000 to get
it "IFR certified," he just wants to know if you're gonna make his life simple or complicated. Keep it
simple! The controller couldn't care less about your legal status other than how it affects his operation.
··········~······················· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: 1.
If your GPS is hardwired into the system, a FAA
• 337 (Major Repair & Alteration) form is required.
• A handheld or ''VFR'' GPS canNOTbe used as your :• If it's plugged into the cigarette lighter, the 337
: ''PRIMARY'' source of navigation , but it certainly : form is not required .
: can be used for and is acceptable to provide - •: 2. If a tool is used to mount the GPS, a 337 form is
• ''situational awareness." : required. If it's just simply clamped to the yoke or
•• ~ attached with Velcro, the 337 form is not required .
So ... keep those VOR & ADF radios on and •
•• keep reminding yourself that they are
••.._ your ''PRIMARY'' source of navigation.
•: iPad - Replacement for FMS?
: The FAA is now allowing an appropriately programed
: iPad to send routing, routing changes, and other data
: to a suitably capable IFR certified GPS. The pilot
•• must manually accept the transfer of data .
Also comes in handy for
the drive to the motel.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 95
(Chap 3 - Navigation & Radios J
~ ••
• •• ••
•• ••••• •
•• ••
•• •• •• ••••
•• • •!4
-·-- •••
ADF Antenna:
1. LF, MF and AM broadcast frequencies 190 to 1605 kHz.
2. Older ADFs have a long ''sense'' antenna stretching from the top of the cockpit to the vertical fin
and in addition a small ''loop'' antenna mounted on the underside of the fuselage.
3. Newer installations combine the sense and loop into one rectangular or teardrop-shaped fiberglass
box mounted on the belly. This arrangement eliminates the significant parasite drag of the long sense
Long "sense" antenna
1. UHF frequencies from 329.15 to 335 MHz.
2. Can sometimes be a wire embedded in a wide, oval shaped plastic plate installed inside the
windshield near the top.
3. Or ... a T-shaped antenna on top or in front of the windshield.
4. Or ... a small fiberglass appendage that looks like a boomerang mounted on top of the cockpit or
sometimes to the belly.
5. Or ... a LI-shaped band with a brace through the center mounted on the nose.
6. Or... can sometimes be combined with the VOR antenna.
1. UHF frequencies. Transmits on 1090 MHz and receives on 1030 MHz.
2. Normally located on the BELLY, may be a 2-inch VERTICAL METAL WHIP with a SMALL BALL on
the end or a small fiberglass FIN or blade identical to the DME antenna.
3. The DME and transponder operate in approximately the same frequency range and therefore require
the antennas be placed as far apart as possible to avoid interference (at least 6-feet apart).
DME Antenna:
1. UHF frequencies 962 to 1213 MHz.
2. Small FIN or blade mounted on the BELLY.
GPS Antenna:
1. UHF frequency 1575 MHz.
2. Thin CIRCULAR or RECTANGULAR or teardrop-shaped fiberglass box mounted on the TOP of the
1. Keep all antennas CLEAN and FREE from GREASE and OIL. A dirty antenna will not work properly.
TRANSPONDER antennas or any other antennas located on the belly need to be cleaned on a regular
basis to keep those radios operating correctly.
2. Check for LOOSE antenna-to-airframe CONNECTIONS or SWELLING and CRACKING of the
FIBERGLASS sheathing on COMMUNICATION antennas. Corroded metal underneath the fiberglass
can expand and cause the fiberglass sheathing to swell and split.
3. VOR antennas are susceptible to cracks where the antenna bends.
4. Long-wire ADF sense antennas are also prone to cracks at the attachment points.
ADF 190 to 535 kHz (also broadcast stations 550 to 1600 kHz)
LORAN 90to110kHz
EFAS I FLIGHT WATCH I FSS - FREQUENCIES: (AIM4-1-3, 4-2-6, 7-1-4, 7-1-5, 7-1-10, 7-1-11 ,
7-1-21 , P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-16, 8083-25)Design
1. £,nroute flight Advisory .§.ervice EFAS. 122.0 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM local time.
Designed to provide communication capabilities for aircraft flying at 5,000 AGL (or
lower) up to17,500 MSL (tell them what VOR you are near). Used for updating
weather information and pilot reports only. Not to be used for filing, opening or
closing flight plans.
2. FAA Press Release ''On October 1, 2015, the FAA will consolidate Flight Watch
services into routine flight services inflight frequencies. After that date, these
services will be available on the same frequencies that pilots use to open and close
flight plans and to receive updates on NOTAMs or Temporary Flight Restrictions
(TFRs). Dedicated Flight Watch frequencies will be decommissioned."
3. Discrete EFAS frequencies have been established to ensure communications coverage from 18,000
through 45,000 MSL serving in each specific ARTCC area. These discrete •• • • •• •• • • • •• • • • --· • •• • • • •• • • • • • • •• •
frequencies may be used below 18,000 feet when coverage permits : The letter "R" after a FSS .frequency
. . . • means that FSS can Receive on that
reliable commun1cat1on. : frequency, but can't transmit over it.
4. 0th er FS S f reg u en ci es : ·~lfllllallll ~'fllll/¥.'i'fllflliflflltl/lt¥Nlf/ltr/¥'flltNl.Nilll~
a. 122.1 R used to TRANSMIT to FSS the pilot should listen on the listed VOR frequency -
however the pilot must remember to tell FSS which (VOR) frequency he is listening on.
122.1 is the most common transmit-only frequency, although there are others.
b. 122.2 Assigned to the majority of FSSs as a common Enroute TWO-WAY frequency.
c. 123.6 Local Airport Advisory frequency for certain FSSs that are located on an airport.
d. 121.5 Emergency frequency.
•• ••
•• •• Yup, I see 'em .
••• ••• ••
·····~ • ••
: • ADS-B doesn't replace your current transponder; it's
••• ••• : installed in addition to your transponder .
••• ••• : • You will still need to retain your Mode C/S
•• ~ • : transponder capabilities to communicate with other
••• •••
•• : aircraft that have TCAS; and as a backup for use
: when the FAA's absurdly complicated ADS-B
This new ADS-BI GPS gizmo
sure is somethin'. I can see : system has a meltdown .
both them rascals, even : • Your conventional [mode C] transponder code and
•• ADS-B Out code must match exactly.
WITHOUT radar! •
Ain't that unbelievable Willie? : • Some Mode S transponders can be upgraded to
: 1090 ES with new software plus a WAAS GPS.
: •The FAA plans to keep about half of the curre nt
•: radar structure.
: • ADS-B has the added advantage of showing the
Yeah, gonna save the FAA
tower controllers where each broadcasting aircraft
a ton of money too.
(or vehicle) is located on the airport surface. You
~~~3 Problem is ... it's gonna cost me
could get " vectors for taxi " on those foggy nights
$50,000 to upfit my Cherokee!
when you land with the RVR below minimums (of
course the "fl ight visibility" was great wasn't it?!).
''Holy S#!t...
JetBlue 539 turn right immediately...
Southwest 409 turn right immediately and
try not to hit the tower please!''
•••••• •••••••
1°/o of Doubt?
Doubt has no business in your airplane. If doubt has
entered the cockpit, it must be asked to leave immediately.
-+ You're in the cockpit ready to start engines -
You were distracted by a phone call during preflight -
You 're almost 100°/o sure you put that oil cap back on
but you have 1°/o of doubt. Get your lazy ass out of
the seat and confirm it. A lot less embarrassing than
taking off with it still sittin' on top of the engine!
A TC gives you a new frequency -
You're almost 100°/o sure what it is but he was talkin'
real fast and you have 1°/o of doubt. Just ask him to
confirm it. "Was that 132.9?" Ain 't no big deal.
Center gives you a new altitude and you read it back.
As you set it in the alerter, 1°/o of doubt creeps in
'cause you got distracted by a discussion about the
new flight attendant's considerable assets;o). Just ask
the controller to confirm it. No big deal. It won 't make
you sound stupid. There's no stupid questions in
Make it a habit to always confirm that 1°/o of doubt.
It could save your ass someday.
(91 .117, 97.3, AIM 3-2-4c.5., 3-2-5b.5., 4-2-11 , 4-4-12, 5-3-7, 5-4-8, 5-5-9, AC 90-66A, Controller's Handbook 7110.65)
_.. Below 10,000 ft ......................................................... 250 KIAS
• Class B ..................................................................... 250 KIAS below 10,000 ft (unrestri cted at or above 10,000)
• Beneath Class B .. ...... ................................ ............... 200 KIAS (or in VFR corridor through a Class 8)
• Procedure Turn .... ...... ... .... ......................... ... .... ........ 200 KIAS
• Class C or D (below 2,500 AGL within 4 nm of the airport) .... 200 (unless a higher speed is specifically approved by ATC)
• Class E or G Airport Traffic Pattern .......................... 200 KIAS (recommended)
: 91 .117(d) - If the minimum safe airspeed for any particular operation is greater than the maximum speed prescribed in this section , the
; aircraft may be operated at that minimum speed . NOTE: There is no requirement to advise ATC when exceeding a speed for thi s reason.
SPEED BELOW 10,000 and/or in CLASS B: (91.1, 91.111. 91 .103, AIM 4-4-1 2)
1. Speed 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet (or 200 KIAS below the floor or in VFR corridor). 250 KNOTS
2. "Maintain maximum (or best) forward speed " means "maximum or best forward 'LEGAL' speed. "
ATC does not have the authority to lift the 250 below 10,000 speed restriction [91.117(a)]. You cannot
be cleared to violate a regulation , and you cannot accept such a clearance.
3. At 10,000 ft and above, in Class B airspace, you can go as fast as you want (below Mach 1.0 of
course!;o) unless issued a speed restriction by ATC.
4 . If a controller assigns you 300 kts or greater inbound (10,000 or above), and then later descends you to
8,000, it is UNDERSTOOD that you must SLOW to 250 Ids BEFORE descending below 10,000.
5. NOTE: There was a test program that took place at HOUSTON International (IAH) to delete the 250 Ids
below 10,000 for DEPARTURES only, AND only if authorized by ATC. The phraseology was ''NO
This program was cancelled in January of 2004. Evidently someone at the FAA decided the pilots were
having a little too much damn fun. Currently an air traffic controller does not have the authority to
authorize a speed above 250 kts below 10,000 anywhere in the United States.
6. The speed restriction: 250 Ids below 10.000 does NOT apply to aircraft operating beyond 12 nm from
the coastline of the United States. FYI: Airspeed regulates bird splat depth in glass and aluminum.
HOLDING at a FIX where the PATTERN is NOT CHARTED: (AIM 5-3-8i. , FAA-H-8083-16)
Will include the following information:
1. Direction of holding FROM the fix in terms of the eight cardinal compass points (i.e., N, NE, E, SE, etc.).
2. Radial, course, bearing, airway or route on which the aircraft is to hold.
3. Leg length in miles if DME or RNAV is to be used or otherwise in minutes.
4. Direction of turn if LEFTturns are to be made (standard pattern is RIGHT turns).
5. Time to ,5xpect further _Qlearance. ~-~<---- ....
''Hold WEST of 'Elvis' on the 270° radial, LEFT turns, 1O mile legs,
Expect Further Clearance at 1520Z, time now 1420Z. ''
< West
265 KIAS ·Holding Pattern 14,001 MSL and above. Timing for inbound leg: 1Y2 minutes.
250 KIAS • Below 10,000 MSL anywhere (except beyond the "12-nm limit" from the coastline).
This would of course include Class B airspace ... but only when below 10,000 feet.
230 KIAS • Holding Pattern 6,001 to 14,000 MSL. Timing for inbound leg: 1 minute.
. : Mach vs Knots (AIM 4-4-12)
5. Your _ground speed at FL 310 1s 420 knots and you are cleared to cross~ At or above FL 240 speeds may
30 miles from the VOR at 10,000 feet and 250 KIAS. How far out : be expressed in terms of Mach
would you need to start the descent? : numbers in 0.01 increments.
a. It's common for most jets to descend at idle power using the : The use of Mach numbers is
3 to 1 rule (i.e., 3 miles for every 1,000 feet of altitude to lose). : restricted to turbojet aircraft with ,
b. The altitude to lose is 21,000 feet. Descending from FL 31 Oto : Mach meters (duuh!).
10,000 feet would probably require a 3,000 FPM descent in - - -
order to m~intain. the advantag~ of th~ higher al~itude for a . :· Knots vs Mach (AIM 4 _4_12)
longer period of time. 420 kts 1~ 7 miles per minute (420 60). : On a standard day the Mach
c. 21,000 feet + 3,000 FPM 7 minutes. : numbers equivalent to
d. 7 minutes x 7 miles per minute = 49 miles are required to : 250 kts CAS are:
descend the 21,000 feet. : FL 240 _ 0.60
e. Add about 10 miles to comfortably slow to 250 KIAS. : FL 250 0.61
f. 49 + 10 + 30 (from fix) = start down 89 miles from the VOR. : FL 260 0.62
6. Another VERY popular method is to simply enter the VNAV information : FL 270 0.64
into the FMS and mash the easy button;o). : FL 280 0.65
- - - - - -·• FL 290 0.66
Speed Adjustment Terminology: (AIM 4-4-12t., 5-5-9, FAA-H-8083-16)
• Resume normal speed used to terminate ATC assigned speed adjustments on segments where no
published speed restrictions apply. It does not cancel published restrictions on upcoming procedures.
• Comply with speed restrictions used when the aircraft is joining or resuming a charted procedure or
route with published speed restrictions.
• Comply with restrictions requires compliance with all altitude and/or speed restrictions depicted on the
• Delete speed restrictions used when either ATC assigned or published speed restrictions on a charted
procedure are no longer required. This does not relieve the pilot of speed restrictions applicable to 91.117.
• Resume published speed issued to terminate a speed adjustment where speed restrictions are
published on a charted procedure.
• When instructed to ''comply with speed restrictions'' or to ''resume published speed," ATC anticipates
pilots will begin adjusting speed the minimum distance necessary prior to a published speed
restriction so as to cross the waypoint/fix fil the published speed.
V2 Takeoff safety speed for jets, turboprops or Transport category aircraft Best climb gradient speed
i.e., best altitude increase per mile with the most critical engine inop - twin engine aircraft with an engine inop are
guaranteed a 2.4°/o climb gradient (24 ft UP per 1,000 ft FORWARD) - min speed to be maintained to at least 400 ft AGL.
V2MIN Minimum takeoff safety speed. Usually 1.2 times stall speed in takeoff configuration.
VA Design m,Aneuvering speed - The highest safe airspeed for abrupt control deflection or for operation in
turbulence or severe gusts. Does not allow for multiple large control inputs. If only one speed is published it is usually
determined at max landing weight. This speed decreases as weight decreases.
Formula for determining VA at less than max landing weight: V A2 = VA x ~current weight +max lndg weight
VABE Maximum speed for 8,ir-§.rake £,xtension.
VABO Maximum speed for 8,ir-§.rake Qperation.
VAC Missed 8,pproach .Qlimb speed for flap configuration with critical engine inop (2.1°/o climb gradient).
VAP APproach target speed. VREF +configuration (flaps/slats setting) & wind factor.
Typically- add (to VREF) 1h the headwind component+ all the gust factor (to a max of 20 knots)
Ve Design speed for maximum gust intensity for Transport-category aircraft or other aircraft certified
under Part 25. Turbulent-air-penetration speed that protects the structure in 66-fps gusts.
Ve Design .Qruising speed. Speed the aircraft was designed to cruise at. The completed aircraft may
actually cruise slower or faster than V c· It is the highest speed at which the structure must withstand the FAA's hypothetical
"standard 50-fps gust."
VD Design Qiving speed The aircraft is designed to be capable of diving to this speed (in very smooth
air) and be free of flutter, control reversal and buffeting . Control surfaces have a natural vibration frequency where they begin
to "flutter" like a flag in a stiff breeze. If flutter begins, it can become catastrophic in a matter of seconds. It can worsen until
the aircraft is destroyed even if airspeed is reduced as soon as flutter begins.
VDEC Accelerate/Stop DECision speed for multiengine piston and light multiengine turboprops.
VDF I Demonstrated-flight Qiving speed - VDF is in knots. MDF is in a percentage of Mach number.
Some aircraft are incapable of reaching Vo because of lack of power or excess drag. When this is the case, the test pilot dives to the maximum
MDF speed possible - the demonstrated-flight diving speed.
VEF Speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff (used in certification tests).
VENR ENRoute climb speed with critical engine inop accelerate to VENA above 1,500 AGL.
VF Design flap speed During the design phase, the flaps are designed to be operated at this
maximum speed. If the engineers did a good job, the actual flap speed-VFE will be the same.
VFC I Maximum speed for undesirable flight .Qharacteristics must be regarded with the same respect as
VNE - Red line. Insta bi lity could develop beyond the pilot's ability to recover. VFc is expressed in knots; MFc is expressed in a percentage of
MFC Mach number.
VFE Maximum flap-£xtended speed Top of white arc Highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a
prescribed extended position. Many aircraft allow the use of approach flaps at speeds higher than VFE· Positive load for Normal category
airplanes is usually reduced from +3.8Gs to +2.0Gs with the flaps down, and negative load is reduced from -1.52Gs to Zero. The purpose of
flaps during landing is to enable steeper approaches without increasing the ai rspeed.
VFR flap Retract speed minimum speed required for flap retraction after takeoff.
VFS final .§.egment speed (jet takeoff) with critical engine inop. Accelerate to VFS at 400 feet AGL.
VFTO final IakeQff speed end of the takeoff path en route configuration one engine inoperative.
VG Best Qlide speed This speed decreases as weight decreases.
VH Maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power. Mainly used for aircraft
advertising. Ultralights are limited by Part 103 to a VH of 55 knots.
VLE Maximum banding gear £,xtended speed Maximum speed at which an airplane can be safely
flown with the landing gear extended. In an EMERGENCY, FORGET ABOUT THIS SPEED, THROW THE GEAR OUT!
VMCA or More commonly known as VMC (although VMCA is more correct) .Minimum .Qontrol speed with
VMC critical engine (usually the left) inoperative out of ground effect in the 8,ir ''RED line'' Most
critical engine inop & windmilling; 5° bank towards operative engine; take-off power on
operative engine; gear up; flaps up; and most rearward C.G. In this configuration, if airspeed is
allowed below VMc, even full rudder cannot prevent a yaw toward the dead engine. At slower
speeds, the slower moving wing the one with the failed engine will stall first. VMC is NOT a
constant, it can be reduced by feathering the prop, moving C.G. forward, and reducing power.
VMCG Minimum speed necessary to maintain directional .Qontrol following an engine failure during the
takeoff roll while still on the Ground determined using purely aerodynamic controls with no
reliance on nosewheel steering
- jets, turboprops or transport category aircraft.
VMO/ Maximum Qperating limit speed turboprop or jet VMO is indicated airspeed measured in knots
MMO and is mainly a structural limitation that is the effective speed limit at LOWER altitudes. MMO is a
percentage of Mach limited by the change to the aircraft's handling characteristics as localized airflow over the aircraft
approaches the speed of sound creating shock waves that can alter controllability. As altitude increases, indicated airspeed
decreases while Mach remains constant. MMo is the effective speed limit ("barber pole" on the airspeed indicator) at
HIGHER altitudes. MMo Is usually much higher for swept winged jets than a straight wing design.
VMU Minimum Y.nstick speed. Slowest speed at which an aircraft can become airborne. Originated as
a result of testing for the world 's first jet transport, the de Havilland "Comet". During an ill-fated takeoff attempt, the nose was
raised so high and prematurely that the resultant drag prevented further acceleration and liftoff. Tests were then established
to ensure that future heavy transports could safely takeoff with the tail touching the ground and maintain this attitude until out
of ground effect.
VNE liever ,5xceed speed ''RED line'' Applies only to piston-powered airplanes. This speed is never
any more than 90°/o of VoF· G loads imposed by ANYturbulence can easily overstress an aircraft at this speed.
VNO NO go there. Maximum structural cruising speed Beginning of the yellow arc or caution range.
Theoretically a brand new aircraft can withstand the FAA's 50-fps gust at this speed . Unfortunately the pilot has no way of
measuring gust intensity .
VR .B.otation speed. Recommended speed to start applying back-pressure on the yoke, rotating the
nose so that ideally the aircraft lifts off the ground at VLoF·
VREF Calculated REFerence speed for final approach final approach speed. Usually 1.3 times Vso or
higher. SMALL PLANE - bottom of white arc +30°/o. JETS - calculated from landing performance charts
that consider weight, temperature and field elevation. To this speed jets typically calculate an approach
speed (VAP) by adding (to VREF) lithe headwind component+ all the gust factor (to a max of 20 knots).
Vs §tall speed or minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable. Vs is a generic
term and usually does not correspond to a specific airspeed .
Vs1 §tall speed or minimum steady flight speed in a specific configuration. Normally regarded as the
"clean"-gear and flaps up-stall speed. Lower limit of the green arc (remember §.tuft !n). However this is not always the
case. It could represent stall speed with flaps in takeoff position or any number of different configurations. So Vs1 is a clean
stall , but the definition of "clean" could vary.
Vso §tall speed in landing configuration Lower limit of white arc Stalling speed or the minimum
steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable in landing configuration: engines at idle, props in low pitch, usually
full wing flaps, cowl flaps closed, C.G. at maximum forward limit (i.e. most unfavorable CG), max gross landing weight.
Maximum allowable Vso for single-engine aircraft and many light twins is 61 knots (remember §.tuft Qut).
VSSE Minimum §afe §ingle ,5ngine speed (multi) Provides a reasonable margin against an
unintentional stall when making intentional engine cuts during training.
VTOSS Takeoff safety speed for Category A rotorcraft.
Vwwo Maximum Windshield Wiper Qperating speed.
Vx Best angle of climb speed Delivers the greatest gain of altitude in the shortest possible horizontal
distance. The speed given in the flight manual is good only at sea level, at max gross weight, and flaps in takeoff position .
Vx increases with altitude (about Y:z knot per 1,000 feet), and usually decreases with a reduction of weight. It will take more
time to gain altitude at Vx because of the slower speed , but the goal is to gain the most altitude in the shortest horizontal
distance - like before )£OU hit those TREES that they always seem to put at the end of most every runway!
VXSE Best §ingle-,5ngine angle of climb speed (multiengine 12,500 Lbs or less).
VY Best rate of climb speed delivers the greatest gain in altitude in the shortest possible time. Flaps
and gear up. Decreases as weight is reduced and also decreases with altitude. Lift-to-drag ratio is usually at its maximum at
this speed so it can also be used as a good ball-park figure for best-glide speed or maximum-endurance speed for holding.
VYSE Best §ingle-,5ngine rate of climb speed ''BLUE line'' (multiengine 12,500 Lbs or less).
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 113
POSITION ERROR Caused by the static ports sensing erroneous static pressure. Slipstream flow
causes disturbances at the static port, preventing actual atmospheric pressure
movement. Varies with airspeed, altitude, and configuration, and may be a plus or
minus value.
DENSITY ERROR This instrument does not compensate for changes in altitude and temperature.
COMPRESSIBILITY Caused by the packing of air into the pitot tube at high airspeeds, resulting in higher
ERROR than normal indications.
Read off the instrument. Uncorrected for variations in air density, temperature,
installation and instrument error.
IAS corrected for instrument and position errors. Obtained from the 8,ircraft
flight Manual or filot Qperating Handbook.
EQUIVALENT AirSpeed CAS corrected for compression of the air inside the pitot tube.
CAS (or EAS) corrected for nonstandard pressure and temperature. True
airspeed and CAS are the same in standard atmosphere at sea level. Obtained
TRUE AirSpeed from a flight computer (E6B) or the 8,ircraft flight ,Manual. True airspeed
increases roughly 2°/o for each 1,000 feet of density altitude. Therefore at
10,000 feet, true airspeed is approximately 20o/o greater than indicated airspeed.
GROUND Speed T AS corrected for wind speed across the ground use that new GPS of yours.
Lower limit of WHITE arc V50 Stall speed in landing configuration (§.tuft Qut)
Upper limit of WHITE arc VFE Maximum flap extension speed (fully extended)
Lower limit of GREEN arc V 51 Stall speed clean or specified configuration (.§.tuft !n)
RED line VNE liever ,5xceed speed for piston-powered airplanes. ANY
turbulence can easily DESTROY an aircraft at this speed.
RED line VMC Minimum controllable airspeed with the "critical" engine inop
•• ·························~ ~
MACH SPEED vs. TEMP .• Calculate MACH # with an E6B:
• .. Put the little arrow (MACH NO. INDEX) in the
Speed of Sound ••
(knots) 39 x~ OAT in Kelvin : •
right hand inner window of the wheel.
Set the OAT (°C) against the arrow.
°Celsius + 273 • • Then read the Mach # on the inside
Kelvin •• scale (on the wheel).
Rankin °Fahrenheit + 459. 7° : .. Above the inner wheel D!J you'll find
• the speed of sound (MACH 1.0) at the
Fahrenheit {°C x 9/5) + 32
: current OAT.
or... (°C x 1.8) + 32
: • Against your TAS on the outside scale
Celsius 5/9 {°F -32) • (fixed scale on the frame), read your
or ... 0.555555555 (°F -32) current MACH # on the inner wheel.
Mach# KTAS
Speed of Sound
@ current OAT
• 2 -· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · -· •••••••••••••••••
What it looks like
to go supersonic.
: Surprisingly, the SPEED of SOUND has
: NOTHING to do with ALTITUDE but
•• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: TEMPERATURE vs. ALTITUDE : Another Speed of Sound Formula
: .. Temperature decreases at the rate •
: Speed of Sound =
•• of approximately 2°C (3.5°F) per
• OAT(K) @your altitude
• 1000 ft increase in altitude until ••
•• reaching the TROPOPAUSE and ••
Speed of Sound @15°C x Standard Temp(K)(15°C)
•• entering the Stratosphere .
: Example:
• • There is essentially no temperature
• • 238.5 K (-34.5°C + 273) @25,000 ft
change in the flyable altitudes of the •• 661.7 kts x 288.0 K (15.0°C + 273) @sea level
•• = 602.2 kts @-34.5°C (standard temp @25,000feet)
NOT to scale.
26 - 29 miles will translate to a 100 foot altitude
difference, in the upper flight levels, a
1/1 oth inch change equals about 300 f et··
•• ••....•...... ···~
: The sun heats the surface
: of the earth, which then
( 55,000' )
: heats the atmosphere from 65,000'
: below. The higher you are
• above the heat source
•• (Earth), the more the
•• temperature decreases (@
•• approximately 2°C per 1,000
•• feet in the Troposphere) . TROPOSPHERE
•• Once reaching the
: Tropopause and entering
: the Stratosphere (on
: average about 36,000 feet
: in North America), there are
: remarkably small changes
: in temperature with altitude. : used for in-flight
• Temperatures in the navigation ;o)
•• Stratosphere will actually MESOSPHERE
•• rise ever so slightly in the
•• upper reaches due to the
; affect of the sun's radiation.
116 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(Chap 4 Speed, Altitude & Jet)
.-................................ .
• The summit of Mount Everest is 29.029 ft MSL.
A number of people have made it to the top
without the benefit of supplemental oxygen .
Numerous other people have died trying.
- - - - -
.. . - -
: ''Kollsman Window''
: The Kollsman window knob
rotates the hands at the rate of
roughly 1 inch per 1.000 feet
: or 1/1 oth inch per 100 feet.
• But that really is only true for
........................ .
• LOWERING the altimeter setting
the first 10,000 feet above •• lowers the indicated altitude.
sea level. In the upper flight •• RAISING the altimeter setting
levels, a 1/1 oth inch change • raises the indicated altitude.
equals about 300 feet.
DENSITY 1. Density altitude is pressure altitude (29.92) corr~~!~.cJ .{Qf. t'l.Qn:.~!Si.rJ~~rf! .t.~roP.~.~CJ!~r.e and
is considered for aircraft performance. : Density Altitude Calculator
ALTITUDE 2. Warmer air is "thinner" than colder air. : da.htm
3. Higher temperatures can be equivalent to higher altitudes as far as aircraft performance
is concerned (warmer air is less dense, the molecules are further apart).
4. Density altitude is the altitude the aircraft "thinks" it is flying.
5. In other words on a hot day aircraft performance sucks.
6. (OAT- ISA) x 120 +Press Altitude= Density Altitude. Example:
Pressure Altitude = 6,000 ft
Qutside 8,ir Iemp = 13°C
ISA (@ 6,000 ft) = 3°C {from rule of thumb: (-2° x each 1000 ft MSL) + 15 =ISA}
(13-3) x 120 + 6000 = 7 ,200 ft Density Altitude
INDICATED 1. Read off the face of the altimeter. Indicated altitude is what the altimeter reads when
the local MSL pressure (altimeter setting) is set in the Kollsman window
ALTITUDE 2. On the GROUND set the altimeter to the airport elevation (at that point on the
airport), indicated altitude should be the same as the true altitude and the setting in the
Kollsman window should match the current altimeter setting.
3. In the AIR as you fly along and encounter non-standard temperatures, indicated
altitude can differ from true altitude. The colder the temperature, the more significant
(and possibly dangerous) this difference can be.
4. When flying above a location for which you obtained a local current altimeter setting in
extremely low temperatures the actual (true) altitude of the aircraft can be
significantly lower than indicated. Of course, when you reach the RUNWAY, a perfectly
set altimeter should be exactly correct no matter what the temperature.
5. The venturi effect of wind blowing through a mountain pass can create an isolated
low pressure area that can make your altimeter read as much as 1,000 feet off (the
aircraft will be 1,000 feet lower than indicated).
TRUE 1. Actual height above mean sea level (MSL) as if measured with a tape measure.
2. Elevations of airports, mountain tops, towers and other obstructions are given in true
ALTITUDE altitude.
ABSOLUTE 1. The actual height above the ground (8,bove §.round ,bevel, or AGL) again as if
measured with a tape measure.
ALTITUDE 2. Instrument approach charts give the Height 8,bove Iouchdown (HAT), !hreshold
.Qrossing Height (TCH), etc. in absolute altitude.
3. Subtract the terrain elevation from true altitude.
At-22°F (-30°C) Your true altitude is approximately 190 feet lower than
flying at 1OQO f~~t indi5'S!t~d above the station indicated= 810 feet true.
At-22°F (-30°C) Your true altitude is approximately 100 feet lower than
flying at 500 feet indicated above the station indicated = 400 feet true.
At-22°F (-30°C) Your true altitude is approximately 40 feet lower than
flying at 200 feet indicated above the station indicated = 160 feet true.
When you reach the RUNWAY, a perfectly set altimeter should indicate field elevation EXACTLY no matter what the TEMPERATURE.
8. That portion of the error that might otherwise exist because of the height of the station above sea level is accounted
for in the altimeter setting for that station. This is why the aircraft ALTIMETER INDICATES FIELD ELEVATION
UPON LANDING - REGARDLESS OF TEMPERATURE, airport elevation and nonstandard lapse rates.
Canadian Air Traffic Control compensates for extremely cold temperatures when issuing altitudes, especially
Minimum Vectoring Altitudes. In the United States, it's up to YOU to make sure you don't bounce off the roof of the
Ford plant while being vectored for approach on that beautifully brisk -22°F evening in Detroit. It's up to YOU to
add the appropriate amount of altitude and report doing so to ATC.
9. Of course on a HOT DAY, your true altitude will be higher than indicated, but normally who cares?
10. The ALTIMETER and PITOT/STATIC system must be - l"ESTED and RE-CERTIFIED every TWO
calendar YEARS for /FR operations (only). (91.411)
Temp IND/CA TED Hei ht ABOVE the Elevation of the Altimeter Source Feet AGL
oc 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000
20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 90 120 170 230 280
-10° 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 290 390 490
-20° 30 50 60 70 90 100 120 130 140 210 280 420 570 710
-30° 40 60 80 100 120 130 150 170 190 280 380 570 760 950
-40° 50 80 100 120 150 170 190 220 240 360 480 720 970 1210
-50° 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 450 590 890 1190 1500
NOTE: Values should be ADDED to published altitudes during an instrument approach
••••i,......,.........................,....................................;~,.:...::;:.-.;...~,;;..;.,,:,.:,;..;~:.-;..;:..;::;:;:;::::~~:.;.;.:.,~...;:...;;~;..;..;:..;....;~~~~:,;.:.:.~~~~:-.;..;,:.;......................................................- _ _ J
•: EXAMPLE : Airport temperature -30°C, and the aircraft altimeter is reading 1,500 feet above the airport elevation. The chart
: shows that the current altimeter setting will place the aircraft as much as 280 feet below the altitude indicated by the altimeter. :
··········································································· ········ ·········~ ························
Snowflake Airport
111 •5
APP CRS Rwy ldg 9007
TDZE 2966 ILS or LOC RWY 2
0 2 0° Apt Elev 2977
MISSED APPROACH: Climb to 4100 rhen climbing leh rum to 12000
ADF required. • ~ vio heading 190° and vio FCA VOR/DME R·238 to KILLY INT/ FCA
-l 2°C/10°F 0 T 15.7 DME and ~old, continue climb-in-hold to 12000.
132.625 133.4 285.4 124.55 (CTAFI 121.6 122.95
·-········ ...•........•......•......................•....•...........•.......•
: Cold temperature restricted airports are identified on the approach chart with a snowflake symbol followed by a temperature.
: Pilots are responsible to report cold temperature corrected altitudes to ATC whenever applying those corrections on an
: intermediate segment and/or a published missed approach final altitude. This should be done on initial contact with the ATC
: issuing approach clearance. ATC requires this in order to ensure appropriate vertical separation between traffic. These
temperatures are completely separate from the temperatures published on Area Navigation (RNAV) approaches.
................. . .
• Mentally challenged copilot
: forgot to reset altimeter.
• Aircraft is 1,000 ft lower '
• than indicated .
.. ••••••••• •-....
: • Local Altimeter .,,
When the altimeter setting on
which an IFR approach is .. • •••••••• •-....
: • Local Altimeter .,,
based is not available, the
30.01 approach is NOT authorized. ' 29.01
: True altitude 4, 720 ft :
•:• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Indicated altitude 5,000 ft :
• .. ......... .................. . . ~
• •
True altitude 3,500 ft •
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
• ::::> There is no adjustment on an altimeter
• •• for temperature .
• In this extreme example, the aircraft
• would actually be 1,500 ft LOWER
•• than INDICATED .
• •• => In extremely cold weather, consider
•• adding a little ALTITUDE CUSHION
• •
• during a circling approach to an
............ ......
••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • ·~.... airport surrounded by high terrain .
.• Airport temperature ~ • => When you reach the RUNWAY, a •• • Airport temperature ......_
' 0°C • perfectly set altimeter should be ' -50°C
Three columns of air showing how decrease of pressure with height varies with temperature. The left
column is warmer than average and the right column colder that average. Pressure is equal at the bottom
of each column and equal at the top of each column. Pressure decreases most rapidly with height in
the cold air and least rapidly in the warm air. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
at the bases and equal at the tops of each column, INDICATED ALTITUDE is the SAME at the TOP of each
COLUMN. When air is colder than standard (right}, the altimeter reads higher than true altitude. When air is
warmer than standard (left), the altimeter reads lower than true altitude .
INDICATED Altitude 5,000 feet
True Altitude
5,000 feet•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••
.• • • • • • •
• • •
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29.92 29.92
When the temperature rises above the standard temperature for the locality, the density of the air in that
locality is reduced and the density altitude increases. Aircraft aerodynamic performance and engine
horsepower output both decrease. Make a practice of checking aircraft performance charts especially when
temperatures are above normal regardless of airport elevation.
: Density Altitude Calculator
An increase in density altitude results in:
1. Increased takeoff distance. : da.htm
2. Reduced rate of climb.
3. Increased true airspeed on approach and landing (Indicated airspeed remains the same).
4. Increased landing roll distance.
At airports of higher elevations, such as those in the Western United States, high temperatures sometimes
have such an effect on density altitude that safe operations are impossible (most takeoff performance
charts for jets do not include figures for operations above 120°F). In such conditions, operations during
mid-day can become extremely hazardous. Even at lower elevations, aircraft performance can become
marginal and it may be necessary to reduce aircraft takeoff weight for safe operations. It is advisable, when
performance is in question, to schedule operations during the cool hours of the day, early morning or
very late afternoon .
• For every 1,000-foot increase in density altitude,
takeoff roll will increase by AT LEAST 10°/o.
I 6 1
1. When computing density altitude (rule of thumb) add 100 J
feet to the computed density altitude for each 1Oo/o
relative humidity (relative humidity is 100°/o when it's
raining). Therefore when it's RAINING add 1000 feet
to the computed density altitude before calculating
takeoff and climb performance.
2. Extremely HIGH HUMIDITY can reduce engine power by 1 t Goldarnit!
as much as 10°/o (for small non-turbocharged piston Now I gotta go back
aircraft). A good rule of thumb would be to add at least inside and
10°/o to your computed takeoff distance and anticipate a recalculate all my
reduced climb rate. performance data.
3. RELATIVE HUMIDITY 0/o: I hope they have
Formula: some popcorn left.
(Dew point/Temp) x (-100) + 100 =Relative Humidity0
{9°C/19°C) x (-100) + 100 = 53°/o
: 1. Atmospheric pressure The force the
29.92 or hi her 180 •• atmosphere exerts on an area directly below it
29.91 to 29.42 185 •• due to gravity (i.e., the weight of the sky) .
29.41 to 28.92 190 • 2 . An airport with a field elevation of 3000 ft might
28.91 to 28.42 195 have an actual observed pressure of 26.82 in.
•• The instrument at the airport automatically
28.41 to 27 .92 200
•• adds approximately 3 inches to that value to
•• give an estimate of what the pressure would be
• •• if the airport were located at sea level (29.82) .
1n • This is the value you dial into the Kollsman
window. If everything is working perfectly, you
should indicate field elevation upon touchdown.
G lideSlope Intercept Attitude (GSIA): (P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-25, Order JO 7110.65T)
1. The minimum (and maximum) altitude authorized to intercept the glideslope on a precision approach.
2. The intersection of the published ILS or LOC APPROACH
intercept altitude with the LOM Glide Slope A:ltrtude
gl ideslope/path.
The altitude and location of the
Procedure Turn 215
/ /
at OtJter Marker/FAf
FAF= (vertically guided approaches)
FAF (non-precision approaches)
''lightning bolt'' symbol ("end of 2400 # 127° • • x/ Glid~~lope Missed Approach Point
the feather" on Jepps) is the Glide. Slope GS 3.O"°v
/ /
' - Missed Approach Track
Threshold Crossing Height TCH 55 2400 ...··""
highest altitude at which the Glide Slope Intercept Altitude/ •·····
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - ====-Airport Profile
glide slope can be used for
primary guidance. Where possible, this point shall be coincidental with Glide Slope/Glide Poth Intercept
a designated FAF. At locations where it is not possible for the point of
glideslope intercept to coincide with a designated FAF, the point of 2400
/Altitvd~ and fin~I opprooch fix
for vertically guided opprooch
glideslope interception shall be located PRIOR to the FAF. 98o/o of the
time you'll be vectored to intercept the localizer and glideslope so as to intercept the glideslope "from
below" at the GSIA position.
4. When the approach chart shows an alternative lower glideslope intercept altitude, and ATC directs a
lower altitude, the resultant lower intercept position is then the FAF.
5. Tracking the glideslope from an altitude higher than the published glideslope intercept altitude and
tracking it down to GSIA will USUALLY result in being at or above the minimum published altitudes on
the approach. However, you should never completely trust glideslope information when you're above
GSIA. Always crosscheck against the various fixes to determine your progress, use these fixes as your
primary information. Tracking the glideslope from an altitude higher than the published glideslope
intercept altitude can result in the tracking of a ''false glideslope'' (Page 56). Step-down fixes (the non-
precision ''dive and drive'' method) or ATC vectors are necessary for proper glideslope altitude
6. The glideslope signal is only flight-checked to a fixed distance, generally in the range of about 10 miles.
Glideslope intercepts beyond this point may be affected by false glideslope signals.
1. MINIMUM altitude will be depicted with the altitude value UNDERSCORED (e.g. 4400). Aircraft are
required to maintain altitude at or above the depicted value.
4800 2. MAXIMUM altitude will be depicted with the altitude value OVERSCORED (e.g. 4800 ). Aircraft are
required to maintain altitude at or below the depicted value.
5500 3. MANDATORY altitude will be depicted with the altitude value both UNDERSCORED and
OVERSCORED (e.g. 5500 ). Aircraft are required to maintain altitude at the depicted value.
4. On JEPPESEN CHARTS All altitudes are minimum unless specifically labeled maximum,
mandatory, or recommended.
MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE (MVA): (AIM 5-4-5, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-1 6)
The lowest MSL altitude at which an IFR aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller except for radar
approaches (PAR). Only the controller knows what the MVA is for your area. This altitude meets I FR
obstacle clearance criteria (1,000 feet obstacle clearance over flat terrain 2,000 feet obstacle clearance
over mountainous terrain can be lowered to 1500 feet in some eastern mountainous areas).
RATE of CLIMB or DESCENT - If they do NOTsay the words ''PILOT'S DISCRETION," you are
expected to climb or descend "at an optimum rate consistent with the operating characteristics of the
aircraft to 1,000 feet above or below the assigned altitude, and then ATTEMPTto descend or climb at a
rate of between 500 and 1,500 FPM until the assigned altitude is reached ." [AIM 4-4-10 & P/C Glossary]
''PILOT'S DISCRETION'' - The controller has offered you the option of starting the descent (or climb)
whenever you wish and at any rate of descent (or climb) you want. You have the freedom to temporarily
level off at any intermediate altitude, but once you have vacated an altitude, you cannot go back up (or
down). If you decide to stay at the previously assigned altitude for a while before starting the
descent, you should initiate an additional call to report leaving the previously assigned altitude.
Example: ''Falcon 123 is descending now to 230." The controller will appreciate this as a courtesy
call. It is possible for a controller to forget that he has given you a lower altitude at pilot's discretion, and
may have inadvertently allowed traffi c to cross through your altitude "block" in the time between you r
acceptance of the clearance and the beginning of your descent (AIM 4-4-10, 5-3-3 & P/C Glossary).
To paraphrase AIM 5-3-3 - The pilot should report without a specific request ''when vacating any
previously assigned altitude for a newly assigned altitude.''
required by distance from cloud criteria, enter the TRAFFIC PATTERN at an altitude of at least
1,500 feet AGL and maintain 1,500 AGL until further descent is required for a safe landing.
[Noise abatement]
2. NOTE: Many Class B, C and D airports have non-standard traffic pattern altitudes listed in the
,Airport/facility Q.irectory.
3. A large or turbine-powered airplane approaching to land on a runway served by an I LS shall fly at
or above the GLIDE SLOPE between the OUTER marker and the MIDDLE marker.
4. Any airplane approaching to land on a runway served by a VASI shall maintain at or above
the GLIDE SLOPE (aka glide path) until a lower altitude is necessary for a safe landing .
•••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• • ••••
: ''At or above the glide slope'' does not
: prohibit normal bracketing maneuvers above
: or below the glide slope for the purpose of
: remaining on the glide slope.
0 ... 0
•: "Normal bracketing maneuvers"
: are maneuvers which remain within
: the limits of the higher and lower
glide slope signals.
.-.................................... . . •
: You must remain at or above the glide slope between the
............................ ...
: LARGE or TURBINE-powered
• OUTER marker and the MIDDLE marker.
•• Once you pass the middle marker all bets are off. : aircraft must maintain at least 1,500
: Remember- Runway behind you, altitude above you, : feet AGL in the traffic pattern in
• and air in the fuel tanks are totally worthless. • Class B. C. or D airspace.
: LOW ALTITUDE ALERT: (JO 7110.65 para 2-1-6)
: (See "Low Altitude Alert System" and "Safety Alert" - P/C Glossary)
Threshold Crossing Height • 1. Controllers will issue an alert to an aircraft if they feel it is too low
- The theoretical height above : (information received from Mode C). It is the pilot's prerogative to determine
• what course of action to take ... if any.
the runway threshold at which the •• 2. At larger airports, an automated function called MSAW (Minimum ~afe Altitude
aircraft's glideslope antenna would • ,Ytarning) also calculates your descent rate - if it exceeds what is considered
be if the aircraft maintains the •• to be a safe closure rate with the terrain - a very annoying alarm sounds in
trajectory established by the mean : the tower and the TRACON. In addition, the letters LA (.bow Altitude) flash in
• your radar data tag. Normally the call from the controller would sound like this:
ILS glideslope or MLS glidepath. : "Low altitude alert, Freight Dog 123GO, check your altitude immediately."
• Again it's your prerogative as to the course of action. If you get one of these
: calls (e.g., while executing a screaming high-speed dive in order to recapture
the glideslope) an acceptable response might be ...
"We're good. Just gettin' back to the glideslope, thanks for the call!"
FL 430 ~-
- - - - - - - - - -
91 .121 , AIM 7-2-2
FL 410 -·---------~...
FL 400 ~---------- Altimeter Setting Lowest Usable
FL 390 (Current Reported) Flight Level
Flight Level FL 380 ......- - - - - - - - - -
Orientation Scheme 29.92 or hi her 180
FL 370
(AIM 4-6-2) FL 360 ......- - - - - - - - - - 29.91 to 29.42 185
FL 350 29.41to28.92 190
FL340 ......- - - - - - - - - - - 28.91 to 28.42 195
FL 330
28.41 to 27.92 200
FL 320 ......- - - - - - - - - - - -
F.L 310
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM), Domestic RVSM (DRVSM)
(91 .179, 91.180, 91.703, 91 .706, Appendix G to Part 91 , AIM 4-6-1thru4-6-11 , OpSpecs 8046 & 0092, AC 23-22, AC 91-70, AC 91-85,
1. Most of the world is now designated as RVSM airspace. Even the Russian Federation (welcome
Vladimir!), China, Iraq, and Africa have joined the party (yippee!).
2. DRVSM/RVSM makes 6 additional flight levels available for operations between 29,000 and 41,000 ft.
3. RVSM authorization allows approved aircraft, with dual digital air data computers (two independent
altitude measurement systems), an approved autopilot capable of holding altitude to precise
tolerances, and an altitude alert system that signals an alert when the altitude displayed to the
flight crew deviates from the selected altitude, to fly 1,000 feet apart between FL 290 and FL 410.
4. The FAA (or for foreign operators, the aviation authority of that country) must certify these aircraft for
RVSM operations, a complicated, time consuming, and VERY expensive process (especially for
older aircraft) that may involve several test flights.
5. The operator of the aircraft must also write and have approved an ''RVSM Operations Manual'' and
provide training and certification for the pilots and maintenance personnel.
6. Part 121/135 or 91 Subpart K operations require initial and recurrent RVSM pilot training. Part 91
operators do not necessarily require recurrent training, but they must renew their ,better Qt
Authorization (LOA) every two years.
7. Operators must also accomplish an RVSM height monitoring flight at least once every two years or
within 1,000 flight hours whichever is longer.
8. Non-compliant aircraft are NOT permitted to fly in RVSM airspace and the conversion cost has
turned many older aircraft into very expensive boat anchors or extremely short range gas hogs
limited to flights at or below FL 280 (e.g., Lear 20 series).
9. Waivers may be available for non-RVSM approved military and civilian aircraft to allow for climb and
descent transitions through the RVSM airspace (don't hold your breath waiting on THAT clearance).
10. RVSM has increased airspace capacity and resulted in more fuel-efficient flights Uets are able to
stay at higher altitudes longer) HOWEVER Retrofits and certification are in the $150,000 to
$300,000 bracket to make an older aircraft RVSM compliant. THAT'S A LOT OF GAS!
11. Although fuel savings have certainly been attained, critics maintain that major chokepoints continue to
exist at the terminal area. Until more concrete is poured, DRVSM will have very little effect on overall
system capacity (IMHO).
ALTIMETER SETTING and the FLIGHT LEVELS (United States & Canada) (91 .121)
1. Below 18,000 feet the altimeter should be set to the current reported altimeter setting of a station
along the route and within 100 nm of the aircraft or the setting of the nearest appropriate available
station. This "Transition Level" can be much lower (or even higher) in some countries.
2. At or above 18,000 feet the altimeter must be set to 29.92. You'll read ''pressure altitude'' on the
altimeter, which is your altitude above the ''Standard Datum Plane.'' The idea is, ground obstacles are
not much of a problem above 17,999 feet (except for one little hill in Alaska), but vertical separation of
aircraft becomes even more important because of the higher speeds of most traffic in the Flight Levels.
Resetting altimeters every 100 miles or so would keep jet pilots and controllers very busy and create
many opportunities for errors in separation. The greatest risk of danger would involve two aircraft
approaching each other from opposite directions through an area of rapidly changing atmospheric
pressure. This "Transition Altitude" can be much lower (or even higher) in some countries.
3. Another problem could arise if an aircraft is cruising at FL 190 (altimeter 29.92) in a cold low-pressure
system and another aircraft is at 17,000 ft using the local altimeter setting, they could actually be flying
fil the same (true) altitude.
4. It should be noted that when maintaining FL310 with the altimeter set at 29.92, the aircraft is flying at a
constant air pressure (indicated altitude), while the aircraft's actual altitude above Mean Sea Level
could vary anywhere from 29,000 feet MSL to 33,000 feet MSL.
''Odd'' or ''Even'' thousand-foot
altitudes or flight levels. Examples:
FL 250
FL 260
........ --
- c •.
Airspeed Indicator
Pitot (VSI)
Indicator Altimeter
Heater Switch
I I I Static Port
\ .,
Pi tot ALT
Tube ~~====~~-:::
~ ~-Drain STATIC AIR
Chamber Alternate Static Source
.• ···········································~ ~
•• RADAR (aka radio) ALTIMETER
•• 1. Measures altitude by transmitting a radio pulse
•• downward and determining the time reguired for the
• transmitted pulse to bounce off the ground and return
• to the receiving unit on the aircraft .
: 2. The instrument will indicate the ABSOLUTE ALTITUDE
• (aka actual or true altitude) of the aircraft above the
•• earth's surface (ground, water or buildings). Also
• known as a terrain-clearance indicator.
•• 3. Radar altimeter antennas normally look Iike plates
• approximately six inches square on the bottom of the
aircraft. (AC 65-15A)
35 feet AGL The altitude at which the end of BALANCED FIELD LENGTH is measured. The
runway length (or runway plus clearway and/or stopway) where, for the takeoff weight,
the engine-out accelerate-go distance eguals the accelerate-stop distance. For jet
aircraft, balanced field length starts at brake release and, assuming failure of the
critical engine at V 1, ends at 35 feet AGL (dry runway). Some jet aircraft are certified
using 35 feet AGL as the start of the FIRST SEGMENT climb. In this case, first
segment climb BEGINS at 35 feet above the runway with the gear still down, the flaps
still set for takeoff, and the remaining engine(s) at max takeoff power. Positive rate
of climb is established and the gear handle is raised. The first segment ENDS when the
GEAR is FULLY RETRACTED, which is the beginning of the SECOND SEGMENT.
±75 When set to the current altimeter setting altimeters should read within ±75 feet of
field elevation (Dual altimeters should agree within ±75 feet of each other for RVSM operations).
(AIM 7-2-3, AFM)
±125 Transponder Mode C Must agree with the barometric altimeter within ±125 feet.
(91 .217b)
300 No person may operate a helicopter under VFR over a congested area at an
altitude less than 300 feet AGL. [135.203(b)]
Aircraft remaining in the traffic pattern should not commence a turn to the
crosswind leg until beyond the departure end of the runway and within 300 feet
below traffic pattern altitude, with the pilot ensuring that the turn to downwind leg
will be made at the traffic pattern altitude. (AIM FIG 4-3-3, AC 90-66A, FAA H-8083-3A)
400 Departure Procedures (DP): (AIM 5-2-7, 5-5-14, 135.367, 135.379, OpSpec C077, TERPS)
=> Standard commercial takeoff minimums [91.175(f)] with no restrictions. Once you
have reached at least 400 feet AGL on runway heading, you are free to turn directly
towards your first enroute fix.
=> A mandatory ''EARLY TURN'' (begin turn at less than 400 feet AGL) is required
for certain runways because of close-in obstacles. In such cases, the takeoff
minimums must be at least 400-1.
JET TAKEOFF Climb Segments:
=> SECOND SEGMENT BEGINS when the gear is fully retracted. V2 must be
maintained. By the rules, a jet must climb (with one engine inoperative), at a 2.4o/o
gradient (24 ft UP per 1,000 ft FORWARD)( approximately 300 fpm), a difficult job
with a heavy airplane on a hot day at a high elevation airport with only 50°10 of
normal power available. Second segment ENDS at 400 feet AGL.
=> THIRD SEGMENT BEGINS at 400 feet AGL. A level flight segment.
Acceleration is made to final .§.egment speed ''VFs'' usually with the flaps up,
or at most favorable configuration; and be capable of a 1.2°10 climb gradient (12 ft
UP per 1,000 ft FORWARD). Third segment ENDS when VFS is reached.
500 => Uncongested area basic safe altitude above any person, vessel, vehicle, or
structure. (91.119)
=> Lowest altitude allowed for Part 135 VFR day operations. (135.203)
700 Floor of Class E airspace ''transition area'' for instrument approach represented by
shaded "magenta" color on VFR charts.
1,000 => Minimum IFR altitude in a non-mountainous area. (91.177)
=> Congested area minimum altitude above highest obstacle within 2,000 ft radius.
=> VFR minimum ceiling in Class B, C, D, & E airspace.
=> Recommended traffic pattern altitude at non-towered airports for ALL aircraft
unless established otherwise... (in the 8,irport I facility Qi rectory). (AIM 4-3-3)
=> Lowest altitude during daylight for large & turbine-powered multiengine. (91.515)
=> Lowest altitude allowed for Part 135 VFR night operations. (135.203)
136 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(Chap 4 Speed, Altitude & Jet)
1,200 feet AGL => Above 1,200 feet VFR cloud clearance requirements change for Class G
(uncontrolled) airspace. (91.155)
=> Floor of most Victor airways (unless marked otherwise).
=> Floor of Class E airspace EN ROUTE AREAS that provide controlled airspace for
IFR but are NOT Federal airways. This covers the majority of the United States
with the exception of certain Class G areas in the western U.S. (shaded on IFR
charts). In these Class G (shaded) areas, Class E airspace starts at 14,500' MSL.
=> Floor of Class E airspace transition or control area "blue" on VFR charts.
=> Floor of Class C shelf area between 5 and 10 nm from airport.
1,500 => Traffic pattern altitude for large or turbine-powered aircraft in Class B. C or D
airspace unless established otherwise or required by ATC. (91.129 thru 91 .131)
=> It is "recommended" (in AC 90-66A but not in the AIM) that large and turbine-
powered airplanes should enter the traffic pattern at 1,500 AGL or 500 feet above
the established pattern altitude at airports without an operating control tower.
Apparently "someone" at the FAA feels it's OK for a large aircraft to descend on top
of a smaller aircraft (very possibly moving at a similar speed) during base to final.
=> Minimum altitude for aerobatic flight.
=> JET TAKEOFF ''FINAL SEGMENT'' of the four takeoff segments ends. Final
segment BEGINS when VFS speed and configuration is reached (400 ft). Power is
usually reduced to maximum continuous thrust. VFS must be maintained until
1,500 AGL during which the aircraft must climb at a 1.2°/o gradient (12 ft UP per
1.000 ft FORWARD). Final segment ENDS when the aircraft reaches 1.500 AGL.
2,000 => Minimum IFR altitude in a mountainous area (good advice for VFR also). (91.177)
=> Minimum altitude over any wildlife refuge, park or Forest Service Area. (AIM 7-4-6)
=> Minimum Part 135 VFR altitude at night in mountainous terrain. (135.203)
2,500 => Speed limit 200 kts within 4 nm of the primary airport of a Class C or D area (also
the "recommended" limit in the "traffic pattern" of a non-towered airport), (does NOT
include Class B airport).
=> Communications required with tower in Class G airspace within 4 nm.
=> Class D airspace normal height limits.
=> Transponder (required above 10,000 ft MSL) not required below 2,500 ft AGL.
Above 3,000 VFR cruising altitude rules begin when cruising above 3000 AGL. (91.159)
4,000 Class C airspace normal height limits.
6,000 feet MSL Speed limit in HOLDING PATTERN 200 kts 6,000 and below (1 minute legs).
6,001 - 14,000 Speed limit in HOLDING PATTERN 230 kts (1 minute legs).
10,000 => Speed limit is 250 kts BELOW 10,000 feet MSL (you may exceed 250 kts when
at or above 10,000 feet while in Class B airspace).
=> VFR cloud clearance & visibility rules change for Class G or Class E airspace.
=> Transponder with Mode C required at and above if also above 2,500 AGL.
14,001 & above Speed limit in HOLDING PATTERN 265 kts (1 ~minute legs).
121 & 135 Above 10,000 thru 12,000 for more than 30 minutes - PILOTS must use OXYGEN.
10,000 - 12,000 (121.327 thru 121 .333, 135.89)
Above 12,000 Above 12,000 PILOTS must use oxygen ALL the TIME. (121.327 thru 121 .333, 135.89)
Above 10,000 Above 10,000 thru 15,000 for more than 30 minutes at least 10°/o of the occupants
thru 15,000 must have oxygen (30°/o from 14,001 up to 15,000). (121.327thru 121 .333, 135.157)
Above 15,000 Above 15,000 ALL OCCUPANTS must have oxygen ALL the TIME.(121 .329, 135.157)
Part 91
Above 12,500 thru 14,000 for more than 30 minutes PILOTS must use OXYGEN.
12,500 - 14,000 (91 .211)
Above 14,000 Above 14,000 - PILOTS must use oxygen ALL the TIME for Part 91 operations.
Above 15,000 Above 15,000 - PASSENGERS must also have oxygen ALL the TIME. (91 .211)
14,500 - 18,000 Class E begins at 14,500' MSL and continues up to but not including 18,000' MSL -
that is unless otherwise designated at a lower altitude (e.g., airports, transition areas,
airways, enroute areas). In the vast majority of U.S. airspace, Class E begins at
1,200' AGL in order to provide controlled airspace for I FR traffic.
18,000 => Ceiling of low altitude ''Victor'' airways (up to but not including 18,000).
=> Floor of Jet routes (FL 180 to FL 600).
=> Class A airspace begins (FL 180 to FL 600) no VFR in Class A airspace.
=> Altimeter setting 29.92. (91.121)
FL 240 At and above FL 240 DME required if VOR nav is used (an I FR certified GPS with a
current database can substitute for DME) (91 .205, 91.711, AIM 1-1-18)
Above FL 250 => A 10-minute supply of oxygen must be available for each occupant (to allow for an
emergency descent). (91.211, 121 .327thru 121 .333, 135.157)
When only 1 pilot is fil the controls, that pilot must wear oxygen mask at all times
even w/quick-donning masks. (121.327 thru 121.333, 135.89)
FL 290 & Above RVSM Airspace begins. Cruising altitude rules change for non-RVSM airspace. (91.179)
Above FL 350 => 1 pilot must wear oxygen mask at all times unless equipped w/guick-donning
masks. (91.211)
=> When only 1 pilot at the controls, must wear mask at all times even w/quick-
donning masks. (91.211)
=> 1 pilot must wear mask at all times even with quick donning masks. (135.89)
=> 1 pilot must wear mask at all times even if quick donning masks are available
(aircraft with less than 31 seats or a payload of less than 7.500 Lbs). [121 .333(c)(2)(i)(B)]
Above FL 41 O => 1 pilot must wear mask at all times even w/quick-donning masks. (91 .211)
=> 1 pilot must wear mask at all times even w/quick-donning masks (aircraft with
more than 30 seats or payload more than 7,500 Lbs). [121 .333(c)(2)(i)(A)]
NOTE: For Part 121 rules it is assumed that a larger capacity aircraft will
depressurize more slowly than a smaller aircraft so it can be flown at higher
altitudes prior to one pilot being required to wear a mask.
Above FL 600 Class E airspace begins again.
(Don't forget about those VFR cloud clearance requirements!).
