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Artificial Intelligence: Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune

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Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune

An autonomous institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NBA, NAAC,
An ISO 9001:2015 certified

Artificial Intelligence

Dr P R Futane
• What is AI ???
• What is ML ???
• What is DL ???

• Buzzz words…

• What the Difference between Machine learning and Artificial

• What the Difference amongst Artificial intelligence vs Machine
Learning vs Deep Learning
Dr P R Futane
Definition - AI

Artificial Intelligence
Comprises of two words
“Artificial” and
Artificial refers to something which is made by human
or non natural thing and
Intelligence means ability to understand or think.

There is a misconception that Artificial Intelligence is

a system, but it is not a system.
AI is implemented in the system.
Definition - AI

There can be so many definition of AI, one definition can

“It is the study of how to train the computers so that
computers can do things which at present human
can do better.”

Therefore It is a intelligence where we want to add all

the capabilities to machine that human contain.
Definition - ML
Machine Learning

Comprises of two words

“Machine” and

Machine refers to computers or any other device and

Learning means ability to learn by own.

Machine Learning is the learning in which machine can

learn by its own without being explicitly programmed.
Definition - ML

Machine Learning
It is an application of AI that provide system the ability to
automatically learn and improve from experience.

One of the simple definition of the Machine Learning is

“Machine Learning is said to learn from experience E
w.r.t some class of task T and a performance
measure P if learners performance at the task in the
class as measured by P improves with experiences.”
A ------- B

Basics of ML
(Input) (Output)

Mapping of it
ML Examples
Input A Output B Applications

emails Spam ?? (0/1) Spam Filtering

audio Text transcripts Speech Recognition

English Chinese Machine translation

Ads, user info Click ??(0/1) Online advertising

Image, radar information Position of other car Self driving car

Image of phone Defect??(0/1) Visual inspections

The key difference between AI and ML are:
AI stands for Artificial intelligence, where
intelligence is defined acquisition of knowledge ML stands for Machine Learning which is defined as
the acquisition of knowledge or skill but learning by its
intelligence is defined as a ability to acquire and
apply knowledge.
The aim is to increase chance of success and The aim is to increase accuracy, but it does not care
not accuracy. about success
It work as a computer program that does smart It is a simple concept machine takes data and learn
work from data.
The goal is to simulate natural intelligence to The goal is to learn from data on certain task to
solve complex problem maximize the performance of machine on this task.
AI is decision making. ML allows system to learn new things from data.
It leads to develop a system to mimic human to
It involves in creating self learning algorithms.
respond behave in a circumstances.
ML will go for only solution for that whether it is
AI will go for finding the optimal solution.
optimal or not.
AI leads to intelligence or wisdom. ML leads to knowledge.
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Nowadays many misconceptions are there related to
the words machine learning, deep learning and artificial

Most of the people think all these things are same

whenever they hear the word AI, they directly relate that
word to machine learning or vice versa,

well yes, these things are related to each other but not
the same.
Let’s see how.
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Machine Learning:
Before talking about machine learning lets talk about another
concept that is called data mining.
Data mining is a technique of examining a large pre-existing
database and extracting new information from that database, it’s
easy to understand, right, machine learning does the same, in
fact, machine learning is a type of data mining technique.

Here’s is a basic definition of machine learning –

“Machine Learning is a technique of parsing data, learn from that
data and then apply what they have learned to make an informed
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Machine Learning:
Now a days many of big companies use machine learning
to give there users a better experience,
Examples are,
• Amazon using machine learning to give better
product choice recommendations to there customers
based on their preferences,
• Netflix uses machine learning to give better
suggestions to their users of the TV series or movie or
shows that they would like to watch.
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Deep Learning:
Deep learning is actually a subset of machine learning. It
technically is machine learning and functions in the same way but
it has different capabilities.
The main difference is,
• Machine learning models become better progressively but the
model still needs some guidance. If a machine learning model
returns an inaccurate prediction then the programmer needs to
fix that problem explicitly
• But in the case of deep learning, the model does it by himself.
• Automatic car driving system is a good example of deep
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Let’s take an example to understand both machine
learning and deep learning –
Suppose we have a flashlight and we teach a machine learning model that
whenever someone says “dark” the flashlight should be ON, now the
machine learning model will analyse different phrases said by people and it
will search for the word “dark” and as the word comes the flashlight will be
but what if someone said “I am not able to see anything the light is very
here the user wants the flashlight to be ON but the sentence does not the
consist the word “dark” so the flashlight will not be ON.
That’s where deep learning is different from machine learning. If it
were a deep learning model it would ON the flashlight, a deep learning
model is able to learn from its own method of computing.
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence:
• Now if we talk about AI, it is completely a different thing
from Machine learning and deep learning,
• Actually deep learning and machine learning both are
the subsets of AI.
• There is no fixed definition for AI, you will find a different
definition everywhere, but here is a definition that will
give you idea of what exactly AI is.
“AI is a ability of computer program to function like a
human brain ”
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence:
• AI means to actually replicate a human brain, the way a
human brain thinks, works and functions.
• The truth is we are not able to establish a proper AI till
now but we are very close to establish it,
• One of the examples of AI is Sophia, the most
advanced AI model present today.
• The reason we are not able to establish proper AI till
now is, we don’t know the many aspects of the human
brain till now like why do we dream ? etc.
Artificial intelligence vs Machine Learning vs
Deep Learning
Why people relate machine learning and deep learning
with artificial intelligence?

