Real Manifesting Hacking The Law of Attraction PDF
Real Manifesting Hacking The Law of Attraction PDF
Real Manifesting Hacking The Law of Attraction PDF
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ISBN-13: 978-1725919938
ISBN-10: 1725919931
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Chapter 5. Hack #1 It’s time to get 20/20 vision on your dreams .......... 29
And that is why you are here. You don’t want to settle.
Like most people, you’re probably not asking for a Lear Jet; you just
want security, a comfy home, and maybe a shiny thing or two. And
surely it’s not too much to ask for a stress-free family holiday or a job
that you like enough to turn up to every day, right?
But really?
A car spot is handy, but that perfect partner or a healthier wallet would
be appreciated right about now. Or maybe a healthier partner and a
perfect wallet. Whatever floats your boat.
So why doesn’t manifesting work for the stuff you really want in life? Or
at the very least, why can’t it just be a bit more consistent?
But first, let’s get clear on why you’re here right now.
Sure, sure, I know you want everything in your life to be perfect and you
wanted it yesterday – but I’m not talking about that ‘why’.
I’m talking about understanding why got you lost in the first place. If we
don’t tackle this first, you’ll read this book and end back up where you
started: cursing the Universe for not giving you the life you deserve.
Up to now, you’ve been trying to get from Point A (the place you don’t
like) to Point B (the OMG place you want to be), and most of the time,
you’re always a whole lot closer to Point A and aren’t sure why.
Actually, you’ve got a ton of road maps because you’ve collected loads
of directions and instructions from other people who say they’ve gone
to where you want to go.
Well, here’s the smoking gun: your directions are chopped up, mixed up
and out of context.
You know what a fortune cookie message looks like, right? Those small
white slivers of paper with an anecdote on them?
Well, until now - that’s been your map. At least a piece of it.
And get this, it’s being delivered to you, one fortune cookie at a time!
You don’t know if you’re reading the map right (let alone knowing if it’s
the right map!), you’re missing bits of it, or even worse – you have all
the pieces but don’t know which direction to follow first, let alone
which to do next.
This means Point B will remain forever elusive because if you’re just one
degree off course; and as you move forward, you’ll miss your target by a
looooooooong shot.
In other words, it’s like you’ve been given the board game of life – with
all (or most of) the pieces – but no instructions.
Lemme explain.
A rule that, when applied steadily, will cut out all the long winding roads
and wasted time to b-line you to your perfect life.
Okay, so that was kinda two things, but you get me.
You’ve got to be willing to play the game if you want to win. And once
you’re willing to play, you need to practice whenever you can, as much
as possible, all the time, until the hacks I teach you are as inherent and
automatic as breathing.
Imagine your parents just gave up on you when you were first learning
to walk, ‘Oh John, little Johnny’s just going to be a crawler. Let’s stop
encouraging him to practice this walking thing.’
But you and I know, life doesn’t work like that.
You wanted to stand up and walk, so you bobbled your head, you rolled
around, you dribbled on the carpet, you pushed your diaper-clad
bottom as hard and far as you could until one day – you did it.
You cried. But got up, and tried again. And again, and again. Until one
day, walking became as inherent and automatic as breathing.
That’s the type of practice you are required to do if you really want the
perfect life you complain about not having.
So if you abide by this one rule, then manifesting is about to get real.
But first, let’s go over the foundations of manifesting.
Chapter 1. Powerful machine
You will, without a doubt, come across someone, at some point, who
will say what you’re learning here is phoo-phoo. That it’s not real, not
They will say the Law of Attraction has no scientific basis and will
incorrectly consider this entire book to be an irrational theory
supported by simpletons fooling themselves with positive thinking.
As much as I don’t agree with them, and think their opinions are based
on an attitude of not wanting to understand (because, if you can
manifest, then whose responsibility is it when your life isn’t what you
want, right?), just as I have mine - those people do have a right to their
opinion, too.
Since you are diving into my world of real world manifesting, and
exposing yourself to a possible barrage of phoo-phoo bombs, I feel a
strong obligation to arm you, my fellow believer, with the scientific
reasoning as to why manifesting does work.
Let’s take the time to understand the inner working of manifesting over
the next couple of chapters so when someone projectiles phoo-phoo
your way, your confidence to soldier through it – in spite of what was
thrown at you – keeps you on course.
Yeah, they’re part of the process. But they’re just one part.
This just makes sense.
If you think positive, chances are, what you create will be positive.
If you think old school, it’ll be antiquated.
If you’re forward thinking, it’ll be innovative.
Negative, what you create will likely bring things down.
And lastly, creating what we want should be a breeze for critters who
have, what some call,
The biggest and baddest computer in all our rootin’ tootin’ tarnation of
existence happens to be sitting in between your ears.
For real.
Your brain can process millions of bits of data so perfectly that you’re
able to make sense of the world around you. It can operate and regulate
your body without one bit of help from you. It can store and recall
memories and conjure up the most amazing stories, art, music, and
So, it’s time to stop being two-faced about our incredible abilities. We
have the emotions, we have the creativity, we have the intelligence, and
we have the medium.
It’s that power that we possess which ultimately releases our inner
happy dance – the ability to actually advance toward what we want.
So the first thing we’re going to do is ditch that fortune cookie strategy I
talked about earlier. Not the actual fortune cookie messages you’ve
been collecting, just the strategy.
My dirty clothes don’t get all chaotic on me, and one sock gets clean
and the other dirty by chance. I don’t accidentally walk up the wall
instead of down the hallway, although it would be an incredible
experience if that did happen! But that’s not my point.
Let’s get the core ingredients right, get them in the correct order, and
practice manifesting so you can finally bake your cake - and eat it too.
With all this said, let’s dive deeper into how your beautiful brain gets
things prepped so you can manifest what you want.
Chapter Recap
Chapter 2. Survival Instinct
In order to explain why our brains have the ability to prepare us, and
then help us, manifest, I need to take you back to a time when we, as
humans, lived primitively. Back to an age when everyday posed the
challenge: will we live, or will we die?