4. Part 121/135 Pressurized Aircraft: (12 1.327 thru 121.333, 135.89, 135.157)
a. 135.157 Above 15,000 ft oxygen must be available to each occupant of the aircraft for at
least one hour unless, at all times during flight above that altitude, the aircraft can safely
descend to 15,000 ft within 4 minutes, in which case only a 30-minute supply is required.
b. 121.333 Passengers When the aircraft can descend at any point along the route to an
altitude of 14,000 ft or less within 4 minutes, oxygen must be available for a 30-minute period
for at least 10°/o of the passengers. When the aircraft cannot descend to 14,000 ft within!
minutes, or when the airplane is operated above FL 250, oxygen must be available for at
least 10°/o of the passengers for the entire flight after cabin depressurization.
c. Above FL 250 When only one pilot is seated at the controls he must wear the mask at
all times even with quick-donning masks. (1 21 .333, 135.89)
d. Above FL 350 Part 135 One pilot must wear the mask at all times even with quick-
donning masks. (135.89)
e. Above FL 350 Part 121 (less than 31 seats or 7,500 lbs or less) One pilot must wear the
mask at all times even with quick-donning ~- ~ " ·
masks. (121.333) lN lHE EVENT OF A SUDDEN' LOSS
f. Above FL 410 Part 121 (more than 30 seats 'NIU-PROP FROM "ffiE CDMPPRIMENT
"I PftJVF. YOUR HF.IV. FoR $15.00
or more than 7 ,5 00 Ibs ) 0 ne p1 ot must you CAN H.:'TIVATE lT· ·· ..
wear the mask at all times even with quick-
donning masks. (121 .333)
" Quick-Donning" type oxygen masks must be able to be
placed on the face from its ready position, properly secured,
sealed, and supplying oxygen upon demand, with one hand and
within five seconds, without disturbing eye glasses, without
delaying crewmember emergency duties or prevent im mediate
communications between all crewmembers. A LSO ...
Pilots must be provided a TWO-HOUR supply of oxygen .
A 3 P 0 cp /\OT
.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••... . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~
• •
: POUNDS of Jet A into GALLONS : POUNDS of Jet A into LITERS
•• •
• ••
: Drop the zero then add 50°/o • Pounds needed
•• •
• + 10°/o = Liters
Examples: •
• 2
4,000 lbs of Jet A needed ••
400 + 200 = 600 gallons
: 4.000 lbs of Jet A needed
• : 2000 + 200 = 2200 liters
•• 10,000 lbs of Jet A needed
••• 1000 + 500 = 1500 gallons •
: 10,000 lbs of Jet A needed
•• 5000 + 500 = 5500 liters
Six-Stage Compressor Two-Stage
5. TURBOJET engine (pure jet) creates power by taking 1n a small amount of air (SUCK), compressing
it a lot (SQUEEZE), adding fuel and igniting it (BANG). The resultant hot flow of gases turns a turbine
wheel, which keeps the front part (compressor section) of the engine turning, before exiting the tailpipe
(BLOW). Once the ''igniters'' start the fire, ignition is normally self-sustaining. This type of engine is
still used on the Concorde and some military aircraft to achieve supersonic flight, but because of its
high noise level and relative inefficiency there are virtually no civilian aircraft using it anymore .
• Direction of Flight
• c B-757
6. TURBOFAN engine (combination jet) merely a turbojet engine with a fixed-pitch propeller, that is,
''ducted fan'' or ''shrouded fan'' at the front of the engine (or sometimes in the rear, although much
less efficient in the rear). The fan acts like a propeller to give a moderate acceleration to a relatively
large volume of air, which then ''bypasses'' around the turbojet core of the engine. The turbojet
core of this engine creates a large amount of acceleration to a relatively small amount of air. This
"combination" retains some of the low-altitude, low-speed efficiency and takeoff performance of a
propeller engine and combines it with turbojet-like cruise speed and high altitude ability. A turbofan is
also 30°/o to 40°/o more fuel efficient than a turbojet and much guieter because the lower-velocity
"bypass" air shrouds and mixes cool bypass air with the hot high-velocity jet core exhaust, which
insulates and muffles the sound. The relationship between the amount of air bypassing the jet core to
the amount of air passing through the jet core (or, thrust provided by fan to thrust provided by jet core)
classifies the turbofan engine as to its BYPASS RATIO:
a. LOW-BYPASS 1: 1 ratio the fan (bypass) and the compressor section Uet core) receive
and make use of approximately equal amounts of air. High fuel consumption but capable of
very fast, even supersonic speeds.
b. HIGH-BYPASS In the vicinity of 5:1. The air being bypassed around the jet core by the
ducted fan produces 75°/o to more than 80°/o of the total thrust. Most popular on the newer
airliners for reasons of fuel economy and relatively low noise.
King Air
Drive Shaft Free (Power) Compressor P&W "PT·6"
Turbine Igniter Turbine
Fuel Nozzle (Gas Producer)
7. FREE-TURBINE TURBOPROP The propeller is not directly connected to the jet core shaft.
Exhaust gases from the jet core are used to drive a free spinning ''power turbine'' through a ''gaseous
coupling'' (like the automatic transmission in a car but using hot gas instead of transmission fluid),
which in turn rotates a shaft that turns a propeller gearbox. The venerable P&W PT-6 makes the best
use of this design by installing the jet core ''backwards," that is, intake air is ducted to the rear of the
engine to enter the rearward-mounted compressor stage, this arrangement puts the jet core exhaust
at the front of the engine just where it is needed to drive the "gaseous coupling" of the "power turbine"
which drives the propeller gearbox. After these hot gases spin the "power turbine" they are exhausted
rearward. When you turn the propeller of a free-turbine engine by hand you are turning just the "power
turbine" not the entire engine. These engines are extremely reliable but somewhat less powerful and
fuel-efficient by weight than a direct-drive. A free-turbine is easy to spot on the ramp because the
propellers will always be in the ''feathered'' position when the engines are not running and the
exhaust stacks are located near the front of the engine. The PT-6 is used on most Beechcraft King
Airs, the Starship [now just a footnote in history] and BE-1900; Shorts 360, De Havilland Dash-7,
Piaggio Avanti , some Cessna Conguests and Piper Cheyennes. Larger versions of the P&W free-
turbine design are used on the Embraer Brasilia EMB-120, ATR 42/72, Dornier 328, British Aerospace
ATP, De Havilland Dash-8, etc. ············--················--····
: You know you've landed a direct-drive
Planetary : turboprop with the wheels up 'cause after
Reduction Gears Three-Stage : the scraping sound stops
Annular Combustion
Axial Turbine : -it gets real quiet-
: even with the power levers full forward.
Igniter •
First-Stage Second-Stage
Centrifugal Centrifugal Fuel
Jetstream 31
Com ressor Compressor Nozzle "Garrett" TPE 331
8. DIRECT-DRIVE TURBOPROP (TURBOSHAFT) The propeller is driven directly by the engine's
jet core shaft through a reduction gearbox. When you turn the propeller by hand you are turning the
entire engine. More immediate power response, more fuel efficient, more power per pound of engine
weight but extremely LOUD on the ground due to the much higher idle RPM of the propeller. The TPE
331 series, made by GARRETT, is one of the most popular models. Start locks hold the blades of the
propeller at the 0° blade angle after shutdown. During start the propeller must be turned with the
engine, this flat pitch angle serves to lower air resistance making it much easier for the starter to spin
the engine jet core to the proper "light-off' speed. A direct-drive (usually Garrett) engine is easy to
identify because of the exceptionally LOUD noise it makes while taxiing , the flat blade angle of the
propellers after shutdown, and the exhaust located at the rear of the engine. The Garrett TPE 331
can be found on the Mitsubishi MU-2, Fairchild Merlin, Turbo-Commander series, Fairchild Metroliner,
British Aerospace Jetstream 31 & 41 , Dornier 228, and some Cessna Conguests and Piper
Cheyennes, etc.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 147
(Chap 4 Speed, Altitude & Jet J
1. ENGINE START OVERVIEW During STARTING it is very important to pull plenty of air
through the engine by spooling up to typically 12o/o compressor speed before introducing fuel (also
make sure you don't have a 20 knot tailwind blowing up your butt). Adding fuel at a lower than
recommended RPM, before enough air is moving through the engine, and it can burn out of control,
e.g., ''hot start." An overtemp during engine start happens extremely fast and can be breathtakingly
expensive. Eye blinking is NOT allowed during starting. If a hot start does occur, normal procedure is
to immediately cut off the fuel supply and continue motoring over the engine with the igniters off in order
to dissipate the excess fuel and heat. If you catch it quick enough, you might still have a job. Once
again, do NOT attempt a start with a significant tail wind. An electric starter motor rotates smaller
engines while large engines use a pneumatic starter driven by high-pressure air from an APU or GPU.
a. Start switch ON starts the engine turning air is drawn through the compressor
section where it is compressed and introduced to the combustion chamber.
b. When enough compressed air is contained in the combustion chamber, usually at about 1Oo/o to
12°/o N1 (low-pressure compressor RPM), fuel is introduced and the ''igniters'' ''light off'' the
mixture of compressed air and fuel.
c. After ''light off," engine RPM accelerates dramatically as the hot gases travel towards the
exhaust (tailpipe) section while driving the turbine section which turns the compressor section
even faster, which sucks in and compresses more and more air, which burns quicker (and
hotter), spinning the turbine (and compressor) section ever faster until the engine stabilizes at
normal idle speed.
d. Once the ''igniters'' start the fire, ignition is normally self-sustaining like a blowtorch.
a. Introducing too much fuel too early in the start process, before enough air is compressed in
the combustion chamber (RPM below 10°/o to 12o/o ), causes the burning gas temperatures to
rise extremely rapidly. Airflow through the engine may be insufficient to maintain EGT
temperatures within start limits.
b. For example, the Dassault Falcon 20 Fanjet with GE 700 engines uses the N1 gauge for RPM
during start. At 1Oo/o to 12°/o N1, fuel is introduced with the power lever if 20°/o N1 is reached
before 500° EGT then you'll probably have a normal start. However, if that 500° EGT is
reached before the 20o/o N1 RPM is reached expect the classic ''HOT START'' to develop
within the next two nanoseconds!
c. As another indicator, these higher than normal EGT start temperatures can be expected to
follow a few nanoseconds after the observation of a higher than normal fuel flow.
d. Of course, attempting a start with a significant TAILWIND could ensure a ''hot start'' even if
everything else has been done perfectly.
e. If a hot start does occur, normal procedure is to immediately (if not sooner) CUT OFF the FUEL
supply and CONTINUE MOTORING over (turning) the engine with the igniters off in order to
dissipate the excess fuel and heat.
a. Light-off occurs, but the engine stabilizes or "hangs'' below starter cutoff speed usually at a
higher than normal temperature. Caused by insufficient airflow due to high altitude or hot day
low-density air; inefficient compression; or low starter rpms.
b. Higher than normal EGT temperatures result from a lack of cooling air.
c. Do NOT attempt to accelerate the engine by adding more fuel. More fuel will only result in
higher temperatures due to lack of airflow for cooling.
d. SHUTDOWN ENGINE using "Hung Start" procedures GET MECHANIC GO TO LUNCH.
a. Light-off does NOT occur within a reasonable amount of time (a few seconds), and the pilot
continues turning the engine ... copious amounts of fuel will collect in the burner can.
b. If light-off eventually does occur, a brief but very spectacular exhaust flame will get the attention
of everyone on the ramp. It'd be a real bummer if one of those people were your boss!
• When available, it's always preferable to use the aircraft's onboard APU or a GPU to supply electricity for
% starting. Frequent ''Battery Starts'' are bad for the engines, batteries, and the starter motors themselves.
: A ''COOL START'' requires batteries that are fully healthy and fully charged.
Batteries, especially weak batteries, do not supply as much RPM (for cooling air) as an APU or GPU.
FUEL Terminology:
1. FCU fuel ~ontrol Y.nit automatically increases and decreases fuel flow according to demand. An
extremely expensive air/fuel weighing machine that meters fuel to the burner can based on weight to
produce a 15:1 ratio between air and fuel ensuring proper combustion. Other variations: FADEC full
,Authority Q.igital ,5ngine ~ontrol; EEC ,51ectronic ,5ngine ~ontrol; ECU ,51ectronic ~ontrol Y.nits; and
HMU J:::lydro.Mechanical Y.nit.
2. JET PUMP A fuel pump with no moving parts. Operates solely by the suction of a low-pressure area
created by a venturi effect within the pump. This ''venturi effect'' is created by passing high-pressure
fuel from an electric (or engine-driven) fuel pump through an orifice.
A jet pump can be used to:
a. Remove fuel vapor before fuel enters a fuel control unit;
b. Provide a constant flow to the main fuel pumps;
c. Maintain "collector" or "feeder" tanks at their appropriate levels;
d. Return unneeded (bypass) fuel to a fuel tank from an electric pump or Fuel Control Unit.
3. ''!'' HANDLE For many aircraft the "T" handle is primary for engine fire control as it activates the
main fuel shut-off valve to the affected engine. Some aircraft also use it to cut off the supply of
hydraulic fluid, close the bleed-air valve, activate a feathering mechanism, disconnect the generator,
and arm the fire extinguishing system. Quite a handy little handle!
4. Fuel TYPES:
• Jet A Kerosene grade, by far the most common (in the U.S.)(more energy/gallon than Jet B).
• Jet B Blend of gasoline and kerosene (although somewhat interchangeable with Jet A, may
require fuel control adjustments.
Jet A-1 (Avtar) Developed for operations in extremely low temperatures. Interchangeable
and compatible with Jet A.
HYDRAULIC Terminology:
1. ACCUMULATOR A device that stores hydraulic pressure usually through the use of
piston and cylinder or sometimes with a rubber diaphragm. One side of the piston or
diaphragm is pressurized with compressed nitrogen and the other side with hydraulic
pressure. When hydraulic fluid is pumped into its side of the accumulator, the partition moves over and
acts to increase the pre load pressure of the nitrogen. The pressure of the nitrogen holds pressure
against the uncompressible hydraulic fluid and acts as a shock absorber and a supplementary source
of hydraulic power when large demands are placed on the system.
2. Hydraulic Pump CAVITATION Most often occurs because the hydraulic reservoir has been
allowed to get too low or sometimes can be due to foaming of the fluid. Air is sucked into the
hydraulic pump, and it becomes unable to pump the hydraulic fluid. If the pump continues to operate
without the lubrication of the fluid, it will eventually overheat and fail.
3. Hydraulic FUSE Automatically cuts off the flow of hydraulic fluid if a line should break and the
flow of fluid becomes excessive. This device will prevent a catastrophic loss of all fluid.
AVIONICS Terminology:
1. FLIGHT DIRECTOR Computes and indicates on the attitude indicator with the use of ''Command
Bars'' the aircraft attitude required to obtain and/or maintain a pre-selected heading, altitude, route or
approach profile.
2. RNAV (AB.EA NAVIGATION) Includes INS, LORAN, VOR/DME, and GPS systems. Some multi-
sensor systems can integrate one or more of the above systems to provide a more accurate and reliable
system. Most can compute distance, bearing, track, ground speed, nearest airport and virtually
anything else needed for navigation.
3. INS (Inertial .tfavigation .§.ystem) Totally self-contained, requiring no information from external
references. Aligned with exact position information prior to departure. Provide aircraft position and
navigation information in response to signals resulting from inertial effects on components within the on
board system using accelerometers mounted on a gyro-stabilized unit (and a little bit of magic!). (AC 65-15A)
4. IRS (Inertial B.eference .§.ystem) The modern version of INS that uses internal lasers and GPS to
provide better integration into the Flight Management System (FMS).
5. FMS (flight ,Management .§.ystem) A computer system that uses a large database to allow routes to
be preprogrammed and fed into the system by means of a data loader. The system is constantly
updated with respect to position accuracy by reference to conventional navigation aids (GPS, VOR,
DME, etc). The sophisticated program and its associated database ensure that the most appropriate
aids are automatically selected during the information update cycle. Slave this baby to the autopilot, sit
back and watch the show (and hope you programmed it correctly!).
6. EFIS (,51ectronic flight Instrumentation .§.ystem) A digital information video display system using
CRTs or LCDs to present flight information that would normally be displa ed on conventional electro-
mechanical instrumentation. '
Additional EFIS terminology:
_. PFD frimary flight Q.isplay
_. MFD ,Multi-function Q.isplay
_. ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor
- - - -
Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator
- - - -
Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator
- - - -
,5ngine Indication and .Qrew Alerting .§.ystem
7. ACARS (Aircraft .Qommunications Addressing and B.eporting .§.ystem) A two-way communications
link between an aircraft in flight and the aircraft company's ground facility. Aircraft flight data is
transmitted to the ground facility and information from the ground can be transmitted to the aircraft and
printed out and/or displayed on an LED or LCD screen.
8. GPWS (~round froximity Warning .§.ystem) A system designed to alert pilots when they are in close
proximity to the ground. Visual and aural warnings are provided which advise the pilot of the
recommended action. Some of the most famous computer-generated words are ''SINK RATE, SINK
RATE,'' ''TERRAIN, TERRAIN,'' and the ever-popular ''Whoop! Whoop! PULL UP!''
9. Static wick, static discharger, bonding strap A device attached to an aircraft control surface to
discharge built-up static electricity. Some dischargers use carbon-impregnated cotton wicks while
others use needle sharp points or flexible metal braid. Static electricity can cause radio interference.
Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System ''TCAS'' (1 .1, 91 .221 , 135.1ao, 121 .356)
Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, after December 31, 1995, no person may operate a
turbine powered airplane that has a passenger seat configuration, excluding any pilot seat, of 10 to 30
seats unless it is equipped with an approved Iraffic alert and .Qollision Avoidance .§.ystem .
••• Each PIC who
TCAS I means a TCAS that utilizes interrogations of, and replies from, airborne radar •
•• deviates from a
beacon transponders and provides traffic advisories to the pilot. : clearance in
: response to a TCAS
TCAS 11 means a TCAS that utilizes interrogations of, and replies from airborne radar : advisory shall notify
beacon transponders and provides traffic advisories and resolution advisories in :• ATC as soon as
the vertical plane. :. possible. (91.123)
NOTE: ''Mode S'' transponders are reguired.
TCAS Ill means a TCAS that utilizes interrogation of, and replies from, airborne radar beacon transponders
and provides traffic advisories and resolution advisories in the vertical and horizontal planes to the
pilot. NOTE: ''Mode S'' transponders are reguired.
Accelerate to Maintain ~ • • •
Maintain VFS ~e~•• •
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Large rocks, trees, buildings, schools, hospitals, etc .
: Balanced ••
•• • •
• Field Length :
154 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(Chap 4 Speed, Altitude & Jet)
BALANCED FIELD LENGTH The runway length (or runway plus clearway and/or stopway) where,
for the takeoff weight, the engine-out accelerate-go distance eguals the accelerate-stop distance. The
minimum runway length that can be used for takeoff. For jet aircraft, balanced field length starts at brake
release and assuming failure of the critical engine below V1 STOP on the remaining runway and/or
stopway if engine failure happens at V1 continue the TAKEOFF and climb to 35 feet AGL (dry
runway). This altitude may be reduced to 15 feet AGL for a wet runway. Essentially the same as
TAKEOFF DISTANCE. (25.113, AC 120-62, FAA-H-8083-25)
CRITICAL FIELD LENGTH The minimum runway length (or runway plus clearway and/or
stopway) reguired for a specific takeoff weight. This distance may be the longer of the balanced field
length, 115°/o of the all engine takeoff distance, or established by other limitations such as maintaining V 1 to
be less than or equal to VR. (AC 120-62)
STO PWA Y An area beyond the end of the runway, at least as wide as the runway and centered along
the extended center line of the runway, able to support the airplane during an aborted takeoff without
causing structural damage to the airplane, and designated by the authorities for use in decelerating the
airplane during an aborted takeoff. (1.1)
CLEARWAY For turbine-engine-powered airplanes certificated after August 29, 1959, a clearway is an
area beyond the runway, not less than 500 feet wide, centrally located about the extended centerline of
the runway and under the control of the airport authorities. The clearway is expressed in terms of a
clearway plane, extending from the end of the runway with an upward slope not exceeding 1.25o/o
(121/2 feet UP per 1,000 feet FORWARD), above which no object nor any terrain protrudes. However,
threshold lights may protrude above the plane if their height above the end of the runway is 26 inches or
less and if they are located to each side of the runway. (1.1, AC 25-?A)
SCREEN HEIGHT Minimum height that must be achieved before the end of the clearway should an
engine failure occur at V 1. Screen height also defines the end of the takeoff distance. Required screen
height for turbine aircraft is 35 feet DRY or 15 feet WET. The height of an imaginary screen which the
airplane would just clear at the end of the runway, or runway and clearway, in an unbanked attitude with
the landing gear extended.
CRITICAL ENGINE The engine whose failure would most adversely affect the performance or
handling gualities of an aircraft.
-- -- --
-- -- -- "screen height"
35 ft
TAKEOFF Distance
•···········~ ···· ······ ··· ···· ·~ -·~ ··· ·· · ·· · ······· ···· ··· · · ·~ ··················~ · ·· · ·· ·· · ·· · · ·· · ·· ··· ·· ·· ···· ····· ·· · ·· · · ·~··· ·····~· ·· · · ·~· · ····· ·· ···· ·· ··········~ ···· ····· ··· · ···· ·~ ··· ··· ·· · ·· · ······· · •
-- -- ..
TAKEOFF Distance - ALL ENGINES Operating
-- -- -- --
-- -- -- t
-- -- -- 35 ft
-- -- -- i
START (Wet) V1
Accelerate-STOP Distance
• Accelerate-STOP - Accelerate to V1, then stop on the runway or stopway, plus a distance equivalent to
• 2 seconds of travel at V1 , to account for pilot reaction time. A lower V1 is used to establish wet runway accelerate-
: stop distance. Wet runway standards allow the use of reverse thrust when defining accelerate-stop distance.
Accelerate-GO Distance:
VLOF 35 ft (Dry}
-- -- 15 ft (Wet)
-- -- -- --
-- -- --
Accelerate-GO Distance
.. ............................................................................................ _
: DRY-Runway Accelerate-GO Distance traveled to a point 35 feet above the runway or clearway.
: WET-Runway Accelerate-GO Distance traveled to a point 15 feet above the runway or clearway.
: A lower V 1 is used when establishing wet-runway accelerate-go distance. The lower V 1 and a 15 foot
: ''screen height'' is a balance of risks ; the risk of going off the end of the runway is reduced ,
however the risk of scraping a rock or tree during the initial climb is increased.
:···· · ·· ··· · ····· · ····· · ·~· · ····· ·~ ·· ·········· ···~·· · ·· ······. : Rejected TakeOff overrun
~ As speed approa~hes V 1 , the ~ ;;cidents princlPally come
: successful completion of an RTO ~ 0
; becomes increasingly more difficult. : from the 2 Yo of the RTOs that
·. l are initiated at high speed
1 (above 120 kts).
TAKEOFF RUN is the GREATER of the two profiles depicted below: • ......,.._ _:111-.i!_ _~~malll~----~
-- -- -- -- ~-
35 ft
'· e~&.&a.a-e . A • .a ............._........ a .L a.• - -·• a.a.e~a.•A .... a .-.a ._........_
-- -- -- MID'i-OINT
-- •••••••••••
Ground Roll
TAKEOFF Distance
............ •
•· · ······ · ······ · ·· · ····· · ····· · ············· · · ~·~ ········· · ··
• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••• • ••••••••••••• •••••
• : Most RTO overrun accidents have occurred on
:• Speedbrakes are critically important during runways where the airplane was not at a limit
:• an RTO event because they destroy lift and takeoff weight. In other words, most accidents
i• increase vertical load on the wheels which occurred on runways that were longer than
~ greatly increases braking capability. requ ired for the actual takeoff weight.
• ..__..lllllallililiti:ldilllllilolili~~~-.r.;*'lollli:illa.'ll..,_lllllllilll~
-- -- -- -MIDPOINT
1.15 x Distance to MIDPOINT
TAKEOFF RUN - Required Runway
NET TAKEOFF FLIGHT PATH The actual (gross) takeoff flight path of an aircraft as
determined during certification trials and reduced by a factor of 0.8°/o (8 feet UP per 1,000 feet
FORWARD) for twin-engine aircraft. This ''fudge factor'' is built in to assure that a crew with average flying
skills and average aircraft performance will achieve at least the net takeoff flight path or better. Net takeoff
flight path is used to determine regulatory compliance with reguired climb gradients. Actual (gross)
flight path is determined during certification. Net takeoff flight path is the actual (gross) flight path reduced
by 0.8o/o. Net takeoff flight path must also allow the aircraft to CLEAR ALL OBSTACLES by 35 feet
vertically, or by 200 feet horizontally within the airport boundaries or 300 feet horizontally after passing
the airport boundaries. ''Takeoff FLIGHT path'' begins at 35 feet above the takeoff surface.
''Takeoff path'' begins from a standing start and extends to at least 1500 feet above the surface. (25.111)
:• Balanced ••
• • •
• Field Length :
••••••• ?-·::..-·
••• ••
~ ..
' '
1. It must be demonstrated that the net flight path will have a positive gradient at 1,500 feet above the
airport at which the aircraft is to be landed after the engine failure; AND
2. Twin-engine airplanes must operate within one hour's flight time (threshold time) at single-engine
cruise speed from an adeguate airport unless specifically approved by the proper authority for an
increased threshold time. Basically that means ETOPS approval E,xtended-range !win-engine
OPeration.§. (aka ER-OPS, aka E,ngines !urning Qr fassengers .§.wimming). (121 .162)
(!ake-Qff & banding Q.ata)
(Front) (Back)
p T.O. 10° FLAP 25° FLAP p T.O.
V2 0 VAc 0
w M.C.
w M.C.
- - - - - - - - - - - 1 LENGTH:
Restrict airflow (tip vortex) around the wing tips, therefore improving lift, fuel economy, and aircraft
performance especially at high altitudes. Acts as a dam which helps to restrict a portion of the normal tip
vortex (wake turbulence) from forming.
DUTCH ROLL FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25, AC 23-88, AC 25-?A, and Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators:
''A combination of rolling and yawing oscillations that normally occurs when the dihedral effects of an aircraft are
more powerful than the directional stability. Usually dynamically stable but objectionable in an airplane because of
the oscillatory nature."
AC 61-107A- Operations of Aircraft at Altitudes Above 25,000 Feet -A coupled oscillation in roll and yaw that
becomes objectionable when roll , or lateral stability is reduced in comparison with yaw or directional stability. A
stability augmentation system (yaw damper) is required to be installed on the aircraft to dampen the Dutch roll
tendency when it is determined to be objectionable, or when it adversely affects the control stability requirements for
certification. Swept wing jet aircraft are especially prone to serious Dutch roll and therefore are almost always
equipped with a yaw damper.
YAW DAMPER a gyro operated stability augmentation autocontrol system installed to automatically provide
immediate rudder input when necessary to aid in canceling out yaw tendencies such as those of ''Dutch roll."
Basically an autopilot for the rudder that automatically cancels out yaw so you can keep your feet on the floor. Early
type (Parallel) yaw dampers are required to be off during takeoff and landing because they deflect the pedals,
increase pedal force and can make matters worse in case of engine failure. More modern (Series) dampers do not
deflect the pedals, pedal forces do not change, and are normally safe to use for takeoff, landing, crosswind landings,
as well as engine out scenarios.
.. ..••
•• ••
• •~
•• -..
-•• •
.-• • ,.. "'
[> ,. '• •
Your friendly airport ''NEIGHBOR'' (who just bought a house near the airport)
discussing your last takeoff with the airport manager.
0 - -·- ·
AlrtJne n anaport
Pilot and
For Airptane
Practical Test
--- ·--
PTS (Practical Test Standards) to be replaced by -
ACS (Airman Certification Standards). Example:
V. Perfonnance Maneuvers
Task A. Steel!_ Tun 1s
Refere11ce FM-H-8083-3, POH/AFM
Objective To detern1ine the appijcant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, skills and risk management
• - •~ ...I . .•
The applicant den1onstrates the ab1lrty to identify. assess and mitigate risks,
enconipassing :
1. Dividing attention between a~ane control and orientation. PAVAR1
Risk 2 Task management. PA V.A R2
Managem ent 3. Energy mana emenl PAV.AR3
4. Stall/spin awareness. PA.V.A.R4
Management 5. Situational awareness. PA.V.AR5
Handbook") 6. Rate and radius of turn with confined area operations. PA.V.ARG
Applicable ACS:
f rivate Pilot Airplane PA. ~11.B.~4· -.......... Element:
Area of Operation:
z ' !- Right-of-way rules
i- Traffit Patterns
.0 IN a P\11!11 it
I ,,,.. • 'I -' -
1. Category (1 .1) - As used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means a grouping of aircraft based upon
intended use or operating limitations. Examples include:
a. Transport - If an airplane cannot qualify under Normal, Utility, Aerobatic, Commuter, Primary, or under a
Special FAR such as SFAR 41 ; then it is certified in the Transport category.
Rule of thumb - if it's over 12,500 Lbs and is a turbojet, it will be certified in the Transport category (CE-550,
CE-560). If it's a turbojet that requires two pilots it's Transport category (usually)(CE-500). A single-pilot
turbojet is normally certified in the Normal category (CE-501, CE-551 ). Turboprops weighing 19,000 Lbs or
less, or having 19 or fewer seats can be certified under SFAR 41(over12,500 Lbs), Transport category, or in
the Commuter category. You must check the type certificate data sheet to be certain. Generally, anything over
19,000 Lbs is going to be certified in the Transport category.
b. Large Nontransport - Large airplanes (over 12,500 Lbs MTOW) certified before the establishment of the
Transport category (July 1, 1942) and not modified and recertified in the Transport category. Only three of
these airplanes are still in active service - Lockheed 18 (Lodestar), Curtis C-46, and DC-3. These airplanes
may only be operated in passenger carrying service if they have been recertified in the Transport category.
c. Commuter - 19 seats or less (excluding pilot seats), 19,000 Lbs or less. Limited to multiengine airplanes.
(stalls, steep turns, bank angle not more than 60°)
d. Normal - 9 seats or less (excluding pilot seats), 12,500 Lbs or less.
A single-pilot turbojet (e.g. CE-501, CE-551) will also be certified in the normal category. (normal non-aerobatic
operations including stalls, steep turns, angle of bank not more than 60°, +3.8Gs to -1.52Gs)
e. Utility - 9 seats or less (excluding pilot seats), 12,500 Lbs or less, intended for limited aerobatics. (spins if
approved, angle of bank not more than 90°, +4.4Gs to -1.76Gs)
f. Acrobatic - 9 seats or less (excluding pilot seats), 12,500 Lbs or less, (+6.0Gs to -3.00Gs)
g. Primary- Single engine or unpowered, Vso under 61 kts, 4 seats or less. (21.24)
h. Limited - Generally surplus WWII military aircraft (no persons or property for hire)(21.189, 91.315)
i. Restricted - Agricultural , pipeline patrol, aerial advertising, etc.(no persons or property for hire)(21.25)
J. Experimental - Amateur built or military surplus. (no persons or property for hire )(21.191)
k. Provisional (Provisionally certificated) - Aircraft in the process of receiving a type certificate or an
amendment to an existing type certificate. (no persons or property for hire )(21.213, 91.317)
2. Class (1 .1) - As used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means a broad grouping of aircraft having similar
characteristics of propulsion, flight, or landing. Examples include:
Airplane, Rotorcraft, Glider, Balloon, Landplane, and Seaplane.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
:•it a Part 91 pilot has NOT accomplished the 6 approaches, holding, etc., within the first 6 months, the
: pilot is no longer legal to file /FR. To become legal again, the rules allow a second 6-month ''grace
: period,'' during which a pilot may get current by flying with an appropriately rated ''safety pilot,'' and in
: simulated IFR conditions only, acquire the 6 approaches, etc. If the second 6-month period also passes
: without the minimum, the pilot can only get current by accomplishing an ''instrument proficiency check''
: given by an examiner, an authorized instructor, or a person FAA-approved to conduct instrument
: practical tests (designated pilot examiner). (61 .51 , 61.57, 91 .109)
•• ··········································································~~
: The INSTRUMENT experience CURRENCY requirements of 61.57(c) (i.e., 6 months; 6 approaches;
: holding; and intercepting and tracking courses), DO NOT APPL Yto a Pilot In Command who is
• employed by a Part 121 or Part 135 air carrier while flying under Part 91, 121, or 135 for that air
•• carrier [61.57(e)(2), 121.401, 121 .441, 135.301(a)].
: IN OTHER WORDS A PIC for a Part 121 or Part 135 air carrier, who has a current PIC check, and
: while flying under Part 91, 121, or 135 for that air carrier, is legal (i.e., instrument current) for
: 7 months (under the ''grace month'' provisions of 121.401 and 135.301) even if he or she has not
: done a single instrument procedure (aside from the checkride) during that 7-month period. Please
: note once again that this person is only legal during that 7th month while flying under Part 91, 121, or
• From an FAA Legal Opinion dated October 29, 1992 - "The FAA has consistently interpreted the grace
• month provisions for Part 121 and Part 135 [and 61.58(i)] to allow crewmembers to fU! for up to one month
• following the calendar month in which a check is required." " ... a pilot would NOT be held in violation for
• operations in which he served during the grace month should he fail to comply with the proficiency check
• requirement during that grace month." "The fact that your company will purposely allow your currency
• requirement to lapse does NOT prevent the grace month provision of 135.301 (a) from applying."
• IN OTHER WORDS- The regulatory effect is the same as i! the check is accomplished (or not
accomplished) in the month due (aka base month).
SAFETY PILOT: [91 .109(b), 61 .51 , 61 .56, FAA Legal Interpretations June 24, 1991 & January 23, 2013]
1. Must be at least a Private Pilot with category (i.e., airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air, or
powered-lift) & class (i.e., single-engine land, single-engine sea, multi-engine land, multi-engine sea)
ratings appropriate for the aircraft and have a current medical. NOTE The rotorcraft category has
two classes: helicopter and gyroplane.
2. A current flight review is necessary only if the safety pilot has agreed to be the ACTING PIC.
3. Three takeoffs and landings in the past 90 days would only be necessary if the safety pilot has agreed
to be the ACTING PIC and passengers will be onboard.
4. A ''complex," ''high performance," ''high altitude," or ''tailwheel'' endorsement is NOT necessary
unless the safety pilot has agreed to be the ACTING PIC.
5. An instrument rating is not necessary unless the flight is conducted under IFR and the safety pilot
agrees to be the ACTING PIC (the safety pilot's name would have to be on the flight plan).
6. !f the safety pilot has the necessary endorsements and agrees to be the ACTING PIC, both pilots
may log PIC time while the flying pilot is "under-the-hood" and is the "sole manipulator of the controls"
(FM legal opinion).
7. In another truly stunning display of bureaucratic double-talk FM legal interpretation dated January
23, 2013 states: '' ... Because the aircraft is type certificated for a single pilot, and because the operation
does not require a designated SIC (e.g. an operation conducted under 14 C.F.R. § 135.101 which
requires an SIC under IFR), [Pilot B] is a safety pilot and not an SIC. [*1] This does not preclude the
safety pilot from logging time as SIC, however. See Legal Interpretation to Ted Louis Glenn , from
Rebecca B. MacPherson, Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations (December 1, 2009) (stating a pilot
may log SIC time for the portion of the flight during which she was acting as safety pilot because the
pilot was a required flight crew member for that portion of the flight under§ 91.109(b ). )''
8. If the pilot under the hood is logging the time for instrument currency, the NAME of the safety pilot
must be noted in that pilot's logbook.
: This is the way I would'a wrote the reg.
•• An approved ''Company Flight
•• Manual'' (CFM) may be
•• accepted by the FAA as a
: substitute for an approved
: Airplane Flight Manual.
: If an approved Company Flight
: Manual is on board, it is not
: required to also carry an
·, approved Airplane Flight Manual.
Unless sooner surrendered. suspended, revoked, or a termination dale i s otherwise established by the Admini strator,
th.isaitworthiness cerliricate is effective as l ong as the maintenance . preventative maintenance. and alterations are petformed
in aocordance \'\ith Parts 2 1. 43, and 9 1 of the Federal Aviation ReguJations. as appropriate. and the aircraft is regi stered in
the United Stat9s..
Operating Limitations
Thi s certificate must
be in the ai-tcraft
Weight & Balance data
vlhen operated
A FMs are required for all airplanes
REGISTRATION MARKS N 4823U 341 certificated in the transport category.
DASSAULT DA·20F All aircraft manufactured after
ICAO Aircraft Address Code: 513788
I Thi s certificate i s March 1, 1979 must have an AFM .
s LENGEL WORLD AIRLINES issued foe registra·
tion putposes o~y
s 1223 RIVERSIDE DRIVE and i s not a certifi·
u CHARLOTTE NC 28214 cate of tilile. The
E Federal Avi ation
D Administration does
not determine f ights
of ovmership as
belween private : Aircraft registration must be
~ rsons .
renewed every 3 years. (47.40)
1. B.adio permit (FCC license) FCC Form 605 NOT required for operations WITHIN the U.S. but IS
required for operations OUTSIDE the U.S. (ICAO rules). A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit
is good for life. Call the FCC at 888-225-5322 ( for a copy of the form and the current fee.
2. f.ilots certificate in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft the original only
- a copy will not do and a PHOTO IDENTIFICATION such as driver's license, Government or
State ID card, U.S. Armed Forces ID, Passport, Airport Security Badge, or "other form of
identification that the Administrator finds acceptable. " (61.3)
3. ,Medical in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft the original only. (61.3)
Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Communications Commission
This certifies thal (/uN name and addres s):
Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit
Richard Flyanything Lengel
1223 Riverside Drive
!Richard Flyanything Lengel! is authorized to Charlotte, NC 28214
operate any radio station which may be operated by C ate of Birth Heiqht We]Sjit Hair
~· Sex
a person holding this class of license. This permit is 4/14/XX 68 175 Brn Blue M
issued in conformity with Paragraphs 3454 and 3945 Has meet the medical standards prescribed in part 67, Federal Aviation
.......... ...................·.
for the lifetime of the holder unless suspended by the ",,.~ rd• ~"'llU auu Iii' ~E "'"'-"' tna O'
c : Medical not required
0 •• for Sport Pilot
. .
~ ~
Date ol Examination Examiner's Designation No.
01 /08/20.XX 07253-3
Each person who holds an AIRMAN CERTIFICATE, MEDICAL certificate, LOGBOOK, authorization, or license
required by this part must present it for inspection upon a request from:
1. The Administrator;
2. An authorized representative of the NTSB;
3. Any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer; or
4. An authorized representative of the Transportation Security Administration.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 175
(chap 5 - Certificates, Logging, Medical & Drugs)
§ 61.51 Pilot logbooks:
(a) Training time and aeronautical experience. Each person must document and record the
following time in a manner acceptable to the Administrator:
(1) Training and aeronautical experience used to meet the requirements for a certificate,
rating , or flight review of this part.
(2) The aeronautical experience required for meeting the recent flight experience requirements of this part.
(b) Logbook entries. For the purposes of meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, each person must enter the following
information for each flight or lesson logged:
(1) General-
(i) Date.
(ii) Total flight time or lesson time.
(iii) Location where the aircraft departed and arrived, or for lessons in a flight simulator or flight training device, the location
where the lesson occurred .
(iv) Type and identification of aircraft, flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation training device, as appropriate.
(v) The name of a safety pilot, if required by §91 .109(b) of this chapter. • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..-.
(2) Type of pilot experience or training- • Flight time (1 .1) means: pilot time
(i) Solo. % that commences when an aircraft
(ii) Pilot in command . • moves under its own power for the
(iii) Second in command . : purpose of flight and ends when the
(iv) Flight and ground training received from an authorized instructor. • aircraft comes to rest after landing ;
(v) Training received in a flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation training • aka block-to-block.
device from an authorized instructor.
(3) Conditions of flight-
-.........--· ...... ............................................. . ....
: Day, night, or instrument are conditions of flight. They may be logged by both
(i) Day or night. : the PIC and SIC regardless of who is actually manipulating the controls.
(ii) Actual instrument. ...._.""""11¥111¥1lllfllli¥!iflfN11¥1..........1i11111"""....................""".........."""'"""t1t111.....11111111fllfN'illlllllfalll¥a111111111
(iii) Simulated instrument conditions in flight, a flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation training device.
(iv) Use of night vision goggles in an aircraft in flight, in a flight simulator, or in a flight training device.
(c) Logging of pilot time. The pilot time described in this section may be used to:
(1) Apply for a certificate or rating issued under this part or a privilege authorized under this part; or
(2) Satisfy the recent flight experience requirements of this part.
(d) Logging of solo flight time. Except for a student pilot performing the duties of pilot in command of an airship requiring more than one
pilot flight crewmember, a pilot may log as solo flight time only that flight time when the pilot is the sole occupant of the aircraft.
(e) Logging Pilot-In-Command flight time.
(1) A sport, recreational, private, commercial , or airline transport pilot may log pilot in command flight time for flights-
(i) When the pilot is the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated , or has sport pilot privileges
for that category and class of aircraft, if the aircraft class rating is appropriate;
(ii) When the pilot is the sole occupant in the aircraft;
(iii) When the pilot, except for a holder of a sport or recreational pilot certificate, acts as pilot in command of an aircraft for
which more than one pilot is required under the type certification of the aircraft Q[ the regulations under which the flight
is conducted; or
(iv) When the pilot performs the duties of PIC while under the supervision of a qualified pilot in command provided-
(A) The pilot performing the duties of pilot in command holds a commercial or airline transport pilot certificate and aircraft
rating that is appropriate to the category and class of aircraft being flown, if a class rating is appropriate;
(B) The pilot performing the duties of pilot in command is undergoing an approved pilot in command training program
that includes ground and flight training on the following areas of operation-( 1 ) Preflight preparation; ( 2) Preflight
procedures; ( 3) Takeoff and departure; ( 4) In-flight maneuvers; ( 5) Instrument procedures; ( 6) Landings and
approaches to landings; ( 7) Normal and abnormal procedures; ( 8) Emergency procedures; and ( 9) Postflight
(C) The supervising pilot in command holds-
( 1 ) A commercial pilot certificate and flight instructor certificate, and aircraft rating that is appropriate to the
category, class, and type of aircraft being flown , if a class or type rating is required ; Q[
( 2 ) An airline transport pilot certificate and aircraft rating that is appropriate to the category, class, and type of
aircraft being flown , if a class or type rating is required ; and
(D) The supervising pilot in command logs the pilot in command training in the pilot's logbook, certifies the pilot in
command training in the pilot's logbook and attests to that certification with his or her signature, and flight
instructor certificate number.
(2) If rated to act as pilot in command of the aircraft, an airline transport pilot may log all flight time while acting as pilot in command of
an operation requiring an airline transport pilot certificate.
(3) A certificated flight instructor may log pilot in command flight time for all flight time while serving as the authorized
instructor in an operation if the instructor is rated to act as pilot in command of that aircraft.
(4) A student pilot may log pilot-in-command time only when the student pilot-
(i) Is the sole occupant of the aircraft or is performing the duties of pilot of command of an airship requiring more than one pilot
• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
flight crewm~mber; . . : Under appropriate circumstances, both the
(~~~ Has a solo.flight ~~dorseme~t as re~~1red unde~ §61.87 of this part; and • CFI and the student may log PIC time.
(111) Is undergoing tra1n1ng for a pilot cert1f1cate or rating. .._...i#;MlwMWWMWMWWMWM~w...
(f) Logging Second-In-Command flight time. A person may log SIC time only for that flight time during which that person :
(1) Is qualified in accordance with the second-in-command requirements of §61.55 of this part, and occupies a crewmember station
in an aircraft that requires more than one pilot by the aircraft's type certificate; or
(2) Holds the appropriate category, class, and instrument rating (if an instrument rating is required for the flight) for the aircraft being
flown , and more than one pilot is required under the type certification of the aircraft Q! the regulations under which the flight
is being conducted . •............. ............... .. .................. ..... ...... . . . . ........................................................ ..-. ..........................................
~ "Regardless of who is manipulating the controls during an instructional flight, the CFI is
: always deemed to be the PIC. It makes no difference what level of proficiency a student
~ may have attained, the flight instructor is still the PIC." (Admin . v. Hamre, NTSB precedent)
•·-._llllllMlllMlldllllllllllllll,,,_......._.._.._..............................._.._........._...~..............- .
Answer: WRONG!
1. The Navajo does not require two pilots by regulation for most (Part 91) applications. The King Air 90
series (and most other King Airs except the King Air 300 or the King Air 350 with more than 9 seats) and
the Citation(SP)(.§.ingle f.ilot) jet do not REQUIRE more than one pilot under the TYPE CERT/FICA TE
of the aircraft OR the REGULATIONS (Part 91) under which most flights will be conducted [61.51 (f)].
2. You canNOT log it as SIC time, but you can log at least some of it (in Navajo size aircraft and most
King Airs, but not the jet) as PIC time if the pilot who is ACTING as PIC allows you to be the ''sole
manipulator of the controls'' [61.51 (e)(1 )(i)] for a portion of a flight (as long as the flight is being
operated under Part 91 rules). It doesn't matter if passengers are on board or not. Training would be
desirable but not legally required in order to LOG PIC time. There's no need to have ever flown a
King Air before; or to be endorsed for complex, high performance, or high altitude ... or even to be
current (3 bounces in 90 days or biennial). Requirements for endorsements and currency only pertain
to the pilot who is ACTING as PIC. In this scenario the acting PIC would not necessarily be ''legal'' to
log any pilot time while you are the "sole manipulator" because more than one pilot is not required by
the type certification or the regulations [61.51(e)(1 )(iii)]. See NOTE #1 below.
3. If you are rated in the airplane (category, class, and type), and you are the sole manipulator of the
controls, then you may log that time as PIC. It is possible for more than one person to legally LOG
PIC during the same flight but only !1 more than one pilot is required under the type certification of
the aircraft or the regulations under which the flight is conducted [61.51(e)(1)(iii)]. Only one person
may actually legally BE the PIC and ACT as the official PIC responsible for the flight.
4. You canNOT LOG PIC time in an aircraft that requires a type rating IF YOU DON'T HAVE a TYPE
RATING (however you may be able to log it as SIC time see NOTE #2 below).
5. If the flight is being operated under Part 135 rules, and on a Part 135 "leg" (passengers or freight on
board), you are not allowed to ''manipulate the controls'' at all, and you cannot log any of the time
as PIC (or SIC) UNLESS you are company trained, flight checked and ''REQUIRED'' by FAA
''regulations.'' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: NOTE #1 - 61.51 (e)(1 )(iv) does allow logging of PIC time while under the supervision
.• • ••••••••••••••••• : of a ''qualified PIC'' while undergoing an ''approved PIC training program. ''
: NOTE #2:
•• 1. ALL LARGE AIRCRAFT (more than 12,500 lbs max takeoff weight) and ALL JETS require a TYPE RATING
•• and normally require a crew of 2 pilots unless approved for single pilot operations by the FAA during the
•• aircraft certification process .
2. Sometimes a large aircraft is approved for si ngle pilot operation based on the pilot's type rating, e.g.; the King
Air 300, 350, and Beech 1900 all weigh more than 12,500 lbs. If a pilot takes his type rating as a single pilot
• - he can fly those airplanes by himself - If he takes his type ride as part of a crew - he must fly as part
i• 3.
of a crew and mai ntain a current- two pilot 61.58 Pilot In Command Proficiency Check .
The CitationJet ISP I llSP & all CE500 series (CE501) are also certified for si ngle or two-pilot operations .
•• 4. If a pilot with a single pilot type rating is flying any of these aircraft - a .§.econd !n ~o mma nd is not required .
•• 5. Therefore even if you are hired to sit in the right seat, you could NOT log any of the time as SIC. Essentially
•• you are being paid just to look good for the passengers and/or the insurance company .
•• 6. However, for single pilot operations, the type certificates usually require at the very least a working Autopilot,
Flight Director, yoke-mounted Transponder ldent Switch, and a Boom Mike. If any of these items are
:• removed or inop (i.e., MEL'd), a SIC would then be REQUIRED by the type certificate - therefore REQUIRED
by the regulations - which REQUIRE compl iance with the ,Aircraft flight ,Manual and its limitations. Therefore
•• a second pilot would then be '' REQUIRED'' and could legally log SIC time . In this case the PIC must also
have a current-TWO pilot 61.58 PIC Proficiency Check (usually included with the single pilot checkride ) .
: [61.55(g)] The holder of a Commercial or Airline Transport Pilot certificate with the appropriate category
: and class rating is NOT REQUIRED to MEET the TRAINING REQUIREMENTS [of 61.55(b)(2)] provided the
: pilot is conducting a FERRY FLIGHT, aircraft flight test, or evaluation flight of the aircraft's equipment; and
~ is NOT CARRYING any PERSON or PROPERTY on board other than necessary for conduct of the flight.
Just sit over there, keep your mouth shut, and DON'T TOUCH NUTHIN'.
As far as the FAA's concerned, you're just an overpaid sack of meat!
•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
••• ''Sole Manipulator'' Time
•• 1. If you bring along your private pilot buddy (in our
••• hypothetical Navajo/King Air) who doesn't have a
•• multiengine [class] rating and you let him be "sole
•• manipulator of the controls" for a portion of the
0 ••
• flight, he can't log that time because he's not
rated; and [surprise!] technically you can't LOG it
•• • either because you're not manipulating the
•• controls ... therefore you no longer fit any of the
• conditions for logging flight time under 61.51 even
though you're acting as PIC and responsible for
• the operation for the duration of the flight.
. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: Although the proper endorsements (complex, high performance,
: 2.
. FYI - ''Sole manipulator'' PIC time, while
perfectly legal, is not especially valued for the
: high altitude, tailwheel) are required to "act" as PIC, they are purposes of job interviews. They're far more
: not required to "!Qg" PIC if the pilot is appropriately rated interested in ACTING as PIC time.
: [airplane single/multi-engine land, type rating if required]
~ and is the "sole manipulator" of the controls.
·~""""'11¥1¥.i,it;; •························~
•• SIC Time?
: If the PIC chooses to fly a portion of the flight •• Would the PIC be legal (under the
: under a hood , and the second pilot acts as •• FARs) to make this flight if I got
: safety pilot, that person could log it as SIC
: time ... however the FAA "cautions" that logging : sick and didn't show up?
~ SIC time is not the same as acting as SIC. ••
·~~~fAN~lllMIN¥1rAAi¥iA'ANlf.¥.atAN • If the answer is YES then you
• may NOT log SIC time .
~==---:.: ..:-:.:................................ .
: If a corporation requires an SIC, even
: though the plane is type-certificated for
: a single pilot, and neither the
: operation nor the regulations require
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :• two pilots ... the second pilot is ...
: If the PIC of a single-pilot Citation also happened : "not a required flight crewrnember,
: to be a CFI, the second pilot could log some of : and cannot log the time as SIC."
: the time as instructional , cross-country, night ·~lil'Alliil'ilQldlliilt.i~~~'#tJ~'1#~~1/f;N- tii¥i
1111 •: ''SIC Privileges Only''
: A pilot who holds a type rating
: limited to SIC privileges may not log
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • sole manipulator time as PIC time .
• "Regardless of who is manipulating the controls during
: an instructional flight, the CFI is always deemed to be
• the PIC. It makes no difference what level of proficiency
• a student may have attained, the flight instructor is still
the PIC ." (Admin . v. Hamre, NTSB precedent)
Airman Certification Branch
P.O. Box 25082
FAA Oklahoma City, OK 73125
2. Change of address forms are available from the FSDO Form 8060-55.
3. Normally the FAA will not send a new certificate with a change of address.
If you want a new certificate with the new address, you must send a check for the
current appropriate fee made out to the ''Treasury of the United States."
: If the FAA were trying to prove falsification or
: fraudulent entries, the FAA would have to
0 •• show evidence. If the allegedly false entries
• are in a lost or stolen logbook, they have no
evidence, unless they have proof from other
0 0 : sources such as copies of the logbook. If the
: FAA is asking to make copies of your logbook,
• they are probably not asking because they
0 0
want to offer you a job. Get an attorney.
•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
•• 1. The first consideration is you'll need to show DOCUMENTATION of compliance with the recency
•• of experience requirements under FAR 61.51 (a) such as BFR, takeoffs and landings during the
• last 90 days, instrument currency, etc. You will also need documentation for endorsements
• such as high performance, complex, tailwheel, and pressurized aircraft (61.31 ). If unable to
• locate the instructors who gave the initial endorsements, you may need to acquire them again .
•• 2. This is probably the safest way to replace lost logbook records:
a. Write a letter directly to the FAA requesting your ''COMPLETE AIRMEN FILE'' and
''MEDICAL FILE." Include your name, address, date and place of birth, social security and/or
• airman number and signature. Enclose a check for $10 payable to the U.S. Treasury. Mail
•• the check and information to: FAA Airman Certification Branch, AFS-760, P.O. Box 25082,
•• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125 [phone numbers (405) 954-0990 or (405) 954-3261] .
•• These records will show your pilot time in all categories through the last pilot certificate or
•• rating obtained and also the amount of pilot time noted on your last medical application .
• b. Try to recreate your additional time from other records such as rental receipts, FBO records,
•• air carrier records, etc. Buy a new logbook and to the best of your knowledge fill in the times
• and add a statement attesting to the accuracy of the entries. Then have it notarized or-
•• you might be able to have it signed by one of those friendly, helpful and courteous FAA
•• Aviation Safety Inspectors at your local FSDO .
•• c. None of the time logged in your recreated logbook can be knowingly false ... so be
•• conservative. You do not want one of those friendly, helpful and courteous FAA Aviation
• • Safety Inspectors at your local FSDO to challenge any of your entries .
~ :J
•• ··················································~' \
: Training Options
•• Part 61 vs. Part 141 Schools
• (61 .61 thru 61.217, Appendix A thru L to Part 141)
• 1. Part 141 schools supply a more structured learning environment
with set schedules, dedicated classrooms, and are directly
•• supervised by the FAA. The benefit is that students can obtain
•• certificates with less required hours .
•• 2. The Part 61 approach allows the student and instructor the
•• freedom to arrange the training according to the needs and
•• schedule of the student.
•• 3. PRIVATE certificate:
•• a. Part 61 requires 40 hours of training; vs .
•• b. Part 141 requires 35 hours
•• 4. INSTRUMENT certificate:
•• a. Part 61 requires 40 hours of training; vs .
Every flight instructor's fantasy.
• b. Part 141 requires 35 hours
•• 5 . COMMERCIAL certificate:
• a. Part 61 requires a total of 250 hours; vs .
b. Part 141 requires a total of only 190 hours
f riuate
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My 'Lil Ercoupe
: Typical Cost:
: $10,000-$15,000
PRIVATE PILOT: (61 .39, 61 .102thru 61 .117, 91 .146, 119.1 , Appendix Bto Part 141) •
: Realistic average
1. To be eligible for a Private Pilot certificate, a person must: •
• hours to earn: 70
a. Be at least 17 years of age for a rating in other than a glider or balloon.
b. Be at least 16 years of age for a rating in a glider or balloon.
c. Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language.
d. Pass the written, oral, and flight test.
2. Must receive and log at least 40 hours of flight time (35 hours total at a Part 141 school) that includes
at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in
the areas of operations listed in 61.107(b)(1), and the training must include at least-
a. 3 hours of cross-country flight training in a single-engine airplane;
b. 3 hours of night flight training in a single-engine airplane (except as •••·-·····························
See 61.63 for
provided in 61.110) that includes- : Multiengine Rating
• One night cross-country flight of over 100 NM; and : add on requirements.
• 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop at night (with each •
landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport.
3. 3 hours of flight training solely by reference to instruments.
4. 3 hours of flight training in preparation for the practical test within the preceding 2 calendar months
from the month of the test; and
5. 10 hours of solo flight time consisting of at least-
a. 5 hours of solo cross-country time;
b. One solo cross-country flight of at least 150 NM total distance, with full-stop landings at a
minimum of three points, and one segment of the flight consisting of a straight-line distance of
at least 50 NM between the takeoff and landing locations; and
c. Three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop (with each landing involving a flight in the
traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating control tower.
6. No person who holds a private pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of an aircraft that is
carrying passengers or property for compensation or hire; nor may that person, for compensation
or hire, act as pilot in command of an aircraft.
7. A Private Pilot MAY, for compensation or hire, act as pilot in command of an aircraft
in connection with any business or employment IF:
a. The flight is only incidental to that business or employment; and
b. The aircraft does NOT carry passengers or property for compensation or hire.
8. A private pilot may NOT pay less than the pro rata share of the operating expenses of a flight with
9. A private pilot may act as pilot in command of an aircraft used in a passenger-carrying airlift sponsored
by a ''CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION," and for which the passengers make a donation to the
organization, when the extremely specific requirements of 61.113(d) and 91.146 are met.
10. A private pilot who is an aircraft salesman and who has at least 200 hours of logged flight time MAY
demonstrate an aircraft in flight to a prospective buyer.
11. A private pilot who meets the requirements of 61.69 MAY act as pilot in command of an aircraft
towing a glider.
............. ....,.,.,..__.
3. Must have logged a total of 40 hours (35 hours at a Part 141 school) of actual or ... ..
t ..
simulated instrument time on the areas of operation of this section, to include- -
a. At least 15 hours of instrument flight training from an authorized
instructor in the aircraft category for which the instrument rating is sought;
b. At least 3 hours from an authorized instructor in preparation for the practical test within the
preceding 2 calendar months from the month of the test;
c. For an instrument-airplane rating, instrument training on cross-country flight procedures specific
to airplanes that includes at least ONE cross-country flight in an airplane that is performed
under IFR, and consists of-
• A distance of at least 250 NM along airways or ATC-directed routing;
• An instrument approach at each airport; and
• Three different kinds of approaches with the use of navigation systems.
4. Use of FLIGHT SIMULATORS or flight training devices. If the instrument training was provided by an
authorized instructor in a flight simulator or training device-
a. A maximum of 30 hours may be performed in that flight simulator or flight training device if the
training was accomplished in accordance with Part 142 of this chapter; or
b. A maximum of 20 hours may be performed in that flight simulator or flight training device if the
training was NOT accomplished with Part 142 of this chapter.
c. A maximum of 10 hours of instrument time received in an approved aviation training device.
: Required to Qualify for the ATP Written (Ac 61-1 38, 121 .410. 135.336)
Z61.153(e) After July 31, 2014, for an ATP certificate with an airplane category multiengine class rating or an ATP
: certificate obtained concurrently with an airplane type rating - must receive a graduation certificate from an
: authorized training provider certifying completion of the ''airline transport pilot certification training program''
• specified in Sec. 61.156 before applying for the knowledge test required by paragraph (g) of this section;* * *
: 61.156(b) FSTD training . The applicant for the knowledge test must receive at least 10 hours of training in a flight
: simulation training device qualified under part 60 of this chapter that represents a multiengine turbine airplane
: with a maximum takeoff weight of 40.000 pounds or greater. Must include at least 6 hours in a Level C or higher
: simulator and the remaining 4 hours in a Level 4 or higher FSTD. FYI: You'll need to save up somewhere in the
neighborhood of $1 OK to play with these toys for 10 hours. But think of how much FUN you'll be having! ;o)
''Restricted ATP'' (aka R·ATP) certificate for Part 121 SICs: (61 .160, 61 .167, 121 .436)
121.436 states that an SIC must have an ATP or a "Restricted ATP" (aka "ATP certificate with Restricted Privileges"). In
addition to the requirements of 61.153( e) and 61.156(b) [above] ... Restricted ATP requirements:
1. 21 years of age (61 .153); and
2. 750 hours Total Time if military trained and qualified; or
3. 1.000 hours TT if an aviation degree graduate of a 4 year ''Institution of Higher Education'' (61 .1); or
4. 1,250 hours TT with an aviation associate's degree from a 2 year institution of higher education; or
5. 1,500 hours TT with no aviation degree; AND in order to actually FLY as a copilot:
6. A type rating for the aircraft to be flown in Part 121 service (those pilots employed as SIC in Part 121
operations on July 31. 2013 are notrequiredto have a type rating until January 1. 2016) (121 .436); and
7. A 2"d class medical (for operations requiring only 2 pilots. A 1st Class medical is required for a 3 or
more pilot crew or if age 60 or older. (61 .23, 61 .167)
: An applicant for an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate needs only a THIRD CLASS medical to take the practical test (flight test) in
: an aircraft and receive an ATP Certificate. When taking the flight test in a simulator he would not need ANY medical at all.