Machine learning and deep learning is a way of achieving

which means by the use of machine learning and deep
learning we may able
• to achieve AI in future
• but it is not AI.
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
What is Intelligence?
• Well, Intelligence gets created in an object when it can
recall its experiences and also use those experiences to
function in the present time.

• But this is a somewhat philosophical definition.

• When it comes to the purely technical definition,

Intelligence is defined as “The ability to acquire and
apply knowledge and skills”.
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Types of Artificial Intelligence
Now, there are many types of Artificial Intelligence.
But mainly we talk about only two types of intelligence as
all other types of Artificial Intelligence are a subset of one
of these two main types.

These two types of intelligence are:

• Narrow Artificial Intelligence
• General Artificial intelligence
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Narrow Artificial Intelligence
Normally when the topic of Artificial Intelligence comes up,
we think of only some narrow applications of Intelligence.
Some applications of these types of intelligence can be:
• Playing a chess game
• Controlling traffic signals
• Driving a car

and many other such specific applications.

Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Narrow Artificial Intelligence
For all these applications, the intelligence was given a
specific direction in which the system will obtain the
knowledge which is only related to that field.

So, it will have no choice of thinking out of that specific


This type of Intelligence is also called as ‘Narrow Artificial

Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
General Artificial Intelligence
The Problem comes up with ‘General Artificial
Intelligence’ which is one of the many types of Artificial
It is provided with knowledge about many sorts of fields
and it is also completely open to learning new things by
General Artificial Intelligence can also learn new things
through a trial and error method.
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
General Artificial Intelligence
General Artificial Intelligence can go against Humans in the following
• A Catastrophic Failure can occur if we give Autonomous control of
weapons to Artificial Intelligence. There is a chance that such a
massive intelligence can justify to itself that world peace can be obtained
only by clearing out the human race. It could even start the next world
war all by itself.
• Artificial Intelligence Failure can also happen if it is given a task to do but
instead, it chooses a harsh path to do the same job. For example, if
you set a destination for a self-driving car without taking care of any
other factor, it will go to that place with a maximum speed by wreaking
havoc over the place it goes.
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
• So, the poor designing of Artificial Intelligence could lead to
such havoc.
• Keeping all these things into consideration, artificial intelligence
should be constructed meticulously with utmost care
considering all the limits it should be kept under.
• Basically an AI algorithm should be made in such a way that:
It never goes out of control
It gets Knowledge related to only a specific domain
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
From Voice Assistant to Self Driving Cars, artificial intelligence is
progressing rapidly.
• Narrow Intelligence itself has crossed humans in many fields such as
playing chess, controlling traffic, managing data, etc. For now, scientists
have come to the level of creating a Narrow Intelligence which is a Low-
Level AI.
• Though scientists are still aiming to create a General Intelligence which
is a High-Level AI. This type of intelligence will have control over
Massive data which could even lead to some catastrophic
• General Artificial Intelligence has the potential to cross humans in every
cognitive task possible.
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
• However, can never know a concrete way to compare Human
Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.
• Even if we try to compare Intelligence, we can get stuck on a simple
• i.e. ‘On what factor can we compare two different forms of
• This could be a hard question to answer. Due to this only reason, we
can’t say whether Artificial Intelligence has already crossed Human
• We may get the answer to all these questions and solve these problems
now or just wait for the future to unfold on its own.
Will Artificial Intelligence: Cause Of
Unemployment ????
Sectors where AI can replace humans
• Transportation: With enhanced automation and machine learning we
are able to design and create vehicles that are capable of sensing
environment and move safely with no or little human input. These
vehicles are self-driven and do not require any human driver for its
movement. With the growth in these automated vehicles the demand for
professionals like car drivers, sailors and pilot would rapidly dropdown.