Caveman A is running but focusing on the fear of ‘I’m gonna die. I’m
gonna die’. Granted, his fear is making him run fast and hard, but his
focus is on dying. He’s so scared that he doesn’t see the obstacles on
the ground in front of him, then trips and falls – a fatal error caused by
his focus.
Caveman B is also running, but his focus is different: ‘How can I get to
safety? How can I escape?’ He’s not just running, he’s also scanning the
environment to work out how he can outsmart the sabre-toothed tiger
– and ends up climbing a steep rock face to safety knowing the big cat
can’t follow.
We are built to assess and plan our escape route. Our default genetic
setting is Caveman B, where our brains are continuously working out
the escape route.
Our brain is all about assessing the situation and then – without us even
realizing it’s doing it – to clearly highlight the options so we can take
Caveman A never saw the rock wall to climb because he couldn’t focus
on anything but dying. Caveman B saw the rock wall because he was
using his brain as a way to find solutions.
Now some of you would go, “No, he didn’t manifest that wall. That wall
was there, he didn’t build it.”
True, a sheer rock wall didn’t form out of smoke and lead Caveman B to
But how does is scientifically work? Well, since you asked…let’s talk
about our internal processing capabilities.
Your brain (yes, even that caveman brain) processes millions and
millions of…well…bits of stuff, per second, without you knowing it.
In order to handle this ‘information overload’, our brain is split into two
distinct areas: the unconscious and conscious minds.
Funnily enough, our CEO conscious mind can only cope with 40 bits of
information per second compared to the 11 million bits the autopilot
unconscious mind can handle.
Like a real life CEO and PA, the conscious mind doesn’t have the time to
deal with all the unnecessary information and grunt work that the
unconscious mind handles. Hence why a PA only lets mission critical
stuff through to their CEO.
The same sort of thing happens with you all day long.
When you wake up, your autopilot (the unconscious mind) starts
soaking in those 11 million bits of information all around you. In order
to not bamboozle the CEO (your conscious mind), ARAS (your PA) starts
the filtering process right away.
Now before you get upset with ARAS taking control of your life’s
agenda, let’s remember…
The unconscious mind uses all its power to process the world around
you and to ensure the core fundamentals are done, so you don’t forget
to do things like blink.
Your conscious mind can only cope with 40 bits of information per
second, so it needs to use all its energy to focus on how to process the
mission critical decisions which ultimately steer your life in the direction
you want.
ARAS has to make sure your conscious mind doesn’t focus on the wrong
things, like growing a toenail. Your unconscious mind can handle that
ARAS needs you to focus on achieving some goal (like getting food or
shelter), so must block out all the other non-mission critical noise in
order for you to do so.
This is a seriously awesome partnership you’ve got going on in your
body! But how does ARAS know what you want in life?
Chapter Recap
Chapter 3. Dominant feeling
Remember the caveman who saw the rock wall and climbed it to
safety? Believe it or not, that caveman also had a PA named ARAS.
And ARAS didn’t allow the annoyance of the biting mosquito on his leg
to take his focus away from the important task at hand: running to
safety. Or technically, climbing. The caveman didn’t even know about
the mosquito’s existence because ARAS never allowed it get past the
filtering process to the conscious mind.
But it did allow the presence of a vertical rock wall to pass through – so
his conscious mind could process the opportunity and take advantage of
But how does ARAS know what to filter, and what not to filter?
ARAS has no other way of knowing what to keep, and what to chuck out
other than following your lead. Like an executive PA, it follows your
instructions diligently. And you communicate your instructions to ARAS
through your feelings.
Can you now see that what you feel will lead ARAS to show you what to
focus on, which ultimately leads to the outcomes of your life?
If you get a shock, get scared, frustrated, or angry – sure in that second
a few expletives might burst forth, a few eye rolls, big exhales, maybe
even a foot stomp or two. But that’s a few moments in time, a passing
feeling. Not your dominant feeling.
But if you hang in that negative state for a while, or its intensity is so
intense – and it becomes your dominant feeling – then you’ll be like
Caveman A. Feeling frightened, them overwhelmed, then confused –
and completely focused on the worst, most negative outcome.
ARAS is a total professional at his/her job, but at the core of it all, ARAS
is still just a miniscule collection of neurons reacting to your dominant
Your instructions – your dominant feeling – is all ARAS has to guide it.
Let’s say you decide you want to buy a new car. You love a particular
sports car and have looked at tons of photos, read magazine articles,
looked up reviews about it online, and maybe even test drove it.
You see that freaking car everywhere, when before you hardly saw it!
Why? ARAS.
It’s important to note that the cars you’re now seeing ‘all the sudden’
were probably always there before, but ARAS filtered them out.
However now ARAS knows that car matches a ‘mission critical’ protocol
for you, it shortlists all instances of them so it’s front and centre – on
the desk of your CEO conscious mind.
Whether or not you actually get the car is a whole other matter. That’s
what the following chapters on the hacks are going to be about. So hang
tight for a little longer.
What’s important that you get – truly totally completely and utterly get
– right now is that understanding how ARAS works is the very first step
in how we can actually manifest what we want in life:
So what about those people who really want something and their
dominant feeling is to have it yet it never manifests? Well, I’ve worked
out that there are
“I hate my job. I don’t make enough money. All the good men/women
are taken. I’m worthless. I can’t do that.” – so with your constant
negative feelings in tow, ARAS helps you focus on all those things by
showing you negative after negative after negative.
and, or…
2) You fail to act. Meaning you neglect to use your CEO conscious mind
to make a move on the opportunity that ARAS presents to you, for
You make soy candles as a hobby. You mention to a friend you want to
make more money. One day the friend says the met a shop owner who
might want to sell the candles you make and gives you her number. But
you never call.
So you see, it’s not that manifesting doesn’t work. It’s that…
Your brain, that does all the awesome manifesting prep work for you,
needs you to give good instructions and then drive it home, CEO.
It’s nearly show time! But first, let’s quickly talk about what I mean
when I say you’re going to hack the law of attraction…
Chapter Recap
Chapter 4. What the hack?
When I refer to the term hack, I’m using it in its most modern form
which means it’s essentially an
My hacks are not about faking the steps. Not pretending you’ve done
something when you haven’t.
They are about increasing efficiency in order to close the gap between
where you are now – and what you want.