: He would of course need a current FIRST CLASS medical to exercise the PRIVILEGES of an ATP PIC. (61 .23)
5. Pass a knowledge test on the fundamentals of instruction areas listed in .,......... .fthlttfl'tlA.11•""'' , .............
(a) A person who holds a flight instructor certificate that has not expired may renew that certificate~
( 1) Passing a practical test for -
(i) One of the ratings listed on the current flight instructor certificate; or
(ii) An additional flight instructor rating; or
(2) Presenting to an authorized FAA Flight Standards Inspector -
(i) A record of training students showing that, during the preceding 24 calendar months, the
flight instructor has endorsed at least five students for a practical test for a certificate or rating
and at least 80 percent of those students passed that test on the first attempt;
(ii) A record showing that, within the preceding 24 calendar months, the flight instructor has
served as a company check pilot, chief flight instructor, company check airman, or flight
instructor in a part 121 or part 135 operation, or in a position involving the regular
evaluation of pilots; or
(iii) A graduation certificate showing that, within the preceding 3 calendar months, the person
has successfully completed an approved flight instructor refresher course consisting of
ground training or flight training, or a combination of both.
(b) The expiration month of a renewed flight instructor certificate shall be 24 calendar months from -
(1) The month the renewal requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are accomplished; or
(2) The month of expiration of the current flight instructor certificate provided -
(i) The renewal requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are accomplished within the 3
calendar months preceding the expiration month of the current flight instructor certificate, and
(ii) If the renewal is accomplished under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, the approved flight
instructor refresher course must be completed within the 3 calendar months preceding the
expiration month of the current flight instructor certificate.
(c) The practical test required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be accomplished in a flight simulator
or flight training device if the test is accomplished pursuant to an approved course conducted by a
training center certificated under part 142 of this chapter.
• In most situations, a third class medical is all that is required to instruct. (61 .23)
• A flight instructor is not required to hold any medical certificate if he or she is instructing in
gliders; or not acting as pilot in command; or not serving as a required flight crewmember.
Boy am I stupid.
I wish someone would
write a book that
explains this crap in
•: Knowledge (written) test validity/duration (61.39)
: All written (knowledge) tests are valid for 24 calendar months, ,
•: except an ATP ME written ta ken after July 31 , 2014 is valid for
• 60 calendar months. Additional relief for taking the ATP
practical test with an expired written may be found in 61.39 .
• ,•T ~'.• • •• ' • •f 1j \0"
certificate or rating is issued for up to 120 days, at which DATE Of lllRTH H EIGHT WSQHT H AJR EYES SEX NATIONAUTY VL
.,,..11n '"
.................. •• ·················~ '
: A pilot may LOG PIC time • The FAA has determined that
• in a complex or high : airplanes equipped with
% performance aircraft • retractable landing gear, flaps,
• without the appropriate : and a .Eull ,Authority .Qigital
: endorsements if he is the
• " sole manipulator of the
gngine ~ontrol (FADEC) meet
the definition of being a •
.......... . ............
•• controls of an aircraft for • complex airplane and may be • History
• which the pilot is rated" •• used for commercial pilot and %The first Space Shuttle launched
•• (category, class, and type) • flight instructor certification. li on April , 12, 1981 . There were a
and the ACTING PIC is •• Currently the only aircraft that : total of 135 orbital missions .
appropriately rated and
does have the appropriate
• meets these requirements is
the Diamond DA42.
• Over 30 years later the last one
•• landed on July 2 1, 20 11 .
' endorsements. (61 .51) (FAA Notice N 8000.331)
• •• •• ••
.-,..._-i~- ----=-
• ••••••• • •• • • •••••••••••••••••••
: Pilot's Bill of Rights 2
: (introduced 2-26-15) Proposed to
: allow pi lots to fly recreationally
: without requiring a 3rd class
: medical under IFR or VFR in
: aircraft weighing up to 6,000
: lbs, with up to five passengers,
: at altitudes below 14,000 feet .
:• msl, and no faster than 250 kts.
: Some semblance of this may be
: law by the time you read this .. .
t or not.
4 --
.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
..•• .• This regulation prevents a pilot from flying should he or she develop a
• medical condition or begins using a medication that would disqualify
• the person from meeting the requirements of the medical certificate .
•• There is no regulation specifically requiring the pilot to report the
• deficiency, as long as he or she does not continue to fly. Therefore,
• should the person become cured, the medical certificate is still valid .
1 : .. If there is any question as to the cure, the best course of action is to
• simply apply for a new medical , disclosing the information .
In any event, the person would be required to report the medical
issue on their next medical application .
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: NOTICE Printed On EVERY Medical Application Form (8500-B) •
• Whoever in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly
•• and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any trick, scheme or device a material fact, or who makes
•• any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or entry, may be fined up to
• S 250,000 - or - imprisoned not more than five years or both.
(18 U.S.Code Secs. 1001; 357 1)
NOTE: A 1st Class medical requires an You must report all visits to any health professional
electrocardiogram aka ''EKG'' examination
•• within the last 3 years including names and addresses.
at the first a~plication after reaching the
•• Even an annual physical exam from your family
person's 35 birthday and on an annual basis
•• doctor should be reported, but routine dental or eye
after reaching the person's 40th birthday. : examinations need not be reported. More serious
~ medical problems may require additional documentation .
••••••••••••••• •
: 20/20
: The first 20 of the
: 20/20 refers to 20
: feet away f ram the
Snellen eye chart.
If the smallest line ....
.-: For
each eye
•• you can read is the
• 20160 line, your eyes separately.
: are seeing that line as
• if a person with 20/20
• vision were standing 60 feet
• from the chart instead of 20.
• 1st & 2nd 3rd
1. Contact lenses that correct for DISTANT VISION ONLY are acceptable for all classes of medical
2. Bifocal contact lenses are NOTacceptable.
3. Contact lenses that require one lens for NEAR vision and the other lens for DISTANT vision
(monovision contacts) are NOT acceptable.
4. Single vision, bifocal, trifocal, or "lineless" bifocal EYEGLASSES are acceptable for all classes of
medical certification.
1. Most any form of heart disease or related vascular problems are disqualifying.
2. A 1st class medical requires an EKG after age 35 and annually after age 40.
3. Pilots that have undergone bypass surgery, angioplasty, stent placement or similar coronary artery
disease diagnosis and treatment will be considered for a medical certificate under a ''Special Issuance
Authorization'' after a SIX-MONTH RECOVERY PERIOD and after an extensive battery of tests
and evaluations.
c. During your next FAA medical exam you must report the conviction or action again. And
continue to report it on every medical application for the rest of your career.
d. A pilot must report each action even if it arises out of the same, previously reported , incident or
circumstances, although they will count only as one motor vehicle action.
e. First time DUI offenders Anyone whose blood-alcohol has measured greater than .15°/o, or
who refused to provide a sample will automatically be referred to FAA headquarters and almost
I certainly be required to undergo a substance abuse assessment.
f. Two or more alcohol or drug related motor vehicle convictions within a three-year period
undoubtedly will-result in your pilot's certificate being suspended or revoked indefinitely.
Three convictions will probably finish your flying career forever.
g. If you are initially charged with a DUI, but eventually are convicted of reckless driving and the
alcohol charge is dropped or not proved, it still meets the definition of a motor vehicle
action [61.15(c)] and must be reported because the DUI is related to the motor vehicle action.
h. A pilot does NOT have to report (to Aviation Security, but will have to report on medical) a
AVlATlO~ . license suspension or attendance at a remedial course due to a history of speeding
convictions; but WOULD have to report attendance at a remedial course that reduced a
I . ...
-- +
DUI to a charge of reckless driving whether or not it resulted in a license suspension.
i. The FAA has access to the National Driver Register, and it regularly crosschecks its list of pilot
certificates. EVERY medical application is matched against the National Driver Register.
Big Brother WILL find out and they don't like drunks, even if your name is Randy Babbitt!;o).
j. Failure to comply with the notification is grounds for denial of an application for any certificate
for up to one year; or suspension or revocation of any certificate or rating.
8. A conviction for manufacturing, sale, or possession of drugs is grounds for denial of an application for any certificate
for up to one year; or suspension or revocation of any certificate or rating.
9. An Airl ine Transport Pilot is required to be of "good moral character," but a Commercial certificate has no such
requirement. So if you're a Commercial pilot and you're convicted of something minor, like rape or murder for
example, there's no problem, but a failed drug test or a couple of DU ls will keep you out of the cockpit for a very
long time. Lack of good moral character affects only your ATP, not your Commercial ticket. Use of drugs or alcohol
will affect all your tickets.
.................................................. ~
•• You do not have to report every traffic ticket for which you paid a
: fine and went home a little poorer. However, on your MEDICAL
: APPLICATION, you will need to report [block v.{2)] ''history of
: any conviction(s) or administrative action(s) involving an
: offense(s) which resulted in the denial, suspension , cancellation ,
•• or revocation of driving privileges or which resulted in
: attendance at an educational or rehabilitation program.''
: Therefore, you do not have to report an individual ticket, but you
: MUST REPORT on your medical if you have EVER lost your
• license or attended a court ordered educational program (e.g. ,
•• as a result of multiple tickets) in order to keep your license.
Z You must report it on your MEDICAL but there is
•• no need to report it to the Aviation Security Division
as long as it did NOTin ANY way involve alcohol or drugs.
----- -
- - -
::- .::. "'::-.
-- . - .-
.075 .066
----- - -
-- ·-.. --- --
.076 .070 .064 .059 .055 .050
2 Hours ----- - ------
-- ~
----.. -- -..---- ---.----
- - ---
2 hours --·
------ - .
------ ---
- .- .079 .072 .065 .060 .055
---. ----
- - --· ---
-- -.. ----
- -.---
3 hours -
- --·-.-
-- -
- - ..-
- - .072 .063 .056 .049 .044 .039
(1) Moderate drinking guidelines recommend a daily drink limit of: The average person eliminates alcohol
(a) THREE drinks for WOMEN. at a rate of about 1/3 to 1/2 oz. of pure
(b) FOUR drinks for MEN. alcohol per hour.
(2) A standard drink equals: Black coffee, cold showers or even
breathing 100°/o oxygen from the mask in
(a) One 12-ounce beer.
the airplane will not accelerate the
(b) One five-ounce glass of wine. elimination of alcohol from the body. ,__
(c) One and one-half (11/2) ounces of 80-proof liquor.
Courtesy of the DOT
Over-The-Counter MEDICATIONS:
Rule of thumb If the label warns of possible side effects, wait till at least twice the recommended dosing
interval has passed before flying.
~ ;r--.,
~ ...,-.,,,- ~ -==-~
(Under The Counter?;o)
DO ~
"'ild Cherry fla"o<
eat her
WIND SH EAR: (AIM 4-3-7, 7-1-24 thru 7-1 -30, P/C Glossary,
FAA-H-8083-25, AC-00-6A, 135.345, 135.35 1, 121 .358)
1. An abrupt change in wind speed or direction.
2. If wind shear is reported carry a little extra airspeed on
final approach. Known as V AP speed for jets and
Wind Speed
I 10-20 knots
~ >20knots
T·S Min
T·2 Min T+S Min T+10 Min
10,000 ft •I• ••l ••
T ..• ....-.""' ..•
.. . .' . :
. .. ..
t 1
•I It
.. . .•'' ~
:: ~:
• • • • •• • • • '•
• • '• ••
: .
.. ..
• t •
. • •i • • •
. . .
'•' ' .,
' t
'.... "•'' •
. .... , . ..,.
, ,.
'• •• ',
*''"' •J t •
, . .. . ..
_ • •
""' "" I
~ I·
t ,
',,,. ,
... . ,' ,•
.. '•, .........- , .
' , ' ' ' I I ' t 1, ' " • • • • •1111 I
••••• ••• •••••••• •
.... . . ..
' #
... . . ... #
• •' •
.' I
' •........
I ,t "',
•......... ·
, I
-··· ··- . ----········· ······
0 1 2 3
Scale (miles)
Vertical cross section of the evolution of a microburst wind field.
T is the time of initial divergence at the surface.
.: ····························~~
A MICROBURST encounter during
: takeoff the aircraft may encounter a
: headwind at liftoff, followed by a
: decreasing headwind, immediately
: followed by a strong downdraft and an
: extreme tailwind that may be beyond
• the performance capability of the
•~ aircraft to recover from prior to impact.
3. DAV - DO NOT GO WHERE the SKY is DARK !!! Talk to ATC ... get IREPs.
: AVOID the ANVIL side
Talk to ATC ... get PIREPs.
: (downwind side) of a
: thunderstorm by at least
: ONE MILE for every KNOT
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, of WIND at that flight level.
6. Below VLo, LANDING GEAR CAN BE EXTENDED to help slow and stabilize.
increases enormously in a turn.
ICE: (Part 23, Part 25, 91 .9, 91 .13, 91.527, 121.341 , 121 .629, 125.221 , 135.227, 135.345, AIM 7-1 - 18 thru 7-1-22, AC 20-73,
AC 23. 1419-1 , AC 135-9, AC-00-6A, AFM or POH, FAA-H-8083-15, FAA-H-8083-16, FAA-H-8083-25)
1. Found in VISIBLE MOISTURE between +5° & -20°C or colder but usually between +2° & -10°C.
2. '''Known icing conditions' exist when a pilot knows or reasonably should know about weather
reports in which icing conditions are reported or forecast'' (FAA lnterp Jan 16, 2009). The briefer should
check AIRMETs issued at the first indication of moderate ice; and SIGMETs issued for severe
icing. Flight in known icing is definitely not a great idea unless the aircraft is certificated for icing
conditions. You might want to mention to the briefer that you plan to remain below the freezing level or
clear of clouds, just for the record. If the aircraft is not certified for flight in known icing, your job then
becomes flying where the ice ain 't. If you crash, or seriously disrupt the ATC system because of an
encounter with ice ... chances are you will receive a painful spanking by an FAA Safety Inspector.
3. 91.527 and 135.227 do not reguire the aircraft to be ''certified for flight into known icing'' in order to
depart into "known or forecast light or moderate icing, " as long as the aircraft has some kind of
''functioning deicing or anti-icing equipment protecting each rotor blade, propeller, windshield,
wing, stabilizing or control surface, and each airspeed, altimeter, rate of climb, or flight attitude
instrument system." However, if the aircraft also carries a placard or limitation in the AFM that states,
''flight into known icing conditions is prohibited," the aircraft could not be launched into icing
conditions because it would be subject to compliance with placards and limitations (91.9).
4. Nevertheless 8,dvisory ~ircular 135-9 (pertaining to Part 135) says '' ... aircraft could be operated
!!l forecast or known light or moderate icing under VFR or IFR rules .if it was eguipped as required in
Section 135.227 and this equipment was functioning, unless the aircraft was prohibited by operating
limitations from operating in icing conditions.''
AC 135-9 also says:
a. ''Aircraft equipped with functioning equipment meeting Section 135.227(b) and NOT placarded
restricting operations in icing conditions [many aircraft manufactured prior to 1973] may fly under
IFR or VFR rules in known or forecast light or moderate icing and continue flight in actual icing
b. ''Aircraft equipped with functioning equipment meeting Part 135.227(b) and a PLACARD
PROHIBITING operation in icing conditions may depart on a flight when light or moderate icing is
forecast or reported to exist for the intended route to be flown. However, continued flight in
actual icing conditions is NOT permitted since such flight does not comply with the placard or the
operating limitation in the aircraft flight manual.''
5. Rule #1 take off ''CLEAN'' without ANYice, snow, or frost on the aircraft. (91 .527, 135.227, 121.629)
6. Find out what the freezing level is, stay 3000 feet below it or 8000 feet above it, or above the clouds.
7. At the 1st sign of ice do something about it when doing battle with ice, especially in rapidly
building severe ice, by far the safest tactic is to GENTLY turn around and RUN AWAY!
8. Boots & prop heat will buy a little time, but if ice is bad enough it can bring down any aircraft.
Don't think that boots will allow you to fly for extended periods of time in moderate to severe icing.
BFGoodrich ICEX boot treatment DOES help. It creates a slick surface and minimizes ice adhesion.
9. Alcohol windshields are anti-ice not de-ice; however alcohol will remove some (most) ice. NOTE:
Save the windshield alcohol for the landing approach and don't forget to turn it OFF at least 20 seconds
before touchdown. It's virtually impossible to see through alcohol streaming over a windshield.
10. When prop heat is not available, operate the propellers at MAXIMUM RPM. High RPM helps to
prevent ice from forming down the blades and the greatly increased centrifugal force tends to sling it off.
It has been said (by someone) that ALL icing is some form of MIXED ICING.
(AIM 7-1-18 thru 7-1-22, AC-20-73, AC 00-45G, AC 00-6A, FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25, 91 .527, 135.227, 121 .629, P/C Glossary)
Even the lightest coating can radically change airfoil behavior REMOVE ALL OF IT before takeoff.
1. A collection of very small, supercooled water droplets that freeze on contact By far the most common
ice you will see.
2. Milky or opaque appearance due to air bubbles that become trapped between the frozen droplets.
3. Usually associated with stratus clouds and relatively smooth air.
4. Rime ice is relatively brittle and a little easier to remove than clear ice but is still extremely dangerous.
5. Theoretically, most rime icing encounters are limited to a 3000-foot vertical area.
6. Ask ATC for top reports. If at all possible, CLIMB immediately. Try to get on top of the clouds or at a
colder level as soon as possible before the ice makes it impossible to climb.
7. If you get to the higher altitude and you're not on top or the situation is not getting any better. Ask ATC
where the bases are. If there is a prayer of getting below the clouds or to a warmer level DESCEND.
1. A collection of large, close to freezing water droplets that flow back across the wing some before
2. Clear ice is hard, glossy, extremely heavy, and very difficult to dislodge.
3. Build up can be extremely rapid! You probably will not see this type of icing very often, if ever.
4. Usually associated with large cumulus clouds and turbulence.
5. DESCEND immediately to warmer air below (beneath the clouds). Or GENTL Yturn around and run away.
1. Indicates warmer temperatures above (often ahead of a winter warm front or slowly moving cold front).
2. The most severe form of icing. Build up can be extremely rapid. If possible, GENTL Yturn around and
3. You will see this occasionally usually close to the ground.
4. If you encounter it during takeoff or climb ... CLIMB as if your life depends on it! Get to the warmer
air above as guickly as possible.
If you encounter it during approach ... LAND as if your life depends on it! - KEEP YOUR SPEED
UP! KEEP YOUR POWER UP! But keep in mind the runway is probably as iced up as your airplane.
You are the test pilot. Your job is to get it on the ground as quickly as possible without stalling it, AND
without running off the end. However it is still preferable to slide off the end at 10 kts than to corkscrew
into the ground a Yi mile short at well over 100. Keep POWER UP until WHEELS are on the GROUND!
Indicate freezing rain at higher altitudes Stay at or below your current altitude.
TRACE Ice becomes barely perceptible, rate of accumulation is slightly greater than sublimation.
LIGHT May be a problem if the flight is prolonged (over 1 hour), occasional use of deice/anti-ice removes
accumulation. Does not present a problem if deice/anti-ice equipment is used.
MODERATE Even short encounters become potentially hazardous, use of deice/anti-ice or flight diversion
1s necessary.
SEVERE The rate of accumulation is such that deice/anti-ice equipment fails to reduce or control the
hazard. Immediate flight diversion is necessary.
················································································· ~
•: Hold Over Times (HOT): (91 .527, 121 .629, 135.221. opspec A023)
•• 1. Ground icing procedures are specifically detailed in the OpSpecs and Operations Manual of every
•• certificate holder that chooses to operate during ground icing conditions .
: 2. JfoldQver !ime (HOT) is the estimated length of time that deicing/anti-icing fluid will prevent the
•• accumulation of ice, snow or frost on the aircraft. ''HOT tables'' are used to determine the legal
•• requirements for takeoff under various conditions .
: 3. Holdover time BEGINS when the final application of deice/anti-ice fluid starts and EXPIRES when the
• fluid loses its effectiveness .
•• 4 . Holdover time may be exceeded when at least one of the following conditions exist:
•• a. A visual check within 5 minutes of takeoff determines that the aircraft is free of ice, snow, or frost .
•• b. An otherwise FAA approved procedure (included in the Operations Manual) is used to determine
•• that the aircraft is free of frost, ice, or snow.
•• c. The aircraft is redeiced and a new holdover time is determined .
•• 5 . Newly developed biquid Water ,5quivalent (LWE) aka Jfoldover !ime Qetermination ~ystems (HOTDS)
•• are highly automated systems that measure winter precipitation quantity and temperature to determine a
•• LWE value. This LWE value is compared to a database of deice/anti-ice fluid properties to determine
•• the precise moment in time when the deice/anti-ice fluid will no longer be effective. This information is
transmitted to the cockpit via ACARS (Aircraft Communications And Reporting System) or other means.
1 12 0
... STANDING WATER 1/8 inch or greater.
... DRY SNOW 1 inch or greater.
... WET SNOW 1/4 inch or greater.
:• .. SLUSH 1/8 inch or greater.
: These amounts or greater may require LARGE
: weight or V-speed adjustments or may prohibit
: a takeoff or landing all together (see AFM).
---- ----
,,. ,,. • ISOTACHS
• -- - - --60°F
: Maximum WINDS and I
: TURBULENCE occur at
~"break" in tropophause. \ - .. -70°F
\ • -
• - -50°F
. - •
-4o ---
---- ,,. . -
- - - -30°F
--------- -- --
--- ---- ---
-- --- .. -
..=---'a..s..;•::::;;;._ _ _ _
• - .. - - - • -
~=-:=-=-,..__.._.~~ :::-:=--10°F
-- ----- -
-30°F ..- ,.,. ,,. __.. • • - -
P" +88°F
------ /
"'-"' 6. Wind speed decreases outward from the jet core. Rate of decrease of wind speed is considerably
greater on the polar side than on the equatorial side; hence, the magnitude of wind shear is greater
on the polar side than on the equatorial side.
7. CIRRUS CLOUDS Air travels in a "corkscrew" path around the jet core with upward motion on
the equatorial side. Therefore, when high level moisture is available, CIRRIFORM CLOUDS form on
the EQUATORIAL SIDE of the JET. Jet stream cloudiness can form independently of well defined
pressure systems. Such cloudiness ranges primarily from scattered to broken coverage in shallow
layers or streaks. Their sometimes fish hook and streamlined, wind swept appearance always
indicates very strong upper wind usually quite far from developing or intense weather systems. The
most dense cirriform clouds occur with well defined systems. They appear in broad bands. The
poleward boundary of the cirrus band often is quite abrupt and frequently casts a shadow on lower
clouds, especially in an occluded frontal system.
8. A more important aspect of the jet stream CIRRUS shield is its association with TURBULENCE.
Extensive cirrus cloudiness often occurs with deepening surface and upper lows; and these deepening
systems produce the GREATEST TURBULENCE.
Calm 50°F 40°F 30°F 20°F 10°F 0°F ·10°F ·20°F ·30°F ·40°F ·50°F ·60°F
5 MPH 48 37 27 16 6 ·5 -15 -26 -36 -47 -57 -68
10 40 28 16 4 ·9 -24 ·33 -46 -58 -70
15 36 22 9 ·5 ·18 -32 -45 -58 -72
20 32 18 4 ·10 -25 ·39 -53 -67 -82 -96 -110 -124
25 30 16 0 ·15 -29 -44 -59 -74 -88 -104 -118 -133
30 28 13 -2 ·18 ·33 -48 -63 -79 -94 -109 -125 -140
35 27 11 -4 -20 -35 -51 -67 -82 -98 -113 -129 -145
40 26 10 -6 -21 -37 -53 -69 -85 -100 -116 -132 -148
for a properly clothed person.
of ex osed flesh.
••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••
: The FAA specifies a windsock should be fully
• extended in a 15 kt wind. It must also be able
•• to operate equally well between -67°F (-55°C)
and +131°F (+55°C). (AC 1so1s345-27E)
AWOS: (AIM 4-3-26, 7-1-1 , 7-1-12, 7-1-17, 7-1-30, 7-1-31 , FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-25, AC 150/5220-16C, Order 8260.19F 8-6-6)
1. Automated Weather Qbserving .§.ystem. A suite of weather sensors of many different configurations
that were either procured by the FAA or purchased by individuals, groups or airports that are required to
meet FAA standards. AWSS Automatic Weather .§.ensor .§.ystem is functionally the same as ASOS.
2. A state or airport can purchase an AWOS with assistance from the FAA's Airport Improvement Program.
3. Provides minute-by-minute weather to pilots at airports that have no other approved weather reporting.
4. AWOS types:
• AWOS-A Only reports the altimeter setting.
• AWOS-1 (I) Altimeter, wind, temperature, dew point, and density altitude.
.. AWOS-2 (II) Information provided by AWOS-1 plus VISIBILITY.
.. AWOS-3 (Ill) Information provided by AWOS-2 plus CLOUD/CEILING data.
• AWOS-3 P (111-P) Adds a frecipitation type identification sensor.
• AWOS-3 T (111-T) Adds !hunderstorm/lightning reporting capability.
• AWOS-3 PIT (II I P/T) frecipitation and !hunderstorm/lightning reporting.
• AWOS-4 (IV) contains all the AWOS-3 system sensors, plus precipitation occurrence, type
and accumulation, freezing rain, thunderstorm, and runway surface condition sensors.
5. AWOS can also generate automated remarks about density altitude, variable winds, and ceilings.
6. A01 indicates a station WITHOUT a precipitation identification sensor (i.e., cannot determine the
difference between liquid or frozen/freezing precipitation).
7. A02 indicates a station WITH a precipitation identification sensor.
8. AWOS information can be obtained on the proper frequency in-flight; the web addresses listed above;
and normally by telephone (see Airport facility Q.irectory; ''AC-U-KWIK," etc.).
9. An AWOS commissioned prior to July 1996 is not required to use the METAR format. That means it
might report temperature in degrees Fahrenheit amongst other differences .
• AWOS observations are considered the " official weather." !! the AWOS is reporting IFR conditions (e.g. isolated fog around the
: sensor), but the pilot's eyesight is reporting obvious VFR, the AWOS information is considered to be correct (and official) no matter
• how bogus it may seem . 91.155(d) states [in part] ... "except as provided in 91 .157 ... no person may takeoff or land an aircraft, under
: VFR, within ... Class B , Class ~. Class Q, or Class g airspace designated for an airport (1) Unless [reported] ground visibility at that
• airport is at least 3 sm; or (2) If ground visibility is not reported ... unless flight visibility ... in the traffic pattern is at least 3 sm."
ASOS: (AIM 4-3-26, 7-1-1 , 7-1-12, 7-1-17, 7-1-30, 7-1-31 , FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-25, AC 150/5220-16C, Order8260.19F 8-6-6)
1. Automated .§.urface Qbservation .§.ystem. More sophisticated than AWOS and is designed to provide
the necessary information to generate weather forecasts. ASOS is comprised of a standard suite of
weather sensors (with several exceptions) all procured from one contractor.
2. Continuous minute-by-minute observations necessary to generate a routine weather report (METAR).
3. Similar to AWOS but more sophisticated and is designed to provide the essential information
(METAR) to generate weather forecasts (TAF).
4. ASOS can determine type and intensity of precipitation (rain, snow, freezing rain), thunderstorms and
obstructions to visibility such as fog and haze.
5. ASOS can also measure wind shifts, peak gusts, rapid pressure changes, and the amount of
accumulated precipitation.
6. ASOS shines a laser ceiliometer into the sky to observe cloud layers. It takes a measurement every 30
seconds over a 30-minute period, then double-weighs measurements during the last 10 minutes so the
computer can decide if the cloud layers are scattered, broken or overcast.
7. The ASOS visibility sensor is normally located near the touchdown zone of the primary instrument runway.
8. The word ''AUTO'' included in the broadcast signifies that an observer is not logged onto the ASOS for
backup or augmentation.
10. ASOS information can be obtained on the proper frequency in-flight and normally by telephone on the
ground (Airport facility Q.irectory, AC-U-KWIK, etc.).
MET AR: (AIM 7-1-1 , 7-1-12, 7-1-16, 7-1-30, 7-1-31 , AC 00-45G, FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-25)
1. METeorological reports 8,viation B.outine Weather Reports.
2. Terminal weather OBSERVATIONS.
3. Normally this will be an hourly surface weather observation issued 5 minutes before each hour.
4. SPECI is a special (METAR) report issued because of quickly changing conditions (e.g., WIND direction
changes by 45° or more in less than 15 minutes and the wind speed is 10 knots or more; VISIBILITY decreases to less than, or if
below, increases to equal or exceeds: 3, 2, or 1 mile; RVR changes to above or below 2,400 feet, etc. - see AC 00-45G).
T AF: (AIM 7-1-1 , 7-1-12, 7-1-16, 7-1-30, 7-1-31 , AC 00-45G , FAA-H-8083-16, 8083-25)
1. Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts.
- - -
Detailed [usually] 24-hour FORECAST normally issued four times a day (amended as required)
starting at approximately 30 minutes before each main synoptic hour (OOZ, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z) of
PREDICTED weather conditions expected to occur within a 5 SM radius of an airport. May include
expected weather within 5 to 10 SM of the airport (preceded by ''VC'' in the Y,i.Qinity).
3. 32 large airports in the U.S. (as well as many overseas) now have 30-hour forecasts.
4. To issue a forecast there must be available at least two consecutive weather observations (METARS).
5. TAF always begins with "where" & "when" then moves on to forecast of winds, visibility, weather and
sky condition.
.• •..................................................................................................
••• CONVERT Altimeter Setting INCHES of mercury to MILLIBARS
Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station •• 1 inch of mercury= 33.863 MilliBars (mb) aka hectoPascals (hPa)
(LAWRS)-A human observer, usually a control ••
•• (29.92" x 33.863 = 1013.2 hPa) (1013.2 hPa I 33.863 = 29.92")
tower specialist (or FSS in Alaska), augments or ••
adds information to an automated observation. •• METAR /TAF Altimeter Setting:
Normally limited in hours of operation . (AIM 7-1-12 •• In the U.S., A: inches and hundredths - A2992 = 29.92
•• Other countries, Q : hectoPascals (hPa) and tenths, example, Q1013.2
...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~
NSW = No Si nificant Weather \ VC = Vici nit (between 5 & 1OSM of the observation)
'-' = Li ht \ ''no si n'' = Moderate \ '+' = Heav
TS= Thunderstorm \ SH=Showers \ BL=Blowing \ FZ=Freezing \ BC=Patches \ Ml=Shallow \ PR=Partial \
RA=Rain \ DZ=Drizzle \ GR=Hail \ SN=Snow \ PL=lce Pellets \ SG=Snow Grains \ IC=lce Crystals \
GS=Small hail/snow ellets \ UP=Unknown reci itation in automated observations
BR=Mist (>5/8SM) \ FG=Fog (<5/8SM) \ HZ=Haze \ FU=Smoke \ DU= Dust or Widespread dust\ VA=Volcanic ash \
PY=S ra \ SA=Sand or Sandstorm or Duststorm or Dustin
SQ=S uall \ FC=Funnel Cloud \ +FC=Tornado/Waters out\ SS(or os or SA)=Sandstorm \ DU(or SA)=Duststorm
*Explanations in parentheses "()" indicate different worldwide practices.
*Ceiling is not specified defined as the lowest broken or overcast layer, or the vertical visibility.
*NWS National ,Weather ~ervice TAFs exclude turbulence., icin & tern erature forecasts.; NWS METARs exclude trend
.. ...... II~
.. ' '
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ....
• METAR, TAF, ASOS (used for METAR), and the Winds and Temperatures '
• Aloft Forecast (FD) report wind direction in reference to TRUE North . ..
: (AIM 7-1-12, 7-1 -30, 7-1-31, FAA-H-8083-25)
• Wind direction broadcast over FAA radios (or dial-up telephone AWOS/ASOS)
• is in reference to MAGNETIC North. [AIM 7-1-1 2d.3.(c) NOTE]
Examples of wind speed and direction plots •
Calm NW / 5 kts SW / 20 kts •
E / 35 kts N / 50 kts W / 105kts
• Wind conditions are reported by an arrow attached to the station location circle.
• The station circle represents the head of an arrow, with the arrow pointing in the
direction the wind is blowing. The stem line, with the barbs, points to the direction
the wind is from the arrow appears to fly with the wind at its tail (aka tail wind;o).
• Winds are described by the direction from which they blow, thus a northwest
wind means that the wind is blowing from the northwest toward the southeast.
• The speed of the wind is depicted by barbs or pennants placed on the wind line.
• Each barb represents a speed of 10 knots, while half a barb is equal to 5 knots and
a pennant is equal to 50 knots. (FAA-H-8083-25)
METAR KIND 1950Z 29028G.45KT 1/2 SM TSRAGR
vvoos 18/16 A2970
1011 ~+~
26 0 ------
FOLD ..,.
FEW0 0
OVC 8/8; 3-digit height (100s of ft); Towering CUmulus or
.s;,umulonimJiius. ~ertical ~isibility for obscured sky "VV004"
°Celsius/dew-point M inus for below zero(M06) ~timeter
18/ 16
WS010/ W,ind ~hear 3-digit height (100s of ft)/3-digitlilld•
i litii
io•n•&• 2•-3-•R•M•K•S•L•P•0•4•5• ~----------•
31022KT digit wind speed above the indicated height, and unit._KT. T01820159
1PRESFR= In METAR, B eM.arJS, indicator & remarks. § ea-,Level f.ress in (.Q. = +0 , 1 = •0 )
PRESs falling hectoPascals & tenths : 1004.5 hPa; Temp/dew-point in ,A02~Auto with
B,apidly tenths °C, as shown: tern +18.2°C , dew- oint +15.9°C precip discriminator
FM091930 FroM chan es 2-di it date, 2-di it hour , and 2-di it min RAE42=
TEMPO TEMPOrary: changes expected for <1 hour and in total, RAin Ended@42
0920/0922 <half of 2-di it hour be innin and 2-di it hour endin SNB42=
PROB30 PROBability and 2-digit o/o (30o/o) probable condition SNow Began@42
1004/ 1007 between 2-di it hour & 2-di it date CIG<=CeilinG
BECMG BECoM,ing : change between 2-diqit date & 2-diqit hour. TCU=Towering
1013/1015 P=more than, No Si nificant Weather, CLR.- clear kU,mulus
'· '=Light, "no siqn"=Moderate, '+' = Heavy; VC = ViCinity; MJ. = Shallow, !BC = Patches,
PRFPaRtial, ~S=ThunderStorm, Bl=Bl owin , SH=SHowers, DRFDRiftin , FZ=FreeZin
i;Ji44rn-DZ=DrizZle, ,RA-RAin, SN=Snow, lSG SnowGrains, 1£=1ce Crystals,
PL:=lce Pell ets, GR=Hail, ~=Small hail/Snow pellets, UP=Unknown Precip(AUTO)
Obscuration - BR=Mist, FG=Fog, FU=Smoke, IVA=Volcanic Ash, :SA=SAnd, ...l;=HaZe,
_J_ I _J_ _J_ _J_ ] I I I I l I I ' I <=
11a DEPARTURE AERODROMF;, 'TIME A GBAS landing s_y_stem J7 CPDLC FANS 1/A SATCOMJ]ridiumj_
,__- :.! , , 1
I I , . , , I <= B U_LPVJ.APC with SBAS K MSL
15 Cruising Speed t EVEL ,.;.R.:.;;O;;.;U;;.;T~El;;.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-ct .,__C___,..,..L_O_R_A_N_C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----11--L-+-l_L_S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- ..L .l ...1.. .l l ...1.. ..J. ...1. l D 1'.0 ME M1 ATC RTF SATCOMJ.I NMARSAT_l_
E2 D-FIS ACARS M3 ATC RTF dridium_l_
<= F ADF P P1-P9 Reserved for RCP
:TOTAL EE'l) fETE) G _(GNSS - see Note 2 R 1PBN, approved - see Note 4
1 .. . 1 1 • •• 1 I I I ~ I III ' I<= I lntertial navigation U UH!], RTF
18 OTHER INFOBMA_!ION {AIM Table 5· 1· 6, etc.) J1 CPDLC ATN VDL Mode 2 - see Note 3 V 1VHF RTF
- J2 CPDLC FANS 1/A HFDL W RVSM approved
J3 CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode 4 X MNPS approved
J4 CPDLC FANS 1/A VOL Mode 2 Y VHF' with 8.33 kHz channel spacinQ
<= JS CPDLC FANS 1/A SATCOM INMARSATJ Z Other e~uipment carried or other
- El I I I I I P/ I '
I I RI D D D 1 . .I! the -,e-tt_e_
r_S is used, -'Standard equipment is con sidered to be NHF RT F,
SURVIVAL EQUIPMENJj JACKETS VOR , a n d ~ within U .S. domestic airspace .
POLAR DESERT MARITIME JUNGLE LIGHT FLOURES UHF VHF 2. If the letter G is used, the types of external GNSS augmentation, if any, are specified in
D t D D D =1 D I D D [] D Item 18following the indicator NAV/ and separated by a space.
3. See RTCA/EUROCAE Interoperability Requirements Standard For ATN Baseline 1 (ATN
;;,,;___c.;;..o;;;..;L;;;..;O;.;.R'-------. 81 INTEROP Standard - D0-2808/ED-1108) for data link services ATC clearance and
~IOI I CJ I I I I 0 J <= information/ATC communications managemenVair traffic control microphone check.
~IRCRA~l:. COLOR AND MARKINGSf " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. If the letter R is used, the f.erformance Jilased t:!avigation levels that can be met are
specified in Item 18 following the indicatorJPBN/. For further details, see Paragraph
5-1-9b8 Item 18(c) and (d). (AC 90-100A)
5. If the letter Z is used, fsPecify in Item 18 the 19ther equipment carried , preceded by
COM/ and/or NAV/, as appropriate.
Cl ,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.J )<= Example:
A D S-B 1090 E xtended Squitter out, A DS-B UA T out}
2. SIC [VOR, ILS, V HF, M ode C Tran sponder
•. - ~·······················~ ······················.... •
·· Table 5·1·5
Aircraft Surveillance Equipment, Including Designators for Transponder,
: -PBN/RNAV Specifications- ADS·B_,_ ADS·C_, and Capabilities
: Massive amounts of additional excruciating f INSERT N if no surveillance equipment for the route to be flown is carried, or the equipment is unserviceable, OR
~ /NSERTJgne or more of the following ~escriptorS, maximum of 20 characters, to describe serviceable fsurveillance
:• details can be found in AIM 5-1-9. ~ ea_uioment and/or capabilities on board:
SSR Modes A and C Transponder
Table 5·1·6
A Transponder - Mode PJ°J_4 diqits - 4096 codesl
PBN/RNAV Specifications
C lTransponder - Mode ~_{_4 digits - 4096 codesl and Mode C
PBN/ RNAV Specifications
SSR Mode S Transponder
A1 RNAV 10 RNP 101
E T ran s_gonder - Mode S, includin_g_ aircraft identification , _pressure-altitude and ext en ded sguitter _(ADS·B_I}_
81 RNAV 5 all permitted sensors
H Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification , pressure-altitude and enhanced surveillance capability_
82 R NAV 5 G NSS
I Transponder - Mode S, including aircraft identification , but no pressure-altitude capability_
L , sponder - Mode S , including aircraft identification , pressure-altitude, exten ded squitter (ADS_B) and
enhanced surveillance capabili!Y_
85 R NAV 5 IN S or IRS P Transponder - Mode S, includinq pressure-altitude, but no aircraft identification capability_
86 R NAV 5 LO RA N C S Transponder - Mode S, includinq both pressure-altitude and aircraft identification capability_
C1 RNA V 2 all permitted sensors X Transponder - Mode S with neither aircraft identification nor pressure-altitude capability_
C2 RNAV 2 GNSS NOTE{Enhanced surveillance capabili~ is the a bility_ of the aircraft to down-link! aircraft derived datal via a !Mode S.
C3 RNAV 2 DME/DM E Followed by one or more of the following codes if the aircraft has ADS·B capability:
C4 RNAV 2 DME/D M E/I RU 81 ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz A D S-B •:_outr" capability_
01 R NA V 1 all permitted sensors 82 A D S-B w ith dedicated ~ 090 M Hz A D S-B " out" and "in·" capability
02 R NAV 1 G NSS U1 A DS-B " out" capability_ usinq UAT _{_987 M Hz Universal A ccess Tra nsceiver- US on ly-below 18,000 ftj_
03 RNAV 1 DME/DM E U2 A D S-B " out" and ''in" capabil ity_ u sing UAlj_
04 RNAV 1 DME/DM E/I RU _ ut" capability_ using VD~ Mode 4 _{_1090 MHz-VHF Digital Link Mode 4.)
V1 ADS-8 '..'.io
RNP Specifications V2 ADS-8 " out" and " in" capability_ usinq VOL Mode 4
L1 RNP 4 NOTE: File no more than one code for each !YQ_e of capabili!Y; for example, file 81 or 8 2, but not both.
01 Basic RNP 1 all permitted sensors Followed by one or more of the following codes if the aircraft has ADS·C capability:
02 Basic RNP 1 G NSS 01 ADS-C with FANS 1/A capabilities
03 Basic RNP 1 D M E/DM E G1 ADS-C with ATN capabilities
04 Basic RNP 1 DME/D M E/ IRU Example:
S1 RNP APC H 1. SDGWISB1U1 {VOR , ILS, V HF, DM E , G NSS, RVSM , M ode S transponder, A D S-B 1090 Extended Squitter
S2 RNP A PC H with BARO -V NAV ou t, ADS-B UA T out}
T1 RNP A R APC H with RF 2 . SIC {V O R, IL S, V HF, M ode C t ransponder}_ _ _ _ _ __
_{_special autho rizatio n req uiredl NOTE: Equi pment qualifier Z indicates that additional equipment or capabili! Y information p an be found in
T2 R NP A R A PC H w ithout RF Item 18 , following the NAV/ indicato r. Operators requesting assignme nt of RNAV SIDs and/or STARs are
special authorization requ ired llmauired to include a 2 in It m ~ and associated RNAV ca abilitie in [It m 1 followin the NAV/ indicator .
STANDARD BRIEFING (AIM 7-1 -4)- you have not received a previous briefing or have not received preliminary
information through mass dissemination media; e.g. , TIBS, TWEB, etc.
ABBREVIATED BRIEFING -only need to supplement mass disseminated data, update a previous briefing, or obtain
one or two items.
OUTLOOK BRIEFING -your time of departure is six or more hours in the future; for planning purposes only.
INFLIGHT BRIEFING - when needing to update a preflight briefing.
SIG MET (WS): (AIM 7-1-6, P/C/ Glossary, FAA-H-8083-25, AC 00-45G, AC 00-6A)
1. SIGnificant METeorological Information.
2. Significant and serious weather concerning the safety of ALL aircraft.
a. Severe and extreme turbulence or ~lear ,Air Iurbulence (CAT).
b. Severe icing. *
c. Duststorms, sandstorms or volcanic ash that reduce visibility to less than 3 miles.
1. Regulatory in nature.
2. Contain such things as amendments to published IAPs and other current aeronautical charts.
3. Also used to advertise temporary flight restrictions caused by such things as natural disasters or large-
scale public events that may generate a congestion of air traffic over a site.
Pointer NOTAMs:
1. Highlight or point out another NOTAM, such as an FDC or NOTAM (D) NOTAM. Assists users in
cross-referencing important information that may not be found under an airport or NAVAi D identifier.
2. Keywords in pointer NOTAMs must match the keywords in the NOTAM that is being pointed out. The
keyword in pointer NOTAMs related to Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) must be AIRSPACE.
1. Issued when .§.pecial 8,ctivity 8,irspace will be active outside the published schedule times and when
required by the published schedule.
2. Pilots are still responsible to check published schedule times for Special Activity Airspace as well as any
NOTAMs for that airspace.
Military NOTAMs:
Pertaining to U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine, and Navy navigational aids/airports that are part of the NAS .
: The letters "ZZZ" appearing after the
: NOTAM number indicate the NOTAM was
: issued by the North American Aerospace
Notices To Airman PUBLICATION (NTAP): ~ Qefense ~ommand (NORAD).
Published by Mission Support Services, ATC Products and Publications, every 28 days. Data of a permanent
nature can be published in the NTAP as an interim step between publication cycles of the A/FD and
aeronautical charts. The NTAP is divided into four parts:
1. ATC Products and Publications. This part contains selected FDC NOTAMs that are expected to be in
effect on the effective date of the publication. This part is divided into three sections: Airway NOTAMs;
Procedural NOTAMs; General NOTAMs.
2. Revisions to Minimum En Route IFR Altitudes and Changeover Points.
3. International NOTAMs.
4. Graphic Notices compiled by ATC Products and Publications. Comprised of 6 sections: General,
Special Military Operations, Airport and Facility Notices, Major Sporting and Entertainment Events,
Airshows, and Special Notices.
6. To make sure your flight plan is filed ask the briefer to confirm the
flight plan has been accepted.
7. To ex edite our IFR Clearance Dial the dedicated IFR clearance
number 88-766-8267 when departing from a non-towered airport
that does not have a Remote Communication Frequency.
8. Problems or poor performance with flight service? Report the bastards immediately to the FAA's
FSS Hotline 888-358-7782. These complaints are addressed directly with Lockheed.
9. TIBS direct line 877-484-2799; then enter state code (continuous recording of weather and other info).
10. Another suggestion is to use one of the many FREE web addresses such as;;;; etc.
International Direct Access Numbers for FSS and U.S. Customs Notification
from Areas in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America:
1. Fort Worth, Texas ................................................................................................................ 817-697-6110
2. Miami, Florida ....................................................................................................................... 305-233-2600
3. For international briefings to above destinations (when within the continental U.S.) .......... 800-432-4 716
4. Prescott, Arizona .................................................................................................................. 928-583-6126
( •
''I told you all we had to do was sneak 100 ft below minimums
and we'd get under those annoying clouds.
Alrighty ... check gear down please.''
: and must hold an air carrier certificate. If the pilot merely offers his services as a pilot, and has nothing to do with
• securing the aircraft, then he is simply offering ''pilot services,'' which requires no operating certificate.
~ .. ·--- ........... ............. ....-•....................... ·--- ..............,
.• A commercial pilot may fly as a Part 91 ''Corporate pilot'' flying a company airplane
: carrying company property and passengers. He can also provide Part 91 ''pilot service'' as
: a ''Contract pilot'' whereas a commercial pilot is paid by an airplane owner to fly the
: airplane for the owner. In both cases the ''owner'' has ''operational control."
: A person cannot ''hold out'' to the public or offer ''common carriage'' with an aircraft that
: the pilot, or the company that the pilot works for, has "operational control" unless operating
: under the more stringent rules of Parts 135 or 121 with the blessing of the FAA.
• ''Carriage in air commerce of persons or property for compensation or hire''
requires an air taxi/commercial operator certificate.
: In response to the ''one level of safety'' campaign promoted by ALPA, most ''COMMUTERS'' do not fit
• the new "commuter operation" definition and are now more appropriately called ''REGIONAL airlines''
• that are operated mostly under Part 121 DOMESTIC or FLAG rules. (121.2, 121.470)
ON·DEMAND Operation [Part 135] (110.2)- means any operation for compensation or hire that is
one of the following:
(1) Passenger-carrying operations conducted as a public charter under part 380 of this title or any
operations in which the departure TIME, departure LOCATION, and arrival location are specifically
NEGOTIATED with the CUSTOMER or the customer's representative that are any of the following
types of operations:
(i) COMMON CARRIAGE operations conducted with airplanes, including turbojet-powered airplanes,
having a passenger-seat configuration of 30 seats or fewer, excluding each crewmember seat, and
a payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less, except that operations using a specific airplane
that is also used in domestic or flag operations and that is so listed in the operations
specifications as required by§ 119.49(a)(4) for those operations are considered supplemental
(ii) Noncommon or PRIVATE CARRIAGE operations conducted with airplanes having a passenger-
seat configuration of less than 20 seats, excluding each crewmember seat, and a payload
capacity of less than 6,000 pounds; or
(iii) Any rotorcraft operation.
(2) SCHEDULED PASSENGER-carrying operations conducted with one of the following types of aircraft
with a frequency of operations of less than five round trips per week on at least one route between
two or more points according to the published flight schedules:
(i) AIRPLANES, other than turbojet powered airplanes, having a maximum passenger-seat
configuration of 9 seats or less, excluding each crewmember seat, and a maximum payload
capacity of 7,500 pounds or less; or :•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •--
(3) ALL-CARGO operations conducted with airplanes having a : Passenger-carrying operations for hire
• . : conducted by a commercial operator for
payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less, or with rotorcraft. • which advance notice of departure and
.: Part 135 ON-DEMAND:
• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •"'•
. 11 ocat'ionIt 1mes
arr1va ' are prov1'ded .
•• 1. PASSENGER-carrying PUBLIC CHARTERS, 30 seats or less, payload 7500 Lbs or less. Except
• when the aircraft is also used in Part 121 operations, then it must be operated Part 121 Supplemental .
•• 2. SCHEDULED PASSENGERS, 9 seats or less, payload 7500 Lbs or less, non-turbojet, less than
• 5 round trips per week .
• 3. ALL-CARGO (scheduled or non-scheduled) with a payload of 7500 lbs or less .
• 4. Non-Common or PRIVATE CARRIAGE, less than 20 passenger seats, payload of less than 6000
Lbs. (Anything above these numbers must be conducted under Part 125 rules.)
•: Part 135 ON-DEMAND (In Other Words):
: 1. On-demand or scheduled (less than s round trips per week) passenger/cargo operations utilizing
: TURBOJET or PROPELLER-DRIVEN aircraft having 30 seats or less and a payload capacity of
: 7,500 pounds or less, and the airplane is not otherwise required to be on a Part 121 certificate.
: 2. Excludes private or non-common carriage with 20 seats or more or a payload of 6.000 pounds
: or more, which must be operated under Part 125.
3. Scheduled operations utilizing PROPELLER-DRIVEN aircraft with 9 seats or less and a payload
of 7,500 pounds or less, whether commuter or on-demand.
DOMESTIC Operation [PART 121] (110.2) means any SCHEDULED operation conducted by any
person operating any AIRPLANE described in paragraph (1} of this definition at LOCATIONS described
in paragraph (2) of this definition:
(i) Turbojet-powered airplanes;
(ii) Airplanes having a passenger-seat configuration of more than 9 passenger seats, excluding each
crewmember seat; or
(iii) Airplanes having a payload capacity of more than 7,500 pounds.
(i) Between any points within the 48 contiguous States of the United States or the
District of Columbia; or
(ii) Operations solely within the 48 contiguous States of the United States or the ®
FLAG Operation [PART 121] (110.2) means any SCHEDULED operation conducted by any person
operating any AIRPLANE described in paragraph (1) of this definition at the LOCATIONS described in
paragraph (2) of this definition:
(i) Turbojet-powered airplanes;
(ii) Airplanes having a passenger-seat configuration of more than 9 passenger seats, excluding each
crewmember seat; or
(iii) Airplanes having a payload capacity of more than 7,500 pounds.
(i) Between any point within the State of Alaska or the State of Hawaii or any territory or
possession of the United States and any point outside the State of Alaska or the State of Hawaii
or any territory or possession of the United States, respectively; or
(ii) Between any point within the 48 contiguous States of the United States or the District of
Columbia and any point outside the 48 contiguous States of the United States and the District of
(iii) Between any point outside the U.S. and another point outside the U.S.
SUPPLEMENTAL Operation [PART 121] (110.2) means any COMMON CARRIAGE operation
for compensation or hire conducted with any AIRPLANE described in paragraph (1) of this definition that
is a TYPE OF OPERATION described in paragraph (2) of this definition:
(i) Airplanes having a passenger-seat configuration of more than 30 seats, excluding
each crewmember seat;
(ii) Airplanes having a payload capacity of more than 7,500 pounds; or ~
(iii) Each propeller-powered airplane having a passenger-seat configuration of more •
than 9 seats and less than 31 seats, excluding each crewmember seat, that is
also used in domestic or flag operations and that is so listed in the operations
specifications as required by§ 119.49(a)(4) for those operations; or
(iv) Each turbojet powered airplane having a passenger seat configuration of 1 or more and less than
31 seats, excluding each crewmember seat, that is also used in domestic or flag operations and
that is so listed in the operations specifications as required by§ 119.49(a)(4) for those operations.
(i) Operations for which the departure TIME, departure LOCATION, and arrival location are
specifically NEGOTIATED with the CUSTOMER or the customer's representative;
(ii) All-cargo operations; or
(iii) Passenger-carrying public charter operations conducted under part 380 of this title.
: SCHEDULED Operation (110.2) Passenger-carrying operations
•• for hire conducted by a commercial operator for which advance
notice of departure and arrival location/times are provided.
: DOMESTIC Operation (110.2) [Part 121] -
• 1. SCHEDULED operations conducted with turbojets; OR
•• 2. Airplanes with more than 9 passenger SEATS; OR
• 3. Airplanes having a payload capacity of more than 7,500 POUNDS .
• 4. Between any points within the 48 contiguous States or the District
•• of Columbia and/or any specifically authorized point located
•• outside this area .
5. Includes flight legs of an international trip, which are entirely within
the 48 contiguous States.
•• ·····························································~ '
: FLAG Operation (110.2) [Part 121] -
•• 1. SCHEDULED operations conducted with turbojets; OR
•• 2. Airplanes with more than 9 passenger SEATS; OR
•• 3. Airplanes having a payload capacity of more than 7,500 POUNDS .
•• 4. Between any point within Alaska or Hawaii and any point outside of
•• Alaska or Hawaii; OR
•• 5. Between any point within the 48 contiguous States and any point outside
• the 48 contiguous States; OR
6. Between any two points which are completely outside the 50 U.S. States.
: SUPPLEMENTAL Operation (110.2) [Part 121] -
: 1. Charter type NONSCHEDULED operations conducted with aircraft having more than 30
: SEATS and/or aircraft having a payload capacity of more than 7,500 POUNDS.
: 2. The PLACE and TIME of departure are NEGOTIATED between the operator and the customer.
• 3. No fixed schedule .
: 4. NOTE: The difference between ''ON-DEMAND'' [135] and ''SUPPLEMENTAL'' [121] has to do
• with the size of the aircraft. SUPPLEMENTAL uses aircraft having more than 30 SEATS
and/or a max payload capacity of more than 7,500 POUNDS.
: Part 121 (In Other Words):
•• 1. SCHEDULED TURBOJET operations; OR
•• 2. SCHEDULED operations with more than 9 passenger SEATS; or max payload capacity
•• of more than 7,500 POUNDS (except Part 125 private carriage operations); OR
: 3. NONSCHEDULED PUBLIC CHARTERS using aircraft with more than 30 passenger
SEATS (or more than 7,500 POUNDS) [Part 121 Supplemental].
PART 125 was issued to establish a uniform set of certification and operational rules for large airplanes
having a seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or
more, when used for PRIVATE CARRIAGE. These rules substantially upgrade the level of safety
applicable to large airplanes formerly operated under Part 91. (AC 12s-1)
The focus of this book is on far more common Part 91, 121, and 135 operations.
e. The number of flights does not exceed a total of six in any calendar year. .~
f. Each flight has been approved by the FAA. I did not have sexual
vvvv~.rvvv-,,~ g. Cargo is not carried in or on the helicopter. relations with that woman.
8. Operations conducted under Part 133 of this chapter or 375 of this title.
9. Emergency mail service conducted under 49 U.S.C. 41906.
10. Operations conducted under Part 91.321 (carriage of candidates in elections).
" Aerial Work" - Work done from the air with the same departure and
destination points, no property of another is carried, and only passengers
Dry Lease VS Wet Lease: essential to the operation are carried may be conducted under Part 91.
1. DRY Lease The lessor provides the airplane. e essee 1n epen en y supp 1es e money, e
crew, and responsibility of operational control. All flights are for the lessees' own purposes including
the carriage of passengers or property and definitely does not "hold out" to the public for compensation
or hire. This is normally considered a private operation.
2. WET Lease The lessor provides BOTH the aircraft and the crew; and maintains operational
control. This typically involves carrying persons or property for compensation or hire in some way
shape or form. This arrangement is normally classified as a commercial operation and requires a Part
135 operating certificate. (Or sometimes operated as an illegal clandestine ''134Y2'' operation.)
3. The wet/dry determination is decided on a case by case basis by the all-knowing Gods residing at your
local FSDO that serve diligently to protect the public's safety from your stupidity by delaying paperwork
for as long as humanly possible ... only to tell you they didn't like it so you'll have to do it all over again
and resubmit for further review. I love those guys. Dysfunction at its finest. Remember ... it doesn't
have to make sense ... it's the FAA!;o).
134 ~ 123LW
COMMON Carriage - Involves "holding out to others." Requires an air carrier certificate.
NONCOMMON Carriage an aircraft operation for compensation or hire that does not involve
holding out to others (does not involve holding out to the public).
Certificate-Holding District Office (CHDO) means the flight .§.tandards Qistrict Qffice that
has responsibility for administering the certificate and is charged with the overall inspection of the
certificate holder's operations. (110.2)
DIRECT AIR CARRIER means a person who provides or offers to provide air transportation and who
has control over the operational functions performed in providing that transportation. (110.2)
: Selling a Certificate
: A certificate is not an "asset" that can be bought or sold. Nevertheless, if the certificate holder is a corporation or LLC
: which remains intact ... and there is a transfer of the majority of stock only ... recertification is not required. In other
• words, you can sell the whole company, but the certificate itself cannot be sold. The Certificate-Holding District Office
•• (CHOO) must be notified of the sale and must approve any proposed changes to management as a result of the sale.
•• Some aviation trivia - A mid-air collision over New York City between a TWA Super
: Constellation and a United DC-8 on an overcast winter day in 1960, brought about the ''250 knots
• below 10.000 feet'' rule. The aircraft collided in the clouds at 5.000 feet with the .W. doi ng over
• 330 knots. The cause was determined to be a combination of pilot/controller error.
1. Still considered limited in size and scope, but the operator must develop
Basic training programs, manuals, and present qualified management personnel to
Part 135 Operator the FAA for approval (some combining of management positions may be
approved). (119.69thru 119.71 , 135.321thru135.353)
2. No more than 5 pilots including SICs.
3. No more than 5 aircraft.
4. No more than 3 different types of aircraft.
5. No aircraft type certificated for more than nine passenger seats.
6. No Category 11 or 111 operations.
7. No operations are conducted outside the United States, Canada, Mexico, or
the Caribbean.
1. Full Part 135 operators essentially have no restrictions as to size but for
''Full'' each new privilege the operator must be granted a specific "Operations
Part 135 Operator Specification" by the FAA in order to conduct that particular operation.
2. Must have all required management personnel (combining of management
positions is normally not allowed but exceptions can be negotiated).
3. May utilize any number of pilots, aircraft, or types of aircraft; including aircraft
with more than 9 passenger seats.
4. Flights to any country and/or Cat II or Ill operations may be allowed upon
issuance of specific Operations Specifications.
No flight time limits, duty time limits or rest 135.261thru135.273 (121.470thru121.525) regulates
requirements. crew flight time, duty time and rest requirements.
RECENT PILOT EXPERIENCE for Pilot In Command: (61.57, 91.103, 121 .439, 135.247, 135.299)
1. To carry PASSENGERS the PIC must have 3 takeoffs and landings in an aircraft of the same category
and class in the past 90 days these landings must be made to a full stop if in a tailwheel aircraft or
at night and if a type rating is required ... must be in the same type of aircraft. (61.57, 135.247)
2. For Part 121 operations the three takeoffs and landings are required for ANYflight crewmember
regardless of if passengers are carried or not.
3. For operations at NIGHT (between 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise), the same as #1
above during this same 90 day period of time.
