Deputy Director, Head of News: SCS Payband 1
Deputy Director, Head of News: SCS Payband 1
Deputy Director, Head of News: SCS Payband 1
SCS Payband 1
Reference: 1618299
Closing date: Monday, February 18th 23:59
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The Department The Role Person Specification Salary & Benefits Application Process FAQs Diversity & Inclusion
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The Department The Role Person Specification Salary & Benefits Application Process FAQs Diversity & Inclusion
Suzanne Edmond, Director, Group Communications
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Whether you are embarking If you share our vision of being the best
in class and have the expertise and
best across government
• opportunities for flexible working and a
on the daily commute, enthusiasm to deliver in this exciting role,
commitment to a healthy work life balance
then we look forward to receiving your
seeing friends at the application. • a competitive remuneration package.
weekend, jetting off for Occulluptis sum faccus consed evenimus The team combines expertise in digital;
as minihilitas soluptios volut et lati bernam external affairs; strategic communication;
holidays or receiving harum, non reruptatis doloris volupie media relations; and marketing.
deliveries to your door — ndandandae. Cuptamus. We are proud to announce that the
We offer you: Department for Transport has been
every minute of every day recognised for its leadership on workplace
• a chance to work in a high performing
people are on the move. team at the leading edge of government
gender equality by being included in The
Times Top 50 Employers for Women 2017.
At the Department for Transport we plan and communications
DfT’s Diversity & Inclusion strategy is
invest to make journeys better. • experience working on the some of the
recognition of our commitment to make the
We are a high-profile department at the biggest projects in government, including
department a great place to work through
heart of government. We pride ourselves on new high speed rail, airport expansion and
our culture of equality and inclusivity and the
driverless vehicles
firstclass, creative communication that tells great strides we’ve made through our range
compelling stories about transport through • an excellent learning and development of Gender, BAME, Disability, Social Mobility
the people that use it. programme, acknowledged as one of the and LGBTQ initiatives.
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The Department The Role Person Specification Salary & Benefits Application Process FAQs Diversity & Inclusion
Vacancy Description
The Head of News is You will also regularly deputise for the digital platforms for the Department,
responding quickly and effectively to
Director of Communications.
responsible for managing This is a demanding and challenging role,
breaking news;
the reputation of the but a hugely rewarding and interesting • Managing reputation of the department,
one. It presents an opportunity to make a producing well-crafted and well-received
Department for Transport, real difference by delivering world-class external communications across a range
of channels that effectively explain the
advising Ministers communications that support Ministers’
policies of the Department and priorities of
priorities, improve people’s lives and enable
and senior officials on the effective operation of our public service. Ministers and how they affect the public.
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Person Specification
This role requires an Essential Skills and Experience: a track record of creating a culture of
innovation and continuous
exceptional senior • First-rate news sense and sound judgment
based with extensive experience in media • improvement in the quality of
level communications and/or communications roles at a senior communications;
level, with a track record of developing
professional with first rate strategic, and delivering tactical media,
• Evidence of highly developed
interpersonal, influencing and stakeholder
news sense and experience stakeholders and digital handling engagement skills with a demonstrable
ability to establish and
leading teams managing • Demonstrable success in managing
high-profile, fast-moving and sometimes • maintain effective relationships with a wide
high profile issues. It would sensitive issues and experience of range of internal and external stakeholders
suit an ambitious, flexible incorporating digital techniques and
platforms (e.g. social media) into news
up to Board and Ministerial level;
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Application Process
To apply for this post, you will need to complete the online application process which includes completing the
two forms online outlined below.
Application This should be completed no later than Monday, February 18th 23:59:
1. A CV setting out your career history, with key responsibilities and achievements. Please ensure you have
provided reasons for any gaps within the last two years.
2. A Statement of Suitability explaining how you consider your personal skills, qualities and experience
provide evidence of your suitability for the role, with particular reference to the criteria in the person
Shortlist specification.
3. It is essential in your supporting statement that you provide evidence and proven examples against
each of the selection criteria below as far as you can.
Failure to submit both documents (CV and Statement of Suitability) will mean the panel only have limited
information on which to assess your application against the criteria in the person specification.
Please ensure that both documents contain your full name.
Should you encounter any issues with your online application please get in touch with us on:
If you do not receive acknowledgement of your application within 48 hours, please contact us.
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Application Process
• A panel, including the hiring manager, will assess your application to select those demonstrating the best
fit with the role by considering the evidence you have provided against the criteria set out in the Person
Application Specification section. Failure to address any or all of these may affect your application.
• A decision is expected to be made by the week commencing February 25th and all shortlisted candidates
will be advised of the outcome shortly afterwards.
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Application Process
• If you are shortlisted, you may be asked to take part in a series of assessments which could include
psychometric tests and a staff engagement exercise as well as a ‘fireside chat’ with the Secretary of State.
Application These assessments will not result in a pass or fail decision. Rather, they are designed to support the panel’s
decision making and highlight areas for the panel to explore further at interview.
• You will then be asked to attend an interview in order to have a more in-depth discussion of your previous
experience and professional competence.
• Full details of the assessment process will be made available to shortlisted candidates.
Shortlist The assessments and interview will take place between mid and end of March.
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Application Process
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Indicative Timeline
Please note that these dates are only
indicative at this stage and could be
subject to change. If you are unable Monday, February 18th 2019 23:59
to meet these timeframes, please let Advert Closing Date
us know in your application letter.