Remember that until now, the manifesting process for most people is
convoluted, non-linear, and lacks a pathway. This means people
meander through life sometimes manifesting what they want, and other
times not.
My hacks give you a clear, straight-line to follow and will help you rev
up that creation machine of yours with a laser-like focus. And when you
do this, the cavernous hole between you and your goal becomes a skip-
able rain puddle.
The simple answer is: because I use them. But nobody likes being told,
“because I said so” and I get that.
Understandably, you’ll want some sort of proof that I have ‘walked the
walk’ myself. But since we both don’t have the time to work through
the manifesting I’ve done over the last decade, I’ll briefly share one
experience with you:
Being on the wrong end of denial, as I’m sure you know, was a
frustration like no other. Especially being such hard workers who
knew we deserved our own home.
But instead of letting the refusal stunt our dream, and despite what
seemed like a mountain of tasks to climb, we grasped onto my five
hacks and followed them – and we got there.
Yes that was short and very general, but trust me, I’m not trying to
graze over the experience!
I’m purposefully not divulging the detail because if I tell you everything
right now, the impact of what you’re about to learn will be lessened.
Don’t worry! I’ll be revisiting and expanding on the story near the end of
the book, once you’ve learned all the hacks.
But now it’s hack time! There are five in total which must be
implemented – in order – until all of them are done, if you are going to
truly do real manifesting.
As you complete the series of hacks, you then rinse and repeat until
you’re implementing them in unison with each other: one will feed the
next, which supports the last, which coincides with another, and when
you get to the last it loops back to rocket-fuel the first.
Enough talk, it’s time to do it! Let’s move onto hacks to real
Chapter Recap
Chapter 5. Hack #1
It’s time to get 20/20 vision on your dreams
Focus is like the ‘seed’ that you need to plant to start the entire
manifesting process. But, before I explain the how it works, you need to
understand why it’s importance. So let’s go into why focus is critical to
remember what Caveman A was focused on? Dying.
Since his fear caused all his thoughts to revolve around dying that
became his dominant feeling. So ARAS was like, “Okay, dying is
important! Let me filter things around you which support that!”
So ARAS helped him focus on what he didn’t want, which likely caused
him to make big mistakes or fatal decisions.
Whereas Caveman B’s fear surged thoughts about escape into his being.
His panic was around “I need to get out of here!”. So ARAS picked up
that dominant feeling and said, “Roger that! Let me filter things around
you that support that!”
Did you catch that? Caveman A never even realized there were escape
routes! Why? Because his focus wasn’t on escaping – it was on dying –
so ARAS played along to support the focus.
Focus is your way of telling ARAS what – out of the 11 million bits of
information per second – you really need right now.
Okay so let’s fast forward and put this into terms which you can relate
to more.
You’re about to finish another day at work, and your partner text
messages you saying to pick up a dinner on the way home. As you start
putting your jacket on to leave work, your boss runs over to you
frantically reminding you about that important report you need to do
for them for tomorrow’s share holder presentation.
You assure your boss you’re nearly done with it, but as you exit the
building, you start thinking about what’s left to do. You open your car
door and remember you need to look up one last statistic. You start the
car and “Ah! I need to ask John in accounts to clarify that chart for me.”
Before you know it, you’ve found yourself pulling into your driveway. By
this time you’ve worked out that by 10am you’ll definitely have the
report ready for your boss.
Then as you walk through the front door, your partner looks up at you
with raised eyebrows – seeing your empty hands – and you realise “Oh
crap! I totally forgot about dinner!”
Firstly – let’s applaud your subconscious mind – who got you home
through learned, habitual behaviour, while your conscious mind mulled
over that important report.
Since your focus wasn’t on finding a place to grab dinner on the way
home, it was about the report, you just drifted in your thoughts.
ARAS didn’t think dinner was important, so it let you miss the pizza
place, the burger joint, the taco stand, three other food trucks and the
grocery store on your drive home.
Chances are, while you were focused on the report – you probably
remembered a bunch of other work related things in your reverie. Why?
Because ARAS was filtering out everything else that wasn’t supporting
what your focus was on.
So, the same thing will happen to you in life if you don’t identify what it
is that you want. You will meander through life missing opportunities.
Unless you have a focus, you will be like a little rubber dingy floating
around in the ocean with no target –until you bump into something.
And that something may or may not be what you want.
Luckily for you, this is probably one of the easiest hacks of all because…
But odds are, you want a million things, in a million different areas of
your life. So until you sharpen those manifesting skills of yours, let’s boil
it down – right down – back to a single focus.
Below, there are five important areas in life. Underneath each, I’ve
made some suggestions of some more specific areas which people tend
to want to improve in their lives.
Partner/ Finding
Self-love Physical Career
Spouse myself
Giving love Emotional Children Cash-flow
Your challenge is to pick one specific topic – only one -- to focus on.
It will be harder than you think to just focus on one, but that’s all I want
you to do.
How do you do it? How do you narrow down all the squillions of things
you want right now into a singular focus?
Deep down, the one area that needs the most attention will start to
When you open your eyes, run them over the topics. You know the one
that you should focus on because you will automatically glance a
moment longer, or instantly go back to it if you graze past is.
Now that you’ve done that, the next step is to hone in your focus a little
So pick the credit card with the lowest balance and say to yourself, “I’m
going to be financially free of you little card, by paying you off quickly
and closing you out.”
Or perhaps you picked something less corporeal, say you were drawn to
focus on “Mental” in the Health column. Get specific again by fine-
tuning the focus.
voice in your head, “I’m going to feel worthy despite what you say little
voice, because I only see positive possibilities now.”
Even though this hack will definitely help you get clarity around what
you want to manifest first and foremost….
This hack simply helps ARAS (remember him/her? Your PA?) know what
to allow through the filter - of 11 million things per second – so your
CEO conscious mind can start to focus on it.
3. Identify the specific area within that topic you want to manifest
an outcome for.
4. Trust you picked the right one. Stop – don’t re-pick. Trust that
you chose correctly and commit.
But what if you’re one of those people who knows exactly what you
want in life already? You’ve got a bucket list, or vision board, or a clear
set of goals – firstly, I tip my hat to you and say, that’s great!