• Electronic Commerce: Electronic-Commerce will undergo massive

transformation due to AI. With robots navigating the space to collect
products and execute customer orders; to be sent or even delivered to
customers, also automatically with autonomous drones and cars. Thus
reducing the demand for salespersons and network stores.
Will Artificial Intelligence: Cause Of
Unemployment ????
Sectors where AI can replace humans
• Healthcare: Before AI didn’t exist patients required a nurse to monitor
patients health at regular intervals and notify the doctor regarding
patients health. But now with the help of AI-enabled devices attached to
patients body so that doctors can monitor patients health at regular
intervals and thus enabling him to take necessary decisions regarding
patient’s health. Thus there would be no need for a nurse to monitor patients
health at regular intervals.

• Teaching: A virtual assistant is a software agent can perform the task

for task-based human verbal commands. Now a days virtual assistants
are being designed in such a way that they can teach students like
human teacher. Thus students can study online with the help of virtual
assistant at an affordable price and soon the need for teachers and professors
would drop down.
Will Artificial Intelligence: Cause Of
Unemployment ????
Areas where AI is replacing human work
• Couriers: Courier and delivery people are already being replaced by
drones and robots within few years automation would dominate this field.
It is expected this space would grow by 5% in 2024.
• Information Technology: It is expected that automation would increase
by 12% in 2024. Previously for testing any software code we needed a
human for it. But now there is no need for any human tester as
automated testing is performed. Thus reducing the need for IT
professional’s in industry.
• Real Estate: Real estate plays a significant role in buying and selling of
the home. In this age of information, everything is possible on our
fingertips. Online services like magic bricks and 99 acres help customers
to search for their properties. Thus a tech-savvy seller would easily be
able to reach customers without any need of agent.
Artificial Intelligence | An Introduction
Before leading to the meaning of artificial intelligence let understand what is the
meaning of the Intelligence-
Intelligence: The ability to learn and solve problems. This definition is taken from
webster’s Dictionary.
The most common answer that one expects is “to make computers intelligent
so that they can act intelligently!”,
but the question is
• how much intelligent?
• How can one judge the intelligence?
…as intelligent as humans. If the computers can, somehow, solve real-world
problems, by improving on their own from the past experiences, they would be
called “intelligent”.
Thus, the AI systems are more generic(rather than specific), have the ability
to “think” and are more flexible.
Artificial Intelligence | An Introduction
• Intelligence, as we know, is the ability to acquire and apply the

• Knowledge is the information acquired through experience.

• Experience is the knowledge gained through


• Summing the terms up, we get artificial intelligence as the

“copy of something natural(i.e., human beings) ‘WHO’ is
capable of acquiring and applying the information it has gained
through exposure.”
Artificial Intelligence | An Introduction
Intelligence is composed of:
• Reasoning
• Learning
• Problem Solving
• Perception
• Linguistic Intelligence

Many tools are used in AI, including versions of search and

mathematical optimization, logic, methods based on probability
and economics. The AI field draws upon computer science,
mathematics, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, neuro-science,
artificial psychology and many others.
Artificial Intelligence Applications
Need for Artificial Intelligence

To create expert systems which exhibit intelligent behavior with

the capability to learn, demonstrate, explain and advice its users.
Helping machines find solutions to complex problems like humans
do and applying them as algorithms in a computer-friendly
Artificial Intelligence - Applications
Applications of AI include Natural Language Processing,
Gaming, Speech Recognition, Vision Systems, Healthcare,
Automotive etc.
AI has developed a large number of tools to solve the most
difficult problems in computer science, like:
• Search and optimization
• Logic
• Probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning
• Classifiers and statistical learning methods
• Neural networks
• Control theory
• Languages
Artificial Intelligence- Applications
Applications of AI
• High-profile examples of AI include
• autonomous vehicles (such as drones and self-driving cars), medical
• creating art (such as poetry),
• proving mathematical theorems,
• playing games (such as Chess or Go),
• search engines (such as Google search),
• online assistants (such as Siri),
• image recognition in photographs,
• spam filtering,
• prediction of judicial decisions and targeting online advertisements.
• Other applications include Healthcare, Automotive
Finance, Video games etc
Artificial Intelligence- Applications
Applications of AI
• Predictions of Stocks in NSE, BSE Markets
• Prediction of quality of question papers set based on BLOOMS
• Recommendation system
• Resource Allocations- Task decision as per the plan
• Dynamic Timetable allocation
• Dynamic Traffic signal timing allocation
• Annotation to images
• Captioning to videos
• Object Recognition
• Gestures recognition, interpretation and controlling devices
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