Barto Thesis 2020
Barto Thesis 2020
Barto Thesis 2020
Urbana, Illinois
The most influential climatic load affecting the structural design of gulf coast refining
and petrochemical facilities is wind. Despite this fact, little has been done to customize wind
design for these unique facilities. This paper proposes a probabilistic model to predict the
magnitude of shielding that is provided by the vast network of pipe rack structures that encircle
these densely arranged facilities. The probabilistic model is built from data obtained through a
broad sampling of pipe rack configurations simulated with hurricane force winds using
computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD simulation approach is validated against
published wind tunnel data that relate the proposed methodology to code recognized procedures
(i.e. wind load reductions corroborated by wind tunnel testing). A reliability analysis is then
carried out to re-calibrate the LRFD design equation to include the proposed shielding effects
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................30
The significant majority of refining and petrochemical facilities are located in coastal
regions where hurricane force winds control the structural design. Yet the unique wind field
characteristics of these facilities are not well understood. Design wind loads are generated
through the use of governing design codes that have been developed primarily with data from the
commercial building industry. Considerations for a general “roughness” of the upwind terrain are
provided but no provisions for shielding from upwind structures on the design structure are
included unless proven by wind tunnel testing. This is primarily due to the high level of
variability of the typical cityscape. Obstructions are of varying heights, sizes, and spacing—all of
To date, the majority of research specific to wind shielding within refining and
petrochemical facilities has focused on shielding between structural frames and equipment
within the same open framed structure. Georgiou (1979) used a wind tunnel setup comprised of
multiple frames of varying size, spacing, and solidity to study the shielding between adjacent
frames. The findings showed appreciable shielding between frames dependent upon the
properties of the frames. Georgiou et al. (1981) studied the effect of the wind angle of approach
on the frame loads in the along-wind direction and found that the maximum load was incurred at
an offset of approximately 15° for low porosity structures such as those found in refining and
petrochemical facilities. Nadeem and Levitan (1997) further extended the work of Georgiou et
al. by developing an empirical model which quantified wind loads on a set of frames orthogonal
to the wind direction as well as the along-wind frames. Their model was also capable of
In addition to the structural frame shielding, Amoroso and Levitan (2009) recognized the
impact that equipment, piping, and other auxiliary items can have on shielding within the typical
open framed structure found in refinery and petrochemical facilities. Their approach abandoned
the tedious consideration of each individual element and, instead, focused on a more generalized
understanding of the wind load through measures of the porosity and length-to-width ratios of
the structure. This generalized approach provided higher accuracy to wind tunnel data for low
porosity structures collected by Qiang (1998) when compared against the tedious accounting of
each individual element. These findings proved the method of superposition of each element in a
theoretically isolated environment does not produce results that are well aligned with wind
The most commonly encountered element within refinery and petrochemical facilities is
piping. In most cases, the piping is supported side-by-side within a structure, or rack. Therefore,
it is not sufficient to only gain an understanding of the effects of a single pipe but, rather, it is
important to understand the effects of multiple pipes arranged in-line. Liu et al. (2003) conducted
extensive wind tunnel testing on arrangements of up to four pipes in-line. The results of the
testing were used to produced force and lift coefficients for a plethora of arrangements with
varying pipe sizes, spacing, and surface roughness as well as varying flow turbulence.
Aside from research focused on a particular design structure, Petersen et al. (1994) and
Petersen (1990) sought to assess crude oil refineries based on the overall surface roughness and
displacement heights (height at which wind turbulence is extremely high and the net load is
negligible). These parameters can then be used to model toxic cloud dispersions which are of
significant interest to facilities handling toxic substances. The results of the study indicated that
both the surface roughness and displacement height specific to refineries are notably higher than
those published in the US building codes for general urban and suburban settings.