However, since you’re reading this book, it means you’re not totally
getting what you want. And that’s probably because you’ve got too
much noise on your vision board or To-Do list – and they could even be
things on there contradicting each other.
So let’s narrow your focus to one thing only from your treasure trove of
goals. Don’t worry, we’re narrowing down just for now. Until you
achieve it, then you can pick another to play with.
Chapter Recap
Focus is Hack #1
Identification of a singular desire de-clutters your mind to help
your focus.
Having a singular, specific focus helps ARAS filter out
unnecessary noise to distract you away from your focus
A singular, specific focus could be something like, “I am going to
accept love by smiling and thanking people who compliment me
instead of pushing back with a sarcastic response.”
Chapter 6. Hack #2
But do you really, really mean it?
Wallace D. Wattle, one of the forefathers for the manifesting and law of
attraction movement, said,
“Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways
are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude.”
Hack #2 is indeed…
Well, how better to fuel your dominant feeling in today’s modern day
and age than to feel gratitude for what it is that you want to focus on? I
say that because, for many of us, we don’t need ARAS for ‘escaping the
sabre-tooth tiger’ life and death situations.
You are an amazing creature and you can read your true feelings very,
well, at least ARAS can.
But then one day you’re walking the dog and see the exact high-end
sports car you want driving by – and you immediately feel jealous. “They
don’t deserve that car!” Your chest burns up with frustration because
they have what you want.
So ARAS gets confused. “You want the car? But you saw it and now
you’re mad?” Filtering becomes harder because your mixed feelings are
making ARAS send through mixed bits of information to you.
How the heck am I supposed to do that?
The next time the person drives by in the car you want, when you feel
jealousy, anger, or frustration start to rise up – switch out those
negative thoughts with positive ones – but ones that you yourself can
Instead, you backed up the focus with gratitude, a positive feeling about
what you saw. Remember, this helps ARAS know, “Yes! This is what I
want!” so it can keep filtering things in line with your focus.
Here’s the thing though, you can do that switcheroo – just saying words
which back up your focus is valuable in and of itself.
True gratitude is more than just saying “thank you” for your nana’s
nummy cookies or the automatic response you give when someone
opens door for you.
To make this hack super charged with bells and whistles, the gratitude
needed must be felt deep within. The kind that wells up inside and
makes you glow.
So when you say, “I know one day, that’ll be me driving that car” think
about those words you’re saying, and be proud for the moment which is
yet to come.
Is probably what you’re thinking. And I get that. Not everybody finds
expressing true gratitude all that easy when you don’t have what you
want right now.
once you feel grateful, then it’s easier to transfer that feeling
onto what you do want.
And what’s the easiest way to spark gratitude? By looking at what you
have and what others haven’t.
No matter how far down the line you think you are, there is someone
else looking up at how well you’re doing.
Sure, you don’t have the fancy sports car just yet, but at least you have
a means for getting around – even if it’s just your legs. And don’t forget,
some people don’t have those.
Now look at the sports car again knowing there are people out there
who can’t even raise their eyes to that aspiration.
You’ve likely got a bit of humility in you now, so this is when you say…
You feel how grateful you’ll be for having it because you have so much
Then the simple notion of imagining the car begins to instil gratitude in
you. So you’re grateful for the car ‘to be’ and the thought of the car
evokes gratitude in you; you’ve now created a ‘little ring-around-the-
gratitude’ dance.
When you can embrace what you do have – with real gratitude – you
literally resonate on the same vibration of those things which you
How so? Because gratitude is the feeling you have when you get what
you desire.
Chapter Recap
Gratitude is Hack #2
Instigating gratitude makes it’s easier to transfer that feeling
onto what you do want (your focus)
Feeling gratitude towards your focus ensures ARAS doesn’t get
Being grateful for what you already have puts you in a state of
gratitude. Being in a state of gratitude is what you will also be in
if you get things you want. Therefore, gratitude is the feeling
you must obtain in order for you to get what you desire.
Chapter 7. Hack #3
Levelling the playing field.
One of the main hurdles that used to keep me, and is possibly keeping
you, from being able to manifest was not being on the right channel.
What am I talking about?
Trust me, I haven’t lost my cookies.
In short, you could say this hack is all about…
But it’s not the “I’m a lady boss” or “around the world and back snap”
attitude. So I’m going to roll into an analogy to explain this further.
Let’s say you’re in the car or maybe at home, and want to listen to some
rock and roll music on the radio. You flick the radio on, and it’s already
tuned into a station: classical music.
In your search for the rock song, you aren’t going to stay on the classical
channel – expecting to hear a rock song in the rotation – are you?
I mean, you could, but the odds of you hearing what you want will be
pretty low. Although not completely impossible, in case the DJ goes on
break and some rogue assistant comes in and swaps the tracks on them.
But I digress.
Back to the story.
So you could sit there, looking intently at the radio, really really wanting
it, wishing it, and picturing Bon Jovi punching the air in your mind – in
hopes of hearing the rock song… on the classical channel.
But let’s get real. You can’t realistically expect to hear a rock song
without getting on the right channel first, correct? Correct.
Your search will take you through white noise, then the jazz channel, a
hip hop channel, the blues channel, a country channel and so on.
You may get frustrated during your search, but do you stop? Give up?
Tell everyone you know that “there’s is no rock channel!” and there’s no
point searching for it? Of course not!
You know there’s a rock channel, you just haven’t gotten to there yet.
So you persevere, until you finally land on the rock music station and
finally hear, “Whoa-oh! We’re halfway the-ere! Whoa-oh! We’re living’
on a prayer!”
If your energy is ho-hum, yet you want to bungee jump, you’re probably
going to need a significant energy boost to get equal with the task at
What I mean is, to match the energy level of bungee jumping, you’ve
got to get onto the “I’m about to free-fall into a deep ravine with a rope
around my ankles” channel.
This doesn’t mean you can’t bungee jump while being ho-hum (although
that would be quite a person who can yawn while doing it!), what I’m
demonstrating with this example is that there are energy levels within
you that can match, or mismatch, with the energy levels of things
outside of you.