4. If the PIC has not flown over a route and into an airport within the preceding 90 days the pilot must
become familiar with all available information required for the safe operation of the flight.
[135.299(c), 91 .103]
........................................................ .
: #1. Point the airplane where you want to go, if it doesn't go that way POINT HARDER.
• #2. If you don't want the airplane to go over there DON'T LET IT GO OVER THERE.
240 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
Chap 7 - Commercial Operations
········· ~··························~··············~
Hi, I'm First Officer Orville. My job is really cool. ..
t• 1. For aircraft that require more than one pilot,
I'm in charge of the landing gear and sometimes
•• the ~ requires a TYPE RATING (SIC only)
•• for flights OUTSIDE United States airspace . the captain even lets me talk on the radio.
•• (61.55) If the autopilot breaks - I get to fly all the time -
: 2. Part 121 Copilots are required to have a except when it's time to land or takeoff.
••.,. _
FULL type rating (not SIC only). (121.436)
.....,. I also get to wear this really dapper-lookin' uniform .
Part 121 SIC: (61 .23. 61 .156, 61 .159, 61 .160, 61 .161, 121 .436)
1. An ATP certificate or an ''ATP certificate with Restricted Privileges'' (aka R-ATP Page 189), the
appropriate aircraft type rating, and a 2"d Class medical (for a 2 pilot operation under age 60). An SIC
type rating obtained under §61.55 does not satisfy this reguirement. (121 .436)
2. A Part 121 SIC is required to have made at least 3 takeoffs and landings in that specific type of
aircraft within the preceding 90 days. (121 .439)
3. ''ATP with Restricted Privileges'' (Page 189) 21 years of age, commercial/instrument, complete
the ''ATP Certification Training Program," 10 hours of training in a flight simulator that represents a
multiengine turbine airplane with a MTOW of 40.000 pounds or greater, and for military pilots 750
hours TT, OR for a graduate of an aviation degree program 1,000 hours, OR with only an aviation
associates degree 1,250 hours, OR with no aviation degree 1,500 hours. (61 .160)
Second In Command REQUIRED: (61 .31 , 91 .531 , 135.99, 135.101 . 135.105, 135.109)
1. For most Large Aircraft (over 12,500 lbs) and most jets [most aircraft that require a type rating].
2. No certificate holder may operate an aircraft without a second in command if that aircraft has a
passenger seating configuration, excluding any pilot seat, of TEN seats or more.
3. When carrying passengers under IFR in any aircraft unless there is an approved Autopilot system
(3 axis), the use of the autopilot is authorized by the company's Operations Specifications, and the
pilot has been company trained and checked to use it.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 241
(Chap 7 Commercial Operations)
Not presently serving as PIC/SIC on any Company aircraft.
Trainin :
A Cessna 172 pilot moving to a Cessna 402 receives transition training for the 402.
Trainin :
SIC to PIC in the same airplane B-747 SIC to B-747 PIC.
Trainin :
DIFFERENCES Must be ground and flight training.
Trainin : Example B-737-200 to B-737-400
RECURRENT Required to remain adequately trained. Ground & Flight.
Trainin : Happens every§. and/or 12 months.
A Second In Command •
or PIC must have this
check every 12 months in each aircraft type.
(sometimes called Equipment check or Copilot • An ILS (all engine); at least one Non-Precision
check)(121.441 & Appendix F to Part 121) Approach; holding; stalls; steep turns & single
en ine work.
• A f.ilot !n .Qommand must have this check every
6 months.
135.297 INSTRUMENT PROFICIENCY • May be substituted for 135.293 .
CH ECK: (PIC check or Instrument check) .. Rotate S.E. & M.E. or types of M.E. (PIC)
• One ILS to a missed approach and one SE ILS to a
(121.441 & Appendix F to Part 121)
landing; two Non-Precision Approaches; holding;
stalls; stee turns & sin le en ine work.
• A f.ilot !n .Qommand must have this check every
135.299 LINE CHECK: (Route check) 12 months.
(121.440) • Usually combined with .293 or .297
• One Fli ht; one Route; one Air ort.
~ A Pilot In Command usually gets ALL 3 checks every 6 months (not required but prudent).
»- One GRACE MONTH before or after the due month counts as month due . (135.301, 135.323, 121 .401)
• Pilot being checked is PIC (Unless examiner acts in that
capacity for a portion of the flight). (61.4 7)
FLIGHT CHECKS: (61.47, 135.293(d), 135.301 ) • Emergency procedures, smoothness, judgment,
successful outcome of the maneuver NEVER in
•······························· ~·································· ·
: *IMHO*
: The Buffalo crash that prompted the new 121 rules for SI Cs
: had nothing to do with the lack of an ATP for the SIC (who had
: well over 1,500 hrs) but maybe a lot to do with the FAA's stall
.................. : recovery technique that they drummed into everyone's head for
: decades. Until recently, the FAA preached powering out of the
: If a flight check is : "approach to stall" without any loss of altitude (less than 100 ft).
: In other words PULL the control wheel! Idiotic. A far more
: failed under Part 135, •
: logical recovery is to unload the wing immediately (PUSH the
: the failure of that ; wheel) while adding T.O. power and accept a " minimal loss of
: check has no effect on
t altitude." I battled with the FAA for many years over this, but it
: took this crash to get them to finally change that ridicu lous
: a pilot's qualifications : standard and agree with me. THANK YOU!
: Of course we all know the REAL cause of this accident was
: to fly under Part 121 •
: that neither one of those Bozos was minding the store (i.e.,
: (or vice versa). : AIRSPEED!) during a night instrument approach on autopilot
: If a pilot fails a : after leveling off and dropping the gear and flaps. The captain's
: response to the stick shaker/pusher was to quite aggressively
: checkride the pilot •
: PULL back on the wheel with catastrophic results. Why?
• may not be used ''!!1 i *Just My Humble Opinion*
•• operations under
• THIS PART until ... "
: It's easy to make a small fortune with a Part 135
[135.301(b), 121 .441(c)] ~ company as long as you start with a very large fortune.
Weight & Balance RECORD KEEPING:
(91 .1027, 121 .693 thru 121 .697, 135.63, 135.185, Ops Manual)
1. A Load Manifest (W&B) is required for EVERY LEG with CARGO or PASSENGERS on board.
2. A copy of the W&B should be left at the departure point and one copy returned to Operations where
it must be kept for 30 days [135.63(d), 91.1027] or 90 days [121.695(b )].
Maximum 1. The wings flex up & down with turbulence applying severe bending loads at the
Allowable wing roots. These loads increase dramatically as weight in the fuselage increases.
ZFW sets a maximum allowable weight that can be carried in the fuselage in
Zero Fuel Weight order to eliminate the possibility of destructive wing-bending stress.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• The zero fuel weight figure • 2. The maximum permissible weight of an aircraft with no disposable fuel or oil.
may be found in either the 3. Zero fuel weight for a particular flight is the ~asic Qperating Weight+ payload.
aircraft Type Certificate
4. Maximum weight that can be concentrated !n. the fuselage (pilots + payload).
Data Sheet, or approved
5. Based on the wings ability to tolerate bending stresses ("wing bending limit").
. Aircraft Flight Manual.
: 6. All weight over and above MZFW must be in the form of FUEL in the wings
Useful Load Weight of the pilots, passengers, baggage, usable fuel and drainable oil. The empty
weight subtracted from the max allowable takeoff weight. General aviation aircraft.
Datum An imaginary line from which all measurements of ''arm'' are taken. Location of the
datum is established by the manufacturer. The datum is ''station'' zero.
Station A location in an aircraft identified by a number designating its distance in inches
from the datum. The datum is station zero. The station and arm are usually identical.
An object located at station +103 would therefore have an arm of +103 inches.
Arm (moment arm) Distance in inches from the reference datum line to the center of gravity of an item,
(+) if measured aft of the datum or(-) if measured forward of the datum.
Moment Product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm expressed in pound-inches
Moment Index A moment divided by a constant such as 100, 1,000, or 10,000. Used to simplify the
W&B computations for larger aircraft (heavy weights x long arms= huge numbers).
Center of Gravity The point about which an aircraft would balance if it were possible to suspend it at that
point, expressed in inches from datum. It is the theoretical "mass center" of the aircraft.
Weight x Arm = Moment +++ Total Moment + Total Weight = CG
Center of Gravity The forward and aft locations beyond which the CG must not be located during takeoff,
Limits flight or landing. CG Range is the distance between the forward and aft limits.
Mean Average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge
.Aerodynamic of the wing. An imaginary airfoil that has the same
aerodynamic characteristics as the actual airfoil. CG is often
Qhord (MAC) ------------- ---- --~~,«:__ ,
expressed as a percentage of MAC for larger aircraft. Normally, t
an aircraft will yield acceptable flight characteristics if the CG
is located somewhere near 25°/o of the average chord which
is one-fourth of the distance back from the ,beading E_dge of ------------ ----__._.~Ac--
the ,Mean 8,erodynamic ~hord (average wing section).
LEMAC I TEMAC _beading ~dge (or !railing ~dge) of the Mean .Aerodynamic Qhord
Maximum -TakeOff Max allowable weight for takeoff. Some aircraft are approved for a greater ,Maximum
- B.amp Weight (MRW) to allow for fuel burn during taxi. Takeoff weight may be limited
Weight (MTOW)
to a lesser weight due to runway length, density altitude, or other variables .
Max Landing G h
h · · 1 :somewhat interchangeably with "Regulated Landing Weight" - Max landing ,.
uess W at t IS IS. :weight dependent on field conditions (altitude, temp, pressure, wind and slope)
Weight (MLW) •
6. For MULTl-engine aircraft, the certificate holder is responsible for preparation and accuracy of a LOAD
MANIFEST (W&B) in duplicate. The manifest must be prepared for EACH takeoff and must include:
a. Number of passengers.
b. Total weight of the loaded aircraft.
Maximum allowable takeoff weight for that flight.
.Qenter of Qravity limits.
.-: 135.63
....... ·~
e. .Qenter of Qravity of the loaded aircraft. • ...... .&. .......
CO MAT company MATerial. Non-revenue inter-company material (i.e., correspondence, payroll checks,
aircraft parts for a company aircraft, etc.). COMAT must be weighed and included on the load manifest.
(e) Class E: A Class E cargo compartment is one on AIRPLANES USED ONLY FOR the
CARRIAGE of CARGO and in which -
( 1) [Reserved];
(2) There is a separate approved smoke or fire detector system to give
warning at the pilot or flight engineer station;
(3) There are means to shut off the ventilating airflow to, or within, the
compartment, and the controls for these means are accessible to
the flight crew in the crew compartment;
(4) There are means to exclude hazardous quantities of smoke,
flames, or noxious gases, from the flight crew compartment; and
(5) The required crew emergency exits are accessible under any
cargo loading condition.
I've noticed the majority
of ai rplanes that crash
due to fuel starvation do
The ONLY time so within two miles of
their desti nation.
you can have too I wonder what thei r first
two words are when
much fuel on the engines quit.
board is when
the aircraft is on ''TANGO''
Air Taxi or other commercial operators not having
FIRE! FAA authorized call signs should prefix their normal
(IMHO) identification with the phonetic word ''Tango.''
Tango Aztec Two Four Six Four Alpha. (AIM 4-2-4)
. ...
.• ·········································································~············
: With ample runway available ... it's a virtual certainty an airplane will fly a little over gross.
: However ... without enough gas onboard ... it will most definitely not reach its destination.
Z -+ Someday that forecast for a tailwind will turn into a headwind .
: -+ Someday ATC will assign a ridiculously low altitude 150 miles from your destination.
: -+ Someday that forecast for great weather at your destination will turn sour when you get
: there forcing a diversion to your alternate with even worse weather .
•: -+ Someday during a late night approach in miserable weather, the plane in front of you will
• crash and they'll close the airport leaving you with few options.
% -+ Someday the gear will fail to lock down on approach ... wouldn't you love to have
•: abundant time to troubleshoot properly?
: -+ All of the above have been experienced by me personally during my tenure as a freight dog.
: If you find yourself thinking about gas at any time during a flight ... you didn't buy
•• enough! AND .. . if you 're even slightly worried about gas, you'll find yourself making
foolish ... possibly even stupid decisions. Don't put yourself in that position!
.- . . . . .... ......... ._
: You can never have too
: much fuel, too much altitude,
• •
: or too many engines.
: (i.e., unless you're on fire)
Airport (cont)
10. A pilot must use ALL available reports OR forecasts, or any combination. If one or the other is not
available, and the other available report or forecast is favorable, the pilot can still depart due to the use
of the word "OR" in the rule.
11. If the destination airport has an AWOS, ASOS, ATIS or METAR that does not include a forecast (in
other words no TAF) then the ''AREA FORECAST'' (FA) which is the forecast of general weather
conditions over an area the size of several states issued 3 times a day must be used.
The critical time period is the ,5stimated !ime of Arrival. Even though a Terminal Forecast (TAF) may
have more valuable information, there is no legal requirement that one be available.
12. The WORST weather reported in the body or REMARKS in any of the reports or forecasts !.§.
''POSSIBILITY OF'' weather falling below landing minimums means you cannot "takeoff an aircraft
under IFR." The remarks portion of a forecast is as operationally significant as the main body of the
forecast. It is the FAA policy that the worst weather condition in the main body or remarks portion of a
terminal forecast, as well as any weather report used, is the controlling factor when selecting a
destination or alternate airport.
13. Another FAA "policy" is to allow an operator to depart when current reported weather (for the
destination) is below minimums, but the forecast (TAF or FA) is to improve to at or above minimums
fil the ETA. This method is usually restricted to long-range operations. Launching on the basis of an
improving forecast for a short, let's say 45-minute flight may not be considered prudent. If an incident
should occur, there's always the specter of a 91.13 careless and reckless violation. FAA policy calls for
thoughtful decision making when ignoring a METAR in favor of a TAF.
14. Soooo ... for a short hop, the current reported weather is much more a factor. For long-range
operations, the forecast becomes much more important. Even though the pilot must consider the
"worst of' any reports or forecasts, the weather forecasted at the ,5stimated !ime of Arrival is the most
significant. Always a judgment call when it comes time to split hairs.
15. In a situation where the destination airport does not supply a Terminal Forecast (TAF), and the Area
Forecast (FA) shows a "chance of' weather below minimums a pilot could file to another airport -
near the desired destination with a Terminal Forecast (TAF) above minimums, then divert to the
desired airport if the weather at the actual time of arrival is suitable. The pilot must have a method of
notifying the company of the new destination so as to satisfy Part 135 flight locating requirements.
16. 121.619 states that a second alternate must be listed in the dispatch release if both the destination and
the first alternate airports are forecasting ''MARGINAL'' weather. "Marginal" means ''close to the
lower limit of gualification or acceptability." Therefore, when weather at the destination and the first
alternate are close to the lower limits of acceptability, an additional alternate must be designated. The
definition of ''marginal'' and the conditions under which a second alternate airport must be designated
must be clearly stated in the Part 121 operator's GOM. (FAA Order 8900.1)
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 253
Chap 7 - Commercial Operations
(2) l!!I a circling instrument approach is not authorized for the airport, the ceiling will be at
least 1,500 feet above the LOWEST published minimum orl2,ooo feet ABOVEI the
(3) VISIBILIT for that airport is forecast to be at least THREE MILES, or TWO MILES MORE
THAN the LOWEST applicable visibility minimums, whichever is the GREATER, for the
instrument approach procedure to be used at the destination airport.
You must also check the NOTES in the upper left corner of the CHARLOm, NORTH CAROLINA
approach chart to see if there are any pertinent notes.
LOC l ~ DQG APP CRS Rwy ldg 10000
Example Circling Not Authorized at night. 0 TDZE 707
-- ·
7 003 Apt Elev 748
~rQulttlr'llNUe •PP~~h authorized with runway 36R.
V •: Circling NA at night. ~
( 1) 1 hour BEFORE & 1 hour AFTER Estimated Time of 1:>ME~I" ~~ ~~RED
(2) CEILING (required to NOT need an ALTERNATE) at least 2000 ft above airport elevation;
(3) VISIBILITY (required to NOT need an ALTERNATE) at least 3 miles.
•• NOT standard (check front of approach book). standard Alternate Minimums are found
•• at the front of the AeroNav Approach Book .
: NOTE: Aircraft operating under Part 121 cannot depart an airport not listed in the Ops Specs unless the
•weather is at least 800 & 2, 900 & 1-1/2, or 1000 & 1. No pilot may takeoff from an alternate airport unless the
: weather is at least equal to the minimums prescribed in OpSpec COSS for alternate airports. (121 .637)
•• SECOND ALTERNATE - An additional (second) alternate airport must be listed (filed) if the weather for the destination and the
: first alternate airport are forecast to be "MARGINAL." (121 .619)
: ''MARGINAL'' - The FARs do not define ''marginal." An accepted definition is - "close to the lower limit of qualification or
• acceptability" (i.e., close to minimums). This usually means when the CEILING for the lowest approach at the destination or
•• alternate is 100 feet or less ABOVE PUBLISHED MINIMUMS and/or the VISIBILITY is forecast to be 1h mile or less ABOVE the
• VISIBILITY MINIMUMS. Each certificate holder must provide a specific definition of "MARGINAL WEATHER" through its own
• OpSpecs and provide guidance in their Operations Manual.
The certificate holder is authorized to conduct operations in accordance with the provisions, conditions, and/or
limitations set forth in the following exemptions and deviations issued in accordance with Title 14 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR). The certificate holder is not authorized and shall not conduct any operations
under the provisions of any other exemptions and/or deviations issued under Title 14 of the CFR.
a. Exemptions.
Exem tion Number Date of Ex iration Remarks and/or References
3585 M 12/25/XX Lengel World Airlines is granted exemption
from FAR 121.613, 121.619(a) and 121 .625
to dispatch under IFR with conditional
language in the forecast weather remarks
that weather is below minimums.
5. Most airlines now use Exemption 3S8S, however most ~ertificate-!folding Qistrict Qffices (the FSDO
charged with overseeing the airline's operations) normally require a review and renewal every 2 years.
IFR TAKEOFF Minimums-121/135: [91 .175(f), 91.1039, 121.617, 135.217, OpSpec C057]
•• STANDARD Part 121/135 takeoff minimums are defined in 91.175(f)
1. TWO ENGINES or less 1 Statute mile or RVR 5000
2. MORE THAN TWO ENGINES 1/2 Statute mile or RVR 2400
•• 3. "0-0" takeoffs are legal only for "Part 91 " operations .
Most all Part 121 & 135 companies are AUTHORIZED (via OpSpec C057) to use the
SINGLE PILOT -Takeoff minimum equal to the lowest authorized straight-in Cat I IFR
landing minimums for that airport. If it's a large airport with an ILS (and good approach/runway centerline
lights), this normally means an 1800 ft RVR, or whatever is stated on the approach chart as the lowest
authorized straight-in Cat I VISIBILITY minimums. (NOTE An operation that requires two pilots may be
issued Op Specs that allow a 500 RVR takeoff under certain circumstances.)
You must also check in the chart notes for the = Take-off Minimums not standard and/or Departure
Procedures are published.
Not standard Takeoff Minimums and/or Departure Procedures are found in the FRONT of the AeroNav
LOC I-IMO APP CRS Rwy ldg 8001
110.9 164
Apt Elev
• Chart Notes
X C!rc:lin~ "?' outhorized -:ve$1 of rvnwoy 16-34;
n19ht c1rcl1ng not authorized.
Page C2
TAKE-OFF MINIMUMS: Rwy 16, std. with a min. climb of
230' per NM to 5000. Rwy 34, std. with a min . climb of
ELEV 2165
250' per NM to 5100.
DEPARTURE PROCEDURE: Rwy 16, climb via 164.49°
2486 ~
heading to BRA NOB. Continue climb in holding pattern
to cross BRAN DB at or above 5000 before climbing to
MEAon course. Rwy 34, climb via 342. 77° heading to
KEANS LOM . Continue climb in holding pattern to
cross KEANS LOM at or above 5100 before climbing to
MEAon course.
NOTE: Rwy 16, multiple trees 2.57 NM northwest of
departure end of runway, 2953' MSL. Tree 207'from
departure end of runway, 529' left of centerline, 2148'
MSL. Rwy 34, multiple trees 2.2 NM west of departure
end of runway, 3137' MSL. Multiple trees 1.46 NM from
departure end of runway, 3156' left of centerline, 2620'
MSL. Plant 1.32 NMfromdepartureendofrunway,
4190' right of centerline, 407' AGL/2567' MSL. Tree
543' from departure end of runway, 614' left of centerline,
2194' MSL.
DESCENT BELOW DH or MDA: [91.175(c), 135.225, 121 .651 (c), 121 .651(d), OpSpec C074]
1. You must have the "landing environment" in sight [runway or lights, etc. , 91.175(c)].
2. Flight visibility what YOU see must be at least equal to landing minimums.
3. The aircraft must be in a position to make a normal approach and landing.
4. You may not descend below 100 feet above TDZ unless the red terminating or side row bars are
visible .
•.. .......... ............. .. ..... ...... ....... ..... .,,
• Even though flight visibility is controlling, the reported weather could be
: used in an enforcement action when it is doubtful that the flight visibility
• reported by the pilot could have existed. This would be extremely
•• difficult (but not impossible) for the FAA to "prove."
: Flight visibility can vary greatly fro m ground visibility.
• FAA Legal Interpretation (March 10, 1986):
: " ... Enforcement action would be taken only in those cases in which the
• pilot could not reasonably conclude fl ight visibility was at or above
: approach minimums, but the pilot nevertheless proceeded to land .. ."
(91 .175)
Current weather: "Ceiling obscured - RVR 1600" (Minimums for.~P.P..~9.~Eh ..... ~Y.~_g1.9.9) ...............................
1. You shoot the approach for a ''look-see." : 91 .175 does not require the use of " reported visibilitv" 1
2. At DH the needles are centered. :• for Part 91 operations. The pilot is the only person :•
3. You see the approach lights and the runway. =•• ~.~~-~~~. ?.:!;~!1;~~-= -~~?.t.!~~ -':!1.if:!~.t- ~i~~!~i~Y.':.i.~~~-~~~ ••E
4. You believe the FLIGHT VISIBILITY what YOU see is at least ~ mile.
5. You're in a position to make a normal landing (NOTE : The pilot may not descend below 100 feet above the touchdown
zone elevation using the approach lights as reference unless the red terminating bars or red side row bars are also distinctly
visible and identifiable)a
You land.
••• •••••••••••• ---- • .............................. ................. .
The average
:• forward horizontal distance, from the
IF ANYONE CARES TO ASK: ~ cockpit in flight, at which prominent
t unlighted objects may be seen and
1. At DH I had the landing
environment in sight.
. • . .
·: ·d ent·f·
1 1 te d by d ay an d promtnen
· t 11
·g hte d
2. I had at least ~ mile v1s1b1l1ty.
:. objects may be seen and identified by night.
3. I was in a position to make a normal approach and landing. •,~~~OK'Ott.c.i10GOG~~~~.:il!l!:o~~~
~ 00"'00
00000 l~ 00000
~ :
' ~~
00000 00000
00000 ~
00000 ~
).)r<~ i*:
~);-(' WHITE
00000 00000
~f ~ ,, ."
••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~
SPECIAL EXEMPTION 5549: (Authorized Exemptions and/or Deviations are listed in OpSpec AOOS)
Special Exemption 5549 provides relief from §121.652 allowing Part 121 HIGH MINIMUMS CAPTAINS to
FLY to PUBLISHED LANDING MINIMUMS it the air carrier has received authorization for the exemption
from the FAA. Certain conditions, equipment and weather conditions are required, such as:
1. An AUTOPILOT/Flight Director with APPROACH COUPLER (or tlead-Y,p-Qisplay) used all the
way to Decision Altitude;
2. Landing from a Category I ILS approach below 4,000 RVR or 3A mile visibility, will not be
conducted when the CROSSWIND component exceeds 15 knots and (or) the BRAKING ACTION
is reported to be less than good;
3. All Category II approaches and landings will be conducted using the auto-land approach coupler
(ALAC) system whenever minimums are reported below 1,800 RVR;
4. Each operator using this exemption must establish a ''CREW PAIRING'' policy (§121.438) that
requires as a minimum for the type airplane being used that either the PIC or SIC has at least
75 hours of line operating flight time as either the PIC or SIC in the appropriate seat.
5. NOTE: The exact wording of this exemption will vary depending on the type of operation and which
.Qertificate-tlolding Qistrict Qffice is handling the exemption (i.e., which FAA you happen to be
talking to that day).
8 hours .if the pilot is given a rest period of at least 10 hours-that must IJegin no later than 24
hours after the commencement of the reduced rest period.
(2) A rest required under: paragraph (b)(2) may be scheduled for or reduce<ftto a minimum of
8 hours .if the pilot is given a rest perib d of at least 11 hours that must begin no later than 24
hours after the commencement of tble reduced rest period.
(3) A rest required unde r paragraph (b} 3) may be scheduled for or reduced to,a rrl inimum of
9 hours .if the pilot is given a rest period of at least 12 hours that must begin no later than 24
hours after the commencement ot the reduced rest period.
(d) Each certificate hCDl·der: shall relieve eac pilot engaged in schedll!le,d air transportation from all further duty
for at least 24 comsecutive hours during any 7 consecutive days.
···························--------·····································~···························· •
: ''Other Commercial Flying'' means "any nonmilitary flying as a
: required crewmember, other than in air transportation , for which
: the crewmember is paid for his or her services." Example:
~ "Flight instruction for compensation is other commercial flying."
···························~ ··································~
•''Calendar year'' is the period from • ''Calendar quarter'' is defined as
: the first moment of January 1st until •• four periods of 3 months each, beginning
: the last moment of December 31st. : January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st.
•••••••••••••••••••••••• ····················································· ~
•• '
• • ALL Pilots LOCAL or NOT LOCAL Transportation (135.263)
: 1. Transportation ''NOT LOCAL IN CHARACTER'' aka ''DEADHEAD transportation'' whereas the
•• certificate holder ''REQUIRES and PROVIDES' transportation for the pilot to or from a ''NON-LOCAL''
•• location where the crewmember shall begin duty service, is not considered part of a rest period .
• 2. ''LOCAL transportation'' is travel to and from one's residence to one's place of business, or from a
t hotel or motel to an airport. The time a pilot spends in traveling between his residence and an airport
: out of which he is to operate, or from that airport to his residence , is time spent in "local transportation "
•• and IS COUNTED as part of a REST PERIOD.
: 3. EXAMPLE: If you live 2 hours from the airport, that's your choice, it is still considered ''LOCAL
: transportation'' and is still considered part of your rest period. If the employer has you on the road
• and has to transport you two hours away to the nearest hotel , then that is considered ''NOT LOCAL IN
CHARACTER'' and the time spent in transportation cannot be considered part of the rest period.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 267
Federal Aviation Decisions
..........•..........................•......... •...........•.............. ·~
• In general, flight time and duty regulations are the most complicated set of legal
•• gibberish the FAA has ever created. Using case law and FAA letters of
••• interpretation, the next two pages attempt to explain the most difficult of all -
Part 135 UNSCHEDULED Operations.
FLIGHT TIME Limitations and REST for UNSCHEDULED Operations-
1. Total flight time in all commercial flying must not exceed:
a. 500 hours in each calendar quarter (3 months)(e.g., January 1 to March 31).
b. 800 hours in any two consecutive calendar quarters (6 months)(e.g., April 1 to October 31 ).
c. 1.400 hours in any calendar year (January 1 to December 31 defines ''calendar year'').
2. During any 24 consecutive hours the pilot must have at least 10 consecutive hours of rest
(+ 30 minutes for preflight and 15 minutes for post flight) and the total flight time of the assigned flight when
added to any other commercial flying by fhat flight crew member may not exceed:
a. 8 hours for a required flight crew of one pilot; or
b. 10 hours for a reguired flight crew of two pilots.
3. If a pilot starts his 14 hour Ctuty day [24 hours minus 10 hours rest] by'flying a single pilot aircraft-
and later in the same duty aa~flies a two pilot aircraft he ~s restricted by the single pilot 8-hour
limitation of 135.267 (6)(2)(i). (FAA legal interpretation 1979-64) 1
4. The certificate holder (e ompany) must p~ovide (assign in advance) each pilot at least 13 rest periods of
at least 24 consecutive hours each in each calendar guartec (3 months) 35.267(f).
DUTY PERIOD - means the period of elapsed time between reporting for an assignment involving flight time
and release from that assignment (broken by a minimum rest period). (135.273)
FLIGHT Tl ME - means pilot time that commences when an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of
flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing; aka block-to-block. (1 .1)
REST PERIOD "means the period free of all RESPONSIBILITY for work or duty should
the occasion arise." Rest must be determined ''PROSPECTIVELY'' (in advance). It cannot
be determined "retrospectively" (after the fact, or by default). It must be continuous (although
one telephone call is not considered an interruption). It must be free from all duty or restraint
(it's your time). It must be free from all RESPONSIBILITY for work should the occasion arise. ""'
You cannot be REQUIRED to report for work should the company page you or call you. If you
have a RESPONSIBILITY to report to work if called, then the time is not rest. (135.273)
§ 117 .3 Definitions.
In addition to the definitions in §§ 1.1 and 110.2 of this chapter, the following definitions apply to this part. In the event there is
a conflict in definitions, the definitions in this part control for purposes of the flight and duty limitations and rest requirements
of this part.
Acclimated means a condition in which a flightcrew member has been in a theater for 12 hours or has been given at least
36 consecutive hours free from duty.
Airport/standby reserve means a defined duty period during which a flightcrew member is required by a certificate holder to
be at an airport for a possible assignment.
Augmented flightcrew means a flightcrew that has more than the minimum number of flightcrew members required by the
airplane type certificate to operate the aircraft to allow a flightcrew member to be replaced by another qualified flightcrew
member for in-flight rest.
Calendar dav means a 24-hour period from 0000 through 2359 using Coordinated Universal Time or local time.
Certificate holder means a person who holds or is required to hold an air carrier certificate or operating certificate issued
under part 119 of this chapter.
Deadhead transportation means transportation of a flightcrew member as a passenger or non-operating flightcrew
member, by any mode of transportation, as required by a certificate holder, excluding transportation to or from a suitable
accommodation. All time spent in deadhead transportation is duty and is not rest. For purposes of determining the
maximum flight duty period in Table B of this part, deadhead transportation is not considered a flight segment.
Duty means any task that a flightcrew member performs as required by the certificate holder, including but not limited to
flight duty period, flight duty, pre- and post-flight duties, administrative work, training, deadhead transportation, aircraft
positioning on the ground, aircraft loading, and aircraft servicing.
Fatigue means a physiological state of reduced mental or physical performance capability resulting from lack of sleep or
increased physical activity that can reduce a flightcrew member's alertness and ability to safely operate an aircraft or
perform safety-related duties.
Fatigue risk management svstem (FRMS) means a management system for a certificate holder to use to mitigate the
effects of fatigue in its particular operations. It is a data-driven process and a systematic method used to continuously
monitor and manage safety risks associated with fatigue-related error.
Fit for duty means physiologically and mentally prepared and capable of performing assigned duties at the highest degree
of safety.
Flight duty period (FOP) means a period that begins when a flightcrew member is required to report for duty with the
intention of conducting a flight, a series of flights, or positioning or ferrying flights, and ends when the aircraft is parked
after the last flight and there is no intention for further aircraft movement by the same flightcrew member. A flight duty
period includes the duties performed by the flightcrew member on behalf of the certificate holder that occur before a
flight segment or between flight segments without a required intervening rest period. Examples of tasks that are part of
the flight duty period include deadhead transportation, training conducted in an aircraft or flight simulator, and
airport/standby reserve, if the above tasks occur before a flight segment or between flight segments without an
intervening required rest period.
Home base means the location designated by a certificate holder where a flightcrew member normally begins and ends his
or her duty periods.
Lineholder means a flightcrew member who has an assigned flight duty period and is not acting as a reserve flightcrew
Long-cal/ reserve means that, prior to beginning the rest period required by § 117 .25, the flightcrew member is notified by
the certificate holder to report for a flight duty period following the completion of the rest period.
Physiological night's rest means 10 hours of rest that encompasses the hours of 0100 and 0700 at the flightcrew
member's home base, unless the individual has acclimated to a different theater. If the flightcrew member has
acclimated to a different theater, the rest must encompass the hours of 0100 and 0700 at the acclimated location.
Report time means the time that the certificate holder requires a flightcrew member to report for an assignment.
Reserve availability period means a duty period during which a certificate holder requires a flightcrew member on short call
reserve to be available to receive an assignment for a flight duty period.
Reserve flightcrew member means a flightcrew member who a certificate holder requires to be available to receive an
assignment for duty.
assignment or continue an assigned flight duty period !! the total flight time: : Flight time (1.1) means: pilot time
(1) Will exceed the limits specified in Table A of this part if the operation is : that commences when an aircraft
conducted with the minimum required flightcrew. : moves under its own power for the
(2) Will exceed 13 hours if the operation is conducted with a 3-pilot • purpose of flight and ends when
flightcrew. : the aircraft comes to rest after
(3) Will exceed 17 hours if the operation is conducted with a 4-pilot landing; aka block-to-block.
(b) If unforeseen operational circumstances arise after takeoff that are beyond the certificate holder's control, a
flightcrew member may exceed the maximum flight time specified in paragraph (a) of this section and the cumulative
flight time limits in 117.23(b) !Q the extent necessary to safely land the aircraft at the next destination airport or
alternate, as appropriate.
(c) Each certificate holder must report to the Administrator within 10 days any flight time that exceeded the maximum
flight time limits permitted by this section or§ 117 .23(b ). The report must contain a description of the extended flight
time limitation and the circumstances surrounding the need for the extension.
(a) This section applies to operations conducted pursuant to contracts with the U.S. PUSH T10 CAN:CEL
•• '
• (AIM 2-1-4 & P/C Glossary [Airport lighting])
•• White lights, except on instrument
: runways, yellow replaces white on
•• the last 2,000 feet or half the
• runway length, whichever is less, to
•• form a caution zone. Runway lights
•• are uniformly spaced at intervals of
approximately 200 feet. Lights
marking the end of the runway emit
red lights toward the runway.
INTERNATIONAL Flights: (91 .701 thru 91 .715, AIM 5-1-9, 5-1-11 , GOM)
1. MUST be on an IFR or DVFR flight plan . (91 .707)
2. Should include ''ADCUS'' [advise customs] in the remarks section.
3. For flights outside the United States all crewmembers and passengers must have
a valid passport. At least one crewmember must hold a personal FCC
Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit. The aircraft itself must also have
a Radio Station License issued by the FCC in order to operate internationally.
''English Proficient'' endorsement required on all pilot certificates.
4. You must clear customs a total of 4 times during a round trip:
a. Out of the United States.
b. Into the foreign country.
c. Out of the foreign country (this usually happens at the same time unless you're going to hang
around for a while and have a few margaritas before you depart).
d. Back into the United States.
5. When a U.S. certified pilot flies outside the United States, the pilot must abide by:
a. The Y,nited §.tates federal 8,viation Regulations (FARs);
b. The regulations of the International ~ivil 8,viation Qrganization (ICAO); and
c. The regulations of the country the pilot is operating in;
d. When any of the regulations conflict, the pilot must comply with the most restrictive ones
(91. 703 ). It is the responsibility of the pilot to know the applicable regulations.
LARGE AIRCRAFT: (1 .1. 61 .31 , 61 .58, 61 .63, 91 .501 , 135.365, 135.367, 135.369, 135.375, 135.377, 135.605)
1. Gross weight more than 12,500 lbs.
2. ALL large aircraft and ALL jets ALWAYS require a type rating and normally require 2 pilots unless
certified for single pilot operations.
3. As a general rule, LARGE AIRCRAFT and JETS normally require a crew of at least 2 pilots unless
approved for single pilot operations by the FAA during the aircraft certification process.
4. Sometimes a Large aircraft is approved for single pilot operation based on the pilot's type rating, e.g.;
the King Air 300, 350, Beech 1900 and Starship all weigh more than 12,500 lbs If a pilot takes his
type rating as a single pilot he can fly those airplanes alone If he takes his type ride as part of a
crew he must fly as part of a crew. The CitationJet ISP I llSP & all CE500 series are also certified for
single or two-pilot operations. A King Air 350 equipped with 9 seats or less is certified to operate with
a single pilot; if it is equipped with 10 or more seats, it must be operated with two pilots. The 350 is
certified under Part 23 "Commuter category" rules, which allow single pilot operations for prop-driven
aircraft over 12,500 Lbs equipped with less than 1O passenger seats .
1. A type rating is required for ALL Large Aircraft (over 12,500 lbs) and ALL Jets.
2. In order to serve as PIC on an aircraft a pilot is type rated in , the pilot must complete a ''pilot-in-
command proficiency check'' for that aircraft within the previous 12-calendar months
(24-calendar months if alternated with another type rated aircraft). The pilot-in-command proficiency
check given in accordance with Parts 121, 125 or 135 or Subpart K of Part 91 for that aircraft will satisfy
this requirement (see Chapter 5 for the details).
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••
: 20:1 = 2.866 degrees or 303.8 feet per NM
100 foot
+----2,000 f e e t - - - •
6. If the runway is WET or SLIPPERY, and there is no AFM wet data available for your Turbojet, you
are required to have a runway that is at least 115°/o of the runway length required for dry conditions.
Using the 5000 feet calculated above that would require an effective runway length of 5750 feet.
This wet distance calculation is not required for the alternate but is certainly advisable.
7. OpSpec C054 also prohibits a turbojet from beginning an approach when the visibility is less than
3A mile or 4000 RVR, unless 15°/o is added to the distance required by the appropriate (60°/o) rule.
Example: If 3000 feet is required by the AFM 3000 + 0.6=5000x1.15 = 5750 feet required.
You are not required to take the wet runway into account when making this calculation for visibility but it
is more conservative to do so.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 279
(Chap 7 Commercial Operations J
Subpart F 91.501 thru 91.533 - LARGE and TURBINE-POW D
Multiengine Airplanes & Fractional Ownership Program Aircraft: (91 .501)
(a) This subpart prescribes operating rules, in addition to those prescribed in other subparts of this part, governing the
operation of large airplanes of U.S. registry, turbojet-powered multiengine civil airplanes of U.S. registry, and
fractional ownership program aircraft of U.S. registry that are operating under subpart K of this part in operations not
involving common carriage. The operating rules in this subpart do not apply to those aircraft when they are required to
be operated under parts 121, 125, 129, 135, and 137 of this chapter. (Section 91.409 prescribes an inspection program
for large and for turbine-powered (turbojet and turboprop) multiengine airplanes and turbine-powered rotorcraft of U.S.
registry when they are operated under this part or part 129 or 137 .)
(b) Operations that may be conducted under the rules in this subpart instead of those in parts 121. 129, 135, and 137
of this chapter when common carriage is not involved, include-
(1) Ferry or training flights;
(2) Aerial work operations such as aerial photography or survey, or pipeline patrol, but not including fire fighting
(3) Flights for the demonstration of an airplane to prospective customers when no charge is made except for those
specified in paragraph (d) of this section;
(4) Flights conducted by the operator of an airplane for his personal transportation , Q! the transportation of his guests when
no charge, assessment, or fee is made for the transportation ;
(5) Carriage of officials, employees, guests, and property of a company on an airplane operated by that company, or
the parent or subsidiary of the company or a subsidiary of the parent, when the carriage is within the scope of, and
incidental to, the business of the company (other than transportation by air) and no charge, assessment or fee is made
for the carriage in excess of the cost of owning, operating , and maintaining the airplane, except that no charge of any
kind may be made for the carriage of a guest of a company, when the carriage is not within the scope of, and
incidental to, the business of that company;
(6) The carriage of company officials, employees, and guests of the company on an airplane operated under a time
sharing, interchange, or joint ownership agreement as defined in paragraph (c) of this section;
(7) The carriage of property (other than mail) on an airplane operated by a person in the furtherance of a business or
employment (other than transportation by air) when the carriage is within the scope of, and incidental to, that business
or employment and no charge, assessment, or fee is made for the carriage other than those specified in paragraph (d) of
this section;
(8) The carriage on an airplane of an athletic team, sports group, choral group, or similar group having a common
purpose or objective when there is no charge, assessment, or fee of any kind made by any person for that carriage; and
(9) The carriage of persons on an airplane operated by a person in the furtherance of a business other than transportation
by air for the purpose of selling them land , goods, or property, including franchises or distributorships, when the
carriage is within the scope of, and incidental to, that business and no charge, assessment, or fee is made for that
(10) Any operation identified in paragraphs (b )(1) through (b )(9) of this section when conducted--
(i) By a fractional ownership program manager, or
(ii) By a fractional owner in a fractional ownership program aircraft operated under subpart K of this part, except that
a flight under a joint ownership arrangement under paragraph (b)(6) of this section may not be conducted. For a flight
under an interchange agreement under paragraph (b)(6) of this section , the exchange of equal time for the operation must
be properly accounted for as part of the total hours associated with the fractional owner's share of ownership.
(c) As used in this section-
(1) A TIME SHARING AGREEMENT means an arrangement whereby a person leases his airplane with flight crew to another
person , and no charge is made for the flights conducted under that arrangement other than those specified in paragraph
(d) of this section;
(2) An INTERCHANGE AGREEMENT means an arrangement whereby a person leases his airplane to another person in
exchange for equal time, when needed , on the other person's airplane, and no charge, assessment, or fee is made,
except that a charge may be made not to exceed the difference between the cost of owning, operating , and maintaining
the two airplanes;
(3) A JOINT OWNERSHIP AGREEMENT means an arrangement whereby one of the registered joint owners of an airplane
employs and furnishes the flight crew for that airplane and each of the registered joint owners pays a share of the charge
specified in the agreement.
(d) The following may be charged, as expenses of a specific flight, for transportation as authorized by paragraphs (b)(3) and (Z)
and (c)(1) of this section:
(1) Fuel , oil, lubricants, and other additives.
(2) Travel expenses of the crew, including food , lodging, and ground transportation ,
(3) Hangar and tie-down costs away from the aircraft's base of operation . --
(4) Insurance obtained for the specific flight.
(5) Landing fees, airport taxes, and similar assessments.
(6) Customs, foreign permit, and similar fees directly related to the flight.
(7) In flight food and beverages.
(8) Passenger ground transportation.
(9) Flight planning and weather contract services.
(10) An additional charge equal to 100 percent of the expenses listed in paragraph (d)(1) of this section .
•.......................................................................... ,
: No person may use an AUTOPILOT:
: 1. ENROUTE - less than 500 feet above the terrain, or less than twice the maximum altitude loss
• specified for a malfunction of the autopilot, whichever is higher.
•• 2. NONPRECISION APPROACH - less than 50 feet below the MDA, or less than twice the maximum
: altitude loss specified for a malfunction of the autopilot under approach conditions, whichever is higher.
: 3. ILS APPROACH - when weather is below basic VFR, less than 50 feet above the terrain, or the
altitude loss specified for a malfunction of the autopilot with approach coupler, whichever is higher.
*• - - · ·························
Second In Command vs. AUTOPILOT (135.99, 135.101 , 135.105)
No certificate holder may operate an aircraft without a second in command if that aircraft has a passenger seating
• configuration , excluding any pilot seat, of TEN seats or more (135.99) .
: 2. When carrying passengers under IFR in an aircraft with NINE seats or less, a ~econd !n ~ommand is required unless
•• there is an approved Autopilot system (3 axis); the use of the autopilot is authorized by the company's Operations
Specifications; and the pilot has been company trained and checked to use it. (135.101 , 135.105)
If the aircraft is operated in a "COMMUTER operation ," the pilot must have at least 100 hours PIC in the make & model.
; An approval for single pilot operations using an approved autopilot merely provides an operator with the
: option to use a single pilot. It does not mandate that all flights be conducted with a single pilot. A company
• could still choose to use a .§.econd !n ~ommand instead of the autopilot.
•• the road too many, starts
•• feeling no pain , and/or
• otherwise becomes
• sloshed, soused , or
• •••
plastered - AND -
creates a disturbance
•• aboard an aircraft, the
• certificate holder must
•• submit a report to the FAA
•• within 5 days. (121.575)
1. Fractional Ownership DEFINITION states five requirements (91.1001 ):
a. A designated ''Program Manager'' responsible for overseeing the operation;
b. One or more owners per fractional ownership program aircraft,
with at least one aircraft having multiple owners; 'A Rttflrttnt:.e for th• Rest of Us!
c. Shareholders must possess at least a 1/16tfi share of a fixed-wing
fractional aircraft or at least a 1/32"d share of a fractional helicopter;
d. A dry lease aircraft exchange agreement among all the owners; and
e. Multi-year program agreements.
2. OPERATIONAL CONTROL (91.1009- 91.1013) Owners will have to
sign an agreement acknowledging and accepting their shared
responsibility for operational control.
MAN UAL (91.1015, 91.1023, 91.1025) Management specifications
(similar to OpSpecs) will be issued by the FAA and a Program Operating
Manual must be prepared by the Program Manager and accepted by the FAA.
4. RECORDKEEPING (91.1027) Records of all pilot and flight attendant information must be kept for at
least one year. A LOAD MANIFEST must be prepared in duplicate before each takeoff and a copy of it
must be carried on board the aircraft; the Program Manager must keep a copy for at least 30 days.
5. PIC or SIC: Designation Required (91.1031) The Program Manager must designate a Pilot In
Command and a Second In Command for each program flight requiring two pilots.
6. CHECKLISTS & CHARTS (91.1033) The Program Manager must provide current checklists and
aeronautical charts for all operations and the pilots shall use them.
7. LANDING LIMITATIONS (91.1037) No person may permit a turbine engine powered large transport
category airplane on a program flight to TAKE OFF unless, its anticipated weight on arrival would allow a
full stop landing at the destination (or alternate) within 60 percent of the effective length of the runway
from a point 50 feet above the intersection of the obstruction clearance plane and the runway. A fractional
operator (or 135-charter operator) is allowed to use an anticipated landing weight that would allow a full stop
landing within 80 percent of the effective length of the runway, if the operation is conducted in accordance
with an approved ''Destination Airport Analysis'' in that person's program operating manual that
contains the elements listed in § 91.1025(0). When operating a TURBOJET to a wet or slippery runway,
the effective runway length must be at least 115 percent of the runway length required under dry conditions.
8. WEATHER REPORTING & LANDING MINIMUMS (91.1039) No pilot may begin an instrument
approach to an airport unless -
a. Either that airport OR the alternate airport has approved weather reporting; and
b. The latest weather includes a current local altimeter setting for the airport. If no local altimeter
setting is available at the destination airport, the pilot may use the current altimeter setting provided
by the facility designated on the approach chart for the destination airport.
c. For flight planning purposes, if the destination airport does NOT have approved weather reporting,
the pilot must designate as an alternate an airport that DOES have approved weather reporting.
d. MDA or DH and visibility landing minimums are increased by 100 feet and Y2 mile respectively for
each Pilot In Command of a turbine-powered aircraft who has not served at least 100 hours as Pilot
In Command in that type of aircraft.
9. TAKE OFF MINIMUMS (91.1039)-
a. No person may take off under IFR from an airport where weather conditions are at or above takeoff
minimums but below authorized landing minimums unless there is an alternate airport within one (1)
hour's flying time (at normal cruising speed, in still air) of the departure airport.
b. No pilot may takeoff when the reported visibility is less than 600 feet.
10. PROVING TESTS (aka PROVING RUNS) (91.1041) Proving tests would be required both for fractional
ownership program aircraft and for Part 135 aircraft only before the initial use of either an aircraft for which
two pilots are required under the aircraft type certification requirements or a turbojet (at least 25 hours -
including FIVE hours of NIGHT time and FIVE instrument approaches).
General Operations Manual (GOM): (135.21, 135.23, 121 .131thru121 .141 , 91 .1023, 91 .1025)
1. The certificate holder shall prepare and keep a current Operations Manual (aka: General Operating
Manual, GOM, or ''Ops Manual''), approved by the FAA, setting forth the policies and procedures by
which the company will comply with the Operations Specifications issued by the FAA and the current
Federal Regulations.
2. A copy of the manual must be made available to all ground personnel and furnished to all flight
crewmembers and is intended to be used by employees for guidance on how to do their jobs.
3. Each flight crewmember is required to have their Operations Manual IN THEIR POSSESSION any
time while operating a company aircraft. "An electronic version of the manual is sufficient and
satisfactory provided that there is a means to view it during the performance of assigned duties."
"Sharing manuals or e-readers would not be in compliance with the regulation."
4. Each employee to whom a manual is furnished is responsible to keep it up to date with changes and
additions furnished to them.
OPERATIONS MANUAL (GOM) CONTENTS: (135.23, 135.77, 135.179, 119.69, 121 .131thru121.141)
Each manual shall have the date of the last revision on each revised page. The manual must include:
1. The name, title, duties and responsibilities of each management person (1 .69).
2. Name and title of each person authorized to exercise
''operational control'' [the authority to launch an aircraft] (135. 77).
3. Weight & Balance procedures.
4. Copies or excerpts from the Operations Specifications including:
a. Area of operation.
b. Types of operations.
c. Category and class of aircraft.
d. Crew complements.
5. Accident notification procedures.
. ..
"' - / " ·I. ~
& ~ -----
BRIEFING of PASSENGERS BEFORE TAKEOFF: (121 .571 , 135.117, 91 .107, 91 .517, 91 .519, 91 .1035)
1. Before each takeoff the Pilot In Command shall ensure that all passengers have been orally
briefed on:
a. Smoking and warned against disabling any smoke detectors in lavatories, etc.
b. Use of seat belts.
c. Placement of seat backs in an upright position before takeoff and landing.
d. Location and means of opening the passenger entry door and emergency exits.
e. Location of survival eguipment.
f. If the flight involves extended overwater operation, ditching procedures and the use of
flotation equipment.
g. If the flight involves operations above 12,000 feet, the normal and emergency use of oxygen.
h. Location and operation of fire extinguishers.
2. Each person who may need the assistance of another person to move to an exit if an emergency
occurs, and that person's attendant must receive an evacuation briefing.
3. The oral briefing shall be supplemented by printed cards, convenient for each passenger, that contain
a diagram of and method of operating the emergency exits; and other instructions necessary.
COCKPIT VOICE RECORDERS (CVR): (25.1457, 135.151 , 91 .609, 91.1045, 121 .359, Legal interpretation)
1. No person may operate a multienqine, turbine-powered airplane or rotorcraft having a passenger seating
configuration of six or more and for which two pilots are reguired by certification or operating rules unless it is
equipped with an approved cockpit voice recorder that is operated continuously from use of the check list
before the flight (121.359 says " ... from the start of the use of the checklist before starting engines for the purpose of
flight") to completion of the final check list at the end of the flight.
2. In the event of an accident or occurrence requiring immediate notification of the NTSB, the certificate holder shall
keep the recorded information for at least 60 days.
3. The FAA CANNOT use the CVR for any civil penalty or certificate action, but could
use the tapes as evidence for a reexamination of a pilot's competency (a "709 ride").
4. Release of CVR recordings to the public following an accident is at the discretion of
the NTSB.
5. ''The ability to operate under the exception in §135.105 using an autopilot system
instead of a second pilot does not negate the need for a cockpit voice recorder.''
=> Airplane surface contamination (i.e., adherence of frost, ice, or snow) and
critical area identification, and knowledge of how contamination adversely
affects performance;
..__.... => Types and characteristics of deicing/anti-icing fluids;
=> Cold weather preflight procedures; w
7. Operating l1m1ta_t1ons, . : This rule does not require training for operations
8. Fuel consumption and cruise control; • during ground icing conditions if the operator does
9. Flight planning; : not anticipate frequent encounters with such
1O. Each normal and emergency procedure· and • conditions. However, if ground icing conditions
. . ' . • are experienced, the pilot could not takeoff until
11. The approved Aircraft Flight Manual, or equivalent. the icing conditions no longer exist.
TRAINING TYPES: (135.321 . 121 .400. 121 .41a, 121 .419, 121 .424, 91 .1103)
1. INITIAL Training Training required for pilots who have not qualified and served in the same capacity
on another airplane of the same group.
2. TRANSITION Training Training required for pilots who have qualified and served in the same
capacity on another airplane of the same group (e.g., B-727 sic to B-747 sic).
3. UPGRADE Training Training required for pilots who have qualified and served as second in
command or flight engineer on a particular aircraft type, before they serve as pilot in command or
second in command, respectively, on that airplane (B-747 sic to B-747 pie).
4. DIFFERENCES Training Training required for pilots who have qualified and served on a particular
type airplane, when the Administrator finds differences training is necessary before a pilot serves in the
same capacity on a particular variation of that aircraft (B-737-200 to B-737-400 ).
5. RECURRENT Training Training required for crewmembers to remain adequately trained and
currently proficient for each aircraft, crewmember position, and type of operation in which the
crewmember serves (usually every 6 to 12 months depending on the type of training).
6. REQUALIFICATION Training Training required for pilots previously trained and qualified, but who
have become unqualified due to not having met within the required period the recurrent training and/or
checking required under Part 135 or Part 121.
7. TRAINING CENTER An organization governed by the applicable requirements of Part 142 that
provides training, testing, and checking under contract or other arrangement to certificate holders.
8. IN FLIGHT Maneuvers, procedures, or functions that must be conducted in the aircraft.
The INSTRUMENT experience CURRENCY requirements of 61.57(c) (i.e. 6 months; 6 approaches;
: holding; and intercepting and tracking courses), DO NOT APPLY to a Pilot In Command who is
: employed by a Part 121 or Part 135 air carrier while flying under Part 91 , 121 , or 135 for that air
: carrier [61.57(e)(2), 121 .401 , 121.441 , 135.301(a)] .
•• IN OTHER WORDS A PIC for a Part 121 or Part 135 air carrier, who has a current PIC check, and
•• while flying under Part 91 , 121, or 135 for that air carrier, is legal (i.e. instrument current) for
: 7 months even if he or she has not done a single instrument procedure (aside from the checkride)
: during that 7-month period. Please note once again that this person is only legal during that 7th month
: while flying under Part 91 , 121 , or 135 FOR THAT AIR CARRIER.
From an FAA Legal Opinion dated October 29, 1992 "The FAA has consistently interpreted the
•• grace month provisions for Part 121 and Part 135 [and 61.58(g)] to allow crewmembers to DY for up
•• to one month following the calendar month in which a check is reguired. " "... a pilot would NOT
•• be held in violation for operations in which he served during the grace month should he fail to
•• comply with the proficiency check requirement during that grace month." "The fact that your
• company will purposely allow your currency requirement to lapse does NOT prevent the grace
month provision of 135.301 (a) from applying." IN OTHER WORDS The regulatory effect is the
same as !f the check is accomplished (or not accomplished) in. the month due (aka base month).
Class 9 label
Top is not completely sealed.
allowing gases to vent Net quantity ol dry ice in Ille package
.._~ ...
Ronnie 's Car Parts Air Waybill No. 453465780444
1223 Wilkinson Blvd Page 1 of 1 Pages
Charlotte, N.C. 28234 Shipper's Reference Number
Ford Motor Company Lengel
101 Edsel Road World
Detroit, MI 44543
Airlines .
I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and Nal"!letntle of Signatory
accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are Wild Bill I Forklift Driver
classified, packaged, marked and labelledlp1acarded, and are in all Place and Date
respects In proper condition for transport according to applicable Charlotte, NC 2-18-XX
International and national regulations.
Signature "'~ J , ./} J ~·'./}./}
(SH w&ming abo~) vvt~ D""
: GRACE MONTH: From an FAA Legal Opinion dated October 29, 1992 - "The FAA has consistently interpreted the grace month provisions
• for Part 121 and Part 135 [and 61.58(i)] to allow crewmembers to fix for up to one month following the calendar month in which a
•• check is required." " ... a pilot would NOT be held in violation for operations in which he served during the grace month should he fail
: to comply with the proficiency check requirement during that grace month." "The fact that your company will purposely allow your
• currency requirement to lapse does NOT prevent the grace month provision of 135.301 (a) from applying ." IN OTHER WORDS -
• The regulatory effect is the same as it the check is accomplished (or not accomplished) in the month due (aka base month).
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 303
(Chap 8 More Commercial Stuff)
FAR 135.297........................................ PIC :• PIC check will INCLUDE at least:
FAR 135.293........................................ PIC : ( 1) Rejected takeoff and low visibility takeoff
(2) Engine~ilureaftertakeoff, steep turns, stalls,
• and unusual attitude recovery
Preflight Inspection .............................. PIC •• (3) Holding (may be waived)
Start Procedures .................................. PIC : (4) All engine ILS to a miss, SE ILS to a landing
Taxiing ................................................. PIC •• and two nonprecision approaches
Pretakeoff Checks ............................... PIC •• (5) Coupled approach (if equipped)
•• (6) Two missed approaches (one from an ILS)
• (7) Circling approach
Normal ................................................. PIC
(8) No flap approach (actual landing not required}
Crosswind ............................................ PIC
(9) Rejected landing
Instrument ............................................ PIC
With Powerplant Failure ...................... PIC (ME only)
Rejected Takeoff ................................. PIC (ME only}(May be waived when weight, temperature and tire limits
preclude the event from being conducted in a realistic and safe manner)
Short Field ........................................... PIC (SE only) (May be waived if not new-hire or initial equipment)
Area Departure .................................... PIC (May be waived if not conducted for certification)
Steep Turns ......................................... PIC (May be waived if not new-hire or initial equipment)
Approaches to Stalls ............................ PIC
Powerplant Failure ............................... PIC
2-Engine lnop. Approach ..................... PIC (3 & 4 engine aircraft)
Area Arrival .......................................... Pl C (May be waived if not conducted for certification)
Holding ................................................. PIC (May be waived if not new-hire or initial equipment)
Normal ILS Approach .......................... PIC (SE ILS may be substituted)
Engine-out ILS ..................................... PIC
Coupled Approach ............................... PIC (If equipped)
Nonprecision Approach ....................... PIC
Second Nonprecision Approach .......... PIC (Any two non precision approaches authorized)
M1sse d A pproac h from an I LS . .. .. .. .. ... . PI C .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-......~
Second Missed Approach .................... PIC : A GPS approach may be credited for
Circling Approach ................................ PIC : other nonprecision approaches during a
check. However, if GPS approaches
LANDINGS & APPROACHES TO LANDINGS: : are approved for the certificate holder,
Normal ................................................. PIC •• Operations Specifications require the
Crosswind ............................................ PIC •• demonstration of at least one GPS
Landing from an ILS ............................ PIC approach during the 135.297 check.
Landing with Engine-out ...................... PIC (ME only)
Circling Approach ................................ PIC
Rejected Landing ................................. PIC (From 50 feet above the runway)
Short Field Landing ............................. PIC (SE only)
No Flap Approach ................................ PIC No flap or partial flap LANDINGS are NOT required to complete the flight test. When
the flight test is conducted in a TRANSPORT category airplane, a TOUCHDOWN
from a no flap or partial flap approach is NOT required and shall NOT be attempted .
: Check rides are considered ''duty time''
: in the sense that they interrupt "rest time. "
: Check rides must be recorded in the
• company's flight time and duty records.
.. .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.~. ---· ................................ .
: Pilot In Command Normally the Instrument Proficiency, Equipment Competency, and
: Line checks are all three combined and accomplished simultaneously every six months (i.e.,
: 135.293, 135.297, 135.299). If the pilot is qualified to fly two different type aircraft these
• checks will alternate types of aircraft each six months. The "PIC" check will normally include
•• a rejected takeoff, engine failure after takeoff, steep turns, stalls, at least two nonprecision
•% approaches, an all engine ILS to a missed approach, and a single-engine ILS approach to
• a landing, etc .
: Second In Command Requires an Equipment Competency check (135.293) every
: 12 months, however, the pilot must also be ''Instrument current'' [61.57(c)](i.e., 6 approaches
• and holding in the last 6 months must be logged)( 135.245). The "SIC" check is usually the
: same as the ''PIC'' check except a single-engine ILS approach is not required and only one
•.,. nonprecision approach is required .