While the typical city landscape is fraught with open areas such as parking lots, roads,
and varying gaps between buildings, the landscape within refining and petrochemical facilities is
significantly more dense and uniform. This unique environment presents the opportunity to
quantify the effects of direct shielding provided by certain upwind obstructions that are
consistent across the wind fetch of downwind design structures. An ideal obstruction exists with
pipe rack structures that traverse these facilities in a linear, gridded manner creating a type of
This paper develops a probabilistic model to predict the amount of shielding pipe racks
provide to downwind design structures. The model is formulated using the physical properties of
pipe racks that contribute to the drag on wind flow. A dataset for developing the probabilistic
model is built using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate wind flow through a
sample of pipe rack structures. The CFD simulations allow modeling and analyzing a multitude
of arrangements efficiently. The CFD simulations are benchmarked against published wind
tunnel data as solution verification and validation studies are imperative to understand the
accuracy and reliability of CFD models (Blocken 2014). Additionally, validating the CFD
models against wind tunnel testing ties the results to a procedure recognized by ASCE/SEI-7 as a
proven method for modifying wind pressures. Furthermore, the probabilistic shielding model is
incorporated into the ASCE/SEI-7 wind pressure design equation and an LRFD load factor re-
calibration is conducted. This process ensures the revised design with shielding produces the
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews current industry
practices. Section 3 outlines the case for considering shielding effects. Section 4 formulates the
shielding model. Section 5 covers the generation of the dataset using the CFD simulations.
Section 6 calibrates the shielding model. Section 7 presents the LRFD re-calibration. Finally,
Calculating wind load on a structure begins with determining the appropriate wind
pressure based on wind speed and a host of environmental factors such as upwind roughness,
topography, and height above grade. The calculated wind pressure is then converted into a wind
load through the physical characteristics of the design structure, such as structural stiffness, and
the effects of the shape and aspect ratio on the wind forces.
The code basis for wind load development in the United States is ASCE/SEI-7, Minimum
Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 2016). As the
name implies, however, it was developed primarily with typically commercial buildings in mind.
Design wind pressures are calculated per Eqn 26.10-1 (ASCE 2016). Primary inputs in this
equation include the environmental components that have an impact on the wind flow field. This
includes the velocity pressure exposure coefficient that considers the general “roughness” of the
ground surface. This roughness measure captures the drag effect of surface obstructions of
average size on the overall boundary wind layer, which most often extends vertically a thousand
feet or more above the earth’s surface. This effect develops over long ranges of up to one-half
mile of persistent surface roughness. Thus, the consideration of these long range drag effects are
important to estimating the wind pressure that arrives at a particular design structure. However, it
does not address the localized effects a particular upwind structure can have on the design
structure. Such an effect is currently only allowed by code when corroborated through wind
tunnel testing.
2.2. Current Refining and Petrochemical Industry Practice
The only design factor currently customized for structures in refining and petrochemical
facilities is the force coefficient, Cf. ASCE has released guidance on this factor through the
ASCE Wind Guide for Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities (ASCE 2011). The guidance
frames and equipment rather than the summation of wind loads from each individual component
irrespective of surrounding elements. Although this guidance allows for shielding within a
structure, there is no accommodation made for the effects of shielding between separate
structures. The commentary to ASCE/SEI-7 identifies the lack of “reliable analytical procedures”
as the primary reason for excluding con-sideration of upwind shielding in the code’s prescriptive
design procedures.
The unique density and uniformity of refining and petrochemical facilities (Fig. 1)
presents an environment that mitigates the shielding uncertainties that plague typical urban and
suburban landscapes.
The main processing areas of refining and petrochemical plants are comprised of “units”
arranged in a grid pattern. These units are joined by an interconnected maze of open frame type
structures called pipe racks (Fig. 2) which ferry pipes and cables throughout the entire plant. It is
also common to support a particular type of equipment, referred to as “air coolers”, on top of
pipe racks.