Your energy needs to equal that which you are striving for.
Or at the very least, be rising to the occasion.
If you want happiness, are you going to tune into the sad channel, or
the angry one, to find it? Nope.
Just like how you didn’t expect to find Bon Jovi rock anthems among
epic Beethoven orchestras, you can’t expect to find happiness when
you’re tuned into sadness.
So what are you doing to get onto the right channel, to get into the right
attitude so you can equal that which you desire?
While this concept is truly simple, it’s not always easy. As I’m sure you
would’ve guessed by now. So let me help you hack your way to getting
closer to the right attitude, so your energy level is a closer match to
what you want.
Take it in, if you don’t get this right you’ll be on an uphill battle the rest
of the way. And odds are, you’re already pushing uphill since you’re
reading this book – so don’t make life harder.
Find your dominant channel (attitude)
Looking back over your day today, how did you honestly feel for most of
it? And be honest with yourself. You’re not going to help yourself get
any closer to what you want if you can’t be honest with yourself.
Okay, again – how did you feel for most of your day today?
Did you feel mostly: bored, exhausted, sad, irritated, angry, anxious,
stressed, or something else? Note down your dominant feeling:
Next, I’d like you to think about the thing you’d like to manifest most in
your life. Really think about it and how it would change your life, and
possibly the lives of others.
While thinking about it, did you feel mostly: relaxed, content, happy,
joyous, excited, or something else? Note down the desired feeling:
Again, to find out how much you really want this, do this same exercise
for the next 6 days so you have a whole week of information to look at.
How big is the gap?
Now that you know what your dominant channel is versus your desired
one, how different are they?
I’m getting you to compare these two attitudes because the more
different they are, and the more intense the feelings, the bigger the gap
is in between them.
The bigger the gap, the less likely you’ll be able to get onto the desired
channel. The less you’re on the desired channel, the lower your chances
are of getting what you want.
So now you understand what your dominant channel is – and what your
desired channel is, how do you get to the one you want? With a simple
process! Just start combining the previous hacks you’ve learned so far.
Focus on a goal
Express gratitude for what you have, as well as what you want.
With these two combined, Hack #3 is produced: the right attitude!
But if that doesn’t cut it for you, it could be remembering how your
heart fluttered with your first kiss; or feeling the excitement of five
o’clock striking on a Friday afternoon!
Now just because this is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. And I definitely
don’t want you to think I’m making light of life’s hardships.
If you don’t feel good, please don’t ignore that feeling and pretend it’s
something else. If you follow my blogs, other books, or have taken any
of my courses, you’ll know I’m a huge advocator of allowing your true
feelings to come up – and feel them – but to also let them go.
Some people have told me that this process of ‘changing your channel’
is just lying to yourself. And I have also been told, “It’s easy for you to
say because you haven’t gone through what I have”.
I shake them off because I have a focus. I have gratitude. And I need to
get back onto the right channel if I want to continue to produce the
right results for my life.
And trust me, during those times I couldn’t even fathom to ‘pretend’ to
be happy. In those moments I felt, thought, and said negative things,
but I didn’t hold onto them and let them take away my focus.
I’m sharing this with you because I want to show you how real this
process is. This is not fancy, dreaming, or pretending.
And don’t forget. I’m not talking about pretending to be on the right
channel. Although there is some merit with imitation, especially if
you’re struggling, in that it can lead towards feeling positive, through
Because unless your goals are all on the negative emotional scale, you
need to do what it takes to tip the odds back into your favour – so you
can stay on the right channel to manifest.
Okay, that was a biggie but a goodie! But let’s not lose momentum now,
onto the next Hack!
Chapter Recap
Chapter 8. Hack #4
I think, therefore I am.
Do you remember that old taunt from the playground, “sticks and
stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? I know that
little rhyme helped rebuff many a schoolyard teasing, but geez it
couldn’t be further from the truth!
It’s true, sticks and stones can break our bones – but words can most
definitely hurt us. Welcome to Hack #4…
Technically words are a soundwave or vibration of energy travelling
through space. And when we utter a noise – it carries a vibration.
The reason the words you use are so integral to manifesting is because
there are science-based studies proving how positive words carry a
different vibration to negative ones.
Of particular note are the water tests conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto.
The outcomes of Dr. Emoto’s experiments essentially prove that
positive words create positive or welcomed results while negative
sounds curtail or diminish outcomes.
You yourself would know that how you construct words in a sentence,
and how you say them can lead you to feeling a certain way about
yourself, someone else, or something else.
And to ‘add insult to injury’ if you believe the person who says them –
you – the negative effects can cut even deeper and for longer.
Out of the three most common ways we use words – thought, speaking,
and writing – let’s start off with the one you’re most intimate with: self-
talk or thought.
As we touched on in the previous hack, don’t get sucked onto the wrong
channel (attitude) about the crap that inevitably happens in life.
Sure, recognize and deal with it, but don’t keep thinking about it over
and over again. Aside from making you re-focus to what you don’t want,
that frame of mind will lead towards negative self-talk.
Remember, you’ve now got the focus from Hack #1, then Hack #2 has
made you a gratitude machine, and Hack #3 is helping buoy you to the
right channel (attitude).
So don’t spoil all that hard work by allowing a bunch of self-
defeating words come up – or go down – your throat.
Picture or think about the first thing you want to manifest. For example,
“I have no more financial debt.”
See yourself now with that goal accomplished, how does it feel? What
words would you use to describe that feeling? Perhaps, you felt
relieved, excited, proud, or grateful?
What will you say to yourself once you’ve achieved your goal? Maybe
something like, Yes! I feel great! Finally, I’m free!
Did you make any “This is stupid” or other cynical statements for the
exercise? Did you say “What’s the point?” or perhaps “That won’t ever
If you had any self-defeating self-talk crop up during the exercise, then
head back to Hack #1 and start again.
You affect you more than you may realise and because you’re always
with yourself 100% of the time
you won’t fully manifest what you want if you aren’t willing
to be the best cheerleader for your life.
If you won’t take the time to check yourself to ensure what you say or
think is on par with what you want in life, then this hack and the next
aren’t going to work properly.
Remember, if you want to really manifest – you need all five hacks to
work together in harmony.
