041 - Scalable and Secure Sharing
041 - Scalable and Secure Sharing
041 - Scalable and Secure Sharing
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using
A PHR service allows a patient to create, manage, and control her personal health
data in one place through the web, which has made the storage, retrieval, and
sharing of the the medical information more efficient. Especially, each patient is
promised the full control of her medical records and can share her health data with
a wide range of users, including healthcare providers, family members or friends.
Due to the high cost of building and maintaining specialized data centers, many
PHR services are outsourced to or provided by third-party service providers, for
example, Microsoft HealthVault
While it is exciting to have convenient PHR services for everyone, there are many
security and privacy risks which could impede its wide adoption. The main
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using
concern is about whether the patients could actually control the sharing of their
sensitive personal health information (PHI), especially when they are stored on a
third-party server which people may not fully trust. On the one hand, although
there exist healthcare regulations such as HIPAA which is recently amended to
incorporate business associates [4], cloud providers are usually not covered
entities. On the other hand, due to the high value of the sensitive personal health
information (PHI), the third-party storage servers are often the targets of various
malicious behaviors which may lead to exposure of the PHI.
A feasible and promising approach would be to encrypt the data before
outsourcing. Basically, the PHR owner herself should decide how to encrypt her
files and to allow which set of users to obtain access to each file. A PHR file
should only be available to the users who are given the corresponding decryption
key, while remain confidential to the rest of users. Furthermore, the patient shall
always retain the right to not only grant, but also revoke access privileges when
they feel it is necessary In this paper, we endeavor to study the patientcentric,
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using
secure sharing of PHRs stored on semi-trusted servers, and focus on addressing the
complicated and challenging key management issues. In order to protect the
personal health data stored on a semi-trusted server, we adopt attribute-based
encryption (ABE) as the main encryption primitive. Using ABE, access policies
are expressed based on the attributes of users or data, which enables a patient to
selectively share her PHR among a set of users by encrypting the file under a set of
attributes, without the need to know a complete list of users. The complexities per
encryption, key generation and decryption are only linear with the number of
attributes involved.
1. Registration
2. Upload files
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using
In this module normal registration for the multiple users. There are multiple
owners, multiple AAs, and multiple users. The attribute hierarchy of files – leaf
nodes is atomic file categories while internal nodes are compound categories. Dark
boxes are the categories that a PSD’s data reader have access to.
Two ABE systems are involved: for each PSD the revocable KP-ABE scheme is
adopted for each PUD, our proposed revocable MA-ABE scheme.
Upload files
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using
In this module, users upload their files with secure key probabilities. The owners
upload ABE-encrypted PHR files to the server. Each owner’s PHR file encrypted
both under a certain fine grained model.
In this module ABE to realize fine-grained access control for outsourced data
especially, there has been an increasing interest in applying ABE to secure
electronic healthcare records (EHRs). An attribute-based infrastructure for EHR
systems, where each patient’s EHR files are encrypted using a broadcast variant of
CP-ABE that allows direct revocation. However, the cipher text length grows
linearly with the number of un revoked users. In a variant of ABE that allows
delegation of access rights is proposed for encrypted EHRs applied cipher text
policy ABE (CP-ABE) to manage the sharing of PHRs, and introduced the concept
of social/professional domains investigated using ABE to generate self-protecting
EMRs, which can either be stored on cloud servers or cell phones so that EMR
could be accessed when the health provider is offline.
In this module the system first defines a common universe of data attributes shared
by every PSD, such as “basic profile”, “medical history”, “allergies”, and
“prescriptions”. An emergency attribute is also defined for break-glass access.
First, when first using the PHR service, a PHR owner can specify the
access privilege of a data reader in her PSD, and let her application
generate and distribute corresponding key to the latter, in a way
resembling invitations in GoogleDoc.
Second, a reader in PSD could obtain the secret key by sending a
request (indicating which types of files she wants to access) to the
PHR owner via HSN, and the owner will grant her a subset of
requested data types. Based on that, the policy engine of the
application automatically derives an access structure, and runs keygen
of KP-ABE to generate the user secret key that embeds her access
Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using
Documentation : Ms-Office
Ming Li, Shucheng Yu, Yao Zheng, Kui Ren, and Wenjing Lou, “Scalable and
Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using Attribute-