Fig. 2: Example of Pipe Rack
Pipe rack structures serve a critical function in the plant by connecting equipment,
vessels, and tanks throughout each unit and among many other units within the plant. This means
that pipe racks are layered with elements that serve multiple units. For this reason, pipe racks
enjoy extensive longevity as it is extremely difficult and expensive to remove a pipe rack and,
thus, is extraordinarily rare. Therefore, by extension, shielding considerations for pipe racks can
be considered permanent for the vast majority of design cases. If a pipe rack is being removed, it
is almost certain the surrounding equipment and structures—which were affected by shielding
The ubiquity and uniformity of pipe rack structures throughout refining and
petrochemical facilities can be thought of as a grid of “wind fences” (Fig. 3). Also, the vast
majority of racks do not terminate but, rather, tie into perpendicular racks. This avoids “open
Fig. 3: Traced Pipe Rack Arrangement in a Refinery
The density of pipe racks shown in Fig. 3 can be compared in a holistic sense to the
considerations of shielding among different frames within the same structure already allowed in
the ASCE published guidance—simply on a larger scale. For the reasons outlined in this section,
we believe pipe racks present a unique opportunity to predictably consider upwind shielding
develop a predictive model by which a designer can input a set of parameters to quantify the
shielding effect rather than explicitly testing each design iteration. We use CFD simulations over
a wide range of potential variables to validate our approach and provide the data required to
With the understanding that drag, and thus shielding, is dependent upon the physical
attributes of a structure, we develop a model that captures the key geometric characteristics of a
pipe rack. Following Gardoni et al. (2002), we introduce “explanatory functions” to capture such
design factor in the code equations, the explanatory functions are taken as dimensionless through
the use of a baseline quantity. Each explanatory function is then multiplied by an unknown
model parameter that quantifies its impact on the shielding effect. Lastly, a model error is
included to capture the model inexactness for inclusion in the reliability analysis. Bringing all
these model components together, we then have the shielding model of the form (Gardoni et al.
, = , + (1)
model error. The unknown parameters in the model are = , . The velocity terms are
squared to align with the ASCE/SEI-7 code equation for wind pressure which is predicated on
the square of the velocity to produce the force representation of interest, i.e., the wind pressure.
homoskedasticity assumption (i.e., is constant over the range of ), the normality assumption
(i.e., follows a standard Normal distribution), and the additivity assumption of the model error.
, =∑ ℎ (2)
functions is based on industry experience reflecting the common geometric attributes of pipe
racks. Table 1 lists the candidate explanatory functions considered to construct the proposed
probabilistic model.
Table 1: Explanatory Functions
The CFD process discretizes the fluid (air in this case) domain and surfaces within the
model and relies upon extensive numerical integration techniques to solve for physical quantities
of interest. These techniques are complex and the computational demands for solving large
models can be significant. Recent advancements in computing have made it possible to run fairly
complex models on a personal computer in a reasonable timeframe. As such, CFD tools have
become a boon to study a wide variety of wind flow configurations without having to build
Several well-developed software options exist in the marketplace for CFD simulations.
Autodesk CFD 2019 is chosen for this research due to its widespread availability with a large
user base, proven technical support, and interoperability with modeling software. Within the
CFD simulation solver, the K-Omega Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model (Menter
1993) is used. This turbulence model is a good fit for this application as it is a hybrid model
combining the near-wall strengths of the k-Omega turbulence model with the stabilization of the
k-Epsilon turbulence model for regions further away from surfaces (Autodesk 2013).
Meshing best practices including wall layers and dense mesh blending in regions of high
turbulent kinetic energy are applied and heavily scrutinized throughout to attain the most
efficient balance between precision and computing efficiency. Although not explicitly detailed in
this paper, the accuracy of these methods can be seen through the benchmark validation efforts to
recreate wind tunnel results as outlined in Section 5.2. Successful meshing practices from
which are well understood in terms of drag characteristics. Open frame structures such as pipe
racks, however, contain smaller length scales and shapes that complicate the wind field effects
significantly. Therefore, a level of accuracy must be attained at the individual component level
The small length scales in pipe racks lead to drag sensitivities to a non-dimensional flow
parameter known as the Reynolds number (ASCE 2011). The Reynolds number relates the
inertial forces in a flow field to the viscous forces in the flow field as shown in Eq. 3, where U is
the flow velocity, D is a characteristic dimension for the structure or element, and ν is the
kinematic viscosity.