It’s time you learn to accept that what you think affects how you feel
and what you do. And of course, that has a direct impact on what you
end up with in life.
So make sure you sandwich your day (that is, wake up and go to sleep)
with something like the following thoughts (aka. thought affirmations):
I am worthy.
I am loved.
I am grateful.
Can you start to see how the hacks work congruently together? These
self-talk affirmations help keep you on the right channel (attitude). And
when you have the right attitude, it’s easier to be grateful, which will
keep you on point with your focus.
So whenever you catch self-talk that’s out of line with your goals, say:
Now we’ve covered self-talk, and you’re going to make sure what you
think to yourself matches your manifesting goals, let’s move onto vocal
talk (aka. when you speak out loud).
I’d like to point out that since spoken words are loaded with just as
much meaning as thought, then you have to make sure the words you
vocalise match your self-talk.
If you’re thinking, “I am happy” but then say “This sucks! I hate my job”
all day long – you’re working against yourself. You’re not only blatantly
contradicting yourself, but you’re confusing ARAS (remember ARAS?)
who’s not sure what to let through the filter for your focus.
It doesn’t mean you can’t have a hard time throughout the day and
sputter out a few expletives, remember – as I’ve said before, it’s
perfectly normal and natural to acknowledge the crap in life and feel it,
but move on!
So if you mentally affirm, “I am happy” and then say “I’m looking for a
new job when I get home tonight!” – you’re not ignoring how you feel,
but now…
Getting a new job will help you fulfil the self-talk of “I am happy“ while
giving ARAS a better cue on how to help you.
Words like “want” (I want to look for a new job), “need” (I need to look
for a new job), and “try” (I’m trying to look for a new job) are all good,
but they have less conviction and precision for ARAS.
Give ARAS positive, directive words: “will” (I will look for a new job),
“am” (I am looking for a new job), and “have” (I have looked for a job).
Let me explain further. Saying, “I’m trying to get fit” will eventually lead
to: “I might do a few exercises. When I have time, but not today because
I’m tired. And if I have time tomorrow, I’ll do it, but maybe later this
week when my schedule is more free.”
Whereas, saying, “I am getting fit” removes the escape route and lets
ARAS show you opportunities to exercise: “Tonight when I take the
trash out, I’m going to keep going and walk around the block.”
Sure you may still lack the follow-through, but we’ll tackle that in the
next hack. For now, you just need ensure the words you use vocally
support your thoughts.
A short note for those concerned about being judged for vocalizing
positive words around those who aren’t on the same channel as you.
The next time you start to feel embarrassed about expressing optimism
about your life, ask yourself: “Whose goal am I going to support? Theirs
or mine?” You know the answer, so act accordingly.
Okay! The last part of this hack will be briefly covered because it has the
same premise as self-talk except it takes a physical form: written word.
Make sure what you write supports what you’re thinking and what
you’re saying. So whether you’re writing in a journal, sending an email,
texting a friend, or posting on social media – make sure all the words
you use are in harmony with each other.
I’d like to leave this hack on an analogy: think of all the forms of positive
words as balloons with ropes dangling from them. The more
encouraging expressions you use, the more balloons come into
existence for you to grasp onto and lift you up.
With that image in your mind, it’s now time to attract your dreams like
bees to honey. So without further ado, let’s move into the last Hack – #5
– the activator for real manifesting!
Chapter Recap
Chapter 9. Hack #5
Ready. Set. Go!
I’d like to start this final hack with another powerful quote from Wallace
D. Wattle:
So this last hack is the change of pace required to fuel up the power of
Hack #5 is action.
It’s the activator which makes the previous four hacks bind together to
create the tour de force you need to manifest!
So you are now bursting with rocket fuel ready to take off, so it’s time to
take action so the manifesting happens faster.
You’re single and you really want a life partner. You’ve been alone long
enough so you’ve decided that your focus is “I will meet and be with my
life partner”.
From there, every time you see happy couples walking down the street
and at restaurants, you feel gratitude that loving relationships exist,
“What a great feeling it must be to have that sort of relationship”.
Despite still not having met your partner yet, you continually cull
negative thoughts about ‘never meeting the right person’ by
acknowledging you’re still single, but then rally your positive feelings in
the knowledge that special someone is indeed out there.
You help keep your focus intact by thinking, saying, and writing “I am
worthy of love” and “I will meet my perfect life partner very soon”.
You take more action by not putting your head down when you get into
the elevator at work, so you make eye contact with everybody in there.
Better yet, you smile as you do it.
By this point, you’re enjoying taking action so much that you even start
preparing for your future partner – you declutter your closet and
bathroom – so when the day comes, there’s room for their things in
your home.
And would you believe, one day after all the focusing, being grateful,
having a positive attitude, affirming with the words you use and taking
action to meet that special person – someone smiles back – and it’s the
love of your life.
So at the end of each day, you put your head down as you B-line it
home. And you constantly decline your friends’ invitations to go out.
Your place is so messy that even if someone came over, there’s
nowhere for them to sit.
Sure without action, you might fluke meeting your soul mate eventually.
But those actions aren’t helping you approach your goal with any
momentum, unless the love of your life is lying on the floor of your
workplace and you walk over them on your way out. But even then,
you’d have to take action to stop and help them up.
You must act and do things which will support your manifesting desires.
“When you know what to think and do, then you must use
your will to compel yourself to think and do the right things.”
– Wallace D. Wattle
Taking action is usually the bit that lets most people down.
I know a lot of folks who are happy to cut out pictures of yachts in a
magazine or admire someone from afar, and to stay positive in spite of
the chips being down. But doing something which actually advances you
forward – for some reason, people just find that hard.
But not you.
Not anymore.
So how do you actually take action? Follow the insightful nudge within
you. And whenever that part of you makes you stop a moment, take
heed and ask,
If you want to lose weight, you need to put down that pack of donuts,
otherwise no number of hacks will help you achieve your ideal body.
You need to start being the person your perfect partner wants to be
with, if you want to attract your soul male.
If you want financial freedom, you need to put the credit card back into
your wallet until you can afford it.
For those who can’t feel or notice when your intuition is a-calling, then I
recommend you go back to Hack #1 and start again.