................................. •
: Extended Envelope Training
: (121 .423)
• After several high profile crashes the FAA is now
: requiring training in the following maneuvers:
: 1. Manually controlled slow flight;
• 2. Manually controlled loss of reliable airspeed;
: 3. Manually controlled instrument departure and
: arrival;
: 4. Upset recovery maneuvers;
• 5. Recovery from bounced landing; and
•• 6. Recovery from full stall.
What happened to the dudes that started it all?
: Compliance is required by no later than
• Wilbur Wright died as a result of typhoid in
• March 12. 2019.
•• It's comforting to know that all airline pilots will be 1912 at the age of 45 .
: required to learn how to recover from a stall by • Orville passed away in 1948 at the age of 76,
one year after Chuck Yeager became the first
. no later than March 12, 2019.
to fly faster than the speed of sound .
Prohibition Against Carriage Of WEAPONS: (91 .11 , 135.11s, 135.120, 121 .538, 121 .587)
No person may, while on board an aircraft being operated Allah is great ...
by a certificate holder, carry on or about Life sucks!
that person a deadly or dangerous
weapon , either concealed or
unconcealed. This section does not Bt.HEA
apply to -
(a) Officials or employees of a TH 05E
municipality or a State, or of the WHO
United States, who are authorized
to carry arms; or
(b) Crewmembers and other persons authorized by the
certificate holder to carry arms.
308 EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot
(chap 8 More Commercial Stuff)
AIRCRAFT REQUIRED TESTS and INSPECTIONS: (91 .111 . 91 .201. 91 .215, 91 .409, 91 .411 . 91 .413)
1. ANNUAL inspection (Part 91 ). Must be signed off by an A&P with Inspection 8,uthorization (aka IA).
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ·-- . . .. . . . . . .. ... . . .. ............ . . .. ....... . . .. ... . . . . .. . ·----
2. 100 hour inspection (for hire). Can be signed off by any 8,irframe & fowerplant Mechanic (A&P) .
: The 100-hour limitation may be exceeded by not more than 10 hours while en route to reach a place
• where the inspection can be accomplished. It is acceptable to exceed the 100-hour limitation during a
• commercial operation !Ethe aircraft is INADVERTENTLY delayed (due to weather or traffic). However,
: INTENTIONALLY dispatching an aircraft on a commercial operation KNOWING that the 100-hour limitation
• will be exceeded is NOT legal. Commercial operations must be halted at the 100-hour point. The
: excess time used to reach a place where the inspection can be accomplished must be included in computing
• the next 100 hours of time in service. *CAUTION* - *CAUTION* (a little FAA "got-cha") Some aircraft
: ,Airworthiness Qirectives requ ire inspection of specific components at 100 hour (or sometimes 25 or 50 hour)
• intervals. These [AD] intervals normally CANNOT be exceeded for ANY reason (unless a ferry permit is issued) .
: Annual or 100-hour inspections do not apply to-
• • An aircraft inspected in accordance with an 8,pproved 8,ircraft Inspection frogram (AAIP) under Part
• 125, 127, or 135 .
• • An aircraft inspected in accordance with a Progressive Inspection Program .
•• • An aircraft inspected in accordance with a Continuous Airworthiness Inspection Program .
• Several other inspection programs listed in 91.409.
3.An ANNUAL inspection is acceptable to use as a 100-hour inspection, but a 100-hour inspection
cannot be used as an annual. An annual is a bit more intense and must be signed off by an 8,ircraft
Inspector. Annual inspections have no grace period. If it's out of annual, it's out of annual. You'll
need either a new annual or a ferry permit in order to move the aircraft.
4. 8,pproved 8,ircraft Inspection frogram (AAIP) Under Parts 125, 127 or 135 (135.419).
5. PROGRESSIVE Complete inspection by specifying intervals in hours & days when routine & detailed
inspections will be performed during a 12-month period (91.409).
6. Other inspection programs approved by the administrator for large or turbine powered aircraft (91 .409).
7. ADs have no grace period unless such a grace period is noted in the AD itself.
8. TRANSPONDER (Mode C), ALTIMETER, and PITOT/STATIC systems Must be checked and re-
certified every 24 calendar months (technically the altimeter & pitot/static check is only required for IFR
operations). (91 .411 , 91.413)
9. ELT Every 12 months Batteries must be replaced after 1 hour of cumulative use or when 50o/o of
their usable life has expired (91.207). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
10. VOR test every 30 days for IFR flight (91.171). The OWNER OPERATOR of the aircraft is
primarily responsible for maintaining an
VOR CHECK: (91.171, AIM 1-1-4, 2-3-6, fig 2-3-20, FAA-H-8083-15) : aircraft in an airworthy condition (91 .403).
1. Required within the previous 30 days for IFR flight:
a. Surface VOR checkpoint ±4° • The PILOT IN COMMAND is
b. VOT surface (or airborne) check ±4° • responsible for determining
c. Dual VOR system check ±4° between each other I
whether the aircraft is in an
d. Airborne VOR checkpoint ±6° •
• airworthy condition [91 .7(b)].
e. Airborne over prominent landmark ±6°
f. Radio repair station Max permissible variation ±4°
2. All checks may be performed and signed off by the pilot except a radio repair station check. A radio
repair station can use a radiated test signal, but only the technician performing the test can make an
entry in the log. Locations of airborne & surface checks can be found in the A/FD.
3. Each person making a VOR check must enter:
DEPS )late, .§.rror, f.lace, and ~ignature in the aircraft log or other reliable record.
4. The course sensitivity can be checked by recording the number of degrees of change in the course
selected as you rotate the OBS to move the CDI from center to the last dot on either side. This
should be between 10° and 12° (FAA-H-8083-15).
ON r1-1e
Pt-us s1oe,
FOlUS ... we
Al-l6AD OF
: TIME IN SERVICE (1.1) with respect to maintenance time
•• records, means the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface of
•• the earth until it touches it at the next point of landing (aka ''air time'').
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 311
[Chap 8 More Commercial Stuff)
Each certificate holder shall mail or deliver, before the end of the 10th day of the following month, a
summary report of the following occurrences in multiengine aircraft for the preceding month to the certificate-
holding district office:
(a) Each interruption to a flight, unscheduled change of aircraft enroute, or unscheduled stop or diversion
from a route, caused by known or suspected mechanical difficulties or malfunctions that are not reguired
to be reported under § 135.415.
(b) The number of propeller featherings in flight, listed by type of propeller and engine and aircraft on which it
was installed. Propeller featherings for training, demonstration, or flight check purposes need not be
SAFETY BEL TS: (91.105, 91.107, 91 .205, 91.517, 91 .519, 91.1035, 135.128, 121 .311 , 121.571 , AC 91-62A, AC 23.562-1)
1. Each required flight crewmember shall keep the safety belt fastened while at the crewmember station.
2. During takeoff and landing each required flight crewmember must keep the shoulder harness fastened
(if equipped), unless he would be unable to perform required duties with the shoulder harness fastened.
3. Each person on board an aircraft shall occupy an approved seat or berth with a separate safety belt
properly secured about him or her during movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing (unless it is a
person pushing off a seaplane or float equipped rotorcraft from a dock).
4. A child may be held by an adult who is occupying an approved seat or berth, provided the child has
not reached his or her second birthday and the child does not occupy or use any restraining device; or
5. A child may occupy an approved child restraint system furnished by the certificate holder or by the
child's parent, guardian or designated attendant provided the restraint system is properly secured to an
approved forward-facing seat or berth and the child is properly secured within the seat (see 135.128
and 121.311 for REQUIRED LABELING of restrain systems).
1. It is operated at an altitude that allows it to reach land in the case of engine failure. ~~-~
2. It is necessary for takeoff or landing. / _/
3. It is a multiengine aircraft operated at a weight that will allow it to climb, with the critical e"9ine
inoperative, at least 50 feet a minute, at an altitude of 1,000 feet above the surface, or
4. It is a helicopter equipped with helicopter flotation devices.
TCAS I means a TCAS that utilizes interrogations of, and replies from, airborne radar beacon
transponders and provides traffic advisories to the pilot.
TCAS 11 means a TCAS that utilizes interrogations of, and replies from airborne radar beacon transponders
and provides traffic advisories and resolution advisories in the vertical plane.
TCAS Ill means a TCAS that utilizes interrogation of, and replies from, airborne radar beacon transponders
and provides traffic advisories and resolution advisories in the vertical and horizontal planes.
FLASHLIGHT FLYING EQUIPMENT: (91 .503, 135.159, 121.310, 121.549, Ops Manual)
1. 91.503 all flights aboard LARGE and TURBINE-powered multiengine airplanes require a
''FLASHLIGHT having at least two size ''D'' cells or equivalent, that is in good working order''
accessible for each flight ''fil the pilot station of the airplane."
2. 135.159 requires the aircraft to be equipped with a FLASHLIGHT with two size ''D'' cells or equivalent
for VFR night and VFR over-the-top operations while carrying PASSENGERS. Part 135 does not
specifically require a flashlight for IFR night but the FAA would certainly interpret the rule to apply to
ALL night flights (although it might make for a lively argument during a ramp check!). In any case, if
you're flying a large or turbine-powered multiengine aircraft, you're also ruled by 91.503. In addition,
flashlight requirements are usually addressed in a company's Qeneral Qperations Manual.
In other words ... MAKE damn SURE you have a FLASHLIGHT (with 2 "D" cells) that WORKS!
3. 121.549 "EACH CREWMEMBER shall, on each flight, have readily available for his use a flashlight
that is in good working order." Also see 91.503 (two "D" cells).
C I>
•• An approved ''Company Flight
•• Manual'' (CFM) may be
•• accepted by the FAA as a
: substitute for an approved
: Airplane Flight Manual.
: If an approved Company Flight
: Manual is on board, it is not
: required to also carry an
·, approved Airplane Flight Manual.
Falcon 20F •
: Lengel arid Airlines •
Minimum Equipment List •
• •
: Aircraft Falcon 20F N123LW Revision Number: Page: •
•• •
R-08 24-1 •
• S/N 334 Date: •
• ••
• 3/20/XX •
24 ELECTRICAL Repair category •
•• ••
Number Installed •
• •
• Number Re uired for Dis atch •
• Maintenance Procedure Re uired •
• •
•• Operations Procedure Re uired •
•• •
Remarks or Exceptions •
•• ••
• 1. Inverters B 3 2 0 One may be inoperative provided the •
• •
• remaining two operate normally. •
•• •
• (01) Pilots shall ensure both •
•• remaining inverters operate normally •
during preflight checks. ••
DC Voltmeter c 1 0 0 May be inoperative provided all other
generator system components operate •
normally. •
•• 3. Batteries c 2 1 M 0 One may be inoperative provided: •
•• •
a) Both generators operate normally •
• b) Inoperative battery is disconnected ••
• in accordance with an acceptable ••
• maintenance procedure, and
•• c) A ground power unit is used for •
•• engine start . •
•• •
(01) Pilots shall ensure that both •
•• generators operate normally during
• preflight checks. ••
• •
•• (M1) Put switch ''OFF'' for affected •
•• •
battery and leave ''OFF." •
•• Disconnect affected battery and •
•• insulate the battery connector and •
battery receptacle. •
• •
• •
: 4. Battery Temperature Indicator c 2 •
0 0 May be inoperative provided battery •
• System temperature warning light operates •
•• •
normally. •
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,• •
.. ·········································································~...,
•. '
•• (AC 25-7A, AC 25.1581-1, 8900.1)
•• Operating the airplane without certain secondary airframe and engine parts is allowed through the
•• use of an approved COL. The COL should be included in the AFM as a separate appendix. The COL
•• should be prepared in accordance with the guidance provided in Advisory Circular 25-7, "Flight Test
•• Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes.''
• Many aircraft have installed equipment that is not essential for safe operations under all operating
conditions. Much of this equipment is required for certain kinds of operations, such as night, instrument
flight rules (IFR), or operation in icing conditions. Other equipment, such as entertainment systems and
galley equipment may be installed for convenience. If some deviation from the type certificated
•• configuration and equipment were not permitted, the aircraft could not be flown unless all such
•• equipment was operable and/or installed .
•• 1. A COL works pretty much like a MEL.
•• 2. The Minimum Equipment List and the Configuration Deviation List should be carried on board
the aircraft.
3. No flight can take off from any airport with inoperative equipment other than the items
provided for !n the Minimum Equipment List and/or Configuration Deviation List.
······················· ·························· ~
•• means that a system and/or component
• has malfunctioned to the extent that it does not accomplish its
• intended purpose and/or is not consistently functioning normally
within its approved operating limits or tolerances. (AC 91-67)
If you decide to REMOVE an item, it will usually require an authorized mechanic to do the work. A
supplemental Weight & Balance report must be created and signed by the mechanic; and the equipment
list must be modified to reflect the removal. The temporary W&B and equipment list modification should be
kept in the Aircraft flight Manual. If you decide to DEACTIVATE the item, you can just switch it off, or gull
and collar the circuit breaker. Placard the cockpit control ''INOP'' and record the maintenance as per 43.9.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 321
(Chap 8 - More Commercial Stuff)
''SPECIAL FLIGHT PERMIT'' or ''FERRY PERMIT'': [91 .213(e), 21 .1 91, 21.199, opspec 00841
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section (91.213), an aircraft with inoperable instruments or
equipment may be operated under a special flight permit issued in accordance with Secs. 21.197 and
2. A "special flight permit" aka "ferry permit" may be issued by the flight .§.tandards Q.istrict Qffice (FAA
Form 8130-6) for an aircraft that may not currently meet airworthiness requirements but is capable of
safe flight.
3. Normally an authorized mechanic makes the determination as to the safety of the aircraft.
4. A ''ferry permit'' is typically issued for:
a. Repositioning an aircraft to a place where repairs or maintenance is to be performed or to a
place of storage.
b. Flight-testing or delivery of aircraft.
c. Customer demonstration flights for new production aircraft.
d. Evacuating aircraft from an area of impending danger.
e. Operating an aircraft at a weight in excess of maximum gross weight for a long-range flight such
as crossing the Atlantic.
5. A ''Special Airworthiness Certificate'' (FAA form 8130-7) is also required if the aircraft is
''out of annual''.
··········~ ··········· ·············· ~ A
N/ A
N/ A
•• instruments and equipment required to comply FROM SHAWNBB, OKLAB.OMA
•• with the airworthiness requirements under which FUGKT
N· 42565 SERIAL tlO.
• the airplane is type-certificated shall be in a D
• condition so as to operate efficiently and in the OATE OF ISSUANCE 03-22-99 EXPIRY 04~01-99
A ferry flight of a 3 or 4
turbine engine aircraft with
one engine inoperative to a
repair station may be made
: in VFR conditions with only
: required flight crewmembers
: on board. (91 .611)
-' ,~
, /
"' '-
' /
\ \
a fl
Crew Pairing Limitations (Over age 60 with under age 60) Canceled
•• In order to harmonize with ICAO rules, the FAA has made changes to 61.3, 61.77, and 121.383 and will
: no longer enforce the crew pairing requirements of the previous 121.383(d)(2). A pilot over the age of
: 60 (but under age 65) may now serve in international operations with another pilot over the age of 60.
•• .............................................................................. ~
•• The Last Time Congress Actually Did Something!
• [H .R.4343, 61 .3, 121.383]
•• 1. Side-stepping the creaky wheels of the FAA, both houses of Congress unanimously passed , and (in a
• rare display of sanity) El Presidente Bush signed ''The Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act''
•• making it the law of the land December 13, 2007, ending the nearly half-century old age discrimination
• rule. The policy of out with the old (experienced , high seniority) highly paid pilots ... and in with the
•• younger cheaper dudes has saved the airlines countless millions during those 50 years .
• 2 . The law forced the FAA to raise the mandatory retirement age for Part 121 pilots to age 65. (121.383)
: 3. This is all well and good if you have a current job with an airline that will remain in business as you
• pass age 60. Be aware that regardless of the new regulation and the supposedly looming "pilot
•• shortage" everyone always talks about. Age discrimination is still rampant. If you're over 55 and
•• lose your job for any reason , it's a tough world out there. Unless you are uniquely talented, most
•• operators will opt to invest their training dollars in younger albeit less experienced (and cheaper)
•• pilots. It's an unfortunate fact of life and I'm just tellin' it like it is. Be sure to have additional skills
•• available unless you 're willing to start over at the bottom of the seniority list at a regional , or you know
•• someone in a corporate or 135 operation that can get you a job. It's all about who you know!
• 4. The law gives pilots who have lost much of their pensions to airline bankruptcies (or numerous
•• ex-wives!;o) five more years to recapture lost income; and helps the airlines deal with the theoretical
• growing shortage of experienced pilots .
• 5 . The extended careers of the older pilots mean more time with lower seniority for the younger ones;
however it also means longer careers for all pilots. I think EVERYONEwins! IMHO .
•• 6 . Opinion: Immediately after signing the bill into law ... Bush went back to fighting his personal private
• war with Iraq. Obama went back to plotting ways to take more money from the rich (aka people
• who actually hire people) and then (after deducting a huge percentage to fund the grossly bloated
•• government bureaucracy) redistribute what's left to the poor and unemployed. Great job Robin Hood!
• Too bad you couldn't figure out how to deal with the several gazillion dollars of debt the policy created
• and the huge growing class of folks who see no reason to work because they've become comfortable
• with government handouts. By the way .. . does anyone know anvone ever hired by a poor person?
... Or a poor person who hired a poor pilot? Just my humble opinion!;o) .
•• Safety Management System (SMS)
•• 1. The FAA's latest buzzphrase created to promote safety by adding several thousand words to their website and
•• maybe some to your Ops Manual. ''SMS is an approach to improving safety at the organizational level.''
: 2. Basic concept - ''Analyses show that accidents are rarely caused by one event. Accidents are the result
• of a chain of events. If any of the events had not occurred, an accident may have been prevented.''
•• 3. The FAA wants operators to develop a SMS program to encourage reporting of even the slightest possibility of
: a safety issue by every employee from the janitor on up to upper management. The object being to break the
: chain of events that lead to an accident - aka - basic common sense (IMHO).
• 4. The FAA's Hypothetical Scenario - Tug driver notices hydraulic fluid on a tire ... but doesn't point it out 'cause
•• he's really busy. Janitor cleans up hydraulic fluid on hangar floor ... wonders about it, but fails to report it. Fueler
: notices puddle of red fluid under a tire ... but has several others to fuel, so he fails to say anything. Pilot gets
• distracted during the walk-a-round so he fails to notice it. Airplane departs. At the destination airport, the pilot
•• executes a perfect landing and applies the brakes. The leaking hydraulic fluid heats up and ignites. The right
: main landing gear is engulfed in flames and the plane burns to the ground soon after everyone dives for the exits.
: 5. The concept is - if any one of these people had taken the time to report the abnormal presence of fluid it might
• have prevented the accident. Oh and by the way ... the pilot is fired for failure to perform an adequate preflight
•• inspection. Great story, eh? SMS is essentially about promoting attitudes of paying attention.
: 6. IMHO this is basic common sense and should be the #1 rule of airline management:
: Encourage (and reward!) every employee to report any and all possible safety related issues immediately no
• matter how annoying or trivial they might seem at the time .
•• 7. OK all you Chief pilots and D.O.s out there ... now that we understand the concept ... let's get busy and generate
: copious amounts of great sounding (but totally boring) words about it!;o). Sounds like a great opportunity for a
• PowerPoint presentation don't it? Sorry for being so irreverent folks, sometimes I just can't help myself;o ).
•• (Part 5, 119.8,, AC 120-92A, AC 120-100, AC 150/5200-37, 8900.1)
• § 119.8 Safety Management Systems.
: (a) Certificate holders authorized to conduct operations under part 121 of this chapter must have a safety
: management system that meets the requirements of part 5 of this chapter and is acceptable to the
• Administrator by March 9. 2018 .
•• (b) A person applying to the Administrator for an air carrier certificate or operating certificate to conduct
: operations under part 121 of this chapter after March 9, 2015, must demonstrate, as part of the application
• process under§ 119.35, that it has an SMS that meets the standards set forth in part 5 of this chapter and is
acceptable to the Administrator.
Emergency Legal
'' ... Give us a vector for the nearest airport ...
We are landing NOW!''
Compliance with ATC Clearances and Instructions ..................................................... 330
Deviating from a Rule due to an EMERGENCY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 330
Confirm It! .. ...... ............. ................................ ............. ............. ................................ ...... 330
Do Not Mumble ............ ............. ............. ................... ............. ....... ...... ................... ...... 330
EMERGENCY Allowed to IMMEDIATELY Deviate ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 330
EMERGENCY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 331
Responsibility and Authority of the Pilot In Command ................................................. 331
Engine Failure ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 332, 333
Critical Engine .............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ................... ...... 333
Accelerate-STOP I Accelerate-GO .............................................................................. 333
Area of Decision ..... ...... ................................ ... .... ...... ................................ ... .... ...... ...... 333
Single-Engine Service Ceiling ...................................................................................... 333
Single-Engine Absolute Ceiling .................................................................................... 333
Driftdown ...................................................................................................................... 333
VMc (Red Line) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 334
Left Engine is Critical Because ................................. ............. ................................ ...... 335
It may surprise you How to CRASH an Airplane Equipped with a
to know that Sully
Perfectly Good Spare Engine ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 336
never did bother to
declare an Emergency Equipment ................................................................................................. 337
emergency and Minimum Fuel Advisory •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 337
ATC never asked. Immediately, Emergency, Priority, Mayday, Pan , Pan, Pan ........................................ 337
A formal declaration gmergency ,bocator Iransmitter (ELT) ........................................................................ 338
was simply not ELT Changes in the Works ....... ............. ................... ............. ................................ ...... 339
necessary. NASA Reports Aviation Safety Reporting Program •••••••••••••••••••••••• 340
Careless or Reckless Operation .................................................................................. 340
''Ah ... this is ah ... Enforcement Action .............................................................................................. 342, 343
Cactus fifteen thirty Accident or Incident ........................................................................... 344
nine [sic], hit birds, Major or Minor Damage ............ ............. ................... ............. ............. ................... ...... 344
we lost thrust in both Notification of Accidents, Incidents & Overdue Aircraft ... ................... ............. ............ 345
engines, we 're turning
back towards
NTSB Phone Numbers •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 345
LaGuardia. '' Preservation of Wreckage; Reports ............................................................................. 345
Aeronautical Information Manual Only an Advisory? •••••••••••••••••••• 346
Copies of ATC Tower/Center Audio/Radar Track Tapes •••••••••••••••• 346
FAA "Hot Line", AOPA "Hot Line" ................................................................................ 346
Without a doubt,
THE most
goose hunt
of all time.
I Pay ATTENTION If there is even the slightest doubt that a new clearance was for you ask them to
I it's very easy to think you hear new instructions for when they actually were for an aircraft with a
similar call sign.
I hear the closer aircraft (or the one with the bigger radio) which may NOT be you He can't correct you
You and the other aircraft might read back the clearance simultaneously the controller may only
because he didn't hear you and YOUR read back is NOT on the tape You change altitude -
I YOU are BUSTED, without a leg to stand on!
Do NOT ACCEPT a new CLEARANCE or instructions unless you're ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY,
I 100°/o for SURE it was for YOU.
Do NOT ACCEPT a new CLEARANCE or instructions unless you're ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY,
1 OOo/o for SURE what the EXACT instructions are.
I ALWAYS confirm your instructions by reading back the numbers clear•ly and dis•tinct•ly so the
controller can correct you if you screwed up. If you slur your words, a busy controller may just assume
I the read back was correct and move on to the next guy. The responsibility is yours. At least get it clearly
on the tape what you thought he said. It might help a little at the ENFORCEMENT HEARING!
: During read-back Do NOT mumble - say your words clear•ly and dis•tinct•ly.
• Especially the important ones like heading, altitude, routing or frequency.
. - . ----· . . . . . . . . . . . ·-- ----· . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----· . . . . . . . . . . . . --·
• In an EMERGENCY, you are allowed to IMMEDIATELY deviate from any clearance and do
• whatever needs to be done in order to deal with that emergency. (91.3, 135.19, 121.557, 121 .559)
• You ARE required to notify ATC of that deviation As §.oon As f.ossible . But that means when you
• get a chance, when you get around to it, AFTER you get all those cuss words out of your system.
• Do what you have to do FIRST to prevent any possibility of endangering your life .
• Then as soon as you get around to it give ATC a call.
t FLY the airplane FIRST TALK about it LATER!
: •
The fact that a pilot does not formally declare an emergency on his radio does not
.• •••••••••••••
The point is:
: preclude reliance on 91.3(b) as a defense [NTSB 2015]. Don 't be afraid to
: • You do NOT have to FORMALLY DECLARE an EMERGENCY before deviating say the "E-word"
: from a clearance when dealing with a potentially life threatening situation. but also don't be
: • Just do what has to be done to get the aircraft on the ground as soon as possible. afraid to do what
: • You have the power to ignore every regulation in the book if you need to. 1s necessary
• • Do what you have to do, tell them about it as soon as you get a chance. BEFORE getting
•• • Chat about semantics later when you get on the ground ALIVE!!! • •
perm1ss1on .
When it becomes necessary to SHUT-DOWN an ENGINE, a LARGE AIRPORT with a LONG RUNWAY
and an /LS providing GLIDE SLOPE information is definitely an important consideration with a large
aircraft and/or bad weather in any aircraft.
However, one must also consider 91. 7(b ), which has been interpreted to mean ; "the pilot, in an emergency
situation , must land at the first AVAILABLE and 'SUITABLE' airport at which a safe landing can be made. But
he is NOT REQUIRED to land at the first AVAILABLE airport if it is not 'SUITABLE'." According to the FAA,
safety is the paramount consideration. Convenience and comfort are not considerations at all.
The pilot is required to land at the ''FIRST AVAILABLE'' location ''CONSISTENT with SAFETY."
So, in other words , do not shut an engine down , then fly another 100 miles, passing several ''suitable''
airports along the way, just to get the airplane back home where your car is! Somebody at the local
FSDO may not consider that "consistent with safety," and you 'll probably be hearing these words-
''you're in a heap-o'-trouble Boy!''
••• •
Propellers that use springs, counterweights and oil pressure (or actually lack of oil pressure) for feathering
• (a large portion of light twins) must be feathered BEFORE the propeller is allowed to drop below 800 to
•• 1,000 RPM. For some reason this is sometimes a very well kept secret by certain companies. (Not to
• mention any names like Cessna and McCauley!)
:% If the RPM drops below this level, the "pins" (that keep the prop from feathering on the ground during
shutdown) will set, preventing any hope of feathering the engine in flight!
• Do NOT drag around a windmilling propeller for very long letting the RPM drop below 1,000 RPM .
•• Do NOT let the airspeed get too low before feathering the propeller. The lower the airspeed the slower the
•. propeller will windmill .
1. Power ..... ...... ............. .............. AS REQUIRED DON'T BURN IT UP (It's the only one you got left!)
2. Mixture .................................... ADJUST FOR POWER (usually full RICH)
3. Fuel Pump .............................. ON ••············~······························
4. Fuel Selector .......................... MAIN TANK : • A GOOD landing is one you can
5. Cowl Flaps ................. ............. AS REQUIRED : walk away from.
: • A GREAT landing is one after which
: you can still use the ai rplane.
The LEFT engine is considered to be the ''CRITICAL ENGINE'' on most light twins simply because at high
angles of attack the descending blade produces the most thrust ("P-Factor") and both propellers almost
always turn in the same direction (clockwise as viewed from behind the engine). This puts the "thrust line"
of the right engine further away from the centerline of the fuselage than the "thrust line" of the left engine,
which tends to turn the aircraft to the left (when the left engine is inop) quicker than to the right (when the
right engine is inop )(see next page).
During an actual engine failure, I consider the ENGINE that's still RUNNING extremely CRITICAL!
SINGLE-ENGINE SERVICE CEILING the maximum density altitude the aircraft can maintain a
50 fpm climb with only one engine operating. Found in the f.ilot's Qperating .t:landbook or approved
Aircraft flight ,Manual.
SINGLE-ENGINE ABSOLUTE CEILING The density altitude the aircraft can maintain with the
critical engine feathered and the other engine at maximum power.
1. Feathering the propeller. Much less drag and much better climb performance.
2. Moving CG forward. Distance from CG to rudder is increased Longer rudder moment arm.
3. Reducing power (R eng). Less P factor, torque, etc. (however LESS climb performance).
4. Other than critical engine inop. Less effect of P-factor, torque, etc.
5. Higher than sea level. Typically less engine power available (also less climb ability available).
6. Gear down will reduce VMc slightly ("keel effect" of drag created by the main gear located aft of the CG)
but dramatically increase drag and DECREASE climb performance.
7. Banking more than 5° will reduce VMc but will also dramatically REDUCE climb performance.
8. VORTEX GENERATORS (small vanes affixed to the upper wing surface) can significantly reduce VMc·
1. Less than 5° bank. Increases rudder deflection required but also INCREASES climb performance.
Best climb performance will be attained somewhere between 1.5° to no more than 3° of bank.
2. Less than 1f4 to 3/4 ball-width out toward operating engine. Increases rudder deflection & drag.
3. Using aileron to ease the need for pressure on rudder. Drag penalty of adverse yaw.
4. Low temperature. Engine and prop of the operating engine is more efficient (however better climb).
5. Less than max weight will increase VMc slightly but also greatly INCREASE climb performance.
6. Gear UP greatly reduces drag but slightly increases VMc· Do you want to CLIMB or GO STRAIGHT?
0 0
1------c 11 i--r- _,._.... 11 t - - - - 1
1. OPPOSITE REACTION to the spinning
(clockwise as viewed from the rear) PROPELLER
tends to roll the aircraft to the LEFT.
2. More pronounced with the right engine because of
.• -··········-- ·····································
Stop the yaw with full rudder and a minimum amount of aileron .
•• A downward deflected aileron will attempt to lift a wing, but it will
•• also create significant drag, making a bad situation even worse.
1. Propeller slipstream over the wings and tail causes
0 0 asymmetrical lift and control effectiveness.
II II 2. The RUDDER is more effective with LEFT engine
running because more slipstream flows by the left
side of the rudder making it easier to prevent the
aircraft from turning to the right.
3. The center of lift created by propeller-induced
slipstream is closer to the center of the aircraft
with the LEFT engine running.
1. Spiraling slipstream from the LEFT engine AIDS
2. That is, if the LEFT engine fails, rudder
effectiveness is greatly diminished. If the RIGHT
engine dies, propwash from the LEFT engine
actually enhances rudder effectiveness.
Single engine airplanes fall out of the sky all the time. Here's the scenario: + engine quits the pilot realizes
immediately he forgot to bring along a spare engine pilot immediately says two words ''Oh S#!T!''
An OFF airport landing is usually inevitable and may or may not be survivable.
Multiengine airplanes always bring along a spare engine. In the event of an engine failure there may be some
screamin' gain' on, but an ON airport landing should always be inevitable and survivable. A spare engine is
:+ After stating your call sign , the term "Minimum Fuel" should be used. '' Falcon 48A Minimum Fuel."
:+ This is NOT an emergency but an ADVISORY that an emergency is possible should any undue
: delay occur.
:+ This term does not imply the need for traffic ''priority."
:+ Really getting nervous? Tell them you need ''PRIORITY''-or declare an ''EMERGENCY''(means the
• same).
~ +
• .. ..................................................
NEVER use this as a ploy to cut in front of other traffic when you really don't have a problem .
• "FUEL REMAINING" -The approximate number of
minutes ,
: the flight can continue until actual fuel exhaustion .
IMMEDIATELY: (P/C Glossary) •aa w
1. Used by ATC or pilots when such action compliance is required to avoid an imminent situation.
2. Used by pilots to communicate an urgent situation without formally declaring an emergency.
3. Weather problems such as thunderstorm avoidance, icing and deteriorating weather that creates the
need for an I FR clearance "immediately" would all qualify.
When repeated three times is the international DISTRESS signal.
It indicates IMMINENT and
GRAVE DANGER and that IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE is requested. This distress call has absolute
priority over all other communications and commands radio silence. (AIM 6-3-1 , P/C Glossary)
PAN-PAN When repeated three times is the international URGENCY signal. It indicates uncertainty or
alert and warns other stations not to interfere with urgency transmissions. Urgency communications
have priority over all other communications except distress. (AIM 6-3-1, P/C Glossary)
Emergency Locator Transmitters EL T: (91 .201, AIM 6-2-4, 6-3-2, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-25)
1. Required by all U.S. civil aircraft except as provided below [91.207(e)&(f)].
2. Transmits on 121.5 or the newer 406 MHz (highly recommended).
3. Batteries must be replaced after 1 hour of cumulative use or when 50o/o of their usable life has expired.
4. Expiration date for replacing (or recharging) the battery must be legibly marked
on the outside of the transmitter and entered in the aircraft maintenance record.
5. Must be inspected every 12 calendar months.
6. Testing of an analog 121.5 ELT can only be done within the first 5 minutes after
the hour and you may transmit no more than 3 audible sweeps.
7. Digital 406 ELTs should only be tested in accordance with the manufacturer's
8. Airborne tests are not authorized for any ELT.
Training 50 NM radius
Air racing
1111111t;} 1111111111111111 111111111 I Payload more than 18,000 lbs
121.5 MHz is OUT 406 MHz is /N: (9 1.207, AIM 6-2-4, 6-3-2, P/C Glossary, FAA-H-8083-15, 8083-25)
1. As of February 1st. 2009, satellite-based monitoring of 121.5/243 MHz distress alerts terminated.
Cospas-Sarsat satellites now only monitor the new 406 MHz digital signal.
2. Presently the only monitoring of 121.5 transmissions are ground based facilities or over-flying
aircraft that might happen to be monitoring the frequency.
3. It now could take days before anyone detects a 121.5 signal especially if the aircraft was not on a
flight plan.
4. The unprotected 121.5 MHz frequency was never intended for space-based monitoring and
interference causes up to 98o/o of the false alerts (406 MHz will reduce false alerts by at least 95°/o).
5. Aircraft owners faced with replacing or installing a new ELT must decide whether to install a cheap
($500) 121.5 MHz ELT or the much more expensive ($2,500) 406 MHz EL T.
6. The FAA has no plans to require the installation of 406 MHz ELTs at this time
but Congress could mandate it in future legislation.
7. By the time you read this, 406 MHz ELTs will almost certainly be required for
flights into or over Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas.
8. The goal of the .§.earch 8,nd Rescue (SAR) community is to eliminate the
usage of all 121.5 MHz devices on land , sea, and in the air.
ADVANTAGES of the 406 MHz ELT:
1. More transmitter power(~ second, five-watt bursts every 50 seconds).
2. Dedicated and protected frequency designed specifically for detection by satellites. ~
3. Near instantaneous satellite detection by low orbit and geostationary satellites.
4. More accurate location calculations resulting in a smaller search area (1 to 3 miles).
5. Faster search-and-rescue response (approximately 45 minutes to pinpoint an exact location).
6. Positioning data and owner data encoded (the satellites can track up to 90 signals simultaneously).
1. CARELESS inadvertent, lack of forethought or thoroughness, FAA
a careless mistake.
2. RECKLESS deliberate, indifferent to or disregardful of the
1. Landing at the wrong airport would probably be considered careless.
2. A gear-up landing may be considered careless if the pilot inadvertently forgot to put the gear down.
3. Failure to discover a pitot tube cover or an improperly installed fuel cap during preflight would probably
be considered careless.
4. Running out of fuel would probably be considered careless, if not reckless.
5. Flying an aircraft under a bridge, and then landing on a highway next to a rest stop to pick up a Pepsi -
would probably be considered reckless no matter how thirsty you are.
Well they say a good landing is one you can walk away from ...
I guess this falls in the category of not so good.
·············· ··················~
• Does the Captain Automatically Get Violated
: When the SIC Screws Up?
• "As a general rule, the filot-!n-~ommand is responsible for ro
• the overall safe operation of the aircraft. If however, a
• particular task is the responsibility of another, if the PIC has u..
• and if the captain has no reason to question the other's
hears about incidents from sources other than the pilot or the
NTSB such as ATC, FSS or even local police. Hopefully the
incident was not caused by a violation of an FAR. "Careless or
Reckless" (91.13) is their favorite all-encompassing regulation.
11. The FAA regularly uses incident reports as a source for Don't forget to put the
enforcement actions. A violation could constitute a warning, • gear handle in the
suspension, revocation and/or recertification the dreaded ''709 ride.'' • down position before
• exiting the aircraft!;o ).
. ............ ..
Popular Phrases
••••••••••••• that have the potential
• Pilot Error:
• If an earthquake
to get you involved
with the NTSB :
• suddenly opened a
''Was that for us?''
• fissure in a runway
• that caused an
htt s://www.ntsb. ov/about/contact.html
''What'd he say?''
''Oh S#!t"
• accident, it might take Region CITY PHONE# ''Holy S#!t''
• a year, but the NTSB Washin ton, DC 202-314-6000 ''We 're in deep S#!t''
: would find a way to
Alaska Anchora e, AK 907-271-5001 And now that
• blame the pilot.
computers are
• (And all too often Western Federal Wa , WA 253-874-2880 involved -
they'd be correct.) Central Denver, CO 303-373-3500 ''What the hell is it
Eastern Ashburn, VA 571-223-3930 doin' now?"
REPORTS: (830.15)
1. The operator of an aircraft shall file a report within 10 days of
an ACCIDENT, or after 7 days if an overdue aircraft is still
• •
2. An INCIDENT report shall be filed only if requested by the
iscellaneous, Definitions,
Aerodynamics Trivia
... the rest of
the story. FREE Extra Stuff
Piper Numbers & Names •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 348
Beech craft Numbers & Names ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 349
Hypoxia; Hyperventilation; Carbon Monoxide; Ear Block ............................................ 350
Air Ambulance Flights "Life Guard" ... ................... ............................................. ...... 350
Aerodynamics •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 351 ·353
Flaps/Slots/Slats .................................................................................................. 354, 355
Laminar Flow................................................................................................................ 356
Boundary Layer ............................................................................................................ 356
Reynolds Number ........................................................................................................ 356
Adverse vs. Pro verse Yaw •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 7
Dutch Roll ..................................................................................................................... 357
Yaw Damper ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 357
Trim Tabs ..................................................................................................................... 3 57
Service Ceiling All Engine Service Ceiling Single-Engine Service Ceiling ......... 358
Certified Ceiling Maximum Certified Ceiling Maximum Certified Altitude ........... 358
Absolute Ceiling Single-Engine Absolute Ceiling Driftdown ............................... 358
Fastest and Highest Flying Aircraft .............................................................................. 358
Contrails ....................................................................................................................... 358
Pilot In Command ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 359
Pilot In Command Seating Position •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 359
Active Pilots in the United States •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 359
English Language; Wilco; Tango; Flight Check ........................................................... 359
Manifold Pressure & the Constant Speed Propeller •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 360
Supercharged I Turbocharged Engines ....................................................................... 361
Horsepower .......................................................................................................... 362, 363
Time In Service; PMA; FAA 337 Form Major Repair and Alteration ......................... 363
TBO; STC; TSO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 364
Preventive Maintenance .............................................................................................. 365
Oil Mineral, Ashless Dispersant ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 366
Oil Vi!;C:C>!;ity ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 366
Piston Engine Smoke; Backfiring ................................................................................. 366
Clearway, Stopway ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 367
Flight Visibility, Visibility and the Earth's Horizon; Radar Reflectors ........................... 367
lfotice of froposed B.ule ,Making (NPRM) ................................................................... 368
Shadows; Mountains; Empire State Building ................... ............. ............................... 368
Charts; Sectional Charts Runways Longer than 8,069 ft .......................................... 369
Night Four Definitions ................................................................................................ 370
Aircraft Lights ............................................................................................................... 371
Hydroplaning •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 372
Test to Detect Contamination of Jet Fuel ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 373
Specific Gravity (SG) ................................................................................................... 373
Control Towers; Aircraft [weight] Classes; Crosswinds ............................................... 373
Simulators Four Levels ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 374
Gold Seal Flight Instructor Certificate .......................................................................... 375
''MEDEVAC Two Zero Five Charlie Mike''
4. Air carrier and Air Taxi flights responding to medical emergencies will also be expedited by ATC
when necessary. The nature of these medical emergency flights usually concerns the transportation of
urgently needed lifesaving medical materials or vital organs. It is imperative that the company/PILOT
DETERMINE, by the nature/urgency of the specific medical cargo, if PRIORITY A TC ASSISTANCE is
REQUIRED. Pilots shall ensure that the word "MEDEVAC" is included in the remarks section of the
flight plan and use the call sign "MEDEVAC" followed by the company name and flight number for all
transmissions when expeditious handling is required. It is important for ATC to be aware of
"MEDEVAC" status, and it is the pilot's responsibility to ensure that this information is provided to ATC.
''MEDEVAC Delta Thirty-Seven''
10° :{;;;,._ ATTACK A~;,.~C~F ($$$$$) '
ANGLE OF ATTACK is the angle between the wing chord and the flightpath. The angle of attack is
always based on the flightpath, not the ground. The angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction
of the relative wind. Leading Edge
Trailing Edge
ANGLE OF INCIDENCE the angle formed by the chord line of the wing and the longitudinal axis
of the airplane (imaginary line from the nose to the tail). It is determined during the design of the airplane and is
the angle at which the wing is attached to the fuselage. It is a fixed angle and cannot be changed by the
pilot. Angle of incidence should not be confused with angle of attack. Upper
CHORD or CHORD LI NE an imaginary straight line drawn from the leading edge to the trailing edge of a
cross section of an airfoil.
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RELATIVE WI ND the direction of the airflow produced by an object movfng through the air. The relative
wind for an airplane in flight flows in a direction parallel with and opposite to the direction of flight. Therefore,
the actual flightpath of the airplane determines the direction of the relative wind.
WING PLAN FORM the shape or form of a wing as viewed from above. It may be long and tapered, short
and rectangular, or various other shapes (e.g., straight wing, sweptback wing, delta wing, straight leading edge
w/tapered trailing edge, etc.).
ASPECT RATIO ratio of wingspan to wing chord (width). The primary factor in determining lift/drag ratio.
LONG WING with high aspect ratio is more efficient in producing lift (gliders) with the least drag (Piper
Meridian= 10.3). SHORT WING low aspect ratio but cheaper to build (Cessna 182 = 7.4).
LIFT-DRAG RATIO L/D Maximum UD ratio determines the airspeed at which the most lift is
produced for the least amount of drag. At this point the least amount of power is required for both maximum
lift and minimum total drag. This will determine max endurance, max range and best glide speed.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 351
(Chap 10 - Miscellaneous, Definitions, Aerodynamics & Trivia)
GRAVITY is the downward force that tends to draw all bodies vertically toward the center of the Earth. The
airplane's center of gravity (CG) is the point at which all weight is considered to be concentrated.
CENTER OF GRAVITY is located along the longitudinal centerline of the airplane (imaginary line from the
nose to the tail) and somewhere near the center of lift of the wing. The location of the center of gravity depends
upon the location and weight of the load placed in the airplane. • •• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••.
. • •• • • • • • • • • • • •-• • • ~
: LIFT has nothing to do
• The cause of lift is somewhat irrelevant;
• a barn door will fly if you put a
• with Bernoulli. : big enough engine on it.
• LIFT is created with
; MONEY. CH ob
-;:. ... rlO l..l••
•• Given enough money, ANGLE ~ ::t!.e-----.
: you can LIFT just about RELATIVE WIND ••••••••••••••••••••••
: ANYTHING! : With enough thrust
PRESSURE """'°',,
: pigs fly just fine .
Lift acts upward and perpendicular to the relative wind and to the wingspan. Although lift is generated over the
entire wing, an imaginary point is established which represents the resultant of all lift forces. This single point is
the CENTER OF LIFT, sometimes referred to as the CENTER OF PRESSURE.
DRAG is the rearward acting force, which resists the forward movement of the airplane through the air.
Drag acts parallel to and in the same direction as the relative wind.
INDUCED DRAG is the undesirable but unavoidable byproduct of lift, and increases in direct proportion to
increases in angle of attack. The greater the angle of attack (up to the critical angle), the greater the amount
of lift developed, and the greater the induced drag. The airflow around the wing is deflected downward,
producing a rearward component to the lift vector, which is, induced drag. The amount of air deflected
downward decreases greatly at higher angles of attack; therefore, the higher the angle of attack or the slower
the airplane is flown, the greater the induced drag. As airspeed INCREASES, induced drag DECREASES.
PARASITE DRAG is the resistance of the air produced by any part of the airplane that does not produce lift.
Parasite drag can be further classified into form drag, skin friction, and interference drag. As airspeed
increases induced drag decreases and parasite drag increases.
FORM DRAG is caused by the frontal area of the airplane components being exposed to the airstream. A
similar reaction is where the side of a flat plate is exposed to the airstream. This drag is caused by the form of
the plate, and is the reason streamlining is necessary to increased airplane efficiency and speed. When the
face of the plate is parallel to the airstream, the largest part of the drag is skin friction.
SKIN FRICTION DRAG is caused by air passing over the airplane's surfaces and increases considerably
if the airplane surfaces are rough and dirty.
INTERFERENCE DRAG is caused by interference of the airflow between adjacent parts of the airplane such
as the intersection of wings and tail sections with the fuselage. Fairings are used to streamline these
intersections and decrease interference drag.
90 10°
.. .. .., . .,
... 20°
When the angle of attack is increased to approximately 15° to 20° (critical angle of attack)
the airstream can no longer follow the upper curvature of the wing because of the excessive change in
direction. As the critical angle of attack is approached, the airstream begins separating from the rear of the
upper wing surface. As the angle of attack is further increased, the separation moves forward to the area of
the highest camber. This causes a swirling or burbling of the air as it attempts to follow the upper surface of the
wing. When the critical angle of attack is reached, the turbulent airflow, which appeared near the trailing
edge of the wing at lower angles of attack, quickly spreads forward over the entire upper wing surface. This
results in a sudden increase in pressure on the upper wing surface and a considerable loss of lift. Due to the
loss of lift and increase in form drag, the remaining lift is insufficient to support the airplane, and the wing stalls.
LOAD FACTOR ratio of the total air-load to gross weight. Any force applied to deflect an aircraft from
flight in a straight line produces an additional load on the structure. In order to maintain altitude in a turn, a
60°-bank will produce a load factor of 2 G's; an 80°-bank will produce 5.76 G's.
Basic Section
Split Flap
Fowler Flap
Fixed Slot
Full Flaps!
Automatic Slot
Split Flap Consists of a plate deflected from the lower surface of the section and produces a slightly
greater change in Clmax than the plain flap. However, a much larger change in drag results from the
great turbulent wake produced by this type flap. The greater drag may not be such a disadvantage when it
is realized that it may be advantageous to accomplish steeper landing approaches over obstacles or
require higher power from the engine during approach (to minimize engine acceleration time for go-
Slotted Flap Similar to the plain flap but the gap between the main section and flap leading edge is given
specific contours. High energy air from the lower surface is ducted to the flap upper surface. The high
energy air from the slot accelerates the upper surface boundary layer and delays airflow separation to
some higher lift coefficient. The slotted flap can cause much greater increases in Clmax than the plain or
split flap and section drags are much lower.
Fowler Flap Similar to the slotted flap. The difference is that the deflected flap segment is moved aft
along a set of tracks, which increases the chord and effects an increase in wing area. The Fowler flap is
characterized by large increases in Clmax with minimum changes in drag.
NOTE: Aerodynamic twisting moments caused by the flap. Positive camber produces a nose-down
twisting moment especially great when large camber is used well aft on the chord. The deflection of
a flap causes large nose-down moments, which create important twisting loads on the structure and
pitching moments that must be controlled with the horizontal tail. Unfortunately, the flap types producing
the greatest increases in C1max usually cause the greatest twisting moments. The Fowler Flap causes
the greatest change in twisting moment while the Split Flap causes the least.
Fixed Slot Conducts flow of high energy air into the boundary layer on the upper surface and delays
airflow separation to some higher angle of attack and lift coefficient. Since the slot alone effects no
change in camber, the higher maximum lift coefficient will be obtained at a higher angle of attack, that is, the
slot simply delays stall to a higher angle of attack.
Automatic Slot Consists of a leading edge segment (slat), which is free to move on tracks. At LOW
angles of attack the slat is held flush against the leading edge by the high positive local pressure.
When the section is at HIGH angles of attack, the high local suction pressures at the leading edge create
a chordwise force forward to actuate the slat. The slot formed then allows the section to continue to a
higher angle of attack and produce a Clmax greater than that of the basic section.
Slots or Slats are usually used in conjunction with flaps since the flaps provide reduction in the maximum lift
angle of attack. The use of a slot has two important advantages: there is only a negligible change in the
pitching moment due to the slot and no significant change in section drag at low angles of attack. In fact, the
slotted section will have less drag than the basic section near the maximum lift angle for the basic section.
Boundary Layer Control by Upper Surface Suction Application of a suction through ports to
draw off low energy boundary layer and replace it with high velocity air from outside the boundary
layer. The effect is similar to that of a slot because the slot is essentially a boundary layer control device
ducting high energy air to the upper surface.
Boundary Layer Control by Flap Augmentation Another method of boundary layer control is
accomplished by injecting a high speed jet of air into the boundary layer. This method produces
essentially the same results as the suction method and is the more practical installation. The suction type
BLC requires the installation of a separate pump while the "blown" BLC system can utilize the high-
pressure source of a jet engine compressor (BLEED AIR). The typical installation of a high pressure BLC
system would be the augmentation of a deflected flap. Since any boundary layer control tends to increase
the angle of attack for maximum lift, it is important to combine the boundary layer control with flaps
since the flap deflection tends to reduce the angle of attack for maximum lift.
The flow of air over a surface in smooth layers without turbulence.
1. The extremely thin layer of air between the surface, such as an airfoil or other object, and the
surrounding free-flowing stream of air.
2. At the surface of an airfoil (or any other part of an aircraft), the air molecules are slowed to a velocity
of near zero relative to the object due to the viscosity of the air.
3. As you move away from the surface, the air gradually increases in speed until it reaches the velocity
of the free-flowing stream of air at a given distance from the surface.
4. The airflow in the boundary layer can be either laminar (smooth), turbulent, or a combination of both.
5. At the leading edge of the wing the flow pattern is normally very smooth (laminar), and the
boundary layer is comparatively shallow. As the air continues rearward, the boundary layer becomes
thicker and the airflow more turbulent.
6. An abrupt change from laminar to turbulent in the flow pattern of the boundary layer causes more
drag than a gradual transition.
7. VORTEX GENERATORS (small vanes affixed to the upper wing surface) are sometimes used to
prevent this abrupt change in flow pattern and prevent the air from separating from the surface of the
wing too early; thus decreasing drag. Air spilling over the generators forms swirls, or vortices that
force the high-energy air to resist separation, and stay down at the surface of the wing longer. This
same principle is the reason for the dimples on a golf ball and the fuzz on a tennis ball. Vortex
generators can result in reductions in stall speed and VMc; and an increase in allowable gross takeoff
weight. Transition Point
Laminar Layer
Turbulent Layer
1. The combined effects of velocity, viscosity, distance from the leading edge, density, etc.; determine
whether a laminar or turbulent boundary layer exists. The effect of the most important factors is
combined in a dimensionless parameter called the "Reynolds Number" (RN). It is a dimensionless ratio,
which portrays the relative magnitude of dynamic and viscous forces in the flow.
RN = Reynolds Number (a dimensionless ratio) •••••••••••••••••••••••••
V = Velocity (feet/second) : Kinematic viscosity the
x = Distance from leading edge (feet) : absolute viscosity of the fluid (air)
v = Kinematic viscosity (square feet/second) divided by its density.
2. LOW RN's A sudden shift in boundary area flow from laminar to turbulent will occur which has the
tendency to create excessive drag. Small surfaces, low flight speeds, or very high altitudes provide the
regime of low Reynolds Numbers. The golf ball operates at low RN and would have very high form
drag without dimpling. The surface roughness from dimpling disturbs the laminar boundary layer
forcing a premature transition to turbulent. The forced turbulence in the boundary layer reduces the
form drag by providing a higher energy boundary layer to reduce the intensity of separation.
3. HIGH RN's Airflow in the boundary area makes a gradual and controlled transition to turbulent, which
energizes the boundary area resulting in reduced drag. High RNs are obtained with large chord
surfaces, high velocities, and low altitude.
• • Less Lift /
~ ·1 I Spoiler
Aileron Raised •
zf Up
Aileron ...--
DUTCH ROLL - FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-25, AC 23-88, AC 25-?A, and Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators:
''A combination of rolling and yawing oscillations that normally occurs when the dihedral effects of an aircraft are
more powerful than the directional stability. Usually dynamically stable but objectionable in an airplane because of
the oscillatory nature."
AC 61-107 A - Operations of Aircraft at Altitudes Above 25,000 Feet - A coupled oscillation in roll and yaw that
becomes objectionable when roll , or lateral stability is reduced in comparison with yaw or directional stability. A
stability augmentation system (yaw damper) is required to be installed on the aircraft to dampen the Dutch roll
tendency when it is determined to be objectionable, or when it adversely affects the control stability requirements for
certification. Swept wing jet aircraft are especially prone to serious Dutch roll and therefore are almost always
equipped with a yaw damper.
1. CONTROL TAB used on some transport aircraft as a "manual reversion" backup to flight controls
that are normally operated hydraulically. Manual reversion unlocks the tabs allowing the pilot to
operate the tabs by moving the control wheel and thereby causing the flight controls to move.
2. ELEVATOR TRIM TAB normally used to balance the elevator load to reduce or eliminate control
pressures. Elevator trim remains fixed for all positions when the flight controls are moved.
3. SERVO TAB moves in the opposite direction from the primary control surface to reduce the
control force that needs to be provided by the pilot in order to move a primary control surface. The
servo tab reduces control forces by deflecting in the proper direction to help move the primary surface.
4. ANTI-SERVO TAB moves in the same direction as the primary control surface in order to
increase required control force pressure. It also acts to prevent the control surface from moving to
full deflection.
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 357
(Chap 10 Miscellaneous, Definitions, Aerodynamics & Trivia)
ABSOLUTE CEILING The maximum height (density altitude) above sea level at which an aircraft
can maintain level flight under standard atmospheric conditions with all engines running. There is no
excess of power or thrust, the airplane produces zero rate of climb and only one speed will allow steady
level flight. Vx and V':< become the same. Vy decreases with altitude, Vx increases with altitude. When Vx
and Vy merge, the aircraft has reached its absolute altitude and will no longer climb. A "zero" rate-of-climb
occurs at the airplane's absolute ceiling Vx, Vy, V MiN, and V MAX are all the same speed at this point.
SINGLE-ENGi NE ABSOLUTE CEILING The density altitude the aircraft can maintain with the
critical engine feathered and the other engine at maximum power.
Miles per
1. A turbocharger uses exhaust gases passing over a turbine wheel to compress the air supplied to the
intake manifold.
2. This increase in air pressure allows the burning of more fuel, which in turn results in more available
power as air density decreases with altitude (or temperature). Turbochargers can supply sea level
horsepower well above 10,000 feet.
3. Turbocharged engines usually are equipped with a manual or automatic ''waste gate'' which limits the
amount of available pressure to prevent overboosting and therefore damage to the engine.
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:·Exhaust gas exits here after spinning
··-································· ··~
: turbine that spins compressor, which
: WASTE GATE Automatic valve that dumps
• : compresses the intake air.
: excess exhaust gasses overboard when not ••
: needed by the turbocharger (low altitude). •
•• • This is one hell of a machine ain't it?
: Overboosting is possible if the waste gate is
• not opening properly, especially during takeoff
and low altitude.
Graphic courtesy of Cessna Aircraft
PO wER and wEIGHT: (AC 65-12A - Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic's Powerplant Handbook)
1. The useful output of all aircraft powerplants is thrust, the force which propels the aircraft. Since the
reciprocating engine is rated in bhp (brake horsepower) and the gas turbine engine is rated in pounds of
thrust, no direct comparison can be made. However, since the reciprocating engine/propeller
combination receives its thrust from the propeller, a comparison can be made by converting the
horsepower developed by the reciprocating engine to thrust.
2. If desired, the thrust of a gas turbine engine can be converted into thp (thrust horsepower). But it is
necessary to consider the speed of the aircraft. This conversion can be accomplished by using the
The value 375 mile-pounds per hour is derived from the basic horsepower formula as follows:
One horsepower equals 33,000 ft-lb per minute or 375 mile-pounds per hour. Under static conditions, thrust is
figured as equivalent to approximately 2.6 pounds per hour. If a gas turbine is producing 4,000 pounds of thrust
and the aircraft in which the engine is installed is traveling at 500 mph, the thp will be:
The actual horsepower of a TURBINE engine, measured on the power turbine shaft, normally mounted at
the rear of the engine.
•• ANOTHER ••••••••••••••••••••••
• •• Torque = Force x Distance
•• HP = Torque x RPM '
• 5250
TBO Time Between Overhauls: [91 .409(e), 135.411 , 135.421 , 135.425, Ac 21-40, FAA-H-8083-321
1. For Part 91 operations !ime §.etween Qverhauls is a
RECOMMENDED time (for reciprocating engines) that can be
exceeded as long as a mechanic with "!nspection Authorization"
(an ''IA'') has inspected the engine during its normal annual or in
some cases 100-hour inspection and approves it to be returned
to service. However, it is not legal to fly even a low-time engine if it
does not pass this inspection. NOTE: Insurance requirements sometimes
have a large bearing on whether or not the airplane may be operated with
an engine beyond "normal" TBO.
2. TBO recommendations also have a calendar limit in addition to the flight hour's
limit. After a certain number of months the engine is recommended for overhaul no
matter how many flight hours have been flown. Usually determined by dividing the
TBO flight time by 40 hours a month. So a 1,800-hour TBO will be 1.800 flight hours OR three years
and nine months, whatever comes first.
3. For Part 135 operations Engines must be maintained under an FAA approved plan that normally calls for
overhaul at the manufacturers recommended TBO (135.421) the FAA may also allow an extension
based on that specific operator's experience with the engine type and the engine shows little wear during
inspection at recommended TBO in some circumstances the FAA may approve an ''on condition''
overhaul, meaning the engine must be overhauled when it shows signs of wear.
4. For Turbine Engines TBO (or replacement of life-limited engine components) is a REQUIREMENT, not a
recommendation, whether it is operated under Part 91, 135 or 121. Certain highly stressed components
have ''hard time'' life-limits and MUST be replaced or overhauled when that limit is reached. "Hard times"
can be expressed in terms of flight hours or cycles. The manufacturer establishes the definition of a ''cycle''
during the type-certification process. Typically a cycle includes an engine start, acceleration to some high
power setting (usually takeoff power), and then a shutdown. Under this definition, multiple takeoffs and
landings could be made, and only one cycle would occur. Engine cycles (or hours) are counted for engine
life-limited parts, landings are usually only counted for airframe life-limits. It all depends on the
manufacturer's definition of "cycle."
5. ''Life-limited'' components have life-limits determined by the manufacturer and approved by the FAA. These
life-limits cannot be exceeded (except when an alteration is made by the manufacturer and the FAA gives its
6. Inspection and overhaul intervals are defined in the maintenance program selected by the operator of
the aircraft. It can be the manufacturer's program, or a program developed by the operator and approved by
the FAA (e.g. Approved Aircraft !nspection frogram). Life-limited item intervals will always be as per the
limits defined in the manufacturer's type certificate as approved by the FAA. However, engine total overhaul
times may be extended with enough in-service reliability data collected by the operator (or by another
operator). Typically, a small operator will have to rely on the holder of an STC (.§.upplemental Iype
,g,ertificate) for TBO modification. The operator pays the holder of the STC for the use of the data and must
comply with specific trend monitoring and data analysis and of course the FAA must grant approval. A
well-known example is the "MORE" program for Pratt & Whitney engines.
7. The FAA may also approve a TBO extension if there is a scheduling problem with the maintenance facility
that is to perform the overhaul. Again, data from trend monitoring will be required and the manufacturer may
have to concur before approval can be granted.
8. For Part 135 or 121 operations, the FAA approves an overhaul and maintenance plan for each operator.
Practically all airlines have some kind of approval to maintain their engines ''on condition," but for certain
components, "hard time" life limits are strictly enforced.