= (3)
In the range of flow that is present in hurricane force wind design, many structural forms
will not exhibit notable sensitivity of the force coefficient to the Reynolds number, with the
exception of curved surfaces (ASCE 2011). Within the range of sizes of curved surfaces, the
sensitivity changes significantly. For instance, cylindrical surfaces such as vessels and drums
typically do not exhibit sensitivity to the Reynolds number. Yet within the same wind field,
handrail and smaller piping can exhibit significant sensitivities (ASCE 2011). These sensitivities
are best captured in CFD simulations through meticulous mesh development and specialty
turbulence models adept at “reverse curvature” scenarios. These tradeoffs are discussed further
in Section 5.2. Fortunately, bluff objects such as structural steel, cable trays, and air coolers do
not share these same sensitivities as the well-defined corners provide consistency in shear layer
This paper considers two dimensional (2D) CFD simulations. Wind tunnel testing of
open framed structures has shown that the angle of incidence that produces the largest load effect
is skewed from the orthogonal direction (Amoroso and Levitan 2009). As a result, an increased
measure of drag would be realized with 3D CFD models. However, the computing power
required would necessitate the use of supercomputing. Since the maximum load incurred is
related to the amount of drag, forming a basis for the shielding model with 2D analyses (which
do not consider a skewed wind scenario) yields conservative results for the amount of real-world
With the design code acceptance of wind tunnel testing as a means of more accurately
estimating wind loads, we validate the CFD analyses using available wind tunnel testing data for
similar scenarios.
Wind drag and shielding on multiple frames aligned in the direction of the applied wind
was studied through wind tunnel testing conducted by Georgiou et al. (1981). As noted
previously, CFD simulations comprised of bluff surfaces have been successful in reproducing
results that are well aligned with wind tunnel test data. With regards to the Georgiou study, the
CFD simulation was able to produce drag coefficients with less than 0.25% variation from the
published results.
discussed, the Reynolds Number sensitivities of these surfaces make it difficult to accurately
predict the drag characteristics. This is true in wind tunnel testing such as Liu et al. (2003) and
Gu et al. (1993), as well as CFD simulation. These uncertainties are further complicated by the
innumerable combinations of pipe spacing and sizing that are found in real world applications.
Despite the significant headwinds to assess the accuracy of flow around pipes, there is
still a need to better understand and quantify this effect. To this end, we pursued extensive,
detailed CFD simulations to reproduce the published wind tunnel data collected. Reverse-
curvature type turbulence models are found to be the most accurate at capturing cylindrical
surface sensitivities. For a single pipe, these models can be quite accurate at replicating wind
tunnel results. However, the more pipes involved and the multitude of size and spacing
combinations hampered our ability to precisely quantify error against wind tunnel data that itself
varied significantly from study to study. Furthermore, reverse-curvature turbulence models are
specifically attuned to the sensitivities of curved surfaces and do not extend well to the holistic
pipe rack structure. Fortunately, the parameter of interest— the downwind pressure—has been
shown to be less reliant upon the minutia of the wake structures coming off the curved piping
surfaces. CFD benchmarking models reflecting up to 30-40% variations in drag coefficients have
only shown variations within approximately 5% of downwind pressure using the chosen k-
Omega SST turbulence model. When compared against other available turbulence models, the
downwind pressures produced under the k-Omega SST turbulence models are consistently
Although isolated flow regimes around a pipe require significantly more robust modeling
approaches, the confluence of these flow regimes within the larger context of a pipe rack
structure featuring bluff surfaces and the multiple adjacent pipes placed in close succession
serves to increase turbulence that in turn mutes these unique flow effects. The effects of higher
turbulence intensity have been shown to decrease the Reynolds Number sensitivities (Liu et al.