The anticipated timetable is as
w/c February 25th 2019
Expected shortlist announcement
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1. Can I apply if I am not currently arrangements (including job share 7. What nationality do I need to hold in
a civil servant? partnerships) but you should discuss order to apply?
your needs with the hiring manager if To be eligible for employment to this role
Yes. This role is open to suitably qualified
you are invited to interview. you must be a national from the following
people in the external market and to
existing civil servants and those in 4. Will the role involve travel? countries:
accredited Non Departmental Bodies. • The United Kingdom
Some travel may be required for this role.
No. This role is only open to existing • The Republic of Ireland
5. Where will the role be based? • The Commonwealth*
civil servants and those in accredited
Non Departmental Bodies. If successful you will be based in • A European Economic Area (EEA)
London. Unfortunately relocation costs Member State
2. Is this role permanent?
will not be reimbursed. • Switzerland
This role is being offered on a • Turkey
6. Can I claim back any expenses incurred
permanent basis.
during the recruitment process? Certain family members of EEA,
3. Is this role suitable for part-time Switzerland and Turkish nationals are
No. Unfortunately we will not be able
working? also eligible to apply regardless of
to reimburse you, except in exceptional
their nationality.
This role is available for full-time, circumstances and only when agreed
part-time or flexible working in advance. (*Commonwealth citizens not yet in the
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UK, who have no right of abode in the adjustments could include; allowing extra Government Recruitment Service,
UK and who do not have leave to enter time during selection tests; ensuring that LG73, 1
the UK are ineligible to apply.) information is provided in an accessible 00 Parliament Street,
For further information on whether you format or; by providing training. London, SW1A 2BQ.
are eligible to apply, please visit Gov.UK. If you feel that you may need a Please quote the vacancy reference
8. Is security clearance required? reasonable adjustment to be made, number on the envelope.
or you would like to discuss your
Yes. If successful you must hold, or be 10. What is the role of the Civil Service
requirements in more detail, please
willing to obtain, security clearance to SC Commission in relation to recruitment
contact us in the first instance.
level. More information about the vetting into the Civil Service?
process can be found at the following link If you wish to receive a hard copy of the
The Civil Service has two primary
information, or in an alternative format
9. What reasonable adjustments can be functions:
e.g. Audio, Braille or large font then
made if I have a disability? • to provide assurance that selection
please contact:
We are committed to making reasonable for appointment to the Civil Service is
adjustments in order to support disabled on merit on the basis of fair and open
job applicants and ensure that you are competition as outlined in the Civil
not disadvantaged in the recruitment If you cannot apply online, please post Service Commission’s Recruitment
and assessment process. Reasonable your application to: Principles. For the most senior posts
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in the Civil Service, the Commission Commission’s Recruitment Principles. cause questions to be raised about
discharges its responsibilities directly their approach to the business of the
More detailed information can be found
by overseeing the recruitment process Department.
on the Civil Service Commission website.
and by a Commissioner chairing the If you believe that you may have a
selection panel 12. What do I do if I want to make conflict of interest please contact Lauren.
a complaint? before submitting your
• to hear and determine appeals made
by civil servants under the Civil Service For non-CSC led application.
Code which sets out the Civil Service If you feel that your application has not
values – Honesty, Integrity, Impartiality
been treated in accordance with the
and Objectivity – and forms part of the
recruitment principles and wish to make
relationship between civil servants and
a complaint then you should contact
their employer. in the first
11. Will this role be overseen by the Civil instance.
Service Commission?
13. What should I do if I think that I have a
For non-CSC led conflict of interest?
No. However, the recruitment process Candidates must note the requirement
will still be governed by the Civil Service to declare any interests that might
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The Department The Role Person Specification Salary & Benefits Application Process FAQs Diversity & Inclusion
The Civil Service is committed What’s in it for me? that is welcoming, respectful,
We want to maximise the potential engaging, and enriched with
to becoming the most inclusive of everyone who chooses to work opportunities for personal and
employer in the UK. for us - regardless of background. professional development.
If you’re interested in becoming
What’s next?
We are committed to understanding, respecting and a world class leader, developing
representing as broad a range of views and backgrounds your career with us – starting with You’ve taken the first step and
as we have in UK society. We know that diverse this interesting and challenging looked through this job pack
perspectives and experiences are critical to an effective, role – or doing things differently
modern Civil Service. to understand the skills and
and inspiring colleagues, then the
Civil Service is the place for you. experience needed to perform
Our vision is to ensure the Civil Service represents modern
this role. Now join us in achieving
Britain and is a truly inclusive employer - an example to Our passion for diversity and
other employers. We will create an organisation where equality means creating a work our ambitions and let us help you
diversity is not only respected and valued - but celebrated. environment for all employees achieve yours. Apply now.
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Contact us
We encourage all candidates to discuss the role further before submitting an application. If you
would like to discuss the role in more detail, please contact
This campaign is being run on behalf of the department by Government Recruitment Service. Government Recruitment Service is part of Civil Service
HR, and is a central government expert service specialising in the attraction, search, selection and recruitment of senior civil servants.
The team is regularly commissioned by departments and other government organisations to deliver end-to-end recruitment for some of society’s most
important leadership and specialist positions, including Deputy Director, Director, Director General and Permanent Secretary posts.
Our work is regulated by the Civil Service Commission where necessary and supported by the equality campaign group Stonewall.