STC - Supplemental Type Certificate: (21 .19, 21 .93, 21 .113, Ac 21-40, FAA Form 8110-12)
1. The Supplemental Type Certificate is issued for major design changes to type certificated products
when the change is not so extensive as to require a new Type Certificate. An example would be
installation of a powerplant different from what was included in the original type certificate.
2. An FAA certificate attesting to the fact that modifications to the respective aircraft, engines, or other
components meet airworthiness requirements of the FAR.
•·-··················································~······················~· •
: §43.3(k) states that "Updates of databases in installed avionics meeting the
• A non-mechanic owner/operator, who performs
: conditions of this paragraph are not considered maintenance and may be
preventive maintenance on his aircraft, must log the
: performed by pilots." They must be uploadable from the flight deck without
work in the aircraft maintenance records and include the
: use of tools or special equipment. The holder of operating certificates (e.g.,
• date, his signature and pilot certificate number. (43.9)
: 121 , 135) must make available written procedures consistent with
: manufacturer's instructions to the pilot that describe how to perform the
~ database update; and determine the status of the data upload .
Saybolt Universal Viscosimeter OIL
BACKFIRING of a reciprocating engine is caused when the fuel-air mixture in the induction system is
ignited by gases that are still burning in a cylinder when its intake valve opens. This is usually an
indication of a mixture that is too lean, which can be caused by any number of reasons.
FLIGHT VISIBILITY: [Ll., 91.155, 91.157, 91 .175, 91 .303, 135.205, AIM 4-4-6, 5-4-5, 5-4-20, 5-4-24, 5-5-3]
1. The average forward horizontal distance, from the cockpit in flight, at
which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified by day
and prominent lighted objects may be seen and identified by night.
2. For the purposes of Special VFR (only) during operations from a
SATELLITE AIRPORT that does not have weather reporting If
ground visibility is not reported, 1 SM flight visibility may be
used. For the purposes of Special VFR (only), flight visibility
includes the visibility from the cockpit of an aircraft in takeoff
position, operating under Part 91, at a satellite airport that does
not have weather reporting capabilities.
SHADOWS can be a good way of gauging distance from other aircraft while taxiing or parking on a tight
ramp. If the shadows don't touch, then neither can the wingtips [theoretically!]. Another good policy is
to look (briefly) for your shadow while in the traffic pattern at an uncontrolled field. If there's another
shadow that's close to yours, it might be time to take a little evasive action!
MOUNTAINS on sectional charts are shaded to appear as though the sun is positioned in the northwest.
NOAA has stated that their studies have shown most people's visual perception has been conditioned to
this view. You will also notice that all shaded text boxes in this book appear as though the light is coming
from the northwest. This is quite a coincidence don't ya think?
EMPIRE STATE BUILDING was originally designed with a tower on top intended for use as a
mooring mast for transatlantic airships (what a great idea). After several unsuccessful docking attempts, in
the gusty winds above 1,300 feet, the plan was scrapped (fortunately, before they scraped an airship).
"' ..
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~ TfftMllfAl _. Mexkx>CRy •
' 8U l 01NG i ._
. e AREA
Hard surface runways greater than 8,069 feet long or in the case of multiple runways;
the maximum distance between the two furthest points between the opposite ends of
two runways exceeds 8,069 feet, even if the longest runway is less than 8,069 feet.
• •••••••••••••••
Birds reportedly have a tendency to dive
so if a collision seems imminent the best
option is to start an immediate climb.
Ducking is also approved! (AIM 7-4-2)
''Operation Lights On'' (AIM 4-3-23) encourages the use of landing lights when operating
below 10,000 feet, day or night, especially when operating within 10 miles of any airport, or
in conditions of reduced visibility, coastal areas, lake areas, and especially around refuse
dumps. You can see how well the tactic worked for the crew of this British Airways flight!
Locked Tire
, Thin Layer
Flooded ~ of Moisture
Runway .IJ9 orWater
: Hydroplane An airplane
: designed to land long on a
•: short and wet runway.
Only about 350 of the more than 18,000 airports in the United States have control towers
manned by FAA air traffic controllers.
AIRCRAFT CLASSES (Also see Page 40) For the purposes of Wake Turbulence Separation
Minima, ATC classifies aircraft as Super, Heavy, Large, and Small as follows:
a. SUPER-Airbus A380-800 (A388)(MTOW may be as much as 1,433,000 lbs)(N JO 7110.582)
b. HEAVY Aircraft capable of takeoff weights of 300,000 pounds or more whether or not they are
operating at this weight during a particular phase of flight. NOTE: A B-757 actually weighs less than
255,000 pounds, but is (essentially) considered heavv for wake turbulence separation purposes.
c. LARGE Aircraft of more than 41,000 pounds, maximum certificated takeoff weight, up to but
not including 300,000 pounds.
d. SMALL Aircraft of 41,000 pounds or less maximum certificated takeoff weight.
HEAVY Civilian and military aircraft will add the word ''HEAVY'' to their call-sign when the aircraft is
capable of a takeoff weight that is greater than 300,000 pounds whether or not they are operating at this
weight during a particular phase of flight. (P/C Glossary "Aircraft Classes")
1. Max DEMONSTRATED The maximum crosswind component that the manufacturer has tested.
This figure may be exceeded based on technique or pilot ability.
2. Max ALLOWABLE The maximum component allowed to be attempted. A limitation specified by
the manufacturer to limit the operation of the aircraft (can you spell "l-i-a-b-i-1-i-t-y"?). Some airline
Operations Specifications may also specifically limit the allowable crosswind component for certain
aircraft or for operations when the runway is contaminated with snow, ice or water.
Remember Aileron (first letter of the alphabet) into the wind .. .
Wind Crosswind : then as much opposite rudder as necessary to align with the centerline.
goo 1OOo/o (of wind)
60° 90o/o
45° 70o/o
30° 50o/o
: Highpoints of the Small UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Notice of Proposed
: Rulemaking (NPRM) issued 2·15·15-Part 107-For Commercial Operations:
: • Unmanned aircraft must weigh less than 55 lbs.
: • Visual line-of-sight only (a "Visual Observer" may assist) .
•• • May not operate over any persons not directly involved in the operation .
•• • Maximum airspeed 100 mph.
: • Maximum altitude 500 ft .
•• • Minimum visibility 3 SM .
•• • Operations in Class B. C, D, and g (airport) airspace allowed with ATC permission .
•• • Operations in Class G allowed without ATC permission .
: Small UAS ''Operators'' would be required to:
: • Be at least 17 years old.
: • Pass an initial aeronautical knowledge test and recurrent test every 24 months.
: • Be vetted by the TSA.
: • Obtain an "Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate" with a "small UAS rating."
: Aircraft Requirements:
•: • Airworthiness certificate not reguired.
: • Aircraft registration is reguired.
: • Aircraft markings required to display in the largest practical manner.
: Model Aircraft:
• • These rules would not apply to model aircraft used for hobby or recreational purposes.
• Must not endanger the safety of the NAS. (AC 91-57)
••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
•• Model Aircraft aka Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
• and Your Pilot Certificate
• (FAA Order 2150.38 Compliance & Enforcement Bulletin 2014-2)
:• • The FAA claims ownership of a// airspace from the ground up and fill "Aircraft" that fly within it. Their
• definition of "Aircraft" includes virtually anything that flies in "their" airspace .
=•• ·
"!f the operation of a Model Aircraft endangers the safety of the National Airspace, the FAA may cite
violations of applicable operational regulations in any enforcement action determined to be appropriate."
· "A certificate holder [pilot/ should appreciate the potential for endangerment that operating a UAS
contrary to the FAA's safety regulations may cause [better than a non-pilot]. Accordingly, a violator's
• status as a certificate holder is an aggravating factor that may warrant a civil penalty above the
• moderate range for [even] a single, first-time, inadvertent violation."
!f the Model Aircraft endangers the safety of the National Airspace, the FAA may site violations of
• 91.13, 91 .15, 91 .113, 91 .126-135, 91 .137-145, and/or Part 73 .
In other words ... If you're a pilot you stand a much better chance of receiving a violation if you do
something which ... in the opinion of an FAA inspector ... is a " potential risk to safety."
:. In other words ... If you're a pilot ... you could have your certificate suspended or revoked if some anal
FAA Inspector doesn't like when , where or how you fly your toy airplane. Holy crap!
By 0 . bin Loden
and Mullah
Mohammad Omar
bltrocNtllon by
"'-f lslom
l/onM'fly -
•• Cot St•....,sl
: AE 77665544 B
..,......_ 1 J ..
Knuckle t o nail = inch MAXIMUM MAXIMUM
MPH km/h
B Greenland, Iceland
C Canada, Haiti
H Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jamahiriya, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Susan, Tanzania, Uganda
K United States except Alaska and Hawaii which use a ''f'' (for Pacific)
L Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Gibraltar,
Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Switzerland, Yugoslavia
M Bahamas, Belize, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama
N Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Pago Pago, Samoa, Tahiti,
Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
0 Afghanistan, Arab Republic, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian,
United Arab Emirates, Yemen Jordan
p Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand, Guam, Mariana Island, Micronesia, Saipan, Micronesia, Johnston Island,
Marshall Islands, Wake Island
R Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea
s Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, French Guinea, Guyana,
Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
T Antigua, Aruba, Barbados, Barbuda, Dominica, Grenadines, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, Saint
Lucia, Saint Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad, Virgin Islands
u Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian
Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
v Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Laos, Macao, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Vietnam
w Brunei, Darussalam, East Timar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
z China
ABE Serves the cities of Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton, Penns lvania.
ACY Atlantic CitY, New Jerse .
BDL BraDLe International, Windsor Locks, CT ve similar name onl 60 miles north of BDR.
BDR BriD e oRt, CT I or Sikorsk Memorial ve similar name onl 60 miles south of BDL.
BED BEDford, Massachusetts Laurence G. Hanscom Field.
BET BEThel, Alaska not Las Ve as.
BNA Nashville Intl Ori inall named Ber Field, then Ber Nashville Air art in honor of Col Har Ber .
BRO BROwnsville/South Padre Island International, Texas.
CAR CARibou Munici al, Maine.
CLT CharLoTte, North Carolina Charlotte/Dou las International
CVG CoVinGton, KY Cincinnati Ohio's main air art is actuall located in Covin ton, Kentuck .
DFW Dallas-Fort Worth International, Texas.
DTW Detroit MeTro Wa ne Count , Michi an.
EAR KEARne Munici al, Nebraska.
EGT WEllinGTon Munici al, Kansas.
EYW KEY West FL K, W, Q, N, Y and Z were not to be used; some air arts used their 2n or 3r letters.
FAT Fresno, California Ori inal air art name Fresno Air Terminal.
GAL GALena, Alaska.
GAS GAiii oliS, Ohio Gallia-Mei s Re ional.
GUY GUYmon, Oklahoma
HPN Westchester Count , NY Serves the cities of Harrison, Purchase and North Castle, New York
HSI HaStln s, Nebraska Hastin s Count .
IRS Stur is, Michi an KIRSch Munici al
JFK Formerl NYC's IDLewild Air art chan ed in 1964 to John F. Kenned International
LAX Los An eles, CA LA lus X.
MCO Orlando, Florida Formerl known as McCO Air Force Base.
MIA Miami International Air art, Florida
MCI Kansas Cit Formerl known as Mid Continent International
MSY New Orleans International Formerl known as MoiSant Field lus a Y
NEW Lakefront Air art, NEW Orleans the N refix redated the Nav 's claim and the ot awa with it
ORD O'Hare International, Chica o IL Formerl known as ORcharD Field.
PHF New art News/Williamsbur International, Vir inia Formerl known as Patrick Hen Field
PIE St. Pete-Clearwater, Florida They used to have a restaurant on the field that served good apple pie??)
SEA SEAttle-Tacoma International, Washin ton.
SKY SanduSKY, Ohio
STC ST. Cloud, Minnesota St. Cloud Re ional
SUN Haile , Idaho Friedman Memorial SUN Valle , Idaho
TNT Miami, Florida Dade-Collier TraiNin and Transition
TVS McGhee TYSon, Knoxville, TN T son famil donated the land in memo of a son killed in World War I
12 Midni ht 11 PM 0400 10 PM 9PM
1 AM osoo 11 PM 10 PM
2AM 1 AM 0700 11 PM
3AM 2AM 0700 osoo 1 AM
4AM 3AM osoo 0900 2AM 1 AM
SAM 4AM 0900 1000 3AM 2AM
6AM SAM 1000 1100 4AM 3AM
7AM 6AM 1100 SAM 4AM
SAM 7AM 1300 6AM SAM
9AM SAM 1300 1400 7AM 6AM
10AM 9AM 1400 1SOO SAM 7AM
11 AM 10AM 1SOO 1600 9AM SAM
12 Noon 11 AM 1600 1700 10AM 9AM
1 PM 12 Noon 1700 11 AM 10AM
2 PM 1 pm 1900 12 Noon 11 AM
3 PM 2 PM 1900 2000 1 PM 12 Noon
4PM 3PM 2000 2100 2 PM 1 PM
S PM 4PM 2100 2200 3 PM 2 PM
6 PM SPM 2200 2300 4PM 3PM
7 PM 6PM 2300 S PM 4PM
S PM 7PM 0100 6 PM SPM
9 PM SPM 0100 0200 7 PM 6PM
10 PM 9PM 0200 0300 S PM 7PM
11 PM 10 PM 0300 0400 9 PM SPM
120° 90°
Convert I Summer I Winter PACIFIC STANDARD
Central to Zulu +5 +6
Mountain to Zulu +6 +7
Pacific to Zulu +7 +8 11:00 AM
Convert I Summer I Winter Tango _____,
Time Romeo
Zulu to Eastern -4 -5
Zulu to Central -5 -6
Zulu to Mountain -6 -7
Zulu to Pacific -7 -8
•• ··········································~~ ~
: ZULU Time
•• 1. Slang for ''Greenwich Mean Time'' (GMT) or ''Coordinated Universal
Time'' (aka !!niversal !ime £oordinated - UTC).
12 ••
2. Solar time at the prime meridian (0°) of longitude, which passes through
the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England .
•• 3. There are actually 25 time zones (the International Date Line time zone is
•• broken down into 2 time zones, one day apart) spaced approximately 15° of
3 ••
• longitude apart (adjusted for political & economic reasons). Each is assigned
a letter of the alphabet (leaving out J) .
•• In the US ... Eastern Time is actually ''Romeo''; Central is ''Sierra'';
Mountain is ''Tango''; and Pacific is ''Uniform'' .
• England was determined the reference time zone and given the last letter
- '''?:." - therefore, ''Zulu'' time.
Infrequently used fuel tanks should have their sumps drained before CROSSWINDS
filling. Agitation action of fuel entering the tank may suspend or entrain
liquid water or other contaminants - which can remain suspended for Wind Crosswind
many minutes and may not settle out until after the aircraft is airborne. ANGLE COMPONENT
After fueling - wait at least 15 minutes per foot depth of the tank goo
1OOo/o (of wind)
before sumping the tank.
Drain a generous sample of fuel - considerably more than just a trickle - 60° 90°10
into a transparent container from each of the fuel sumps and from the 45° 70°10
main fuel strainer(s) or gascolator(s).
30° 50°10
•• ••
oc OF Reci~rocals 800·992·7433 :
: 1/64
- 1/32 - 3/ 64 -
1/16 :
360° - 180° IFR (VFR) •
38 100 (Tail#)
- - - ---r----
:• 5/64 - 3/32 - 7/64 - 1/8 :
0 10° -190° (AC Type )_ _ _ .....~__
_G_ : 9/64 - 5/32 - 11 /64 - 3/16 :
35 95 • •
020° - 200° Knots : 13/64 - 7 /32 - 15/64 - 1 /4 :
32 90 •
29 85
0 30°-210°
040° - 220°
-- (Where am I?) -
Qeparture Time
(or ASAP)
21 /64
11 /32
27 80 0 50° - 230° -
--.,.....----..,--- -.1
:• 25/64 - 13/32 - 27/64 - fl/16 :
D-+ D-+ & Lndg,_ _ • •
24 75 •• 29/64 - 15/32 - 31 /64 - 1 /2 :•
060° - 240°
21 70 0 70° -250° - -hours enroute
37 /64
18 65 080° - 260° r-h
i o-u-rs- fu_e_I- - - •
-- :
41 /64 - 21 /32 - 43/64 - 11/16 :
15 59 b90° -270° Alternate?,
. ---
L : 45/64 - 23/32 - 4 7/64 - 3/4 :
Name SQelled__ _ • •
13 55 100°
- 280° Based in - - - Phone #- -
: 49/64 - 25/32 - 51 /64 - 13/16 :
10 50 ~ 10° -290° : 53/64 - 27/32 - 55/64 - 718 :
- - on board : 57 /64 - 29/32 - 59/64 - 15/16 :
7 45 120° - 300°
(color) & _ __ • •
~30° -310° : 61 /64 - 31 /32 - 63/64 - 1 '' :
4 40 •• === :
••·-······················································ • ~····································
2 35 140° - 320° :• FAA Press Release
: "Beginning on October 1, 2015, the FAA will
0 32 ...~50° -330°.... : implement flight plan fi ling for civil aircraft
-4 25 160° - 340° : exclusively under the format used by the
: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)."
~70° -350°
-7 20 ~
(Page 222, 223, AIM 5-1 -4 thru 5-1 -9)
-9 15
-12 10
• ••
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •-11 •• Pumps I Props
-15 5 : This TAKEOFF mnemonic will keep you •••
-18 0 : alive in virtually any airplane. ••• t
-21 -5 ••••••• •• . ••••••• ····~ -· irrim
-23 -10 • ••
-26 -15 Always do the real checklist FIRST, and
-29 -20 then back it up with this mnemonic.
You 'd be amazed how often a checklist item
-32 -25
inadvertently gets omitted , even in a 737 .
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••
•• SPIN Recovery
• : Keep lookin' around .. . there's
•• • always somethin' you missed .
•• PARE •
: Power - IDLE
: Ailerons NEUTRAL
•• Rudder OPPOSITE direction of spin
~ Elevator Briskly FORWARD
• Radios
.•........ ·--- --· .............. . Mags
• IMHO An airplane only does what
•• you tell it to do, but it keeps doing Lights
! that until you tell it not to. MASTER
.•................... ·- • 1 quart = 32 oz= 2 pts = 1.25 fifths= 906 grams= .946 liters= 946ml •
: Zero degrees Fahrenheit 1 gallon = 128 oz= 4 qts = 8 pts = 16 cups= 3624 grams= 3.7853 liters •
: is the temperature at which
1 liter = 1.0567 quarts = 0.26418 U.S. gallons = 1OOOml = 958 grams •
: salt no longer prevents
water from freezing. 1 Fifth = 25.6oz = 757ml = .8qt = 17.067 jiggers (1.5 oz/shot)
••••••• -----------------------------------
: To the 1st digit of the original three-digit number, add or 1 acre 43560 sq ft or
•• subtract 2. Whether you add or subtract depends on the approximately 209 ft x 209 ft
: answer, which must be a 0, 1, 2, or 3.
•• 640 acres 1 sq mile
: To the 2"d digit of the original number, again use 2, but A 6,000 ft long runway that is 100 ft wide
: perform the op~osite funct_ion .. I! you added the 1 st time, will cover approximately 13.8 acres.
: subtract the 2n time. The third d1g1t never changes .
: Examples:
•a. The reciprocal of 236° is 056°. 2 is subtracted from
: the 1sf digit therefore 2 must be added to the 2nd digit.
: b. The reciprocal of 027° is 207°. Add 2 to the 1 st
: number and subtract 2 from the 2nd .
•• c. The reciprocal of 186° is 366°, or 006°.
: Radio Call:
• • Who you are?
• Where you are?
• What do you want?
oc Of Jet A 100LL
Lbs/Gal Lbs/Gal
40 104 6.64 5.56
35 95 6.67 5.62
30 86 6.71 5.66
"""" 25 77 6.74 5.70
20 68 6.77 5.75
15 59 6.80 5.80
10 50 6.83 5.84
5 41 6.86 5.88
0 32 6.89 5.93
-5 23 6.93 5.98
-10 14 6.96 6.03
-15 5 6.99 6.07
-20 -4 7.02 6.12
-25 - 13 7.05 6.16
-30 - 22 7.08 6.21
.• •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••
Things that do ~ouno good:
~ -35 -31 7.12 6.26
•• 1. Altitude above; -40 -40 7.15 6.30
• 2. Runway behind ;
•• 3. Fuel in the truck; and
4. Airspeed you don't have.
7.5 .
per ..l - .JET A & JE~~A1
:J ...!..
6.0 DE 100LL
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
FEET per NM to FEET per 140 kts x 200 ft/NM = 466 ft/min
Groundspeed x feet per NM (climb 60
MINUl"E gradient from DP) then divide by 60
To reduce effects of a
Climb at cruise climb airspeed
HEADWIND during climb
To take advantage of a
Climb at Vv (best rate)
TAILWIND during climb
STANDARD RATE of 180° in 1 minute
3° per second
TURN 360° in 2 minutes
ANGLE of BANK for a
10o/o of the TAS + 5 160 x . 1 = 16 + 5 = 21 °
DIAMETER of a TAS = 150 kts
1o/o of the airspeed
STANDARD RATE TURN Diameter of Turn= 1.5 NM
Stall speed times the square root of the Square root of 3.8 G's= 1.95
Maneuvering Speed (VA) load limit factor: Flaps-up stall speed = 72 knots
Normal category = 3.8 G's 72 knots x 1.95 = 140.4 knots (VA)
Determine Maneuvering
Speed (VA) at less than 5000 Lbs
Current weight V A2 : 140 kts X
6200 Lbs
max landing weight Max Landing weight
(VA decreases as weight V A2: 125.7 kts
Subtract 1 knot for each 100 pounds Gross wt 6200 Lbs - Op wt 5000 Lbs
Maneuvering Speed (VA) under gross landing weight (approx Gross wt VA= 140 kts
number for most light twins) Operating wt VA = 128 kts
Estimate HEIGHT of Temperature (°F) - Dewpoint = 59° - 46 = 13 x 227 = 2,951 feet
CLOUD BASES (°F) Spread x 227 = Height AGL AGL
Estimate HEIGHT of Temperature (°C) - Dewpoint =
15-10 = 5 x 400 = 2000 feet AGL
CLOUD BASES (°C) Spread x 400 = Height AGL
5.5 x 5 = 27.5°F lower
Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate 5.5°F per 1000 feet
@5000 ft above
Dew Point Lapse Rate 1°F per 1000 feet 1 x 5 = 5°F lower @5000 ft above
FREEZING Level °C + 2 x 1000 = Freezing Level 15°C + 2 x 1000 = 7,500 feet
TIME Enroute Distance + Groundspeed = Time 500 NM + 160 kts = 3.125 hours
FUEL BURN rate Fuel burned + time = Burn rate 100 gals + 3.125 hours = 32 gph
Total fuel quantity+ Burn rate= Time 140 gals+ 32 gph = 4.375 hours
until you die!
FUEL QUANTITY USED Time x Burn rate = Fuel used 3.125 hours x 32 gph = 100 gals
Nautical Miles per Minute True Airspeed + 60 = NM per minute 240 kts + 60 = 4 NM per minute
Round the airspeed to the nearest 10 177 kts = 180 kts
Nautical Miles per Minute
- drop the zero divide by 6 18 + 6 = 3
Nautical Miles per Minute Multiply indicated Mach # by 10 .80 x 10 = 8 NM per min
Power Loading Gross weight {lbs} = Power Loading 63001bs = 10.5 lbs/hp
Brake HP 600 HP
Feet/sec 0.0328
Km/hr 0.036
Knots 0.0194
Feet Centimeters
Inches 12
Meters 0.3048
Miles nautical 0.000165
Miles statute 0.000189
Yards 0.333333333
Feet/sec Kilometers/hr 1.09728
Knots 0.5921
Meters/sec 0.3048
Miles/hr 0.681818
Fifth Mi Iii liters
Ounces 25.6
Pints 1.6
Quart 0.80
Gallons (British-Imperial) Gallons (US)
Gallons (US) Gallons (British-Imperial)
Liters 3.7854
Ounces 128
Pints 8
Horsepower Foot pound-force/min
Foot ound-force/sec 550
Kilowatts 0.7457
Inches Centimeters
Miles nautical 0.53996
Miles statute 0.62137
Kilowatts Foot pound-force/sec
Meters/sec 0.5144
Miles nautical /hr 1
Miles statute /hr
Liters Gallons (US)
Gallons British-Im erial 0.220
Ounces 33.81402
Meters Centimeters
Feet 3.28084
Inches 39.3701
Kilometers 0.001
Millimeters 1000
Knots nautical miles/hr 1.9438124
Miles statute /hr
Miles (nautical) Feet
Kilometers 1.852
Meters 1852
Miles statute 1.15078
Miles (statute)
Kilometers 1.609344
Meters 1609.344
Miles nautical 0.86898
Another small gift for the Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and most especially
the fanatically ''sensitive'' and rabidly ''offended'' PC Police.
I sincerely hope nobody's head explodes.
Geo_.r Ca tci' n
nJ n !l ~e {i/colct I h'I
WARNING You are about to enter a subject area that is highly controversial. If you 've been clogging up
the airwaves with useless redundant bulls#!+ for many years, you may be totally set in your ways and totally
beyond hope. Those individuals will take issue with many of these concepts claiming the Al M says you
MUST say all those extra redundant words. Trust me .. . you don't! But I may never convince you.
Now for the rest of you, if you approach this chapter with an open mind I guarantee you will learn a lot.
I also guarantee:
1. The CONTROLLERS will appreciate it and you 'll be given preferential treatment more often than
you realize . A few seconds here and there add up to major time in the controller's world.
2. Your FELLOW PILOTS will appreciate the fact they can now get a word in edgewise.
3. YOU will appreciate your new found freedom to communicate in a more logical and safer manner.
The AIM (4-2-1) also says ''The single most important thought is understanding." ''Brevity is important
and contacts should be keep as brief as possible." AIM (4-4-7) ''Pilots should readback 'those parts'of
ATC instructions containing altitude assignments or vectors, read-back of the 'numbers' serves as a double
Pilots who ''babble'' on the radio, especially when traffic is extremely busv, are tying up valuable air-time
potentially needed by someone with something important to say for example:
_. The controller needing to turn another aircraft immediately to avoid a conflict.
_. Another pilot with a "PROBLEM" or just trying to get a word in edgewise.
Even many so-called ''professional pilots'' are guilty and most certainly picked up
the habit early in their careers from a 250-hour flight instructor (with zero real world Old FAA proverb:
experience), a 500-hour "mentor" friend (with little real world experience), or from Controller say ...
one of the multitude of books WRITTEN for student pilots that teach you how to ''He who sound like
TALK like a student pilot. They certainly don't teach you to talk like an airline ilot bonehead shall be
going into JFK during a push. Spend some time listening to . treated like bonehead."
Hopefully, you'll soon figure out who is getting their message across clearly and Boneheads are often
distinctly ... and who is eating up copious amounts of air time entertaining directed to spend time in
themselves, but annoying the hell out of the controllers and other pilots. the Penalty Box.
Yup, it does exist!
Old habits are hard to break and are passed on from generation to generation.
Also IN ORDER TO GET IN ALL THOSE EXTRA WORDS they feel they mustsay most
"babblers" speak too rapidly, inarticulately, and usually unintelligibly when it comes to the
also been known to cause a PROBLEM ... a very BIG PROBLEM.
The vast majority of pilot violations start with the misunderstanding of instructions ~~~
aggravated by an unacceptable read-back given by you the pilot. When you mumble a read- t - - f r--. f..;\ttt(r-~Ci5l
back, a busy controller may assume you read it back correctly and move on .. . even when •
your read-back may be totally bogus. Your next trip may be an annoying and expensive ride
down the FAA's Violation Boulevard (in a rental car with your lawyer on board!;o).
Puleeeze ... dump the babble and concentrate on ~·nun·.~j:~·ting the words that really matter
clear·!v and dis·tinct·!v with the grea·test de·gree of clar·i·~. Do NOT mum·ble!
State your information/request/intentions with the minimum words possible. Ditch the
unnecessary pronouns.
2. Do NOT clog up air-time calling the facility or next controller by its ''name''** THEY
ALREADY KNOW WHAT THEIR ''NAME'' IS and they will most certainly tell you what
their "name" is when they answer your call. And by the way, WHO GIVES A RAT'S ASS
what their ''name''!.§. anyway? What matters is you have the proper frequency or
information. Expend your minuscule brainpower concentrating on that!! I've flown with
numerous ''professional'' pilots who just can't seem to get past this. It drives me
crazy when a copilot asks me ''who are we talkin' to?'' My response: ''Who gives a
crap? We're talkin' to some dude on 134.75. That's all that really matters ain't it?''
3. In other words ... Do NOT say** Charlotte Clearance, Charlotte Ground, Charlotte Tower, Charlotte
Departure, Atlanta Center, etc., etc. Trust me they already know who THEY are. That's why they get the
big bucks! What they need to know is who YOU are and what you want.
In a high traffic environment, radio time is precious.
Don't waste it on stupid, redundant BS.
When you're VFR-IN FLIGHT ... and nobody knows you're up there ... and you
need to:
1. Pick up your IFR clearance;
2. Request VFR flight following; or
3. Request VFR clearance into Class B, C, or D airspace.
In these three scenarios ... you should first introduce yourself to them as a
new aircraft by calling the facility its ''name'' followed by your full call sign -
to get their attention wait for a response then say your request.
~ The Goal Pack the maximum amount of meaning into the minimum amount of band-width.
~ Extra words cost time There's no place for wasted time regardless of how calm the frequency may seem.
~ When one word will do ... don't use three!
~ Flush the garbage! Say more, talk less. Less filling , tastes great!;-).
~ Politeness does count, but only so far. A quick ''Thanks'' gets the message across with only one syllable.
~ Always be 110°/o certain as to exactly what your clearance is You as a pilot should know that a violation
is the kiss of death, whereas the controller will not get fired for making a simple mistake on a clearance or
failing to catch a read-back error. They screw it up all the time so be ready to correct them!
UNDERLINED TERMS usually HEADING, ALTITUDE, and FREQUENCY changes need to be verbalized
with the greatest degree of dis·tinc·tion and clar·i·~ to avoid any possibility of a mis·un·der·stand·ing.
SLOW DOWN ... Ar·tic·y·late your words guick·~ but clear·~. Do NOT mum·ble.
Best Example:
(you) 5637 for 3 Charlie Mike-we do have November
(them) 3 Charlie Mike read back correct contact ground on 121.8 for taxi
(you) Point 8-thanks (No need for your call sign here, this is just a friendly reminder to
call the ground guy next)
Notice that we did NOT call them "Charlotte Clearance," because THEY ALREADY
KNOW THEY' RE ''Charlotte Clearance.'' Those dudes in the Tower are real smart.
You do NOT have to say the words ''IFR'' or ''INSTRUMENTS'' or that cute
(and nauseating) phrase ''STANDING BY FOR IFR CLEARANCE."
They assume EVERYONE is "instruments" unless you tell them you 're not instruments.
95°/o of all the traffic leaving any Class B or C airport will be on "instruments."
All they really need to know is your Tail # and Where you 're going
so they can locate your strip.
You only need to read back the SQUAWK and your CALL SIGN unless you have a question.
If you listen closely to the ATIS you'll find that most only want a read back of the
SQUAWK and CALL SIGN ONLY (unless you have a guestion).
They just don't have the time to listen to full read backs from every aircraft especially during busy periods.
Try it ... you'll like it!© .
All that being said ... I must add that at smaller airports, where
they have plenty of time, it's best to do a full read back.
(them) Citation 123 Charlie Mike is cleared out of the Class B airspace-
maintain at or below 4000 departure frequency 124.0 squawk 0345
(you) 0345-3 Charlie Mike
(them) 123 Charlie Mike read-back correct contact ground on 121.8 for taxi
(you) Point 8-thanks (No need for your call sign here, this is just a friendly reminder to call the ground guy
During an extremely busy time it might be better to GET THEIR ATTENTION FIRST, stating just your
callsign and VFR before you blurt out all your information (e.g.; ''Citation 123 Charlie Mike-VFR'' or ...
''Citation 123 Charlie Mike-VFR-Raleigh'') or you'll just end up having to repeat everything all over
again. Remember, YOU are the oddball VFR departure, everyone else is I FR. When you call, he will
actually have to find a pencil pick up the pencil possibly have to sharpen the pencil then write down the
information. So ... if it's extremely busy ... get his attention FIRST, so he can start looking for that pencil©
Remember, for VFR, what they need to know is Where you want to go at what Altitude and the Aircraft
Type. If you're going a long distance, they may also need your initial heading, so try to have that handy.
Flight Following:
VFR ''Flight Following all the way'' is a great idea if you're going more than a hundred miles or so. If the
clearance dude or dudette isn't too busy, they'll create a ''strip'' for you and you'll be handed off from
controller to controller almost like you're IFR. That is until you start to approach the Northeast portion of the
country they go by a different set of rules up there than the rest of the country in fact it /Sa different
country it's called ''YANKEE LAND!'' (I affectionately call it that because I'm originally from that country.
I hate it when the PC Police send me those threatening emails!;o ).
Get used to the term ''sguawk 1200 cleared from Center freguency, I ain't got time to mess with your
ass'' just as you're fixin' to enter somebody's Class B airspace!! I love those guys. I bet they have a great
time watching you do ''360s'' trying to sort things out after they dump you!!
Now you know the reason WHY you spent all that time practicing steep turns when you were learning to fly!!
Seriously folks ... always be aware of your location ... controllers can dump you out of the system at any time.
It doesn't necessarily happen that often. But on the rare occasion that you are dumped ... it can be a little
startling if you're not prepared for it.
Important NOTE:
Remember that ''Flight Following'' does NOT automatically clear you into or through anyone's Class B or
~(or D) airspace. You must get clearance directly from the facility that controls that airspace. It also
doesn't guarantee passage through one of those delightful TFRs that have a habit of popping up at
random. Legally that's your responsibility. You know how important those TFRs are ... they pretend to
"protect" El Senor Presidente and his entourage from a Skyhawk loaded with high explosives.
The controller is accustomed to most pilots getting their IFR clearance while they're still ''ON the ground,"
usually a very time consuming process. They must be made to understand that you are in fact ''OFF the
ground'' aka ''airborne." An ''OFF the ground'' clearance is completely different from one given when
the aircraft is still ''ON the ground." Personally I've found that the words "off the ground" work better than
the word "airborne."
Notice we did not call them "Charlotte Ground" because they already know they're ''Charlotte Ground.''
What they need to know is Who YOU are What YOU want to do-and Where the hell you're at.
Notice we did not say ''ready to'' taxi ( verv student pilot); or ''standing by for'' taxi ( very, very student pilot);
or the very entertaining ''standing by with clearance for'' taxi ( verv, verv, very student pilot).
Just say your ''full call sign'' -''taxi from'' the ''location'' you 're at. Yup, that's it!
They MUST hear the words ''Hold Short'' and the location you're going to hold short in your read back.
Taxi (continued):
(them)Citation 123 Charlie Mike cross 36R at Delta 2, and taxi to 36R
(you) 123 Charlie Mike is crossing 36R-(he'll understand you're going to the end of 36R)
Remind them that you are crossing the runway in your read back just to confirm. ''Runway incursions''
are a VERY big deal. In addition like yo' mama used to say, regardless of your clearance, always look both
ways before you go charging across any runway. Make damn sure no one's on short final. It happens!
If you are #6 in line for takeoff (or even if you 're #2), do NOTsay ''123 Charlie Mike is ready in seguence.''
That statement is ABSURDLY meaningless and stupid. DO NOT SAY IT!
Do NOT tell him you're ''checking in at,'' ''level at,'' or ''with you at.'' He already knows that 'cause you're talkin' to
him. The guys that work the "Center" frequencies have a much higher pay grade than local controllers. All that extra
money makes them very, very smart!;o). All he needs to know is your Tail# and the Altitude you're at to confirm your
Mode C. He'll let you know if it's Good Morning or not!;o).
When you READ BACK the altimeter setting, do NOT bother to include your tail#. You're in a conversation, it's
NOT a new clearance, it's just the current altimeter which is normally not much different than the last one you had.
Pay ATTENTION-If there is even the slightest doubt that a new clearance was for you-ask them to CONFIRM IT. It's
very easy to think you hear new instructions for you-when they actually were for an aircraft with a similar call sign. You
and the other aircraft might read back the clearance simultaneously-the controller may only hear the closer aircraft-
which may NOT be you. He can't correct you because he didn't hear you-and YOUR read back is NOT on the tape.
You change altitudes-YOU are BUSTED, without a leg to stand on! This type of error happens all the time.
Don't let this happen to you!
you're ABSOLUTELY - 110°/o - POSITIVE it was for YOU.
If you have even 1°/o of doubt ... call them back and ask them to CONFIRM IT!
When a pilot screws up a ''readback'' ... if the controller catches it ... he will correct you ... everyone goes home happy!;o).
When a controller screws up a ''hearback'' ... the controller's silence implies that the read back was correct ... in good faith
the pilot goes where he shouldn't go and can be virtually assured of getting a violation!:o( ... the controller gets a dope-slap
(whappp upside the head), but usually just goes right back to work. There is a verv strong message here.
or ... climbing ''ta*'' (or ''a*'') One-Five-Fifteen thousand-123 Charlie Mike; or ...
One-Five-Fifteen thousand for 123 Charlie Mike; or ... One-Five-Fifteen thousand-123 Charlie Mike)
''Out of 10 for 15'' or ''Leaving 10 for 15'' is kind of redundant. He knows you're going to "leave" 10,000 'cause he just
gave you a new altitude-you told him you were climbing to it-and he's gonna be monitoring you to make sure you
actually comply! THAT'S LIKE - HIS JOB!!
Just read back your Tail# and the Altitude you're climbing or descending to.
*The word ''li!'' is not a typo. ''Ta'' (or ''!") might look a little weird out of context, but it
avoids any confusion that might arise between the word !Q. and the number two (2),
especially if your tail# happens to end with a number instead of a letter.
Let's be real - That's how real people actually talk, ain't it?;o)
You Haven't Heard Anyone Talk On the Radio For A Long Time:
(Check your squelch and volume first before you make this call)
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike radio check This is called getting a
(them) Citation 123 Charlie Mike loud and clear how me? "radio check. " It's amazing
(you) Loud and clear also, thanks. Just got a little quiet up here. how many pilots have never
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1 heard of this term.
NOTE #3:
When you 're in a ''conversation'' with a controller Puleeeze do NOT repeat
your tail# after each sentence (that is sooo student pilot) (also extremely
annoying and time consuming). Wait till the END of the conversation. Then, j[, and
ONLY if, they have given you NEW clearance instructions, you would then read back
the new instructions with your tail # at the end.
When you make a request for an enroute altitude change, go ahead and tell them what altitude you want
on the F/RSTtransmission. It's only two extra words and usuallvthey'll catch it.
If you just tell them you have a request without saying the altitude you get into this ugly mess:
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike has a request
(them) Citation 123 Charlie Mike go ahead with your request
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike requesting Niner thousand
(them) Citation 123 Charlie Mike descend and maintain niner thousand
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike descending ta Niner thousand
As you can see this is a lot more time consuming.
A disproportionately large percentage of altitude busts occur because of misunderstandings between 10,000
and 15,000 feet. Avoid a violation on your ticket (and maybe a chunk of aluminum up your ass) by doing the ''double
read-back'' (for initial clearance onl y .. . after that ... one-zero thousand ; or one-one thousand ; etc. is more appropriate):
One-Zero- Ten thousand
One-One-Eleven thousand FL 200 and FL 220 confusion is also quite common.
One-Two- Twelve thousand, etc.
'-e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "double read back" is only really necessary for the initial altitude
assignment. After that - such as when you're checking in with a new
controller during a frequency change - it's more appropriate to just use
One-Zero thousand ; or One-One thousand; or One-Two thousand ; etc.
Do NOT make a big deal out of an enroute traffic alert. Keep an eye out for the other aircraft but don't
dwell on it. FLY THE AIRPLANE!! If it's other IFR traffic, there will always be at least a thousand foot
altitude difference. If you do eventually see the traffic, you do NOT have to instantly jump on the microphone
and report it immediately. Get to it when you get to it or get to it when he points out the traffic again.
Remember ... Once you call the traffic in sight, you assume the responsibility of keeping it in sight.
HOWEVER, if it's VFR traffic that they're not talking to, without a confirmed Mode C, or there's only a 500
foot altitude difference, it's time to get all eyes a-lookin'.
If you DO get the traffic in sight, please don't say ''Tally Ho''-
that's sooo frightfully British and sooo dreadfully corny!
t! .....
t: ..,
•r •
The controller has offered you the option of starting the descent (or climb) whenever you wish and at any
rate of descent (or climb} you want. You have the freedom to temporarily level off at any intermediate
altitude, but once you have vacated an altitude, you cannot go back up (or down)[AIM 4-4-10 &
Pilot/Controller Glossary]. You SHOULD (MUST?) let them know when you are starting down. If they
do NOT say the words "pilot's discretion," you are expected to climb or descend "at an optimum rate
consistent with the operating characteristics of the aircraft to 1,000 feet above or below the assigned
altitude, and then attempt to descend or climb at a rate of between 500 and 1,500 FPM until the assigned
altitude is reached.'' (AIM 4-4-1 O)
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••
!You're VFR (with Flight Following) and want to change altitude:
: Be sure to ASK them if it's OK. It's not really necessarily necessary or technically required ... but
: you don't want to throw any surprises at the controller.
: (you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike would like to descend to 4,500 ''if it's OK with y'all''
: (them) 123 Charlie Mike VFR descent is approved remain VFR at all times
•\ (you) All righty-thanks
•• •
•• *Another IMPORTANT WARNING about VFR Flight Following*
• ''Center'' canNOT clear you into anyone's Class B, C or D airspace .
• The only one that can give you that clearance is the
• approach control or tower that has jurisdiction over that airspace .
• DO NOT get suckered into a violation!
•• It is your responsibility to always know where you're at.
: If you're talking to Center; and it looks like you're going to enter Class B airspace;
: and you can 't get a word in edgewise .. .
•• then start practicing some 360s until you can sort things out.
•., Here's another reason why you had to learn how to do 360s!! ;o)
The ''HAND OFF'' -You should be aware that you are virtually NEVER in the new controller's
airspace when you receive a ''hand off." You must be "handed off" BEFORE you enter the new
controller's airspace. That's why, most of the time, your new controller cannot give you a different altitude
right away 'cause you ain't in his airspace.
Also, on rare occasion, you'll be asked to do some ''360's'' out in the middle of nowhere because your
current controller ''cannot facilitate the hand off." You're not allowed in a controller's airspace unless
you've been ''accepted." Usually done with a mouse click.
You Want A Lower Altitude While In Class B (or close to the destination airport):
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike lookin' for lower ''IF YOU HA VE IT'
(them) Citation 123 Charlie Mike descend and maintain 4000, expect the ILS 31 L
(you) 4000-123 Charlie Mike (again, no need to read back the runway, this is not yet a clearance, it's only
an advisory)
Lets them know that you know you're in his airspace but they might not have a lower altitude right now
due to airspace restrictions, obstructions or other traffic. But, if they DO have it. You sure would like to get
it! See what a smarty-pants you're turning into. And the controller will love you for it. He might
even offer to take you out to lunch after you land ©! !
When you call the tower, it's a good idea to remind him what runway you were cleared the approach for,
especially if they are running parallel approaches to left and right runways , but you really DON'T NEED TO
BOTHER telling him you're on the ''ILS'' trust me EVERYONE is on the ''ILS." And even if
someone ain't. He really could care less. His only job is to clear you to land and then tell you to contact
ground. It's a wonderful job. I wish I could get it!!
After Landing:
(them)Citation 123 Charlie Mike any right turn off the runway contact ground 121.9
(you) Point nine-Thanks (tail# not important)( change frequency-but only when CLEAR of the runway - PAST the
hold short line)
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike going to the General Aviation Terminal and we are ''not familiar''
It's best to just tell him you're ''not familiar.'' Give him a chance to volunteer to give you ''progressive''
- this makes him feel real important. Don't forget to read back all ''hold short'' instructions as he gives you
"progressive" to your destination on the airport.
Congratulations, you have successfully arrived at New York's JFK Airport!
NOTE: If you land at JFK and you're truly "not familiar." Just tell them to bring out the ''Follow Me'' truck.
Yup they got one; and yup, you just might need it! Finding that dive they call an FBO run by the NY Port
Authority can be a bit challenging without one. I've seen better FBOs in third world countries!
New York
EVERYTHING EXPLAINED for the Professional Pilot 407
(Chap 12 - Lengel's Radio Manual)
The important key word here is ''CANCEL.'' You should always CANCEL as soon as possible in visual
conditions so as to clear the way for other IFR traffic behind you or waiting to depart. This also eliminates
the chance of forgetting to cancel after landing. Once he has received your cancellation, your tail#
becomes irrelevant, and he really doesn't need you to read back the ''squawk 1200'' part either. Just
thank him for his help and get on with the show.
*IMPORTANT* Do NOTcancel early unless legal VFR conditions actually exist!
You never know who might be lurking in the weeds looking for someone to slap with a violation!
Don't you just love those self-righteous "Inspector Bullies" who take great pleasure
in making other people's lives miserable over what is very often petty bull s#!+?
Make your initial call about 40 miles out. That's usually where they start controlling the airspace (even if
the Class B only extends out 30 miles). Make your initial call early, especially if it's a busy time of day, so
you don't chance busting Class B airspace before you're cleared into it.
GET THEIR ATTENTION FIRST Introduce yourself as a new aircraft by calling them
''Charlotte Approach'' and your full call sign, before you blurt out all your information
-or you'll just end up having to repeat everything all over again. Remember, you 're the
oddball VFR arrival, everyone else is I FR. This is a very busy dude.
Remember, for VFR, what they need to know is approximately (not exactly) Where you are What
you want to do ("landing Charlotte") the Aircraft Type and the Altitude you're at or descending to.
In ANY emergency, do NOT ''REQUEST'' a damn thing! TELL THEM WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
Do NOTtry to maintain an altitude or heading that you cannot maintain JUST DO WHAT YOU HAVE
TO DO ... NOW! Numerous pilots have died because they waited for a ''request'' to be granted!!
JUST DO IT! TELL THEM about it later! Take charge of the situation YOU ARE THE BOSS !!
91.3 Responsibility and Authority of the Pilot In Command (also 135.19):
a) The Pilot In Command is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to the operation of
that aircraft.
b) In an in-flight emergency reguiring immediate action, the Pilot In Command may deviate from
any rule to the extent reguired to meet that emergency.
c) "Upon the request of the Administrator," you may be required to supply a written report of the
incident Usually, only when they think you might have had some part in causing the incident
( 135.19 says you must file a report within 10 days).
·························· ~· ·· ··········
EMERGENCY-Engine Fire I Smoke :1. fu the airplane first.
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike-We have an engine fire and smoke in the ;2. Point it where it needs to go.
cockpit We're turning back to the airport and descending-need :3. Then call ATC and tell 'em
- - - : what they can do for you.
vectors for the nearest runway. ·#l#flfl#ft#lll.#MNM11#4111~~~-
(them) 3 Charlie Mike understand smoke in cockpit continue your turn to a heading of 360 cleared direct
Charlotte Descend and maintain 3,000 Expect vectors ILS Runway 36R You're 10 miles from the
airport right now and we'll have the equipment standing by.
(you) 360
Some History
SwissAir Flight 111 Wednesday, September 2, 1998:
-+ The flight took off from JFK at 8:18 pm bound for Geneva.
-+ At 9:10 pm, cruising at FL 330, the flight crew detected an odor of smoke in the cockpit. Four minutes
later, the smoke was visible.
-+ At 9:14 pm the flight crew made a ''pan-pan'' radio call to ATC, indicating that there was an urgent problem
with the flight, but not an emergency (denoted by a "Mayday" call) REQUESTING deviation to Boston 300
nm away. ATC offered the crew a vector to the closer Halifax, Nova Scotia, 66 nm away, which the crew
-+ The crew then put on their oxygen masks and the aircraft began its descent. They ran through the two
Swissair checklists for smoke in the cockpit, a process that would take approximately 20 minutes and
become a later source of controversy.
-+ At 9:19 the plane was 30 nautical miles from Halifax, but the crew requested more time to descend from
21,000 ft.
-+ At 9:20, they informed ATC they needed to dump fuel. ATC Halifax subsequently diverted the flight
toward a location where they could more safely dump fuel about 30 nm from Halifax.
-+ At 9:24, the aircraft announced [finally] "Swissair 111 heavy is declaring emergency" and stated that they
had descended to "between 12,000 and 5,000 ft." The aircraft struck the ocean at 9:31 pm killing all on
board instantly.
-+ This aircraft almost certainly could have landed safely if the crew had acted more decisively.
ValuJet Flight 592 Saturday, May 11, 1996:
+ At 2:04 pm the DC-9 took off from Miami bound for Atlanta. . __
+ At 2:10 pm the flight crew noted an electrical problem. Seconds later, a flight attendant entered
the cockpit and advised the flight crew of a fire in the passenger cabin. Passengers' shouts of
"fire, fire, fire" were recorded on the cockpit voice recorder when the cockpit door was opened.
+ The crew immediately ASKED air traffic control for a return to Miami due to smoke !!1 the cockpit.
Aircraft was given instructions for a return to the airport.
+ One minute later, the First Officer requested the nearest available airport.
+ Flight 592 disappeared from radar at 2:14 pm and crashed in the Everglades, a few miles west of
Miami, at a speed in excess of 500 miles per hour. All 110 people aboard were killed instantly.
+ With only four minutes from problem detection to crash, unfortunately no action by the crew could
have saved this flight.
... ""'~
• •• '. ~'\\'¥iii
+ Departure "OK yeah, you need to return to La Guardia, turn left, '--
l •• , • -
(AFTER you've powered back and put the speed brakes out and/or dropped the landing gear in order to
slow and stabilize the aircraft)
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike is in EXTREME turbulence-we're going up 4000 FPM-we'll let you
know when we can level off
(them) 3 Charlie Mike understand sir what altitude are you leaving now?
(you) Right now we're passing through Flight Level 480-still going up 4000 FPM!!
(them) Roger sir let us know when you decide to level off We'll divert the International Space Station traffic
above you just in case!;o) .
''EXTREME Turbulence'' The aircraft is being violently tossed about and is practically impossible to
control. It may cause structural damage, if the pilot doesn't do something about it immediately. AIM 7-1-20.
In an emergency-A LARGE AIRPORT with a LONG RUNWAY and an ILS providing glide slope
information is definitely an important consideration with a large aircraft and/or bad weather. However,
one must also consider 91.7(b), which has been interpreted to mean; "the pilot, in an emergency situation ,
According to the FAA, safety is the paramount consideration. Convenience and comfort are not
considerations at all . The pilot is required to land at the ''FIRST AVAILABLE'' location ''CONSISTENT with
SAFETY.'' So, in other words, do not shut down an engine, and then fly another 100 miles, passing
several ''suitable'' airports along the way, just to get the airplane back home where your car is!
Somebody at the local FSDO may not consider that "consistent with safety," and you may very well hear these
words these disturbing words ''you're in a heap-o'-trouble Boy!''
You Need a Frequency Change to Call FSS for Weather, etc.:
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike needs a frequency change for a ''couple of minutes''
(them) 3 Charlie Mike roger sir that's approved report back up within 5 minutes
(you) We'll do it, thanks
(you) Louisville Radio-Louisville Radio-Citation 123 Charlie Mike LISTENING ON 112.6-0VER
(them) Citation 123 Charlie Mike Louisville Radio What can we do for you today Sir?
(you) Blah ... blah ... blah .. .
(them) Blah ... blah ... blah .. .
(you) OK-Sounds great-That's all we need for now-Thanks a lot for your help today
It's 2 am - You're a Freight Dog and you need to call Dispatch to check for messages:
(Check in GPS or flight guide for a Unicom Frequency close by usually 122.95 or 122.8 works best)
(you) Citation 123 Charlie Mike needs a frequency change for a ''couple of minutes''
(them) 3 Charlie Mike roger sir that's approved report back up
(you) We'll do it, thanks
(you) Tri-City Aviation-Citation 123 Charlie Mike on 122.95 over
(Peggy) Hey there 3 Charlie Mike, this is Peggy Sue at Tri-City haven't heard from you in a
while-go 'head Darlin'
(you) Howzit goin' Peggy Sue-you know I miss ya-I wonder if you could make an 800
call for me?
(Peggy) Well OK but it's gonna cost ya next time I see ya-go ahead with the number BIG BOY!
(you) OK-the number is-800-555-1234-just see if they have any messages for us and we'll standby
for a reply.
(Peggy) Okey Dokey I'll get right back to ya ya know I'd dial a ''900'' number for YOU Sugar Pie
(you) Sure do 'preciate it Peggy Sue
[So ... Peggy Sue makes the telephone call to operations then calls you back on the radio]
(Peggy)3 Charlie Mike they said "just call us when you get to the house." But I sure wish you'd come in for a
landin' at MY HOUSE Sugar
(you) Next time for sure Peggy Sue-gotta git along home right now-but I'll be a seein' ya
(Peggy) Come see me soon Big Boy I'm hotter than a billy goat in a pepper patch, if you catch my drift-
hugs & kisses!
If you can't find a suitable Unicom or it's 2:00 am and no one seems to want to answer try a call in the
blind on 122.95 with this kind of desperate (but very effective) plea:
''Citation 123 Charlie Mike calling anyone on the ground with a telephone that can make an
'800' call for us-that's ANYONE on the ground-on 122.95-that can make an '800' call for
us-please come back to 3 Charlie Mike -OVER."
This call WILL get a response!
If you're really desperate sometimes you can get FSS to make the call for you if they're not too
busy. But do NOT count on them unless you're desperate ... it's simply NOT their job.