The wind flow through an open frame structure such as a pipe rack can be holistically
compared to that of porous wind fences. Benchmark validation models using the k-Omega SST
turbulence model exhibit excellent alignment with wind tunnel results. Specifically, the
reattachment length parameter of these wind tunnel studies was chosen as a good proxy for the
downwind flow measurements. This parameter quantifies the downwind distance it takes for the
flow to “reattach” after the reverse wake structure created in the fluctuating pressures behind the
wind fence. The variation between the CFD simulation and published wind tunnel data (Dong et
A look back at the various benchmarking validation studies undertaken reveals excellent
alignment with wind tunnel testing for bluff body frames and downstream reattachment. The
only notable variation exists in the context of curved surfaces such as piping. When compared
against published drag coefficients in five wind tunnel arrangements of varying numbers of
pipes, size, and spacing (Liu et al. 2003), the drag coefficients measured in the CFD simulations
are an average of 25% lower than the wind tunnel results. A lower drag coefficient is intuitively
correlated to a higher downwind velocity. Thus, the results observed indicate that the CFD
The combination of low error related to bluff surfaces and downstream reattachment,
consistently higher downwind pressures in CFD for curved surfaces (thus, more conservative for
the purposes of measuring shielding), and the lack of wind tunnel testing of an actual pipe rack
scale model justify using the downwind pressure results from the CFD simulations without any
modification. This approach is expected to yield consistently conservative results. Any attempt to
provide further precision in this regard would require a large number of additional wind tunnel
In the context of the CFD simulations, shielding is quantified by averaging the wind
(fluid) velocity downwind of the shielding pipe rack over the design structure relative height. An
inlet wind velocity of 130 mph (209.2 km/h) is used to represent typical Gulf Coast locations
where most oil and gas facilities are located in the United States. Considering the 130 mph wind
speed puts the flow into the supercritical Reynolds Number range, the results can be reasonably
structure, and relative height of the design structure are selected based on industry standards to
reflect the conditions most commonly encountered in refining and petrochemical facilities. In
A linear regression is used to estimate the unknown parameters (Box and Tiao 1992).
A step-wise deletion process (Gardoni et al. 2002) is conducted to simplify the model by
removing less prominent terms which do not have a significant impact on model accuracy. Fig. 4
show the process as explanatory functions are removed based on the values of the coefficient of
variation of the model parameters, and the model accuracty is assessed. The process is
terminated at Step 4 since removal of h7 woud lead to a significant loss of accuracy (i.e. a
Through this procedure, the seven initial explanatory functions are reduced to four as
, = ℎ + ℎ + ℎ + ℎ + (4)
Fig. 5 shows the comparison of the proposed shielding model against the raw CFD
Mean Predicted Shielding Modification Factor
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
CFD Measured Shielding Modification Factor
Under certain circumstances, the shielding factor produces an increase in wind pressure.
This is an indication of the flexibility of the model to uncover unique scenarios such as a design
structure with a low relative height that is more exposed to the tunneling effect that occurs
underneath the bottom level of the pipe rack. In this scenario, the design structure does not have
the height to take advantage of the shielded flows behind the more obstructed portions of the
pipe rack and, therefore, sees the appropriate increase in design wind pressure.
This section carries out a reliability analysis to re-calibrate the current LRFD wind load
factor in ASCE/SEI 7-16 with the inclusion of the proposed shielding modification factor. The
re-calibration is done considering the code-specified target reliabilities stated in Table 1.3-1 of
ASCE/SEI 7-16. All pertinent load and resistance uncertainties—including those associated with
the shielding model—are included. The re-calibration produces a modified LRFD wind load
factor which considers the shielding modification factor and maintains a consistent level of
A simple, braced design structure is chosen for the reliability analysis as shown in Fig 6.
