Paternity Leave Note Hindi
Paternity Leave Note Hindi
Paternity Leave Note Hindi
Jh bfEr;kt vkye] ;wbZlh&C4233, lgk;d xzsM&AAA] HkwfoKku]
us mfpr ek/;e ls vkosnu fn;k gS ¼i`"B 145@lh½] ftlesa mUgksauss
fnukad 16-04-2021 ls 30-04-2021 rd 15 fnuksa dk fir`Ro vodk’k
Lohd`r djus ds fy, fuosnu fd;k gSA vkosnu esa mUgksaus crk;k gS
fd fnuk¡d 30-10-2020 dks muds ifjokj esa iq=h dk tUe gqvk gSA
vkosnu ds lkFk mUgkssaus Jhukjk;.kk gkWfLiVy] nsosUnz uxj]
jk;iqj ¼Nx½ }kjk tkjh mudh iq=h ds tUe ls lEcaf/kr nLrkost
layXu fd;k gSA
bl rkjrE; esa ,d tk¡p lwph rS;kj dj i`"B 146@lh esa j[kh xbZ gSA
ofj- izca/kd ¼dkfeZd½
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In terms of Rule 12(vi)(a) - Paternity Leave on child birth (as per HO Office Order
No.1(47)/Rules/2009/Vol.V dated 06.09.2018) a male employee will be eligible for
Paternity Leave on full pay for period of 15 days within 06 months from the birth of
In view of above Shri Imtiyaz Alam is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He may be
granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 16.04.2021 to 30.04.2021.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
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In view of above Shri Ramesh Kumar Markam is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave.
He may be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 18.02.2021 to 04.03.2021.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
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In view of above Shri Bhagban Tudu is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He may
be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 22.12.2020 to 05.01.2021.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
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Shri Mahadev Nag, UEC-C4189, M.HEM Mechanic Gr-II, Mechanical Services Dep.
10/11A, has submitted an application dated 21.09.2020 (placed at 81/C) through
proper channel requesting for grant of Paternity Leave from 24.09.2020 to
08.10.2020 (15 days). He has attached copy of Birth Certificate (placed at 80/C) of
his son, issued by Registrar (Birth & Death) and Chief Medical Administrator,
NMDC Apollo Central Hospital, Bacheli. As per Birth Certificate date of birth of his
son is 14.07.2020. As per service record this is second child of Shri Mahadev Nag.
In view of above Shri Mahadev Nag is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He may
be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 24.09.2020 to 08.10.2020.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
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Shri Pradeep Kumar, UEC-C4306, HEM Mechanic Gr-II, Mechanical Services Dep-5,
has submitted an application dated 01.09.2020 (placed at 96/C) through proper
channel requesting for grant of Paternity Leave from 03.09.2020 to 17.09.2020 (15
days). He has attached copy of Birth Certificate (placed at 95/C) of his son Harshil
Sahu, issued by Registrar (Birth & Death) and Chief Medical Administrator,
NMDC Apollo Central Hospital, Bacheli. As per Birth Certificate date of birth of his
son is 06.04.2020. As per service record this is second child of Shri Pradeep
In view of above Shri Pradeep Kumar is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He may
be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 03.09.2020 to 17.09.2020.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
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Shri Panna Lal Yadav, UEC-C4637, TCO, Mechanical Services Dep-5, has
submitted an application dated 23.08.2020 (placed at 89/C) through proper channel
requesting for grant of Paternity Leave from 28.08.2020 to 11.09.2020 (15 days).
He has attached copy of Birth Certificate (placed at 88/C) of his daughter Yashika
Yadav, issued by Registrar (Birth & Death) and Chief Medical Administrator,
NMDC Apollo Central Hospital, Bacheli. As per Birth Certificate date of birth of his
daughter is 16.03.2020. As per service record this is second child of Shri Panna Lal
Yadav .
In view of above Shri Panna Lal Yadav is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He
may be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 28.08.2020 to 11.09.2020.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
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Shri Narottam Podh, UEC-C4690, HEM Mechanic Gr-I, Mechanical Services Dep-5,
has submitted an application dated 16.08.2020 (placed at 100/C) through proper
channel requesting for grant of Paternity Leave from 16.07.2020 to 30.07.2020 (15
days). He has attached a copy of Discharge Certificate of his wife Smt. Jharna
Jaypuria in which birth of a female child has been mentioned on 14.07.2020 (placed
at 99/C) . The discharge certificate has been issued by Ashadeep Hospital,
Rajgangpur (Odisha). This is second child of Shri Narottam Podh.
In view of above Shri Narottam Podh is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He may
be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 16.07.2020 to 30.07.2020.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
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In view of above Shri Shudhanshu Kumar is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He
may be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 31.07.2020 to 14.08.2020.
In this regard a checklist is prepared and placed at page 134/C.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
Shri Munesh Kumar Bhasker, M/Asstt.(Mech),UEC No.4633,Screening
Plant(Mech),Deposit No.05, has submitted an application for grant of Paternity leave
from 06.10.2018 to 20.10.2018. He has submitted Birth Certificate of the child
bearing no.549 dated 05.10.2018 and Discharge Refer report dated 28.09.2018
issued by Registrar (Birth & Death) Primary Health Centre Bacheli, Block Dantewada
(C/78 & C/79). This is first child of Shri Munesh Kumar Bhasker. As per the Medical
Birth Certificate date of birth is 21.09.2018.