Yup. Start again until you can get your focus right because if you can’t
feel the intuitive part of yourself, it means you’ve got too much going
on in order for ARAS to break through the noise. So start again.
Chapter Recap
Chapter 10. It’s time to tango.
Now that you know what each of my Real Manifesting hacks are, it’s
time to bring them altogether so you can start achieving your goals –
Let’s recap the hacks now and then run through what a typical day
might look like for you as you start to manifest.
2. Feel and express gratitude for what it feels like when your goal
is achieved.
4. Ensure the words you think, say and write all support your
attitude, which supports your goal.
Now that you’ve got those Hacks ingrained into your mind, let’s put this
into everyday practice.
Using the Real Manifesting Goal Chart (provided at the back of this
book), you’ll have your specific goal is that you want to manifest.
If you have a relatively new mobile phone, change the name of your
alarm to match that of your goal. If you don’t use your mobile as an
alarm, then write your goal on a small post-it note and put it on your
alarm clock face.
1. When you wake up, you’ll either look at your mobile or alarm
clock to turn it off – but will see your alarm name or post-it
note. So say “Thank you for <insert goal being achieved>” - and
try to feel what it’s like as if it was going to happen today.
This gratitude will help you get into the right attitude for the day.
Staying in the right attitude will help you express yourself (in self-talk,
vocally, and written word) in a way which supports your goal.
When your expressions support the right attitude, ARAS gives you the
right information, which makes it easy for you to be grateful.
When you take actions which step your closer to your goal, it will be so
easy to express yourself in a way which supports what you want to
And when you’re doing things and speaking words which are all pointing
towards your goal, you feel better – which keeps your attitude in the
sweet spot to help you manifest.
And when you feel good, your gratitude is more genuine. It’s real, you
feel it in your chest. And when you feel genuine and true to who you
are, your focus gets clearer and clearer.
Why I asked you to read the above very carefully is because – if you
didn’t notice – I’d like to draw your attention to the fact these 5 hacks
not only lead from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 – but as you do them, they
feedback, 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1.
Why is that important?
The more you do my Real Manifesting hacks in this order, you entangle
yourself into fabric of creation for what you want. Of infinite possibility.
Chapter Recap
Use the Real Manifesting Goal Chart to focus and track your
Doing all 5 Hacks, in order, ensures you easily move from one
hack to the next.
As you do the hacks in order, they feedback to the previous
ones, completing the manifesting circle – making your efforts
When you do my Real Manifesting hacks, you don’t wish to
manifest anymore – you just do it.
Chapter 11. It’s not broken.
If doing my Real Manifesting hacks don’t produce the results you want,
then I can tell you – hand over heart – it’s because you’re doing one or
more of the following things:
Have too many goals in your focus at one time.
Have conflicting goals.
No gratitude.
Fake gratitude.
Don’t express gratitude.
Despise others who have what you want.
Feel jealousy instead of happiness for others.
Do not accept what is in order to move on.
Have a bad or negative attitude.
Aren’t equal to the goal.
Take actions which don’t move you towards your goal.
Don’t take positive action.
If you’re doing a little bit of this hack, then a little bit of another from
time to time, or doing all five but only for a day or two, just remember –
this isn’t ‘magic’ manifesting – this is real manifesting.
So if and when you hit a brick wall during this process, in that moment
remember: it’s you who needs to start participating properly. Stop, take
a step back, and go through each hack to make sure you’re doing them
– and genuinely.
And since I’m being real here, then it’s time for a quick reality check.
Chances are your old behaviours, or social pressures, may lead you
down the path to self-sabotage.
What do I mean by that?
Perhaps you’re embarrassed about some of the positive things you do,
or don’t want to talk about your goals. Perhaps you don’t want people
to think you’re greedy, or a fruitcake. Or perhaps it’s just easier to groan
about what you don’t have, as opposed to using that energy to get what
you do what.
If you hide how you truly feel, don’t do what you need to do, and keep
complaining about what you don’t have – then, get this – manifesting
still works – it’s just you will manifest exactly what you don’t want.
How so? By now you realise, ARAS puts in front of you opportunities
which match your dominant feeling. You will only see options and
possibilities which match the channel you’re on. Therefore you will
manifest exactly what you focus on, what you feel with emotion, what
you think, speak and what you do.
So, would you rather live your life embarrassed by who you really are?
Ashamed of what your real goals are? Tight-lipped about how you truly
Then when you catch yourself falling into old habits, or only doing a few
hacks here or there, or jumping on the ‘pity party’ bandwagon – stop.
Go back to the hacks.
Chapter 12. Go create something.
Do you remember that short story earlier in the book, about how Shawn
and I wanted to buy a home but got rejected by the bank?
Yes? Well, I promised I’d expand on the story after you learned my
hacks, so here it is:
“My husband Shawn and I wanted to buy a house, but didn’t have the
deposit the bank required. They rejected our application for finance and
we were gutted.“
At the time, we were both self-employed and our income fluctuated
from year to year. Even though we earned enough money to cover the
costs of owning a home, the bank didn’t like the possible risk of lending
to us – that, and we didn’t have enough deposit saved.
“Being on the wrong end of denial, as I’m sure you know, was a frustration
like no other. Especially being such hard workers who knew we deserved
our own home.”
After the bank rejected us, we grew ashamed of the small amount of
savings we had and focused on how much money we didn’t have.
We felt the pang of jealousy towards those who owned their own home
and forgot to be grateful for the roof that was already over our heads.
“But instead of letting the refusal stunt our dream, and despite what
seemed like a mountain of tasks to climb, we grasped onto my five hacks
and followed them – and we got there.”
Then one day, nearly a whole year from that rejection letter, the reality
hit us:
We had been manifesting exactly what we didn’t want.
So one by one, we plucked out my hacks with new vigour – and worked
on them like we were sowing the last harvest of our lives.
We became humbled knowing there are so many people out there who
don’t have a place to call home, so felt true gratitude for what we
already had.
Now with our focus and gratitude ‘back on track’ our attitudes turned
from pessimistic to hopeful!
We realised that negativity hadn’t helped us get closer to our goal –
quite the contrary actually.