The structure is arranged such that the effective area is assumed to all contribute to the lateral
wind force being transmitted into a tension brace at a 45 deg angle. The tension member is then
assumed to fail in tension yielding for the purposes of conducting a component reliability
The code design equations without shielding and only accounting for wind loads are
= $% &' (6)
The 1.414 multiplier comes from the 45 degree inclination of the tension member. The
remaining deterministic values used to calculate the design value of area of steel required, As,
Variable Value
Fy 36 ksi
Kz 0.9 (Exp. Cat. C at 20ft)
Kzt 1
Kd 0.85
Ke 1.0 (sea level)
V 130 mph (Baton Rouge, LA)
Cf 1.0 (generalized)
G 0.85 (rigid)
A 200 ft2
where the distributions of the random variables are provided in Table 3.
Including the shielding model produces a new form of the Wn design equation and the
ℎ ] (9)
[ ℎ + ℎ + ℎ + ℎ + ] (10)
where probabilistic data for the shielding parameters, ;, and model error, , are provided
in Table 4.
Table 4: Optimized Shielding Model Parameters
Within refining and petrochemical facilities, the vast majority of construction above
grade is done with structural steel. Accordingly, probabilistic distributions for the appropriate
structural steel limit state is pulled from well-established, code-cited research (ANSI A58 1980)
An LRFD load factor re-calibration is carried out to align the design reliability including
shielding to the target reliability index of 3.25 per Table 1.3-1 reflecting risk Category III
(common for refining and petrochemical facilities which contain hazardous materials) and
corresponding to a “failure that is not sudden and does not lead to widespread progression of
The shielding model estimates for the forty-six CFD pipe rack configurations are used for
the re-calibration. The shielding model estimates an average factor of 0.78 with a coefficient of
variation of 0.115. Per Eq. C2.3-1 from ASCE/SEI 7-16, this produces a re-calibrated LRFD
load factor of 1.02. On average, the shielding model results in an unfactored wind load reduction
of 22%. When factored to include the relevant uncertainties, this average drops to 20% which
still represents a significant optimization over current methods. One should note this average
reduction includes instances over the range of the simulation scenarios where the model actually
This code provided re-calibration approach is further verified using a single scenario
corresponding to the pipe rack configuration with baseline parameter values. This configuration
is adjudged to be the most common pipe rack configuration encountered in facilities based on the
author’s experience. A reliability analysis utilizing the first-order reliability method (FORM) is
first run without shielding and considering all load and resistance uncertainties previously
discussed. The shielding model probabilistic variables and the proposed LRFD load factor of
1.02 are then included and the same analysis is rerun. The result produces a reliability index
approximately 1% higher than the unshielded analysis. The slight conservatism is due to
rounding up of the re-calibrated LRFD load factor. This analysis further confirms the proposed
The vast majority of the built environment contains such variability in the size and
spacing of obstructions that shielding considerations are only allowed by design codes when
validated through wind tunnel testing. Within refining and petrochemical facilities, however, the
uniformity and ubiquity of pipe racks presents a localized environment wherein shielding effects
developed to relate the magnitude of wind shielding to the geometric characteristics of the
Across the forty-six scenarios simulated in CFD and leveraged to develop the
probabilistic shielding model, the shielding model predicts an average reduction of 22% from the
code calculated wind pressure. The ability of the model to capture both reductions and increases
scenarios that lie outside the range of the explanatory functions could produce results that have
not been verified by the model. Additionally, the distance between the shielding structure and
downwind structure in the scenarios considered ranges from a ratio of one to four times the
height of the shielding structure. Conditions outside this range could also produce unverified
Considering the study used 2D CFD modelling, we must be cognizant of the 3D impacts
in a real-world implementation. We must ensure there is consistency and breadth of the shielding
pipe rack to maintain the conditions necessary for shielding. To meet this need, we recommend
utilizing a 45-degree influence line in each direction from the design structure. Within the area
bounded by the influence lines, the most unconservative pipe rack arrangement in terms of wind
pressure reductions should be used. This ensures that adjacent inconsistencies do not adversely
Although the focus of this study has been the influences of a single pipe rack shielding on
downwind structures, the multi-layered nature of pipe racks throughout refining and
petrochemical facilities lends itself well to an extension of this study to examine the
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