In terms of above Shri Munesh Kumar Bhasker is eligible to avail 15 days Paternity
leave. We may grant 15days Paternity leave to Shri Munesh Kumar Bhasker for the
period from 06.10.2018 to 20.10.2018. A check list in this regard is placed at page
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Shri Lalit Kumar Baghel, UEC-C4654, TCO, Mechanical Services 10&11A, has
submitted an application dated 07.06.2020 (placed at 63/C) through proper channel
requesting for grant of Paternity Leave from 09.06.2020 to 23.06.2020 (15 days). He
has attached a copy of Birth certificate (placed at 62/C) issued by Registrar (Birth-
Death) and Chief Medical Administrator, NMDC Apollo Central Hospital,
Bacheli. As per Birth Certificate date of birth of his child (named Pratyaksh) is
24.01.2020. As per service record this is first child of Shri Lalit Kumar Baghel.
In view of above Shri Lalit Kumar Baghel is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He
may be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 09.06.2020 to 23.06.2020.
In this regard a checklist is prepared and placed at page 64/C.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
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In view of above Shri Nilesh Kumar Bairagi is eligible for 15 days Paternity
leave. He may be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 04.06.2020 to
In this regard a checklist is prepared and placed at page 61/C.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Earlier on dated 19.04.2020 Shri Pawan Kumar had submitted a letter through
proper channel where is he stated that due to unavoidable medical
requirement of family he will leave Bacheli/Headquarter from 20.04.2020.
In view of above Shri Pawan Kumar is eligible for 15 days Paternity leave. He
may be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 28.04.2020 to 12.05.2020.
In this regard a checklist is prepared and placed at page 61/C.
Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
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In terms of above Shri Mohit is eligible for 15 days Paternity Leave. He may
be granted 15 days Paternity Leave from 08.04.2020 to 22.04.2020.
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Shri Mir Md Ramiz, Junior Officer (G&QC)) Trainee, UEC-C4875, has submitted
an application dated 07.02.2020 (placed at 59/C) for grant of Paternity Leave from
22.01.2020 to 05.02.2020 (15 days) along with supporting documents. He had
submitted application dated 14.01.2020 through proper channel for availing aforesaid
leave (placed at 58/C). He has attached a birth certificate (placed at 57/C) issued
by Nova Hospital Ltd, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, pertaining to birth of a male child
on 22.01.2020. This is first child of Shri Mir Md. Ramiz.
In terms of above Shri Mir Md. Ramiz is eligible for 15 days Paternity Leave. He
may be granted 15 days Paternity leave for the period from 22.01.2020 to
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
JGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
DGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Sr.Mgr. (Per)
DGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Sr.Asstt. (Per)
Mgr. (Per)
DGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Sr.Asstt. (Per)
SM (Per)
DGM (Per)
Executive Director
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Sr.Asstt. (Per)
SM (Per)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
DM (Per)
AGM (Pers)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director
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Sr.Asstt. (Per)
DM (Per)
AGM (Per)
DGM (Per)
Sr.Asstt. (Per)
DM (Per)
AGM (Pers)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director
Shri Ram Kumar Sori, MCO Grade-III, UEC No.4096, Loading Plant (Mech), has
submitted an application for grant of Paternity leave from 10.03.2019 to 24.03.2019.
He has submitted Birth Certificate of the Child bearing Serial Book No.580 dated
19.02.2019 issued by Registrar (Birth & Death) & Chief Medical Administrator, NMDC
Apollo Central Hospital, Bacheli (C/56). This is 2nd child of Shri Ram Kumar Sori. As
per the Medical Birth Certificate date of birth is 27.11.2018.
In terms of above Shri Ram Kumar Sori, MCO Grade-III is eligible to avail 15 days
Paternity leave. We may grant 15days Paternity leave to Shri Ram Kumar Sori for
the period from 10.03.2019 to 24.03.2019. A check list in this regard is placed at
page C/58.
Shri Daneshwer Prasad Verma, Mgr (Min), UEC D2774, Mining D-05 has
submitted an application for grant of Paternity leave from 02.03.2019 to
16.03.2019. He has submitted copy of the Medical Book wherein the detail of
delivery of child is mentioned (C/56). This is second child of Shri Daneshwer
Prasad Verma. As per the Discharge Certificate date of birth is 02.03.2019.
AM (Pers)
AGM (Pers)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director
Shri Amit Kumar, AM (Elect), UEC A1365, S/P 10/11 A has submitted an
application for grant of Paternity leave (15 days) from 31.03.2019 to
14.04.2019. He has submitted copy of the Discharge Card wherein the detail
of delivery of child is mentioned (P/40/C). This is first child of Shri Amit Kumar.
As per the Discharge Certificate date of birth is 21.11.2018.
In terms of above Shri Amit Kumar is eligible to avail 15 days Paternity leave.
We may grant 15 days Paternity leave to Shri Amit Kumar for the period from
31.03.2019 to 14.04.2019.
AM (Pers)
AGM (Pers)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director
Shri Virendra Nag, Jr. Mgr (Min), UEC C4662, Mining D-05 has submitted an
application for grant of Paternity leave (15 days) from 01.04.2019 to
15.04.2019. He has submitted copy of the Discharge Card wherein the
detail of delivery of child is mentioned (P/103-104/C). This is second child of
Shri Virendra Nag. As per the Discharge Certificate date of birth is
AM (Pers)
AGM (Pers)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director
Shri Rajeev Ranjan Verma, Dy. Mgr (Min), UEC A1394, Mining Dep
10&11A has submitted an application for grant of Paternity Leave (15
days) from 28.03.2019 to 11.04.2019. He has submitted copy of the
Discharge Card wherein the detail of delivery of child is mentioned
(P/57-58/C). This is first child of Shri Rajeev Ranjan Verma. As per the
Birth Certificate date of birth of child is 12.03.2019.
Sr.Asstt. (Pers)
AGM (Pers)
DGM (Pers)
Executive Director