So we called a mortgage broker and found out from her what a lender
would like to see (in terms of financial paperwork) from us in addition to
just the cash in the bank. We took notes and we followed her advice.
We also budgeted our income and saved every cent that wasn’t already
allocated to living expenses.
Interestingly by this time, there was such good synergy happening in our
lives with just the other 4 hacks, that every time we deposited money
into our savings account, another form of financial abundance or cost-
savings would come along to push us further ahead!
You also have to understand that every single person is different, with
different levels of energy, and with different life goals. So don’t
compare yourself to others’ success.
Someone might appear to manifest all they desire quickly, while it might
take longer for others – or seem not to work for some.
I’d also like to remind that only you know what’s best for you in your
life. Although you will follow my five hacks – what you decide to focus
on and do is up to you. You are purely responsible for your own actions
and the outcomes of those actions. So when you step forward, own it. If
it doesn’t work, own that it didn’t work, and move on.
You are responsible for your life, so focus on what you want.
For some of you, doing these hacks will be super easy, and odds are,
you’ve probably already manifested something by the time you’re
reading these words!
But if you want more help, or you’re not sure where to start – don’t
worry – I’ve got one more ace up my sleeve for you, and it’s in the next
Chapter 13. Hacks for the hacks.
Then I started boiling the confusing instructions down.
Separating the mixed messages from the clear ones. I tested what
worked and what didn’t, and took note of where the contradictions
So as the synergy of all those things I trialled, which did work, came
together – my five hacks rose to the surface.
As such, I not only distilled the process into the five hacks you just read
about, but I also transformed the entire process into an easy to follow
and helpful goal chart – and added a few practice games afterward, too!
Real Manifesting Generic Goal Chart
To help you along your journey, use the below chart to track your
progress. Instantly download the PDF here:
Practice: Hit the bulls-eye
When someone aims for the bulls-eye on a dart board, they focus on
that singular point to increase their chances of hitting the target.
Why? Because they’re not likely to hit it if they’re looking the other way
or thinking about dinner.
We talked about getting your focus right in Hack #1, so in this game
we’re going practice hitting a figurative bulls-eye.
Don’t get too crazy with detail and say a neon-pink car driven by
a celebrity with spinning rims – and I’ll explain why in the next
2. Look at the time right now and give ARAS 24-hours to bring this
object forward for you.
The more specific you make your object, the more hay you’re
adding to your hay-stack – so your needle gets harder to find.
3. Affirm the object you’re now committed on focusing on for the
next 24 hours and note down when you see it. Remember,
ARAS is now going to keep a look-out for all instances of your
So, as per our example of neon-pink cars – you might all of the
sudden start seeing a lot of pink and neon-pink things as well as
notice variations of pink cars – if not the neon-pink car itself.
This means whatever your object is – ARAS might not hit the
mark all the time, but chances are, you’ll start to see a whole lot
of things associated with your object.
Your Notes
Take inspiration from your experience by jotting down your notes about
what happened when you practiced ‘hitting the bulls-eye’:
Game: Make the switcheroo
In Hack #2 I explained the significance of gratitude, and then went on to
explain why having the right attitude is important in Hack #3.
As you know, it’s extremely difficult to manifest what you desire if your
gratitude and attitude right now doesn’t match what your gratitude and
attitude will be when you have what you want.
Simple, play this little “switcheroo” game and see how your mindset
Complete the sentences below with three different things you don’t
want to do today (e.g. go to work, study for an exam, take out the
Now, re-write those same three things below so you complete the
following sentences:
Can you see what’s happened by the simple change of words above?
Your gripes become things you get to do, that you’re able to do, and
that you’re capable of doing – whereas before they were a pain, now
you should see you have the opportunity to do them.
Remember, there are others out there who aren’t in as good of a
position as you – and wish they had a job to go to, an exam to study for,
and a home to take the trash out of.
Your Notes
Game: Spot the right words
Since the words you use are so important, as per Hack #4, this little
game won’t just help you find the right words – it will also help you
focus on them, too!
Even though I’ll list them all out here, see how many positive words you
can find on your own first!
Your Notes
What are some other positive words that you can think of that will help
improve your self-talk? Your verbal talk? And what you write? Write
them below and refer to this page often:
Practice: Bust a move
As you realise by now, you can do all the Hacks and get some results,
but without Hack #5 – action – your efforts might not be as strong or as
fast as they could be.
So what you need to get into the practice of is doing at least one action
everyday which gets you closer to your goal.
For example, if you want to lose weight – that action could be choosing
to eat an apple over a candy bar for a desert, or perhaps going for a
walk after you get home from work.
You have to start taking action to help the energy around you quicken
the pace to manifest what you desire.
So complete the fields below and practice over the next week, and see
how much closer you are to achieving what you want!
Make this goal specific enough for you to be able to measure the
results, for example: lose one pound.
This is your starting point – so where you are right now. For example: I
weigh 150 pounds.
Actions taken
List out at least one action that you’ve taken each day to achieve your
goal. And if you haven’t taken action yet for that day, then put this book
down and get to it!
Your Notes
You cannot prove upon something which you can’t measure (or
remember!), so write down some ‘benchmark’ moments in this process
so it keeps you motivated to continue on:
Chapter 14. Want to help others?
There aren’t many feelings better than that of helping another person.
Whether it’s helping them carry their groceries to the car or helping
them overcome a loss – the feeling of giving is better than of receiving.
But you know, they’re probably not going to read a whole book and
have the same motivation as you did. So you know you’ll need to coach
them a bit along the way.
Further Learning
If you enjoyed this book, you might be interested in learning about
energy healing! Check out Melissa’s Online Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master
Course at:
Or perhaps you want to find out how Melissa can re-balance herself in
moments – despite what’s going on around her – through her Learn to
Meditate in Minutes Course (with optional certification). Learn more at:
About the author
In the early 2000s, Melissa embarked
on a journey of self-discovery which
lead to a very rewarding and beautiful
spiritual awakening.
She is also an author, podcaster, blogger, and speaker who loves sharing
easy, actionable ways for people to heal themselves and others.
Ways to connect with Melissa:
Melissa’s Blog