Altimetry and temperature ...... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... . 119, 121 ATC Clearance and flight plan required ....... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .34
Altimetry around the world ....................... .......................... .. 140-141 ATC clearances and instructions-compliance with .................... 330
Altimetry in extremely cold weather ... ......................................... 119 ATC light signals ............................................................................ 83
Altitude-alerting system-turbojet ........................................... 162 ATC Radar Beacon System-ATC RBS ........................................53
Altitude-cardinal altitude ............................................... ............ 132 ATIS-ATS-approach briefing mnemonic ..................................... 50
Altitude changing altitude-Pilot's discretion ...................... 45, 129 ATIS-0-ATIS ...............................................................................49
Altitude-chambers-Physiological training .... ... .. .... .... ..... . 142, 195 ATP-Airline Transport Pilot .. ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... 188, 189
Altitude-cross-reference .................................................... 135-138 Attitude Indicator (Al) .... ................................................................ 38
Altitude-cruising ........................................................................ 132 Authorization (additional) .......................... 57, 62, 67, 88, 133, 194
Altitude-density .... ............................................. 118, 124, 125, 387 Authorized flight instructor means .............................................. 300
Altitude-indicated ............................................ .......................... 118 Authorized flight instructor-gold seal flight instructor ................. 375
Altitude-loss during stall recovery ............................................. 353 Authorized flight instructor-qualifications ........................... 190, 191
Altitude minimum altitudes for IFR operations .......................... 128 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast-ADS-B ............ 103
Altitude minimum safe altitudes .. ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .. 129 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract-ADS-C .. .. .... .... .... 105
Altitude-oxygen altitudes ...... ............................... ..................... 139 Automated Unicom .. ......................................................................... 102
Altitude-pattern altitude at airports without control tower .... 18, 131 Automatic slot-wing .......................................................... 354, 355
Altitude-planning for short jet trips ............................................ 386 Autopilot ......................................................................................281
Altitude-pressure altitude .............................................. ............ 118 Auxiliary flight controls ............................................... ................ 151
Altitude-reporting-Transponder-Mode C .............................. 127 Auxiliary Power Unit-APU .......................................................... 150
Altitude-restriction-crossing restriction .. ...... ..... .... .... .. 42, 4 7, 111 Average passenger weights-standard ....... ... .. .... ... .. .... ..... ..... ... 244
Altitude-temperature correction chart ....................................... 119 Avgas-1 OOLL-weight ......................................................384, 385
Altitude-temperature and humidity effect on air density ......... 123 Aviation Area Forecast-FA ............................ ........................... 225
Altitude-temperature and humidity-effect on takeoff .............. 352 Aviation gasoline 1OOLL-weight ...................................... 384, 385
Altitude-traffic pattern at airports without control tower ...... 18, 131 Aviation number-commercial aviation oil grade number ........... 366
Altitude-traffic pattern-Class B, C, or D ...................... 19, 60, 130 Aviation physiology training (altitude chambers) ................. 142, 195
Altitude-types-pressure, density, indicated, etc ...................... 118 Aviation Safety Reporting System-NASA reports ...................... 340
AM-Amplitude Modulation broadcast ... ......... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... .. 97 Avionics terminology .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... .. 152
Analysis, destination airport analysis ................................. 284, 286 Avion ics-trou bleshooti ng ............................................................99
Angle of attack and lift-relationship .......................................... 353 AWOS cannot be used as weather if visibility missing (135/121) .... 76
Angle of attack ..................................................................... 351-353 AWOS vs. ASOS ..........................................................................217
Angle of bank for a standard rate turn-rule of thumb ................ 386 AWSS-Automatic Weather Sensor System ..............................217
Angle of incidence ....................................................................... 351 A WW-severe weather forecast alerts ........................................224
Angular deviation-VCR-full scale, % scale deflection ........ 46, 91 Axe crash axe ...........................................................................337
Annual inspection ....................................................................... 309
AN-oil-Army & Navy specification equivalent number ... ......... 366
Antenna-for localizer and glideslope (ground) ........................... 59
ANTENNAS-everything about ANTENNAS ........................... 97-99 Backcourse approach ..................................................................61
Anticollision lights ......................................................... 84, 85, 371 Backcourse marker ........................................................................ 59
Anti-ice I de-ice fluids ................................................................. 212 Backfiring ...................................................................................366
Anti-servo tab .... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... .... ..... ... 357 Bad stuff for takeoff performance ... .... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... .... 122
AOPA "hotline" phone number ................................................... 346 Badge airport badge-access investigation check ................... 325
Approach briefing mnemonic-ATIS-ATS ................................... 50 Balanced Field Length-BFL ......................... ................... 154, 155
Approach categories-A, B, C, D, E ..................................... 55, 110 Bank angle for a standard rate turn-rule of thumb .................... 386
Approach Light Systems-ALS ......................... ............... 73-75, 262 Banner towing ... .. ........................................................................ 236
Approach plate revision date (AeroNav - aka NOS, NACO) ...... 49 Barber pole-Vmo, Mmo ............................................................ 114
Approach-radio lingo ................................................................ 405 Barometric altimeter ................................................................... 127
Approach weather not required for Part 91 ..... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... 260 Baro-VNAV .................................................. 32, 35, 62, 94, 96, 254
Approach weather required for Parts 135 & 121 .. ....................... 260 Base of clouds-estimate height of-rule of thumb ... ... .............. 388
APproach with Vertical guidance-APV ........................... 58, 62, 66 Basic "T" design for approaches .... ......................................... 68, 69
Approach-I FR to an airport without an instrument approach ...... 34 Basic currency requirements ....................................................... 169
Approach-no pilot may begin an instrument approach (135/121) .. 252 Basic flight time & duty limitations ( 121) ......................................273
Approved Aircraft Flight Manual-AAFM ................... 174 , 175, 317 Basic Operating Weight-BOW ...................................................245
Approved Aircraft Inspection Program-AAIP ..... ..... .... ..... . 309, 312 Basic Part 135 operator .. .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... .... ..... .... ... 238
APU-Auxiliary Power Unit ......................................................... 150 Basic VFR weather minimums .........................................................9
APV-APproach with Vertical guidance ................ ........... 58, 62, 66 Batteries-Double Os ................................................................. 150
Arc-DME arc procedures .. ................................................... 61 , 93 Battery start-turbine engine ...................................................... 148
Area Forecast-FA-aviation Area Forecast ............................. 225 Beacons-airport .............. ..............................................................4
ARea NAVigation approaches-RNAV-GPS ....................... 68, 69 Beechcraft-numbers & names ................................................. 349
ARea NAVigation-RNAV-RPN ......................................... 33, 152 Before takeoff checklist mnemonic ............................................. 382
Area of decision for multi-engine airplanes .. .... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... 333 Before takeoff passenger briefing ................................................293
ARINC-Aero-nautical Radio INC-HF radio ...................... ....... 104 Below DH or MDA-operating below ............................. ....... 70, 262
Arm-moment arm-W&B .. ....................................................... 245 BFL-Balanced Field length ................................................ 154, 155
Arrival at airports with no weather reporting .............................. 264 BFO-Beat Frequency Oscillator-ADF radio ......................63, 101
Arrival-radio lingo ............................................ .......... 407, 408, 409 BFR-Biennial Flight Review-flight review ................................ 169
ARROW-Airworthiness, Registration, Radio license, etc ......... 175 Bifocal contact lenses .................................................................200
AS DA-Accelerate Stop Distance Available ..... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. 158 Bird chasing ....... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 236
Ash less dispersant oil ...... .......................................................... 366 Bird strikes ...................................................................................371
ASOS vs. AWOS ... ... ............................................................... ........ 217 Bishop, CA .........................................................................................35
Aspect ratio ................................................................................ 351 Black box-flight data recorders-FDR & CVR ..........................294
Aspen , CO .............. ...................................................................... 35 Black smoke-piston engine smoke ............................ ................ 366
Aspirin ........................................................................................ 201 Bleed air .............................................................................. 149, 153
ASR approach .............................................................................. 61 Bleeds-off takeoff ........................................................................ 149
ASRS-Aviation Safety Reporting System-NASA reports ... .... 340 Blind encoder-transponder ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... .. 127
Assaulting a pilot ................................................................. 86, 308 Blood alcohol level ......................................................................203
At or above the glideslope at Class B, C, or D airport .. ............... 57 Blood pressure .... .........................................................................201
Blue line-multi engine ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... ... 114 CFl-hours of training (limitation on) ... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... . 191
Blue smoke-piston engine smoke ........ ............................. ........ 366 CFl-qualifications, records , renewal of certificate .......... ... 190, 191
Bonding strap ............................................................................ 152 CFM-Company Flight Manual ....... ................................... 174 , 317
Boundary layer .......................................................... 354, 355, 356 CG-effects of forward I aft CG .......................................... 24 7, 381
BOW weight-Basic Operating Weight ...................................... 245 Chamber-altitude chamber .............................................. 142, 195
Brake horsepower ...................................................................... 363 Chance of, occasional , intermittent, tempo, possibility ..... 35, 253, 254
Braking action-runway friction reports-MU value ..... . 26, 72, 213 Change of address .. .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .. 180
Breakout maneuver-ILS PRM approach .... ............................... 79 Changing altitude-Pilot's discretion ................................... 45, 129
Brief passengers to fasten seat belts .... ....................................... 34 Charitable organization ..................................... ......................... . 185
Briefing for approach-ATIS-ATS ..... .......................................... 50 Charted Visual Flight Procedure approach-CVFP .... .................. 77
Briefing-passenger briefing before takeoff ................................ 293 Charts-aeronautical chart scales .............................................. 385
Briefing-takeoff ........................................................................... 39 Charts-checklist-performance data ........ ........................ 293, 284
Briefing-weather briefings ......................................................... 223 Charts-use of old charts for Part 91 operations ......................... 369
Burner can ... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ...... 149 Charts-VFR charts required .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .293
Bus bar & bus tie .......... .......................................... ........................ 150 Check airmen qualifications, training, checking , currency ......... .301
Business names-Doing Business As-OBA ........................... 237 Check ride-a quick synopsis of Part 135 checkrides .................242
B ass ratio-turbofan en ine ................................................... 146 Check ride-Part 135 PIC checking modules .............................. 304
Check ride-Part 135 SIC checking modules ............................. .305
c Check ride-the very first Part 135 check ride ......... ................... 307
Check rides are considered duty time ...... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ......... .302
Cabin air pressure safety valve .................................................. 142 Checklist-charts-performance data ............................... 293, 284
Cabin altimeter & cabin vertical speed indicator .. ....................... 153 Checkli sts-m ne mon i cs ..... ... ............................... ........................ 382
Cabin pressure regulator ...... ...................................................... 142 Chevrons-runway markings ......... .............................................. 21
Calendar quarter/year ................................................................ 267 Chief pilot-Part 135 & 121 ........................................................291
Calibrated airspeed .................................................................... 114 Children-standard average passenger weights ........................ 244
Camber ....................................................................................... 351 Chined ti res .................................................................................163
CAMI (Civil Aerospace Medical Institute) Physiological trng ..... 142, 195 Chord of an airfoil .... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ......... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .. 245
CAMP-Continuous Airworthiness Inspection Program ............. 367 Chord or chord line ......................................................................351
Canada-flights between Mexico, Canada & the U.S .... ............ 277 Circling approach ................................................................. 67, 110
Canceling IFR flight plan .......................................................... 6, 81 Circling approach-30° of bank limitation .................................... 166
Candidates in elections, carriage of 91 .321 .... .. ......................... 236 Circuit breaker ... .. ....................................................................... 150
Captain-high minimum captain ................................................ 263 Civil Aerospace Medical Institute Physiological trng .......... 142, 195
Captain qualifications-Part 121 & 135 ...................................... 240 Civil twilight times .........................................................................370
Captain , does the captain get busted when SIC screws up? ...... 341 Class-aircraft ............................................................................. 168
Carbon monoxide ..... .............................................. ....................... 350 Class-category-pilot certificate & aircraft .................... ............ 168
Carburetor icing ..... .................................................................... 210 Class I & Class II Navigation .................................................. 46, 92
Cardinal altitudes ...................................................................... 134 Class A airspace ..............................................................................3
Cardiovascular requirements for medical ................................. 201 Class A , B , C, D, E-Cargo compartment classification ........... .. .248
Careless or reckless operation ................................................... 340 Class B airspace .............................................................................3
Cargo compartment classification-Class A , B, C, D, E .... .. ... ... 248 Class B VFR ... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .9
Cargo floor loading limits ............................................................ 244 Class C airspace .............................................................................4
Cargo-must be secured .......... .. ................................................ 243 Class C VFR ............. ............................................................... ..............9
Cargo-weight & balance-load manifest ........................... 243-246 Class D airspace ..............................................................................5
Carriage of candidates in elections 91 .321 .. .............................. 236 Class D VFR ..... .................. .............................................................9
Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant ............. 202 Class E airspace ............................................................................. 6
CAT-Clear Air Turbulence ................................................ 215, 223 Class E VFR ....................................................................................9
Categories for approach-A, B, C, D, E ...................................... 55 Class F airspace ...... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... 10
Categories-aircraft (normal, commuter, utility, etc.) ............ 11 , 168 Class G airport-·take off in inst conditions without clearance ......... 7, 34
Category & class-pilot certificate & aircraft .............................. 168 Class G airspace .. ............................................................................ 7
Category A , B, C, D-MEL categories of deferred items ............ 318 Class G airspace-flap setting for turbojets .................................. 14
Category I, II , and, Ill ILS minimums ............................................. 57 Class G airspace IFR flight without a clearance .................... 7, 34
Category I, II, Ill aircraft-same runway separation categories .... 88 Class G airspace take off in inst conditions without clearance ....... 7, 34
Cavitation of hydraulic pump .... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ... 151 Class G control towers (temporary) (communications with) .... .. .... 83
COi-fuii-scaie deflection .............................................................. 55 Class G VFR ..... ...............................................................................9
COL-Configuration Deviation List ..... ... ..................................... 320 Classes of aircraft for wake turbulence separation ......... ............ 373
Ceiling definition ......................................................................... 218 Clear Air Turbulence-CAT ................................................ 215, 223
Cell phone-FSS direct line telephone numbers ............. ........... 229 Clear ice .............................. .........................................................211
Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion ............................................... 125 Clearance and flight plan required .. .............................................. 34
Center of Gravity & W&B table-all W&B stuff ........................... 245 Clearance-ATC clearances and instructions, compliance ......... 330
Center of Gravity ......................................................... 245, 24 7, 352 Clearance from clouds .... .................................................................9
Center of Gravity-effects of forward or aft CG .... ........... ... ........ 24 7 Clearance-large airports-radio lingo ................ ........................ 398
Center of lift ................................................................................. 352 Clearance Void time .................................................................. 8, 38
Center of pressure ....................................................................... 352 Cleared for the approach ..............................................................52
Center Weather Advisories-CWA ............................................. 224 Cleared for the option .................................................................... 63
Centerline lights ..................................................................... 24, 25 Cleared into Class B ........................................................................3
Certificate action-violation-enforcement action ... .... ..... . 342, 343 Cleared via SID/STAR .. .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. ... 42
Certificate-Holding District Office-CHOO .................................. 237 Clearway means ......................................................................... 367
Certificate-pilot certificate-category I class ....... ........... ... ........ 168 Clearw-ay ..................... ........................ ... ........................................... 155
Certificate-replacement of a lost airman or medical certificate . 180 Climb gradient ................................................................ 41 , 43, 386
Certificates required in pilot's possession ........................... 175, 177 Climb gradient-engine out climb gradient ................................. . 149
Certified ceiling .......................................................................... 358 Climb gradient-feet/NM to feet/minute formula .... ................... 386
Certified flight instructor qualifications ................................ 190, 191 Climb via SID .................................................................................42
Certified landing distance ..... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ...... 159 Climbing with a headwind/tailwind .............................................. 386
CFl-company flight instructor .................................................... 300 CLOCK-it can 't be just ANY clock ..... .. ........................... ...... 84, 85
CF I-gold seal flight instructor ···················································· 375 Close parallel approach-PRM (Precision Approach Monitor) .. .... 79
Closing and locking flightcrew compartment door .. ... .. .... ..... ..... 325 CPDLC-Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications ..... ..... ........ 105
Cloud bases estimate height of-rule of thumb ....................... 388 Crash axe ......................................................................................... 337
Cloud clearance - VFR ...... ........................................................... 9 Crash-HOW TO CRASH an airplane ........................................336
Clutter-contaminated runway-precipitation ............................ 213 Crew pairing .................................................................263,285, 286
CNF - Computer Navigation Fix ................................................. 69 ~rew fiesource .Management (CRM) ............ ..............................295
Cockpit Voice Recorders-CVR ........................................ 294, 285 Critical angle of attack-stall ...................................................... 353
Cockpit-admission to pilot's compartment-en route check ..... 292 Critical engine ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ... 155, 333
Coffin Corner .............................................................................. 144 Critical field length ....................................................................... 155
Cold weather-altimeter errors in extremely cold weather ........ 119 Critical Mach .......................... ............... ................................. ........... 144
Color codes for airspeed indicators ... ......................................... 114 Critical phase of flight-sterile cockpit .........................................249
Color codes for flight plan ............................................... ............ 221 Crop dusting, seeding, spraying, and bird chasing .....................236
Color vision ................................................................................. 200 Cross-country time means .......................................................... 193
Colored (federal) airways (L/MF aka ADF) .................................. 47 Crossing restrictions .............................................................4 7, 111
CO MAT-COMpany MATerial ...... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... .... 246 Crosswind component .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ... 373, 381
Command bars ............................................................................... 152 Crosswinds-demonstrated vs. max allowable ........................... 373
Commercial aviation number-oil grade number ...................... 366 Cruise clearance-Cruise climb .................................................... 49
Commercial operator aka common carrier .................................. 232 Cruising altitudes ........................................................................ 132
Commercial pilot certificate qualifications ................................... 187 Currency requirements-flight review-3 landings .................... 169
Common carriage .............................................................. 232 , 237 Currency requirements-instrument experience ................. 170, 186
Common carrier aka commercial operator.. .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... .... 232 Currency requirements-Type Rating .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... .... 196
Common multiengine accident scenarios ................................... 336 Current limiter ............................................................................. 150
Communication antennas (on aircraft) ............................. ........... 97 Customs-flights between Mexico, Canada & U.S .................... 277
Communications failure IFR ................................................. 82 , 83 Cutouts-flight plan , °C to °F, reciprocals, mnemonics .............. 382
Communications with control towers-Class G ............................ 83 CVFP-Charted Visual Flight Procedure approach .......................77
Communications with tower when radio inop-light signals ......... 83 CVR-Cockpit Voice Recorders .......................................... 294, 285
Commuter category aircraft ................................................. 11 , 168 CWA-Center Weather Advisories ..............................................224
Commuter operation-Part 135 .... ......... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... .... 233
Company flight instructors ......................................................... 300
Company Flight Manual-CFM ........................................... 174 , 317
Comparable values of RVR and ground visibility ......................... 72 Damage-major or minor damage .............................................. 344
Comparisons, conversions, formulas & weights ....................... 385 Database updates .........................................................................94
Compass-all compass stuff ....................................................... 90 Datalinks ..................................................................................... 105
Compensation or hire ................................................................ 232 Date approach plate revision date (NOS-NACO) .......................49
Competency check-equipment check-SIC check ......... 242 , 302 D-ATIS-ATIS that is transmitted digitally as well as voice ... ........ 49
Complete airman file-how to obtain copy ................................ 324 Datum ...................................... ............................................. ............245
Complex airplanes-endorsement ............................................. 194 Day-aircraft instruments and equipment .... ................................. 84
Compliance with ATC clearances and instructions ................... 330 OBA-Doing Business As-business names ..............................237
Comply with restrictions/speed restrictions .................... ...... 42 , 111 DC flight fiestricted ~one (DC FRZ) (DC SFRA) ......................... 12
Compressed oxygen .................................................................. 142 Dead Reckoning ............................................................................41
Compressibility error-airspeed indicator ..... .... .. ... ......... .. ... .... 114 Deadhead transportation-flight time & duty ... .. ... ......... .. .. .267, 271
Compressor stall ....................................................................... 149 Decision-area of decision for multi-engine airplanes ............... 333
Computer Navigation Fix (CNF) .................................................. 69 Declare an emergency-not required before deviating .. .............331
Configuration Deviation List-COL ........................................... 320 Decompression sickness after scuba diving .............................. 123
Congested area-minimum safe altitude ....... .. .......................... 129 Decompression-rapid or explosive .................................... 142, 153
Constant speed propeller & manifold pressure .......................... 360 Decompression training (altitude chambers) ....................... 142, 195
Contact approach ......................................................................... 62 De-ice I anti-ice fluids ..................................................................212
Contact lenses ... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ....... 200 Delays-flight time & duty ...........................................................269
Containment region (RNP) ..... .. ........................................ ........... 33 Delete speed restrictions ...... ............................ ..................... 42, 111
Contaminated runway (clutter)-precipitation ........................... 213 Demarcation bar-runway ............................................................ 21
Contamination-test to detect contamination of jet fuel. ........... 373 Demonstrated crosswind ............................................................373
Continuous Airworthiness Inspection Program-CAMP ........... 367 Demonstrated landing distance ................................................... 159
Continuous turbulence ................................................................ 223 Density altitude ...........................................................................118
Contract carrier I Contract pilot ......... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... 232 Density altitude and performance ... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... .. 122
Contrails .................................................................................... 358 Density altitude charts & rules of thumb ..................... 124, 125, 387
Control tab .. ............................. ........................................................ 357 Density altitude-rules of thumb ....................... .............. ............. 387
Control tower-Class G ................................................................ 83 Density altitude-temperature affects on density altitude ............ 124
Control tower-non-federal ... .......................................................... 5 Density error-airspeed indicator ................................ ................ 114
Control towers-number in operation ......................................... 373 Departure Procedure-DP early turn .........................................43
Controllable-pitch propeller ....................................................... 360 Departure radio lingo .................................................................401
Controlled firing areas ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... 10 Departing airports with no weather reporting .............................. 265
Convective outlook-AC ............................................................ 225 Departing uncontrolled field in inst conditions w/o clearance .... 7, 34
Convective SIGMET-WST ........................................................ 224 DEPS-VOR check .....................................................................309
Converging !LS-simultaneous converging instrument approach ........ 80 Descend via STAR ..................................................................42, 48
Conversion placard-°C to °F ................................................... 382 Descent below DH or MDA .........................................................260
Conversion tables ................................................................ 390-393 Designated Pilot Examiner-OPE .............................................. 192
Conversions, comparisons, formulas & weights .......... .... ..... .... 385 Designation required for PIC/SIC .. .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. .. .249, 284
Convert pounds or liters of jet A into gallons ............................. 383 Destination airport analysis ................................................284, 286
Convert inches of mercury to millibars or hectopascals ..... . 141 , 218 Destination & alternate weather required (Part 135/121) .... 252, 253
Cooling packs-air conditioning in air carrier aircraft ... ............. 151 Destination sign .. ........................................................................... 22
Coordinated Universal Time-UTC ........................................... 380 Destination weather must be at least (Part 135/ 121 ) ... ................254
Copies of A TC tower/center tapes ............................................. 346 Destination weather must be at or above minimums ..................... 38
Copilot qualifications (SIC) ................................................ 182, 241 Destroyed airman or medical certificate-replacement of .......... 180
Copy of load manifest .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ....... 246 Deviation error-compass .... ......... .... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .90
Country prefix-airport identifier ................................................ 378 Deviation from ATC clearance or instructions ............................. 330
Country registration-aircraft number codes ... ........................... 378 Dew point lapse rate-rule of thumb .......................................... 388
DEWIZ & ADIZ ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ....... . 12 Earth's horizon-visibility and the earth's horizon ..... .... ..... .... ... 367
DFDR & FDR-flight data recorders ...... ..................................... 294 ECAM-Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor .......................... 152
DH or MDA-operating below ............................................... 70, 262 ECU-Electronic Control Units ........ ............................................ 151
Diabetes mellitus ........................................................................ 201 EEC-Electronic Engine Control ................................................. 151
Diameter of a standard rate turn-rule of thumb ............. ........... 386 EFAS I flight watch I FSS - frequencies ... .................. ............... 102
Differences training .................................................................... 296 EFB-Electronic Flight Bag-iPad .............................................. 369
Differential-maximum allowable pressure differential .... .. ....... 153 Effect of air density on lift & drag ... ..... .. ......... ..... .... .... ..... .. ... ...... 352
Diode .......................................................................................... 150 Effect of altitude, temperature, and humidity on takeoff .............. 352
Dip errors-c.ompass .................. ...................................................... 90 Effect of Subpart K on Part 135 ................................................... 286
Direct air carrier .......................................................................... 237 Effective runway length .............................................................279
Direct line telephone numbers to FSS for cell phones ................ 229 Effects of forward I aft CG ........................................... ...... 247, 381
Direct with a VFR GPS ................................................................. 95 EFIS-Electronic Flight Instrumentation System ......................... 152
Direct-drive turboprop ................................................................. 147 EGT-Exhaust Gas Temperature ................................................ 149
Direction sign-airport signs ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... . 22 EHSl-Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator ..... ... .. .... .. ... ...... . 152
Director of Maintenance Part 135 & 121 ............. .................... 291 EICAS-Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System ... ............. 152
Director of Operations-Part 135 & 121 ..................................... 291 Eighty (80)% landing limitations ................................. 279, 284, 286
Director of Safety-Part 121 ....................................................... 291 EKG-required for 1st class medical ............................................ 199
Discretionary issuance of a medical certificate ......................... 201 Elections-carriage of candidates in elections (91.321) ............ 236
Discretion-Pilot's Discretion .............................................. 45, 129 Electrical failure in IMC conditions ............................................... 82
Dispatch release aka flight release .. .. .... .. ... ...... ... .. .... ... .. .... .. ... .. 326 Electrical terminology ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... . 150
Dispatcher-aircraft-Part 121 .................................................. 326 Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor-ECAM ......................... 152
Displaced threshold .. ........................................................... 22, 279 Electronic Control Units-ECU .................................................... 151
Displayed , certificate number displayed on the aircraft .. ............ 237 Electronic devices-Portable ......................................................... 93
Distance off-course ................................................................ 46, 91 Electronic Engine Control-EEC ................................................. 151
Distance to station-formula ....................................................... 388 Electronic Flight Bag-EFB-iPad .............................................. 369
Distance formul.a ...................................................................... 388 Electronic Flight Instrumentation System-EFIS ......................... 152
Ditching procedures-Passenger briefing before takeoff ... ... .... 293 Electronic Horizontal Situation lndicator-EHSI ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... .152
Dive & Drive ................................................................................. 64 Elevation-airport elevation & reference point ............................. 26
Diverse Vector Area-DV A .. ........................................................ 43 Elevator tr·im tab .. ........................................................................ 357
DME antenna (on aircraft) ............................................................. 99 Eligible on-demand operator ................................... 286, 260, 279
DME arc procedures ......................................................... 54, 61 , 93 ELT antenna ....... .. ......................................................................... 97
DME-all DME stuff ...................................................................... 93 ELT check ....................................................................................309
DME-GPS substitute for ............................................................. 94 ELT -aircraft that do not require an ELT ............................ 338, 339
DME-required above 24,000 feet .. ............................................. 84 ELT-changes in the works ......................................................... 339
Do you need an alternate? (Part 135/121) ................................ 254 ELT -Emergency Locator Transmitters ....................... 84, 338, 339
Do you need an alternate? (Part 91 ) ... .......................................... 35 EMAS-Engineered Materials Arresting System ........ ................ 157
Documents-presentation of pilot's documents ........................ 177 Emergency air traffic rules ..........................................................226
Documents required on board aircraft ............... ......................... 175 Emergency drill training ...............................................................297
Doing Business As-OBA ........................................................ 237 Emergency equipment required-extended overwater ............... 313
Domestic operation means-Part 121 ... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... 234, 235 Emergency equipment-more than 19 passengers .... .... ..... .... ... 337
Domestic operation-flight time limitations & rest ( 121) ............. 271 Emergency exits-passenger briefing before takeoff .................. 293
Domestic operation-fuel supply ................................................ 250 Emergency Locator Transmitter antenna .......... .. .......................... 97
Domestic Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums-DRVSM .... 133 Emergency Locator Transmitters-ELT ....................... 84, 338, 339
Don't let it go over there ............................................................ 240 Emergency mail service .................................. .............................236
Door-closing and locking flightcrew compartment door ........... 325 Emergency maintenance .................................................... 285, 286
Double Os (batteries) ......................................................... 150, 315 Emergency means .......................................................................337
Doubt-1 o/o of Doubt .. .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 106 Emergency revocation of pilot certificate ....... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... .343
DP-Departure Procedures ...... .................................................... 43 Emergency training ... ....................................................................... 297
Drag ..................................................................................... 351-353 Emergency-reports required ...................................................... 330
Draining sumps advice .............................................................. 381 Emergency-radio lingo ..............................................................410
Driftdown ........................................................................... 333, 358 EMERGENCY-you may deviate immediately ......... .......... 330, 331
Driftdown-enroute-transport category turbine ........................ 159 Empire State building ................................................................368
Driving record-how to obtain copy ...... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ...... 324 Empty weight ..... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..245
Drones-Unmanned Aircraft Systems ....................................... 375 Encoding altimeter .................................................................... 127
Dropping objects ............................................................................ 86 End of the feather-GSIA .... ............................................... 56, 128
Drugs or alcohol ..... .................................................... 202, 203, 285 Endorsements-complex, high performance, etc ...... ................ 194
Drugs-over-the counter ............................................................. 204 Endurance formula ...................................................................388
DRVSM-Domestic Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums .... 133 Enforcement action-if you become involved in ............... 342, 343
Dry adiabatic lapse rate rule of thumb ..................................... 388 Enforcement investigative report ................................................. 343
Dry lease ... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... .. 236 Enforcement, does the PIC get busted when SIC screws up? .... 341
DUI-Driving Under the Influence ............. .......................... 202, 203 Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) ........................ 157
Dump valve ........................................................................ 142, 153 Engine failure stuff ............................................................. 332, 333
Duration of a medical certificate ................................................ 199 Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System-EICAS ................ 152
Dutch roll ........................................................................... 163, 357 Engine Pressure Ratio-EPR ...................................................... 149
Duty period-flight time & duty ................................................... 269 Engine starting-jet I turbine ....................................................... 144
Duty time-flight time & duty ...... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... . 266-275 Engine-out climb gradient ....... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... . 149
DVA-Diverse Vector Area ........................................................... 43 Engine-out service ceiling ............................................................358
............... ................................ 111 , 372, 389 English-the universal language ........ .. ...................................... 359
En route inspection en route check ............................................ 292
E Enroute radio lingo ....... .............................................................402
En route time-formula ................................................................. 388
EADl-Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator ............................. 152 Epilepsy and your medical. .........................................................201
Ear block .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ...... 350 EPR-Engine Pressure Ratio .......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... . 149
Ear, nose, throat, and equilibrium medical requirements ........... 201 Equilibrium requirements for medical ........................................201
Early turn on a Departure Procedure ........................................... 43 Eguipment & instruments required IFRNFR ................................ 84
Equipment and instruments required-Part 135/121 .... ..... .. ... .... 313 First-class medical certificate-duration of ... .... .. ... ....... .. ... .... .... .. 199
Equipment check-SIC check-competency check ......... .......... 302 First-class medical-required for ........ .. ................ .............. ......... 197
Equipment required-passengers-I FR I VFR ........................... 313 FIS-B - flight Information §.ervice-~roadcast ........................... 103
Equipment requirements-IFR I VFR ........................................... 84 Five year background check-PRIA-135/121 ...................239, 324
Equipment suffixes ................ ........................................................ 32 Fixed slot-wing ............................ ...................................... 354, 355
Equivalent airspeed ......... .......................................................... 114 Flag operation-fuel supply ......................................................... 250
ER-OPS .. ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... . 159, 314 Flag operation-Part 121 ...... ..... ....... .. ... .. ......... ... ........ ... ... ..234, 235
Error in your logbook ........ .......................................................... 181 Flag operations-flight time limitations ........................................272
Errors-altimeter errors in extremely cold weather ..................... 119 Flameout .. ........... ... ............................................................... ........... 149
Established-on course or on the approach .. .. ........................... 55 Flap setting for turbojet aircraft in Class G airspace ... .................. 14
Estimate height of cloud bases-rule of thumb ......................... 388 Flaps, slots, slats, boundary layer control. ................... ........ 354, 355
ETOPS-Extended-range Twin-engine Operations ........... 159, 314 Flashlight-flying equipment .............................................. 150, 315
Examiner [flight examiner] means .............................................. 192 Flight attendant requirements-number required ....................... 308
Examiner-status during a practical test .... .... ..... .. ... ....... .. ... .... .. 192 Flight check-a quick synopsis of Part 135 checkrides .... ... .... .... 242
Exemption 3585-People Express exemption .. .... ............ 256, 257 Flight check-FAA aircraft flight checking navigation aids .......... 359
Exemption 5549-High Minimums captain ...................... ........... 263 Flight control terminology-primary, secondary, auxiliary ........... 151
Exhaust Gas Temperature-EGT .............................................. 149 Flight crewmember duties-sterile cockpit ..................................249
Exit seating ......................................... ........................................ 282 Flight crewmembers at their stations-seat belts ... ............... 34, 316
Exiting the runway after landing ...................................... 26, 72, 81 Flight crew pairing ............................................... 263, 285, 286, 327
Experimental category ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ....... 168 Flight Data Recorders-FDR & DFDR .. .. ......... ... .... .... ...... ..294, 285
Explosive decompression-rapid decompression ............. 142, 153 Flight deck-Admission to flight deck ..........................................249
Expunction duration-enforcement action ........ .... .............. ...... 343 Flight director ......................... ........................................................... 152
Extended envelope training ............... ............... ......................... 306 Flight examiner means I status during a practical test ................. 192
Extended overwater weather ...................................................... 315 Flight following ................................. ..............................................44
Extended overwater-emergency equipment ............. 314, 285, 286 Flight instructor-company flight instructor .................................. 300
Extended overwater-radio & navigation equipment required ... . 314 Flight instructor-gold seal flight instructor .................................. 375
Extended range Twin-engine Operations-ETOPS .. ..... .... . 159, 314 Flight instructor-hours of training (limitation on) .. .... ..... ..... ....... . 191
Extreme turbulence ......... ................................................... 207, 224 Flight instructor-qualifications .................................................... 190
Extremely cold weather-altimeter errors ........ .. ......................... 119 Flight instructor-records I renewal of certificate ....... .. ................ 191
Eye locator-seat adjustment ..................................................... 325 Flight into known icing .................................................................208
E e-vision re uirements for medical .............. .................. 199, 200 Flight leader-formation flight-operating near other aircraft ........ 27
Flight Level-cruising altitude orientation-lowest usable ........... 132
F Flight Levels-altimeter setting ....... ... ... ... ... .. .... ..... ..... .... ... .. ........ 134
Flight locating procedures .............. .............................................. 276
FA-aviation Area Forecast ..... ......................... ... ....................... 225 Flight Management System Procedures for Arrivals-FM SP ...... .. 48
FAA "hotline" phone number ............................. ......................... 346 Flight Management System-FMS .. ......................... 32, 48, 78, 152
FAA 337 form-major repair and alteration ................................ 363 Flight of two-formation flight-operating near other aircraft ........ 27
FAA pilot records-how to obtain copy ....................................... 324 Flight operations evaluation board-MEL ....................................318
Fahrenheit to Celsius ................................................................. 125 Flight path ....................................................................................351
FADEC-Full Authority Digital Engine Control .. .. ..... ......... .. 151 , 194 Flight plan and ATC Clearance required .... .. .... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... .. .34
False GlideSlopes ................................................................ 56, 128 Flight plan form ............................................................................222
Falsification of applications, certificates, logbooks, etc .... .. ....... 181 Flight plan-IFR to an airport without an instrument approach ..... 34
Falsification on application for a medical certificate .................... 198 Flight plan-wallet size cutout ....................................... 32, 221, 382
FAP-Final Approach Point ............................................ .............. 57 Flight regimes-subsonic, transonic, supersonic, hypersonic ..... 116
FAS-Final Approach Segment .................................................... 57 Flight release aka dispatch release ............................................. 326
Fastest and highest flying aircraft .............................................. 358 flight B.estricted ~one (DC FRZ) ........ ... .. ......... ... .... .... ... .. .... .... ..... 12
Fatal injury .................................................................................. 344 Flight restrictions-temporary NOTAMs .. ... .. .... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... .226
FCC radio license-pilot's personal and aircraft .. .. ............ .. ....... 175 Flight review (BFR) .... ........... .. ................ .............. ........... .. .......... 169
FCU-Fuel Control Unit ...... .. ........................................... ........... 151 Flight Service Station - Lockheed Martin .................................. .229
FDC NOTAM ............................................................................... 227 Flight Service Station frequencies ....................................... 102, 223
FDR & DFDR-flight data recorders ................................... 294, 285 Flight Simulation Training Device ................................................ 374
FD-winds and temperature aloft forecast ................................. 225 Flight test-operation after maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration ... 312
Federal (victor) airways ....... ... ... ........... ... .. ......... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ... 47 Flight time & duty limitations-basic (121 ) .... ... .. .... .... ..... ..... ........273
Federal elections-carriage of candidates in elections ............... 236 FLIGHT TIME & DUTY ........................................................ 266-275
Feet per minute-feet per second-miles per hour ............... ..... 385 Flight time limitation-flag operations (121) .... .... ........... .. ........... 272
Ferry flight-flight time and duty ......................................... 268, 274 Flight time limitations & rest requirements (135) ....... .. ................ 266
Ferry permit example ....... ................................. .......................... 323 Flight time limitations & rest requirements-unscheduled (135) .267
Ferry permit-special flight permit .............................................. 322 Flight time limitations-pilots not regularly assigned (121) .......... 274
Filing IFR to an airport without an instrument approach .............. 34 Flight time limitations-supplemental operations (121) ............... 275
Final Approach Fix-FAF & Glideslope Intercept Altitude ....... ..... 56 Flight time means .. .. .... ..... .... ..... ....... .. ... ........ ...... ... ... .. .... ... .269, 274
Final Approach Point-FAP ..... .. ............ .. ................ .............. ....... 57 Flight visibility when operating from a satellite airport .... .. ............. 70
Final Approach Segment (on ILS) ...... .. ......................................... 56 Flight visibility ..................... .............. ..................... 70, 260, 261 , 367
Final Approach Segment-FAS .................................................... 57 Flight visibility-operation below DH or MDA ................................70
Final segment climb-jet takeoff ................................................. 154 Flight watch I EFAS I FSS frequencies ..... ................... ................ 102
Fingerprints-airport badge-access investigation check ....... . 325 Fliqhtcrew of two pilots lower than standard takeoff minimums .259
Fire detection and protection-jet ...... .... ..... ....... .. ... .. ......... ... .... .. 162 Floor loading limits-cargo ... ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ..... .... ... .. ... 244
Fire extinguishers ........................................................................ 337 Floor-used as a seat-parachute jumps-Part 91 only ............... 84
Fire extinguishers-passenger briefing before takeoff ...... .... ..... 293 Flotation device ...... ................ ............. .......................... ... ................30
Fire extinguishers-passenger carrying aircraft ............. ............ 297 Fluid & fuel colors ............. .............. ............... ............................. 381
Fire fighting ......... ................................ ........................................ 236 Flying equipment-flashlight .......................................................315
Fire protection and detection-jet ............................................... 162 FMS-Flight Management System ........................... 32, 48, 78, 152
First aid kits ................................................................................ 337 FOG .............................................................................................228
First checkride-December 17, 1903 .. .... ... ... .. ... .. .... .... ..... .. ... .... 307 Forces acting on an aircraft in flight .. ... ........ ... ... ........ ...... ... ... .. ... 351
First segment climb-definition variations .................................. 155 Forecast-aviation area forecast-FA ........................................225
First segment climb-jet takeoff .................................................. 154 Forecast icing conditions-definition ............. ............... .............. .210
Form drag ..... .. ... .... ..... ..... ... .. ..... ..... .... ... .. ......... ... .. ... ......... .. ... .... 353 GPWS-Ground proximity/terrain awareness warning system ... 294
Formation flight-operating near other aircraft .................... ........ 27 Grace month-instrument currency-commercial pilots .... ......... 170
Formulas and rules of thumb .............. .............. .................. 386-389 Grace month-Part 135 & 121 ................................... 170, 296, 303
Formulas, weights, conversions & comparisons ......................... 385 Gradient-up-sloping runway takeoff-rule of thumb ................. 386
Forward CG-effects of ..................................................... 24 7, 381 Gravity .. .. ..................................................................................... 352
Forward observer's seat ............................................................. 292 Great circle track-GPS ..............................................................94
Forward scatter technology .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .... .... .. ...... .. ... 72, 261 Green arc ... .. ... .... ..... ..... ... .. .... .......... ..... ..... .... ... .. ......... ... .. ... .... .... 114
Fowler flap .......................................................................... 354, 355 Green threshold lights ............................................................... ... 262
FPO (Freezing Point Depressant) de-ice/anti-ice fluids ...... .. ...... 212 Greenwich Mean Time GMT .............. .............. .............. ......... 380
Fractional ownership-subpart K of part 91 .... .. ................. 284-286 Gross takeoff path-jet .... .......................................................... 158
Fractions table-1 /64-1 /32-3/64-1 /16-5/64-3/32-7/64-1 /8 ........ 382 Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) ............................. 96
Free-turbine turboprop ............................................................... 147 Ground Communications Outlet (GC0) .........................................42
Freezing level-rule of thumb .................................................... 388 Ground fog ...................................................................................228
Freezing Point Depressant (FPO) de-ice/anti-ice fluids .. .... .. .. .. .. 212 Ground icing conditions .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .... .... .. ...... .. .... .... .... .. .... ........ .211
Freezing rain ... ................................................................................... 211 Ground Proximity Warning System-GPWS .... .. ................ 152, 285
Frequencies and frequency bands .... .. .............. .................. 97, 100 Ground Proximity/terrain awareness Warning System-GPWS .294
Frequencies for FSS I flight watch I EFAS .................................. 102 Ground speed ....................................................................... 114, 388
Friction reports-MU-runway braking action ............... 26, 72 , 213 Ground speed I miles per minute .. .. ................ ............................. 111
Frost ice or snow on the aircraft ................................................... 38 Ground training-initial, transition, and upgrade ......................... 295
Fro st . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. . 211 Ground visibility ... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... ... 72
FAZ-Flight Restricted Zone ........................................................ 12 Group I & Group II airplanes .......................................................296
FSS flight watch-EFAS frequencies ...... .............. ................... 102 GSIA-GlideSlo e lnterce t Altitude .. .... .............. .............. ........... 56
FSS-Lockheed Martin ............................................................... 229
FSTD-Flight Simulation Training Device .................................. 374
Fuel & fluid colors ....................................................................... 381
Fuel burn rate-formula .............................................................. 388 Hash marked pointer-red & white barber pole-Vmo, Mmo ... 114
Fuel Control Unit-FCU .. .. .... .... .. .. .......... .. .. .......... .. .... ...... .... .... .. 151 Hazardous inflight weather advisory service .... .... ...... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 224
Fuel dumping ....... ....................................................................... 159 HAZardous MATerials operations/training .. .. .............. ........ 298, 285
Fuel load-W&B ..... .................................................................... 245 HAZMAT paperwork-example ....... ............................................299
Fuel quantity used-formula ....................................................... 388 Headwind during climb-reduce the effect of ............................. 386
Fuel sump draining advice .......................................................... 381 Hearing requirements for medical .. .. .............................. ............. 201
Fuel supply IFR ..................................................................... 36, 250 Heart disease ..............................................................................201
Fuel supply VFR ........................................................................... 36 Heat exchanger .......................................................................... 153
Fuel supply-domestic, flag or supplemental operations ........... 250 Heated pitot-required for passengers IFR ................................ 313
Fuel terminology .............................................................................. 151 Heavy-classification for wake turbulence separation .... .. ... 40, 373
Fuel types-Jet A, B, A-1 ...... .. .............. ...................................... 151 hectoPascals to inches of mercury-conversion ...... .. ...... 141 , 218
Fuel weight .................................................................................. 384 Helicopter-alternate required .....................................................32
Fuel-test to detect contamination of jet fuel .............................. 373 Helicopter flights within 25 SM radius of the airport of takeoff ..... 236
Full Authority Digital Engine Control-FAD EC ........................... 151 Helicopter-Minimum Safe Altitudes ........................................... 129
Full Part 135 operator ...... .... .... ...... ...... .. .... ........ .. .... ........ .... .. .. .. . 238 Helicopter-pilot in command seating position .... .... .... .... .. .. ...... .. 359
Full scale deflection of COi ................ .............. ............................. 55 Hemispheric rule-cruising altitudes .......................................... 132
Fuse . .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. . . ... 150 HF radio-everything about High Frequency radio ........ .. ........... 104
Fusible plu s-tires ................................................................... 163 HFDL-High Frequency Data Link .............................................. 105
High altimeter setting ................................................................ ... 126
G High altitude airports, Aspen, S Lake Tahoe, Bishop .................... 35
High altitude charts ........................................................................47
Gallons to liters-conversion ........................................ ............. 385 High altitude destinations ................ ...............................................35
Gallons to pounds of jet A-conversion .... .............. ................ .... 383 High altitude endorsement ...... .. ............ ................ .............. ......... 195
Gallons-convert pounds or liters of jet A into gallons .. .. ........... 383 High altitude chamber training ........ .. .............. .................... 142, 195
Gallons-fuel weight-pounds per U.S. gallons ......................... 384 High-bypass engine ..................................................................... 146
Garrett engine ............................................................................ 147 High Frequency radio-everything about HF radio ..................... 104
Gas, fuel supply required ...................................................... 36, 250 High Frequency radio signals ........................................................97
Gasoline weight .. ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .. 385 High humidity and performance .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. ...... .. .... ........ . 124
G BAS-Ground Based Augmentation System ............................. 96 High minimums captain-Exemption 5549 .................................. 263
GCO-Ground Communication Outlet .... .... .............. .............. ...... 42 High minimums captain-turbine-powered aircraft ............ .......... 263
General emergency training ....................................................... 297 High-performance airplanes-endorsement ................................ 194
General medical condition-diabetes mellitus ............................ 201 High speed buffet .............................. ........................................... 144
General Operations Manual-GOM ............................................ 289 High to low lookout below ............................................................ 120
General Operations Manual-GOM-information & changes .... 290 Highest flying aircraft ..................................................................358
Glide path (visual) .............................. ............................ .............. 75 H MU-HydroMechanical Unit ....................... ............................... 151
Glide Slope antenna (on aircraft) .............. .............. ................ ...... 98 Hold in lieu of a procedure turn ............................ .......... 54, 65, 109
Glide Slope antenna (on ground) ........ .. .............. .......................... 59 Holding-I FR recency ................................................................. 170
Glide Slope critical area ................................................................ 23 Holding out ...................................................................................232
Glide Slope Intercept Altitude-GSIA ................................... 56, 128 Holding Pattern .............................................................. . 64, 65, 109
Glide Slope-Class B, C, or D (remain at or above) ....... 19, 60, 130 Holding position markings-ILS Critical Area ......................... 23, 57
GMT-Greenwich mean time .. ...... .... .... ...... ...... .. .... ........ .. .... ..... 380 Holdover times-ground icing conditions ...... .. .. .. .......... .. .... ...... .212
GNSS-Global Navigation Satellite System .. ............................... 32 Horizon-visibility and the earth's horizon .................................. 367
Gold Seal flight instructor ...... .... .............. .............. .............. .... 375 Horsepower ............................................. .............................. 362, 362
Good stuff for takeoff performance .... .. ....................................... 122 HOSP-MEDEVAC ..................................................................... 350
G PS ......................... .............. .................................................. 94-96 Hot battery bus ... .. ....................................................................... 150
GPS antenna (on aircraft) ............................................................. 99 Hot glycol de-ice fluid ...................................................................212
GPS approaches ..................................................................... 68, 69 Hot start-turbine engine ............................................................. 148
GPS-IFR direct with a VFR GPS ........ .. .. .. .......... .. .. ........ .. .. .... .... 95 Hot-high-humid-bad for performance .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .... .. .. ........ 122
GPS-substitute for VOR, ADF or DME ........ .. ............................. 94 How to crash an airplane equipped with a spare engine ........ .. ... 336
GPWS-Ground Proximity Warning System .... .. ........................ 152 Humidity & takeoff-rule of thumb .. .. .......................................... 386
Humidity, altitude & temperature-effect on takeoff ...... .... ..... .... 352 INS-Inertial Navigation System .... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 152
Humidity-high humidity and performance .......................... ....... 124 Inspection Authorization - IA ......................... .. ......................... 344
Hundred (100) hour inspection .................................................. 309 lnspection-100 hour I annual .....................................................309
Hundred (100) hour-high minimums captain ............................ 263 Inspections and tests-ramp check ...........................................292
Hung start-turbine engine .............................. .......................... 148 Inspectors admission to pilot's compartment-en route check .. 292
Hush kits-noise ........................................................................ 165 Instructor-company flight instructor ......................................... 300
Hydraulic fluid-weight ....... ... .. .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... .... 385 Instructor-flight instructor .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... 190, 191
Hydraulic fuse ............................................................................. 151 Instructor-gold sea I flight instructor ........................................... 3 7 5
Hydraulic pump cavitation ... ... .............. .............. ......................... 151 Instructor-hours of training (limitation on) ....................... ........... 191
Hydraulic terminology ................................................................. 151 Instructor-qualifications .. ...........................................................190
HydroMechanical Unit (HMU) ................................................... 151 Instructor-records I renewal of certificate .................................. 191
Hydroplane speed ............................................................. 372 , 389 Instrument & equipment requirements-VFR I IFR ..................... 84
Hypersonic flight regime ............................................................ 116 Instrument approach-IFR to an airport without a published IAP ........ 34
Hypertension and your medical. .. ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .. 201 Instrument approach-no pilot may begin an approach .. ..... .... ... 252
Hyperventilation ........................................................................ 350 Instrument currency-IFR recency-6 month .. ................... 170, 186
H oxia ............................................................................................. 350 Instrument Landing System-ILS ... ............................................... 59
Instrument Proficiency Check .............................................. 170, 186
I Instrument Proficiency Check-Part 135 checking modules ....... 304
Instrument Proficiency Check-Part 135-a quick synopsis ....... 242
!A - Inspection Authorization ...... ......... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ...... 344 Instrument Proficiency Check-PIC check-Part 135/121 .. ........ 303
ICAO airport identifier country prefix ........................................... 378 Instrument rating qualifications .................................................... 186
ICAO flight plan ......................... .. .................................................... 222 Instrument training in VMC conditions .......................................... .84
Ice ............................................................................................. 208-213 Instruments & equipment required IFRNFR ................................ 84
Ice bridging .................................................................................. 209 Instruments and equipment required-part 135/121 ................... 313
Ice fog ... ...................................................................................... 228 Intercept procedures ..... ................................................................ 13
Ice or snow on the aircraft .............................................. 38, 208-213 Interchange agreement ..............................................................280
Ice pellets ..... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... .... 211 Interference drag ... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .. 353
Iced-over sparkplug electrodes ...... ............................................ 213 Interference with crewmembers ............................................. 86, 308
Icing-ground icing conditions ................................................... 211 Intermittent turbulence .... ...........................................................223
Icing-forecast/known icing conditions-definition ..................... 210 Intermittent, chance of, occasional , tempo, possibility ... 35, 253, 254
Identifier-airport identifier logic ................................................ 379 lnternational-altimetry around the world .......................... 140-141
IFR I VFR instruments and equipment .......................................... 84 International checklist .................................................................. 141
I FR altitudes-minimum altitudes for IFR operations ................. 128 International-country registration-aircraft number codes ........ 378
IFR arrival at small uncontrolled airport-radio lingo .................. 408 International flight plan form ........................................................222
I FR cruising altitudes ........................................... ....................... 132 International-flights between Mexico, Canada & U.S ... .............277
IFR direct with a VFR GPS ........................................................... 95 lnternational-ICAO airport identifier country prefix ... ................. 378
IFR fuel supply ............................................................................... 36 International Standard Atmosphere-ISA-rules of thumb .125, 387
IFR fuel supply-domestic, flag or supplemental operations .... .. 250 lnterphone & public address system required ............................313
IFR recency I currency I experience ................................... 170, 186 Interpretations, legally binding? ................................................. 341
IFR takeoff limitations (Part 135/121) ..... .... ... .. .... ..... ......... .. ... ...... 38 Inter-stage Turbine Temperature-ITT ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 149
IFR takeoff minimums (Part 135/121) ................................. 258, 259 Intimidating a pilot ................................................................86, 308
IFR to an airport without an instrument approach ......................... 34 Inverters ...................................................................................... 150
IFR training in VMC conditions ..................................................... 84 IOE-lnitial Operating Experience ............................................... 308
IFR-radio & navigation equipment required .............................. 314 iPad ..................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 95, 369
If you don't want the airplane to go over there ......................... 240 IRS-Inertial Reference System .. ................................................ 152
lgniters-turbine engine ..................................................... 146, 149 !.§. the Airplane legal? ...................................................................30
Illegal drugs ................................................................................ 202 Is the Pilot legal? ..... .............. ................................................. ...... 31
ILS critical area ...................................... .. ............................... 23, 57 I SA-conversions & rules of thumb .................. .............. ..... 125, 387
ILS frequencies ...... ................................................................. 46, 91 ISA-1 nternational Standard Atmosphere ..... ...............................117
ILS PRM approach-Precision Approach Monitor ........................ 79 lsogonic lines-compass ..............................................................90
!LS-Category I, II , Ill minimums .................................................. 57 ITT-lnter-sta e Turbine Tern erature ........................................ 149
ILS-Converging ILS .................................................................... 80
!LS-Instrument Landing System .... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... 59
Immediately means ................................................................... 337
Inches of mercury to millibars/hectoPascals- conversion ... . 141 , 218 Jet A , Jet A-1 , Jet B-fuel .... .. ............ ............................ ............. 151
Incident or accident .................................................................... 344 Jet-altitude planning for short trips ............................................ 386
Incident report ....... .. .................................................................... 345 Jet engine starting ........................... .................................... 144, 148
Incidents-notification of ............................................................. 345 Jet engine-windmill start I airstart .............................................. 162
Indicated airspeed ..................................................................... 114 Jet fuel pounds vs. avgas gallons ................................................ 145
Indicated airspeed vs Mach ................................................ 111 , 116 Jet fuel-test to detect contamination of .... .................................. 373
Indicated altitude ........................ .......................... ....................... 118 Jet fuel-weight ...... .. .......................... ................................. 384, 385
Induced drag .............................................................................. 352 Jetpump ......................................................................................151
Induction manifold ..................................................................... 361 Jet routes ........................................................................................4 7
Inertial Navigation System-I NS ...... .. ........................................ 152 Jet stream ................................................................................... .214
Inertial Reference System-I RS ................................................. 152 Jet takeoff-all jet takeoff stuff ............................................. 154-158
Inflight briefing ...... .... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... 223 Jet I turbine engine terminology .... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 149
lnflight training ..... ........................................................................ 296 Jet I turbine engine-101 ............................................................. 146
Information, all available information (preflight action) ...... .......... 34 Jet I turbine operations-101 ............................ ........................... 144
Information sign-airport ...... ......................................................... 22 Jets-limitations on the use of landing minimums for turbojets ... 264
Initial Approach Fix-OM E arc must start at ................................ 61 Joint ownership agreement ............. ............................................280
Initial Operating Experience-ICE .............................................. 308 Justifiable aircraft e ui ment W&B ..........................................244
Initial training ............................................................................... 296
Initial , transition, and upgrade ground training .... .. ......... .... ..... .... 295
Inner marker ................................................................................. 59
Inoperative equipment without a MEL ....................................... 320 Kelvin temperature .............................................................. 115, 385
Kerosene Jet A and Jet A 1-weight per gallon .. .... ... .. .... ..... ... 384 Lights-runway edge, centerline, touchdown zone .... ..... .. ... .. 24, 25
Key words to avoid-radio lingo ............... .................................. 397 Lights-runway lighting-airport requirements (135/121) ........... 276
Kidney stones ............................................................................ 201 Lights-runway lights-pilot controlled .......................................... 55
Kilometers to miles conversion .................................................. 385 Limitations on the use of landing minimums for turbojets .......... 264
Kilowatts vs. wattage vs. horsepower ....................................... 362 Limitations, pilot operating limitations and pairing .... .. 263, 285, 286
Kinematic viscosity .................................................................... 356 Limitations, markings & placards ................................................. 317
Knots vs ma ch ... .... ..... ......... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... 111 , 116 Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station (LAWRS) .. .. ......... .. 218
Knowledge (written) test validity/duration .................................. 192 Limited category aircraft ............................................................... 168
Known icing .. .. ................................................................................. 208 Line check-Part 135-a quick synopsis .................................... 242
Known icing conditions-definition ............................................. 210 Line check-routes & airports-PIG ............................................306
K-Sub art K ........... .............. .............................................. 284-286 Line oriented Flight Training-LOFT .............. ............................. 374
Line Up and Wait .......................................................................... 38
L Liquid measures .........................................................................383
Liters to gallons-conversion .... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ..... .... ... .. .. 385
UD Maximum .. ................................................................................. 351 Liters to pounds of jet A-conversion .......................................... 383
UMF Colored (federal) airways .................................................... 4 7 LNAV I VNAV Approaches ............................................................ 62
LAAS-Local Area Augmentation System ................................... 96 LNN HEADLINE NEWS-SUBPART K to PART 91 .......... 284, 285
Lake Tahoe, CA ............................................................................ 35 Load factor-maintaining altitude in a turn .................................. 353
Laminar flow ............................................................................... 356 Load manifest-weight & balance ...................................... 243, 284
Land And Hold Short Operations - LAH SO .. ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... . 14 Load manifest-weight & balance-record keeping .... ... .. .. 244, 284
Landing criteria-Transport category ........................................ 159 Local or not local transportation-flight time & duty ....................267
Landing Distance Available-LOA .............................................. 279 Local to ZULU time .. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ 380
Landing distance-demonstrated ............................................... 159 Local transportation .....................................................................271
Landing-exiting the runway after landing ........................ 26, 72, 81 Localizer antenna (on aircraft) ......................................................98
Landing !FR-Operation below DH or MDA ................................. 70 Localizer antenna (on ground) .......................................................59
Landing light .......................................................................... 84, 371 Localizer approach-LOG .............................................................61
Landing limitations for Part 135 under proposed subpart K ...... .. 286 Localizer backcourse approach-BC ... .... ... .. .... .. ... .... ..... .. ......... ... 61
Landing limitations-60o/o, 70°/o, 80°/o ......................... 279, 284, 286 Location sig n-ai rpo rt ................................................................... 22
Landing minimums for turbojets-limitations on the use of ........ 264 Locator Outer Marker-LOM ...................................................... 101
Landing under IFR-Operation below DH or MDA ............... 70, 261 Lockheed Martin - FSS ............................................................229
Landing-no pilot may land with flight visibility less than ............ 261 Locking flightcrew compartment door ......................................... 325
Landing-rules of thumb ............................................................. 389 LOFT-Line Oriented Flight Training .......................................... 374
Language-English-the universal language ............................ 359 Log of maintenance records ........................................................312
Lapse rate-dew point-dry adiabatic-rule of thumb ............... 388 Logbook-correcting an error in your logbook ........................... 181
Lapse rate-temperature lapse rate-rule of thumb ... 116, 117, 387 Logbook-logging flight time ....................................................... 176
Laptop computer-no flight crewmember may use ................... 249 Logbook-lost or stolen logbook ..... ............................................ 181
Large aircraft definition ............................................................... 278 Logging pilot-in-command time ................................. 176, 194, 195
Large aircraft-type rating requirements .................................... 194 Logging second-in-command time ...................................... 176, 178
Large and turbine-powered multiengine aircraft ......................... 280 LOM-Locator Outer Marker ....................................................... 101
Large nontransport category ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 168 Long sense antenna (AD F) ... ... ...... ... .. .... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... .. .... ..... .. 98
Large-classification for wake turbulence separation ........... 40, 373 Loop antenna (AD F) ...... ............................................................... 98
LASIK eye surgery ..... ................................................................ 200 Loran ...................................................... ....................................... 97
LAWRS Limited Aviation Weather Reporting Station .............. 218 Lost airman or medical certificate-replacement of .................... 180
LOA approach-Approach with Vertical Guidance ....................... 66 Lost Communications ..................................... ............................... 82
LOA with glidepath ........................................................................ 58 Lost or stolen logbook .................................................................. 181
LOA-Landing Distance Available .............................................. 158 Low al ti meter setting restrictions ................................................. 126
Lead acid batteries ..................................................................... 150 Low altitude alert ...... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... 19, 26, 60, 130
Lead the turn ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ........... 4 7 Low approach .......... .. ............ .............. .............. ................ ............ 62
Left engine is critical because .................................................... 335 Low bypass engine ......................................................................146
Legal-is the Al RP LANE legal? ................................................... 30 Low frequency radio signals ..........................................................97
Legal-is the PILOT legal? ........................................................... 31 Low speed buffet ............................................ .............. ............... 144
LEMAC I TE MAC ........................................................................ 245 Low time captain-higher approach minimums ........................... 263
Lengel's Radio Manual ... ... .. .... ..... ..... .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ...... 395 Lower Side Band-HF radio ... ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... . 104
Length of runway-effective runway length ............................... 279 Lower than standard takeoff minimums (Part 135/121) ...... 258, 259
Letter Of Authorization-MEL .. .................................................. 318 Lowest usable flight level ..... ....................................................... 132
Letter Of Investigation-enforcement action ....................... 342, 343 LPV Approaches .. ....................................................................... ... 62
Level A , B, C, D simulators ........................................................ 374 LSA - Light Sport Aircraft .......................................................... 184
License pilot certificate category/class .................................... 168 LUAW - Line U And Wait ..........................................................38
License-pilot's license & medical-required in possession ...... 175
Lifeguard-now MED EVAC-air ambulance flights .................. 350
Liferaft-extend ed overwater ... .................................................. 314
Lift ....................................................................................... 351-353 MAA-Maximum Authorized Altitude .......................................... 128
Lift & drag-effect of air density .................................................. 352 MAC-Mean Aerodynamic Chord ...............................................245
Lift-drag ratio-LID ...................................................................... 351 Mach & speed of sound .................................. ..................... 115-117
Lift-relationship between angle of attack and lift ....................... 353 Mach buffet I mach number I mach tuck ...................................... 144
Light gun signals-ATC light signals .... ..... ..... .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... 83 Mach number-convert to true airspeed-rule of thumb ...... .... ... 387
Light icing .................................................................................... 211 Mach number vs indicated airspeed in knots ...................... 111 , 116
Light signals-light gun signals-ATC light signals ...................... 83 Magnetic north vs. true north ...................................................... 220
Light Sport Aircraft .. .................................................................... 184 Maintaining currency for a Type Rating ..................................... 196
Light turbulence ................................................. ......................... 224 Maintenance, emergency maintenance ....................... ...... 285, 286
Lighting for approach .............................................................. 73-75 Maintenance-operation after maintenance, rebuilding-test flight? ..... 312
Lightning bolt-GS IA .................................................................. 128 Maintenance required I records ................................................... 312
