Nathan Cyber Security

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Cyber security

Data and Information Keywords: Data and


• Data is raw facts and figures

• Information is created when that data has been processed and becomes
• For a company that wants to know what you need so it can win you as a
• Your personal information such as your name, Address can be used for identity
theft .Scammers are constantly trying to hack and gain your information to make
money and keeping your information protected.
• Social media companies usually ask for your personal information for user-
behaviour. So they can see what you like and do whilst you are their platform like
Tik tok , Instagram and Twitter.
• Data Protection Act 2018:Protect personal information being held by
companies.1, Used fairly openly accordance to the law
Social Engineering
• Social engineering is a set of methods used be hackers and cybercriminals to trick
you into handing over personal information which can be used for fraudulent
purposes like to gain money
• Shouldering: An attack where you look over someone's shoulder whilst the victim
puts in their personal information.
• Examples are when you look over someone should whilst they put the PIN in the
cash machine
• Name Generator attacks: An attack which the victim is asked in an app or social
media post to combine a few pieces of information or complete a short quiz to
produce a name.
• Phishing : An attack where the victim receives an email disguised to look like its
not suspicious and tricks people into giving valuable information
• Blagging is an attack where the hacker invents a scenario in order to convince the
Script kiddies

Hacking is the context of cyber security : Gaining unauthorised access to or control of a computer system
To steal data
To disrupt services
For financial gain
For political reasons
Fun or ethical reasons

Script kiddies are hackers who use tools downloaded from the internet that allow them to hack with little
technical knowledge .In 2016 it was thought that the 2016 Dyn cyberattack was done by script kiddies using a
DDOS attack

DDOS is the denial of service attack .This is a cyberattack in which criminals makes a network resource
unavailable to people using the sites. This is done by flooding the targeted machine or website with lots of
requests o overload the system. Its very hard to stop the attacks from occurring.

Brute force attack is a from of attack that makes multiple attempts to discover a
Computer misuse act 1990:Unauthorised access to computer material

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