Light Sport Aircraft ...... ....... .. .................. .. ....... ....... ............ .. ...... 184 Major or minor damage I repair .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... .344
Lights-position, landing , anticollision ........................... 84, 85, 371 Major repair and alteration-FAA 337 form ................................. 363
Lights-runway edge lights ... ........................................................ 20 Malfunction reports, nav or com equipment ................................. 45
MALSR-approach light system ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... 74 Mineral oil engine oil .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 366
Maltese cross ............... ...................................................................... 56 Minimal loss of altitude .................................................... ........... 353
Management personnel qualifications-Part 135 & 121 ............ 291 Minimum all-engine cruising altitude .......................................... 159
Mandatory instruction sign-airport ............................................. 22 Minimum altitudes for IFR operations .......................................... 128
Mandatory airspeed .......................................... .......................... 111 Minimum Crossing Altitude MCA .............................................. 128
Mandatory, maximum & minimum altitudes .......................... 56, 128 Minimum En route Altitude-MEA ................................................ 128
Maneuvering speed @ less than max weight .... .. ......... ... .. .... .... 388 Minimum Equipment List-MEL ..... ... .. .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... 318-321
Maneuvering speed-Va-rule of thumb .................................... 388 Minimum Equipment List-MEL-example ................................. 319
Manifold pressure & the constant speed propeller .................... 360 Minimum Equipment List-MEL-flow chart ... ............................ 321
Manipulation of controls (Part 135/121) .................................. 249 Minimum fuel advisory ...... .....................................................44, 337
Marginal weather (Part 135/121) ....................................... 253, 255 Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude-MOGA ...... .................... 128
Marijuana ................................................................................... 202 Minimum Operational Network (MON) of VORs ............................ 91
Marker beacon antenna (on aircraft) ............................................ 99 Minimum Reception Altitude-MRA ............................................ 128
Marker beacons ... .. .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... 59 Minimum Safe/sector Altitude-MSA ... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .. ... ...... .. 129
Markings & placards .. ............... ......................................... 174, 317 Minimum single engine ceiling ..................................................... 159
Mask-quick-donning type oxygen masks ...... ........................... 139 Minimum Vectoring Altitude-MVA ........................................ 52, 129
Master MEL-MM EL ................................................................... 318 Minimum, maximum & mandatory altitudes ................................. 128
Maximum allowable crosswind ....... .. ......................................... 373 Minimums, high minimums captain ............................ ................263
Maximum allowable pressure differential .................................... 153 Minimums, takeoff - 121 /135, subpart K ................... 258, 259, 284
Maximum allowable Zero Fuel Weight-MZFW .. .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .. 245 Minor or major damage/repair .... .... ... .. ......... .... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... .... 344
Maximum Authorized Altitude-MM .......................................... 128 Minutes per nautical mile-formula ............................................ 388
Maximum certified altitude I ceiling ............................................. 358 Miscellaneous-radio lingo .. ........................................................ 412
Maximum L/D ............................................................................... 351 Missed approach ................................................................... 70, 261
Maximum Landing Weight-MLW .............................................. 245 Missed approach-prior to MAP ....................................................71
Maximum payload capacity ......................................................... 244 MLW-Maximum Landing Weight ...............................................245
Maximum TakeOff Weight-MTOW ........................................... 245 MMEL-Master Minimum Equipment List ................................... 373
Maximum, minimum & mandatory altitudes ..... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... 128 Mnemonics-checklists ... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... .. 382
Mayday means ... ........................................................................ 337 MCA-Military Operations Areas .................................................. 10
MCA-Minimum Crossing Altitude ............................................. 128 MOCA-Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude .......................... 128
MOA or DH-operating below .............................................. 70, 262 Mode C & Mode S transponder-altitude reporting .................... 127
MEA-Minimum En route Altitude I gap ...................................... 128 Model aircraft-Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) .....................375
Mean Aerodynamic Chord-MAC ............................................ 245 Moderate icing ............................................................................211
Measurements-fractions table ................................................. 382 Moderate turbulence ....................................................................224
Mechanical interruption summary report ................................... 312 Modified basic "T" for approaches ................................................ 69
Mechanical irregularities-reporting of .................. ............. 24 7, 316 Moment arm-index-W&B .. ...................................................... 245
Mechanical irregularity means ............................................ 247, 312 MON-Minimum Operational Network of VORs ............................91
ME DEVAC ................................................................................... 350 Monovision contact lenses .......................................................200
Medical certificate required in pilot's possession ....................... 175 Most critical point en route ........................................................ 159
Medical certificate-duration of................................................... 199 Motor vehicle action-DU I ........................................................202
Medical certificate-falsification on application .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... 198 Mountain flying-the Venturi effect .... .. ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... .134
Medical certificate-operations not requiring a medical ............. 197 Mountains on sectional charts-shading ... .................................. 368
Medical certificate-operations requiring a medical ................... 197 Mountainous areas ......................................................................12
Medical certificate-special issuance I discretionary issuance ... 201 MRA-Minimum Reception Altitude ............................................ 128
Medical deficiency-prohibition on operations with .... ................ 198 MTR-Military Training Routes ...................................................... 10
Medical oxygen-passenger supplied ........................................ 142 MTOW-Maximum TakeOff Weight ............................................245
Medical records-how to obtain copy ......................................... 324 MU value-runway friction reports-braking action ......... 26, 72, 213
Medications-over-the-counter ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ....... 204 Multicom I Unicom & air-to-air frequencies ...... .... .... ..... .. ... ...... .. 102
Megaphone ................. ............................................................... 337 Multiengine accident scenarios-common ..... ............................ 336
MEL-decision process when operating without a MEL ............. 321 Multiengine rating ................................................................ 185, 187
MEL-inoperative equipment without a MEL .............................. 320 Multiengine training required for flight instructor to instruct ......... 191
MEL-Minimum Equipment List ........ .. ........................................ 318 Multi-Function Oisplay-M FD ................................................... 152
MEL-operating without a MEL-flow chart ............................... 321 MVA-Minimum Vectoring Altitude ....................................... 52, 129
Mental requirements for a medical certificate ...... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... 201 MZFW-Maximum allowable Zero fuel wei ht .. ......... .... ..... .... .... 245
Mesosphere ............................................................................... 116
METAR I TAF explanation ....... .. ................................................. 219
METAR I TAF explanation-wallet size cutout ........................... 221
METAR vs. TAF .................................. ................................ 218, 219 N1, N2, N3-turbine engine terminology ... .................. ................ 149
Meters instead of feet for altitude assignments ................... 140-141 NACO (NOS) approach plate revision date ...................................49
Methanol-weight ...................................................................... 385 NASA reports .............................................................................. 340
Metric to metric to U.S . conversions .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... . 385 National Driving Record-NOR-how to obtain copy ................. 324
Mexico-flights between Mexico, Canada & U.S ....................... 277 National Transportation Safety Board-phone numbers ............. 345
MFO-Multi-Function Display ..................................................... 152 Nautical Mile conversions ........................................................... 385
Microburst .................................................................................. 206 Nautical Miles per gallon/minute-formulas ................................ 388
Middle compass locator ....................................................... 63, 101 Navigation antennas ....................... ........................................ 97-99
Middle marker ............................................................................... 59 NOB-all NOB stuff .........................................................63, 64, 101
Miles I kilometers ... ... .. ......... .... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .... 385 NOR driving record-how to obtain copy .... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... .... 324
Miles per gallon-formula ........................................................... 388 Net flight path .. ............................................................................159
Miles per hour I feet per minute I feet per second ...................... 385 Net takeoff flight path-jet ..... ...................................................... 158
Miles per minute I ground speed ................................................. 111 Neurological requirements for a medical .... ...............................201
Miles to descend-3° descent-rule of thumb ............................ 389 NextGen ......................................................... .............................103
Miles to kilometers conversion .................................................... 385 Ni Cad batteries ............................................................................ 150
Military NOTAMs ........................................................................ 227 Night-aircraft instruments and equipment ................................... 84
Military Operations Areas-MO A ... .... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... 10 Night-civil twilight times ...... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... .. 370
Military Training Routes-MTR ..................................................... 10 Night currency ...................................................................... 172, 286
Millibars to inches of mercury ............................................ 141 , 218 Night-equipment required when carrying passengers ............... 313
Night-four definitions ...... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 370 Operational control-aircraft dispatcher ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... .326
Night-takeoffs & landings- recent flight experience ........ ........ 172 Operational Service Volume-VOR .... ........................................... 46
Ninety (90) days-recent flight experience-3 landings ............ 172 Operative engine .. ....................................................................... 332
NM per gallon/minute-formulas ................................................ 388 OpSpecs-Part 135 or 121 .........................................................288
No good , things that do you no good .......................................... 384 Option approach ............................................ ............................... 62
No pilot may begin an instrument approach (part 135/121) ........ 252 Order of suspension or revocation .. ............................................ 343
No pilot may takeoff with frost, ice or snow on the aircraft .. .. ... .... . 38 OROCA-Off-Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude ..... .. ......... .. 128
No Transgression Zone-Close parallel ILS-PRM .... ................. 79 Oscillation error-compass .......................................................... 90
No weather reporting-arrival with no weather reporting .... ........ 264 Other Commercial Flying ....... .. ............ ......................... ... ............ 266
No weather reporting-departing with no weather reporting ...... 265 Other than congested area-Minimum Safe Altitudes .. ............... 129
No-gyro approach ......................................................................... 71 Outer compass locator-outer marker ........................... 59, 63, 101
Noise standards-stage 1, 2 , 3, 4 .............................................. 165 Outflow valves ............................................................................ 153
Noncommon carriage ................................................................ 237 Outlook briefing-weather .......................................................... 223
Noncommon or private carriage .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 232 Outside Air Temperature-OAT ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... . 164
Non-federal control towers ....... ......................... ... .......................... 5 Over pressure relief valve .... ......................... ... ........................... 153
Non precision approach ....... ........................................................ 58 Overdue aircraft-notification of ...... ............................................ 345
Nonprecision-NDB/VOR-Approach & Holding ......................... 64 Overhead approach maneuver ...................................................... 87
Non-radar position reporting ........................................................ 45 Overscored-Maximum altitude ... .................. ...................... 56, 128
Non standard holding pattern .................................................... 64 Over-the-counter medications .....................................................204
Nonstop sightseeing flights .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... ... 236 Overwater-performance requirements ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .314
Normal bracketing maneuvers ..................................................... 57 Overwater-radio & navigation equipment required .................... 314
Normal category aircraft .............. ..................................... ... .. 11 , 168 Owner operator-responsible for maintaining the aircraft ........... 309
North-true north vs. magnetic north wind direction ...... ............ 220 Owner's handbook I manual ............................................... 174, 317
NOS (NACO, AeroNav)) approach plate revision date ................. 49 Oxygen altitudes ......................................................................... 139
NOTAM numbering system ........................................................ 227 Oxygen-high altitude chamber training ...................................... 142
NOTAMs-NOTices to AirMan ........................................... 226, 227 Oxygen mask-quick-donning type oxygen masks ..................... 139
Notice of proposed certificate action ....... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ... 343 Oxygen systems-Passenger supplied-HAZMAT ... .. .... .. . 142, 143
Notice of Proposed Rule Making-NPRM .................................. 368
Notices To Airman Publication-NTAP ...................................... 227 p
Notification of accidents, incidents & overdue aircraft .............. 345
Not local in character aka deadhead transportation ................. 271 Pairing-crew pairing ..... .................. .......................... 263, 285, 286
NPRM-Notice of Proposed Rule Making .................................. 368 Pan means ................................................................................... 337
NTSB-National Transportation Safety Board-phone numbers ..... 345 PAPI-Precision Approach Path Indicator .................................... 75
Numbers-Runwa desi nation markin s ................................... 20 PAR approach .. .............................................................................61
Parachute jumps-nonstop flights-not Part 135 ....................... 236
0 Parachutes ..................................................................................... 11
Parachuting-use of floor as a seat for sport parachuting ........... 84
OAT-Outside Air Temperature ................................................. 164 Parallel ILS-close parallel approach-ILS PRM ....... ..................79
Observer-PIG can be weather observer for VFR (Part 135) ... 76, 265 Parasite drag ...............................................................................353
Obstacle analysis effective runway length .... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .. 279 Part 91 of subpart K ... ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. . 284, 285
Obstacle-clearance criteria-driftdown-enroute performance .. 159 Part 91 PLUS Part 135 or Part 121 .............................................238
Obstacle Departure Procedures ........................ ... ........................ 43 Part 91 vs. parts 121/135 ....... ...................................................... 239
Obstruction clearance plane-20: 1 ........................................... 279 Part 61 vs. Part 141 schools-training options ........................... 183
Occasional turbulence ..................................... .......................... 223 Part 121 or Part 135 does not apply to ......... .. .............................236
Occasional , chance of, intermittent, tempo, possibility . 35, 253, 254 Part 121-in other words .............................................................235
Occupancy of pilot seat by a passenger .................................... 293 Part 125 .......................................................................................235
ODALS-OmniDirectional Approach Light System ...................... 74 Part 135 certificates-single pilot, single PIC, basic, etc ............ 238
ODP- Obstacle Departure Procedures ....................................... 43 Part 135 checkrides-a quick synopsis of Part 135 checkrides .. 242
Off-course-distance .................................................................... 46 Part 135 on-demand ....................................................................233
Off-Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude-OROCA .................. 128 Part 135 or Part 121 does not apply to ........................................ 236
Oil-everything you need to know about oil ............................... 366 Part 135 PIC checking modules ..................................................304
Oil-weight .................................................................................. 385 Part 135 SIC checking modules ..................................................305
Omni Directional Approach Light System-ODALS .. .... ..... ......... 74 Part 135 unscheduled operations-flight time & duty ....... .... ... .. .. 268
Omnidirectional radar antenna ...................................................... 53 Part 135-effects of Subpart K on Part 135 ................................286
On course-established on course or on the approach ............... 55 Parts Manufacturer Approval-PMA .. ............................... .......... 363
On-demand operation-Part 135 ................................................ 233 Passenger briefing before takeoff ...............................................293
One hundred (100) hour-high minimums captain ..................... 263 Passenger occupancy of pilot seat ..............................................293
One hundred (100) hour inspection ............................................ 309 Passenger weights-standard average ...... ................................. 244
One hundred Low Lead-1 OOLL-weight ........................... 384, 385 Passengers during cargo only operations ...................................243
One Percent [1°/o] of Doubt ......................................................... 106 Passengers-equipment required-IFR & VFR ........ .................. 313
On the approach-established on the approach ... ............. .......... 55 Pattern altitude & Glide Slope-Class B , C, or D .......... 19, 60, 130
Operable condition ..................................................................... 322 Pattern altitude at airports without an operating control tower ..... 131
Operating limitations .................................................................. 175 Pattern altitude-minimum altitudes-Class B, C, or D .. 19, 60, 130
Operating near other aircraft-formation flight ................. ............. 27 Pattern altitude-uncontrolled airports ....... .................. ................. 18
Operating without a MEL-flow chart ......................................... 321 Pattern entry ........................................................................... 16, 17
Operation after maintenance or alteration-test flight? .... .. ... .... 312 Payload capacity, maximum ...... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... .244
Operation below DH or MDA ................................................ 70, 262 PBN-ferformance-~ased Navigation ...... ................................... 33
Operation Lights On ..... ............. .. ..................................... ... ........ 371 PCATD-Personal Computer-based Aviation Trng Device ......... 374
Operation-requiring type rating-PIG proficiency check ........... 196 PDP- Planned Descent Point ........ .............................................. 77
Operations manual-General Operations Manual-GOM ........ 289 People Express exemption 3585 ... .................................. 256, 257
Operations manual-GOM-information & changes .................. 290 Percent-1 o/o of Doubt ....... ......................................................... 106
Operations not requiring a medical certificate ............................. 197 Performance-~ased Navigation (PBN) ........................................33
Operations requiring a medical certificate .... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ...... 197 Performance data-checklist-charts .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ... 293
Operations Specifications-Part 135 or 121 ............................... 288 Performance requirements operating over water ........................ 314
Operational control .................................................... 232, 237, 326 Performance-effects of density altitude on performance ......... .. 122
Performance-good and bad stuff ...... ... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... .... 122 Portable electronic devices .. ..... ......... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ......... ...93
Personal Computer-based Aviation Trng Device-PCATD ....... 374 Portable Oxygen Concentrators .......... .. .............. ........... ... .......... 142
Personal electronic devices .......................................................... 93 Position error-airspeed indicator .............................................. 114
P-factor ....................................................................................... 335 Position lights ...................................................................84 , 85, 371
PFD-Primary Flight Display ...................................................... 152 Position reporting-non-radar ........................................................45
Phone numbers-FSS direct line telephone numbers .............. 229 Possibility of, chance of, occasional, intermittent, tempo .35, 253, 254
Photo identification required in pilot's possession .......... .... .. ... ... 175 Pounds of Jet A into Gallons-conversion ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... 383
Physiological-flight crewmembers at stations ................... 34, 316 Pounds of Jet A into Liters-conversion .............................. 145, 383
Physiological needs .. .... .............. ......................... .... ............. 34, 316 Pounds per Square Inch-PSI ............ .................. .............. ......... 153
Physiological training (altitude chambers) ....... ................... 142, 195 Pounds vs. Gallons-Jet fuel & Avgas ........................................ 145
PIC I SIC-designation required ................................................. 249 Power and weight-horsepower & thrust .................................... 362
PIC automatically gets violated when SIC screws up? ............... 341 Power loading-formula ..............................................................389
PIC check-instrument proficiency check ................................... 303 Powerline or pipeline patrol ........................................................236
PIC instrument currency-I FR recency ... ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ... .... 170 Precipitation-induced fog .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 228
PIC is responsible for determining if aircraft is airworthy ... ... ...... 309 Precision Approach Monitor-PRM approach .. .. ........... ... ............79
PIC is responsible for the overall safe operation, however ......... 341 Precision Approach Path Indicator-PAPI. ... ................................. 7 5
PIC line check-routes and airports ........................................... 306 Precision Approach Radar approach-PAR ..................................61
PIC logging PICtime ............. ...................................... 176, 194, 195 Precision approach ........................................ ................................ 58
PIC means .................................................................................. 359 Precision-like approach-approach with vertical guidance ... ........ 58
PIC qualifications-Part 135 & 121 ... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... 240 Preferred routes ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ..... .... ... .. .... 34
PIC seating position .................................................................... 359 Preflight action (all available information) ... .................................. 34
PIG-Part 135 PIC checking modules .. .... .............. .................... 304 Presentation of required documents .... ........... ................... 175, 177
PIC PC check-operation of A/C requiring more than one pilot . 196 Preservation of wreckage ............................................................345
PIG-recent flight experience (90 days) ..................................... 172 Pressure altitude conversion charts & formulas ......................... 125
PIG-responsibility and authority of ............................................ 331 Pressure altitude .................................................................. 118, 134
Pi lotage ........................................................................................ 41 Pressure altitude-rules of thumb ............................................... 387
Pilot certificate & medical-presentation of documents ..... ..... ... 177 Pressure differential-maximum allowable ... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... .. 153
Pilot certificate & medical-required in possession ............ 175, 177 Pressure lapse rate ...................................................................... 116
Pilot certificate-category I class ................................................ 168 Pressure relief valve ............................................................ 142, 153
Pilot controlled runway lights ........................................................ 55 Pressure vessel ...........................................................................153
Pilot's discretion, changing altitude ....................................... 45, 129 Pressure atmospheric pressure at various altitudes ............. .... 117
Pilot documents-presentation of required documents ...... 175, 177 Pressure Pounds per Square lnch-PSl. .................................. 153
Pilot Flying-takeoff briefing ......................................................... 39 Pressurization ............................................................................153
Pilot In Command instrument currency ..................... 170, 172, 173 Pressurization training (altitude chambers) ......................... 142, 195
Pilot In Command is responsible for determining ... .............. ...... 309 Pressurized aircraft-basic components ........ .... .............. .......... 142
Pilot In Command means ..... ....................................................... 359 Pressurized aircraft-high altitude endorsement ........ ................. 195
Pilot In Command logging PIC .................................... 176, 194, 195 Preventive maintenance ..................................................... 312, 365
Pilot In Command proficiency check-type rating ...................... 196 Preventive maintenance-29 approved items ........................... .. 365
Pilot In Command qualifications-Part 135 & 121 ...................... 240 PRIA-Pilot Records Improvement Act ....................................... 324
Pilot In Command seating position .... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... 359 Primary category aircraft .. .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 168
Pilot In Command/SIC-designation required .................... 249, 284 Primary flight controls .... .. ............................................................ 151
Pilot In Command-recent flight experience ........ ........... ... . 172, 173 Primary Flight Display-PFD ... .............. ...................... ... .... ......... 152
Pilot In Command-responsibility and authority of ..................... 331 Primary NOB concepts ..................................................................64
Pilot-is the pilot legal? ....... .. ........................................................ 31 Primary radar .............................................................................. ... 53
Pilot license & medical-required in pilot's possession ...... 175, 177 Priority means .................................................................... 331 , 337
Pilot Not Flying-takeoff briefing ................................................... 39 Priority-means the same as EMERGENCY .............................. 331
Pilot Operating Handbook-POH ..... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... .... 317 Prist-anti-icing additive and algaecide for jet fuel .. .. .... ..... .... .... 145
Pilot operating limitations and pairing ... .... .............. .... 263, 285, 286 Private or noncommon carriage ......... ... ............................. ......... 232
Pilot photo identification required in pilot's possession .. ............. 175 Private pilot qualifications ............................................................ 185
Pilot record keeping-W&B-load manifest ............................... 246 PRM approach-Precision Approach Monitor ...............................79
Pilot record sharing-PRIA ............... .................................. 324, 285 Procedure turn-inbound-not required ... .. .................................. 54
Pilot Records Improvement Act-PR IA ...................................... 324 Proficiency check-Instrument Proficiency Check ............. 170, 304
Pilot records-airman file-how to obtain copy .. .. .... ... .. .... ..... .... 324 Proficiency check-Part 135 checking modules ......... ... .. ..... .... ... 304
Pilot records-name , duties, tests, checks, training ........... 246, 284 Proficiency check-PIG-type rating currency ........ .................... 196
Pilot services ........................................................ ... ......................... 232 Progressive aircraft inspection program .............. .............. ......... 309
Pilots not regularly assigned-flight time limitations ...... ............ 274 Prohibited areas ........................................................................... 10
Pilots-number of active pilots in the United States ................... 359 Prohibition against carriage of weapons .. .. ................................ 308
Pipeline or powerline patrol. ....................................................... 236 Prohibition on operations during a medical deficiency ................. 198
PIPER-numbers & names ........................................................ 348 Prop alcohol-weight ..................................................................385
PIREP-UA, UUA ........ .............. ............ .. ............ .. .............. ....... 225 Propeller-controllable-pitch propeller ........ ... .. ......... .... ..... .... .... 360
Piston engine smoke .......................... ... ..................................... 366 Propeller-manifold pressure & the constant speed prop ........... 360
Pitot heat indication system-transport category aircraft ........... 313 Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance ..... .................. 34
Pitot heat-required for passengers IFR .................................... 313 Pro verse yaw .............................................................................. 35 7
Pitot/Static check-every two years .................. .................. 119, 135 Proving runs and Validation testing ........................... 284, 286, 294
Pitot/Static system malfunctions ......................................... 135, 381 Provisional airport ...................................................................... 276
Placards & markings .. ......... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... . 174 , 317 Provisional category aircraft .. .... ... .. .... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ..... .... .... ... 168
Plain flap ............................................................................ 354, 355 PSI-Pounds per Square lnch ..... ................................................ 153
Planned Descent Point-PDP .......................... ... .... .............. ....... 77 PT-6 engine ........................................... ............................................ 147
PM A-Parts Manufacturer Approval. .......................................... 363 PTS-Practical Test Standards ...... ............................................. 166
Pneumatic starter aka air turbine starter ........ .. .......................... 149 Public address & interphone system required .......................... .. 313
POH-Pilot Operating Handbook ............................................... 317 P rotechnic si nalin device .................................................. 30, 84
Point the airplane where you want it to go ................................. 240
Pointer NOTAMS ...... .......... ..... ..... .... ... .. ......... ... .. ... ......... .. ... .... . 227
Polar tropopause ........................................................................ 214
Political candidates, carriage of ........ ......................................... 236 Q codes-QFE-QNE-QNH-altimeter setting ....... ......... 140-141
a-routes ....................................................................................... 4 7 Relative humidity o/o - formula ....... ... .. ......... ... .. ... ......... .. .. 124, 387
Quarter-calendar quarter ....... .. ................ ................................ 267 Relative wind ............... ........................ ... ........................................... 351
Quick-donnin t e ox en masks .................... .............. ......... 139 Relay-electrical .. ........................................................................ 150
Release-flight release or dispatch release ................................326
R Remarks on flight plan .... .... ............................. ........................... 222
Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) ........................................42
Radar (airborne weather radar) required .. .. ........ .. .. .. .......... 315, 285 Remote Transmitter/Receiver (RTR) ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ..... .... .... .... 42
Radar (radio) altimeter ................................................................ 135 Repair-major repair and alteration-FAA 337 form .................. 363
Radar flight following .... ............................... .................................. 44 Repeater scope-radar ........................ .. ............................................5
Radar reflectors ........................................................................... 367 Replacement of a lost airman or medical certificate .. .. ............... 180
Radar repeater scope .......... .. ......................................................... 5 Reported ceiling and visibility-visual approach (Part 135) .. ........ 76
Radar service terminated .............................................................. 49 Reported visibility .................................................................. 70, 260
Radar summary chart ................................................................. 225 Reporting mechanical irregularities ................................... 247, 316
Radar weather reports-SD ...... .. ... ..... .... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ... 225 Reports (additional) to be made at all times .... .. .... .. ... .... ..... ..... .... 45
Radar-Primary and Secondary .. .............. ................................... 53 Reports, malfunctions of nav or com equipment .. ......................... 45
Radiation fog .............................................................................. 228 Reports of accidents or incidents .... .. ............... .............. .............. 345
Radio Manual-Lengel's ............................................................ 395 Regualification training ..............................................................296
Radio & navigation equipment required-extended overwater ... 314 Required landing distance dry/wet ........................................... 159
Radio & navigation equipment required-I FR ............................ 314 Required Navigational Performance (RNP) ...................... 32, 33, 62
Radio (radar) altimeter ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 135 Required runway length ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ......... . 154
Radio antennas ........................................................................ 97-99 Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command .......... .. .... 331
Radio call format ........................ ....................................................... 383 Responsibility for ensuring aircraft is maintained ............ ............ 312
Radio failure IFR .... .. ............... .......................................... ...... 82, 83 Resume normal/published speed ................................. ........ 42, 111
Radio fix-file IFR to a radio fix ....... ................... ........................ 252 Rest period-flight time & duty .................................................... 269
Radio frequency bands ................................................................. 97 Rest-flight time & duty ....................................................... 266-275
Radio inop-communications with control tower .......................... 83 Restricted a re as ........................................................................... 10
Radio license-pilot's (personal) FCC radio license .. .. ... .... ..... ... 175 Restricted category aircraft ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... ......... .. ... ...... .168
Radio station license (aircraft) .................................................... 175 Restricted ATP .................................................................... 189, 241
Radio stuff .............................................................................. 97 -105 Return to service-maintenance records ..... .. ............... .............. 312
Radios-troubleshooting ............................................................... 99 Reverted rubber hydroplaning .................................................... 372
RAIM-Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring-GPS ........... 94 Revision date on AeroNav (NOS , NACO) approach plates .. ........ 49
Ram Air Temperature-RAT- Ram Rise .................................. 164 Revocation of pilot certificate ..................................................... 343
Ramp check ................................................................................ 292 Reynolds number-laminar or turbulent flow ............................. 356
Rankin temperature ............................................................ 115, 385 Ride-709 ride .................................................................... 342 , 343
Rapid decompression-explosive decompression ..................... 142 Right-of-way rules .. ............................... .............................. ............ 86
Rapid decompression training (altitude chambers) ......... .. .. 142, 195 Rime ice .......................................................................................211
Rapid or explosive decompression ............................................. 153 RNAV approaches ............................................................ 62 , 68, 69
Rate control-pressurization ...................................................... 153 RNAV-Area navigation .................................. ............... 33, 62, 152
Rate of climb or descent ....................................................... 45, 129 RNP-Required Navigational Performance ...................... 32, 33, 62
Rate of descent-formula .. ... .... ..... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 389 Rolling 24 consecutive hour limitation-flight time & duty .... .. 269
Rating-category, class, type, instrument, commercial ....... 31 , 168 Rosemont probe Static Air Temperature ............................. .... 164
RAT-Ram Air Temperature .... ................................ .............. .... 164 Rotation speed-Vr-rule of thumb .................... ............ ............ 386
RCO-Remote Communications Outlet ....................................... 42 Routes & airports-line check-PIG ........................................... 306
Rebuilding- operation after maintenance, rebu ilding, or alteration ..... 312 RPM-Radio permit-Pilot certificate-Medical ................... 31 , 175
Recency, IFR ............................................................................. 170 RTO-Rejected Takeoff .............................................................. 157
Recent flight experience-90 days-6 months .......................... 172 RTR-Remote Transmitter/Receiver .............................................42
Recent pilot experience for PIC-Part 135 & 121 ....................... 240 Rules of THUMB and FORMULAS ..... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .. 386-389
Reciprocals-22 rule .......................... ... .................................... 383 Runway centerline lights ... ... .................. ......... .. ... .............. .... 24, 25
Reciprocals-placard .................................................................. 382 Runway clutter precipitation ......................................................... 213
Reckless or careless operation .................................................. 340 Runway demarcation bar ...............................................................21
Record keeping-load manifest-weight & balance .......... 244, 284 Runway designation markings-runway numbers .................. 20, 22
Record of each pilot-name, duties, tests, checks ............. 246, 284 Runway distance remaining signs ................................................. 22
Records-airman file-your pilot records-how to obtain a copy324 Runway edge lights ...... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... . 20, 24, 25
Recreational pilot qualifications ................................... .............. 184 Runway effective runway length .. ................................................279
Rectifier ....................................................................... ............. ....... 150 Runway End Identifier Lights-REIL .... .. ........... ............................ 74
Recurrent training .............................................................. 295, 296 Runway exiting after landing .............. ............. ............... ... 26, 72, 81
Red & white hashmarked pointer-barber pole-Vmo, Mmo ..... 114 Runway friction reports-MU value braking action ...... 26, 72, 213
Red line-Vmc-multi-engine ............................................. 114, 334 Runway gradient-up-sloping runway takeoff-rule of thumb ..... 386
Red line-Vne-Never Exceed speed ........................................ 114 Runway length-effective runway length ..................................... 279
Red side row bar-approach lighting .......................................... 262 Runway length-Landing Distance Available ... .. ......... ..... .... .. ... .. 279
Red side row bars .......... .............. ........... ................ 70, 73, 261 , 262 Runway lighting ........ .. ........................ ... ...................................... 24, 25
Red terminating bars-approach lighting ................ 70, 73, 261 , 262 Runway lighting-airport requirements (135/121) ....................... 276
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums-RVSM ................ 32, 133 Runway lights-pilot controlled runway lights ................................ 55
Reexamination - 709 ride ................................................ 342, 343 Runway radar reflectors .................... ........................................... 367
Reference point-airport elevation & reference point .................. 26 Runway separation-same runway aircraft separation ................. 88
Reference zero-start of 1st segment climb ..... .... ..... ......... .. ...... 155 Runway Visual Range-RVR ..... .. ... .... ..... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... .. ... 72, 261
Reflectors-runway radar reflectors .......................................... 367 Runway weight bearing capacity ... ................................................ 22
Regional airline-Part 121 ........ .. ........... ......................... ... ........ 233 Runways longer than 8,069 feet-sectional charts ........ ... ......... 369
Registration papers ............... .......................................... .......... 175 RVR and ground visibility .. .. .......................................... ........ 72, 261
Regular airport ........................................................................... 276 RVR-taskers, transmissometers, forward scatter tech ....... 72, 261
Regularly assigned duty period-flight time & duty ................ 269 RVSM-Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums ................. 32, 133
Regulated landing weight ........................................................... 245
REIL-Runway End Identifier Lights ....... .... .. ... .... ..... ..... .... .. ... .... . 74
Rejected IakeQff (RTO) ............................................................ 157
Relationship between angle of attack and lift .. ............... ........... 353 SAA NOTAMS ..... ........................................................................ 227
SAE-oil-automotive equivalent grade .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... 366 SIC required-Part 135 & 121 ... ....... .. .. ............ .. ..... ..... .... .......... .241
Safety alert .. .. ............ ......................... ... ................... 19, 26, 60, 130 SIC screws up-does the PIG automatically get busted? ........... 341
Safety belts fastened .................................................................. 313 SIC time-logging ........................................................................178
Safety belts ............................................................. 34, 84, 313, 316 SIC vs. autopilot ...........................................................................281
Safety belts-flight crewmembers at stations ..................... 313, 316 Sidebands-upper and lower-HF radio .................................... 104
Safety Management System (SMS) ............................................ 328 Side-step maneuver ...................................................................... 80
Safety pilot .... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... .... ..... ... 171 SID-Standard Instrument Departure Procedure .. ..... .... .. ... ......... .43
Safety valve ................................................................................ 153 Sight disk-fire bottle discharge indicator ............. .. ................... 162
Same runway separation ........ .. ........................ ...... .............. ........ 88 Sightseeing flights ................. ............ .................. ....... ... ............. 236
SAT-Static Air Temperature ............. ............... ......................... 164 SIGMET-WS ..... .........................................................................224
Satcom-SATellite COMmunication System ............................. 105 Signs-airport ...............................................................................22
Satellite airport-flight visibility when operating from ................... 70 Simulated instrument time logging ........................................... 177
Saybolt universal viscosimeter-oil viscosity ............................. 366 Simulators-four levels ..............................................................374
SB AS-Space Based Augmentation System ... .. .. .... ..... .... .. ... ...... 96 Simultaneous close parallel approach-PRM ... ... ......... .. ... ......... .79
Scale of aeronautical charts .. .... ............... ........... .. ........... .. ........ 385 Simultaneous converging instrument approaches ......... .... .......... .. 80
Scheduled operation .................................................................. 233 Single-engine absolute ceiling & service ceiling ................. 333, 358
Screen height ............................................................................. 155 Single PIG part 135 operator .......................................................238
Scuba diving ................................................................... ............ 123 Single pilot lower than standard takeoff minimums .....................258
SD-radar weather reports ......................................................... 225 Single pilot part 135 operator ....................................................... 238
SDF approach ... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ......... 66 Single Side Band-SSB-HF radio .. ... .... ... ... .. .. .... .... .. ... .. ... ........ 104
Seat adjustment-eye locator ..................................................... 325 Sink rate ...................................................................................... 152
Seat belts ..... .. ........... .. ........................ ...... .............. 34, 84, 313, 316 Six instrument approaches-I FR recency ....... .. . 170, 172, 173, 186
Seat belts, seat backs-passenger briefing before takeoff......... 293 Six month-instrument experience .. .............. ..... 170, 172, 173, 186
Seat belts-flight crewmembers at stations ........................ 313, 316 Sixty (60)o/o, 70°/o, 80°/o landing limitations ................. 279, 284, 286
Seat-each person must occupy .......................................... 84, 313 Sixty five (65)-age 65 and Part 121 ........................................... 327
Seat-forward observer's seat .................................................... 292 Skin friction drag .........................................................................353
Seat-passenger occupancy of pilot seat ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .. ... .... 293 Slant range error-DME ... ... .. .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... ..... .... .. ... ..... .... .93
Seat required ........................................................................ 84, 313 Slant U, A, G, R, etc ...... ................................................................32
Seating position-pilot in command .. ............... .......................... 359 Slats ....................................................................................354, 355
Second alternate (part 135/121) ............................................... 255 Slippery runway ...........................................................................279
Second alternate required (part 135/121) ....................... ............ 257 Slots .... .. ..............................................................................354, 355
Second alternate required ........................................................... 253 Slotted flap ..........................................................................354, 355
Second In Command qualifications for AC requiring 2 pilots .... 178 Small aircraft definition ................................................................278
Second In Command qualifications ............................................ 182 Small-for wake turbulence separation .................................40, 373
Second In Command qualifications-Part 135 & 121 ...... .... ....... 241 Smoking prohibitions ......................................... ......................... 283
Second In Command required-Part 135 & 121 .......... .. ............ 241 Smoking-passenger briefing before takeoff...............................293
Second In Command time-logging ........................................... 178 SMS .§.afety .Management .§.ystem ............................................ 328
Second In Command vs. autopilot .............................................. 281 Snellen eye chart-medical exam .............................................. 199
Second segment climb .............................................................. 154 Snow on the aircraft ...................................................... 38, 208-213
Secondary flight controls ..... .. .. ..... ..... .... .... ... ... .. .. .... .... .. ... ..... .... 151 Snowflake airport ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... .. 119
Secondary radar ........................................................................... 53 SODA-Statement Of Demonstrated Ability ...............................200
Second-class medical certificate-duration of .. .. ................ ...... 199 Solenoid ... .............................................. .................. ......................... 150
Second-class medical required for .............................................. 197 South Lake Tahoe, CA ..................................................................35
Sectional charts-runways longer than 8,069 feet .................... 369 Space Based Augmentation System .............................................96
Sectional charts-scale ....... ....................................................... 385 Spare engine How to crash a multiengine airplane .................. 336
SELCAL-SELective CALiing system-HF radio ...................... 104 Sparkplug electrodes-iced-over ...............................................213
Selling a Certificate .. .. .... ... ... .. .. .... .... .. ... ..... .... .. ... .. ... ..... .... .. ... .... 237 Sparsely populated-minimum safe altitude .. .. ... ....... .. .. ... ......... 129
Sense antenna (ADF) .. ............... ........... .. ........... .. ........................ 98 Special airworthiness certificate ........ ........... ... ............................ 322
Separation-same runway separation ......................................... 88 Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization Required ... ............... ... 62
Separations for traffic-wake turbulence ...................................... 40 Special exemption 5549-high minimums captain ......................263
Sequenced flashing lights .............................................. ............ 262 Special flight permit-ferry permit ................................ ................ 322
Serious injury ............................................................................ 344 .§.pecial flight B.ules ,Area (DC SFRA) ........................................... 12
Service ceiling aka all-engine service ceiling ... ... .. .......... ... .. ... ... 358 Special issuance of a medical certificate ....... .. .. .......... ... ..... ....... .201
Service ceiling-multi-engine .............................................. 333, 358 Special Use Airspace ..................................................................... 10
Service difficulty reports-maintenance .. ........................ ...... ...... 310 Special VFR ............... ........................ ... ...............................6 , 9, 70, 81
Service volumes-NOB ...... .. .............. .................................. 63, 101 Specific gravity-SG ...................................................................373
Service volumes-VOR .................................... ...................... 46, 91 Speed adjustments I restrictions .... ...................... 42, 108, 110, 111
Servo tab .................................................................................... 357 Speed below 10,000 and/or in Class B ........................................ 108
Seven 0 nine (709) ride ...................................................... 342, 343 Speed in Class C, D, E and G airport areas ................................ 108
Seventy percent (70°/o) landing limitation ......... .... .... .... .. ... .. ... .... 279 Speed limit in Class B ... ..... .. .. .... .... .. ... .. ... ....... .. .. .......... .. .. .... ... 3, 108
Severe icing .............................................. .. ..................................... 211 Speed limit in Class C ............. ....................... ...... ............... ..... 4 , 108
Severe turbulence .. ..................................................................... 224 Speed limit in Class D ...... .. ............... ............................ ........... 5, 108
Severe weather forecast alerts-AWW ...................................... 224 Speed limits-all speed limits .............................................. 108-110
Severe weather outlook chart ........ ................................. ............ 225 Speed limits-cross-reference ..................................................... 110
Shadows .................................................................................... 368 Speed of Sound & Mach ...................................... 115-117, 385, 387
Shaft horsepower ...... ..... ... .. ..... ......... ... .. ......... ... .. ... ......... .. ... .... . 363 Speed restriction I adjustment ... ... ... ... ..... ..... .... .. .. 42, 108, 110, 111
Shallow fog ................................................................................ 228 Speeding tickets and your medical ......................................202, 203
Sharing expenses .......................................................................... 185 Speed-miles per hour-feet per minute-feet per second ........ 385
Shoulder harness .. ................................................................. 34, 84 Spin recovery mnemonic .. ........................................................... 382
Shoulder harness-flight crewmembers at stations ..... ... ............ 316 Spiraling slipstream .................................................................... 335
Shutdown mnemonic ................................................................. 382 Split flap ..............................................................................354, 355
SIC check-equipment check-competency check ................... 302 Sport parachuting-use of floor as a seat ..................................... 84
SIC-Part 135 checking modules ....... .. .. .......... .. .. .... ..... .... .. ... .... 305 Sport Pilot ...... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... .... 184, 197
SIC qualifications for AC requiring 2 pilots .................................. 178 Spraying ...................................................................................... 236
SIC qualifications-Part 135 & 121 .... .. ....................................... 241 Sguare above or below square-manifold pressure & RPM .. .. 360
SSALR-approach light system .... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ......... ... .. ....... . 74 Tailwheel endorsement .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... . 195
SSS-Single Side Band-HF radio ......... ................................... 104 Tailwind during climb-take advantage of ....... ........................... 386
Stability chart ......... .................................................................... 225 Takeoff & humidity-rules of thumb ............................................ 386
Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 noise standards ................................................. 165 Takeoff alternate (part 135/121) ..................................................259
Stall-critical angle of attack I recovery ............................. 306, 353 Takeoff briefing ..............................................................................39
Standard airworthiness certificate .............................................. 175 Takeoff checklist mnemonics ....................................................... 382
Standard average passenger weights ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ... 244 Takeoff distance-jet ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... . 156
Standard briefing .. ....................................................................... 223 Takeoff distance-rules of thumb ................................................ 386
Standard climb gradient .................................................. 41 , 43, 386 Takeoff-effect of altitude, temperature, and humidity ..... ........... 352
Standard datum plane-pressure altitude-29.92 ...................... 134 Takeoff field length ....................................................................... 154
Standard holding pattern .... .................. ......................................... 64 Takeoff from unlisted airports (part 135/121 ) ............................... 259
Standard Instrument Departure-SID ........................................... 43 Takeoff ground roll-rules of thumb ............................................ 386
Standard Pressure lapse rate ..................................................... 116 Takeoff in IMC from Class G airport without clearance ............ 7, 34
Standard rate of turn angle of bank ..... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ...... 386 Takeoff limitations IFR (commercial) .... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... 38
Standard rate of turn ... .......................................................... 71 , 386 Takeoff minimums IFR (135/ 121 , subpart K) ..... .. ....... 258, 259, 284
Standard service volumes-NOB ....... .................................. 63, 101 Takeoff mnemonic ....................................................................... 382
Standard service volumes-VOR ........................................... 46, 91 Takeoff on grass-rule of thumb ................................................. 386
Standard takeoff minimums (part 135/121 ) ...... .. ......................... 258 Takeoff on up-sloping runway-rule of thumb ............................. 386
Standard temperature lapse rate ................................................ 116 Takeoff path-actual aka gross ........ ........................................... 158
Standard temperatures at various altitudes .. .... ..... .... .... ..... .. ... ... 117 Takeoff performance-good and bad stuff ... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .122
Standard Terminal Arrival - STAR .............................................. 48 Takeoff-radio lingo .....................................................................401
Standby/rest-flight time & duty ............................. .................... 269 Takeoff rules of thumb ................................................................. 386
Start turn-stop turn-no-gyro approach .................................... 71 Takeoff run-jet ........................................................................... 157
Starter/generator ........................................................................ 149 TANGO ... .................................................................... 224, 250, 359
Starting-jet I turbine engine starting ........................................ 144 Tapes-copies of ATC tower/center tapes .................................. 346
Statement of demonstrated ability-SODA ............................... 200 Taskers-RVR ..................................................................... 72, 261
Static Air Temperature-SAT .. .. ... ...... ... .. .... ... .. .... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... 164 TAT-Iotal Air Iemperature ... ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ......... . 164
Static check ................................................................................. 135 Taxi-radio lingo .......................................................................... 401
Static discharger ..... .................................................................... 152 Taxiing ................................................................................... 26, 38
Static wick ................................................................................... 152 TBO-Time Between Overhauls ................................................. 364
Station-W&B ..... .................. ..................................................... 245 TCAS-Traffic alert & Collision Avoidance System .... 152, 285, 315
Status of an examiner during a practical test ............................. 192 Technical Standard Order-TSO .............................................. 364
Statute mile conversions ............................................................ 385 Telecommunication terms - Datalinks ..................................... 105
STC-Supplemental Type Certificate ......................................... 364 Telephone Information Briefing Service-TIBS ..........................224
Steam fog .......................................................................................... 228 Telephone-FSS direct line telephone numbers ......................... 229
Step-down altitudes-mandatory ..... .......................................... 56 TEMAC I LE MAC .........................................................................245
Sterile cockpit-flight crewmember duties ................................ 249 Temperature affects on density altitude ..................................... 124
Stolen or lost logbook ......................................... ........................ 181 Temperature, altitude & humidity-effect on takeoff .................... 352
Stopway ............................................................................. 155, 36 7 Temperature, altimeter errors in extremely cold weather ............ 119
Stowage of food , beverage & equipment during movement ... ... 282 Temperature and altimetry ..... ..... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. . 119, 121
Straight-in approach ......... ............................................... 15, 16, 67 Temperature at various altitudes-standard ............................... 117
Stratosphere ............................................................................. 115-117 Temperature conversion formulas ........ ....................................... 385
Student pilot qualifications ........................................................ 183 Temperature conversion placard-°C to °F ................................. 382
Subpart F-large and turbine-powered multiengine aircraft ...... 280 Temperature lapse rate .................... .......................... 116, 117, 387
Subpart K to Part 91 ........................................................... 284, 285 Temperature vs. altitude-tropopause, stratosphere ......... 115, 116
Subsonic flight regime ............................................................... 116 Temperature-Kelvin & Rankin .......................................... 115, 385
Substantial damage ... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... .. 344 Temperature-SAT, OAT, RAT, TAT .. .. ..... .... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... .164
Suffixes ........ ..................................................................................... 32 Tempo, chance of, occasional, intermittent, possibility ........ 35, 253, 254
Sully ........................................................................................... 329 Temporary certificate ........ .......................................................... 193
Summer-standard average passenger weights ..................... 244 Temporary control towers ..............................................................83
Sump draining advice ........ ......................................................... 381 Temporary flight restrictions-NOTAMs ......................................226
Sunset times .............................................................................. 370 Temporary registration-not acceptable for international ............ 175
Super-Airbus A380 ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... . 40 Terminal Arrival Area-TAA ...... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... 68, 69
Super-aircraft class-wake turbulence separation ..................... 40 Terminal procedures revision date ................................................49
Supercharged engine .. .. .............................................................. 361 Terminal Radar Service Area-TRSA .. ...........................................8
Super stall ................................................................................... 144 Terrain awareness warning system-GPWS ..................... 294, 285
Supersonic flight regime .................................... ......................... 116 Test flight-operation after maintenance .................................... 312
SuperUnicom .............................................................................. 102 Test to detect contamination of jet fuel ........................................373
Supervised Operating Experience (type rating) ......................... 194 Testing & checking-Part 135 .................................................... 242
Supplemental operation-fuel supply .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ...... 250 T-handle (fuel shutoff) .. .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... . 151
Supplemental operation-part 121 ......................... ............ 234, 235 Thermal runaway-nicad batteries .... .. ...................................... 150
Supplemental operations-flight time limitations (121 ) ... ............ 275 Things that do you no good ........................................................ 384
Supplemental Type Certificate-STC ......................................... 364 Third attitude indicator-turbojet .................................................313
Surface-based Class E ...... .. ......................................................... 6 Third-class medical certificate-duration of ................................. 199
Survival equipment-Passenger briefing before takeoff............ 293 Third-class medical required for .................................................. 197
Suspension of pilot certificate ... ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... ......... ... .. .... ... 343 Third segment climb .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... . 154
Sweeping the wing ..................................................................... 144 Thirty degrees (30°) of bank during circling approach ................ 166
Swe twin advanta es and disadvanta es ...... ....................... 163 Threatening a pilot .. ............................................................. 86, 308
Three bar VAS I .... .......................................................................... 75
T Three degree (3°) rate of descent-rule of thumb ....................... 389
Three landings-90 days .................................................... 172, 173
I - design for approaches ..................................................... 68, 69 Three letter identifier-airport identifier logic ............................... 379
TAF I METAR explanation .. .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ... 219 Three three seven (337) form-major repair and alteration ....... .363
TAF I METAR explanation-wallet size cutout ........................... 221 Threshold ............................................................................................20
TAF vs. METAR ...... ............................................................ 218, 219 Threshold bar ....... .......................................................................... 21
Threshold crossing height .... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... .... 19, 57, 60 Transponder-all transponder stuff-Mode C .. .. ... ....... .. .. ........... 127
Threshold lights ................................................................................. 25 Transport category aircraft ..... .............. .............. ............. ........... 168
Threshold markings ................................................................ 20, 22 Transport category-driftdown-enroute performance ............... 159
Thrust-horsepower & thrust ..................................................... 362 Transport category turbine airplane landing criteria .................... 159
Thunderstorm avoidance I penetration ..................................... 207 Transportation not local in character ........... ............................. .271
Thunderstorm detection equipment required ...................... 315, 285 Trim tabs .....................................................................................357
TIBS-Telephone Information Briefing Service .. .. ......... .... ..... .... 224 Tropical tropopause .... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... .. 214
Tickets-Speeding tickets and your medical ..................... 202, 203 Tropopause ............................................................... 115, 116, 214
Time Between Overhauls-TBO .............. .............. .............. ...... 364 Troposphere ............................................................................. 116, 214
Time - Covert to/from Zulu ........................................................ 380 Troubleshooting radios ................................................................ 99
Time en route-formula ....... .. ...................................................... 388 T-routes ......................................................................................... 4 7
Time in service .................................................................... 311 , 363 TRSA-Terminal Radar Service Area ............................................. 8
Time of useful consciousness ..................................................... 142 True airspeed in knots from Mach# rule of thumb .................... 387
Time sharing agreement .. .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... 280 True airspeed ..... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ... 114
Time to climb-formula ............... .............. ............................. ..... 386 True airspeed-rule of thumb .. ............... .............. .............. ......... 387
Time to descend-formula ... ....................................................... 389 True altitude .................................................................................118
Time to station-formula ............................................................. 388 True altitude-rule of thumb ........................................................387
Time - Zulu - Covert to/from ...... ................................. ............ 380 True north vs. magnetic north wind direction ...............................220
Timed approaches from a holding fix ........................................... 48 TSO-Technical Standard Order ................................................. 364
Timing for inbound leg I outbound leg ... .. ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .. ....... 109 Turbine I Jet engine terminology .... ... ..... .... .. ... .. ... ......... .. ... ....... . 149
Timing should be based on groundspeed .................... ........... 61 , 63 Turbine I Jet engine-101 ........................................................... 146
Tire creep I chined tires, fusible plugs ... .. ............. .............. ........ 163 Turbine I Jet operations-101 .............. ................ .............. ......... 144
TIS-B - Traffic Information Service-Broadcast .............. ........... 103 Turbine engine starting .... .. ............... .......................................... .148
- - - -
TIT-Turbine Inlet Temperature ................................................. 149 Turbine Inlet Temperature-TIT .................................................. 149
To meet a crossing restriction ................................................... 47 Turbine Outlet Temperature-TOT .............................................. 149
To use an airport as an alternate ............................................... 35 Turbocharged engine ................................................................. 361
TODA-TOOR-TOGA ......... .. .. .......... .. .. .... .... .. ... .. ... ......... .. ... ... 158 Turbofan I turbojet .. .... .... .. ... ..... ..... .... .. ... ......... .. ... ......... .. .......... .146
TOLD card-landing side-approach side ................................... 51 Turbojet-type rating requirements ............................................. 194
TOLD card-Take-Off and Landing Data ........................... 160, 161 Turbojets-limitations on the use of landing minimums ............ .. 264
TOLD card-takeoff side .............................................................. 39 Turboprop-free-turbine & direct-drive ...................................... 147
Top secret captain stuff .. ... ...................................................... 240 Turboshaft-Direct-drive turboprop ............................ ................ 147
TORA-Takeoff Run Available ................................................... 158 Turbulence reporting criteria ......................................................224
Torque ........................................................................................ 363 Turbulence, extreme ....................................................................207
Torque-multi-engine with engine out ........................................ 335 Turn-early turn on a Departure Procedure ..................................43
TORR-Takeoff Run Required .. .............. ................ .............. ..... 158 Turn-lead the turn .............................................................................. 4 7
Total electrical failure in IMC conditions ...................... .............. 82 Turn-standard rate of turn .......................................... ......... 71 , 386
TOT-Turbine Outlet Temperature ............................................. 149 Turns at airports without an operating control tower .......... 15, 16, 67
Touchdown zone elevation ................ .......................................... 20 TWEB-transcribed weather broadcast ......................................224
Touch down zone lights ........................................................... 24 , 25 Twenty I twenty (20/20) vision ................................................... 199
Touchdown zone markings ... .. .. .......... .. .. .... .... .. ... .. ... ......... .. ... ...... 20 Twilight times ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .. 370
Tower-·Class G ........................................................................... 83 Twisting moments caused by flaps ............................................ 355
Towers-control towers-number in operation .... .. ................ ..... 373 Two bar VASI ....................................................................................75
Tower tapes-how to obtain a copy of ...................................... 346 Two pilot lower than standard takeoff minimums .......................259
Trace ice ..................................................................................... 211 Type certificate data sheet ........................................................ .. 174
Traffic alert ............................................................... 19, 26, 60, 130 Type I, II , Ill & IV de-ice I anti-ice fluids .......................................212
Traffic alert & Collision Avoidance System-TCAS ............ 152, 315 Type rating required ...................................................................278
Traffic pattern altitude & GS-Class B, C, or D ... .. ... ...... 19, 60, 130 Type rating requirements ...... .. .......... .. .. .... ... ... ... .. ... ......... .. .......... 194
Traffic pattern altitude at airports without control tower ..... .. . 18, 131 Type rating-maintaining currency-PIG proficiency check ........ 196
Traffic pattern altitude Class B ............ ........................................... . 3 T es of art 135 certificates ............. .............. ............................238
Traffic pattern altitude Class C ........................................................ 4
Traffic pattern altitude Class D ............ ............................................ 5
Traffic pattern altitude-uncontrolled airports ....................... 18, 131
Traffic pattern entry .. .. .. ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .. ... ....... .. .. ............ .. ... 16, 17 UA, UUA-PIREP ........... .. ..... ............ .. ............ .. ....... ....... ....... ..... 225
Traffic pattern-minimum altitudes-Class B, C , or D .... 19, 60, 130 UAT-Y.niversal Access Iransceiver (987 MHz) ................ 103, 222
Traffic separation-wake turbulence ........ ............. ................ ....... 40 Uncontrolled airspace-IFR flight without a clearance .... ........ 7, 34
Training center ...... ..................................................................... 296 Underscored-Mandatory altitude ....................................... 56, 128
Training , instrument training in VMC ................. ............................ 84 Unicom I Multicom & air-to-air frequencies ................................. 102
Training options-Part61 vs. Part 141 schools .......................... 183 Universal Time Coordinated-UTC time-ZULU time ............... 380
Training program ......................................................................... 295 Unlisted airports-takeoffs from (part 135/121 ) ..........................259
Training to accepted standards .. ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .. ............ .. ..... .. 296 Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) .............................................. 375
Training types-initial , transition, upgrade, etc .... .. .............. ....... 296 Unscheduled - flight time & duty .... .... .............. ....... 267, 268, 269
Training , testing and checking-a quick synopsis ........ .. ............ 242 Unscheduled 3 & 4 pilot crews (135)-flight time & duty ........... .. 270
Transcribed WEather Broadcast-TWEB ................................. 224 Updates of GPS Databases ..........................................................94
Transformer ............................................................................... 150 Upgrade ground training ............................................. ................295
Transgression-No Transgression Zone-PRM approach ........ 79 Upgrade training ..........................................................................296
Transition altitude .... .. ............ .. ... ......... .. ... ..... .... ..... .... .. .. .. .. 140-141 Upper Side Band-HF radio ..... ..... .... .. ... ......... .. ... ....... .. .. .......... .104
Transition area ................................................................................ 8 Upslope fog ................................................................................. 228
Transition ground training ........ .. .............. ................ .............. ..... 295 Up-sloping runway takeoff-rule of thumb .... .... .............. ......... 386
Transition level ..................................................................... 140-141 US to metric conversions ............... .............. .............. ............... .385
Transition training ............................... ........................................ 296 Usable distance of VOR signals ..............................................46, 91
Transmissometers-RVR ................................................... 72 , 261 Usable length-runway length .....................................................279
Transonic flight regime .............................................................. 116 Usable-lowest usable flight level ............................................... 132
Transponder antenna (on aircraft) .... .... .. ... ......... .. ... ......... .. ......... 99 Useful load .... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. .. 245
Transponder codes ............................................................. 100, 127 UTC time-Universal Time Coordinated-ZULU ................... ..... 380
Transponder mode C check .. ........................................... ........... 309 Utility category aircraft ... .. .............. ...................................... 11 , 168
Weapons-prohibition against carriage of ... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .308
v Weather at the destination must be at or above minimums ..........38
Weather briefings-standard , abbreviated, etc . ..........................223
V Speeds-every Speed that was ever V'd ....................... 112, 113 Weather-chance of, tempo, possibility of ................... 35, 253, 254
V1 , V2, Vr, Vfs, Venr .......................................... ......................... 154 Weather-do you need an alternate ..................................... 35, 254
V3, V4 speed .............................................................................. 158 Weather for approach not required for Part 91 ............................ 260
Vacuum relief valve ... .. ..... .... ... .. ......... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... 142, 153 Weather radar required ....... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... ... .. . 315, 285
Validation tests and Proving runs .............................. 284, 286, 294 Weather reporting ..........................................................................76
Valsalva maneuver-ear block ................ .................................. 350 Weather reporting-arrival at airports wi no weather reporting .... 264
Vapor-Cycle Machine VCM .................................................... 151 Weather reporting-departing airports wino weather reporting ...265
Variation error-compass ............................................................ 90 Weather reports VFR-PIC can be observer (Part 135) ...... 76, 265
VASI .............................................................................................. 75 Weather required for approach (part 135/121) ............................ 260
VCM-Vapor-Cycle Machine ...................................................... 151 Weather required for destination & alternate (part 135/121) ....... 252
VOA-Vertical Descent Angle ... ......... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... . 77 Weather required for "Eligible On-Demand Operator" ..... ..... .... ... 286
VOL-VHF Digital Link modes 2, 3 & 4 .................. ............ 105, 222 Weather required for subpart K of part 91 .......................... 284, 285
VDP-Visual Descent Point .......................................................... 77 Weight & Balance & CG table-all W&B stuff .............................245
Venturi effect ....................................................................... 134, 151 Weight & Balance data (required on board the aircraft) ............. 175
Vertical Descent Angle VOA ........... ......................................... 77 Weight & Balance-formulas .......................................................386
Vertigo ........................................................................................ 201 Weight & Balance-load manifest ...................................... 243, 284
VFR I IFR instruments and equipment .... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... . 84 Weight & Balance load manifest-record keeping .... .... .. . 246, 284
VFR at night-equipment required carrying passengers ............ 313 Weight-average standard passenger weights ........................... 244
VFR arrival at large, Class B or C airport-radio lingo ............... 409 Weight bearing capacity, runway ......................... .......................... 22
VFR charts required .................................................................... 293 Weight-formulas, conversions & comparisons .......................... 385
VFR cloud clearance ....................................................................... 9 Weights of fuel , oil , alcohol, hydraulic fluid , water, etc ....... 384, 385
VFR control towers ......................................................................... 5 Wet lease .....................................................................................236
VFR cruising altitudes ................................................................. 132 Wet runway definition ..................................................................213
VFR flight following ...... .... ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ....... . 44 Wet start-turbine engine ...... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ..... .... ..... .... ... .. . 148
VFR fuel supply .... ......................................................................... 36 Wheels-tires-fusible plugs ...................................................... 163
VFR fuel supply-domestic operations ....................................... 250 Whitearc ..................................................................................... 114
VFR in Class B, Class C , Class D, Class G .................................... 9 White arrows ..................................................................................21
VFR in Class E ...................................................................... 6 , 9, 81 White smoke-piston engine smoke .......................................... .366
VFR over-the-top-equipment required when carrying pass ...... 313 Wilco ...........................................................................................359
VFR-on-top-over-the-top-1 FR clearance ....... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ....... . 44 Wind chill factors .........................................................................216
Viagra ......................................................................................... 201 Wind direction-true north vs. magnetic north ............................. 220
Vibration detector ...................... ................................................ 149 Wind shear ... ........................................................................... .......... 206
Victor airways ............................................................................... 4 7 Windsock .................................................................................... 216
Violation-Enforcement action .......................................... 342, 343 Winds and temperature aloft forecast-FD .............................225
Virga ........................................................................................... 218 Windmill start I airstart-jet engine .............................. ............... 162
Viscosi meter .............................................................................. 366 Windshield heat ..........................................................................163
Viscosity of oi I............................................................................ 366 Wing loading-formula .... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .389
Viscous hydroplaning ................................................................. 372 Wing planform ... ...........................................................................351
Visibility and the earth's horizon ................................................ 367 Wing lets .... ................................ ........................................................ 162
Visibility when operating from a satellite airport ............................ 70 Winter-standard average passenger weights ........................... 244
Visibility-flight visibility ....................... ................. 70, 260, 261 , 367 Without an instrument approach-filing IFR to an airport ..... .. ... 34
Visibility-operation below DH or MDA-flight visibility ................ 70 Women ........................................................................................388
Vision-medical certificate requirements ........................... 199, 200 Words to avoid-radio lingo ........................................................397
Visual approach .. ......................................................................... 76 Wreckage preservation of .. .. ... ...... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ......... .345
Visual Descent Point-VDP ..... ..................................................... 77 Written (practical) test validity/duration ............... ........................ 192
Vmc-red line-reduced by I increased by ................................ 334 WS-SIGMET ..............................................................................224
VNAV I LNAV Approaches ........................................................... 62
Void time .................................................................................. 8, 38 y
VOR-all VOR stuff ................................................................ 46, 91
VOR antenna (on aircraft) ... .. .... ..... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... ... .. ....... . 98 Yaw-adverse vs. proverse yaw .... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ... ...... ... .. ......... .357
VOR check I test ................................................................... 91 , 309 Yaw damper. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . 163, 35 7
VOR GPS as substitute for ........................................................... 94 Year-calendar year .. ...................................................................... 267
VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) ................................. 91 Yellow arc ....................................................................................114
VOR service volume ............................................................... 46, 91 Yellow chevrons, demarcation bar, aint ....................................... 21
Vortex generators ..................................................................... 356
VOT check ............................................................................ 91 , 309
Vref ............................................................................................. 144
Vr-rotation s eed-rule of thumb ............................................. 386 Zero fuel weight ....... .. ...................................................................... 245
Zone-No Transgression Zone-PRM approach ......................... 79
w ZULU time ....................................................................................380
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